Digimon World 2

Digimon World 2

17.10.2013 04:00:20
A Bandai Playstation game
Digimon World 2 strategy guide
(English version)
Version 1.7 (7-5-2001)
By Chin Han

This guide should be maximized to see the 100% of it. I have not
completed this game. Many people were confused by the DNA Digivolution.
This guide is about walkthrough and digimons. Some digimons can be
obtained by DNA Digivolution, like the Veemon will be revealed in this
| |
| Table of contents |
| |
| I. Introduction |
| II. Maps |
| III. Walkthrough |
| IV. Skills and Levels |
| V. Digivolution |
| VI. DNA Digivolution |
| VII. List of digimons you get when combined |
| VIII. Destroying Obstacles |
| IX. Floor Specialty |
| X. Trading at Digimon Center |
| XI. List of Items |
| XII. Digi-Beetle Parts |
| XIII. Ammos |
| XIV. Gifts |
| XV. Catching Digimons |
| XVI. Coliseum |
| XVII. Frequently Asked Questions |
| XVIII. Digimon List |
| XIX. Credits/Disclaimer |

Revision History

Version 2.3 (1-5-2001)

- Complete walkthrough up to Blood Knights Invasion Video Domain
- Complete others parts of the guide

Version 1.7 (7-5-2001)

- Added "Digimon List"
- Added another solution for DNA Digivolution
- Corrected some mistakes in the guide
- Added Snow Agumon in DNA Digivolution
- Added Toy Plane and the cost
- Corrected Toy Plane mistake
- Added Veemon Digivolution
- Added a lot of new things

I. Introduction

You will be walking in a maze with a tank (Digi-Beetle) that you
use to catch digimons. This game is very different from Digimon World 1.
digimon does not need to eat, go toilet and will not die. Once you are
it will be game's over and your digimons will not die or lose lives. You
do not
need to worry about your digimons' condition. You can catch digimons
gifts. Using gifts is the same as using pokeballs, refer to catching
for more information. You can use up to 3 digimons a time. Don't worry,
experience received is not divided by the number of digimons you have.


Direction pads - Up, Down, Left, and right
Triangle - Cancel/walk
Square - View enemy's status/give gifts during mission
Circle - To open menu
X - Talk, accept and destroy mines, barriers bug nests
R1 - Hold this to turn your Digi-Beetle without moving
L1 - Work the same as R1
R2 - Nothing
L2 - Nothing
Start - Darken the blue color of the map to see more clearly
Select - Change the type of the map
*You cannot pause the game in English Version

Map of Digital City

| |
| Dark Sword |
|____________| ______________
| |
| Blue Falcon |
| |
| Digimon |
| Center |
|___________| ___________
| |
| Tamers |
______________ | Club |
| | |___________|
| Coliseum |
|______________| _____________
| |
| Gold Hawk |
| |
| Main |
| Gate |

You must join one of the three clubs in the beginning. Your
decision will affect the game. So decide which club to join now. The
three clubs are: Dark Sword Club, Blue Falcon Club or the Golden Hawk
Club. There are three types: vaccine, data and virus. Vaccine is weak
against data, data is weak against virus and virus is weak against

Dark Sword Club - This is the virus club. You will get Demidevimon if
join this club.

Digimon Center - You can trade digimons here. Refer to Trading at

Blue Falcon Club - This is the data club. You will get a Patamon if you
joined this club. I joined this club because I want
Angemon. You would have a though time if you joined
this club because Patamon has a weak attack power.
You would have to attack two times to defeat the
digimons in the SCSI Domain.

Tamer's Club - There is a dancing Palmon here. Make friends here.
You can get tips and secrets from tamers here. Come here
after every mission.

Coliseum - Battle here to get a higher ranking but you must have an
"Entry Pass" to register. You will get the Entry Pass after
you beat the BIOS Domain. But you must pay to register,
starting from 500 BITS.

Golden Hawk Club - This is the vaccine club. You will get Agumon for
joining this club. Agumon is a attack based digimon.
One hit will defeat the digimons in the SCSI Domain.
This makes your missions easier.

Main Gate - This is where you go out the Digital City for your missions.
There is a door at the left side of the place. Talk to Carol
to go out of Digital City.

Left door of Main Gate - This is where you buy ammos for your Digi-
buy Digi-Beetle parts and assemble/upgrade your
Digi-Beetle parts. You can also get help from a
person below the screen. He will explain some
things to you. The information you get from him
is useful.

Menu in Digital City
| | |
| Status | Digi-line |
| | |
| Items | Transfer |
| | |
| Digimons | Save |

Status - Condition - See the HP/EP of your tank, HP/MP of your
digimons, BITs and rank.
- Digi-Beetle - See the Digi-Beetle parts installed on your
- Important - View your important items and usually you
cannot use them.

Digi-line - Arrange your digimons for battles. First, second or third.

Items - Use - use items you have.
- Discard - throw items you have away.

Transfer - Items - Transfer your items.
- Digimons - Transfer your digimons.

*These two options will appear after you enter either one.

- Digi-Beetle - transfer items/digimons from Digi-Beetle to
Server. You can do this only in Digital City.
- Server - transfer items/digimon from server to your
Digi-Beetle. Items bought is in the server,
you must take it out in order to use. You can
do this only in Digital City.

Digimons - View your digimons Level, HP/MP. Press X to see more detailed
information of the digimons. Then press Circle to view the
skills of your digimons.

Save - You can save your game. But you can do this only in Digital City
the world map.

Menu in Domains
| | |
| Status | Digi-line |
| | |
| Items | Transfer |
| | |
| Digimons | Auto-Pilot |

The only thing different is the Auto-Pilot.

Auto-Pilot - You can return to Digital City with this. After you entered
it, you will see all your Digi-Beetle parts. Damaged parts
are in red. You will not need to buy new part for damaged
parts. A "use Auto-Pilot?" will appear and choose Yes. Use
this before your Digi-Beetle HP/EP gets low so that you
will not need to pay 1000BITs. Auto-Pilot is very useful.

