Dance Dance Revolution 5th Mix

Dance Dance Revolution 5th Mix

17.10.2013 01:36:46
PSX Unlocking FAQ
Dance Dance Revolution 5th Mix
Version Japan (JPN)
PSX Unlocking FAQ
Version 1.0

Dance Simulation
1-2 players

Copyright 2001 by JuneHa Kim/BakaOrochi
All Rights Reserved.
Unauthorized reproduction of this FAQ in any shape or form is prohibited.

Come on, it's not like it's HARD to e-mail me if you want to use any part of
this FAQ, is it?

If you want to use ANYTHING, even codes or whatnot from this, CONTACT ME FIRST.
This is my work, and not one bit of this is to be reproduced in any way, shape,
or form. Copyright laws protect this FAQ. This is purely my own work, any
other similarities to other FAQs are purely coincidental.

I do respect all other copyrights and if I have inadvertently infringed on any,
please contact me immediately so that I may remedy the problem.

FAQ History:

-First release

-Filled in gaps
-Finished difficulties and step #'s
-Started on Gallery Mode (1/2 done)
-Thanks to MogKnight for the corrections!

1. What's the point of this FAQ?
2. Unlocking songs
3. Gallery Mode
4. Other unlockables
5. Frequently Asked Questions (Or questions you might ask...or maybe not)
6. The new songs
7. Closing notes/Thanks/Contact Information

1. What's the point of this FAQ?
Figured, if you want to know what you're missing in the Gallery Mode or
what songs you have left ot unlock, other miscellaneous questions you
may ask about the game. The rest of it is pretty much standard. If you
own this game, you should pretty much understand how DDR works at this

2. Unlocking songs
After about completing about 5 songs, you unlock a new song or a new mode.
You can NOT fail the songs, and long version songs DO NOT count as 2 songs
if "EVENT MODE" is on unfortunately (but it will if it's off).

These are the songs that get unlocked in order:

Judy Crystal - Nori Nori Nori
Roxette - The Centre of the Heart (Stonebridge Clubmix)
dj Taka - Abyss
Togo Project feat. Sana - Sana Mollete Ne Ente
Risky Men feat. Asuka M. - Mr. T (Take Me Higher)
Jonny Dynamite! - On The Jazz
dj Taka - Absolute
DJ Suwami - The Cube
Good-Cool - I Was the One
System S.F. feat. Anna - Look to the Sky
TaQ - DXY!
TaQ - Radical Faith
TaQ - Electro Tuned (The SubS Mix)
Sota feat. Ebony Fay - Do It Right
2MB - Healing Vision (Angelic Mix)

Judy Crystal - Nori Nori Nori
From: Dancemania Happy Ravers
Origin: Dance Dance Revolution 6th Mix preview
Background: Psychadelic colors...

Togo Project feat. Sana - Sana Mollete Ne Ente
From: Beatmania
Origin: Beatmania IIDX 4th Style
Background: A sunset on a beach

DJ Suwami - The Cube
From: Beatmania
Origin: Beatmania IIDX 5th Style
Background: The cube logo, kinda (similar to the IIDX one)

Roxette - The Centre of the Heart (Stonebridge Clubmix)
From: Dancemania
Origin: Dance Dance Revolution 6th Mix preview
Background: Flowers, water colors style

dj Taka - Abyss
From: Beatmania
Origin: Beatmania IIDX 5th Style
Background: Two aliens...

Risky Men feat. Asuka M. - Mr. T (Take Me Higher)
From: Beatmania
Origin: Beatmania IIDX 4th Style
Background: Blue, balls, the logo.

Jonny Dynamite! - On The Jazz
From: Konami Original Remix
Origin: Dance Dance Revolution 5th Mix PSX original
Background: A picture? in sepia

dj Taka - Absolute
From: Beatmania
Origin: Beatmania IIDX 4th Style
Background: Lots and lots of stars

Good-Cool - I Was the One
From: Beatmania
Origin: Beatmania IIDX 5th Style
Background: A girl embedded on the background

System S.F. feat. Anna - Look to the Sky
From: Konami Original Remix
Origin: Dance Dance Revolution 5th Mix PSX original
Background: A night sky

TaQ - DXY!
From: Beatmania
Origin: Beatmania IIDX 4th Style
Background: The logo

TaQ - Radical Faith
From: Beatmania
Origin: Beatmania IIDX 5th Style
Background: Green and red, numbers, and the logo.

