

17.10.2013 16:11:49

FAQ/Walkthrough - Kessen
Version 1.0
By Kaji Ryoji (

Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background Information
1.2 Author Information
1.3 Copyright Information
2.0 Tokugawan Walkthrough
2.1 Skirmish at Kuzegawa
2.2 Battle of Sekigahara
2.3 Escape from Minakuchi
2.4 Battle from Harima
2.5 Defense at Seta
2.6 Summer Battle at Osaka
2.7 Retreat from Ueda
2.8 Battle at Mount Fuji
2.9 Defense of Hakone
2.9a Battle of Sekigahara
3.0 Toyotomi Walkthrough
3.1 Skirmish at Kuzegawa
3.2 Battle of Sekigahara
3.3 Retreat from Ueda
3.4 Defense of Hakone
3.5 Battle at Fuji
3.6 Winter Battle at Edo
3.7 Escape from Minakuchi
3.8 Battle from Harima
3.9 Battle of Sekigahara
3.9a Defense of Seta
3.9b Summer Battle at Osaka
3.9c Battle of Sekigahara
4.0 Battle Manuevers
5.0 Miscellaneous
5.1 Basic Strategy
5.2 Choosing Officers
5.3 War Council
6.0 Frequently Asked Questions

1.0 Introduction
Kessen is a game designed by the strategy oriented company, KOEI.
They’ve designed such games as the Romance of the Three Kingdoms
series, the Dynasty Warriors series, and so on. Kessen is more like a
real-time strategy game, in the fact that everything is real-time, and
you can move your forces about to defeat the enemy forces.
Already, KOEI has announced Kessen II and III, as well as Dynasty
Warriors III. Kessen II is supposed to be about the Romance of the
Three Kingdoms era, so we will hear more about that eventually.

1.1 Background Information
Kessen takes place after Hideyoshi dies. Tokugawa then decides to
take command of the land himself. In history, Tokugawa beats the
Western forces and takes over Japan, starting the policy of
isolationism. However, in this game, you can change the course of
history itself.

1.2 Author Information
I can be contacted at Only send e-mails there.
My AIM is Kaji Ryogi, and I’ll release my ICQ number later, but I never
use it anyway. This is my second FAQ/Walkthrough, just for personal
reference. Send tips, your own walkthroughs, and questions to my e-

1.3 Copyright Information
This document is copyright of the Internet Privacy Act, and
intellectual property of myself, Kaji Ryoji. If you wish to distribute
this document, you must contact me and you must also leave this
document in an un-edited format. This document may NOT be used for
profit in any DIRECT manner by any other person(s). By direct, that
means you may not place this document on a package to be sold for
profit, nor can you force users to click on banners to access this
document. You may have banners on the site, but you cannot force them
to click on them. This document may not be sold to any magazine, etc.

2.0 Tokugawan Scenario
2.1 Skirmish at Kuzegawa

Tokugawa has already dispatched, and Ishida had come to ambush him, and
even though Tokugawa is at a disadvantage, he decides to attack
Mitsunari in an attempt to defeat him, here and now.

Mission Walkthrough
For the beginning, follow the tutorial until you get control of
your army (and additionally, no more tutorial screens, as you will
control it for a little bit during the tutorial, then it will be reset
as soon as the tutorial ends. The tutorials shows you a little bit
about moving, special abilities, and some of your units massive

Now, once the battle starts, you can leave the battle to your
officers, but you should take control to make sure nothing goes wrong,
and to make sure you can grasp a sense of the controls.

First, all your armies already have preset attack orders, so pick
“Proceed as planned! Let the battle begin!” Your armies will
automatically engage the enemies.

Honda will engage Shima in an even battle, and you can watch it if
you wish. However use Honda’s “Raid” Special Maneuver to lower enemy
morale and inflict a little amount of damage on the enemy. Raids are
also fun to watch.

At this point, one of your officers may comment that they appear to
be concentrating on you. This means that all officers that are not
currently engaged in a battle will attack your commander, which is
Tokugawa. However, you should feel safe, so you should select “There
is no change in plans!” to keep things moving.

