Tactics Ogre

Tactics Ogre

17.10.2013 22:40:29
Ending FAQs
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[OGRE BATTLE SAGA]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#################{ Episode VII: Let Us Cling Together }################
::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;:> ENDING FAQs <:;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::
+Version 0.9+
As of
)-March 30th, 2003-(
By Kurtis "Fragnarok" Seid

| Content \________________________________
| 1. Updates \
| 2. Intro to the Guide \
| 3. The "Bad" Ending \
| 3.1 Comments from the peanut gallery |
| 3.2 Foriner sisters know something |
| 3.3 Denim mourns |
| 3.4 Assassination |
| 3.5 Back at Zenobia |
| 4. The "Good" Ending |
| 4.1 The throne room |
| 4.2 The return of the Brunhild |
| 4.3 Comrades |
| 4.4 Coup De Grace |
| 5. Ending changing characters |
| 5.1 Denim Mown |
| 5.2 Bersalia Overis |
| 5.3 Vice Bozeg |
| 5.4 Canopus Wolff |
| 5.5 Mildain Walhone |
| 5.6 Guildus Winzalf Burn |
| 5.7 Donald Presence |
| 5.8 Sisteena Foriner |
| 5.9 Selye Foriner |
| 5.10 Shelley Foriner |
| 5.11 Olivia Foriner |
| 5.12 Haborym Van Rams |
| 5.13 Zapan Illydus |
| 5.14 Jenounes Apatizer |
| 5.15 Oxyones Lavin |
| 5.16 Aloser Danya |
| 5.17 Forcas Rhende |
| 5.18 Byan Ohwan |
| 5.19 Orias Obderhode |
| 5.20 Debordes Oberhode |
| 5.21 Deneb Rhobe |
| 6. Other suspicious fellows |
| 6.1 Ganb Backstein |
| 6.2 Radlum |
| 7. Politics Ogre |
| 8. GameShark |
| 9. Credits |
| 10. Legal junk |

Section 1: U p d a t e s
-V 0.9-
Added more dialog for the "Bad" ending. Added "Politics Ogre". Changed
all the Death quotes to those of Chapter 4. More GameShark stuff.
Unless I made some huge error, forgot something or anything drastic is
found out about the ending then this will most likely be the last
update to the guide.

-V 0.8-
Added a whole lot of spoilicious dialog. Added "Coup De Grace",
"Comments from the peanut gallery" and "GameShark". Edited mistakes
here and there.

-V 0.7-
Changed the format of the guide a tad and how to contact me. Fixed how
to get Oxyones and a few other characters.

-V 0.6-
Hopefully made the title a bit less awful(Word transfers funny into
Notepad and I let GameFAQs do the dirty work). Included info about
favored weapons.

-V 0.5-
Made the insult to human kind...Er...I mean title. Fixed minor typos
and other stuff.

-V 0.4-
Added "Other suspicious fellows". Added some info about special classes
and items characters will bring.

-V 0.3-
Fixed some more formatting and grammatical errors. Added some more
quotes as well.

-V 0.2-
Actually made this part as well as fixed some typos. Added some death,
omit and reputation quotes.

-V 0.1-
Got the bulk of the FAQs up. Still need some info on the sayings for
Denim's highest reputation.

Section 2: I n t r o t o t h e G u i d e
Seeing as I couldn't find any FAQs for the endings of Tactics
Ogre(Either by the fact that there are none, I'm blind, or just very
lazy) and was also really bored so I decided to make this document.

Regardless of whatever some weird pixies tell you I don't actually know
everything(Not now...But very soon...) about how the ending works. But
never fear because you can E-mail me at Fragnarok@hotmail.com with
helpful information. Although I won't answer anything, if the
information turns out to be true I will include it in this FAQs.

Although most sites say that there are 7 or 8 endings to Tactics Ogre
there are in fact only 2. However those two endings have many different
variations, which if you really want to, could be considered completely
different endings. I however do not. This FAQs will cover how to gain
and manipulate the endings and characters you desire for your next time
through Tactics Ogre.

The following information is based solely on the US Playstation port
and whatever mistranslations or changes it may contain, however much of
this guide can still apply to other versions of the game such as the
original on Super Nintendo.

*Note*: This of course means that the following contains massive
spoilers so only read on if you can't fight off your burning, chafing
curiosity or are just too torpid to finish the game.

Now let the erroneous fun begin!

Section 3: T h e " B a d " e n d i n g
Part 1: C o m m e n t s f r o m t h e p e a n u t g a l l e r y
This whole ending comes about if Kachua dies either in combat or by
committing suicide. The first part is a bunch of nobles scheming while
Moruba gazes out a window.

Text: Under the name of our glourious father Filaha...We anoint
Denim Mown as the king of Valeria...And here we give you the name
of Valeria...

(War room, Heigm)
Noble Dietman: Then...You can have a peace treaty with the Walsta
Liberation Front?
Executive Knight: Yes, in a month the repersentatives will have a
Magician Chief: What is the condition?
Executive Knight: To free six captives and give us the right of vote.
Noble Dietman: That is ridiculous! That will give the guerrillas more
Executive Knight: I know. The rest of it has to be handled by the king.
But even the king...
Executive of order: Stop arguing now. This is not the appropriate
time. In an hour, there will be a crowning ceremony. We should talk
about this afterwards.
(A soldier enters)
Soldier: Allow me to interrupt. It is time to go to the hall.
Noble Dietman: We will be there.
Soldier: Sir Moruba? Do you know where Sir Denim is at? The servents
have been looking for him for hours...
Noble Dietman: He might be at the usual place. Tell them to wait for a
Soldier: Yes, sir.
(The soldier leaves)
Executive Knight: The King is the problem...
Moruba: I shall call him. You guys go ahead...

Part 2: F o r i n e r s i s t e r s k n o w s o m e t h i n g
If you have Sisteena and Selye they will report to Moruba that a
noble was killed and that Denim could be the next target. If you are
missing either sister or if you united Valeria this scene won't happen.

(Courtyard of Heigm)
Selye: Father!
Moruba: What is it you two?
Sisteena: At Yomlahaba...
Selye: Viscount Grauda, a supervisor of Amorika, is assassinated in
Moruba: What!?
Sisteena: He was suppose to be in the capital yesterday. I dispatched
the shadow and he found a carrage in the bottom of Yomlahaba valley...
With the body of the Viscount.
Moruba: What a disaster...Any suspects?
Selye: So far, none of the organizations have claimed anything. But
according to the shadow, the pattern of killings resembles to the
method of the "Barnam Tiger" group.
Moruba: Those extremists! Who else knows about this?
Sisteena: Only Selye and I.
Moruba: Do not leak a word until the crowing ceremony is done.
Selye: Not even to Denim?
Moruba: I will take care of it. Go to the hall. Don't let anybody know.
There are people who is against Denim becoming King. And Selye, double
the number of guards. Check the guests thoroughly!
Selye: Let's go Sisteena!
(The two sisters run off)

Part 3: D e n i m m o u r n s
This scene mainly just shows a bunch of flashbacks about Kachua and
Plancy. You can change this part slightly depending on what route you

(South Heigm)
Denim: Kachua...

(Flashback to Chapter 1, Griate)
Kachua:...You never listen to me, do you...I know what you're thinking.
But I just don't want to lose you. You're the only family I have
left...It's just that...You're my only brother. I don't want you to
die...I-I'm sorry. I know that I can't stop you. But promise me one
thing, don't leave me...

