Psychic Force 2

Psychic Force 2

30.05.2014 13:54:14
1000 Apologizes was presented for Herbert Quiong...Sorry, I WILL NOT FORGET

iracle Peanut~

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p s y c h i c f o r c e t w o \--------/
a 3d fighting game presented by Taito


faq and movelist for Sony Playstation ver 2.1, the 1st revision

by "Miracle Peanut" (also known as "Reinaldy" or "Rei")
you can reach and contact me freely at:

this faq available at :


Psychic Force, Psychic Force 2012, Psychic Force 2 and it's characters are
trademark by it's respective owner, Taito of Japan corp.
copyright 1996, 1997, 1999 by Taito of Japan corp

This faq is created and owned by me (the author). Please don't use
this faq for a profitable purpose such as magazine, hint books, etc.
Also, if you want to placed this faq in a homepage, this file should
be appear in full size, and at last, don't forget to crediting me.


1. Additional Info
2. Introduction to Psychic Force
3. What is Psychic Force 2?
4. Menu Explanation
5. Basic Skill
A. Legend
B. The Chart of Basic Ability List
C. "Combo"-ing
6. Quick Move List and Characters Short Profile
(arcade characters)
A. Might
B. Patty(Patricia Myars)
C. Wendy Rian
D. Genshin Kanjou
E. Carlo Belfrond
F. Regina Belfrond
G. Gates Oldman
H. Emilio Michaelov
I. Setsuna
J. Gudeath
(hidden characters)
K. Keith Evans
L. Richard Wong
M. Burn Griffith
(hidden playstation characters)
N. Sonia (Chris Ryan)
O. Brad Killstein
P. Genma Rokudoh
7. Story behind Psychic Force 2
8. Code and Tricks
A. Unlocking Hidden Characters
B. Gameshark / Action Replay code
9. Version History
10. Acknowledgements
A. Sources
B. Credits
C. Miscellanous Info


1. Additional Info

game tittle : PSYCHIC FORCE 2
console : Sony Playstation
version : NTSC J
players : 1-2
format : 1 (one) CD ROM
price : 5800 Yen
memory card : 1 block
pocketstation : yes (+4 blocks)
dual shock : yes
release date : October, 7 1999
pub/dev : Taito

2. Introduction to Psychic Force

What is the Psychic Force? Psychic Force (PF) is the 1st 3D fighting game from
Taito. It's well known because it has really unique gameplay. Unlike the others
fighting game that fight in the ground. in PF you wasn't in the ground. You're
totally flying in full 3D environment. The camera angle also impresive, cuz it's
really dynamics. Zoom in, fast 360 degree rotation, this one probably can be
compared only by "ERETZVAJU" other unique 3D fighting game from Yuke's a game
developer that have been developed "SOUKAIGI" for Squaresoft

Psychic force also made me really mad when I saw it for the first 1996
During that time, I still play my old Sega Mega Drive, and never think about
Playstation (a bit too late heheh^_^;) one day...when I went to gamestore
I saw a game with really cool anime FMV and unique gameplay called "Psychic Force".
I Though myself..."Gosh!! this was impressive!! the gameplay, anime and soundtrack
was COOL!!", later..I'll start to save my money to buy a Playstation. Finally,
I can get the Playstation and a copy of PF in my hand. I'll started to play
it.... until I was bored. Although I was bored...but I still love this game.
Nowadays sometime, I still spend an hour in the end of the week to play this great game.

Anyway,....I also afraid Psychic Force won't get any sequel. And it means PF
will end in it's first tittle. But, it's disappeared when I recieve a copy of
Psychic Force Puzzle taisen. Although it's not as good as Capcom's Puzzle Fighter
2X, PF Puzzle Taisen, is fun enough...because it's cool opening FMV, great theme
song nice BGM, Puzzle Bobble style gameplay and and interesting gallery mode plus
really challenging difficulity level. If you was a Puzzle Bobble (Bust a Move in US) fans,
You should try this one. You won't be disappointed.

