Pac-Man World

Pac-Man World

17.10.2013 14:29:16
Pac-Man World Walkthrough/FAQ v1.7
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Pac-Man World Walkthrough/FAQ v1.7

This Walkthrough/FAQ for Pac-Man World (for the Sony
Playstation) is authored by, and is the sole property of,
Miguel Balauag , copyright 2000.
It may be reproduced electronically or printed for personal
use, but may not be altered without the expressed permission
of the author. Any reproduction of any part of this document
for promotional and/or commercial use also requires
permission from the author.

[This FAQ is written in monospace font, 60 columns wide.]
Corrections and questions may be sent to the author at the
email address listed above.

Now, on to the FAQ:

0. Revision History
1. Introduction
2. Quest Mode Walkthrough
2.1. Pirate Area
2.1.1. Buccaneer Beach
2.1.2. Corsair's Cove
2.1.3. Crazy Cannonade
2.1.4. HMS Windbag
2.2. Ruins Area
2.2.1. Crisis Cavern
2.2.2. Manic Mines
2.2.3. Anubis Rex
2.3. Space Area
2.3.1. Space Race
2.3.2. Far Out
2.3.3. Gimme Space
2.3.4. King Galaxian
2.4. Funhouse Area
2.4.1. Clowning Around
2.4.2. Barrel Blast
2.4.3. Spin Dizzy
2.4.4. Clown Prix
2.5. Factory Area
2.5.1. Perilous Pipes
2.5.2. Under Pressure
2.5.3. Down the Tubes
2.5.4. Krome Keeper
2.6. Mansion Area
2.6.1. Ghostly Garden
2.6.2. Creepy Catacombs
2.6.3. Grave Danger
2.6.4. Toc-Man's Lair
3. The Slot Machine
4. P-A-C-M-A-N Bonus Rounds
5. Maze Mode Walkthrough
5.1. Pirate Area
5.2. Ruins Area
5.3. Space Area
5.4. Funhouse Area
5.5. Factory Area
5.6. Mansion Area
6. Extra Stuff and Secrets
-1,000,000 Points
-Free Lives in Classic Mode
-Another Secret?
7. Appendix I: Enemies
8. Appendix II: Fruits
9. Appendix III: High Scores


v1.7 - 8/30/2000
-A few corrections made to Quest Mode Walkthrough
-Free Lives in Classic Mode added to Extra Stuff!
-Another Secret? added to Extra Stuff!
-Extra Stuff! renamed as Extra Stuff and Secrets
v1.6 - 8/24/2000
-Some corrections made to Quest Mode Walkthrough
-Almost all level High Scores changed
-Extra Stuff! section added
-1,000,000 Points added to Extra Stuff!
-Appendix I: Enemies section added
-Appendix II: Fruits section added
-Appendix III: High Scores section added
v1.0 - 8/23/2000
-Initial release of the FAQ
-Quest Mode Walkthrough complete
-The Slot Machine complete
-P-A-C-M-A-N Bonus Rounds complete
-Maze Mode Walkthrough complete


Basic Menu Controls:
X - Select an option
T - Cancel
Start - Select an option
Directional Pad - Move cursor

Basic Game Controls:
X - Jump / Butt Bounce (in air)
X - Swim up / Dolphin Jump (hold in water)
X - Advance through dialogue
Sq - Rev Roll (hold and release)
O - Shoot 1 Pac-Dot
O - Shoot 10 Pac-Dots (hold and release)
T - Swim down
L2 - View status
R2 - Toggle through camera zooms (in Mazes)
Start - Pause
Directional Pad - Move Pac-Man

(Note: Controls can also be changed under the Options menu)

Pac-Man World offers three modes of play: Quest Mode,
Classic Mode, and Maze Mode. Quest Mode is the main mode of
the game, featuring a 3-D platform adventure in which
Pac-Man battles against Toc-Man and attempts to save his
friends. Classic Mode features the original Pac-Man game,
complete with the classic graphics and sound effects. Maze
Mode is similar to Classic Mode, except that the Mazes are
3-D and host several different obstacles. Extra Mazes are
unlocked in Quest Mode, and you can choose to play any Maze
available. You can even choose to play all 36 Mazes
continuously with the Marathon option.
The aim of this FAQ is to help you complete the game
with as close to 100% and the highest Grand Score possible.
The Grand Score is the total of your High Scores for each
level of the game. The requirements for fully completing a
level in Quest Mode are:
-Open every door
-Destroy every enemy (an enemy only needs to be destroyed
-Collect all available fruit
-Find all P-A-C-M-A-N letters
-Complete any Hidden Mazes
Here's a tip on High Scores: since Pac-Dots score you an
extra 5 points at the end of the level, try not to use up
any Pac-Dots for attacking enemies unless it's necessary.
Also, completing the Marathon in Maze Mode counts as 5%.

The rest of this FAQ will assume that you are familiar
with the game (i.e. you've at least read the manual).


The Quest Mode takes place on Ghost Island, home to
Toc-Man and many ghosts trying to stop Pac-Man from rescuing
his friends. There are six areas on Ghost Island: Pirate,
Ruins, Space, Funhouse, Factory, and Mansion. Each area
contains 3 levels and 1 boss (except the Ruins, which has
only 2 levels and 1 boss).

Some notes on using this FAQ:
1) Underneath the heading of each level in this FAQ is my
personal High Score for that level. These scores are not
the highest possible, but reflect a general figure to aim
for when you try to achieve your own High Scores.
2) At the end of each level in this FAQ is listed the
maximum number of Pac-Dots for that level, including Hidden
Mazes and assuming none were used.
3) Enemies, important items, and doors will be in all-caps
so you can make sure not to pass them by. These will only be
in all-caps the first time they are mentioned.
4) When the directions "near" and "far" are mentioned,
"near" means toward the player and "far" means away from the


In the Pirate Area, Pac-Man is trying to save his friend
Pooka. This area is filled with pirate skeletons and
cannons, but nothing too hazardous. The water areas of each
level often host spikes on the floor or ceiling, so always
watch out when swimming.

My High Score: 8860

Buccaneer Beach is the introductory level of the game.
If you're playing for the first time, it might help to read
every Hint sign you see. The signs will give you information
about Pac-Man's moves and objects in the game. The level is
straightforward and contains no P-A-C-M-A-N letters or
Hidden Maze.
After the intro movie, the game starts with Pac-Man
standing next to the first Hint sign in Buccaneer Beach. In
the back should be an area filled with Pac-Dots and stacked
crates. There are 2 GHOSTS in this area moving around the
crates, so grab a Power Pellet and eat both of them. Make
sure to eat both ghosts before the Power Pellet runs out,
and don't touch any of the other three Power Pellets, which
are placed at the corners of the Pac-Dot rectangle. Leave
this area and head right until you're standing next to some
large steps. This will reset the ghosts in the crate area.
Go back to where the crates are and use another Power Pellet
to eat the ghosts again. Repeat this for the remaining two
Power Pellets. Grab any remaining Pac-Dots afterwards. You
should have 41 Pac-Dots in all. Don't forget to get the
CHERRY and STRAWBERRY on top of the stacked crates. Use the
lower crates as stepping stones; the Butt Bounce might come
in handy here. After clearing out this area, head right and
get the 2 BANANAS floating by the palm leaves on the wall.
Climb the steps and destroy the 2 PIRATE SKELETONS.
You can do this by revving into them, but it's easier and
safer to bounce on top of them. There's a health wedge in
the chest nearby if you need it. Continue right and jump
into the pool of water. Use the Dolphin Jump to get the 5
CHERRIES floating above the water. Come back out of the
water and hit the green switch to raise the wooden steps. Go
up the steps and hit the yellow switch to lower a bridge.
Head right and use the B-Doing to bounce up to a pool area.
Get the 4 Pac-Dots on the left side of the pool, then
use the Dolphin Jump to get the 3 ORANGES above the right
side of the pool. Exit the pool on the far end and open the
chest for a Chrome Ball. Quickly jump into the pool and
bounce on the chest in the water for an EXTRA LIFE. Proceed
right after clearing this area. You'll be at CHECKPOINT #1.
Follow the path up the hills. You can rev up short
hills, but it's usually best to bounce up hills. Bounce on
the PIRATE SKELETON at the top of the hills and head right.
Use the Rev Plate to open the gate so that Pac-Man can walk
through. CHECKPOINT #2 is on the other side.
Use the Helivators to continue right until you reach a
platform with a depressed blue switch and CHECKPOINT #3.
After the checkpoint, Helivator to the right again, and jump
to another Helivator going up. Touch CHECKPOINT #4 before
hitting the blue switch on the left. Wait for the Helivator
to come up, and then ride it down to the other Helivator,
which will take you back to where Checkpoint #3 was. The
blue switch should now be up. Hit it, and take the Pac-Dot
Chain (10 Dots) all the way back to where Checkpoint #4 was.
Now hit the green switch on your right to set two platforms
in motion, and use them to continue to the right.
You're at the end of the level now. There's an APPLE
DOOR with a chest nearby, and the Level Complete Token is at
the far right. Open the chest to get an APPLE for the door.
Hit the green switch inside to make some Pac-Dots and a
GHOST appear. Use the Power Pellet at the left and eat the
ghost, then grab the remaining dots before ending the level.
Maximum Pac-Dots: 66

My High Score: 67000

Jump over the water to the right and bounce on the
EXPLODING BARREL. There are 3 other barrels here; the left
one contains a health wedge. Get the Chrome Ball inside the
chest in the middle, and jump into the water to your left.
Break the chest below for a LEMON, then run to the right and
break the other underwater chest for an EXTRA LIFE. After
the Chrome Ball expires, jump out of the water to the right
and touch CHECKPOINT #1.
Head past the CHERRY DOOR and the 2 GHOSTS and hit the
yellow switch to open the wooden door nearby. Go inside to
get to the top floor, then head left and around to a
B-Doing. Use it to get across, and bounce on the PARROT
before getting the CHERRY inside the chest. Drop back down
to open the Cherry Door and hit the green switch inside.
Come back out and take the Power Pellet to eat the 2 ghosts,
then get the rest of the Pac-Dots. Head right past
CHECKPOINT #2. Jump into the water and avoid the FISH, first
swimming left to get a STRAWBERRY and then right for a
health wedge. Exit the water and go right for CHECKPOINT #3.
Use the yellow switch and enter the door to go up. Jump left
and open the STRAWBERRY DOOR for a "P". Then open the chest
for a Chrome Ball. You can use this to drop into the water
below so that you can destroy the fish with a Pac-Dot.
Continue to the right and jump over the next water
opening. Destroy the EXPLODING BARREL and break the other
barrel for an EXTRA LIFE. Go into the water and swim right,
watching for the spikes. Ignore the chest for now and exit
the water, landing on the left side. Hit the yellow switch
and use the door to go up, then Helivator left to find a
chest holding a Chrome Ball. Quickly fall back into the
water and run to the chest, which has the first "A" inside.
Exit the water on the right side and go on to CHECKPOINT #4.
Go past a cannon and enter the water for a BANANA (left)
and a health wedge (right). Exit the water and go right,
past another cannon, to reach CHECKPOINT #5. There are 2
EXPLODING BARRELS here, as well as 4 normal barrels, 2 of
which are holding health wedges. Clear these out and jump
into the water on your right. Swim around the spikes to your
left to get another health wedge and an ORANGE, then go back
and open the ORANGE DOOR. The green switch inside will make
the platform above move, necessary for continuing with the
game. Head right past the water, and use the 2 B-Doings to
reach an upper ledge. Go left on the moving platform to find
an EXPLODING BARREL and an empty barrel. Then go up the
steps and to the right.
Bounce on the PARROT, go right, and bounce on another
PARROT. Then go into the pit with the 2 GHOSTS and hit the
green switch to make some Pac-Dots appear. Take one of the
2 Power Pellets, either to the left or to the right, and eat
the ghosts. Get the remaining dots and Power Pellet, then
proceed right. Destroy the PARROT and keep going right,
jumping over the gap after the parrot. Open the chest for
the "M", then go back left and down the steps where the
parrot was.
Fall down to the area with a STRAWBERRY DOOR. Destroy
the 2 EXPLODING BARRELS. There are also 2 empty barrels, but
hit the yellow switch and use the door to go up. Bounce over
the door and open the chest for a STRAWBERRY, then open the
Strawberry Door to get the "C". Go past the steps to the
right to find CHECKPOINT #6. Jump past the water opening and
open the chest behind the B-Doing for a CHERRY. Use the 2
B-Doings to reach the CHERRY DOOR, and hit the blue switch
inside to make a Dot Chain appear to your right.
Now go into the water below the Cherry Door and swim
right, avoiding the spikes and passing the GALAXIAN DOOR.
Get the health wedge before jumping out of the water. Use
the yellow switch and door to go up. Take the Dot Chain to
reach an upper area with a GALAXIAN, a BELL, an ORANGE, a
health wedge, and the second "A". Drop down, destroy the
PARROT on the right, then return to the Galaxian Door
underwater to play your first Hidden Maze (115 Pac-Dots; see
Maze Mode, Pirate Maze #5 for details).
After finishing the Maze, use the yellow switch and door
again. This time, jump to the right past where the parrot
was, and follow the steps down to a chest in the path of a
cannon. Get the BELL inside, and proceed to another chest in
the path of a cannon. This one has a health wedge inside. Go
on until you reach CHECKPOINT #7.
You should see a large barrel and a chest on its right.
Stand on the barrel, and jump to the ledge behind it to get
the "N". The barrel is empty, but the chest contains another
BELL. Go to CHECKPOINT #8 next to the water. This pool has a
boat that floats across and back, while cannons shoot at it
from the background. At each end of the boat's path is a
Chrome Ball floating above it. Use the Butt Bounce to get
the Chrome Balls, and use them to open the chest at the left
end of the pool (a BELL) and the chest at the right end of
the pool (a KEY).
Head right into a larger pool area with a chest in the
center. Exit the pool in the near-right corner. Destroy the
PIRATE SKELETON, then head up the steps to destroy another
PIRATE SKELETON. The yellow switch here will make a Chrome
Ball appear. Use it to get a STRAWBERRY from the chest in
the water. After that, jump left from the ledge with the
yellow switch to reach a plank from the boat on the left.
The green switch on the near end of the boat will make some
Pac-Dots and 3 GHOSTS appear. Eat the ghosts with the Power
Pellet on the plank, and pick up the remaining dots. Open
the STRAWBERRY DOOR to find a blue switch, which will make
the blue switch above pop up. Hit that blue switch to blast
the cage around the Level Complete Token. Go back to the
right and end the level.
Maximum Pac-Dots: 188

At the end of the level, you'll play through your first
P-A-C-M-A-N Bonus Round. Make sure to get 100% in the round
if you want a lot of points. From this point on, every level
except for bosses will have a P-A-C-M-A-N Bonus Round. These
Bonus Rounds are covered in more detail in Section 4.

My High Score: 56910

Follow the path around and to your right. Go past the
BANANA DOOR and GHOST, and jump over to where the yellow
switch is. Use it and take the door to the top. Go left and
destroy the PARROT, then go left again onto a higher
platform with 2 GHOSTS, a chest, and a green switch. Open
the chest for a BANANA, then hit the green switch to make
Pac-Dots appear. Eat the regular dots, then get the Power
Pellet. Quickly eat the 2 ghosts up here, then drop back to
the Banana Door and eat the ghost in front of it. Hit the
blue switch inside the Banana Door, then take the Dot Chain
on your left. The "P" is now on the platform.
Take the lower route again to continue right to
CHECKPOINT #1. Use the barrel nearby to jump on top of the
belltower (you can still make it without the barrel, just
jump to where the bell is first, then bounce to make it on
top). Jump right to get a chest with a MELON inside, making
sure to destroy the PARROT next to it. Go below this ledge
and destroy the PIRATE SKELETON in front of the APPLE DOOR.
Helivator right past some cannons. You'll see a yellow
switch and door. If you weren't able to get to the Melon
earlier, you can use the yellow switch door and Helivator
left. Keep going right and destroy the PIRATE SKELETON. Open
the MELON DOOR and hit the green switch inside, then get the
APPLE that appears. Return left to the Apple Door by using
the yellow switch door and Helivator. The blue switch inside
the Apple Door will set up a Dot Chain around the belltower,
giving you 14 dots and an EXTRA LIFE.
Head back to where the Melon Door was, and rev towards
the ramp on the right. You'll come to a barrel with the
first "A" inside. Go down the steps on the near side of this
ledge and get a chest with a BANANA. Go back up the steps
and rev towards the ramp to find a PIRATE SKELETON and a
BANANA DOOR. Hit the green switch inside the Banana Door to
make some Pac-Dots and a GHOST appear. You'll have to use
the ramp to your left in order to get to the Power Pellet
and eat the ghost. Clear out the dots after that, then
Helivator right to CHECKPOINT #2 and a PIRATE SKELETON in
front of an APPLE DOOR.
At the far end of the ledge, you'll see 3 cannons with
shutters. You'll be using the shutters as steps here, as
well as several other times in this level, so timing your
jumps will play a big part. Go across on the shutters and
destroy the PIRATE SKELETON. Keep going right and destroy
another PIRATE SKELETON. There's an empty barrel against the
wall, and on the ledge above the barrel is a chest with an
APPLE inside. Get the Apple and Helivator back to the Apple
Door to get the "C". Go back right across the shutters. Past
the ledge that had the Apple chest, use the ramp. There are
several cannons here, and 3 PIRATE SKELETONS to destroy. Use
the next ramp and break the 3 barrels, one of which contains
a full health wedge. Continue going right past some more
cannons and 2 PIRATE SKELETONS. Hit the blue switch here to
make some Pac-Dots appear below by the GALAXIAN DOOR.
Before getting the Pac-Dots, use the ramp to get to the
ledge with the APPLE DOOR. Destroy the PARROT and get a
health wedge from the chest. On the near end of this ledge
is a narrow walkway with another chest. Get the APPLE inside
it, and open the Apple Door for the "M". Go back to the
narrow walkway and fall to the right to find CHECKPOINT #3
and a barrel with a Power Pellet inside. Get the Power
Pellet and head left to eat the GHOST and to get the
Pac-Dots that appeared. On the way, destroy the gray cannon-
like enemy, which I'll hereafter refer to as a POP CANNON.
Head back right past some cannons and another POP CANNON
to find a yellow switch door. On the top floor, you can
bounce over the door to the right to grab a health wedge. Go
left from the door and destroy the 2 PIRATE SKELETONS. There
are 2 barrels; one contains a health wedge. Get a GALAXIAN
from the chest at the end of this walkway, then make your
way back to the Galaxian Door to play through the Hidden
Maze (111 Pac-Dots; see Maze Mode, Pirate Maze #6 for
After the Maze, head right again, going past the yellow
switch door this time. Pass up some cannons and destroy the
PIRATE SKELETON on the way. Past the Helivator, there's a
chest with a health wedge inside. Ride the Helivator up;
watch out for the cannons - you'll need to stall in between
cannons to make it up safely. At the top is a platform with
4 GHOSTS and a Power Pellet floats nearby. There are two
ways to get the Power Pellet. One, you can jump from the
Helivator when it's below the platform; you'll get the Power
Pellet in mid-air and likely hang from the edge of the
platform. Two, you can wait on the platform, and then drop
onto the shutter below the Power Pellet, then jump back up
again. Either way, get the Power Pellet and eat the ghosts.
Head to the right to find CHECKPOINT #4 and a PARROT.
Use the cannon shutter to keep going right and destroy the
POP CANNON. Keep going across the shutters and pick up an
EXTRA LIFE before reaching CHECKPOINT #5. Go past another
shutter to reach a platform with a ramp and a POP CANNON.
Use the ramp and hit the blue switch near the BANANA DOOR.
Go to the far end of this platform and jump across the
shutters to your left, getting a health wedge, a BANANA, and
a Power Pellet in the process. Return via the ramp to eat
the GHOST and to get the Pac-Dots. You'll also get the
second "A" behind the Banana Door.
Continue right across the shutters (the timing here is
trickier; it's easier to jump straight from the second
shutter to the ledge). Destroy the PIRATE SKELETON here
before crossing more shutters. In this area, destroy the POP
CANNON and PARROT, then head up the steps behind them to
to the left along this walkway; destroy another POP CANNON
and PARROT to get to the blue switch. This will give you an
Ultra Butt-Bounce power-up and make a Dot Chain appear to
the right.
Go back right and take the Dot Chain to reach 3 health
wedges, 2 BANANAS, and an EXTRA LIFE. Go back down and to
the right to reach CHECKPOINT #6. Cross some shutters and
destroy the 3 PIRATE SKELETONS. Drop at the end of this
walkway to get a health wedge. Be prepared to destroy 2
PIRATE SKELETONS and a POP CANNON when you land. Head left
and cross the shutters to reach a chest with the "N" inside.
Use the shutters to go back right, picking up the EXTRA LIFE
on the top shutter. Cross some more shutters to the right,
destroying the 2 POP CANNONS in your way.
Ride the Helivator up past the cannons. Again, you'll
need to stall between cannons to avoid getting hit. The
tower will also be hit by cannonballs from the left and
right; ignore these, as they can not hurt you. On the
slanted top deck, hit the blue switch on the left for some
Pac-Dots. Get the Power Pellet at the tip of the deck to the
right, eat the 2 GHOSTS, and get the Pac-Dots. Come down the
tip and release the FRIEND (Pooka) in the cage. Only 5 more
friends to go! Go to the Level Complete Token to finish.
Maximum Pac-Dots: 190

