Shivers 2

Shivers 2

11.10.2013 18:46:07
Shivers 2 walkthrough, final version,
by Jeff Allred,
This document copyright 2001, Jeff Allred

Welcome to Cyclone... Steeped in ancient Native American mysticism, the
isolated Arizona town was to be the backdrop for aspiring rock band Trip
Cyclone's first batch music of videos, but something went extremely awry
when the band members and townspeople began disappearing inexplicably.
Use your puzzle-solving skills and piece together clues scattered about
the town to unearth Cyclone's dark secrets.

Intro, Cyclone Motel: Click on Charles Spencer to speak with him.
After hassling you about your arrival, he'll show you a mysterious note
that's been left for you. Read the note then click on it again to exit
the close-up. Charles now reluctantly offers you a room, so give him
your $40 then take your change from the counter. You'll now
automatically retire to your room where you'll fall asleep and see the
dream sequence. Pay attention here, a major plot point is revealed.
You may want to turn the captions on from the configuration menu in
order to understand the less-intelligible dialogue.

Room 5, Cyclone Motel: Go to the phone, lift the receiver and press the
green button. Follow the instructions to hear the two messages left by
Wendy. If you call the number she gives you you'll find that it's been
disconnected. If you want, turn on the bedside radio and listen to the
pre-set channels to learn more about the area. Go to your trunk and
unlock it with the key from your inventory. Glance through the Trip
Cyclone material you find inside. Take the videocassette from the trunk
and play it in the room's VCR. The "Trip Cyclone" video reveals the
code numbers for each band member's name. Time now to investigate the
rest of the motel.

Room 6, Cyclone Motel: It seems that Stewart Warensky, Trip Cyclone's
cameraman, occupied this room. Grab the crowbar from the floor near the
wastebasket. Search the rest of the room then head back to the motel

Motel Office: Go behind the desk and look at the messaging unit. Press
the white buttons to listen to Charles' messages. Read the insurance
agent's letter from the letter holder. Search the drawers below the
counter. Of particular interest is Charles' arrowhead key, which you'll
want to take with you. Pick up the mound of chewed gum from the ashtray
sitting on the desk. Turn to face the mail cubbies. In room 6's box is
a letter for Stewart from Pearl Larson. Now go to the TV. In order to
view it safely, you need to cover the red light in the corner of the
screen with a piece of chewed gum. Watch all eight music videos, many
of them contain important clues. If you can't get all of them to play
now, try again later. Remember, the videos can be viewed from any TV in
town as long as the red light is covered. Also, once you've seen a
particular video, you can use the flashback menu to watch it again. Now
ring the desk bell to open the jack-in-the-box kachina. You'll get a
message from Darkcloud in which he explains a bit about the Bahos.

-The Bahos: Darkcloud has hidden these ceremonial prayer sticks in
assorted locations about the town. In order to rescue your friends, you
must return all twelve Bahos separately to an altar room at Devil's
Mouth Canyon. When you find a Bahos, pay attention to the symbol found
with it, usually somewhere on or near the accompanying kachina doll.
Once you pick up a Bahos, act quickly because your life essence will be
drained while you carry it.

Before taking the first Bahos, make a trip to Devil's Mouth Canyon to
activate it on the map. This will allow you to jump there quickly,
reducing carrying time and conserving life essence.

Devil's Mouth Canyon: On your way to the canyon, Norah Wharton will
appear and urge you to go back for the Bahos. Ignore her for now. When
you arrive at the canyon, enter the first, blue-gray cave area. You may
want to explore the rest of the caves to learn the layout, just be sure
to save your game first. Check the map to make sure Devil's Mouth has
been highlighted then jump back to the motel. Around this point, you'll
probably start receiving creepy phone calls from Darkcloud. You can
either answer them yourself or, if you like, let him leave a message.
Take note of the 'ceremony' symbol on the jack-in-the box kachina. Pick
up the Bahos and return to the canyon. Inside, you'll need to locate
the matching petroglyph for your Bahos. Now is an excellent time to
save your game because the petroglyphs will attack once you enter the
inner caves. What I suggest is restoring your game after you find the
correct petroglyph then going directly to its location to prevent any
unnecessary life essence loss. When you find the 'ceremony' petroglyph,
click on it.