I've been tryied to surf the net for several months to find the info about the sequel of PF,
and at last, I found PF 2012 still in development stage. That's made me a bit happy....but,
it's change to a disappointment when I found that Taito annouced the home-port isn't for
Playstation anymore...but will be for Dreamcast. Dammit! this is first word crossed in
my mind when I was readed the article. The problem is because DC was so expensive here
(in Indonesia). There aren't much gamers owned a DC,...and the price for a copy of GD...
(so scarry). But....several months after the DC version was released, I found Taito annouced
Psychic Force 2012 port for Playstation! huh? this is great!!!! (but...the disappointing it's
because Taito's delay the release date from June to October). The Psychic Force 2 have been come
to your nearest Playstation....go to the next version if you wanna know more about
this really special fighting game.

3. What is Psychic Force 2?

Psychic Force 2 is a nice and sweet translation from Dreamcast to
Playstation. Actually,...I never play the DC version, but I've been played
the WIN 95 version which has identical graphics and identical gameplay with
the DC version. Unfortunately, PC version also has a Bad things that I doesn't
like. It doesn't have VS and Option modes!!!...OK, that's no prob if there
are no VS mode, because you can still challenge your friend via pressing
"start" during a Arcade mode. But if there are no OPTION? that's gonna bad....
cuz, if you a beginner, you can't adjust the difficulity level and...if you
think the position of button wasn't comfortable you can't customize it.

One again...there are NO EXTRA!! the PC version come EXACTLY like the arcade
version without no new additional lineup...yeah, that's what I hate from the
PC version. Anyway, the PF 2012 for PC wasn't a bad game either. Since the
fighting game for PC isn't available a lot(not like the console), if you want
a good PC fighting game, why you didn't buy this one (just make sure that
you can read Japanese --it's necessary for the installation,and have NJWIN
software if you don't own a Japanese Windows 95/98)

About the Dreamcast version? sorry...I can give you any info about it yet,
since I don't own any Dreamcast (like I say's so expensive here,
so I never and can't play it) fortunately...if you like to find the info
about the DC version, Herbert Quiong has the info about it. Just find his
PF 2012 DC/Arcade faq (it's available in and you want
several screenshots, midi, and other multimedia, visit his homepage at

The Shrine of Psychic Force 2012

Like what he said in his faq, His homepage was REALLY have the best english
coverage for Psychic Force

Now about the Playstation version..... Several months ago, Taito annouced
that the PS version will have identical gameplay, graphics with the DC version there will be some extra that can't be founded in Arcade PC, or even
Dreamcast. It'll also featured different opening FMV and new theme song named
The legend "a Dying Hero story" performed by Kageyama Hironobu which also sang
the OST for Kishin Douji Zenki (Vajura On!) and opening theme for Psychic Force:
Puzzle Taisen. The theme song of PS version was sooo cool!!! I though to myself.
About the gameplay...if you think it's identical probably you're right. It runs
at -I guess- 30-45 fps. It's run faster than the first PF and much more enjoyable

...yeah, really much better I tough. The problem is about the graphics. Can
Playstation compared the Hi-res DC and Wolf hardware graphic, because Taito
annouced the graphic will be identical? yeah! it'll be identical with several
minus point. in PS version the resolution will be lower and several polygon will
lost, some small object also something break. You'll see Carlos miss his glasses
sometime. But...for the Playstation class, the quality wasn't bad. I guess....
the load time rather long, because...unlike Tekken 3, the background was fully in
3D(not rendered 2D) and...IT's MOVING!...great!! PF 2 have been take advantages
almost all from Playstation 3D displaying ability. Whatever.......although isn't
as good as the DC and WIN 95/98 version (for the graphics)...perhaps the graphics
PF 2 is much better than the previous version.

The Extra was exclusively added for the Playstation version. there are picture
gallery, the Psy Expand Mode (which much like the build up mode for Bandai's
Dragon Ball Final Bout and the world tour mode for Capcom's infamous SF ZERO 3),
new additional hidden characters...Sonia, Brad and Genma!! it means that the PS
version will have all of PF1 characters.....and, the Pocketstation support!!!
good work Taito!!! because you know how to make the "not perfect" arcade & DC
translation become sooo enjoyable^_^.

4. Menu Explanation

the usual beat the game mode. You'll get the nice anime FMV and ending theme
named Ai Wa Shizumeteru (?) if you can beat the game. The 2nd player can
joined anytime during the battle. What do you need to do is beat the game as
fast as you can....your initial name and your record will be keeped after you
beat it. btw...i believe all of fighting fans should be know about it.

pick a character, then you'll be enter his/her story (each has different storyline)
there'll be some conversation...and ending. other player can't join freely,
unlike arcade mode.