-Lawful path:
(Flashback to Chapter 3, Amorika)
Denim: Leave you, Kachua? I will always be at your side!
Kachua: Everything that I have ever known is a lie! You chose the war
over me! You abandoned me for the sake of your ideals. Just forget that
I ever exsisted.
Denim: Kachua...
Kachua: You're the only family I have left!
(She runs back inside)
Denim: Kachua!
-Chaotic path:
(Flashback to Chapter 3, Coritani)
Denim: Leave you, Kachua? I will always be at your side!
Kachua: Everything that I have ever known is a lie! You chose the war
over me! You abandoned me for the sake of your ideals. Just forget that
I ever exsisted.
Denim: Kachua...
Kachua: You're the only family I have left!
(She runs outside)
Denim: Kachua!
-Neutral path:
(Flashback to Chapter 3, Amorika)
Denim: Leave you, Kachua? I will always be at your side!
Kachua: You're lying! You're going to leave me someday! Just like Vice!
You'll probably forget that I ever existed...
Denim: Kachua...
Kachua: You're the only family I have left!
(She runs outside)
Denim: Kachua!

(South Heigm)
Denim: Kachua...Was I wrong?
Moruba: Are you thinking about Kachua again?
(Moruba shows himself)
Moruba: The crowning ceremony is about to begin. Every one is waiting
for you.
Denim: Moruba, I cannot...
Moruba: This is not a time to talk about this. You have to act like a
Denim: But...
Moruba: You have to be the king to avoid the war. You are the only one
that can do this. And you know it. Let's go.
(He leaves)
Denim: Father...

(Flashback to Chapter 4, Bringantes)
Plancy: Denim! Save Kachua...! Go, my son! You are the only one that
can save Kachua and Valeria!
Denim: Father!!
Plancy: Your are going to be the foundation of justice. Throw away your
selfish desires. Take a good look around you and make the right
decisions...You will be the leader for the generation to come...That's
it...This is your mission...Do not forget...
Denim: Father! Hang in there!!
Plancy:...Denim...Forgive me...I...
Denim: Father!!!

As it snows different parts of Valeria will be shown including
Amorika, Eden, and the shack where Clarie watchs over Lans.

Text: And the war in Valeria was later called...The war of Heigm...

Part 3: A s s a s s i n a t i o n
If you fail to unite the people of Valeria(Look below) then after the
staff credits a gunman will enter and kill(Or maybe just injure) Denim
while he is being inaugurated. To Denim's left stand Olivia(Or Deneb),
Shelly, Selye, and Sisteena. If you are missing them they will be
replaced by a generic Witch, Siren, Archer, and Valkyrie. If you have
Vice he will also be there.

(Throne room, Heigm)
Denim: The war is over. But there are a lot of problems to be solved.
People in poverty, orphans, people lost their homes, and people with
hatred...I want to ask you to not hold a grudge. I want to ask you to
leave the past behind. For our future and for our children, we have to
repent and redeem our deeds. And we can do that! For the new world, all
people will become one nation of Valeria. And let us create the
peaceful future!
Terrorist: Kill Denim Mown! Glory to Walsta!
(A knight rushes in and shoots a RimFire at Denim...)


Part 4: B a c k a t Z e n o b i a
Known to many as the "Gilbert ending". If you unite the people of
Valeria then instead of Denim being shot Gilbert will report to Tristan
that Lodis is getting ready to attack Valeria.

To actually unite the people of Valeria you need to raise Denim's
reputation with the 3 races(Bacrumese, Gargastan, Walstanian) to the
max. You can check this by hiring new recruits and clicking on their
name, if the text is at the highest level then that race likes you.
Check "7. Politics Ogre" for more info on this subject.

(Tristan's room, Zenobia)
Tristan: What, Lodis began to move!?
Gilbert: I just got the message, your higness. 200,000 soldiers are
heading toward the country.
Tristan:...What a disaster...They just got their peace back and now
another disaster is coming. King Denim has no luck...


Section 4: T h e " G o o d " e n d i n g
Part 1: T h e t h r o n e r o o m
Kachua will give a speech as she is crowned Queen. To Kachua's left
stand Deneb, Shelly, Selye, and Sisteena. If you are missing them they
will be replaced by a generic Witch, Siren, Archer, and Valkyrie.

Text: Under the name of our glourious father Filaha...We anoint
Bersalia Overis as the queen of Valeria...And here we give you the name
of Valeria...

(Throne room, Heigm)
Bersalia: I'm not saying forget about the past. We have to think what
to tell our children why this war happend and what we gained and lost
from the war.

Text: Kachua...You have a mission to accomplish. It is your

(Flashback to Chapter 1, Griate)
Kachua:...You never listen to me, do you...I know what you're thinking.
But I just don't want to lose you. You're the only family I have
left...It's just that...You're my only brother. I don't want you to
die...I-I'm sorry. I know that I can't stop you. But promise me one
thing, don't leave me...

(Flashback to Chapter 4, Banisha)
Denim: Come with me, Kachua! I'm not about to give up my only sister!
Denim: I'm sorry, Kachua. I will never abandon you again.

(Throne room)
Bersalia: But we should not carry any ill feelings. We have to leave
the past behind. For our children, our future, we have to repent our
past and change. We are capable of that. Let's live as residents of
Valeria. Let's live as one people for the future of this island. Glory
to Valeria!

Text: Thank you Denim.
If you have Vice he will get his own scene in which he cuts Kachua's
crowning to think about Denim.

(War room, Heigm)
Vice: Denim. So you're gone...

(Flashback to Chapter 2, Rime)
Vice: I never thought Bacrum would begin the invasion so soon. I
guess this is the end of the Duke's life. What can a corrupted
Liberation Army do?
Denim: No, I will not allow it to end here like that. I will not allow
Bacrum to defeat us!
Vice: What do you mean? If you have any ideas, now is the time to show
us. There isn't that much time left. Can you really unite the
Liberation Army?
Denim: Next time we meet...We're enemies. Don't die, until then.
Vice: You too. See you around, Denim.

(Flashback to Chapter 3, Amorkia)
Vice:...There isn't much time left. Can you really unite the Liberation
Army? You did what you thought was best at the time. You were just
dumber then I was. Now that you have come to your senses, your mission
is to fight to bring this war to an end. That is the only way you can
redeem the souls of the people of Baramus.
Kachua: Vice, you're being too harsh!
Denim: It's alright, Kachua.
Vice: Well, I'll be going, Denim.
Denim:...Thanks, Vice.
Vice: Hey don't thank me yet. Remember, I still haven't forgiven you.

(War room)
(A Soldier enters)
Valeria Soldier: Sir Vice, everybody is waiting.
Vice: I will be right there.

Text: I hope we can meet you again, Denim.
Olivia also triggers her own scene in which she leaves Heigm to find

(Courtyard, Heigm)
Olivia: Father...

(South Heigm)
Olivia:...I can't. I can't leave you father...
Moruba: I understand how you feel, my dear. You have done alot for me
and your other sisters. But your troubles are over...From now on, I
will take care of things. You are free now, Olivia.
Olivia: Father...
Moruba: Don't worry about us anymore. We'll be fine. Follow him.

Olivia: Follow him...

Text: Wait for me, Denim. I will be there...

Part 2: T h e r e t u r n o f t h e B r u n h i l d
Denim will be standing over Plancy's grave(Back in his stupider green
and blue costume) talking about Kachua.

(Plancy's grave, Griate)
Denim: Father...I saved Kachua like I promised you.

(Flashback to Chapter 4, Bringantes)
Plancy: Denim! Save Kachua...! Go, my son! You are the only one that
can save Kachua and Valeria!
Denim: Father!!
Plancy: Your are going to be the foundation of justice. Throw away your
selfish desires. Take a good look around you and make the right
decisions...You will be the leader for the generation to come...That's
it...This is your mission...Do not forget...
Denim: Father! Hang in there!!
Plancy:...Denim...Forgive me...I...
Denim: Father!!!

