South Park Rally

South Park Rally

26.09.2013 04:33:15
Version 0.8, 6/26/2000
Started on 4/28/2000
Copyright 2000 by Earthshaker

Anyone may reproduce this FAQ electronically, but do not sell it for
money. If you wish to place this on your website, do so with this
disclaimer intact, and be sure to contact me before you do so at If you do not do so, I WILL find out, and there
will be some serious legal trouble!!! You can also email your
INTELLIGENT comments, questions, gripes, suggestions, etc. to the above
address as well. By the way, the most updated version of this FAQ will
be found at

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TABLE OF CONTENTS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1. Revision History
2. Introduction
3. Items
4. Raceways
5. Scenarios **Updated**
6. Thanks
7. Repeat Copyright and Quote from Cartman

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~REVISION HISTORY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

6/26/2000-Version 0.95- I'm working to get this one done.
Unfortunately, I can't do much today due to hospital volunteer work.
But, it's something, and you should be happy I'm working on it :-P

6/26/2000-Version 0.9- Is it the 26th? Ehhh.. I don't know. It's
summer, what should I care? Anyway, now that it's summer, I can get
back in business with my writings! Yayayay!
(after completing update) ::sighs:: I was trying to complete this whole
thing today but a lightning storm is coming, so I have to settle with
completing twice as many races as I had before, plus two more :-)

5/6/2000- Version 0.85- A minor update. I've been so busy playing
rentals and sweating my butt off that I really haven't been able to do
much else. Don't worry, when I finish opening my pool today you can
expect to see more updates…

4/28/2000- Version 0.8- This is the first version of the FAQ. I ran
out of time, so I didn't finish the Championship Mode races, (as a
matter of fact, I barely started them.) Items and tracks are done,


I'm tired tonight, so just a short introduction. South Park Rally is
simply the best racing South Park game released so far, as it actually
has more replay value than the other two games! IMO, it is on par with
Mario Kart as a great racing game! Plus, the hilarious voices we all
know and hate/love are in here, which is South Park's main charm. And
one final note before I start… since this IS a South Park game, I'm
sure none of you will be offended by some cursing (anything censored on
the Message Boards at GameFAQs will remain censored here as well.)


This section describes each of the items you can collect in South Park
Rally, and use to make your opponents go into a cursing frenzy while
they fly through the air.

*^*^*^Yellow Box Items^*^*^*

MR. MACKEY'S BALLOON HEAD- Pressing Z with this selected fires a
rainbow-colored peace sign straight ahead of your car. If a player
gets hit with it, his or her head will expand and his car will float
above the earth. After a sudden drop, the player has some majorly
reduced speed.
-It's got an average firing time between uses.
-You only get one per box.

PUKE- Press Z and you blow chunks behind your car. If anyone runs over
this puddle of yellow matter, they slow down dramatically and lose
control of their car. This lasts until the puke comes out of the
-The firing time between these is terrible.
-You get two per box.

MR. HANKEY- This is an immediate pickup. The moment it is activated,
Mr. Hankey circles around your car and will absorb a hit from a weapon
or a bad effect item (like Pinkeye and Spooky-Vision.) He disappears
once this happens.

KITTY- Bad Kitty! Pressing Z launches the feline terror forward. She
will hone in on the nearest car and become a whirlwind. This whirlwind
is the exact same thing as the earthquakes in the Volcano: it will slow
the person down and only allow him/her to steer when he/she touches the
-The firing time between these two is EXCELLENT!
-You get two per box.

*^*^*^Purple Box Items^*^*^*

WEIGHT GAIN 4000- Beefcake! This is an immediate pickup. The moment
you pick it up, your driver grows and shrinks. If anyone touches your
driver, he will go flying as if he had hit the School Bus, Bulldozers,
or Booktastic Bus.

EXPLOSIVE DIARRHEA- As Ike says, "Poopy!" Hitting Z drops a pile of
watery feces on the ground. Hit it, and an explosion ensues, followed
by your car flying through the air. It's great for setting traps.
-The firing rate between these is average.
-Three per box.

