Legend of Legaia

Legend of Legaia

14.10.2013 08:44:26
Moves FAQ
Legend of Legaia-Published by SCEA
Faq/Walkthrough/Art Moves v1.7
Valkryie_X valkryie@ignmail.com
c1999 and was created on 3/30/99.
This Faq should only be available at

Table of Contents

@......Whats Next
*......Whats New!
II.....Legal Items
V......Basic Controls
VII....Secrets and Hidden Events
VIII...Boss Tips
X......Art Move List
XI.....Magic List
XII....Contributor Recognition
XIII...Whats Coming Soon!

@ Whats Next
Well seeing that this Faq/Walkthrough has been updated to death, I see
it fit to take a break until, Lunar Silver Star Story is released later
this Month or Early May.(Possibly May 5th). A Faq/Walkthrough will be
made for Lunar SSS, and Street Fighter Alpha 3 when they are released
for PSX. Currently I have some character guides for the arcades, but am
holding onto them until I get a console version.

Well thanks for all the emails, and see ya next Faq.

* Whats New!
v1.6 to v1.7
1. Finally, the correct coin information for Earth Ra-Seru
2. Added another site, which holds my faq exclusively.
3. Few minor tweaks.
4. This is probably the last major update to this faq unless my logo
idea comes through.
5. And if you do not find the information you are seeking, check Asura's
walkthrough. His is more detailed, and he replies to emails faster

v1.5 to v1.6
1. Few Item Location Errors fixed(Point Card etc.)
2. Removed the Needed Info Section(no more is needed)
3. More Contributors added to Recognition section
4. Explanation of Mary's Diary Added to Secrets section

v1.4 to v1.5
1. Thanks to DraG0N804 for finding out how to get the 2 Ra-Seru Spells.
2. Few more spelling errors
3. More item additions, and secrets.
4. Needed Information Section Added
5. Legal Stuff changed to Legal Items(forgot to mention that before).

v1.3 to v1.4
1. Fixed Grammar and Spelling errors
2. Fixed Some Spelling errors for the Arts
3. Inclusion of a few more items
4. More information about the Palma Ra-Seru(Earth)
5. Yet more revisions.
6. More people added to the Recognition Area

v1.2 to v1.3
1. Major Spelling errors fixed
2. Refined the whole Faq, its more detailed than previous versions.
3. Fixed a few layout errors, very minute stuff.
4. Added Contributor Recognition section
5. Added Boss Tips Section

v1.1 to v1.2
1. Added a few Important Notes in the Legal Stuff Section
2. A more refined and detailed explanation of the Locals
3. Change in Email Address and using my Net name.
Reason for email change is since Hotmail is very slow lately.

v1.0 to v1.1
1. More indepth on Specific Area's
2. Added the Arts Move Lists
3. Added Console Gamer in the Introduction.
4. Added Magic List
5. Grammar Corrections
6. Working on Title Art

I. Introduction
This is my Third Walkthrough for Gamefaqs.com and Consolegamer.com and
am still working on making it the most thorough walkthrough for Legend
of Legaia. Parts of the Faq were taken from Tips&Tricks magazine, namely
the Art Lists, and the secret hidden events,items, and a few boss
Preparations also, I will do my best to elaborate on any situation you
are stuck on and will try to make this a very detailed faq using my
experience with Legaia 2 times through and the help of Tips & Tricks. At
first I thought the game would suck due to the Xenogears combat style
but it has grown on me and I find the game pretty damn good. You should
check out my Guilty Gear, and Tenchu Faqs if you have the games. Anyway
onto the rest of this document.

II. Legal Items
Neither the author of this FAQ, nor any person who distributes it in any
way, shall be responsible or liable for anything that results from using
this FAQ for any purpose. This FAQ may be freely distributed provided
that it is kept unmodified and in its entirity. Parts of the Faq/Walk-
through were taken from a Magazine called Tips & Tricks, which is an
excellent resource for codes and walkthroughs. Legend of Legaia was made
by(c) SCEA 1998. The use of any trademarks within this FAQ is not
intended to represent a challenge to their validity.

III. Story
God Created the heavens, the earth, and the seas. After creating
all things in the universe, god created humans to rule over this world.
Yet while possessing the wisdom of god, humans were physically weaker
than the wild beasts, and impulsive in spirit. Many times did the humans
come close to dying out forever. Concerned about the humans' future, god
gave them a mighty force with which to aid them. It was the Seru.
Since the dawn of human memory, known as history, humans lived
together with creatures known as the Seru. The Seru lived together with
humans, always obeying them, and making the humans many times stronger
than before. When not worn by a human, a Seru looks much like a stone
figure, However... Upon touching a human, a Seru changes form and gives
that human secret abilities. With a Seru, a human can lift extremely
heavy objects and even fly in the air. However, that era came to an end.
Appearing from out of nowwhere, the Mist covered the land,
bringing to an end the world of prosperous symbiosis between humans and
Seru. After the thick Mist came, the Seru, who once obeyed humans,
rebelled against them. The Seru began attacking humans at will. Seru
that attached themselves to humans controlled their minds and turned
them into evil beasts.
As if forsaken by god, human civilization collapsed. It was the
twilight of humanity. Those who escaped the Mist inhabited the desolate
areas and protected each other. Now, their faint hope is their only
source of inspiration.



Main protaganist of Legend of Legaia, is strong in all departments
except casting water based Seru Spells

Attribute: Fire
Favorite Weapons: Knives, Swords, Knuckles


Raised by a Ra-Seru, she meets up with Vahn at Mt. Rinokoa

Attribute: Wind
Favorite Weapons: Claw, Feral


A Biron Monk who Joins with Vahn and Noa to stop the Mist from

Attribute: Thunder
Favorite Weapons: Club, Mace, Axe

V. Basic Controls
I suggest using a Dual Shock Analog Controller as you are able to use
both Sticks, One for highlighting the command and the other to execute
or shuffle through your menues(Vibration is a Plus too!)

The Controller Functions are described separately for the two different
game modes.

Normal Mode and Fighting Mode

Directional Buttons:
Normal Mode: For Moving the cursor between options, also for
moving the characters through maps and dungeons.

Fighting Mode: When Fighting options appear on screen in the same
configuration as the directional button positions, press the
corresponding directional button to make your selection.

Triangle or Up on the Right Analog Stick(If using a Dual Shock)
Normal Mode: Displays the Menu Screen

Fighting Mode: When you are about to select your attack
combination, this button brings up all the Art commands you have
learned up to that point. Press the Triangle or Up button again to
cycle through the pages or to close the move list.

X or Down on the Right Analog Stick
Normal Mode: Enter Selection
.Run feature(hold X + D Pad)
.Interact with people or items.
.Examine drawers/cupboards

Fighting Mode: Enter Selection

Circle or Right on the Right Analog Stick
Cancel a selection or return to the immediately preceding screen.

Square or Left on the Right Analog Stick
Normal Mode: Cancels prologue sequence and displays menu screen.

Start Button: No Use

Select Button: Brings up Menu

L1 Button: Press to see the Panoramic Map when you are in the outdoor
field. For all locations other than the field this button has the same
function as the X button.

L2 Button: For Cancelling a selection. Has the same function as the
circle button.

R1 Button: Press a directional button while holding down this button in
order to use the run feature for your character.