Yi will engage Gamo. Also, certain events are random, such as
duels. I had Yi duel Gamo as soon as he engaged him. Also, during the
battle, many officers will perform beneficial special manuevers to
assist their allies, such as “Rally”, which increases the target unit’s
Once Tokugawa is in range, use his barrage on Ishida to soften up
his defenses. Ishida may approach you then, so back up a little bit
and prepare to use a cannonade when you have enough troops. The other
possibility is that Ishida will back off. Hold your position in this
case and fire your cannonade if possible.
Eventually, Yi’s army will scatter Gamo. Have them pursue him.
When, or if Yi catches up to Gamo, he’ll attempt to kill the remainder
of Gamo’s army to destroy it. If Gamo escapes, then he’ll rebuild his
forces a little bit, and you’ll have to attack him again.
Now Ishida will have entered combat with Tokugawa most likely, if
they all charged at you. Either way, once you demolish all the
enemies, concentrate on Ishida, and he should fall before Akashi
arrives. Fukushima will probably arrive to assist in time.
If Akashi arrives while you’re still engaged with the other forces,
use Fukushima to distract him, otherwise concentrate on Ishida.
End mission.

Ishida has retreated from the battle. Tokugawa makes his way to
Mina castle, and Ishida returns to Okina castle, and now you get a
chance to watch the briefing and such.

2.2 The Battle of Sekigahara

Tokugawa knew Ishida planned to ambush him at Sekigahara, and he
decided to attack Ishida there, because of his expertise at open
Just use the plans that have been picked so far. Additionally,
add the defect order to Shimazu, and you should be all set for that.
If you need further explanation than the tutorial gives, refer to that
section of the walkthrough.
For my officers, I switched Kani with Sakai, although you’re losing
some attack power there by switching spears with bows. However, with
Honda, Yi, and Fukushima there, you should be all set anyway.

Tokugawa remembers Sakon Shima, who had attempted to assassinate
him, and almost did before. However, his concubine had protected him
from the assault with ninja skills. He is also displeased that his son
was delayed by Masa Sanada. Then an argument takes place where
everyone shows their reason of hating Mitsunari Ishida. Then it is
seen where Josui decides to take over Japan also.

After the scenes take place, the planning phase begins, where you
can change the initial orders of your units, although it doesn’t make
much difference.

Mission Walkthrough
Many events will occur in this battle. All the officers that you
have attempted to influence will not attack (The ones that were already
set). Kobayakawa will join your army when you have defeated several of
Ishida’s troops. However, Shimazu’s troops will retreat and head to

After a little bit, mobilize your armies and move Tokugawa into
range to cannonade the enemy. Use your force’s special manuevers,
especially naga Kuroda’s Triple Barrage. It will inflict serious
damage on enemies like Shima. Hosokawa dons his volley and barrages as
his special manuevers, which are fairly useful.

Eliminate each enemy to clear a path to Ishida, but retreat if you
are losing serious ground.

By monitoring your forces in this battle, you should inflict some
serious damage and gain Kobayakawa.

If you need to inflict quick damage or escape a battle with Yi, use
his charge. He inflicts heavy damage against mounted forces and most
male forces. In this battle, officers will want the opportunity to
issue their own orders. Allow them to do so, so they will keep high
morale and zeal.

In the course of this battle, many enemy units possess triple
barrage, and it will do quite a bit of damage. Otani uses cannonade
against your forces, which is for extreme damage. On your forces,
Tanaka and Tokugawa and use the cannonade. Tokugawa has more forces
than Ishida, but overall, the enemy has more troops. Eventually,
Kobayakawa will, and he provides a great advantage, because he has his
10000 troops, although they’re slightly weak.

Once you eliminate enough enemy troops, charge Ishida with all you
End mission.

2.3 Escape From Minakuchi

Ishida and Sakon Shima had attempted to retreat now, and Ieyasu
attempts to stop him. There is no briefing for this mission. You also
find that Shimazu, who betrayed you earlier, is fighting with Ishida.

