Syphon Filter

Syphon Filter

18.10.2013 00:01:18
- Syphon Filter Complete Version 1.0
- Submitted 11/10/01

Table of Contents

Part 1: Introduction
-Revision History

Part 2: Lists
-Weapons (partially completed)
-Characters (in progress)

Part 3: Walkthrough

Mission 1
Level 1: Georgia Street
Level 2: Destroyed Subway
Level 3: Main Subway Line
Level 4: Washington Park
Level 5: Freedom Memorial

Mission 2
Level 6: Expo Center Reception
Level 7: Expo Center Dinorama

Mission 3
Level 8: Rhoemer’s Base
Level 9: Base Bunker
Level 10: Base Tower
Level 11: Base Escape

Mission 4
Level 12: Rhoemer’s Stronghold
Level 13: Stronghold Lower Level
Level 14: Stronghold Catacombs

Mission 5
Level 15: Pharcom Warehouses
Level 16: Pharcom Elite Guards
Level 17: Warehouse 76
Level 18: Silo Access Tunnels
Level 19: Tunnel Blackout
Level 20: Missile Silo

Part 4: Conclusion

Part 1: Introduction

Welcome to the vicious and brutal, but utterly satisfying world of Syphon
Filter! You play Gabriel Logan in his quest to stop terrorist Erich Rhoemer
and find his sequencing computers with vaccine data.
Note: You are reading the guide from an absolute Syphon Filter master and
die-hard. I have beaten this game 50+ times using these exact steps. Any
questions? If you have any, email them to me at my address listed at the
top of this walkthrough. Now, let’s proceed.

Revision History:

Version 1.0 (11-10-01) Introduction, part of the weapon lists, and the
walkthroughs for levels 1-13 have been posted.

Part 2: Lists

Now I will give you the lowdown on the weapons and tell you which rock and
which suck. The first part after the weapon’s name is the excerpt from the
manual, and the second after the weapon’s stats are my comments. The Fire
Rate and damage amount are on a scale of 1-5. Certain weapon’s stats might
have been slightly edited on its journey from the manual to my guide because
the manual is incorrect, at least in my strongest opinion. And the current
magazine rounds plus the maximum amount of spare rounds equals the max


1. Silenced 9mm Pistol

The 9mm handgun is the standard issue side-arm for NATO and all five
branches of the U.S. Armed Forces since passing the 1979 MRBF (Mean Rounds
Before Operational Failure) performance test where it expended 35,000
rounds, six times the gun’s service life.

Fire Rate: 3
Damage: 2
Clip Size: 15
Max Rounds: 90

I use this weapon often, but its power is second in every way to the 45.
automatic handgun. You will want to use it in certain circumstances, but it
isn’t something that can generally be relied on after the first few levels.

2. .45 Automatic Handgun

This tough, durable gun has been in production for almost a century. It has
tremendous stopping power, and in spite of its strong recoil and heavy slide
and bolt, it is a deadly weapon in the hands of a seasoned professional.

Fire Rate: 2
Damage: 4
Clip Size: 10
Max Rounds: 60

2-3 rounds will generally take down any non-flak-jacketed guard. This is
one of the best guns in Syphon Filter, so much that I frequently choose it
over some machine guns. Unlike the 9mm pistol, this can be relied on just
about everywhere.

*Machine Pistols*

3. HK-5 Machine Pistol

The HK-5’s modular design and small size make it very popular with both
military special forces and terrorists. With more than 23 officially
recognized variants, it is fast becoming the most widely-used pistol-machine
gun in the world.

Fire Rate: 4
Damage: 3
Clip Size: 32
Max Rounds: 192

The HK-5 is a good weapon but inferior to the just as common M16 assault
rifle. It doesn’t come in handy too often, the damage level isn’t very
high, and overall there are definitely better guns to be used.

4. BIZ-2 Machine Pistol

This pistol-machine gun is designed to deliver sustained firepower in tight
quarters. The unconventional design of its large capacity magazine keeps
the weapon compact but still provides a near bottomless source of

Fire Rate: 4
Damage: 3
Clip Size: 66
Max Rounds: 396

This is definitely a great gun to use but it doesn’t show up until the last
mission. It is easy to pull off headshots with this gun and can easily take
out a non-flak jacketed cluster at a time with its quick fire rate.

5. G-18 Machine Pistol

With a rate of fire topping 60 rounds per second, the G-18 is perhaps the
most deadly pistol-machine gun in the world. Its only weakness is its
tendency to expend ammunition faster than most shooters are prepared for,
leaving them defenseless during a reload.

Fire Rate: 5
Damage: 2
Clip Size: 33
Max Rounds: 198

(The rest is in progress, and should be posted a couple days before or after

Part 3: The Walkthrough

Mission 1

Level 1: Georgia Street

Go forward and around the corner to the right. Run forward. Use the 9mm
and kill a couple of the guards. Grab their ammo. Look for the building
with glass acting as a door to the left of the down ramp. Barge through the
glass. Go forward and left. Go around the corner and you will see another
room to the left and a hallway to the right. Note the room. Go right and
proceed down the hallway. You will get a comm warning you what is ahead.
Go forward and turn the corner. Quickly headshot Kravitch before he can
move. Run over to him behind the bar and grab the shotgun ammo from the
box. Three guards will come from behind. Take out the two on the left
first using target lock, then go to the right and kill the other one. Look
around for a little computer-like looking device. Put a couple holes in it
for a checkpoint.

