Ridge Racer 5

Ridge Racer 5

14.10.2013 08:47:59
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Ridge Racer V F.A.Q. >>>>> Version 1.0.4 >>>>> Dated: 5-3-2000
By: Ayumi "Vasteele" Ari
Contax: megazoid@hotmail.com

=|= Standard Disclaimer and Legalese =|=

This FAQ may be redistributed electronically, provided
it stays unaltered in text format. Please give credit where it's
due. Contact the author prior to use in a commercial purpose.
Ridge Racer is a trademark of the Namco Corporation.

© FAQ copyrighted work of Ayumi Ari, 2000.

In the F.A.Q. is…

1: Basics 1.1 Ridge Racer Synopsis
1.2 The Courses
1.3 The Vehicle Manufactory

2: Ridge Racer Revision 2.1 Taking the Driving Corners
2.2 The Vehicle List
2.3 Game Trick
2.4 Nippon Translation Section

3: The Final Lap… 3.1 Greets
3.2 History of Version
3.3 Other


Ridge Racer Synopsis

RR5 is similar to original RR or RRR than Rage or R4.
Many gamefans in Tokyo say it is the "old-school" RR game.
The game is also termed "Version Hi-Spec" that runs at 60fps like the arcade RR (or Rave Racer).
Also on the extras disc is a catalogue of all Namco's future
Playstation 2 products, several playable demo's and movies.

Available are the game-play modes:- Grand Prix, Time Attack, Versus,
Dual Mode, Free Run. I focus on Grand Prix mainly here.

Special Notes: RR5 Special Launch Premium pack features RR5 game, Bonus Disc,
JogCon controller, T-Shirt, 'RR5: Direct Audio' soundtrack CD and stickers.

The Courses

There are a total of seven courses running through Ridge City.
Each course has used a different route through the
city and each has varied difficulty levels.
The first three tracks can be played from startup. Complete the
RR5 Racer Season once and all 7 tracks will be playable. Also,
reverse tracks are available in Time Attack mode. You can identify
between Normal and Reverse tracks by the N and R symbols beside
the logo of the track.

The Vehicle Manufactory

Difficulty Team-name
Easy Micro Machine Mappy
Normal Pac Racing Team
Hard Racing Team Solvalou
Expert Racing Team Dig

Please start with Mappy it is the control to easiest. When you are master use Dig!

Please select a car maker:

Drive-Aspect Manufactory
Drift-aspect Rivelta

Grip-aspect Danver

N.B.: Player 1 starts with 6 cars to choose from.
Control differs among Drift and Grip-aspect. See later on in F.A.Q.

Ridge Racer Revision

Taking the Driving Corners

As in all RR games Drift-aspect cars have a small turn circle than Grip-aspect
cars. This isn't very obvious, since drift cars now share nearly
the same turning angle as grip cars.

Sharp cornering is achieved by you having to kick your car to
do some sliding. Both types of cars have different ways of doing
this, and they sound different too. By sliding, you'll definitely
have a loss of speed, but it is far better off than knocking into
the wall and having to catch up later.

Drift-aspect Cars

Method 1
1. Release the accelerator button
2. Turn
3. Hit the accelerator just after pressing the direction button
4. Tap left or right to align

Method 2
1. Turn
2. Release the accelerator button
3. Hit the accelerator just after pressing the direction button
4. Tap left or right to align

Drift-aspect cars can manage sharp corners this way.
You will have to guesstimate when to release the accelerator before
the turning point.

Grip-aspect Cars
1. Turn
2. Press or tap the brake button without releasing the
3. Keep pressing the brake button until you think it is enough
to pass the corner.

Grip-aspect cars cannot slide as much as drift cars, due to their good
traction (Hence their name - grip). But they can do most blunt
corners without slowing down.

Loss of Traction
Drift-aspect cars (mostly final stage vehicles), you tend to
slide too much than expected. You'll know you overslide when you
hear free-rev engine sound-effect.

To solve this, wait till the car to get its grip after the slide.
Shift the gear lower by one, so that the speed catches up and
continue as usual.