TaQ - Electro Tuned (The SubS Mix)
From: Beatmania
Origin: Beatmania IIDX 2nd Style
Background: Some guy in the background holding a mic?

Sota feat. Ebony Fay - Do It Right
From: Konami Original Remix
Origin: Dance Dance Revolution 5th Mix PSX original
Background: A girl in a red silohuette

2MB - Healing Vision -Angelic Mix-
From: Konami Original Remix
Origin: Dance Dance Revolution 5th Mix PSX original
Background: A hospital bed.

3. Gallery Mode
Pictures unlock as you beat the game.

You will get a RANDOM picture as you "beat" the game.

Each page is divided into genres.

You can make any of the pictures into your background for when
you play by hitting select. Selecting multiple pictures will
randomize the background per song.

Some pictures require save data from previous DDRs, these include:
DDR 1st Mix
DDR 2nd ReMIX Append Club Version Vol. 1
DDR 2nd ReMIX Append Club Version Vol. 2
DDR 3rd Mix
DDR Best Hits
DDR 4th Mix
DDR Extra Mix

Thanks to MogKnight for pointing this out!

Here's a brief summary (or my best guess) of what each picture

PAGE 1 - History of DDR
The first DDR game for PSX, released 4-10-99

Cover for DDR 2nd ReMIX, released 8-26-99

Cover for DDR 2nd ReMIX Append Club Version vol. 1, released 11-25-99

Cover for DDR 2nd ReMIX Append Club Version vol. 2, released 12-22-99







#11-"Title screen"
Title screen for DDR 2nd ReMIX for PSX

#12-"Title sceen"
Title screen for DDR 2nd ReMIX Append Club Version vol. 1 for PSX

PAGE 2 - History of DDR

#13-"Title screen"
Title screen for DDR 2nd ReMIX Append Club Version vol. 2 for PSX

#14-"Title screen"
Title screen for DDR 3rd Mix for PSX


#16-"Title screen"
Title screen for DDR 3rd Mix's Step Step Revolution mode for PSX

#17-"Title screen"
Title screen for DDR Best Hits for PSX


#19-"Title screen"
Title screen for DDR 4th Mix for PSX

#20-"Title screen"
Title screen for DDR Extra Mix for PSX

#21-"Title screen"
Alternate "pretty" title screen for DDR Extra Mix for PSX


Poster ad for the original DDR, published in 1999

Poster ad for DDR 2nd ReMIX, also published in 1999

PAGE 3 - History of DDR



Poster ad for DDR 3rd Mix



#30-"Dance Dance Revolution *?*"
Something about Konsento and...err...can't make much sense of this

#31-"Dance Dance Revolution *?*"
Third type of character? Disco ball...


#33-"Dance Dance Revolution *?*"
Something about arcade...two "one way" signs...





PAGE 4 - Backgrounds

#38-"Dance Dance Revolution *?*"
Something about Afro and Lady characters...

#39-"*?* Arrange"
Something about Konsento again...and frogs?

#40-"Dance Dance Revolution *?*"
Says the same as #30



#43-"Dance Dance Revolution *?*"
Background for "Little Bitch"

#44-"Dance Dance Revolution *?*"
Background for PARANOiA MAX ~dirty mix~

#45-"2nd Mix *?* Arrange"
Two planes flying...background? "Fare away" (hehe)




PAGE 5 - Backgrounds





#53-"2nd ReMIX *?* Arrange"
Something about having a good step...





#58-"2nd ReMIX *?*"
Something for the song "Get Up 'N Move"



PAGE 6 - Backgrounds






#66-"2nd ReMIX *?*"
Something for the song "Brilliant 2U"

#67-"2nd ReMIX *?*"
Something for the song "Trip Machine"



#70-"3rd Mix *?* Arrange"
Something about the song "Luv to Me", borders?

#71-"3rd Mix *?* Arrange"
A comic, translation to Japanese...


