Might and Magic 7 - For Blood and Honor

Might and Magic 7 - For Blood and Honor

18.10.2013 07:07:08
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Author: Sashanan
Date: 26 September 2005
Version: 1.2

This document is a copyright of Peter "Sashanan" Butter, 2001-2005. All
rights reserved.

You are granted permission to make copies of this FAQ (electronical or
physical) for your own, personal use. Furthermore, non-commercial, freely
accessible websites are allowed to upload a copy of this FAQ as long as it is
posted in its full, original form (including this disclaimer) and credited
to Sashanan.

You are not authorized to upload this FAQ on a commercial website and/or
charge for its viewing, or make money off it in any other imaginable way,
without my explicit written permission. Furthermore, you are not allowed to
edit this guide in any way, use it as a basis for your own guide, or post it
without giving proper credit. This is considered plagiarism.

This FAQ is protected by international copyright laws and failure to
comply with the terms in this disclaimer will result in legal prosecution.


- About this FAQ
- Weapon and armor tables
- Item list
- Revision history
- Final words


This FAQ was started on 3 September 2001. I had previously done a similar
item guide for Might & Magic 6. While I had been planning to do the same
for Might & Magic 7, I was unable to because Might & Magic 7 doesn't
appreciate taskswitching. This made making screenshots of items very
difficult indeed. Recently, however, I downloaded Hypersnap DX, a tool
used to help in the making of screenshots, making this a viable project.
(To anyone who's interested, Hypersnap DX has a shareware version that can be
found at www.download.com.)

The bulk of the FAQ is divided into two parts. First, I list all weapons
and armor in tables. These tables are meant to help you find the
statistics of a particular item quickly. The second part of the FAQ is
a complete item list, which has other items besides weapons and
armor, and includes descriptions of each item. Although the information
given here is more complete, it's also harder to look up a particular
item here.

This guide will not help you much in completing Might & Magic 7 and is
not intended as such. It is aimed at those people who are interested in
what items are available, which ones they may have missed during play, or
those who, like me, just enjoy browsing through lists like these. Whatever
category you fall in, I hope you'll enjoy the FAQ!

The ASCII art header of this FAQ was created with the help of Figlet


Here I have sorted all listed weapons and armor in tables for easy
reference. Artifacts are indicated with a * behind the item's name.

Weapon Category Attack Damage Value
Crude Axe Axe +0 4-8 30
Battle Axe Axe +2 6-10 100
Dwarven Axe Axe +5 9-13 250

Broadsword Broadsword +0 3-12 100

Club Club +0 1-3 1
Spiked Club Club +3 4-6 40

Crossbow Crossbow +0 4-8 50
Heavy Crossbow Crossbow +3 7-11 200

Cutlass Cutlass +0 2-8 40

Dagger Dagger +0 2-4 8
Dwarven Dagger Dagger +2 4-6 100

Halberd Halberd +0 3-18 200
Weighted Halberd Halberd +4 7-22 400

Hammer Hammer +0 2-10 120
War Hammer Hammer +3 5-13 300

Crude Bow Longbow +0 5-10 100
Longbow Longbow +2 7-12 200

Long Dagger Long Dagger +0 2-6 15
Erathian Long Dagger Long Dagger +4 6-10 200

Crude Longsword Longsword +0 3-9 50
Elven Saber Longsword +3 6-12 200

Mace Mace +0 2-8 50
Spiked Mace Mace +2 4-10 150

Crude Spear Spear +0 1-9 15
Soldier's Spear Spear +1 2-10 50

Staff Staff +0 2-8 40

Poleax Two-handed axe +0 3-21 225
Warrior's Poleaxe Two-handed axe +3 6-24 450

Two-Handed Sword Two-handed sword +0 4-20 400

Armor Category Armor Rating Value
Leather Belt Belt +0 40

Leather Boots Boots +2 50
Steel Plated Boots Boots +6 ???

Chain Mail Chain +8 400
Steel Chain Mail Chain +12 600
Fine Chain Mail Chain +18 900

Leather Cloak Cloak +1 50
Huntsman's Cloak Cloak +3 150
Ranger's Cloak Cloak +5 250

Crown Crown +0 250
Noble Crown Crown +0 ???

Gauntlets Gauntlets +3 100
Steel Gauntlets Gauntlets +6 250
Silver Mesh Gauntlets Gauntlets +8 450
Dragon Hide Gauntlets Gauntlets +10 ???

