Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

17.10.2013 05:02:01
--------------------------- HARRY POTTER -----------------------------

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A N D T H E S O R C E R E R ' S S T O N E

-Unofficial strategy guide-gamebook by GheddonLN-


-Basic stuff for those new in the world of videogaming
-Character profiles
-List of the bertie bott's every flavor beans
-List of the wizards and witches cards
-Quidditich information
-Spell list, effects and where to learn them

Guide was started on November 25, 2001
Guide was last updated 11/25/01
Guide's current version is 01.
File size is 281KB
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| | | ------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------------
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I. Version history
II. Credits
III. Game introduction
IV. Controls
V. Basics of adventures
VI. Characters
VII. Walkthrough
VIII. Bertie bott's beans
IX. Wizard and witch cards
X. Spell list
XI. Copyright
XII. Outro

=========================== VERSION HISTORY =======================================

Version # - 01
Date - 11/25/01
Version info - Walkthrough up to poison class and a little beyond
- All other sections are done
File size - 281KB

============================== CREDITS ============================================

CjayC(www.gamefaqs.com) - For posting the few FAQ I have written

Neoseeker(www.neoseeker.com) - Ditto as above

JK Rowling - For creating Harry Potter

Sparty2004 - For letting me use his wizard and witches cards list.

EA - For making this fun game

To me - For writing this FAQ.

========================= GAME INTRODUCTION =========================================

Welcome to my third FAQ for GameFAQS. I've read all of Harry Potter's books, and it's
a saga I really like. So, when I knew a game was coming, I got very excited. I bought
it, and even though it is not what I was expecting, it's very "cool".

Harry Potter is a young boy whose parents were killed by Lord Voldermort. Voldermort
was going to kill Harry, too, but, for some unknown reason,the curse Voldermort threw
to Harry reflected to him. Voldemort survived, yes, but he was almost dead. Harry was
rescued by Hagrid, who took him to the Dursleys house. He lives there the first 10
years of his life. The Dursleys disliked him, thinking he was abnormal and a menace.
However, during his 11th birthday, Harry received a mysterious letter. He was being
asked to enter Hogwarts school!.Along with his friend Hagrid, he bought the school
materials, and went to Hogwarts. In Hogwarts, there are four houses. To decide what
house are you going to be, you have to be sorted by the sorting hat. Harry didn't
wanted Slytherin, and the sorting hat did hear him, so he ended up in... GRYFFINDOR.

============================= CONTROLS ==============================================

D-Pad.................................Movement/Command selection(menu)
Analog stick..........................Movement/Command selection(menu)
X Button............................Cast Flipendo Jynx(when available)
Triangle button........................1st Person viw/Aim Flipendo Jynx
Square button...........................Talk to people/examine objects
Circle button...................................................No use
Start button..............................Pause game/bring out options
L2/R2....................................................Rotate camera
L1...............................Lock one enemy/Change locked-on enemy

============================== BASICS ==============================================
_ _

Hogwarts is a very huge place. There are all kinds of secrets and perils in the
castle, and you must uncover them. Even though most of the time, the game tells you
where to go, there will be a time when you'll be able to do a bit of exploration. Take
your time to search for items, some of which are hidden and require certain tasks
completed or knowing certain spells. The most you explore and grab, your percentage

_ _

Bertie Bott's beans are all over the place. They come in four different flavors(even
though that the book says there are a lot more flavors). So, what's the purpose of
them?. Scattered all over the castle, Weasly brothers, Fred and George, are willing to
change your Beans for portraits passwords. Depending on what location they are,
they'll ask for a different color of beans. If you give them the beans they're looking
for, they'll give you the password. Each portrait contains different kind of prizes,
so, search for those beans.
_ _

To play Qudditch, firs, you must complete a series of tests. Aftwerwards, you'll play
your first match. Basically, you must follow the snitch through the colored rings it
leaves. By crossing each ring, Harry will get speedy, and get nearer the snitch. Once
you're near it, it's time to catch it!. In the lower part of the screen you'll see a
bar. On the left side is Harry hand, and on the right the snitch. The snitch will move
through the bar, and suddenly it'll be in Harry hand sight. When this happens' quickly
press X to catch the snitch and end the match. There are other kinds of Quidditch
related tests, and these can be played on Prof. Hooch's class.