-Petroglyph Puzzles: You'll now have to solve a puzzle in order to
awaken the Bahos. The goal is to fit all the shapes inside the sacred
symbol. Click the shapes to rotate them then click and drag to place
them. Take your time; the life-draining effect of the Bahos will be
suspended while you work on the puzzle. If you become stumped, here are
just a few of the possible solutions:

When you've solved the puzzle, hurry to the stairs at the back of the
caves. On the second floor, turn left and approach the stone structure.
Slide open the brown slab then spin the levitating skull to open the
door to the Kiva room. Enter the circular Kiva and make your way left,
to the altar. Place the Bahos in its corresponding 'ceremony' altar
slot. Accidentally putting the Bahos in another slot means losing it
and having to go fetch it again. You'll notice that when you complete
the task, a portion of your life essence will be restored. If you ever
find yourself dangerously low on life essence, search the petroglyph
caves for spiral symbols. Clicking these symbols will restore a small
amount of life, but each one can only be used once. As you leave the
cave, Norah will pay you another visit and warn that you must eventually
unmask Darkcloud's identity. For the next Bahos, go to the barbershop.

Barbershop: The "Candy Cane Dragon" video gives mention of the barber
pole so check the base to find an encoded message, which you'll be able
to decipher later. Before you can enter the shop, you'll need to solve
a door puzzle.

-Door Puzzles: Fortunately, there are only two of these in the game.
The aim here is to align the tiles to form the symbol shown in the
corners of the puzzle. Click the gears to move the tiles back and
forth. The position of the tiles will differ each time you begin the
puzzle, so if you get stuck, exit and try again. As a last resort to
this or any other puzzle in the game, there's a cheat option available
in the configuration menu, but you'll sacrifice points for using it.

Inside the shop, listen to Ivan Spencer's messages. Examine the pieces
of evidence scattered around the shop. Check the TV for the 9th music
video, "Know Your Enemy," which should now be in rotation among the
others. Turn the chair around to discover another kachina doll and to
hear a clue about the next puzzle. Go to the sink and turn the left
handle. Wait until Gogyeng descends into the sink then click the sink
basin to begin the spider puzzle.

-Spider Puzzle: The objective of this puzzle is to guide Gogyeng to her
nest. Treading over spaces highlighted with color will cause the board
to change. As Darkcloud's message points out, Gogyeng is afraid of
water, so if you come to a dead end you'll have to start over. Walking
over the four corner switches will remove their corresponding barriers.
Aim for hitting the switches in this order: green, red, blue, yellow.
If you get stuck, click on the arrow to restart.

Take the 'spider' Bahos to Devil's Mouth Canyon and solve the
corresponding petroglyph puzzle. After placing the Bahos in the Kiva,
go to the library.

Cyclone Library & Museum: Start here by examining everything on the
upper level. The book "Symbols and Masks" can be found in the left-most
bookcase. Now go downstairs do the lower level. In between the stacks,
you'll see a light-colored book sitting on the right. When you try to
take the book, one of the shelves will topple and Norah will appear.
Pick up "The Ianyi Stone" from the floor where Norah drops it. Read
through the book to learn more about Ianyi. Next, go to the conference
room door. Insert Charles' arrowhead key in its slot. As you can see,
you'll need the three other keys plus a door combination before you can
access the room. If you go to the shadowy space to the right of the
door, you'll find a peephole looking into the conference room. Leave
the library now and head for the cafe.

Cyclone Cafe: As you enter, turn to the framed photos on the left wall.
Look closely at the photo of Norah and Pearl. Turn the photo around and
lift up the loose corner to find a clue left by Olivia, which will come
in handy later. Next, go to the menus sitting on the counter. Open the
right-most menu and grab the disk from inside. Also, take the rose from
the vase. In the kitchen, take the flamingo key hanging next to the
doorway. Get the slip of paper from the kachina doll sitting atop the
grill. In the back room, listen to Pearl's messages on the messaging
unit. Glance through the ledger. On the second page is an important
note from Burt Thompson. Open the right-hand desk drawer and examine
Stewart's photos. Leave the cafe and cross the road to Pearl's house.

