Breath of Fire 3

Breath of Fire 3

12.10.2013 12:23:30

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A mysterious power...
| | | | | |
|An unlikely hero...|
| |____| |____| |
/ A classic adventure \

% Version 5.0 %
% by Fritz Fraundorf %
% %

The most recent version of this FAQ
is available at Cosmo Canyon:



I. Revision History
II. Frequently Asked Questions
III. Walkthrough: Childhood
Cedar Woods
Balio and Sunder
The Inventor
Veggie Tales
Wyndian Gladiators
The Volcano
Angel Tower
IV. Walkthrough: Adulthood
Dauna Mine
Syn City 2000
Veggie Tales: The Sequel
The Journey East
Steel Beach
The Black Ship
A New World
Just Deserts
Caer Xhan
Final Battle
V. Other Stuff to Do
Defeating the Berserker
Defeating the Arch Mage
Did You Notice?
Ultimate Boss Strategy
VI. Skills
Dragon Classes
Dragon Powers
VII. Items and Equipment
Fishing Gear
Vital Items
Item Magic
VIII. Charts and Info
Character Evaluations
Stolen Items
Enemy Skills
Dragon Genes
Best Equipment
BOF Series Names
IX. Playing the Game
EX Turns
Maximum HP Loss
X. Fishing
Fishing Spots
Fish Types
Manillo's Shops
XI. Faerie Village
Building List
Town Map
Music List
Expedition List
Casino Prize List
XII. Credits / Disclaimer


Version 5.0 (8/22/98):
- First of all, please note that my e-mail and web page
addresses have changed. My e-mail address is now, and my site (Cosmo Canyon) can now
be found at Now, on with
the FAQ!
- The title logo is spruced up a little, thanks to
Robby Stone.
- Changed the new Berserker strategy to the Ultimate
Boss Strategy because it doesn't work on Berserkers.
- Removed the Goo King strategy; it doesn't work either.
- Filled in a lot of the level ?s on the spell list.
- Added a lot more places to learn enemy skills, and
one new item magic.
- Walkthrough additions:
o Added info on how to get a Broad Sword on the roof
of the McNeil Manor.
o Added a few notes about learning skills in the Cedar
Woods, and a tip on Mt. Myrneg.
o Added a new strategy on how to train Beyd and beat
o Added another Hourglass in the boss maze
- Added info in the Faerie Village section on a new Vital Item,
the Teleporter Dice, which you can get from the Gift Shop.
Supposedly, these let you teleport to more places. If
anybody has more info on this, let me know!
- Various other corrections.

Version 4.5 (7/29/98):
- Added another tip on beating Balio and Sunder
- Added a really cool new Berserker strategy
- Added one more desert item (Speed Boots, oh joy)
- Added a bunch more places to learn enemy skills, and
a new one called Ebonfire
- Corrected how to get Deis and Ladon
- Various other minor corrections and walkthrough

Version 4.2 (7/6/98):
- Minor corrections.
- Added one new Frequently Asked Question.
- Revised Gene uses.
- Added more info to the fishing section.
- Added a new section on beating Goo Kings; they aren't
that tough, but you can get good experience from them.

Version 4.0 (6/27/98):
- Shops in the Arena and Faerie Village "Speed" shops
added to the Shops list.
- More "Did You Notice?"s.
- Berserker and ArchMage strategies revised.
- More equipment stats added.
- Item magic list expanded, a few notes on item magic
- Character data (height, weight, likes, dislikes)
added to the Character Evaluations. A few other
special traits (Peco's high reprisal rate, etc.)
added to this section as well.
- Kaiser II added to the dragon classes list.
- Walkthrough additions:
o Added a way to beat Balio and Sunder in Wyndia.
o Another experience-gaining trick, this time in
the Veggie Tales section.
o New strategy on beating Emitai.
o Added another desert item: Peco's Death Claws.
o Explained how to get the Shaman's Ring in Ryu's
- Various minor corrections
- Cheese. It's what's for dinner.

Version 3.8 (6/14/98):
- Strategies for defeating the Berserker and ArchMage
(for those of you don't know what they are, they're
BOF3's version of the Emerald and Ruby Weapons)
added to the new Other Stuff to Do section. This
section also has some "Did You Know?" stuff.
- The stolen items section has been merged with the
new Monster List section! Thanks to Michael Strong
for making the monster list.
- Master List complete, and reformatted to give the
number of levels you have to gain to learn the
- Best Equipment list added.
- Faerie Village Expedition and Casino Prize lists
- The last (?) two dragon classes, Wildfire and Trygon, have
been added. Actually, they're not very good, but now I
think I have them all.
- Added more info on the uses of the music tracks
- Added more items and the Item Magic list (some equipment
can cast spells when used as an item in battle).
- Added a list of the prizes you can win from the Momo's
Tower crystal game and the shisu cooking to their respective
- A cool EXP-gaining trick added to the Volcano section,
and a way to get some free items on the Black Ship added
to the Black Ship (what else?) section.
- Added an explanation of the Willpower statistic to the
Playing the Game section.
- I finally found out (well, was told) the use of Momo's
Fortune spell. It tells you what elements an enemy is
weak against.
- I was wrong about each fish giving you a set amount of
points; it's based on how big the fish is (and, indeed,
you need to get big fish sizes to reach the 9000 points
needed for Master of Angler++). Apparently size does
- Unanswered Questions list removed; there aren't any more.
- What I'm still looking for:
o Better strategies on defeating the Arch Mage and
o GameShark codes
o The rest of the music info
o Any equipment, skills, or item magic I'm missing
o More enemies you can learn the various skills from
o More faerie village info
o The lyrics to Pure Again
o If somebody who knows Japanese could go this site:
and translate the character data (height, weight, etc.)
info for me, that would be cool.
o On a related note, a list of the battle quotes and
their English translation would be a nice addition
If you can help out on any of this stuff, mail me!
- This was a rather large update, wasn't it?

Version 2.6 (6/10/98):
- Corrected instructions on how to get two Masters
- Corrected Bunyan's ability list
- Added a few skills
- Added a few tips to the beginning of the walkthrough:
the Melted Blade and Rei's storeroom.
- Changed the description of the Thorn Gene.
- As I had guessed, the "something important" in the
desert is a Royal Sword. It's been added to the

Version 2.5 (6/9/98):
- Fishing section completed: all fish listed, all fishing
spots complete, and more strategies.
- The remaining Masters and their abilities added. I'm
don't have all the abilities for 3 of the Masters; my
characters are all now at such a high level that it takes
a whole afternoon just to get them one level. So if
somebody could send the abilities, their effect, and AP
cost, that would save me a lot of time.
- Some cool secret items added: the Spanner fishing pole
in the Steel Grave [A New World], the Coupons in Dauna
Mines [Veggie Tales: The Sequel], and the Flyer in
Genmel [Balio and Sunder].
- Dragon Classes list added, with some really cool secret
dragon classes.
- A lot more enemy skills and stolen items added.
- More spells added for Nina, Rei, and Garr.
- Shops list added
- Many walkthrough changes:
o More details on the wood-chopping game.
o Added a way to get some money at the McNeil Manor.
o Changed the strategy in the Hall of Fire to taking
out the Dodai, as you get a lot of experience this
o All Masters added to walkthrough.
o Added tips on fighting the Dragon Zombie, HugeSlug,
Manmo, and Dragon Lord.
o Added tips about getting the Last Resort [Wyndian
Gladiators] and Cure [Just Deserts] skills.
o Noted that you can steal Rare Books from the Codgers
in the Antenna Tower; they're antiques which you can
sell for a decent price.
o Corrected some enemy descriptions in the last dungeon.
Life Armor. For info on how to get it, check the end of
the Just Deserts section.
- Nina's rating went up to a D, Garr down to an F.
- Unanswered Questions list added. If anybody knows anything
about these questions, please let me know!

Version 1.0 (6/4/98):
- Walkthrough completed
- Faerie Village section added
- Fusion and Formations list added
- Character Evaluations added
- Manillo's shops now have a separate list in the fishing
section because they were taking up too much room.
- I know I'm missing a bunch of secret stuff; that will be
taken care of soon. I just wanted to get the full
walkthrough up.
- Also, since I've finished the game, I'll be more than
happy to take all contributions now. Send 'em in!

Version 0.5 (5/22/98):
- Less-than-first version.
- I just have the walkthrough for the first half of the
game (childhood) done; look for the second half soon.
- Note: I know I'm missing a lot of information here,
but please DON'T send me any contributions yet. As I'm
not yet done with the game, I don't want anything
spoiled. Thank you.


Q. What is Square's connection to the Breath of Fire
A. Very little. All three Breath of Fire were developed
by Capcom of Japan, and published in Japan by Capcom
as well. Breath of Fire I was translated and published
in the U.S. by Square, but both Breath of Fire II and
Breath of Fire III were translated and published by
Capcom USA. So all Square did was translate one of the
games into English.

Q. How come you say certain characters were in BOF1 when
they weren't?
A. This is because many names were changed in the U.S.
version of BOF1. BOF2 and BOF3 both use the correct
names, so there are some discrepancies. Specifically,
Gobi is really named Maniro, Bo is really Gary, Bleu
is really Deis, and Agni is Anfini.

Q. Is there any fishing pole better than the Bamboo Rod?
A. Yup, there are four, but they're difficult to find.
Deluxe Rod -- Once you get Rei back, have him unlock the
locked door in the building at the Northern Checkpoint.
Inside is a chest with the Deluxe Rod.
Angler Rod -- Sold in the Handyman shop in Faerie
Village. It's about the fifth or sixth item they get.
This is the best fishing pole you can get in the normal
Spanner -- Use Momo's cannon to blow open the wrecked door
inside the spaceship at the Steel Grave. The Spanner is
in the next room.
Master Rod -- After beating the game, and playing in
Clear Game, get a rank of Master of Angling++ (9000 points),
then go talk to Bow at his house on the point near Junk

Q. How do I get through McNeil Manor?
A. See the "Springtime" section of the walkthrough.

Q. Is Peco worth building up? He seems like a wimp.
A. Appearances can be deceiving. Peco is the best fighter
in the game, and essential later in the game. Be
sure to catch him up when you get him.

Q. How do I get the faerie Master?
A. First, have Peco bop the tree near the house west of
Maekyss Gorge (where the thieves are) to get the Flower
Jewel. Then go to the faerie pond near the Coffee Shop
and have Peco hit one of the rocks into the pond (you
need a running start). Give Meryleep the Flower Jewel
when she appears and she'll join you.

Q. How come I can't get Deis?
A. When she asks if you like her snake form better, you have
to say that you do. If you said you liked her human form
better, I'm afraid you can't get her. Sorry.

Q. How do I get through the desert?
A. First, get the water from the jug at Horis's tent. Then,
in the desert, walk towards the North Star (red) until
the Evening Star (blue) is due west (four turns to the
left). Once it is, go east (four tuns right) and continue
that way until you can't see the Evening Star behind you
anymore. Then turn back north and keep going until you
get to the oasis. For more info, see the Just Deserts
section of the walkthrough.

Q. What is the connection between Bleu and Deis?
A. Bleu IS Deis. Deis was her name in all three Japanese
BOF games. Square changed it to Bleu in their crappy
translation of BOF1. Capcom kept it as Bleu in BOF2,
but decided to use her real, actual, name in BOF3.



Mogu and Gary (Bo in the U.S. version of BOF1) from
Breath of Fire I approach a large crystal in which a
dragon rests. That's you, Ryu. They blow open the crystal
with some explosives, freeing Ryu. You then have to fight
them . All you have to do is use the Whelp Breath attack to
take them out in one hit.
Ryu will then escape. First, search Mogu for the
Melted Blade. Then run southeast of the mine; you'll
fight a few miners on the way. They are all easily
defeated by Whelp Breath. Eventually, you come across
another BOF1 character, Ox. You'll have to fight him.
When you try to use Whelp Breath, a voice tells you not
to. Ryu then gets bonked on the head by a crane and
knocked unconscious.
When Ryu regains consciousness, you're on a train.
Just push the direction pad in any direction repeatedly
to bust out of the cage and hop out.

%%%CEDAR WOODS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

While out hunting in the woods, Rei discovers Ryu, now
in human form. He takes you back to the cabin he shares
with another orphan kid, Teepo. They put Ryu to sleep
in Teepo's bed. There will be a brief dream sequence,
and then you will get to control Ryu.
Go downstairs and search the cabinets for a Vitamin
(restores HP) and a Worm (used for fishing). Then leave
the house and go down the spiral path into the forest.
Head southeast, picking up items on the way (be sure to
get the Skill Ink and Ammonia on the first screen). Use
the R1 button to rotate the camera and look for items
hidden behind trees. Eventually you'll come out on the
world map.
Head south to the village of McNeil. You'll run into
Rei and Teepo again, who are being chased out of a house
after being caught breaking in. They lament how they are
known everywhere, then one of them gets the idea to use
Ryu. But first, they need to get you some equipment.
You'll automatically break into the weapon store and steal
Ryu some gear. While Rei is grabbing the loot, Teepo talks
to Ryu and calls him "Ryu" even though he never said his
name. A bit mysterious...
Rei and Teepo then join the party. Now that you have
them, and Ryu isn't running around in his pajamas, you
will encounter enemies in the forest. Use Rei's Pilfer
spell (it costs no AP) to steal items from the enemies.
Teepo can attack or use his magic, and Ryu fights well,
but also has a heal spell. I recommend using the Attack
formation and putting Rei in the lead. Be sure to equip
the Melted Blade that you got from Mogu as well. If you
use the Examine command, you can learn a few skills:
Unmotivate from the Goblins, Burn from the Mage Goos,
and Influence from the Boss Goblins.
Contine south in the area you're in to the road. When
you get here, Rei and Teepo will decide to mug somebody
to get food. Go behind the tree the finger points to and
Bunyan will show up. Teepo will throw Ryu at him. Bunyan
chews Ryu out, then leaves. Rei and Teepo decide to
break into Bunyan's house and steal food. Get the item
in the bag near you, then leave the area (the exit is to
the north).
Back on the world map, go back up to the Cedar Woods
and enter. Return to the first screen (outside Rei and
Teepo's house). Here you can chat with the Goblin and
Eye Ooze to learn about some of the game's more complicated
functions. Also, if you go back into the cabin and take
the west exit from the living room, you will reach a ladder
that leads down into the storeroom. Searching the
cabinet in the storeroom gives you a free Healing Herb.
Finally, it's also worth pointing out that you have fewer
fights if you walk instead of run. On the other hand,
running is a lot quicker, and you need the experience
anyway. I just ran everywhere the whole game. ^_^
Go to Bunyan's house, southeast from the cabin. Use
L1 to put Rei in the lead and have him pick the lock of
the house (just examine it). Go inside. Ryu catches a
plate dropping off the table, then you are free to walk
Go down the stairs in the back (you might have to rotate
the camera to see them) and search the cabinet for some
Beef Jerky. Teepo and Rei will come down, but then Bunyan
returns home. Rei and Teepo go upstairs to deal with him,
and there are sounds of fighting. Go upstairs and leave
the house. As soon as you walk outside, Bunyan will whack
you and knock you unconscious.
Ryu wakes up tied to the fence with Rei and Teepo.
Bunyan will free you on the condition that you help him.
He sends Rei off to Mt. Glaus, and then tells Rei and Teepo
to help him cut wood. This is the first bonus game. You
have to cut as much wood as possible in the time limit,
being careful not to hit Teepo. Whacking Teepo loses you a
lot of time, so it's better to be a bit slow hitting the
wood than to hit Teepo. Hit the Triangle button just as
the wood tips forward out of Teepo's hands. If you chop
fewer than 16 pieces, yo' gotta do it again!
After you finish chopping the wood, work your way back
out of the woods, but first change your formation to Normal.
On the map, go down to McNeil again. Head to the shops and
purchase some new equipment and stock up on items. There's
also a hidden bag in the lower-left corner of town with
(I think) a Vitamin. Don't forget to equip your new stuff!
Go up to the upper-right corner of the explorable area
of map. You will reach a place labeled "?". Enter here
and cross the bridge. Go down and right to a big rock.
Put Teepo in the lead and use his kick (press Triangle) to
kick the rock down into the water, damming the river. You
can now walk down in the ditch. There are two exits from
there; both lead to items -- one the Weather Vane, and the
other something else (I forget what). After getting the
items, go north on this screen until you come back out on
the map.
Step away from the forest pass and press Start to camp.
Go inside the tent, rest, and save your game. Then go back
to the map and head up to Mt. Glaus.
Cross the bridge and go straight ahead. You'll find a
steep white slope. Go up the ramp on the left and you can
slide down onto the ledges with bags. The middle ledge has
a Heavy Caro (fishing item) and the one on the right has a
Cloth Shield. After getting both items, go up the ramp
again, but this time head along the ridge, past the ramp,
to a bridge. As you cross the bridge, Teepo will note that
it's getting dark. You head to the nearby cabin to spend
the night, where you find Rei. Rei says he thinks Bunyan
sent him to kill the monster on the mountain, then rejoins
the party.
The next morning, you are awakened by the monster's
cries. Change your formation back to Attack and put Rei in
the lead again. When you leave the cabin, you'll have to
fight the Nue. Just use regular attacks and Teepo's magic,
healing with Ryu's magic when necessary. If it poisons you,
use Ryu's Purify spell to cure the poison. The Nue will run
off after you do enough damage. Examine the Dragon God statue
and you can save your game. Then continue up the mountain.
Skip the cave and ascend to the peak, where there is a bag
with Vitamins. Note that "Vitamins" are different from the
item "Vitamin" -- Vitamins are a Vitamin that affects the
whole party.
Return to the cave and enter. Follow the trail of blood
to a room with a river. At the end of the trail of blood,
some dialogue will be triggered. Leave that room and Teepo
will say that the Nue must have jumped in the water. Explore
the main room of the cave and search both skeletons for
good items. Then go to the upper-left corner and enter the
room there. Jump in the water and you'll automatically
be taken down a waterfall into the Nue's lair.
Walk forward. When you come up in front of the cave,
the Nue will come out and you'll have to fight it again.
On the first round, have Ryu cast his Protect spell
(assuming he has it) on Rei. Then use the same strategy
you did before -- Ryu attack, Rei attack, and Teepo use
his best spell (preferably Simoon). Use Ryu's Heal magic
to heal, and Purify to cure poison. Once Teepo runs out
of AP, have him use regular attacks. After you do enough
damage, the Nue will unleash its powerful Jolt attack on
all three characters, but it can only do this once.
When the Nue is defeated for good, go up to its body
and press X to enter the Nue's nest. Examine the dead
Nue cubs, then go back to the waterfall room. You'll be
swept back down the mountain, where you'll run into
Bunyan. Bunyan congratulates you on your victory, then
you automatically return to the cabin.


Several months later, spring returns to the Yraall
Region. Teepo wants to go down to the village and see
what the people think of them now that they beat the Nue.
Leave the forest (after checking out the cool springtime
There's a whole lot of things available to do now,
including fishing and getting your first Master. First,
go to McNeil. Upon arriving, you'll be cornered by
townspeople... only to find that they are there to
congratulate you.
After that sequence ends, talk to the guy in the
cloak -- Loki. He'll ask you for your help; agree and
he says to meet him at the house in the fields. Now
take a look around town. Upgrade your equipment, then
spend the rest of your money purchasing items and
fishing gear. Go ahead and splurge -- just keep at
least 1 zenny remaining. You'll see why shortly.
Leave McNeil and go northwest on the world map. In
the lower-left corner of the woods is a small clearing.
Walk up to and a ? appears over Ryu's head. If you
press Triangle to get the "Guide" option, you'll learn
that the Yggdrasil tree has been cut down. Hit X to
enter the clearing and talk to the wizard, Mygas. He's
the game's first Master, and he'll let you be his
apprentice if you pay him all your money. Since you
already spent almost all your money, say yes. You then
obtain your first Master and can choose a character to
apprentice to him. Choose Ryu. For more information
on how Masters work, look under Masters in the Playing
the Game section.
Now go fishing! There's two spots where you can go
fishing, one near the Yggdrasil clearing and one near
the Farm. The game provides a pretty good fishing
tutorial, or you can go to the Fishing section for more
details on fishing. I recommend you try to catch some
Rainbow Trout; they restore your AP and you don't have
any other items that do that at this point.
When you're ready to progress in the game, go to the
Farms south of McNeil. Talk to the people if you wish,
then go to the house on the road. You'll meet up with
Loki again here, and he'll explain his plan to overthrow
Mayor McNeil. You'll then wait until nighttime to
invade McNeil's manor.
At the manor, you can pop in the cabin (where Loki
is) to rest. Head northwest to the patched up part of
the wall and examine it. Rei and Teepo will come over,
and Rei will accidentally break down the wall down. Go
through to enter the hedge maze.
Head southwest around the first hedge and talk to the
guy there (you'll have to rotate the camera to see him).
He'll give you 50 zenny. Then give that 50 zenny to the
first guard to make him move. Go up the steps and talk
to the guard up there. Head left and search the area to
find the guard's wallet. Give to the guard and he'll
move. Descend the stairs.
Do not step in the light from any of the guards'
lanterns or you will be caught and kicked out of the
manor (if this happens, raise 50 zenny by fighting the
monsters on the grounds and then go back in through the
weak wall). Instead, go southeast to the platform with
the bell on it. Climb up the ladder and whack the bell
with Ryu's sword. One of the guards will leave. Go
through the path he was guarding to reach the central
plaza. The guard here (the smoking one) won't let you
by unless you kill the guard dog and thus remove the
blame from him. Head south and you'll encounter the
The dog is not that difficult an opponent. First,
have one of your characters (it doesn't matter who)
select the Examine option. Then, when the Pooch uses
its Snap attack, the character Examining will learn it,
your first Skill (for more info on Skills -- the manual
does a poor job of explaining them -- see the Playing the
Game section). Then attack the Pooch with weapons and
Snap. After defeating it, go back up to the guard and
he'll let you by.
In the east section of the hedge maze, go up the steps
and follow the path around to get a Firecracker. Then go
back down and talk to all the people (if you hit one of
the guards with Ryu's sword, you'll get some money). After
you've talken to Mina, go back and talk to the guard
guarding the chicken coop. He'll run off. Go inside the
chicken coop and Teepo will attempt to steal some eggs,
triggering an attack by a giant chicken, Rocky.
Like the last time, start by having Ryu Examine the
chicken until you learn the Jump skill. Meanwhile, Rei
should attack and Teepo should cast Simoon. Once Ryu learns
Jump, have him start attacking with that. Once Rocky goes
down, the other chickens will go berserk and run out of the
hen house. The guards will leave their posts to round them
Go back to the stairs that were being blocked by guard.
Go up them and head right to the main doors of the manor.
Rei will distract the guards while Ryu and Teepo run
inside. As soon as you get in, switch back to Normal
formation. Go through the door on the right. Here you'll
find a bed where you can rest and save your game. Also,
on the desk in the corridor behind the bed is some
Search the dressers by the stairs, then go up the stairs
and search the cabinets for a Magic Shard, which permanently
raises your max AP by 1. Use it on Ryu. BTW, if you didn't
learn the Jump skill from Rocky, you can get it from the
Roaches in the manor. Then go up the stairs again and search
all the crates for goodies.
Return to the entrance room and try to go up the stairs.
You'll encounter a boss. Have Ryu cast Protect on both himself
and Teepo, then attack it with Jump and Teepo's magic. It will
put you to sleep; just have the other character keep fighting
as the sleeping one will wake up shortly. After you defeat
it, go back to the bed to get healed up.
Ascend all the the stairs and head left. Search all the
cabinets on the way to pick up some Gems. When you get to
the upper-left room, you'll encounter another McNeil
ghost. This one is really easy; just hit him with Jump
and Simoon and he'll go down in a few turns. After
defeating him, go right into the next room. Search this
room for a Panacea, then try to go down the stairs. A
third ghost will appear and it's fight time. This ghost
will lower your stats with his magic, but just keep hitting
him with the Jump and Simoon combo and you shouldn't have
much trouble.
Go down the stairs and follow the long pathway until
you come to the fourth ghost. This one can cast Flare and
is pretty tough. Don't use magic on him, as it doesn't
do a lot of damage. Stick to regular attacks and Jump.
After you defeat him, you'll witness a spooky cutscene.
Then go up the stairs behind you and search the room for
a huge stash of zenny. Return to the room where you
fought the ghost and go through the door he came through.
Push the button on the wall next to the elevator to
activate it. Ride the elevator up and take the stairs
up to a room with a bed and a diary. Rest, save your game,
then continue up to the roof.
Don't step on any of the moss or you'll slide down.
Go left along the top of the roof as far as you can go.
Then walk carefully down the roof onto the farthest-left
ledge. Jump down from the edge of the ledge and pick up
the grappling hook there. After you get the grappling
hook, Rei will return and use it to get to the other side
of the roof.
Now that you have Rei back, return to Attack formation
and put the Reister in the lead. Go to the lower-left
corner of the roof and pick up the bag for a Sparrow Eye,
then head to the upper-right corner. Rotate the camera and
you should be able to sheathed red sword. Grab it; it's
a very powerful Broad Sword. Then climb back up to the top
of the roof and look for the stairs leading down into the
manor (there's only one). This will take you to McNeil's room.
Teepo will confront McNeil, but then the ghosts appear and merge
into one huge (and cool-looking) boss.
Begin the battle by having Rei Pilfer from the ghost
until you get a Magic Shard, while Ryu casts Protect on
each member of the party. Magic attacks do little damage
to the ghost, so attack with regular attacks and Jump.
The Amalgam can do a lot of damage, but it doesn't have
that much HP. It disappears in a cool way after you
defeat it.
Teepo will demand that the panicking McNeil show
him the money. McNeil reluctantly hands it over, and
you spend the rest of the night distributing it to the
people of the village. Mayor McNeil, however, vows to
get the last laugh.
The next day, you're back in your cabin. You're
already healed up, but be sure to save your game with
the diary in the upper room. Leave the woods and go
to town. It becomes obvious that things didn't go as
you planned -- everybody has returned the money to
the mayor, and they're not too thrilled with the stunt
you played. Go to the farm and confront Loki. He'll
tell you to meet him in the hut, so go there. Loki
doesn't show, but Bunyan does. Bunyan tells you that
the whole plan was a scheme by Loki to steal the money
for himself, and that you were being used. He also
informs you that McNeil belongs to a large crime
syndicate, and suggests you hurry back to your house.
Leave McNeil and go back to the Cedar Woods.
Before you enter the screen with your house, de-equip
Rei and Teepo and return any of their Skills to
skill notes. Then go up to your house. The house has
been burned down by McNeil's goons. Suddenly, two
unicorn guys show up and you have to fight. You can't
beat these guys, so don't even try. Just let them
kill you.
You'll wake up in Bunyan's house, alone. Go
outside and talk to Bunyan. He believes that Rei and
Teepo were killed by McNeil. Ryu decides to go to
Wyndia. Leave the woods. If you need supplies, stop
by McNeil (buying some Molotovs would be a good idea),
then go to the Yggdrasil clearing and talk with Mygas.
He should teach Ryu the Frost spell, which will come in
handy. Then head south. You can now pass through the
Yraall Road, so continue up to Mt. Myrneg to Wyndia.

%%%BALIO AND SUNDER%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Make your way through the mountain. The only way
to kill the Tarmen is with frost attacks, so hopefully
you got the Frost spell from Mygas. If not, just run
away. As for the Nut Troops and Nut Mages, you can
either use Molotovs on them or just use regular attacks.
One hit will kill them either way, but attacks are a
bit inaccuracte on them. Take out the Mages first;
they can cast Flare. Alternately, if you've learned
Burn from the Mage Goos back in the Cedar Woods (or
go and get it now), you can use it instead.
Explore the mountains and pick up any loot you
find. Make sure to get the Bat Amulet hidden in a chest
on the right side; you need to rotate the camera to
see it. Once you reach the top of the mountain, you'll
encounter Balio and Sunder again. One of them runs you
through with his sword, causing Ryu to turn into a
dragon. They capture you and take you to Wyndia
At Wyndia, Balio and Sunder will present Ryu to
the king, only to discover that he's turned back into
a kid again (I love this scene). All three of you get
thrown in jail. Princess Nina will come and let the
two horse guys out, but then they beat her up and run
off with Nina captive. Examine the door of your cell
and ram it twice to get out. Stop in the horses' cell
to grab the bag (Skill Ink) and save your game, then
follow them down the stairs. (You can't get into the
other cell, which houses Jean the frog from BOF2).
You'll have to fight Balio and Sunder again. You can
now finally use Ryu's Accession spell to turn into a
dragon. You can now either just lose on purpose (nothing
bad happens, you just go on with the game), or actually
try to beat Balio and Sunder. If you try, first attack
Nina to wake her up. Then use Accession, choose the
Flame Gene, and attack Balio and Sunder. When you run out
of AP or HP, you will return to human form. Keep
attacking and healing with items. Alternately, if you
learned Influence from the Boss Goblins back in the Cedar
Woods, use it on Balio, which will cause Sunder to start
attacking Balio. If you manage to win this battle, you'll
get a lot of experience, and may receive a Broad Sword or
Asbestos Armor.
If you lost, Nina will revive you after Balio and
Sunder leave, and then she joins your party. If you
won, Nina will still join, so the end result is the
same (you just don't get the items if you lose).
Go down the stairs into the caves. This is a pretty
tough dungeon, because Nina starts off really wimpy and
you only have two people. Don't use Nina's magic, it's
not that effective (except for Simoon, which is great on
zombies, once you learn it). Instead, have her Examine
a Nut Troop and learn its Double Blow attack. The
deadliest enemies in here are the Volts and Thunders,
if you encounter a pair of these, use Accession and turn
into a dragon (you only have one gene available, the
Flame Gene, so just select that and hit okay), then
use Ryu's physical attacks (*not* the Breath attacks).
Go to each of the seven tombstone and press the
words in green. Then go to the tombstone on the ramp
in the far left and press the number 7. You'll drop
down into another cave. Open the chest for the Light
Bangle. Equip it on Nina, then follow the passageway
to the ladder. Climb up and take the Glass Domino from
the chest there (strangely, it's a helmet, but a good
one -- give it to Nina to boost her meager defense).
Jump off the ledge, then head to the lower-right corner
and examine the tombstone that doesn't have the color
words on it. Instead, you're giving a choice between
three words in white. Choose "red", "climbing", "I",
"is", "look", "beneath", and "this" (these are the words
in red on the other tombstones). You'll drop down
through a pit. Walk onto the dark part of the ground
to fall through *another* pit into the Wyndia Family
Head southwest out of the tomb and into Lower
Wyndia. Explore the town and loot the houses (heh).
Be sure to stay at the inn, especially if any of your
characters were killed in the caves -- staying at the
inn restores their max HP to the normal level. Upgrade
your weapons, then buy any armor you can afford (note
that doing so will lower your speed, so don't bulk up
too much). If you need money, you can sell off Rei
and Teepo's gear. There's also a clinic where you get
temporary immunizations against various elements. These
shots are pretty much useless; don't waste your money.
Go to the lower-right corner of town and talk to
the kids there. They'll want to play hide-and-seek,
so you have to find them all. One is in the lower-right
corner of town (near where you start the game), two
are the sides of the weapon shop, and one is behind a
tree in the outdoors cafe. You'll have to rotate the
camera to see any of them. Once you've found all four
kids, you'll automatically return to where you started
the game, and the kids will give you a lead on where to
find Teepo.
Before you leave, head up to Upper Wyndia. There's
not much to do here but check out the bread shops,
although one of the shops has a Moxa hidden in a
Leave Wyndia, but don't go down the road. Instead,
head west and take the forest path up to the side of
the castle. A ? mark will pop up, enter the location
and you'll find a hidden chest (rotate the camera) with
something in it (I forgot what). Leave this area and
follow the path between the outer and inner city walls
of Wyndia. There's another ? location at the very end.
This one contains a small hut in which lives Durandal,
another Master. Apprentice Nina to him.
Downstairs is a machine that you can't do anything with
Now go to the road south of Wyndia. Nina will suggest
you go to the hut on the road. As you enter, you hear
a scream from outside. Go back out. Balio and Sunder
have shown up again and taken Nina captive. They'll
knock Ryu out again (Ryu really takes it in the shorts
in this game, doesn't he?) and take you both to the desert
town of Genmel.
After Balio and Sunder leave, Ryu will chew through
the ropes holding you and you escape. You can now walk
around town and look for all the characters from previous
BOF games (the Manillo look-alikes running the item shop,
Bow and Sten from BOF2 arguing at the gate, Ox outside the
arena, and Fahl looks like Rand). In the lower-left
corner of town, there's a fish who will give you the
Flyer (you have to rotate the camera to see him). The
Flyer saves you 20%-30% off the price of items, but only
in Genmel. Other than that, there's not much to do here
besides buy items from the fish merchants. BTW, you shoul
never stay at inn unless you have a lowered (yellow)
HP max -- camping will fill up your HP for free. While
you're camping, you can use the Skill Ink to transfer any
Skills Rei or Teepo might have learned to one of your present
Back on the world map, there's another fishing spot
way to the west, should you feel like doing some fishing.
Otherwise, your next goal is Mt. Boumore to the northeast.
Head up the mountain and collect the chest and bag on
side paths (you have to rotate the camera to see the bag).
Now that you have Nina, you can easily defeat the Tar
Men with her Frost spell. When you get to the top, don't
talk to the two guys. Instead, jump down the chute, and
then make another jump down to a chest with a Buckler.
Give it to Ryu. Now go back up to the guys and talk to
them. The mason will offer to let you spend the night at
the cabin.
The next morning, you'll awake to find that you're
locked in the room. As you'd expect, the mason has
turned you over to Balio and Sunder. Take the rear
exit to the lift and examine the control panel. Nina
uses her magic to start the lift and you hop on just
as Sunder arrives.
After the lift stops, you'll be on a different
mountain. Leave the lift building and look around for
another item bag. Then go up to the top of the
mountain, where you'll be cornered by Sunder. Ryu and
Nina jump off the mountain. Ryu turns into a dragon
to cushion Nina's fall, and you get the Defender Dragon
Leave Mt. Boumore and head south. There's another
? area in the corner of the mountains. Enter and follow
the trail to find the Reverse Gene. After getting it,
go northeast on the world map, past the fishing spot
(stop here if you want), to the Tower.