Mission Walkthrough
You must stop Ishida from escaping to the red glowing spots on the
map. The enemy is in a weakened state in this battle, but so will you.

For this battle, you can charge, but you’ll engage many enemies
anyway before you reach Ishida. Your special maneuvers are vital in
this battle, so make sure you use them.

In this battle, Ishida WILL use his cannonade on your troops, so be
careful about positioning Ieyasu too close at the beginning of the
battle. Respond by using Ieyasu’s cannonade and you will inflict heavy
damage because you possess more cannons than Ishida. Tanaka also has
the ability to use cannonades.

Keep Ishida occupied, or else he’ll reach the escape point. However,
he can’t retreat until the other two units arrive.
End mission.

Sakon Shima is now dead, but the rest escaped the battle.

2.4 Battle at Harima

If you win, you will fight Josui at Harima, who is Naga Kuroda’s
father. It is also seen that Sanada (father) is dying at the hands of
Ieyasu. Now there are many emotional scenes between many people
deciding why they fight.

Mission Walktrough
This mission is extremely hard. You must defeat Josui Kuroda here,
and he has a large force backing him.
Have Kobayakawa attack Tachi and he should keep him occupied for
awhile, if not defeating him. Send Hide Tokugawa after Shimazu while
shooting all your best attacks at him also.
In the event that they all attack you, ignore it for awhile.
Eventually, there will be a scene where Fukushima and Kato greet each
other. Also, Hide will have an epitome and lead his troops to try to
impress his father.
Kuroda posses the ballista spear weapons, and they will inflict
massive damage that will range in the thousands. You can counter that
with Kobayakawa’s ballista.
You should probably have Fukushima attack Kuroda early on to weaken
him. Think of Fukushima as a sacrificial pawn in this mission. Just
keep charging Kuroda to injure him. Kuroda will fire all his shots at
Fukushima, and they’ll be wasted.
Hopefully, you’ve also defeated Yuki Sanada, because his ninjas
will rip your forces into tiny screaming pieces. Those troops are the
most effective troops in the game.
Raiding will be effective in this battle as fights will tend to
last awhile. By lowering enemy morale, the troops will die much
easier, and you will preserve your own troops.
As soon as you scatter several armies, send Tokugawa and Honda
after Kuroda.
The battle will be quite hard, so use your drum calls if you lose
any duels or are beaten down quite badly. Chances are you will lose a
lot of armies toward the end of the battle, but don’t worry, Tokugawa
should be fairly strong if you’ve kept him away.
End mission.

2.5 Defense at Seta

Josui has been defeated. Now Hide Tokugawa has succeeded his
father as Shogun. Yuki Sanada has gained control of the Toyotomi

This is an extremely small battle compared to your previous ones.
The enemy has four units and three reinforcement units. You have five
reinforcement units, but only two active units.

Follow the plan and be cautious. Todo has an increased amount of
men for this mission (7000).
However, the flaw with following the plan is that Kimura will
cannonade you right off the battle. Kimura will also have an advantage
over you, using female cavalary

2.6 Summer Battle at Osaka

Hide is now rushing to battle, and he arrived late to battle again,
but Tokugawa hears gunshots from Date.
Hide now asks to lead an attack, and Tokugawa says that it is
dangerous. It is seen where Sanada leads his army. Ieyasu decides to
take him on himself.

Mission Walkthrough
Toyotomi is planning to appear in this battle, so beware.
Follow the basic mission plan, except have Naga Kuroda attack
Katsu. I replaced Masa with Hosokawa, and Fukushima with the last
officer on the list. Hosokawa should stay and ambush the enemy unit.
For this battle, you gain many valuable tactics, such as artillery
and ninjas. Hopefully, you assigned ninjas to Tokugawa’s unit to take
full advantage of this formidable attack.
If Yuki attacks Tokugawa’s unit, you will see the scene from the
Just eliminate the enemy units and charge Yuki.
End mission.
Afterwards, Princess Sen meets Tokugawa again, who is her
grandfather. Finally, you have reached the end of the harder version
of the campaign, by winning all the missions.