Do a 180 and go back out of the room the way you came. The room you noted
earlier has a guard in it. Headshot him and climb in. Grab his M16. Keep
the 9mm out and shoot out the window. Climb out to receive a comm. Turn
right and walk forward to the locked door.
(Note: You can grab the ledge above and shimmy across the pole for an M-79,
but I don’t recommend it.)
Shoot off the padlock and run into the tiny area. Flip the elevator call
switch and wait for the elevator. Take it down to a small room. Take out
your flashlight and look around on the wall to the right. You will see a
power switch. Pull it for a checkpoint.

Head back to the elevator, but don’t activate it yet. Do a 180 so you are
facing the room you just left first. Then send the elevator up. When you
arrive, you will be facing a guard up top. Kill him and run forward. Go
back through the door and grab the dropped M16. Climb back through the
window and go to the hallway. Headshot the guard. Turn right and return to
the area where you started the level. Look for the same cop car. You will
see an alley on the left. Take it and head that way. At the end, follow
the street forwards. Two guards will pop up on each of the two buildings
next to you. They are optional. When they’re dead, (I usually kill two)
head to the end of the street and look left to see the bank. Run in that
direction. Kill both guards and run through the glass and enter the bank.
Head inwards. Grab the flak jacket if you need it. A guard waits on the
left when you enter the big room. Target and body shot him. Run forward
and you will see a CBDC agent disarming a bomb. Stand near him and don’t
move. Kill any guards around you. He will disarm the bomb for a

Go left and forward to find an M16 box. Now equip that machine gun and exit
the bank the same way. When you run back through the glass, turn right.
There will be three guards on the building. Manually aim and kill the guard
on the left FIRST, because he throws grenades. Then target lock and kill
the other two. Head back towards the alley. The four guards are still
optional. Go into the alley. When you return to where you started the
level, run over to the very first guards you killed. Turn left and take the
down ramp and head into the dark area. Look around to see another ramp
leading down. Take it. You will be contacted by Lian. At the bottom, turn
left and cross the tracks to the small path. On the other side. Keep going
in the direction you had been going and you will see a bomb. Go up to it
and plant a beacon on it for the final checkpoint.

Cross the tracks again, and keep going forward. Cross the next set of
tracks, keeping your eyes out for the train, and you should be on the
opposite path. Turn left and head forward. A couple guards should come.
Kill them, and keep running forward. Eventually you will see an entrance to
the right. Go in and take out your flashlight. Turn left and walk over to
the switch. Flip it and turn 90 degrees right. Walk to the elevator and
ride it down. Leave it for a comm. Go forward and turn left. Headshot the
guard and proceed to the end of the path. Turn left and go down that way.
Cross the tracks to the right. Take out your shotgun and body shot both
guard to the right. Make sure to stay on the right side of the main area
but not on the rightmost path. Go forward down that ways. Proceed to the
very end, shotgunning any guards you see. At the end, near the locked door
you will see a guard with a flak-jacket. Headshot him, keep the shotgun
out, and run over to the bomb to end the level.

Level 2: Destroyed Subway

(Note: Your shotgun will be used for the entire level.)
After the cutscene, turn right and walk forward until you are blocked by the
flames. Grab the jacket if you need it. Cross the tracks and turn left.
Keep the shotgun out. Walk forward and a burning guard will run towards
you. Headshot him and pass him. Turn right and walk forward. When you
reach the open area (in a few short steps) turn right again to see a guard.
Shotgun him and repush target lock. The green symbol should switch to the
guard on the top of the train in front of you. Shotgun him, grab his ammo,
and climb up to the train where he came from. Run forward. You should get
a comm from Lian. Roll forward off the train. Turn right and climb up as
you see three guards. Shotgun the first two, then run forward and the guard
will throw a grenade. Headshot him as he does this and roll out of the way
of the shrapnel. Return to where you just climbed up. Take out your
flashlight and go in the other direction. Target lock and shoot the guard.
Open the white box for a checkpoint.

Return to the guard who threw grenades and head to the left. You will see a
tiny platform half-covered in flames. Climb on to it. Turn left and climb
up to the next pillar. Go to the end of this one and turn left. Climb up,
turn around, and climb up. Grab the pole above you and shimmy to the right.
When you can’t go any further, drop down. Run forward all the way to the
locked gate. Plant the bombs at the gate, then run back away as the bomb
goes off. The CBDC agent will come out. Follow him over to the bomb.
Shoot any near guards. He will defuse it for a checkpoint.

Return to the gate and turn left. Walk over near the flames for a comm.
Return in the direction of the bomb and take the turn right. Take out your
flashlight and cross to the path against the wall. Turn left and walk until
you reach a switch.
Flip it. Return to the flames you were just at where you got the comm. The
fire will be gone now. Go down that path.
Climb up onto the train and run to the end. Jump off after you get a comm.
Shoot the burning guard. Do a 180.
Shoot the guard on the top of the train. Do another 180. Go forward and
climb up. Shoot the final guard. Run forward, take out your M16, and drop
off the train to end the level.

Level 3: Main Subway Line

Time yourself. See if you can beat this in 10 seconds!
Run forward, round the corner to the left, and roll under the first blue
thing. Turn left and headshot Aramov to end the level.
(Yes, you read that right!)
Note: If you miss and she gets away, simply follow her, rolling between the
blue things, and headshot her as soon as you can.

Level 4: Washington Park

(This level definitely isn’t as short as 3. It’s quite the opposite.)
Run forward and forward, and shoot any guards that you see. You should come
to two pillars. On the top of the right is a guard. Shoot him. Run
between the pillars and roll out of the way of the gunfire if there is any.
Stay near the left side and you should see a box-shaped bunch of walls.
There are about four of these. Head forward, but stay next to the boxes so
you can find out where the bomb is, as explained ahead. Keep checking your
radar. Eventually you should see a flashing dot. Go around to the entrance
and go to it and plant a beacon on the bomb. A CBDC guy will show up.
Three guards will rush in. Kill them and he will defuse the bomb and you
will get a checkpoint.

