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Grand Theft Auto 2
Grand Theft Auto 2
17.10.2013 09:32:27
Grand Theft Auto 2 (NTSC Version)
For the Sony Playstation Videogame Console
By: Gavin Ripley (ripoff1@email.com)
August 19, 2000
I. Version
II. Introduction
III. Maps
IV. Controls
V. Vehicles
VI. Codes
VII. Missions Introduction
VIII. Mission Guides
A. Downtown Sector
B. Residential Sector
C. Industrial Sector
D. Bonus Levels
IX. Secrets Introduction
X. Secret Guides
A. Downtown Sector
- Kill Frenzies
- GTA 2 Tokens
- Other Secrets
B. Residential Sector
- Kill Frenzies
- GTA 2 Tokens
- Other Secrets
C. Industrial Sector (INCOMPLETE)
- Kill Frenzies
- GTA 2 Tokens
- Other Secrets
D. Game Secrets
XI. Copyright and Credits
I. Version
1.0 - 12/8/99 - The first version of the guide. It has taken longer than I
thought it would to make and IÕm only a third of the way done. I have the
guide for the Downtown Sector. Every mission and secret are covered. I have
all three maps, vehicles for the Downtown Sector, and codes for Playstation.
If you have the original GTA or GTA: London 1969, check out my guides for them
which can be found on www.gamefaqs.com.
1.1 - 12/12/99 - A few minor changes.
1.2 - 1/31/2000 - I finally have mission guides, secret guides, and the
vehicle list for the Residential Sector. I also have corrected a mistake in
the secret guide for the Downtown Sector. Thanks to Ed Van Wormer for pointing
out the mistake.
1.3 - 3/19/2000 - It turns out that my missing secret was just a numbering
mistake that I made. The last section of the guide; The Industrial Sector, is
in slow development. It will be a while before it is done.
1.4 - 8/19/00 - The Mission Guide to the Industrial Sector is done. I will
soon have the secret guide. The Bonus Level Guide is also done. There is an
update in the code section with new Game Shark Codes. The vehicle section is
complete with all of the vehicles for GTA 2.
II. Introduction
Be sure to visit the best PSX GTA page out there, the Playstation
Grand Theft Auto Page!! The URL is:
Also, check out my guides for GTA and GTA: London 1969 for Playstation which
can be found at www.gamefaqs.com
Grand Theft Auto 2 was released for the Sony Playstation and the PC in
late October of 1999. The game has far been improved since the original GTA.
In Grand Theft Auto 2 there are three detailed sectors that are separated into
four areas. Gang territory makes up three of the areas. The other area is
neutral territory where no gangs reside. You start out Downtown, then move to
the Residential area, and end the game in the Industrial area. Just like
Grand Theft Auto, GTA 2 is such a great game because of the freedom it gives
you. If you are sick of running around doing missions, you can drive or walk
around the whole city wherever you please. There are many other weapons as
well. You can take out your enemies with Pistols, S-Uzi Machine Guns, Rocket
Launchers, Zappers, Molotav Cocktails, Grenades, Shotguns, ElectroGuns, and
Flamethrowers. If you canÕt figure out how to complete a certain mission or
find a certain secret, this is the Guide that will help.
III. Maps
I just got the three maps for GTA 2 that I had scanned in. They are best
viewed at the screen resolution of 832X624.
Go to my web site to download them:
You need to learn to use the maps while you are playing. On timed
missions, you need them to be able to use the maps to find the quickest
routes. You can also use them to find Garages, gangs territory, and other
important places within the city.