Let you fight a "dummy". Use this mode if you want to practice your combo and
other playing abilities if it's necessary or if you're a beginner.

You'll fight with your friend (human vs human) in this mode.

The "KOF" mode. Build your team with (default) at least 3 members, then...fight the
team of your friend or computer.

just like arcade mode....except if you beat the opponents, your life bar won't
fully recover.

Like I was explained above...this mode much like build up mode in DB Final Bout.
Once you beat the enemy, your character will leveled up via gaining experience.
They'll be gaining new move as well...imagine if Keith got Wendy's air slasher!
..anyway, please refer to Herbert Quiong's faq for more detailed info regarding
this mode

the menu for pocketstation user. Read Herbert Quiong's faq for much more
detailed explanation

Viewing the past record

Can be used to view the picture that you've got after beating the game

Via this can customize the gameplay such as controls, difficulity,
screen adjust...etc (everybody should already know about the function of the "option" right?)

5. Basic Skill

A. Legend

Directional Button:

UB U UF U..............up
O O O UF.............up-forward
\ | / F..............forward
\ | / DF.............down-forward
B O---- N ----O F D..............down
/ | \ DB.............down-back
/ | \ B..............back
O O O UF.............up-forward
DB D DF N..............neutral
HC............half circle (180 degree motion)

(..)...........command performed after the command of the moves denote with
a"(.)"/dot completely performed.
(C)............move can be performed ONLY in close range

B. The Chart of Basic Ability List

note: all of button taken from default setting. There will be several
differences if you don't use it. The basic ability will apply for all

------ ------- -------- -------
button command shortcut ability
------ ------- -------- -------

Square (S)................G.................none.......guard
Triangle (T)..............L.................none.......light attack
Circle (C)................S.................none.......strong attack
Cross (X).................E.................none.......expand
360 degree + S............360 + G...........L1.........barrier guard
b,f + S...................b,f + G...........none?......retreat guard
dir + T + C...............dir + L + S.......dir + R1...dash
T + C.....................L + S.............R1.........quick dash
b,f + T + C...............b,f + L + S.......R2.........slide dash
S + T + C.................G + L + S.........none?......psycho charge
360 degree + S + T + C....360 + S + T + C...L2.........hyper psycho charge
T/C repeatedly............G/L repeatedly....none.......psy-impulse
f + C (close).............f + S (close).....none.......barrier break
S + T (close).............G + L (close).....none.......throw

C. "Combo"-ing

the concept of combo in PF 2 was really simple...there won't be a juggle, or
different chain for each character. The character separated into 3 groups,
...lightweight, middle weight and heavy weight. Each has different combo pattern.

here they are (taken from Jacel Ong's faq):

Light weight (Might, Patty, Wendy, Genshin, Emilio, Sonia?)
L, L, L, L
L, S, Special
L, S, L, Special
L, L, S, Special

Middle weight (Carlo, Regina, Setsuna, Keith, Wong, Burn, Brad ?, Genma ?)
L, L, L
L, S, Special
L, L, S, Special

Heavy weight (Gates, Gudeath)
L, L
S, Special
L, S, Special
L, S, S

6. Quick Movelist and Characters Short profile

-the command listed if the character was facing right

A. Might ~master of lightning~

age: 16
group: nothing
psy: lightning
gender: male
character voice: Midorikawa Hikaru (Heero Yuy of Gundam Wing & SRW F/Final
Ando Masaaki of Masou Kishin Cybuster in SRW
Keia Tenpouin of Eretzvaju,Subaru Shinjou
of Toshinden Subaru)


name of the move command psy needed (in %)

electrigger(.)..........S/f,f + S................30
change direction(..)....hold S and release.......-
magnet anchor...........hc + L...................30
lightning hound(.)......b,f + L..................40
change direction (..)...any direction + L........40
lightning sword.........hc + S...................40
thunder break...........b,f,f + L................45
excursion...............b,f,f, + S...............60


B. Patricia Myars ~master of tone~

age: 15
group: nothing
psy: tone
gender: female
character voice: Kumai Motoko (Li Shaoran of Cardcaptor Sakura)


name of the move command psy needed (in %)

holy whisper............S/f,f + S...............30
prelude key.............b,f + L.................20
eternal harp............b,f,f + L...............50
sweet tone(.)...........hc + L..................-
resonance (..)..........hc + L..................20
sonic rhapsody..........hc + S..................40
reverse noise...........b,f + S.................45
holy purge..............f,f + L.................90
saint requiem...........b,f,f + S...............80