ANAL PROBE- Cartman's greatest fear! Hit Z, and this thing comes out
of your rear end and fires a laser. If anybody gets hit by it, they
get stopped short and begin singing with a disturbing face. This could
be one of the best pickups!!
-The firing rate between two or more of these is terrible.
-One per box.

*^*^*^Red Box Items^*^*^*

TERRANCE TURBO- Toot toot! You get a minor speed boost when you pick
this up. It fires immediately, and can be found in Terrance boxes
around the courses as well.

RATS- They're what drag away Kenny. Time to repay the favor by hitting
one! That's not a good thing though, because your car begins acting
like you are driving on ice, while the blood stays in your tires.
-The firing time between rats is EXCELLENT!
-You get three in a box.

CHEF'S SALTY CHOCOLATE BALLS- This is a straight-firing projectile.
The salty chocolate balls aren't good for much, except for knocking
items necessary to win in championship mode loose.
-The firing time between these are okay.
-You get three in a box.

HERPES- Firing this launches Frida the hooker to chase after the
nearest car. If it connects, that player gets red dots all over his
screen, which will not go away for the rest of the race.
-The firing time between each Frida shot is okay.
-Only one virus-inducer comes in a box.

*^*^*^Green Box Items^*^*^*

CHEESY POOFS- Cheesy poofs kick ass! These are like Salty Chocolate
Balls, except a cluster of them fire at once, and each one bounces off
of each slope it touches. Anyone who gets hit, goes flying!
-The firing time between these is good.
-Three of this useful item comes in a box.

MEXICAN STARING FROG- The best mine IMO! Drop a Mexican Staring Frog
behind your car and if anyone gets within a large radius of it, the
frog will send out a shockwave, and anyone who gets hit by THAT will
have their car turned to stone, which cuts its speed and control WAY
-The firing time between these is average.
-Only one of this item comes in a box.

PHILLIP PHART- A VERY nice pickup. Press Z and a cloud of gas erupts
from your rear end, and speeds your car up considerably. Unlike
Terrance Turbo, you can save these for later.
-The firing time between these is terrible.
-THREE of these items come in a box.

UNDERWEAR GNOMES- Launch these and little gnomes sing while chasing
after the nearest car. If they touch a car, they will steal all of the
items on that character. It can definitely get annoying, if people
launch them at you!
-The firing time between these is okay.
-Two of these items come in a box.

*^*^*^Blue box items^*^*^*

WATER BALLOON- This mortar-like item fires forward from your car, and
when it hits the ground, it explodes into a blue shockwave. This
shockwave will push anybody but you away. Unfortunately, this isn't
very useful, because it does not stop you, merely hinders you until it
disappears. Hold down Z, and the balloon launches farther.
-The firing time between these depends (on if you tap the button or
hold it.)
-Two of these items come in a box.

FAKE COW- Anybody who goes on a cow ramming spree will definitely hate
this item… rather than flying away, it explodes, and launches the
person airborne!
-The firing time between these is okay.
-Only one of this item comes in a box.

CAFFEINE- This is an automatic pickup. Blue skids follow your tires,
and speed you up, and it seems to last a bit longer than the farting

SPARKY THE DOG- The gay dog fires from your car with Z, and chases the
nearest car. While it moves slowly, if it touches a car, it will begin
to **** it, and that car will be stopped short for a LONG time.
-The firing time between these is bad/okay.
-Two of this item comes in a box.

*^*^*^Other items^*^*^*

Spooky-Vision!- This comes in a random box. Five semi-transparent
pictures of Saddam Hussein fill your screen. It's incredibly annoying,
but learn to avoid it. If you have Mr. Hankey before you hit a box
with Spooky Vision,

Pinkeye- This rare item comes ONLY in its own box. This is like a
variation of the thunderbolt in Mario Kart, except longer lasting, and
a little different. Drivers will turn around and drive in reverse, so
their steering is reversed as well. They will also move much slower.
It's particularly useful on Turkey Day.

Cupid's Equipment- The bow and arrow are the key to winning the
Valentine's Day Race. You pick up the bow and arrow, then shoot
everybody with it. It's kind of like an unlimited amount of Salty
Chocolate Balls.