Denim:...I will leave the rest of the work to Kachua...She is fine now.
She can keep going without me...I bet Kachua is about to be crowned in
Heigm. She has become the queen of Valeria.
If you have one of the Zenobians(Canopus, Mildain, Guildus) a scene
will start in which Denim will see them off. Canopus does most of the
talking, unless he is dead then Mildain takes over, then Guildus. The
dialog changes depending on which on them you have but most of the time
ends up in a joke(Some times funny, other times just dumb)that leaves
Denim, Mildain and Guildus laughing while Canopus is a bit pissed.

-If all three are saved:
Denim: Canopus went home...with the Brunhild.

(A dock)
Canopus: Thank you Denim, for everything.
Denim: Thank you, without your help, we would have not accoumplished
Canopus: Ha, ha, ha. Thanks, kid. If Lans and Warren were with us, they
would be happy too.
Mildain: Canopus, we don't know for sure yet. Don't worry Denim...You
don't have to feel responsible for what happend to them. It was our
choice to come here.
Guildus: Yeah, it was our decision to fight with you.
Canopus: That's right. If Lans and Warren were here, they would be
saying the same thing. Okay, let's get going!
Mildain: Good-bye, Denim. I will be looking forward to see you again.
Guildus: So long, kiddo! Give the queen our regards!
Denim: C-Canopus! Sir Lans is...!
Canopus: It's okay, Denim. It's okay...Hey come and visit Zenobia when
things settle down. We'll be waiting for you. It's the land where Lans
was born. I want you to see Zenobia with your own eyes. Promise me.
Denim: Canopus...
Canopus: What's with that sad look! That's not how a man should look!
Smile Denim. Smile.
Guildus: Ha, ha, ha. I heard that before.
Canopus: Shut up. You're the one who nearly got killed by Martym!
Guildus: What, you red-haird duck! I'm gonna roast you!
Canopus: DUCK!? Watch your mouth, you hairy ape!
Denim: Ha, ha, ha.
-Canopus and Mildain:
The same as above scene, minus Guildus' lines, plus:
Canopus: What's with that sad look! That's not how a man should look!
Smile Denim. Smile.
Denim: Yes.
Canopus: There you go, kid! Well, Denim. Take care...
-Canopus and Guildus:
Same as first scene, minus Mildain's lines, plus:
Guildus: We don't know if they're dead for sure. They wouldn't die that
easily! You don't have to feel responsible. This was our mission. And
even if they are dead they would have no regrets.
Canopus: That's right. If Lans and Warren were here, they would be
saying the same thing. Okay, let's get going!
-Mildain and Guildus:
Denim: Sir Mildain went back home...with the Brunhild.

(A dock)
Mildain: Thank you for everything Denim.
Denim: Thank you, without your help I would never have made it this
Guildus: Ha, ha, ha. Thanks a lot, kid. That will make Lans and Warren
Mildain: We're still not sure if they died, Guildus.
Guidus: You're right...They must be alvie somewhere.
Mildain: Don't worry Denim...You don't have to feel responsible for
what happend to them. It was our choice to come here.
Guildus: Yeah, it was our decision to fight with you.
Mildain: Good-bye, Denim. I will be looking forward to see you again.
Guildus: So long, kiddo! Give the queen our regards!
Denim: Sir Mildain! Sir Lans is...!
Mildain: It's okay, Denim. It's okay. Come visit Zenobia when things
settle down. Our king will be glad to meet you. Please, promise me
Guildus: Or else, we'll spank you! Ha, ha, ha!
Denim: Sure! I will!
Guildus: That's how the Hero of Goriate should be! Ha, ha, ha!
Denim: Ha, ha, ha.
-Canopus only:
Same as with Canopus and Mildain, minus Mildain's lines, plus:
Canopus: You're right. Sorry about that, kid. It's Lans and Warren.
They must be alive somewhere. Okay, let's get going!
Denim: C-Canopus! Sir Lans is...!
-Mildain only:
Same as Mildain and Guildus, minus Guildus' lines, plus:
Denim: Thank you, without your help I would never have made it this
Mildain: No, you made this happen. We just gave you alittle support,
but you achieved the peace. You should have more confidence.
Denim: Thank you.
Mildain: Good-bye, Denim. I will be looking forward to see you again.
-Guildus only:
Denim: Sir Guildus went back home...with the Brunhild.

(A dock)
Guildus: Thanks a lot Denim.
Denim: Thank you. Without your help, we would never have achieved
Guildus: Ha, ha, ha. Thanks a lot, kid. That will make Lans and Warren
Guildus: Sorry, kid...I didn't mean that. Ignore what I said. They must
be alive somewhere. I guess it's time to go!
Denim: Sir Guildus! Sir Lans is...!
Guildus: It's okay Denim. It's okay...Come visit Zenobia someday when
things settle down. You should see the outside world for the future of
Valeria and your sister too! Promise! Don't forget!
Denim: Sir Guildus...
Guildus: Or else, we'll spank you! Ha, ha, ha!
Denim: Sure! I will!
Guildus: That's how the Hero of Goriate should be! Ha, ha, ha!
Denim: Ha, ha, ha.

Denim: Not only Kachua. Everyone is moving on there own path, Father.
There are some comrades who have left Heigm...

Part 3: C o m r a d e s
This is the part of the ending that actually changes the most. After
Denim finishes talking about the Brunhild he will talk about some of
his comrades who left Heigm. You will need all of the required people
in normal state(No Lich, Angel knight, Snapshot, Undead, or Retissue)in
order for the scene to occur. Despite whatever class you made them they
will revert back to their starting class. Only one scene will be played
even if you have all the necessary people.

The first set of people all have the same priority but seeing as you
can't get them all in one route it doesn't really matter. In C route
Forcas and Byan tell you that they are going to help people along with
Aloser, if you are missing even one of them(Such as in N route)then
this scene won't happen.

(Front gate of Heigm)
Denim:...Are you sure you're leaving? The crowning ceremony is next
Byan: I regret I cannot attend the ceremony for my body needs to rest.
And if I stay in Heigm, people will keep asking if I am going to teach
in Academy. Too noisy. I would rather stay in the country side. I will
go to this girl's village and open a school with Forcas.
Aloser: I'm sorry, Denim. I know I should stay in Heigm and work to
build up a new order, but I want to go back home. Now that the war is
over, I suddenly have a longing to go back home. So for now, I will go
back with Byan and Forcas and think for awhile...Figure out what to do
Forcas: You have helped me a lot. Thank you very much. And forgive me
for not joining the knights order. I thought it through and this is my
decision. Althought the war is over, a lot of people still hold a
grudge about the past. Their trauma is not yet healed. That is why I
wanted to heal those hearts by talking and not by using a sword.
Byan: Give Kachua our regards.
Denim: Take care of yourselves.
Aloser: When things settle down, I will write to you.
Forcas: I'm looking forward to see you again.
In L route Oxyones finally forgives Jenounes then gives Denim a kiss,
the Dragoon tries to redeem his sins.

(Front gate of Heigm)
Denim:...I heard you're going back to Coritani.
Jenounes: Yes, I am going back with her.
Oxyones: I heard that the remaining remining soldiers of the Cardinal
are residing in Coritani.
Jenounes: I want to work with people rather than staying here.
Oxyones: This is my fault! I involved Jenounes to this...I am sorry
Denim. I wanted to stay in Heigm but...
Denim: Don't worry Oxyones. We are not the only ones that can
establish Valeria. All people in the countryside also need to cooperate.
We all have to be one and create peace together. Your plan is right.
Please pursue it with confidence.
Oxyones: Thank you Denim.
(She gives Denim a kiss then leaves)
Jenounes: I will go to her village.
Denim: Oxyones Village...
Jenounes: Not that I can do anything about the past, but at least I
want to send flowers to them. She forgave me, but my deed will never
Jenounes: So long. Call me whenever you need me. I'll be back whenever
you need me.
Denim: Take care, Jenounes.
In N route Debordes is starting to regain his memory. Him and Orias are
leaving for home.