%%%THE INVENTOR%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

At the Tower, you'll find Manillo (aka Gobi) selling
items. If Nina doesn't have the Mage's Robes, buy them
for her, and then get a Glass Domino for Ryu (Nina
should already have one). Skip the Cuirass; it lowers
your agility too much. Then stock up on Healing Herbs
-- don't be fooled by the happy music, this is the
toughest dungeon yet.
First, enter the lowest door on the left. Inside,
you'll fight ArmorBots and ProtoBots; use Nina's Jolt
spell on these (particularly the Protos). Walk up
to the crystal and use Nina's magic wand on it (hit
Triangle). A timer will appear. Quickly follow the
rear path back outside and run to the fountain. Use
the wand on each of the four crystals. If you do it
within the time limit, the pond will drain. Go back
in the left door, descend the stairs into the ex-pond,
and go outside. Open the chest. Depending on how
long it took you to hit all the crystals, it will
contain one of three prizes:

More than 6 seconds remaining: Ring of Ice
5 to 6 seconds remaining: Wisdom Fruit
Fewer than 5 seconds remaining: MultiVitamin

If you go back and read the tablet, it will reset
the pond, so you can try for the other treasures (you
can only get each chest once). The Ring of Ice is
pretty useful (it absorbs ice attacks), so you may want to
try for it before continuing. After you're done
with the game, leave the tower and camp to restore
your HP before continuing.
Back inside, work your upwards until you come to
a door. Go inside to a library-type room with a save
diary. Save, read the books, then go outside. Go up
the next set of stairs to a hallway. As you walk into
the hallway, you'll see an explosion. Go in the first
door and you'll meet Momo, the mole scientist. After
some dialogue, she agrees to help you get back to
Wyndia, but then Balio and Sunder's goons show up.
Momo joins the party.
Momo is one of the better characters in the game; she
has a very strong attack and useful (healing) spells.
On the other hand, she gets killed easily, and her
attacks are very inaccurate. The best strategy with
Momo is to have her attack a different enemy from the
others -- if she hits it, she'll kill it, so there's
no use whittling down its HP. Also, use Momo's healing
magic instead of Ryu's, so you can save Ryu's for
dragon transformations. I would also recommend
switching to Attack formation and putting Ryu in the
Head into the next door beyond Momo's to your
classic light-all-the tiles puzzle. Number the tiles
like this:
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
Then step on (in order) tiles 15, 11, 10, 14,
13, 9, 10, 6, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12, 16, 15. Go
through the open door and open the three chests for
an always-needed Skill Ink and Flame and Ice
Chrysms (weapons for Momo). Since a number of
enemies in here are weak against fire, equip the
Flame Chrysm.
Go up the stairs behind the two doors. Up here,
you'll fight HyperBots, which are extremely powerful
-- they use a Blitz attack that takes off about 30-40
HP on all your characters, every single turn. Kill
them right away. Oh, and don't use Jolt on them --
it won't hurt them, and will raise their defense
Circle around the path to the next puzzle room.
This puzzle is pretty cool; you have to flick the
switches on the cube that are identical to the one
in the back. So hit the second and fourth ones
from the left to disarm the pit trap (don't step
beyond the cubes before you do or you'll fall down).
Then continue along to the next puzzle room.
Flick the blue switch first. Cross the first
gap. The door to the right just leads to a chest
with 300 zenny; don't bother with it as you'll have
a number of fights trying to get it. Instead, cross
to the second set of levers and flick the red one.
Head left and go up the stairs. Open the chest for
some very valuable Moon Tears, then go back down
and head up the stairs.
In the next puzzle room (the one with a big pit),
ride the first gray platform and circle up to the
Eldritch Floater. You have to power this lift by
hitting it repeatedly with Nina's wand. First, shoot
the crystal twice, then ride the platform to a
chest with a Breasplate. Euip it on Ryu for a huge
defense boost, then jump down and return to the lift.
Shoot the crystal six times this trip to get to the
second chest, which contains Ivory Dice. Return to
the lift once more and shoot it eleven times. Ride
to the stairs.
Go up the next set of stairs beyond that and you'll
reach a door. Inside is a chest with the Bamboo
Rod, a better fishing pole. Then go up the next
set of stairs to a room with a red infrared beam and
a crystal. Shoot the crystal from a distance to
move the beam. Walk behind the crystal, making sure
that *all* your characters are behind it (otherwise
they will take massive damage) -- the easiest way to
do this is to walk sideways. Once everybody's safely
behind the crystal, blast it with the wand to switch
the beam again. Move up to the next beam, walk
sideways to get everybody behind the second pair of
statues in the wall, and shoot it again (you may have
to creep forward slightly to reach it). You're now
free to walk to the door that leads to the exit from
this torturous dungeon. I don't know about you, but I
was on fumes by the time I got out of here.
Search the three cupboards in the back corner,
then examine the desk. You'll find a switch, that,
when pushed, will reveal an escape rocket. Momo starts
the rocket and you hop on. The rocket smashes through
the roof of the ruins and lands in a field. Fresh
air at last!
Before you leave the crash site, go up and right
a little and you'll find the Thorn Dragon Gene. Then
get the heck out of here and CAMP! Finally you can
heal up and save your game. Take a break; you've
earned it. Oh, and you might want to switch Momo back
to the Ammo from the Flame Chrysm.
After you've recovered enough to continue
playing, go to the Coffee Shop northwest of the crash
site. Here you'll run into an acquitance of Momo,
who asks you to go to the plant to the southwest and
investigate the malfunctioning equipment. You have
no choice but to agree. Before you leave the shop,
go inside and stock up on items. Don't stay at the
inn, however -- there's a cheaper one nearby. Also,
on the hill behind the Coffee Shop is another Master,
D'lonzo, but she won't take any apprentices unless you
have at least 16 weapons in your inventory. It's highly
unlikely that you will, even if you never sold
anything, so just skip this for now.
Leave the Coffee Shop and return to the the
world map. The plant is to the southwest, but there's
a number of other stops you should make.

- Checkpoint. The building north of the Coffee Shop.
There's a few items in cupboards, but that's about it.
Don't stay at the inn here.

- Fairy Woods. This is the identation in the woods
west of the Checkpoint. In here, you'll find a bag
with some money, and in the far back, a chest with the
Scramasax sword. This is a really good sword; it's
light and hits hard. You can also cut through the
bushes blocking one path with Ryu's sword to get to a
bag with Protein. Also, you'll sometimes run into
Goo Titans here; they give you a lot of experience
at this stage in the game.

- Fishing Spot. There's a fishing spot as far west
as you can go, just before you get to the bridge.
Since you have a new fishing pole, you should have a
little easier time here.

- The Plant. The inn here (on the right) is 170 zenny
cheaper than the one at the Coffee Shop, so stay here.

- Yggdrasil Tree. The big tree located east of the Plant.
This place has really cool graphics and I love the
music, but there's nothing you can do here right now.
It's still worth checking out for the audio / visual
aspects, though.

%%%VEGGIE TALES%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Now go to the Plant. You have to work your way to
the central valley, where the main plant is. You do this
by flicking switches to change the conveyors -- the blue
ones reverse all the gray conveyors and the red levers
reverse all the brown conveyors. It's kind of confusing,
but there's no fights here. Eventually what you want to
do is go from the upper-right corner around the top
to the middle left, where there's a conveyor down into
the center. Once you get there, talk to the scientists.
They'll send you to the Dump west of the plant. Go into
the building and loot the shelves, then hop down to the
entrance and leave.
The Dump is the cave west of the Plant. Inside,
you'll fight a variety of chrysm-mutated creatures. The
two types of Weeds are the toughest -- they hit hard,
have a high defense, and are immune to magic. The easiest
way to beat them is to have Ryu use a Dragon-class
transformation (i.e., one that's not a Whelp -- Flame/Defender
works best) and use Dragon Breath. This should wipe out
both, or at least damage them severly.
Start by heading south. Loop around to the center
and flick the blue switch twice. Cross the conveyor belt
and open the chest. Now loop back around to the entrance
and go north, up onto the higher plateau. Walk across the
crates at the middle "prong" of the ledge to a chest with
High Boots. Give them to Momo. Now go back to the entrance
again and go south. Hug the outer wall until you come to
the door to the next room.
Just head down and right for now to the vine-covered
door. Go through and you'll face the first boss in a quite
a while (since the Amalgam, to be exact), the Mutant. Ryu
should attack with Jump. Nina, being the fastest, is your
healer -- have her use Healing Herbs or Vitamins to cure
your party, and Antidotes if you get poisoned. If nobody
needs healing, attack with Simoon. Momo should just use
physical attacks. The Mutant will regenerate its HP after
each round, but it stops after a few rounds and then you
can beat it. It's not that difficult a boss.
The Mutant forces the party to destroy it so that no
more of its kind will be made. Throw the red lever to drop
the Mutant into the lava (you can try the blue one for a
laugh). The Mutant is destroyed, but then its offspring
Peco, the lovable onion, hopes out of the lava. After
some cute squeaking, he joins your party. Since he starts
out at level 1, just stick with Ryu, Nina, and Momo for
There's no fights in this room now that you've killed
the Mutant, so go to the lower-left corner and open the
chest. Then use the pair of levers to move the crates
until there is a crate whose upper-right corner is even
with the upper-left of the ledge on the right. That was
kind of conusing, so here's an drawing.


The *s are where you want the crate to be. Then go
north a ways and ascend the stairs. Follow the path south
over two crates (if you can't, you'll need to adjust the
crates with the levers) to a chest with Artemis' Cap,
which raises your hit rate. It doesn't take a genius to
figure out you'll want to give this to Momo.
You've got everything in the Dump, so now just walk
back out. There *are* fights in the first room, so make
sure you're healthy.
Back on the map, return to the Plant. Momo will
report his findings, then Palet will tell you he has a
plan to get you back into Wyndia. Go to the inn and stay
for free. In the morning, you'll hide inside a hay cart
bound for Wyndia... only to discover that Palet was in
league with Balio and Sunder and you've once again fallen
into their hands.

%%%WYNDIAN GLADIATORS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

The captive party is taken back to Genmel, where Balio
and Sunder taunt you once again. Nina demands that they let
you enter the Tournament of Champions, and the two horses
reluctantly agree. They insist that they take a hostage,
however. Choose Peco; he's at level 1 so he's worthless
right now.
Explore the arena to learn about the matches, rings,
and your competiton. Some places of note:

- Hall of Fire: Upper left corner, first floor. This is
where you'll fight your first match. Talk to the people
to learn about the rules.

- Null Magic Hall: First floor, upper left corner. The
location of second battle; the people here explain its

- Hall of Kings: Center door, first floor. The last

- Your Room: First door in left hall of first floor. When
you're ready to begin the fight, go here (but you aren't
yet, so don't). The woman here will also explain the
rules of the Hall of Fire, and there's an important Coin
in one of the cabinets -- you can use it catch Manillo
(aka Gobi) when fishing.

- Balio and Sunder's Room: First stairs on right when you
come in. If you got Peco in your party by accident, you
can go here to change hostages. Trust me, the little
guy might be cute, but you don't want to use him.

- Shops: Take the stairs to the right of your room to get
here. The weapons they sell here are bad (they're too
heavy), but you can get decent armor, and more importantly,
Vitamins and Multi-Vitamins at the item shop (middle).

After you're done looking around the arena, head
back out into town. Go to the shops and buy some *good*
equipment, and then rest (if need be) and save at the
inn. In case you wanted to know, here's my characters'
stats at this point:

Ryu Lv: 15 Nina Lv: 14 Momo Lv: 14
Weapon: Scramasax Weapon: Magician Rod Weapon: Ammo
Shield: Buckler Shield: Buckler Shield: Buckler
Helm: Glass Domino Helm: Glass Domino Helm: Glass Domino
Armor: Breastplate Armor: Mage's Robe Armor: Breastplate
Misc1: Talisman Misc1: Light Bangle Misc1: Artemis' Cap
Misc2: nothing Misc2: High Boots Misc2: Bat Charm
Skills: Jump Skills: Snap, Skills: none
Double Blow

Now organize your characters in the order you want to
have them fight -- you'll want Momo first, Ryu second, and
Nina third. Equip Momo with the Ice Chrysm for this battle,
and make sure she has the Bat Charm. When you're ready to
fight, go to your room in the Hall of Fire. Read the rules
again, then say you're ready to begin.
Using Momo, you'll fight Claw the thief. First, cast
Protect -- this will last for all three battles. Then just
regular attacks on him. Do NOT attack the Dodai or Claw
will do the same back. Claw will try to blind you, but the
Bat Charm makes you immune to this (hee hee hee). Claw goes
first, so make sure that you can take one more hit before
you cast Heal. You shouldn't have any trouble.
In the second round, you'll encounter Cawer the mage.
Don't attack him; instead go after the Dodai. Don't heal;
just keep attacking until Momo is knocked out. You'll
then continue the battle with Ryu. First, cast Protect
on the Dodai. Then have him use Accession with the Reverse
and Flame genes to get ice abilities. Use Ice Claw on
the Dodai, until Ryu's AP runs out and he revers to human
form. At this point, attack Cawer (*not* the Dodai -- if
you do, Cawer will attack yours back) and let yourself
get killed.
Nina now steps in. Have her cast Frost (or Iceblast,
if you have it) on the Dodai. If you run out of AP, use
attack items (just not fire ones) on the Dodai. Assuming
you manage to defeat the Dodai, you'll automatically win
and receive a huge amount of experience (more than you
would have won by taking out all three guys normally).
If you can't win the Dodai way, just fight all three
guys normally instead.
Get healed, save, and re-equip Momo with the Ammo, then
go back into the arena and go to the room on the right, the
Anti-Magic Hall. Rearrange your party order so Ryu is in the
lead again, then choose to begin the battle. Emitai will come
in and explain his situation, but you have no choice but to
proceed with the battle.
Since this is the Anti-Magic Hall, you can't use magic.
However, any ability with no AP doesn't count as spell.
Can you say Accession? Yup, have Ryu use Flame/Defender
to transform into a Dragon-class dragon, then just have
him start using Flame Breath. Nina should use Snap on
each enemy (if she has it; if not don't worry about it),
then attack with Double Blow. Momo should just attack.
When you need healing, have Nina use Healing Herbs.
Ignore the Golems and attack Emitai. When Ryu runs out
of AP and reverts to human form, have him attack with
Jump. After you knock out Emitai, the golems will start
attacking each other. Just sit back and wait until one
of the golems is killed, then pound on the remaining
one. When you win, you get a Magician Rod -- equip it on
Nina if you don't already have one.
Back in your room, Sunder pays you a visit to taunt
you. Then you see a brief cutscene with more of the
horse guys' plotting. Once you regain control, pay a
visit to Emitai's room, where you'll discover the whole
story about his daughter was just a scam to make you
forfeit in the Null Magic Hall. (that loser, I really
felt bad beating him too). Get healed and save, then
proceed to the Hall of Kings. Equip Ryu with the High
Boots and Artemis' Cap, then begin the duel.
First, cast Protect on yourself. Then do a dragon
transformation using Flame and Defender. Attack Garr
with regular attacks until you run out of AP or HP
(whichever comes first), at which point you'll revert
to human form. Then attack with Jump and use Healing
Herbs to heal. After you do enough damage to Garr,
he'll attack you with a Lucky Strike that takes off
over 600 HP. Needless to say, you lose, and Garr becomes
the champion once again. However, he uses his prize
to free Ryu and his friends, then tells you to come to
the Angel Tower east of Wyndia to find out more about
The Brood, the race to which Ryu belongs.
Your hostage is freed and you can choose who to
put in your party. Put Peco in your party, then drop
by the arena shop. Buy a bunch of Vitamins; you'll
need them shortly. Return to the town, head to the
shop and buy Peco some equipment. If you can't afford
the armor, at least get him some Rippers (weapon) -- you
can always give him hand-me-down armor.
At this point, you'll want to build Peco up some
levels by fighting at the ! spots on the map. He may be
a wimp right now, but once he is at the same level
(or even close) to your other characters, he will
start getting strong. I can't stress the importance
of catching him up enough. Peco is *the* best fighter
in the game, and well worth the time to build up -- you
will have a tough time later in the game without him.
Another good thing you can do for Peco is take him
back to the Tower and have him learn the Last Resort
skill from the Orcs. It's not essential, so if you're having
trouble getting it now, just come back later.
Go to Maekyss Gorge. Cross the bridge and you'll
find yourself surrounded by Balio and Sunder's flunkies.
You will automatically fight three thieves. Have Ryu
cast Shield (if he has it), then use Jump. Don't use
Accession; you want to save his AP. Momo and Peco
should just attack, and Nina should use Jolt or Snap.
Concentrate on the tall guy (Bully 2) first, as he is
the magic-user. Once you take him out, go after Bully
1 and finally 3. This is not a very difficult fight.
Balio and Sunder corner you, but Garr shows up in
the nick of time. He then joins your party, and you have
to make a new party with Ryu and Garr. I strongly
recommend you use Momo. Press Triangle when you're done
making a party and the formation screen comes up. Put
Garr in the lead, Ryu second, and Momo third, and use
Attack formation. Then hit Triangle again. Balio and
Sunder use their Stallion Metamorphosis to transform into
the Stallion, and then you finally get to fight them.
Ryu should cast Shield on the party, then do a
Flame / Defender Accession. Once he's morphed, have
him attack until his AP runs out. At that point, attack
with Jump. Garr should just attack, as should Momo.
Momo should be your healer; have her use Healing Herbs
to heal. When Balio and Sunder get low on life, they
will start using their UtmostAttack. This attack really
rips you; use Vitamins to heal once they start doing it.
If somebody dies, don't try to revive them, just heal
the people you have (if Momo dies, make Ryu the healer
as Garr does the most damage). Keep attacking them,
though, because on they start doing the attack, they're
nearly dead. When you defeat the Stallion, Balio and
Sunder are gone for good! Yahoo!


While still at the Gorge, cross the bridge you're
on, and go down the trail to the left. It leads to
a small house with a frog painter inside. Talk to
him if you wish, but the real reason for coming here
is the Frost Dragon Gene hidden in the garden (it's
squeezed behind the fence). Get it, then go back up
the trail and leave the Gorge.
You're now completely free to explore everywhere
you've visited, including both Central and East Wyndia,
and even back to the Yraall Region (you can walk around
Mt. Myrneg). Places worth visiting again:

- If you apprenticed any of your characters to Durandal
way back when you first got to Wyndia, drop by his
house in the ? spot near Wyndia to pick up some skills.
Hopefully, you'll get Backhand, which will be very
useful in a little while. If not, build up your
levels to get it (you only need to gain 3 levels to
learn it).

- If you have 15 weapons in your inventory, return to
the Coffee Shop and talk to D'lonzo; she's another
Master you can get.

- There's another Yggdrasil tree north of Mt. Myrneg.
It's the same as the other, so there's no real need to
go here.

- Back at the Cedar Woods, Bunyan will also work as a
Master. He raises your attack and defense, but lowers
intelligence. Since Peco doesn't have much magic anyway
(and consequently his intelligence and AP don't matter),
sign him up.

- In the Fairy Woods near the rocket crash site, there are
some rocks you can roll away by having Peco bop them with
his head (push Triangle). Search the holes for a Vitamin
and a Hawk's Ring (increases chance of surprising the enemy
-- equip this on somebody).

- At the southern of the two Yraall Region fishing spots,
you can use your Coin to catch Manillo. You can trade fish
for items at his shop. This is a cool feature, but you
won't have the requisite fish unless you've been doing a
lot of fishing. You keep the Coin, though, so you can go
ahead and check out his wares.

Anyway, put Nina in your party and go back to Wyndia.
Everything's basically the same here, except in the upper part
of town you learn that the word is out that Nina was
kidnapped. Put Nina in the lead of your party and talk to
the guard at the castle. He'll let you in. The party has
a banquet with the king (check out the animation on Garr
eating donuts!!), after which Ryu, Momo, Garr, and Peco set
off to the east, leaving Nina in the castle. Hit the
Circle button to advance the scene after all the dialogue
is done.
You're now controlling Nina. Explore the castle and
loot all the cupboards. Be sure to talk to the maid standing
near the broken plate and Queen Sheila, and collect another
Coin from one of the cabinets in Sheila's room. Then go
down to the wine cellar in the basement. Rotate the camera
until you find Honey hiding. Talk to her and she'll run
off. Go back up to Nina's room and take the left path out
to the roof. Honey will be there; Nina will chase her and
fall off the bridge. Honey levitates her down, but then
ceases to function.
Cut to the campsite. Nina arrives with Honey, who's
out of chrysm energy. She then rejoins your party. Head
to the Checkpoint northeast from the Coffee Shop (or just
due east from Wyndia). Enter and Garr will automatically
get you past the checkpoint, allowing you to reach the
really spiffy-looking bridge. After a brief scene, you'll
be in the Rhapala Region.
Descend the cliff you're on and head north. Enter
the small house area. Grab the Life Shard inside the
house, then descend the stairs behind it and collect the
Thunder Gene. Then leave. Now head to the lower-left
corner, near the southern fishing spot. On the beach
north of the fishing spot is a ? area. Here, you'll
meet Giotto the fishman. Talk to him and choose the
top option. If you've scored enough points fishing,
you'll get him as a Master. If not, he won't help you
until you do so.
If you want to go fishing, there's a fishing spot to
the west of the house, and another one near Giotto's
beach, but your next destination is the town of Rhapala
to the southeast.
Turn up the volume so you can listen to the really
cool music here (actually, almost all the music in this
game is really cool music). Head to the weapon shop and buy
new gear. Don't sell any of Ryu's old equipment; you'll
need it in a moment. The item shop also sells better
fishing bait, should you be interested. There's also
another clinic; don't waste your money on that rip-off.
Go to the inn and take the stairs down into a bar. Talk
to Sinkar, the guildmaster. He'll send you to talk to
his daughter, Shardis. Leave the bar and go north to
the wharf. Find Shardis and Beyd on the right-hand side
and talk to them. After Shardis runs off, return to the
entrance of the docks and talk to her again. She'll send
you back to talk to her father.
Go back into the town proper, go to the bar, and
talk to Sinkar again. He'll tell you that you can't
take the road either as it has been closed by the
volcano. You automatically return to camp, where
Nina decides to talk to Beyd. Go to the Wharf (you
can get there directly from the map). Talk to
Beyd and Nina will tell him to propose to Shardis.
After he runs off, go back to where he normally is
and talk to him again. He'll ask you to train him
so that he can enter the lighthouse and defeat the
monsters, then fork over 1000 zenny. Tell him you
don't have any equipment, and he'll give you some
more zenny.
De-equip Ryu of his weapon and armor and go talk to
Beyd. Tell him you're ready and you'll go to the town
square. Give him Ryu's equipment -- don't worry, he'll
return the favor later.
Talk to Beyd and ask him to explain how the training
works -- this is a really cool concept, I might add.
Put Nina and Peco in your party, then strip off all your
armor so Beyd can do more damage. Give Nina the Backhand
skill you got from Durandal (you did get it, didn't you?).
Talk to Beyd and choose to begin training. Nina should
use Backhand and the others attack. When Beyd defends,
have Nina keep hitting him with Backhand. It won't do any
damage, but it will count as a blocked attack, thus
boosting Beyd's defense. With 2 rounds to go, have Ryu
cast Accession with the Thunder and Defender genes, then
use Thunder Claw on Zig. After 20 rounds are up, or you
knock out Beyd, he will report the results of the training,
and then you'll be back on the map, all healed up. Go back
to the Wharfs, talk to Beyd again, and do another round of
After two rounds of training, go talk to Beyd at the
Wharfs and choose "To the lighthouse!" Zig will challenge
Beyd to a duel. You'll go to the town square, and then
the fight will begin. Don't do anything (or you'll
automatically lose), just defend. However, when Zig's
head is turning back and forth to look at Shardis (it's
really obvious when it happens), cast Rejuvenate on Beyd
to heal him, or Protect if he's healthy. If Beyd loses,
it's no big deal. Just do another round or two of
training, then try again. The key is to raise Beyd's
defense; if you do this, he'll win easily.
Eventually, you'll get Beyd strong enough that he can
beat Zig. There will be a bit of dialogue, then you're
back on the map. Go to the Wharfs and talk to Beyd. He
broke his arm in the fight with Zig, so he asks you to
go to the lighthouse instead. Open the chests for some
equipment -- it's one step up from whatever you gave
Beyd. Then go talk to Beyd and he'll give you a Guild
Make sure you're stocked up on Vitamins and Ammonia;
you'll need them. I recommend that you put Peco and
Momo in the party and use a Regular formation with
Ryu in first position, Peco second, and Momo third.
When you're ready to go, take the northwest exit from
the Wharfs to the Lighthouse. Head all the way up the
stairs to a chest with a Coin. Note that you can learn the
skill Air Raid from the Bombers; it's pretty good and
certainly worth learning. After getting the Coin, go down
a level and go right. Follow the path to the lighthouse
door, being sure to pick up the two hidden items along the
way -- a Mithril Shield and a Swallow Eye. Keep the
Swallow Eye; don't use it.
Inside the Lighthouse, go right and down the stairs.
Explore and throw the two blue levers. There's also
another hidden chest near the middle (as always, rotate
the camera to see it) with the Dream Ring. Take the
exit in the lower-left corner to go outside the
Lighthouse. Open the three chests for Flame Chrysm,
then go back inside. Take the other nearby door to
go into the control room.
Put a Flame Chrysm inside the hatch with an arrow
painted on it. Then go pull the lever. A control panel
will come up showing the pressure in the lighthouse
(aren't there just so many cool ideas in this game?).
Wait through the first three passes, then hit the button
when the pressure is at the top of the screen. If
you did it right, the chrysm will start pumping through
the tubes. If not, go put another Flame Chrysm in the
chute and try again. (Should you run out of Flame
Chrysm, go back to town and buy a bunch more, then
You've already directed the chrysm by pulling the
earlier levers, so return to the main door of the
lighthouse and head up and west. You'll spot a small
green lizard. Heal up your characters. Your AP has
probably been mostly drained away by the Spectres, but
if you have any RainbowTrout, use one (or more, if
you've got a load) on Ryu, so that he has at least 4
AP. Then continue up the stairs. A huge -- and very
cool-looking eyeball -- will come bouncing down the
stairs and the lizard will catch it. Then you have to
fight a boss.
The Gazer is the toughest boss you've fought so
far. Have Ryu cast Shield on his first turn, then
transform into a dragon if he has any more AP left
(unlikely). Use physical attacks against the Gazer,
but *don't* use Jump or Air Strike; they won't work.
If you have a bunch of attack items (like Napalm),
those are also effective. Have your fastest character
(probably Ryu) use Vitamins to heal. The Gazer has two
main attacks: a bouncing attack that does about 20 damage
to the party and an Eye Beam that does around 60 damage
to one character (ouch). It's important to keep all your
characters alive; if somebody goes down, have the
*slowest* character use an Ammonia on the dead fellow.
This will insure that the character gets revived after
the Gazer has attacked, so they won't get killed again.
Then, of course, have the fastest character heal them
with a Vitamin on the next round.
After defeating the Gazer, you'll get a whopping
amount of experience, as you well should. Go up the
long flight of stairs to the roof. Collect the Eldritch
Dragon Gene from the crystal, then throw the blue lever.
The lamp will turn on (nifty effect here), but then a
faerie flies down and tries to turn it off. After
failing, she throws a Faerie Tiara at you and flies off.
The Faerie Tiara activates all those faerie rings you've
been seeing all over the map, allowing you entrance
into the Faerie Village!