Simply put, these are the descriptions of the eight raceways in South
Park Rally.

*^*^*^THE CITY^*^*^*

The city is the first place unlocked. The starting point is at the
southernmost point, and if you follow the road forward, you will find a
circle, which is where you will be A LOT. Running horizontally through
the center of the city is the railroad track, and north of the tracks
is a large open area with rampaging snowplows. On the southeastern-
most point of South Park is a square, with a parking lot in the middle.
In this square is normally the 3rd checkpoint.

*^*^*^THE FARM^*^*^*

Once you reach the Cow Days race in Championship Mode, you unlock the
farm in multiplayer mode. There are four barns along the perimeter,
and one in the center, along with a chicken coop. In the northwestern
point is a useful open area with a bull in an enclosure, and at the
northwestern point of THIS area is a pinkeye box! Be careful of the
farmer that drives around maniacally!!!


Once you play Valentine's Day in Championship Mode, you unlock Big Gay
Al's pad! There is a big rectangular section in the center, which has
some furniture, blaring radios, and a swimming pool! (Don't dive in
though.) On the northeast wall, there is an entrance to the dance
floor, and on the northwest wall, there is an entrance to a skating
rink! The starting point is at the end of the Big Gay Boat ride, which
runs through the north track. Most of the southern part is outside,
with a big area in the center, and two towers in the other open areas.
By the towers are two ramps lined by Terrance boxes. Upstairs is a
giant balcony, and at the intersection here, there is a secret passage.
It leads somewhere in the Big Gay Boat Ride, where you exit via a pass-
through painting of a figure skater.

*^*^*^THE SEWER^*^*^*

You unlock this after playing Spring Cleaning in Championship Mode.
The sewer is the most basic racetrack, but it's still fun. It is
basically a large oval, with a square of tunnels in the center. At
each corner of the square is a large open area. In the northwest area,
you can use Terrance boxes to go flying up a ramp and into a UFO, which
leads directly into the four open areas!

*^*^*^THE FOREST^*^*^*

Open the Read-A-Book Day race in Championship Mode to unlock this.
This place includes two bridges across Stark's Pond- one is a paved
road, the other is a natural bridge. There are cemeteries and
buildings scattered about, but most of interest is the area with
teepees, because in Championship Mode, this is where the checkpoint
appears… both races. In the southernmost point is the petting zoo,
where chickens, lollipops, or other items normally appear.

*^*^*^THE MOUNTAIN^*^*^*

The Mountain becomes unlocked when you play Easter in Championship
Mode, and is the LARGEST and most confusing area in the game. Most of
note are the railroad tracks, the large center area, the bridges over
water, and the northern area. Starting in order: the railroad tracks
have entrances behind the starting point and the east side of the large
center area. The large center area itself is a great place to hang
out, because items appear en masse there. The bridges over water are
to the east of the center area, and is a major place to pass through.
The northern area is a large open area, and the northernmost road leads
to a jump where, if you miss a Turbo, you will definitely fall into a
gap. Head west to exit to the center area.

*^*^*^THE VOLCANO^*^*^*

This is the most annoying track, which opens when you open Memorial Day
as a race in Championship Mode. There are random spurts of lava all
around the track, and if you touch it, you will dissolve and appear
elsewhere, as if you fell very far or fell in water. This leads to an
annoying glitch, where you may keep driving into the lava until A.) the
race ends or B.) someone hits you out of the cycle. As for the layout
of the track, there is a major "circle" around the outside of the
volcano, with pitfalls to the outside of the mountain (don't drive too
close to the edge! This perimeter leads into several openings into the
volcano, with the northernmost one leading to another, smaller oval
with a crater of lava, and a bridge on the west side leads to an area
in its center. There are other minor tunnels in here as well.

*^*^*^THE GRIDIRON^*^*^*

You only get to play this in multiplayer, and only during the scenario
Ass Battle. All it is is a football field with item boxes at both
sides, behind the goalposts. Nothing else special.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE SCENARIOS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

These are all the races in Championship Mode, in order. I only have
time to do the first one tonight, but I'll catch up on the other ones
next update.