Peasant Hat Hat +0 20
Traveller's Hat Hat +0 100
Fancy Hat Hat +0 200

Horned Helm Helm +2 60
Conscript's Helm Helm +6 260
Full Helm Helm +8 ???

Goblin Shield Large Shield +6 200

Leather Armor Leather +4 150
Studded Leather Leather +6 250

Plate Armor Plate +20 1000

Wooden Buckler Small Shield +4 100
Bronze Shield Small Shield +6 200


This list will contain all items in the game, except for quest items.
Weapons, armor and miscellaneous items are are listed, complete with

I've sorted all items by type. Within each category, I have sorted the
items by value rather than alphabetically. For example, in the category
Gauntlets, the basic Gauntlet comes first, followed by one that is
slightly stronger (Steel Gauntlets), and so forth.

Values are based on basic, non-enchanted items. Descriptions are directly
from the game. Occasionally, you may find an "Editor's note". These are
comments I added myself, usually correcting or elaborating on the
information the game supplies about a particular item.

If a value is said to be 'unverified', that means I have never found an
unenchanted item of this type, so I could not determine the base value
(although in some cases, I did my best guess based on the values of
similar items). If an artifact's location is said to be unverified, that
means I have only found that artifact once in that spot, so I can't be
sure if it is always there (many artifacts turn up randomly).


You can equip one amulet on every character. Normal amulets do
nothing, but many are enchanted in one way or another. Those that
aren't can still be sold for a good price.

Value: 500

This strange amulet has a glass eye on the end of a cheap brass chain. A
novelty, but probably not worth much.

Value: 750

A baroque bronze amulet with an ill define image stamped on the face.
Cheap, and tasteless.

(Editor's note: the first of many typos in the description of items ingame.
"ill define" should be "ill defined".)

Value: 1250

Straight out of Deyja, this is just the sort of thing you would expect from
Necromancers. The silver skull in the center is modeled from a real,
shrunken skull, and the tiny rubies in the eyes glow in the dark.

Value: 1500

A glorious gold amulet with the ancient symbol of the sun in the center.
The amulet is from Karigor, and the craftsmanship is flawless.

- AXES -

All one-handed axes fall into this category. They may be wielded by
any character with the Axe skill.

Attack: +0
Damage: 4d2 (4-8)
Value: 30

This primitive axe is more like a simple tool than a weapon.

Attack: +2
Damage: 4d2+2 (6-10)
Value: 100

The flared edge of the blade is a common style used by low budget human
armies and bandits.

Attack: +5
Damage: 4d2+5 (9-13)
Value: 250

Typical Dwarven manufacture: Strong, practical, and plain.


Every character can equip one belt. Normal belts do nothing, but
they may carry enchantments.

Value: 40

A peasant's belt. This one is made of poorly cured leather and rusting iron


Every character can equip a pair of boots. Boots count as armor and
add to the character's armor class.

Armor: +2
Value: 50

These boots are made of soft leather for a more comfortable fit, but they
offer little protection in combat.

Armor: +6
Value: unverified

This pair of leather boots has been fitted with steel plates on the top of
the foot and at the shin.


Broadswords are one of the many kinds of swords that fall under the
Sword category. Any character with Sword skill may wield these
one-handed weapons. They tend to be the strongest of all one-handed
sword types.

Attack: +0
Damage: 3d4 (3-12)
Value: 100

A polished broadsword commonly used by all forces in Erathia.


Chain Mail can be worn by any character with the Chain skill. It is
the 'medium class' armor of the game - stronger and heavier than leather,
and weaker and lighter than plate.

Armor: +8
Value: 400

Chain mail is an armor formed of small, interlocking loops of metal. It
looks like someone forgot to oil the rings, or maybe left it out in the
rain because rust has begun to form in the armpits and under the collars.

Armor: +12
Value: 600

This suit of chain mail is made of steel and is actually lighter than
similar suits made of plain iron. Thin rings were used in its construction,
but the steel composition makes them very strong.

Armor: +18
Value: 900

Very high quality steel is reinforced with studded leather to soften blows
while minimizing weight. The leather portions are quite artistic and
pleasing to the eye.


Every character can equip a cloak. Cloaks add to the wearer's armor

Armor: +1
Value: 50

A simple traveller's cloak.

Armor: +3
Value: 150

A huntsman's cloak colored green to make the wearer difficult to see in the
forest. Not much to look at, but it serves its purpose.