2.7 Retreat From Ueda
Ieyasu and Hide headed back to Edo, but Ishida came to chase
Tokugawa, and to put them in a pincer with Masa Sanada. Tokugawa
decides to charge through them.

Mission Walkthrough
You have five units versus three in this battle. The escape point
is behind you, so it appears to be very easy. Order Masa to attack
Shima to help Todo.
Next, there are two ambush points in this map. The default one
contains Sanada, the other contains Yuki. Make sure you take him out.
If you’re not careful, you will lose one of your officers. However,
this is surely death for Todo and Masa.
Alternatively, you could just have everyone concentrate on each
enemy one at a time to try to beat Ishida. To crush Ishida, use an
army attack. As soon as the battle starts, use the army attack to get
them moving towards them instead of away. If you move away, you will
get hit with a cannonade. So as soon as the battle starts, use the
cannonade on Ishida.
Personally, it is BY FAR easier to fight Ishida for victory. It is
absolutely vital to kill him quickly though, or else the Sanadas will
approach you.

2.8 Battle at Mount Fuji
Please note, if you lose here, you go to Hakone. Josui Kuroda have
taken control of Kyushu. Then Josui moves north after hearing of the
Eastern loss at Sekigahara.
Set the bide orders on Hide Mori and Ban. Also, change Nabeshima
with Masa, and you will be all set. If you wish, you can also replaced
Kuroda, because he will be somewhat hard to control.

Mission Walkthrough
Follow the plan. Your forces that are west of you will immediately
go to engage Ishida. Send your defense force to meet the incoming
forces from the southwest. Once you defeat all the forces and both
reinforcements arrive, order an army attack and finish him off.

2.9 Defense of Hakone
Having lost from Mount Fuji, many officers planned to stay at
Hakone to try to stop Ishida, so Ieyasu could escape. Suddenly, Ieyasu
arrives and said that he will stay and fight with them. Then he says
that he will not abandon his troops. Then they start to cry because
they are touched by Tokugawa’s loyalty and commitment to them.

Mission Walkthrough
The enemy has five units, and so do you. However, Gamo and Akashi
are on their way to assist them. Yuki, who is Tokugawa’s son, is on
the way to assist you.
The most dangerous adversary is Yuki Sanada and his ninja in this
mission, so dispatch him immediately, but don’t let Tokugawa enter
battle with him. Instead, charge and use the cannonade to hurt him.
After quite awhile, Matsu will arrive to reinforce you. What I did
however, was have Yi charge through all of Ishida’s men. Then have him
rest for some time away from the battle. Then I had the army engage
everyone and let Sakaki attack Ishida. Then, once Yi was rested, I put
him into a pincer move. That was what beat him.
Unfortunately, Yi was killed, but he killed Ukita with him.

2.9a Winter Battle at Edo
The Toyotomis have taken over most of the land, and Tokugawa has
been declared an enemy of the state. Then all of the forces are
concentrated in Edo.
Let Hide Mori bide. The rest is actually up to you, since everyone
else has perfect loyalty now. Also, replace all of Tokugawa’s men with
ninja. That will increase his battle power to epic proportions. I
also replaced Matsu with Hosokawa and Sakai with Katakura.
We see Naomasa’s death. They also hear that Date has publically
declared his intentions to betray them.
They also hear that Mitsunari brags that he will win in three days,
and only brought food for three days.

Mission Walkthrough
Follow the plan. Naotaka Yi then screams to avenge his father and
they rush the enemy. Unless you use your abilities wisely, you will
lose this battle. Charging and the cannonade will be the keys to
winning the early battle. Later, Tokugawa’s ninja should finish the
job. The mission is very simple once you get into it.

2.9b Battle of Sekigahara
Having been defeated by Ieyasu, Ishida dies, and Yuki Sanada begins
to attack Sekigahara.
For this battle, I set Hide Mori and Toyo Shimazu to bide.
Next, put Katakura in the northwestern ambush point.

