Wild Arms: 2nd Ignition

Wild Arms: 2nd Ignition

17.10.2013 04:16:43
Pyramid Boss
777777777777777 HHHHH to do with the guide, but who cares
777777777777777 TTTTT HHHHH Besides, Wild Arms 2 Pyramid boss
77777 TTTTT HHHHH guide...don't fit.


WHOA, the MOON is terribly disfigured
(Note.Who cares)
Author: Kilgamesh
This guide Copyright 2000 Anthony M. R

Extremley large thanks to Victar, that strategy is holy.

Current version 1.0

Version 1.0 7/28/00
History The whole guide....

Version 2.0
History Supposedly someone said my field trick works against rago. Wont be written
in stone till I test it.
Major grammar corrections
Another rago tip
fixed a MAJOR problem.

Version 3.0 9/8/00
History Field debate continues......Try Crest S.
Stuff from peepole.(ÆtherSPOON)
I found out how to get boomerang, and if you belive it, you might want to come
take a look at my waterfront real estate in Arizona, also, Xenon is hard to
Also major grammar corrections, like uncapitalized i's *That I will remain
there for historical purposes*:)
Idiot listing!!
Other stuff I think!!

Version 4.0 9/28/00
History Sum Stuff from Victar.....
Other stuff
Some ideas....

I doubt there will be any more updates...
Note. That this faq may not display correctly using word wrap or something,
it looks kinda strange huh?

|1.Introduction |
Hi, welcome to my Wild Arms 2 Pyramid boss strategy faq, and its about time someone
made one too. Wa2 crew did a beautiful job on a great faq for this game, however, the
pyramid boss strateies leave something to be desired. They certainly cover Xenon quite
well, unfortunatley, Xenon is the 3rd easiest pyramid boss in my opinion and some of the
others can kill you an obscene number of times before you realize you havent lasted past
the second round. Which is why this faq exists. I have some really deep strategies on
the hardest bosses, and i will basically walk you through each round of combat and it
shouldnt take more than 3 tries before you get lucky :).( If you cant see very well, press
the maximize button)

|2.Table of contents |
(Note. This faq is too small for this)
2.Uh derrrr, whats two??derrrr
3.Getting prepared
4.My personal character choices
5.General strategies
6.Easy bosses (Xenon...)
7.Insane bosses that will kill you and eat you, then proceed to nail your body to the
ground with a rusted screwdriver
8.Idiot list

|3.Getting prepared |

First of all, im hoping you already have a good grasp of battleing and you can hold your
own against the games normal bosses. Also alot of these things arent actually needed but
will help too much to be overlooked. Finally, the only character who had hp bonus on level
up was tim, and I didnt use tim on any of these bosses, but I hope you got it, becuase it
does help a bit, but remember, its still quite easy to take out these bosses. Okie, onto the
preparations.(Note. You probably wont need much of this stuff for the easier bosses)

Life orb: You WANT this item, unless you have about 50 mega berriers :). Lilka can use her
Mystic force with this item to heal your party without using any berries! It heals as much
as her hi-heal.

Viper fang: Its not necessary, BUT IT HELPS BIGTIME! You could have some trouble without
it, unless your level is unreasonably high.

All kinds of skills: If your going to use kannon( and I highly recommend her), youll want to
have eagle claw. But how do I get eagle claw Kilgamesh. Thats why Wa2 made a faq :). But if
you insist. First use some tiny flowers on her and make sure shes at best luck (you could
also just equip the amulet/missanga). Now go find some enemies and use her first skill until
you learn wire fist. Next battle, use pike kick until she learns ark kick. Next battle, use
left edge until she learns vortex cut. After that, your probablity of learning the next one
gets quite low, I recommend that you go find Kobold king, put him to sleep with marivel,
and just keep using left edge for the rest of the battle till you learn phalanx, if your
lucky enough to learn it, use phalanx until you get....EAGLE CLAW. He has plenty of hps
and plenty of weak attacks so you can sleep him without to much trouble.(dont forget to use
a lucky card)

Good armor: This is probably quite unecessary, but if your having alot of trouble, get to
the last part of the spiral tower (glaive le gable) and pick up all that nice equipment.

My mike:Dont feel like explaining the location, were on gamefaqs...theres other faqs for
this. You need to use this when your near a pyramid to summon its boss.

Weapons: Try and at least get the best weapons you can buy obviously :)

Power boost: Give it to kannon....For reasons that will be explained later. Dont give it
to her if your trying to learn attacks.

Necromonicon: it helps.... Im not sure if Wa2 crew explained it so i will. First get
chapapanga (Wa2 crew tells you where he be at). next, you should have tims hi combine by now.
Go to the rocky looking path that leads to a huge moutain in the middle of the map. Get into
Fights till you run into the necromonicon. Kill any enemies that arent necromonicons and use
mini carrots till tims ready for a hi combine. give him chapapanga and use hi combine. You
now have a 100 percent chance of getting the necromonicon.

Many Mini Carrots: You do know where the black market is......right? Buy alot of carrots!

Full libra: Barely necessary, but mystic+Full libra = Everyones status ailments healed :)
It has its uses in certain situations.

Food and drink: You need to eat man!

The other 4 golden mediums: Sorry, this is a pyramid boss faq, i aint gunna tell ya were ta
git em.

