05.10.2013 04:08:39
by Paul Begkey

WORLD 1...

ARENA 1: After landing in this arena, turn around and collect the "Most
Cowardly Power-Up" to receive a health boost. Run up the corridor and kill
the waving guard with your chain gun, then wait for the next two guards and
kill them both as well. Collect the "Worlds Smallest Nuclear Bomb" from the
left side of the arena and use it to blow up the Atomic Lock on the exit

ARENA 2: After entering this arena, enter Sniper Mode and zoom in to the
Guard on one of the parapets of the distant tower. Wait till he is holding
the target over his face then shoot it to perform a "Head Shot". Repeat
this for the next two guards who appear on the tower, then wait for the
Exploding Crate to drop down and come to rest. Shoot this to blow up the
tower and kill the three shielded guards, and then exit Sniper Mode.
Collect the grenade which drops down into the arena then throw it at the
red, glass wall (Making sure you stand quite far back when you throw it).
Now, stand on the top step in front of the pedestal and jump and float with
your Ribbon Chutes to collect the Mortar pick-up. Standing either on the
pedestal or on the floor, enter Sniper Mode and target the black hole above
the centre glass wall. Fire a mortar in to the hole and this will blow open
the glass. Run into the room and destroy the Guard Generator in the centre
of the room. Use Sniper Mode to kill the three Guards with giant targets,
by using the Head Shot technique, then collect the Dummy Decoy pick-up from
behind the glass columns. Jump on to the lowest of the platforms and use
the rest to reach the exit door.

ARENA 3: Stop after entering this arena and use Sniper Mode to zoom in on
the distant building. Target the area just above the closed door, and you
will see three of the Exploding Crates. Shoot any of them to explode the
structure and blow open the door. Now run across to the buildings entrance,
avoiding the Guards and the Tank as you go. Once inside the building, keep
shooting the Guard Generator till it blows up to reveal the exit hole.

ARENA 4: Once in the Subway Station, destroy the Guard Generator to your
left, then jump across the track and take out the one hidden in the alcove
on the right. Collect the Grenades and then come back down to the Train.
Cross over to the other side through the Train and approach the large door.
When the Tank emerges, throw the Grenades at it repeatedly till it blows
up. Run into the Tank's room to find the exit.

ARENA 5: Kill the Guard at the start of this arena, then shoot at the
Console to the right of him a couple of times. This will cause a Ship to
fly down and hover in front of you. Walk into the Ship and you will enter
Bombing Mode. When in this state, you will be shown a view looking down at
the arena with a targeting cross hair. The ship will fly you round the
arena before dropping you back off at the starting point. While you are
flying around, use the fire button to drop a series of bombs, positioning
them with the cross hair. Destroy as many of the Guards as possible, and
also bomb the top of any buildings you may fly over to blow them open. When
the ship has dropped you back at the beginning of the arena, move towards
the building in the middle, entering the two on the right or left to
collect pick-ups. When you get near enough to the last building, a Tank
will be flown down into the arena. A second ship will then appear above the
building and hover for a few seconds. Zoom in with your Sniper Mode and
target the Exploding Crate hanging beneath it. Shoot this to blow open the
door and then enter it. Destroy the Guard Generator and a Nuke pick-up will
be revealed. Collect this and the Turkey health power-up, and then exit the
building. Run around to the rear of the structure and you will see the Exit
Door in the far wall at the back of the arena. Use the Nuke to open the
Atomic Lock and then exit the arena.

ARENA 6: Follow the canyon passage in this arena to the right, be sure to
take out the five Flying Guards before you get to the end, and then stand
behind the last block on the right to shield yourself from the Cannon.
Throw the Dummy Decoy to the left, and then shoot at the Cannon while it is
distracted. If you have any grenades left, these will help you to destroy
it faster. Once the Cannon has been destroyed, jump up onto the block and
enter Sniper Mode. Now, select Mortars from your sniper weapon inventory,
and fire a mortar into each of the four "funnels". These lead down to the
glass-fronted rooms and will blow up the four taunting Guards. If you do
not have any Mortars, or you use them up trying, exit sniper mode and
search the arena. There will always be a spare supply somewhere in the
level. After each Guard has been destroyed, the entire structure will
explode to leave a chasm in the floor. Destroy the two tanks which appear
on the other side of the gap, then stand at the highest point on your side
of the chasm. >From this position jump and float across to the lowest point
of the other side. If you are lucky, Kurt will grab hold of the edge and
pull himself up. Follow this section of the canyon and collect a Most
Cowardly Power-Up to restore your health level. Return to the edge of the
chasm and drop down using your Ribbon Chutes to thebottom and the exit.