Mission Walkthrough
Follow the battle plan. Once again, concentrate on the enemy that
breaks through your defense lines. They might inflict serious damage
on you and it will be an even battle, so use your special abilities as
often as you can without fatiguing any given unit too much (charge is
one of those abilities that can tire out your units). Once you have
cleared a path from your base to Yuki, order an army attack.

3.0 Toyotomi Walkthrough

3.1 Skirmish at Kuzegawa
Ishida’s forces at Ogaki had planned to ambush Tokugawa, who was
headed to Akasaka castle. Shima decides to attack Ieyasu, but Ishida
wishes not to, but then he hears a call to battle, and then attacks
Ieyasu also.

Mission walkthrough
Basically, follow the tutorial, or you can skip it. You are at a
slight advantage in this battle, as you have more soldiers than
Tokugawa’s forces.
As in it’s Tokugawan counterpart, Fukushima and Akashi are headed
to reinforce Tokugawa and Ishida. Send Gamo and Shima to engage Yi.
Shima might challenge Yi t a duel, but this is all random.
You probably won’t have room to perform a charge on Yi, so raid him
instead to prolong the lives of your own troops. For Gamo, also raid
Yi, unless you can barrage him before you engage him.
Hopefully, Ishida will have intercepted Tokugawa. Use the triple
barrage on him. If you follow all the necessary steps, you’ll defeat
Ieyasu before any reinforcements arrive.
End mission.

3.2 Battle at Sekigahara
Ishida returns to Ogaki castle to plan for the next battle. For
this mission, definitely have Fukushima bide. Additionally, I set
Yoshi for bide, and the other two for defection.

Mission Walkthrough
This mission will be somewhat difficult, as you have many units
that will be uncontrollable or extremely hard to control, such as
Kobayakawa. If you begin to lose the battle quite badly, Kobayakawa
will defect.
Asano is on his way to help Tokugawa, whereas you have Choso to
reinforce you.
Several of Tokugawa’s avengers will approach Ishida, so just stand
your ground, firing your cannonade when they enter range.
Afterwards, try to advance your forces bit by bit. It will be
difficult since you are unable to use the majority of your army
Don’t move Ikida until all the avengers are dead, as Hide Mori will
be flak to defend you against. You will probably take awhile, so Choso
will arrive first, then Natsuka. If you take a long time, Yama will
End mission.

3.3 Retreat from Ueda
Tokugawa has joined with Hide, and attempted to return to Edo, but
Ishida had intercepted Tokugawa, and has Masa Sanada put him into a
pincer attack.

Mission Walkthrough
Tokugawa doesn’t have that many troops for this mission, but
neither do you. The advance which you possess however, is Yuki. He
has the ability to use ninja.
Once Ishida gets into range, fire the cannonade before Tokugawa
decides to hit you with something. Order Gamo to do the same. Then
order Shima to attack Masa. By this time, an enemy, might have made it
to the escape point. Order the ambush to the appropriate daimyo.
Order the other one to stand down and assist him, as they will
concentrate on one point.

3.4 Battle of Fuji
Tokugawa had returned to Edo and powered his forces. Kuroda had
taken over Kyushu, and arrived to Fuji. No one knows who he will side
For the defect and bide orders, they’ve already been set, so just
add a defect order to Todo, although it is unlikely that it will work
anyway. When picking officers, IF you still have Kobayakawa, don’t
bring him, as he will only be flak, and extremely hard to command with
low battle power. Don’t assign Kikkawa either, because he will do the
same thing.
Now, Yuki shows his father a flying fusillade in an upclose and
personal way.

Mission Walkthrough
Follow the assigned battle plans. Kuroda will join you if you can
inflict major damage on the Tokugawan forces. Yuki and Matsu are on
the way from Edo to reinforce Tokugawa, so keep that in mind. Use a
drum call on Sanada to increase the fighting strength. Also use Yuki’s
ninja on whoever he’s attacking.
If Yuki arrives (and he probably will), he will give Tokugawa a huge
advantage in manpower, so becareful. This is probably a good time to
mobilize Ishida to try to bomb all of your foes.
The battle will be fairly even, so concentrate your forces on one
army at a time, save Kuroda.
End mission.