MAKE SURE to grab all three of the 45’s littered around. Take the left
exit, turn right, and run forward until you receive a comm. Keep running to
see an entrance on the left. First, turn right and note the statue. Now
take the entrance, then take the long path down and exit. Turn left and
fire the 45, killing the guard. Do a 180. Run forward and use the target
lock to kill both guards. Grab the flak jacket if you need it, then run out
the next path to the next open area. When it turns, turn with it and run
off the end to see two guards. Kill them. Now, stay on the path and follow
EXTREMELY DIFFICULT. Two shots with the 45 to any guard will usually kill
him. When you reach the bomb, plant the beacon. Make sure the 45 is out,
then look around as CBDC comes. Guards will come from all directions. The
CBDC guy has unlimited health, unless he is shot in the head. KILL ANYBODY
QUICKLY IF THEY COME UP. If a guard is standing still and fires for ten
seconds, he will headshot the agent. Take no more than three or four
seconds to kill each guy. When the CBDC agent defuses the second bomb, you
have a checkpoint.

Grab some ammo from all of the dead guards and follow the path all the way
back to the previous area with the flak jacket box. Grab the flak jacket if
you need it and haven’t gotten it already. When you go down the next
corridor back to the open area, a guard will come up if you are too slow
leaving the area. Kill him, and return to the large statue in the open area
that you have noted. Look around for the third bomb. It should be on a
straight line in front of you when you exit the long and narrow corridor.
Take out the shotgun, then plant the beacon. The CBDC agent should come
from 45 degrees to the right of the bomb. The first guy will come from
behind you, so do a 180. Guards will come from most sides, so fire quickly.
When the bomb is defused you will get a checkpoint.

Check your map, and then run forward towards the next bunch of hedges. Stay
on the wide white path. Not too far into it you should reach the fourth and
final bomb. Plant the beacon and wait for CBDC to come. Guards will come
from all four directions, but usually from the left and behind. But note
this, there is usually one or two guards that come from the very right of
the bomb, and they are the most dangerous because they are in such close
range and hard to spot because they are blocked by a large bush. Make
killing them with your shotgun absolute first priority. When the bomb is
defused, you’ll get a checkpoint.

Keep following the path. The bombs are done! Well, except for one, but you
don’t have to do that. Take the flak jacket on the left if you want, then
proceed into the next area. There will be a big wall in front of you. Go
around the left of it and start down the left path. You will immediately
see a guy in the middle of the tennis courts. Headshot him with the sniper
rifle and continue down the path until you see a tiny object on your path.
Aim the sniper rifle into the middle of the tennis courts. Headshot the guy
who is standing up and with the gun to free the hostages, and receive a comm
and checkpoint.

Run forward and M16 up the guard in the courts. Keep the gun out. Turn the
corner left and go forward until you see an odd shaped pile of pillars. Run
to the other side through the middle while taking out the three guards. The
most dangerous guy is the one on the other side, on top of a pillar. Climb
up the blocks and get to the top any way you want, then access the computer
for a comm and checkpoint.

Turn right and jump off, then follow the short ramp up into the hedge maze.
Take out your 45. You should see two entrances forward, right and left.
Take the right path and go forward. Shoot the guard and take the left turn.
Go forward, take the right path, and shoot the next guard. Turn left and
walk forward. At the end of the path, turn right and headshot Marcos. But
be careful! You have about two seconds once you see him to shoot, because
if he sees you, he will run off around the hedges, and you will have to
catch him and headshot him or if you’re a first-timer and aren’t skilled at
that enough yet, simply hold target lock and empty 45 caliber slugs into
him. As soon as Marcos dies, you will get a comm and the final checkpoint
of the mission.

Take the left path and head forward. Go as far as you can down the path and
to the right to exit the maze. Take the two ramps down into the area with
all the trees. Two flak-jacketed guards will run at you. Headshot the guy
on the left, and run behind the wall for cover. Peekaboo out and headshot
the guard, then run up the ramp. Headshot the next two guards, make sure
your armor meter is max, and if not, grab their flak jackets. Make sure
your 45 is out and head to the door to end the level.

Level 5: Freedom Memorial

After the cutscene, you will battle Anton Girdeux. Listen carefully. It
only takes four forty-five caliber shots to his flamethrower pack to end the
mission. Here’s the strategy. Whatever you do, DO NOT GO INTO THE OUTER
PERIMETER BEHIND THE PILLARS. When the level starts, immediately go into
manual aim and shoot his pack for an explosion. Let go and strafe-roll left
out of the way. Watch your radar and see what direction Girdeux turns in.
Go in the other directions and circle around behind him. DON’T CLIMB UP
clean shot, take it for the explosion, and then he will do a 180. Roll out
of the way immediately or you WILL die. If any flames catch you, you have
little chance of surviving. It takes four or five shots if you are using
the 45 automatic. At the final explosion, the mission ends.