(Rear of Heigm)
Orias:...I am thinking of going back to Bringantes with my brother. If
we stay in Heigm, it will be hard on my brother. He can not stay in a
big city with his condition.
Denim: You have a place to stay there?
Orias: There is a church where I used to study in a tiny village near
Ashton. If the village was not attacked, there should be a preist that
was my teacher. Then my brother can stay there without any disturbance.
Denim: Forgive me. I put you into a lot of trouble.
Orias: You don't need to apologize. It's not your fault, Denim.
Besides, it seems that my brother is gaining back his memory little by
Denim: Really!?
Orias: He's been talking bits and peices of his memory...But these days
he seems to be gaining his will back and trying to express it...Right,
Debordes: Thank, you, Denim...I, will, never, forget, you. I, am,
looking, forward, to, see, you, again.
Denim: Take care, Debordes.
(The two shake hands)
Orias: Good-bye, Denim.
Denim: Good-bye, Orias.
I'm not quite sure of Haborym's priority. In one of my saves he will
always be in the ending(Unless I kick him out), but in another he will
only show up if I dismiss other characters. To see his part in the
ending you have to see his optional scene. After you take over Heigm
read the Warren report about "Double agent?". Go to Krizar and Haborym
will tell you why he is really in Valeria. In the ending he will tell
Denim that he will continue to hunt down his brother.

(South Heigm)
Denim:...You're going back to Lodis?
Haborym: Tartare and Belzpho fled. I must go after them until I get
Denim: But it is too dangerous to go to Lodis alone...
Haborym: I will be fine. I was there before. The situation might be
more dangerous than ever before, but I will not do anything stupid.
Denim: Yes?
Haborym: You taught me the joy of accomplishment.
Denim: Joy of accomplishment?
Haborym: I used to have a dream just like you...Then things changed.
My entrie purpose was to avenge. That was my sole pupose to live...
Haborym: The time I spend with you was the most valuable and
fulfilling moment I ever had. When I accoplished the mission with
you...Somehow the evil grudge has disappeared...I would never forget
the joy I felt. And I want to have that kind of feeling again. No, I
can't die. I will not do anything stupid to waste my life. That is why
I am making a promise. I will meet you again.
Denim: I pray for your success.
Haborym: Take care of yourself, young man.
Zapan is a bit lower in priority and will only come up if you don't
have both Oxyones and Jenounes. He says he wants to find more young
people like Denim which Denim thinks is a little weird coming from
Zapan. Zapan gives Denim a bear hug before heading off.

(South Heigm)
Denim: You're leaving?
Zapan: Yea, I got a lot of money. And peace has arrived in the capital.
We bounty hunters have no place to earn money anymore. I am thinking of
going to the continent. I will not be back here anymore.
Denim: You even turned down the chief posistion of the Heigm patrol
unit. Moruba was very disappointed. I thought it was good for you. And
you got your money. Why don't you settle down?
Zapan: Hey! Are you giving me advice, kid? You need to live another
100,000 years to do that. Actually I know what you mean...I should
settle down...I know I can't live like this forever, but...
Denim: What?
Zapan: When I see you young ones...I just think...There's still hope
for the world. So I kind of want to meet with other kids like you and
help them use their hidden talent.
Denim: Wow.
Zapan: What, did I say something wrong?
Denim: No, I just never expected you to say such things.
(Zapan grabs him by the collar)
Zapan: What!? You young whipper-snapper!
Denim: Hey, it's just a joke, it's a joke!
(Zapan puts Denim down and hugs him)
Zapan: So long kid!
Denim: Take care of yourself!
And last is Presence. If you some how couldn't save anyone or got
slaughtered a few too many times this is the last guy that will show
up. Presence tells you that vengeance is done and that he will return
to his life of helping orphans.

(Courtyard of Heigm)
Denim: So, you're going back to Amorika with these children...
Presence: These orphans are Walstanian. Although we achieved peace,
people still discriminate against minorities. I'm alittle concerned
about leaving them in Heigm.
Denim: We have to build a world where people do not have to worry about
those issues.
Persence: Don't be in haste. You've done your job. You have done
enough. It takes time to change people's mind. This is the will of the
Denim: You think the Gods did this?
Persence: I don't expect miracles, though. The true revolution accours
from our everyday act. When people do not treat themselves right, there
will be no miracles. Look at these children. They lost their parents,
but they have not lost their future. A future of hope. And you are the
one who gave that future to them. Do not worry. The seed you plant
today will blossom and bear abundant fruit. Let us believe that day
will come soon.
Denim: Yes sir.

Part 4: C o u p D e G r a c e
The next scene can't be changed but I thought I'd include it anyway
just for completion.

Denim: Father...I will be leaving now. Before, Lodis attack us again, I
want to do one thing...I want to see the country Sir Lans protected.
The country where Sir Lans came from...

(Flashback to Chapter 1, Griate)
Lans:...Who are you?
Vice: We are warriors of the Walstanian Liberation Army! We will avange
our people's suffering!
Lans: Avenge?
Canopus: What a polite way to welcome people...Look at them, they're
just kids!
Lans: Wait. Are you sure you're talking to the right person?
Vice: If you're name is Lans, then you're our enemy!
Lans: Indeed, my name is Lans. How did you know?

(Flashback to Chapter 1, Rime)
Lans:...Four or five years ago. Before the war against the kingdom. We
were chased by the kingdom's men and during our journey, my wife got
sick and died...I can't remember how many times I considered killing
myself. Especially before the battle. Then I listen to the music box
that my wife left me. It reminds me how precious life is. It tells me,
I have to live. I have to carry on...
Denim: ...To live.
Lans: I hope the day will come when a young lad like yourself does not
have to fight...

Denim: I will be back, father. Don't worry...

As it starts to snow different parts of Valeria will be shown including
Amorika, Eden, and the shack where Clarie watchs over Lans.

Text: After the war in Heigm...Until the Hittites invade the land of
of Valeria has been flourished...Has remained in the front line of
history for thousands of years...As an independent country...

After the credits roll a scene will show what happend to the missing

(A snowy dock)
Ship crew: A ship bound to Lodis is leaving!
(Balzepho and Volac move forwards, followed by Lans Tartare)


Section 5: E n d i n g c h a n g i n g c h a r a c t e r s
If you haven't noted by now the whole ending of Tactics Ogre is based
on what characters Denim has in his party at the end of the game. This
section covers the aspects of as well as how to gain the ending
changing characters regardless if their role is paramount or just

Part 1: D e n i m M o w n
Race: Bacrumese
Element: Varies
Alignment: Neutral(Changes through the course of the game, though)
Starting class: Soldier
Special class: Lord
Special class' favored weapon: Sword
Omit quote: "Are you going to get rid of me? I'm your buddy."
Joins: Chapter 1
Contributes: Blue Necklace, Leather Armor, Short Sword, Cure
Denim is the hero of our story and that of course means that he needs
to be kept alive in order to beat the game. His alignment will change
with two(Or one) answers to Leonard's questions during the end of
chapters 1 and 2, which will in turn allow which classes he can change
to. To turn Denim into the very powerful Lord class Kachua/Bersalia
must die in anyway before returning to Fiduc from Banisha in Chapter 4.