My High Score: 7100

For the first half of this boss, just keep running right
to avoid the incoming cannonballs. Jump over any gaps or
barrels in your way, and don't hesitate for too long. Use
the door at the end of the walkway to enter the boss area.
The CHECKPOINT here will let you bypass the first half if
you die. Grab the 2 APPLES and the health wedge if you need
it. Each blue switch on the floor will raise a trampoline-
like target in front of it; use these to reflect HMS
Windbag's cannonballs back at it. It takes 5 hits to bring
it down. During the battle, HMS Windbag will also release 5
bubbles, one containing another APPLE. Stand below it to
catch the Apple as it falls; this will happen more than
once! This boss is really easy and shouldn't take you very
long to beat. On to the Ruins Area!
Maximum Pac-Dots: 0


The Ruins Area is filled with new enemies, traps, and
lots of fire. This area has only two levels and one boss,
but the levels are rather long. It becomes very easy to lose
lives here, so be careful at every step. Also watch out when
walking in dark areas, as you may easily miss something.
Chomp-Chomp is counting on you!

My High Score: 40040

You start the level in a clearing with a PAC-NEANDERTHAL
and a chest containing 5 Pac-Dots. Deal with these, then go
to the far-left corner up some large steps. At the top to
the right is a chest with an APPLE inside. Fall back down
to the starting area and proceed right. Beware the oddly-
colored planks throughout the level; these will fall as you
walk on them. Make your way to the far end, killing the 2
SPIDERS on the way. Hit the blue switch, then quickly get in
front of the waterfall on the right. You can catch 10 Pac-
Dots and a health wedge before they fall out of reach.
Continue to the right and open the APPLE DOOR to hit the
green switch inside. Take the Dot Chain that appears and get
the "P" at the end of it. Fall back down and go right for
CHECKPOINT #1. Helivator up in the dark area, then kill the
SPIDER on the right. Get a health wedge inside the chest,
then follow the path around to the left. B-Doing to the next
ledge and destroy the SPIDER there. This chest has 5 Pac-
Dots inside. Head right to get out of the dark area and find
The square floor panels with faces on them are traps.
Each will either drop rocks on you, try to crush you from
above, or set a swinging trap in motion. It's best to avoid
these simply by jumping over them; you can also stand at the
edge of them without triggering them. If you trigger a
swinging trap, you'll need to use a well-timed Butt Bounce
or Rev Roll under them.
Pass up the traps here and a PEACH DOOR. Kill the SPIDER
nearby and go on to find a chest with a PEACH inside. Go
back to the Peach Door and hit the green switch behind it.
take the Chain Dot that appears to reach a small secret
area. Be cautious not to fall. There's a chest with a wedge
inside, and a CEILING SPIDER is waiting in front of it. Walk
under these spiders to make them come down, then bounce on
them like regular spiders. Go left past 2 SPIDERS to find a
green switch that reveals a chest holding the first "A".
Drop back down to the original path and continue right until
This area, like many others in the Ruins, is surrounded
with deadly lava. Fireballs will also fall onto the blasted
areas in the floor, so keep your eyes on them. You'll arrive
at an area with three large platforms, each with a ghost on
it (3 GHOSTS in all). Ignore the APPLE DOOR for now, and get
the APPLE from the chest on the second platform and the
health wedge from the chest on the third platform. Then go
back and hit the green switch behind the Apple Door. Grab
the first Power Pellet and eat the ghosts from left to
right; this must be done quickly to get them all with the
same Power Pellet. There's a Power Pellet on each of the
other two platforms as well if you need to finish the job,
and don't forget the rest of the Pac-Dots. After that, go
right from the third platform to find CHECKPOINT #4.
Pass some more fireballs to reach CHECKPOINT #5, then
destroy the PAC-NEANDERTHAL and SPIDER nearby. Be careful of
the odd square on the floor; walk on this and a stalactite
will fall on you. Also watch out for the brown circles;
these will crumble beneath you, and will often leave no way
to get back up. Go past these obstacles and jump across the
gap in the floor to find a chest with 5 Pac-Dots. The Rev
Plate nearby will raise a platform below, but you can just
drop into the gap. Go left past 2 SPIDERS and another brown
circle. At the next Rev Plate, head into the far darkness to
find the "C" chest. Go down another level and head right.
Kill 2 more SPIDERS and avoid the stalactites to make it
to a Helivator going right. CHECKPOINT #6 and a SPIDER are
waiting at the other end. Take the steps and get a CHERRY in
the chest at the top. Head left past some brown circles and
stalactites and go on the steps to jump up and right to the
next ledge. Destroy the SPIDER and then use the steps to
jump up and left instead of going right to the lighted area.
You'll cross some stalactites and a PAC-NEANDERTHAL before
reaching the CHERRY DOOR and the "M" inside. Then go back
right into the lighted area for CHECKPOINT #7.
In this stepped waterfall area, destroy the 2 PAC-
NEANDERTHALS and get the chest holding 5 Pac-Dots. Go right
and you'll see a large waterfall pouring into a deep pool.
Destroy the first PAC-NEANDERTHAL in front of the waterfall
and get a BELL from the chest nearby. Go left to the BELL
DOOR and hit the blue switch inside. Get the "A" at the end
of the waterfall where the Helivator moved. Go back to the
large waterfall and kill the 2 PAC-NEANDERTHALS around the
pool. Climb the steps behind the waterfall for an APPLE.
Return to the near-right end of the pool and jump to the
righthand ledge. Kill the SPIDER, Helivator left, avoid the
trap, Helivator up, avoid another trap, and Helivator right.
Get past the SPIDER and the trap to reach the APPLE DOOR.
Kill the CEILING SPIDER in front of it first, then hit the
blue switch inside.
Dive into the pool below and swim into the opening. Go
down and right, passing the 2 FISH and the 2 chests, then
surface to find a chest with a Chrome Ball. Use the Chrome
to get the two chests (a health wedge and a GALAXIAN); you
need to be fast and accurate if you want to kill the 2 fish
with Pac-Dots as well. Surface at the right end again and
head into the light, where CHECKPOINT #8 stands in front of
the GALAXIAN DOOR. Play through the Hidden Maze (111 Pac-
Dots; see Maze Mode, Ruins Maze #4 for details).
Head right past some traps, including a swinging trap,
and hit the blue switch at the end. Helivator up to
CHECKPOINT #9. Kill the CEILING SPIDER and get a LEMON from
the chest. Go right past another swinging trap, then open
the LEMON DOOR to hit a blue switch. Go a bit right to get
a BELL in a chest, then return left to the Helivator that
moved. Use it to reach the BELL DOOR to the left, where the
"N" is waiting. After that, just make your way right past
the traps and hit the green switch to get to the Level
Complete Token.
Maximum Pac-Dots: 195

My High Score: 52835

At the start, move to the near end and kill the MUMMY
that emerges from the wall. Mummies can not be bounced on;
they can be revved into, but will hurt you if you hit their
front; personally, I like to risk it rather than waste my
Pac-Dots. Get 6 Pac-Dots from the chest nearby, then head
right. Go past the APPLE DOOR to find two carts on tracks
over the lava. There are 2 methods for dealing with carts.
One, Butt Bounce over them when they are moving toward you.
Two, you can follow it to the end of its track and then jump
to safety before it changes direction. Either way, get past
the carts and get an APPLE from the chest; return to the
Apple Door to get the "P" for this level.
Return right and get past the carts and stalactites, and
proceed to the far end of the walkway. Kill the CEILING
SPIDER before hitting the green switch, which will let you
Helivator right. Jump to another Helivator going up, then
go right to face a SPIDER and to get CHECKPOINT #1. Enter
the dark area. Climb the steps and get a health wedge in a
chest in the far darkness. Kill the CEILING SPIDER in front
of it as well. Jump up and left to another ledge. Avoid the
brown circle and go past the MELON DOOR. Avoid the cart and
the stalactites, go up the steps, and go into the far recess
past two stalactites to get a MELON from the chest there.
Return to the Melon Door for the first "A". Go back up the
steps, then jump up and right to another ledge. More carts,
stalactites, and a brown circle await you, not to mention
another SPIDER.
Use the B-Doing to reach a ledge with a B-Doing and a
CEILING SPIDER. Kill the spider before using the B-Doing to
get out of the dark to CHECKPOINT #2. Here you'll find a
large area with 4 carts in the middle spanning some lava,
with two ghosts on either side (4 GHOSTS total). An ORANGE
DOOR is in the far-left corner. Make your way past the carts
and to the far-right corner. Go down the hill past a second
ORANGE DOOR. Get past the carts to your right to get a chest
with an ORANGE. Return to the first Orange Door (do not open
the one at the bottom of the hill yet!) and hit the green
switch inside. Pac-Dots will appear, and 2 Power Pellets, a
health wedge, and another ORANGE will appear above the cart
tracks. It's very difficult to get all 4 ghosts with one
Power Pellet, so you'll likely need both to finish them off.
Clear out the remaining Pac-Dots and the Orange before going
to the second Orange Door to get the "C".
Head right past all the carts to find CHECKPOINT #3 in
front of a GALAXIAN DOOR. Go right past some more carts to
find a GALAXIAN in a chest, then come back to play the
Hidden Maze (100 Pac-Dots; see Maze Mode, Ruins Maze #5 for
details). This is actually the first of two Hidden Mazes in
this level.
Continue on to the right past carts and fireballs to get
a chest with a full health wedge. Behind it is another chest
holding a MELON and CHECKPOINT #4, and a Helivator going up.
Use it and go left past a cart to another Helivator going
up. Go right past another cart and ride the moving platform
up. Go left past the cart first to get the "M" inside a
MELON DOOR, then go right to kill the SPIDER. Climb the far
steps and continue right to find CHECKPOINT #5.
In this area you'll face ankh-shaped sarcophaguses that
turn into whirlwinds; I'll refer to them simply as "ankhs."
It's best to run from these, since you can't get anything
from them. Get past the first ankh while hitting the green
switch in front of it. Use the moving platform it activated
to cross the gap on the right. Do the same for the next ankh
and green switch (they're in front of the APPLE DOOR); take
the moving platform to the right. Go up the steps and use
the B-Doings to get to the top. Get an APPLE from the chest
at the far end of the small walkway. Then deal with the ankh
on your left. The chest holds a full health wedge, and the
green switch will bring a Helivator next to the platform.
Ignore the Helivator for now and return to the Apple Door to
hit the green switch inside.
Use the Chrome Ball in front of the door to pick up all
the Pac-Dots without having to worry about the whirlwinds;
there are dots past the moving platforms to the left and to
the right. Make sure you pick up all 32 before returning to
the Helivator above. Ride it to the right, jump to another
Helivator to go right, then get off at CHECKPOINT #6. Kill
the MUMMY here, and use the green switch to open the far
doors. You'll see the second GALAXIAN DOOR and a water
opening before it. Swim down into the dark water, go right,
then down again. To your left will be a chest; go right past
another chest and swim up. Take a left when you can to find
a Chrome Ball. Use this to get both chests for a GALAXIAN
and an EXTRA LIFE. Return to the Galaxian Door for the
second Hidden Maze (98 Pac-Dots; see Maze Mode, Ruins Maze
#6 for details).
Return to the water and swim up past where the Chrome
Ball was. Continue to the right and surface at the end of
the passage. Get a LEMON from the chest on your left. To the
right is CHECKPOINT #7. Avoid the trap and use the ramp to
find a BELL DOOR between two traps. Pass these by and hit
the green switch; ride the moving platform it activated.
Destroy the MUMMY as it emerges from the far wall. The chest
on the left contains 6 Pac-Dots; the one on the right has a
LEMON. Use the green switch to activate another moving
platform, and ride it up. Go left past the trap and kill the
SPIDER. Another trap is in the way before you reach a chest
with the BELL inside. Get it and keep going left, and fall
through the brown circle to quickly make it back to the Bell
Door for the second "A".
Use the moving platforms again, this time going right
after the second one. Try to avoid the swinging trap and the
other traps beyond it, then Helivator up to kill a SPIDER on
your left. Jump to the ledge on the right for a chest with
an EXTRA LIFE. Continue left past the trap and SPIDER, then
bounce up to the next ledge. You'll likely trigger the
swinging trap, so deal with it and head on for CHECKPOINT #8
in front of a BANANA DOOR.
Head right past the lava and the moving flame to arrive
at a large maze area with 4 GHOSTS and a FRIEND at the far
wall. Hit the green switch to reveal Pac-Dots, including 2
Power Pellets. Eat the ghosts on a single Power Pellet and
clean up the rest of the dots. Spend some time in this maze
because you'll get a chance at 5 BANANAS that will appear,
either in the far-right corner or on the left side. Be
patient and try to get all 5; this is the only place to get
Bananas for the 2 doors in this level. Once you're finished,
go back to the Banana Door where Checkpoint #8 was and hit
the blue switch inside. Go left to the Helivator that moved
and take it up to find the KEY for this area. Return to the
maze area and free the Friend.
Keep going right past some fireballs and open the next
BANANA DOOR for the "N". Before ending the level with the
Level Complete Token, get a LEMON from the chest and kill
the MUMMY nearby.
Maximum Pac-Dots: 344

My High Score: 5000

This is a pretty tough boss. The first part isn't too
hard; just run forward, try to avoid the spears, and don't
stop too much or you'll get hit by the hand following you.
In the second part, you'll face the giant statue of Anubis
Rex. There are 4 stages of this boss, each with a different
face and colored crystal on the forehead. They get
progressively harder, but after you beat a stage it'll let
you continue from there instead of having to beat all 4 from
There are 4 Rev Plates, 2 on your left and 2 on your
right. In the gaps between, fireballs fly in at regular
intervals. You'll need to rev each Plate until you hear it
click; after all 4 click, get back to the middle walkway and
Rev Roll straight at the heart of the statue. It's best to
leave one of the closer Rev Plates for last to give you more
time to hit the heart; if you don't hit it in time, you'll
need to rev the Plates again.
After breaking the heart once, pick up any EXTRA LIFE or
health wedge that appears. In this stage, a whirlwind will
occasionally come from the statue down the walkway, and will
go towards the side that you're on. You can bounce over this
as it dips into the gaps, or you can attempt to jump to a
point on the walkway behind the whirlwind. In any case, it
shouldn't cause you much trouble while you work at hitting
the heart a second time.
The third stage gets tricky. Fireballs will fly in from
the sky, targeting the Rev Plates in order from right to
left. After the fireball hits the leftmost Plate, a fireball
will fly in towards the near end of the middle walkway, and
then it will repeat the cycle. This is in addition to the
whirlwinds and the original fireballs in the gaps. Try to
keep track of which Plate is under fire, as these fireballs
are not easy to dodge without jumping to another Plate and
The fourth stage includes all the previous obstacles,
but now Anubis Rex will shoot beams out, sweeping from left
to right. This is very difficult to dodge, and requires
either a well-timed Butt Bounce or jumping to the far end of
the walkway near Anubis, where the beams will harmlessly
pass over you. With all this to deal with, the fourth stage
can be really frustrating, but you should have plenty of
lives by now to get the hang of it. One last hit to the
heart takes Anubis Rex down and finishes off the Ruins Area.
Maximum Pac-Dots: 0


The next area takes Pac-Man to outer space to rescue
Professor Pac. There's nothing too tricky here, but falling
becomes a big concern. Watch your step and be careful of the
many lasers. Timing is important when dealing with lasers
and the switches.