Mission 2

Level 6: Expo Center Reception

After the lengthy cutscene, strafe slightly behind the pillar to the left
and watch Phagan walk. When he passes the guards, wait until you see the
guard on the left start to walk towards you. Immediately strafe to the left
against the grate. Make sure your 9mm is out, then go to manual aim. The
guard will walk to the bottom of the ramp and stop. Headshot the guard,
then go back to the bottom of the ramp. Aim and headshot the second guard.
Proceed to the top of the ramp, and enter the building. Turn left, and
crouch walk behind the guard. Headshot him and enter the next room. Strafe
a foot or so right so you are between the middle of the room and the back
left pillar. A guard will walk to the right ten yards ahead. Headshot him
and walk to his position. Grab his gun. Go down the next corridor and turn
left. Make absolutely sure Phagan is gone from the next room. Walk to the
edge of the corridor. Headshot the guard while he is moving. Strafe to the
right and go to manual aim. As soon as the next guard walks in, headshot
him. Run forward to the wall. Turn left and walk a couple steps ahead, but
don’t turn the corner. Wait for the guard to come out, then QUICKLY
headshot him. Proceed to the end of the path for a cutscene and checkpoint.

After the comm, run forward and peekaboo Benton. After the second
communication, grab Benton’s keycard for a checkpoint.

Go to the opposite side of the room from where you came in, and shoot the
guard on the other side of the grate. Access the panel and open the door,
then grab the guard’s ammo. Kick down the door. Aim and headshot the lower
guard first, then run into the room. Strafe left and climb up to the
pillar. The guard can’t shoot through the grate. Climb up the grate and
headshot the guard. Run forward and grab the flak jacket if you need it,
then climb up the tiny box. Jump up to the next ledge, then walk forward
and switch to manual aim. Blast the padlock off and walk in. Turn left and
run all the way to the end of the corridor. MAKE SURE to grab the box of
HK-5 ammo. Use your 9mm to blast off the next padlock to the door, then
switch to the machine gun. Aim and kill the long-range guard through the
glass. Note this guard. You will later have to grab a keycard from him.
Next, strafe left, and avoiding the ramp down, walk down the steps and blast
the guard. Jump off to the bottom and use your target lock and fire. Run
between the pillars and headshot the next guy. Grab his keycard for a

Turn back towards the ledges and kill any guards who are still alive. Next,
climb all the way back up to where the switch is next to the formerly
padlocked door. Activate the switch, then turn left exactly 90 degrees.
MAKE SURE to stay on the very right side of the ramp, and roll forward down
to the bottom of the place. Turn right and run as fast as you can for the
next path. Follow it as the grate closes. Roll under the grate to make it
through in time or you will have to climb up and do that again. Next,
proceed down the path. Turn left and take the left side of the next room.
Headshot the guy on the bottom, then target lock and kill the guy on the
top. Grab the keycard from the guy on the bottom for a checkpoint.

Grab the flak jacket box if you need it, then activate the switch and go
through the gate. Follow it around to a guard. Kill him, then go around to
the elevator, but DON’T GO IN. Target lock and kill the guy on the top
IMMEDIATELY (you will usually take damage here. Strafe to the right and
kill the guy who snuck up behind you. Target and shoot the guy on the
bottom floor, then return to the elevator. Put your back against the wall.
Look up to see a rapidly sparking circuit. Fire the HK-5 into it once to
send the elevator up to the top floor. When it gets there, get off and run
forward. Shoot both guards and grab their ammo. Turn the corner and pass
the railing. Guards will fire at you through the glass. You will recognize
the room below the glass. Go to the end of this hall and you will find a
guard you killed earlier. Grab his keycard for the final checkpoint.

MAKE SURE to grab the combat shotgun from the box, then equip it and do a
180. Go back the way you came and shoot the guard with a shell on the way.
Grab his ammo and return to the elevator. Ride it down to the middle floor.
Now instead of shooting a circuit, simply push triangle again to descend
to the bottom floor. Grab the ammo littered around and kick down the door,
combat shotgun still out. Run forward and turn the corner right. Shoot the
guard. Take a left turn to see a door and a guard to the left. Shoot him,
then kick down the door and go in the Mars exhibit. Three guards are
inside. Run 45 degrees to the left and shoot one of the guards on the left.
Climb up and shoot the other guy. Do a 180 and head to the right. Fire
on the final guy. At the end of the corridor you will see a switch and a
grate. Access the switch and go through the grate. Follow the path down
until you see a guard. Target lock and fire, and he will be knocked through
the glass. Go to the end and MAKE SURE to grab the K3G4 rifle, and jump out
into the open. Shoot the guard. Aim upwards and kill the other guy. Go to
the ladder of the space shuttle and jump up. Jump up to the grate, and grab
some ammo. Turn left and head in that direction. Follow the ramp up to the
top, and K3G4 the guard. Walk to the double doors to end the level.

Level 7: Expo Center Dinorama

After the cutscene, (yes, I will start like that in about every level) turn
right and walk over to the rightmost door. Make sure your K3G4 is out. The
door will kicked open by four guards. Kill them all, grab their ammo, and
go up the ramp.
Walk to the end of the corridor, and kick down the door.
After the comm, follow the circular path left until you see a pole above
you. Switch to your HK-5. Jump up onto it and shimmy to the right over the
middle of the glass. Drop down through it. When you resume gameplay,
headshot the guard on the ledge in front of you. Turn left and jump off.
Strafe right and climb up to the top. Avoid the gunfire. (Well, duh.)
Turn left and headshot the guard. Grab his keycard for a checkpoint.

Run forward and roll off the ledge. Run to the other side of the room and
kick down the door, leaving the guards on top alone. Take out your K3G4 and
proceed inside. Go to the end of the room and look at the keycard panel.
Two guards will rush up in front of you. Kill them both and access the
panel. The grate will open, so run through. When you enter the room, there
will be a guard 45 degrees to the right, so kill him, and then two guards
will sneak up from back at the grate. Kill them both. If you do not
conserve your ammo well you will probably be out of K3G4 by now, so find
another weapon then the one I am mentioning. Next, behind the small fish
tank opposite from the grate should be a guard. Kill him with the K3G4 and
climb up into the tank. Go to the other side and grab his ammo. Switch to
the sniper rifle and proceed down the hallway for a checkpoint.