Armor: +5
Value: 250

Woven from plant fibers found in the Tularean Forest, these cloaks are the
traditional garb of the Elven Rangers.


Clubs are generally weak weapons that do not need any weapon skill.
Any character can wield a club. However, this also means that there
is no way to improve your skill with a club.
(Note: Mace skill might count towards clubs as well, but I'm not sure
about this. At any rate, you can use a club even without any Mace

Attack: +0
Damage: 1d3 (1-3)
Value: 1

A primitive weapon usable by even the stupidest of monsters. This club is
constructed of Erathian oak.

Attack: +3
Damage: 1d3+3 (4-6)
Value: 40

An improvement over the simple club, this spiked club will inflict nastier


Crossbows are ranged weapons that can be used by any character with the
Bow skill. They tend to be weaker than Longbows.

Shoot: +0
Damage: 4d2 (4-8)
Value: 50

Although crossbows have many advantages - locking string catches, superior
shot strength, easy to learn - they don't compare to the longbow when speed
and range are critical.

Shoot: +3
Damage: 4d2+3 (7-11)
Value: 200

These crossbows were stockpiled by Archibald just prior to the Succession
War for use against his brother. As with most decisions involving death,
Archibald chose wisely. These crossbows are amongst the best in the land.


Crowns can be worn instead of Helms. They do not offer any armor class
bonus, but are commonly enchanted. Especially the expensive crowns can
carry powerful enchantments. Unenchanted crowns can still fetch a good

Value: 250

This is a cheap crown of the sort that primitive goblins wear to mock
human customs. The metal is bronze, and the gem is made of glass.

Value: unverified

A fine, if somewhat ostentatious crown made with gold leaf and large, high
quality amythests. It suits nobles of your station well.

(Editor's note: at least they misspell amethyst consistently.)


Cutlasses count as Swords, and can be wielded by anyone with the Sword
skill. They are, however, the weakest sword type.

Attack: +0
Damage: 2d4 (2-8)
Value: 40

The swept-back style of the cutlass helpsopponents underestimate the
weapon's true reach. Many unexperienced swordsmen have lost their lives to
this deceptive design.


Daggers are weapons with little punch, but high speed. A skilled
fighter can attack more often with a Dagger than a Sword or Axe, and
as such, do similar damage over the same period of time. Daggers may
be used by anyone with the Dagger skill, but are especially favoured
by Thieves.

Attack: +0
Damage: 2d2 (2-4)
Value: 8

A crude dagger found in the hands of thieves and ruffians everywhere.

Attack: +2
Damage: 2d2+2 (4-6)
Value: 100

More like a short sword to a dwarf, this dagger is an excellent example of
superior dwarven engineering and inferior artistic creativity.


Gauntlets are protective metal gloves. Every character can equip
one pair of these to boost their armor class, and take advantage
of any enchantments.

Armor: +3
Value: 100

Low quality iron gauntlets with cloth linings to prevent blisters.

Armor: +6
Value: 250

This pair of gauntlets is made of steel and decorated with brass tracery
along the outside of the palm and back of the hand. It is in good repair
and well oiled.

Armor: +8
Value: 450

A marvelous achievement, these gauntlets were forged and woven by the
Dwarves of Stone City. The offer both flexibility and strong protection.
The only trouble is that the wearer's skin is sometimes caught in the mesh,
leading to painful pinches.

(Editor's note: another typo. 'The offer' should be 'They offer'.)

Armor: +10
Value: unverified

A high quality gauntlet, it offers both flexibility and protection. The
joints are reinforced, yet are 'soft' enough to permit nearly normal hand

- GEMS -

Gemstones may sometimes be found in chests or on the bodies of
certain monsters. They serve no purpose, and are purely intended to
be sold.

Editor's note: some sloppiness is apparent in the description of gemstones
in-game, as 'magical' is misspelled as 'magial' in every one of them.

Value: 250

A gemstone. It has no magial benefit, so you may as well sell it.

Value: 500

A gemstone. It has no magial benefit, so you may as well sell it.

Value: 750

A gemstone. It has no magial benefit, so you may as well sell it.

Value: 1250

A gemstone. It has no magial benefit, so you may as well sell it.

Value: 1500

A gemstone. It has no magial benefit, so you may as well sell it.

Value: 1750

A gemstone. It has no magial benefit, so you may as well sell it.

(Editor's note: Might & Magic 7 has a lot of spelling errors in its
item descriptions, but this one takes the cake. The real name for this
kind of gem is "Amethyst", yet the game refers to it as "Amythest".)