My High Score: 61900

Pac-Man starts out next to a blue forcefield. Hit the
yellow switch to get rid of the forcefield and go left to
find 2 chests containing an EXTRA LIFE and 5 Pac-Dots. Use
the yellow switch on this side to get out. Jump over the 3
purple lasers to the right, pick up the 3 Pac-Dots on the
steps, and get the "P" above. Go right and bounce on the
PURPLE ALIEN, then get the 2 chests with 6 and 7 Pac-Dots.
Go right and get the 3 Pac-Dots by the wall of lasers, then
use the ramp or bounce over to pass the lasers. Destroy the
2 PURPLE ALIENS on the other side. The green switch will
open the wall for a LEMON and a health wedge.
Use the yellow switch to open the blue forcefield in the
far wall. Go that way and pick up 3 Pac-Dots in a laser's
path. Get 5 more Pac-Dots in the chest before going to
CHECKPOINT #1. Head right past the moving lasers, and use
the yellow switch to temporarily create a forcefield floor
so you can reach CHECKPOINT #2. There are some green laser
columns here which will alternate on and off; make your way
past them, getting the 4 Pac-Dots and the chest containing
5 Pac-Dots. Use the steps against the wall to reach the "A".
Go right again, getting 1 Pac-Dot and a health wedge in
the moving laser area. Kill the 2 PURPLE ALIENS, then use
the yellow switch to continue past the forcefield. The 4
chests on the steps here contain 2 APPLES, a LEMON, and a
health wedge. Ignore the CHERRY DOOR for now, and use the
ramp guarded by the laser. You'll land at CHECKPOINT #3. Hit
the yellow switch to make the laser column disappear, then
quickly go up the ledges for 4 Pac-Dots and a CHERRY. Come
back down and use the same yellow switch to create a floor
going left, back to the Cherry Door. The "C" is inside.
Go back up the ledges where the Cherry was and go right.
On this platform are 2 PURPLE ALIENS and a chest holding a
GALAXIAN. Drop back down to the GALAXIAN DOOR by the yellow
switch to play the Hidden Maze (95 Pac-Dots; see Maze Mode,
Space Maze #4 for details).
Continue past where the Galaxian was, avoiding any
lasers. You'll come to an area with vertically moving lasers
where you can get 10 Pac-Dots. Keep going, and pick up a
health wedge inside the next chest. A chest containing a
CHERRY sits past the steps, and the "M" will appear once you
open the chest. Get both before continuing right to
CHECKPOINT #4. Hit the yellow switch and go up the ledges
for a health wedge, then go right past a forcefield.
Next to you will be a BANANA DOOR and a depressed blue
switch. Go to the near end of this area, grabbing the 6 Pac-
Dots guarded by lasers on the way. The chest to the left has
an EXTRA LIFE. Hit the blue switch here, then go back to the
one by the Banana Door and hit that one too. Part of the
floor will sink as Pac-Dots and a GHOST appear; the lasers
will now stay on. Get to the Power Pellet and eat the ghost
while getting the other Pac-Dots. Get the BANANA at the end
of the sunken path and use it to get the second "A" from the
Banana Door. Then hit the yellow switch at the near end, and
go past the forcefield on the right to find CHECKPOINT #5.
Pass the depressed blue switch and cross the tilting
platforms to get to another blue switch, while killing the 4
PURPLE ALIENS on the way. Hit it and return to the depressed
one, which will be up. Hit it and go back across the
platforms, making sure to get the PEACH, ORANGE, STRAWBERRY,
CHERRY, and LEMON that are now floating between the
platforms. At the large platform with the green lasers, head
to the far wall where a green switch is to the left of a
BELL DOOR. Hit the switch to find Pac-Dots and 4 GHOSTS; eat
them with the Power Pellet.
Now go up the steps of the tower, watching out for the
green lasers. A BELL will be in a recess halfway up, guarded
by a constant laser. A yellow switch at the top of the steps
(destroy the PURPLE ALIEN sitting on it) will remove the
laser and let you get the BELL safely. Drop back to the Bell
Door for the "N", then head back up the tower to get to the
Level Complete Token.
Maximum Pac-Dots: 199

2.3.2. FAR OUT
My High Score: 56060

Before hitting the yellow switch, destroy the 3 PURPLE
ALIENS and get the CHERRY and STRAWBERRY. Then hit the
switch, quickly going to the far-left where a forcefield
floor appears. Get 5 Pac-Dots from the chest and get back
before the floor disappears. Hit the switch again to make
the forcefield on the far wall disappear, and pass through.
2 lasers here guard a health wedge and 3 Pac-Dots.
On a ledge to the right is an EXTRA LIFE in a chest. At
the far end, you'll see a wall of lasers that moves up some
small steps; carefully get the 6 Pac-Dots and get a LEMON
from the chest behind the lasers. Head right and cross some
tilting platforms; a PURPLE ALIEN will be in your path. Hit
the yellow switch to create a floor behind you to get the
"P". Continue right after that and get another EXTRA LIFE
from the next chest. You'll also cross CHECKPOINT #1.
Go to the near end of this section and hit the green
switch to the right. The central platform on your left will
sink, making Pac-Dots and 3 GHOSTS appear. Clear these out
with the Power Pellet before going on. Go up the steps on
the far wall, watching for lasers while getting the health
wedge. Destroy the PURPLE ALIEN up here and hit the green
switch. Cross the walkway that appears, then use the laser-
guarded ramp to get to CHECKPOINT #2 and another PURPLE
ALIEN. Ignore the yellow switches and the GALAXIAN DOOR for
Cross the tilting platforms with fireballs, then pass
the GREEN ALIEN. Green aliens can not be bounced on, but you
can rev into them when their back is facing you. Climb the
steps for a chest carrying a GALAXIAN. Go back to the
Galaxian Door for the Hidden Maze (90 Pac-Dots; see Maze
Mode, Space Maze #5 for details).
Go back to where the Galaxian was, and hit the green
switch at the end. Take the Dot Chain to CHECKPOINT #3, hit
the green switch, and use the Helivator to get past the
lasers. First, Helivator up 1 level, then go right and get
a PEACH in the chest. Helivator up 2 levels from the bottom
and get a full health wedge from a chest to the right. Go
up 3 levels from the bottom and go left to get a health
wedge from the chest; then go the right from there to get
the first "A".
Now ride the Helivator all the way to the top. Hit the
blue switch nearby, drop to the bottom and hit the blue
switch there; the KEY should appear on your left. Go back
up to free the FRIEND and to get the Pac-Dots. Use the green
switch to lower the walkway on your right. Go across to find
2 PURPLE ALIENS and a chest with an APPLE inside. Return to
the APPLE DOOR by the green switch and get the "C" inside.
Go back right and touch CHECKPOINT #4.
Head to the far end of this path to get 2 health wedges
from the 2 chests. On the ledge at the end, get a CHERRY
from the chest; the "M" will also appear nearby. After that,
head right past the tilting platforms and fireballs. The
yellow switch will create a forcefield floor in the back so
that you can get the EXTRA LIFE from the chest; however,
you'll need to do this very quickly because the floor
doesn't last for very long. Hit the blue switch, then
backtrack to the leftmost platform with a blue switch on it.
This switch will reveal an "A", a STRAWBERRY, and an ORANGE
between the tilting platforms.
Go back to the yellow switch to shut off the laser
column temporarily; go up the ledges for 4 Pac-Dots and a
chest with a BANANA at the top. To the right is a BANANA
DOOR with an "N" behind it. Keep going right, and get a
chest with an EXTRA LIFE. Jump right to the large metal
platform with CHECKPOINT #5. Hit the green switch, and the
platform will transform into a maze area with 4 GHOSTS; try
to maximize your points with the 4 Power Pellets located in
the corners; it's very difficult to eat all 4 ghosts with
each of the 4 Power Pellets. After clearing out this area,
head right to find the Level Complete Token.
Maximum Pac-Dots: 240

My High Score: 58745

You'll start at CHECKPOINT #1. Jump left and hit the
yellow switch, then take the light transporter to the bottom
floor. Get the "P" before hitting the yellow switch and
using the transporter to get back on top. Return to where
you started and hit the yellow switch to make a forcefield
floor appear. Head into the background; you can get 2 health
wedges from the 2 chests near the lasers. Climb on top of
the wall and get a CHERRY from the chest there.
Head right across the tilting platforms. You'll pass a
B-Doing and a PURPLE ALIEN to reach CHECKPOINT #2. 3 more
PURPLE ALIENS are floating between the platforms to your
right. Keep going until the platforms lead upwards; follow
them to a chest with an APPLE inside. Continue upwards to
the first B-Doing and use it. Don't keep going up though.
Check behind each B-Doing here on the way up, and you'll
find the first "A" and a STRAWBERRY. Go all the way up to
get to CHECKPOINT #3.
Go around to your left and you'll see a chest in front
of a steel column. Stand on top of the chest, then Butt
Bounce on it to grab the top of the column where the "C" is.
This might take some practice, but it'll help if you wait
until you're near the peak of the Butt Bounce before trying
to move towards the column. After getting the "C", make sure
to get the BANANA that was in the chest. Head right on the
walkway; avoid the fireballs that destroy segments of the
walkway. Next to the blue switches is a chest with an EXTRA
LIFE inside.
Hit the first blue switch to make the far semi-circular
platforms settle. The short extensions that jut out into the
middle should be directly under the Power Pellets. If not,
then hit the other blue switch to reverse the platforms.
Once fixed, use the 4 Power Pellets to eat the 4 GHOSTS
multiple times. Don't forget the rest of the Pac-Dots and
the fruit; there are 2 ORANGES, a STRAWBERRY, and a CHERRY.
Once you've gotten everything, rev along one of the jutting
extensions to land inside the light transporter. You'll be
taken to CHECKPOINT #4.
Go up on the left side of the laser; you can use the
Butt Bounce to get up from one ledge to the next. Pick up
the 2 health wedges on the way. At the top, hit the green
switch to lower 3 walkways. Take the left one. Defeat the 2
GREEN ALIENS and avoid the fireballs to get the "M", then
make your way back and take the right walkway. Cross the
tilting platforms and destroy the 3 PURPLE ALIENS on the
way, then get a BELL inside the chest after the platforms.
Head back to the BELL DOOR (the middle walkway) and open it
to get the second "A".
Resume to the right until you reach CHECKPOINT #5 and a
chest with 6 Pac-Dots inside. You'll find another set of
B-Doing going up; there are plenty of items to get behind
the B-Doings. Go up 2 floors to find an APPLE in a chest on
the left, then rev to the right side for a health wedge. 3
floors up you'll find a chest with a BANANA inside, and you
can drop down and to the left to reach another health wedge.
Go back up and rev to the right for a chest with a PEACH in
it. Finally, go all the way up, then rev to the right past
the last B-Doing to find the "N" inside the tunnel.
Make your way back to the top and defeat the 2 PURPLE
ALIENS there, then open the chest for a LEMON. Hit the green
switch on the left to make the walls open, and use the Power
Pellet to eat the 4 GHOSTS that appear. Hit the green switch
on the right near the GALAXIAN DOOR to open up the way to
the right. Follow this path. The blue lights won't hurt you.
Jump onto the floating sphere at the end of the path, and
use it to get on top of the platforms. Cross the platforms
to the left and get the GALAXIAN, then return to the
Galaxian Door for the Hidden Maze (100 Pac-Dots; see Maze
Mode, Space Maze #6 for details).
After the maze, go to the near end of this platform and
head right on the top of the tunnel. Kill the 2 GREEN ALIENS
as you pass them, then cross the tilting platforms and the
spheres to reach the Level Complete Token.
Maximum Pac-Dots: 150

My High Score: 46500

There's not much strategy to the first half of this
boss; as long as you can shoot fairly rapidly, you'll easily
make it past the enemies and asteroids. Simply blast your
way through, and try to grab as many fruits as you can. When
you start seeing a large spaceship, you should also notice a
small ship like the one you're standing on. Get to it as
soon as you can because it holds the only CHECKPOINT for the
After the Checkpoint, avoid the blue lasers and try to
shoot all the enemies. Their shots become a little more
difficult to avoid because of the limited space, but you
should be able to grab some health wedges and some BELLS
along the way. At the end of the spaceship, ignore the other
enemies and aim straight at the head of the ship; it'll
break away from the rest and you'll be facing King Galaxian.
For this boss, the screen will "sway" from side to side;
learn the range of your movement and shooting so you can
adjust as the boss moves. Simply blast at the 4 pods on the
ship's shoulders. After the first one is destroyed, King
Galaxian will zoom out and send more enemies at you. Watch
out for them and the shots they send at you as you destroy
all of them. Then King Galaxian will zoom in so you can
destroy another pod. Be careful of his tractor beam; just
sweep backwards and in the opposite direction that it's
moving in order to avoid it.
The enemies get harder, as they start getting equipped
with shields. King Galaxian will also start shooting at you
after the second pod is destroyed. Do your best to avoid
everything and blast away at the last pod. You should have
enough health at this point, since you gain one health after
destroying a pod. It shouldn't take too many tries. Once the
King is down, return to Ghost Island to face the Funhouse!


This area isn't quite as much fun as you would expect
from a Funhouse. It's really easy to lose a life by falling
here, especially around the spinning platforms. Use their
rotation to help you jump farther. Many switches here will
affect which way things are going, so pay attention to what
each switch does. Jumping will play a big part in making it
past here, so don't be too reckless.

My High Score: 60050

From the start, head right across the 3 spinning
platforms and get 7 Pac-Dots from the chest next to the
depressed blue switch. Keep going right past the steps
moving up and down; ignore the 2 chests in the far wall for
now. Hit the blue switch at the end to raise the steps and
then go left. At the top of the steps, you should be able to
see below where the other blue switch was; it should now be
up. Drop down on the near side of the steps and fall back
onto that ledge. Hit the blue switch for an EXTRA LIFE, then
return to the other blue switch and climb the steps again.
The first chest in the wall is a health wedge; the
second is an Ultra Butt-Bounce. At the top of the steps,
go right past the CHERRY DOOR. Destroy the 2 CLOWN PILOTS
(you can use the Ultra Butt-Bounce) before getting a CHERRY
from the chest near CHECKPOINT #1. Reutrn to the Cherry Door
for the "P".
After Checkpoint #1 there will be 5 spinning platforms
with green switches. The easiest way to hit the switches is
to bounce in one spot along the edge of the platform and
wait for the switch to move underneath you. The first four
switches will give you 6 Pac-Dots each; the last switch will
give you a MELON for the MELON DOOR in the back. Open the
door for the first "A".
Next will be 2 large wheels with heat panels; jump
across to the far ledge where another CHERRY DOOR is. To the
right is a BUMPER CAR; these can only be destroyed by an
Ultra Butt-Bounce or by revving into them and knocking them
off the edge. Past the Bumper Car is CHECKPOINT #2. Several
spinning platforms and 2 CLOWN PILOTS are to the right. You
can jump onto the wall behind Checkpoint #2, jump from there
onto the narrow wall on the right, and then from there to
the blue switch. This will make things a little faster than
taking the spinning platforms.
Hit the blue switch to move a platform. There is a ledge
hidden in the wall behind you; jump to it on the rightmost
part, then walk left for a hidden EXTRA LIFE behind the hot
pipe. Make your way back to the middle of the spinning
platform area for a CHERRY. Also, go on the walkway that
moved and get the "C" from the chest at the end. Don't
forget to destroy the Clown Pilots. Now head back left to
the Cherry Door and hit the green switch inside. Take the
Dot Chain that appears to get on top of the wheels for 2
Return to the spinning platforms, this time going past
them to the right. The yellow switch will raise some steps
for you; follow them for another CHERRY. Jump to the next
platform where the BUMPER CAR is; kill it and hit the green
switch to reveal 2 Dot Chains. The left chain will get you
8 Pac-Dots and an EXTRA LIFE; the right chain will get you
8 Pac-Dots, an EXTRA LIFE, and a MELON. Go right from there
to CHECKPOINT #3. Use the green switch to make some Pac-Dots
appear, then get a Power Pellet from the chest and eat the
4 GHOSTS. Go up the next set of steps to CHECKPOINT #4.
Hit the green switch for yet another Dot Chain; this one
takes you to the "M" and an ORANGE. To your right is a
health wedge before 3 spinning platforms with green switches
on them. Hit these switches for a CHERRY, a MELON, and an
ORANGE. CHECKPOINT #5 is next, followed by 2 more wheels.
Cross the wheels and go right. Jump to the moving clown
tongue to a spinning platform with a green switch; hit the
switch for a BANANA. Get to the next spinning platform and
get a CHERRY from that switch, then a MELON from the next
one. Cross the final tongue to reach CHECKPOINT #6.
Drop down into the next area with 4 BUMPER CARS. Hit the
3 blue switches in the corners to lower the stairs in the
far-right corner. Open the BANANA DOOR first to get the
second "A", then go up the steps to CHECKPOINT #7. Head to
the right to destroy 3 CLOWN PILOTS and get a GALAXIAN from
the chest after the spinning platform. Return to the
GALAXIAN DOOR by Checkpoint #7 and play the Hidden Maze
(103 Pac-Dots; see Maze Mode, Funhouse Maze #4 for details).
Go back right and up the far steps. Go left past some
cannons and targets and hit the blue switch, then backtrack
to get the Pac-Dots, a Chrome Ball, and a BANANA. Go left
and up the steps to a similar walkway with cannons and
targets. Again, hit the blue switch and backtrack for Pac-
Dots, a health wedge, and a BANANA. Go right and up the
steps. Do the same thing for 3 more Pac-Dots, another
BANANA, and a MELON. Finally, go up the next set of steps
and to the MELON DOOR for the "N" before reaching the Level
Complete Token.
Maximum Pac-Dots: 217