You will hear Aramov’s and Phagan’s voices. Strafe right after entering the
big room. Aim and shoot Aramov’s gun for the final checkpoint.

Climb up the tail of the dinosaur and go forward to the pole.
Turn left 90 degrees and kill both flak-jacketed guards. Shimmy across the
pole and go right through the glass. Walk forward up to Mara Aramov to end
the mission.

Mission 3

Level 8: Rhoemer’s Base

Some people say that this is a stealth level, and actually try to make it
all the way through without getting seen, but that is basically impossible,
so listen to me. I am a complete expert because I love this level to death.
But make sure to note that the guards on this level are infinite once the
alarm goes off, so don’t waste too much ammo. Turn left. Leave the guard
close to you alone. A second guard will come up on the other side of the
truck. Headshot him. The other guard will come up and kneel beside him.
Headshot that guy. Now move over to the lockers and grab the gas grenades.
Switch to manual aim and headshot the guy on the bridge through the glass.
Then shoot out the searchlight, because we don’t want to be seen until the
first checkpoint. Now, make sure to grab the two HK-5’s from the guys you
killed. Proceed forward under the bridge. Look 45 degrees to see a fuel
tank. A guy should walk next to it. Headshot him, then run over to it.
Plant the charge for the first checkpoint.

Turn left and run forward. Turn the corner to the right. It is actually
good to be seen here, believe it or not. Let the guard see you so the alarm
goes off, then kill him and run forward. The gate on your right is locked
for now. Turn the corner and run down the long corridor to the left. At
the end, you will see a gate to the right and a padlock. Note it. Run
forward to the fuel tank and plant the charge for a checkpoint.

Return to the gate, and shoot the padlock off QUICKLY before the three
guards get you. Run in and follow the row of machines to the switch on the
wall. Access it for a checkpoint.

Run back to the gate, and shoot the three guards with your PK-102. Run back
down the long path, and run all the way back to the place near the first
fuel tank. You should see a path you haven’t taken yet. It’s a ramp up.
Take it, and follow it all the way across the bridge to the other side. At
the end you should see two boxes to know you are going the right direction.
Leave them alone. Go around the ramp, and you will see a fork to the left
and right. Go left and forward. At the end you will see a truck. Stay on
the left wall, and you will see a fuel tank. Plant the charge on it for the
fourth checkpoint.

Go the way you had been going, and run forward down the path. At the end
you should see another path 45 degrees to your left. Note it, then turn
right. Follow that path to find another fuel tank and you know what do that
will give you another checkpoint.

Return to the next entrance you noted and stay on the left wall. Guards
will jump over the wall in front of you. Fire that PK-102, and wipe the
area clean. Grab their ammo. Run forward and rig the final fuel tank.
Checkpoint time.

Turn right, and run around the corner to the left. Kill the two guards and
MAKE SURE TO GRAB THEIR SHOTGUN AMMO. But keep the PK-102 out for now. Run
down the path and turn left to see Vladimir Gabrek, Chief of Security.
Headshot him as guards jump over the wall. Throw a gas grenade at them, and
shotgun the rest of them. Keep your shotgun out, and go over to Gabrek and
grab his keycard for the final checkpoint.

Go over to the keycard panel and access it. The formerly locked gate will
open. Run through it and turn left. Run forward and you will be back in
the area of the 1st checkpoint and fuel tank. Shoot both guards. Now, turn
right and run down the path to see a locked gate. Look around to the right
for a keycard panel. Access it to open the gate. Run through the gate.
Keep that shotgun out. Take the path on the left and shoot all four guards
QUICKLY. Run down the ramp into the bunker. Switch to gas grenades. Turn
the corner to the right and throw one forward. That will keep any guards at
bail for at least ten seconds. Now, run forward, run up the ramp on the
left, and go in to end the level.

Level 9: Base Bunker

Note: This is a relatively short level, but there is only one checkpoint.
So you have a ways to go to reach it. After the cutscene, run forward and
grab the flak jacket from the box. Switch to the PK-102. Turn the corner
to the left. Target lock and blast the two guards. Turn around and you
should see a switch on the wall behind the two lasers. Blast it to shut
them off. Run forward, bypassing the green switch. Turn the corner and you
will see two sets of lasers and a switch. Blast the switch to shut off the
second set of lasers. Return to the green switch. Activate it and the door
will open. Inside is a guard. You will know what to do. Run over to the
computer on the left and access it for the first firing code and a comm. Go
to the other missile and access the computer for firing code 2. Access the
second green switch to open the second door. Shoot the guard. Leave the
room and turn to the right and go forward. You are now on the second set of
lasers you blasted the switch too. Take out the combat shotgun and go into
the middle. You will see two paths to your right and one to the left. Walk
towards the fork and two guards will come out. Kill them and take the path
closest to where you came from. Run down it and a guard will spring up from
each direction. Kill them and run forward to the fork. Turn right and kill
the guy, then blast the switch to shut off the lasers. Turn the corner and
take the straight path. Shoot the guy and the switch. Go past the dead
lasers and shoot the guy. Access the green switch to open the door, and
blow both guards out of their feet sockets with your shotgun. Access the
computer and the four missiles will come up, one at a time. Access them all
for firing codes 3, 4, 5, and 6. Nope, you haven’t gotten the checkpoint
yet. Leave the room and turn left. Instead of shooting the switch, access
it to shut off the lasers. Go down the path and access the next switch.
Turn the corner right and go to the end of the hall. You should recognize
your position. You are where there were three paths. Left is back to the
start, and there are two paths to the right. Take the path on the left (the
other path) and shoot the switch. Keep going that way until you find
another green switch. First, keep walking forward and you will see another
part where shooting the visible switch shuts off the other set of lasers.
Shoot the red switch, and return to the green switch. Access it, and walk
into the room. A guard will come up behind you. Turn and kill him, and
make sure you have at least 10 shells left. Next, access the four missiles
to retrieve firing codes 7, 8, 9, and 10, and you will get the only

Access the final green switch, so the door will open. Kill both guards, and
turn the corner to the left. Go past the dead lasers and switch to a
useless weapon, say the 9mm. Go down the ramp to the final set of lasers.
Shoot the switch. Run forward down the ramp, and turn the corner right to
the elevator. Access the switch on the right to open the locked gates, then
ride the lift up to end the level.