IV. Controls
Default Controls
Square --- Backwards
Triangle --- Enter/Exit
Circle --- Special (Burp/Fart on foot, Honk/Siren in a car)
X --- Forwards
Start --- Pause
Select --- Previous Message
Left --- Turn Left
Right --- Turn Right
L1 --- Next Weapon
L2 --- Previous Weapon
R1 --- Brake in a car, Jump cars on foot
R2 --- Attack
V. Vehicles
A. Downtown Sector
Aniston BD4
Big Bug
Cop Car
Dementia Limousine
Fire Truck
G4 Bank Van
Ice-Cream Van
Michelli Roadster
Swat Van
Truck Cab
TV Van
U-Jerk Truck
B. Residential Sector
Armed Land Roamer
Big Bug
Cop Car
Fire Truck
Furore GT
G4 Bank Van
Hot Dog Van
Land Roamer
Special Agent Car
Stretch Limousine
Swat Van
Taxi XPress
Truck Cab
Truck Cab SX
TV Van
C. Industrial Sector
Armed Land Roamer
Box Truck
Cop Car
Fire Truck
G4 Bank Van
Jagular XK
Karma Bus
Special Agent Car
Stretch Limousine
Swat Van
Taxi Xpress
Truck Cab
TV Van
U-Jerk Truck
D. All Sectors
Aniston BD4
Armed Land Roamer
Big Bug
Box Truck
Cop Car
Dementia Limousine
Fire Truck
Furore GT
G4 Bank Van
Hot Dog Van
Ice-Cream Van
Jagular XK
Karma Bus
Land Roamer
Michelli Roadster
Special Agent Car
Stretch Limousine
Swat Van
Taxi Xpress
Truck Cab
Truck Cab SX
TV Van
U-Jerk Truck
VI. Codes
The following codes are from:
Enter any of the following codes as a player name. You may enter multiple
Change Radio Stations
Press Up when driving a car.
ITSALLUP - Level select
NAVARONE - All weapons
MUCHCASH - Extra money
LIVELONG - Unlimited energy
LOSEFEDS - No police
DESIRES - Maximum wanted level:
HIGHFIVE - 5x multiplier
BIGSCORE - 10 million points
WUGGLES - Display coordinates
NOFRILLS - Debug basic scripts
Gameshark Codes (38 codes total)
All of The following codes are from:
You can find a FAQ on the Joker Command Code at the following address:
Codes Made & Tested on 3.2 Version Game Shark
Joker Command
D0035510 ????
Infinite Health
80145A9A 0064
Infinite Lives
80120008 0063
Max Money
8011FD0C 967F
8011FD0E 0098
Infinite Bonus & Kill Frenzy Time
800A419A 2400
No Cops
80145A8E 0000
Lots of Cops
80145A8E 2EE0
No Kills
8012A870 0000
Max Number of Kills
8012A870 FFFF
Have Weapon Codes
Pistol Max Ammo
D0164D6C 0000
80164D6C 03E7
Pistol (Kill Frenzy Ammo)
D0164D6C 0000
80164D6C FFFF
S-Uzi Machine Gun Max Ammo
D0164D94 0000
80164D94 03E7
S-Uzi Machine Gun (Kill Frenzy Ammo)
D0164D94 0000
80164D94 FFFF
Rocket Launcher Max Ammo
D0164DBC 0000
80164DBC 03E7
Rocket Launcher (Kill Frenzy Ammo)
D0164DBC 0000
Zapper Max Ammo
D0164DE4 0000
80164DE4 03E7
Zapper (Kill Frenzy Ammo)
D0164DE4 0000
80164DE4 FFFF
Molotav Cocktail Max Ammo
D0164E0C 0000
80164E0C 03E7
Molotav Cocktail (Kill Frenzy Ammo)
D0164E0C 0000
80164E0C FFFF
Grenades Max Ammo
D0164E34 0000
80164E34 03E7
Grenades (Kill Frenzy Ammo)
D0164E34 0000
80164E34 FFFF
Shotgun Max Ammo
D0164E5C 0000
80164E5C 03E7
Shotgun (Kill Frenzy Ammo)
D0164E5C 0000
80164E5C FFFF
ElectroGun Max Ammo
D0164E84 0000
80164E84 03E7
ElectroGun (Kill Frenzy Ammo)
D0164E84 0000
80164E84 FFFF
Flame Thrower Max Ammo
D0164EAC 0000
80164EAC 03E7
Flame Thrower (Kill Frenzy Ammo)
D0164EAC 0000
All Weapons (Normal Max Ammo) (GS 3.0 Or Higher Needed!)