II. World Maps

Directory Continent

| |
| Modem Domain |
| |
|Drive Domain|
_____________ ____________ ______________
| | | | | |
| Device Dome | | Web Domain | | Video Domain | _____________
|_____________| |____________| |______________| | |
_____________ ______________ _____________ | BIOS Domain |
| | | | | | |_____________|
| Disk Domain | | Digital City | | SCSI Domain | _______________
|_____________| |______________| |_____________| | |
_____________ |Meditation City|
| | |_______________|
| Boot Domain |

III. Walkthrough

Boot Domain

Levels: 1

Objective: Defeat Leomon
| Digimons: |
| Gazimon |
| Gizamon |
| Boss: |
| Leomon (Boss) |
| Toy Agumon |
| Vee-Dramon |

You have Lilmon, Megaseadramon and Triceramon in your team.

Tips: Use Megaseadramon's Water Splash to hit multiple targets.
Use Lilmon's healing skill to heal dieing digimons.

These are not your digimons, you will return these digimons after the
mission. After that, you must join a gurad team. I joined Blue Falcon
because I want an Angemon but later I found out that it is not easy
to get one.

SCSI Domain

Levels: 4

Objective: Defeat the SCSI Domain Boss

Description: This domain is rather easy. But the boss is not so easy

| Digimons: | Level: | Type: | Stage: |
| Biyomon | 1 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Gabumon | 1 | Data | Rookie |
| Tapirmon | 1 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Betamon | 1 | Virus | Rookie |
| Snow Goburimon | 1 | Virus | Rookie |
| Crabmon | 1 | Data | Rookie |
| Boss: | | | |
| Hagurumon (Boss) | ? | Virus | Rookie |

After defeating the Boss, head straight to the EXIT gate. Now there
are two domains. The Video domain and the Disk domain. I suggest you
go to Video domain first as there are lesser digimon in pairs and the
digimons' level is much lower then Disk Domain. So Video domain is
much much very much harder than the Disk domain.

Video Domain

Levels: 5

Objective: Defeat the boss in this Domain

Description: This domain is easier then Disk Domain

| Digimons: | Level: | Type: | Stage: |
| Biyomon | 1 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Tapirmon | 2 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Tentomon | 2 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Toy Agumon | 1 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Boss: | | | |
| Cockatrimon (Boss) | ? | Virus | Rookie |

Cockatrimon would to difficult to defeat because it is at the floor of
Nature Specialty and it is a Nature Specialty digimon. Make sure that
you save your game before fighting it. One thing is that most of the
digimons are vaccine types. If you are Gold Hawk Tamer, you must catch
digimons here.


Catch the Toy Agumon to trade for a Snow Agumon at the Digimon Center.
If you are Gold Hawk Tamer, you would have no problem catching it.
But if you are not, you have to get a Toy Car (Gift) which you can
use to catch all types of digimons. You can get a Toy Car from Domains
like the BIOS domain on the second floor.

Disk Domain

Levels: 5

Objective: Defeat the boss digimon

Description: There are pair digimons in this domain.
| Digimons: | Level: | Type: | Stage: |
| -----------------|----------|---------|-----------|
| Betamon | 1 | Virus | Rookie |
| Snow Goburimon | 1 | Virus | Rookie |
| Gazimon | 1 | virus | Rookie |
| Gizamon | 1 | Virus | Rookie |
| Snow Goburimon | 2 | Virus | Rookie |
| Goburimon | 2 | Virus | Rookie |
| Boss: | | | |
| DemiDevimon | ? | Virus | Rookie |
| Numemon (Boss) | ? | Virus | Champion |
| Sakomon | ? | Virus | Rookie |

This domain is real difficult. The most irritating digimons are the
Gazimon and Gizamon. They came in pairs so it is hard to defeat them.
Defeat Gizamon first as it does more damage but Gazimon's E-Stun
Blast will cause paralyze.

Boss Tips

This match is against three digimons. So catch two
more digimons before attacking the Boss to make your battle easier.


Remember to save Angemon before exiting the domain. Head straight.
Now you can go to Meditation Dome. Talk to Angemon to get 2000BITs.

BIOS Domain

Getting this mission

Return to Digital City. Go to Tamer's Club. Then you will see a person
that is not there the other time. Talk to him and he will tell you
about the BIOS Domain. He said that he saw a Metal Greymon on the
second floor. After that, he will give you a Toy Plane to catch the
Metal Greymon.

Metal Greymon

The guy said that he saw a Metal Greymon on the second floor. When you
reach each the second floor, you will see the Metal Greymon the guy is
talking about. But the Metal Greymon ran away. Never mind, you will
see it at the last floor. Head left of the path to reach the Metal
Greymon. Prepare before you fight it, it is at level 21, HP over 100
and it's attack can cost up to 35 damage a hit.


Do not defeat the boss if you have not yet catch the Metal Greymon.
The Metal Greymon will never appear again if you defeat the boss there.
You can fight Metal Greymon as many times as you want as long as you
have not defeated the boss in that domain.

Levels: 5

Objective: Defeat the boss digimon there

Description: There is a Metal Greymon in this domain. This domain is
| Digimons: | Level: | Type: | Stage: |
| Crabmon | 1 | Data | Rookie |
| Patamon | 3 | Data | Rookie |
| Candlemon | 3 | Data | Rookie |
| Floramon | 3 | Data | Rookie |
| Gabumon | 3 | Data | Rookie |
| Gotsumon | 3 | Data | Rookie |
| Metal Greymon | 21 | Vaccine | Ultimate |
| Boss: | | | |
| Starmon | ? | Data | Champion |
| Kentarumon (Boss) | ? | Virus | Champion |
| Gabumon | ? | Data | Rookie |

This is a place from Blue Falcon Tamers. Most of the digimons are
data type. Blue Falcon Tamers; grab this chance to get more digimons.