PAGE 7 - Backgrounds

#73-"3rd Mix *?* Arrange"
Part of the background for the song "So Many Men"


#75-"3rd Mix *?* Arrange"
Something about the song "If You Can Say Goodbye"

#76-"3rd Mix *?* Arrange"
Part of the background for the song "La Senorita"

#77-"3rd Mix *?* Arrange"
Part of the background for the song "Dynamite Rave"

#78-"3rd Mix *?* Arrange"
Part of the background for the song "Rock Beat"

#79-"3rd Mix *?* Arrange"
Part of the background for the song "Vol. 4"




#83-"4th Mix *?*"
The background for the song "B4U"


PAGE 8 - Backgrounds

#85-"4th Mix *?*"
Miscellaneous pic..."Let's dance on the floor"




#89-"4th Mix *?* Arrange"
Something about the song "Night in Motion"




#93-"4th Mix *?* Arrange"
Not sure about this one..a girl holding a gun?


#95-Solo 2000 *?* Arrange"
Something about the arcade machine...a pic of an old man?

#96-Solo 2000 *?* Arrange"
Something about the arcade machine...dunno what that is...

PAGE 9 - Backgrounds


#98-"Solo 2000 *?* Arrange"
A brain? Something about the arcade machine


#100-"Solo 2000 *?* Arrange"
Something about the arcade machine...pic of a smiling kid




#104-"Solo 2000 *?* Arrange"
Something, arcade machine, Extra Mix, and the pic of a girl?


#106-"Extra Mix *?* Arrange"
Part of the background for the song "I'm Alive"

#107-"Extra Mix *?* Arrange"
Part of the background for the song "Kung Fu Fighting Miami
Booty mix"


PAGE 10 - Backgrounds


#110-"Extra Mix *?* Arrange"
Part of the background for the song "Together and Forever" by
Captain Jack


#112-"5th Mix *?* Arrange"
Not sure what this says...Bears?



#115-"Calorie Mode Original"
Not sure what this says either...something about the arrow colors


#117-"Calorie Mode Original"
Some pic of Princess Zukin, hiding behind 1P mode DDR...



#120-"Calorie Mode Original"
Pic of Boldo

PAGE 11 - Misc. information and pics

#121-"Calorie Mode Original"
Something about your dance...Afro? Singing?

#122-"Calorie Mode Original"
A pic of the sky


#124-"Calorie Mode Original"





#129-"Calorie Mode Original"
DDR Image 5

#130-"Calorie Mode Original"
DDR Image 6


PAGE 12 - Character designs




#135-"3rd Mix Character"
The Disk-Beings


#137-"4th Mix Character"
Boldo and Tracy


#139-"4th Mix Character"
Johnny and Jenny






PAGE 13 - Character designs


#146-"4th Mix Character"
Kosento:03/02 and Devil Zukin

#147-"4th Mix Character"
Astro and Charmy



#150-"4th Mix Character"



#153-"5th Mix Character"
Robo 2001


#155-"5th Mix Character"
Something about Maho composing music?

#156-"*?* 5th Mix"
Something about using the memory card in 5th Mix arcades?

PAGE 14 - Bemani goods


#158-"Dance Dance Revolution Cap"
Sold on Feb. 1999, 3 styles of caps with the DDR logo

#159-"Long Sleeve T-Shirt"
Sold in 1999, Long sleeve T-shirts with the DDR logo



#162-"12 Inch Action Figure"
Sold on 4/1999, Afro action figure






#168-"12 Inch Action Figure"
Sold on 7/1999, Lady action figure

PAGE 15 - Bemani goods

Sold on 7/1999, DDR T-shirt with Vector-Afro


Sold on 7/1999, t-shirt with Afro

Sold on 7/1999, 3 styles of wallets




#176-"Dance Dance Revolution Mini-speaker"
Sold on 11/1999, Black or white DDR mini-speakers!



#179-"Bemani Bag Dance Dance Revolution"
4000 DDR shoulder bags produced, sold on 3/1999

2500 DDR caps produced, sold on 3/1999

PAGE 16 - Bemani goods




#184-"Dance Dance Revolution Guide Book Series"
A bunch of DDR guide books sold in 1999

#185-"Bemani Memory Card Case"
2000 Bemani PSX memory card cases produced, sold 9/1999

#186-"Bemani Pocket Dance Dance Revolution Finger Step"
2980 Bemani Pocket DDR games, sold on 9/1999



#189-"*?* Arcade Machine *?*"
Afro promoing DDR in 1999

#190-"Dance Dance Revolution Original Hankerchief"
Sold in 1999, 21"x21" DDR hankies!