R2 Button: No Use

VI. Walkthrough

1. Rim-Elm
Talk to everyone and learn how the Arts system works from Tetsu at the
beach to the south of town. Resting at Vahn's home will start the events
that begin the adventure. During the night invite Mei to stay at your
house for reasons discussed later on in this Walkthrough. Zepot, an evil
minion will appear and summon Serus to attack the village. You must
hurry to the Genesis tree. Touch the tree and a voice will sound in your
mind.It says that you must gather all the villagers at the Genesis tree.
Before gathering the villagers,head to Mei's house and she will give you
Mei's Pendant. Do as your told by hurrying back to your house and
approaching your father. Soon everyone will appear at the magical tree
and start praying. Finally the Genesis Tree will grow and clears away
the mist. After this you are thought of as a hero. Don't miss the
Healing Leaf in the cupboard. From this point on search every village
for goods when you stop by them. By goods I mean Treasure Chests, look
in peoples closets, drawers etc. After the Seru attack, go to the
Genesis Tree and then to Mei's house. Before heading into the Mist, be
sure to visit the shop and buy a Survival Knife, Warrior's Seal and
Healing Leaf. Also you may want to look upstairs in the Item shop, in
the drawer for a Point Card, whenever you purchase an Item, 5%of it goes
to the card. So after awhile of buying you may have 5,000 points and you
can use the card in battle to take off that Much HP. A very useful tool
that will save your hide more than a few times. After you buy all the
equipment you'll need, leave Rim-Elm and head west to the Travelers'

2. Travelers Spring
Item:Healing Leaf

Talk to everyone here and head to both sides of the spring for chests.
Feel free to read the books on the right side of the spring as they can
be helpful in the future. After Talking with Lezam goto one of the
Springs and it should heal you and restore your MP, then head out
Northwest to Drake Castle.

3. Drake Castle
Items:Sunrise Key, Lightning Key, Star Key, Mountain Key, Healing Leaf
X2, Fury Boost, Survival Knife, Fire Book I.

You will need the key to open the gate to proceed. Starting off on
first floor, take the left room to get the Sunrise Key to open the gate
to the 2nd floor. A Healing Leaf is in the chest on the upper left
corner in the main room on the 2nd floor. Take the door on the South end
of the floor. In the room there is a Fury Boost at the Middle left of
the bottom screen. After that take the Lightning Key on the upper right
corner of the room. After getting the Lighting Key head on up to the 3rd
Floor. There is a Survival Knife in the chest in the left room on 3rd
floor, Equip it if you didn't purchase it in Rim-Elm. The Star Key is in
the next room, also take the Healing Leaf on the 4th floor in the chest
on the upper left corner. Proceed through the door to the South and
enter the throne room, which is the Middle door. The left room in the
throne room is the King Bedroom where you could find the King's letter
in the chest and Mountain Key. The right room is a place where you could
sleep and recover your HP and MP, also there is a save point and a Fire
Book I in the chest. With the Fire Book I you can learn Vahns' first
Hyper Art-Tornado Flame. Open the mountain gate and exit the castle. Now
head to Rikuroa Mountain.

4. SnowDrift Cave
Items: Healing Shroom X4

Game Play changes over from Vahn to Noa. A save point is located in the
beginning of the area. Talk to Terra, follor her around, since she will
stop at certain places and ask you questions at each stopping point. If
you paid attention to the game you should be able to answer them easily.
Pick up any Healing Shrooms you see(Mushrooms, they are easy to see).
After you have found all the available Healing Shrooms, head to the
Practice area(where Terra is). There is another Healing Shroom in this
room on the left side. Basically the Practice Lessons allow you to learn
Arts, and gain some levels(which you will need). Your enemies are Red or
Black Puera. After each battle you could talk to Terra to Replenish your
HP and MP. After the 2nd battle is you talk to Terra, she will teach you
an Art called Lizard Tail. From that point on every time you talk to
Terra, she will offer you a chance to return back to camp and eat,
instead say no and continue fighting, you will need to gain a lot of
levels for a hard Boss.When you beat all the Puera, you will return back
to camp. Follow her to the room you started with Noa. Talk to Terra once
again. The Mist seeps into the cave from an Earth Quake. Follow the path
and exit the cave. Pick up the last Healing Shroom on your way out. Any
battles you fight in on your up to Mt. Rikuroa your kinda invincible
since Terra, will cast Revive and Heal on you when she joins you. Now
head on out to Mt. Rikuroa.

5. Mt. Rikuroa
Items:Healing Leaf X2, Scarlet Jewel, Power Water, Guardian Water,
Phoenix, Speed Elixir, Vahn Fist, Healing Bloom X2.

Controls will change from Noa Back to Vahn in the middle of this area.
You must Guide Noa until you reach the Genesis Tree,from here on you'll
control Vahn until you reach Noa. Before you enter Rikuroa Mountain make
sure that you have learned a few Arts moves, since this boss is very
difficult if your not prepared. Follow the path and pick up items that
are in the chests on the way up. A Healing Leaf is in the chest near the
save point before you enter the cave. Inside the first area of the cave,
you can find a Scarlet Jewel and a Power Water in the chest. Before you
can exit the cave, you must fight a Golem. He isn't really that
difficult to beat so just fight him with everything you have.

Boss: Golem

Just continue hitting him, as you dont really have to worry about dying,
since Terra will cast heal when your HP is low and Revive if you die.
Using a few of your Powerful Arts like Tempest Break should kill him
fast. After killing him, you'll get a Guardian Water from the Golem.
Also after that you will exit the cave automatically. After exiting
continue on into the second half of the cave and take the Phoenix inside
the chest. You can save your game before you exiting this half of the
cave, since controls will be switched over to Vahn. Using Vahn follow
the path and jump from one stone to the other. Before you reach the last
stone on the north, take the south path first to pick up a Speed Elixir
in the chest. After getting the Speed Elixir head back north and enter
the cave. You'll arrive at a intersection. Take the right path first to
get a few items, then follow the regular path and exit the cave and
enter the second half of the cave. Towards the end you'll need to jump
again from one stone to another. After a few jumps, take the right jump
to pick up a Healing Leaf in the chest. After that, then proceed to the
top following the path to exit the cave and pick up a Vahn Fist(Equip it
immediatly!) at the outside of the cave. Head back to the first cave
where the intersection is and take the left path and pick up the Healing
Bloom in the chest before you enter the 2nd cave on the left path. Save
your game at this point before you join Noa to fight Caruban.

Boss: Caruban

Caruban will inflict massive amounts of damage with his combo attack and
can hit both Vahn and Noa with Fire Breath. Vahn should have learned the
Fire Gimard Spell in Drake Castle and should hit Caruban with it as many
times as he can while Noa uses healing items when necessary. After a few
rounds he should be licked.