ARENA 7: Jump off the Glass Platform at the start of this arena, and float
down to the floor, avoiding the spikes. Use grenades to blow up the target
dome in the centre of the room to reveal an Air-Vent. If you do not have
any grenades, wait and a supply will drop down to you. Jump on to the
Air-Vent and you will float up with your Ribbon Chutes. When you reach the
top of the air current, turn around till you are facing a long glass
platform sticking out from a wall. Land on this and use the other Glass
Platforms to work your way up to the top of the room. At the very top,
collect the pick-ups and then leave through the exit.

ARENA 8: Follow the passageway round to the left and shoot the Alert Droid
till it opens. Walk in to the droid, then drive it back down the passage
and around to the door which leads in to the corridor filled with sentries.
Now, while inside the Alert Droid, you can drive between them with trouble.
Once you get to the end of the corridor, avoid the Very Big Guard and jump
past him to the room beyond. Collect the "Worlds Most Interesting Bomb",
and throw it into the centre of the room. When all of the enemies have
crowded round it, press Enter on your keyboard to detonate it, remember to
stand well back! If any of the sentries survive, take them out with your
chain gun till they have all been destroyed. Leave the corridor and collect
the Nuke pick-up which drops down to the left of the entrance door, and use
it to blow the Atomic Lock off the Exit Door.

ARENA 9: After floating up the air-shaft, stand on the highest section of
the arena and face the distant tower above the glass walls. Zoom in to the
Mine Controller who is working in the tower and select Sniper Grenades from
your sniper mode inventory. Target the Controller's head and zoom in to the
Max on his face. Now shoot him and, if successful, you will kill him with
one shot. If you miss, or if you do not have any Sniper Grenades in your
inventory, you will have to try again. Keep shooting at him with normal
bullets and a supply of Sniper Grenades will eventually drop down into the

WORLD 2...

ARENA 1: Wait for the Sniper Grenade that drops down into the rear of the
arena, collect it then make your way slowly down the ramp to the next room.
When you can just see the Floating Guard, enter sniper mode and target the
Guard. Use a couple of sniper grenades in quick succession to destroy him,
then exit sniper mode and shoot the Alert Droid. When he has been killed,
the glass ceiling will break and allow the Worlds smallest Nuclear Bomb to
drop down into the arena. Pick this up and then throw it at the door with
the Atomic Lock.

ARENA 2: At the start of this arena, turn to the right so that you are
facing the incoming fire, then use side-step to move left into the arena.
Dodge the gun blasts, and work your way across to the other side of the
shooting range. If you fall into the trench that runs in front of the
range, then run back to the left-hand side of the arena and climb up onto
the block to reach the platform.

ARENA 3: Walk up to the top of the ramp in the centre of this arena, and
wait for the Mortar pick-up to drop down. Collect this and turn to face the
large glass wall. Enter Sniper Mode, and target the rectangular hole with
the chevron edges. Select the Mortar from your sniper inventory, and fire
one through the hole. The mortar will drop down to the Guards and cause the
floor to crack when it explodes. A Nuke pick-up will then fly out of the
hole and float down in front of the ramp. Collect this and throw it at the
Atomic Lock to open the exit door.

ARENA 4: Walk up to the edge of the glass floor, then enter Sniper Mode
and target the Grunt Foreman. Use mortars to kill him, then take out the
two Warhead Carrying Grunts to detonate the missile stockpile and open
up the floor. Drop down to the floor and then jump into the hole to
reach the next arena.

ARENA 5: From your starting position in this arena, use your chain gun to
kill the first Guard, then enter Sniper Mode and zoom in on the Second
Guard hiding behind one of the far cannons. Use a Head Shot to kill him
quickly, then walk down to the middle cannon with the Turkey Health
power-up floating on top. Jump up on to the barrel to collect the power-up
and then face down the length of the barrel. Fire repeatedly with your
chain gun at the distant shooting range, and you will cause the cannon to
recoil back of its housing and through the window behind the line of

ARENA 6: Once the cannon has blown up, float down to one of the floating
platforms with your ribbon chutes. Once you have landed, use the rest of
the platforms to reach the Exit Door at the rear of the arena. Be careful
to avoid the three cannons at the end of the room. They all fire in a
repeating sequence, so watch them for a minute till you know when it will
be safe to move. If you fall off while you are moving, there are two
Air-Vents that can be used to reach the platforms. One is at the start of
the arena, and the second is in the middle.

