Lunar: The Silver Star Story

Lunar: The Silver Star Story

15.10.2013 18:49:59
Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete--English Playstation Version
FAQ/Walkthrough version 0.1
by Daniel Wagoner
Original Version April 22, 1999

*Note: This file is best viewed with WordPad for Windows 95 in normal (640X480)

I. Revision History
II. Introduction
III. Version Differences
IV. Characters
V. Lists
A. Spells
B. Items
C. Weapons
D. Armor and other equipment
VI. Walkthrough
VII. Song Lyrics
VIII. Special Thanks

I. Revision History
version 0.1--initial release; covers only the demo version.

II. Introduction
Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete is a traditional style RPG for the Sony
Playstation. It features beautiful 2D graphics, an excellent storyline, a witty
text translation, a great battle system, over 50 minutes of animated video
sequences, and over an hour of total speech from 20 different speaking
characters. Save games take up 1 memory block each on a Sony memory card, and
the game supports up to 15 saves per card.
This is the first version of my Lunar: SSSC FAQ for the Sony Playstation. This
initial version only covers the playable demo, since the full game has not yet
been released as of this writing. As of now, the current release date is
estimated at Early-Mid May, but that may change. The final game has been
completed, and is currently undergoing the final testing and approval process.
According to Victor Ireland of Working Designs, the demo contains the first area
of the game EXACTLY as it will appear in the full version. Unlike most PSX
demos, you can save your progress in this demo. These save games *should* be
compatible with the full game, so you can pick up right where you left off,
instead of starting over from the beginning. I tried my best not to spoil
anything about the game for you. I recommend that if you're playing the game
for the first time, use this file as a reference. If you get stuck, go to the
part of the Walkthrough where you need help and read only until you find the
answer to your question. Some spoiler information will be given away in the
walkthrough, be warned!

--Demo Notes: Your party is limited to level 12 in the demo, and the demo ends
as you sail from Saith to Meribia (no Boat Song in the demo, you have to wait
for the full game) and it ends with an animation showing clips from the full
game. Otherwise, everything is supposedly implemented in the demo that will be
in the final game. Although you're limited to level 12, you will still gain EXP
and Silver with further battles. When you load your save data into the full
game, your character levels should rise to the appropriate level after you fight
one battle. Since there were no instructions with the demo, here's a list of
what the buttons do:
Start: begins the game.
Select: activate menu or cancel menu.
directional pad: move characters/cursor.
all R&L buttons: bring up status bar in walkabout mode.
O button: save screen (this is somewhat annoying, since you can save from the
menu, but oh well...)
X button: action button.
Square button: activate menu.
Triangle button: cancel selections.
I THINK the analog controller is supported, but I'm not sure (I only have a
standard PSX controller). "Dual Shock" is supported, but I don't know what it
does (same reason). The options screen is as follows:

Sound: Stereo or Mono (self explanatory)
Change Lines: Equipment or Item (I can't figure this one out, I don't know
WHAT it does...)
Message Advance: Auto or Manual (Auto makes the dialogue boxes advance on
their own after a few seconds)
Message Speed: Fast, Regular, or Slow (self explanatory)
Shock: No or Yes (Turns off/on the "Dual Shock" feature)
Name Spells: No or Yes (Disable/enable spell name display in battle)

Unfortunately, you can't change the button assignments :(
The menu works like this: select different characters by using the left and
right direction buttons. Each character has these menu items: Magic, Item,
Equip, and Status. Selecting Nall gives you these options: System (save, load,
or options), Item, Tactics, and Formation. Note that you can save your game
anywhere you like, as long as you have control of the characters (I think...
There may be a few places where you're not allowed to save, but I haven't found
any yet).

III. Version Differences
There are many different versions of Lunar 1. This section will attempt to
clarify the differences between the versions.

The first version is called Lunar: The Silver Star for the Sega CD. There are
both Japanese and English versions of this game.

The second version is Lunar: Silver Star Story for the Sega Saturn. Only a
Japanese version exists. This game had improved graphics and animations over
the original. The storyline is also changed quite a bit, although the basic
story is the same.