Last, this faq is written for those who didnt get add hp at level up at the beggining of the
. If you were lucky enough to get that, all the hype I give these bosses will be sadly for
nothing if you did get hp add at level up, the guide still works fine obviously.

|4.Character choices |

Most of this faq is written for Ashley, Lilka, and Kannon. If you want to change kannon for
someone else, you can do it, just remember the faqs not written for it and I am not responsible
fordamage done to yourself or others around you. Now listen before you put tim in. I hate tim. I
Picked Kanon because shes naturally fast, can usually dodge dangerous things like tactless,
does a minimum of 4000 damage (9000 w/ power boost) if your on an ok level, and has a good
final attack (9000 usually, 200000 w/ power boost sometimes). I hate tim. Sometimes you SHOULD
put brad on your team like lets say, you've had no luck at all with my Angol strat and you KNOW
hes gonna hit you with a 7th moon, brad should be able to soak up the damage and you wont get
game over :). Marivels ok for sleep magic, but I never used her much so I dont know whats shes
fully capable of. I never use tim uless its part of the game. I dont know, or care, what kind
of spells he has, but I do know that the hard bosses take halve damage from elemental spells
I also know that tim has unreasonably low hps, and speed. And I also dont care about the time
trick because, you need full carrots and you only get three(four?) and i doubt he can whip up
100000 damage in 3 turns to take out a mega boss. So just use kannon k :)

|5.General strategies |

The main thing I have to say about strategies is to think about everything that will happen
in the next turn. Timing is important and youll have to use some acrobatic Berry throwing to
stay alive on a certain angolmois. Remember that kanon moves first unless ashley is accessed
or your fighting a fast boss. Remember lilka is often the last person to move during battle cuz
of access and thats bad since she needs to be healing your party. Just plan out the next round
and if it looks like your going to die, you will :) Also use lucky cards on ALL of these guys
that give exp, it can save alot of time of leveling. Finally, if your getting killed and using
my strategy, go fight hyulkontons. Use tims divide on an enemy called a gagison in the basement
of the withered ruins. Be ready with full libra on ashley, hes very strong( use a lucky card)

Hyulkonton strategy:

Get access as soon as possible by using mini carrots
Give full libra to ashley
use gunblaze forever

My record is 5 minutes.... 5 MINUTES FOR A LEVEL
(remember the lucky cards)

|6.Easy bosses |


In order from easiest to hardest IMHO

Titanius - Steel dragon of the bowels of the earth a.k.a Kill me in one hit dragon
a.k.a The only boss wack enough to live
in a town

(some of the exp or gella readings could be wrong...)
Hp 75000
Exp 75000
Gella 75000
Mp ....Hey wait a minute, theres no such thing!
drops: Shootn Star
Steal:mini carrot (all pyramid bosses have this i wont reapeat it)

Recommended level: just enough hps to survive his first attack...level 30?

Attacks:(cant remember, I only rented this game)Regeneration, barrier

Ps Skills needed: You dont even need a tv to kill him

Strategy: Use DeadOrAlive you win.
Huh? Say what? Some kind of joke? No, not some kind of joke, the Blue snail gave me more
trouble. Theres a bunch of execution methods.

Guillotine (That is instant death right?)
Arcana 13 (Im sure, thnx to Æ too lazy to write the name)
Power seal (He cant heal himself anymore)

If it wasnt for instant death, he could be pretty hard, but it can be done.

If you dont like to cheese

*From K Neary*

Before the battle, attach Hi-Vortex to Crest S. Your team for this battle
should be Ashley, Lilka, and anyone else. (Ashley and Lilka will do the
big damage.) Have Ashley build up his Force to max, use Access, and build
up his Force to max again. Lilka just needs to build her FP up to max
once. Now, keep track of which turn you're on; he uses Begin Regeneration
every three turns, so after he uses it once, wait two turns, then get
ready. (Since you're always slower than him.) Now, do the following:

Turn 1: (When he uses Begin Regeneration) Ashley uses Gun Blaze. Lilka
uses Hi-Vortex. Third character does whatever.

Turn 2: See turn 1.

Turn 3: Now you go all-out. Ashley uses Last Burst and Lilka uses DualCast
to do Hi-Vortex twice. He should be dead now. Alternatively, you can have
Ashley use Banisher this turn, then use Accelerator and Full Clip on the
next. (I haven't tried it that way myself, but it would probably work.)

Cheese method: See my strategy


Kobold King - Bodyguard monster a.k.a Fired from his old bodyguard job cuz he lost a
battle against a regular kobold
a.k.a Battle dummy
a.k.a I suck
a.k.a Copy of some fool from Ultraman

Hp 85000
Exp 75000
Gella 75000
Drops: Omega Crush

Recommended level: 45+ if your up for a good fight

Attacks: Tactless(5000+damage), Buried alive(2000+? not even sure is he has this) Physical
attack(very low damage, did 0 to me)

Ps skills needed: Up Physical defense

Strategy: Put him to sleep, and pummel him with kannons skills till you learn eagle claw
Strategy2: You already have eagle claw? Put him to sleep and kill him ( use lucky card)
Strategy3: So you want to get a good fight. Your strange.... I dont think youll have much
trouble, hes slow and he misses, if buried alive is killing you, im pretty sure
the earth elemental ring halves the damage.

Cheese method: Fighting him normally is a cheese method(note he looks like godzilla if your
a godzilla fan)


Xenon - Horned Light demon ( or something ) a.k.a Im so easy, my most powerful attack looks
like rain
a.k.a Im easier than zavorg, the insect
a.k.a Extinct animal = Mammoth
Xenon looks like = Mammoth

Hp 99999
exp 75000 (belly gives extra)
gella 75000
Drops Violator

Recomended level: just make sure everyone has 3400+ hps

Attacks:Xenon Ray force(6000),Barrier,Physical attack,Some other stuff like smithereens(maybe)

Ps skills needed: Up m defense(only if you dont think you have enough to survive rayforce)

Strategy: Go buy some light rings, equip them,

Ashley: Get access as soon as possible, use mad lucied forever
Lilka: Mystic+life orb every round
Kannon: Use eagle claw forever

THATS IT. THATS ALL THERE IS TOO IT. He can't possibly kill you as long as you have
the light rings and enough hps. I dont see what the big deal is, Does he have some
apocalypse star that kills everyone in one hit or something? How could there
possibly be so many questions...I just dont understand.

*Ok, apparently, not many people remember the rings from part one. And not many remember that
ring guy in valeria chatuea. So I understand about 14%.

Cheese method: he can be put to sleep ya know.


Zovarg - Giant Armored Insect a.k.a Im fat, not skinny
a.k.a I spend half the fight doing nothing!
a.k.a Kill me
a.k.a I am the product of game makers high on
multiple narcotic substances

Hp 75000
Exp 75000 ( he has a belly, kill it)
gella 75000
Drops Black Queen (not a racial slang, Its an actual weapon, i dont want any weird emails..)