My High Score: 43660

Go past the steam to see a big tower of rotating sets of
platforms. Go up to the top and get a STRAWBERRY in a chest,
then drop back to the floor and get the "P" behind the
STRAWBERRY DOOR. Go up the tower again and to the right to
CHECKPOINT #1. Head past some steam. Cross the 4 wheels
behind you, and try to bounce on the 3 CLOWN PILOTS in
between. At the end is a chest with a health wedge.
CHECKPOINT #2 is to the right. Then go past some more steam
and go up on the next platform. On the right is a green
switch that will move another platform. Head left and onto
that platform; destroy the CLOWN PILOT and break the chest
for a BANANA. Return to the BANANA DOOR for a Chrome Ball.
Use this to quickly head up the stairwell to your right
without getting hurt by the steam. CHECKPOINT #3 and a chest
with a health wedge are at the top.
Cross the 4 far wheels; steam will shoot in between the
wheels. The first "A" is in the chest past the wheels. Hit
the green switch to the right to move a platform, then take
the platform to a Chrome Ball and a LEMON. After CHECKPOINT
#4 is a treadmill with steam shooting at you. Inside the
LEMON DOOR after the treadmill is a green switch that will
set the previous platform in motion. Return to it and ride
it up, then cross the next treadmill to reach CHECKPOINT #5
in front of the STRAWBERRY DOOR. Cross the 3 near wheels
with heat panels to get the STRAWBERRY from a chest, and
return to the door for the "C". Cross the wheels again and
take the Helivator on your right to go up. Avoid the steam
and get to a chest with a health wedge, then continue
Helivatoring up. Use the ramp at the top to get to
Cross the treadmill and hit the green switch. Cross the
next treadmill to a chest with the "M" inside, and then keep
going until you reach CHECKPOINT #7. You'll see another
tower of rotating platforms; get to the top and to the right
where a chest with a GALAXIAN is. Also hit the blue switch
to raise some steps to your left before dropping down to the
GALAXIAN DOOR for the Hidden Maze (104 Pac-Dots; see Maze
Mode, Funhouse Maze #5 for details). Return up the tower and
go left this time and up the steps. Go up and right again to
reach CHECKPOINT #8 and get the second "A" inside the chest
nearby. Hit the yellow switch on the right, then take the
Helivator up past the steam. Keep making your way up; there
will also be 2 chests with health wedges on the way.
At the top, break the 2 chests for a Chrome Ball and a
BANANA. The yellow switch here will raise the Helivator. Go
right to CHECKPOINT #9, then cross the 4 near wheels with
heat panels. Hit this yellow switch to lower a Helivator;
take it up. The yellow switch at the top will raise the
Helivator. Now cross the tops of the wheels and get the "N"
behind the BANANA DOOR, then hit the blue switch to make a
Dot Chain appear by the yellow switch you just passed. Go
back to it and use the chain to get the BELL, then cross
the wheels one more time and get a KEY from the BELL DOOR.
Head right to find CHECKPOINT #10. Follow this way past
the treadmills and steps until you get to a BANANA chest and
CHECKPOINT #11. Carefully cross the 3 half-wheels behind
you. It's easiest to start crossing once the first section
of the closest wheel is at the bottom. Then use the ramp to
reach the next set of 3 half-wheels; again, wait until the
first section is ready to stand on. Touch CHECKPOINT #12
before taking the ramp to the next set of half-wheels.
Finally, climb the steps to the Level Complete Token to end
the level.
Maximum Pac-Dots: 110

My High Score: 53630

Go right past the roadblocks and the falling floors and
hit the green switch. Go down the steps quickly and get the
Power Pellet on the landing; try to eat all 4 GHOSTS, but
it's difficult. Get the remaining Pac-Dots, but be wary of
the falling steps. At the bottom of the stairs is a chest
with a LEMON inside. Take it to the top of the stairs for an
EXTRA LIFE behind the LEMON DOOR. Go back down and use the
B-Doing to reach a platform and hit the green switch there;
this will make two platforms circle the one you're on. If
you take these platforms to the bottom-right, you'll find
some balloons and a chest with a full health wedge. Use the
balloons to get back, but you'll need some good timing as
the balloons will pop after standing on them for a time. Go
to the top-left afterwards, where you'll find a chest with
an EXTRA LIFE and more balloons. When you're ready, head to
the right of the middle platform past a CHERRY DOOR. Go to
CHECKPOINT #1 and hit the yellow switch. Helivator right to
CHECKPOINT #2 and another yellow switch.
From here on, be careful. The next Checkpoint is far
away, and it's very easy to lose a life somewhere in
between. Take the Helivator back to the left past the
steam that has been activated. Go up the steps and get to
the spinning platform piece on the right. Cross 2 more
spinners to reach a stacked spinner with a CHERRY on top.
Get it and go back to the Cherry Door for the "P". Resume to
the right past the stacked spinner and hit the green switch
on the next spinner. You can take the 2 moving platforms to
the right, but if you go up the far steps with the steam
shooting, you can get several items. Do this the first time
you get here, and take the moving platforms if you lose a
life later and half to redo this part. Up the steps are some
Pac-Dots, then cross the balloons to get the first "A" and a
health wedge. Cross the next balloons and go down the steps
for more Pac-Dots. You'll be on a spinner (the moving
platforms are to your left) with a CLOWN PILOT. Kill the
Clown Pilot before heading right to some spinners and steam.
Get an EXTRA LIFE on top of the stacked spinner in the
Keep going and you'll come to another spinner with a
CLOWN PILOT. Get to the spinner behind you, and be careful
not to hit the heat panels. Use the rotation to jump to the
chest between the heated walls and get a PEACH. Jump to the
spinner on your right, and use it to jump to the PEACH DOOR.
Hit the green switch inside and take the Dot Chain to a
chest holding the "C". Cross the balloons to the right to
another spinner and CLOWN PILOT. Continue right to another
steam area with spinners. There's another EXTRA LIFE on top
of the stacked spinner in the middle. Keep right and you'll
reach another spinner piece with a CLOWN PILOT. CHECKPOINT
#3 is finally to your right.
Follow the curved path to the right past some cannons
and falling floors. Here you'll find a rotating wheel
guarded by heat panels and steam. Make your way to the
platform in the center and hit the green switch. This will
reverse the direction of the wheel and will set a platform
to the right in motion. Go up the platform and jump to the
balloons on the left. Hit the green switch to make some Pac-
Dots appear; the chest on the left is a Power Pellet for you
to eat the 2 GHOSTS. The chest on the right is a full health
wedge. Go back to the moving platform and go right instead.
Take the steps down to the GALAXIAN DOOR and a BUMPER CAR.
Go right past a CLOWN PILOT and break the chest for an Ultra
Butt-Bounce. This will make it easier to destroy the next
BUMPER CAR to the right. Use the B-Doings to go up to the
top, where a blue switch is all the way to the right. This
will set platforms below in motion, and will also give you a
Dot Chain to take back down to the bottom.
Return up the steps by the Galaxian Door and cross the
treadmills to the right. Hammers will come down on parts of
the treadmills, so watch the timing and use the treadmill
space to stay just out of reach. Keep going past a treadmill
with a two-way hammer. The next treadmill with a two-way
hammer will have a GALAXIAN in the middle, which you can
take back to the Galaxian Door for the Hidden Maze (97 Pac-
Dots; see Maze Mode, Funhouse Maze #6 for details). After
the maze, cross the treadmills again. Go past some more
cannons and falling floors to find CHECKPOINT #4. The next
Checkpoint is far away again, but this time it's not as
Instead of going right, hit the yellow switch so you
can Helivator to another yellow switch (this one will bring
the Helivator back). Go right and use the B-Doings to get to
a BUMPER CAR. The chest next to it contains a full health
wedge. B-Doing right again, and hit the green switch for
some Pac-Dots. The chest to the right has a Power Pellet for
eating the 2 GHOSTS. After that, hit the blue switch at the
right end, then use the B-Doings to get back to the
Helivator. This time, head right from the far yellow switch.
Cross the spinners and grab the EXTRA LIFE on top of the
stacked spinner. Kill the CLOWN PILOT further on.
The next set of spinners has heat walls, so be careful.
Two small spinners are in between the two large spinners,
and a LEMON DOOR is behind them. Keep going right past more
spinners and a CLOWN PILOT. At the next spinner, you'll see
a chest on top of the heat wall. Get the LEMON inside and go
back to the Lemon Door for the "M". Go back right. The
spinner after the one with the chest has a green switch. Hit
it to make a PEACH appear. Then jump to the right where a
platform is moving back and forth.
You can take two ways here: near or far. It's better to
take the far route because it's easier and you can destroy
a CLOWN PILOT without having to go back. Take the 2 spinners
and kill the Clown Pilot, then get up to the green ledge
with a PEACH DOOR and the "A" inside. If you take the near
route, you'll go past two spinner pieces and then use a ramp
to get to this ledge. There's also a CLOWN PILOT looping
between this ledge and the ramp; try to bounce on it without
falling below. To the right of the green ledge is a spinner
with a green switch that will make another platform to the
right move back and forth. Use it to continue right.
Cross the spinners here, but be careful of heat walls
and steam. Some of the spinners will have an inner part that
spin in the opposite direction. Get past this area for
CHECKPOINT #5. Go right along a short path past cannons and
falling floors to reach CHECKPOINT #6 and a MELON DOOR. To
the right is another large rotating wheel. The green switch
in the center will reverse its direction and will make the
platform beside it move up and down. Take the platform up to
a rotating set of platforms. Make your way left, destroying
the 2 CLOWN PILOTS circling with you. The green switch to
the left will reverse the platforms, and will reveal a Dot
Chain leading to a MELON. The "N" is behind the Melon Door
Return to the rotating platforms above and take the
moving platform on the left. There's a wedge to the far left
on top of the Melon Door; jump to it if you need it.
Otherwise, go up to the next rotating set of platforms,
along with 2 more CLOWN PILOTS. The green switch to the
right will also reverse the direction of this set. Get to
the moving platform in the middle and ride it up to the
FRIEND. Release Baby Pac before going to the Level Complete
Maximum Pac-Dots: 178

My High Score: 17600

Before moving on the Factory, you have to win in the
Clown Prix. The controls are simple; use the direction pad
to control your steering, and slow down by pressing in the
opposite direction. Use the O button to use Power Pellets to
get a turbo boost. Power Pellets can be picked up on the
course, but do not come back if you retry. Avoid bombs if
you can, and grab as many fruits as possible. You don't need
to finish very quickly, but speed does matter. Handle sharp
turns by slowing down and turning at the same time so that
you don't fall off the edge. Don't worry about most of the
clowns, as they're easy to pass up and many fall off the
course. You can pick up a ton of points if you get a lot of
fruit. I suggest trying to pick up most of the stuff and
sacrifice a life; however, don't just go slow, because if
the first car crosses the finish line and you're still on
the course, you'll lose the race and have to start all over
(without keeping Power Pellets and fruit). If you think
you're about to lose, simply fall off the edge, and you'll
be able to retry without losing any fruit or Power Pellets.


This area is filled with obstacles and enemies. Be
careful around hot pipes and steam, watch out for falling
debris, and pay attention to Sparkers. Debris can kill you
in one hit if it knocks you down into a pit. There are a lot
of water areas here too, and they're infested with sharks
and hot pipes. Getting 100% here is pretty difficult, so
don't be worried if it takes several tries.

My High Score: 60030

Destroy the SPARKER walking around in front of you.
Sparkers come in two types; one shaped like a gun with the
spark pointing out, and one standing straight with the spark
pointing up. You can rev into Sparkers if the spark is up
or away from you, and you can bounce on them only if the
spark is pointing out. After killing the Sparker, get 5 Pac-
Dots from the chest nearby. Jump on top of the crates behind
you to get a health wedge from the chest, then drop down and
kill another SPARKER to the right. Hit CHECKPOINT #1 before
riding the Magna-Mover across. Hit the green switch and
follow the Dot Chain to an EXTRA LIFE, then return across
the Magna-Mover.
Ride the next Magna-Mover down and jump to the ledge on
the left. Get a health wedge from the chest, then break the
crate behind it for an EXTRA LIFE. Ride back up to the chest
with 10 Pac-Dots. Go up and right from there to the top
chest and get another health wedge. Drop to the ledge below
that for a LEMON inside a chest, then drop down to the floor
where a SPARKER awaits. The next chest holds 10 Pac-Dots.
Avoid the Magna-Mover above you and go down to a LEMON DOOR
with the "P" inside. Head back up and take the ramp to the
right to find CHECKPOINT #2 by a PEACH DOOR. Hit the green
switch by the crates. Get the Pac-Dots, eat the 4 GHOSTS,
and take the PEACH back to the Peach Door. Hit the blue
switch inside. Take the Helivator in front of the door down
to the first "A". After that, come back up and resume right.
Take the ramp to the GALAXIAN DOOR and CHECKPOINT #3 nearby.
Avoid the steam and hot pipes; pick up a full health
wedge behind them. Go right to destroy a SPARKER, then pass
some more hot pipes to find CHECKPOINT #4. Kill the SPARKER
behind you, head right past more pipes for a wedge, kill
another SPARKER, then hit the yellow switch. Head to the
far wall and get the GALAXIAN. Hit the blue switch for a Dot
Chain taking you to an Ultra Butt-Bounce, and then blast the
2 SPARKERS below. You can get CHECKPOINT #5 either now or
after returning to the Galaxian Door to complete the Hidden
Maze (101 Pac-Dots; see Maze Mode, Factory Maze #4 for
Head to the right of Checkpoint #5 across some large
pistons. Jump to the far crates and get on the Magna-Mover
for an EXTRA LIFE. Then continue right across more pistons;
destroy 2 SPARKERS along the way. Hit the blue switch by
CHECKPOINT #6, then backtrack to get all the Pac-Dots. Don't
forget to get the "C" near where the Extra Life was (on the
Magna-Mover). Make your way back to Checkpoint #6 and go
right from there. Avoid the pipes and steam and destroy 2
more SPARKERS. B-Doing to the blue switch, hit it, and drop
off the near end of the ledge for some Pac-Dots. Then
B-Doing back up to the top. Get a Chrome Ball by the water;
drop to get the Pac-Dots at the far end, then quickly break
the 3 chests underwater for a health wedge, a BANANA, and an
EXTRA LIFE. Exit the pool and return to the top, heading to
the right past the pool. Hit the green switch behind the
BANANA DOOR; eat the GHOST and get the Pac-Dots. Then go to
To the right is a SPARKER, and the blue switch will make
the "M" appear overhead. Follow the near ledge with the
SPARKER to CHECKPOINT #8, then hit the far blue switch. Use
the ramp to the left to catch the Dot Chain and the "M".
Proceed right - more steam, 3 SPARKERS, and a health wedge.
Break the funny-looking crate for an EXTRA LIFE. Go near
from the crate to find a chest holding a LEMON. This area
has 2 GHOSTS below and 2 Magna-Movers floating about. Head
up to the far wall and hit the blue switch behind the LEMON
DOOR. Get on the Magna-Mover nearby to get the "A". Drop
down and hit the blue switch below, then get on the near
Magna-Mover to grab the Power Pellet. Finish off the Ghosts
and the Pac-Dots. Then go to the near end of this area, and
jump onto the ledge for a chest containing a BELL. Kill the
SPARKER to the right before Helivatoring up to CHECKPOINT
At the top, kill the SPARKER and get the STRAWBERRY. Go
across the near rafter to the other side and kill the
SPARKER there. The chest has a health wedge inside. Hit the
blue switch, then drop to the floor below where the 2 GHOSTS
are. Eat the Ghosts and grab the Pac-Dots, then open the
STRAWBERRY DOOR to hit the blue switch. The wall to the
right will explode; head through the opening, kill the
SPARKER, then dive into the water for the "N". Return to the
top across the rafters. Keep going right and destroy the
last SPARKER before opening the BELL DOOR. The blue switch
inside will reveal an EXTRA LIFE. To the right of the door
is the Level Complete Token.
Maximum Pac-Dots: 271

My High Score: 50950

Destroy the 2 SPARKERS at the start of the level and get
10 Pac-Dots from the chest nearby. Go up the steps and kill
another SPARKER. Head right across the pistons and kill a
fourth SPARKER. If you go down at the end, you can pick up a
health wedge. At the top, head right past a GHOST and the
PEACH DOOR. In front of them is CHECKPOINT #1. Bounce up and
left off the yellow switch to grab onto a ledge with an
EXTRA LIFE. Then go down with the moving platform and hit
the yellow switch below. Ride the platform all the way to
the top and get a PEACH from the chest there. Go back to the
Peach Door and hit the blue switch inside. Take the Dot
Chain to the left of the door, then go back right to get a
Power Pellet to eat the Ghost.
Go back up the moving platform. Ride the first piston
down and jump left to the blue switch to get a CHERRY. Then
cross the pistons to the right, taking the Dot Chain up to
a small ledge. Get the "P" and the second chest (10 Pac-
Dots), then get an Ultra Butt-Bounce from the first chest.
Ride the piston down to the lower level and blast the 3
SPARKERS to the right. Head past the next piston and hit the
near yellow switch; the piston will rise far enough to reach
a health wedge above. Kill the SPARKER by CHECKPOINT #2,
then cross the treadmill and a piston to kill another
SPARKER by CHECKPOINT #3. Go past the APPLE DOOR across the
near treadmill, then take the next treadmill left to get an
APPLE. Watch out for the steam. Return to the Apple Door and
hit the green switch inside; stay on the treadmill to get
the dropping Pac-Dots and the first "A".
Cross the near treadmill again and go right. Destroy the
SPARKER and cross the pistons to CHECKPOINT #4. Cross the
next piston to a health wedge and another SPARKER. Cross the
treadmill to the right; this one has grinders from above.
Touch CHECKPOINT #5 before hitting the blue switch, then
quickly jump back to the edge of the previous treadmill; the
pipe stationed above it will drop some Pac-Dots and an EXTRA
LIFE. Grab them before they fall off the edge. Resume right
and ride the piston up to another treadmill with grinders.
Hit the green switch, then get back to grab the Pac-Dots and
EXTRA LIFE that exit the pipe. Then go right again up to
Cross the next treadmill and jump to the Magna-Mover.
Ride it to reach 4 chests containing a GALAXIAN and a total
of 30 Pac-Dots. Avoid the Magna-Mover above. CHECKPOINT #7
is to your right, and beyond it are 3 more SPARKERS. Then
enter the Galaxian Door for the Hidden Maze (112 Pac-Dots;
see Maze Mode, Factory Maze #5 for details). Go across the
next treadmill. At the end, jump to get the "C" and then
fall into the water below. To the right of the surface is
CHECKPOINT #8. Dive into the water carefully; it's filled
with hot pipes. Follow the Pac-Dot trail past 2 SHARKS; it's
easiest to get by them by swimming around them (near or
far). You'll see a chest; head up from there and get a
Chrome Ball to the right. The chest below contains a full
health wedge, and you can drop again to find a chest with an
EXTRA LIFE. If they're not that important to you, go left to
kill the 2 Sharks by bouncing on them, then run right to
where another SHARK is. This will get you more points and
will help you fully complete the level. After the Chrome
Ball runs out, head right. Don't forget the Pac-Dots where
the Shark was. At the next opening below, follow the passage
to reach the "M".
Keep going right and exit the water. Jump from ledge to
ledge to the top and touch CHECKPOINT #9. Get a health
wedge to the right, then Helivator up past some steam. Get
the "A" on the right side, then Helivator all the way to the
top. Hit the green switch and drop for 5 Pac-Dots, then
Helivator up one more time. Go left at the top, using the
Helivator, then jump to the next Helivator going up.
CHECKPOINT #10 is at the top to the right. Hit the blue
switch on the left to get an EXTRA LIFE (it lines up with
the arrow on the floor), then proceed to kill a SPARKER. Go
around on the pipes to the right to CHECKPOINT #11. There
are 4 GHOSTS running around a lava pit. Hit the blue switch
at the far wall to make Pac-Dots appear. Debris will start
falling, so be careful. Jump across the pit to get the Power
Pellet (again, it lines up with the arrows on the floor) and
eat the Ghosts. Get any remaining Pac-Dots before returning
to the left. You'll find an EXTRA LIFE hidden behind the
first step on your way back. Carefully return across the
broken pipes, picking up a health wedge on the way. At the
end, keep going to the lower pipes to get a BELL. Then climb
back onto the left ledge where CHECKPOINT #12 is.
Cross the platforms with steam and get an EXTRA LIFE. To
the right are 2 SPARKERS. Kill them, then use the B-Doings
to get to a ledge with 2 B-Doings. Use the near one to get
to a BELL DOOR with the "N" inside. Return and use the far
one to find another SPARKER and the Level Complete Token.
Maximum Pac-Dots: 261