3.5 Defense of Hakone
Many soldiers are to wait at Hakone to buy Ieyasu time to escape.
Many men decide to defend Hakone to try to buy Tokugawa time, although
it possibly would sacrifice them. Then Ieyasu decides to come back and
attack Ishida.

Mission Walkthrough
Ishida’s rank swell with sodliers this time around. As usual,
follow the battle plan. If Tokugawa mobilizes, intercept him. Otani
might be unengaged, so use his cannonade if that happens.
Once you eliminate all of Tokugawa’s men, chase him. He’s very
slick, so he’ll retreat often, so when he does, shoot him with a large
tactic. This mission will be very quick.
End mission.

3.6 Winter Battle at Edo
Tokugawa hopes to place all his hopes on the battle at Edo.
Masamune Date has come to assist Ieyasu.
For this battle, I set Date and Katakura for defection, and
Fukushima and Mogami for Bide. Fukushima would never defect to
Ishida’s side, so that’s a given. However, Katakura and Mogami are
probably interchangable.
For other officers, I replaced Anko with Satake. I also gave Yuki
Sanada all ninjas. Additionally, for the war council, I added some
ambush points. Finally, change Uesugi from attacking Date to attack
Nao Yi. Date and Katakura will defect if the tide of battle turns.

Mission Walkthrough
I had my army follow the battle plan. Tokugawa will hold his
positions. Have Sugi charge Nao Yi. Mogami will bide his time in this
battle, so that’s an advantage right in the beginning. Play your cards
right, and Nao will be dead right away. Now charge Asano and you will
decimate the majority of his forces using anyone that’s near him.
To win this battle, it is necessary to split the forces into
multiple parts, possibly three; Sugi’s northern forces, Otani in the
west, and the southern forces.
It is not necessary to gain Date and Katakura’s assistance as they
will remain idle, unless you provoke them.
End mission.

This ends main branch. There are two other branches which I will
provide a walkthrough now.

To reach the next branch, you must lose at Sekigahara.

3.7 Escape from Minakuchi
Ishida was attempting to escape through Minakuchi, and Tokugawa
intercepted him. Ishida’s forces are pessimistic, but decide to smash
through Ieyasu’s forces.

Mission walkthrough
Follow the plan and you will move to defensive positions. You are
at a disadvantage in this battle, with very few soldiers. Fukushima
will be the first to attack you, so charge him like a freak and he
should be weakened.
The way to victory lies in either getting Choso, Ishida, and
Shimazu to the other side of the map, or defeating Tokugawa. Of the
easiest ones, it would probably be easier to defeat Tokugawa by
following the plan. Tokugawa will come to you, so just wait for him to
attack Ishida, then smash his forces with the triple barrage.
End mission.

3.8 Battle at Harima
Unfortunately, Ishida has been defeated. Now Josui Kuroda plans to
attack Tokugawa. He had joined with many westerners, then planned to
join the western leaders around Harima.
Now, set the defect order to Fukushima and anyone except Hosokawa.
Have the other two bide their time. Get rid of Kikkawa and Goto and
add Satake and Ono in their stead.
Now we see Yuki on the grave of his father, which can be seen in
the main branch of Tokugawa.

Mission Walkthrough
Follow the plan. Remember that Kato cannot attack Fukushima in
this battle, they’ll retreat and refuse to attack each other
This battle can be extremely hard, so just keep your cool. You
will most likely lose many units at the beginning, but those units will
have weakened many of their units for the rest of your units to enter
and trounce them. Fukushima will join you when you have nearly twice
as many troops left (percentage wise) as the eastern forces.
When you have defeated Tokugawa, you will see another movie of him
being surrounded.
End mission.