_ _

The first spell you learn is Flipendo. This spell can be used anytime, primarly to
knock enemies who are weak to it and to move blocks. There are other kind of spells,
but those can only be used in certain situations and others require you to press
different kinds of buttons. Each spell has a color, and you'll know which enemy is
vulnerable to what spell by looking at the enemy(or thing) star-color(it is above the

============================= CHARACTERS ============================================

Harry Potter

The game/book's main character. Harry is the only person who survived one of
Volemort's curses. However, the curse made a scratch on his forehead. That's what
makes him so popular. Through his Hogwarts experience, he'll meet many perils and face
terrible foes, and he'll even meet Voldermort again.

Ron Weasly

Harry best friend. He's member of the numerous Weasly family, the younger. All of his
brothers did great things in Hogwarts, and he expects to do so. He's always by Harry's
side and will supply him with information of the magic world during his adventures.


Hermione Granger

The female lead of the gang. She's, basically, a know-it-all. However, that doesn't
means she's only there trying to make Harry and Ron digest Hogwart's rules or make
them do their homework. She supplies the team with an extremely accurate info, and
she's key in puzzle or difficult tests.


Draco Malfoy

The Slytherin scum-bag dislikes Harry. He puts all of his efforts on making Harry and
friends lose house points and confront all kind of perils. However, he's always
unsuccessful because Harry is more intelligent than him and has a few tricks under his


Lord Voldermort

The bad guy of the history. Lord Voldermort tried to kill Harry, but he couldn't. Now,
he infiltrates Hogwarts and tries to steal the sorceror's stone to achieve
inmortality. He uses Quirrell as his disguise, but, at the end, he is unsuccessful,
and Quirrell dies in the process.

=========================== WALKTHROUGH ==============================================


I. The prelude

After the brief introduction and the chat with Dumbledore, the actual game begins. To
the right of where you are is the portrait room. Here a portrait will ask you a
password. Because you don't have it, you can't do a thing here. Leave and climb the
stairs, then head left to Gryffindor's tower. Right in front of the entrance are the
doors that lead to the Upper Castle and the Great Foyer. Both of them are locked
though, se head down the left stairs.

You'll meet the Weasly brothers, Fred and George. They'll tell you that if you give
them earwax flavor bertie bott's beans, they'll give the password for the portrait you
saw earlier. Enter Gryffindors room. You can read a piece of newspaper and you can
save your game. Head out the room and go through the right set of stairs. This is the
charm corridor. Turn around the corner to meet Ron, who'll tell you that Malfoy stole
your owl(Hedwig). Now, let's rescue Hedwig.


II. Rescuing Hedwig

You'll meet Ron immediately. After he lefts, head forwards and take the first right
you can. Climb the block by pressing forwards towards it on your controller and
advance to the next room.

Here, you'll have to jump through the blocks. To jump, approach the edge of each block
and push forwards to jump. Jumo forwards, and don't forget to grab each Hedwig feather
you meet. When you can, turn right and grab the last Hediwg feathers to open the door
and advance to the next room.

You'll meet Nearly Headless Nick. He'll tell you that you need to climb to the top of
the room. Piece 'o cake!. Just climb the first platform in the bottom of the room and
climb your way up. Don't forget to collect every Hedwig feather you see. At the top,
open the locked door and move on.

You'll meet again Nick. You'll now learn the Flipendo Jynx, and you must use it to
stun the creatures that are roaming around here. Stun the first two that are across
the hallway. Turn around the corner and sutn the last creature. Advance into the next

You'll meet Nick again. This time, you need to move the Flipendo block. To move it,
aim your Flipendo to it and fire. Each Flipendo will move the block a little, until it
shines. When that happens, you'll gain 5 House points. Climb the block and turn
around. Cast a Flipendo on the spider-web for extra house points. Kill the rat around
here. Grab every item and head into the next room.

You'll meet Nick(Again....). This time, you must move a super-flipendo-block. To move
it, press and hold X until the spell charges up. Then, cast it on the block. A few
times and the block will "hatch" and you'll gain extra house points. Climb the stairs
on the left part of the room and use the pillar as a bridge to the other platform.
Grab the Hedwig feather and move on into the next room.

You'll meet Neville. He's upset because those flying books around the room. To destroy
them, press R1. That way, you'll lock-on them. After doing so, cast Flipendo. Repeat
with every book, and Neville will discover a secret passage. Follow him. Here's
Hedwig!. To free her, use a charged Flipendo on Hedwig's cell iron Bars. You'll free
her and a new passage will open. Go through it, and you'll reach the entrance again.
You'll be able to leave now.