Value: 2000

A gemstone. It has no magial benefit, so you may as well sell it.


Halbers are the most powerful weapon type in the Spear category. It
takes Spear skill to wield them. Axe skill, despite what some of
the Halberds' descriptions imply, does not allow you to wield
Halbers, nor does it increase their effectiveness in any way.

Attack: +0
Damage: 3d6 (3-18)
Value: 200

Like all Halberds, this weapon is basically an axe with a very long haft.
It's a versatile weapon - doubling as a spear when fighting room is tight,
or a staff when personal defense is needed. This one is of ordinary
worksmanship and materials.

Attack: +4
Damage: 3d6+4 (7-22)
Value: 400

The haft of this halberd has been cored, and filled with a lead rod. When
the weapon is swung, the lead rod slides to the blade end of the halberd
with a loud crack, adding force and weight tot he blow.


Hammers are much like Maces, and can be wielded by anyone with the
Mace skill. They are one-handed weapons, and although they tend to
be a little slower than Maces, they typically cause more damage.

Attack: +0
Damage: 2d5 (2-10)
Value: 120

A crude, tool-like weapon, this hammer includes a wrist chain to prevent
it from dropping from your hand.

Attack: +3
Damage: 2d5+3 (5-13)
Value: 300

A step up in construction quality, these hammers are commonly wielded by
humanoid monsters. Since everyone knows most monsters don't make weapons,
the question 'from where are they getting them?' arises...

- HATS -

Hats are an alternative to Helms or Crowns. Like Crowns, they do not
add to a character's armor class, but are often enchanted. However, the
enchantments on Hats tend to be weaker than those found on Crowns.

Value: 20

A common, cloth hat with a feather stuck in the band to add a dash of

Value: 100

A simple hat meant tok eep sun and dust off a traveller's head.

Value: 200

The latest in fashion, this hat harkens back to more of a working class
style. It isn't really the hat that's in style, it's the working man that
young nobles are trying to emulate - who in turn seeks to emulate the


Helms are the only type of headgear that add directly to your armor
class. In addition, they may be enchanted, though usually not as
well as Crowns. Any character can wear a Helm.

Armor: +2
Value: 60

This cheap helm is better suited for a costume party than a battle. The
horns have been glued onto a rigid leather cap dyed black to make it look
scarier. The material is brittle and flaky, and will probably come apart at
just the wrong time.

Armor: +6
Value: 260

The simple style and uniformity of these helms is meant to strike terror
into the hearts of enemies when they see row upon row of bronze, spiked
helms marching toward them.

Armor: +8
Value: unverified

This helm design has been used by the Elves of Erathia since before the
Silence. It is composed of silver and steel and is very strong.


Large Shields are, as the name implies, bigger than Small Shields. They
add directly to a character's armor class, and tend to have higher armor
bonuses than small shields. However, you pay a price for this: wielding
a Large Shield slows your character down in combat. Only characters with
the Shield skill may equip one, and only if they are using a one-handed

Armor: +6
Value: 200

A simple, old shield with crude markings on its face. Ugly, but practical.


Leather armor is the weakest kind of armor, and tends to be less
protective than chain or plate. Fortunately, it is also cheaper,
and restricts your movements less. Any character with Leather skill may
wear this armor.

Armor: +4
Value: 150

Leather armor is the lightest and most easily worn armor, but it offers less
protection that the heavier armors. The leather in this suit was improperly
cured and still stinks of the chemicals used in its production.

(Editor's note: "that the heavier armors" is a typo, it should be "than the
heavier armors". This mistake is present even in the latest version of the

Armor: +6
Value: 250

This suit of leather armor is held together with bronze studs instead of
leather straps. This construction makes it a bit stronger, but also a bit


Longbows are ranged weapons usable by any character with the Bow
skill. They tend to be more powerful than Crossbows.

Shoot: +0
Damage: 5d2 (5-10)
Value: 100

A simple longbow constructed of common materials and uninspired design.

Shoot: +2
Damage: 5d2+2 (7-12)
Value: 200

A higher quality long bow designed after the elven long bow, but without
the elven skill.


Long Daggers may be wielded by anyone with the Dagger skill, and
are usually more powerful than standard Daggers.

Attack: +0
Damage: 2d3 (2-6)
Value: 15

The long dagger combines the extra reach of the sword with the stealth of
the dagger.