Go back to Digital City to see your leader to get an "Entry Pass".
Yeah!!!! Now you can participate in the Coliseum to get better Ranks.
But remember that you have to pay before entering the coliseum. The
cost start from 500BITs.

Web Domain

Levels: 7

Objective: Defeat boss digimon there

Description: Very hard domain. You must upgrade you Digi-Beetle's
EP because the domain is huge and there is big rocks
which will block the way making you to waste EP.
| Digimons: | Levels: | Type: | Stage: |
| Gazimon | 1 | Virus | Rookie |
| Gizamon | 1 | Virus | Rookie |
| Goburimon | 2 | Virus | Rookie |
| Snow Goburimon | 2 | Virus | Rookie |
| DemiDevimon | 3 | Virus | Rookie |
| Hagurumon | 3 | Virus | Rookie |
| Vegiemon | 11 | Virus | Champion |
| Woodmon | 11 | Virus | Champion |
| Gazimon | 3 | Virus | Rookie |
| Kunemon | 3 | Virus | Rookie |
| Dokunemon | 3 | Virus | Rookie |
| Otamamon | 4 | Virus | Rookie |
| Betamon | 4 | Virus | Rookie |
| Syakomon | 4 | Virus | Rookie |
| Boss: | | | |
| Octmon | ? | Virus | Champion |
| Kuwagamon (Boss) | ? | Virus | Champion |
| Gesomon | ? | Virus | Champion |

The are a lot of digimons in this domain. All of digimons are Virus
This is the Dark Sword Tamers' heaven. Dark Sword Tamers!!! Catch all
the digimons you want in this domain. This will definitely power up your

Drive Domain

Levels: 7

Objective: Defeat the boss digimon there

Description: There will be Electrospores in the way so bring some
Mag.miss-1, Mag.miss-2 and Drillmiss1.

| Digimons: | Level: | Type: | Stage: |
| Tapirmon | 2 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Tentomon | 2 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Toy Agumon | 1 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Biyomon | 3 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Gomamon | 3 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Penjuinmon | 3 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Unimon | 11 | Vaccine | Champion |
| Tentomon | 5 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Toy Agumon | 4 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Snow Agumon | 4 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Clear Agumon | 4 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Boss: | | | |
| Flarerizamon | ? | ? | Rookie |
| Birdramon (Boss) | ? | Vaccine | Champion |
| Candlemon | ? | Data | Rookie |

Note: The Birdramon's Meteor Wing can attack all of your digimons.

Modem Domain

Getting the mission

Go to Meditation Dome to see the Angemon. He will say that Orgemon told
Kim about the Modem Domain. Now you have the Modem Domain mission.

The Modem Domain consists of 8 levels. You will meet Kim at the 7th
floor, she will run away. When you reached the 8th level, you will need
to fight three Boss and later Kim. Together you will need to fight 6
Boss digimons. Bring HP-Disks and MP-Disks to make your mission easier.
This domain will be Data typed domain.

Levels: 8

Objective: Defeat Kim and boss digimon

Description: You will have to defeat the boss digimon before you could
battle Kim so bring HP-Disks and MP-Disks.
| Digimons: | Level: | Type: | Stage: |
| Patamon | 2 | Data | Rookie |
| Crabmon | 1 | Data | Rookie |
| Candlemon | 3 | Data | Rookie |
| Floramon | 3 | Data | Rookie |
| Gabumon | 3 | Data | Rookie |
| Gotsumon | 3 | Data | Rookie |
| Palmon | 4 | Data | Rookie |
| Candlemon | 5 | Data | Rookie |
| Candlemon | 5 | Data | Rookie |
| Drimogemon | 11 | Data | Champion |
| Elecmon | 5 | Data | Rookie |
| Boss: | | | |
| Saberdramon | ? | ? | Champion |
| Greymon (Boss) | ? | Vaccine | Champion |
| Toy Agumon | ? | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Kim's Digimons: | | | |
| Wizardmon | ? | Data | Champion |
| Seadramon | ? | ? | Champion |
| Akatorimon | ? | ? | Champion |

You will get a Titanium Core but you must buy the Pegasus engine to
use this Titanium Core. The engine cost the most, the cost is
20 000BITs.

Kim's Akatorimon is like Cockatrimon. You can go to Device Dome after
the conversation. The Items there are very expensive. You would need
about 50 000BITs to buy all the Digi-Beetle parts.

Blood Knights invasion

Tamers had found out that there are blood knights at the SCSI Domain,
Video Domain and Disk Domain. The Blood Knights are lead by Crimson.

Everything is changed in the domains. Levels and digimons had
changed making the difficulty to be harder. I suggest going to the
domains in this order: SCSI Domain, Video Domain then Disk Domain
because SCSI Domain appeared first then Video Domain then Disk

SCSI Domain

Levels: 6

Objective: Defeat Blood Knights

Description: The digimons and levels are increased greatly.

Difficulty: Very hard

| Digimons: | Level: | Type: | Stage: |
| Biyomon | 3 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Gomamon | 3 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Gabumon | 3 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Gotsumon | 3 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Gazimon | 3 | Virus | Rookie |
| Kunemon | 3 | Virus | Rookie |
| Dokunemon | 3 | Virus | Rookie |
| Candlemon | 3 | Data | Rookie |
| Floramon | 3 | Data | Rookie |
| Woodmon | 11 | Virus | Champion |
| Vegiemon | 11 | Virus | Champion |
| Unimon | 11 | Vaccine | Champion |
| Tentomon | 5 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Yanmamon | 12 | Data | Champion |
| Palmon | 5 | Data | Rookie |
| Angemon | 11 | Vaccine | Champion |
| ClearAgumon | 5 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Hagurumon | 3 | Virus | Rookie |
| DemiDevimon | 3 | Virus | Rookie |
| Raremon | 12 | Virus | Champion |
| Numemon | 11 | Virus | Champion |
| Tsukaimon | 5 | Virus | Rookie |
| Blood Knight: | | | |
| Darkrizamon | ? | Virus | Champion |
| Bakemon | ? | Virus | ? |
| Soulmon | ? | Virus | ? |

The Darkrizamon's Triple Forces can attack all your digimons.