3.9 Battle of Sekigahara
Josui Kuroda had been killed while fighting Ieyasu, and Yuki Sanada
is now the commander. They meet at Sekigahara.
Now, have Naga Kuroda and Date defect, and let the other two bide.
Now, replace Anko with Satake for more men. Hopefully, you also
received the strength of Fukushima in the last mission. The last thing
to do is to replace all of Yuki’s soldiers with ninja, and use the
“Horns” formation to increase the usefulness of the ninja.
The last thing you should do is assign Nao to the ambush point next
to Akashi.

Mission Walkthrough
The music seems a bit different now, no? Anyway, follow the
mission plan. Your army will stand still, and so will the Tokugawas.
Begin your offensive and try to destroy as many of the enemies as you
can. Eventually they will fall into your traps.
In this battle, if you replaced Yuki with all ninja, he will be the
trump card. You would be surprised how many men eight thousand ninja
will kill. Use the ninja on anyone who attempts to attack, but save
some to kill Ieyasu. In this battle, Hide possesses the cannonade.
Use your ninjas in Tokugawa a few times and he will be dead.
If you’re still having trouble, then start the battle off by sending
Fukushima and Shimazu after Yoshi and have Fukushima charge him, then
finish him off. Another thing that seems constant is that if you
charge Mogami with Maeda, he will instantly charge back.
Alternatively, don’t use Yuki at all and concentrate on his guards
one by one. If you beat enough of the troops (well, I had 66% of
troops left and he only had 11%), Naga Kuroda will defect. I had
already defeated Date by this time, although it’s not necessary.
End mission.

3.9a Defense of Seta
After losing at Harima with Kuroda, Tokugawa arranges a marriage
between Sen and Toyotomi. Finally, Tokugawa orders a campaign to
destroy the Toyotomi’s, and Yuki Sanada attempts to stop Tokugawa at
Seta and to force them to join them.

Mission Walkthrough
For now, the enemy has only two units: Tokugawa and Todo.
However, many officers are heading to reinforce him. You will only get
three units to reinforce you, but you start with four already, so rush
Tokugawa as fast as you can. Unfortunately, Yuki has no ninjas with
him, so this can become a long fight. If you don’t want to get
flooded, you will kill him right away, therefore, no plan is needed,
attack! Have Kimura charge Todo as soon as they enter combat, and get
ready to use the cannonade as soon as the zeal is restored. If Kimura
suddenly enters combat with Tokugawa after charging, his zeal should be
restored, so charge one more time and have his army rest.
Use Yuki’s mounted barrage as soon as you enter range on Tokugawa
to try to weaken him as much as possible before fighting. Katsu will
keep Todo occupied.
Akashi will arrive first, but by that time, Tokugawa should be
nearly dead or scattered. If not, send Akashi to take on Todo.
End mission.

3.9b Summer Battle at Osaka
Now, the Western forces had fallen back to Osaka. Tokugawa had
called for peace, and had the moats in the castle dried up. Yuki
prepared to fight in a quick battle to try to defeat Tokugawa.
Give Fukushima and Yoshi the defect orders. Katakura must bide,
and Hosokawa will bide, but rarely defects, if ever. You won’t get to
bring many men on this mission, so replace Ban with Ukita. Lastly,
give Yuki Sanada all ninja in his troops, and give him to Horns
pattern. Yuki is seen drinking with Lady Yodo, when Saizo informs him
that Tokugawa is moving. Yuki appears to be extremely drunk, as his
ego has become inflated. Outside, many officers look down at Osaka
castle. Yuki then shows everyone the fireworks that he had planned,
and the officers are impressed and become happy from this sight.
Tokugawa sees this and laughs at it, believing it to be a silly and
futile display.
During the war council, assign Ukita and Ono ambush orders.