The third version is Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete for the Sega Saturn.
Only a Japanese version exists. This game is exactly like the second version,
except that it has vastly improved resolution on the animation sequences using a
MPEG cartridge add-on for the Saturn.

The latest version is Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete for the Sony
Playstation. This is the version this FAQ deals with. There are Japanese and
English versions. This game is very similar to the third version. I am not
aware of any differences, other than the fact that the animation sequences are
*slightly* lower in quality than version 3's are (but the animations are still
GREAT in this version, and they take up nearly the full screen). I own the Sega
CD English version and the English PSX version. I do not have first hand
information about the Saturn versions; I am simply repeating information I have
found on the Internet regarding these versions. If I am in error in any way,
please let me know.

Differences between the Sega CD and PSX English versions: (**Lunar: TSS for Sega
CD spoilers--Read ONLY if you're familiar with Lunar 1 for the Sega CD!!)
Even though the basic storyline is the same, there are many differences between
these two games. Reportedly, the second half of the PSX version is completely
different from the original (I'm guessing the halfway point is where you return
to Burg to witness a certain big event after exploring Meribia and Vane). Also,
Luna travels with your party to Meribia, whereas in the original she stayed
behind in Burg at this point. As is apparent in the demo, many sub-quests have
changed. Also new are the Bromides. You may recall seeing Mia's Bromide in the
original game. (BTW, I've heard that something happens when you equip this on
Nash in the original Sega CD version, but I noticed nothing different, someone
care to enlighten me? The Mia's Bromide seems to do nothing in that game...)
Well, now there are many more bromides to find, and when you USE one as an item,
a really cool looking picture of that person comes up (I've only seen 1 bromide
so far). Expect a bromide section of this FAQ in the future. The battle system
in the PSX version more closely resembles Lunar2: Eternal Blue than the original
Lunar: the Silver Star. The tactics option has been added, which allows for
faster battles by pre-programming specific moves for each character. The magic
spells and items have also changed to Lunar 2's style. Also, a few enemies from
Lunar 2 show up in the new Lunar 1. Nall's role has also changed. In the
original game, he just gave you useless advice about the enemies; now he will
occasionally revive a fainted character at the end of a battle round; that
character will revive with 1HP. At the end of the battle, Nall automatically
revives all fallen characters to 1HP, so they will all receive the EXP from the
battle. That's all I know for now. I'll update this section as I learn more
about the PSX version.

IV. Characters
Alex-The hero. A boy from the village of Burg.
Nall-Alex's pet. He looks like a flying cat. Oh, and he talks... a LOT.
Ramus-A not-so-thin friend of Alex. He dreams of making lots of money.
Ramus can't use magic, but he's an adequate fighter.
Luna-Alex's childhood friend. Luna is an orphan who was raised by Alex's
parents. Luna has a very beautiful voice.
Nash-An apprentice magician from the Magic Guild of Vane.
Mia-Daughter of Lemia Ausa, and Junior Premier of the Magic Guild of Vane.
A wizardess.
*Jessica-Daughter of Master Mel De Alkirk. A priestess.
*Kyle-Guardian of the Nanza Barrier. A swordsman.
Laike-A mysterious swordsman; he laughs a lot for some reason.
*Tempest-A citizen of the Pao tribe. A swordsman.
*Fresca-Wife of Tempest.
Althena-the benevolent Goddess of the world of Lunar.
Dragonmaster Dyne-Greatest of the Four Heroes. Alex's role-model. Dyne was
killed while battling the Black Dragon, who had gone insane.
Master Mel De Alkirk-One of the Four Heroes. An ex-pirate who is now the
governor of Meribia. His nickname is "Hell Mel."
Lemia Ausa-One of the Four Heroes. The Premier of the Magic Guild of Vane.
Ghaleon-One of the Four Heroes. Dyne's best friend. He now helps Lemia run
the Magic Guild of Vane.
Quark-The White Dragon.
*The Magic Emperor-A Mysterious entity bent on destroying the world. Noone
knows anything about him...
*Xenobia-Leader of the Vile Tribe, who were banished by Althena to the
distant Frontier.
*Damon-the Keeper of Knowledge.
*Myght-An inventor; he doesn't smell very good though...
*Taben-Another inventor.
(* - These characters neither appear, nor are mentioned explicitly in the demo
version of the game. However, they do appear in the original Sega CD version,
and I assume they are all in the full PSX version as well, and I am certain
there are other important characters that are new in the PSX version. They will
be added as I find them.)