-Recap of effect on the ending-
Bad ending: You need him to beat the game
Good ending: You need him to beat the game

Part 2: B e r s a l i a O v e r i s
Race: Bacrumese
Element: Varies
Alignment: Lawful
Starting class: High Priestess
Special class: Princess
Special class' favored weapon: Staff
Loyalty: Highest(You can't even kick her out of your party)
Omit quote: "I can't run away. I have a responsibility."
Death quote: "Denim, I'm so sorry. I was so selfish...But I love
Joins: Chapter 4 all
Contributes: Red Necklace, Balder Dagger, Holy Cap, Balder Robe,
LightBow, Vitalize, Heal+
Denim's adopted sister also known as Kachua. She will fight on Lans'
side at Banisha in chapter 4 depending on how you answered Moruba's
question at Banhamuba. If you said you couldn't fight her she will show
up, if you said you could then she won't. If you did't kill her or if
she wasn't in the battle Denim will have a talk with her in which you
need to tell her you abandoned her once, then if she was in the battle
tell her you love her, or if she wasn't there tell her to come with
you. If you tell her what she wants to hear then she will join your
party as the god like Princess class, other wise she will kill herself.
However if she dies you can turn Denim into his Lord class and also get
the Shotgun. You can't dismiss her once she joins.

-Recap of effect on the ending-
Bad ending: She needs to be dead to see the bad ending
Good ending: She need to be alive to see the good ending

Part 3: V i c e B o z e g
Race: Walstanian
Element: Varies
Alignment: Neutral
Starting class: Soldier
Special class: Warrior
Special class' favored weapon: Sword
Loyalty: High
Omit quote: "You still got a grudge against me?"
Death quote: "Kachua...I have always loved you..."
Joins: Chapter 3 Lawful
Contributes: Balder Sword, Balder Shield, Balder Armor, Balder Helmet
Vice does the opposite of whatever Denim does. If Denim becomes
Ronway's dog then Vice will be go by his own ideals, however if Denim
is the one to take the rebellious path then Vice will take his place
as the puppet. In the 3rd chapter of the Law route Vice will join the
party in his Warrior class when you find Mildain, Guildus and Warren.
In the other games he will die either by public execution or at the
hands of Ronway's bodyguards.

-Recap of effect on the ending-
Bad ending: Stands opposite of Moruba during Denim's crowning
Good ending: Has his very own scene at Heigm

Part 4: C a n o p u s W o l f f
Race: Zenobian
Element: Wind
Alignment: Lawful
Starting class: Eagle Man
Loyalty: High
Omit quote: "Really? This is a joke, isn't it? Are you serious?"
Death quote: "Thanks Denim, it's been fun..."
Joins: Chapter 1
Contributes: Spear, Battle Boots, Leather Armor, Cure
The wind rider from the first game is back for more! Canopus will join
your party when you first enter Tanmas, filling in the gap as your 10th
place person. Eagle man is very similar to Hawk man but seems to have
higher stats. This class also learns the special skills Wind shot at
level 10 and Tornado at level 20 which both cost Canopus' level in HP.

-Recap of effect on the ending-
Bad ending: None
Good ending: Returns to Zenobia with the Brunhild

Part 5: M i l d a i n W a l h o n e
Race: Zenobian
Element: Varies
Alignment: Lawful
Starting class: White knight
Special class' favored weapon: Sword
Loyalty: Highest
Omit quote: "I see...I am very sad to hear that...I guess this is good
Death quote: "Keep on moving Denim...You are so close."
Joins: Chapter 3 All
Contributes: Desert Sword, Balder Shield, Balder Armor, Balder Helmet
During chapter 3 Mildain is waiting in Amorika with Warren and
Guildus(Or not) and will join you once you get there. However when you
actually get there depends on which route of the game you took, in N it
is very early but in C and L it is more towards the end. White knight
is simply a beefed up Knight which can come in quite handy.

-Recap of effect on the ending-
Bad ending: None
Good ending: Returns to Zenobia with the Brunhild

Part 6: G u i l d u s W i n z a l f B u r n
Race: Zenobian
Element: Varies
Alignment: Lawful
Starting class: White knight
Special class' favored weapon: Sword
Loyalty: Highest
Omit quote: "No way! You don't deserve a great warrior like me!"
Death quote: "Kill the Roslolians...You can do it..."
Joins: Chapter 3 Lawful and Chaotic
Contributes: Isbleberg Two-handed Sword, Balder Helemt, Balder Armor,
Magic Ring
In the Law and Chaotic routes of Chapter 3 Guildus will be with Mildain
in Amorika. In chapter 3 N he will be experimented on by the
necromancer Nybbas and you will be forced to kill him. Although he
won't join you in that route you still get his Isleberg sword. Guildus
is stronger than Mildain, but also slower and less resistant to magic.

-Recap of effect on the ending-
Bad ending: None
Good ending: Returns to Zenobia with the Brunhild

Part 7: D o n a l d P r e s e n c e
Race: Walstanian
Element: Earth
Alignment: Lawful
Starting class: Exorcist
Loyalty: High
Omit quote: "I have already given my soul to. I will do whatever you
say. Are you sure about this?"
Death quote: "I have taken my revenge...I can finally rest in peace."
Joins: Chapter 1
Contribues: Cedar Staff, Magic Ring, Battle Boots, Magi, Exorcism, Heal
Presence is running around outside Krizar fighting Nybbas' undead. If
he lives through the battle then he will join you, other wise you get a
cleric(Who doesn't change the ending)in his place.

-Recap of effect on the ending-
Bad ending: None
Good ending: If you are missing anyother combination of 'comrades'
Denim will see him off

Part 8: S i s t e e n a F o r i n e r
Race: Bacrumese
Element: Wind
Alignment: Neutral
Starting class: Amazon
Special class: Wind Shaman
Special class' favored weapon: Staff
Loyalty: Above average
Omit quote: "What is this? You are becoming like the Cardinal!"
Death quote: "Only you can bring peace...To Valeria..."
Joins: Chapter 2 Chaotic
Contributes: Slender Spear, Battle Boots, Chain Armor, Leather Hat
During the first chapter she will be running around Rime and you will
have to save her, but even if you do she will run off. Later in chapter
2 C Byan will suggest that you save her, if you agree you will fight in
an optional battle. Once you reach Bodo Sisteena will ask to join your
forces along with Forcas and Byan, if you say yes they all join, if you
say no one of them do. In chapter 4 after the battles at Banisha talk
with Moruba at Coritani and ask him about forbidden magic and he will
turn Sisteena into a Shaman that can use Pray-H when you go back to
Banhamuba. Once she is a Shaman take her to Damsa to gain the Forbidden
magic Air cry.

-Recap of effect on the ending-
Bad ending: If you failed to unit Valeria and have Selye she reports to
Moruba about Viscount Grauda. Replaces a Valkyrie at Denim's crowning
Good ending: Replaces a Valkyrie a Kachua's crowning

Part 9: S e l y e F o r i n e r
Race: Bacrumese
Element: Fire
Alignment: Neutral
Starting class: Valkyrie
Special class: Fire Shaman
Special class' favored weapon: Staff
Loyalty: High
Omit quote: "What a wonderful idea...I guess my brain is too small to
understand you."
Death quote: "Denim, I leave the rest to you..."
Joins: Chapter 3 Chaotic and chapter 4 Neutral
Contributes: Balder Spear, Balder Armor, Balder Helmet, Mind Ring,
FireBurn(Chaotic); Volcano Spear, Balder Helmet, Balder Armor,
In chapter 3 C head to fort Bodo to drive out the Dark Knight Oz. Once
he runs back to Fiduc, Selye will ask to join your group. In chapter 3
N Selye will be under Oz's Charm spell and is right in the middle of
about 4 temple knights as well as Oz. Even if you kill Oz and save her
this time she runs off. After you plan to attack Banisha at Fiduc in
chapter 4 go to Krizar and read "Pirates in the fort" from the Warren
report and then head to Kadoriga for Selye to join you. Like with
Sisteena you can go back to Banhamuba to turn her into a Shaman that
knows Pray-Z. Go to Bodo to gain the Forbidden magic Nova+. In the L
route there is a somewhat secret scene you can watch in the Warren
report that hints that Selye was raped and murdered by the Dark