Pearl's House: Use the flamingo key to unlock the door. In the
kitchen, find Wendy's notebook in the oven. The notebook contains,
among other notable information, the key to deciphering the barber pole
note. To translate the number-encoded sections of the notebook, use
this key: 5-A, 6-B, 7-C, 8-D, 9-E, 10-F, 11-G, 12-H, 13-I, 14-J, 15-K,
16-L, 17-M, 18-N, 19-O, 20-P, 21-Q, 22-R, 23-S, 24-T, 25-U, 26-V, 1-W,
2-X, 3-Y, 4-Z. Search the bedroom then go downstairs to the basement.
Open Dave's suitcase and take the cassette player. The bat kachina
hanging in the corner contains the next puzzle.

-Bat Puzzle: The object is to munch every beetle on the board, ending
with the green one. If you run into trouble, here's the solution.
First, number the beetles from left to right beginning at the top. Now
eat the beetles in this order: 15, 19, 22, 16, 12, 11, 8, 7, 4, 2, 1,
5, 3, 6, 9, 17, 20, 24, 23, 21, 13, 18, 10, 14.

Take the 'bird' Bahos to the Kiva. As you leave Devil's Mouth Canyon,
Norah appears with another warning that you must soon choose your enemy.
Next, make your way to the sheriff's department.

Cyclone Sheriff's Department: Read the missing person reports in the
basket on the desk. Notice the evidence photo of the spilled dye
footprints at the barbershop. Listen to Sheriff Andrew Washington's
messages. Examine the material posted on the bulletin board. At the
filing cabinet, open the G-M drawer and read the accident report. The
radio next to the cabinet has obviously been sabotaged, but feel free to
try it anyway. Go through the swinging doors to the back room. There,
click the right-hand horn on the steer skull and grab the key you find.
In the main office, look at the jail door for a number. Now go to the
desk and use the key from the steer skull to unlock the top right-hand
drawer. Read through Andrew's notebook then flip to the page number you
saw on the jail door. Use the combination at the bottom of the page to
open the jail cell. As you'll find, there's not a whole lot to see in
there just yet. Return to the back room and click on the big kachina
doll seated at the cards table to begin the next puzzle.

-Cards Puzzle: Press the green button to begin. Now place the nine
cards on the table. The cards will be turned over and shifted, and
you'll be asked to name the correct position of each card. If your
memory isn't up to this puzzle, try writing down the card placements and
making notes to indicate where switches are made.

By solving the cards puzzle, you'll be rewarded with the 'star' Bahos.
Return it to the Kiva then go to the cemetery.

Cyclone Cemetery: First, make your way to the angel monument. If you
watched the "Alone Inside" video, you should already know what to do
here. Place the rose at the angel's feet then press its toes in order
from left to right to open a hidden compartment. Remove the CD case
from the compartment. Take the rod from inside then click on the CD
insert to examine the diagram more closely. Now go to Norah's mausoleum
at the back of the cemetery, where another puzzle awaits.

-Mausoleum Puzzle: You need to arrange the tiles to form a specific
design. Once you've selected a tile, click it again to rotate it.
Select two tiles to switch their positions. You can deselect a tile by
clicking on the background. The note from the framed photo at the cafe
reveals the completed design.

When you finish the puzzle, a door will open at the foot of the
mausoleum. Enter the secret tomb and read the epitaph. When you've
finished at the cemetery, head for the warehouse.

Cyclone Storage Facility: A combination lock prevents you from entering
the warehouse. Place the missing rod in its slot then enter the
combination from the CD case insert. Inside the warehouse, find a
cassette hidden in Lyle's cymbals. Insert the cassette in your portable
player to free up inventory space. Look for Olivia's notebook under a
table in the recording area. Clicking on the barrels stacked at the far
end of the warehouse will result in your losing life essence. In the
driver's seat of Trip Cyclone's van sits another kachina doll. The
puzzle belonging to this kachina can be found in one of the crates
sitting near the van.

-Crate Puzzle: Move the colored marbles to their corresponding spaces
in 38 moves. The starred spaces are free and don't count as a move.
This is a tough one, so don't feel guilty if you need to cheat. Here's
the solution. Number the spaces from left to right, starting with the
top row. Now follow this list of moves: 18-4, 26-28, 24-22, 32-46, 20-
17, 40-19, 34-20, 38-40, 17-38, 30-33, 10-31, 12-10, 19-17, 13-11, 6-13,
4-7, 2-6, 33-12, 41-27, 27-26, 42-41, 28-49, 14-42, 7-14, 31-34, 37-30,
30-32, 44-37, 46-43, 48-44, 49-48, 11-18, 16-30, 9-23, 23-24, 8-9, 22-1,
1-2, 36-8, 17-16, 43-36.