Recomended Level: As low as possible for a good challenge 35+ or -

Attacks: Unmodified spell???, Swartchz Strahl(will kill you), Barrier, whole body attack

Ps skills needed:Up Phys Defend, Up magic defend (maybe)

Strategy:For the first couple hundred rounds, hes gonna use barrier until his def is maxed
(does that mean he starts with 0 def?), Which is aproximatley 7 turns. I cant
remember what I did, but I suggest you do as much damage to the main part as
possible until his def is maxed( He dosent use barrier on his belly), Then conectrate
on the belly. Hes really not that hard, really, but has an array of attacks that
will kill you in one hit. Give somone (ashley) the reflex so he wont be low on life
when a swartz strahl comes your way. When hes near death, He'll do about 4 swartz
strahls in a row before changing back to weaker attacks, just do your best to KEEP
YOU GUYS ALIVE during this part. He might do like 8 swartz strahls by the way, I
just dont know, he was the first one I killed, so you can kill him too :). Also
go crazy with gunblaze, hes not immune to it or anything. Kilg....why do you think
hes harder than xenon...You see, He can actually kill one of your characters maybe!
Xenon can't even blink his eyelids! He was simply beaten so badly his wife cant
Reconize him!

*Found out hes weak against dark, also found out swartz strahl is a dark attack, if
your actually having trouble, I guess you could pick up some dark rings.(Thnx to
K Nearey)

Cheese method:Hes getting sleepy, very sleepy.


Zolinge - limb-from-limb ripping monster a.k.a The game makers ran out of ideas
a.k.a Gets ripped limb-from-limb monster
a.k.a Another copy of a cheap Ultraman monster

Hp 75000
Exp 75000 (has a belly)
gella 75000
Drops Dist Dims (cool in part one, it even soudned cool in part one, but for some reason it
dosent even sound cool anymore...(tim))

Recommended level: Maximum level 56, minium probably around 40

Ps skills needed: Down guard(you should have it anyway), Up Mag defense, Up physical defense
,Up param maybe....

Attacks: Ripper Boomerang, Rf blade(what the hell does that mean),Blade arm

*Found out hes weak against earth(thnx to K Nearey)

Strategy:If your on a low level, he might actually kill your whole team.Kilgamesh you suck
if you lost a battle to Zolinge! Not necassarily, he can catch anyone off guard
and cause some carnage if not kill you. Heres what you should avoid (note Zolinge
ALWAYS moves first unless you have 999 speed, then you have a 50/50)

Zolinge: Ripper boomerang, instant death to lilka
Ashley and kannon do an attack: blah blah

Next round ( note lilka didnt get to heal and everyones low from a previous RF blade)
Zolinge: RF blade
Game over

Thats why i recommend you get Down guard, it can still happen though, but the chances
are low low low low low.

Just heal every round with lilka, even the first, even though you havent taken any
damage, by the time lilka heals, someone will have taken some damage. BTW Thats
what I mean about timing and acrobatic healing :)

Note. Seems like RF blade can cause instant death, ive never seen it happen but if
Your getting slaughtered, Mystic+Full Libra (Thnx to K Neary) should make you immune

*ÆtherSPOON:It stands for Radio Frequency blade.
*Kilgamesh:How did you figure that out?
*ÆtherSPOON:I have inside connections...Game makers.....
*Kilgamesh:Why everyone but me??

Cheese method: Get on a realllllyyyy high level. RFblade will start doing 800 damage, ripper
boomerang will start getting old, and blade arm will start missing :)
Personal note on RF blade: If it were called RFU blade im sure I'd know what it means. Hint
The r stands for really and the u stands for up, use your imagination.Seriously, I
want to know what it means, email some stuff (not stupid emails like " RUFAS FIRE BLADE"
or anything regarding ff7.


Zyclus and Zetrim - Vortex brothers a.k.a We look like normal enemies!
a.k.a 2 Barneys on drugs!

Hp 55000 and 50000
Exp Alot, with lucky card i think i got 300000
Gella ????? ( who cares, your rich enough) 75000 each prolly
Drops Mad goggles ( whoa marivel now has 30 more defense points, whopdee frikkin doo!)

Attacks: Black gilas, Red gilas, gilas spin(Evil attack) other attacks which i forget ( I
Went through years of thepary to forget these two)

Ps skills:Mag defense up.

Safe level: 52 ("Hey Kilg I beat them at level 35", good for you, notice how I wrote safe

*Weak against lightning apparently (Thnx to K Neary) Whip out Hi-Spark on those free

Strategy: I dont want to get into it, if you cant survive the double gilas at the start, defend
and give Zetrim everything ya got. Once hes down just go for zyclus, its not an
extrmeley hard fight, if you have levels over 50, its extremly easy

Cheese method: sleep dosent work very well, so there isn't any real cheese method.


|7.Hard bosses that will kill you and eat you, then proceed to nail your body to the ground|
| with a rusted screwdriver |


Angolmois - Demon King a.k.a God

Hp 99999
Exp 0 ( if you want to use a lucky card, youll get 0x2 experience)
Gella 0 (money sucks)
Drops Force unit (not terribly useful,could be useful for cheating with tims time thing)
Also drops his fist on your face

Attacks: 7th moon(non elemental, your going to get killed, attack), Aurabomber 3400+ damage,
Great disaster(causes worldwide panic, I mean confusion F/E too), void effect(takes off
any unatural stat boosts such as quick and hype weapon), Regeneration 15000 hps,
Smithereens (Just might kill you)

Recommended ps skills: Confusion resistance is REQUIRED for my strategy to run smoothly.
Up mag def, up physical def, up param, hp up (hp up when force increases)
whatever else that will help you in battle.

Safe level: Ranges from 45 to 99, i did it on lvl 68.