III. Quidditch practice

After this adventure, Ron will tell you to practice a bit of Quidditch. The Quidditch
classroom is through the left hallway of the charm corridor. You'll meet Ron, and the
class will begin immediately. The class consists on crossing magical rings with your
Broomstick. There are three challenges, each one tougher than the other.
| |
| Test # 1 |

There are 10 rings only, so you should have no problems. Fly very fast and go through
each one of them.
| |
| Test # 2 |

There are 20 rings this time around, making this test a bit tougher. I recommend you
to familiarize with the ring locations, and try to keep a good speed.

| |
| Test # 3 |

There are 40 rings this time, making this last test the toughest. The second ring is a
pain to cross. After you cross the first ring, head a little right and lessen the
speed. That way, you'll ensure you won't miss the second ring. The following rings are
pretty easy to cross, mainly because the come in succession. If you cross 20-25 rings,
you will get house points plus you'll end the training.


IV. Charms class

After the Quidditch class, you may head through the left hallway and around the
corner. Grab the earwax beans and enter the class. Talk to the guy and go through the
door. You'll see three hourglasses. Go through them and a timer will start. You must
cross to the other side of the room. To do that, climb the table and jump across
them(grab the earwax beans on the way). Advance into the next room. Again, you must
jump your way across the tables. Jump tables forward, then right when you can,
forward, left forward right and bump into Flitwick. If you're late, you won't lose any
points, but you'll be able to try again. Enter the room.

Prof. Flitwick will teach you the Wingardium Leviosa spell. To master it, you must
press the button secuences he points with his wand. In the screen, there are four
buttons(X, T, S, O), and Fliriwck will suddenly point one of them. Press the button he
points. Do this a second time, and you'll master the spell. You must now practice it.
What you must do is to levitate the hourglass and put it on the top of the bookcase.
Press X in front of the hourglass and then X again to make it gain height. Move it
across the room and put it above the bookcase. After doing so, press T to release the
hourglass. 5 house points for doing so. This is the end of the Charms class. After
exiting the class, you receive a letter from Hagrid. He asks you to go to the
outskirts and meet him. Save your game, and head to the door n the entrance hall.


V. Malfoy and Herbology class

When you reach the door heading to the outskirts, Malfoy will show up. Now, you must
fight him. He'll throw wizard crackers at you. When they hit the floor, grab them and
throw them to Malfoy. After three hits, he'll call Crabbe and start throwing super
wizard crackers. Dodge Malfoy's crackers, and grab Crabbe's. When Malfoy is about to
throw you a super-one, throw yours to score a hit. After three hits, he'll call
Goyle. Just repeat the process until you win. Now, use Wingardium Leviosa and put the
hourglasses on their respective boxes for extra house points. Afterwards, you may
leave the castle.

VI. Herbology class

After you exit, you'll encounter Hagrid. He'll tell you he wants to ask you something,
but because you have herbology class now, it'll have to wait. Save your game if you
wish to do so, and head to the Herbology classroom(it is in the eastern part of the

Now, listen up. In order to be on time for the class, you must move the super-
flipendo-pillars here. Charge your flipendo and cast it on each pillar. One flipendo
is enough to move one. After all the pillars are in position, use them as a bridge to
cross the field and arrive in the classroom. Remember, if you're late, they'll quit
five points to Gryffindor.

Now, on the class, you're going to learn the spell "Incendio". To master it, you must
press the buttons teacher sprout points. After scoring a perfect, you'll need to do
another button secuence. Do it to master the spell. Now, you must practice it. To use
the incendio spell on the bulb, press the buttons that appear in the screen as they
pass through the moving circle. After hitting each button, you'll cast the spell and
burn the bulb. You may now leave the class and look for Hagrid.

VII. The fire seeds

Travel through the outskirts and look for Hagrid. When you find him, he'll tell you he
wants you to look for the fire seeds that are in the forest. Head right from Hagrid's
house and move on. You'll reach a branch. The left one is home of some nifty items and
a portrait. The straight path leads to the Gargoyle gate. As soon as you enter, you
are attacked!.

Boss : Gargoyle
Lock-on him using the R1 button, and start casting Flipendos at it. When it is about
to rush you, get out of its way and get a couple of free Flipendo shots. Repeat and
you'll beat it.

After the fight, cast Wingardium Leviosa on it. Increase its height to the maximum,
and put on the pedestal above a door, left of the other Gargoyle. You'll gain three
blueberry beans and the door will open. Move on.