6. Back at Drake Castle
Items : Water Key, Healing Leaf, Swift Water, Fightning Robe, Healing
Leaf X10, Healing Leaf X5, Magic Leaf, Platinum Card

When you reenter Drake Castle, there will be a sequence with the King,
he will give you the Water Key. After this sequence head to the right
room in the throne room to sleep if you need to and save your game. You
can now go outside to talk to the people in the castle to gain some
information. Continue down to the 2nd floor and pick up a Healing Leaf
in the chest. Proceed down to the 1st floor, and pick up the Healing
Bloom inside the left room and Swift Water in the right room. When you
get outside of the castle, you see that the Castle Folk have created a
Baazar type setting. Follow Noa around and when you reach the Weapon
Shop, she will ask what money is, answer "I don't know" and the Merchant
will give you Fighting Robe free of charge. After that head on over to
the Items shop and talk with Noa. There are 3 prize possiblilities. You
can get 10 Healing Leaves if you answer all Noa's questions correct, or
get 5 if you answer 2 correct. Finally, you just get a Magic Leaf if you
you get them all wrong. After Noa rejoins your party, head back to the
Weapons Shop and buy better equipment for Noa and yourself. If you feel
you don't have enough for everything you want, dont worry save your
money for Biron Monastary which you will approach soon. Save up big time
since Weapons and Items in the game get fairly expensive.

7. The Water Gate
Items: Wind Book I

Enter the water gate next to the castle and put the Water Key into the
water gate controller. After the water drains, Take the chest containing
the Wind Book I which is Noa's First Hyper Art. Now, head for Biron

8. Biron Monastary
Items : Power Elixir, Phoenix, Healing Bloom

When you enter Biron Monastery, flip the lever to open the door. Then
after talking with the guy who comes out, head in to the next room.
After the long talk, go to the next room and check out the big statue
for Power Elixir. Maya will come out and compliment on how much you have
grown etc, after that you can go upstairs. The left room is an Inn,
while the middle room is where the save point is. You can also buy some
equipment and items. Examine everything in the Monastary(Some Pots
contain good items). Remember the lady at the bottom of the table, she
will give you food to recover your HP/MP later on when the Mist arrives.
When you are done, go to the room to the right where there is a guard in
front of it. This is Maya's room. After that go up and enter the room in
the middle (between 2 staircases) and search the pot for Healing Bloom.
After your done, Talk to Zopu, whom will throw a celebration. Feel free
to talk to everyone, but most importantly talk to Gala and Songi to make
Zopu enter the room. Talk to Zopu again and you'll be asked to revive
the Genesis Trees. Choose West Voz Forest, since either way you will end
up with it.

9. West Voz Forest
Seru:Vera, Nighto
Items: Magic Amulet, Noa Feral, Fertilizer, Ra-Seru Egg

Find the Fertilizer in order to Cross the Bridge Grass. It is located in
a secret area, a green pipe or tube towards the begining of the
Forest(in the open space)on the left side is where the Tube like thing
is located. After locating the Genesis Tree, you find that it is dead
and recieve the Ozma Ra-Seru Egg. Equip it to prevent damage from
Thunder attacks, you then hear an explosion and return to Biron
Monastery, which has been overrun by the Mist.

10. Back at Monastery
Seru:Gimard Lv2, Theeder

Goto Maya's Room and check the room for items. Then head back to the
middle room, recover your HP/MP and save. Head out towards East Voz

11. East Voz Forest
Items:Weed Hammer, Cure Amulet, Survival Club, Azure Jewel

Follow the path northeast to find the Weed Hammer, which will allow you
to pass the Crystal Grass in the area. As always look around every nook
and cranny to find some awesome accessories and items that will aid you.

Boss: Viguro x2

These guys do high damage with their Thunder Break attack. Attack them
one at a time, when killing one focus attacks on the other one, use the
Healing Spells like Vera that can be located in West Voz and
attack with Hyper Arts and combo attacks. Dont use magic on them, or
allow Gala to finish them off, have Vahn and Noa kill them since they
are Ra-Seru equiped and can learn a powerful attack spell if they defeat
the viguros with Art Moves.

12. Back at Monastery
When you return to Biron Monastary, Maya will give you 10 healing
leaves. And the Weapons Dealer has new items for you to purchase. Now
that you have a Ra-Seru for Gala head back to West Voz and learn the
Vera Spell. Afterwards head west between the 2 mountains to find Zeto's

13. Mist Generator 1(Zeto's Dungeon
Seru:Theeder Lv2, Gimard Lv2, Zenoir, Vera
Nighto, Gizam
Items : Thunder Book I, Healing Leaf, Healing Flower, Fury Boost,
Healing Bloom X2, Short Sword, Shield Elixir, Phoenix, Medicine,
Magic Leaf,Burning Jewel, Tempest Jewel, Door Of Light, Mettle

Let Gala land the final blows to learn the spells that the other two
characters already have here. Use Vahn's Hyper Arts against the
Theeders. The short sword is in the chest behind the elevator shaft on
the lower floor.Equip it, and be sure to look around as there is the
Thunder Book I that will give Gala his first Hyper Art.

Boss: Songi

This is the first time the party must face off with Songi, Galas' arch-
rival from Biron Monastery. Gala must fight him alone. Be sure Gala has
learned the Zenoir spell before facing Songi. A few blasts fom that
spell and some Arts attacks are all it takes to defeat him... for now.
The Mettle Ring(AP Accrual increased by 10%) is what you recieve for
defeating him. Make sure to save at the memory statue before facing Zeto
who is nearby.

Boss: Zeto

Hit him repeatedly with attack spells, using Healing Flowers to keep
the trio alive and healthy. Zeto's Call Wave signals that a powerful
attack called Big Wave is coming in the next round. Be sure to have
everyone use Spirit to raise defense against the Big Wave attack. Have
one character as a healer(Gala as he is last) and the other 2 attack.
Continue this pattern until he is defeated.

14. North Cave
The cave north of Biron Monastery is now lit and monster free, and the
previously sealed doors are now accessible. If you return to Rim-Elm and
visit Mei, an event will play out which reveals a clue to Noa's past and
a new mission for the party.

15. Ancient Wind Cave-Thanks Kymil ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
The northwest door leads to the Old Wizard's shop. He sells Weapons and
Acessories but they are at an Inflated price. While in the Wizard's shop
area, you can obtain the Silver Compass in a barrel in the Old Wizards
backroom and a Magic Water in another barrel. When your done flip the
lever in the back of his room which will open a door in the Northeast
section of the cave. This leads to an Old Witch's Inn, where you spend
the night. Vahn, Noa, And Gala have the same dream in which a voice
tells them to head for the city of Octam. Head north through the caves
to enter a new area, the Sebucus Islands.

16. Sebucus Islands
Go Northwest until you reach Jeremi.

17. Jeremi & Sky Garden Center
Seru:Nighto Lv2, Swordie

The Mist has reached Jeremi and you must head to the top of the Sky
Tower to revive the Genesis Tree there and drive out the Mist. Follow
the elevators up to the top where a hard boss awaits.

Boss: Berserker

Before actually fighting him, go left and right to obtain the treasure
chests, one contains the Forest Amulet, which protects against Rot(and
comes in handy so equip it on Vahn) and the other is a healing item. Now
confront the boss. Before Fighting him, build up enough money in battles
to buy three Earth Jewels from the Old Witch. This will make Berserker's
Stone Circle Attack less threatening. With the Forest Amulet equipped
his Spore Attack is ineffective against the character wearing it. Hit
him with all of the high power attacks you have while keeping the
party's health full.

18. Jeremi after the Mist
Talk to the mayor and search the cabinet behind the counter of the
taver to find a Guardian Ring. Talk to Zalan in the house in the south-
western area of the town and he'll give you a letter to deliver to his
son in the town of Vidna. Take the time to build up your levels and save
up some money and buy all of the gear available in the weapons shop
before heading for Vidna. Vidna is north of Jeremi.