%%%THE VOLCANO%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Work your way back out of the Lighthouse to the
world map. Go to Rhapala and get healed at the inn,
then replenish your item supply. If you couldn't afford
some equipment before, get it now. Then leave town and
go to any faerie ring (they all lead to the same place).
Hit X over it and you'll be warped into the Faerie
There's not much here right now -- just the flower
circle that teleports you out, one house, and a tiny
dock. Later you'll be able to start building up a
town here. For now, just go into the house and talk to
the faeries. They will ask you to go to the beach and
defeat the monster. Your party will automatically change
to Ryu, Nina, and Momo. Go down to the beach and choose
to wait until night. An ominous fin appears and your
party attacks. Afterwards, you discover it was only a
dolphin. Nina and Momo leave to get the faeries, and
the dolphin starts chewing you out for beating it up...
in Australian dialect, no less. You might want to use
the option for an English translation (LOL) that pops up
after this scene.
Nina and Momo return, then the dolphin transforms and
you have to fight it. On his first turn (do NOT cast
Shield), have Ryu use the Eldritch and Thunder genes to
transform. This will give him the Myollnir (sic) spell,
which does 200+ (!) damage to the Dolphin. It costs 10
AP each shot, not to mention the AP you lose each turn
from being transformed, so you'll only get a few shots
in. After Ryu returns to human form, cast Shield (if
you have the AP), then have him use regular attacks.
Meanwhile, Nina should be casting Iceblast, and Momo
should use regular attacks and heal with magic. Like
the Gazer, the Dolphin is immune to aerial attacks.
The Dolphin does have a powerful (and cool-looking)
Tsunami spell, so keep your HP up. With the Myollnir
damage, though, he shouldn't be too much of a problem.
After the battle, go back to the house and talk
to the faeries. They'll take you for getting rid of
the dolphin. Leave the faerie village (use the circle
of flowers you came in through) and return to Rhapala.
Talk to Beyd, then to Sinkar. Sinkar will give you a
letter that allows you to enter the volcano.
Leave town and go up on the cliffs to the east to
find the volcano. Enter and take the Protein in the
chest to the right. If you go straight, you'll come
to a temple in which is a plaque you can't read (not
yet, at least). What you want is the path just to
the east of the temple door. Take this path all the
way up the stairs until you reach a cave. Enter.
The enemies in here are fire-based, so don't use
fire spells on them. Ice spells, of course, do a lot
of damage. As for the Cinders, just run from them --
you can't hurt them with weapons. You can learn the
Burn skill from the Lava Men, but it's pretty crummy.
Blind, which you can learn from the Lizards, is a bit
better, but certainly not essential. Also, be careful
not to step in the lava or the air vents when you can
avoid it -- the lava does massive damage to your lead
character and the air vents damage the whole party.
When you do have to walk across lava, put the character
with the most HP in the lead.
Head east and enter the first cave you come to.
Walk around the edge of the room here to avoid the lava
and open the chest for AsbestosArmr, which reduces all
fire damage to 0. Equip it somebody that can use it,
preferably somebody other than Ryu, then leave the room.
To the north is a chest with 800 zenny, but you have to
walk across some lava to get it. You can get it if you
want. Head south and enter the next cave. Here, ascend to
the top level. The yellow gas vents will confuse your
characters if you touch them. This isn't that bad, but try
to avoid it if possible.
Head down all the ramps until you reach a chest
with the fire-absorbing (you *gain* HP from fire
damage) Ring of Fire. Equip it on Ryu (unless Ryu has
the AsbestosArmr, in which case give it to somebody
else). Now two of your characters are protecting from
fire. Jump down, then work your way back up the ladders
until you get to the next cave entrance. Go through to
a lava-filled room.
Go down until you get to a chest. Open it, then head
north and circle around the top of the room. Descend to
the lower level. Hug the west wall and circle around the
lava to another Gene crystal, containing the Miracle Gene,
which isn't. All it does is turn the whole party into a
giant Behemoth dragon, which isn't nearly as useful as it
sounds. Then run southeast through the lava to get to a
chest with the Flame Talons for Peco. Don't equip them
now; they do fire damage and you don't want that in here.
I strongly recommend that you now return to Rhapala
to get healed up and save. Also, now that you have the
Ring of Fire, you can do a cool experience-gaining trick.
Equip Nina with the Ring of Fire and Ryu with the Asbestos
Armor, and have somebody learn Burn from the Lava Men.
Then go fight a Vulcan. Cast Burn on it and it will come
to life and start casting Lavaburst on you (a good skill
which you can learn) -- but casting Burn on it also more
than quadruples the experience you get from it. Now have
Nina use an ice spell on it, then finish it off. You'll
get 900 experience (divided among your party members for
300 each) for each one you kill, and they sometimes drop
Magma Armor, fire-absorbing armor. Be sure to equip it if
you get it.
Continuing on, return to the volcano and go straight
through, without detouring for chests. With the
AsbestosArmr and Ring of Fire, you shouldn't take too much
damage this time through anyway. In the lower-right hand
corner of the third room, you'll reach a narrow bridge. Heal
up, then try to cross it. An old man will appear, say "Hee hee
hee" a lot, and then summon two monsters, Scylla and
Ryu should cast Shield, then use Accession with the
Frost and Eldritch Genes. This will give him the Blizzard
spell, which will do about 160 damage to both monsters,
and lesser damage to the old man. Have him use this
until he runs out of AP and reverts to human form, then
just attack. All your other characters should attack as
well, except have Nina (if you're using her) cast
Iceblast. Concentrate on attacking one monster until dies,
then attack the other. The old man will keep healing the
monsters, but only for 60 HP a turn -- as long as you do
more than 60 damage every round (and you should), you'll
kill them eventually. He'll eventually run out of AP
anyway. When both monsters are dead, attack the old man
-- he can't hurt you. With the AsbestosArmr and Ring of
Fire absorbing most of the damage, this isn't that hard a
After defeating the old man, continue across the
bridge. Go through the door, descend the stairs, and
exit the volcano.

%%%ANGEL TOWER%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

You'll emerge from the volcano in the Urkan Region.
First, camp to heal and save. While you're at, also
equip Peco with the Flame Talons you got in the volcano.
If you want to go fishing, there's a fishing spot to
the southeast -- you can catch Manillo there.
Go to the north part of the Urkan Region and enter
Junk Town. You can't do much of anything here right
now except go shopping, and most of the equipment is
way out of your price range. However, pick up the
Shotgun Shell for Momo, then hit the road.
Your next real destination is the really cool-looking
town of Urkan Tapa, to the south. Be sure to bring Garr
along. Urkan Tapa is a huge place, but there's not actually
a whole lot there. Directly ahead of you when you enter
is the shop, where you can buy new armor and weapons for
Ryu and Garr. Before you buy any equipment, make sure you
have at least 50 Healing Herbs and 50 Vitamins (yes, 50).
If you head left from the entrance, the first door you come
to is the inn. Then go to the door on the right from where
you come in. If you have Durandal's Backhand ability,
you can get the priest (Hondara) to join you as a
Master -- he's a good master for Nina. If you don't have
the ability yet, come back later.
Go up the ladder in the room with Hondara. Put Garr
in the lead and use him to roll the boulder aside. Go
inside and Garr will talk briefly with Patriach Sudama,
revealing that he (Garr) is one of the Guardians of Urkan.
Now leave town. There will be a brief scene at the camp,
then you're back on the map. Save and go to Angel Tower.
At Angel Tower, head up the stairs until you see
an opening on the right. Go through there, then jump
down the tiered ledges. There are two chests to collect
this way (you'll have to make several trips), plus the
stairs at the lower right. The stairs leading down
take you to a room with a woman imprisoned in a barrier;
you can't do anything here, so take the up stairs
instead. These will take you to the door that leads
into the actual tower.
Angel Tower is pretty maze-y, just wander around
until you get to a big square room with three silver
blocks. Put Garr in the lead of the party and use him
to push the blocks around to make a path to the stairs
(sorry for the vague instructions here). Once you go
down those stairs, Garr will ask the third character in
the party to leave.
Examine all the plaques until you find Garr's.
Garr will then Ryu that, as Ryu is a member of the
Brood, he has to kill him, and then you fight. Just
use Accession and whack him a couple times; it will
only take a few hits. After the battle, the same voice
that spoke to Ryu way back in the mines at the start
of the game calls to him again and tells him that Garr
is not his enemy. Ryu vanishes, then the Kaiser
Dragon appears and the place starts to collapse.


Several years later...

%%%DAUNA MINE%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Ryu awakens once again in Dauna Mine, but now as an
adult. This time he's been freed by Garr. Garr asks
Ryu to forgive him. Say "Yes". He'll hand over Ryu's
old gear, then joins up. You now have Ryu's adult form,
which looks different but is statistically the same as
kid Ryu, just taller.
Make your way back to the screen where you fought Ox
at the start of the game. If you up and left, you'll
find some chests. Then examine the elevator control
panel and choose to go up to B1. On B1, open the chest
for the Light Clothes. Their defense is pretty good
for a weight of 1, but I wouldn't recommend using them.
Then just pop back in the elevator and go down to B2.
On B2, enter the first door. You can use the beds
to rest, and save your game with the diary. Then head
down to reach a mine cart. Use the levers to alter the
track so that it leads to the lower-right corner. Put
Garr in the lead and give the mine cart a shove. It
should end up between the two ledges (if not, push it
back and flick the levers to fix the track). Climb up
on the cliff to the south and walk across the cart to
get to the chest, which contains the powerful Feather
Sword for Ryu. Equip it right away.
Push the mine cart back to its original starting
point, then use the levers to make the track point to
the very top (the upper-left corner). Shove the mine
cart over there, then follow it. Heal up, throw the
lever closest to the mine cart, and push it again. The
cart will smash into the big boulder and blow it up.
Then a voice starts talking, and you end up fighting
another great-looking boss (look at the way the light
in its mouth lights up the rest of its body): the Dragon
The Dragon Zombie is easily the toughest boss so
far. Start by having Ryu cast Shield, then have him
transform with the Defender and Eldritch genes. Use his
heal spells on the Dragon Zombie (the dragon is undead;
so heal spells do damage ot it) until he runs out of AP
and reverts, then have him attack. Meanwhile, Garr should
just be attacking. The Dragon Zombie only has two attacks:
one that poisons your party but does no direct damage, and
another that takes off about 20 on both of you and confuses
you. These are a lot worse than they sound. Don't even try
to cure the poisoning; you'll just get poisoned again. As for
the confusion, you have no choice but to let it wear off. Use
Vitamins to heal (have Ryu use them if he can, as he's faster),
and use them whenever you start to get low -- you may get
confused and not be able to heal when you really need it.
Keep both characters alive; if somebody dies, use Ammonia
to bring them back. Near the end of battle, the Dragon
Zombie may run out of AP, which means that it can't use
Bone Storm anymore. Things get easier here -- although the
Dragon Zombie does gain a strong regular attack (it takes
off about 40 HP), healing is no problem.
The Dragon Zombie has an obscene amount of HP (it took
me 25 minutes to kill), so hopefully you have a big Vitamin
supply. When you defeat it, you'll receive the Shadow
and Fusion Genes. Don't use the Fusion Gene right now;
it requires three people to work. See the Fusions list
under Abilities for more info.
Cure your poisoning and run back to the room with the
beds to restore your HP and AP. Then go through the door
previously blocked by the huge rock. Head south and enter
the first door you come to. Look around in this cave for
some chests, especially the Lion's Belt. Then continue
south in the main hall to another door. Go in here and
throw the lever until the platform outside is level with
the walkway. Cross it and exit the mine.
When you get outside, the chief miner will talk to you
and tell you to come to his office. Talk to the people in
the camp to get an idea of how long Ryu's been sleeping
(quite a while). You'll also find Mogu and Gary alive and
well (good, I didn't want to have killed them). Pop in
the chief's office and he'll give you 3000 zenny. If you
go back in, you can use the bed to rest, and there's a
save diary in the adjacent building.
Leave town and you'll automatically camp. Ryu will
awake after dreaming of the huge dragon skeleton in the
mines, and he and Garr will talk briefly. Then you'll
finally get back to the map for some fresh air.

%%%SYN CITY 2000%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

There's new overworld music! Actually, I liked the
old tune better. You now have a large area to explore
around the mines. First, go to the nearby house.
Inside, you'll meet up with none other than Emitai!
(Note that Emitai's previously toddler daughter has
grown up while Ryu was asleep) Talk to Emitai and he'll
explain his situation. If you pay him 10,000 zenny,
you can get him as a Master. You may not want to (or
be able to) do this right now, but keep his location in
mind. Also, in his basement is another machine that
you can't use yet.
For the fishing-inclined, there's two fishing spots
in the Dauna Hills region. One is directly south of
the mines, but it's not very good. The better one is
across the bridge, to the northwest -- you can catch
Manillo here.
Look around the region for a faerie ring. Use the
Faerie Tiara to enter. In the village, examine the
message board -- three new faeries have been born.
Go up the path and talk to Cadis. She'll give you
instructions on how to build the faerie village! This
is a really cool SimCity-like bonus game. For more
info on it, see the Faerie Village section. For now,
set one faerie to hunt, one to clear land, and one as
a scholar. You have two options for the scholar --
research jobs or research culture. Choose to reserach
jobs. It will take time before you see any results,
so leave for now.
Head to the southwest from the faerie ring to reach
Syn City, which is run by the same crime syndicate that
Mayor McNeil and the horse twins work(ed) for. At the
moment, there's nothing you can do here but shop. The
bum guy will offer to sell you information for 20 zenny
a tip; don't pay him.
Once you've done your shopping, go southeast from
the faerie ring to get to Ogre Road (it's the difficult-
to-see path through the forest). The enemies here are
(very) souped-up versions of the ones you fought way
back in the Cedar Woods. Just head south until you get
to a swampy area. Cut the plants with Ryu's sword to
pick up some Horseradish. Hang onto it; don't use it.
Near the swamp is a ramp leading up onto the cliffs.
Follow it to get to a chest with an Hourglass, then jump
down and head southeast until you get to the exit.
Here you'll encounter the Weretiger. Don't use
Accession; just have Ryu cast Shield and then attack,
while Garr attacks as well. Use Rejuvenate for healing.
The Weretiger will run off when you defeat it, then
you can continue south to the exit.
You're now back in the Yraall Region, but in the
southwest corner (you can see the game's first fishing
spot to the north, across the river). You can just
walk back north to the Dauna Hills; you don't have to
go through the road again. There's no need to do so,
however. What you *should* do, however, is stop by
the faerie village and see what's up. If some new
land has been cleared, switch that faerie into a
building to build a second house.
Unless you want to stop by the mediocre fishing
spot, just continue on to Mt. Levett. This is another
pretty sad dungeon. Check out both of the caves for
some treasure, then just find your way to the nearby
exit. Cross the bridge and you'll find yourself at
the good ol' Yraall Road. You can't get any further,
so you have to explore the road. Some Wyndian guards
are blocking the road, as an investigation of Mayor
McNeil's smuggling activities are in progress. Take
the north exit from the road.
Return to McNeil village. Everyone here (including
your old "friend" Loki) is being interrogated by
Wyndian troops. It seems Mayor McNeil is finally
getting his comeuppance. Go to the inn and talk to
the woman outside. She'll talk you to about the
man-eating tiger and ask you to go to the Cedar Woods
to defeat it. You can stay at the inn for free
afterwards. Unfortunately, the weapon and item
stores have not seen it fit to upgrade their wares
and are still selling junk from the beginning of the game.
Leave McNeil and enter the Cedar Woods from the
east side. If Ryu or Garr is apprenticed to Bunyan,
drop by him to collect your abilities. Then go up to
the burnt cabin. As you ascend the trail to it, Ryu
will ask Garr to stay behind, and Garr does so. Keep
going up the path until you bump into.... Rei! Rei
won't join the party just yet, however, and runs off
to the village. Rejoin Garr, leave the woods, and
return to McNeil.
In McNeil, you'll find everyone clustered around a
wounded Loki. Somebody says that Rei ran off to McNeil
manor's, so go there. At the manor, you'll bump into a
Wyndian patrol leading a captive Mayor McNeil away. The
patrol is led by none other than... Nina! Or at least,
a really stupid-looking adult version of Nina Nina will
rejoin your party, no questions asked, and then it's off
to Syn City.
Back at Syn City, you'll find that everybody has
been murdered by Rei. Head across the drawbridge and
enter the building at the very end. Talk to the guys
there and they'll say the boss ran off to the checkpoint.
Grab the chest for an Old Painting, then leave.
Before you go to the checkpoint, make sure to
get healed up and *save*. Pay another visit to the
faerie village as well and see what's up. Switch your
scholar to another hunter so you can increase your
population (Note: I'm not going to mention visiting
the faerie village anymore. Just be sure to visit it
regularly and reassign jobs as need be). Also, you
may want to have Nina apprenticed to Emitai, as she is
good at magic.
Go to the checkpoint. Here you'll find Rei and
Mikba, the don of Syn City. Mikba transforms into a
demon and knocks out Rei. You then have to make a party
to fight Mikba. Replace Nina with Garr so that you
have Ryu, Garr, and Rei. Use normal formation with
Garr in the lead, Ryu second, and Rei in the back.
Then hit Triangle to begin the fight.
You need to play the first two rounds very
carefully. Have Ryu cast Shield, and Garr use an
Ammonia on Rei (who begins the battle dead). Since
Garr moves after Mikba, Mikba will not get a chance
to kill Rei again. Next round. Rei's turn comes
up first; choose the Item option, then press up to
get the option to equip Rei. Equip him with some
better armor and the ThievesKnife if you have it.
Then have him use a Vitamin on himself. Ryu should
cast Protect on Rei, and Garr should just attack.
If all goes well, Rei will heal himself, then
automatically transform into the Weretiger, then
Ryu casts Protect on him. On the third round, have
Ryu use Accession with the following Genes: Shadow,
Reverse, Defense. Reversing Shadow gives you holy
abilities; use Shining Claw on Mikba for big damage.
Meanwhile, Garr and Rei should just attack (you can't
control Rei). Mikba is a tough boss because he will
use a Reprisal after almost all your attacks -- stay
healed, and don't attack if you're low on HP.
After you defeat Mikba, Rei will join the party
for good! Pick a party, but be sure to include Rei.
Go inside the building at the Checkpoint and have Rei
unlock the door. Inside you'll find the Deluxe Rod,
a better fishing pole. Also, Syn City has mysteriously
opened back up again, so if you want to buy stuff, you
can go there. Then head back through the moutains again
to the Yraall Region.

%%%VEGGIE TALES: THE SEQUEL%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Head east past the Yraall Region and Mt. Myrneg
(just walk around it) to Eygnock Road. When you arrive
at the road, Nina will explain the situation with her
father and suggest going to the Plant to solve the
problems there. Do so, and work your way back through
the maze (most of the conveyors are already set, so it's
pretty easy) to the central area. Here you'll bump into
Momo and Honey. Momo rejoins the party and tells you
where to find Peco.
Leave the Lab and go to the nearby Yggdrasil tree.
Talk to Peco, and he'll rejoin you. Thankfully, your
cute little onion pal has not turned into a lame adult
version, and is just as lovable -- and powerful -- as
ever. You now have every character for good! Before you
go back to the Plant, there's some other stops you should

- Since you have everybody again, drop by all your Masters
to see if you've learned any new abilities. If you've
learned more than one new ability, you'll have to talk
to the Master several times to get them all. Hopefully,
Bunyan will teach Peco the Super Combo spell (assuming
you apprenticed Peco to Bunyan like I suggested). This
spell is really cool -- you have to match the buttons
that appear on the screen quickly to do added hits. It's
like PaRappa meets Mario RPG.

- If you never got D'lonzo at the Coffee Shop, do so.

- Go to the city of Genmel (the place with the arena).
Genmel's kind of dying out now that the Contest is gone
for good, but you can get the barkeep Fahl as a master.
He'll want you to win 30 fights in a row without
resting. Just go outside, find a ! spot, and fight 30
rounds against the wimpy enemies, then Fahl will help
you. I recommend apprenticed Garr to him.

- Take Peco to the faerie pond northwest of the Coffee
Shop. Cut through the nearby bushes with Ryu, then
have Peco get a running start and headbutt the rock
into the pond. If you hit it hard enough, Meryleep the
faerie will appear. She wants you to find her Flower
Jewel. To get it, go to ? spot west of the Maekyss Gorge
(it's the house with the thieves) and have Peco whack the
tree. After getting the jewel, take it back to Meryleep to
get her as a Master.

- Go all the way back to Dauna Mine with Momo and return
to the room where you fought the Dragon Zombie. Go
up onto the ledge where the Zombie was, and head north
through the door into a small room. Use Momo to blow
open the boarded up door, and go through. You'll reach
a chest with the elusive Coupons, an accessory which
reduces the price of items by 20%-30%. You do have to
equip them for them to function, however, so don't forget
to before you go shopping.

- Near the front door of Momo's tower is a Yoda-like
robot that will explain some more advanced battle

- There's not much to do back in Wyndia, except for one
thing. The hide-and-seek kids are here, now as teenagers.
They'll challenge you to another game, but this time
they hide all over the world. If you're in a cheating
mood, here's where to find them all:
o Lang - Use the door on the left side of Wyndia to
enter the crypt again. Lang is hiding behind one
of the big tombstones. Don't miss the Wisdom Fruit
in the chest behind the other one.
o Wynn - Behind a house on the left side of Junk Town;
you can't get to her just yet (so remember where she
is). In the bag next to her is a Tea Cup.
o Lee - Hiding under the wall on the far side of the
Wyndia / Rhapala Checkpoint. You can't find her yet
o Bais - Behind a pillar on B3 of the Dauna Mines (in
the room with the dragon chrysm).

- Return to the Yggdrasil Tree and put Peco in the lead of
your party so you can talk to the tree. Give it a Wisdom
Fruit and you will get it as a Master. I recommend
having Peco apprentice to it (not until he masters Bunyan,
though) as your little onion pal could use the AP boost.
Peco can also talk to the Yggdrasil north of Mt. Myrneg.

Make sure Momo and Peco are in your party before
returning to the Plant. When you arrive, Momo will note
that something seems wrong. Head around the top until
you come to a rockpile. Talk to the guy near the rocks
and he'll explain what you have to do. Put Peco in the
lead and use his headbutt (press Triangle) to roll the
rocks onto the two Xs. Then get a running start at the
rocks and hit X just as you come to them. If you do it
right, Peco will give the rock a massive headbutt and
send it crashing through the greenhouse roof. If not,
just get another rock. Should you run out of walks,
walking offscreen and coming back will restore them.
After you smash both greenhouses, chrysm smoke will
start to come out of the main plant's chimenys. Go down
to the main plant and enter. Put Momo in the lead and
use her cannon to shoot the furnace. It will blow open
and reveal a passage. Go inside and descend the stairs
to a dungeon.
Head south. Go up the first ladder you come to and
search the room for a Skill Ink, then descend again.
Continue to a computer room. Have Momo examine the
computer marked "1" and she will open the locked doors
with a 1. Take the rear exit from the computer room to
get to a bedroom where you can rest and save.
Return to the entrance and go north. Keep going until
you get to a room with another computer terminal. Remember
this room's location; we'll call it Room A. Go down the
stairs into a room filled with chrysm radiation. You
only have a limited amount of time down here -- if you
run out, you're kicked out and have to fight some enemies.
Quickly run to the upper-right corner and spin the camera
until you see a Peco-like critter. Examine it to get the
second password.
Return to the main computer room and operate the
second computer with Momo to unlock the "2" doors. Use
the bedroom to heal up, then go back to Room A. Use the
terminal there to open a nearby door and go through.
Open the hidden chest for some Silver Mail. Backtrack
until you come to another door marked "2" and go through.
You're now on the upper level of Room A.
Take the first door you come to and flick the switch.
Then go back out of that room, descend the stairs to
the left, and keep going until you get to a room with
some paper on the ground (if you go north when you get
to the pipe, you'll find a hint for a later puzzle -- if
you want to solve the puzzle on your own, get this).
You're now in Room B. Read the paper for the third
password, then walk up on the nearby pipe. Ascend and
search around for a chrysm crystal containing the Force
Dragon Gene. After getting it, go back to Room B and ride
the escalator up. Head out through the door and open the
chest for the Sleep Shells for Momo. Equip them right away.
Ride the nearby conveyor to a point near the computer
room, where you should then go. Do the routine -- use
the third computer to open the "3" doors, rest, save --
then head down the main hall until you get to a door
marked "3". Go through and search the room until you
find another 3 door. Heal up and go through. You'll
have to fight a mutated slug.
On the first round, have one of your characters use
a fire attack (the items Molotov, Firecracker, and Napalm
all qualify). This will destroy the HugeSlug's protective
coating, allowing you to do more damage to it. Have Ryu cast
Shield to protect yourself from the HugeSlug's brutal attacks.
Then have him morph with the Force Gene to get a Warrior-class
dragon (I guess... it doesn't look like a dragon). Have him
cast Aura on his first turn to boost his attack power, then use
regular attacks until he runs out of AP. Momo should attack and
use Rejuvenate (if she has it) or items to heal. Don't use
Quake, it doesn't do very much damage. Peco should attack,
but if he has Super Combo, use it instead -- a 6- or 7-hit
combo can do 300+ damage. Later in the battle, the HugeSlug
will start casting Quake, but by then it's almost dead. Just
be sure to heal.
After defeating the HugeSlug, heal up and leave the
room. Go up the stairs on the left and read the book for
instructions on how to get the next password. The little
green things give you the pressure readings. Combined
with them and the note you found the pipes, you should
be able to figure out what to do. If not (or you're
just lazy), the answer is 1-3-2-5-4.
Input that code into the last computer in the
computer room to open the 4 door. Take the rear exit
to the bedroom, which should make use of. Then take
the passage in the bedroom to a ladder and ascend to
find the 4 door. Go through, cross the pipe, get the
Wisdom Ring (it raises your intelligence a LOT -- give
it to Momo for now, but later switch it to Nina), and
descend the stairs. Here you'll find Director Palet.
After explaining his plan (bad guys always explain their
plans first), he uses the Yggdrasil sap to turn into a
giant mushroom and attacks.
Ryu should first cast Shield. Then, if he has the
Barrier spell (he may not), have him cast it on Momo,
Peco, and then himself. Then use the Flame and Force
genes to transform into a Warrior and attack with Aura
until you run out of AP. Momo should cast Might on
Peco, Ryu, and herself, then attack. Peco should use
Super Combo (if he has it), or just attack. Palet has
a lot of nasty spells; having Barrier helps a lot.
I wouldn't worry too much about healing; just keep
attacking -- if you heal, he starts healing too, then
you'll never beat him. If Momo doesn't have the Might
spell, you may have a tough time with him (fortunately,
you saved it nearby) -- you may want to roll up points
fighting guys until she gets to level 20 and learns it.
After Palet goes down, you'll get a lot of
experience. Throw the blue lever to turn the machine
off, then make your way back out. Watch out, there's
still enemies here. Once you get back above ground,
you'll learn that the Plant is closing. There's nothing
more to do here, so leave. There will be a brief camp
sequence in which Momo decides to come with the party
(like you didn't expect that), then you're back on the

%%%THE JOURNEY EAST%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Return to Wyndia. When you enter, the game will take
over and Nina and Rei will go to the castle. They'll
talk with the King, who agrees to give them a passport.
First, go down to the basement and collect Honey. Then
go back up and enter the left tower. Talk to Queen Sheila
and she'll yell at Nina for a while. Go back down out of
the tower. The screen will fade out, then you'll get
the passport. Before you have a chance to leave, Sheila
enters and proclaims Rei as one of Ryu's friends. The
guards run to grab Rei, and you escape to the basement.
Follow Honey down all the stairs on the left (not
the ones towards the dungeons) until you get to the locked
door in the basement. Rei will open it, then he and
Nina will escape through the teleporter to Durandal's
shed. Leave the shed area and you'll cut to a brief
scene at the campsite. You'll have a chance to change
your party; don't do so (leave it at Ryu, Nina, Rei).
Back on the map, you'll note that you can no longer
enter Wyndia. You can, however, re-enter the castle
by going back to Durandal's shed and teleporting at the
altar. You can't leave the basement, but you should go
to the dungeon. Put Rei in the lead and have him open
the first cell to get to a chest containing a Laurel.
It's a good helmet for Nina, Peco, or Momo, and doesn't
weigh anything. Also in the dungeon, you'll find
Mayor McNeil and the Mac brothers from the Contest of
Leave the castle and head east to the checkpoint.
With your new passport, you can get through (note that
you just walk back across the bridge to leave the
Rhapala Region, if you want to). There's no real need
to visit Rhapala -- you can talk to Shardis and find
out the ship has been lost again, but that's it. Just
go to Mt. Zublo (the volcano). The path is clear now,
so take the left exit on the walkway and you'll arrive
at the Urkan Region.
Your first stop here should be Junk Town. You
should be able to buy some of the stuff you couldn't
buy before (just watch out, it's really heavy). Then
put Garr in the party and go to Angel Tower. With Garr
in the lead, you can ascend to the top of the tower.
A women (Deis) will appear and tell Garr to find
Guardian Geist.
Leave Angel Tower and go to Urkan Tapa, still with
Garr. Talk to the Patriarch and he'll tell you where
you can find Geist. Check by the weapon shop; depending
on what you bought earlier, you might actually find some
upgrades here. Also, if you didn't have Backhand
when you first came here, you can get Hondara if you
have it now.
Take the southeast-most road south, back to the
Rhapala Region. Keep going forward until you reach the
Tidal Caves, and enter. I recommend you bring Nina or
Rei along (or both); their lighting spells are very
effective on the aquatic enemies in the caves. (So are
the thunder-elemental weapons sold in Junk Town).
This place is HUGE. There are a lot of passages going
everywhere, many caves to enter, a constantly changing
tide. When it's high, you can ride rafts (to ride one raft,
you'll have to use Ryu's sword to cut the rope holding the
dock up); when it's low, you can get to the lower caves.
Just look around for treasure and be sure to get the Thunder
Ring (like the Ring of Fire, but for electric attacks). The
exit is in the upper-left. Right next to it, you'll find the
Gross Dragon Gene (that's "Gross" as in "great", not
After leaving the Tidal Caves, continue to the village
of Cliff. Be sure Garr is in your party. There's not
much to do at Cliff, but there's an inn and item shop
in the topmost house. Geist is in the cave in the far
back of town. After you talk to him, he'll want to test
Ryu. Go outside and talk to Garr. Go to the inn and
save. Make sure Ryu's equipped with the Ring of Fire,
then go back in and talk to Geist to challenge him. He'll
transform into a huge demon.
First, cast Barrier and then Protect on yourself.
After that, transform with the Frost, Gross, and Force
genes. Attack with Frost Breath until you take out the
two torches that keep healing Geist. After you get rid
of the torches, use Aura once to raise your attack power.
Then attack with Frost Claw until you run out of AP
transform back. He'll be almost dead by now; just use
regular attacks on him until he kicks the bucket. Don't
worry about his attacks; whenever he casts Corona, that
will heal you, as you have the Ring of Fire (not too
swift, is he?)
After you defeat Geist, he transforms back to
normal and starts to die. Garr and your other party
member run in. Geist tells you that the seal on Deis
is free, then dissolves into ashes. Search the ashes
for the Beast Spear, a really strong weapon for Garr.
On the other hand, it is incredibly heavy, and it drains
your HP each round. It's up to you whether you want
to use it or not, but I say... go for it! Its sheer
attack power makes up for its weight and life draining.
Return to Angel Tower (with Garr, of course). Jump
your way to the stairs in the lower-right corner. Go
down them to the room where Deis is imprisoned. The
seal will break. Deis will talk to you briefly (after
smacking Garr around ^_^) and then tell you to come
to Mt. Zublo. Leave Deis's tomb and go up the stairs
to the main door of Angel Tower. Hop down from the
ledge on the left and work your way back to the entrance,
then leave.
Go to the Rhapala side of Mt. Zublo (the road
part, not the cave). Enter the shrine at the base and
put Ryu in the lead. Examine the wall and Ryu will be
sucked through into Deis's chamber. Deis, now in her
half-snake form, will tell open Ryu's "eye" and tell him
to go to the far north. When she aks you if you like
her snake form better, be sure to say yes. After you get
warped back out, go back in. Talk to Deis and she'll join
as a Master (just say "Yes, ma'am"). Apprentice Ryu to
her; he needs the AP boost, and the spells she teaches
will be very useful later in the game.
Return to Junk Town. Go to the south end of town,
where Beyd is talking to a Machine Guild member. After
he leaves, follow him out of town.