Keep moving and you'll eventually reach an area with many Puffskeins. One of them is
sleeping. Wake up the sleeping one with Flipendo, and it'll follow you. Make it step
on the little air patch. That way, a bigger air patch will raise, letting you climb
up. Dash through the area, and remember to grab the blue beans you receive. When you
reach a lonely air patch, take note of it and go through the passage near it. You'll
find another BIG patch, two air vents(one on the right, and one on the left) and a
Puffskein. Cast flipendo on it, and make it follow to the lonely patch I told you.
Afterwards, make use of the left air vent and grab the beans. Now, make the Puffskein
follow you, and make it eat a couple of plants until is big enough to fit in the big
air patch. Make use of the right air vent. Flipendo de little cone for extra beans and
go through the door. Save your game, and dash through the falling platforms(do not
fall on the lava). Keep going through the platforms and you'll eventually reach the
fire plant. Incendio it by pressing the buttons that pass through the circle. Collect
the seeds and head all the way back to Hagrid's house

Hagrid will tell you for what he needed the fire seeds. A dragon!. A new path will
open. Go through it and search for Ron. He'll show you the Quidditch pit, and Neville
will appear. He'll say that Malfoy stole his rememberall, and he has now way to get
it. Now, you'll have to chase Malfoy through the woods. Follow him and avoid the
bludgers he throws. When you're near him, bash him by pressing the square button. Do
this a few times and you'll get Neville's rememberall. Afterwards, you are going to
play Quidditch. Follow the tips I gave in the basics sections, and you should win.

VIII. Potions class

Afterwards, Ron will open a new passage. Go through it and take a left when you can.
You'll encounter a plant. It'll shoot this little pods you'll have to destroy with
Flipendo. After doing so, cast Incendio on the plant. After it burns down, you'll
receive more house points. Pull the lever on the passage by the plant and double back
to the entrance. Head right this time. You'll see several mushrooms. Cast Wingardium
leviosa on them and make the float far away from their patch. They'll leave blue
beans. Grab all of them and repeat on each mushroom. At the end, you'll receive more
house points. Keep moving, grab the sloth brain and get out of here.

You're now on the entrance hall. Head back to Gryffindor tower and talk to the weasly.
They'll give you the password most likely. Use it on the portrait I said at the
beginning of the guide, and collect your Nimbus 2000.You may also want to explore the
great foyer. Also, talk to the wasly in Hogwart's Outskirts in the passage that leads
to the forest. They'll give you the password. Use it on the portrait near Hagrid's
house and collcet yer prize. Move on to the dungeons. Keep moving until you reach a
two-way branch. Take the left for potions class.

In this class, you must fill the cauldron with potion. To do so, press the three
buttons that appear on-screen in succession. After doing so a couple of times, Snape
will order Harry to search for Fireflies. He falls in a pit. It was a Snape trap.
You'll find two trolls and several Puffapod. Grab one, lock on a Troll and wait it to
step on the drain. Throw the Puffapod at it to make it sneeze and fall below. Repeat
with the other one and move on. You'll find Raymon. He'll ask you to find his kitten.
To do so, take the left hallway and Flipendo every box you see. You should find the
kitten. Take it where Raymond is and Winagardium Leviosa the cat. Raymond will give
you a Wizard and witches card. Move on into the next room.

Pull the lever and go through the door. This room is composed by a pool of acid. To
cross it, cast Flipendo on one cauldron and and climb it. Repeat with each one until
you reach the end. Pull the lever and grab the chocolate Frogs. To get back to the
entrance, use the passage against the left wall. Grab the beans and return to the main
room. This time, enter the room with the ZZZZ coming out of it.

Pull the lever by the entrance. Do not leave, however, and head into the room. Don't
cast any Flipendo on the troll. Now, cast Wingardium Leviosa on the cage and leave it
wherever you want. Grab the key and get out of here. Now, climb the platforms and open
the door at the top.

There are more troll heres. Repeat what you did to the others(wait them to be above
the drain and throw a Puffapod). Move on into the next room and grab the fireflies.
You'll return to Snape's house, and then you'll be able to leave. Take the stairs in
the right part of the room.