19. Vidna
Talk to the people in Vidna for directions to Octam. Visit Danpas in
the house at the western edge of town. He is building an underground
shelter in case the windmills ever stop working and the Mist invades
Vidna. The cupboard in the item shop has 10 healing leaves. Zalan's son
Pepe lives in a house in the Northwest part of the town. Show him
Zalan's letter and he'll give you Yuma's Ring. On your way out you can
buy a Camera Stone(allows you to take pictures, but breaks after a few
shots) from a man standing on the Northern part of town by a House.
Afterwards take Yuma's Ring back to Zalan in Jeremi and you'll get
Zalan's Crown(AP acrual increases by 10%) and his undying gratitude.
From this point on Zalan will help the party out free of charge so if
you get any awkward items take them to him. Follow the directions the
townspeople gave you to reach Octam.

20. Octam

Octam like all the other towns is covered in the mist, Explore the town
completely to find all of the chests. Make sure your characters learn
the Orb spell by defeating the Orb monsters. This spell will heal all
characters up to 500-600HP. The Tower of Rem, the main building in town,
is your next stop.

Tower of Rem.

Check the four stone faces in the basement for important clues about the
Gate of Shadows, which is your next stop. Read the four books and a
secret passage will open up. A woman named Cara appears and tell you
that the Star Pearl(needed to open the Gate of Shadows) is in the
possession of Zalan back in Jeremi. Head back to Jeremi and see Zalan
again. He will give you the Star Pearl for free. Spend the night at an
Inn for another of Noa's dream sequences. Then head east past Octam to
the Gate of Shadows.

21. Gate of Shadows
Seru:Gizam Lv2, Nova
Items:Life Ring, Wonder Elixir

When you first arrive, the Delilas family confronts you, but are then
summoned and leave. Proceed to each of the faces, remember what the four
faces in the basement of the Temple of Rem told you? Read the
inscriptions on the four faces here and enter the correct element to
North Gate=Earth
West Gate=Fire
East Gate=Wind
South Gate=Water

The Gate opens and you'll need to use the Star Pearl to enter. Every
path leads to a Treasure chest so go down every corridor. Eventually
after traversing the underground tavers, you stumble upon Octam

22. Octam Underground
Items:Life Water

Talk to the mayor on the third floor of the big building in the center
of town. A guard will run in and knock you over claiming that Hari has
awaken and you'll need to go to his house and talk to all three Haris.
You'll find a Life Water in the cabinet there. After talking to Hari
you'll be able to enter the Fire Path in the North Part of Town.
23. Fire Path
Seru:Nova, Gola gola, Freed
Items:Wisdom Water, Gala Mace

This is basically straight forward. When you reach the lower
levels(Before the lava ride) Search the support beams, as 2 of the 3
have entrances to treasure chests. When you arrive at the bottom of the
path, a mean monster named Xain will attack you after you pester him a
few times.

Boss: Xain

Xain is hard. If your characters aren't leveled up enough you should do
that. His Terio Punch does over 1,000HP DAMAGE! Use Spirit to increase
your Defense in the Terio Punch rounds to lessen the damage incurred,you
will know when he will do Terio Punch when he starts the Bull Charge.
Equip as many characters with Burning Jewels as possible. After you
defeat Xain, raid the chests on now frozen lava bed. Then return back to

24. Octam Revisited
Talk to the Mayor of Octam, he will ask you to bring him some Hot Spring
Pills from Vidna. Your now allowed to use the Express elevator up to the
surface Octam now. Buy the latest Equipment before heading out, or if
you feel your guys are at a high enough level save your money until you
reach another town for better stuff.

25. Vidna
Seru: Swordie Lv2, Orb Lv2
Items : Shield Elixir, Healing Flower, Magic Ring, Spring Salts.

As soon as you enter Vidna, you see that the Windmills have stopped and
that the town has been covered in the Mist. Head over to Danpas Shelter
on the west side of town. An old man in the shelter tells you where to
find the Hot Spring Pills. Retrieve the Pills and Head out back to
Octam.(The Pills are in the Windmill Generator if you know where that
is).The Mayor will give you the Slowness chain and the location of the
next Genesis Tree: Mt. Letona, next to the town of Ratayu, to the north
of Vidna.

26. Ratayu
Seru:Viguro Lv2
Items : Magic Leaf X2, Healing Bloom, Door Of Wind, Ivory Book, Healing
Flower, Swift Water, Healing Berry, Fury Boost, Speed Elixir, Letona Key

The town is covered in Mist, search all the houses and the castle now.
Head towards the Castle and talk to Saryu. After talking with him he
will give you the Mt.Letona key and if you remove the Mist from the Town
he promises the West Ratuyu Key. Now head to the Mt. Letona.

27. Mt. Letona
Items:Wisdom Ring, Magic Leaf, Power Ring, Guardian Water.

When you reach the Top of the mountain you see a force Field surrounding
the Genesis Tree. Walk away towards the direction you came and Songi
Will appear.

Boss: Songi

Songi does a lot of damage to Single characters(Make sure your leveled
up.) Take turns hitting him, while one character uses Healing Flowers or
Healing Spells.

After reviving the Genesis Tree, go back to Ratayu and talk to the
Innkeeper's daughter. After hearing about the Seru Bride, Noa will take
her place and will be take into the lower depths of the castle. Here a
project in creating Juggernaut, a powerful Seru is being done. Both Vahn
and Gala will storm the castle.
: Kemaro x2

Be sure to kill these guys using a Hyper Art since they give you a
powerful new spell:Canine Fangs which inflicts around 2,000-2,500 HP
Damage. After entering the Juggernaut Lair, a sequence takes place where
you see a shadow emit from Saryu and transforms him into a monster.

Boss: Van Saryu

Van Saryu's Earthquake attack can devastate your characters, equip
Earth Jewels to lessen the damage. Use the Kemaro spell if you got it
and you'll beat him in no time. If you don't have the Spell, focus your
attacks on him let, Gala heal the party. After being defeated, Saryu
will shutdown the Juggernaut project. He'll give you the West Ratayu Key
which opens the gate to the second Mist Generator, to the west of town.

28. Mist Generator 2(Dohati's Castle)
Seru:Swordie Lv2, Aluru, Orb Lv2, Gola gola,
Nova Lv2, Mushura, Freed
Items: Power Elixir, Wonder Elixir, Healing Flower, Healing Bloom,
Phoenix, Healing Fruit, Life Water, War Soul, Fury Boost, Healing
Berry, Magic Fruit, Power Water, Shield Elixir.

If you didn't learn the Orb spell earlier, now is the time to do it. You
can also learn a new light spell from the Aluru creatures here which
give you the spell Final Blaster(Spell does anywhere between 1500-1900HP
damage). Go down all paths to find the Chest and get some important
items. Take the path leading to the Mist Generator and Dohati will
appear to fight you.

Boss: Dohati

Have Noa hit him with her Miracle Arts attack if she is high enough or
Vulture Blade otherwise have her cast Orb while Vahn and Gala hit Dohati
with Super Arts. After he's defeated return to Octam and take the Sky
Train to Karisto Kingdom.

29. Karisto Kingdom
Follow the path around to the northwest to reach Sol, by a survival kit
if you think you'll need it from the Dummy at the exit of the station.