ARENA 7: Jump off the ledge at the start of this arena, then float down to
the first of the floating platforms, where the Leaping Guard is waiting. As
you float, shoot at him to make him jump out of the way. From this platform
you will be able to attack the leaping guard without being hit by the
pendulum (if you move on to any other platform, the Pendulum will be able
to strike you). From this position, enter sniper mode and try to use the
Head Shot technique to kill the Leaping Guard. Several shots will be
required to destroy him. If successful, a ramp will appear leading to the
Exit Door. Jump across to this using the platforms, being careful to dodge
the Pendulum.

ARENA 8: Destroy all of the enemies in this arena and collect any of the
power-ups that drop down. After a certain number of kills - it changes each
game - a Worlds Smallest Nuclear Bomb will drop down somewhere into the
maze of blocks. Collect it and move round to the back of the arena, behind
the gigantic white tower. Kill the sentry and the two alert droids, then
throw the Nuke onto the ground in front of the Atomic Lock. This will blow
open the door and allow you to float up the inside of the tower to the Exit

ARENA 9: After landing in this arena, walk round to the guard's Sky Sled
landing bay and wait for one of the Sky Sleds to land. Jump on to the sled
as the two guards jump off and turn round to face them. Shoot both of them
with your chain gun till the have been destroyed. This will then activate
the Sky Sled, which will take off and fly around some battle arenas, where
the guards are practising their skills, before flying into the Mine
Controllers tower. Once the Sled has stopped, it will drop you to the floor
and allow you to enter the last arena. For a bonus health power-up, wait at
the sky sled landing bay and run into the left rear corner when it is
empty. If you do this correctly, you will be teleported to one of the
battle arenas. Wait for a moment,and one of the sky sleds will drop off the
Most Cowardly Power-Up. Collect this and then walk into the centre of the
battlearena. This will teleport you back to the landing bay.

ARENA 10: Follow the passageway up into the arena, then climb the ramp to
your right to reach the upper platform and a health power-up. >From this
position, face the window on the other side of the room and enter Sniper
Mode. Zoom in on the small alien and shoot once to break the glass. Now
zoom in further and shoot repeatedly at the Mine Controller till he seals
the window. For a bonus shot, try to target his nose and eyes! Once the
window has closed, exit sniper mode and wait for the controller to reappear
in his glass ship. Shoot the ship repeatedly as it flies around the arena
till it explodes. The controller will drop to the floor and run to each of
the three doors in the arena to release a guard. As he runs, shoot him with
the chain gun till his health bar is depleted. The Mine Crawler will
self-destruct and carry you back into orbit.

WORLD 3...

ARENA 1: From the starting ledge, enter Sniper Mode and zoom in on the two
Sentry Guns at the end of the arena. Destroy both of them and then exit
sniper mode. Use the chain gun to kill the Flying Guard as it moves towards
you, then float down into the arena. Take out the first set of Guards with
the chain gun, then position yourself in the centre of the arena and use
sniper mode to zoom in on the two door stops that holding the large door
shut In the distance. Shoot both of these off and the door will crash down
and destroy the Sentry. Stay in sniper mode and head shoot the two Suicide
Guards who come running out. Next, find the ramp on the right-hand side of
the room and follow it up and jump across to the upper platform. Kill the
Leaping Guard which is standing there, and then climb onto the sloping
platform on your left. Follow this up and jump over to the platform with
the Super Chain Gun pick-up. Collect this and then jump and float across to
the other side of the arena to collect the Bones' Air-Strike pickup. Drop
back down to the arena floor and exit the level by the open doorway,
killing any surviving Guards in the arena.

ARENA 2: Stand in the entrance to this arena and use sniper mode to kill
both of the Sentry Guns. Exit sniper mode and use your chain gun to destroy
the guards to the left and right of the entrance. Run in to the two alcoves
behind the guards and collect the two pick-ups; Homing Sniper bullets and a
Dummy Decoy. Drop down into the drained pool and collect the Super Chain
Gun. Climb back out of the pool and kill all of the Guards who have dropped
in to the arena. Once these have been destroyed, walk behind the diving
board to find the pool annex. Kill all of the guards in here and collect
the Apple health power-up. Wait for the two Flying Drones and the Sky Sled
riding Guard to break into the room through the window, and then kill the
two drones. Throw the Dummy Decoy back towards the pool area to distract
the Guard on the Sky Sled and then enter Sniper Mode (making sure you are
in a position to shoot his head. Zoom in on his face and perform a head
shot to cause the Sky Sled to drop to the floor. Exit sniper mode and jump
on to the Sled to collect the Worlds Most Interesting Bomb from the top of
the room. Drop down the shaft to exit the arena.