Strategy: Its a complete hold your hand strategy, do whatever it says and by your 4th try,
you should kill him. If your unlucky and it takes you 10 tries, just remember
eventually, he WILL DIE.
(if you have raftina, have Ashley use a shuriken or something, perhaps even the viper fang)

1st round:
Ashley uses Big berry on lilka (ILL EXPLAIN SOON)
Lilka uses quick on herself
Kannon defends
(if your not on a very high level this is the only way you'll survive past the 3rd round, if
it times right, next round lilka should be full, kannon should have only taken 800 damage,
and ashley should be able to survive 7th moon next turn)
Angolmois uses great disaster (if someone got confused, just restart)

(If you have raftina, lilka should use invincible here)
2nd round:
defend defend defend
Angol mois uses 7th moon

3rd round:
everyone should be alive and full force
Ashley access
Lilka mystic life orb
Kannon eagle claw
Angolmois Aurabomber

4th round:
Ashley uses either a carrot (mini or full if you want to be really safe) or attack so you
have enough for Mad lucied
Lilka Myst+Life orb
Kannon eagle claw
Angolmois Great disaster - aura bomber
(if he used 7th moon, try aging , just have to keep trying till you get lucky)

5th - 8th round

Ashley Mad lucied
Lilka Myst+Life Orb
Kannon eagle claw

Ok now, pray to god you can last long enough until you think he has about 45000-50000 hps.
If he MOONS you try aging. O yea you might want to have a calculator handy so you know
exactly how much youve done. Since kannon has power boost, you might get him down to half
life by 5-6th round. I know what your saying about how this strategy sucks because
you have to try it a couple of times, but some people cant beat him period! No matter how
many times they try, ive heard strategys that dont work on the 100th try, this strategy
is confirmed to frikkin work, its a lifesaver for those who just cannot beat him.

Hes down to 55000-50000 hps
Ashley Last burst
(If you used the viper fang earlier, start doing some mass damage)
Now you have to make a huge decision, use the viper fang now, or save it for rago, I would use
it now though. Hes gonna start using 7thmoon every other turn, maybe even every turn soon....
Give lilka stare row and throw the viper fang ( it should be all over right here, if you
calculated wrong....)
Kannon eagle claw , thats it, its over, finished....
Nice work if you didnt use the viper fang

If your trying to beat him without the viper fang, all I can say is, block when hes down to
50000, cuz each time I tried and go past 50000 hp with him, he used 7th moon, it seems like
hes programmed to do a moon when hes down to half life...I also got him down to 5000 hps...
becuase of a calculator error, I imediatley put brad on my team hoping he could do 5000 damage
( brad can survive 7th moons).He used 7th moon....I didn't do enough to kill him.Next round
I had to use 2 other chars cuz ash and lil were dead. 7thmoon before I could do anything.
luckily I defended with tim. It was just marivel and tim. 7thmoon.... Im betting at that low
of life he constantly uses it....dont hesitate to use your last bursts and gat4's early, you
DONT want to wait for him to be at 20000 hps.

*From K Neary, Yay you dont have to waste that viper fang.

Give Lilka Raftina and have her use Invincible
every turn. (Unless she's healing or casting Quick.) This makes it
much easier. =P Also, if she takes damage, give her the Talisman on her
invincible turns, and she should be at full HP by the time you need her to
heal again. =P One problem, though, is that you can't use items
(namely, Mini Carrots) on her while she's invincible, so use them when
she comes out if you think you'll need them. Heal after every 7th Moon
(this is why you want Quick up) and when Angolmois uses it twice in a row,
that's your cue to whip out the big guns. If Ashley is Accessed, he should
be faster than Angolmois, so use Last Burst if you've got enough FP, or
Banisher otherwise, since that might just be enough. (After two
consecutive 7th Moons, he should have at least 50 AP. =P) Of course, you
can also throw the Viper Fang, but the strategy I just gave is how I beat
him without it.

*Sounds like it should work fine. Cept for the part where he survives 7thMoon....


Ragu O Raugula a.k.a My name keeps changing
a.k.a Im so bad I have my own music *frum Victah!!11!*

HP 999999999 (j/k) 99999
Gella 0
Drops Sheriff Star

Attacks: 1trillion degrees (6000+damage), Dark nova (6000+), Void effect(see Angolmois)
Smithereens(just might kill you), impulse bomber (4000+ non elemental)

Recommended ps skills: (see angolmois -confusion) + If you have 44 extra ps points, use them
for gods sake, even if you put them on auto guard, just use them.

Recommended level: for my untested strategy, enough to survive till you can cast Extend+Feild

Strategy: This strategy has been tested, but not by me. It should work just fine.

First equip fire rings on anyone doing active battle.

1st turn
Ashley mini carrot himself
Lilka Quick herself (I have no idea how fast he is, if quick dosent help, forget it
and just heal)
Kanon mini carrot herself

2nd turn
Equip dark rings on active fighters.
If you have enough, Ashley access if not, attack or something
Lilka heal
Kanon if she can, use eagle claw

3rd turn
I really have no idea what rago starts doing, I have seen him use void effect here
if he does in fact use void effect, and if lilka is slower than rago, try out
extend+Field, Field supposedly halves elemental damage, and according to people on
the message board, the hardest part about this fight is guessing which elemental
ring you should be wearing, but field halves elemental damage, therefore, the rest
of this fight should resemble the xenon battle. It sounds a little too easy for me to
beleive it but, there no evidence that this strategy dosent work. If something happens
and you happen to be full on hps after rago does something (misses),thats your cue to
use extend feild

At some point in time, ragu will start dropping impulse bombers, and if you didnt do
the hp added per level thing, it should kill lilka, the only way to counter this is
get lilka at least 4100 hps, also if I were you, I would be calculating damage. As
always when it looks like you can use your final attacks to kill rago, by god just do
it and kill him before something happens. Finally, you probably dont even need
Lilka to survive impulse bomber, the minute you see it, do your final attacks and
you just may get a lucky hit with the power boost and destroy him (This last sentence
will only work if your characters start moving first because of up param, if there
still moving last, just forget that last sentence)

*K Nearey says the feild thing dosent work very well. He says it seems to work better
when you have the spell on a crest S, Just a theory but I think having SOR might help
*ÆtherSPOON says it dosent work too. SOR dosen't help, maybe you should try, bad luck.
*Angelstar thinks im spreading rumors, all I have to say is, IF YOU SEND KILGAMESH

Res up
I guess if ragu is really fast, this could be a really really hard fight. After you
get hit by his first impluse bomber, It probably killed lilka, and the rest of your
characters are low on hps. So I think res up would be a good skill to have mastered.
You will probably be in critical when he uses impulse bomber, and when your in
critical, res up kicks in and will most likly cause you to move first. Take this
turn to get lilka off the team and put somone else in who can do some damage.
Use your final attacks, and remember, the fights not over until ALL your characters
are dead.