Level 10: Base Tower

After the cutscene, switch to the PK-102. Check your ammo level. If you
have at least 30/60, you’re fine for now. If not, grab one of the two ammo
boxes and replenish it. Next, armor level. If you have anything less than
a quarter left on the Armor level, grab one of the two boxes to replenish
it. Why the preparation? Well, duh. When you are ready, remember that you
can grab the ammo boxes or flak jackets if you need them. The PK-102 is all
you will need. Go up the ramp to the radar control. Access the switch to
shut it down. Immediately afterwards, Lian will be killed. There are three
phases to this battle. When you shoot it a little bit, smoke will come out.
When you shoot it more, flames will come out. You know what happens after
Go and run to the bottom of the ramp, and as soon as you see the helicopter,
target it and run towards it, firing. In this battle, you will know if you
are hitting the chopper if you see sparks flying from it. Now, continue to
target and fire until it disappears off lock. Next it will come up from one
of the ends slowly. IMMEDIATELY run to the other side behind cover, then
target it and peekaboo it. It won’t hit you there, and the faster you do
this two-step process, the less guards it will drop. After a few seconds of
pounding, the boss will fly off. Kill the guards. If you shot the chopper
while it was dropping guys, it will come around for another pass. Run
towards it and target lock while firing. It should be in flames by now. It
will disappear and come back. Run under cover and peekaboo it, and kill the
guards. It should disappear again, but when it comes back, it won’t go into
its drop guys phase. Run towards it, target lock, and blast away to blow it
up and end the level.

Level 11: Base Escape

Note: Only stop running in this level at the final guard. Very important.
You got that?
Second Note: This level has no checkpoints.
Switch to your combat shotgun, then follow the guard. Shoot him, then exit
the path. Shoot the next guy and run past the debris. Fire at the guy on
the top off the roof, and run past where you shot Gabrek. Run down the long
corridor and turn right to the fifth fuel tank. Shoot the guy from the
roof, then keep running. A guard will come out from the left side. Kill
him and grab his shotgun ammunition. Keep running. Pass the fourth fuel
tank and run towards the truck. Two guards will show up behind you. Let
them go, and pass the truck. Keep running. Run down the second dipping
path, and turn right away from the two guards when you reach the end. Go
towards the two ammo boxes you saw in level 8. Pass them up and run up the
ramp. Shoot the guy. Keep going and cross the bridge. At the end, go down
the ramp. You are now on the other side of the debris. Go right and pass
the first fuel tank. Turn right and run towards the right. Go under the
bridge, then switch to your PK-102. As soon as you see the guy, stop.
Headshot him because he has a flak jacket, then run out the way you came in
level 8 to end the mission.

Mission 4

Level 12: Rhoemer’s Stronghold

After the cutscene, do a 180. Run forward and you should see a ramp on the
left. Take it. Take out your taser, and follow the ramp until you see a
guard. He should be right in front of the right window. Fry him. Take
back out your 9mm, and proceed to the bottom of the ramp. Jump off to the
right, and blast the guard. Go over and climb up the wall to the broken
window. Jump in. Grab the fallen guy’s ammunition, then start down the
hallway. Headshot the scientist. Run up the ramp to the right to receive a
comm, which, by the way, is now from Markinson. Give both test subjects the
injection, then leave the room. Pass the dead scientist and continue down
the hallway. You will see a green switch, a locked door, and a guard.
Shoot the guard. Now note the switch and door. Several times in the next
two levels, you will have to retrieve a keycard from a dead scientist, then
go to the switch and access it to open the door. Anyway, pass the two
objects and go forward. You will see a ramp up. Bypass it and turn the
corner right. The scientist will see you. Headshot the guard and run after
the lab dude, who will have run up a ramp. Note the hallway to the right.
Follow the lab dude up the ramp and headshot him. Run through the glass and
give the test subject his injection. Grab the box of gas grenades. Return
to the corridor and go down the hallway you noted. Shoot the guard. You
should be still using your 9mm right now. Eventually, about three quarters
through the hallway, you will find a turn to the left that leads to a ramp
and another lab. Go up it and shoot the guy. Break through the glass and
give the injection to the subject. Return to the hallway and keep going
down the intended direction. At the end you will find another laboratory.
Go in and headshot one of the scientists. Run up to them and headshot them
after they surrender. Grab the flak jacket and the box of PK-102 ammo at
the back of the room. One of the dead lab dudes has a keycard. Grab it for
the first checkpoint.