%%%STEEL BEACH%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

In the new section of map you can get to are a
number of interesting places. Near the Dock is a
fishing spot that features 3 of the best kinds of
fish, and on the far west point of land is a massive
fishing spot with a whopping 11 different kinds of
fish for catch (that's almost half the fish in the
game!). Manillo can be found at the latter spot as
well. If you've been looking for a good fishing spot,
you've found them.
On the point of land with the second fishing
spot is a small house as well. There, you'll find
Bow from BOF2 fishing. He says he's working on some
new fishing gear, but isn't quite done. Remember
him for later. Inside the house, there's a Swallow
Eye in the cupboard, and, more importantly, the ???
Dragon Gene hidden by the curtain. (Yes, ??? is the
actual name of the gene).
Go to the Dock, where you'll find Beyd. He asks
you to find some parts to repair the broken Rhapala
ship. Leave and put Momo in the party (if she isn't
already), then come back and talk to Beyd with Momo
in the lead. You will go down into the ship, where
Momo will give you a diagram of the parts she needs.
Leave the ship. You'll have to make a new party
(as Momo has left), then go back to Junk Town. Talk
to the Guildmaster (he's in the building with the
weird lettering over the door) and he'll give you
permission to go to Steel Beach.
Put Garr in your party (you always have to
use him, don't you?). I recommend that your third
member be Peco. If you use him or Rei, equip Garr
with the Thunder Ring. If you use Nina, give her the
ring. Go to Steel Beach (it's the cave northwest of
the Dock) and enter. The guard will let you by if
you have the permission (and you should).
At Steel Beach, first head to the upper-right and
collect the Mutant gene (yes, I know you just got one,
but here's another one). (Have you noticed how many
parentheses I've been using lately?). The Mutant
gene acts a completely random gene when you use it,
but the upside is that it only costs 3 AP. Put Garr
in the lead and talk to the Foreman -- he looks like
Ox from BOF1. The Foreman will tell you that you have
to prove your worth to get into the wrecked freighter,
then it's bonus game time!
You have to hit X as fast as you can to pull on
the rope when the monkey raises the *red* flag. Stop
as soon as you hear the whistle. Also, you can't
be more than 2 meters ahead of the foreman, so if
you get close, slow down. One thing they don't mention
in the instructions is that occasionally the monkey will
raise BOTH flags -- so you have to both pull. This
game's not very difficult; the only trick is to watch
the monkey and not pay attention to everything else.
After you get the rope down to about 5 meters, you'll
pull it in, only to discover that it's a giant fish,
and you have to fight it.
The Angler is a pain in the rear. It not only can
poison and confuse you, but is nearly immune to magic
(which is why you want Peco). Since Ryu will do nasty
things to your party if he gets confused while a
dragon, don't have him transform. Have him attack with
Jump instead, as it works great on the Angler. Peco
should use Super Combo (if he has it) or attack, and
Garr should just attack. The Angler has a thunder
spell, which is why you want the Thunder Ring. As
usual, don't try to cure poisoning; the Angler will
just Poison Breath you agan.
After you defeat the Angler, the Foreman will give
you permission to enter the wrecked freighter to look
for the engine parts. Leave the beach and rest.
Put Nina and Rei in your party, and equip Nina with
the Thunder Ring and Dream Ring. Set the party to
Defense formation.
Return to Steel Beach and search around the beach
area. You'll find several parts: Part A (in the water),
Part B (on one of the scrap piles), and Parts F, G,
and H by rotating the camera. Then enter the freighter.
In here, you'll find Bolt People, tougher versions
of the Nut People from earlier in the game. They have
an incredibly high evade rate. Have Nina cast Simoon
or Typhoon (if there's more than one) to take them out.
Ryu and Rei should attack, but don't expect to hit too
often. The generic Bolts use Frost Strike to put you
to sleep; that's why you gave Nina the Dream Ring. (You
can and should learn Frost Strike from them).
On the top level of the freighter are Part D and
another Part B -- you'll need to rotate the camera to
see one of them. Then descend the ladder to the bottom
of the freighter. Search the floor for parts D, G, H,
E, and two Cs. You'll have to rotate the camera to
see most of them. Also, in the upper-right corner of
the floor is a well-hidden chest (it's behind some
crates) holding the Robe of Wind.
Now use the levers to raise and lower the girders
until they are lined up with the crates. Ascend a level
and cross the girders to find parts A, C, and F. To
get one of the parts, you'll have to lower the furthest
girder a level and walk across the lower level of crates.
Once you have all the parts, leave Steel Beach and
go back to the Dock. Enter the ship and descend to the
engine room. You'll be asked to hand over the parts.
Give Momo all the parts; she won't want some of them,
but giving them to her does no harm. After you've given
her all the parts, hit Triangle. Momo will fix up the
engine and you'll set sail. Talk to everybody on the
ship. When you finish, the Black Ship will appear,
but leaves you alone... for now. Then you arrive back
in Rhapala.


Back at Rhapala, Zig will show up and demand to be
allowed to pilot your ship. You then gain control of
the ship! The ship takes a bit of getting used to --
you use left and right to turn the ship, up to move
forward, and down to back up. Circle activates a
temporary speed boost. You can also hit Start while
sailing to camp on board the ship.
Sail up to the Outer Sea (the dark blue area). When
you get there, Zig will ask you if you're sure you want
to go there and tell you to talk to the rest of the
party. Go around the ship and talk to them all, then
go back to Zig. Zig will attempt to sail out into the
Outer Sea, but he can't get by the waves. He then
tells you about the Legendary Mariner, and suggests
you go to Parch to find out about it.
Back in control of the ship, sail northwest from
Rhapala to get to Parch (the small village on the shore,
surrounded by cliffs) and hit X to enter. At Parch,
make a beeline for the shop (straight ahead). Here
there's a lot of new equipment. Unless you have a
lot of money, though, I wouldn't recommend it, as
there is another town with even better stuff coming
up soon. The item shop also sells better fishing
bait, which you might want to take to the fishing spots
near Steel Beach. Finally, there's a Coin in the
dresser in the back of the building.
Go up and talk to the mayor. He's in a bad mood
because he's gotten sick of fish. Yes, folks, it's time
for that old BOF standby, the cooking sequence. And
for this, you're going to need the help of the one,
the only... Cheap Cheap the Cooking Chicken! No,
actually, you need to make shisu.
It's time to head all the way back to the Maekyss
Gorge in Central Wyndia. While you're in Central Wyndia,
you can go back into Wyndia (the town) again. The
only real reason to do this is to continue the hide-
and-seek game. Once you've found all four people (see
the section "Veggie Tales: The Sequel" to find out where
they are), go talk to them at Wyndia. They'll each
become Masters... yes, they're four different masters.
Three of them (Bais, Wynn, and Lee) will each teach you
a new Formation, and Lang gives you an item. Bais
is the most important; as his Chain Form is the best
formation in the game. Just put a fast character in
the first slot (Rei or Ryu) and everybody gets the same
At the Maekyss Gorge, head down under the bridge
(where you found the Frost Gene) and go in the house.
Talk to the frog's wife and she'll tell you how to
make shisu -- you need mackerel, shaly seeds, vinegar,
and horseradish. You should already have the
horseradish (from Ogre Pass). The Shaly Seeds are
easy to get; just put Peco in the party and have him
headbutt the tree behind the cabin. Keep doing this
until you have 99 shalys.
To get the Mackerel, head to the fishing spot that
has appeared near the bridge (it doesn't appear until
you've asked where to find the mackerel). Just catch
a mackerel (they're the fish in the deep water) and
that's that. Frog-type bait works best.
The final ingredient, and the one that requires
the most work, is the vinegar. Put Garr in your party
and go to the Coffee Shop east of Wyndia. Talk to
the wellkeeper with Garr in the lead and he'll explain
what to do... except his directions are totally wrong.
Ignore what he says; here's what you're REALLY supposed
to do:
Press Triangle rapidly until you hear a splashing
sound. Keep track of the number of times you press,
and be sure to release the button fully before you tap
again, or the game might count it as only one tap and
throw off your count. After you hear the splash,
alternate left and right on the control pad until the
splashing sounds STOP. Then press X rapidly, the same
number of times you hit Triangle. Wait a moment, and
then you'll win. The wellkeeper will give you some
Vinegar. Note that if you want more Vinegar (you can
use it to cure your status), you can talk to the
wellkeeper and play the game again. You may want to
do this twice to make sure you have enough vinegar.
Take all the ingredients back to the house at the
Maekyss Gorge and talk to the woman. She'll explain
how to make the shisu. You now have to return to
Parch to actually make the shisu (this threw me at
first, too). But before you do, there's something
else you can do, while we're on the cooking theme.
Use the transporter in Durandal's hut to warp
into Wyndia Castle, then go up and talk to Hachio
the cat chef (as seen in BOF2). You can get him
as a Master if you bring him four ingredients: Beef
Jerky, a Swallow Eye, an Angler, and a Martian Squid.
o Beef Jerky you get by killing certain enemies;
you're probably carrying some (you can also buy
them at the Handyman Shop in Faerie Village)
o You may or may not have a Swallow Eye (I told you
to keep one earlier); if not, just come back when
you get one.
o The Angler is a fish you can catch. It's found
in fishing spots in the Urkan Region.
o The Martian Squid is also a "fish"; you can catch
them at the fishing spot near Mt. Myrneg. Use
worms to catch them.
Back at Parch, go into the mayor's house and talk
to the old guy in the front room to begin the cooking
sequence. Yes, it's time for another bonus game.
On the list of items, select your Mackerel. Then
add Shaly Seeds until the ball of seeds is a little
bigger than the piece of mackerel. Count how many
seeds you add, then divide than by 4 and add that much
vinegar. Then add all three horseradishes. Obviously,
your recipe is going to vary based on how big your
mackerel was, but in my game I had:

Mackerel: 58 cm. Shaly Seeds: 17
Vinegar: 4 Horseradish: 3

Once you've added all four ingredients, click on
Knead (Knd) once or twice. Then hit end and Ryu will
give the shisu to the mayor. He'll eat it and decide he
likes fish again (assuming you did everything right).
He then gives you a Sea Chart and tells you to go the
rocks to the east. Before you leave, talk to the old
guy again and he'll give you a prize based on how good
your shisu was:

Shaman's Ring (best)
Lacquer Armor
Sage's Frock
Wisdom Fruit
Wisdom Seed
Ammonia (worst)

%%%THE BLACK SHIP%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Before you continue, I strongly recommend that you
go back and chat with all your Masters to collect any
new abilities. You won't be seeing them for a while,
so you'll want to get as much as you can now.
Take your ship over to the point where Bow's house
is. Sail between the two rocks there and a ? will pop
up. Enter. It's time for another bonus game. (What's
with all these bonus games all in a row?).
Here, you have to race to the Legendary Mariner's
house before the tides sweep you away. Don't go to
the house, though. First, there's three chests sitting
around you'll want to pick up. You only have time to
pick up one chest per run, but that's okay. The first
and easiest chest is up and to the right from where you
start. Just get up next to it, point the nose of your
ship at it, and hit X to open it -- it has a Heavy
Dagger. Let time run out, then enter again and go for
the chest in the loop at the far top. This is the
hardest to get; use your turbos, but don't let your
engine power run down to nothing or you'll freeze for
a moment. Adjust your sailing angle and keep moving
at the normal speed when you're not using turbos, and
keep tapping the turbo button for short bursts of speed.
Don't forget, the point of your ship has to be bumping
again the chest to open it. When you do finally get
it, you'll find Blizzard Mail inside.
To get to the third and final chest, head up the
left fork from your starting point. Turn left and head
south past the Legendary Mariner's house to the chest,
which contains the Ice Shield. If you got the second
chest, you should be able to get this one. After
getting all three chests (or giving up ^_^), go to the
Legendary Mariner's house on your next run.
The Legendary Mariner, Kukuys, and his parrot
Duan will greet you. Kukuys, however, tells you that
he's not really the Legendary Mariner and isn't even a
sailor. He just stowed away on... the Black Ship.
Yes, folks, it's time for the obligatory ghost ship
You'll automatically return to your ship. Momo
will try to use her cannon to stop the Black Ship, but
winds up nearly sinking your ship. Zig asks you to
(once again) talk to the rest of your party. Go up
on desk and talk to Momo, then go back and talk to
Zig again. You decide to ram the Black Ship, and
it's time for (wait for it)... another bonus game!
This time around, you're trying to ram the Black
Ship. It's really easy. Just sail around the Middle
Sea until you find the Black Ship, then use your
turbo and ram it from behind (the lower side). Just
keep trying 'til you hit it.
You now need to create a party to board the ship.
You'll need to use Momo; as for the other character,
you can choose anybody besides Nina (you don't want
two magic-users), but I recommend Rei as you have to
fight the same annoying Bolt people on board. Use
Momo's Quake to take them out. Be sure to equip the
gear you found in the reefs outside Kukuys's house,
and give the Momo the Dream Ring. If you need healing or
you want to save, just go back inside the ship and use
the diary.
On board the Black Ship, enter the door on the left
(the only place you can go) and go forward until you
get to a room with a moving platform. Look at the
computer and choose to run program 5. Board the platform.
Get on and off at each stop until it goes up the chute
in the back. Look at the computer near the door to
find the ID Card, then return to the platform. Ride it
back down and back to the computer. This time, run
program 3. It will take you to the middle hole and
descend. Look around here for the switch to turn the
crane on, then ride the platform back to the starting
Return to the first door on the inside of the
Black Ship -- the crane room. Use the control panel to
operate the crane. Hold X to move the crane to the
right and line up the red Xs with one of the gray crates,
then release. Hold X to move the crane vertically over
the crate, then release it again. The crane will pick
the crate up and move it over to make part of a bridge.
Repeat for the other two crates to make the whole bridge.
Then pick up the fourth crate, and the crane will drop
it, allowing you to get an item. Leave the room, and
repeat this, but pick up a different crate as the
fourth crate to get a different item. Repeat this
until you've opened all four crates.
Cross the crate bridge and go through the small room.
Cross the crates to find a chest with the Flash Shells
for Momo (blinds enemies), then go up the stairs.
Flip the blue lever to make a bridge back to the
entrance. Should you need to go back to your ship to
get healed, do so. Then go up the stairs.
Take the door in the lower-left and open the chest
at the end of the passage for Skill Ink. Leave that
room, go all the way down the hall, and up the stairs.
Put your ID Card in the panel to activate the elevator.
After riding the elevator up, go up the next set of
stairs to the control room. Put Momo in the lead and
have her examine the control panel. She'll start the
ship and send you down to check on the Boost Counter.
Go back down the elevator to the hall with lots
of door. Take the upper-right one and examine the
Boost Counter. Note the number that's on it. A
ticking sound will start. Each tick is adding one to
the number that you saw -- keep track of the number!
Go back up to the bridge and stand next to Momo, but
don't talk to her. Count the ticks until the number
hits 99, then talk to Momo just before the next tick.
If you did it right, the ship will start. I think
the game's pretty lenient here.
After the ship starts, sit back and watch the
scenes, and listen to the cool music. After a while,
an alarm will start to sound. Go up to the bridge
(you can stop in Nina and Momo's room and check the
cabinet for an Ammonia) and Momo will explain the
problem. You'll then have to make a party. Put
Momo and Peco in your party, then go down to the
hall that had the Skill Ink. The door is now open,
so go through.
Head to the lower-right corner of this room and
go through the door to the south. Open the chest for
Ivory Dice. Now loop around in the previous room
until you get to the ladder. Go up and ascend the
stairs on the right. Loop around the outside of this
room to get to a chest with a Soul Gem. Then take
the stairs at the top of the room and ascend the ladder.
Go up the next ladder to the deck of the ship.
Walk up onto the little ridge thing in the middle
and head up and left. When you get to the bow of the
ship, two Ammonites will emerge from the water. You
have to retreat to the center of the ship by pressing
right on the direction pad repeatedly. Just don't
press it when one of the Ammonites is in front of you.
The farther back you get before you get caught lowers
the frequency with which the Ammonites use their
devastating Tsunami attack (I think).
The Ammonites can confuse you, so DON'T have Ryu
morph or he might wind up killing the party. Have him
cast Barrier on Momo, himself, and then Peco, then
cast Shield. After that, have him attack or use
Vitamins to heal. Momo should cast Speed on all your
characters, then Might on everybody, using Vitamins
when necessary. After she's boosted everybody, have her
attack. Peco should just attack (or use Super
Combo if you have it). Obviously, you want to concentrate
on one Ammonite at a time, but if Momo blinds one with
her Flash Shells, have her attack the other one to blind
it as well. The first few rounds are brutal, but if
you can make it through there, it's smooth sailing (no
pun intended).
After defeating the Ammonites, you'll get a lot
of experience. Go back down the ladder and the ship
will resume sailing.

%%%A NEW WORLD%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

The Black Ship will arrive on the other side of
the Outer Sea. Leave the long pier you're on and you'll
be in a robotic-themed town (Kombinat) filled with rejects
from The Jetsons. First, go the upper-right corner of
town and look for a robot hidden between some crates.
Talk to it and you'll get a long list of nonsense options.
Pick the third one and it will give you a Homing Bomb
for Momo, which isn't that great a weapon.
Then head to the shop. Yes, this may be a completely
different culture on the other side of the ocean, not
seen by your side of the world in eons, but they use
use the same currency as you! Makes sense to me! The
lacquel armor here is good, as are most of the weapons.
Skip the Gale Javelin, though; the Beast Spear is much
stronger. The Beryl Rod is weaker then the Lightning Rod
by a few points, but it's probably better as it raises
your Intelligence. Be sure to get the AP Shells for Momo;
they're much more powerful than her earlier weapons.
After you're done shopping, leave town and head
northeast, onion in tow, to another Yggdrasil tree. Have
Peco talk to it to find a little about the area in which
you are, then grab the Trance Dragon Gene from beside the
tree. If you want to go fishing, there's a fishing spot
in the southeast corner of the port area, but the fish
are all so far out to sea you can't catch much with your
present pole.
One slight side trip you can make is to get into a
random battle area (a ! symbol) and fight some MultiBots.
If you cast a fire spell on them, they will retaliate
with Wall Of Fire, which you can learn, and if you cast
a lighting spell, they'll use Thunder Clap, which you
can also learn. If you're short on skills, you may want
to pick them up. Also, if you cast a heal spell on the
MultiBots, they'll start healing your characters. This can
be handy in the upcoming dungeons if you're short on AP.
Head to the Steel Grave -- it's to the right of the
Yggdrasil tree, on the cliff. I recommend you bring Momo.
The Steel Grave is a really annoying dungeon. The Assassins
can use Disembowel on you to take you down to 1 HP (you can
learn that from them, though), the floating heads have a Timed
Shot attack that does about 100 HP damage, and the robots are
immune to everything about electricity (bring Rei and Nina for
their lightning spells, and equip any lightning weapons you
have). On the other hand, you do get lots of experience here.
You may need to return to the inn several times to make it
through the Grave.
Luckily, the Steel Grave isn't very long. There's only
three items to collect -- the UV Goggles in a chest in the
middle, the Speed Boots in a hidden chest in the bottom
right corner, and the Spanner fishing pole. The Spanner
is cleverly hidden inside (take the ladder on the deck
down) the wrecked spaceship; have Momo blow open the broken
door with her cannon, then open the chest in the room
beyond for the Spanner. It's a very strong fishing pole,
but it has a short range.
After getting the loot, take the exit in the upper-left
corner. You'll be back on the map. If you want to return
to Kombinat, you can just walk back through the Steel Grave
without having to enter it. Then go to the Colony. If
Momo isn't already in your party, be sure to have her now.
This dungeon features the same annoying guys as the
last one, but they're mixed with wimpier enemies like
Codgers and Toxic Men. You can steal Rare Books from the
Codgers; they're antiques, which you can sell at the
Antique Shop in Faerie Village for 4000 zenny. This
may not seem like a lot, but the Rare Books are easy to
steal, and you can usually get one on your first try,
so swipe one from every Codger you meet (if you have
somebody who can steal along).
Make your way to the upper left and collect the
lovelily-named Failure Gene. This gene will be important
later on. After getting the Gene, use the doors to get
to the right side of the map. You'll reach a ledge with
a blue glass ceiling below. Jump down through the ceiling
to a room with several mirrors. Have Momo read the panel
to learn you need a key. Leave the room and head up to
the topmost door. Go inside and take the Key sitting on
the altar. Return to the mirror room and use the Key
on the control panel.
You now have to align the mirrors to reflect the
laser. Just keep tweaking them until they work. You
need to bounce the beam from the middle mirror, to the
left mirror, to the right mirror, then to the fuse.
The mirror on the left does not need to be rotated.
After activating the fuse, return to the altar and
Follow Honey out of the dungeon. You'll wind up back
in the crashed freighter in Steel Beach. Your party
will have a long discussion about the teleporters and
God. Afterwards, leave Steel Beach and go back to
Junk Town or Faerie Village to get healed. Check in
on your masters, then return to Steel Beach.
It doesn't really matter what characters you use
for the upcoming dungeon. The enemies aren't particularly
difficult. The only real noteworthy ones are the
Reapers; as they are undead, you can damage them with
heal spells (Rejuvenate or Vitalize kills them in one
hit). There's also more Codgers, providing you with
more Rare Books, should you want them.
Go back into the freighter and retrace your steps
until you get to an intersection. Head south into the
dungeon proper. Go up the second set of stairs and
keep going until you come to a large square room with
several switches. Pull the east lever, then go under
the girder that just rose to a door. Go down the
stairs, collect the Hourglass from the chest, and return
to the lever room. Leaving the east lever down,
throw the southern lever. Now walk under the southern
girder and through the door. Follow the path, across
the top of a girder, to a chest with a Lacquer Staff.
The Thunder Rod is better than it; don't equip it (it
is lighter, though). Return to the levers once again,
and pull the north lever. Climb up the stairs in
the southwest corner and walk across the three girders
to the stairs up. Ascend.
On the next floor, there's a hidden bag of 4000
zenny in the lower-right corner. Then just ascend to
the next puzzle room. Here, you have to manuever the
floating platforms to reach the switch in the center.
The platforms will move in the direction you're facing
when you board them, and keep going until they hit a
wall or another platform.
The easiest way to solve this puzzle is to think of
the pit as a baseball diamond. Ride the platform near
"home plate" up and left. It will run into another
platform. Get off, then ride the platform at second base
down and left. It will also collide with another
platform. Walk onto that platform and you'll ride into
third base. Get off that platform, then get back on
facing down and right, so you'll be at home plate.
Keep riding counter-clockwise until you bump into a
platform. Walk off onto solid ground (not the other
platform), then get back onto the platform you were just
riding, but facing down and right. This will take you
to the switch. Trigger it, then ride back and go through
the door.
Beyond the door, head up and level, then go right
and collect a Lacquer Shield. Ascend another level and
go out onto the balcony. Open the chest for a Barbarossa,
a heavy sword you can buy in Junk Town. Go back indoors
and head left a room. Go down and get a Skill Ink, then
proceed left from the intersection until you come back
outside. Descend and enter the next door.
From here, just keep going until you get to the
antenna. Use the controls. You have to set the antenna
to a direction where there is no interference. You'll
want to point it to the northwest; when it's the right
place you shouldn't hear any static at all. Now
go all the way back down the tower to the teleport room
(where you came in from the Colony). Use the control
panel in the teleport room. You can now use the teleport
altars to warp almost anywhere on the world map! A
map of how to use the teleporters:

RELAY POINT A <--------------------> RELAY POINT B
(Antenna Tower) (Wyndia Castle)
| | \ / | \
| | \ Dauna Yraall Durandal's
Colony Dragnier Container Yard Hills Region Hut


After attending to any other business you have (if
you're apprenticed to Emitai and haven't been checking
in on him because of his remote location, do so now),
teleport to the Container Yard. All that you need to
do here is grab the nearby Radiance gene and leave.
Now teleport to Dragnier. Upon your arrival, you'll
be greeted by Griol. There will be a lot of dialogue,
then you will be in control of Ryu. Search the cabinets
in the room for Skill Ink, then leave the house and Rei
will join. Head up to the top of town and talk to Garr.
He will rejoin. Griol then shows up and tells you to
talk to the Elder, who for some reason lives in the
First, leave Dragnier. You'll find yourself back on
the Lost Shore, east of the Colony. There's a faerie
ring nearby so you can check on the faeries. Change
your party to Ryu, Nina, and Garr. Equip the Ring of
Fire and Asbestos Armor (on different people). Also,
equip Nina with the lightest staff you have. Go back
into Dragnier and look for the shop. Here, you can
stock up on items (be sure you've got lots of ammonia)
and buy the Damascus Sword and Armor. The sword can
be used by Ryu and Rei; the armor by Ryu, Rei, and
Garr. You can also save the game at the Dragon God
statue. (We haven't seen one of those since... like,
the first dungeon?) To rest, just check the beds in
the tent with all the beds.
Descend the ladder into the well. Follow the path
past a familiar-looking mural to a hall with three rooms.
Stop in the first room and search the cabinet for Ivory
Dice. Skip the second room (it has nothing in it), then
go into the third. When you enter the third room, Jono
the Elder will talk to you. He asks to talk to Garr.
Put Garr in the lead and talk to him. They'll chat,
until Jono gets mad at Garr for calling him "Elder One",
and says he wants to talk to a girl. Now put Nina in
the lead and talk to him again. He'll tell you some
more, then want to talk to Ryu again (can't he make up
his mind?). This time, he'll want to challenge Ryu.
You can't use your dragon powers in this battle, so
Ryu should begin by casting Shield, then Barrier on
each party member. After that, have him heal, or
attack if he gets the chance. Garr should just attack.
If Nina's been apprenticed to Emitai, she should have
the Magic Sword spell; use it if you've got it as it does
a lot of damage to Jono. If not, have her use other
magic. She should also attend to urgent healing needs,
as she's the fastest. Jono's primary attack is Inferno,
but he also cats Myollnir (super-strong lightning attack
on one character) and Sirocco, which damages the whole
party. If somebody dies, bring them back right away,
and then re-cast Protect and Barrier. Jono has a lot
of HP, but he'll go down sooner or later (and it's going
to be later). After you defeat him, you'll receive a
whole lot of experience and the Infinity (aka Anfini or
Agni) Gene.
Leave the well, and you'll run into Griol again. He
tells you to talk to Horis, the guy near the gate. First,
go up to the top of town (above the teleport room) and
examine the blank plaque on the wall with Ryu in the
lead. An image of the Dragon God Ladon will appear and
offer to apprentice you. Then go talk to Horis and tell him
you're ready to leave. He gives you a rakda to take to the
desert. Attend to any business you need to (you can teleport
out of town if need be), then go north to the Factory. I
recommend using Momo and Rei -- Momo is needed to get to a
hidden chest.
The Factory is an interesting dungeon, due to the
fact that it contains some of the weirdest enemies this
side of Earthbound. First are the Hobgoblins, which,
when commanded by the Goblin Bosses, attack and kill the
bosses instead of you. The Hobgoblins, however, pale
in comparison to the Egg Gangs. Each single Egg Gang
enemy consists of about seven tiny eggs wearing armor
or robes. They possess the Ovum attack, which turns one
of your characters into -- get this -- an egg for the
rest of the fight. How weird is that? The best way to
beat them is to have Rei use his Weretiger transformation;
he's immune to Ovum while a Weretiger. There's also the
Gold Eggs, a metal babble-like enemy that runs away before
you can kill it, but leaves huge amounts of money if you do
kill it. If you don't use any normal attacks on it, it
will leave even more money. The only "normal" enemy here
is the oddly-named PipeBomb. These guys have a high defense
and explode after a few turns; either use magic on them or
just run away.
Explore the outside area of the factory and open
the chests for a Wisdom Seed, Skill Ink, and another
Artemis's Cap. Then enter the factory through the
door on the right side of the middle level. Go up the
first set of stairs and grab the bag for an Ammonia
(yippee). Descend again and go through the first door.
Rotate the camera around and find a hidden set of stairs.
Go down here and open the chest for the Rockbreaker
claws for Peco.
Back upstairs, follow the main path until you get
to an intersection. Here, take the north path to a cracked
wall. Use Momo's cannon to break through and get the
Aries Spear -- it's light and doesn't sap Garr's HP, but
it's not nearly as strong as the Beast Spear. Return
to the intersection and go east. Ascend the stairs.
Go up the next set of stairs and take the door
outside for a Fish-head, then go back inside and descend
again. Go in and out of the door, then flip the switch
(going in and out was to ensure that your characters
would not be hit by the laser). Go back through the door
and you'll reach a room with a bunch of electricity on
the floor. Throw the blue lever near you to drop the
brown block, then run to the second blue lever (don't
step on the electricity!). Flip it, then run the long
away around back to the first and hit it again. Run
to the stairs.
Heal any damage you might have taken from the
electricity, then continue into the next room. Take
the first door you come through and walk between the
walls to get a Sage's Frock. Then take the second
door in the previous room (the third just leads back
to the entrance). Go right, throw the switch, and
climb up the ladder to the dais. Use the computer.
You have to control the robot by walking around
around the dais, and move it to the three switches.
When you get in front of a switch, press Triangle to
flip it. The trick is to trap the robot behind the
crates so that you can move back across the dais
(getting more space to move) without making the robot
move. It's kind of like using a mousepad. To
restart, just use the computer again.
After flipping all three switches, descend from
the dais and go up the ladder on the left (past the
door where you came into the room). Descend the next
ladder you come to, flip the switch, and open the
chest for the Homing Bombs for Momo. Go back up the
ladder and keep going past the next door to a chest
with an Hourglass. Then take the door and ascend all
the stairs until you get to the factory exit.

%%%JUST DESERTS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

You'll be back on the map. Take a few steps forward
and you'll arrive at the desert. Horis has somehow
magically appeared here; talk to him and choose all
the options to learn how to get through the desert.
Then examine the jug to his right to get some water
(do NOT miss getting the water or you'll be sorry).
Use the diary to rest, save, and change your characters
if you want. I recommend using Rei and Garr for the
upcoming area.
Everybody seems to hate this level, but I thought
it was cool. Basically, you have to navigate through
the desert using the stars. You can turn in increments;
there are 16 increments in a full circle, but you'll
usually just be walking straight ahead. If you take a
step in the wrong direction, turn 8 clicks around (so
you're facing the other way) and step that way.
Every so often, you'll get a message saying you need
to drink water. Take 20 careful steps forward, then
go to your item screen and use your Water Jug ONCE.
Then continue. Also, you only want to move during the
night. When it starts to become day, keep going
until you get a message that the sun has risen, then
camp. Rest, then continue. Also, should you somehow
run out of water (which is hard to do) or get lost,
camp and use your rakda to return to Horis's camp.
Finally, you'll occasionally be sucked into a !
area. Press Start and use the hand-camera (bet you
forgot about that!) to look around for the item bag.
Grab it, then just run out of the area. The enemies
you fight here include:
o Draks. These guys are easy to kill, as they don't do
anything. However, if you use the Remedy spell or a
Panacea to unparalyze them, they will start using the
Cure skill, which you can learn. Cure is very useful
as it both heals you and cures your status, so I
recommend learning it.
o Magmaite. Big volcano-type enemies with a high
defense. Use Jump and Quake against them.
o Scorpions. These guys are only harmed by edged
weapons -- Ryu's sword and Garr's spear (Rei's knives
don't cut it). Ice attacks are effective on them.
You can also learn the Tornado skill from them.
o Cacti. The Cacti are annoying; they almost never
attack, but counter all your attacks. Use magic or Super
Combo against them, if possible. They're also weak
against ice.
As a number of the enemies here are weak against
Frost, so a good tactic is to have Ryu use the Frost
gene to transform and use Frost Breath. It's cheap,
but effective. If you've learned the Blizzard spell
(Nina has it, and you can get it from Deis), it works
great as well.
Now for the actual navigation. You want to start
out heading north -- that means you should be directly
facing the North Star. The North Star is the red
star high in the sky. Don't confuse it with the False
North Star, the purple star to the east of the North
Star (they're easy to tell apart; the North Star is
always to the left of the False North Star).
While walking north, occasionally stop and turn
four clicks left to check on the position of the Evening
Star (the blinking blue star). Keep going north until
the Evening Star is due west -- this means that you
when turn four taps to the left, the Evening Star will
be directly over Ryu's head. At this point, turn 8
clicks around from the Evening Star, so you're facing
east (the False North Star should be visible on the
edge of the screen). Now begin walking east.
Keep pausing to check the Evening Star (8 turns
in either direction) -- it will be gradually descending
towards the horizon as you walk east. When you can no
longer see the star, stop. Now just go north. After
three full days of going north, you'll cut to a scene
in which the party tries to climb a hill, which of
course turns out to be a monster. You then have to
fight a mammoth (what's a mammoth doing out in the
This guy is really tough if you don't what you're
doing. However, all you have to is cast Accession
and use the ??? and Miracle genes. This will give
you a super Behemoth, the Mammoth. Now just use
MeteorStorm on the Manmo until you beat it.
After you defeat the Manmo, you'll get a lot
of experience. You'll then automatically go back to
your camp, where Nina has collapsed from heat
exhaustion. Go outside and talk to Rei, then walk
left to find the rakda. Hit it with your sword to
kill it and get the Rakda Meat. Take it inside. The
game will take over as you head to the oasis.
When you're back in control, explore the oasis
town. There's an inn, an item shop that also sells a
few accessories, and the woman on the dock will refill
your water supply. In the item shop building is a
guy who tells you some info about where to find some
items in the desert.
If you want to get the items (it's optional), go back
into the desert (make sure to get more water first!), then
camp. Use your rakda to go to the factory. From here, go
north two nights. Then turn four clicks to the left (so
you're facing due west), and continue that way for three
nights. During the four night of walking, you'll encounter
a random battle in which there is some obvious-looking
armor next to you (don't worry, you can't miss it). Get
it; it's the Life Armor, the best armor in the game. Then
just use your rakda and go back to Oasis.
For the second item, enter the desert from Oasis.
Go south one night (you're already facing south; it's
eight clicks around from the oasis). The next night,
turn west (face the North Star and turn four clicks
left). Go fourth nights west; on the fourth night of
walking, you'll get into another random battle, where
you can find the Royal Sword, Ryu's best weapon. (I
couldn't find the sword but it *is* there). Then take
the rakda ride back home.
There's two more items that they guy doesn't mention,
but that you can get. To get one, leave Oasis and
immediately turn four clicks to the right, so you're
facing west. Then just go straight west for 7 nights
or so. Check every random battle along the way;
eventually you'll find one with the Death Claws for
Peco. Actually, I wouldn't recommend doing this, as
it takes a lot time and you'll get a better weapon for
Peco soon anyway. As for the other, do the same thing,
but go east instead of west and you'll find a skeleton in
a random battle. Search it for the Speed Boots. Again,
I don't recommend doing this as it's easier to get the
Speed Boots from the Steel Grave.