#191-"Dance Dance Revolution Original Leather Seat"
60x88 of these were released in 1999...not sure about this...

#192-"Dance Dance Revolution Original Sticker"
Released in '99. Stickers with the DDR logo

PAGE 17 - Game intros





#197-"Konami *?*"
Apparently a Konami DDR promo video with Afro and Lady

#198-"3rd Mix Opening Movie Arrange"
Snapshot slideshow of the 3rd Mix intro

#199-"3rd Mix Opening Movie Arrange"
A pic of the girl from the 3rd Mix opening movie





#204-"3rd Mix Opening Movie Arrange"
People from the 3rd Mix intro

PAGE 18 - Game intros



#207-"3rd Mix Opening Movie Arrange"
Dread-Snake from the 3rd Mix intro







#214-"3rd Mix Opening Movie Arrange"
Pic of one of the street signs in the 3rd Mix intro



PAGE 19 - Game intros


#218-"3rd Mix Opening Movie Arrange"
Screen dump of the 3rd Mix opening movie



#221-"3rd Mix Opening Movie Arrange"
Screen dump of the 3rd Mix opening movie

#222-"3rd Mix Opening Movie Arrange"
Screen dump of the 3rd Mix opening movie







4. Other unlockables and codes
Well, DDR doesn't have much of "codes" but here are a few things.

-Clear a certain amount of songs, about 75 songs, you'll unlock Naoki
(A side) and N.M.R. (B side) for playable characters.

-Clear a certain amount of songs, about 100 songs, you'll unlock U1
(A side) and 2MB (B side)

The original set up of the songlist is in order of DIFFICULTY, mainly how
hard the BASIC difficulty is. Pressing start during the song selection
screen will change the order of the songlist.

-First time alphabetizes them, press O over any letter, it will bring down
a list of songs that start with that letter. Some letter have no songs
that start with it.

-Second time will arrange them by the BPMs, Sana Mollete Ne Ente is the
slowest, INSERTiON is the fastest (at one point, it hits 220 BPM).

-Third time will arrange the songs by "the players' best." In other words,
the song played the best, I believe in terms of Perfect % ratio.

-Fourth time will arrange the songlist in the original arrangement.

Pressing select during the song selection screen will drop down a "sequence
option" menu.

-Little removes all "offbeat" arrows.
-Flat changes all "offbeat" arrows to the same color.

-Left changes all arrow orientation so you'll be facing left.
-Right changes all arrow orientation so you'll be facing right.
-Mirror flips the arrows around so you'll be facing away from the screen.
-Shuffle changes the arrows around to different directions.

-Hidden makes the arrows disappear about halfway up the screen.
-Sudden makes the arrows appear about halfway up the screen.
-Stealth makes the arrows disappear altogether.

5. Frequently Asked Questions (Or questions you might ask...or maybe not)
Q. What's this with no intro? Is there a way to turn it on?
A. No.


Q. How come I can't choose a long version as my first song?
A. If you have a standard 3-5 song setup, the Long versions will not
appear until after your first song, and before your last song.

Q. How come I got one less song after I played a long version song???
What a rip!
A. Long versions take up 2 SONG SLOTS. It acts as two songs in one.

Q. That sucks.
A. So then don't play them, or turn EVENT MODE on in the options.

Q. What are those little green/yellow icons next to some of the songs
A. They mark out the easiest songs in case beginners can't figure out
what those little foot things mean.
*Thanks again to Mog Knight for pointing this out*

Q. I noticed that the "dissipation" animation for when I hit the arrows
sometimes change to a colorful star?
A. Usually then you hit an arrow, the arrows will "dissipate" into a
different color arrow, depending on what your rating was for that step (i.e.
Dissipates to yellow if you hit a Perfect!, Green for Great, and doesn't
dissipate for any other rating lower than Great). But when you hit a
100 combo, the arrow dissipates into a different star shape color with
every step you hit.

Q. The arrows and the animation is SO smooth!
A. Animations should be. But the arrows aren't. Unlike the arcade, the
arrows are still at 30 fps.