My High Score: 50990

Most of the Sparkers in this level will switch back and
forth between the two types, so pay attention when trying to
destroy them. You'll find a SPARKER at the beginning of this
level, but the walkway is narrow so be careful if you're
revving into it. Go across the tilting platforms past the
CHERRY DOOR. Use the ramp to the right, then B-Doing up
twice to get a CHERRY on the right side. Go back down and
return to the Cherry Door by Helivator. Hit the green switch
inside and take the Dot Chain back to the start. The "P"
will be in the doorway of the entrance.
Head back right and go all the way up the B-Doings. An
EXTRA LIFE floats above the last B-Doing. Continue right
past the GALAXIAN DOOR and cross the tilting platforms.
Watch out for falling debris. Use the moving platform to get
to the Pac-Dots on your right, then go the far walkway where
the SPARKER is. Head right and hit CHECKPOINT #1, and make
your way past the falling debris to get a GALAXIAN. Return
to the Galaxian Door to play the Hidden Maze (119 Pac-Dots;
see Maze Mode, Factory Maze #6 for details). After the maze,
go back the same way to where the Galaxian was. Helivator
to another Helivator going left, then grab the full health
wedge before riding a third Helivator going right. Avoid the
steam in the Helivators' paths. Jump to a tilting platform
with Pac-Dots on it, then jump to the far walkway with
Go up the incline and kill the SPARKER on the other
side of the gap. Then drop down to get the "A". Hit the blue
switch to reveal some Pac-Dots around the 2 GHOSTS; the
Power Pellet is on a platform to the near-right. Make sure
to not get hit by falling debris before you get to eat the
Ghosts. After that, go up the incline again and down the
other side. Pass the steam and go up the steps to a BANANA
DOOR and CHECKPOINT #3. Cross the tilting platforms to your
right (you'll need to jump diagonally) and Helivator up past
some steam. Use the B-Doing on the left to get to a chest
with a BANANA; then go back down by Helivator and back to
the Banana Door. The green switch inside will make some Pac-
Dots appear, so you'll have to backtrack a little to get
them. Then go back up the Helivator and use the B-Doings to
get to the top of a steep hill. Go down to reach CHECKPOINT
#4 by a large pool of water.
In the water, there will be a network of tunnels
numbered from 1 to 4. There are also a lot of Sharks, and
I'm not sure if it's possible to destroy them all. On the
ledge where Checkpoint #4 was, the yellow switch will drop a
Chrome Ball from the tube nearby. This switch can be used as
often as you want. Ignore the FRIEND on the far ledge for
now. Get a Chrome Ball and kill the SHARK below, then hit
the green switch to open the floor. Wait until the Chrome
Ball expires, then get another one and quickly drop into the
hole (it's faster if you Butt Bounce into the hole). Head
right and destroy the SHARK, then fall and break the chest
there for an EXTRA LIFE. Also, kill the SHARK to your left
before the Chrome Ball expires. Get the "C" in the small
area to the left.
Swim down from there into Tunnel 2; CHECKPOINT #5 will
be in your path. Head left at the bottom, and then down
again past a health wedge. Swim right from the bottom to
enter Tunnel 3. Pass the SHARK and exit the pool by the 2
chests to reach CHECKPOINT #6. Go right to find a PEACH DOOR
and a hole in front of it; kill the SPARKER walking around.
Helivator to the right past a yellow switch. Destroy the
SPARKER at the end by the CHERRY DOOR before entering the
water. Swim around the SHARK and the hot pipes to find a
CHERRY in the top-right corner. Exit the pool and open the
Cherry Door for a Chrome Ball. See if you can destroy the
Shark as you're falling in, because you might not get
another chance. At the bottom, get a PEACH and a full
health wedge from the chests to the right.
Go back to the Peach Door by the hole (the yellow
switch will bring the Helivator to you). Get the Chrome Ball
inside, then quickly go left to the water. Break the chests
for an EXTRA LIFE and the "A", and try to kill the SHARK
to the left. Then drop down into the opening to find another
SHARK to the left. Follow this path down until you see a
chest. Swim right into Tunnel 4. Pass the SHARK and exit
when you find another chest. You'll be in front of a BANANA
DOOR. To the left is a SPARKER and 2 chests. One contains a
health wedge and the other contains an Ultra Butt-Bounce.
Head right past the steam and a PEACH DOOR; kill the SPARKER
beside it. To the right is a CHERRY DOOR and another SPARKER
and a water opening. Enter the water and swim right to get a
CHERRY. Open the Cherry Door for a Chrome Ball, then enter
the water and go left. Kill the SHARK if it didn't die from
the Ultra Butt-Bounce, and get the chests at the left (a
BANANA and an EXTRA LIFE). Make your way back to the Banana
Door and get another Chrome Ball. Jump into the water there
and get a PEACH from the chest. Quickly go left and kill the
Shark, and keep going to break the chest which has the "M"
inside. Once the Chrome Ball expires, swim back to the right
and open the Peach Door to get a BELL.
Now swim all the way back to the big water area that you
started at. Exit the pool to the right, and follow this way
to the BELL DOOR. Enter and head right to find 4 GHOSTS
around a lava pit. Hit the blue switch at the far wall. You
can get the KEY by doing a short jump and back. To get the
Power Pellet in the middle, you can jump across the pit from
the sides (line up with the arrows). Eat the 4 Ghosts and
get all the Pac-Dots, then return to the big water area. Now
you can swim up to Pac-Junior's cage and release him. After
you've done so, swim back down into the hole and proceed
right, following Tunnel 1. Pass the chest and the EXTRA LIFE
and swim up and to the right. You'll see a SHARK and an
opening to the left. Get a Chrome Ball in this opening and
kill the Shark, then drop back down to the chest to get the
"N". You can also get the Extra Life by lining up with its
shadow on the floor first. Then swim up and right again
until you exit the pool. Kill the SPARKER there, then go to
the Level Complete Token.
Maximum Pac-Dots: 215

My High Score: 5000

In Krome Keeper's lair, you'll find a large acid pool,
5 hot switches, and some magnets circling above. You can't
reach Krome Keeper directly, so you'll have to hit all the
switches to take him out. 8 hits and he's gone. Since the
switches are hot, you'll need to use a Chrome Ball to bounce
on them safely. However, when you have the Chrome Ball
power-up, the magnets can pick you up if you're beneath
them. They'll carry you around until it runs out or until
you're above the acid pool, in which case they'll drop you
in. Luckily, if you're dropped in, keep bouncing and try to
Dolphin Jump out as soon as the Chrome Ball wears out; since
you're invincible for a short while after it expires, you
may get out unharmed.
Krome Keeper will kick stone blocks at you, which will
shatter upon impact. As soon as he kicks one, move away from
where you are to dodge it. When he kicks a wooden crate at
you, it'll stay on the floor (unless it hit you), and you
can break it open for a Chrome Ball. Watch the magnets
carefully as you hit the four corner switches; then, quickly
get to the center switch to deal a hit to Krome Keeper. The
narrow walkway in the middle is tricky when a magnet is
approaching, but you can actually jump around it by guiding
Pac-Man's jump in mid-air to land safely past the magnet.
Two other things: 1) if you break a wooden crate while
you already have a Chrome Ball, you can get a health wedge
to refill your health; and 2) you can get an EXTRA LIFE on
the high pipe on the left side. To get it, have Krome Keeper
kick a wooden crate near it, then bounce off it to reach the
pipe. This boss is fairly easy once you get the pattern
down; all 8 hits are done the same way, and it doesn't get
any harder except for the rate at which he kicks the blocks.


All of the Mansion levels are tricky. The moving and
disappearing platforms make it easy to make mistakes on
jumps. The levels are far from straightforward, so you'll
have to work in all directions. The enemies aren't too
difficult, but the placement of some of them makes it hard
to kill them all. For disappearing platforms, you'll usually
want to stay on them as long as possible. Also, if you jump
right after landing on them, you'll be able to Butt Bounce
off them once more before they disappear.

My High Score: 73930

At the start of this level, you can pick up some Pac-
Dots near the grave the GHOST is circling. Head right to get
a health wedge inside a chest and to destroy a TORCH
SKELETON. Get a Power Pellet from the chest on top of the
short pillar, then run back to eat the Ghost. Go right and
kill the 3 BATS along the way. Pass the CHERRY DOOR and the
4 GHOSTS. Kill another BAT by CHECKPOINT #1 and get a CHERRY
from the chest there. Go back and hit the green switch
behind the Cherry Door; eat the Ghosts and get the Pac-Dots.
Keep going right and you'll see some coffin-shaped
platforms. Cross them to find a TORCH SKELETON and a BAT by
a STRAWBERRY DOOR. At the near end of this ledge, go down
the platforms to a chest with a STRAWBERRY. Helivator back
up to the door for an EXTRA LIFE. Go right up the steps and
across the moving platforms. You'll find 2 TORCH SKELETONS
and 2 GHOSTS here. Go down the platforms at the near end and
hit the blue switch; take the Dot Chain to a BELL. Open the
BELL DOOR for the "P", then continue right across a
disappearing platform with a BAT flying above it. CHECKPOINT
#2 is on the other side.
Go up the steps to a TORCH SKELETON, then go down on the
right to find a GALAXIAN on some disappearing platforms.
Helivator up and cross the far moving platforms to the
GALAXIAN DOOR for the Hidden Maze (129 Pac-Dots; see Maze
Mode, Mansion Maze #4 for details). Go right from there to
CHECKPOINT #3. B-Doing to a BAT and a platform, then cross
some moving platforms and a BAT. After the platforms will be
another BAT and a TORCH SKELETON. Take the near steps down
to another BAT, some disappearing platforms, and the first
"A". Go back up, take the far B-Doing to the right, where
you can get a health wedge from a chest. Keep going right to
a TORCH SKELETON, a PEACH DOOR, and 2 GHOSTS. Take the near
moving platform to the right to find 2 more TORCH SKELETONS
guarding a chest with a health wedge. Continue right for a
PEACH in a chest and CHECKPOINT #4. Return to the Peach Door
and hit the green switch; eat the Ghosts with the Power
Pellet at the bottom of the steps.
Go back to where Checkpoint #4 was and use the B-Doing
to get to some disappearing platforms and a BAT followed by
a moving platform and another BAT. To the right are 2 TORCH
SKELETONS and 2 GHOSTS around a hole. Hit the blue switch to
make a Power Pellet appear above the hole; jump across to
get it and eat the Ghosts. Go to the near end of this ledge
and jump to the platform there. Go to the disappearing
platforms beside it to get the "C". Go back up and use the
far ramp to get to another area. Go up the steps for a chest
with a health wedge.
Head right past 2 BATS and a TORCH SKELETON to reach
CHECKPOINT #5. Here you'll find a winding path littered with
tombstones and 4 GHOSTS haunting it. Head to the end of the
path and hit the green switch to make 2 platforms move. Take
the near one down to a blue switch. Go back up and eat the
Ghosts with the Power Pellets and get the Pac-Dots. Then
take the moving platforms to the right. Kill the BAT, then
Helivator up to a moving platform. Cross the disappearing
platforms while killing the BAT. At the right you'll find
CHECKPOINT #6. Kill the 3 TORCH SKELETONS and go up the hill
to find a BELL DOOR and 3 GHOSTS. There's a health wedge in
the chest here. To the right, take the steps down to a blue
switch, which will reveal a BELL and a Power Pellet. Go back
to eat the ghosts and open the Bell Door for the "M".
Now go up the hill to the right and hit the green
switch. Take the moving platform past a BAT to some
disappearing platforms. Cross them to defeat a TORCH
SKELETON on the other side, and 2 more TORCH SKELETONS in
the back. Get an EXTRA LIFE from the chest, then head right
to CHECKPOINT #7. Go up the hill past 4 BATS and go down
from the top to get the "A". Up and to the right, cross a
series of disappearing platforms and destroy the 3 BATS
along the way. Near CHECKPOINT #8 after the platforms, get a
health wedge from the chest. Then keep going across more
disappearing platforms and normal platforms (destroy the
BAT as well). You'll reach an area with 3 TORCH SKELETONS
and a chest containing a health wedge. Up the hill nearby is
Go right across several more disappearing platforms with
3 BATS flying above. Head right past a GHOST and go up the
hill to hit a green switch. The Power Pellet is on one of
the far disappearing platforms. Eat the Ghost and get the
Pac-Dots. Go past the disappearing platforms and to the
right, where you'll find CHECKPOINT #9. Cross the
disappearing platform and go up the hill, across another
disappearing platform and down the next hill. You can get
the "N" as you go down, or you can bounce back up if you
miss it. Finally, head right past 3 GHOSTS to get the Level
Complete Token.
Maximum Pac-Dots: 245

My High Score: 59240

Defeat the 2 TORCH SKELETONS at the start before going
up the hill to the right. At the top, get a CHERRY from the
chest and defeat another TORCH SKELETON. Get to CHECKPOINT
#1 past the Skeleton. Hit the blue switch behind the CHERRY
DOOR at the bottom of the hill to make some Pac-Dots and 2
GHOSTS appear; the Power Pellet is at the top of the hill.
After eating the Ghosts and getting the Pac-Dots, go right
from the top of the hill to face a TORCH SKELETON. To the
right you'll face a TOMBSTONE; let these run until they
fall on the floor, then bounce on them. Follow the walkway
to face another TOMBSTONE, then jump to the near ledge where
a TORCH SKELETON is waiting. Head near and to the right to
destroy 2 more TOMBSTONES and to reach CHECKPOINT #2.
To the left, you can get the "P" on some disappearing
platforms. After that, proceed near and down the steps to
kill a TORCH SKELETON and get a health wedge. Go down again
for another TORCH SKELETON, then drop to your left onto a
small ledge with an EXTRA LIFE. Then jump right to a ledge
against the cliff. Jump to the moving platform, then cross
the disappearing platforms to another moving platform. You
should kill a BAT on the way. Continue to CHECKPOINT #3.
There will be 2 GHOSTS here and a GHOST on the hill to your
right. Hit the blue switch, then go up the hill to get the
Power Pellet to eat the 3 Ghosts. Get the rest of the Pac-
Dots before climbing the hill again. At the top is a TORCH
SKELETON and a PEACH. Head down to the PEACH DOOR and hit
the blue switch. The floor will move, so jump into the hole
to find the first "A" and CHECKPOINT #4.
Head right to a CEILING SPIDER. Go past the fire and
across the round platforms. Hit the green switch on the last
platform to make the others move. Take the platform to the
left of that one to reach a Chrome Ball. Make your way to
the far left to 3 fire-breathing statues guarding a
GALAXIAN. Then go to the middle to the GALAXIAN DOOR and
play through the Hidden Maze (109 Pac-Dots; see Maze Mode,
Mansion Maze #5 for details). Continue right past the green
switch platform. Kill the CEILING SPIDER before going past
the crushing walls; move past them as they move up. Hit
CHECKPOINT #5 and go up the steps with more crushing walls
and fire. Get the health wedge in your path, and keep going
right under more crushing walls to CHECKPOINT #6.
You'll arrive at more round platforms. Kill the BAT and
ride the moving platform to an EXTRA LIFE. Then cross the
far platforms and go right on the moving platforms. Jump
over the fire to avoid getting burned. At the last platform,
head near to kill another BAT. Ride on the near moving
platform for a health wedge, then proceed to the right. Kill
the TORCH SKELETON by CHECKPOINT #7, then Helivator up past
the fire. You can jump to the far ledge, but if you have
trouble, jump to the ledge on the right and walk around. You
can get a full health wedge if you go underneath the far
ledge with the fire-breathing statue. Go up and left from
the ledge with the statue. Destroy the 2 TORCH SKELETONS and
hit the blue switch for an EXTRA LIFE and a Pac-Dot.
Head right to an area with fences in the background. Get
to CHECKPOINT #8 near the 4 GHOSTS that come out from the
fences. Jump onto the first wall to the left of the BELL
DOOR to grab a Power Pellet and eat the Ghosts. Destroy the
TORCH SKELETON in the background to the left of where the
Power Pellet was, then destroy the 2 TOMBSTONES near the
Bell Door. Head right to kill another TORCH SKELETON, then
drop down below to where the crushing walls and CHECKPOINT
#9 are. Carefully get past these; for the one with no
walking space around it, jump towards it and back to make
it come down, then jump across as it rises. Hit the green
switch and get the BELL that appears, as well as all the
Pac-Dots around the crushing walls. Go back to the Bell Door
and hit the blue switch inside to break the walls, then go
right and destroy the TORCH SKELETON guarding the KEY.
Exit through the Bell Door and head right without
dropping below. You'll pass some spinning fire-breathing
statues to find a TORCH SKELETON and a green switch. Hit the
switch, then collect the Pac-Dots and the CHERRY. In the
Cherry Door near the switch you'll get a Chrome Ball, which
you can use to get the "C" safely (it's by the first
spinning statue, guarded by another statue in the far wall).
Continue right up the steps to CHECKPOINT #10, where you'll
find 2 TORCH SKELETONS and a PEACH DOOR. Cross the near
disappearing platforms to another TORCH SKELETON, then use
the statues on the near end of this area to reach a health
wedge. Go right, using the statues on the wall as stepping
stones. Destroy the 3 TORCH SKELETONS on the statues and get
a PEACH from the chest on the other side, next to CHECKPOINT
#11. Return to the Peach Door and get the "M".
Go back to where Checkpoint #11 was and take the
Helivator to the right past the fire. Hit the yellow switch
there, then kill the TORCH SKELETON in front of the far BELL
DOOR. Go left across the statues where the Pac-Dots are and
get a BELL on the leftmost statue. Open the Bell Door for
the "A", then ride up the Helivator in front past the steam-
breathing statues. Jump from Helivator to Helivator, going
all the way up. 2 TORCH SKELETONS and a CHERRY DOOR will be
at the top. Jump to the far left ledge where another TORCH
SKELETON is, then follow this ledge around the opening to
get the CHERRY. Get the "N" from the Cherry Door and head
right to get the Level Complete Token.
Maximum Pac-Dots: 225