C. Wendy Rian ~master of wind~

age: 17
group: nothing
psy: wind
gender: female
character voice: Hikami Kyoko (Hanasaki Momoko of Wedding Peach,
Setsuna Saizuki of Eretzvaju)

name of the move command psy needed (in %)

air crescent............S/f,f + S...............30
air slasher.............b,f + L.................40
vortex stream...........f,f + L.................45
slipheed dance..........b,f,f + L...............50
mirage step.............hc + L..................50
tri crescent(.).........hc + S..................50
tri crescent split(..)..hc + S..................-
earth gale..............b,f,f + S...............70


D. Genshin Keijoh ~magic user~

age: 82
group: nothing
psy: magic
gender: male
character voice: Ito Hiroshi


name of the move command psy needed (in %)

Kikakon.................S/f,f + S...............30
Gouraishyu..............hc + L..................40
Ren-Enhu(.).............b,f + L.................30
Gohoukyaku(..)..........f,f + L.................30
Hugoshyutsu.............hc + L + S..............70
Kingourun...............b,f + S.................40
Jyuubakusatsu(.)........b,f,f + S...............60
extra1(..)..............u,db,f,b,df,u + L + S,..-
G + L, G + L + S
extra 2(..).............u,uf,f,b,ub,d + G + L,..-
L + S, G + L + S


E. Carlo Belfrond ~master of water~

age: 24
group: NOA
psy: water
gender: male
character voice: Nakamura Daiki


name of the move command psy needed (in %)

hydro spiral............S/f,f + S...............30
aqua javelin(.).........hc + L..................40
flow (..)...............L or S..................-
aqua gimlet.............hc + S..................50
hydro blade.............b,f + S.................40
hydro mine..............b,f,f + L...............50
hydro trap..............b,f + L.................45
serpent press...........b,f,f + S...............80


F. Regina Belfrond ~master of fire~

age: 22
group: NOA
psy: fire
gender: female
character voice: Fukushima Orine


name of the move command psy needed (in %)

blaze shot(.)...........S/f,f + S...............30
split (..)..............hold S and release......-
spark rain..............b,f + L.................40
hyper napalm (.)........hc + S..................40
explode (..)............S.......................-
flare blast.............b,f + S.................40
burst whip..............hc + L..................40
flame chaser............b,f,f + L...............45
atomic burner...........b,f,f + S...............80


G. Gates Oltman ~cyborg~

age: 39
group: NOA
psy: cyborg
character voice: Tsukui Kyousei


name of the move command psy needed (in %)

TOW missile.............S/f,f + S...............30
stun spark..............b,f + L.................40
plasma cannon...........hc + L..................45
G cracker...............f,f + L.................40
all range missile.......b,f,f + S...............50
boost arm(.)............hc + S..................30
double boost(..)........hc + L..................30
pile bander(..).........hc + S..................30


H. Emilio Michaelov ~master of light~

age: 16
group: army
psy: light
character voice: Takayama Minami (Conan Edogawa of Meitantei Conan, and also the singer
of Just Communication, soundtrack of Shinkidousenki
Gundam Wing)


name of the move command psy needed (in %)

shining arrow...........S/f,f + S..............30
prism reflector.........b,f + L................20
reflector dash..........f,f + L................20
seeker ray(.)...........hc + L.................40
direct shooting(..).....G......................-
prism seal..............hc + S.................40
angel halo..............b,f + S................50
arch angel..............b,f,f + L..............80
trinity ray(.)..........b,f,f + L..............90
direct shooting(..).....G......................-


I. Setsuna ~master of darkness~

age: 27
group: army
psy: darkness
gender: male
character voice: Sakai Tetsuya


name of the move command psy needed (in %)

darkside soul...........S/f,f + S...............30
dark wedge..............b,f + L.................40
mirrors coffin..........b,f + S.................50
negative drain..........f,f + L.................45
shady cloud.............b,f,f + L...............40
daggers shadow(.).......hc + L..................40
increase daggers(..)....hold L..................-
black sun(.)............hc + S..................70
gigantic sun(..)........hold S..................-
the darkness............b,f,f + S..............100