Q. Can I use link data with my memory card on the arcade machine?
A. Yes. 4th/Extra Mix for PSX allow "Link data" to be saved on
MECH. You can find these above the coin door. If it's not there, then
your arcade cabinet doesn't have one (it costs about $200 to get one
installed). Also, the "NEW DDR LINK" option in LINK DATA allow you to
use your memory card link data for 6th Mix.

Q. How do I use EDIT DATA from my memory card for a song that I have
A. In the song selection screen, go to the corresponding song that you
have the edit steps for. Hit X twice, it will show you what EDIT DATA
is available for the song. Hit up or down to select YOUR EDIT DATA,
and hit O. If it's not there, then the memory card doesn't have the data.
*Thanks to MogKnight correcting me*

Q. Under "DATA BANK", who's edit data are these? Are these official?
A. When 5th Mix was released in the arcade, Konami decided to hold a little
And that's roughly how many people submitted them. ANd about 1000 of them
were "great" steps.

Q. What's "The SubS Mix" mean?
A. The "SubStream" Mix.

Q. What's the deal with BabyLon?
A. Who knows? Cuteness factor I guess.

Q. Is there a SOLO mode/option for 5th Mix?
A. No SOLO steps or game was made for 5th Mix.

Q. Do I have to have my feet on the arrow when a STOP occurs?
A. No. They are not "Freeze Arrows" (a la 6th Mix).

Q. Why do some songs have a stupid difficulty?
A. Because they're "Trial" songs or "preview" songs taken from songs in
6th Mix. Yes, that means Nori Nori Nori and The Centre of the Heart will
both be there on 6th Mix.

Q. How come some songs on 5th Mix PSX aren't in the arcade?
A. Because Konami wanted to make some "original" songs for PSX exclusive,
and the result was 5 preview songs. Just like in 4th/Extra Mix PSX.

Q. Who is Naoki/N.M.R./U-1/2MB?
A. The sound producers for Konami.

Q. Why have I never seen U-1 and 2MB in the arcades?
A. They're new in the PSX version only.

Q. What's the point of the characters?
A. None really. Supposedly they affect the way the arrows are "shuffled"
in Shuffle mode, and the order of songs sometimes. Aside from that, I
don't know.

Q. WTF is Britney Spears doing in DDR?
A. It's only a remix. Just like 70% of the Dancemania songs in DDR. It's
not even Britney singing, and it's already been liscensed to Toshiba Emi.

Q. Are the long versions the FULL version of the songs?
A. No. They're shortened a bit in fact (i.e. Hot Limit has 30 seconds
chopped off from the full version).

Q. Where's Endless?
A. Not there. Kaput. Gone.

Q. Your FAQ sucks. I can make a better one.
A. Great. Then go make a better one.

6. The new songs

Nori Nori Nori
Basic: 3
-Steps: 133
Basic Double: 3
-Steps: 137

Sana Mollete Ne Ente
Basic: 2
-Steps: 128
Trick: 5
-Steps: 190
Maniac: 8
-Steps: 294
Basic Double: 2
-Steps: 128
Trick Double: 5
-Steps: 225
Maniac Double: 8
-Steps: 269

DJ Suwami - The Cube
Basic: 4
-Steps: 135
Trick: 6
-Steps: 215
Maniac: 7
-Steps: 282
Basic Double: 4
-Steps: 152
Trick Double: 6
-Steps: 236
Maniac Double: 7
-Steps: 323

Roxette - The Centre of the Heart (Stonebridge Clubmix)
Basic: 2
-Steps: 105
Basic Double: 2
-Steps: 89

dj Taka - Abyss
Basic: 3
-Steps: 168
Trick: 5
-Steps: 234
Maniac: 7
-Steps: 309
Basic Double: 3
-Steps: 171
Trick Double: 5
-Steps: 233
Maniac Double: 7
-Steps: 309

Risky Men feat. Asuka M. - Mr. T (Take Me Higher)
Basic: 3
-Steps: 120
Trick: 5
-Steps: 209
Maniac: 7
-Steps: 310
Basic Double: 3
-Steps: 121
Trick Double: 5
-Steps: 223
Maniac Double: 7
-Steps: 292