Video Domain

Levels: 7

Objective: Defeat the Blood Knight

Description: Digimons in this domain are very very hard.

Difficulty: Super Duper hard

| Digimons: | Level: | Type: | Stage: |
| Penguinmon | 4 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Penguinmon | 4 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Angemon | 11 | Vaccine | Champion |
| ClearAgumon | 5 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| ToyAgumon | 4 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| SnowAgumon | 4 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| ClearAgumon | 4 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Unimon | 11 | Vaccine | Champion |
| Tentomon | 5 | Vaccine | Rookie |
| Birdramon | 12 | Vaccine | Champion |
| Ikkakumon | 13 | Vaccine | Champion |
| Mojyamon | 12 | Vaccine | Champion |
| Greymon | 12 | Vaccine | Champion |
| Apemon | 12 | Vaccine | Champion |
| ShimaUnimon | 12 | Vaccine | Champion |
| Numemon | 11 | Virus | Champion |
| Mushroomon | 5 | Virus | Champion |
| Devidramon | 12 | Virus | Champion |
| Boss: | | | |
| Raremon | ? | Virus | Champion |
| Devimon | ? | Virus | Champion |
| Soulmon | ? | Virus | Champion |

To Be Continue………

IV. Skills and Levels


You will learn skills on certain levels. You will learn your champion
skills at level 12 if you Digivolve it at level 11. To learn skills
faster, just DNA Digivolve them. You will learn the rookie skills of
the digimons you combined at level 2 and Champion skills at level 12.


Your digimon will stop growing at level 13. Just combine them to
reach higher levels. Refer to V. Digivolution.

Here are some skills of Patamon:

Agumon - Level 1 - Pepper Breath
Greymon - Level 12 - Nova Blast
Metal Greymon - Level 21 - Giga Blaster, Horn Buster

Patamon - Level 1 - Boom Bubble
Ninjamon - Level 12 - Ninjaknifethrow
Starmon - Level 12 - Meteor Stream
Wizardmon – Level 12 – Thunder Bolt

Veemon - Level 1 - Vee head-butt
VeeDramon - Level 12 - V Nova Blast

Crabmon - Level 1 - Scissors magic
Coelamon - Level 12 - Fossil Bite

Floramon - Level 1 - Rain of pollen
Kiwimon - Level 12 - Pummel Peak

Candlemon - Level 1 - Flame Bomber
Tankmon - Level 12 - Hyper Cannon

Wizardmon(trade) - Level 12 - Thunder Ball, Necro magic

Gotsumon - Level 1 - Rock Fist
Icemon – Denfence Ray

Gabumon - Level 1 - Blue Blaster
Centarumon - Level 12 - Solar Ray

Snow Agumon - Level 1 - Hail Storm, Rock Fist
Frigimon - Level 12 - Subzeroicepunch

DemiDevimon - Level 1 - Demi Dart

Megadramon(trade) – Level 21 - Darkside Attack, Wing Blade

Yanmamon – Level 12 - Thunder Ray

Palmon – Level 4 - Poison Ivy
Togemon – Level 12 - Spread Needles

Gomamon – Level 3 - Marching Fishes

Drimogemon – Level 11 -Iron Drill Spin

Elecmon – Level 4 - S Thunder Smack
Tyrannomon – Level 12 - Blaze Blast

Angemon – Level 11 - Fist of Fate

ClearAgumon – Level 4 – Toy Flame

SnowAgumon – Level 4 – Hail Storm

SnowAgumon(trade) – Level 4 – Hail Storm, Rock Fist

V. Digivolution

Digivolve makes your digimons stronger and learn new skills.
Your digimon digivolve from rookie to champion to ultimate to mega.
Your digimons will stop growing at level 13, the only way to make it
grow is to DNA Digivolve them. The exp to next level will be
9999999999 but even you fight to gain more exp, the exp to next level
will not decrease no matter what you do. So far, DNA Digivolution is
the only solution I had found. There is no reason why your digimons
stop growing at level, thats that. But later I found out that some
digimons like the Tankmon(evolve from candlemon) and Kiwimon(evolve
from Floramon) can go up to more than Level 12. I don't know the
reason but I think that that is affected by the Rankings you had. If
you knew the reason, e-mail to me.

Here are some Digivolution of some digimons:

Aero Veedramon
Phoenixmon (0+DP)

Raidramon (0-7DP)

Ninjamon (0-2DP)
Starmon (3-5DP)
Wizardmon (6-7DP)
Angemon (8+DP)

Imperialmon (8+DP)

Veemon(thanks to cloudz)
Veedramon (0-5DP)
Flamedramon (6+DP)

Veedramon(thanks to cloudz)
Aero Veedramon (0-6DP)

VI. DNA Digivolution

Your digimons will stop growing at level 13. Just combine it with
other digimons. I have found the solution to it. BUT the problem is that
after you combine both, you will get a Level 1 rookie. That makes me
very mad. I trained to level 13, combined and it became level 1 but can
reach up to level 15. Then you will have to train all over again to
15. If you combine, it will become level one again. The more you combine
the more DP you get. DP will affect the digimons digivolved. The
combined is much stronger. Here's the solution:

Digimon X is Level 13
Digimon Y is Level 13
Combine these two to get a Level 1 digimon that can reach Level 15.

Digimon X is now Level 15
Digimon Z is Level 13.
Combine these two to get a level 1 digimon that can reach Level 17.

Conclusion: Digimons with whatever level when combined to a level
13 digimon will have extra 2 levels. Provided that both digimon is
at its maximum level.