My High Score: 81170

In the starting area in front of you, destroy the 3
TORCH SKELETONS and the TOMBSTONE. Outside the fence, go
left up the hill and defeat the BAT and another TORCH
SKELETON. Helivator down the hole to hit a green switch,
then come back up for some Pac-Dots and a "P". To the right
of the fenced area, go past the fire-breathing statue to
find 2 more TOMBSTONES and 2 moer TORCH SKELETONS. Go up the
path to where the CHERRY DOOR is. On a near ledge, get a
Chrome Ball from the chest, then quickly head up the hill.
Kill another TORCH SKELETON before heading up another hill
protected by fire-breathing statues. The Chrome will keep
you from harm as you get a health wedge and a CHERRY. Return
down the 2 hills to the Cherry Door and hit the green switch
inside. Eat the 2 GHOSTS and get all the Pac-Dots before
proceeding up the hills again.
At the top you'll face a TOMBSTONE and find CHECKPOINT
#1 near a PEACH DOOR. Head right under the storm clouds to
kill another TORCH SKELETON. When you reach the steps with
fire-breathing statues, Butt Bounce to get on top of the
clouds to the left and cross them to get the PEACH. Don't
stay on the clouds too long because they'll disappear. Go
back to the Peach Door and get the "A". After that, resume
right and up the steps past the fire-breathing statues.
Avoid the storm clouds here. Before going up the hill,
bounce to get on top of the clouds for an EXTRA LIFE. Then
go up the hill to CHECKPOINT #2, and kill the TORCH SKELETON
there. Get on top of the CHERRY DOOR room, then jump from
there onto the cloud to get a BANANA. Continue right past a
TORCH SKELETON to a chest containing a health wedge. Kill
the next TORCH SKELETON and open the BANANA DOOR, then hit
the green switch inside to make a Dot Chain appear. Take the
chain to reach a CHERRY, and return to the Cherry Door where
you can get the "C".
From the Banana Door, head right and up across the
#3. Cross the disappearing platforms to the right while
avoiding the storm clouds; it's easier to do this by
crossing on the near ends of the platforms. On the other
side, break the chest on the ledge to get a BELL, then get
on top of the wall. Go left across the tops of the storm
clouds, picking up an EXTRA LIFE on the last one. Jump from
there to the Bell Door and get the "M". Go back across the
disappearing platforms. Use the B-Doing to avoid the fire
and get a health wedge from the far chest. B-Doing across
again to CHECKPOINT #4 and another chest with a health
wedge. From here, go to the near end across a disappearing
platform to a cloud which has the "A" on it. Get the letter
and return across the disappearing platform.
Helivator right and carefully kill the 3 BATS while
still on the Helivator; do this by going slightly past them,
then bouncing on them while the Helivator is returning. Past
the Bats, cross on top of the clouds to a large grassy area.
You'll find a BELL DOOR on the left, a PEACH DOOR on the
right, a large mound in the center, and a GHOST floating
around. Also, at the right end up on the wall, you'll find a
TORCH SKELETON guarding a GALAXIAN DOOR. Ignore the doors
for now and follow the near-right path, past some stones and
another GHOST. Go right from the end to a TORCH SKELETON and
continue to CHECKPOINT #5. Go up the hill, across a
disappearing platform, up another hill, then across a
disappearing platforms with a storm cloud and BAT overhead.
From this ledge, cross atop the clouds to your right to get
the "N", then return to this ledge. Bounce to get on top of
the cloud above you to find the PEACH. Now it's time to head
Hit the green switch behind the Peach Door to move the
grassy mound, revealing a hole in the floor. Go down, and at
the bottom you'll find CHECKPOINT #6. There are several
moving or rotating fire-breathing statues in this area, so
proceed with caution. Follow the path to CHECKPOINT #7, and
take out the 3 TORCH SKELETONS along the way. Cross the
disappearing platforms with 2 BATS above to make it to a
large area in front of a CHERRY DOOR. Kill 3 more TORCH
SKELETONS here, then go to the near end of the area where
some disappearing platforms and a BAT guard a blue switch.
Get to the switch and hit it, which will transform the large
area (now it looks like a face). There will be a blue switch
on each eye; hit the right one to make some Pac-Dots and 4
GHOSTS appear. Then hit the left one to make the Power
Pellet and a CHERRY appear. Eat the Ghosts, get the Cherry
and the Pac-Dots, then open the Cherry Door to hit the green
switch. To the left, some greenish disappearing platforms
appear. Use them to reach a BELL on the last platform.
Backtrack all the way to the Bell Door above ground.
Open it to reveal a far path. Continue up the path to see
some storm clouds and 2 TORCH SKELETONS. Get on top of the
first cloud for the GALAXIAN. On the right hand side, walk
along the ledge to a near chest holding a Power Pellet. Use
it to eat the 2 Ghosts in the large grassy area. After that,
go up to the Galaxian Door on the right wall to play the
Hidden Maze (106 Pac-Dots; see Maze Mode, Mansion Maze #6
for details). Don't forget to kill the Torch Skeleton by the
door. After the maze, go back through the Bell Door. Cross
the clouds this time to the left, where you can get an EXTRA
LIFE from the chest before getting the Level Complete Token.
Don't forget to free the FRIEND, Ms. Pac-Man, before leaving
the level.
Maximum Pac-Dots: 208

My High Score: N/A

Now it's time to take on the evil Toc-Man. You won't be
able to enter unless you've rescued all 6 FRIENDS. Pac-Man
will crash the Ghosts' party and Toc-Man will make his
appearance. The battle immediately follows. You'll have to
hit Toc-Man many times; you'll see his health gauge on the
left of the screen. Toc-Man has several different attack
patterns, and during each you'll need to use a different
ability of Pac-Man. Every time you're low on health, one of
your rescued Friends will fly by to refill your health. This
only happens once for each Friend you've rescued, so it's
well worth saving all the Friends. 3 GHOSTS will also be
helping Toc-Man out throughout the battle, so avoid them
whenever you can.
First, Toc-Man will stomp around, shooting fireballs at
you every so often. These are easy to dodge. When he stops,
he'll shoot a Pac-Dot attack at the ground, in your general
direction. A circular wave will grow outwards from there,
going about 2/5 of the platform diameter. Bounce over the
wave as it approaches, then pick up as many Pac-Dots as you
can. Shoot him as often as possible, and use a Super Pac-Dot
attack if you can to speed up the fight. You'll need to hit
Toc-Man with about 30 Pac-Dots, taking off 5 of his health
Toc-Man will be pulled to the center. Get on top of the
blue steps that rise from the ground; bounce so that you're
directly above him, then bounce on his head. Toc-Man will
then start bouncing around the edges. Time your jumps so
that you hit the floor when Toc-Man is in the air, and vice
versa. It's better to just keep bouncing. Hit the 4 blue
switches placed around the center to pull him back to the
center, and repeat the process. You'll need to hit him 5
times; this will take off 6 health bars.
In the last part, Toc-Man will walk around, then bounce
toward you. Get out of his way when he does this. Keep
dodging until Toc-Man gets into a ball and starts to do a
Rev Roll. He'll circle around the center at high speed,
which will flatten you. It may also send you flying off the
platform if you jump into him a certain way. Try to dodge
his Rev Roll, and when he stops and sits on the floor, rev
into him to take down a health bar. You only need to hit him
5 times like this to finish him off. You can also rev into
him while he's revving as a ball, but you'll need to do it
quickly before he starts rolling. After the final hit, Toc-
Man will shrink, and you'll get to watch the ending! You'll
also get to see a screen that tells you what percentage of
the game you've completed. Now that it's over, Pac-Man can
finally return home and finish celebrating!


You can play the Slot Machine after any level in which
you've collected 3 of any kind of fruit. Use the O button to
stop the wheels, or press X to skip the Slot Machine. It's
best to try the Slot Machine, as you can pick up free lives
and points. According to the manual:
2 of a kind next to each other = 100 points
3 Cherries, Strawberries, or Oranges = 1 life
3 Peaches, Apples, Bananas, Melons, or Lemons = 2 lives
3 Bells or Galaxians = 3 lives

The three wheels spin at different speeds, but the
arrangement of the fruits on each wheel is the same. Just
watch each wheel and press the O button as the fruit before
the one you want is passing. The arrangement of the wheels
is this:
Cherry, Apple, Cherry, Peach,
Cherry, Galaxian, Lemon, Grape,
Banana, Orange, Peach, Cherry,
Banana, Orange, Cherry, Strawberry,
Grape, Cherry, Bell, Lemon

This repeats over and over. It's simple to get 3
Galaxians; watch for the pattern of Cherry, Apple, Cherry,
Peach, Cherry, Galaxian. As the third Cherry passes, press
the O button and the wheel will stop on the Galaxian. This
way, you can easily turn your remaining fruits into a ton of
lives. Or, if you want, you can aim for 2 of a kind to boost
your level High Score a little.


3 Cherries, 3 Apples, 3 Oranges, 3 Strawberries,
3 Melons, 3 Bells, 3 Galaxians, 3 Extra Lives

For this Bonus Round, move only in the left and right
directions, or you'll miss some fruit. They're all lined up,
and when jumping, aim for the highest one in a column; once
you get it, simply drop straight down to get the ones below
it. When swimming without a Chrome Ball, avoid the spikes at
all cost.
Start off by breaking the chest for a Chrome Ball. Jump
right into the water and get the ORANGE and APPLE. From
there, get the next fruit column on your right - 3 CHERRIES.
Then jump left for the MELON and drop to get the GALAXIAN
and BELL. Use a Butt Bounce as you fall to break the chest
beneath and get an EXTRA LIFE. If you can, bounce onto the
spikes to your right and go for the fruit column in the
middle - a MELON, a GALAXIAN, and a BELL. If the Chrome Ball
expires before that, or after you get them, swim up to the
middle for an ORANGE and APPLE. Surface by jumping to the
far ledge for an EXTRA LIFE in the chest (now you won't be
aligned with the fruit). Swim back into the water and to the
right, then surface to the ledge with the chest (don't worry
about getting the fruits as you're swimming up). Break the
chest and get the Chrome Ball (don't move near or far from
where the Chrome Ball is; this will re-align you with the
fruits). Jump left to get the ORANGE and APPLE, then left
again to get the 3 STRAWBERRIES. Go right this time and get
the MELON, GALAXIAN, and BELL; use the Butt Bounce again to
break the chest below for an EXTRA LIFE. Now if you didn't
get the middle column at the bottom, go for it. You should
have time left, so if you need to, you can swim to get them
after the Chrome Ball expires.

3 Cherries, 3 Apples, 3 Oranges, 3 Strawberries,
3 Peaches, 3 Bananas, 2 Pac-Dots

Before you start, decide whether you'll start with the
left side first or the right side. You'll need to move
quickly in this Bonus Round to get 100 Percent Complete.
You'll travel in a circle and end up where you started. I'll
outline what to do if you start with the right side; if you
decide to start with the left, just picture it in the
opposite direction.
Head right from the middle of the fruits and pick up the
3 CHERRIES (you'll get the Strawberries later). Quickly get
the Pac-Dot left of the Helivator, then Helivator up past
the steam. If you have enough health (at least 2 wedges),
then you can speed through and take the damage. If not,
you'll need to use the hesitation to get past, but you'll be
more pressed for time. Get 3 PEACHES as you go up, then
transfer to the next Helivator and go up past more steam for
3 APPLES. Jump left at the top and get a Chrome Ball from
the chest before going left to another Helivator. Now you
can pass through the steam without getting hurt. Helivator
down for 3 BANANAS, then go down the next Helivator for 3
ORANGES. At the bottom, get the Pac-Dot to the right of the
Helivator and head right to where you started and get the 3

3 Cherries, 3 Apples, 3 Peaches, 3 Bells, 3 Lemons
2 Melons, 4 Galaxians, 1 Extra Life

In this Bonus Round, you'll be using yellow switches to
create blue forcefield floors to walk on. You'll need to act
fast to get all the fruit and cross without falling down to
the bottom. There's not enough time to get back up and
complete the round if you fall. To help get through quickly,
you'll need to use jumps to cut corners.
Immediately hit the yellow switch and head right. Follow
along the far end to get the PEACH, APPLE, and CHERRY. Do a
zigzag by going left across the middle for the APPLE, then
right along the near end for the PEACH, APPLE, and CHERRY.
If you can jump well, use jumps to get from the far Cherry
corner directly to the Apple in the middle, then to the near
Peach corner. Quickly get to the right platform and take the
Helivator up. Hit the yellow switch and do the zigzag again;
this time I would recommend jumping between corners across
the middle because of the layout. Again, go along the far
end for the CHERRY, MELON, and GALAXIAN, then jump across
to the middle for the LEMON. Jump again in the same
direction to the BELL, then run left to get the GALAXIAN and
PEACH before reaching the next platform. Helivator up again
and hit the next yellow switch. The zigzag is easier on this
one because the floor is set up for it. Again, start with
the far end, cross the middle, and go across the near end.
You'll get 2 BELLS, 2 GALAXIANS, 2 LEMONS, and a MELON. On
the last platform is a chest with an EXTRA LIFE.

3 Cherries, 3 Apples, 3 Oranges, 3 Strawberries,
3 Lemons, 3 Bells, 3 Galaxians

You'll be jumping across balloons here, so you'll need
to move quickly before they pop. This round is pretty easy.
There a 7 columns of 3 balloons, and the columns are at
alternating heights. You can actually just run from a
balloon to an adjacent balloon at a lower height; this will
help you finish faster. Here's a picture to give you an
idea of how it looks, coded by the first letters of the
s a b
c o l g
s a b
c o l g
s a b
c o l g

This layout can be thought of as 3 rows, each starting
with a Cherry, then a Strawberry, and ending with a Bell,
then Galaxian. Start by using the B-Doing to get to the
first balloon with the CHERRY. Zigzag up the column to get 2
STRAWBERRIES and 2 CHERRIES, and then from there go across
the top row for a STRAWBERRY, an ORANGE, an APPLE, a LEMON,
a BELL, and a GALAXIAN. Drop left to the BELL, then right to
the GALAXIAN, then head left across this second row to get
the LEMON, APPLE, and ORANGE. After getting the Orange, drop
left to the Strawberry balloon, then go right across the
bottom row for an ORANGE, APPLE, LEMON, BELL, and GALAXIAN.
You can also do this round row by row, going right
across the bottom row, left across the second row, and right
across the top row. Personally, I find my way faster for me,
but in any case, you should have plenty of time to spare.

3 Lemons, 3 Bananas, 3 Oranges, 3 Strawberries,
3 Bells, 3 Galaxians, 2 Extra Lives, 9 Pac-Dots

You should be familiar with the Magna-Movers by now.
Avoid getting crushed by running around them as you pick up
the fruit. Try to stay in a straight line as much as you
can, but you'll lose a lot of time if you get caught
underneath one of the Magna-Movers.
then hit the blue switch. Continue on to another series of
STRAWBERRY, ORANGE, BANANA, and LEMON, then hit the next
blue switch. Again to the right will be a STRAWBERRY,
ORANGE, BANANA, and LEMON. Jump onto the raised platform
and hit the blue switch, then ride the Dot Chain to get 3
BELLS, 3 GALAXIANS, 2 EXTRA LIVES, and 9 Pac-Dots. The
chain takes about 7 seconds, so make sure you've got enough
time by the time you hit the last blue switch.

4 Bananas, 4 Oranges, 4 Lemons, 4 Bells,
4 Galaxians, 4 Extra Lives

This is the hardest Bonus Round to complete, but it's
worth a lot of points. You need to move quickly from
disappearing platform to disappearing platform in order to
get the fruits before time runs out. Each of the four blue
switches activates the corresponding statue in the back. The
switches won't reset until you've gotten all the fruit for
the current switch, so you'll need to do it fast. Each
switch will provide an EXTRA LIFE, a BANANA, an ORANGE, a
LEMON, a BELL, and a GALAXIAN, bringing you to a total of 4
of each. The fruit will come out in a random order, and will
move across the platforms in a random manner. However, you
can use the 4-platform technique to get all the fruit
quickly. To do this, start at the platform where the fruit
is coming out. Then either jump to the right, then near,
then left, then far back to the starting platform; or to the
left, then near, then right, then far back to the starting
platform. Do this quickly, spending no more than half a
second on each platform, and you'll pick up any fruit before
it gets too far away. If one does manage to get away, get
the rest first with this technique, then go after it. Fruit
usually don't move twice in the same direction, so they
tend to stay within the 4-platform area.


This section will guide you through the 3-D Mazes of
Maze Mode. Each Maze is displayed in full, and the number of
Pac-Dots in each, as well as the fruit available, is listed
in the heading. Also, if the Maze is a Hidden Maze from
Quest Mode, the stage in which it appears will be given in
parentheses. A brief description appears on the right of the
maze display.
Keep in mind that there are 3 camera zooms available in
Maze Mode, one of which is a full maze view. This is usually
the best choice; however, in some Mazes it makes it
difficult to see obstacles and traps.
Here's a general key for reading the maze displays:
X - Wall
P - Pac-Man's starting point
. - Pac-Dot
O - Power Pellet
+ - Ghost staging area
Tunnels are displayed as empty spaces; these actually
continue for another space or two but are only shown as a
single space. A tunnel on the left corresponds with a tunnel
on the right, and the same goes for the top and bottom.
Once you complete the last Hidden Maze in Quest Mode,
the game will announce to you that the Marathon Mode has
been unlocked. In Marathon Mode, you'll play through all 36
Mazes continuously, and your score through all the Mazes
will accumulate. However, as when playing single Mazes, this
score does not add to your Grand Score. If you finish
Marathon Mode, the Marathon option will be replaced by the
Gallery option, where you can view some pictures (mostly
sketches) of Pac-Man and other characters. Marathon Mode
also counts as 5% towards completing the game.