V. Lists
*This section will be added in the future.

VI. Walkthrough
This Walkthrough currently covers only the demo version of the game, up through
the boat ride to Meribia. It is fairly simple now, but I will go into more
detail in a later version. Notes about dungeons: Monsters ONLY appear in
dungeon areas (which means you can walk around the overworld map without worry
of being attacked!). You'll know you've entered a dungeon when Alex is
displayed alone; the other party members will not appear in the walkabout mode.
There are no random battles in this game; all the enemies are visible, and it is
possible to avoid some of them. As long as you don't leave an area of a
dungeon, all the monsters you kill will stay gone. If you go to another section
of the dungeon and return, the monsters come back.

The Dragon Diamond:
You start the game hearing (literally!) about Alex's dream to become a
Dragonmaster like his hero, Dyne. Nall comes and reminds Alex that he has to
practice his song with Luna for the goddess festival. Now's a good time to
check out Alex's status and such. Notice that Alex has a special item: his
ocarina (Working Designs obviously used this name rather than simply "flute"
because of the name of the latest Zelda game). USE the ocarina and you'll
access a music test! **WARNING! The music test contains a spoiler!! About
halfway down the list, one of the song names is a serious plot spoiler. If you
haven't played a previous version of Lunar: The Silver Star, DON'T look too far
down on the list. Listen to the first few songs on the list, but stop there
until you've finished the game. You have been warned. Upon leaving the
monument area, they bump into Ramus, who asks Alex to join him on an adventure.
Now you should talk to the people of Burg, and then head to the spring in the
Northeast part of town to meet Luna. Upon entering the spring area, you'll
overhear Luna singing a lovely melody. After she notices Alex, Nall spills the
beans about Ramus' plan to go on an adventure. Since Luna is worried about you,
she decides to come along. Luna joins the party. Head back to your house
(Northern part of town) and talk to your parents. Your father will give you a
Dagger, Sling, and a Flame Ring for your journey. Be sure to equip Alex with
the Dagger and Ring, and Luna with the Sling. Now that you have permission, go
to the basement and open the chests to receive an Herb, a Dragonfly Wing, a Star
Light, and an Angel's Tear. Now go to town entrance to the West side of town
and talk to Ramus. Ramus joins the party. Distribute your items amongst your
characters, and set up the tactics you want to use so you'll be ready for
battle. The enemies in the first cave won't poison or paralyze you, so you
won't need status healing items just yet, but you may want a to purchase a few
herbs from the item shop. When you're ready, head North from Burg and then
East. Head South from here to reach the White Dragon's Cave. Be sure to save
your game before you enter. Note: If you try to enter the woods West of Burg at
this point, you'll be forced to leave due to the thick fog.

--The White Dragon's Cave: Treasure found here: Herb (x4), Star Light, 250
Silver, Dragon Ring, Dragon Diamond.
Upon entering this cave, make your way South; the path is fairly
straightforward. When you come to an area with lots of ice blocks and two
Albino Baboon enemies, notice that if you direct the baboons so that they run
into the blocks, the blocks are destroyed. Have a baboon destroy the ice
blocking the path to the North--this will give you a shortcut back to the cave
entrance. Keep heading South until you see a doorway with 4 ice blocks arranged
at the entrance. Enter the chamber and meet the White Dragon--Quark. A very
fearful Ramus will then proceed to ask Quark for the Diamond. After Ramus
finishes stuttering out his request, Quark agrees to give you the Dragon
Diamond... for a price. "That's right folks! I'll sell you this beautiful
Dragon Diamond, a rare import from the world of Lunar for just 10 bars of gold-
pressed latinum! You won't find a better deal in the entire Alpha quadrant!
...Just don't tell Odo I sold it to you, OK?" (Sorry, I just couldn't resist
one Star Trek joke :P) Seriously, though, Quark will give you the Diamond... IF
you can find the Dragon Ring. Quark will heal you, and then send you on your
way. After exiting Quark's chamber, head West and then enter the doorway to the
North. There are a bunch of ice blocks in the way here; have the baboon smash
them. (If you kill the baboon, just exit the room and reenter). Now enter the
doorway on the other side of the blocks. You are now in the final room of the
cave. There are two chests here, both blocked by ice. The chest in the
Southeast part of the room contains 250 silver, while the chest to the West
contains the coveted Dragon Ring. Lure the baboon around to smash the ice to
get the ring (it's harder than in previous rooms, just keep trying). Show the
ring to Quark to receive the Diamond. Quark will tell you that to become a
Dragonmaster, Alex must travel to the Red, Blue, and Black Dragon caves and earn
their trust as well. But, you should head back to burg first and say goodbye to
your family. Now exit the cave.