-Recap of effect on the ending-
Bad ending: If you failed to unit Valeria and have Sisteena she reports
to Moruba about Viscount Grauda. Replaces an Archer at Denim's crowning
Good ending: Replaces an Archer at Kachua's crowning

Part 10: S h e l l e y F o r i n e r
Race: Bacrumese
Element: Earth
Alignment: Lawful
Starting class: Siren
Special class: Earth Shaman
Special class' favored weapon: Staff
Loyalty: High
Omit quote: "Aren't you being selfish? After all you are a mere
terrorist...I expected as much."
Death quote: "Sorry Denim...I was so difficult...But I am thankful to
Joins: Chapter 4 all
Contributes: Soil Robe, Mind Ring, Teleport
During chapter 4 Shelley will attack you at Banhamuba but if you knock
her under 20 HP without killing her she will runaway. After returning to
Fiduc but before going to Banisha head to Baramus, go into training, and
cast Storm to make it rain hard(Cast it again if it only drizzles). If
you have Olivia then she and Denim will find Shelley. Like her other
sisters she can be turned into a Shaman this time learning Pray-B. Go
with her to Gekko to gain the Forbidden spell Quake.

-Recap of effect on the ending-
Bad ending: Replaces a Siren at Denim's crowning
Good ending: Replaces a Siren at Kachua's crowning

Part 11: O l i v i a F o r i n e r
Race: Bacrumese
Element: Water
Alignment: Lawful
Starting class: Priest
Special class: Water Shaman
Special class' favored weapon: Staff
Loyalty: High
Omit quote: "You think I don't have enough magic power, do you?"
Death quote: "Filaha, please forgive the foolish people..."
Joins: Chapter 4 all
Contributes: Balder Staff, Mind Ring, Crystal Robe, Magic Ring,
LightBow, Vitalize, Heal All
After you either bust trough or are escorted to Bringantes there will
be some scenes with Denim and Plancy. After the scenes Olivia will talk
about her childhood with Denim and how they were very close when they
were kids. If either Sisteena and/or Selye are with you they will also
come in and talk with Olivia. Anyway she will join you right before you
leave the castle. Olivia can also be turned into a Shaman that knows
Pray-G. If you bring her to Gerdo you can find the Forbidden magic Ice

-Recap of effect on the ending-
Bad ending: Replaces a Witch at Denim's crowning
Good ending: Has her very own sceen at Heigm

Part 12: H a b o r y m V a n R a m s
Race: Lodis
Element: Fire
Alignment: Lawful
Starting class: Sword master
Loyalty: Above average(From Vahanna, Rime and Griate), Lowest(From
Omit quote: "I guess I didn't do a good job for you..."
Death quote: "Mother forgive me...I could not avenge your death..."
Joins: Chapter 3 all
Contributes: Balder Sword x2, Balder Armor, Balder Helemt(Lawful);
Balder Sword x2, Balder Armor, Battle Boots(Chaotic); Balder Sword x2,
Balder Robe, Battle Boots(Neutral)
You will always meet Haborym in but where depends on which route. In C
route he will be fighting a gang of Ninja at Vahanna and mainly acts
like a nimrod by trying to fight all of them on his own. In L route he
is fighting Ozma at Rime and still has the great idea that he should
get himself killed, the enemies are more spread out so saving him isn't
as hard in C route. In N route go to Kirzar to see a scene with Leonard
and a bitchy Valkyrie, then head to Kadoriga to save the Valkyrie in
which in turn will make her join along with a few other people
including Haborym; If you miss him there then wait until your order to
attack Coritani but instead head to Griate to save Haborym from the
Gargastan army. Haborym can not change jobs and therefore gains every
level as a Sword master making his very good with skills that use DEX
such as Charm and Fudo.

-Recap of effect on the ending-
Bad ending: None
Good ending: If you saw his scene at Krizar and fail to meet the
requirements for another combination then Denim will see him off

Part 13: Z a p a n I l l y d u s
Race: Walstanian
Element: Wind
Alignment: Chaotic
Starting class: Berzerker
Loyalty: Average
Omit quote: "That's not the way to do things! Are you insulting me!?"
Death quote: "I made it this far...I have no regrets...Denim don't
Joins: Chapter 2 or 4 Lawful
Contributes: Leather Armor(Chapter 2); Procs Axe, Balder Helmet, Balder
Armor(Chapter 4)
Zapan will be in the middle of the enemy forces at Kadoriga and it's
your job to save him. If he lives then he will ask to join you. If you
say yes then he joins but you won't be able to change his class until
you return to Amorika. If you said no then he will leave and you can
later fight him in chapter 4 if you go to Griate before heading to
Banisha after making plans at Fiduc. This time you must get him under
20 HP and he will join, but he also has better equipment and more
levels. During the C route he will show up to fight you and pretty much
be an ass but will later be back stabbed by Vice.

-Recap of effect on the ending-
Bad ending: None
Good ending: If you don't have both Jenounes and Oxyones and you didn't
see Haborym's scene then Denim will see him off

Part 14: J e n o u n e s A p a t i z e r
Race: Gargastan
Element: Fire
Alignment: Neutral
Starting class: Dragoon
Loyalty: Above average
Omit quote: "This is a bad joke. I will never forget this..."
Death quote: "I knew this day would come...I will be happy in heaven."
Joins: Chapter 3 Lawful
Contributes: Balder Sword, Balder Armor, Balder Shield, Balder Helmet
After the battles at Bringantes during chapter 3 an old man will tell
you that you are their enemy. If you disagree with him he will ask
Jenounes to join your forces. Make sure to use him in Coritani later in
the chapter.

-Recap of effect on the ending-
Bad ending: None
Good ending: If you also have Oxyones then Denim will see them off

Part 15: O x y o n e s L a v i n
Race: Gargastan
Element: Water
Alignment: Lawful
Starting class: Dragon tamer
Loyalty: High
Omit quote: "I regret trusting you. Do whatever you want!"
Death quote: "The world is not only for human beings...Remember
Joins: Chapter 4 Lawful
Contributes: Holy Crossbow, Cure++, Balder Armor, Dragos, AcidRain
Bring Jenounes to the battle at Coritani during chapter 3 and fight
long enough to hear the conversation between him and the Terror knight,
Guacharo. Once you save Moruba read "Freak explosion" from the Warren
Report to learn about the Hell's Gate then start heading towards there.
After the story battle at Brumor return there via random battle. If you
bring Jenounes with you then you will fight Oxyones and her 4 Holy
Dragons ClearSky, Typhoon, Shadow and Cloud. If you knock Oxyones under
20 HP then you will have the option of having her join along with any
living dragons. If you didn't get Jenounes or if he died you can still
fight Oxyones in random battles but she won't join your party.

-Recap of effect on the ending-
Bad ending: None
Good ending: If you also have Jenounes then Denim will see them off

Part 16: A l o s e r D a n y a
Race: Walstanian
Element: Wind
Alignment: Neutral
Starting class: Archer
Loyalty: High
Omit quote: "I am no afraid of death. But I chose the wrong person to
work for."
Death quote: "Leonard...I still love you..."
Joins: Chapter 2 Chaotic
Contributes: Short Bow, Battle Boots, Chain Armor
During the first battle of chapter 2 C Aloser will attack you with her
gang. If you knock her under 20 HP without killing her then she will
join as an NPC. If you do this then she will fight along side Denim at
Tanmas. If she lives this time she will join your team. At the end of
the chapter if go the N route she will leave your party. In the L route
she will team up with Vice in order to have vengeance but will be
killed when the Dark knights attack Rime.