Attack: +4
Damage: 2d3+4 (6-10)
Value: 200

Really more of a short sword than a dagger, the narrow blade belies an
unusual strength and a possibly enchanted edge.


Longswords are the main line of swords, doing more damage than
Cutlasses but less than Broadswords. They may be wielded by anyone
with the Sword skill, and are one-handed.
Some longswords of Elven make are referred to as 'sabers' by the game,
but they handle the same way longswords do.

Attack: +0
Damage: 3d3 (3-9)
Value: 50

Though notched and dented, this longsword is still an effective weapon.

Attack: +3
Damage: 3d3+3 (6-12)
Value: 200

A common elven weapon, this saber is a deadly, if unremarkable, weapon.

- MACE -

Maces are typically wielded by Clerics, whose faith prevents
them from using edged weapons (although in Might & Magic 7,
that does not seem to restrict bows). Any character with Mace
skill can wield these weapons. They are not as powerful as
Hammers, but are a little quicker.

Attack: +0
Damage: 2d4 (2-8)
Value: 50

Barely more sophisticated than a normal club, the mace is slightly more
effective and much more durable.

Attack: +2
Damage: 2d4+2 (4-10)
Value: 150

This weapon is designed to inflict good damage to both armored and
unarmored opponents.


Plate armor is the best, most expensive and heaviest armor around.
It can only be worn by characters with plate skill, which is
available only to the Knight and the Paladin. Plate armor tends
to boost your armor class significantly, but slows your character
down as well.

Armor: +20
Value: 1000

Plate armor is the strongest armor available. It is much heavier than other
suits of armor, and requires considerable practice to get used to wearing.
This suit is made of iron, and the workmanship is unremarkable.


Potions can either be found, bought or made by a character with the
Alchemy skill. The most basic Red, Blue and Yellow potions can be made
by taking an herb of the appropriate color and using it together with an
empty potion bottle. Any character, even those without the Alchemy skill,
can do this.
More complicated potion types are made by mixing potions. However, if
two incompatible potions are mixed or the character doing it does not have
enough Alchemy skill, the combination will explode, destroying both potions
and damaging (possibly killing) the unfortunate would-be alchemist. The
exact recipes for potion mixing are beyond the scope of this FAQ, but I've
mentioned the ingredients for those potions for which I know them.
Making a purple, green or orange potion requires basic Alchemy skill.
Making a layered potion requires expert Alchemy skill.

The power of a potion depends both on the Alchemy skill of the character
who mixed it and the power of the potions/herbs used to mix it. For some
potions, power has no effect on what it does, but their power still carries
through if you mix another potion with them.

AWAKEN (Green Potion)
Value: 50
Recipe: mix a Yellow and a Blue potion for this one.

Removes Sleep condition.

BLESS (Layered Potion)
Value: 150
Recipe: mix a Green and a Red potion for this one.

Grants Bless (as the spell) for 30 minutes per point of potion strength.

CATALYST (Grey Potion)
Value: 1
Recipe: made directly with a grey reagent and an empty potion bottle.

Catalysts are mixed with potions to modify the strength of the potion. The
potion will take the strength of the catalyst you mix with it. Be careful
not to mix a strong potion with a weak catalyst!

(Editor's note: Any character, even those without Alchemy skill, can safely
mix any potion with a catalyst. Drinking a catalyst will only poison the

CURE DISEASE (Orange Potion)
Value: 50
Recipe: mix a Red and a Yellow potion for this one.

Cures Disease.

CURE INSANITY (Layered Potion)
Value: 150
Recipe: Mix an Orange and a Green potion for this one.

Cures Insanity.

CURE POISON (Purple Potion)
Value: 50
Recipe: mix a Blue and a Red potion for this one.

Cures Poison.

CURE WEAKNESS (Yellow Potion)
Value: 5
Recipe: made directly with a yellow reagent and an empty potion bottle.

Cures Weakness.

CURE WOUNDS (Red Potion)
Value: 5
Recipe: made directly with a red reagent and an empty potion bottle.

Heals 10 plus the potion strength hit points.

HARDEN ITEM (Layered Potion)
Value: 150
Recipe: mix a Yellow and a Green potion for this one.

HASTE (Layered Potion)
Value: 150
Recipe: mix a Red and an Orange potion for this one.

Grants Haste (as the spell) for 30 minutes per point of potion strength.

HEROISM (Layered Potion)
Value: 150
Recipe: mix a Red and a Purple potion for this one.

Grants Heroism (as the spell) for 30 minutes per point of potion strength.