RALLY DAYS #1- This is just a normal race, set in the City. Drive
forward into the circle, and head to the left, over Checkpoint 4
(nothing happens yet!) Go over the bridge of the railroad, and follow
that road to the open area. Checkpoint 1 is here. Follow the road
some more to the railroad crossing, where Checkpoint 2 is located.
Cross the railroad, and ignore the right turn. Continue until you see
the left turn: take it. Follow the curve, hitting the turbo, and
follow the curve until you see another left. Check it, and go around
the square. In back is Checkpoint 3. Keep following the square, and
once you leave, go forward (you should see the starting point under the
tunnel.) Continue to Checkpoint 4, which is on the left side of
circle, like I mentioned before. To win, you have to repeat this cycle
two more times, but be the first to cross Checkpoint 4 a third time.
SECRET COIN- Go behind the buildings on the outside of Checkpoint 3's
square. It is there somewhere.
UNLOCK- Get the Cheat Sheet by not collecting any item boxes, but
winning. May be a bit tough to get, because you may slip up and forget
to not grab a single box.

RALLY DAYS #2- This race is also set into the city. However, this is
not a traditional race: you must find the Rally Days trophy and take it
over checkpoints 1, 2, 3, and 4 in numerical order. One great tactic
to win this easily is just to cruise around town, picking up Anal
probes and or Sparky items, then waiting by checkpoint 4 for the trophy
holder. You can then freeze him, ram him to grab the item, and cross
the checkpoint for the win. But, if you'd rather take it over the
other checkpoints by yourself, I'll let you know a minor walkthrough.
The trophy is at the northern point, where the snowplows are on the
roads (look for the blue rings surrounding it.) Run into it to pick it
up, then head to the road connecting the right part of the circle to
the easternmost point of the railroad track. Checkpoint 1 is here.
Now, go to the square in the southeastern part of town, where
Checkpoint 2 is (in the same location where Checkpoint 3 was in Rally
Days #1.) You should know where Checkpoint 3 is, because it was in the
same area as the trophy. Finally, Checkpoint 4 is right behind the
starting point.
SECRET COIN- Go onto the railroad tracks. In one of the two tunnels
(I'm not sure which side.) is the coin.
UNLOCK- Get the English sissy Pip by collecting the trophy, crossing
Checkpoint 1, losing the trophy, then gaining it right before
Checkpoint 4 and crossing that. You can unlock Mr. Garrison, too, if
you cross over all four checkpoints yourself.

COW DAYS- Contrary to what the mayor says, secret government research
went terribly wrong, and now every racer has mad cow disease! Even
more unfortunately, there is only one cure, and it takes two minutes to
take effect! So naturally, the racers are fighting tooth and nail on
the Farm for it. If a racer has a green arrow over his/her head,
he/she has the cure! Go ram them or hit them with a weapon. The
former will give you the cure automatically, Once you have the cure you
will have the red or green arrow over your head, indicating you have
the cure, and also indicates that everyone will chase you. NOTE: If
you have the red arrow over your head, the racers will still chase you,
but until it turns green, you can not lose the cure.
SECRET COIN- Check the corners of the barn filled with hay. It's
wedged between a large haystack and a wall.
UNLOCK- You can get Bebe by intentionally losing… but wait, there's
more! You must NOT touch the cure at all!