Thats all I can tell you until I re rent the game
(I have somone testing this strategy as your reading this, ill update as soon as he
tests it)

*Incredibly deep Rago Strategy from Victar, do it, and you might kill him so badly, rago
from your WA1 save might just feel it.*

One more option to getting prepared - I think one more useful thing to do is to get the
two Shurikens (shooting item, level 7) in the game. This is not an easy job, since the Shurikens
are dropped only by Bad News & Murdoch. They appear as a team on the Sielje Sea Island
(just east of Raypoint Muse, reachable only by boat), they have 15,000 hp each, and they are
unique - if you kill them and they don't drop their shurikens (this is what I did :-P), tough
luck. The only way to make them drop their shurikens is to finish each one off with Chappanga's
Lucky Shot. This is extra tricky because they like to heal each other, but if Power Seal works
on them then it should be possible.

I don't know how much damage two Shurikens do, but if it's 10,000 each or even 5,000 each then
they would help a lot against Ragu. Next highest shootable item (Grenade) is a 1,500 damage
piece of garbage.

You may also need a lot of scapegoats. They are all over the place, mentioned in walkthroughs &
the official strategy guide. There's 7 of them in the game total. They are NOT as powerful as
they were in WA 1 (if you die and get revived by a goat before you were going to do an action,
YOU DON'T GET TO DO THE ACTION) but still very, very useful against Ragu. However, they should
not be needed against Angol Mois because your Viper Fang strategy seems to work pretty well
(I didn't have to continue once, but I did fight him at level 99 and for some reason he refused
to 7th Moon me after the 2nd round. Go figure.)

Raftina - this Guardian is very nice because you can use the Invincible power to perfectly
protect one char against 7th Moon, 1 Trillion Degrees, Black Nova etc. Invincible is limited
because the invincible character cannot gain FP, be healed, attack, or do anything else, but it
beats defending and having 3,000 hp sucked away regardless.

Full Carrots - there are 4 of these in the game, and having at least 1, preferrably all 4 is
very, very helpful against Ragu. Easy way to get 1 full carrot is to use Turn Undead to kill
Ghost at Fiery Wreckage (have Tim equip Nova Shax if he isn't fast enough first try).

GellaCrazy (Marivel Red Power, from Melchoms) - buy/sell stuff until the last 4 digits of your
Gella are 9995. Then you can use this do 9995 damage in one hit. However, this does use up your
9995 gold, so it works only once per fight.

Asgard 2 (Marivel Force, touch Fab Lab hourglass) does a nice 8,000 after you've hit an enemy
with GellaCrazy.

Kobold King - one more cheeze method is to use Marivel's Canceller Red Power on him. Works
about 50% of the time or more on high level. "Cancelled Action of Kobold King A"

Ragu O Ragula - a few extra things...

1 Trillion Degrees (fire) definitely does a little more damage than Black Nova (darkness). I
got Mag Defend but never did get HP Up for Ashley (aaaargh) and so, at level 99 full HP, he can
take a Black Nova without a darkness ring (as long as he's equipped Dan Dairam) but 1 Trillion
Degrees kills him without a fire ring. My Kanon (who did get HP Up) is about the same. My Brad
(did not get HP up) can take either at full HP.

Moral of the story? If you just can't make up your mind which ring to equip, or you're close to
the edge pick fire - if Ragu uses Black Nova you either might soak it up or you're dead in the
water anyway.

Ragu's attack pattern is:

1st round: always 1 Trillion Degrees
2nd round: always Black Nova
3rd+ round: randomly either 1 Trillion Degrees, Black Nova, Void Effect (i.e. you GET A FREE
SHOT!) or Smithereens (here's hoping you've got Down Guard)*Kilgamesh: Smithereens isn't instant
death :)*. He will continue to pick randomly from these four spells until you get him down below
20,000 hp, at which point he will do nothing but Impulse Bombers.

Ragu is faster than MY WHOLE DAMN PARTY even though we're level 99. Even Kanon when she equips
Leita Salk. Even when Lilika casts Extend + Quick. The ONLY time anyone can count on being
faster is if Ashley uses Accelerator, or when someone with the RES Up skill has their HP in the
red. Sometimes Kanon strikes faster for some weird reason, her Up Param kicking in or something,
but never in the first two rounds. This really interferes with your suggestion of
Extend + Field, because by the time Lilika gets the field up we're all hurting anyway.

After messing around with strategies though, I found a non-Viper Fang way to kill Ragu pretty
consistently (I've killed him 4 times so far). The one thing that makes it fail is if Ragu uses
Smithereens to kill Ashley before he can get Last Burst or something (happened 1 time, but not
too often because I've got Down Guard). I thought I would offer it.

Prerequisites: be at level 99
Mag Def & Auto Guard for everyone
GellaCrazy, make last digits of party gella be at 9995
at least 1 Full Carrot, preferrably 4
at least 3 fire & 3 darkness rings (duh)
lots of Mega Berries (Life Orb is nice too, but *you still need mega berries*)
plenty of Full Revives
as many scapegoats as you can get, preferrably all 7 scapegoats
everyone at best luck (use tiny flowers)

also very nice to have are Dan Dairam, Justina, & Ge Ramtos (high magic resistance guardians),
Asgard 2 Force (from Fab Lab), Rigdobrite & 2 shurikens (I actually didn't have these), a few
gimel coins (just in case), Res Up for everyone but Brad (who is too slow anyway) & Tim (who is
too weak anyway), Up Param for everyone, Critical for Ashley & Taki, and the healing PS for
Brad, maybe for the Tim & others too.