Pirate Maze #1 - 115 Pac-Dots / Cherry

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X This maze has a simple
X O . . . . X X X X . . . . O X layout, which is also
X . X X X . X . . . . X X X . X used in Pirate Maze #6
X . . . . . X . X X . . . . . X and in #5 with a slight
X . X X X . . . X X . X X X . X variation. There are no
X . . . . . X . . . . . . . . X other obstacles or traps
X X . X X . X X . X . X X . X X than the ghosts and the
+ + . X X . X . . . . X X . X X maze itself.
+ + . X X . X . X X . X X . X X
X X . X X . X . X X . X X . X X
. . . . . . P . . . . . . .
X . X X X . X X . X . X X X . X
X . . . . . X X . X . . . . . X
X . X X X . . . . X . X X X . X
X O . . . . X X X X . . . . O X

Pirate Maze #2 - 98 Pac-Dots / Strawberry

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X This maze has the same
X X . . . . X X X X . . . . X X layout as Pirate Maze #4
X O . X X . X X X X . X X . O X and contains no
X . X X . . . . . . . . X X . X additional obstacles or
X . X X . X X X X X X . X X . X traps beside the walls
. . . . . . X X . . . . . . and ghosts.
X X X . X X . X X . X X . X X X
X X X . X X . X X . X X . X X X
X X X . X X . . . . X X . X X X
X X X . X X . X X . X X . X X X
X . . . . . . X X . . . . . . X
X . X X P X X X X X X . X X . X
X . X X . . . . . . . . X X . X
X O . X X . X + + X . X X . O X
X X . . . . X + + X . . . . X X

Pirate Maze #3 - 105 Pac-Dots / Orange

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X This maze has a simple
X X O . . . X + + X . . . O X X layout, which is also
X X . X X . X + + X . X X . X X used in Pirate Maze #6
X X . . X . . . . . . X . . X X and in #5 with a slight
X X X . X X X . X X X X . X X X variation. There are no
X . . . . . X . X X . . . . . X other obstacles or traps
. X X X . . . . . . X X X . than the ghosts and the
X . . . X . X X . X . X . . . X maze itself.
X . X . . . X X . X . . . X . X
X . X X X . . . . . . X X X . X
X . . . . . X X . X . . . . . X
X X X . X X X X . X X X . X X X
X X . . X . . P . . . X . . X X
X X . X X . X X X X . X X . X X
X X O . . . X X X X . . . O X X

Pirate Maze #4 - 98 Pac-Dots / Assorted

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X This maze has the same
X X . . . . X X X X . . . . X X layout as Pirate Maze #2.
X O . X X . X X X X . X X . O X In addition, there are
X . X X . * * * * * * . X X . X 4 parrots flying overhead
X . X X . X X X X X X . X X . X that drop cannonballs in
. . * . . . X X . . . . . . your path. Each * on the
X X X * X X . X X . X X . X X X maze display represents a
X X X * X X . X X . X X . X X X Pac-Dot underneath the
X X X * X X * * * * X X . X X X flight path of a parrot.
X X X * X X . X X . X X . X X X These are easy to dodge
X . . * . . . X X . . . . . . X with some hesitation, and
X . X X P X X X X X X . X X . X the parrots only reload
X . X X . . . . . . * . X X . X cannonballs when you lose
X O . X X . X + + X * X X . O X a life.
X X . . . . X + + X * . . . X X

Pirate Maze #5 - 115 Pac-Dots / Lemon
(Corsair's Cove)

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X This is just like Pirate
X O . . . . X X X X . . . . O X Maze #1, except that the
X . X X X . X . . . . X X X . X tunnel is above the Ghost
X . . . . . X . X X . . . . . X staging area instead of
X . X X X . . . X X . X X X . X below. This is an
. . . . . X . . . . . . . . underwater maze, and the
X X . X X . X X . X . X X . X X ghosts move more slowly
+ + . X X . X . . . . X X . X X than normal.
+ + . X X . X . X X . X X . X X
X X . X X . X . X X . X X . X X
X . . . . . . P . . . . . . . X
X . X X X . X X . X . X X X . X
X . . . . . X X . X . . . . . X
X . X X X . . . . X . X X X . X
X O . . . . X X X X . . . . O X

Pirate Maze #6 - 111 Pac-Dots / Melon
(Crazy Cannonade)

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X The layout is the same as
X O . . . . X X X X . . . . O X Pirate Maze #1, but 4
X . X X X . X . . . . X X X . X barrels have been added
X . . . . . X . X X . . @ . . X as obstacles. The barrels
X . X X X . . . X X . X X X . X are shown as @ on the
X . . . . . X . . . . . . . . X maze display.
X X . X X . X X . X . X X . X X
+ + . X X @ X . . . . X X . X X
+ + . X X . X . X X . X X . X X
X X . X X . X . X X . X X . X X
. . . . . . P . . . . . . .
X . X X X . X X . X . X X X . X
X . . . . . X X . X . . . . . X
X . X X X . . . . X @ X X X . X
X O . @ . . X X X X . . . . O X


Ruins Maze #1 - 122 Pac-Dots / Peach

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X There are no traps in
X O . . . X X X . . . . . . O X this maze. Watch out at
X . X X . X X X . X X . X X . X the start because Pac-
X . X . . . . . . . . . . X . X Man starts off near the
X . X . X X X . X X X X . X . X Ghost area.
X . . . X . . . . . . X . . . X
X . X . X . X . X X . . . X X X
X . X . X . X . + + . X . X X X
X . X . . . X . + + . . . . . X
X . . . X . X . X X . X . X . X
X X X . X . . . P . . X . X . X
X X X . X . X X X . X X . . . X
X . . . . . . . . . . . . X . X
X . X X . X X . X . X X . X . X
X O . . . . . . X . . . . . O X

Ruins Maze #2 - 115 Pac-Dots / Apple

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X This maze has a pretty
X O . . . X . . . . X . . . O X simple layout. Nothing
X . X X . X . X X . X . X X . X tricky and no extra
X . X . . X . . . . X . . X . X obstacles or traps.
X . X . X X . X X . X X . X . X
X . X . X X . . . . X . . . . X
X . . . . . . X X . . . X . X X
X X . X X . X X X X . X X . + +
X X . X X . X X X X . X X . + +
X . . . . . . X X . . . X . X X
X . . . X X . P . . X . . . . X
. X . X X . X X . X X . X .
X . X . . X . . . . X . . X . X
X . X X . X . X X . X . X X . X
X O . . . X . . . . X . . . O X

Ruins Maze #3 - 112 Pac-Dots / Banana

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X This maze is simple but
X O . . . X X X X . . . . . O X has limited space in
X . X X . . . . . . X . X X . X which to move around.
X . . . . X . X X X X . . . . X There aren't too many
X X . X . X . . . . X . X . X X places to hide or run.
X X . X . X X X X . . . X . X X No other obstacles or
X . . . . X X X . . X . . . . X traps, however.
X . X . X X X X . X X X . X . X
X . . . X . . . . + + X . . . X
X X . X X . X X . + + X X . X X
. X . . . X . . . . X .
X X . X . X P X X . X . X . X X
X . . . . X . X X . X . . . . X
X . X X . X . . . . . . X X . X
X O . . . X X X X X X . . . O X

Ruins Maze #4 - 111 Pac-Dots / Strawberry
(Crisis Cavern)

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X This maze has the same
X O . . . X . . . . X . . . O X layout as Ruins Maze #2
X . X X . X . X X . X . X X . X with some slight changes.
X . X # . . . . . # . . . X . X Each # represents a
X . X . X X . X X . X X . X . X cracked floor; fireballs
X . X . X X # . . . X . . . . X will fly down at these
X . . . . . . X X . . # X . X X spots at regular
X X . X X . X X X X . X X . + + intervals, but in pairs.
X X . X X . X X X X . X X . + + The two #s in each
X . . . . . # X X . . . X . X X quadrant are a pair.
X . . . X X . P . . X . # . . X The fireballs are easy
X . X . X X . X X . X X . X . X to avoid if you pay
X # X . . . . . . # . . . X . X attention.
X . X X . X . X X . X . X X . X
X O . . . X . . . . X . . . O X

Ruins Maze #5 - 100 Pac-Dots / Strawberry
(Manic Mines)

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X This maze is similar to
X O . . . X X X X # . . . . O X Ruins Maze #3. Again,
X # X X . . # . . . X . X X # X each # represents a
X . . . . X . X X X X . . . . X square where fireballs
X X . X . X . . . . X . X . X X will land. This maze is
X X . X . X X X X # . . X . X X visually more difficult
. . . . X X X . . X . # . . X because of the red lava
X . X . X X X X . X X X . X . X that sometimes hides
X . # . X # . . . + + X . . . incoming fireballs.
X X . X X . X X . + + X X . X X Because there are more
X X . X . . . X . . . . X # X X fireballs here, it's
X X . X . X P X X . X . X . X X harder to run from
X . . . . X . X X # X . . . . X ghosts.
X . X X . X . . . . . . X X . X
X O # . . X X X X X X . # . O X

Ruins Maze #6 - 98 Pac-Dots / Lemon
(Manic Mines)

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X This is the same as Ruins
X O . . . X X X . . . . . . O X Maze #1 with more walls
X . X X . X X X . X X X X X . X added to make running and
X . X T . . . . . . . . T X . X hiding more difficult.
X . X . X X X X X X X X . X . X The T squares on the map
X . . . X . . . . . . X . . . X represent pick-shaped
X X X . X . X . X X . X . X X X traps that pop up from
X X X . X T X . + + . X . X X X the floor when Pac-Man
X X X . X . X . + + T . . X X X gets near. Move towards
X X X . X . X . X X . X . X X X these, then away, then
X X X . X . . . P . . X . X X X pass as they retract. It
X X X . X . X X X X X X . . . X may be difficult to see
X . . T . . . . . . . . . X . X them from a full view, so
X . X X X X X . X X X X . X . X you might want to zoom in
X O . . . . . . X X X X . . O X for a better look.


Space Maze #1 - 106 Pac-Dots / Melon

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X This Space Maze is fairly
X O . . . . X X X . . . . . O X simple. There are no
X . X . X . X X X . X . X X . X other traps in the maze,
X . X . . . . . . . . . . X . X but be careful when
X . X . X X X X X X X X . X . X getting the Pac-Dots in
X . . . X . . . . . X X . . . X the middle. It's a long
X X X . X . X X X . X X X . X X winding passage with only
X X X . X . . . X . X X . . . 2 exits, and it's easy to
X X X . X X X . X . X X . X . X get trapped by ghosts if
X X X . X X X . X . . . . X . X you're not paying
. . . . . . P . . X X . X . X attention.
X . X X . X X X X X X X . X . X
X . X X . . . . . . . . . X . X
X . X X . X X + + X . X X X . X
X O . . . X X + + X . . . . O X

Space Maze #2 - 109 Pac-Dots / Lemon

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X This maze is simple and
X O . . . . . . . . . . . X X X has no other obstacles.
X . X X X X X X X . X X . O X X Pac-Man does start close
X . X . . . . X X . X X X . X X to the Ghost area, so
X . X . X X . X X . . . X . X X don't go the wrong way
X . . . X X . . . . X . X . . X from the start.
X . X . X X . X X . X . X X . X
X . X . X X . + + . . . . . . X
. . . . . . + + . X X . X . X
X . X X . X . X X . X X . X . X
X . . X . X . X X . X X . . .
X X . X . . . P . . X X . X . X
X X . X X X . X X . . . . X . X
X X O . X X . X X X X X X X . X
X X X . . . . . . . . . . . O X

Space Maze #3 - 113 Pac-Dots / Galaxian

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X This maze offers lots
X X X X . . . X X . . . X X X X of breathing space
X O . . . X . . . . X . . . O X except at the top and
X . X X . X X X X X X . X X . X bottom. There's
X . . . . X . . . . X . . . . X nothing else here
X X . X . . . X X . . . X . X X besides the Ghosts.
X . . . . X . + + . X . . . . X Watch out for the
X . X X X X . + + . X X X X . X Ghosts at the start.
X . X X X X . X X . X X X X . X
. . . . X . . . . X . . . .
X X . X . . . X X . . . X . X X
X . . . . X . P . . X . . . . X
X . X X . X X X X X X . X X . X
X O . . . X . . . . X . . . O X
X X X X . . . X X . . . X X X X

Space Maze #4 - 95 Pac-Dots / Melon
(Space Race)

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X This maze has the same
X O . . / . X X X . . . . / O X layout as Space Maze #1,
X . X . X . X X X . X . X X . X but this one gets much
X . X . . . . / . . . . . X . X trickier. Each / on the
X . X . X X X X X X X X . X . X display represents a
. / . X . . . . . X X . . . laser that turns on every
X X X . X . X X X . X X X / X X so often. This makes it
X X X . X . . . X . X X . . . X possible to get trapped
X X X / X X X . X / X X . X . X between a single Ghost
X X X . X X X . X . . . . X . X and a laser. It also
X . . . . . . P . . X X . X . X makes it more difficult
X . X X / X X X X X X X . X / X to chase Ghosts with a
X . X X . . . . . . . . . X . X Power Pellet.
X . X X . X X + + X . X X X . X
X O . / . X X + + X . . / . O X

Space Maze #5 - 90 Pac-Dots / Peach
(Far Out)

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X This is very difficult. I
X O . \ . . / . . . \ . . X X X know it looks messy on
X . X X X X X X X . X X . O X X the left, but it's the
X . X . . / . X X . X X X / X X best I could think of
X \ X . X X . X X . . . X . X X with ASCII. The / shows a
X . / . X X . \ . . X \ X . . X green laser, and the \ is
X . X . X X . X X . X . X X . X a red laser. The green
. X . X X . + + . . . . . . lasers will all be on at
X . \ . . . . + + . X X . X / X the same time; the same
X . X X . X \ X X / X X . X . X goes for the red lasers.
X . . X . X . X X . X X . / . X The sets work separately;
X X / X . . . P . . X X . X \ X one, none, or both can be
X X . X X X . X X . . \ . X . X on. It's very easy to get
X X O . X X . X X X X X X X . X trapped by the lasers,
X X X . . \ . . . . / . . . O X as there are several
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X sections which are cut
off by lasers.

Space Maze #6 - 100 Pac-Dots / Apple
(Gimme Space)

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X This maze is the same as
X X X X . . . X X . . . X X X X Space Maze #3 with some
X O . . . X . # . . X . . . O X asteroid squares added.
X # X X . X X X X X X . X X # X These are marked with a #
X . . . . X . . . . X # . . . X on the display. These are
X X . X . # . X X . . . X . X X similar to the fireballs
X . . . . X . + + # X . . . . X in the Ruins Mazes. These
. X X X X . + + . X X X X . shouldn't cause you too
X . X X X X # X X . X X X X . X much trouble.
X . . . . X . . . . X . . . . X
X X # X . . . X X # . . X # X X
X . . . . X . P . . X . . . . X
X . X X . X X X X X X . X X . X
X O # . . X . . . . X . . . O X
X X X X . # . X X . . # X X X X


Funhouse Maze #1 - 107 Pac-Dots / Bell

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X This is a simple maze to
X O . . . X X X X X X . . . O X start off the Funhouse
X . X X . . X X X X . . X X . X with. It can be visually
X . X X X . . . . . . X X X . X confusing because the
X . . . . . X . X X . . . . . X purple walls blend in
X . X X . X X . X X X . X X . X with the floor, but you
X . X X . . . . . . . . X X . X shouldn't find it too
. . . . X X X . X X . . . . troublesome.
X X X X . X X X . X X . X X X X
X . . . . . . X . . . . . . . X
X . X X . X . P . X X . X X . X
X . X X . . X X X X . . X X . X
X . X X X . . . . . . X X X . X
X . X X . . X + + X . . X X . X
X O . . . X X + + X X . . . O X

Funhouse Maze #2 - 108 Pac-Dots / Cherry

X X + + X X X X X X X X X X X X This maze is also simple
X X + + X X . . . . X X X X X X and has no other traps.
X X O . . X . X X . X . . O X X There's not as much
X . . X . . . X X . . . X . . X breathing space as in a
X . X X X X . . X X . X X X . X lot of other mazes, but
X . . . X X X . X . . X . . . X the placement of the
X . X . . . . . X . X X . X X X Power Pellets should
. X X . X X . . . X . . . . make things easier.
X . . . . X . . X X X . X X . X
X X . X . X . X X X . . . X . X
X . . X . . . P . . . X . . . X
X . X X X . X X X X . X X X . X
X . . X . . . . . . . . X . . X
X X O . . X . X X . X . . O X X
X X X X X X . . . . X X X X X X

Funhouse Maze #3 - 107 Pac-Dots / Strawberry

X X X X X X X X X X X X + + X X You get a bit more room
X X X X X . . . . . . X + + X X in this maze. There's
X X O . . . X X . X . . . O X X nothing tricky here, so
X . . X . X X . . X X . X . . X it shouldn't cause you
X . X X . X . . X X X . X X . X any problems.
X . . X . . . X X . . . X . . X
X X . X . X . . . . X . X . X X
X X . . . X . X X . . . . . X X
X X . X X X . X X . X X X . X X
X X . . . . . . . . X X X . X X
. . X . X X X X . . . . . .
X . X X . . . P X X . X X X . X
X . . X X . X . . X . X X . . X
X X O . . . X X . X . . . O X X
X X X X X . . . . . . X X X X X

Funhouse Maze #4 - 103 Pac-Dots / Peach
(Clowning Around)

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X This maze is just like
X O . . . X X X X X X . . . O X Funhouse Maze #1. Four
X . X X . . X X X X . . X X . X moving walls have been
X . X X X . . . . . . X X X . X added, marked by a @ on
X . . . . . X . X X . . . . . X the display. These are
X . X X @ X X . X X X @ X X . X only minor annoyances.
X . X X . . . . . . . . X X . X However, Ghosts can move
. . . . X X X . X X . . . . over these walls, so keep
X X X X . X X X . X X . X X X X that in mind when running
X . . . . . . X . . . . . . . X from them. Also, if you
X . X X @ X . P . X X @ X X . X run into one of these
X . X X . . X X X X . . X X . X walls before it's halfway
X . X X X . . . . . . X X X . X closed, it'll stop
X . X X . . X + + X . . X X . X closing and will open
X O . . . X X + + X X . . . O X again.