%%%CAER XHAN%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Go up the hill in the oasis town and you'll be on
a new map, of the Desert Area. Save your game, and put
Garr in the party. Go northeast to the small building
(*not* Caer Xhan) and enter. You're back in the
Container Yard. If you encounter any Archmages or
Berserkers here, RUN -- they're really tough. Enter the
building and put Garr in the lead. Push against the crate
and hold Triangle. Garr will smash it, allowing you to
climb up the ladder and use the teleporter.
At this point, you'll want to go back and check up
on all your masters, and pay a visit to the faeries.
Then teleport back to the Container Yard. Go up to
Caer Xhan, a modern-looking (but abandoned) city.
Enter the first building on the right. The front door
contains an item shop, and the rear door is the weapon
shop (the middle door has nothing). You can buy some
really powerful equipment in the weapon store, including
the Seeking Sword for Ryu, new claws for Peco, and the
Atomic Bomb (!) for Momo. Buy all you can.
Proceed to the upper-right building and enter. Go
down all the stairs. Avoid the square area in the
center and descend the stairs in the lower-left. Go
through the door and flip the switch. Leave the room
and the infrared beams will now be visible. Avoiding
them, grab the chest in the center for Moon Tears, then
ascend the stairs. Work your way past more of the
beams and go up the stairs. You'll be back out in the
city. Use the computer and turn on the shuttle. Leave
the room and hop down onto the lower level. Enter the
nearby door. Use the computer to open the gates, then
ascend and head outside. Step on the lift. You will
be transported up to the orbital station Myria.
The door straight ahead is locked, so take a right
turn and go down the stairs. The enemies in this first
part of Myria include DeathBots (pretty tough; you can
steal Damascus Mail from them), Nitemares (undead; use
heal spells on them), Adepts (wimpy), and Armor (attack
them until their armor breaks; then you can't hurt
Go right. When you reach the elevator, go south
and take the door outside. Open the chest for the Gas
Shells for Momo. They confuse enemies, but have a weak
attack power. Stick with the AP Shells or Atomic Bomb.
Go back inside and go right to another door leading
outside. Rotate the camera here to reveal a bag with
a Life Shard at the end of the second fork. Return to
the elevator and head north. You'll come to a lever;
flip it to activate the elevator.
Use the control panel and choose to the go to the
Arrival Platform, where you'll find a Wisdom Fruit.
Then go to the Maintenance Deck. Take the other
elevator down. Go west, north, and then east. Go
up the stairs and flip both switches. Head back down
and go west, passing the two doors (they're locked).
Go north and take the first door you come to. There's
some money and Napalm in the cabinets, and in the
back of the room are beds and a diary. The diary
gives you all the functions of a camp diary -- you
can change party members, use Skill Ink, etc.
After resting, leave the room and continue north.
You'll reach a room with some bookcases. Search them
for money, then go south to return to the outside.
Head to the lower-right of this area to reach what
looks like an abandonded bar. Search the shelf
behind the bar for a Life Shard. West of the bar
area, you'll find a glass passage with a door on the
west side. Enter and take the exit inside the passage.
You'll be back at the front of the Myria. Now would
be a good time to leave, get new gear in Caer Xhan,
rest, and save. Trust me, you'll want to save, because
the enemies in the next section of dungeon are
brutal. Also, if you don't have Rei in your party,
put him in -- you'll need him.
Back on the Myria, take the front door into the
glass passage, then head to the upper-right of the large
outdoor area. Go up the stairs and continue to a door.
Inside, ride the moving walkway to the end of the room.
Now walk back down the left side of the room (to the
left of the walkways). Rotate the camera and you'll
find a bag with a nice 10,000 zenny. Take the door
on the far wall to get to a chest with the Holy Robe,
good armor for Momo (the Wind Robe is better for Nina).
Now take the upper-left exit from the walkway room
to a nice green heal room. This heal room fills up your
HP and AP, and also recovers your maximum HP. You'll be
seeing a lot of this room...
Past the heal room is where things get nasty. The
main enemies here are RedDrakes and IceDrakes -- they
almost always come in pairs of one each. The RedDrakes
use Flame Breath, and the IceDrakes use Frost Breath.
Combined, they can nearly wipe out the entire party in
one round. Like all breath attacks, the damage their
breaths do is based on their HP -- so divide your damage
between both of them to minimize the damage you take.
It still rips you, however, and they also have a spell
that confused your whole party. Don't be afraid to run
back to the healing room; that's what it's there for. The
only good part about the Drakes is that they will
occasionally drop the Dragonfang, Peco's best weapon.
Anyway, head straight ahead from the healing room
to the last (4th) door. Inside, you'll see a Chimera
trapped in a gas chamber, guarding a keycard. Use the
lever to turn off the gas. Search the shelves for a
Swallow Eye, then go back to the healing room and
fill up.
Now go through the first door past the healing
room. You're supposed to use the terminal in this
room and the two in the rooms beyond to turn all off
all the electricity, but this is easier said than done
as it is a really complicated puzzle and there are
no instructions, not to mention the constant Drake
attacks. My advice is to just enter the glass passage
in the lower-right room and run through all the
electricity. Be sure to cure the poisoning afterwards.
Go down the elevator. Once you've ridden the elevator
once, the electricity is permanently turned off.
Head down and take the passage outside. In the upper-
left corner of the second "cubicle" is a well-hidden
chest with Skill Ink. After getting it, run back to
the heal room and get healed up again.
The electricity is off now, so you can go straight
to the elevator again and descend. This time, follow
the path to the west until you get to another elevator.
Go past it and rotate the camera to find some Ivory
Dice. Now board the elevator and ride it back to the
ground floor. Open the chest for the Slicer, one of
the best weapons for Rei in the game. Equip it right
away. Heal up, and go through the door to face the
The trick to beating the Chimera is to have two
characters faster than it. Rei should be already, and
by having him cast Speed on Ryu, Ryu should too. The
Chimera will use Paralyzer to paralyze one character;
have the fastest character use a Panacea to cure him/her
while the other character attacks. So if Ryu gets
paralyzed, Rei should use a Panacea and the other
character (in my case, Peco) attacks. If Rei gets
paralzyed, Ryu heals. If #3 gets paralyzed, Rei should
cure and Ryu attack. Besides Paralyzer, the Chimera has a
strong physical attack, so have Ryu cast Shield 2 or 3
times. It also can cast a few spells, which aren't that
much of a danger. Actually, as long as you know the
trick, this guy's a pushover.
After defeating him, get Card Key B from the floor,
then go down the elevator the Chimera was guarding. Open
the chest for the special HE Shells for Momo. Head down
and right to a room with a locked door. Have Rei open
it, then open the chests for the Dragon Shield and Helm
for Ryu, and the Giant Shield for Garr. Now go back out
of Myria for another heal break. Put Momo and Rei in your
party before continuing. Also, make sure that you
have a spare Dream Ring in your inventory.


Back on Myria, go through the front door. Take
the door in the far end of the main room and go back
down the stairs. You're now back where the bedroom
and diary is. Head south and use Card Key B to open
the middle door and go inside. Here you'll find a
bunch of Honey look-alikes. If you talk to the solitary
one, you can learn about Navigators (Honey is one of
them). If you try to take one, you won't be allowed
to, as you already have one (Honey). There's actually
nothing to do here except grab the Demonsbane in the
chest, a sword for Ryu that's not as good as the
Return to the main room (the one with the multi-
colored floor) once again. This time, take the stairs
in the upper-left to get to a door with a green spot.
Beyond here, you'll fight plant enemies. Go up the
escalator and you'll reach another heal room. Past the
heal room, you'll find a door blocked by plants. Equip
Momo with the HE Shells and have her shoot the plants.
They'll dissolve; then you can go through the door.
You're now in the really cool-looking courtyard.
The main enemies here number only 3: Hopper, Plant42, and
FoulWeed. Kill the Hoppers first; they have a powerful
Air Raid attack. Always attack the FoulWeeds last, as
they will sleep until you start attacking them. You
will also occasionally see Wraiths or Goo Kings. To
beat the Wraiths, use the same type of magic on them
twice to destroy their barrier for that element and
then to kill them (i.e., two thunder spells, two frost
spells, etc.). As for the Goo Kings, just defend and
they'll run away. Do NOT steal from them or they will
get mad and start casting Ragnarok.
Switch Momo back to the Atomic Bomb (assuming you
have it) before continuing. Go straight ahead and take
the chest for Protein. Then loop around the right side
of the room until you get to the grass. Continue north
and descend the first hill. Grab the Life Shard from
the nearby chest, then cross the next hill. Go down
and left to a spot where you can get back on the
walkway. Follow it to a locked door, which Rei can
open. It leads indoors to a laboratory.
Search the cupboards here for Ginseng and Wisdom
Fruit. Be careful not to step on any of the vines or
you'll get poisoned. Take the northern exit back
outside and head west. Don't miss the chest hidden
behind the tree for a Silver Tiara. Equip it on
Momo. When you reach some stairs, head south up the
hill and onto the walkway. Go through the door (in the
upper-left corner of the area) and open the chest in the
back for the Dragon Spear. Leave the room, go back down
the hill, and ascend the metal stairs. From there,
continue to a purple hallway (check out the lighting
here), which for some reason is filled with Eye Goos,
the wimpiest enemy in the game. Huh? Anyway, just
walk to the elevator and use the control panel to go
to Eden.
In Eden, you'll fight mostly Wraiths, and the
occasional Goo King. Check three paragraphs above for
the strategy. Sometimes GooTitans will show up; these
guys are from way back on Ogre Road, so they're no
problem. Poke around for chests with Force Mail
and a Soul Gem, then cross the bridge.
You'll see a bird flying by, and follow it to
an old acquitance. Your friend reveals that he is a
member of the Brood as well. Through a series of
flashbacks, he tries to convince Ryu that the Brood must
be eradicated. You are then sucked inside Ryu's own
mind, which looks pretty spiffy.
Believe it or not, there are enemies in here. Yes,
for some reason, Ryu has giant weeds running around
inside of his mind. Fortunately (since you only have
Ryu), they're pretty easy to defeat. Just watch out
for the Mad Gongs' Charge.
Walk northwest. You'll see a series of images
of Nina, talking about her mother. Keep walking until
the screen changes. Go forward and talk to the dragon
statue, then turn around and walk back the way you came.
You'll appear back at the starting spot, but all the
pillars have grown in size. Rei will talk for a while,
then disappear. Use the Dragon God statue to heal and
save your game. If you want to quit, do so, as you
won't have another chance for a while.
Go northwest again and you'll reach a dragon statue
with two plaques. Talk to the statue, then stand still
and wait until Ryu starts his idle animation. Then talk
to the statue again and it will tell you to go ahead.
Don't. Read the left plaque, then go down and left,
towards the chest. You'll fall into a pit. Talk to
the nearby statue and answer Yes to its question.
Take the Shaman's Ring from the chest, which saves you
25% on the AP cost of all your spells (for the character
it's equipped on, of course). Now go northeast and
ride the air vent out. You're now southwest from the
save statue. Save if you want, then return to the
plaque statue.
Continue northwest past the plaque statue. Momo
will appear and talk briefly. Keep going to the next
lighted circle (the second one past the statue), then go
left one circle, and down one. Open the chest for an
Hourglass. Do the same for the right side for Gems.
Then continue along the central path for more Momo
dialogue. Walk into the air vent and you will be
teleported into a crystalline area.
Things get a bit more challenging here; you
fight more Mad Gongs and also Thanotoses (Thanoti?),
who have strong magic. Jump works well on both, and
ice spells do lots of damage to the Mad Gongs.
Go south and step on the yellow flower to teleport,
then go east to where Garr is. After talking to you,
he will disappear. Step on the nearby purple flower,
then go up and right and hit the green one. You'll
run into Peco, who for some reason is now speaking
normally. After he disappears, step in the air vent.
You'll talk to a mirror image of yourself. After he
goes away, fill up your HP and AP, equip the Dream
Ring (you did bring one, didn't you?), and go forward.
Teepo will appear again and try to convince Ryu to give
his power to Myria. When Ryu refuses, Teepo turns into
the Arwan and attacks. Cast Protect three or four times,
then just start Jumping away. Use items to heal, and
do not morph -- you want to save your AP. As long as you
have the Dream Ring, you won't have any trouble. Once you
defeat the Arwan, you will be teleported back into Eden,
where you will have to make a party to fight Teepo. I
higly recommend you use Rei. Teepo turns himself into the
huge Dragon Lord, and then you fight again.
Ryu should cast Protect on the party, and use Barrier
on each character. After that, have him use the Power
and Trance genes to turn into a Myrmidon. Use Aura, then
attack until you revert. Have Rei steal from Teepo until you
get the Dragon Blade, then attack. As soon as you get the
Blade, have Ryu equip it, so he can use it in the battle. Peco
should use Super Combo until he runs out of AP, then attack.
Momo should cast Might on all your characters, then attack.
Nina should use magic, and Garr should just attack. Teepo has
a bunch of elemental attacks, so equipping the various Rings
will help. Use MultiVitamins (or Vitamins) to heal. This
battle goes on forever, but as long as you have a big
item supply, it's not that difficult.
Upon winning the battle, you receive a huge amount of
experience (might want to use an Ivory Dice) and the
Dragon Armor. Teepo than buys the farm, leaving behind
Card Key A. Yes, you went through this whole sequence
just to get a keycard. Take the card, equip the Dragon
Armor, take the elevator out of Eden, and get the heck
off Myria. Take a break, you've earned it.

%%%FINAL BATTLE%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

You've probably gained an obscene number of levels
(especially Ryu), so check up on all your Masters. Load
up on MultiVitamins, Panaceas, and Ammonia; the final
battle is ahead (as you probably guessed from the
chapter title). Then go back to (what else?) the
orbital station Myria.
If you want, you can go back down to where all the
Honey robots were and use Card Key A to open the
adjacent door. All you get is a Light Bangle, which
isn't exactly an all-powerful item (okay, it's really
crummy), so there's no real need to do this.
Where you *really* want to go is back to the
main room with the various-colored tiles. Head to
the lower left and use Card Key A on the white panel
on the wall to the open the door. Go through.
The main enemies in this new section are the
Mist Man, a tougher version of the Armor that uses
Thunder Strike to paralyze you -- cure paralysis
right away, and also try to learn this skill; and
the Vampires, which also paralyze you (with Evil
Eye). Oddly, they're not undead, so don't use heal
magic on them. The Revenants, however, are undead,
and thus are vulnerable to Kyrie. The other enemy
in here is the NightBat; if these show up with Vampires,
kill the Bats first or you can't hurt the vampires.
You can steal Burglar Garb, good (and light) armor for
Rei, from the Vampires.
Go straight ahead, past the first section. Turn
right, then turn left as soon as you can. Continue
straight ahead, and turn left at the first turn.
Keep going until you reach the door. When you go
through here, the music will change. You're now
in a really annoying maze of former bosses that
sorta reminds of where you fight all the bosses at
the end of a Megaman game (hey, this *is* a Capcom
game). Fortunately, if you know what you're doing,
you can get through here with only two fights, and
still get all the good treasure.
Go all the way down the hall and enter the
last door. When you go in here, you will have to
fight a bunch of chickens. Just use some group
attack spells and you can take them out in one
round. Continue east two rooms. Heal up, then
go through the next room, where you'll encounter
three Stallion clones, Samples 10, 11, and 12.
This is a *real* boss, not like those chicken
guys. Concentrate on attacking the black one
(lightning) first, as he can do the most damage.
After you kill him, attack the blue, and then the
red. Having elemental rings equipped will help
big time. Ryu needs to spend most of his time
healing; don't have him transform. Cast Barrier
on everybody, but skip Shield as the Samples rarely
use physical attacks. They have a ridiculous amount
of HP, and there are three of them. Fortunately, they
can't do much damage by themselves. It's easy to get
impatient here, but play it defensively. If anybody
dies, bring them and recast Barrier.
After defeating all three Samples (whew!), go
forward to a save room. Take the left door to a
bedroom where you can rest. There's also a chest
here with a Cupid's Lyre. Equip it on Momo. Take
the ladder going up from the save room. Head left
into the little alley between the walls and grab
the Hourglass in the hidden bag. Then take the
upper-right door for Moon Tears. After getting the
Moon Tears, go back down to the save room. You've
just completed this entire dungeon with only two
fights! Search behind the cabinet nearest to the
door for another Hourglass, then save your game. Go
down the ladder to the final area.
This really isn't a dungeon; as only the first
screen has any fights. Just follow the passage to
the elevator -- Honey will open the door for you.
After you go down the elevator (this part looks
cool), the passage will light up (so does this part).
A ghost will appear and talk to you briefly. Now
just follow the path until you get to a door. Go
through to learn about chrysm, then keep going
until you reach a lift. Heal up, and step on. It
will take you up to the platform. Ryu's "eye" will
flash, and then Myria will appear
After a lot of dialogue (which is a real pain to
go through if you die on the upcoming fight), you
will be controlling Ryu. Talk to each of your party
members, then stand directly in front of Myria and
talk to her again. She will ask if you want to give
up your power, or fight her. Obviously, choose to
give up your power... just kidding! Choose to fight
Myria and you will have to make a party. Put your
strongest fighters in -- in my case, this was Peco,
Rei, and Ryu. Choose your formation, and let the
battle begin.
Myria uses Sanctuary frequently to dispel your
assist spells, so don't bother using them. Just start
attacking with regular attacks and Super Combo. (If
you're using Nina, have her use magic). Do *not*
have Ryu turn into a dragon -- you'll want to save his
AP for healing. Try to conserve AP, because this is
a LONG battle... I tried to keep track of Myria's HP,
but I lost count. Let's just say she has way over
20,000 HP, and that it took me more than a hour to
defeat her (I'm not even kidding).
Myria's most powerful attack is Venom, which
blinds, confuses, and/or poisons your whole party.
When this happens, have any non-confused character
use Panaceas to cure the confused ones. Don't worry
too much about the poison and blindness; if you
keep stopping to heal those, you'll never get any
hits in. If things get really bad, use a Moon Tears
to restore all your HP and cure your status.
About halfway through the battle, Myria will
start casting the Holocaust spell. This will probably
rip you the first time, so you may have to use some
Moon Tears. Then use a Wisdom Fruit to restore Ryu's
AP if he's out (he will be, unless you already used
a Fruit). Since Myria can't cast Sanctuary anymore,
have him use Barrier on each party member. Holocaust
should now only take off about 30, which is no big
deal. Then start attacking again.
When she's around three-fourths dead, Myria starts
combining Holocaust and other magic with Venom. Just
use the same strategy and keep your HP up. If any
character dies, be sure to revive them and recast
Barrier to protect them from Holocaust.
If you keep attacking (and your item supply doesn't
run out), you will eventually defeat Myria. You
then get to watch the lousy ending. Leave the game
on, though! After about a minute on the "Fin" screen,
the screen will turn black and you will be asked if you
want to make a Clear Game save. This allows you to
keep playing the game with your characters as they were
at the end of the game. So make a Clear Game file!
You can now use your Clear Game save to look for
all the Masters and items you missed, collect all the
fish, and do other stuff. Some other new things I've
noticed in Clear mode:

- If you go back to Bow's house on the point near Junk
Town, he has finally completed his fishing gear.
First, you have to get the rank of Master of Angling+
to get the Ding Frog bait, and when you reach Master
of Angling++, he'll give you the Master Rod pole.

- If you set three faeries to the Music job in Faerie
Village, the third one will offer to play Pure Again
(the credits song) if you go talk to her.


%%%DEFEATING THE BERSERKER%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

The Berserker is an extremely powerful enemy that randomly
shows up in the Container Yard. It's a purple robot,
similar in appearance to the DeathBot.


HP: 25000 (?) Steal: Aries Glove
EXP: 30000 Win: Rufad's Spear
Zenny: 3000

Regular Attack -- Laser beam attack, always kills
whoever it hits.
Flame Whip -- Fire attack on the whole party; does
about 300 HP damage

The Berserker begins the battle confused, and cannot
use Flame Whip until it is unconfused. The Berserker
becomes unconfused after you hit it, or after three
rounds (whichever comes first).


Ring of Fire x2 One is found in Mt. Zublo; use the
Faerie Village copy shop to make
another (or steal it from the
RedDrakes in the Orbital Station
Aries Glove x3 You can steal these from the Berserker
itself. Just have Rei Pilfer from
the Berserker, then run away before
it kills you. Use the copy shop to
make duplicates.
Wisdom Fruit x5 Randomly dropped by TankBots in the
Container Yard, but you probably have
some already. As always, use the copy
shop to make more.
Burglar Garb x1 Stolen from Vampires in the core of the
orbital station.
Sage's Frock x1 Bought in Kombinat.
Lgt.Clothing x1 In a chest on B1 of the Dauna Mines.
Dragon Helm x1 At the end of the orbital station
laboratory. Use Rei to open the locked
Royal Sword x1 In the desert (see the Just Deserts section
of the walkthrough), or bought from
Manillo at the Lost Shore fishing spot.
Slicer x1 In a chest in the room right before the
Chimera in the Orbital Station
Atomic Bomb x1 Bought in Caer Xhan.
Tiger's Cap x1 Bought in the Faerie Village "ability" weapon
Speed Boots x1 In a hidden bag in the lower-right corner
of the Steel Grave.
Ammonia x50 Bought in most shops.

Speed Rei has it from the start.
Might Momo learns it at level 20.
Chain Formation Learned from Bais with 3 levels gained.
Super Combo Learned from Bunyan with 10 levels gained.
Triple Blow Learned from the Vampires in the core of
the Orbital Station.

Ryu, level 40+ Royal Sword, Lgt.Clothing,
Dragon Helm, Aries Glove

Rei, level 40+ Slicer, Burglar Garb,
Tiger's Cap, Aries Glove,
Ring of Fire, Speed Boots
SKILL: Triple Blow

Momo, level 40+ EQUIPMENT
Atomic Bomb, Sage's Frock,
Tiger's Cap, Aries Glove,
Ring of Fire
SKILL: Super Combo

Fight in Chain formation with Rei in the lead, Ryu in
second position, and Momo in the rear.

Because the Berserker's physical attack will kill in one
hit even if you've got great armor on, you want to
emphasize speed over defense. That's why you should
equip light armor like the Burglar Garb and Light
Clothing. The Dragon Helm is needed as it absorbs fire.

Make sure you none of your characters are apprenticed
to Yggdrasil! (Yggdrasil's apprentices are weak against


Ryu attacks.
Rei casts Speed on himself. Because you are in Chain
formation, the whole party has the speed of Rei (and
he's the fastest character in the game). Thus, you're
really Speeding the whole party.
Momo casts Might on Ryu.

At this point, you're basically set up. Casting any
stat-boosting spells is useless, because the Berserker
kills you so frequently that they don't do any good (you
lose stat-boosters if you die).

You pretty much want to use the same pattern for the
whole battle:

RYU: If somebody is dead, use Ammonia on that person.
If everybody is alive, attack the Berserker with a
regular attack.

REI: Attack with Triple Blow (when he's alive).
When he runs out of AP, use regular attacks.

MOMO: Attack with Super Combo (when she's alive).
When she runs out of AP, use regular attacks.

For some reason, the Berserker has an aversion to
attacking Ryu. Usually, it will attack Rei, and kill him.
This allows Momo a chance to attack while Ryu revives
Rei. When the Berserker uses Flame Whip, you will not
be harmed as the Rings of Fire and Dragon Helm absorb
fire. This allows Ryu to attack the Berserker as well.

REWARDS: A whole lot of experience, and the satisfaction
of beating this guy. Occasionally, the Berserker
may drop Rufad's Spear, a spear for Garr that isn't
all that great (but you can use it as an item in
battle to cast Shield).

%%%DEFEATING THE ARCH MAGE%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Like the Berserker, the ArchMage randomly shows up at the
Container Yard. He is palette-swapped version of the Codger
and Adept enemies (and the master Mygas), with purple
clothes and a white beard. The ArchMage is even tougher
than the Berserker, due to his ability to regenerate 1500
HP each round.


HP: 3000 Steal: Soul Gem
EXP: 48000 Win: Holy Avenger
Zenny: 2000

Regular Attack -- Actually, I've never seen the
ArchMage use it.
Myollnir -- Lighting attack on a single party
member; almost always kills them.
Blizzard -- Ice attack on the party, does about
150 damage to each character.
Benediction -- If tw of your party members are
killled, the ArchMage will cast this
to bring them back to life.
Magic Sword -- Non-elemental attack on a single party
member. You can Examine the ArchMage
to learn this, but don't bother; it's
much easier to get it from Emitai.

The ArchMage heals itself for 1500 HP at the end of
every round. Thus, you have to do more than 1500 HP
damage to it each round in order to kill it.


Thunder Ring x3 One is found in the Tidal Caves; use the
Faerie Village copy shop to make
two more.
Aries Glove x3 Stolen from the Berserker (see above).
Hourglass x1 Chests in Ogre Road, the Antenna Tower,
the Factory, and the boss maze of
the Orbital Station. You can copy them
at the Faerie Village copy shop if the
copying faerie has a maxed light blue bar.
Beast Spear x1 Found by searching Geist's ashes after
you defeat him. But if you didn't
already get it, you can't get it now --
in which case you should use the Dragon
Spear (in a chest in a room in the
upper-right hand corner of the Orbital
Station courtyard).
Burglar Garb x1 Stolen from Vampires in the core of the
orbital station.
Sage's Frock x1 Bought in Kombinat.
Lgt.Clothing x2 Bought in Syn City.
Royal Sword x1 In the desert (see the Just Deserts section
of the walkthrough), or bought from
Manillo at the Lost Shore fishing spot.
Soul Gem x4 Bought in the Faerie Village "ability"
handyman shop.
Slicer x1 In a chest in the room right before the
Chimera in the Orbital Station
Tiger's Cap x3 Bought in the Faerie Village "ability"
weapon shop.
Speed Boots x1 In a hidden bag in the lower-right corner
of the Steel Grave.

Power Gene In the underground laboratory at the
Plant, on top of the pipes.
Trance Gene At the Yggdrasil Tree on the Lost Shore.
Super Combo Learned from Bunyan with 10 levels gained.
Last Resort Learned from the Orcs outside Momo's Tower.
Triple Blow Learned from Vampires in the core of the
orbital station.
Chain Formation Learned from Bais with 3 levels gained.

Ryu, level 45+ Royal Sword, Lgt.Clothing,
(must have at least 150 AP) Tiger's Cap, Aries Glove,
Thunder Ring, Soul Gem

Rei, level 40+ Slicer, Burglar Garb,
Tiger's Cap, Aries Glove,
Thunder Ring, Speed Boots
SKILLS: Triple Blow, Last Resort

Garr, level 40+ EQUIPMENT
Beast Spear, Lgt.Clothing,
Tiger's Cap, Aries Glove,
Thunder Ring, Soul Gem
SKILL: Super Combo

Fight in Chain formation with Rei in the lead, Ryu in
second position, and Garr in the rear.

Since the ArchMage uses magic to attack, physical defense
does you no good. Having a high speed -- and thus being
able to attack first -- is far more important. And, of
course, Chain formation speeds you up to Rei's speed.


Rei uses Last Resort, raising his attack but lowering
his defense to 0.
Ryu uses an Hourglass.
Garr uses Super Combo.

The ArchMage will probably cast Myollnir on one of your
characters, but you're protected with the Thunder Ring.
If he uses some other spell, Ryu and Garr are both
protected by Soul Gems (only Rei might get killed).

Ryu casts Accession. Use the Trance and Power Genes to
become a Myrmidon.

Rei, Garr, and the ArchMage are all frozen by Ryu's
Hourglass. Only Ryu can act.

Myrmidon-Ryu attacks the ArchMage with Aura, which does
a huge amount of damage.

Same thing; use Aura. This should kill the ArchMage,
but if not, the Hourglass will wear off and everybody
(including the ArchMage) will be able to act again in
Round 6.

First of all, if either Ryu or Garr's Soul Gem was
consumed on the first round, go to their item screen,
push up to get the menu with the Equip command, and give
them a new one. Then go ahead and set your commands:

Rei (who still has Last Resort active), attacks with
Triple Blow.
Ryu should still be in Myrmidon form. Have him use
another Aura on the ArchMage.
Garr uses Super Combo.

This is your last shot to kill the ArchMage. Ryu will
run out of AP shortly, and without Aura, there's no way you
can do the required 1500+ damage each round in order to
kill the ArchMage. You should have killed him by now

by Alex Pelton (

Rei defends.
Ryu uses Accession with the Gross, Force, and Thunder
Genes. This will give him a Warrior-class dragon
that absorbs thunder.
Garr defends.

The ArchMage will probably cast Myollnir on one of your
characters, but you're protected with the Thunder Ring.
If he uses Magic Sword, Ryu and Garr are both protected
by Soul Gems (only Rei might get killed).

First of all, if either Rei or Garr's Soul Gem was
consumed on the first round, go to their item screen,
push up to get the menu with the Equip command, and give
them a new one. If Ryu is killed (so that he turns back
into human form), just run away and try again.

Now go ahead and set your commands:

Rei defends.
Warrior-Ryu uses Focus to build up power.
Garr defends.

Again, re-equip your Soul Gems if necessary.

Rei uses Last Resort.
Ryu uses Focus again.
Garr defends.

blah blah re-equip Soul Gems blah blah

Rei attacks with Triple Blow.
Ryu casts Aura on the ArchMage.
Garr attacks with Super Combo.

Having built up twice with Focus, Ryu's Aura should be
extremely powerful. It may kill the ArchMage by itself.
If not, Rei and Garr's attacks should do it in. If not,
well, better luck next time... just run away.

This strategy is a bit riskier than the Hourglass one
(which is pretty much a sure thing), but it doesn't use
up an Hourglass.


REWARDS: 48,000 experience (divided among the living
characters), which is even more than the Berserker
gives. Not only that, but the first time you kill
the ArchMage, you are guaranteed to receive the Holy
Avenger sword, the best weapon for Rei in the game. It
has 125 attack power and (not surprisingly) does
holy damage.

%%%DID YOU NOTICE?%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

- You can shoot people with Momo's bazooka or hit them
with Ryu's sword, and a ! will appear over their head.

- There is a kid on the dock at Parch who is trying to
eat a cockroach. He sniffs it and prods it, but, just
as he is about to eat it, freaks out and starts the
process over again.

- Before the final fight at the Contest of Champions,
when the camera pans by the audience, Chun-Li and Sakura
from Street Fighter can be seen in the stands.

- Mogu and Karn are missing from the mural of the BOF1

- After you meet Momo during adulthood, and you are talking
upstairs in the inn at the Plant, Honey is sweeping the
floor. When the conversation ends, the party leaves
the room, and Honey just leaves the broom on the floor.

- During childhood, there's a shop in Wyndia that sells
nothing but Bread listed 8 times.

- You get some an Egg after defeating Rocky, but it's
never used anywhere in the game.

- Rei says "Doesn't this just beat all?" a lot.
Actually, it's pretty much impossible NOT to have
noticed this...

- Most of the characters from previous BOF games can
be found somewhere in BOF3:

B Gary (Bo) -- One of the miners that frees Ryu.
O Karn -- Not in BOF3
F Manillo (Gobi) -- Can be caught while fishing; sells
1 items.
Ox -- The boss you fight in the Dauna Mines.
Deis (Bleu) -- A Master.
Mogu -- One of the miners that frees Ryu.