Just be careful because the healing PS does not work well with Res UP - if you're knocked down
into red hit points and you're not already condition green, the healing PS will give you 2000
back, which is not enough to survive Black Nova/1 Trillion Degrees but too much for Res UP to
kick in. :-P

Round 1 - equip fire rings. Give Kanon the Guardian that boosts her attack power the most.
Ashley shoot shuriken, or use an ARM or shoot a grenade
Lilika mystic + life orb
Kanon Eagle Claw

Ragu will attack first with 1 Trillion degrees. Kanon should pummel him for nearly 4500 with
Eagle Claw, twice that if you're lucky and get a critical (this is why you want everyone at
best luck). Ashley may get him for a little more, a lot more if you have a shuriken. Lilika
will get everyone back to full HP, and everyone should be a full force.

Round 2 - switch Marivel for Ashley. equip dark rings.
Marivel cast GellaCrazy
Lilika mystic + life orb
Kanon Gatling 4

Ragu will attack first with Black Nova. Marivel will hit him for 9995. Kanon should pummel him
for 9000 with her Gatling 4, twice that if you get even luckier. Lilika will get everyone back
to full HP.

Why not just have Ashley access now? Because Ashley can't change equipment after he uses
Access. He'd be either dead or stuck with a Dark Ring if he accessed now, and you want him to
access with a Fire Ring because he can (barely) survive a Black Nova (and then his Res UP
skill will kick in!).

Round 3

The key here now is to get Ragu down under 20,000 (impulse bomber time) while keeping Lilika
at full health and high force. Even if the rest of the party dies and Lilika is the last one
standing (by using Invincible - if the only live member of your party is in the back then YOU
LOSE), Ragu is DEAD if he's down to the Impulse Bomber stage. But you must keep Lilika IN THE
BACK and do NOT bring her out again until you see an Impulse Bomber (unless you're having her
use Invincible!!!).

If Lilika is at full health & high force, then Ragu is DEAD once he starts using impulse
bombers. But if Lilika's health goes down, her force runs out, or worse yet she dies, then you
are screwed. You are totally screwed. You may get out of it somehow (perhaps by using Ashley's
accelerator to get her back up to full health), but it's more likely that you won't. I know
it's tempting to try Mystic Full Carrot or Extend + Quick or whatever but DON'T. You'll be

In the meantime, you want to wear Ragu down with a Last Burst and anything else you can throw
at him. It's OK if some members of your party die (you get 0 exp anyway!) but you can always
revive them once Ragu is doing Impulse Bombers, if you can't stand the thought of winning with
some party members laid out. Here's a strategy that worked rather well for me:

Switch party to Ashley, Brad, and Tim
Ashley equip fire ring, Dan Dairam, access
Brad equip fire ring, Raftina, use full carrot on Ashley
Tim equip dark ring, Ge Ramtos, use mega berry (or cast Full Heal) on Ashley

(I picked the above guardians just because they give you the highest Magic Resistance boost).

Why use Tim? Because he's the most expendable member of the party. If Ragu does 1 Trillion
Degrees then Tim WILL die, but Ashley and Brad will live (if Brad has the healing PS, Brad
will hardly be singed). If Ragu does Black Nova then all three should live - Ashley should be
in the red and then Tim will heal him, while Brad will be at half hp if he has the healing
skill, less if not. Tim will also be hurting (tough break). Oh, and don't have Tim call
Odoryuk, because the stupid unicorn won't get Ashley back to full health.

If Ragu does Void Effect, cheer. If he does Smithereens, hopefully you were able to dodge it.
If not, tough break. If he killed Tim you're just fine; if he killed Brad you still have to
feed Ashley a full carrot somehow; if he killed Ashley you are in bad shape, you may wind up
having to use a continue. But the odds are in your favor, especially if everyone has Down Guard.

When the round is over, Ashley should be transformed AND at full force. If you're lucky,
Ashley will also be at full health, and Brad will be either full health or close to it.

Round 4 - switch party & equipment as you think you need. Just keep Lilika IN THE BACK, and
have someone in front use invincible if you want to be really safe. If one of your party is
dead, you may want one invincible person and one dead person up front rather than risk having
Ragu kill someone in addition to Ashley.

Ashley last burst
second char attack with most powerful move or defend
3rd char invincible

Hopefully you got the Last Burst off - if you didn't (and Ashley's dead) you're in trouble. You
may have to continue until you get lucky. If Ashley got Last Burst off and died, you're OK.
If you're lucky, Ashley will still be alive at the end of the round.

If you've hit Ragu with the last burst, it should do some 28,000 in addition to the 23,500 or
so you've already hit him with. You only have another 28,500 damage or so to go before he
starts doing Impulse Bombers and you've got a lock.

If Ashley is alive, he'll be at 50 force and you can do a very cheap thing to easily whittle
down Ragu. If Ashley got off Last Burst but he's dead now, make your party

Ashley - Kannon - Marivel (Kanon and Marivel should both be at full health)

have Marivel equip a dark ring while Kanon equips a fire ring (Kanon might survive a Black
Nova if you got the Up HP skill for her early; Marivel will never survive either anyway) and
have them both use a Full Revive on Ashley. One of them may die, but one of them is guaranteed
to make Ashley live again. The round after that, have Ashley equip a fire ring (he should be
able to survive a Black Nova) and either defend (if you want to be really safe) or use a carrot
(preferably full) to build up FP, and you're ready to start cheating Ragu with Accelerator.

For the next several rounds:

Ashley equip scapegoat
Ashley use accelerator, feed mega berry to Brad
Brad equip a fire ring or something, Brad lock on & blast with a big Arm.
(if Brad is hurting then have him defend for the first round of this, then blast away for
each subsequent round. Also, Brad can use that 2nd shuriken instead)
3rd party member just use invincible

What will happen each turn is that Ashley will get Brad up to full health before Ragu attacks.
Ragu may blast them both, but then Brad will take the damage and not fall, Ashley will die but
the scapegoat will immediately revive him. You can do this up to 7 times with the game's 7
scapegoats, more if Ragu wastes turns doing useless things like Void Effect, which should wear
Ragu down considerably.