30. Sol Tower
Items: Life Water, Guardian Water, Magic Water, Healing Berry, Power
Water, Wisdom Water, Swift Water, Phoenix, Wonder Elixir, Miracle Water.

The first several floors of the Tower are engulfed in the Mist, while
the upper levels are Mist-Free and bustling with activety. The party
runs into Gaza, on their way up to the upper levels. The upper levels of
Sol contain shops like Muscle Dome and Sol Fever Disco, which are like
Mini-Games. If and when you are done playing around head for the roof to
talk to Master Deez, who will give you the Genesis Tree Seedling and ask
you to plant it in the Basement of the Tower. As your leaving Gaza
confronts you and fights you(Very hard, but a short battle).

Boss: Gaza

After a few rounds of hitting him with everything you have he falters.
Songi Appears and takes Gaza away. Head towards the bottom of the tower.
You must feed each treasure chest you took an item from with Soru Bread.
You have 2 ways to get the Soru bread, 1 is to buy them for a lot of
money, or 2 play the Muscle Dome games and trade your coins in for them.
There are eight Sage Treasure Chests in the different rooms below. Do
this by going into the last door near the bottom and checking the
strange mechanical device there. With all of the Sage chests sated, it
will open the statue that blocked your way before.

31. Warrior's Square
Seru:Aluru, Kemaro
Items: Wonder Amulet, Golden Book

Get Kemaro for Noa and anyone else who didn't learn it in Ratuyu. In the
Warrior's Gate room, pull the first lever to lower the first set of
stones around the Square. Then make your way around the room, pulling
levers to proceed until you are at the opposite end; now you can pull
the other lever to lower the second set of stones. Head to the bottom of
the room and plant the Genesis Tree Seedling. Songi appears and brings
out Gaza, whom is now more powerful since he has melded with a Sim-Seru.

Boss: Gaza

Gaza's Combo can almost level a whole characters HP, make sure you
Spirit up every other round and pound away at him, while letting Gala
cast Orb and Spoon spells to heal the damage done by Gaza's attacks. The
Kemaro spell does high damage to him as well. After being defeated,
Gaza's Astral Sword will be given to Vahn, who should equip it. Visit
the Inn on the second floor and talk to the Emporer of Sol, then head to
the town of Buma to the North East.

32. Buma
The three Genesis Trees here are frozen solid. After trying to revive
the Tree's head to Dr. Usha's Research Center.

33. Usha Research Center
You'll need to use the password the Emperor of Sol gave you to get into
Dr. Usha's Tower.

Dr. Usha Tells you of a Seru called Koru who is the cause of the Cold
Air. He will create a Timespace bomb for you to use, but the Fire
Droplet from Uru Mais to the west is needed. Get the key to the ruins of
Uru Mais from Mrs. Usha and head out after restocking at the shops in
the tower.

34. Uru Mais
After using the key to open the ruins, you'll have to enter each of the
three doors. Each one leads to a dream sequence event for one of the
characters, in which important events from the past are remembered. When
all three heroes have dreamed, you can then understand what Tieg is
saying, and he will then give you the Fire Droplet. After which you see
Juggernaut come and destroy Uru Mais. After this event head back to the
Lab, Dr. Usha will give you four TimeSpace Bombs and tell you what you
need to do with them to destroy the Seru.

35. Nivora Ravine
Seru:Alura Lv2
Items:Warrior Icon, Mettle Gem, Rainbow Jewel, Spirit Jewel, Fury Boost

Nivora Ravine is one of the more difficult dungeons. Make sure you have
the following items: Earth Jewel, Burning Jewel, Luminous Jewel, Mettle
Gem, War Soul, at least one Fury Boost, and five or more Healing
Berries. The party will split up and each go a separate way through this
very simple dungeon. You can switch back and forth between characters if
you need to using the Square Button. If a path is blocked with one
character, use another to push a switch or item to clear the path for
the other characters. When all three fighters reach the main room and
ready the bombs, they'll be attacked by the Delilas Family, three boss
characters who pair up with your heroes for a series of one on one
battles. Equip Gala with the Earth Jewel, War Soul and Spirit Jewel, Noa
with the Mettle Gem and a Life Ring, and Vahn with the Burning Jewel.

Gala's Boss: Che Delilas

Che Delilas uses an attack called Megaton Press, which will kill Gala
unless you use Spirit in the previous round when he hits you with
it(cast it a round before he actually does it). After this attack you'll
have a round to heal, and one to attack. I found that instead of
physically attacking him, just cast Spirit once, and continue hitting
him with Magic Spells(Kemaro etc)use the Magic Fruits and Healing
Berries Mrs Usha gave to you in the Research Center. Swap attacking to
refill your magic sometimes. Repeat this pattern until he is defeated.

Noa's Boss: Lu Delilas

Same deal here: She'll attack for two rounds, then hit with her Plasma
Strike. Use Spirit on the rounds when she uses this attack and you'll be
ok. After each Plasma Strike, cast a powerful healing spell, then attack
with her Miracle Art, then use Spirit. Repeat this strategy(you might
have to swap an attack to cast another healing spell if your life falls
to low) for an easy victory.

Vahn's Boss: Gi Delilas

If you have the Burning Jewel you should be alright, just follow the
same strategies as the first 2 and you can defeat him easily. After all
three TimeSpace bombs detonate, the Delilas Family and Koru merge with
one another. Before fighting you are given a chance to heal yourselves
and save. When finished jump down to where Koru is, this is a limited
time battle!!!

Boss: Koru

You only have 4 rounds to defeat Koru or he'll explode and kill
everyone. He has 100% life, and every round you will see it drop. Have
Noa outfitted with the War Soul, Mettle Gem, and Zalan's Crown. This
will let her use two Miracle Arts attacks on a full AP bar in two
straight turns. Again, the Point Card can be a useful attack item, if
you have a high amount of points 4,000 or above use it since it will
save you some time. Use Kemaro and Alura spells and keep nailing him.
Dont worry about healing since his attacks only take off about 400-600
HP. This is a short but hard battle, so make every turn count.

36. Buma

Now that the Genesis Trees are no longer frozen, You revive them and
drive away the mist. Cara will give you something that is dear to her
and Grantes heart, the sheet music, take it to the pianist in Sol's Jazz
Club. Have him play the music for Grantes then head over to Buma where
you'll get the Soren Flute. The flute can be played on the summit of Mt.
Dhini to call the Soren, a tribe of human-seru who can fly.

37. Mt. Dhini
Seru:Iota, Mushura Lv2
Items:Unholy Icon, Phoenix, Wonder Amulet, Healing Berry, Good Luck Bell

Venture up to the summit, and Vahn will play the Soren Flute and Luctes
and three Soren will appear. They take your party to their camp.

38. Soren Camp
Talk to the elder and he'll grant you the Soren's help in reaching the
Floating Castle. After stocking up on weapons, armor and whatever
healing items you need, save and then talk to Luctes to begin the raid
on the Floating Castle.