-Recap of effect on the ending-
Bad ending: None
Good ending: If you also have Forcas and Byan then Denim will see them

Part 17: F o r c a s R h e n d e
Race: Bacrumese
Element: Fire
Alignment: Neutral
Starting class: Knight
Loyalty: High
Omit quote: "It was my mistake to believe you!"
Death quote: "Sisteena...Where are you...I have always loved..."
Joins: Chapter 2 Chaotic
Contributes: Short Sword, Tower Shield, Chain Armor, Battle Boots
When you reach Krizar in chapter 2 C Forcas will be locked away. After
the battle you will save him and he will ask you to go with him to save
his allies. Regardless if you help them or not Forcas(Or Byan or
Sisteena) will ask to join you when you get to Bodo.

-Recap of effect on the ending-
Bad ending: None
Good ending: If you also have Aloser and Byan then Denim will see them

Part 18: B y a n O h w a n
Race: Bacrumese
Element: Earth
Alignment: Neutral
Starting class: Wizard
Loyalty: Above average
Omit quote: "I understand. I'll just get in your way right?"
Death quote: "I am willing to become a stepping stone that leads to a
better tommorow..."
Joins: Chapter 2 Chaotic
Contibutes: Cedar Staff, Tower Shield, Balder Robe, Mind Ring, Acid,
After saving Forcas you will head to Kadoriga. Byan will be in the
middle of the enemy forces and you have the somewhat hard job of
trying to save his skin. If he lives then he will also ask for you to
save Sisteena. If you help her as well Byan will join you at Bodo.

-Recap of effect on the ending-
Bad ending: None
Good ending: If you also have Aloser and Forcas then Denim will see
them off

Part 19: O r i a s O b d e r h o d e
Race: Gargastan
Element: Fire
Alignment: Lawful
Starting class: Priest
Loyalty: Above average
Omit quote: "You think I'm worth nothing. I'm not saying anything about
Death quote: "I am so...tired...Let me...Rest...A little..."
Joins: Chapter 3 Neutral
Contributes: Balder Staff, Balder Robe, LightBow
Nybbas' estranged daughter. She will be in Ashton during chapter 3 N
and you will need to save her, but with her terror knight brother
guarding her it's not as insanely hard as some of the others(*Cough*
Selye *Cough*).

-Recap of effect on the ending-
Bad ending: None
Good ending: If you also have Debordes then Denim will see them off

Part 20: D e b o r d e s O b e r h o d e
Race: Gargastan
Element: Earth
Alignment: Chaotic
Starting class: Terror knight
Loyalty: High
Omit quote: "If you are waiting for me to say something then you are
wasting your time."
Death quote: "I have waited for this...The day...Of...Liberation..."
Joins: Chapter 3 Neutral
Contributes: Balder Sword, Balder Armor, Balder Glove, Balder Helmet
The undead son of necromancer Nybbas and sister to Orias. He will be
fighting Guildus and a gang of undead with his sister, Orias, in Ashton
during chapter 3 N. If you save both him and his sister he will join
you, other wise he will leave without saying much. He has gained all of
his levels as a Terror knight but because he doesn't meet the 30 kills
requirement changing him to another class will not allow him to turn
back until you collect those cadavers.

-Recap of effect on the ending-
Bad ending: None
Good ending: If you also have Orias then Denim will see them off

Part 21: D e n e b R h o b e
Race: Zenobian
Element: Fire
Alignment: Chaotic
Starting class: Sorceress
Special class' favored weapon: Staff
Loyalty: Below average
Omit quote: "You are so mean <3 I don't like you anymore!"
Death quote: "Hey this was my favorite body~<3 How dare you."
Joins: Chapter 4 all
Contributes: Balder Staff, Mind Ring, Balder Robe, Magi++, Mealt, Heat
(Less then 10 Pumpkin Heads); Fire Staff, Fire Ring, Fire Robe,
Blessing, Magmagod, Nova(10 or more Pumpkin Heads)
Guess she didn't die in the first one...Anyway during chapter 4 read
about Deneb's shop in the Warren report. From now on Deneb's shop will
replace a normal city's shop depending on the day as followed:

Griate: 1,2
Armorika: 3,4
Krizar: 5,6
Baramus: 7,8
Ashton: 9,10
Coritani: 11,12
Brigantes: 13,14
Rime: 15,16
Fiduc: 17,18
William: 19,20
Heigm: 21,22
Grimby: 23,24
Banisha: 25

If you went to the right place then you should be in Deneb's shop which
sells very rare items. You can also sell those Glass Pumpkins you found
in the Hell's Gate in order to recruit Pumpkin Heads. To actually get
her into your team you need to buy any 250 items from her and then a
"Join" option will open up. If you hired at least 10 Pumpkin Heads at
some point she will also come with some good fire based equipment and
spells. Be warned though, her shop closes for good when she joins your

-Recap of effect on the ending-
Bad ending: Replaces a Witch at Denim's crowning if you don't have
Good ending: Replaces a Witch at Kachua's crowning

Section 6: O t h e r s u s p i c i o u s f e l l o w s
There are some other characters you can recruit who have special
portraits as well as a place in the Warren report. Until my last time
through I thought some characters, such as Haborym, had nothing to do
with the ending. But when I finally saw an ending with Haborym I
started to think maybe these other people could some how take a role in
the ending. However this is still just speculation.

Part 1: G a n b B a c k s t e i n
Race: Gargastan
Element: Water
Alignment: Neutral
Starting class: Beast master
Special class' favored weapon: Whip
Loyalty: Above average
Omit quote: "I should never have trusted you!"
Deaht quote: "Belda...Obda...I'll soon be there..."
Joins: Chapter 4 all
Contributes: Rifle Gun, Balder Helmet, Balder Armor, Aileron
After you save(or don't) Kachua at Banisha read the rumor in the Warren
report about how the Dark knights are salvaging sunken ships. Now head
to Grimby and you should meet a Gunner named Rendal who is under attack
by Martym, save him and he will tell you about a thief who ran off with
the powerful Rifle. Go back to the warren report and read about the
thief in Nimuraba, head there next. When you get there you will meet
Ganb along with some monsters including his substitute Griffins ObdaJr
and BeldaJr. Like most other people you fight and want to join knock
him under 20 HP without killing him, but also you must make sure not to
kill his Griffins. After the battle Ganb will join you with ObdaJr,
BeldaJr, and the almighty Rifle. Like Mildain and Guildus his class is
just a stronger version of a normal class, this time being Beast tamer.

Part 2: R a d l u m
Race: Indistinct
Element: Water
Alignment: Neutral
Starting class: Warlock
Loyalty: Above average
Omit quote: "After all, you never asked me to join, I was the one
always asking...But..."
Death quote: "What have I done...I have to begin from..."
Joins: Chapter 4 all
Contributes: Balder Knife, Mind Ring, Balder Robe, Battle Boots,
HealRain, Quick, WipeOut
Read about The Hell Gate in the Warren report then make your way down
there. On the second floor of the dungeon Radlum will be under attack
from monsters and undead. Like most computer controlled characters he
will lose all sense of reason and attack the enemies head on with his
staff. If you can save his life he will ask to join your party, say yes
to have him come along with his Dragon magic spell, Wipe out.