B Bow -- Has a house near Junk Town; makes fishing gear.
O Also seen arguing with Sten in Genmel.
F Katt -- There's a picture of her near the entrance to
the arena.
2 Rand -- He doesn't appear anywhere, but Fahl looks
just like him.
Sten -- During the Contest of Champions, found arguing
with Bow throughout Genmel. Also is aruging
with Manillo in Syn City.
Jean -- During your first visit to Wyndia, he's in the
cell to your left.
Spar -- Not in BOF3 [but Peco is kinda like him]
Hachio -- The cook at Wyndia Castle; a Master. (In
BOF2 he was the cook at the Wildcat Cafe).
Baba / Bunyan -- Another Master. (In BOF2, he was the
woodsman living near the coliseum)

%%%ULTIMATE BOSS STRATEGY%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

This strategy lets you defeat almost any boss (or any
other enemy) easily! All you need is the following


Dream Ring Buy in Faerie Village item shop

Resist Learned from Fahl with 6 levels gained
Blitz Learned from the ProtoBots in the upper
levels of Momo's Tower
Snooze Learned from the Sleepys (frogs) in the
second area of the orbital station (the
place where you fight the Chimera)

Rei, level 40+ Slicer, NO ARMOR,
Ring of Fire, Speed Boots
SKILL: Resist, Blitz, Snooze


Rei casts Resist. If he is faster than the enemy, he
will cast the spell, making him invincible for the round.
If not, the strategy won't work. (But Rei is faster
than almost everybody).

Rei should be fast enough that he gets an EX Turn.

Rei attacks with Blitz. This does a fair amount of damage,
and can't be blocked.

Rei casts Resist again.

Rei attacks with Blitz again.

And so on...

When Rei runs out of AP, have him use Snooze on one of his EX
Turns. It will restore about 5 AP to him, but he *won't* be put
to sleep (as the ability normally does) because he has the
Dream Ring equipped.

If you're faster than the enemy, Rei can keep making himself
invincible and attacking with no chance of being hurt. If
you're fast enough, you can kill pretty much any enemy
this way, except the ArchMage and Berserker.



Heal Heal NA 4 Restores one ally's HP
Purify Heal 3 4 Cures poison in one ally
Protect Assist 6 2 Raises one ally's defense
Rejuvenate Heal 10 7 Restores one ally's HP
Accession Attack NA 0 Turn into dragon!
Shield Assist 16 4 Raises party's defense
Raise Dead Heal ? 10 Revives dead character (may fail)
Remedy Heal 20 7 Cures all status change / single
Vitalize Heal ? 20 Restores party's HP
Barrier Assist 26 4 Raises one ally's magic defense
Restore Heal 29 12 Restores one ally's HP
Resurrect Heal 31 20 Revives dead character w/ full HP
Vigor Heal 34 50 Restores party's HP
Bonebreak Attack 36 0 Physical attack / single
(ability must recharge after use)

Pilfer Attack NA 0 Steal item, attack
Jolt Attack 9 3 Lightning attack / all
Lightning Attack NA 7 Lightning attack / all
Weretiger Attack NA 0 Turn into weretiger, goes berserk
Slow Assist NA 1 Lowers agility / single
Silence Assist NA 2 Causes silence / all
Speed Assist NA 2 Raises one ally's agility
Death Attack 29 5 Instant death attack / single
Myollnir Attack 38 10 Lightning attack / single

Flare Attack NA 3 Fire attack / single
Frost Attack 3 3 Ice attack / single
Simoon Attack 7 4 Fire and wind attack / single
Fireblast Attack 11 5 Fire attack / all
Iceblast Attack 12 5 Ice attack / single

Gust Attack NA 4 Wind attack / all
Frost Attack NA 3 Ice attack / single
Jolt Attack NA 4 Lightning attack / all
Simoon Attack 7 4 Fire and wind attack / single
Blunt Assist 10 1 Lowers attack power / single
Weaken Assist 11 1 Lowers defense power / single
Iceblast Attack 12 5 Ice attack / single
Slow Assist 13 1 Lowers agility / single
Typhoon Attack 15 7 Wind attack / all
Lightning Attack 16 7 Lightning attack / all
Drain Heal 18 3 Drains HP / single
Leech Power Heal 23 0 Drains AP / single
Blizzard Attack 28 10 Ice attack / all
Sirocco Attack 33 12 Fire and wind attack / all
Myollnir Attack 39 10 Lightning attack / single

Heal Heal NA 4 Restores one ally's HP
Purify Heal NA 4 Cure poision in one ally
Identify Assist NA 0 See enemy stats
Foretell Assist NA 0 Shows enemies' weakness
(red=fire, blue=ice, yellow=thunder, white=holy)
Protect Assist NA 2 Raises one ally's defense
Silence Assist ? 2 Causes silence / all
Sleep Assist ? 3 Causes sleep / all
Quake Attack 13 7 Earth attack / all
Confuse Assist 14 2 Causes confusion / single
Speed Assist 17 2 Raises one ally's agility
Rejuvenate Heal 19 7 Restores one ally's HP
Might Assist 20 4 Raises one ally's power
Remedy Heal 24 7 Cures all status changes / single
Raise Dead Heal ? 10 Revives dead character (may fail)
Ragnarok Attack 29 12 Earth attack / all (weak)
Vitalize Heal 33 20 Restores party's HP
Restore Heal 36 12 Restores one ally's HP

Dream Breath Assist 10 3 Causes sleep / all
Venom Breath Assist 17 3 Causes poison / all
Rejuvenate Heal 20 7 Restores one ally's HP
Purify Heal 21 4 Cures poison in one ally
Icebreath Attack 30 4 Ice attack / all
Firebreath Attack 31 4 Fire attack / all

Pyrokinesis Attack NA 1 Fire attack / single
Flare Attack NA 2 Fire attack / single
Fireblast Attack 14 5 Fire attack / all
Gambit Attack 21 0 Instant death attack / single
Kyrie Attack 26 5 Kills undead / all
Inferno Attack 30 10 Fire attack / all


Air Raid 3 Physical attack / target loses next turn
Aura 20 Holy attack / single / raises attack
Backhand 0 Physical attack / single / can't kill
Bad Back 0 No effect
Barrier 4 Raises one ally's magic defense
Benediction 20 Casts Raise Dead on all party members (may fail)
Berserk 2 Attack power up, die after 3 rounds
Blind 0 Causes blindness / single
Blitz 0 Physical attack / all / halves user's HP
Blizzard 10 Ice attack / all
Bone Dart 3 Physical attack / single / causes confusion
Burn 1 Fire attack / single
Celerity 0 Raises user's agility, power, speed, intelligence
(ability must recharge after use)
Charge 0 Does damage based on user's defense / single
Charm 0 Target more likely to drop item after battle
Chill 7 Ice attack / all / lowers agility
Counter 0 Get Reprisal on all attacks
Cure 18 Heals and recovers status / single
Demonbane 1 Physical attack / single / extra damage to demons
Disembowel 0 Lowers target to 1 HP, lowers maximum HP
Double Blow 2 2 physical attacks
Douse 1 Target takes more damage from fire
Ebonfire 5 Non-elemental attack / single
Enlighten 2 Raises user's Intelligence
Evil Eye 7 Causes paralysis / single
Feign Swing 0 No effect
FlameStrike 1 Fire attack / single
Flying Kick 0 Does damage based on user's agility / single
Focus 0 Build up attack power (up to 2x)
Frost 3 Ice attack / single
FrostStrike 4 Ice attack / single / causes sleep
Gloom 1 Turns one target undead
Holy Strike 2 Holy attack / single
Inferno 10 Fire attack / all
Influence 0 Force berserk character to attack a
specific enemy (used with weretiger Rei)
Intimidate 0 Cancels one target's action
Jump 0 Physical attack / single
Kyrie 5 Kills undead / all
Last Resort 0 Attack up, defense to 0
Lavaburst 7 Fire attack / all
Magic Ball 2 Non-elemental attack / single
Meditation 0 Build up intelligence (up to 2x)
Mighty Chop 0 Physical attack / single / ignores defense
Mind Flay 0 Physical attack / single / lowers intelligence
Mind's Eye 0 Raises user's hit rate temporarily
Mind Sword 2 Non-elemental attack / single
Monopolize 0 User receives all EXP earned from fight
Multistrike 0 1-3 attacks at half damage / single
Myollnir 10 Lighting attack / single
Purify 4 Cures poison in one ally
Recall 2 Cast random spell
Resist 2 Become invulnerable for one round
Rest 0 Restors a little HP and AP to user
Risky Blow 0 Instant death attack / single
Sacrifice 1 Reduces all enemies to 1 HP, kills user
Sanctuary 5 Removes support magic effects
Shadowwalk 8 Critical hit / single
Shield 4 Raises party's defense
Sirocco 12 Fire and wind attack / all
Snap 0 Physical attack / single / lowers defense
Snooze 0 Restores a little HP and AP, user goes to sleep
Steal 0 Steal item from enemy
SpiritBlast 0 Attack / single / ignores defense
SuddenDeath 1 Casts Death on a random target (you or enemy)
Super Combo 12 Match buttons for repeated hits
Target 0 Weak physical attack / single / never misses
ThunderClap 4 Lightning attack / single
ThndrStrike 4 Lightning attack / single / causes paralysis
Timed Blow 0 Deals damage = to user's HP, reduces user to 1 HP
Tornado 4 Reduces HP to 1 / unfocused
Transfer 10 Restores 10 AP / single
Triple Blow 5 3 physical attacks
Trump 0 Casts random spell, only when you have 0 AP
Tsunami 8 Halves HP / all
Typhoon 7 Wind attack / all
Unmotivate 0 Cancels enemy attacks
WallOfFire 4 Fire attack / single
WardOfLight 5 Raises party's defense and counter attack rate
War Shout 6 Raises party's attack
Wind Strike 1 Wind attack / single

%%%DRAGON CLASSES%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

The weakest dragon form. Obtained by using any Gene
by itself, or any combo that lacks an ability gene.

Standard dragon form. Obtained by combining two
ability genes (any gene to the left of Miracle except

A golden dragon, basically the same as the Dragon form,
but has all three elemental breath attacks. Use the
Fire, Frost, and Thunder Genes together.

Large turtle-like dragon that combines the whole
party. Use the Miracle gene.

Basically a winged Ryu; has strong attack abilities.
Use the Power gene.

Various types of creatures that are based on your
other party members. Obtained with the Fusion gene.
For all the Hybrids, see the Fusions list below.

A tiny little dragon larva. Generally worthless.
Combine the Mutant gene with the ??? Gene.

Ryu turns gold-colored. If not combined with the
Failure gene, he will go berserk. Obtained by using
the Infinity gene. NOTE: You can still cast your
normal spells as a Kaiser. Just go the spell option
and push right to get out of "Attack".

Looks the same as Kaiser I (and is called the same
thing by the game). The Kaiser II, however, has a lot
more HP and hits harder, and when you use Kaiser
Breath, the dragon is gold, not gray. Obtained by
splicing the Infinity, Radiance, and Trance genes.

A gold version of the Whelp. It has almost no HP,
but its speed is very high. Also, if it manages to
survive an attack, it will get a Reprisal doing a
tremendous amount of damage. Requires the Miracle,
Thorn, and Reverse Genes.

Huge purple snake-like dragon; combines all party
members. Combine the Shadow gene with Trance.

A stronger version of the Behemoth with massive HP
and attack power. Like the Behemoth, it combines
all the party members. Use the ??? and Miracle genes.

A souped-up warrior with lots of really strong
abilities. The best dragon class. Combine the Power
and Trance genes.

%%%DRAGON POWERS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

When Ryu uses Accession, his powers are determined in
two ways: by what class of dragon you are (Whelp,
Dragon, etc.) and by what genes you're using. I've
listed the two types of abilities separately.

Abilities marked with a + are only available when
you're using the Eldritch gene, and ones with a *
are only available as an adult.

---Dragon Class Abilities---
Whelp Breath Whelp 0 Non-elemental attack / all
Blind Whelp 0 Causes blind status
DragonBreath Dragon 0 Non-elemental attack / all
Snap Dragon 0 Physical attack / lowers defense
Flame Breath Trygon 0 Fire attack / all
Frost Breath Trygon 0 Ice attack / all
ThundrBreath Trygon 0 Thunder attack / all
DragonBreath Trygon 0 Non-elemental attack / all
Snap Trygon 0 Physical attack / lowers defense
MeteorStrike Behemoth 0 Non-elemental attack / all
Blitz Behemoth 0 Physical attack / all / halves your HP
Charge Behemoth 0 Does damage based on user's defense
Gambit Warrior 0 Instant death attack / single
Aura Warrior 20 Holy attack / single / raises attack
DragonBreath Pygmy 0 Non-elemental attack / all
Snap Pygmy 0 Physical attack / lowers defense
Magma Breath Pygmy 0 Fire attack / all
KaiserBreath Kaiser 0 Non-elemental attack / all
Bonebreak Kaiser 0 Physical attack / single
(ability must recharge after use)
Howling Kaiser 0 Physical attack / all / confusion
Whelp Breath Wildfire 0 Non-elemental attack / all
Charge Wildfire 0 Does damage based on user's defense
Doom Breath Tiamat 0 Non-elemental attack / all
ShadowBreath Tiamat 0 Instant death attack / all
Venom Breath Tiamat 3 Causes poison / all
MeteorStrike Mammoth 0 Non-elemental attack / all
Giant Growth Mammoth 0 Physical attack / all
Gambit Myrmidon 0 Instant death attack / single
Aura Myrmidon 20 Holy attack / single / raises attack
Flame Strike Myrmidon 1 Fire attack / single
ThundrStrike Myrmidon 4 Lightning attack / single / paralyzes
Frost Strike Myrmidon 4 Ice attack / single / causes sleep
Wind Strike Myrmidon 1 Wind attack / single
Holy Strike Myrmidon 2 Holy attack / single
Aura Breath Myrmidon 0 Holy attack / all

---Gene Abilities---
Flame Breath Flame 0 Fire attack / all
Flame Claw Flame 0 Fire attack / single
Inferno Flame+ 10 Fire attack / all
Frost Breath Frost 0 Ice attack / all
Frost Claw Frost 0 Ice attack / single
Blizzard Frost+ 10 Ice attack / all
ThundrBreath Thunder 0 Thunder attack / all
Thunder Claw Thunder 0 Thunder attack / single
Myollnir Thunder+ 10 Thunder attack / single
ShadowBreath Shadow 0 Instant death attack / all
Chlorine Shadow 0 Poison attack / single
Death Shadow+ 5 Instant death attack / single
DivineBreath Radiance 0 Holy attack / all
Shining Claw Radiance 0 Holy attack / single
Resurrect Radiance+ 20 Revives dead character w/ full HP
Focus Force 0 Builds up attack power
Counter Defender 0 Get Reprisal on all attacks
Remedy Eldritch 7 Cure all status changes
Restore Eldritch* 12 Restores one ally's HP
Vitalize Eldritch* 20 Restores party's HP


If you use the Fusion Gene, you turn into a special Hybrid
based on the other two characters in your party (the
other characters are not affected). It's kinda like
Karn's magic in BOF1, for those of you who played it.

(I made up the names as there are no known official ones)

Rei + Nina = Tiger
Rei + Momo = Tiger
Rei + Peco = Thorn Onion
Rei + Garr = Tiger
Nina + Momo = ArmorDragon
Nina + Peco = Great Bird
Nina + Garr = Great Bird
Momo + Peco = ArmorDragon
Momo + Garr = nothing (Whelp)
Peco + Garr = Thorn Onion

---Fusion Abilities---
Shadowwalk Tiger 8 Critical hit / single
DragonBreath Tiger 0 Non-elemental attack / all
Tempest Tiger 0 Air attack / all
Dream Breath Thorn Onion 3 Causes sleep / all
Venom Breath Thorn Onion 3 Causes poison / all
DragonBreath Thorn Onion 0 Non-elemental attack / all
Geo Breath Thorn Onion 0 Earth attack / all
Typhoon Great Bird 7 Wind attack / all
Lightning Great Bird 7 Lightning attack / all
Inferno Great Bird 10 Fire attack / all
Blizzard Great Bird 10 Ice attack / all
Temptation Great Bird 0 Causes confusion
Speed ArmorDragon 2 Raises agility / single
Protect ArmorDragon 2 Raises defense / single
Might ArmorDragon 4 Raises attack / single
Restore ArmorDragon 12 Restores one ally's HP
Remedy ArmorDragon 7 Cures condition / single
Combustion ArmorDragon 0 Flame and wind attack / all


Start with. 3
No special effect. 2

Start with. 1
Party's defense raised. 3

Start with. 1
Front member's attack up. 2

Learned from Bais.
Everybody's speed is the 1 2 3
same as the front member.

Learned from Lee. 3
Rear member's magic up. 1

Learned from Wynn. 1
Recover 1 HP each turn. 2


In the Used By column, the following letters stand for
the characters:
R=Ryu E=Rei N=Nina M=Momo P=Peco G=Garr
(Teepo uses the same stuff as Ryu)


Bent Sword 2 5 RE 10
Dagger 4 1 RE 50
Melted Blade 6 1 REP 30
BallockKnife 6 1 RE 100
Bronze Sword 8 2 RE 240
Silver Knife 12 1 RE 1400 Holy damage
Broad Sword 15 3 RE 600
Scramasax 23 2 RE 1200
Moon Sword 32 4 RE 2000
ThievesKnife 36 1 E 3200
Flare Sword 38 4 RE 3200 Fire damage
Claymore 43 8 R 2500
FeatherSword 48 1 RE 5200 Wind damage
AshurasSword 50 3 R 3600
HiddenDagger 51 1 RN 7000 Random instant death
Royal Dagger 54 2 RE 6200
Deadly Blade 55 4 R 7900 Critical hit rate up
Baselard 59 3 RE 6500
Katzbalger 61 1 E 9200
Heavy Dagger 67 2 RE 7500 Frost damage
Ascension 70 4 R 14000 Holy damage
Heat Shotel 76 3 RE 9500 Fire damage
Barbarossa 82 10 R 12000 Lightning damage
Slicer 85 1 E 16000 Critical hit rate up
PiercingEdge 91 4 RE 14500
Demonsbane 99 7 R 15000 Extra damage against demons
DamascusSwd 105 4 R 16000
Lifestealer 108 1 E 22000 Chance of instant kill
SeekingSword 110 2 R 20000 Def+5, Int+5
Holy Avenger 125 4 RE 40000 Holy damage
Dragon Blade 130 4 R -- Fire damage
Royal Sword 158 8 R 55000 Lightning damage
GooKingSword 180 4 R 65000
PointedStick 1 1 N 10
Oaken Staff 6 1 N 50
Mace 12 3 N 200
Magician Rod 20 2 N 780 Raises IntellAigence
QuarterStaff 28 4 N 1100
Wind Cutter 34 3 N 2200 Wind damage
Ruby Scepter 43 3 N 3200 Fire damage
LacquerStaff 50 3 N 5600
Beryl Rod 61 4 N 7200 Raises Intelligence
Thunder Rod 69 10 N 9500 Lightning damage
BlessedStaff 73 3 N 11000 Immune to instant death
Ouroboros 80 5 N 22000 Raises Intelligence
Flame Chrysm 50 1 M 500 Fire damage
Ice Chrysm 50 1 M 500 Ice damage
Ammo 58 1 M 500
ShotgunShell 78 1 M 2200
Homing Bomb 78 1 M 7700 Hit rate up
Sleep Shells 80 1 M 2500 Causes sleep
Flash Shells 96 1 M 5300 Causes blindness
Gas Shells 118 1 M 13500 Causes confusion
Ghostbuster 155 1 M 22000 Holy damage
AP Shells 158 1 M 10000
HE Shells 166 1 M --
Atomic Bomb 198 1 M 16000
Rippers 10 1 P 600
Spiked Claws 18 1 P 1300
Flame Talons 25 1 P 3300
Tiger Claws 34 1 P 3800
Raptor Claws 46 1 P 5800
Rockbreaker 55 1 P 8200 Earth damage
Brass Claws 64 1 P 11000
Death Claws 73 1 P 14200 Chance of instant kill
Dragonfang 85 1 P 22000 Extra damage against dragons
Spear 16 2 G 750
Long Spear 24 3 G 1000
Halberd 33 4 G 2100
Rood Spear 41 4 G 2900
Flame Spear 42 4 G 3800 Fire damage
Flying Spear 50 2 G 5000
Piercing Pike 62 4 G 7400
Gale Javelin 68 4 G 9100
Gigantess 78 12 G 8800
Ice Halberd 80 6 G 12500 Ice damage
Aries Spear 88 4 G 15500 Extra damage against demons
Gunginir 99 10 G 22000 Hit rate up
Rufad's Spear 108 2 G 65000 Holy damage
Dragon Spear 110 6 G 19000 Extra damage against dragons
Beast Spear 150 15 G 20000 Drains user's HP


Clothing 2 3 RENMG 50
LeatherArmor 4 4 RENMG 180
Waistcloth 5 3 All 210
LeatherApron 6 4 NM 330
Ranger Garb 7 4 REM 520
Mage's Robes 9 3 NM 610
ManlyClothes 10 3 REG 1000 Infinite skill use
Cuirass 12 6 REMG 620
Breastplate 16 4 REMPG 1000
Lgt.Clothing 16 1 RENMG 2700
AsbestosArmr 18 6 REMG 1600 Resists fire
Chain Cap 19 5 REMG 1100
Crepe Cape 19 2 NMP 1300
Scale Mail 21 6 REMG 1450
MithrilArmor 26 6 REG 2100
Silver Mail 32 6 REG 3900
Magma Armor 38 8 REG 4500 Absorbs fire
Robe of Wind 41 0 N 4500 Resists lightning, wind, earth
Amber BPlate 45 4 All 6100
PhantomDress 45 3 NM 6300 Wearer is undead
BlizzardMail 51 8 REG 6800 Resists ice
Sage's Frock 53 3 NM 9300 Raises Intelligence
LacquerArmor 57 8 REG 8000
DamascusMail 58 6 REG 11000
Holy Robe 62 3 NM 16000
Burglar Garb 64 0 E 19500 Agility + 5
Force Armor 65 6 RENMG 22000
Royal Armor 72 8 REG 18000
Diana'sDress 72 4 NM 28000
Dragon Armor 73 6 R 42000 Absorbs fire
Mist Armor 75 4 REMG 65000
Life Armor 80 8 REG 48000 Regenerates HP like Peco
Gideon'sGarb 82 12 G 25000 Power + 10


Bracers 1 0 All 30
Cloth Shield 3 1 REPG 150
Gauntlet 5 1 All 400
BronzeShield 8 2 REPG 610
Buckler 12 2 All 1100
Protectors 16 1 All 11000 Immune to status changes
MithrlShield 17 3 REPG 1600
SteelGntlets 21 1 All 3000
Flame Shield 25 3 REPG 4300 Resists fire
Kite Shield 28 3 RPG 4700
SpikedGntlts 28 1 All 6800 Power + 5
Ice Shield 28 3 REP 5800 Resists ice
LaquerShield 33 3 RPG 6500
Mind Shield 34 3 REMG 18000 Intelligence + 5
DragonShield 42 3 R 32000 Absorbs fire
Aries Gloves 44 2 All 25000 Power + 10
GiantShield 45 5 G 15000


Bandana 1 0 All 30
Brass Helm 3 1 REMG 120
Glass Domino 6 1 All 450
Iron Helm 6 2 REMG 380
Knight'sHelm 8 2 REG 720
Mithril Helm 12 1 REMG 1100
Gold Hairpin 14 0 NM 2200
Laurel 15 0 NMP 1800
Tiger's Cap 17 1 All 5300 Raises Power
PlatinumHelm 18 1 REG 2800
UV Glasses 18 1 All 3600 Immune to blindness
Lacquer Helm 21 2 REG 5500
Sun Mask 22 1 REG 7200 Absorbs fire
SilverTiara 23 1 NM 12500
Divine Helm 26 2 REG 16000 Immune to instant death attacks
Dragon Helm 30 2 R 18000 Absorbs fire


Artemis' Cap 4000 Raises hit rate
Balance Ring 1000 Immune to confusion
Barrier Ring 3000 Raises defense vs. psionics (?)
Bat Amulet 1000 Immune to blindness
Bell Collar 10000 Raises encounter rate
Coupons 1000 Items cost less while equipped
Cupid's Lyre 15000 Restores HP as you walk
Diamond Ring 3000 Immune to instant death attacks
Dream Ring 1000 Immune to sleep
Hawk's Ring 4000 Raises your surprise attack rate
High Boots 3000 Defense + 5
Holy Mantle 10000 Lowers encounter rate
Ivory Charm 50000 Resist all elements, regenerates HP,
makes healing magic more effective on user
Life Sandals 500 Raises defense vs. status changes
Light Bangle 3000 Raises defense vs. status changes
Lion's Belt 3000 Raises willpower
Midas Stone 3000 Win more zenny, Weight 10
Ring of Fire 5000 Absorbs fire
Ring of Ice 5000 Absorbs ice
Shaman'sRing 25000 Reduces AP cost of spells by 25%
Soul Gem 3000 Revives user when killed, breaks
Speed Boots 3000 Agility + 10
Spirit Ring 50000 Reduces AP cost of spells by 50%
Talisman 500 Immune to instant death attacks
Thunder Ring 5000 Absorbs lightning
Titan Belt 3000 Power + 10
Wisdom Ring 3000 Intelligence + 30


Vitamin 50 Restores 100 HP
Green Apple 4 Restores 20 HP
Berries 4 Restores 5 HP
Healing Herb 10 Restores 40 HP
Antidote 12 Cures poison
Beef Jerky 50 Restores 100 HP
Vitamins 500 Restores 100 HP to party
Jellyfish 10 Restores 1 HP
RainbowTrout 160 Restores 5 AP
Panacea 100 Cures all status changes
MultiVitamin 300 Restores HP completely
Trout 80 Restores 40 HP
Bread 20 Restores 20 HP
Wisdom Fruit 1000 Restores 100 AP
Pirana 50 Restores 20 HP
Bass 100 Restores 80 HP
Blowfish 80 Cures poison / all
Moon Tears 1000 Restores party's HP and cures status
Mandrake 100 Restores HP completely
Man-o'-War 10 Restores 1 HP
Flying Fish 50 Restores 20 HP
Wisdom Seed 500 Restores 20 AP
Sea Bass 100 Restores 80 HP
Sea Bream 160 Restores 5 AP
Black Porgy 400 Restores 20 AP
Horseradish 0 Restores 5 HP
Black Bass 400 Restores 80 HP to party
Rakda Meat 50 Restores 100 HP
Shaly Seed 0 Restores 5 HP
Cheese 10 Restores 20 HP
Spearfish 2000 Restores 240 HP to party
Barandy 2000 Restores 240 HP to party
Whale 4000 Restores party's HP and cures status
Croc Tear 5 Cures all status changes, may fail
Angler 400 Earth attack / all
Ammonia 200 Revives dead character
Weather Vane 200 Wind attack / all
Molotov 10 Fire attack / single
Eye Drops 20 Cures blindness
Firecracker 500 Fire attack / all
Taser 200 Lighting attack / all
Icicle 500 Ice attack / all
Ginseng 200 Raises Power in battle
Octopus 300 Causes blindness / all
Ivory Dice 500 Doubles EXP earned from target
Dynamite 200 Earth attack / all
Napalm 800 Fire and wind attacks / all
MartianSquid 200 Causes blindness
Vinegar 0 Cures all status changes, may fail
Hourglass 500 Freezes everyone but user for 3 turns
Puffer 50 Fire attack / single
Belladonna 200 Instant death attack / single
Devilfish 1000 Lightning attack / single
Red Catfish 300 Earth attack / all
Faerie Tiara -- Activates faerie rings
Power Food 200 Raises Power permanently
Swallow Eye 200 Raises Agility permanently
Magic Shard 200 Raises Max AP permanently
Protein 200 Raises Defense permanently
Moxa 200 Raises Willpower permanently
Life Shard 200 Raises Max HP permanently
Fish-head 200 Raises Intelligence permanently
Water Jug -- Use in desert when thirsty
Skill Ink 100 Transfer skill from notes to character
Part A -- Part of the ship engine
Part B -- Part of the ship engine
Part C -- Part of the ship engine
Part D -- Part of the ship engine
Part E -- Part of the ship engine
Part F -- Part of the ship engine
Part G -- Part of the ship engine
Part H -- Part of the ship engine
Mackerel 200 Use to make shisu
Rice Ball 2 No use

%%%FISHING GEAR%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Wooden Rod 100 Lowest-level rod
Bamboo Rod -- Low-level rod
Deluxe Rod -- Mid-level rod
Angler Rod 2000 High-level rod (long range)
Spanner -- High-level rod (powerful)
Master Rod -- Ultimate rod

Worm 20 Rank 1 worm-type bait
Spirit 50 Rank 2 worm-type bait
Caro 200 Rank 3 worm-type bait
Heavy Caro 500 Best worm-type bait

Toad 20 Rank 1 frog-type bait
Baby Frog 50 Rank 2 frog-type bait
Frog 200 Rank 3 frog-type bait
Fat Frog 500 Best frog-type bait

Sinker 20 Rank 1 fish-type bait
Float 50 Rank 2 fish-type bait
Hanger 200 Rank 3 fish-type bait
Deep Diver 500 Best fish-type bait

Old Popper 20 Rank 1 popper-type bait
Popper 50 Rank 2 popper-type bait
Top 200 Rank 3 popper-type bait
Dogwalker 500 Best popper-type bait

Ding Frog 10000 Ultimate bait
Coin 500 Bait for Manillo

%%%VITAL ITEMS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Wallet Give to guard at McNeil manor
Egg ????
Flyer Save 20-30% on purchases in Genmel
Passport Need to get through Checkpoint
Old Passport Passport becomes this, can't use
Guild Badge Need to enter Lighthouse
Guild Letter Need to enter volcano
Memo Diagram of items needed for ship repair
Sea Chart Needed to reach Kukuys's cabin
ID Card Needed to use elevator in Black Ship
Key Activates portal in Colony
Card Key B Opens some doors on Myria
Card Key A Opens some doors on Myria
Teleporter Dice Teleport to more locations from Point A


Note: You get two different prices for your antiques
depending on where you sell them. The Antique shop in
Faerie Village gives you the "Antique" price. All
other shops give the Regular price.

Plate 5 5
Clay Vase 1 100
Gems 200 200
Marbles 5 500
Moldy Vase 10 1000
Dirty Rags 15 1500
Tea Cup 20 2000
Beads 30 3000
Flower Jewel 50 5000 [don't sell!]
Old Painting 60 6000
Myria Icon 80 8000
Ladon Icon 80 8000
Lithograph 150 15000
Dragon Tear 300 30000

%%%ITEM MAGIC%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

One little-known facet of BOF3 is that some pieces of
equipment can be used as items during battle (on your
item screen) to cast various spells. To use an
unequipped item with item magic, just find it on your
item list and select it (it will not be ghosted like
most equipment). To use an equipped item, scroll up
to the top of your item list and press Up. Choose
"Use" and you can use your equipped gear.

It costs no AP, and can be used over and over, so
equipment with magic abilities is worth hanging on to.

BlessedStaff: Heal Brass Claws: Simoon
Dragon Blade: Fireblast Force Armor: Barrier
Holy Avenger: Might LacquerStaff: Silence
Mind Shield: Leech Power Ouroboros: Raise Dead
PiercingEdge: Weaken Robe of Wind: Speed
Royal Dagger: Protect Royal Sword: Lightning
Ruby Scepter: Flare Rufad'sSpear: Shield
Thunder Rod: Jolt Wind Cutter: Cyclone


%%%CHARACTER EVALUATIONS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Weapons: Swords
Magic Types: Dragon morphs, healing, defensive Assist
Action Ability: Sword slash -- Cuts small shrubs.
Sometimes you find 2-5 zenny.

Height: 133.5 cm (child) / 168.0 cm (adult)
Weight: 29.8 kg (child) / 62.5 kg (adult)
Likes: Apples
Dislikes: Hard work

BIO: A young boy, last of The Brood, found orphaned by
Rei, who takes him in to join his and Teepo's gang.
When Rei and Teepo go missing, Ryu sets off to find
them and in turn learns about his own heritage.

EVALUATION: Well, since Ryu's the main character, you
don't really have a choice as to whether to use him or
not. That's okay, because he is really strong. He
fights well, has a good defense, and is fast. He also
has healing magic, which is kind of a waste, because you
really want to save his AP for his powerful dragon
morhps, which allow him to use the most powerful attacks
in the game.