After returning the 'raincloud' Bahos to the Kiva, go to the gas

Gusty's Gas Station: First, go behind the counter and listen to Richard
Talbot's messages. Read the note above the chessboard table in the
waiting area to learn about the next puzzle.

-Chess Puzzle: First, find the four chess pieces at the following
locations: the toucan in Pearl's bedroom, the top dresser drawer in
room 6 at the motel, the jail cell at the sheriff's department, and the
O-P card catalog drawer at the library. Back at the gas station, open
the top drawer of the table to find the chessboard. Look at bottom of
each chess piece for its placement number. Using the diagram in
Olivia's notebook as a guide, place the four pieces in their designated

Take the screwdriver from the chess table and use it on the jammed
drawer behind the counter. Take the gas can from the drawer. Exit to
the garage area now. Here, you'll need to use the hydraulic lift to
raise Richard's car. The amount of pressure required can be found in
the "Know Your Enemy" video. Flip the switch under the gauge then turn
the red wheel to the right until the pressure reaches 240. Now turn the
wheel left to lower the pressure to 200. Finally, turn the wheel right
again to get 230. Next, go to the metal knob on the opposite side of
the room and move it to the right. You'll find Dave's notebook taped to
the car's underside. Make sure you take the donation box key from the
notebook. Outside the station, fill the gas can at the pump. Next,
find your way to the mine entrance.

Mine Entrance: Before you can enter the mine, you'll need to power up
the generator. Use the filled gas can on the gas receptacle then pull
the generator switch. The Bahos inside the elevator is actually your
reward for solving the chess puzzle at the gas station (its symbol is
'twin war gods'). Return the Bahos to the Kiva then jump back to the
mine and take the elevator down. As you exit the elevator, turn left
and take the east passage. Continue on down the south passage. Take a
right at the burial ground then go through the nearest west passage.
Continue through another west passage then turn around and you'll see a
ladder leading up to a transport. Remember this location for later.
Meanwhile, go to the north passage at the far end of the shaft and grab
the torch lying against the wall. Exit the mine and go across the way
to Burt's trailer.

Burt's Trailer: In his note to Pearl, Burt says to find a deposit box
key underneath his trailer. Use the crowbar on the corrugated metal to
the right of the stairs. Take the key from the box stashed under the
trailer. Inside the trailer, examine everything in the front room but
don't open the armoire just yet. In the kitchenette, open the cupboard
next to the fridge and take the fake Ianyi half. In the cupboard left
of the window, open the recipe box and take the codebook grid. Have a
look around in Burt's studio now. Turn over the painting of Norah to
find the matchbook. As you replace the painting, Norah appears and
offers more information. Now for that armoire in the front room. Use
the matchbook to light the torch then use the torch on the armoire to
safely remove the bees from it. Inside, you'll find another puzzle.

-Cubes Puzzle: Roll the cubes so that the warrior symbol is facing up
on each one. The catch is, the center space must be empty when you
finish. Here's the solution. First, number the spaces from left to
right starting with the top row. Now click the spaces in this order:
2, 3, 6, 9, 8, 5, 2, 1, 4, 7, 8, 5.

The 'shield' Bahos is now yours to place in the Kiva. Next, return to
the cafe for some unfinished business. There, use your last match to
light the candle. Now use the blank slip of paper on the lit candle to
reveal a phone number. Call the number and you'll receive the location
of another Bahos (it's in the dresser in room five at the motel).
Return the 'breath' Bahos to the Kiva.

-Choose Your Enemy: As you leave Devil's Mouth Canyon, Norah asks you
to name Darkcloud's true identity. The symbols, found at various
locations throughout the town, each represent a suspect:

Bearclaw = Tad Matthews
Book = Max Wharton
Cross = George Bellairs
Eye = Burt Thompson
Snake = Phil Dunlop
Star = Andrew Washington
Arrowhead = Charles Spencer

As you may or may not have deduced, the answer is Norah's widower, Max
Wharton. The motive: revenge. You should now have four remaining
Bahos to return to the Kiva. Make your next destination the market.