IX. Defense against the dark arts

This class is the toughest one to be on time. The first room is a royal pain, as the
weasly said. You have to wait the flying books to stop and from a bridge. When that
happens, quickly jump over them and advance into the next room. This room is tougher.
Wait the two books to form a bridge and jump over them. When you land on the second
one, don't move. The first book will come and end the bridge. Cross it and enter the

Quirell will teach you the Verdimillius spell. To learn it, press the button he
points. You must do this three times before mastering the spell. After mastering it,
you'll need to practice it. To do so, use it on the dark pit. Some platforms will
appear cross them and exit.

<---- Until the next update ----->

======================== BERTIE BOTT'S BEANS =========================================

As I said, there are four flavors. Each flavor is worth a prize(each time you give the
full-flavor-set to the Weasly brothers). Here is a list of the prize.

Earwax Beans
Weasly's location: Gryffindor Tower.
Prize: Nimbus 2000

Blueberries beans
Weasly's location: Hogwarts outskirts
Prize: Famous wizards and witches card

Troll Bogeys
Weasly's locations: Dungeons
Prize: Quidditch armor

Chili powder
Weasly's locations: Upper castle
Prize: Flipendo Jynx upgrade

====== WIZARD AND WITCHES CARDS ======================================================
1) Gryffindor tower - By the fat lady
2) Great foyer - Bookcase near the entrance
3) Great foyer - Bookcase at the top stairs
4) Hogwarts outskirst, near the Huffskein
5) By Hagrid house, take the left path
6) Outside the quidditch pit
7) Outside the Gargoyle gate
8) Get every bluberry Bertie bott beans
9) Save Raymond's cat
10) Dungeon in the middle of Snape and Quirrel class
11) The same dungeon
12) Again...
13) Upper castle
14) Gringott's bank
15) Gringott's bank, get all the galleon gems
16) Gringott's bank, get all the sickle gems
17) Forbidden forest.

============= SPELLS LISTS ===========================================================

Learned on: Hedwig's rescue stage
Effect: Kills enemies that are weak against it/moves Flipendo pillars/let you catch
wizards and witches cards.

Wingardium Leviosa
Learned on: Charms class
Effect: It lets you levitate certain objects. Press X to raise its height and Triangle
to release it.

Learned on: Herbology class
Effect: Burns down certain things. For this to work, you'll need to press the buttons
that prass through the circles that circle around the screen.

Learned on: Defense against dark arts
Effect: It "uncovers the darkness". Basically, it lets you stand in "invisible"
platforms. However, the spell doesn't lasts forever.

Learned on: Transfigurations
Effect: It turns statues into birds

================================= COPYRIGHT =========================================
This FAQ may only be used by the next wepages:


Why?. Because I said so. Therefore, you are NOT allowed to use this FAQ without my
permission. This includes copying whole or part of it, and using it for any purpose,
or posting it in your web. This only may be possible is you ask to the author. Not
asking to the author and doing any of the two things listed above IS going to be
penalized severely, as this is protected by law. However, this are not the only rules.
You cannot use this FAQ for ANY monetary purpose, and that includes printing it and
selling it, or including it on a promotional CD of any class. You can't make it
public, as this FAQ purpose has been created only for the www public PLUS you CAN'T
say you made this FAQ, as it is copyrighted. Any violation of any rule listed above IS
going to be penalized. Oh, if you're going to use this FAQ for ANYTHING, please, send
an e-mail to jotazo9@hotmail.com and inform about it. Thanks.

-This FAQ is (c) of Jose F. Vargas. 2001. All rights reserved-
=================================== E-MAIL RULES ======================================

Do's - Things you can do.
* Ask a question. BUT. Be sure the question is not contained in the FAQ, or you'll be
* Send contributions. Stick CONTR as the subject an I'll read your e-mail ASAP.
* Send me constructive criticism.
* Ask questions about the game.
* Social mail is also accepted.

Don'ts - Things to avoid.

* Chain letters. Send one of those and you'll be blocked.
* Stick CONTR as the subject and the letter has nothing to do with it. I'll block you
if you do so.
* Hate mail. Send of those and you'll be blocked.
* Send nonsense things such as "I want to marry you", "Buy me that", "Send this mail
to him/her" etc.
* Bad works. F***k you and the likes.
======================================= OUTRO =========================================

Hope you enjoyed the guide. This is the end.

Other FAQs by me:

Elcian enemy strategy(skies of arcadia/dreamcast)
Skies of Arcadia walkthrough(dreamcast).
Pokemon crsytal(coming soon!).
Metal Gear solid 2(coming soon... maybe...)

This guide can be found at:

My email

"GheddonLN... owner of the present... past... and future".

-I'm waiting for ya in my tower of Gheddon...-

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