39. Zora's Floating Castle
Seru:Barra, Mushura Lv2
Items:Healing Berry, Magic Ring, Life Water, Evil God Icon, Magic Water

As soon as you enter the castle head towards the Left at the split
paths. At the next fork in the road, head down first to enter the room
and pick up a Healing Berry. Go back to the previous intersection and go
to the right. Follow the path straight forward, until you hit a another
fork. Go to the right to get the Magic Ring inside the room. Go back and
head south. Follow the path until you enter another room with another
intersection. Go to the right and follow the path and enter the room to
the north. Move the lever in this room and go outside to step on the
elevator that go down. Next, go south to the next fork and go to the
right to get Life Water. Go to the left and enter the room on your way
to get Evil God Icon. Continue following the path until you hit the next
room. Go to the left and jump on the stone and enter the pipe. When you
emerge from the pipe talk to the Puera and fight him. After that, move
the lever and go back to the previous room and continue to the north.
Enter the room in the next area and check the switch on the wall, and
answer yes to flip it, then check the device to get the Soren Secret. Go
back and continue to the left to the next area. Go down the stairs in
the circular colloseum type area and save your game before proceeding
into the next room. Fight the 2 Puera guards that block the entrance.
Flip the levers on each side of you to open the door. Enter the room and
proceed to the throne. Check the left door for a chest that contains a
Magic Water and then check the middle door, choose one of the answers
and start leaving the Throne area to the south and you will fight Zora.


Zora will attack for 2 rounds, then cast Dark Typhoon, hitting every
character. Raise your characters' defense with Spirit to lessen the
damage and hit her with Super Arts and Miracle Arts and you can use the
Kemaro spell does some nice damage. Zora can also turn a character to
stone, which can be fixed with a medicine. My strategy was to use the
Point Card since I had 10,000 points on it, and fought her for 4 rounds.
After defeating her Songi Appears and destroys the Mist Generator, thus
making the Floating Castle start to crash towards the Earth, You have 6
minutes to get back to the entrance where Luctes will rescue you at the
last minute. Afterwards you are taken back to the Soren Camp. Once back
at the Soren Camp, Luctes will take you to Conkram, where the final Mist
Generator is located.

40. Soren Camp(revisted)
After a long talk with the Elder, head to the Inn and recover your HP/MP
and then goto the Memory Statue to save. Head on over to the Weapons
shop buy any weapons or items you need and exit the shop. Talk to the
man outside to the right of the shop(Your right while facing the TV). If
you successfully recovered the Soren Secrets he will teach you new Art
Moves. Afterwards head back and save and talk to Luctes to begin your
journy to Conkram.

41. Conkram
Seru:Slippery, Kemaro Lv2

When you arrive, you find that the town is part of a Seru Clam type of
creature. Find Queen Minea in the upper levels and talk with her, also
check the roof(take the left door from where the queen is) and pick up a
Healing Fruit on the roof, afterwards head downstairs and talk to the
guards blocking the staircase, they will move aside and allow you to go
down and talk to the King, who will give you the Seru Flame. Head over
to the upper level where the Queen is and goto the right door where Vahn
will light the Candles. With this item, you can travel back in time to
Conkram of the past to discover how Conkram ended up like it is.

42. Conkram of the Past
Seru:Slippery, Kemaro
Items:Power Water, Guardian Water, Magic Fruit, Wisdom Water, Swift

When you explore the castle, you will see Zeto, And the Delilas family
look more human, since the Mist did not claim them yet. Talk to them
all, search all of the buildings for chests, then spend the night in the
Inn. In the morning you'll witness the events leading Conkrom to its
dark state. Head to Cort's lab in the basement. You'll witness the hole
that allowed the Mist to enter the human world; you must enter the Seru
world to stop it.

43. Rogues Tower
Seru:Spoon Lv2, Slippery, Barra Lv2
Items:Magic Armband, Phoenix, Guardian Chain, Fury Boost

There are teleporters all over the place. If you have trouble moving
through the dungeon, wait for the pulsating walls and floor to return to
normal and you'll find that the teleporters lead forward. If you enter a
teleporter while the maze is brown and pulsing, it might lead backward.
In each of the floors you have to fight Caruban and Berserker in order
to proceed up a floor, so make sure you find them(Spiral Gems), they
aren't difficult and will give you experience and cash. When you reach
the top floor you fight Rogue.


He changes the elemental type damage his attacks do which costs him 1
round. Notice that he only uses the elementals of your characters and
glows the color of your Ra-Seru. Attack him and cast Spoon or Orb after
he attacks the party and hit him. Repeat this until he is defeated. Back
in Conkram, the King will give you the Nemesis Gem,and you find that
Cort tries to stop him. The nemesis gem is needed to reach the Future
Mist Generator in the Absolute Fortress. Before you leave, be visit the
Queen on the roof to get Minea's Ring. Head back to the Mirror room and
you will go back to the future. Door of Wind yourself to the Soren Camp
and by any weapons or items you may need, then talk to Luctes and let
him drop you off at Conkram again. The party should head north to
Absolute Fortress.

44. Absolute Fortress
Seru:Gillium, Barra Lv2, Spoon Lv2, Kemaro
Slippery Lv2, Iota Lv2, Puera Lv2
Items:Life armband, Rainbow Jewel, Golden Claw, Unholy Icon, Wonder
Elixir, Great Axe, Warrior Icon, Lost Grail.

When you reach the Lake of Mist, head right to find another Rainbow
Jewel. High above the lake, the party gets its first look at Juggernaut,
sleeping peacefully in the Mist. In the Control room, Jette will appear
and fight you.

Boss: Jette

Hit him with Super Arts and heal when necessary. The levers in the
control room change the direction the lift platforms will take you. Set
it to take you to the right side first to get the Great Axe for Gala,
then return to the control room and set it to the left to reach the Mist
Generator and the Boss of the fortress, Cort.

Boss: Cort

As soon as you start to fight, Cort will put up a defensive barrier
around him. Normal attacks will result with him blocking them, so use
magic and Hyper, Super, or Miracle Arts to penetrate it. After a long
battle, the barrier disappear and Cort begins casting Magic, one of
which summons Juggernaut. Try to anticipate this attack and use Spirit
to raise defense. Gala's Miracle Arts is most effective here.

Talk to everyone in the village when you return to Rim-Elm, Songi shows
up with Juggernaut. It has bonded with Cort and is capable of
transforming the village into a giant living Seru Monster which will
start producing Mist and engulf the world again. The party must go back
to Uru Mais and enter the world of the Seru.

45. Seru Kai Noaru Valley
Seru:Gilium Lv2, Barra Lv2, Slippery Lv2
Items:Triumph Armor

This is an easy area; just follow the path and open all the chests. When
you reach the Great Genesis tree, Songi will face you for the last time.

Boss: Songi

You might want to equip on of your characters with the Lost Grail incase
having the entire party killed in one attack. After you defeat Songi,
you return to Rim-Elm and use the power of the Great Genesis Tree to
force Juggernauts mouth open and enter his body.

46. Juggernaut
Items: Ra-Seru Armor, Ra-Seru Robe, Ra-Seru Plate, Crimson Book, Ra-Seru
Boots, Lost Grail, Ra-Seru Shoes, Ra-Seru Thongs, Magic Armband,
Ra-Seru Blade, Ra-Seru Fangs, Ra-Seru Seal, Ra-Seru Plume, Ra-
Seru Helmet, Ra-Seru Club.