Attack: B Defense: B Magic: A Speed: B
Overall: A

Weapons: Sword, knives
Magic Types: Stealing, lightning, death
Action Ability: Lockpicking -- Unlocks locked doors

Height: 181.2 cm
Weight: 78.7 kg
Dislikes: Boats

BIO: A half-tiger who lives in the Cedar Woods. He
and Teepo are thieves, mugging people who cross the
Yraall Road. When he finds Ryu in the woods, he brings
him back to his cabin to recruit him into the band.

EVALUATION: Aside from Ryu, Rei is the best character
in the game. He's fast, hits pretty hard, and he's
extremely fast. His magic is strong as well -- he
has lightning magic, as well as the ability to steal
items from enemies. Against single enemies, his
Weretiger transformation works great as well (against
multiple enemies, Rei may go berserk and attack you).
His only real flaw is his weak defense.

Attack: B/A Defense: B Magic: B Speed: A
(normal/morphed) Overall: A

Weapons: Swords
Magic Types: Attack magic
Action Ability: Kick -- Shakes trees and boulders

Height: 134.0 cm
Weight: 31.8 kg
Likes: Bragging
Dislikes: Monsters

BIO: An orphan taken in by Rei. He seems to be an
ordinary kid, but is he?

EVALUATION: Teepo doesn't get an evaluation because you
don't have him for very long, and you have to use him
while you have him. He's great for that short amount of
time, though -- he has a strong attack as well as useful

Weapons: Staves
Magic Types: Attack, offensive Assist
Action Ability: Magic Wand -- Activates chrysm devices

Height: 132.0 cm (child) / 158.1 cm (adult)
Weight: 27.0 kg (child) / 39.8 kg (adult)

BIO: The semi-rebellious Princess of Wyndia. She meets
Ryu when he is held prisoner at Wyndia Castle, and decides
to help him escape.

EVALUATION: Nina is a pretty sad character. Her magic isn't
bad, but isn't much better than Peco's or Rei's regular
attacks. She'd be okay, actually, if it wasn't for her
complete lack of anything resembling defense -- she usually
gets killed in one or two hits. Her magic can be useful
in certain locations, though, and near the end of the game
she gets some good spells (Sirocco and Myollnir).

Attack: F Defense: F Magic: C Speed: B
Overall: D

Weapons: Bazooka
Magic Types: Earth, assist, healing
Action Ability: Cannon -- Breaks down weak walls
Destroys barrels; sometimes you
find zenny. You can also shoot
people to steal money from them.
Use computers -- Needed to operate most
control panels in the game.

Height: 174.0 cm
Weight: 59.2 kg
Likes: Computers
Dislikes: Heat

BIO: A mole scientist studying in eastern Wyndia. Her
father, Repsol, built the chrysm-enhanced crops plant.

EVALUATION: Momo isn't as good as you'd think at first.
Her attack, although strong, is extremely inaccurate and
only moderately useful, especially due to the fact that
she can't get critical hits or reprisal attacks (because
she uses a gun). She also has a weak defense. Her
healing magic can be okay, and her Assist magic is very
useful on bosses. She's also fast.

Attack: B Defense: D Magic: B Speed: B
Overall: C

Weapons: Claws
Magic Types: Breath, healing
Action Ability: Headbutt -- Used to roll rocks or shake trees.
Talk to plants -- Talk to the Yggdrasil trees.

Height: 123.9 cm
Weight: 66.6 kg

BIO: A walking, sentient, onion, created by experiments
at the chrysm-enhanced crops plant. Sent with the party
by a mutant plant that did not want the experiments to
be repeated. Doesn't talk (at least not intelligably),
but can communicate with plants.

EVALUATION: Peco rocks! Besides being incredibly cute
(he squeaks whenever he attacks), he's also the best
fighter in the game! Although he starts at level 1,
he quickly grows in power, gaining a strong attack and
ludicrous amount of HP. He also regenerates some of his
HP each round of combat, and has the highest Reprisal
rate of any character. Later on, he will learn healing
magic and elemental breath attacks. His only disadvantage
is that he's slow, but he's still one of the best characters
in the game.

Attack: B Defense: A Magic: C Speed: D
Overall: B

Weapons: Spears
Magic Types: Fire, combat techniques
Action Ability: Push -- Push heavy objects

Height: 225 cm
Weight: 197.6 kg

BIO: One of the ancient race of Guardians. At first,
he does not question their mission, but after meeting
Ryu, begins to doubt the Guardian religion.

EVALUATION: Well, if you put Garr in your party, you're
clearly going to use him for just one thing: fighting.
He's the slowest character in the game, and he has almost
no AP. But what Garr does do (fighting), he does well. He
has a strong attack, lots of HP, and the highest Willpower
of any character. He also has some natural resistance to
fire, which makes him useful in areas with fire-using
enemies. He just isn't as good as Peco in most situations,

Attack: A Defense: B Magic: F Speed: F
Overall: F

%%%STOLEN ITEMS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Note: Item 1 is the item you get when you steal from
the enemy, and is sometimes dropped after battle. Item
2 is only dropped after battle, and only rarely.

Adept Holy Robe Shaman Ring
Amalgam Magic Shard ????
Ammonite Moon Tears ????
ArchMage Soul Gem Holy Avenger
Armor Claymore Gideon'sGarb
ArmorBot Breastplate Marbles
Arwan Nothing ????
Assassin Lgt.Clothing Katzbalger
Audrey Green Apple Mandrake
Balio Protein Broad Sword
Bat Berries Nothing
Berserkr Aries Glove Rufad'sSpear
BlueGbln Beef Jerky Scramasax
Bolt Berries Royal Dagger
BltArchr Berries Panacea
BoltMage Berries Robe of Wind
Bomber Vitamin Ivory Dice
BossGbln Waistcloth Brass Helm
Cacti Croc Tear ????
Chimera Firecracker ????
Cinder Protein ????
Clone Vitamin Bell Collar
Codger Rare Book Skill Ink
Curr Antidote Nothing
DeathBot DamascusMail Atomic Bomb
D. Lord Dragon Blade Dragon Armor
Dragnfly Panacea Nothing
Drak Titan Belt Mind Shield
D.Zombie Power Food Dragon Tear
Egg Gang Beads Ivory Dice
Elder Dynamite ????
Eye Goo Healing Herb Vitamin
FireSlug Mandrake Vitamins
Fly Man Scale Mail Flame Spear
FoulWeed Power Food Protein
Goblin Bent Sword Old Popper
Gnt Orc Titan Belt Tiger's Cap
Gold Egg Diamond Ring Divine Helm
Gonger MultiVitamin Life Shard
Gonghead Vitamin Life Shard
Gooey Marbles Nothing
GooKing Green Apple GooKing Swrd
GooTitan Life Shard Protectors
Hobgobln Power Food Nothing
Hopper Fat Frog Balance Ring
HyperBot Cuirass Ginseng
IceDrake Ring of Ice Dragonfang
Ice Toad Life Shard Soul Gem
Insector Beef Jerky Gale Javelin
Lizard Panacea Nothing
Mad Gong Ginseng ????
Mage Goo Healing Herb Wisdom Seed
Magmaite Napalm Royal Armor
Manmo Power Food Aries Gloves
Man Trap PointedStick Panacea
Mist Man SeekingSword Mist Armor
MultiBot Silver Mail Barrier Ring
Myria Napalm ????
Newt Heat Shotel Mind Shield
NightBat Power Food Protein
Nitemare Hawk's Ring Burglar Garb
Nue Power Food ????
NutArchr Berries Panacea
NutTroop Berries Broad Sword
Orc BronzeShield Titan Belt
PainWeed Bat Amulet Nothing
PipeBomb Vitamin Ivory Dice
Plant 42 Mandrake Vitamins
ProtoBot Marbles Cuirass
Pooch Vitamin ????
Puff Goo Healing Herb Vitamin
RankWeed Bat Amulet Nothing
Reaper Magic Shard PhantomDress
RedDrake Ring of Fire Dragonfang
Revenant Belladonna Diana'sDress
Ripper Berries Swallow Eye
Rocky Life Shard ????
Sample 1 Power Food ????
Sample 2 Vitamins ????
Sample 3 Silver Mail ????
Sample 4 Ring of Fire ????
Sample 5 Nothing ????
Sample 6 Nothing ????
Sample 7 Nothing ????
Sample 8 Life Shard ????
Sample 9 Nothing ????
Sample10 Life Shard ????
Sample11 Life Shard ????
Sample12 Life Shard ????
Scorpion ???? Protein
Slasher Berries Swallow Eye
Slug Nothing Nothing
Stallion Life Shard Holy Mantle
Sunder Life Shard AsbestosArmr
TankBot Wisdom Seed Wisdom Fruit
Thanatos Clothing ????
Thrasher Wisdom Seed Nothing
Trickstr Gems ThievesKnife
ToxicMan A Clay Vase Nothing
ToxicMan B Clay Vase Nothing
ToxicMan C Clay Vase Nothing
Vampire BurglarGarb Lifestealer
VileWeed Rice Ball ????
Vulcan Protein Magma Armor
Wraith Soul Gem Divine Helm
Zombie Clothing Bracers

%%%ENEMY SKILLS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Air Raid Bomber, PipeBomb, Magmaite, Hopper
Bad Back Old Man, Codger
Barrier LzrdKing
Benediction ArchMage
Blind Lizard, Tricker, GooTitan
Blitz ProtoBot, HyperBot
Bone Dart Ghoul, ZombieDr, D.Zombie
Burn Mage Goo, Lava Man, TitanOoze, Goo King
Charge Gonghead, Thunder, Gonger, Mad Gong
Chill Arwan, Revenant
Counter Cacti
Cure Drak
Disembowel Assassin
Double Blow Nut Troop, GntCrab, Elder, Egg Gang, Scorpion,
Sample 4
Douse GntRoach
Ebonfire Codger (occasionally used by his Magic Shuffle)
Evil Eye Sample 4, Vampire
Feign Swing Manmo
FlameStrike Flyman, Clone
Flying Kick Old Man, Tricker, Magmaite
Focus Reaper
FrostStrike Bolt, Armor
Gloom NightBat
Influence BossGobln
Intimidate Dolphin, Hobgoblin
Jump Rocky, Roach, GntRoach
Last Resort Orc, Gnt Orc
Lavaburst Vulcan, Shroom
Magic Ball Egg Gang, Nitemare
Meditation Adept
Mighty Chop Newt
Mind Flay Slasher
Mind Sword ArchMage
Multistrike Ammonite, Revenant
Resist Gold Egg
Risky Blow Armor
Sacrifice PipeBomb, BombSeed, Tank Bot
Snap Pooch, Scylla, Charybdis, Dragnfly, Plant 42,
Sample 4
Snooze Eye Goo, Eye Bulb, Sleepy
SpiritBlast Golem, Hobgolbn
Target Assassin
ThunderClap Angler, MultiBot
ThndrStrike Mist Man
Timed Blow GooTitan, Thrasher
Tornado Insector, Scorpion, Goo King
Transfer TankBot
Triple Blow DrgnLrd, Vampire
Tsunami Dolphin, Ammonite
Unmotivate Goblin, BlueGobln, Hobgobln
WallOfFire Scylla, Charybdis, MultiBot
Wind Strike Lizard Man

%%%DRAGON GENES%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Gene: Flame AP: 5
Located in: Wyndia Castle, after you gain dragon powers
Effect: Use flame-related attacks
Reverse: Frost

Gene: Frost AP: 5
Located in: Maekyss Gorge
Effect: Use frost-related attacks
Reverse: Flame

Gene: Thunder AP: 5
Located in: House in north Rhapala Region
Effect: Use thunder-related attacks

Gene: Shadow AP: 5
Located in: Dauna Mine, after defeating Dragon Zombie
Effect: Use shadow-related attacks
Reverse: Radiance

Gene: Radiance AP: 5
Located in: Container Yard
Effect: Use holy-related attacks, use with Trance and
Infinity to control the Kaiser
Reverse: Shadow

Gene: Force AP: 8
Located in: Underground laboratory
Effect: Enhances power, use attack abilities, become
Warrior-class dragon

Gene: Defender AP: 8
Located in: Mt. Boumore, after you dive down cliff
Effect: Raises defense, use defensive abilities

Gene: Eldritch AP: 8
Located in: Lighthouse roof
Effect: Raises magic power, use heal spells, use
extra spells when combined with other Genes

Gene: Miracle AP: 13
Located in: Volcano
Effect: Transform into Behemoth-class dragon with
other party members

Gene: Gross AP: 8
Located in: Tidal Caves
Effect: Have 50% more HP in dragon form

Gene: Thorn AP: 8
Located in: Rocket crash site
Effect: Raises attack power

Gene: Reverse AP: 3
Located in: Forest southwest of Momo's tower
Effect: Reverses effects of certain genes

Gene: Mutant AP: 3
Located in: Steel Beach
Effect: Acts as a random gene

Gene: ??? AP: 8
Located in: Bow's house, on point near Junk Town Dock
Effect: Get special dragon classes when paired with
other Genes.

Gene: Trance AP: 8
Located in: Yggdrasil tree near Kombinat
Effect: Get special dragon classes when paired with
other Genes, use with Radiance and Infinity
to control Kaiser

Gene: Failure AP: 1
Located in: Ruined Colony
Effect: Lowers all stats, use with Infinity gene to
control Kaiser

Gene: Fusion AP: 13
Located in: Dauna Mine, after defeating Dragon Zombie
Effect: Change dragon types based on other members

Gene: Infinity AP: 40
Located in: Dragnier, after defeating Gono
Effect: Transform into Kaiser. Will go berserk if not
combined with Failure.


Note: Abilities marked (FORM) are actually new formations.
When you receive them, they are added to your list of
battle formations. See the Formations list under
Abilities for info on them. Similary, abilities marked
(ITEM) are items that you receive.

Woodsman, Cedar Woods Pwr+2 Int-3
Recommended pupil: Peco Def+1
Requirements: None
Level 2: Risky Blow
Level 5: Focus
Level 8: Super Combo
Level 10: Disembowel

MYGAS AP +1 Pwr-1
Journeyman wizard, Yraall Region Int+2 Def-1
Recommend pupil: Nina or Momo
Requirements: Pay all your zenny
Level 1: Frost
Level 4: Meditation
Level 6: Magic Ball
Level 8: Typhoon

Sacred tree of wisdom, East Wyndia Def+1 Pwr-2
Recommend pupil: Peco Int+2 Weak against fire
Requirements: Give it a Wisdom Fruit
Level 2: Sanctuary
Level 5: Recall
Level 8: Shield

D'LONZO Pwr+1 HP -1
Female cat burglar, Coffee Shop Agl+1 AP -2
Recommended pupil: Any but Rei Accuracy
Requirements: Have 15 weapons in inventory
Level 2: Monopolize
Level 3: Intimidate
Level 4: Steal

FAHL HP +4 Agl-3
Bartender of Genmel, Genmel Pwr+1 Int-3
Recommended pupil: Garr Def+3
Requirements: Win 30 fights without resting
Level 2: Charge
Level 4: Counter
Level 6: Resist

Wanderer, Castle Wyndia area
Recommend pupil: Nina
Requirements: None
Level 1: Unmotivate
Level 2: Feign Swing
Level 3: Backhand

GIOTTO HP +4 Pwr-1
Strange fishman, Rhapala seacost AP +3 Def-1
Recommended pupil: Any Agl-1
Requirements: Have Rodmaster or better rank Int-2
Level 2: Trump
Level 5: Berserk
Level 8: Sudden Death

Priest, Urkan Tapa Int+2
Recommend pupil: Nina Holy damage up
Requirements: Learn Backhand from Durandal
Level 2: Purify
Level 5: Kyrie
Level 8: Benediction

EMITAI AP +4 Pwr-2
Wizard adept, Dauna Hills Int+4 Def-2
Recommended pupil: Nina
Requirements: Give him 10,000 zenny
Level 2: Barrier
Level 4: Mind Sword
Level 6: Enlighten

DEIS AP +3 HP -3
Ancient sorceress, Cave of Ages Pwr+1 Def-3
Recommended pupil: Ryu Agl+1
Requirements: Suck up to her* Int+3
Level 2: Inferno
Level 5: Blizzard
Level 8: Myollnir
Level 11: Sirocco
Level 15: Celerity

* See the Frequently Asked Questions for what I mean, it's
too much to explain here.

World's best cook, Castle Wyndia Pwr+2 Agl-2
Recommended pupil: Garr Def+2 Int-2
Requirements: Bring him requested ingredients
Level 2: Mighty Chop
Level 4: Demonbane

BAIS Pwr+1
Elder quadruplet brother, Wyndia
Recommended pupil: Any
Requirements: Win hide-and-seek game
Level 3: Chain (FORM)

LANG Def+1
Younger quadruplet brother, Wyndia
Recommended pupil: Any
Requirements: Win hide-and-seek game
Level 3: Cupid's Lyre (ITEM)

Older quadruplet sister, Wyndia Int+1
Recommended pupil: Any
Requirements: Win hide-and-seek game
Level 3: Magic (FORM)

Younger quadruplet sister, Wyndia
Recommended pupil: Nina
Requirements: Win hide-and-seek game
Level 3: Refuge (FORM)

LADON Pwr+2 HP -6
Divine king of dragons, Dragnier Def+2 AP -6
Recommended pupil: Rei Agl+1
Requirements: Must have all Genes Int+2
Level 3: Mind's Eye
Level 5: Holy Strike
Level 7: Ward of Light
Level 9: Aura

Wandering faerie, Eastern Wyndia Pwr-1
Recommended pupil: Momo, Peco, or Garr Def-1
Requirements: Give her the Flower Jewel
Level 2: Charm
Level 5: Shadowwalk
Level 8: War Shout


INN: 30 zenny

ITEM SHOP: Healing Herb 10z Wooden Rod 100z
Croc Tear 5z Worm 20z
Antidote 12z Toad 20z
Eye Drops 20z Old Popper 20z
Molotov 10z Sinker 20z
Ammonia 200z

WEAPON SHOP: Ballock Knife 100z Cloth Shield 150z
Bronze Sword 240z Bandana 30z
LeatherArmor 180z Brass Helm 120z
Bracers 30z

INN: 50 zenny

WEAPON SHOP: Bronze Sword 240z Claymore 2500z
Broad Sword 600z Mace 400z

ARMOR SHOP: LeatherArmor 180z Gauntlet 400z
LeatherApron 330z BronzeShield 610z
Ranger Garb 520z Iron Helm 380z
Cuirass 620z Glass Domino 450z
Mage's Robes 610z

ITEM SHOP: Healing Herb 10z Ammonia 200z
Vitamin 50z Worm 20z
Antidote 12z Toad 20z
Eye Drops 20z Old Popper 20z
Panacea 100z Sinker 20z

MAGIC SHOP: Midas Stone 3000z Dynamite 200z
Talisman 500z Weather Vane 200z
Life Sandals 500z Taser 200z
Molotov 10z

BREAD SHOP: Bread 20z Bread 20z
Bread 20z Bread 20z
Bread 20z Bread 20z
Bread 20z Bread 20z

INN: 100 zenny

ITEM SHOP: Healing Herb 10z Ammonia 200z
Vitamin 50z Dynamite 200z
Antidote 12z Weather Vane 200z
Eye Drops 20z Taser 200z
Panacea 100z

WEAPON SHOP: Broad Sword 600z Ranger Garb 520z
Scramasax 1200z Cuirass 620z
Mace 400z Breastplate 1000z
Magician Rod 780z BronzeShield 610z
Rippers 600z Glass Domino 450z

MANILLO: Healing Herb 10z Old Popper 20z
Vitamin 50z Mage's Robes 610z
Antidote 12z Cuirass 620z
Eye Drops 20z Gauntlet 400z
Ammonia 200z Glass Domino 450z
Toad 20z

----Coffee Shop---
INN: 100 zenny

ITEM SHOP: Healing Herb 10z Wooden Rod 100z
Croc Tear 5z Worm 20z
Antidote 12z Toad 20z
Eye Drops 20z Old Popper 20z
Molotov 10z Sinker 20z
Ammonia 200z

INN: 30 zenny

ITEM SHOP: Mandrake 100z Eye Drops 20z
Antidote 12z Molotov 10z

INN: 50 zenny

ITEM SHOP: Vitamin 50z Ammonia 200z
Antidote 12z Firecracker 500z
Eye Drops 20z Icicle 500z
Panacea 100z

INN: 100 zenny

WEAPON SHOP: Scramasax 1200z Claymore 2500z
Moon Sword 2000z

ARMOR SHOP: Breastplate 1000z Buckler 1100z
Scale Mail 1450z Knight's Helm 720z

ITEM SHOP: Vitamin 50z Ammonia 200z
MultiVitamin 300z Firecracker 500z
Antidote 12z Icicle 500z
Eye Drops 20z Napalm 800z
Panacea 100z

INN: 50 zenny

ITEM SHOP: Healing Herb 10z Ammonia 200z
Vitamin 50z Spirit 50z
Antidote 12z Baby Frog 50z
Eye Drops 20z Popper 50z
Panacea 100z Float 50z

WEAPON SHOP: Flame Chrysm 500z Scale Mail 1450z
Moon Sword 2000z Gauntlet 400z
Long Spear 1000z Buckler 1100z
QuarterStaff 1100z Glass Domino 450z
Spiked Claws 1300z Knight'sHelm 720z
Breastplate 1000z

----Urkan Tapa----
INN: 100 zenny

ITEM SHOP: Healing Herb 10z Ammonia 200z
Vitamin 50z Spirit 50z
Antidote 12z Baby Frog 50z
Eye Drops 20z Popper 50z
Panacea 100z Float 50z

WEAPON SHOP: Claymore 2500z MithrilArmor 2100z
Flare Sword 3200z Mithril Helm 1100z
Long Spear 1000z MithrlShield 1600z
Halberd 2100z

----Junk Town----
INN: 100 zenny

WEAPON SHOP: Flame Chrysm 500z Barbarossa 12000z
Ice Chrysm 500z Thunder Rod 9500z
ShotgunShell 2200z Gigantess 8800z

MAGIC SHOP: Titan Belt 3000z Weather Vane 200z
High Boots 3000z Taser 200z
Wisdom Ring 3000z Belladonna 200z
Lion's Belt 3000z Firecracker 500z
Dynamite 200z Icicle 500z

----Dauna Mine----
INN: Free

MANILLO: Healing Herb 10z Dynamite 200z
Vitamin 50z Weather Vane 200z
Antidote 12z Taser 200z
Eye Drops 20z Titan Belt 3000z
Panacea 100z High Boots 3000z
Ammonia 200z

----Syn City----
WEAPON SHOP: Silver Knife 1400z Lgt.Clothing 2700z
ThievesKnife 3200z Silver Mail 3900z
WindCutter 2200z SteelGntlets 3000z
ShotgunShell 2200z Gold Hairpin 2200z
Rood Spear 2900z

ITEM SHOP: Vitamin 50z Spirit 50z
Antidote 12z Baby Frog 50z
Eye Drops 20z Popper 50z
Panacea 100z Float 50z
Ammonia 200z

SEKINE: AshurasSword 3600z ManlyClothes 1000z

INN: 30 zenny

SHOP: Healing Herb 10z Ammonia 200z
Vitamin 50z Spirit 50z
Antidote 12z Baby Frog 50z
Eye Drops 20z Popper 50z
Panacea 100z Float 50z

INN: 100 zenny

ITEM SHOP: Vitamin 50z Icicle 500z
Antidote 12z Caro 200z
Eye Drops 20z Frog 200z
Ammonia 200z Top 200z
Firecracker 500z Hanger 200z

WEAPON SHOP: Bent Sword 20z Silver Mail 3900z
Baselard 6500z Amber BPlate 6100z
Flying Spear 5000z Kite Shield 4700z
Ruby Scepter 3200z PlatinumHelm 2800z
Tiger Claws 3800z

INN: 200 zenny

WEAPON SHOP: Heat Shotel 9500z Sage's Frock 9300z
PiercingEdge 14500z SpikedGntlts 6800z
Beryl Rod 7200z LacquerArmor 8000z
Gale Javelin 9100z LaquerShield 6500z
Raptor Claws 5800z Lacquer Helm 5500z
AP Shells 10000z

ITEM SHOP: Healing Herb 10z Ammonia 200z
Vitamin 50z Caro 200z
Antidote 12z Frog 200z
Eye Drops 20z Top 200z
Panacea 100z Hanger 200z

INN: Free

SHOP: DamascusSwd 16000z Antidote 12z
DamascusMail 11000z Eye Drops 20z
Healing Herb 10z Panacea 100z
Vitamin 50z Ammonia 200z
MultiVitamin 100z

INN: 30 zenny

ITEM SHOP: Healing Herb 10z Ammonia 200z
Vitamin 50z Titan Belt 3000z
Antidote 12z High Boots 3000z
Eye Drops 20z Wisdom Ring 3000z
Panacea 100z Lion's Belt 3000z

----Caer Xhan----
ITEM SHOP: Healing Herb 10z Ammonia 200z
Vitamin 50z Titan Belt 3000z
Antidote 12z High Boots 3000z
Eye Drops 20z Wisdom Ring 3000z
Panacea 100z Lion's Belt 3000z

WEAPON SHOP: SeekingSword 20000z Royal Armor 18000z
BlessedStaff 11000z Force Armor 22000z
Gunginir 22000z Protectors 11000z
Brass Claws 11000z Mind Shield 18000z
Atomic Bomb 16000z Sun Mask 7200z

----Faerie Village----
INN: 10 zenny

ITEM SHOP: Green Apple 5z Napalm 800z
(ABILITY) Vitamin 50z Dream Ring 1000z
Panacea 100z Balance Ring 1000z
Ammonia 200z Barrier Ring 3000z
High Boots 3000z Diamond Ring 3000z
Lion's Belt 3000z

ITEM SHOP: Green Apple 5z Life Sandals 500z
(SPEED) Vitamin 50z High Boots 3000z
Panacea 100z Titan Belt 3000z
MultiVitamin 300z Dream Ring 1000z
Ammonia 200z Balance Ring 1000z
Talisman 500z

WEAPON SHOP: PointedStick 1z PiercingPike 7400z
(ABILITY) Waistcloth 210z Katzbalger 9200z
Bronze Sword 240z Protectors 11000z
Crepe Cape 1300z Tiger's Cap 5300z
Flame Talons 3300z Ouroboros 22000z
Amber BPlate 6100z

WEAPON SHOP: PointedStick 1z Flame Talons 3300z
(SPEED) Waistcloth 210z Laurel 1800z
Bronze Sword 240z Royal Dagger 6200z
Buckler 1100z SpikedGntlts 6800z
Wind Cutter 2200z Ice Halberd 12500z
Crepe Cape 1300z

HANDYMAN Berries 5z Bell Collar 10000z
SHOP: Beef Jerky 50z Soul Gem 3000z
(ABILITY) Taser 200z Holy Mantle 10000z
Tiger Claws 3800z Molotov 10z
Angling Rod 2000z HiddenDagger 7000z
Lion's Belt 3000z

HANDYMAN Berries 5z Angling Rod 2000z
SHOP: Beef Jerky 50z Belladonna 200z
(SPEED) Clothing 50z Royal Dagger 6200z
Flame Chrysm 500z Holy Mantle 10000z
Napalm 800z Soul Gem 3000z
Bell Collar 10000z

%%%BEST EQUIPMENT%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

WEAPON: Goo King Sword -- Dropped by Goo Kings in the
Orbital Station. Steal from them to
make them mad, then kill them.
ARMOR: Life Armor -- Found in the desert, or bought from
Manillo at the Lost Shore.
SHIELD: Aries Gloves -- Stolen from Berserker.
HELMET: Dragon Helm -- In a chest in the laboratory area
of the Orbital Station.
ACCESSORY 1: Spirit Ring -- Found on Faerie Village distant
expeditions, or from the Gift
Shop in the Clear Game.
ACCESSORY 2: Talisman -- Bought in Wyndia.
RECOMMEND SKILLS: Jump -- Learned from the various cockroaches.
Charm -- Learned from Meryleep.
Steal -- Learned from D'lonzo.
Inferno -- Learned from Deis.
Blizzard -- Learned from Deis.
Myollnir -- Learned from Deis.
Sirocco -- Learned from Deis.
Triple Blow -- Learned from Mist Men.
WardOfLight -- Learned from Ladon.
DRAGON TRANSFORMATION: Myrmidon -- Combine the Power (in the
underground lab) and the
Trance (found at the Yggdrasil
tree on the Lost Shore) Genes.

WEAPON: Holy Avenger -- Received after killing the Arch Mage.
ARMOR: Life Armor -- Found in the desert, or bought from
Manillo at the Lost Shore.
SHIELD: Aries Gloves -- Stolen from Berserker.
HELMET: Divine Helm -- Randomly dropped by Wraiths in the
courtyard of the Orbital Station.
ACCESSORY 1: Lion's Belt -- Bought in Junk Town or Oasis.
[The Lion's Belt lowers the "berserking" effect of
the Weretiger]
ACCESSORY 2: Ivory Charm -- Found on "distant" Faerie Village
RECOMMENDED SKILLS: Flying Kick -- Learned from Trickers.
War Shout -- Learned from Meryleep.
ThndrStrike -- Learned from Mist Men.
FrostStrike -- Learned from Bolts or Armor.

WEAPON: Ouroboros -- Bought in Faerie Village's "ability"
weapon store.
ARMOR: Diana'sDress -- Randomly dropped by Revenants in the
core of the Orbital Station.
SHIELD: Aries Gloves -- Stolen from Berserker.
HELMET: Silver Tiara -- In a hidden chest in the courtyard
of the Orbital Station.
ACCESSORY 1: Spirit Ring -- Found on Faerie Village distant
expeditions, or from the Gift
Shop in the Clear Game.
ACCESSORY 2: Wisdom Ring -- Bought in Junk Town or Oasis.
RECOMMENDED SKILLS: Mind Sword -- Learned from Emitai.
Benediction -- Learned from Hondara.
Resist -- Learned from Fahl.
Bone Dart -- Learned from ZombieDr's
in the Dauna Mines.
Kyrie -- Learned from Hondara.
Barrier -- Learned from Emitai.
Enlighten -- Learned from Emitai.
Cure -- Learned from Draks in the desert;
unparalyze them and they cast it.

WEAPON: Atomic Bomb -- Bought in Caer Xhan.
ARMOR: Mist Armor -- Randomly dropped by Mist Men in
the core of the Orbital Station.
SHIELD: Aries Gloves -- Stolen from Berserker.
HELMET: Silver Tiara -- In a hidden chest in the courtyard
of the Orbital Station.
ACCESSORY 1: Artemis'sCap -- In a chest in the Dump (there's
another later on in the Factory).
ACCESSORY 2: Wisdom Ring -- Bought in Junk Town or Oasis.
RECOMMENDED SKILLS: Shadowwalk -- Learned from Meryleep.
Air Raid -- Learned from Bombers and PipeBombs.
Multistrike -- Learned from the Ammonites
or Revenants.
Lavaburst -- Learned from the Shroom (Palet),
or from Vulcans in Mt. Zublo
(cast a fire spell on them).
Chill -- Learned from Revenants.
Typhoon -- Learned from Mygas.

WEAPON: Dragonfang -- Randomly dropped by RedDrakes
and IceDrakes in the laboratory area
of the Orbital Station.
ARMOR: Amber BPlate -- Bought in Parch
SHIELD: Aries Gloves -- Stolen from the Berserker.
HELMET: Tiger's Cap -- Bought in Faerie Village's "ability"
weapon store.
ACCESSORY 1: Speed Boots -- In a hidden bag in the Steel Grave.
[if using Chain formation, substitute another
Titan Belt in place of the Speed Boots]
ACCESSORY 2: Titan Belt -- Bought in Junk Town or Oasis.
RECOMMEND SKILLS: Super Combo -- Learned from Bunyan.
Aura -- Learned from Ladon.
Last Resort -- Learned from Orcs at Momo's tower.
Disembowel -- Learned from Bunyan.
Focus -- Learned from Bunyan.