Phil's Market: The windowsill found here is the one referred to in the
"Get a Grip" video. Lift up the loose tile near the tomato sauce cans
to find the sunflower coin. Pick up the quarter lying in front of the
soda machine and add it to your change. Put the sunflower coin in the
soda machine then press the Desert Soda button. Take the decoder that
rolls out. Behind the counter, listen to Phil Dunlop's messages. Click
the rattlesnake a few times to agitate it. Take a minute to search the
rest of the market. When you're ready for another puzzle, open the
left-hand side of the refrigerator.

-Egg Puzzle: Click the kachina doll's mouth to begin. The goal is to
guide the egg to the blank cup at the opposite corner of the tray. The
numbers on the tray indicate the amount of spaces the egg can be moved
from each cup. Here's the solution: down, right, right, up, left,
right, right, down, down, left, up, up, right, down, left, right, down.

Return the 'cattle' Bahos to the Kiva. Now it's time to make a quick
stop at the motel office. At the vending machine, select the batteries
then use your quarters in the coin slot. Put the batteries in your
cassette player. Head for the bank next.

Safari Savings & Loan: Watch the video "Was I Even There?" for a clue
on how to open the bank door. Using all the numbers provided, you need
to make three sums equaling 11, 12 and 13. You can do so by clicking
the numbers in this order: 1, 2, 8, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0. Inside, listen
to Tad's messages at the service desk. Use the disk in the computer and
enter LYLE for the login name. The "Spell it out" video gives away the
password, which is AIVILO. The decoder from the soda machine is used to
translate the encoded clue in Lyle's message. The clue reads 'THE DAY
OF HER DEATH REVERSED.' Look in the wastepaper basket to find a torn up
letter from George Bellairs. Fit the pieces together to make the letter
readable. To find the next puzzle, go to the framed kachina drawing
near the entrance.

-Kachina Picture Puzzle: Flip the triangles over to recreate the
kachina drawing on the opposite side. The triangles can only move
adjacently, making this somewhat of a trying task. Start by moving the
two torso pieces to the bottom right corner. Now you have room to flip
the two head pieces into their correct spots. Next, shift the two legs
pieces into the top left corner and flip the torso pieces into position.
Now bring the legs pieces down to their corner and, voila!

Use the hammer from behind the frame to smash open the piggy bank
kachina by the computer. Run the 'bearclaw' Bahos to the Kiva then come
back to the bank. The framed newspaper clipping near the counter
conceals a small safe. The combination to the safe can be found in the
framed animal photos hanging around the room. You'll see that there's
one tiger, five hyenas, four elephants, three impalas, five zebras and
one tree. Return to the safe and enter the number of tracks for each
species: 1, 5, 4, 3, 5, 0 (the tree, which doesn't leave a track, is
zero). Take Tad's library key from the safe. The zebra print codebook
will be used to open the vault, but first you need to check the number
on the vault door. Look at the vault dial and you'll see a page number
and direction letter. Open the codebook to the page number indicated by
the dial. Now place the codebook grid on the page. Click the zebra
icon to turn the grid to the correct direction (the notch cut into the
edge tells which direction the grid's turned to). You should now be
looking at the combination to the vault. You can open the vault now,
but you won't be able to get into Burt's deposit box yet. For that,
you'll need the other key, which Tad has left in the library conference
room. And to get into the conference room, you still need two more door
keys and a pass code. Still with me? Good J. Head for the church now.

Community Church: In the chapel, unlock the donation box with the key
from Dave's notebook. Inside, you'll find Tad's 'sizeable gift' along
with the conference room door pass code. Pull the projection screen to
see another message from Darkcloud, in which he asks for the other Ianyi
half. In the back office, listen to George's messages. Search the desk
for George's library key. Behind the folding screen lies the next Bahos

-Bingo Balls Puzzle: Arrange the balls in numerical order reading from
left to right. The best way to solve the puzzle is to look at the glass
tubes as one continuous circuit. You'll notice that if you line the
positions up this way, the order the balls actually need to be in is 1,
2, 3, 5, 8, 7, 6, 4. Work on getting them in this order and you'll have
the puzzle solved in no time. If you need help, here's the solution.
From the puzzle start, click the balls in this order: 5, 7, 6, 5, 7, 6,
5, 3, 8, 7, 6, 5, 3, 8, 7, 6, 5, 2, 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 5.