ARENA 3: Kill both of the Sentry Guns at the start of this arena, then
enter the glass tunnel. Use a Homing Sniper bullet to head shot the Guard
at the end of the tunnel and to break it open. Float down into the room and
make your way to the room at the rear of the arena. Collect the Twister
pick-up and then use your chain gun to shoot each of the three Guard
Containers till the break. When the last one is destroyed, the pipe leading
back in the main room will turn green and shatter. Come back out and jump
on to the platform in the centre of the arena.

ARENA 4: Collect all of the pick-ups in this tiny room and then shoot
repeatedly at wall with your chain till the room breaks and reveals the
arena outside. Use your grenades to blow up the seven Guard Generators in
this room, at the same time taking out any guards. If the room gets
crowded, use the Twister pick-up to destroy the guards. Finally, kill the
Sentry at the exit to unlock the door which leads to the arena.

ARENA 5: Walk to the edge of the platform which looks down into this arena,
and then use Sniper Mode to shoot the two Sentry Guns in each corner of the
room. Next, jump onto the Blue Triangular platform to your right, and enter
sniper mode again. Target the Blue Exit in the top right of the arena and
wait for the Floating Sentry to appear. Now shoot him till he's destroyed -
a good tip here is to use Sniper Grenades. Drop down to the floor and
collect the Most Cowardly power-up. Watch out for the Leaping Guards in
this room. Try to jump in to the Blue Cave on the left hand side of the
room and then pick them off from here. Once they have been killed, jump up
to the left red cave and follow the red passageway up to the green
platform. Destroy the Guard Generator and the Alert Droid, and then stand
at the base of the arrow which points out into the arena. Follow the arrow
by jumping across to the yellow platform in the middle room, Kill the two
Guards here and then use the platform to jump across to the Blue Exit. If
you failed to destroy the Floating Sentry at the start of this arena, then
watch out when you jump into the exit!

ARENA 6: Stand at the top of the slop that leads down into this arena, and
use Sniper Mode to zoom in and destroy the two Sentry Guards at the far end
of the arena. Next, target the rotating Gun Pod and zoom in closer. Fire
one shot at it to get its attention, the quickly shoot through its open
front section to head shot the operator. Walk down the slope and kill all
of the Guards that jump down into the trench. When you reach the end of the
trench, jump into the air-current to be lifted to the upper levels of the
arena. At the top, quickly move forwards and kill all of the Guards at the
top of the air-shaft. Now, stand at the rear of the arena, so that you are
facing the Sentry and the Two Guards at the other end. Enter sniper mode
and zoom in on the Sentry. If you have a Sniper Grenade, use this to
perform a one hit, Head Shot. If not, just use normal sniper bullets till
it has been destroyed. Remember you can side-step while still in sniper
mode. Once the sentry has been killed, take out the two guards and then
move up the trenches edge and collect the Apple power-up at the end. As you
move to collect it, four Flying Drones will fly down the length of the
trench, followed by two Guards on Sky Sleds. When they reach the end of the
trench, they will pause and turn around to fly back up. Zoom in on them
when stationary and use the Head Shot technique to leave a Sky Sled
floating in the air. Run back down to it and jump on. This will then fly
you over to collect the Thumper and the Health power-up. Jump off the sled
when it has stopped moving and Exit through the door in the top left of the

ARENA 7: After floating up the air-shaft, stand in front of the glass
window and select the Thumper from your inventory. Shoot the glass with
your chain gun and then throw the Thumper down into the arena. This will
kill and damage some of the guards in the arena. Now jump down and finish
the rest off with your chain gun. Note: If you did not collect the Thumper
from the previous arena, then you will have to kill the guards with just
your chain gun and sniper gun. Once all of the enemies in this arena have
been destroyed, jump up onto the block in the middle of the floor. Once on
top, turn around till you can see a dark hole in a wall, above another
block. Jump across to this block then enter the hole. Inside you will find
a three pointed object at the bottom of a slope, and a health power-up.
Collect the power-up and then shoot repeatedly at the object to make it
spin. Leave the room and the large door in the arena will now have opened.
Walk through the now open door and collect the Sweet power-ups, but watch
out for a lone Suicide Guard. At the end of the corridor, you will find a
large room with a strange Alien Structure guarded by two Leaping Guards.
Kill both of the guards and then shoot at the front left side of the
structure with your chain gun so that it sprays red fragments. Once this
section has collapsed, destroy the opposite side in the same way. When both
sections have been destroyed, shoot the now exposed inside of the structure
to reveal the Exit.