WEAPON: Beast Spear -- Found by searching Geist's ashes.
ARMOR: Gideon's Garb -- Randomly dropped by the Armor enemies
early on in the Orbital Station.
SHIELD: Aries Gloves -- Stolen from Berserker.
HELMET: Divine Helm -- Randomly dropped by Wraiths in the
courtyard of the Orbital Station.
ACCESSORY 1: Titan Belt -- Bought in Junk Town or Oasis.
ACCESSORY 2: Hawk's Ring -- Use Peco's headbutt to roll the
rocks at the faerie pond near
the Coffee Shop, then search the
RECOMMEND SKILLS: Double Blow -- Learn from many enemies (earliest
are the Nut Troops)
Trump -- Learned from Giotto.
Berserk -- Learned from Giotto.
Mighty Chop -- Learned from Hachio.
Charge -- Learned from Fahl.
Douse -- Learned from GntRoaches.

---Fishing Gear---
ROD: Master Rod -- Get a rank of Master of Angling++ (9000
points), then talk to Bow at his house on
the point near the Junk Town Dock. (You must
be playing the Clear Game).
BAIT: Ding Frog -- Get a rank of Master of Angling+ (7000
points), then talk to Bow at hise hose on
the point near the Junk Town Dock. (You must
be playing the Clear Game).

FORMATION: Chain -- Learned from Bais at level 3; find all the
hide-and-seek kids to get him as a Master.
ORDER: (1) Rei/Ryu [put fastest character here]
(2) Ryu/Peco/Garr [put strongest character here]
(3) Ryu/Nina/Momo [put other character here]

%%%BOF SERIES NAMES%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Because Square changed many names in the U.S. version of
BOF1, this results in some inconsistencies in the U.S.
versions of the series. The proper names in all cases
are the BOF3 names.

Agni Anfini Infinity
-- Baba Bunyan
Beak Gonghead Gonghead
Bleu Bleu Deis
Bo -- Gary
Drogen Dologany Dragnier
Emperor Sword Empire Sword Royal Sword
Gant Guntz --
Gobi Maniro Manillo
Spyre Skytower --
Tyr Maria Myria
Winlan Windia Wyndia
-- Great Tree Yggdrasil


%%%EX TURNS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Equipping heavy weapons and armor lowers your agility
(as determined by the item's Weight value). Agility
determines the order in which your characters get
their turns (highest goes first), and it allows you to
get EX Turns.

If your agility is significantly higher than that of
the enemies, you will earn EX Turns. EX Turns occur
between rounds of combat -- your character's menu will
just pop up again and it will say "EX". EX Turns are
simply extra turns. Usually only one or two of your
characters will get an EX Turn, if you get one.


Press Start while on the main overworld map to camp.
You have to be away from any visitable location to camp
(you can tell when the "Camp" option lights up).

While camping, you can talk to all your party members.
If you go inside the tent and examine the diary, you
can rest, save, change party members, use Skill Ink,
and view the list of Masters you've found.

%%%MAXIMUM HP LOSS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

If one of your characters loses all their HP in battle,
one of two things will happen:
a) The character will use "Guts" to return to life with
one HP. This happens infrequently.
b) The character is dead.

After a battle, all dead characters come back to life
(you can also use items or magic to revive them during
a battle), but their maximum HP is reduced -- this is
denoted by the max HP number turning yellow. If the
character is killed again, their maximum HP will be
reduced again, and so on.

The only way to recover your true maximum HP is to sleep
at an inn. You cannot rest at your campsite or use
items to regain your max HP.


Masters are teachers that will increase your character's
stats and abilities. They're sort of like Espers in

You'll find Masters in various places around the world.
For info on the Masters' locations, see the Master List
under Charts and Info. When you talk to a Master, you
can choose to apprentice under them (some Masters will
require that you meet some other requirement). Any
number of characters can be apprenticed to the same

When a character is apprenticed under a Master, their
stats develop in different ways at level up. Some Masters
raise your attack but lower your magic ability, while
others might raise your AP, but lower your defense.

Also, Masters will teach your character skills. Check
back with your Masters periodically. If an apprenticed
character has gained enough, they may learn a new

When you have learned all the skills from a Master, a
star will appear next to the Master's name on the
Master List (accessed from the diary while camping).
You can still apprentice with the Master to boost your
stats, however.


Skills are just like spells, but you don't learn them by
going up levels. Instead, you learn them in one of two
a) From Masters (see above).
b) From enemies

To learn Skills from enemies, use the Examine command
during battle and choose an enemy to observe. If that
enemy uses a skill you can learn that round, the Examining
character may learn it (it make take a few tries).
If you do learn the skill, a ! will appear of the
character's head. If you get a ?, that means you
can't learn the skill. If you get no symbol, then
you *can* learn the skill; you just failed to that

Only one character can learn each Skill. To transfer
a Skill from one character to another, first go to the
Ability screen and choose the option "Note". You can
then remove skills from the character, turning them into
Skill Notes. Make sure you really want to remove / move
a skill before you do so.

To transfer the Skill Notes to a character, you have
to camp. Then examine the diary inside the tent and
choose "Look at Skill Notes". You may transfer Skill
Notes onto a character, but each time you want to do
so, you have to use one Skill Ink (you may transfer any
number of skills with one Ink, but only right when you
use it), and Skill Ink is hard to come by.


Willpower is a rather mysterious statistic. It's not
listed on your character's status screen, and is not
explained in the manual, but it indeed exists and has
some subtle effects.

Willpower has two main purposes (that I know of).
First of all, if a character is killed in battle,
sometimes they will spring back up with 1 HP (and
"Guts" will appear). Willpower increases the chance
of this happening.

The other thing Willpower does is reduce berserking
effects. Berserk occurs when you are confused, and
in two special cases: one of Ryu's dragon forms (but you
can eliminate this effect with the right Gene combo),
and the Weretiger. Having a higher Willpower means a
berserk or confused character is less likely to attack
a party member and more likely to attack an enemy.
Boosting Willpower is quite useful in conjunction with

Willpower does not seem to increase at level up, it
only increases by equipping a Lion's Belt or by using
a Moxa on the character.


%%%FISHING SPOTS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

For info on what items Manillo sells at each spot where
you can catch him, refer to the Manillo's Shops list
later in this section.

There are lots of small fish swimming in the stream.
Target fish: Jellyfish, Pirana, RainbowTrout

You see a familiar shape amongst the fish...
Target fish: Pirana, Puffer, Trout, Manillo

Something bizarre is swimming with the fish here...
Target fish: Jellyfish, Bass, MartianSquid

Hangout of the River Gang.
Target fish: Puffer, RainbowTrout, Bass

There are lots of different fish gathered here.
Target fish: Pirana, Trout, RainbowTrout, Bass, Black Bass

A famous spot where everyone catches the "big ones".
Target fish: Flying Fish, Blowfish, Black Porgy,
Octopus, Manillo

This is the best place to get fresh river fish!
Target fish: Man-o'-War, Flying Fish, Sea Bream

A beach famous for good fishing.
Target fish: Man-o'-War, Flying Fish, Sea Bass, Octopus

Area famous for the "big ones"!
Target fish: Sea Bream, Black Porgy, Angler, Manillo

They say that some unusual fish live in the colder
areas upstream...
Target fish: Red Catfish, Bass, MartianSquid

The silence is almost tangible in this hushed place.
Target fish: Pirana, Trout, RainbowTrout, Barandy, Manillo

One of the most popular fishing spots, just full of
big fish.
Target fish: Puffer, Trout, Black Bass

Famous octopus fishing bed.
Target fish: Octopus, Angler, Devilfish, Manillo

The best fish in the world are said to be here in
this bed...
Target fish: Sea Bass, Devilfish, Spearfish

Tide pool formed by the Outer Sea and the Middle Sea.
Target fish: Man-o'-War, Flying Fish, Blowfish,
Sea Bream, Sea Bass, Black Porgy, Octopus,
Angler, Devilfish, Spearfish, Manillo

The best ingredients for that Maekyss specialty,
shisu, can be found here.
Target fish: Puffer, MartianSquid, Mackerel

What kind of fish live in this unexplored land?
Target fish: Man-o'-War, Flying Fish, Spearfish, Whale,

%%%FISH TYPES%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

#1 Jellyfish
Type of animal that floats and is easily caught.
Use: Restores 1 HP
Average length: 20 cm.
Bait: Worm
LOCATION: Yraall Region North
Central Wyndia North - Mt. Myrneg

#2 Pirana
Aggressively hunts in packs.
Use: Restores 20 HP
Average length: 30 cm.
Bait: Worm
LOCATION: Yraall Region North
Yraall Region South
Eastern Wyndia West
Dauna Hills West

#3 Puffer
Like a blowfish but has no poison.
Use: Combat -- Fire attack / single
Average length: 35 cm.
Bait: Popper
LOCATION: Yraall Region South
Central Wyndia South - Arena
Yraall Region Southwest
Central Wyndia Center - Maekyss River

#4 Trout
River fish -- likes worms & small fish.
Use: Restores 40 HP
Average length: 50 cm.
Bait: Worm
LOCATION: Yraall Region South
Eastern Wyndia West
Dauna Hills West
Yraall Region Southwest

#5 RainbowTrout
River fish -- lives in deep water.
Use: Restores 5 AP
Average length: 50 cm.
Bait: Worm
LOCATION: Yraall Region North
Central Wyndia South - Arena
Dauna Hills West

#6 Red Catfish
Catfish with red fins -- likes to eat frogs.
Use: Combat -- Earth attack / all
Average length: 60 cm.
Bait: Frog
LOCATION: Dauna Hills East

#7 Bass
Strong fish -- goes for any lure.
Use: Restores HP
Average length: 30 cm.
Bait: Any
LOCATION: Central Wyndia South - Arena
Eastern Wyndia West
Dauna Hills East

#8 MartianSquid
Lives in fresh water -- likes worms.
Use: Combat -- Causes blindness / single
Average length: 60 cm.
Bait: Worm
LOCATION: Central Wyndia North - Mt. Myrneg
Dauna Hills East
Central Wyndia Center - Maekyss River

#9 Black Bass
Rarely-seen large-mouthed bass.
Use: Restores 80 HP to party
Average length: 65 cm.
Bait: Popper
LOCATION: Eastern Wyndia West
Yraall Region Southwest

#10 Barandy
Legendary fish named for a king.
Use: Restores 240 HP
Average length: 150 cm.
Bait: Frog
LOCATION: Dauna Hills West

#11 Man-o'-War
Large jellyfish. Not a good catch.
Use: Restores 1 HP
Average length: 20 cm.
Bait: Worm
LOCATION: Rhapala Region North
Rhapala Region South
Urkan Region West - Point
Lost Shore

#12 Flying Fish
Small fish that lives in shallows.
Use: Restores 20 HP
Average length: 23 cm.
Bait: Popper
LOCATION: Rhapala Region North
Rhapala Region South
Urkan Region West - Point
Lost Shore

#13 Blowfish
Aggressive fish -- goes for any lure.
Use: Cure poison
Average length: 15 cm.
Bait: Any
LOCATION: Eastern Wyndia East - Tower
Urkan Region West - Point

#14 Sea Bream
Deep-water fish -- likes small fish.
Use: Restores 5 AP
Average length: 30 cm.
Bait: Popper
LOCATION: Rhapala Region North
Urkan Region Southeast

#15 Sea Bass
Large sea fish -- goes for any lure.
Use: Restores 80 HP
Average length: 45 cm.
Bait: Any
LOCATION: Rhapala Region South
Urkan Region North - Dock
Urkan Region West - Point

#16 Black Porgy
Deep-water fish -- Difficult to catch.
Use: Restores 20 AP
Average length: 45 cm.
Bait: Popper
LOCATION: Eastern Wyndia East - Tower
Urkan Region Southeast
Urkan Region West - Point

#17 Octopus
Deep-water fish -- tastes good fried.
^---- (Octopi aren't fish! - ed.)
Use: Combat -- Causes blindness / all
Average length: 50 cm.
Bait: Worm
LOCATION: Eastern Wyndia East - Tower
Rhapala Region South
Rhapala Region Southeast - Tidal Caves
Urkan Region West - Point

#18 Angler
Deep-water fish -- hunts small fish.
Use: Combat -- Earth attack / all
Average length: 75 cm.
Bait: Fish
LOCATION: Urkan Region Southeast
Urkan Region West - Point
Rhapala Region Southeast - Tidal Caves

#19 Devilfish
Octopus with electric attack.
Use: Combat -- Lightning attack / single
Average length: 90 cm.
Bait: Worm
LOCATION: Rhapala Region Southeast - Tidal Caves
Urkan Region North - Dock
Urkan Region West - Point

#20 Spearfish
King of the seas -- Powerful fish that likes small fish.
Use: Restores 240 HP to party
Average length: 120 cm.
Bait: Fish
LOCATION: Urkan Region West - Point
Urkan Region North - Dock
Lost Shore

#21 Whale
Large, ocean-dwelling, mammal.
Use: Restores party's HP and status completely
Average length: 180 cm. [that's one small whale -ed.]
Bait: Worm
LOCATION: Lost Shore

#22 Mackerel
River fish -- local favorite in Wyndia.
Use: Shisu ingredient
Average length: 50 cm.
Bait: Any
LOCATION: Central Wyndia - Maekyss Gorge

#23 Manillo
Merchant who travels the world's seas.
Use: Trades items for fish
Average length: 150 cm.
Bait: Coin
LOCATION: Yraall Region South
Eastern Wyndia East - Tower
Urkan Region Southeast
Dauna Hills West
Rhapala Region Southeast - Tidal Caves
Urkan Region West - Point
Lost Shore

%%%MANILLO'S SHOPS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Silver Knife: RainbowTrout x2, Trout x2
Iron Helm: Trout x1, Pirana x2
Waistcloth: Trout x1, Puffer x1
Spirit: Pirana x3
Baby Frog: Pirana x3
Popper: Puffer x2
Float: Puffer x2
Skill Ink: RainbowTrout x1, Trout x1 [CHEAP!!!]
Bell Collar: Angler x3, MartianSquid x3, Sea Bream x5
Holy Mantle: Black Bass x3, Bass x9, Sea Bass x9

Chain Cap: Bass x1, Blowfish x3
Crepe Cape: Black Porgy x1, Flying Fish x4
Spirit: Blowfish x3
Baby Frog: Blowfish x3
Popper: Flying Fish x2
Float: Flying Fish x2
Skill Ink: Octopus x2

Wisdom Ring: Angler x1, Black Porgy x2, Sea Bream x2
Lion's Belt: MartianSquid x2, Bass x2, Sea Bass x4
Ginseng: MartianSquid x1, Octopus x2, Sea Bass x3
Caro: Sea Bream x3
Frog: Sea Bream x3
Top: Octopus x2
Hanger: Octopus x2
Skill Ink: Black Porgy x1, Angler x1

Wisdom Ring: Black Bass x1, RainbowTrout x5, Trout x5
Lion's Belt: Angler x1, RainbowTrout x9, Trout x9
Ginseng: Bass x2, RainbowTrout x5, Trout x5
Caro: RainbowTrout x2, Trout x3
Frog: RainbowTrout x2, Trout x3
Top: RainbowTrout x3, Trout x2
Hanger: RainbowTrout x3, Trout x2
Skill Ink: MartianSquid x2, RainbowTrout x1, Trout x1
Katzbalger: Barandy x1, Black Bass x2, Red Catfish x1
Laurel: Barandy x1, Black Bass x2, Bass x1

Hawk's Ring: Black Bass x3, Bass x5
Artemis' Cap: Black Bass x2, Angler x2, Sea Bream x5
Speed Boots: Barandy x1, Black Bass x1, Devilfish x2
Soul Gem: Barandy x1, Sea Bass x2
Bell Collar: Devilfish x2, Angler x3, Sea Bream x3
Holy Mantle: Black Bass x3, Bass x9, Sea Bass x9
Skill Ink: Octopus x2, Devilfish x1

Demonsbane: Spearfish x1, Black Bass x2
Aries Spear: Spearfish x1, Sea Bass x9, Sea Bream x9
Heavy Caro: Devilfish x1, MartianSquid x1, Octopus x2
Fat Frog: Devilfish x1, MartianSquid x1, Octopus x2
Dogwalker: Devilfish x1, MartianSquid x1, Octopus x2
Deep Diver: Devilfish x1, MartianSquid x1, Octopus x2
Skill Ink: Octopus x2, Devilfish x1

Royal Sword: Whale x1, Spearfish x3, Barandy x1
Life Armor: Whale x1, Spearfish x1, Barnady x3
Cupid's Lyre: Whale x1, Barandy x2, Red Catfish x5
Shaman'sRing: Whale x1, Spearfish x3, Red Catfish x5
Ivory Dice: Spearfish x1, Red Catfish x1, Mackerel x5
Skill Ink: Spearfish x1, Devilfish x1


Novice: 0 points
Novice+: 100 points
Novice++: 200 points
Rodman: 600 points
Rodman+: 1000 points
Rodman++: 1500 points
Rodmaster: 2000 points
Rodmaster+: 3000 points
Rodmaster++: 4000 points
Master of Angling: 5000 points
Master of Angling+: 7000 points
Master of Angling++: 9000 points


- Always cast as far as possible.

- After you cast, moving the rod in a rhythm will attract
fish. Or something like that.

- When you catch a fish, you have to reel it in by positiong
the green area over the fish and holding X down. This will
reduce its red energy bar. When the energy bar runs out, the
fish will slide to the left. Keep hitting X (with the bar over
the fish), but tap left repeatedly as well. If the fish moves
out of the corner, stop hitting left and chase after it with the
green bar and the X button to reel it back.

- As for Manillo, the only way to catch him is with the
Coin bait. Cast the bait close to him and he'll start
swimming for it. Before he gets the bait, reel the bait
back a little. Keep nudging it backwards and Manillo
will keep chasing it. Don't let him grab the bait until
you're at about 5 meters from shore. Then let him grab
the bait and quickly reel him in.

- If you press L1, you can see an overview of the fishing
area. This is kinda useless, but it's there anyway.



- At the start, set three faeries as Scholars, then
divide the others between hunting and building.

- Early on, you'll want to do lots of hunting to build
your population. Once your food hits 99, you don't
need any additional hunters.

- In terms of research, I recommend researching the
first two jobs (Merchant and Inn), then having your
Scholars research culture. Culture helps you build,
hunt, and research faster. After you hit the maximum
Culture level of 7, switch to researching jobs.

- Don't keep too many faeries in your rooms at first.
Do a lot of building, then use your rooms after you've
built everything. I'd just set up an inn and a shop
or two -- save the fancy stuff for later.

- Visit the village frequently!


---Basic jobs---

HUNTER Skill required: Red
Hunters provide the food your village needs. You'll
need lots of hunters early on to build up your population.
As your Culture level increases, you won't need as
many hunters. Keep pulling off hunters; as long as
you have 99 food, you have enough.

CLEAR LAND / BUILD Skill required: Green
These two jobs are basically the same; you just have to
alternate between them to get new houses (see the Building
List). This is important early on; I'd recommend
sacrificing advanced-job faeries to build up all the
houses. Once all 8 rooms are built, assign all your
builders to other jobs -- their work is complete.

---Advanced jobs---

#1 SCHOLAR Skill required: Light blue
Scholars do the research in your village. You can
choose to research either new jobs or culture (culture
increases your research and building rates). You'll
want to have three active Scholars all the time. Once
you've research everything (all job and Culture at 7),
though, convert the room to something else.

1st faerie: Researches new jobs / advances culture
2nd faerie: Speeds research
3rd faerie: Speeds research

#2 MERCHANT Skill required: Blue
Merchants, not surprisingly, run shops. There are
six kinds of shops: item shops, weapon shops (they
also sell armor), and handyman shops (items and
fishing gear) -- all three of which are in Speed
or Ability forms. Speed shops get items faster,
but Ability shops get better items. Go with Ability
shops in all cases. You'll want one of each Ability
version in your village -- if you want to do any
fishing, you will NEED a handyman shop, as they sell
the best fishing pole in the regular game (Angling Rod).
Assign three faeries to a new shop to build up its
inventory quickly. Once it maxxes out, pull two faeries
off and assign them to another room.

1st faerie: Sells items
2nd faerie: Speeds item acquisition
3rd faerie: Speeds item acquisition

#3 INN Skill required: Blue
This is pretty much self-explanatory. Additional
faeries here will tell you interesting facts about
your game. Having an inn at your village is really
useful (plus it's cheap). Set up an inn right away.

1st faerie: Runs inn (10 zenny)
2nd faerie: Tells facts about your game
3rd faerie: Tells more facts about your game

#4 GIFT Skill required: None
When you build a Gift shop, the faeries working there
start preparing items to give away. Keep checking back
and eventually they'll give you a free item. The
longer you wait, the better the item you get. This
really isn't all that great a job; the items just
aren't worth the time and you can usually buy them in
stores anyway. However, if you wait long enough, you
can get the Teleporter Dice, which let you teleport to
additional locations (Dauna Mine, McNeil, Rhapala, and
Genmel) from the Point A Teleporter.

1st faerie: Gives away one item
2nd faerie: Gives away another item
3rd faerie: Gives away a third item

#5 FORTUNE Skill required: Light blue
All fortune-telling faeries do is tell you observations
about the characters, general weird stuff, and
occasional game tips or plot foreshadowing. This can
be kind of amusing, but doesn't give you any real
benefit, especially because all the tips they give are
already in this FAQ. There are better things to use
your house space on than this.

1st faerie: Tells fortune
2nd faerie: Tells a different fortune
3rd faerie: Tells a third fortune

#6 EXPLORER Skill required: Red (?)
Explorer faeries are kind of like Gift faeries, but
they get much better items. There is, however, the
risk of the faeries dying, which is not much of a problem
as they are usually quickly replaced. You can get some
unique items from the Distant expeditions, but those
expeditions fail often. However, this problem is
easily averted by saving before you enter Faerie
Village. If the expedition failed, or you get an item
you don't want, just reset and load up your game.
Next time, things will be different.

1st faerie: Goes on expedition
2nd faerie: Goes on separate expedition
3rd faerie: Goes on third expedition

#7 ANTIQUES Skill required: Blue
The sole purpose of the Antiques shop is to buy the
various antiques you find for a high price (see the
Antiques list under Items and Equipment for all the
antiques). Since it doesn't have any continuous
effect, you can easily turn a Gift, Explorer, Casino,
or Copy shop temporarily into an Antique shop, sell
your stuff, and then change back. You don't want
this shop on a permanent basement, but it's a nice
extra bonus.

1st faerie: Buys antiques
2nd faerie: Tells about antiques
3rd faerie: Tells about Dragon Tear

#8 MUSIC Skill required: None
Like the fortune-teller, the Musician job doesn't
actually benefit you. However, BOF3 has a great
soundtrack, so you'll get a lot of mileage out of
this job. Like a shop, stick three faeries in here to
build up your selection of songs quickly -- there's a
lot of them.

1st faerie: Plays music
2nd faerie: Learn new songs faster
3rd faerie: Learn new songs faster
After beating game, sings "Pure Again"

#9 CASINO Skill required: None
There are two games you play at the casino. In one,
you have to guess high and low numbers -- this one is
solely for zenny. The other is your basic 3-digit
number guessing game; you earn various prizes here.
If you're the gambling type, go for this job. ^_^
Just don't use more than one faerie; the 2nd and 3rd
don't do anything extra in the normal game and the
3rd merely changes your name in the Clear Game.

1st faerie: Runs casino
2nd faerie: Doesn't seem to have an effect
3rd faerie: Can change your names or faeries' names

#10 COPY Skill required: Light blue
The Copy shop, when used properly, can be extremely
useful. You can copy any item over a period of time,
with only a small rate of failure. You want to copy
unique items like the elemental rings or hard-to-get
equipment. Having additional faeries here allows you
to dupe more than one item at a time.

1st faerie: Copies one item
2nd faerie: Copies another item
3rd faerie: Copies another item

%%%BUILDING LIST%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

You have to clear land and build in the right order.
If you're doing the wrong one, the village will just spin
its wheels and nothing will get built. Here's the
correct order.

(Start with 1 room)
Clear land. (adds first fountain and cobblestones)
Build (2nd house)
Build (adds another room to 2nd house)
Clear land.
Build (adds second floor to 2nd house)
Build (adds another room to second floor)
Clear land (adds second fountain).
Build (adds third floor with two rooms)
Build (adds another room to third floor)

%%%FLOOR PLAN%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

| |
| 6 |
/----| |---\
| 8 7 |

/-----||----\ ___
| 5 4 | | |
/----||--||----\ Fountain
| 3 2 | ____
\------ ------/ * | 1 |
Cadis |____|

<-- Dock

%%%MUSIC LIST%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Country Living -- McNeil / Urkan Tapa town music
These Little Things -- Rei's theme
Take It and Run -- McNeil manor hedge maze
Healing -- Ryu's dream at the start of the game
Life's a Beach -- Rhapala town music (I love this music!)
Even the Sun's Happy -- Fishing music (Ge'redda'!)
Walking Straight -- Mountain music
30 -- Bonus games
Crowing in the Night -- CHICKEN ATTACK!!!
Plenty of Money -- Mayor McNeil's theme
My Favorite Trick -- Momo's tower
War Tiger -- Weretiger battle music
Technology -- Hi-tech dungeon music
Fried Onions -- Peco's theme
Peach Engine -- Momo's theme
In the Morning -- Nina's theme
Fighting Man -- Garr's theme
Guild -- Junk Town / Cliff / Parch town music
Ago -- ???
Neverending Game -- Bonus games (same piece as 30)
Thief -- Loki's theme
Walking the Road -- Mountain dungeon music
Eden -- Eden (what else?)
That Old House -- McNeil Manor
Windy City -- Wyndia town music (another great track)
Island -- Genmel / Syn City town music
The Champion -- Coliseum music
Turning Point -- Black Ship interior
Don't Say It -- ???
Steam Locomotion -- Piloting the ship
Heavy Echo -- Wyndia tomb
Cadaver -- Death scene in Eden
Missing -- Burned cabin scene
Dangerous Feeling -- Cave dungeons
Of Gods and Dragons -- Dragnier town music
Flight -- Event sequences
The Poor Marcher -- Beyd's training
Dead Dragon Stone -- Dauna Mine
For the Dragons -- Main theme
Castle in the Sky -- Final dungeon

%%%EXPEDITION LIST%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Expedition list by Alex Pelton (

Moon Tears AP Shells Breastplate Artemis' Cap
Wisdom Seed Demonsbane Flame Shield Hawk's Ring
Wisdom Fruit Ghostbuster * Force Armor Ivory Charm
Life Shard HiddenDagger Ice Shield Ring of Fire
Magic Shard Lacquer Helm Spirit Ring
Power Food Magma Armor
Protein Mind Shield
Swallow Eye Mithril Helm
Clay Vase
Moldy Vase *
Dirty Rags *
Tea Cup
Rare Book
Old Painting
Myria Icon *
Ladon Icon *
Lithograph *
Dragon Tear

* = Item cannot be obtained anywhere else.

%%%CASINO PRIZE LIST%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Casino prize list by Alex Pelton (

Depending on the number of turns you win Guess the
Number in (you just get zenny from High & Low), you will
get one of several different prizes.

1 guess: Spirit Ring
2 guesses: ShotgunShell, Lifestealer, Divine Helm
3 guesses: Wisdom Fruit, Life Bangle, Ascension, Speed Boots
4 guesses: Soul Gem, Wisdom Fruit, Vitamins
5 guesses: Panacea, MultiVitamins, Vitamins
6 guesses: Healing Herb, Vitamin
7 guesses: Green Apple, Rice Ball
8 guesses: Croc Tear, Rice Ball


This FAQ is copyright 1998 by Fritz Fraundorf. Breath of
Fire 3 is copyright 1997 and 1998 by Capcom. This FAQ
is not associated with or endorsed by Capcom. You may
freely distribute this FAQ for noncommercial purposes if
it is not altered in any way and I am credited. This FAQ
may not be used as source material for other FAQs without
permission. Not intended for use as a flotation device.


- Alex Pelton ( for numerous corrections
and item stats, the second ArchMage strategy, as well as
the Faerie Village expedition list.
- Alligator ( for the Beyd training
- Andrew Englebert ( for being the
first to confirm the different Speed and Ability shops.
- AZIAN316 ( for how to get Ebonfire.
- Benjamin Stein ( for the
Wildfire dragon, info on Beyd, and Ladon's last ability.
- Billy Sauls ( for corrections on how
to get Ladon.
- Brian Kenyon ( for the Speed Boots
in the desert.
- Capcom, for making one of the best RPGs I've ever played.
- Cayenne Mandua ( for using equipped
items with item magic.
- Chris Aumiller ( for the shops in
the Coliseum.
- for info on the Rare Book.
- CrowBar ( for the name of Stallion's
- Dasher Firemoth ( for being the
first to explain the ultimate Kaiser.
- Delita237 ( for where to use the HE
- Derek Lee ( for clarifying when
Syn City reopens.
- Doug Elder ( for some of Teepo's
- Drew Lytle ( for some corrections.
- for how to beat Balio and Sunder in
Wyndia Castle.
- Fetlabral ( for casting Rejuvenate
on the Dragon Zombie.
- Garret Beaty ( for getting
Burn from the Mage Goos and using it on Mt. Myrneg.
- H. Clower ( for strategies on the
Hall of Fire, details on the Genes, and the location of
the Shaman's Ring in Ryu's mind.
- Jackal632 ( for corrections on how to
get Deis.
- Jackie L. Lowery (LoweryJ@HILLWPOS.HILL.AF.MIL) for getting
the Multibots to heal you.
- James Conrad ( for the Mt. Zublo experience
trick and the use of Foretell.
- Jason Adams ( for a
correction on getting Meryleep and some item info.
- Jason G. Embuscado ( for Goo
King info.
- Jeff Chan ( for some item magic.
- JHNWD ( for all the stuff about the Teleporter
- for HugeSlug and Arwan boss tips, the
Cure skill, some item prices, the Tiamat class, some
music info, Berserker tips, and some item magic.
- JoePacers ( for the use of the Fusion
gene, where to find water in the desert, and various tips.
- Johannes Haglund ( for the location
of the Hourglass in the boss maze.
- Josef Wollersberger ( for some enemy
- Joseph T. Geisen ( for a lot of enemy
- Jovial Evil ( for the Ultimate
Boss Strategy.
- J. Parish ( for the Myrmidon class.
- Karen ( for lots of fishing info.
- for corrections on Mygas's ability
- Kong Wing Ho ( for the strategy
on beating Emitai.
- Matt Hobbs ( for enemy skills, stolen
items, the levels at which you learn some spells, and the
Broad Sword on McNeil's roof.
- Michael Strong ( for some stolen
- Monica Spiess ( for casting
spells as the Kaiser.
- Mousse ( for a lot of character info.
- for info on where to get the Guild Badge.
- Nick Vaidyanathan ( for some
stealing info, confirming the Royal Sword in the desert,
one of Bunyan's abilities, and some skills.
- for the use of the Ouroboros.
- Paul McCoy ( for, uh, something.
I didn't write it down...
- Paul Nathans ( for some stealing info,
the prizes for the shisu and Momo's Tower games, and
the Goo Titan experience trick.
- Persorc ( for some stealing info,
the locations of the Flier and Spanner, the remaining
antiques, and Meryleep's final ability.
- PSM Magazine for the proper use of the Infinity gene
and the levels for the Master abilities.
- for the location of the Coupons,
and the remaining antiques.
- Robby Stone ( for the revised title
- Robert G. Dell-Ross ( for the
correct answer to the robot's question in Kombinat.
- Rori Bryant-Raible ( for the minimum
amount of wood on the wood-chopping game.
- Ryan P.B. ( for music usage and a lot
of miscellaneous info.
- Seeker ( for Katt's cameo appearance
in Genmel.
- Shinra ( for the Mammoth class, and
it use in defeat the Manmo.
- Steffan Levine ( for some enemy
- Stephen Paul Miller ( for tips on
how to beat the Drakes.
- Steve Brust ( for stealing money with
Momo's bazooka.
- Striker127 ( for the Melted Blade.
- for pointing out that I was
missing the Barandy fish.
- TJM0119 ( for tips on beating Balio and
Sunder and Faerie Village corrections.
- TuskenJedi ( for pointing out that you
can just hold down the X button when reeling in fish.
- Wayne Harke ( for the Speed shops
in Faerie Village.
- Zedd U.'s Breath of Fire 3 walkthrough for the solution
to the chest puzzle in Ryu's mind.

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15.Oktober 2013
Rya beim ersten Speicherpunkt. Alle Gegenstände und jede Menge Geld.

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