D0164D6C 0000
50000B28 0000
80164D6C 03E7
All Weapons (Kill Frenzy Ammo) (GS 3.0 Or Higher Needed!)
D0164D6C 0000
50000B28 0000
80164D6C FFFF
Open All Normal Areas
80024F24 0003
Open All Bonus Areas
D0024F1C 0000
80024F1C 0001
80024F28 0009
In-Game Cheats
30026348 0001
All Areas Unlocked
30026349 0001
No Cops
3002634A 0001
5x Multiplier
3002634B 0001
10 Million Points
3002634C 0001
Debug Basic Scripts [Note 1]
3002634D 0001
All Weapons
3002634E 0001
Most Wanted
3002634F 0001
Bonus Multiplier x99
80120040 0063
Respect From All Gangs
801789E4 7530
801788B4 7530
80178784 7530
Level Select Cheat [Note 2]
80024E86 5449
80024E88 4153
80024E8A 4C4C
80024E8C 5055
Blood Mode
30026351 0001
Display X Y Coordinates
30026350 0001
Note 1: With this code, not sure what this does but all I get is a black
Note 2: With this code, click on the name and press O.
VII. Missions Introduction
Welcome to Grand Theft Auto 2. The entire gameplay of this game is a little
different than the original Grand Theft Auto. In Grand Theft Auto 2 there are
three detailed sectors that are separated into four areas. Gang territory
makes up three of the areas. The other area is neutral territory where no
gangs reside. You complete missions for the gang of your choice by answering
phones in their gang territory. There are three levels of difficulty, green
phones (easiest), yellow phones (medium), and red phones (hard). The GTA 2 CD
case says, ÒRespect is Everything.Ó This is definitely true. At the beginning
of each sector, you have one unit of respect with each gang. This one unit of
respect allows you to answer the gangsÕ green phones. You need two units of
respect to answer yellow phones, and three for the red phones. To gain
respect, you must please the gang of your choice. To please them you must kill
members of their rival gang. To find out their rival gang, you have to answer
the Gang Information Phone (green circle with i on the map) of that gangÕs
territory. Contrary to GTA, in GTA 2 you are able to attempt missions over and
over again if you fail them. I am using coordinates in the mission guide.
Enter WUGGLES as a player name to display the coordinates.
VIII. Mission Guides
A. Downtown Sector (22 Missions)
Save Point - (160, 137)
Yakuza - Blue (7 Missions)
Boss - Johnny Zoo
Vehicle - Miara
Nickname for you - Kosai
To gain respect from the Yakuza, kill the Zaibatsu.
Green Phones (45, 150)
Left Phone - Get ZitZaki!
Payoff - $20,000
The Zaibatsu have discovered the YakuzaÕs experiments with
Doctor ZitZaki. First follow the arrow to University and pick up the Miara
there. Now follow the arrow to the district hospital and honk your horn.
ZitZaki will get in your car. To complete this mission, take him to the J-Lab.
Job Complete.
Right Phone - Bank Robbery!
Payoff - $20,000
Johnny Zoo is having some money illegally transferred to his
account. Take the Shark vehicle he provides you and follow the arrow to pick
up Hiroshi at the city bank. Once you arrive there, head up the stairs and use
the S- Uzi Machine Gun to take out a couple guards who are wearing blue. Then
head back to your car and Hiroshi will follow you back and get in your car as
well. Now you need to get the car resprayed, so follow the arrow to the
nearest garage and respray the car. Now drive Hiroshi back to the safehouse.
Job Complete.
Yellow Phones (84, 185)
Left Phone - Destroy Happy Gas!