MAGIC POTION (Blue Potion)
Value: 5
Recipe: made directly with a blue reagent and an empty potion bottle.

Restores 10 plus the potion strength spell points.

PRESERVATION (Layered Potion)
Value: 150
Recipe: mix an Orange and a Blue potion for this one.

Grants Preservation (as the spell) for 30 minutes per point of potion

RECHARGE ITEM (Layered Potion)
Value: 150
Recipe: Mix a Green and a Blue potion for this one.

Grants Recharge Item (as the spell). The item permanently loses 70% -
point of potion strength of its charges.

(Editor's note: another typo, "point" should be "points".)

STONESKIN (Layered Potion)
Value: 150
Recipe: Mix a Yellow and an Orange potion for this one.

Grants Stoneskin (as the spell) for 30 minutes per point of potion

WATER BREATHING (Layered Potion)
Value: 150
Recipe: Mix a Yellow and a Purple Potion for this one.

Prevents drowning damage.


Reagents are used to mix potions. By picking up a reagent and rightclicking
it over an empty potion bottle, a basic red, yellow or blue potion
may be mixed. More complicated potion are made by mixing individual
potions with each other, but wrong combinations will result in explosions
which will cause damage to whoever was trying to mix them. The more
powerful the potions were, the more damage the explosion does - trying to
mix the most powerful potions in the game with each other will result in

Power: 5
Value: 10

A magical reagent of unusual properties. Crushed rose petals can be used to
make red potions. (To use, pick the herb up and right-click over an empty
potion bottle.)

Power: 5
Value: 10

A magical reagent of unusual properties. Fae dust can be used to make
yellow potions. (To use, pick the herb up and right-click over an empty
potion bottle.)

Power: 5
Value: 10

A magical reagent of unusual properties. Meteorite fragment can be used to
make blue potions. (To use, pick the herb up and right-click over an
empty potion bottle.)

(Editor's note: typo in this one, it should be "fragments".)

Power: 1
Value: 1

A magical reagent of unusual properties. Mushrooms can be used to make
catalysts. (To use, pick the herb up and right-click over an empty potion

Power: 5
Value: 10

A magical reagent of unusual properties. Obsidian can be used to make
catalysts. (To use, pick the herb up and right-click over an empty potion

Power: 1
Value: 1

A magical reagent of unusual properties. Phirna roots can be used to
make blue potions. (To use, pick the herb up and right-click over an
empty potion bottle.)

Power: 1
Value: 1

A magical reagent of unusual properties. Poppysnaps can be used to make
yellow potions. (To use, pick the herb up and right-click over an empty
potion bottle.)

Power: 10
Value: 50

A magical reagent of unusual properties. Vials of ooze endoplasm can be
used to make catalysts. (To use, pick the herb up and right-click over an
empty potion bottle.)

Power: 1
Value: 1

A magical reagent of unusual properties. Poppysnaps can be used to make
red potions. (To use, pick the herb up and right-click over an empty potion


Rings are the main carriers of enchantments in Might & Magic 7. Just
about any enchantment may be placed on a ring, but the quality of
the ring normally determines the quality of the enchantment.
Any character may wear up to six rings, and the effects of any
enchantments on them are cumulative. Unenchanted rings are
typically worth a bit of coin in town, and you can fit a lot of
them in your backpack. The most expensive rings are tough to
identify, however.

Value: 100

A tarnished brass ring. Polished up, you might be able to sell it for
something...but don't expect much.

Value: 300

A large, imperfect pearl adorns this otherwise unremarkable gold ring.


Small Shields may be wielded by anyone with the Shield skill,
assuming he/she has a free hand to spare. Although they do
not boost your armor class as much as Large Shields would, they
do not slow you down as much, either.

Armor: +4
Value: 100

A small wood buckler designed to protect against arrows without encumbering
its wielder. The quality is amaturish, but it's in good condition and will
serve its purpose.

(Editor's note: "amateurish" is misspelled as "amaturish" in this item

Armor: +6
Value: 200

Bronze shields are lighter than iron shields of the same size, but aren't
nearly as strong.


Spears are long range weapons. Although they cannot be thrown, you can
still stab monsters with them just before they are in range for Sword,
Axe, Mace or Dagger attacks. Spears can be wielded with either one or
two hands (depending on whether you have a shield equipped). Wielding
a spear with two hands boosts the damage done, adding 1d9 (1-9) to
every hit. One major advantage of the Spear is that it works well
underwater, which is significant in a certain scene late in the game.
You need the Spear skill to wield a Spear.