Example: Level 13(Max) + Level 13 = Level 13 + 2 = Level 15 (Max level)
Level 15(Max) + Level 13 = Level 15 + 2 = Level 17 (Max level)

So if you want to reach ultimate stage (Lv.21), you must combine 4
It is harder to get Mega stage. Ultimate stage is already very hard to

There is another way of combining(thanks to Lim Hwee) Here is the way:

First digimon + Second digimon = Second digimon max level divide by two
= Third digimon

Level 13(max)+ Level 13(max)= Second digimon max level divide by two
= 13 divide by 5= 2.6= 2(always round down)
= Third digimon Max level is 15

I make it easier to understand:

1.Take the second digimon (which to choose as the second digimon to
combine)max level divide by 5. Always round down.

2.Add the number calculated to the first digimon's max level.

So if you caught two Metalgreymon(Level 21)at BIOS Domain, you train
them up to their max level(Level 27)and combine/fuse them.

Use the my method which is 27 + (27 divide by 5)=27 + 5=32
See, this is one of the easiest ways to get a Wargreymon!

*Note* that certain teams only can combine certain type but you can
combine all types of digimon at the "Device Dome".

VII. List of digimons you get when combined

My main digimon is Patamon. I always DNA Digivolve it back to Patamon. I
recorded the digimons combined to get back Patamon. Ninjamon, Starmon
Wizardmon combination is the same. Here is the Patamon's evolution.

Ninjamon (0-2 DP)
Patamon ------- Starmon (3-5 DP)
| \
| Wizardmon (6-7DP)
Angemon (8+DP)

Here is the list of combination (PE=Patamon's evolution):

PE + Centarumon(Gabumon) = Patamon

PE + Tyrannomon(Elecmon) = Patamon

PE + Wizardmon(Patamon) = Patamon

PE + Ninjamon(Patamon) = Patamon

PE + Starmon(Patamon) = Patamon

PE + Angemon(Patamon) = Patamon

PE + Icemon(Gotsumon) = Patamon

Here is the list of other digimons:

Snow Agumon = Greamon + Anumamon

Veemon = Airdramon + Greymon

VIII. Destroying Obstacles

Sometimes you get shocked by a barrier, bit by a bug or step on a mine.
Wonder how to prevent that? All these obstacles are different. You need
detector to see them and need ammo to shoot them down. There are also
big rocks blocking the way. These things except big rocks will cause you
to lose some HP.


There are four types of bugs. The Bit Bug, EP Bug and Memory Bug and
Return Bug. You need to buy the Bug-sweep to detect this. Bugs are the
worst thing in the game. Each Bug has different effect on you.

Bit Bug: Eats up 20BITs per step

EP Bug: Eats up 2 EP per step

Memory Bug: Take up one space in you memory

Return Bug: Return 1 of you digimons(random) to Digital City

Energy Barrier

I heard that there are five colors if barriers, the yellow, green, blue,
purple and red. But so far I only met Yellow and Green Barriers. You
buy special ammos to destroy those barriers, provided with the equipment


Have you stepped on a mine before? These mines appear on land and in
treasure box. You can destroy a mine on land but cannot destroy mines
in treasure boxes. To throw mines, you must buy a Shovel. You need to
buy a Shovel to destroy these mines.

Big Rocks

The colors of the Big Rocks are the same as the Energy Barriers. You
ammos to destroy these big rocks. These walls often blocked your ways
making you to turn a big round, wasting EP of your Digi-Beetle. You can
destroy them but this will only make you waste your money.

XI. Floor Specialty

Floor specialty will increase the digimons that have the same type
of specialty to the floor's attack, defend and others. Boss usually
on these floors to get advantages. There are many types of floors. Some
of these are:

Machine specialty ----- Grey color
Nature specialty ----- Light green in color
Darkness specialty ----- Black in color
Fire specialty ----- Red in color
Water specialty ----- Blue in color

There is another type which looks like floor specialties except that
there are lines in them. These are not floor specialties, these are
swamps. There are many types to swamps with different colors. You will
take damage if you step on them. To prevent that, you have to buy

Yellow acid swarm ---- 50 damage
Green acid swarm ---- 100 damage
Blue acid swarm ---- 150 damage
Purple acid swarm ---- 250 damage

X. Trading at Digimon Center

You can trade digimons with the person near the computers in the
Digital City at Digimon Center. Talk to her to trade digimons with her.
You must bring the digimons you want to trade with you. After you trade
the person will say that their digimons had not grown up. Trade digimons
have special skills.

Here is the list of trades:

Toy Agumon(vaccine rookie) for Snow Agumon(vaccine rookie)

Carbmon(data rookie) for Wizardmon(data champion)

This trade is only during the Blood Knights invasion

Numemon(virus champion) for Megadramon(virus ultimate)

XI. List of items
| Item | Cost (Bits) | Effect |
| HP Disk-1 | 200 | Heal 40 HP on |
| | | 1 digimon |
| HP Disk-2 | 400 | Heal 80 HP on |
| | | 1 digimon |
| HP Disk-3 | 800 | Heal 180 HP on |
| | | 1 digimon |
| MP Disk-1 | 300 | Heal 40 MP on |
| | | 1 digimon |
| MP Disk-2 | 600 | Heal 80 MP on |
| | | 1 digimon |
| MP Disk-3 | 1200 | Heal 160 MP |
| | | on 1 digimon |
| HP Driver-1 | 500 | Heal 40 HP on |
| | | all your digimons |
| HP Driver-2 | 1000 | Heal 80 HP on |
| | | all your digimons |
| HP Driver-3 | 2000 | Heal 160 HP on |
| | | all your digimons |
| MP Driver-1 | 600 | Heal 40 MP on |
| | | all your digimons |
| MP Driver-2 | 1200 | Heal 80 MP on |
| | | all your digimons |
| MP Driver-3 | 2400 | Heal 160 MP on |
| | | all your digimons |
| EP-Pack | 100 | Recover 100 EP for |
| | | Digi-Beetle |
| Parts Fix | 600 | Fix one broken |
| | | Digi-Beetle part |
| Mech Fix | 500 | Recover 100 HP for |
| | | Digi-Beetle |
| Anti-Dote | 300 | Cure poisoning |
| Anti-freeze | 300 | Cure paralysis |
| AntiMixup | 300 | Cure confusion |
| Power Disk | 1000 | Recover status |
| Data-HPROM | 300 | Full HP: 1 Data digimon |
| Data-MPROM | 300 | Full MP: 1 Data digimon |
| Data-RVROM | 900 | Revive 1 Data digimon |
| Vac-HPROM | 300 | Full HP: 1 vaccine digimon |
| Vac-MPROM | 300 | Full MP: 1 vaccine digimon |
| Vac-RVROM | 900 | Revive 1 vaccine digimon |
| Vir-HPROM | 300 | Full HP: 1 virus digimon |
| Vir-MPROM | 300 | Full MP: 1 virus digimon |
| Vir-RVROM | 900 | Revive 1 virus digimon |
| Data Steel | 300 | Data Raybomb: Boost Def. Pwr |
| Data Macho | 300 | Data Raybomb: Boost Off. Pwr |
| Vac. Steel | 300 |VaccineRaybomb: Boost Def. Pwr|
| Vac. Macho | 300 |VaccineRaybomb: Boost Off. Pwr|
| Virus Steel | 300 |Virus Raybomb: Boost Def. Pwr |
| Virus Macho | 300 |Virus Raybomb: Boost Off. Pwr |