J. Gudeath ~master of gravity~

age: 33
group: army
psy: gravity
gender: male
character voice: Ohtomo Ryuuzaburou


name of the move command psy needed (in %)

gravity bullet(.).......S/f,f + S...............30
leave projectile(..)....hold S and release......-
meteor hammer...........b,f + L.................30
asteroid belt(.)........hc + L..................70
satellite fall(..)......hc + S..................-
satellite fall(..)......hc + L + S..............-
shaving wall............b,f,f + L...............60
meteor butcher(C).......360 degree + L..........70
gravity infinity........b,f,f 9 + S.............90


K. Keith Evans

age: 19
group: NOA
psy: Ice
gender: male
character voice: Tsukui Kyousei


name of the move command psy needed (in %)

frigid lance............S/f,f + S...............30
frigid spear............b,f + L.................40
frigid spine............b,f + S.................50
frigid prison...........hc + L..................45
blizzard tooth..........b,f,f + S...............50


L. Richard Wong ~master of time~

age: 36
group: Army
psy: time
gender: male
character voice: Madono Mitsuaki


name of the move command psy needed (in %)

genwaku no kisenki(.)...S/f,f + S...............30
sword appear(..)........hold S and release......-
kyoku no gen-ei.........f,f + L.................40
imashine no senrei(.)...f,f + S.................35
12 sword(..)............b,f,f + L + S...........15
jigen no matataki(.)....b,f + L or S............40
faint(..)...............b,f + L or S............15
unmei no sentaku........hc + L or S.............30
senritsu no hukusen.....b,f,f + S...............40
youkyuu no sasoi........360 degree + L.........100
kanzen na sekai.........360 degree + S.........ALL


M. Burn Griffith ~grandmaster of fire~

age: 20
group: nothing
psy: fire
gender: male
character voice: Koyasu Takehito (Kayin Amou in Toushinden OVA)


name of the move command psy needed (in %)

flame shoot.............S/f,f + L...............30
burning trail...........f,f + L.................40
exploder................b,f + L.................40
burst hand..............hc + L..................50
triangle heat(.)........hc + S..................45
explosion(..)...........hc + S..................-
nova flare(.)...........b,f,f + L...............-
nova flare shoot(..)....S/f,f + S...............-
god phoenix.............b,f,f + S...............90

N. Sonia (Chris Ryan) ~master of electric~

age: 17
group: NOA
psy: electricity
sex: female
character voice: Shiraishi Ayako

name of the move command psy needed (in %)

electrigger.............S/f,f + S...............30
magnet anchor...........hc + L..................30
gigantic drill..........f,f + L.................30
terra discharge.........b,f + S.................50
execution...............b,f,f + S...............60


O. Brad Killstein ~master of gravity~

age: 24
group: NOA
psy: gravity
sex: male
character voice: Nakao Ryuusei


name of the move command psy needed (in %)

gravity bruit...........S/f,f + S...............30
meteor hammer...........b,f + L.................30
asteroid belt(.)........hc + S..................70
satellite fall(..)......hc + S..................-
meager pressure.........f + L...................40
gravity infinity........b,f,f + S...............90


P. Genma Rokudoh ~magic user~

age: 52
group: nothing
psy: magic
sex: male
character voice: Akimoto Yousuke (Tohou Fuhai/Master Asia in G Gundam)


name of the move command psy needed (in %)

onibi tamashii..........S/f,f + S...............30
renenfu.................b,f + L.................30
kouraiju................hc + L(L)...............40
fugojutsu...............hc + L + S..............50
jubakusatsu.............b,f,f + S...............60


7. Story behind Psychic Force 2 (taken from Joseph Ong's Psychic Force 2012
faq for Arcade/DC....and originally was created by Herbert Quiong)

2010, The immense power of Keith and Burn's final showdown, caused
the untimely destruction of the Old Noa underground Fortress,
where many Psychiccers lost their lives. Noa has been destroyed
officially. With the demise of Noa, the world's Psychiccers are
left without a leader.

2012, Keith Evans ressurrects Neo Noa and follows the path towards
a peaceful world for united Psychiccers. Richard Wong creates his
own Army of Psychiccers to destroy Neo NOA and humans alike.
There is also a "Third Force" of Psychiccers who seek thier
friends and family, and hunt down members of Neo Noa and Army to
find the truth.