Once you've finished the puzzle, take the 'stairway to heaven' Bahos
from the ball hopper and return it to the Kiva. The last Bahos can be
found at the bakery.

Cyclone Bakery: Another door puzzle, just like the one at the
barbershop, is required before entering. Once inside, take Norah's
music box from the counter. Listen to Keith Hickson's messages on the
messaging unit. In the kitchen area, go to the big oven on the right.
Pull the red lever then open the oven door to access the donut puzzle.

-Donut Puzzle: The goal is to stack the donuts in five piles of two.
Each donut you move must be jumped over two other donuts, stacked or
otherwise. To reset the puzzle, press the red button. If you're
stumped, here's the solution. Number the donuts from one to ten,
starting on the left, then follow these moves: 4-1, 7-3, 5-9, 2-6, 8-

Take the final, 'arrowhead' Bahos from the rolling machine and return it
to the Kiva. As you complete your task, the Kiva spirit will ask to be
summoned. Use the cassette player, which should now contain batteries
and the tape of Darkcloud's chanting, on the spirit's hole. The spirit
now tells you to find the other half of Ianyi (Darkcloud already
possesses one half). First, though, get the last library key at Phil's
Market. The rattlesnake should be absent now (you can find it at the
bakery). If it's still there, click on it a few times, exit the market
then reenter. Look in the snake bowl for a code. Use the code to open
the cash register, where you'll find Phil's key. At the library, insert
the three other keys into their slots. Now flashback to the donation
box note for the conference room door pass code. Search the conference
room. You'll find the second deposit box key in the empty corner. Back
at the bank, enter the vault and find deposit box 32 B. Use the two
deposit box keys to unlock it. Grab the videocassette and the
ceremonial sand. Return to your room at the motel to watch Burt's
video. Before going to Max's cave to look for Ianyi, make a stop at the
cemetery. Norah appears and mentions her mausoleum. Go to the secret
tomb and grab the key from the floor. Now you're ready to search Max's

Max's Cave: As Norah told you earlier, the small, grayish stone at the
entrance conceals the key to the gate. To enter the actual cave, you'll
have to solve another puzzle.

-Cave Door Puzzle: Arrange the sticks in the correct order. After
selecting a stick, click it again to turn it over or click another stick
to switch positions. The answer to the puzzle is Norah's death date
reversed, so the sticks should read: 2-9-9-1-2-2-8.

In the cave, examine the items around Max's desk. Take a moment to
fulfill Norah's request. Place the music box next to the computer and
click the keyboard to type her message to Max. Use the key from the
mausoleum to unlock the basement door. Inside, you'll find a memorial
dedicated to Norah. Take the Ianyi half from the shadow box on the
table. Now go to Devil's Mouth Canyon for the final confrontation.
Click any remaining spiral symbols to top off your life meter. When you
try to enter the Kiva, you'll that Darkcloud has smashed the sacred
skull. Norah appears and prompts you to find another way in. Remember
that transport you saw in the mine? Make your way back there now. At
the top of the ladder, you'll find a keypad. Enter the combination
Norah gave you to activate the transport mechanism: 'star,' 'spider,'
'breath,' 'raincloud.' At the end of the shaft lies the second door to
the Kiva.

Kiva, Devil's Mouth Canyon: It's an extremely good idea to save your
game at this point. In the center of the room, use the cassette player
to summon the spirit once more. Now use the ceremonial sand to complete
the sand painting. When Darkcloud and Norah finish their scene, the
actions you choose will affect which ending you receive.

-Worst Ending: Trust Darkcloud by giving him the Ianyi half.

-Mediocre Ending: Trust Norah by giving her the Ianyi half.

-Best Ending: Place the fake half of Ianyi on the altar. Wait for
Darkcloud to crouch over the spirit hole then replace the fake half with
the real one. Now you'll have to quickly solve a puzzle.

-Mirrors Puzzle: Reposition the mirrors so that the beam passes through
each jewel and ends in the receptacle. Failing to solve the puzzle
before your life runs out will result in your having to restore your
last saved game and re-insert disc one, so work quickly. Once you solve
the puzzle, throw Ianyi down the spirit hole.

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