ARENA 8: Follow the passageway to the right till you reach the arena
entrance, guarded by an Alert Droid. The right hand passageway is a
dead-end, but does contain a Health power-up. Destroy the Alert Droid, and
then wait for the Guard on a Sky Sled to fly in to the room. Use your chain
gun to kill him and then jump onto the grounded sled. This will then take
off and fly you around the arena. As you move, turn on the spot and use
your chain gun to kill the Flying Drones as they attack you. The Sky Sled
will eventually crash through the far wall of the arena and you will enter
the last arena.

ARENA 9: Enter the arena, and collect the Turkey Health power-up hidden on
the right-hand side of the room. Then, stand in front of the large wheel on
the rear wall of the room . A wave of the Alien Dogs will roll out from the
holes under the wheel and attack you. At the same time, the Mine Controller
will start to rotate the wheel. Kill all of the Alien Dogs with your chain
gun and then wait for the wheel to stop spinning. When it does, enter
Sniper Mode and zoom in on the one of the four red domes that appear on the
rim of the wheel. Shoot it off and then exit Sniper Mode. The remaining
domes will then shoot once at you and disappear as the wheel starts to spin
again. Repeat this process for the rest of the domes and when all of them
have been destroyed, the Mine Controller will fall out of his room and

WORLD 4...

ARENA 1: After landing, jump off and float down into the chasm with your
ribbon chutes. As you float down, turn around so that you are facing the
opposite direction. As you near the bottom, position yourself so that you
are directly over the Ice Sheet and drop down onto it. The Ice will break
and allow you to continue floating down into the next room. If you turned
to face the right direction, you should now be in a direct line of sight
with the large Sentry. Shoot at him with your chain gun to destroy him.
There is also a Super Chain Gun pick-up on the platform to your right,
protected by a Guard. You can kill this Guard and collect the Super Chain
Gun to help kill the Sentry faster. Once he has been destroyed, kill the
rest of the Guards in the room and then climb up to the platform where the
Sentry was floating. Here you will find a Snow Board. Walk on to the Snow
Board and it will launch you down the ramp, through the glass door.

ARENA 2: Steer left and right to navigate the tunnel, holding down will
make you brake. Shoot the Guards and Stop Boards in this arena as you
approach them and be careful to avoid the large rocks.

ARENA 3: Once you have landed in this arena, shoot the Guard standing next
to the Console, and then fire a couple of shots at the Console to summon a
Ship. Stand back as the Ship lands, and kill the two guards as the leap
out. Once they have been destroyed, walk into the ship to enter Bombing
Mode. The ship will now fly you around the arena, before returning you to
the start area. As you are flown around, use the fire button and the
onscreen target to drop bombs on to the arenas Guards and Gun Towers. This
will make your journey through the arena easier. Once back on the ground,
destroy the small hut next to you and collect the Dummy Decoy pick-up from
inside. Now run into the arena and make your way over to far side. If you
missed any of the Gun towers or Gun Pods in the Bombing Run, then use
Sniper Mode to head shoot the gun controllers through the open front of the
pods. As you near the Exit in the far wall of the arena, collect the
pick-ups and then throw the Dummy Decoy in front of you to distract the
Guards and Sentry. While they are shooting at the Decoy, kill them with
your chain gun. Once they have been destroyed, exit the arena through the
cave and walk on to the next Snow Board.

ARENA 4: As you snow board down this tunnel, collect all of the Ten Bones
to receive a pick-up at the end. Also, collecting the Earthworm Jim
pick-ups will give the enemies a nasty surprise by dropping a cow on their
heads! When you reach the split level section of the tunnel, jump with your
snow board to land on the upper level. If you have collected all of the
Bones in the tunnel, then when you reach the end a supply ship will fly
down into the tunnel with a Twister pick-up hanging beneath it. Jump up as
it passes over you to collect it.

ARENA 5: Float down into this arena, and shoot the three Flying Drones as
they approach you. Once these have been killed, climb up onto the Submarine
and make your way along to the tail section to collect a Sniper Grenade.
Use this to destroy the Guards and a Tank will be flown into the arena.
Blow up the Tank, from either a sniper position on top of the Submarine, or
from the ground with your chain gun. Once it has been destroyed, collect
the Worlds Smallest Nuclear Bomb and kill the remaining Guards. Now find
the Atomic Lock on the Submarines door and use the Nuke to open it. Enter
the Submarine, and you will come face to face with the Sub Boss. Destroy
him by throwing Grenades into the Air Current that holds his Pod in the
air. After the right amount, the Pod will blow up and allow you to float up
the air current and into the passageway above. Follow the passageway to the
next arena.