Payoff - $40,000
The Loonies owe Johnny Zoo some money for merchandise. Drive
over to University and collect his money. To do this, follow the arrow to a
parking lot and park your car. When your told, honk your horn. Now be careful,
because they come out of their cars and shoot at you. Run over everyone and
quickly get out of there. Then they tell you that the Loonies love Mary JaneÕs
Ice Cream, so go find an Ice-Cream Van. To get one real easy, leave the
parking lot where the massacre took place and head East. There is always a
Ice-Cream Van heading South on the highway as soon as youÕre there. Once you
get the van, follow the arrow to get a bomb armed on it. With the Ice-Cream
Van, you will be able to get into the Loonie Asylum. Follow the arrow to the
Asylum, park the van, press the attack button to arm the bomb, and then run
like hell to get out of there! Job Complete.
Right Phone - Get Gama Rei!
Payoff - $40,000
Gama Rei has to get out of the hospital fast. He has stolen
Loony secrets so they want to get him bad. Get a Medicar to get him out of
there. You can get one fairly easily by killing a pedestrian and just waiting
for the Medicar to arrive. Once you get one, follow the arrow to the Hospital
in Avalon and pick up Gama Rei and follow the arrow to a safehouse to take him
back to the safehouse in Yakuza Territory. Job Complete.
Right or Left Phone Part 2 - Follow Traitor!
Payoff - $40,000
After you have completed either the right, left, or both
phones, this mission is now available. Ex-> If you completed the Left Phone
mission, the left phone will still be ringing and give you the opportunity to
attempt this mission.
Johnny Zoo thinks that one of his men is selling information
to the Zaibatsu. You have to follow him. Contrary to the original GTA, a
person being followed is a little more intelligent. Just stay behind them and
you should be ok. There is a way to do this without having to follow him. When
you exit the court where you answered the phone, turn left and stay on the
sidewalk on the South side of the road. Fairly soon you will see a garage on
the North side of the road. Park across the street from there so he doesnÕt
see you and wait. When he gets to the garage get closer to him so you can see
his hideout. Johnny Zoo says that he must now suffer, so you are to go get the
ancient torture master Refried Noodle. Follow the arrow to talk to him. Grab
the Uzi and let Refried Noodle get in your car. Now head back there to kill
the traitor and his men. If you want, you can approach the three men with the
Uzi, but they have them too. If you get out, so will Refried Noodle. He will
fight, but when I tried this he was blown away and I had to kill them myself!
It is smarter to run them over with your car. This is hard as well, it may
take a few passes. Job Complete.
Red Phone (97, 245) - Steal SWAT Van!
Payoff - $60,000
The authorities have stolen one of his favorite cars so he wants
you to steal one of their SWAT Vans for payback. This may not be the easiest,
but surely the most fun for you ÔsickÕ people! Kill pedestrians until you have
a max wanted level. (Four Police Heads) About this time the SWAT team shows
up. To get in their van without getting busted, you must first take care of
the SWAT team and any other policemen around by running them over with your
car. Then make a mad dash for the SWAT Van and get out of there! Follow the
arrow to Johnny ZooÕs garage.
Red Phone Part 2 - Stop the Tank!
Payoff - $60,000
The first part of the Red Phone must be completed first.
The military is pissed off at Johnny Zoo for sending a Tank and
Ground Troops to crash his exotic cars so he needs some help. Grab the Rocket
Launcher, steal a fast car, and then follow the arrow to the small army. The
Tank is in the middle of a highway on both sides of it are two troops of three
soldiers. With your fast car, make two quick passes on both sides of the Tank
to get them out of the way. Then, get out of the car and fire a few rockets at
the Tank until it blows! Job Complete.
Zaibatsu - Grey (7 Missions)
Boss - Trey Welsh
Vehicle - Z-Type
Nickname for you - Gecko
To gain respect from the Zaibatsu, kill the Loonies.
Green Phones (208, 58)
Top Phone - Cop Car Crush!
Payoff - $20,000
An informer is selling secrets to the cops. Follow the arrow
to a parking lot in Zareli and steal the cop car there. Now go meet Shady at
the Train Station in Avalon. Park the car at the spot where the arrow is
pointing and sound your horn. Shady will climb in the car. Now you will need
to use the car crusher in Northeast Zarelli. Park the car under the crane and
then let it do the work. Job Complete.