Section 7: P o l i t i c s O g r e
A seemingly invisible, yet somewhat important part of Tactic Ogre and
its ending is "Chaos Frame". Chaos Frame messures the characters', as
well as the general population's, loyalty to Denim and his cause.
Perspectives change based on Alignment and ethnic backround. Lawful
characters like it when you follow orders, Chaotic characters will
respect you when you defy authority; Likewise people love to see heroes
with backrounds like their own rise to power(or levels), but hate when
members of their own race are defeated. You can view a person's Chaos
Frame by checking their name. A text message showing their level of
devotion will then appear depending on their Alignment-

Highest: "Most likely you are trusted. All of your comments and
activities are well received."
High: "This one works actively with the others to make things go
Above average: "There are various opinions toward the idea. Most of the
opinions are very positive."
Average: "There is not a lot of opposition to the idea, yet there
isn't much enthusiasm either."
Below average: "More people are becoming critical of the idea..."
Low: "More people are expressing opposition towards the idea."
Lowest: "People will not even look into your eyes. You are losing

Highest: "Not only do they agree with your ideals, they have accepted
you as a leader."
High: "They are positively obeying justice. It is not coming from any
selfish motives."
Above average: "They don't have any particular complaints but they are
not enthusiastic about joining the military."
Average: "Sometimes they express their complaints. It seems like you hit
a nerve."
Below average: "All they do is complain. They hate you..."
Low: Not only are they complaining about the idea, now they are cussing
about it."
Lowest: "They have a cold look in their eyes. Their words penetrate
your heart. They seem to want to kill you..."

Highest: "They are all happy with the idea and accepting it one-hundred
High: "People are relatively happy with the idea. There is enough
communication going on."
Above average: "People are not unsatisfied with the idea, yet they don't
stop those who criticize it."
Average: "More people are avoiding eye contact. They will not respond
to you."
Below average: "They seem to have become distant. They look serious."
Low: "Sometimes you get glared at. They might be angry."
Lowset: "When you call them, they go away..."

And just for kicks:

Highest: "You go close to it. It purrs. It does not seem to be a
dangerous monster."
High: "Very well tamed. It will become your loyal servant."
Average: "Still has its doubts, but as long as it is full, it is
Low: "When you go close to it, it backs off. It is not tame."
Lowest: "It is showing its obvious hatred towards you. It can attack
you at any time."

Denim: "The leader is always lonely. I knew it but it is still
Enemy leader: "Nobody understands me..."

Everyone has Chaos Frame, even new recruits. In fact Soldiers and
Amazons you hire at the store will have the average view of you that
a member of their race(Not alignment) would have. So if you have great
relations with the Walstanians but are in a runt with the Bacrumese
then your level 1, Walstanian, Neutral Amazon's text would say: "They
are all happy with the idea and accepting it one-hundred percent.",
while your level 1, Bacrumese, Neutral Amazon's text might say: "When
you call them, they go away...". The messages that enemy units have
are their opinion of their own faction, not of Denim's.

The easist method to make a character honor you more is to have that
character gain levels by fighting and killing enemies(Training doesn't
work). Not only will that character's loyalty increase, but so will the
loyalty of his/her race. For example, say if you took Byan
(Who is Bacrumese) into a plot or random battle and had him gain a few
levels, afterwards both he and the people of Bacrum will ador you a
little more.

However killing a member of a race will lower other members of that
ethnicity's view of you. So say if Byan killed 5 Gargastans in that
battle not only will the Bacrumese like you, but the Gargastans will
hate you as well. Therefore to be liked by all three of the important
races you should fight in random battles against indistinct monsters or
Roslolians, who while have their own Chaos Frame towards you, aren't
influential. Hell's Gate is a perfect place for such a task.

Section 8: G a m e S h a r k
If you missed a character and want to see their corresponding scene, or
just don't want to play through every route you can always add the
desired person with everyone's friend: GameShark. All you need is the
character modifier code:

3011EAww 00xx

ww - Is the character's slot or number. Denim's slot #1's code is F0
and each next slot is one digit higher in GameShark language(0, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F). So slot #5's code would be F4,
slot #15's FE, and slot #30's 0D.

xx - Is who the character becomes. The codes are as follow:

31 - Deneb
32 - Chapter 1-3 Denim
33 - Chapter 4 Denim
37 - Kachua
3A - Canopus
3B - Mildain
3C - Guildus
3D - Shaman Sisteena
3E - Shaman Selye
3F - Shaman Shelly
40 - Shaman Olivia
4C - Sisteena
4D - Selye
4E - Shelley
4F - Olivia
50 - Presance
51 - Haborym
52 - Forcas
53 - Byan
54 - Aloser
55 - Oxyones
56 - Jenounes
57 - Zapan
58 - Debordes
59 - Orias
5A - Radlum
6B - Vice
6C - Ganb

So say you wanted to slap a Guildus clone in slot #9 your code would

3011EAF8 003C

This Guildus will trigger all of the same dialog that the real Guildus
would. He's a perfect copy, story wise. If you want him to be a White
Knight you will also need the class modifier code:

30145Cyy 00zz

yy - Is the same concept as ww, it's the character's slot number.
However this time Denim's slot #1's code is 78, but each next slot
still raises by only one digit. Slot #10's code would be 81, slot #20's
8B, and so on.

zz - Is the character's class. Most of the same list that was used for
xx can be used for zz, however some digits will produce the wrong or
even buged classes. The codes are:

02 - Knight
03 - Berzerker
04 - Terror knight
06 - Dragoon
09 - Wizard
0A - Warlock
0B - Exorcist
0E - Amazon
0F - Valkyrie
10 - Archer
11 - Dragon tamer
12 - Siren
15 - Priest
30 - Beast master
31 - Sorceress
32 - Soldier
33 - Lord
37 - Princess
3A - Eagle man
3B - White Knight
3C - White Knight
3D - Wind Shaman
3E - Fire Shaman
3F - Earth Shaman
40 - Water Shaman
51 - Swordmaster
6B - Warrior

So to have a full working Guildus in slot #9 your code would be:

3011EAF8 003C
30145C80 003C

If you want to hack further, check the Credits for sites that have
additional GS codes.

Section 9: C r e d i t s
http://luct.tacticsogre.com/ for having info on how to get Selye and
Zapan in the 4th chapter, as well as some of the missing GameShark
digits. Visit it for anything else you need to know about LUCT

http://www.cmgsccc.com/ for the GameShark codes

http://myhome.netsgo.com/kachua/firecrast/gilvald.htm for having info
about the "Gilbert" ending

http://www.crosswinds.net/~henrychan.html for info about where Deneb's
shop is each day

http://www.epsxe.com/ for a helpful Playstation emulator

http://pec.emucheater.com/ for the PEC GameShark plugin

kain@pacific.net.sg for info about a few favored weapons

GameFAQs poster Bugskiller for confirming that Viscount Grauda doesn't
get assassinated if you unit Valeria

The webmasters that were actually foolish enough to host this manifesto

Quest for making this great game and having a fetish for Queen

Atlus for bringing this game to the states

Me for actually typing this thing

And viewers like *YOU*

Section 10: L e g a l J u n k
This document is copyright 2001-2003 by Kurtis Seid
Tactics Ogre are copyright 1995 Quest, 1997 Artdink, 1997 Atlus.
Any other trademarked consumer goods(Playstation, Super Nintendo,
GameShark) are copyrights of their own respective Organizations(Sony,
Nintendo, InterAct or Mad Catz or who ever makes it now)

Distribution or plagiarism of this document without the consent of the
author will result in swift (yet brutal) legal punishment. However feel
more then free to spam it to every corporeal and/or ethereal being you

Current sites to not be smitten by the fist of the heavens:


Feel free to bring holy justice upon any heathens that deface the word
of god/me.
"Make like a tree and get out of here!"

nd Fragnarokment
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Ending FAQs

17.Oktober 2013
Character FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Ende des Spiels.

17.Oktober 2013
FAQ für/for Tactics Ogre

10.Oktober 2013
Hell Gate

15.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
FAQ für/for Tactics Ogre

17.Oktober 2013
PAL Patch für die japanische NTSC Version.

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Hinweise
10.Oktober 2008
engl. Cheats

16.Oktober 2013
FAQ für/for Tactics Ogre

17.Oktober 2013
engl. FAQ für/for Tactics Ogre
engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
11.Februar 2016
01.Dezember 2014
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020