Instead of having someone use Invincible, you can risk having Marivel or Tim do their most
powerful attacks (Marivel Asgard 2, Tim summon Rigdobrite or Justine), or have Kanon defend to
build up force and try more Eagle Claw beatdown. But remember, Marivel or Tim WILL DIE if Ragu
does Black Nova/1 Trillion and they don't equip the right ring. They can't soak up damage like
Brad can. Note that if Marivel or Tim equip a scapegoat and it revives them, they WILL NOT GET
THEIR ATTACKS OFF - scapegoats are much weaker than they were in Wild Arms 1. Only Ashley can
truly abuse scapegoats, because only Ashley has the accelerator force to guarantee that he
does something first. Other chars can guarantee that they'll do something first if they're
nearly dead and have Res UP, but then the scapegoat will revive them with 2000-3000 hp, which
is too much to use Res UP next round.

If Ashley runs out of scapegoats and Ragu isn't doing impulse bombers yet, have two chars use
their most powerful attacks while the third uses Invincible, and have one of the two attacking
chars equip a fire ring & the other a dark ring. One of the attacks should get through.

Once Ragu is doing impulse bombers, Lilika had better be at full health and plenty of force
(you DID keep her in back, right?) This is all you need to finish Ragu off. If Lilika is the
only living person left then

Lilika use a Full Revive on Ashley (Lilika can take 1 Impulse Bomber)
Lilika use Invincible while Ashley uses mega berry on himself
(Ashley can take 1 Impulse Bomber, and he needs to build up force to use Accelerator)
Ashley uses Accelerator-mega berry on Lilika while Lilika uses mystic+lifeorb

Then both of them will be at full health, and you can do the pattern normally. (Note: if
Lilika is the only person left alive and Ashley is in Knightblazer form, have Lilika revive
him & keep using Invincible, while Ashley uses mega berries on himself until he has enough
force for one more Last Burst).

With Lilika at full health & high force, and another person at 3000+ (i.e. enough hp to
withstand an Impulse bomber if you defend), Ragu is toast. He will do nothing but Impulse
Bombers each round. All you do is

Lilika mystic + life orb
Other person defend if wounded or at low force, attack if at full health and full force

each round, Ragu will do an impulse bomber, then one person will smack him while Lilika heals
both of them. Use guns if the attacking member is Ashley or Brad, Erg Phasor if it's Marivel,
Bold Lance if it's Tim, Eagle Claw if it's Kanon. Just keep smacking Ragu until he goes down.

Congratulations! You now have the Sherriff star, which is UTTERLY USELESS since you were bad
enough to take down Ragu anyway. Hell, there's still Angol Mois, but guess what? You haven't
even used the Viper Fang yet! If you did use the Viper Fang on Ragu then you probably have
plenty of Full Carrots and Scapegoats left for for Angol Mois anyway.

If you managed to kill Ragu O Ragula with a party less than level 99 then :-PPP because I had
to use 2 continues at level 99 before I figured this @#$% pattern out.

Anyway, sorry to be so long-winded but I hope my ramblings amused you. Thanks again for
writing such a great FAQ (I cracked up over several of the boss aliases. :)

Best regards,


On second glance, I notice, that is one mother, of a huge, evil, Strategy from hell. It looks so
BIG on my small notepad thingy. *Bow to Victar* That thing is almost as big as my whole FAQ!!


Yup, i'll never let my field theory go! It has to work somehow!!

1)Try having bad luck :)): If good luck is so bad, screw it!!
2)STATUS LOK!!: Field halves all elemental damage, so, shouldn't status lok make it stay
forever?? Please somone test this out, I know there is now a strategy from hell
for rago, but I will never rest until he is so easy, i'll have to take him off
of my hard boss list!
3)Shurikens:I really want to know the damage on these things....
4)Good luck: Ya know how apples give a random number of stats to the character?? Well....
Has anyone ever tried using them in chapapangas room(luckiest room in the world)?
This came to me becuase I was making a game on flash 4, and I had a spot called
"the luckiest room on earth" That had the same effect... Maybe they'll give the
Highest Stat boost possible....

(Note to the guy who claimed the invincibility trick. I lost your e-mail, if you read this
Please re send that info, it was better than the one I had up currently...)

THNX: Angelstar :) for stuff on rago.


8.Idiot list

Well heres my idiot list, There are a variety of techniques used to get on this list

1.Sending mail that says "How do I beat xenon" or even worse "How do I beat titanius"
Everyone from the board gets enough of this, and if you dont have a very good excuse for
sending such an ingnorant email (like if he has an attack i dont know about or something
is continuously going wrong) your going on the list and once your on, you never get off

2.Sending me rumours. Im just tired of it, hearing it is bad enough, but having the rumor
sent directly to my email is just hellish. I dont care if you got info from the game makers
, if you have 100 people who will say its true, or even if you are the game maker, matter of
fact, even if by some strange random possiblity I try it and it does work, I still dont
want to hear it, and your still going on the list. I simply dont want any!

3.Iming me on Aol. First I would like to point out that aol is for peons. Second, never im me.
I get enough ims from XXX porn sites and aim mass mailers. Third, I will never answer you so
your wasting your time. If by some strange chance you im me and my ims are on, im eaither
talking with somone very important, or my brother is on the computer. If you talk to my
brother your talking to a wall, he types 0.5 words an hour, hes an idiot, and hes a peon.
Talking to him could indeed show you how dumb someone can be.

4.Asking me were to find certain items, monsters, or abilities. This is a pyramid monster faq.
Wa2 crew has a guide for allllll of that stuff and if you cant find it your looking in the
wrong place.

5.Insisting my angolmois strategy dosent work. Your on the list forever. Im 100% sure it works
becuase ive friggin done it. As long as you meet all the criteria and do exactly what I say
you will win. I know it takes a couple of tries till you get lucky, but you cant be so
unlucky that by your 10th try its still not working. If your not surviving the 3rd turn or if
its not 7th moon but normal attacks that are killing you gain levels. if something else is
wrong, just email me.

6.Stealing my work.

7.LoL, I got nice mail and the guy said "please don't put me on the list", This thing must
be pretty intimidating

IDIOT LIST (In no particualar order, All here have an equal price on their head)

1.ZakAattck (Location: FFT Message Board)
Ok, heres a piece of my orginal message.
"I might even be mean enough to say FFT was a copy of TO(Tactics Ogre):

Couple of posts later,

"Kilgamesh, TO can't be a copy of FFT because Tactics ogre came out first!!!"

Ok ZakAttack, when you learn how to read, apologize and I will take you off if you ever see
this FAQ.