Follow the path and get all of the chests containing the Ra-Seru weapons
and armor for the party. The monsters here are hard, but give you a good
amount of Experience points if you want to level up. They always attack
in threes so fight smarter, not harder. Be weary of the Level 3 Puera's
Death Game attack, for now it has three cards that kill one of your
party members and one that kills them. When you reach the final door it
will close up. You need to press the two spherical things on the floor
to get it to open, and you need to do it quickly.

Boss: Cort

Let him have it with everything you got and it will be over in no time.

VII. Secrets and Hidden Events
Note: These Secrets and Events were taken straight from Tips & Tricks
magazine, and I will elaborate more on them, when I get them. Some
tricks were submitted by fellow gamers.

1.Chicken Accessories:
Goto the Muscle Paradise and enter each level of the Coliseum fights,

Run from the first fight of each one and your reward is an accessory
called the Chicken King, which allows you to successfully run away from
the regular battles. Use it with the Chicken Heart and the Chicken Safe
to increase your chances of escaping battles.

2.The Devil Medallion
After the Soren event at the summit of Mt. Dhini, return to the summit
again to fight a hidden boss, Lapis. This accessory allows the character
wearing it to attack with anywhere from 0-15 Fighting Arts per round,
but renders tat character uncontrollable. Be careful fighting against
Lapis since he attacks you right off the bat draining you of MP, and
keeps them drained. Then he hits you with attacks that do more damage
than the final boss, without the benefit of healing spells this is a
hard battle.

3.War God Icon
Giving each character this accessory, which raises Max HP 25% is a
goal worth striving for. Luckily, it's not that hard. One is hidden in a
chest in Absolute Fortress, another can be had simply by winning it in
Sol's Muscle Paradise. The third requires you to talk to Mei inside of
Juggernaut at the end of the game, with Mei's Pendant equipped. As long
as you took Mei to Vahn's house at the beginning of the game when the
Mist invaded Rim-Elm, this shouldn't be a problem.

5. Honey Comb-Valkryie

Check the tree close to the wall near the windmill in Rim-Elm to fight
some Bees. Make sure your characters are at a high level(Over 1,000HP is
good enough)since the Bees are powerful and have a first strike
advantage. Magic is useless against them, its all about raw power. If
you actually beat them, you get the Honey which will increase all stats
by 4. When you do get the Honey, do not talk to Nene, since she will
take it away from you. Use the honey first them talk to her.

6. Platinum Card-Submitted by: James Ong

The Platinum Card lets you buy secret items from shops. It is found in
Drake Castle(after you save them). In the TOP LEFT CORNER in ONE of the

7. Mary's Diary-See Recognition, many people helped.

After you retrieve the Diary from the Wonder Square, goto the Roof top
and talk to the Monk at the Right of the house. Keep talking to him to
learn New Arts Moves.


1.Final Ra-Seru Spells
There is a special Ra-Seru magic that each character can learn near
the end of the game if you fulfill the following requirements:

*Vahn-Meta is at Level 8, all Hyper Arts and Normal Arts moves Obtained,
go to the Genesis Tree in Sol, Vahn can now Summon Fire Ra-Seru Meta.
*Noa-Terra is at Level 7, all Hyper Arts and Normal Arts moves Obtained,
goto the Genesis Tree on Mt. Rikuroa, Noa can now Summon Wind Ra-Seru
*Gala-Ozma is at level 6, all Hyper Arts and Normal Arts obtained, goto
the Genesis Tree in East Voz Forest. Gala can now summon Tunder Ra-Seru

2.Dark Ra-Seru Jedo
After defeating Songi at Noaru Valley, return to the Gensis tree in
West Voz Forest to find a chest with the Dark Stone inside. Take it to
Zalan in the town of Jeremi and he'll work it into the Dark Talisman,
and accessory which defends against Dark Powers and gives the wearer the
ability to summon the Ra-Seru Jedo.

3.Light Ra-Seru Horn
Take the Light Egg given to you by Cara to Zalan in Jeremi and he'll
make it into the Light Talisman for you. This accessory guards against
light powers and grants the user the ability to summon the Ra-Seru Horn,
who will resurrect fallen characters and heal everyone to the fullest

4.Earth Ra-Seru Palma-(Submitted by )
For Palma Get 100,000 or more coins in Sol's Muscle Dome and talk to
the prize exchange person, she will say some stuff and ask you if you
want the special item. Trade the coins for the item and go to Zalan in
Jermi, he will make a Talisman. Equip it and you can use Palma.

5.Water Ra-Seru Mule-(Submitted by )
For Mule get 20,000 or more points from fishing and exchange the
points for the egg and give the egg to Zalan in Jermi who will make the
Water Talisman. Equip it and you will get the Mule spell.

6. Evil Ra-Seru Magic???(submitted by SNIPER2231@aol.com)
Evil Ra-Seru magic, it summons juggernaut all three characters must
reach level 99, go to Ratayu and speak to Saryu to get the Evil Seru
Key, then enter the Juggernaut room to get the Evil Talisman, it
protects against rot, decay, numb and stuff like that and lets you
summon juggernaut who does about 7,000 damage, try working it up to
level 10 then it does about 50,000 damage and one hit can kill anyone

VIII. Boss Tips/Strategies

Easy Way to beat Berserker/submitted by:(Tay Jaclyn

Berserker,actually is the easiest boss, but you know it took 3 days to
kill it even trying all the steps taught in the walkthrough pages, until
I tried using the Seru:Nighto and guess what the boss was killed

Valkryie: Sometimes when you cast Nighto it will confuse Berserker
allowing a free round of hitting him. So when you cast it he will lose a
turn and you can use that to your advantage.

IX. Minigames
Fishing Game

Two Places exist in which you are able to go Fishing:Vidna and Buma. In
order to fish, you need to buy or find a Rod and Lure. There are 3 Rods
in the game. One is located in Vidna before the Mist arrives, the second
one can be won at the slot machines in Sol, and last one can be obtained
in the Usha Research Center between the two beds after you open Nivora
Ravine. And as for lures, your set if you get the rod in Vidna, if you
didn't your going to have to purchase them in Sol.There are 3 types of

Heavy Lure-Best results are the Lake Near Buma
Normal Lure-Best used in Vidna
Light Lure-Eh, no use, have a hella time trying to catch anything.

Items You Can Win

Vidna Fishing Prizes :
Mettle Armband 1,500g
Power Ring 1,000g
Healing Fruit 500g
Lippian Flute 200g
Spikefish Flute 200g

Buma Fishing Prizes :
Life Grail 6,500g
Magic Grail 6,500g
Spirit Talisman 4,000g
Lippian Flute 200g
Spikefish Flute 200g

Baka Fighter-Location Sol's Muscle Dome

Baka Fighter Game :
Baka Fighter is composed of 14 rounds of Fighting. Each Character you
fight against has a weakness to a certain Combo or Button. Some
characters change their battle tactics, this game is likely compared to
Rock, Paper and Scissors. Here is my basic strategy to beating Baka

Round Button/s to press

1 : square
2 : X
3 : circle
4 : square,X
5 : circle,circle,X,X,X
6 : circle,X
7 : square,square,square,X,X,X,circle,circle,circle
8 : X,circle,square,square,square,square
9 : circle,circle,X
10 : square,X,circle
11 : square,square,circle,X
12 : circle,circle,X,square
13 : X,X,square,square,X,X,circle,circle
14 : square,square,X,circle,circle,circle,X

square = X (square beat X)
X = circle (X beat circle)
circle = square (circle beat square)

Everytime you complete Baka Fighter(the full 14 rounds) you gain 460
coins, so keep fighting to get those awesome prizes!!!