XII. Digi Beetle Parts


| Name of part | Cost (BITs) | Effect |
| Bug Zapper | 3000 | Zap Bit, EP, Return and |
| | | Memory Bugs |
| MissileGun | 3000 | Mag., Drill, Wave missile |
| R-cannon-1 | 2000 | Fires Off. Level C Raybomb |
| MineSWEEP-1 | 1000 | Sensor Level E: Minetrap |
| BugSWEEP-1 | 2000 | Sensor Level C: Bug Nest |


| Name of Part | Cost (BITs) | Effect |
| Wolf EG-1 | 1000 | HP 800 |
| Lion EG-1 | 2500 | HP 1200 |
| Tiger EG-1 | 5000 | HP 1600 |
| Pegasus EG-1 | 20 000 | HP 2000 |


| Name of Part | Cost (BITs) | Effect |
| Crab Bat-1 | 500 | EP 100 |
| Turtle Bat-1 | 1000 | EP 1000 |


| Name of Part | Cost (BITs) | Effect |
| Ant RAM | 300 | 4 Digimons in Digi-Beetle |
| Wasp RAM | 5000 | 5 Digimons in Digi-Beetle |
| Spider RAM | 7000 | 6 Digimons in Digi-Beetle |

Tool Box

| Name of Part | Cost (BITs) | Effect |
| Dodo Box | 500 | 8 items in Digi-Beetle |
| Crow Box | 3000 | 16 items in Digi-Beetle |
| Crane Box | 6000 | 24 items in Digi-Beetle |


| Name of Part | Cost (BITs) | Effect |
| Ring Tires | 2000 | No damage against yellow acid|
| ChainTIRES | 4000 | Do damgage against green acid|

Disarm Treasure

| Name of Part | Cost (BITs) | Effect |
| MechHAND | 1000 | Disarm treasure box 1 |
| MagnetHAND | 2000 | Disarm treasure box 2 |
| FantomHAND | 4000 | Disarm treasure box 3 |

XIII. Ammo

Here is the list of ammos:


| Name of Part | Cost (BITs) | Effect |
| Mag.Miss-1 | 300 | Destroy Yellow Electrospore |
| Mag.Miss-2 | 600 | Destroy Green Electrospore |
| WaveMiss-1 | 500 | Destroy yellow |
| | | Electrospore/Big rock |

Big Rocks

| Name of Part | Cost (BITs) | Effect |
| DrillMiss1 | 300 | Destroy Yellow Big Rocks |
| DrillMiss2 | 600 | Destroy Green Big Rocks |
| WaveMiss-1 | 500 | Destroy yellow |
| | | Electrospore/Big rock |

Bug Zap

| Name of Part | Cost (BITs) | Effect |
| BitBugZap1 | 300 | Zap Bit Bug Power level: C |
| EPBugZap1 | 300 | Zap EP Bug Power level: C |
| RetBugZap1 | 300 | Zap Return Bug Pwr level: C |
| MemBugZap1 | 300 | Zap memory Bug Pwr level: C |
| SupBugZap1 | 500 | Zap all bugs |

XIV. Gifts

You need gifts to catch digimons. You can find all these gifts
at the Device Dome but some only can be found in domains.

Device Dome

| Name of Gift | Cost (BITs) | Effect |
| Card Game | 100 | Grade E: Data digimon |
| Digivice | 250 | Grade D: Data digimon |
| Wristwatch | 100 | Grade E: Vaccine digimon |
| CD player | 250 | Grade D: Vaccine digimon |
| Kickboard | 100 | Grade E: Virus digimon |
| Skateboard | 250 | Grade D: Virus digimon |

Gifts that cannot be bought

| Name of Gift | Cost (BITs) | Effect |
| Toy Boat | ? | Grade D: All digimon |
| Toy Car | 500 | Grade E: All digimon |

File Island

| Name of Gift | Cost (BITs) | Effect |
| Toy Plane | | |
| (Thanks to | | |
| Mak180 & | 8000 | Grade A: All digimon |
| Cloudz) | | |

XV. Catching digimons

You must catch digimons to make your journey easier. You need gifts to
catch digimons. The gifts had a grade. The higher the better. Each gift
for different type of digimons: vaccine, virus or data. There are some
gifts that can catch all types, like the Toy Plane. You can Toy Car a
for all types of digimons in domains like BIOS Domain and Web Domain.
Different Guard teams sell different gifts. You can use one gift to
pairs but provided that the gift must have high level.(thanks to Ryan

Here's the step for catching a digimon.

-Buy gifts from Guard Teams and make sure you transfer the item from
server to your Digi-beetle

-Go to domains to begin your catch.

-When you saw the digimons you wanted, press the square button to view
the digimon's status.

-Press X to give the gifts to the digimon but make sure that it matches
type of digimon you want to catch.