The Vehicle List

One can use the cars in the RR5 Season Grand Prix here. Hidden
cars are unlocked in this mode. In order to unlock the cars, you'll
have to win them. Doesn't sound that easy yet, but please try to
use easy level cars first, since it is the easiest team to play
with. Besides that, use final stage cars, because the speed of the
hidden com cars are constant and verified.


Devil Car: BlackGriffon


Devil Car: Sabre


Devil Car: Mariner

Cobra E.X.

Devil Car: Tiamat

Hidden Cars

These are won in the Duel Mode.

Mako Mk.II, Rivelta
Top Speed: 376 mph

Hammerhead, Rivelta
Top Speed: 322 mph

There are at least 2 other more hidden cars. Look for future F.A.Q.

N.B.: Hidden car speeds based on top speed in Time Attack mode.

Game Trick

Manual transmission (MT) is always better option!
MT is SUPERIOR control and acceleration than Automatic transmission (AT) cars.
AT is for new early, players.

Hold L2 & L2 before start in Time Attack to get Super-Turbo start at instant of second set of Red Lights is

Fun Things
Pressing Select button during demonstration and replay scenes advances
to next scenario race. Also available in the Music Player.

Hit L1 or R1 to steer the front wheels in Select screen.

BGM Player
Standard options
Left/Right - Changes the song currently played.
Triangle - Toggles third person perspective and driver
perspective, with and without motion blur.
Circle - Toggles the repeat function.
X - Quit to Options
Select - Toggle soundtrack name

When motion blur enabled, in third person perspective
R2 - Adds Tint
L2 - Removes Tint (when blur enabled)
L1/R1 - Cycle Hue

In driver perspective
L1/R1 - Turn camera to the sides

N.B. Dual Shock 2 Left Control changes pitch.

BGM Pattern
BGM for each race is fixed depending on the team you choose. Below
is a list.

t.01 Urban Fragments II
t.02 Pitlane Glow
t.03 Revvin On
t.04 Fluid Rhythms
t.05 Oil
t.06 Midnight Velocity
t.07 il Fonsi si Moroti
t.08 Challenger
t.09 Finishing First
t.10 Final Lap, Checker Flag
t.11 The Duel

Nippon Translation Section

Here are some translation:

(based on MagicGate card inserted mode)

Saving after completing a stage
Green screen
"Would you like to save your game at this point?" Yes/No

If yes,.....
Blue screen
"Select an option from menu." Save/Exit

If save,.....
"Select a file" 1/2/3/4/5

"All the game data will be saved in Slot 1's memory card. Is
that all right?" Yes/No

If yes,.....
"Is it all right to write?" Yes/No

Save completed.

Saving in Save and Load Option
Blue screen
"Select an option from menu." Save/Load/MagicGate Card/PocketStation/Exit

If save,.....
"All the game data will be saved in Slot 1's memory card. Is
that all right?" Yes/No

If yes,.....
"Is it all right to write?" Yes/No

Save completed.

Saving if no empty blocks available
Grey screen
"Select an option from menu." Save/Load/MagicGate Card/PocketStation/Exit

If save,.....
"All the game data will be saved in Slot 1's memory card. Is
that all right?" Yes/No

If yes,.....
Insufficient empty blocks.

If data is corrupt
Red screen
"Select an option from menu." Save/Load/PocketStation/Exit

If load,.....
"All the game data will be loaded from Slot 1's memory card.
Is that all right?" Yes/No

If yes,.....
Load failed.

The Final Lap…


Tasio Minwanabi
General tips tricks, additions from his rough faq.

Kyoko Muneyuki
Letting us use the "duel-room" room. Orimas!!

Jacel Ong & Im Chaudhry
Driving Tips. Konichi-wa!

Very much a lot of other gamefans in Tokyo WonderPark district!

Namco @ [www.namco.co.jp]
Obvious no?

History of Version

0.6: 04/03/2000 AM
The rough version. Has among friends on Usenet.

1.0: 04/03/2000 AM
General lots of additions.
Added more to Tactic and trick section.

1.0.4: 04/03/2000 PM
Greatly enhanced vehicle list and stats.
Extra tips information
Merged with Tasio Minwanabi RR5 FAQ.


If you have the extra tricks or gamesecret then please email my email address.
Excuse the poor English if any !


Ja Mata Ne!

FAQ Locator

Anime Electric Circus
TwinStar Tokyo

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