Mission Walkthrough
Follow the battle plan. They say that Toyotomi promises to join
you in battle, but not to let your hopes up. He doesn’t, just so you
know, unless you want to take a long time in this battle. All your
forces will mobilize. Yuki will engage in battle with Tada Honda, so
use the ninja on him, and you will inflict an extreme amount of damage.
Tada will fall soon after. Send Akashi to assist in the battle against
Hide Tokugawa. Basically, at this point, you need to gang up on them.
Long range attacks, keeping in mind, are ineffective against Hide’s
anvil formation. Charging is much more effective. Katsu MIGHT reach
Tokugawa (He may get engaged with Hide instead). If he does, charge
Tokugawa to inflict a little bit of damage.
Fukushima will join you if you set the defect order on him fairly
early in the battle. Beat them down a little bit more (22% to my 75%)
and Yoshi will join you. When Tokugawa is nearly defeated and Yuki
attacks, you'’l see an FMV of them having a quick duel, except he finds
out that Ieyasu escaped already.
End mission.

3.9c Battle of Sekigahara
Tokugawa heads to Kyoto, but Yuki has continued to chase him, but
then is forced to return to Edo. Then Toyotomi had returned to Kyoto.
For this mission, set the defect order to Naga Kuroda and Date.
Next, replace Ban with Fukushima, or if you don’t have him, replace him
with Satake. Nao may be replaced with either Shimazu, Ukita, or
Konishi. I prefer Shimazu, as he has the best battle insight.
Finally, Ono may be replaced with Satake.

Mission Walkthrough
Looking at the battle plan, everyone just stands still, so make
sure you have added an ambush somewhere, such as Goto. Start by moving
your forces around a bit to get Tokugawa moving. Just a few inches is
good. Someone will run into one of the ambush points.
Simply let the enemy approach, then pick them off one by one. Once
this is done order an army attack, and you will be done.
End mission.

5.0 Battle Manuevers
* Ineffective vs. “Anvil” formation

Command Zeal Usage Effect
Rally 15 Raise ally’s zeal. Commander only.

Artillery 45 Fires projectiles. Does damage vs all

Avoid 20 Evade enemy army, will not enter combat.

Ballista 30 Mobile spear launchers. Best vs. Mounted

Cannonade 55 Effective vs. all units.*

Drum Roll 10 Raises morale of own army.

Barrage 30 Single firing line. Best vs. grounded

Charge 45 Charge through enemy lines. Reappear on
Otherside. Effective against mounted
Forces. Arrow best formation.

Escape 10 Flee from battle instantly.

Flying Fusillade 25 Firing while moving. Cannot use during

Mounted Barrage 30 Single lined cavalry firing.*

Ninja 40 Use “Horn” Formation. Inflicts massive
Damage to all enemy units.

Raid 30 General attacks men to lower zeal.

Spear Wall 25 Use “Reef” formation. Best vs. Mounted

Triple Barrage 40 Three line barrage.*

Volley 25 Arrow wave. Best vs. grounded.*

5.0 Miscellaneous Information

5.1 Basic Strategy
Try to gang up on enemy forces, as it appears to be quite
effective. Many small forces will always beat a large force, because
each unit has many sub-units divided equally among each other. If you
can wear each of them down, they will have small sub-units and will be
defeated very easily.

If an officer wishes to engage someone, then let him do it. It
will increase his zeal.

The higher the fatigue of a unit, the lower the life of every
soldier inside it is.

Experiment with formations to get the most out of your special

5.2 Choosing Officers
Look at the meter on the right when choosing officers. Insight
stands for how well their soldiers fight, and the battle rating is how
well they will fare in duels. I’m not yet certain what the other
ratings on the side do. Another thing you should keep in mind is the
bias between the West and the East. Lastly, learn all of the generals’
relationships with the leader, e.g. Fukushima will NEVER defect to the
West if you are Ishida.
The same applies when choosing what officers to defect and bide.
Keeping in mind that certain officers have some loyalty to their
commander, and also many other factors apply, such as campaign

5.3 War Council
Here, you will see the enemy placement, your own, and also have the
opportunity to change some of it. When setting ambush points, look at
where the enemy stands in relation to your commander. Ambush points
can be set in the red circles, and the green are where you can place
everyone else. Ambushes should be set in a straight line to your
commander, as the enemy seems to like to rush to your defensive forces.

6.0 Frequently Asked Questions
This section will have any questions that anyone e-mails to me.

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PAL zu NTSC Patch für die EURO PAL Version

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