Bottom Phone - Drug Dealing!
Payoff - $20,000
Trey tells you that the Yakuza are flooding the streets with
cheap merchandise. He wants you to supply his dealers, so follow the arrow to
go pick up a new shipment. As soon as you pick it up, the three minute timer
starts. Quickly follow the arrow around to give the drugs to four different
Zaibatsu gang members who are scattered about fairly close together. Once you
have hooked up all of the dealers... Job Complete.
Yellow Phones (208, 8)
Left Phone - Kill Loonies!
Payoff - $40,000
The Loonies have slipped narcotics into the water which has
damaged the Zaibatsu drug business. For revenge, you need a Dementia. The
Dementia is a compact cars with a smiley face on the roof. Trey has one ready
for you, so follow the arrow and go get it. Rig the car with a bomb at the
garage in Loonie Territory and bring it back and park it in the garage. This
will blow up their building. Because of that, the Loonies are on their way to
get you, so follow the arrow to a Van and then go pick up some Z-Men for
reinforcements in Northwest Zarelli. Once you pick them up, you and the Z-Men
can get out and get in a different vehicle if you want. A faster car is better
for this part of the mission. Now follow the arrow to confront the Loonies.
The men are standing in a diamond formation. With the fast car you picked up,
make one big skid mark over all of them. If this doesnÕt kill them all get out
and kill the remainder with your S-Uzi. Job Complete.
Right Phone - Yutes Must Die!
Payoff - $40,000
A gang called the Yutes has been crushing some Zaibatsu cars
and Trey wants answers. Follow the arrow to go talk to a snitch named Lefty at
the casino. He wonÕt talk so your going to have to punch him a few times to
get him to. After a good beating he tells you that the man behind this is at
the Easy Rider Whore House. Before you go there, go steal one of the YuteÕs
cars at the South Docks which are in the far Southeast corner of the Downtown
Sector. Shoot down the Yute guarding the car and hop in. Now to the whore
house! Honk your horn and the Yute boss will get in your car. Now take him to
the Zaibatsu Headquarters. The Yute boss will get out and talk to the Zaibatsu
men. The boss gets back in the car and you are told to take him to the car
crusher. Once he is crushed up nice and good... Job Complete.
Right or Left Phone Part 2 - Big Bank Job!
Payoff - $40,000
After you have completed either the right, left, or both
phones, this mission is now available.
Trey needs some cash to pay off the cops. Follow the arrow to
the Third World Bank Van and steal it. Now go pick up a team of Z-Men. Park
the car by them and honk your horn. Now follow the arrow to the bank. When you
get there, go through security and turn the van around so your ready to make a
quick get away. Then get out and grab the money and split. Now go back to
Zaibatsu Territory and watch the guards when youÕre heading out. Drop the van
off at the safehouse. Now follow the arrow to Rollo Tomassi. Pay him and he
will give you a package to give to the police for pay off. Follow the arrow to
the cop and give him the package. Back off a little bit because the package
you gave him is a bomb. After he blows sky high, you will have maximum wanted
level. Get out of there and go to the safehouse. Job Complete.
Red Phone (181, 94) - Armored Cars!
Payoff - $60,000
This mission helps to have a fast car before you start. There are
two Yakuza cars circling the city. One of them has the ZaibatsuÕs Biologist in
it who is being tortured for information. You must destroy both of the cars
before he talks. You have a six minute timer. These cars are invincible to gun
fire. The best strategy is to get a bomb rigged on a car. When you catch up
with one of the cars ram into it and push it into a wall or something so it
can not move easily. Trigger the bomb and keep pushing him against the wall.
At the last second (give enough time to get away from the explosion) get out
of the car and the blue Yakuza car should be burning. Quickly grab another car
and blow up the second Yakuza car by using the same strategy. When both cars
are blown up... Job Complete.
Red Phone Part 2 - Bank Van Theft!
Payoff - $60,000
The first part of the Red Phone must be completed first.