Leaving the Island:
Return to Burg and visit the goddess statue to get healed, and then go to
the item shop. Ramus will try to sell the diamond, but the shopkeeper can't
afford it! He tells you that you'll have to go to Meribia, across the sea, to
sell it. Now, head home. As you cross the bridge, Ramus will ask to speak to
Alex alone, so Luna goes on ahead. Ramus gets the brilliant idea to go to
Meribia without telling Luna... NOT a good idea... Well, exit town and enter
the Weird Woods. After you enter the forest a little ways, Ramus chickens out
and you're forced to leave the woods. Go back home and talk to Luna. Talk to
your parents next, and they'll tell you to talk to Luna about Meribia. Luna
won't speak to you, so leave the house and reenter. Talk to her again, and
she'll agree to go with you to Meribia. Talk to your mother now and get a
whopping 1,000 Silver for your trip! Talk to your father and then you'll go to
bed. During the night, Luna has a strange dream and she wakes up. Alex has
gone to Dyne's memorial to think. She follows him and they have a chat about
going off to have a fun adventure. The next morning, say goodbye to your
parents, and then meet Ramus at the town entrance. Make sure you buy a poison
dart for Luna (it's better for her than the sword, since she can attack from
afar with it) and buy the best equipment for everyone else. Pick up some herbs
and antidotes, since most of the enemies in the next area will poison you. Now
enter the Weird Woods...

--The Weird Woods: Treasure found here: Antidote (x6), Herb (x4), ???.
As you enter the forest, Luna will sing and the fog will vanish! Amazing! But
how did she do that? Hmm... Oh well, don't worry about it and go on for now.
The passages are narrow here and it's harder to dodge the enemies, so be
careful, and stay healed. Navigate the forest until you come to a large
clearing. If you head Northeast from the clearing into a smaller alcove, there
is a locked treasure chest hidden in the trees just to the West of a blue rock.
Any red treasure chest you find in the game will be locked like this; you can't
open them now--you'll have to wait until much later (this chest contains the ???
item listed above; I don't know what's inside yet). Proceed West from the
clearing and you'll be surrounded by Goblins. When it looks hopeless, a strange
man will come and ask if you want his help. Say yes, and he'll fight with you.
His name is Laike and he is at level 99 and can attack 3 times! You'll make
short work of these enemies with Laike's help. Afterwards, Laike will make a
fire and some food as you introduce yourselves. He seems to know something
about Luna... this is one very strange guy... In the morning, Laike will have
vanished (of course), so go ahead and exit the forest to the West of the

Now head South to the village of Saith. Enter the village and head to the port-
-the building at the South of town. The captain of the "Hispaniola" lost his
Sea Chart to a card shark named Brett. Go to the bar and talk to Brett in the
upper-right corner. He'll convince you to play a game of "flip the coin" with
him. No matter what you choose, he wins--twice. Then Ramus gets suspicious...
It seems Brett is cheating! Ramus bets the Diamond and catches Brett using a
double-sided coin. Brett reluctantly returns your money, and tells you that he
traded the Sea Chart to an old hag for an Fortune Cane. He gives you the cane.
Buy equipment at the weapons shop for all your characters, and be sure to pick
up an extra Small Bow; you'll need it soon. You'll also hear rumors about a
magician who is visiting Saith. The hag lives in a forest to the Northwest.