-Finally give the digimon the gifts.

-There would be a heart on the digimon's head. The bigger the better.

-After that, battle the digimon. You must win the battle.

-If there is not a heart on the digimon's head, throw more until you get

-Pair digimons must have at least two gifts to get one heart.

-To catch a digimon in pairs defeat the digimon you want last.

-Stronger digimons will need better gifts.

***Gifts bought***

Blue Falcon - Card Game - Grade E - Data type
- Digivice - Grade D - Data type

Gold Hawk - Wristwatch - Grade E - Vaccine type
- CD Player - Grade D - Vaccine type

Dark Sword – Kickboard – Grade E – Virus type
- Skateboard – Grade D – Virus type

XVII. Coliseum

Battle here to get batter ranks but remember that you must
pay to enter. Digimons in your Digi-line is the digimons you will
use to battle. Some time you will receive items for your victory.

| Match | Rank | Rank name | Cost (BITs) | Item received | Effect
| 1 | 2 | forgotten | 500 | Forgotten |
| 2 | 3 | Rookie | 1000 | Toy Boat | Gift: Grade
D All|
| 3 | 4 | Normal | 1500 | DNAup-Chip |Up 1 digimon
| 4 | 5 | Pro | 2000 | Toy plane | Gift: Grade
B All|

Match 1 – Round 1 - ToyAgumon, Patamon, Gizamon
- Round 2 - Gearmon, Gizamon, Kunemon
- Round 3 - Tentomon, Biyomon, Gearmon

Match 2 – Round 1 – Elecmon, Gotsumon, Palmon
- Round 2 – Otamamon, DemiDevimon, Gazimon
- Round 3 – Raremon, Gabumon, Penguinmon

Match 3 – Round 1 – Drimogemon, Unimon, Birdramon
- Round 2 - Airdramon, Gururumon, Unimon
- Round 3 – Piddomon, Pointmon, Mushroomon

Match 4 – Round 1 – Debbie - MoriShellmon, Mojyamon, Togemon
- Round 2 – Chris Conner - Bakemon, Woodmon, Soulmon
- Round 3 – Doug Duem - Tyrannomon, Centarumon, Monochromon

XVII. Frequently Asked questions

1. Why my digimons stop growing at Level 13?
I don't know the reason but refer to V Digivolution.

2. Why is the evolution of digimons different each time?
Digivolvtion is affected the number of DP your digimons had.

3. How to get DP?
DNA Digivolve the digimon.

4. Why the items I bought disappeared?
The items you bought is in the server, you have to take it out.

5. Where can I save my game?
You can save your game in the World Map or in Digital City.

6. Why is there no hearts on the digimon's head where I gave it a gift?
Stronger digimons or pairs need more than two gifts to get a heart on
its head.

7. Why did the Metal Greymon disappeared from BIOS Domain?
Metal Greymon will disappear if you beat the boss there.

8. What are Rankings used for?
I don't know.

9. What can I get from Rankings?
I don't know.

XVIII. Digimon List
Some digimons are found after Blood Knights Invasion.


Type: Vaccine
Stage; Champion
Location: No where to be found
Skill: Don't know


Type: Vaccine
Stage: Rookie
Location: No where to be found
Skill: Pepper Breath


Type: Don't know
Stage: Don't know
Location: Modem Domain when battling with Kim
Skill: Forgotten


Type: Vaccine
Stage: Champion
Location: Video Domain
Skill: Fist of Fate


Type: Vaccine
Stage: Champion
Location: Video Domain
Skill: Spread Bone


Type: Virus
Stage: Don't know
Location: No where to be found
Skill: Evil curse


Type: Virus
Stage: Rookie
Location: SCSI Domain, Disk Domain and Web Domain
Skill: Electricity


Type: Vaccine
Stage: Rookie
Location: SCSI, Video, and Drive Domain and SCSI Domain.
Skill: Forgotten


Type: Champion
Stage: Champion
Location: Video Domain
Skill: Meteor Wing


Type: Data
Stage: Rookie
Location: BIOS Domain, Modem Domain and SCSI Domain
Skill: Flame Bomber


Type: Data
Stage: Champion
Location: No where to be found
Skill: Solar Ray


Type: Vaccine
Stage: Rookie
Location: Drive Domain and Video Domain
Skill: Toy Flame


Type: Virus
Stage: Don't know
Location: Video Domain Boss
Skill: Forgotten


Type: Data
Stage: Rookie
Location: SCSI Domain, BIOS Domain and Modem Domain
Skill: Scissor Magic


Type: Don't know
Stage: Don't know
Location: No where to be found
Skill: Triple Forces


Type: Virus
Stage: Rookie
Location: Disk Domain, Web Domain and SCSI Domain
Skill: Demi Dart


Type: Virus
Stage: Champion
Location: No where to be found
Skill: Evil Curse


Type: Virus
Stage: Champion
Location: Video Domain
Skill: Forgotten


Type: Virus
Stage: Rookie
Location: Web Domain and SCSI Domain
Skill: Electro Thread


Type: Data
Stage: Champion
Location: Modem Domain and SCSI Domain
Skill: Iron Drill Spin


Type: Data
Stage: Rookie
Location: Modem Domain
Skill: S-Thunder Smack


Type: Vaccine
Stage: Rookie
Location: No where to be found
Skill: Blaze Blast


Type: Data
Stage: Rookie
Location: BIOS Domain and SCSI Domain


Type: Data
Stage: Rookie
Location: SCSI Domain, BIOS Domain, modem domain and
SCSI Domain
Skill: Blue Blaster


Type: Virus
Stage: Rookie
Location: Disk Domain, Web Domain and SCSI Domain
Skill: E-Stun Blast


Type: Virus
Stage: Don't know
Location: No where to be found
Skill: forgotten


Type: Virus
Stage: Rookie
Location: SCSI Domain and Web Domain
Skill: Spiral Edge