Leave the room and switch to the PK-102. Run back down the hallway. You
will see three guards. Kill the first two and the third will run away.
Chase him and execute him. Grab the littered flak jackets if necessary.
Return back to the green switch. Access it to unseal the door. Kick open
the door and climb the boxes to the top. Gunfire from the other side will
shatter the glass. Roll forward off to the ground under cover. Climb up
into danger and shoot the guy.
Jump off and turn left. You will see a guy in front of you and a guy on the
second window. Target lock and shoot them both. Jump up to the second
window and chase the sixth scientist. Run into him and he will stop and
surrender. Execute him and return outside. Follow the corridor until you
see the final guard 50 feet away on the windows. Manually aim and make his
chest red. Next, look for the fourth window. Go inside and grab the K3G4
from the box. Keep the PK-102 out for now. Next, return to the third
window. Shoot it and roll off the ledge inside. Go to the other side of
the room and turn the corner right. Headshot the seventh scientist and the
guard. Go to the end of the hallway and turn left. You should see a ramp
to the right. Take it, then give the injection to the test subject. Two
oddly efficient guards will come up the ramp behind you into the room.
Target lock and QUICKLY kill them both. Leave the room into the hallway.
Proceed right until you reach the left wall. Peekaboo out and shoot the
eighth scientist and two guards. Go over to the dead scientist and note the
locked door. Grab the keycard for the second checkpoint.

Take out the K3G4 and return to the green switch. Activate it and the door
will unlock. Go up to it and kick it open. Go in and strafe left to the
bookcase. You are in the library. Run forward and shoot the flak-jacketed
guy. Aim upwards and fire, killing the sniper. Reach the end of the
bookcase and turn right. Kill any near guards. Then look for the little
box. Climb onto it and climb up the next level. Follow the corridor to the
end. Turn right and shoot the guy. Keep going forward and turn right, then
shoot the second guy. At the end of this path you will find another tiny
box. Climb up onto it and then the bookcase. Take out the PK-102 and aim
upwards, and then shoot the window out. Climb up to the frame and blast the
guard in the chest. Walk to his position and look for the sound of breaking
glass. Manually aim and kill the guy behind out. Proceed to the end of the
path and go through the window. Aim down to the left. Kill the guard, and
then jump down to the floor, not the boxes. Turn left. Shoot the lab jars
instead of the guard and they will act like a gas grenade. Do a 180. Go
over and grab the shotgun ammunition from the box. Proceed to the next
room, and turn right. Give the test subject his injection to complete that
objective and get the third checkpoint.

Go on the left side of the room and go down the ramp. Fire that PK-102 at
the guard. Go forward down the next ramp, and you will see a lab dude run
past to the right. Go to the left and headshot the guard. Roll behind the
boxes for cover and grab the flak jacket if you need it. Peekaboo the ninth
scientist, then go over to him and grab his keycard for checkpoint number

Climb up over the boxes and manually aim downwards, and QUICKLY. Headshot
the guy before he kills you, and jump off to the other side. Turn left and
walk to the edge of the boxes. Take out your 45 automatic. Do a 180 as a
pair of guards come up behind you. Shoot them without bothering to target
lock. Switch to gas grenades. Climb up the boxes and throw one over to the
other side. Wait for the gas to clear and take out your K3G4 if you have
any spare ammo.
(Non first timers, you should have at least 50 bullets left.)
Jump over the next set of boxes. Turn the corner left and kill the tenth
and final scientist for the fifth and final checkpoint.

Go over and grab the flak jacket if you need it, then go into the dark area
and climb up the first tiny box. Shoot the above guy. Climb up to the
second stack and a guard will come up behind you. Shoot him, then climb up
to the next stack in the dark. Turn right and climb up to the final stack.
Push triangle and you will grab a complete refill of K3G4 ammunition.
Return to the bottom and go back down the ramp. Make sure that flak-jacket
penetrating gun is out, then head up the next ramp and go to the top, then
run back down and shoot the two guards. Run back up and turn left. Run all
the way to the other ramp as two more guards run up it. Target lock and
fire, then proceed to the bottom. Follow the path until you reach a green
switch. Access it and the door will unlock. Kick open the door and shoot
the guard. Go out the window and run and climb to the ramp that looks
identical to the one at the start of the level. And no, you’re not back at
the beginning. Follow the ramp downwards to the window. Target lock before
you break it, and fire and kill the guard while breaking the glass. Jump
off the ledge and turn right. Shoot the flak-jacketed guard. Switch to
your 45 and run around the left side of the elevator and get on to end the

Level 13: Stronghold Lower Level

After the cutscene, proceed down to the bottom of the ramp. Turn left and
look between the crate and the pillar. One forty-five caliber bullet is all
you need. Turn left again and go down the hallway to the next room. Shoot
the guard behind the window and give the test subject his injection.
Returning to the first room, head the other way, to the right from the
direction you were first going in, and down the ramp. Head forward, noting
the ramp on the right, to the end and you will see a guard. Headshot him
and immediately place yourself between the last pillar and in line-of-sight
of the ramp, so the guard on the other side can’t snipe at you. A scientist
will come running down the ramp. Block his path and he will kneel at your
feet. Kill him, then do a 180 and target lock the guard that you can’t see
from here. Three shots should do the trick. Head down the ramp you noted
earlier, down to the bottom. Bypass the entrance on your right, but instead
go past the crates into the large tunnel. You’ll come to a fork, straight
and left. Head straight, to the top of the ramp. A scientist will try and
escape, so block and shoot him. Proceed forward into the next room, then
climb up the crates on your left to the top and head into the hidden room.
Jump down, and give the test subject his injection. Go left into the next
room. If you already used your gas grenades (not if you followed this
walkthrough, of course) pick up the set from the partially hidden box. YOU
MUST HAVE THEM FOR NEXT LEVEL. Now climb up onto the crates and switch to
your K3G4 assault rifle. Run forward into the third room, descend to meet
two flak-jacketed guards. Use the K3G4 on them. Head right into the room
and K3G4 the scientist, then reload, switch to your PK-102, and go back to
the bottom of the crates, then keep going, past the crates and down the
ramp. Give the test subject his injection, then head to the left down the
corridor and you should recognize your surroundings. Head to the right,
back to the bottom of the ramp you noted earlier. Head inside the tunnel
and turn to the left. A guard will run away from you, so headshot him with
the PK-102. Run to the end of the long corridor. Turn left out into the
open, then immediately aim upwards and to the left and headshot the
flak-jacketed guard. He’ll fall off the deck, and you can grab his
ammunition. Head towards his direction, basically ending up on the exact
diagonal opposite of where you started in this room. Climb over the crates,
turn right down the corridor. Markinson will contact you, so listen to him,
then give the final test subject his injection for your first checkpoint.