--Old Hag's Forest: Treasure found here: Herb (x3), Star Light, 400 Silver.
There are several trap chests in the forest; avoid opening chests that are out
in the open--they are nothing but traps that cause monsters to come running. If
you're looking for EXP, go ahead and open them and fight the monsters. The
chests to the sides, ones that are next to the trees, are safe to open; they
contain items. This is a fairly simple area to get through--just head North to
the exit.

After exiting the monster-infested area, you'll come upon a place with several
very obvious traps. Naturally, some idiot has gotten himself trapped. Rescue
him, and he will dramatically introduce himself. This is no ordinary idiot:
this is Nash, the apprentice magician to Sage Ghaleon of the Magic Guild of
Vane! Nash joins the party; check out his spells, they're pretty powerful!
Also notice that Nash has a special item: Mia's Bromide. Mia is Nash's
girlfriend, and the bromide is a picture of her. USE the bromide to view the
picture. This is the first of the secret bromides in the game. Head North to
the Hag's house. Go up to the 2nd floor and talk to the old woman; since Nall
isn't willing to be dinner, the hag offers to trade the Sea Chart for Nash's
Water Cane. Nash likes his cane (a gift from Ghaleon), but he reluctantly gives
it up after Luna convinces him. Talk to the hag again, and she'll take back her
Fortune Cane; in return you get... to live! So leave... quickly! Now you'd
better equip Nash with that extra Small Bow you brought, since he has no weapon
(you DID remember to bring one, right?). Go back to Saith. Everyone's in an
uproar; it seems that a monster is attacking the "Hispaniola" for it's cargo of
fish. Naturally, Nall volunteers the party to save that precious cargo. Head
to the ship and prepare for the first boss fight.

Saline Slimer (AKA: the Big Blue Booger)
Weakness: Alex's special Sword Magic.

This guy's not too tough, but there are two problems: he can trap your party
members in mucus, making them useless until the mucus goes away (after a few
rounds); he also regenerates a good bit of HP each round (about 80-100). This
means you should do as much damage as possible to him each round. On the first
round, have Alex cast Vigor if he knows it (level 12), have Luna cast Cascade
Song on Ramus, and have Ramus and Nash defend (they can't do enough damage to
counter the regeneration, so save Nash's MP for now). On subsequent rounds,
have Alex cast Explosion Staff for a lot of damage, or have him attack when his
MP runs low. Have Luna heal as necessary, but attack when everyone is healthy.
Have Ramus only attack. Have Nash cast his Thunder spell on the creature; it's
not nearly as effective as Alex's Sword Magic, but it's still pretty good. Keep
this up and the monster will eventually fall. After defeating the Saline Slimer,
the captain says he'll let you ride to Meribia for free as soon as his crew
cleans up the ship. As you leave for the night, Luna looks depressed; Alex
stays behind to check on her. Luna says that she won't be going to Meribia--she
needs to stay behind and look after Alex's parents. The next morning Luna shows
up to see you off, and the boat starts to pull away from the dock. At the last
minute Alex says: "Luna, you HAVE to come with us!" He convinces her and pulls
her aboard at the last second. So now the party heads for Meribia. If you're
playing the demo version, the game ends here. Watch the "ending" animation,
which shows scenes from the upcoming full game. The complete game should be out
sometime in May. If you're playing the full game, you'll see Luna's boat song
at this point, and then arrive at Meribia. When the full game has been
released, rest assured I will be updating this file very soon; check my website
for a new version.

VII. Song Lyrics
**Opening Song--sung by Goddess Althena(Or not?)

In your dreams, magical thoughts,
All things are real unless you dream they're not.
In your dreams, love is the plot,
Carried on wings of hope.

Each of our souls intertwine when we do,
Instantly we see it, the time to grow and be it,
When everything is pinned on a hope.

Let rise the dreams of your heart,
That innocent you, careless and kind,
Free to roam the breeze in love,
Only when two brilliantly shine as one!

**Luna's boat song--"Wishing"--sung by Luna.

Wishing on a dream that seems far off,
Hoping it will come today.
Into the starlit night,
Foolish dreamers turn their gaze,
Waiting on a shooting star.