ARENA 6: Destroy all of the Guard Generators in this arena with your chain
gun, then kill all of the Guards. Blow open the crates to reveal power-ups
and pick-ups. Approach the floating Gun Pod and either use the chain or
throw Grenades into the air current to destroy it. Use the air current to
float up to the next level, and then walk on to the snow board to exit the

ARENA 7: Like the previous snowboarding level, collect all Ten Bones for a
Twister pick-up. When you reach the fork in the tunnel, take the path to
the right to collect a Super Chain Gun pick-up. As you progress through the
tunnel, collect the Earthworm Jim pick-ups to drop a cow on the enemy Gun

ARENA 8: After landing in this arena, jump into the Air-Current to float up
and collect the Super Chain Gun pick-up. While you are floating, shoot down
the enemy Ship and then drop down and collect the scattered pick-ups. Run
into the next section of the arena and destroy the Guard Generator with the
super chain gun. Once destroyed, it will release a Most Cowardly Power Up.
Collect this for a health boost and then enter the last room of the arena.
Avoid the Gun Pod Boss' bombs and destroy the crate to the left of the
room. This will release a Dummy Decoy. Collect this and throw it to
distract the Boss. Next, run over tot he other side of the room and destroy
the rest of the crates to receive a large supply of Grenades. Stand in
front of the Gun Pod Boss and throw the Grenades into the air-stream. Keep
throwing the grenades until the boss is destroyed and you exit the arena.

WORLD 5...

ARENA 1: From the starting position in this arena, enter Sniper Mode and
wait for the Mother Ship to fly overhead. Follow it as it turns and wait
for it to come to a stop. Now quickly shoot off each of the Gun Pods on its
side to send it crashing down. Exit sniper mode and run up into the arena.
Use your chain gun to destroy all of the Guards in this area, andthen find
the ramp on the right which leads up to a secret Sniper Position, and a
Dummy Decoy. Collect the decoy and enter sniper mode. Look through the slit
in the wall and zoom in on the Alert Droid on the far side of the arena, in
front of the Atomic Locked door. Kill it, then exit sniper mode and walk
back into the centre of the arena. A ship with a Worlds Smallest Nuclear
Bomb will fly into the arena and drop off two Guards. Destroy the guards
and then shoot down the ship to collect the Nuke. Walk over to the left of
the arena and throw the nuke at the Atomic Lock to open the Exit Door.

ARENA 2: Kill both of the Guards and the Alert Droid at the start of this
arena, and then use the sloping platform to jump across to the next
platform. Run and jump off the end of this block to reach the edge of the
passageway in front of you. Stop at the entrance to the tunnel and enter
Sniper Mode. Now zoom in and target the Exploding Crate at the other end of
the tunnel. Shoot it to blow up a Sentry hidden round the corner of the
tunnel. Move down to the end and collect the Sniper Grenade from the edge
of the platform. Quickly enter Sniper Mode and use the Sniper Grenades to
kill the Sentry at the other side of the arena. When he has been destroyed,
drop down into the arena and run over to the platform where the Sentry was
floating. Climb up onto the platform and collect a Super Chain Gun pick-up.
Use this to destroy the Gun Ship which takes off from the centre of this
arena. Once destroyed this will release a Forklift , which will try to ram
you. Kill the driver by shooting the Glass Dome off it, and then use your
chain gun to push it over to the yellow panel on the floor. This will
deactivate the Force Field and allow you to drop down the Exit Hole.

ARENA 3: Float up the air shaft and then drop down onto the ramp which
leads up into the arena. Kill the two Guards and the Alert Droid at the top
of the ramp and then face the far Control Room. Enter Sniper Mode and zoom
in on the Technician in the control room. Shoot once to break the glass and
then keep shooting at the Technician until he fall over backwards and hits
the button on the wall behind him. Exit sniper mode and wait for the
Support Arm to blow up and release the Ship. Once it does, shoot off each
of the Gun Pods on the underside of the ship, being careful to dodge the
gun fire. Once they have all been destroyed, run to the front of the Ship
and use Sniper Mode to target the Ship's Pilot. Kill him and the ship will
lose control and crash into the right wall of the arena, breaking it open.
Exit sniper mode and kill all of the Guards in the arena, and then take out
the Sentry. Then jump up through the broken wall and collect the Dummy
Decoy to the right. Turn around and followthe left hand path to the next

ARENA 4: Kill all of the Technicians on the upper ring of this arena and
then collect the Mortar pick-up on the other side of the room. Once the
upper ring has been cleared, shoot repeatedly at the Spinning Globe in the
centre of the room with your chain gun till it drops down and breaks the
glass floor of the room. Then jump off the upper ring and float down into
the room below. As you near the bottom, use your chain gun to kill two of
the technicians working at their consoles. When two have been killed, the
last one will run into the centre of the room and open a secret hatch in
the floor. Drop down the hole to Exit the arena.