X. Art Move List
Move Legend:


Name: Type Command AP Used
Hyper Elbow Fighting Art L,R,Left 18
Charging Scorch Fighting Art D,R,Up 18
Somersault Fighting Art U,D,Up 18
Slash Kick Fighting Art U,D,Left 18
Power Punch Fighting Art L,L,Down 18
Cross-Kick Fighting Art D,D,D,Up 24
Pyro Pummel Fighting Art L,R,U,Left 24
Spin Combo Fighting Art U,D,R,Left 24
PK Combo Fighting Art D,U,U,Left 24
Hurricane Fighting Art U,U,D,Down 24
Cyclone Fighting Art D,U,U,Up 24
Tornado Flame Hyper Art R,R,Left 30
Fire Blow Hyper Art R,R,D,Left 32
Burning Flare Hyper Art R,D,L,D,Left 40
Power Slash Super Art D,R,U,D,U,D,Left 54
Fire Tackle Super Art L,R,L,L,D,R,Up 54
Maximum Blow Super Art D,R,U,D,L,L,Down 54
Tri-Somersault Super Art U,D,U,U,U,D,Up 60
Rolling Combo Super Art U,D,R,L,L,D,U,U,Left 66
Vahn's Craze Miracle Art R,D,L,U,L,U,R,D,Left 99


Name: Type Command AP Used
Lizard Tail Fighting Art U,D,Up 9
Acrobatic Blitz Fighting Art U,D,Down 9
Sonic Javelin Fighting Art R,D,Right 9
Blizzard Bash Fighting Art R,L,Down 9
Mirage Lancer Fighting Art R,R,U,Up 12
Dolphin Attack Fighting Art R,R,L,Right 12
Bird Step Fighting Art D,D,D,Up 12
Swan Diver Fighting Art D,U,U,Up 12
Tough Love Fighting Art D,U,D,L,Right 15
Rushing Gale Fighting Art U,U,L,D,Right 15
Tempest Break Fighting Art R,R,L,U,U,Up 18
Frost Breath Hyper Art L,L,R,Right 20
Vulture Blade Hyper Art L,L,R,L,Right 25
Hurricane Kick Hyper Art L,U,U,U,U,D,Right 35
Super Javelin Super Art U,U,L,D,R,D,Right 48
Dragon Fangs Super Art U,D,U,U,U,D,Down 54
Triple Lizard Super Art D,D,D,U,U,U,D,Up 66
Super Tempest Super Art R,R,L,R,R,L,U,U,Up 60
Love You Super Art R,R,U,U,D,U,D,L,Right 72
Noa's Ark Miracle Art L,U,R,D,U,L,U,D,Right 99


Name: Type Command AP Used
Flying Knee Attack Fighting Art D,U,Left 18
Battering Ram Fighting Art L,R,Down 18
IronHead Fighting Art U,D,Down 18
Back Punch Fighting Art L,R,Left 18
Guillotine Fighting Art L,U,Left 18
Head-Splitter Fighting Art L,U,Up 18
Side Kick Fighting Art D,D,U,Up 24
Black Rain Fighting Art U,L,D,Down 24
Neo Rising Fighting Art L,L,R,U,Left 30
Electro Thrash Fighting Art U,L,D,R,Left 30
Bull Horns Fighting Art L,U,R,D,Left 30
Thunder Punch Hyper Art R,R,Left 30
Lightning Storm Hyper Art R,R,U,Left 32
Explosive Fist Hyper Art R,R,L,L,Left 40
Rolling Crush Super Art L,R,D,U,L,U,Up 54
Super IronHead Super Art D,U,L,U,U,D,Down 54
BackPunch x3 Super Art U,D,D,U,L,R,Left 54
Heaven's Drop Super Art D,U,L,U,U,L,D,Down 60
Neo Static Rising Super Art L,R,L,U,L,L,R,U,Left 66
Biron Rage Miracle Art R,R,D,U,D,U,D,L,Left 99

XI. Magic List
Type of Magic Elemental Name MP Consumed Targets

Dark Nighto 13 Single Enemy
Dark Puero 120 All Enemies
Earth Mushura 60 Single Enemy
Earth Kemaro 72 Single Enemy
Earth Iota 90 All Enemies
Fire Gimard 10 Single Enemy
Fire Zenoir 36 Single Enemy
Fire Gola Gola 40 All Enemies
Light Vera 6 Single Ally
Light Orb 18 All Allies
Light Spoon 45 All Allies
Light Aluru 90 Single Enemy
Thunder Theeder 24 Single Enemy
Thunder Viguro 64 All Enemies
Thunder Gilium 160 All Enemies
Water Gizam 28 All Enemies
Water Freed 90 All Enemies
Water Slipper 110 All Enemies
Wind Swordie 32 Single Enemy
Wind Nova 48 Single Enemy
Wind Barra 85 Single Enemy

XII. Contributor Recognition
The following people have contributed to this faq, and I would like to
thank them for submitting various items.

-Kymil-kymil@enteract.com= For reminding me to put in information about
the Point Card, and the location of the Silver Compass and Magic Water.
-Sniper-SNIPER2231@aol.com= For Submitting information about the Evil
Ra-Seru and how to obtain it.
-TMN81129@aol.com = For verifying the Evil Ra-Seru spell is real.
-Tay Jaclyn-t_jaclyn@yahoo.com = For submitting an easier way to defeat
-DraG0N804@aol.com = For informing me of a few Name errors in the Arts
Sections, also for submitting information on how to Obtain, Palma and
Mule Ra-Seru.
-desmond lim = For informing me of Mary's
Diary(location bottom of Sol near the genesis tree.)
-Eric Koh =For reminding me about the Camera
Stone in Vidna.
-James Ong = Submitting information about the
Platinum Card and its location.
-Lisa tuner" = On how to use Mary's Diary
-chad jenkins = For pointing out a few errors within
the walkthrough section.
-leven@coldmail.com- For Also Informing about Mary's Diary
Some Parts of the Faq were taken from Tips And Tricks, an excellent
resource for Codes and walkthroughs, and should be mentioned here due to
their excellent content.

XIII. Whats Coming Next!
Help Needed! I need someone to create a Title Logo(I suck at making
Macro images). If you think you can help contact me!

If you would like to contribute to this Faq, please email me at

Do Not email me about anything until you check the walkthrough. I have
recieved countless emails asking about information that is in the
Walkthrough. Please read before sending an email. Thank You

Any form of Help would be appreciated, as I would like to make this one
of the best Faqs/Walkthroughs Possible. All credit will be given to
those who help.

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Game Script

18.Oktober 2013
Baka Fighter

16.Oktober 2013
Vahn in Level 1 mit guten Gegenständen und über 10 Millionen Golmünzen.

17.Oktober 2013
Debug Mode FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Letzter Boss.

14.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Moves FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Misc Guide

17.Oktober 2013
Items Guide

12.Oktober 2013
Arts Moves

12.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

15.Oktober 2013
engl. FAQ
13.Mai 2008
engl. Lösung
10.Oktober 2008
engl. FAQ 2
10.Oktober 2008
NTSC Patch für die [deutschsprachig]e PAL Version.

Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020