Trey needs some used bank notes for his drug operation. To do
this, follow the arrow to the parked bank van and wait for the guard to get in
his van. As soon as you get in the van, the Yakuza will be on your tail. The
only way I could do this part of the mission was to follow the van out of the
Yakuza territory into Avalon. After a while, I stole the van. When you do get
in the van you are told to go to the Zaibatsu safehouse. By waiting to steal
the van, I was closer to the safehouse when I did steal it which makes it
easier to get away from the Yakuza. If you are able to get to a garage, go to
the oil shop which helps a lot. When you see them on your ass, let some oil
loose and they should skid to the side of the road. Any way you do it, when
you get to the safehouse Trey tells you he wants you to kill the Yakuza. So
grab a car and follow one of the two arrows to each Yakuza gang member and run
them over. All these two guys have is a S-Uzi. When you kill these two... Job
Loonies - Green (7 Missions)
Boss - Elmo
Vehicle - Dementia
Nickname for you - Jumbo
To gain respect from the Loonies, kill the Yakuza.
Green Phones (75, 41)
Top Phone - Radio Za-Za!
Payoff - $20,000
A Zaibatsu drug combined with the music from Futuro FM is
driving people crazy which is bad for the Loony reputation. Follow the arrow
to get some explosives to stop this. When you get there, there are Zaibatsu
men with Molotov Cocktails. These are fairly easy to dodge, but there is a
back entrance by the crane. Go there and go up the stairs and when you get to
the 3-way on the walkway, head South and you will see the explosives. Then
head back North on the walkway and keep going that way. You will see the
generator. Bomb it and run out of there. Job Complete.
Bottom Phone - Pizza Cake!
Payoff - $20,000
Another Loony mission involving Explosives! The Pizza Cake
Restaurants keep screwing up ElmoÕs favorite food. Go to University and pick
up some explosives. Now go to their restaurant and get out of your car and put
the explosives down. The explosives donÕt work too well. Elmo suggests that
you destroy a Pizza Cake delivery truck instead. Follow the arrow to the
delivery truck and blow him to the sky with your S-Uzi. Job Complete.
Yellow Phones (10, 46)
Left Phone - WhoÕs Behind You!
Payoff - $40,000
Cosmo Trouble has a mad job for you. Follow the arrow to go
meet him. When you get there, you find out that Cosmo TroubleÕs job was a
hoax. Now there are three hitmen coming after you. They will come in Z-Type
cars. Simply wait for them to get out of their cars and run them over. It
helps to have a new fast car. Job Complete.
Right Phone - Destroy J-Lab!
Payoff - $40,000
Some new Yakuza drugs are making insane sane! This is bad for
the Loonies. Get some explosives and a silenced S-Uzi from the University and
then follow the arrow to the J-Lab. When you get there, go around back to the
left and take out any guards there with your new S-Uzi. Now go up the stairs.
You will encounter some guards, but they can be easily killed. Follow the
arrow to the spot where Elmo wants the bomb to be placed. Knock out the guard
and put the explosives down. Then climb the stairs on the left to watch the
place blow! Job Complete. Note: Now you can keep going East on the walkway to
find Armor and a Rocket Launcher. Hint: you must jump the gaps by pressing R1
(default control).
Right or Left Phone Part 2 - Getta Isetta!
Payoff - $40,000
After you have completed either the right, left, or both
phones, this mission is now available.
The cops have the Loonies new Dementia Limousine and Elmo
wants it back. Go meet his friend Dodo who will help you out. Dodo tells you
he had some guns and bomb left behind the Harman Hotel. Go pick them up. When
you get them, Elmo tells you that the guard at the Cop Car Compound is too
nice to die. Instead, go meet Lance who will distract the cop for $1,000. Once
Lance is in your car, go to the compound and park outside. Grab the Molotav
Cocktails and watch him work his magic with the guard. Now go around to the
right, jump the block, and quickly kill the other guard. Now throw a few
Molotav Cocktails at the gate lock to open it. Once it opens, hop in the limo
and take it back to the Asylum. Job Complete.
Red Phone (58, 20) - Taxi Drivers Must Die!