Jonny Dynamite! - On The Jazz
Basic: 2
-Steps: 108
Trick: 4
-Steps: 220
Maniac: 7
-Steps: 331
Basic Double: 3
-Steps: 121
Trick Double: 5
-Steps: 220
Maniac Double: 7
-Steps: 329

dj Taka - Absolute
Basic: 3
-Steps: 142
Trick: 5
-Steps: 252
Maniac: 8
-Steps: 311
Basic Double: 3
-Steps: 135
Trick Double: 5
-Steps: 215
Maniac Double: 8
-Steps: 303

Good-Cool - I Was the One
Basic: 3
-Steps: 145
Trick: 5
-Steps: 217
Maniac: 7
-Steps: 291
Basic Double: 3
-Steps: 141
Trick Double: 5
-Steps: 236
Maniac Double: 6
-Steps: 277

System S.F. feat. Anna - Look to the Sky
Basic: 3
-Steps: 153
Trick: 4
-Steps: 195
Maniac: 6
-Steps: 287
Basic Double: 2
-Steps: 136
Trick Double: 5
-Steps: 194
Maniac Double: 7
-Steps: 278

TaQ - DXY!
Basic: 4
-Steps: 157
Trick: 6
-Steps: 269
Maniac: 8
-Steps: 355
Basic Double: 4
-Steps: 205
Trick Double: 6
-Steps: 277
Maniac Double: 8
-Steps: 334

TaQ - Radical Faith
Basic: 4
-Steps: 178
Trick: 6
-Steps: 263
Maniac: 8
-Steps: 360
Basic Double: 3
-Steps: 173
Trick Double: 6
-Steps: 259
Maniac Double: 8
-Steps: 396

TaQ - Electro Tuned (The SubS Mix)
Basic: 5
-Steps: 179
Trick: 6
-Steps: 268
Maniac: 9
-Steps: 349
Basic Double: 4
-Steps: 168
Trick Double: 6
-Steps: 248
Maniac Double: 8
-Steps: 305

Sota feat. Ebony Fay - Do It Right
Basic: 4
-Steps: 154
Trick: 5
-Steps: 200
Maniac: 7
-Steps: 285
Basic Double: 4
-Steps: 159
Trick Double: 5
-Steps: 202
Maniac Double: 8
-Steps: 284

2MB - Healing Vision (Angelic Mix)
Basic: 5
-Steps: 273
Trick: 7
-Steps: 377
Maniac: 9
-Steps: 479
Basic Double: 5
-Steps: 272
Trick Double: 7
-Steps: 377
Maniac Double: 9
-Steps: 471

13. Closing notes/Thanks/Contact Information
Thanks to...
GameFAQs, heck, I never had more motivation to do this kinda thing ^_^

MogKnight for correcting me on a ton of crap~
Konami (KCET) and the Bemani team for making such a kick arse game~
And anyone else I've forgotten, sorry!!!

Copyrights...(every game I mentioned thus far)
Beatmania, ParaPara Paradise, DancemaniaX, and Dance Dance Revolution is
trademark of Konami, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (KCEJ), Konami Computer
Entertainment Tokyo (KCET), and the Bemani development team.
Dancemania music compilation series is trademark/copyright of Toshiba Emi.
PlayStation and is trademark/copyright of Sony Computer Entertainment.


Before e-mailing me...

Know that I don't read or respond to the following types of e-mails:

-Begging for codes
-Asking for the GameShark/Enhancer/whatever bypass code
-How to modify a PlayStation
-How to pirate games
-How to unlock *your favorite song here*
-Unlocking codes
-Where to find MP3s or the songs
-Personal stories about how DDR changed their life
-Stupid crap that's already been explained in the FAQ, but you're too
lazy to read
-Other such stupidity

You can e-mail me at
If you'd like to reuse this FAQ in ANYWAY, SHAPE OR FORM, YOU MUST contact me
FIRST! So please save yourself the legal trouble. I won't bite your head off
or anything =E
This FAQ can be located
The latest version is usually at since Geocities is flaky
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Alle Songs, alle Spieler und alle Informationen sind freigeschaltet.

17.Oktober 2013

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18.Oktober 2013
Alle Songs, Charaktere und Informationen.

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Paardaten mit veränderten Daten für "The Center Of The Heart".

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Einzeldaten mit veränderten Daten für "The Center Of The Heart".

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Alle Songs, Modi und die Hälfte der Hintergrundbilder.

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PSX Unlocking FAQ

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Alle Songs and Charaktere.

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Beliebte Cheats
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13.Dezember 2013
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