Attack: +0
Damage: 1d9 (1-9) / 2d9 (2-18)
Value: 15

Though constructed with a head of sharpened rock lashed to a rough stick,
this spear can cause serious damage.

Attack: +1
Damage: 1d9+1 (2-10) / 2d9+1 (3-19)
Value: 50

Spears like this are found in all armies where their versatility as both
pole and melee weapons are demonstrated regulary.

(Editor's note: "regularly" is misspelled as "regulary" in this item


Staves are commonly wielded by Mages and Monks, but anyone with the Staff
skill can use one. These weapons are two-handed and not very powerful.
However, the Monk can turn it into a very deadly weapon with the right
skills, and Mages have other means to dish out large chunks of damage.

Attack: +0
Damage: 2d4 (2-8)
Value: 40

The staff is the common weapon of the oppressed.


Tridents fall under the Spear skill, and can be wielded by anyone with
that skill. They tend to do more damage than Spears, and are often a
better choice.

Attack: +0
Damage: 2d6 (2-12)
Value: 100

A variant of the farmer's pitchfork, the trident had been used by spear
fishermen since time began. Now it is the traditional weapon of sea-going
warriors throughout the world.


Two-handed axes can be wielded by anyone with the Axe skill. Naturally,
wielding one of these means there's no room for a shield. Two-handed
axes are among the most powerful melee weapons in the game, but also
very slow to swing.

Attack: +0
Damage: 3d7 (3-21)
Value: 225

Ths style of long hafted axe has better reach and more power than the
normal one-handed axe.

Attack: +3
Damage: 3d7+3 (6-24)
Value: 450

This poleaxe has a sharper blade equipped with all the latest in military
technology: Blood grooves, whistle-holes, and a counterbalanced, smaller
blade behind the haft for tricky, disembowling, backstrokes.

(Editor's note: that should be "disemboweling" if I'm not mistaken. Pretty
good item description though, eh?)


Two-handed swords are the only kind of sword that must be wielded with
two hands. They do a lot of damage, although wielding two one-handed swords
tends to be a better deal damagewise.

Attack: +0
Damage: 4d5 (4-20)
Value: 400

This simple two-handed sword with a leather grip is a common design in


Wands always contain a certain spell. Which spells they can cast
depends on the type of wand. To use a wand, you equip it as if
it were a weapon. With every attack, one charge is used and the
appropriate spell is launched at the target. Once a wand is out
of charges, it can no longer be used - however, you can still
sell it.
Wands tend to cast the spells that come from them at a high
skill level, regardless of who wields them. Therefore, they
are more powerful than they may look. Do not sell them off too
quickly, but do not be afraid to use them, either.

Spell level: Expert
Value: 2000

Made from the hollowed out horn of a unicorn and capped with a spiked
brass ball, wands like these are born of cruelty and evil. The enchantment
it holds is useful; the only real question is whether you believe your
cause justifies the use of an item so wickedly created.


These are all the items that do not fall into any other categories.
This includes quest items, so be careful. This section may contain

Value: 0
Location: Whitecliff Caves, Harmondale

Quest Item: A deck of fancifully drawn cards used for a popular card game.

(Editor's note: this item is part of an optional quest in Harmondale. Also,
once you have found it, you can play Arcomage in any of the game's taverns.)

Value: 100

A spell book. To learn this spell, pick the book up and left-click over
the picture of your character in the inventory screen.

(Editor's note: spells can only be learned if you have the appropriate
skill. For higher level spells, a certain degree of mastery is needed as
well. Finally, a character cannot learn the same spell twice.)

Armor: +7
Value: 300
Location: Dragon Cave, Emerald Island

Quest item: Blood stains the back side of this battered shield. The owner
must certainly have been killed while using it.

(Editor's note: this item is part of an optional quest on Emerald Island.)

FLOOR TILE (with moon insignia)
Value: 0
Location: Abandoned Temple, Emerald Island

Quest Item: This tile was apparently part of the library in a Temple of
the Moon.

(Editor's note: this item is needed to complete a plot critical quest. It
can be found in a secret room in the Abandoned Temple on Emerald Island.)

Value: varies

A small pile of gold coins.

(Editor's note: description varies with the size of the stack. Larger
stacks might be descriped as 'large piles' or 'huge piles'. Piles of gold
are only found in chests and lying on the ground - once taken, they are
added to your party's gold total, not as an item to your inventory.)