But, what if that star is not to come?
Will their dreams fade to nothing?
When the horizon darkens most,
We all need to believe there is hope!
Is an angel watching closely over me?
Can there be a guiding light I've yet to see?

I know my heart should guide me, but,
There's a hole within my soul.
What will fill this emptiness inside of me?
Am I to be satisfied without knowing?
I wish, then, for a chance to see;
Now all I need (desperately),
Is my star to come.

VIII. Special Thanks
Extra Special Thanks goes out to Victor Ireland and the whole crew of Working
Designs for their WONDERFUL translation of this game. From witty dialogue to
beautiful animation to talented voice acting to the BEST game packaging EVER, a
hearty congratulations goes out to all the gang at Working Designs.
Of course, special thanks also goes out to Game Arts, for designing this great

Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete FAQ/Walkthrough by Daniel Wagoner.
My E-mail addresses are:
America Online: Daniel0777

Please feel free to E-mail me with any questions you have. I am glad to help
you with any problems you're having with the game. Until my walkthrough section
is complete, please limit your questions to areas of the game covered by the
walkthrough. Like you, I am currently playing this game for the first time, and
I don't want anything spoiled. The walkthrough should be done shortly after I
complete the game. Even when it's finished, the walkthrough probably won't
cover everything at first. After I play the game more, and especially after the
strategy guide is released, I will expand the walkthrough. Remember, as of now
this game ONLY covers the demo. I will be updating this FAQ with information on
the full game soon after it is released. I will also be glad to answer any
questions about other RPG and adventure games. I am especially knowledgeable
about the following games: Final Fantasy 1-7, Dragon Warrior/Quest 1-6 (check
my FAQs on DW2 and 3!), Secret of Mana series (Seiken Densetsu 1-3), Lufia 1 and
2, Breath of Fire 1-3, Lunar 1 and 2 for Sega CD, Chrono Trigger, The Legend of
Zelda 1-5, and Soulblazer. I may not know EVERYTHING about these games
(especially not the Japanese ones), but I should be able to help you if you are
stuck and can't figure out what to do next.

Game Shark Codes: Do not ask me for Game Shark or Game Genie codes. I do NOT
encourage the use of a Game Genie or Game Shark in any of the games I write
these FAQs for. These devices can mess things up (temporarily), and can even
erase your save games! If you are having problems with your game, be sure you
try removing your Game Genie/Game Shark before asking me for help. I have had a
NES and SNES Game Genie in the past, and had my saved games erased numerous
times. I have never used a Game Shark, so I know NOTHING about it, nor do I
know any codes for it. If you NEED to use codes, do a search on the web for
"Game Shark" or "Game Genie" and the name of the game; that should help you find
the codes you need.

Visit my website at
for up-to-date versions of ALL my FAQs! I will soon be adding a DexDrive file
of Lunar to my website, which will eventually contain save games right before
many major events or cool looking animation sequences in Lunar.

This FAQ should also be available at the Video Game FAQ warehouse:

Look for my other FAQs: Dragon Warrior 2 FAQ version 1.7
Dragon Warrior 3 FAQ version 1.7

Also, check out the Working Designs home page for information on Lunar and all
their games, as well as official release date info. for the full game!

Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete and characters in the game are copyrights of
Working Designs and Game Arts.

You may freely distribute this FAQ AS IS! You may make minor formatting
changes, such as realigning tabs or tables, or converting it to HTML format.
This type of editing is fine, and you don't need my permission to do so. But DO
NOT add or remove ANY text from this file! If you wish to add something to this
file, E-mail me with your suggestion and I will make the modification myself if
I agree with your suggestion. Any suggestions are welcome, and if I decide to
incorporate your suggestion, you will of course receive credit for it in the

ATTENTION WEBSITE OWNERS! DO NOT add Game Shark codes! I do no want people E-
mailing me asking about these codes, so please, if you want to list Game Shark
codes on your website, place them in a separate file and make it clear that they
are not connected with my FAQ.

Last but not least, remember... "May the light shine upon thee!"
--from Dragon Warrior 1

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