Run forward to the end of the corridor, then aim upwards and to the left to
see a guard. Fire into his head and another will show up. Target lock him
and blast away. When he is gone, reload and turn right, heading towards the
next turn. When you reach the right turn, a flak-jacketed guard will pop up
from the roof in front of you. Quickly aim upwards and headshot him, then
reload and take the right turn. Target lock and shoot the guard way in
front of you near the top of the large stack of crates while running
forward. Climb up the stack of crates to the top, turn right, and climb up
onto the ledge. Head to the right, to the end of the ledge. A guard will
pop up on the ledge in front of you, so PK-102 him. Do a 180 and another
guy will appear on the far ledge with the big window out of nowhere.
Quickly target lock, move in, and fire while strafing so this unusually good
shot won’t nail you. Reload and head right into the corridor, then take out
your 45. automatic and climb over to the crates to the end. Turn left,
headshot the guard, then move in, turn left again, and go past the pillar
and you might see a guard, but don’t worry about him. Over the railing
you’ll see a beam leading to the other side. Climb over the railing onto it
and run across, but DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES TARGET LOCK. The camera
will change with you still running forward and you’ll likely fall. When you
reach the end, climb over the railing and head up the ramp to your left,
switching to the K3G4. Kill the scientist, switch to your 45, then grab his
keycard for a checkpoint.

Return to the railing and get back onto the beam. Most likely there will be
a guard between the wall to your right and the pillar. If you get lucky and
your weapon autoaims onto him, blast him. If not, just head across and turn
left, then go back down the corridor, over the crates, and into the room
with no roof. Turn right at the end of this section of wall on your right,
and go up onto the ledge. Grab the flak jacket from the box if you need it,
then shoot out the window, go through, and position yourself to the left of
the doorway with no door. Peekaboo the scientist in the next room, reload,
then grab his keycard for another checkpoint.

Use the keycard to access the door, then kick it open. Go to the edge of
the right-side door, then peekaboo the two guards, but don’t bother grabbing
their ammo yet. Instead, head left, down to the end of the hallway, and go
right into the teensy narrow corridor, where a scientist will try to get
past you. Block him and execute him. Head up the ramp, into the lab, then
go to the end and headshot the scientist, who will pull put a useless
weapon. Grab the PK-102 ammo, then grab the scientist’s keycard for the
fourth checkpoint.

Run back the way you came, emptying a few shots into the attacking guard,
then go back down the miniature ramp and back to the double doors. Target
lock and shoot the couple of guards on your way, then grab the ammunition of
the two guards you shot earlier and switch to your PK-102. Head down the
ramp, to the end of the corridor, and left to the locked door. Use the
keycard on the door, then head over to kick the door open. Someone will try
to snipe at you from behind. Don’t worry, just kick the door open and keep
yourself safely behind cover of the right-side door (at least for the first
few steps.) IMMEDIATELY switch to manual aim, because an armed scientist
and flak-jacketed guard will come running. Quickly headshot them, proceed
down to the end, then turn left and nail the guard off the ledge. Keep
going forward, finding the little corridor and going into the next room.
Sometimes there is a guard here and sometimes there isn’t. If so, PK-102
him in the back, then proceed around the corner to the apparent dead end (or
at least for first glance.) Logan will send a comm to Markinson telling him
that he is above the entrance to the catacombs, but can’t find a way down.
Afterwards, climb onto the beam, being extremely careful. Grab the flak
jacket if you need it, then make sure your PK-102 is out and loaded, and
finally head towards the huge window.
After a brief cutscene, turn left and blast the guard in front of you. Roll
off the ledge to the ground, turn the corner going to the right, then target
lock and nail the next guard. Follow the wall all the way to the end, then
grab the box of K3G4 ammo and immediately equip that weapon. Turn around
and turn the corner, and a guard will run up to you. Take him. Reload,
then search around the area where you rolled off the ledge and you’ll find a
corridor to go down. Head to the end. From now on to the catacombs’s
entrance, don’t stop. Turn the corners and blast any guards on your way.
Go to the end into the next corridor, and proceed all the way until you
enter a yellow corridor. Don’t stop, but make sure you have ammunition in
your K3G4. Turn the corner to the left and blast the final scientist for
the final checkpoint.

Run forward to the end of the yellow corridors, killing those two guards on
your way, then keep going into more familiar-looking territory (by that I
mean the walls.) Head down the wide tunnel, blasting the guard, then evade
any other guards around the pillars to the end of the room. In the next
room, actually make sure you kill all the guards. K3G4 all of them, then
switch to your Silenced 9mm Pistol. Head down the ramp to end the level.

(Levels 14-20 are in progress, but full priority is being put on the Syphon
Filter 3 FAQ, so I most likely won’t continue this for a while.)

If you illegally steal anything from this guide, oh **** you’ll be sorry!

Copyright 2001.
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14.Oktober 2013

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Letzter Level.

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