Value: 0

This flawless horseshoe is made of silver. To use, pick the horseshoe up
and right-click over a character's portrait.

Value: 1600

Quest Item: A latter from Norbert Thrush to Lord Markham. Opening a sealed
letter is in the poorest of taste, and would be frowned upon by both

Value: 0
Location: Emerald Island, carried by Bard in southern part of town

This lute has been masterfully crafted and lovingly maintained. This
instrument clearly belongs to a Bard.

(Editor's note: this item is needed to complete a plot critical quest. It
can be bought from the Bard, stolen by a thief, or collected from the Bard's
body after killing her or having the Dragonflies kill her.)

Value: 0

A message scroll. To read this message, pick the scroll up and left-click
over the character picture in the inventory screen.

(Editor's note: You must actually hold down the left mouse button to read
a scroll, as the text will disappear as soon as you release the mouse
button. Message scrolls are not vital to any quests and may be discarded
after you've read them.)

Value: 1

An empty potion bottle.

(Editor's note: these can be used with any of the three basic herbs to
create one of the three basic potion types. No Alchemy skill is needed for

Value: 0

Apples like these are produced by trees saturated by magic - usually in the
elven lands of Avlee and the Tularean Forest, though not restricted to these
areas. To use the apple, pick the apple up and left-click over the picture
of your character in the inventory screen.

(Editor's note: using an apple will add 1 to your food reserve. There is
no reason to not use an apple right away when you find one, except if you
are about to visit the Fairy King who will take away your entire food
reserve in payment for one of your quests involving him. In that case having
a few spare apples in your backpack can be a good idea.)

Value: 0
Location: Emerald Island, northwestern shack, or bought at northeastern
section of island

Quest item: Seashells this large are only found on the beaches of Emerald
Island. One of these might make a nice souvenir of your time here.

(Editor's note: this item is needed to complete a plot critical quest. It
can either be found in a chest or bought from one of the island's citizens
for 100 gold.)

Value: varies

A spell scroll. To cast this spell, pick the scroll up and left-click over
the picture of your character in the inventory screen.

(Editor's note: higher level spells result in more valuable scrolls. Spells
cast from a scroll are counted as having a pretty high skill level, and
are usually more powerful than those cast normally by your mages unless
they are very skilled.)

Value: 0
Location: Bandit Caves, Erathia

Quest Item: A highly stylized 'D' and 'P' intertwined by a snake with a
crown above its head are engraved into the face of this ring. This must
certainly be Davrick's.

(Editor's note: this item is part of an optional quest received in

Value: 0

Quest Item: This hat appears to belong to a more affluent member of
society, the feather is genuine and the construction is solid.
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to fit.


The latest version of this FAQ can always be found at GameFAQs
(www.gamefaqs.com). If you found this guide somewhere else and you are
looking for an update, I recommend you check GameFAQs to see if a newer
version exists than the one you have.

v1.0: (5 Sep '01) First release of the FAQ, with 82 items listed.

v1.1: (6 Sep '01) Updated with 29 new items, some of which fall in
previously unlisted categories (Halberds, Two-handed swords, Wands). There
are currently 111 items listed.

v1.2: (26 Sep '05) Updated contact info.

More items will be listed in future updates, however I cannot say when
those will be. Considering the last content update was over four years ago...


For questions, comments, suggestions, praise and criticism, please contact the
author, Sashanan, at sashanan.faqs@gmail.com. This e-mail address is for FAQ
feedback only. Whatever you wish to share about this document or Gandalf the
Sorcerer, chances are I'll want to hear it. Any serious mail will be answered.

If you wish to do anything with this FAQ except for just reading it, check
the Disclaimer section at the top of the FAQ to find out what you can and
can't do. When in doubt, you can always mail me.

This document is a copyright of Peter "Sashanan" Butter, 2001-2005. All
rights reserved. Disclaimer at top of document.
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Dt. Megatrainer (für v1.21 deutsch)

18.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Hinweise

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Engl. Hinweise

17.Oktober 2013
Relics & Artifacts Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Exzellente dt. Lösung im Word-Format (Achtung: 2.9 MB)

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Savegame-Editor für die englische Version

17.Oktober 2013
Die Liste aller Zaubertränke
Engl. Hinweise

17.Oktober 2013
Was man so braucht ... Gold Gesundheit etc

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
18.Februar 2014
19.Februar 2014
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020