ARENA 5: Stop at the entrance to this arena and enter Sniper Mode. Then
zoom in on the Alert Droid and kill it before it can raise the alarm. Next,
zoom in on the two Sleeping Guards and use the Head Shot technique to kill
them quickly. Now, run over to the doorway on the right and throw the Dummy
Decoy out in front of you before you reach it. The Floating Guard in the
room will now track this and allow you to take him out with the chain gun.
After he has been destroyed, kill the two Guards in the room and collect
the Worlds Smallest Nuclear Bomb and the Grenade pick-up. Run back out into
the centre section of the arena and enter the doorway opposite the one you
just left. Kill all of the Sleeping Guards and the Alert Droid in this room
and then climb the ramp in the corner to reach the upper level. Use the
Grenades to blow up the three Guard Generators in the corner and then enter
Sniper Mode. Zoom in to the other side of the arena and target the Alert
Droid standing next to the Thumper pick-up. Kill it and then exit sniper
mode. Jump across to the small platform above the arena entrance, and then
jump across to the other side. Collect the Thumper and the Mortars and then
stand at the edge of the Green Ringed Hole. Use sniper mode to fire some
mortars into the hole to kill the Floating Guard below, and then drop down.
Follow the corridor along and up, collecting the Sweet health power-ups as
you go. The exit from the corridor is guarded by a second Floating Sentry,
so use your chain gun and side-step to kill it. Once he has been destroyed,
walk out onto the balcony and throw the Nuke onto the Atomic Lock which
holds the Giant Stone Door closed. Wait for the door to fall open and then
float down and leave the arena.

ARENA 6: Collect the Super Chain Gun pick-up hidden behind the first spike
in this arena, then make your way forwards through the canyon. Destroy the
Guard Generators, Guards and any Flying Drones until you reach the end of
the canyon. Quickly run into the last section and collect the Turkey Health
power-up and the Worlds Smallest Nuclear Bomb. Throw the Nuke at the
Floating Guard standing in front of the Atomic Locked door and run back
into the previous section of the canyon. Wait for the Nuke to explode and
then kill the Floating Guard with your chain gun if it is still alive,
before leaving through the Exit Door.

ARENA 7: Run over to the blocks on the left when you enter this arena, and
climb up to collect a Dummy Decoy pick-up. Turn to face the Guards which
drop down into this arena and throw the Decoy into the crowd to distract
them. Now take them out with either grenades, chain gun or sniper. Next,
jump down to the floor and run over to the blocks on the far side of the
room and climb up on to the one with the Super Chain Gun pick-up. Collect
this and then use it to clear the room of the second wave of Guards. Be
sure to kill the four Alert Droids and then take out the three Forklifts by
shooting the Glass Domes off the top of them. Once this has been done, drop
down to the floor and use your chain gun to push one of the Forklifts over
to the block on the left of the arena entrance. Push up against the block,
and then jump up onto the Forklift. From here you can now reach the edge of
the block and pull yourself up. Jump over to the next platform and then
again to the walkway which runs across the centre of the room. Follow this
across to the other blocks and jump on to the sloping block. Stand at the
very top of this, and turn to face the upper platform which rings the room.
Jump up onto it and make your way round counter-clockwise till you are
standing beneath a platform with an Apple Health power-up. Wait for a
Forklift to drive round towards you, and then shoot at it so that it stops
next to the platform. Jump onto the Forklift and then jump across the
platform. Collect the Apple power-up and then jump across to the platform
in the middle of the room. From here, turn left and float across to reach
the Exit Door.

ARENA 8: Stand at the top of the long ramp, at the start of this arena, and
enter Sniper Mode. Zoom in on the Gun Pod floating at the far side of the
arena and shoot it once to get its attention. When it turns to face you,
shoot through the open front to kill the Gun Operator. Once this has been
destroyed, walk down the ramp and kill all of the Guards in the arena. Be
careful to avoid the gun fire from the two other Gun Pods. After the guards
have been killed, destroy the second gun pod by facing the tower it floats
over and firing your chain gun. Use side-step to dodge the incoming fire
till it has been destroyed, and then run round to the other side of the
tower. Enter Sniper Mode and use side-step to move out from behind the
tower shielding you from the last gun pod. Look up and zoom in on the open
section of the gun to kill the Gun Operator. Once all three gun pods have
been destroyed, run back up to the top of the ramp and turn around. Jump
off from the highest point on the ramp and float down to the right-hand
tower. As you float over it, you will be lifted up to collect an Apple
health power-up. Now, turn to face the middle tower and float over into the
air current. Collect the next Apple power-up and then float over to the
last tower. Collect the last Apple power-up and turn round to face the back
down the way you came. Float across the arena into the door at the top of
the arena to exit.