Funhouse Maze #5 - 104 Pac-Dots / Cherry
(Barrel Blast)

X X + + X X X X X X X X X X X X Again, all that's been
X X + + X X . . . . X X X X X X added are the moving
X X O . . X . X X . X . . O X X walls marked by a @.
X . . X . . . X X . . . X . . X The locations of these
X . X X X X . . X X . X X X . X shouldn't be difficult
X . @ . X X X . X . . X . . . X to deal with.
X . X . . . . . X @ X X . X X X
X . X X . X X . . . X . . . .
. . . . X . . X X X . X X . X
X X . X @ X . X X X . . . X . X
X . . X . . . P . . . X . @ . X
X . X X X . X X X X . X X X . X
X . . X . . . . . . . . X . . X
X X O . . X . X X . X . . O X X
X X X X X X . . . . X X X X X X

Funhouse Maze #6 - 97 Pac-Dots / Bell
(Spin Dizzy)

X X X X X X X X X X X X + + X X This maze is just like
X X X X X . . . . . . X + + X X Funhouse Maze #3 with
X X O . . . X X @ X . . . O X X moving walls added.
X . . X @ X X . . X X @ X . . X Unlike Mazes #4 and #5,
X . X X . X . . X X X . X X . X the walls here can be a
. . X . . . X X . . . X . . X problem because there
X X . X . X . . . . X . X . X X are more of them and
X X . @ . X . X X . . . @ . X X they've been placed to
X X . X X X . X X . X X X . X X close off the center.
X X . @ . . . . . . X X X . X X Keep track of which ones
X . . X . X X X X . . . @ . . are opening and which are
X . X X . . . P X X . X X X . X closing so that you don't
X . . X X @ X . . X @ X X . . X get stuck in the middle
X X O . . . X X @ X . . . O X X with a Ghost.
X X X X X . . . . . . X X X X X


Factory Maze #1 - 111 Pac-Dots / Orange

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X This maze is a little
X O . . . X . . . . X . . . O X more confining than many
X . X X . X . X X . X . X X . X earlier mazes. Don't get
X . X X . X . X X . X . X X . X caught at the start by
X . . X . . . . . . . . X . . X the Ghosts nearby. No
X X . X . X X X . X X . X . X X other obstacles, though.
X X . . . . X X . X . . . . X X
X X . X X . + + . X . X X . X X
X X . X X . + + . X . X X . X X
X X . . . . X X . X . . . . X X
X X . X . X X X . X X . X . X X
. . X . . . P . . . . X . .
X . X X . X . X X . X . X X . X
X . X X . X . X X . X . X X . X
X O . . . X . . . . X . . . O X

Factory Maze #2 - 101 Pac-Dots / Peach

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X You shouldn't have too
X X X O . . X X X X . . O X X X much difficulty here.
X X X . X . . . . . . X . X X X
X . . . X . X X X X . X . . . X
X . X X X . X X X X . X X X . X
X . . . X . . . X X . X . . . X
X . X . . . X . . . . . . X . X
. X . X X X X X . X X X X .
X . X . X X X X X . X X X X . X
X . X . . . X . . . . . . X . X
X . . . X . . P X X . X . . . X
X . X X X . X X X X . X X X . X
X . . . X . X X X X . X . . . X
X X X . X . . . . . . X . X X X
X X X O . . X + + X . . O X X X
X X X X X X X + + X X X X X X X

Factory Maze #3 - 119 Pac-Dots / Apple

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X With the Ghost area in
X O . . . . . X . . . . . . O X the center along with
X . X X X X . X . X X X X X . X most of the Pac-Dots, you
X . . X . . . . . . . . X . . X may have trouble. You'll
X X . X . X X . X X X . X . X X be spending a lot of time
X . . X . . . . . . . . X . . X in the center, so you'll
X . X X X X . X X . X X X X . X need to draw the Ghosts
. . . . X . + + . X . . . . to the outside.
X . X X . . . + + . . . X X . X
X . X X X X . X X . X X X X . X
X . . X . . . P . . . . X . . X
X X . X . X X X . X X . X . X X
X . . X . . . . . . . . X . . X
X . X X . X . X X . X . X X . X
X O . . . . . X X . . . . . O X

Factory Maze #4 - 101 Pac-Dots / Peach
(Perilous Pipes)

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X This is just like Factory
X X X O . . X X X X . . O X X X Maze #2. Each * on the
X X X . X . . * . . . X . X X X map shows a Pac-Dot
X . . . X . X X X X * X . . . X guarded by steam. Steam
X . X X X * X X X X . X X X . X will shoot from the pipes
. . . X . . . X X . X . . . every now and then; watch
X . X . . . X . . . . . . X . X the steam, then pass when
X * X . X X X X X . X X X X . X it's safe. Other than
X . X * X X X X X . X X X X . X that, this maze should be
X . X . . . X . . . . . . X . X no problem.
X . . . X . . P X X . X . . . X
X . X X X * X X X X . X X X . X
X . . . X . X X X X * X * . . X
X X X . X . . . . . . X . X X X
X X X O . . X + + X . . O X X X
X X X X X X X + + X X X X X X X

Factory Maze #5 - 112 Pac-Dots / Apple
(Under Pressure)

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X As in Factory Maze #4,
X O . . . X . . . . X . . . O X steam has been added to
X . X X . X . X X . X . X X . X make this a little more
X . X X . X . X X . X . X X . X difficult. This steam
X . . X * . . . . . . . X * . X shoots up from the floor,
X X . X . X X X . X X . X . X X but it's the same idea.
X X . . . . X X . X . . . . X X The squares are easier to
X X . X X . + + * X . X X . X X see, though, because
X X . X X . + + . X . X X . X X they're clearly marked.
X X . . . . X X . X . . . . X X
X X . X . X X X . X X . X . X X
X . * X . . . P . . . . X . . X
X . X X . X . X X . X * X X . X
X . X X . X * X X . X . X X . X
X O . . . X . . . . X . . . O X

Factory Maze #6 - 119 Pac-Dots / Strawberry
(Down the Tubes)

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X This one is hard to show
X O . . . . . X . . . . . . O X in ASCII. Except for two
X . X X X X * X . X X X X X . X of the steam shooters,
X . . X . . . . . % . . X . . X the steam is in between
X X . X . X X . X X X . X . X X squares, so that you can
X . . X . . . . . . . . X . . X actually get the Pac-Dot
X . X X X X . X X . X X X X . X next to it without ever
X . . . . X * + + * X . . . . X touching it. The * shows
X . X X . . . + + . . . X X . X a steam shooter; the
X * X X X X . X X . X X X X * X steam shoots between the
. . X . . . P . . . . X . . square with the * and
X X . X . X X X . X X . X . X X the square above it. In
X . . X . . % . . .*. . X . . X the bottom right is a
X . X X . X . X X . X . X X . X * between two squares;
X O . . . . . X X . . . . . O X this one is as shown. The
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X % shows a normal steam
shooter which shoots on
the same square as the


Mansion Maze #1 - 129 Pac-Dots / Banana

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X This maze gives you a lot
X O . . X . . . . . . X . . O X of space to work with.
X . X . . . X X . X . . . X . X Don't let it fool you,
X . X . X . X . . X . X . X . X though. The Ghosts move
X . . . . . X . X X . . . . . X faster than before, and
X X . X X . . . . . . X X . X X Pac-Man starts only two
X . . . X X X . X X . X . . . X squares away from the
X . X . . . . . . X . X . X . X first one.
X . X . X + + X . X . . . X . X
. . . X + + X . X . X . . .
X X . X X . . . . . . X X . X X
X . . . . . X P X X . . . . . X
X . X . X . X . . . . X . X . X
X . X . . . X . X X . . . X . X
X O . . X . . . . . . X . . O X

Mansion Maze #2 - 106 Pac-Dots / Melon

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X This maze isn't too
X X X . . . . . . . . . . X X X difficult. The layout
X X O . X X . X X X . X . O X X is only a little
X X . X X . . . . X . + + . X X complicated to deal
X . . X X . X X . . . + + . . X with. Just watch out
X . X X X . X X X X . X X X . X for the Ghosts.
X . . . . . . . X X . . . . . X
X X . X . X X . . . . X X . X X
X X . X . X X X . X X X X . X X
. . X . . . . . . . . . . .
X . X X X . X X . X . X X X . X
X . . X X . X P . . . X X . . X
X X . X X . . . X X . X X . X X
X X O . X X X . X X . X . O X X
X X X . . . . . . . . . . X X X

Mansion Maze #3 - 111 Pac-Dots / Lemon

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X This maze would be fairly
X X X X . . . . . . . . X X X X simple due to its layout,
X X X . . X . X X . X . . X X X but you play this maze in
X O . . X X . . . . X X . . O X the dark. You get a small
X . X X X . . X X . X X X X . X window of light that
X . . . . . X X . . . . . . . X follows you, but it
X X . X . X X X . X X . X X . X extends only barely past
+ + . X . . . . . X X . X X . X one square. Ghosts are
+ + . . . X X . X X . . . X . X hard to track when
X X . X . X X . X X . X . X . X they're blue, too. You'll
X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X likely find yourself
X . X X X X P X X . X X X X . X running into walls until
X O . . X X . . . . X X . . O X you get a feel for the
X X X . . X . X X . X . . X X X layout.
X X X X . . . . . . . . X X X X

Mansion Maze #4 - 129 Pac-Dots / Cherry
(Ghostly Garden)

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X This maze has the same
X O . . X . . . . . . X . . O X layout as Mansion Maze #1
X . X . . . X X . X . . . X . X with a small change; the
X . X . @ . X . . X . @ . X . X @s are fire-breathing
X . . . . . X . X X . . . . . X statues that spin around.
X X . X X . . . . . . X X . X X You can deal with these
. . . X X X . X X . X . . . by following with its
X . X . . . . . . X . X . X . X rotation. Try not to eat
X . X . X + + X . X . . . X . X Ghosts near them, though,
X . . . X + + X . X P X . . . X because they'll keep
X X . X X . . . . . . X X . X X spinning while Pac-Man
X . . . . . X . X X . . . . . X pauses. One other bonus:
X . X . @ . X . . . . @ . X . X there are 5 Ghosts in
X . X . . . X . X X . . . X . X this maze. This means
X O . . X . . . . . . X . . O X more points, but also
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X more trouble.

Mansion Maze #5 - 109 Pac-Dots / Banana
(Creepy Catacombs)

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X This maze can really be a
X X X X . . * . . . . . X X X X pain. Just like Mansion
X X X . . X . X X . X . . X X X Maze #3, you play this in
X O . . X X . . . . X X . . # X the dark. In addition,
X . X X X . . X X . X X X X . X fire-breathing statues
X . * . . . X X . . . * . . . X have been added; these
X X . X . X X X . X X . X X . X guard the Pac-Dots marked
+ + . X . . . * . X X . X X . X by a *. Also, the # in
+ + . . . X X . X X . . . X . X the maze marks a Power
X X . X . X X . X X . X . X . X Pellet guarded by a fire-
X . . . . . . . . * . . . . . X breathing statue. This
X . X X X X P X X . X X X X . X may take a few tries;
X O . * X X . . . . X X * . O X it's hard to dodge the
X X X . . X . X X . X . . X X X fire and the Ghosts when
X X X X . . . . * . . . X X X X you can't see two squares
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X away.

Mansion Maze #6 - 106 Pac-Dots / Galaxian
(Grave Danger)

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X For the final maze, this
X X X . . . . . . . . . . X X X should be harder. The big
X X O . X X . X X X . X . O X X thing with this maze is
X X . X X . . . . X . + + . X X that there are 6 Ghosts
X . . X X . X X . . . + + . . X to deal with; other than
X . X X X . X X X X . X X X . X that, it's just like
X . . . . . . . X X . . . . . X Mansion Maze #2. You can
X X . X . X X . . . . X X . X X get a ton of points for
X X . X . X X X . X X X X . X X eating all 6 Ghosts, but
. . X . . . . . . . . . . . it's hard. Watch out and
X . X X X . X X . X . X X X . X try not to get trapped;
X . . X X . X P . . . X X . . X they have you beat in
X X . X X . . . X X . X X . X X numbers.
X X O . X X X . X X . X . O X X
X X X . . . . . . . . . . X X X



At the initial menu, there are three choices: Start,
Load, and Options. A fourth choice, Outtakes, is unlocked
when you defeat Toc-Man. This choice lets you watch various
"outtakes" from the game. They're not that funny, especially
when you consider that these computer-generated characters
never had to act in front of a camera... Oh well, it's still
a bonus anyway, so enjoy.


In Maze Mode, you can play through the Marathon as one
of the options. After unlocking all 36 mazes, play all the
way through the Marathon. When you finish, the Marathon
option is replaced by the Gallery option. Use it to take a
look at some sketches of Pac-Man and other characters (and
a group photo of the Pac-Man design team).

-1,000,000 Points

Yes, it took me a few hours, but I finally achieved one
million points! It IS possible, but you'll need to do every
possible thing to maximize your score. When you get to
1,000,000 Points after the Weigh-In Machine, you'll hear a
sound (like when you get an extra life). When you return to
the Ghost Island screen, you'll notice you now have a
glowing Key as one of your items. This Key will open any
fruit door without using any fruit (and possibly release
any Friends you've missed; I haven't checked for this). You
can use this when returning to the levels, although it's
not very useful after you've played through the levels
enough to get 1,000,000 Points.
How do you get this many points? Well, play through the
levels and try to get all the stuff. In every Hidden Maze,
get as many Fruit as you can (especially the high-scoring
fruit) and try to eat all the Ghosts with every Power Pellet
you use. The P-A-C-M-A-N Bonus Rounds are invaluable, as
each one can easily get you more than 20,000 points.

-Free Lives in Classic Mode

This is a well-known secret. Enter Classic Mode, and
before you start a game, you can press the Select button to
increase your credits by 1 up to a maximum of 99. This also
works while you're playing, so if you're running out of
lives, refill by pressing Select.

-Another Secret?

There seems to be another secret related to the time on
your game save, perhaps if you beat the game within a
certain time limit. I'm in the process of checking this out
to see if there really is another secret, so maybe I'll have
more to write about in the next update.


This section will provide a brief description of each
enemy in the game, as well as the amount of points each is
worth. The enemies are listed alphabetically. (Note: Not all
of these are official names)

Alien (Green) 400 Points
Worth 400 Points, the Green Alien is one of the hardest
enemies to destroy. It can not be bounced on or hit with
a Pac-Dot. It uses an energy shield to guard its front,
and follows you around so that its shield is facing you.
You have to maneuver quickly around it so that you can
Rev Roll into its back or side. It will even taunt you
if you're standing a certain distance away.

Alien (Purple) 200 Points
The Purple Alien rides around in a saucer-like vehicle.
At regular intervals, it will shoot electricity from its
base and spin around. This has a fairly good range, so
be cautious when it's in this state. Simply Butt Bounce
on its head at any time.

Bat 300 Points
Most Bats carry around bombs, similar to the cannonball-
toting Parrots. They'll drop these when you're nearby.
Some Bats will swoop down at you when you get close.
To destroy a Bat, just bounce on it; however, some Bats
are placed in difficult locations, so you may end up
losing a life to take the Bat out.

Bumper Car 400 Points
Another difficult enemy to destroy. You can't bounce on
them or throw Pac-Dots. You can destroy them by revving
into them and knocking them off the edge of a platform.
Beware, though, that Bumper Cars will also try to bump
you if they see you, and can often send you flying off
the platform instead. The only other way to kill these
is the Ultra Butt-Bounce. Note that some Bumper Cars in
the game seem to be confined within a small area and
never fall off the edge; I'm not sure whether these can
be destroyed or not.

Clown Pilot 200 Points
Clown Pilots fly around, usually in annoying places.
They can be destroyed with the Butt Bounce or with a

Exploding Barrel 300 Points
These enemies disguise themselves as regular barrels,
but you can always spot them by the fuse in their tops.
When you get close, they'll start walking around. The
easiest way to finish them is by bouncing on them.

Fish 300 Points
There are only a few fish in the game, but they are
difficult to get rid of. They can only be killed by a
Pac-Dot attack underwater, which means you need a
Chrome Ball to get them. Because they swim in a circle,
you'll need to have some good aim. You usually have to
kill them quickly, because a Chrome Ball is often
needed for a chest underwater.

Ghost Varies
Ahh, the traditional Ghost. You should be familiar with
the way these enemies work. You have to eat them after
getting a Power Pellet, and will give you increasing
points for each successive Ghost with the same Power
Pellet (200, 400, 800, 1600, 2000, 3000). Avoid getting
another Power Pellet while you're still in "blue time"
from a previous one. Power Pellets in the game have a
designated area, and when you eat all the Ghosts in a
designated area, you'll be rewarded with one wedge of
health. This applies to Hidden Mazes and Maze Mode as
well. For a few Power Pellets, you'll be able to eat
some Ghosts outside the designated area as well.

Mummy 300 Points
The Mummies will come out from behind doors in the
walls. They wander around with their arms in traditional
mummy fashion. Rev Roll into these from the front or
back, or throw a Pac-Dot at them. You can't bounce onto
their pointy headgear.

Pac-Neanderthal 100 Points
One of the easiest enemies in the game. They simply walk
around, ready for you to destroy in any fashion.

Parrot 300 Points
Parrots usually carry cannonballs, ready to drop them on
you when you're underneath. Take them out as they fly
back and forth with a Butt Bounce or a Pac-Dot.

Pop Cannon 200 Points
These mousy-looking enemies will shoot a miniature
"cannonball" at you, then pull it back to ready another
shot. Butt Bounce or throw a Pac-Dot, or Rev Roll when
they're not shooting at you.

Shark 300 Points
These mechanical Sharks will swim back and forth
chomping at the water, and if you get hit, it's your own
fault. You can swim above, below, or beside them to
avoid getting bitten. When you have a Chrome Ball, you
can Butt Bounce on them to get rid of them. You may need
to do it quickly, as with the Fish, because Chrome Balls
are often needed for some other purpose. In addition, a
few Sharks are placed in tough-to-reach locations.

Skeleton (Pirate) 100 Points
These are the basic enemy in the Pirate Area. They walk
around and will try to slash you with their swords, but
they're easily taken out by a Butt-Bounce, Rev Roll, or

Skeleton (Torch) 200 Points
These are just like the Pirate Skeletons, except they
wield torches instead of swords. When they spot you,
they'll blow at their torches and send fire in your
direction; destroy them before you get burnt.

Sparker 300 Points
Sparkers are mechanical enemies that hop or walk around.
The spark at their ends is what hurts you; Butt Bounce
or Rev Roll, depending on where the spark is (it can be
on their top or pointing out).

Spider 200 Points
Spiders skitter around, usually in circles. Squash them
with a Butt Bounce.

Spider (Ceiling) 200 Points
These spiders hang from the ceiling. When you walk
beneath them, they'll drop down and act like a regular
Spider. You may need to lure some by standing beneath
them longer than usual.

Tombstone 300 Points
Tombstones are normally sitting on the ground. When they
see you, they'll stand up and run across whatever ledge
or platform they're on. After a certain distance,
they'll fall face first onto the floor. While they're
lying down like this, use a Butt Bounce to break them
into pieces.


Cherry 100 Points
Strawberry 300 Points
Orange 500 Points
Peach 600 Points
Apple 700 Points
Banana 800 Points
Melon 1000 Points
Lemon 1600 Points
Galaxian 2000 Points
Bell 3000 Points


Buccaneer Beach: 8860
Corsair's Cove: 67000
Crazy Cannonade: 56910
HMS Windbag: 7100

Crisis Cavern: 40040
Manic Mines: 52835
Anubis Rex: 5000

Space Race: 61900
Far Out: 56060
Gimme Space: 58745
King Galaxian: 46500

Clowning Around: 60050
Barrel Blast: 43660
Spin Dizzy: 53630
Clown Prix: 17600

Perilous Pipes: 60030
Under Pressure: 50950
Down the Tubes: 50990
Krome Keeper: 5000

Ghostly Garden: 73930
Creepy Catacombs: 59240
Grave Danger: 81170
Toc-Man's Lair: N/A

Grand Score: 1017200

This is the end of the FAQ for Pac-Man World: 20th
Anniversary Edition on the Playstation. Remember, any
questions, comments, or corrections can be directed to
. Also, remember that this is
copyrighted work; read the disclaimer at the top of this

Pac-Man World Walkthrough/FAQ v1.7 -by- Miguel Balauag

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