Type: Virus
Stage: Rookie
Location: Disk Domain and Web Domain
Skill: Bolt Punch


Type: Vaccine
Stage: Rookie
Location: Drive Domain and SCSI Domain
Skill: Marching Fishes


Type: Data
Stage: Rookie
Location: BIOS Domain and Modem Domain
Skill: Rock Fist


Type: Vaccine
Stage: Champion
Location: Video Domain
Skill: Nova Blast


Type: Vaccine
Stage: Champion
Location: Video Domain
Skill: Forgotten


Type: Virus
Stage: Rookie
Location: SCSI Domain, Web Domain and SCSI Domain
Skill: Darkness Gear


Type: Vaccine
Stage: Champion
Location: Video Domain
Skill: Forgotten


Type: Virus
Stage: Champion
Location: No where to be found
Skill: Forgotten


Type: Virus
Stage: Rookie
Location: Web Domain and SCSI Domain
Skill: Electro Thread


Type: Virus
Stage: Champion
Location: No where to be found
Skill: forgotten

Metal Greymon

Type: Vaccine
Stage: Ultimate
Location: BIOS Domain
Skill: Giga Blaster, Horn Buster


Type: Virus
Stage: Ultimate
Location: No where to be found
Skill: Darkside Attack, Wing Blade


Type: Vaccine
Stage: Champion
Location: Video Domain
Skill: Icicle Punch


Type: Data
Stage: Champion
Location: No where to be found
Skill: Blaze Blast


Type: Don't know
Stage: Champion
Location: No where to be found
Skill: Forgotten


Type: Virus
Stage: Don't know
Location: No where to be found
Skill: Forgotten


Type: Virus
Stage: Champion
Location: SCSI Domain and Video Domain
Skill: Party Time


Type: Virus
Stage: Don't know
Location: No where to be found
Skill: Ink


Type: Virus
Stage: Rookie
Location: Web Domain
Skill: Stun Bubble (cause confuse)


Type: Data
Stage: Rookie
Location: Modem Domain and SCSI Domain
Skill: Poison Ivy (will cause poison)


Type: Data
Stage: Rookie
Location: BIOS Domain and Modem Domain
Skill: Boom Bubble


Type: Vaccine
Stage: Rookie
Location: Video Domain
Skill: Super Slap


Type: Don't know
Stage: Champion
Location: No where to be found
Skill: Forgotten


Type: Virus
Stage: Champion
Location: SCSI Domain and Video Domain
Skill: Buffalo Breath


Type: Vaccine
Stage: Champion
Location: No where to be found
Skill: Forgotten


Type: Virus
Stage: Rookie
Location: No where to be found
Skill: Forgotten


Type: Vaccine
Stage: Champion
Location: No where to be found
Skill: Water Splash


Type: Don't know
Stage: Champion
Location: Video Domain
Skill: Forgotten

Snow Agumon

Type: Vaccine
Stage: Rookie
Location: Drive Domain
Skill: Hail Storm

Snow Goburimon

Type: Virus
Stage: Champion
Location: SCSI Domain, Disk Domain and Web Domain
Skill: Bolt Punch


Type: Virus
Stage: Don't know
Location: No where to be found
Skill: Evil Touch


Type: Data
Stage: Champion
Location: No where to be found
Skill: Ninjaknifethrow


Type: Virus
Stage: Rookie
Location: Web Domain
Skill: Black Pearl Shot


Type: Vaccine
Stage: Rookie
Location: SCSI Domain, Video Domain and Drive Domain
Skill: Waking Dream

Type: Vaccine
Stage: Rookie
Location: Video Domain, Web Domain, Drive Domain,
SCSI Domain and Video Domain
Skill: Electro Shocker


Type: Data
Stage: Champion
Location: No where to be found
Skill: Forgotten


Type: Virus
Stage: Rookie
Location: SCSI Domain
Skill: Friendly Fire


Type: Data
stage: Champion
Location: No where to be found
Skill: Blaze Blast


Type: Vaccine
Stage: Champion
Location: Drive Domain, SCSI Domain and Video Domain
Skill: Air Attack


Type: Vaccine
Stage: Rookie
Location: No where to be found
Skill: Vee Head Butt


Type: Vaccine
Stage: Champion
Location: No where to be found
Skill: V-Nova Blast


Type: Virus
Stage: Champion
Location: Web Domain and SCSI Domain
Skill: Party Time


Type: Data
Stage: Champion
Location: No where to be found
Skill: Thunder Bolt


Type: Virus
Stage: Champion
Location: Web Domain and SCSI Domain
Skill: Forgotten


Type: Data
Stage: Champion
Location: SCSI Domain
Skill: Thunder Ray

XIX. Credits/Disclaimer

This walkthrough is copyright 2001 by Wah Chin Han. You may print this
guide for personal use. If you want to put my walkthrough in your web,
e-mail to me or if there are errors in my guide, feel free to e-mail to
me. If you know something I don't know, you can also e-mail to me. I had
only allowed GameFaqs to publish my guide so far. I will be updating all
of the sections as soon as possible. IF YOU KNOW ANY THING I DON'T KNOW

-- GameFaqs for publishing my guide
-- psxcodez for publishing my guide
-- Neoseeker for publishing my guide
-- Bandai for creating this game
-- My brother for telling my some digimons I had forgotten and getting
the Veemon.
-- Sim Choon Hong and his brother for telling me the name the bosses I
had forgotten.
-- Sim Choon Hong again because he had really helped me a lot
-- Lim Hwee for correcting my DNA Digivolution solution
-- Ryan May for telling me that pair can also be caught using one gift
-- Almac314 for telling me how to combine to get a Snow Agumon
-- Mak180 for telling me that I can buy Toy Plane at File Island
-- Cloudz for correcting the Grade level of the Toy Plane, cost of Toy
Plane and the digivolution of Veemon
-- Everyone who read my guide.


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Digivolving FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Alle Digimons, alle Gebiete offen, viele Bits und mehr.

18.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Patch für die US NTSC Version.

15.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die japanische NTSC Version.

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
01.Dezember 2014
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020