ARENA 9: At the edge of the cave, enter Sniper Mode and zoom in on Gunter,
the large Mine Crawler Supervisor. Shoot at him a couple of times and he
will jump up and activate a large door. Drop down into the arena and land
on the mound in the middle of the room. Now stand at the edge and wait for
a large stone boulder to roll past in the gully. Drop down after it and
keep shooting at it till it explodes. Once this has been destroyed, run
around the gully and collect the pick-ups which drop down. Find the path
which leads back up to the top of the centre mound and wait for the large
Mother Ship to fly overhead. When it does, enter Sniper Mode and shoot off
all of the Gun Pods on its underside. When they have all been destroyed,
the ship will explode and release a wave of Guards into the arena. Kill all
of the guards and Gunter will open the door, jump out into the arena and
kidnap Bones.

WORLD 6...

ARENA 1: Wait for the Dummy Decoy to land in this arena, and then collect
it. Next, wait for the Guard to roll through theGlass Wall and then run up
the long sloping walkway till you reach a room with a Guard Generator and a
Homing Mortar pick-up. Collect the pick-up and destroy the Generator with
your chain gun. When it explodes it will leave a hole in the floor. Drop
down the hole to exit the arena.

ARENA 2: After landing in this arena, turn till you can see Gunter and his
pack of Alien Dogs. Enter sniper mode and use the Homing Mortars to pick
off the pack. Exit sniper mode, and use your chain gun to finish off any
that have survived. When all of the alien dogs have been killed, run up
behind Gunter and chase him around the arena while firing with your chain
gun. After enough shots, Gunter will run into the centre of the arena and
jump through the floor, leaving a hole. Drop down the hole to continue to
the next arena.

ARENA 3: Run down the length of the room and jump onto the lowest of the
wall platforms. Climb the platforms till you reach the Super Chain Gun and
collect it. Next, turn to the left and jump across to the ledge that along
the wall and collect the Homing Mortar. Run down the ledge to the other end
of the room and then jump across to the nearest floating platform. Turn to
face the entrance wall and jump up on the spot to reveal the next platform.
When you have found this platform, jump over to it and the follow the rest
around till you standing across from the stone tower. Destroy the floating
Gun Pod on top of the tower, then jump over to it and drop down to reach
the next arena.

ARENA 4: Run into this arena and collect as many of the power-ups and
pick-ups that drop down. When you collect aDummy Decoy or Twister, throw it
into the centre of the arena to distract the guards, and then sniper Gunter
on top of his tower. Shoot him enough times and he will fall off and hit
the floor, causing the tall, stone tower fall over. Run back to the start
of the arena and use the sloping platform to jump across to the fallen
tower. Run up to Gunters platform and drop down the hole to the final

ARENA 5: Float down into the arena and steer yourself over to the third
room, with a Gunter Snack Dispenser. Jump onto the button next to the
dispenser and a Gunter Snack will drop out of the machine. Collect this and
throw it out into the main section of the arena. Gunter will chase after
the snack, allowing you to collect the Worlds Smallest Nuclear Bomb from
where he was standing. Once you have this, run over to the active air-vent
and jump into the air current. When you are level with the platform, drop
down onto it and use the Nuke to destroy the Atomic Lock. Repeat this
process for the remaining locks and Bones will be freed. After the
animation has played showing Bones jumping into the Snack Dispenser, run
over and collect the Bones/Snack hybrid which drops out of the machine.
Throw this at Gunter and he will run over and eat it hungrily. Now, sit
back and watch as Gunter's greed gets the better of him.

The End (whew!)...

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Engl. Lösung

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Letzter Level komplett.

06.Oktober 2013

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10.Oktober 2008

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Lösung
13.Mai 2008
13.Mai 2008
engl. Cheats
10.Oktober 2008
10.Oktober 2008
Engl. Lösung

16.Oktober 2013
Modul für Spiele-Editor Gamewizard

17.Oktober 2013
Ein kleiner Trainer für MDK unter DOS.

15.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
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