August 1

A man named Mana Knight created a topic called "A Gross abundance of idiots" or "The death of
common sense". This may have been the most interesting topic on all of gamefaqs, Why it was
started is still unkown to me, but after 430+ posts, there were deep discussions about
EVERYTHING from life to RPGs to love and school. Suddenly, September 6th, someone appeared
atop the large hill by the LOM board, it looked only like a black sillouette against the heavy
rain that day, with a huge two-handed blade of retribution, a runic symbol was
carved into the air by the tip of the sword, it was the "off topic deletion spell",
the sky opened up raining beams of white light, the hand of moderation appeared, the topic
was vaporized, leaving not a record for tracing.

Rule: Intelligence is not appreciated
Rule: Don't say anything, youll get moderated
NEW Rule: Don't moderate the post of a moderator - It won't get moderated
Me and others who participated in the gross abundance topic have changed our signatures, they
are all anti-moderation now, join the petition, make your sig anti-moderation.





A.Talk to merill in t'bok with brad leading the team. (note: you need to steal ONE secret key
froom the enemies around there. To get in the last door, the person leading your team should
be at good luck.)

Q.Elemental rings...where....

A.The guy near the elevator of b1 Valeria Chatuea.

Q.Why is half of this FAQ jokes??

A.Looks bigger....
A2.I read a FAQ earlier, here what it consisted of.




Ahh, lists,*holy light appears from heaven, a choir sings*
Ahh, Ahh, Ahh, Ahhh listssssss. Lists, lists, ahh ahhhh. Ahhhhhhhh, Statistical.....Jargon......

Attack lists

All attacks hit everyone unless marked otherwise

Name Damage Effects
7th Moon Worst of the whole game IMHO Non elemental
1Trillion Degrees 6000 Fire elemental
AuraBomber 3000 3rd place N\E(no element)
Barrier approx. 200+ def& mag def N\E
Black Gilas 1200 Darkness elemental?
Blade Arm 2500 Physical,single
Buried Alive! 2000 Earth elemental
Dark Nova 6000 Darkness Elemental
Gilas Spin 2000? Its a big wave.Could be water
Great Disaster 2000-800 Fire Elemental/Confusion/good chance
Impulse Bomber 4000 2nd place N\E
Red Gilas 1200 Fire elemental?
Regeneration Heals 5000-74999 Power varies per boss
RF Blade 2000-800 N\E?
Ripper Boomerang Instant Death Physical,Single
Smithereens Varies Physical,Single
Swartz Strahl 4000 Dark ele,Single
Tactless Smithereens+Worse Physical,Single
Void effect See Angolmois N\E
Whole Body Attack 3000 +or - Physical,Single
Unmodified spell??? 1500 N\E?? Very weird spell
Xenon Ray Force 6000 Light Elemental

Location list

1.Rago - Aguel mine, keep making rights
2.Angol - Golgotha, search the entrance screen
3.Vort.bros. - MT chug chug?
4.Zolinge - Wind tiger den, can't miss it
5.Zavorg - Meteor Crater
6.Xenon - Slayheim castle, first room, make a right
7.Kobold King - Closed mine
8.Titanius - Halmets, Northeast part



!!Thanks to many at the message board for answering some of my stupid questions

!!Thanks to angelstar for various info and testing the rago strategy(whenever he does test it)

!!Thanks to wa2 crew for making a total walkthrough and cuz there was one puzzle I simply could
not pass :(

!!Thanks to K Neary for a whole mess of stuff.

!!ÆtherSPOON, for some stuff im having trouble remembering. Like great disaster Fire elemental.

!!Victar, for some cool stuff(RAGO STRATEGY FROM THE PITS OF HADES).

!!Rest is all me (I think)

Oops, ive decided to make another name just for email.....

Little side note, the names Demon8Guidmail, PyraBossGuidMail, EightBGuidMail were taken?
What kind of fools would Do this! Only on AOL will you see something that even bleakly
resembles this kind of unrivaled CARNAGE!

After I recovered I was finally able to secure a name!


Ack I forgot my password, just mail me at Geomedus@aol.com :(

Wow Thats unreal..Also everything about ims in the idiot list section, you can forget it :)

I know theres alot of uncapitalized stuff, but please inform me of HUGE grammar/spelling errors
Also E-mail if you want to say thanks or if you want to send a flame. I love flames, im serious
its kinda like combat cept its verbal, no idiot listing unless its an incredibly stupid flame.
And finnaly Things that have one ? after them, is something that im not sure of. Two ? means
im completley in the dark about it, Tell me :). Three ? means its the end of of the unmodified
spell, Thats how they spell it in the game. I havent played this game for 2 weeks and only
rented it for 5 days, everything here is from memory, I think thats inhuman because most people
can't remember Zolinges title. Something is bound to be wrong, correct me :)


I dont live in the indonesian region but I know theres frikkin indonesian publishing companies
stealing loads of Guides/Faqs/whatever from gamefaqs(Vega...) So im putting AN INDONESIAN

ok I cant find that indonesian disclaimer on gamefaqs, if you know where it is, mail me

This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It can only be reproduced electronically, and
if placed on a web page or site, may not be altered. This FAQ is not to be used for
profitable/promotional purposes; this includes being used by publishers of magazines, guides,
books, etc. or being incorporated into magazines, etc. in ANY way. This FAQ was created and is
owned by me, Anthony M. Ramirez . All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged that are not
specifically mentioned in this FAQ.
Please give credit where it is due.

Things to e-mail me imediatley

1.Mp3 site with saga frontier music
2.Download site for Module 2, 3, 4, and 5 of Dungeons of the Unforgiven
Thats all

Copyright 2000 Anthony M. R

???go up!
What are you doin

Ahaha, feel my wrath foolish mortals!!


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***** ** * ******** ********......

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Location Guide

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Starte mit Ashley und mit allen Gegenständen beim ersten Speicherpunkt.

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Patch für die US NTSC Version.

15.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor, Patch und +4 Trainer für die US NTSC Version.

18.Oktober 2013
Patch für die US NTSC Version.

16.Oktober 2013
ARM Upgrading FAQ

Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020