VALENTINE'S DAY- Ah, love is in the air (but at Big Gay Al's place,
that's not necessarily a good thing :-X). The racers must scramble to
find a bow and an arrow, then shoot all of the other players with them,
like a normal attack, except it is unlimited in ammo. My advice to
you? Cruise the track first, because it sometimes takes a while for a
racer to get both a bow AND an arrow. While doing this, you can find
the secret coin and attempt to get the three Golden Cows. But, once
somebody has both the bow and the arrow, abandon those pursuits and go
find them. Careful that they aren't driving at you, or you'll be hit!!
Instead, chase the person with the bow and arrow until they turn around
(you can tell who it is because they have a green arrow over their
head.) Once the person turns around, ram them with your car! You'll
obtain both the bow and the arrow, and will be able to hold on to it
for a three-second "invincibility" period. Use the opportunity to
shoot one or two people that are chasing you, then hightail it! Lead a
wild goose chase around Big Gay Al's, collecting any Golden Cows you
may have missed, or the secret coin. Once you've had enough
collecting, find a safe place and shoot the other poor bastards (don't
forget, ones you haven't shot yet have blue arrows over their heads.)
Be the first to shoot all five people and you win!!
SECRET COIN- You can find the secret coin by going to the dance floor's
entrance to the Big Gay Boat Ride. In the boat ride, turn around, and
you'll see the coin in plain sight, next to the Dance Floor reentrance.
UNLOCK- Well, you can Stan's terror of a sister, Shelly, by finding the
three golden cows scattered around the level. Two are on top of the
two towers outside (kinda hard to reach, you have to launch yourself
off of the ramps upstairs at an odd angle) and another one is in the
secret passage. This passage can be entered from upstairs (just head
into the left wall at the intersection where you can find the bow) or
behind the picture of an ice skating figure (I've heard that is Brian
Boitano on the ice skates, hmm.)

SPRING CLEANING- Cartman's Mom/Dad has generously provided three pairs
of dirty underwear for the racers to pick up and carry across three
checkpoints, which represent wash, spin, rinse, and dry. To win at
this, you must carry at least one pair over all four checkpoints, in
order, THREE TIMES. And be careful, someone may steal your underwear.
My advice to you: immediately turn right at the start, and go in that
tunnel. Then, when you zoom out of it, immediately turn left. You
should be able to pick up a pair of underwear. Now, just keep going
around the square of tunnels, and you should win easy, providing
somebody doesn't sic Sparky on you. (God, I hate that dog.) You really
shouldn't go out of your way in this race, or you'll lose. Easy as
SECRET COIN- If you DO choose to go out of your way in this race, then
you can find the secret coin by the ramp that shoots you into the UFO.
UNLOCK- The coffee-maker's son, Tweek, can be yours if you just drink
his caffeine. Over, and over, and over again. I'm don't think the
other speed boosts work though. You can also unlock the school's
guidance counselor with an m'kay salary by winning this race without
losing any races beforehand.

READ-A-BOOK DAY- Illiteracy is up in South Park! Oh no! So, the Mayor
decides to put all the town's chickens at risk by proclaiming the day
Read-a-book Day and granting temporary release to Chicken Lover. Your
job is to collect ten chickens and deposit them at the police station
checkpoint in the forest. However, you can only carry four chickens at
a time. My advice to you would be: grab the secret coin behind the
start first, and head to the checkpoint. When there, pick up as many
purple or green boxes as you can until you find an alien probe or
Sparky. Then, wait around by the checkpoint for people with four
chickens to come your way. When they are approaching you, zap 'em so
they stop short, then hit 'em with your car, turn around, and deposit
the chickens. This will be bound to get many, many people ticked off
at you if playing with friends, but you're playing against the computer
right now, so who cares?
SECRET COIN- Turn around from the starting point, and head down the
bridge a bit. You should see it right away, but getting it is tricky.
You have to turn on JUST the right angle to get behind the toll booth.
UNLOCK- Our favorite fat-ass, with authoritah, can be yours, if you
just abuse Chicken Lover. That's right, abuse him. Take any weapons
you find, and just kick the crap out of him. Hit him enough and you
should be able to get Cartman Cop.

EASTER- This EXTREMELY hard race takes place on the Mountain. There
are many different strategies to winning this, but what I normally do
is go into the square area and drive around in circles, checking the
dots on my screen to see where any eggs appear. If none appear for a
while, I make one run through the train tunnel and go back. It's a
very easy strategy, but watch out, because every now and then one of
those evil item/egg-stealing bunnies will come for you in the square
area. Other areas you can hang around in are: in the gap beneath the
jump, and the northernmost points (beware of bunnies!) Once you have
collected twenty eggs, you win.
SECRET COIN- So easy a location, yet so easy to miss! Drive up the
right hill of the starting point, and to your left, you should see it.
UNLOCK- Ned, the electronic voicebox user who was a war hero, can be
yours, if you pick up LOTS AND LOTS of speed boosts.