8. Code and Tricks

A. Unlocking Hidden Characters

(Please refer to Herbert Quiong's faq)

there are some question crossed in my mind.....
did Golden and Silver wing Emilio also available in Playstation version?
YES! they DID!...(credits to "Kazama Go")

B. Gameshark/Action replay Codes

This code was tested in my version 6.0 of Action Replay. Except the
code to unlock all character and not sure if the others
can work in the old version of PAR/GS (below version 1.9)
...probably in the future update, I'll gonna tell you about this.

Unlock All Characters & Stages
8007A15E FFFF

Infinite Energy P1
800D2038 03E8
800D203A 03E8

No Energy P1
800D2038 0000
800D203A 0000

Infinite Energy P2
800D204A 03E8
800D204C 03E8

No Energy P2
800D204A 0000
800D204C 0000

Super Strength P1
800D203C 4000

No Strength P1
800D203C 0000

Super Strength P2
800D204E 4000

No Strength P2
800D204E 0000

Start In Last Stage
D007A0F2 0000
8007A0F2 0007

All Albums (Caetla Only)
B0100004 00000000
30079A0A 00FF

Psy-Extend Mode Codes

All Max Levels (Caetla Only)
B0100030 00000000
30079D48 00FF

All Max Exp (Caetla Only)
B0100030 00000000
90079D4C 000F423F

All Max Sup (Caetla Only)
B0100030 00000000
30079D5A 0063

All Battle Clear (Caetla Only)
B0100030 0000000
80079D66 FFFF
B0100030 00000000
B0100030 00000000
B0100030 00000000
B0100030 00000000

9. Version History

0.1 An initial release. Added some movelist, info, trick and cheats...but
still not finished yet, actually.

0.2 Fixed several mistake...apologize for Herbert Quiong and Genma's
movelist was added, there are several correction too the credits
section plus, The Seiyuu section was ALMOST completed!!! Awright!!!
While, the code section have been fixed. Please refer to Herbert
Quiong's faq if you want to know about how to unlock the hidden
characters, except about to unlock Golden wing Emilio and Silver
Wing Emilio. The code will be added in version 3.0..credits to:
Kazama Go (

10. Acknowledgements

A. Sources

Joseph Ong's Psychic Force 2012 faq (DC/Arcade)...most of the movelist taken from
his faq

Herbert Quiong's Psychic Force 2 faq...for the codes to unlock the hidden
characters, and several other stuff...such as the info about "Pychichers Network"

Kenichiro Tanaka's Psychic Force 1 the source move for the move for
all Playstation only characters.

Gameshark Code Creator Club...for providing the code for the latest and newest

Hitoshi Doi's Seiyuu page ...4 providing some info about the seiyuu.

B. Credits

God...for make everything possible

My Grandma...for give me a PC, without that, I won't be able to write
this faq

Taito ( creating this great game and a good port
from DC to Playstation

Joseph Ong ( your permission to use part from
your faq^_^;

Herbert Quiong ( know why...GOMEN..GOMEN..and GOMEN
I've been try to fixed my mistakes in this version^_^

Heero Yuy ( being a good friend, Don't
worry dude! I'll always give you a support 4 ever!, hampir lupa...makasih
atas CD Evangelionnya^_^

Pribadi Prananta (, you'll be my
inspiration forever!

Erwind Prasetya ( creating the best gaming site in
Indonesia...ULTIMA NATION!!!!

C. Miscellanous

There are also several sites that I've been used as the source for my faq

Gaming Sites
Magic Box Gaming Wizard.............................
Contains the lates info for gaming world..especially if you're a hardcore
fans of japanese games (Like me). Updated at least thrice a week, also...
the release schedule of console games for Japan and US that updated
bimonthly. Actually, I also know the news about Psychic Force 2 from this

Psychic Force Sites
I consider both of them as the best Psychic Force site I ever found...
If you're a big fans of Psychic Force, don't forget to visit them

Miscellanous Sites
Hitoshi Doi's Seiyuu Page......................
the biggest and the best information site about Seiyuu up to date

-----------|END OF THE FAQ|-----------

UNPUBLISHED WORK BY MIRACLE PEANUT (1999)...with the help of Those Guys that
I've been creditted above
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16.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

30.Mai 2014
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die Europäische PAL Version.

09.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020