PINK LEMONADE- Ah, one of my favorite races! In this race, players
must deliver Pink Lemonade to one of the tables (checkpoints) scattered
around Big Gay Al's Sanctuary. The first one to reach a checkpoint
deposits one of their glasses, and another table then calls in an
order. Players must then scramble to reach that table. First player
to deposit all glasses wins. The checkpoints are found in these
locations: 1. Upstairs, on the intersection overlooking outdoors (by
the place where you find the bow and arrow). 2. Inside one of the two
towers. 3. Inside the other of the two towers. 4. Inside the Big Gay
Boat Ride. My advice to you: go all out to reach checkpoint one first.
Once you hit, a random checkpoint will be selected. If it is two or
three, drive off the edge of the corresponding ledge and quickly drive
into the tower. If it is four, then cut through the secret passage to
get there A.S.A.P. Basically, however, if you see that people are a
lot closer to the called checkpoint then you, ignore it, and get to a
spot where you can easily access two or three checkpoints (on top of
checkpoint 1 is ideal.)
SECRET COIN- Go up the ramp in the main room (with the pool and
volleyball court) and drive through the tunnels, until you find the Mr.
Hankey Box. The coin should be right near it.
UNLOCK- Not much to unlock here, just the big gay pansy, Big Gay Al.
Get him by winning the race without losing any beforehand.

Other races (descriptions still must be written)
MEMORIAL DAY- Aliens have overrun South Park! Ahhh! …So what else is
new? Your main goal here is to find the laser hidden somewhere in the
volcano stage and charge it up, bringing it across all four
checkpoints. It is much like Rally Days 2, except that you have to
carry it over all four checkpoints yourself to win (for example, you
steal the laser after somebody takes it over checkpoint 3. You have to
go find checkpoint one yourself, but if the person who originally had
the laser grabs it, then they can head for checkpoint 4 and win the
race.) It's a bit confusing, especially with the earthquakes in the
Volcano, but it isn't too bad. Checkpoint locations: 1. In the area
across the bridge and down the ramp (from the giant crater). 2. On the
little island in the middle of the giant crater. 3. Outside, on the
north side of the perimeter. 4. In the room with funky mushrooms and
visitor pictures.
SECRET COIN- It's hanging RIGHT on the edge of a cliff by the laser.
UNLOCK- You can unlock the alien Visitor by finding both potpies. One
is on a narrow path between the bridge and checkpoint 4, and the other
is on a small raised area, which you can access by going to the
downhill ramp but staying VERY CLOSE to the left edge. Follow the
curve and you have it. The other person you can unlock is Mr. Kick-
the-Baby, Ike. To unlock him, you have "kick" yourself with a speed
boost up onto an airplane wing, where there sits a Golden Cow.

These need updating, and will be when I find the time.


I'd like to thank Yutz, because using his FAQ, I was able to unlock
many secrets in this game. So, I'm giving him credit for many of the
secret characters and a few secret coins :-)

Thanks, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, because without you two, there
never would have been a South Park.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~REPEAT COPYRIGHT AND A QUOTE FROM CARTMAN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

South Park Rally FAQ/Walkthrough for the Playstation, PC, and Nintendo
Version 0.9, 6/26/2000
Started on 4/28/2000
Copyright 2000 by Earthshaker

Anyone may reproduce this FAQ electronically, but do not sell it for
money. If you wish to place this on your website, do so with this
disclaimer intact, and be sure to contact me before you do so at If you do not do so, I WILL find out, and there
will be some serious legal trouble!!! You can also email your
comments, questions, gripes, suggestions, etc. to the above address as
well. By the way, the most updated version of this FAQ will be found

And now a quote from our favorite fat-ass, and I'm sure you won't be
offended if you have even opened this FAQ…

"Next time you do that, I'm gonna chop off your wee-wee… annnnnnddd…
put it on some bread… annnnnnddd… feed it to Kitty!

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18.Oktober 2013

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