Payoff - $60,000
The Taxis in this city wonÕt give Elmo a ride. There are three
Taxis that he wants you to take care of. Follow the arrow to get the first
one. Steal it and run over the driver. Now take it to the car crusher and
crush it. Elmo still canÕt get a ride! Follow the arrow and steal another
Taxi. Run over both of the guys who are in it and take their Taxi to the car
crusher. Elmo wants you to destroy one last Taxi for fun. Follow the arrow to
it and steal it as usual. There is a whole gang in this Taxi. Some of them
have guns as well. These guys arenÕt too hard and you can kill them any way
you please. Finally take the Taxi back to the crusher and crush it. Job
Red Phone Part 2 - Start a Gang War!
Payoff - $60,000
The first part of the Red Phone must be completed first.
Because Elmo is bored, he is going to start a gang war. First
steal on of the ZaibatsuÕs Z-Type cars which are the black cars with the
yellow ZÕs. Take that car and go run down the YakuzaÕs top men with it. Now
grab a Yakuza Miara which are the Blue cars with the white YÕs. Now follow the
arrow around Zaibatsu Territory and run down their top men. Job Complete.
The Final Job!
You must complete every job from the Yakuza, Zaibatsu, and
You have managed to piss off all of the gang bosses and they want
you dead. All three gang bosses: Johnny Zoo, Trey Welsh, and Elmo are out to
get you... unless you get them first. All three of them will come after you in
their cars. Try your best to kill them. If you are able to get them all, you
have beaten every job in the Downtown Sector. Job Complete.
Once you have earned $1,000,000 or more, follow the pink arrow to
go on to the Residential Sector.
B. Residential Sector
Note - Gaining Respect
In the Residential Sector, it is harder to gain respect. Watch out
for S-Uzis and Flamethrowers, because they will get them out when theyÕre
really mad at you!
Save Point - (113, 123)
Rednecks - Blue (7 Missions)
Boss - Billy Bob Bean
Vehicle - Pickup
Nickname for you - Rooster
To gain respect from the Rednecks, kill the Scientists.
Green Phones (18, 67)
Top Phone - Gang Car Bang!
Payoff - $30,000
Billy Bob is fed up with the Scientists and the Zaibatsu
always troubling the Rednecks, so you are going to make them trouble each
other. To do this, go steal a Z-Type in the Zaibatsu Territory. If you donÕt
know, Z-Type cars are the black cars with big ZÕs on them. When you get one,
go to the ScientistÕs Territory and run over scientists! If you find that your
car is about to blow, feel free to leave the Scientist Territory and get
another Z-Type. Once you have killed 20 of them, grab one of the ScientistÕs
Meteors on the way to Zaibatsu Territory. Meteors are yellow cars that have
the engines sticking out of the hoods. In the Zaibatsu territory kill 20 of
the Zaibatsu gang members. Once again, if you need a new car, go back to the
Scientist area and get another Meteor. Once 20 of the Zaibatsu have died...
Mission Complete.
Bottom Phone - Blow-Up!
Payoff - $30,000
Montana had some explosives put on a Pickup. Follow the arrow
to go pick it up. Now go up to Fat Boy JimÕs trailer and park the Pickup and
press the attack button to blow up his trailer. Now follow the arrow to get
another Pickup. Take this one to blow up a barricade in Zaibatsu Territory.
Mission Complete.
Yellow Phones (84, 29)
Top Phone - Benson Burner!
Payoff - $50,000
The chief of police is expecting a Benson car from Billy Bob
Bean. But, Billy Bob doesnÕt like the way he has been treating him lately, so
youÕre going to give him a Benson with a bomb on it. First, follow the arrow
to get the car. Once you get it, you are told that Montana has the explosives
for the Benson ready. Follow the arrow to him and give him $5000 for the bomb.
(Note: If you donÕt have enough money, kill people until you do!) When you get
the bomb installed, go to BuckwheetÕs Crane and park the car. Now get out of
the Benson and go find a Truck Cab and steal it. Now go to Dwight TÕs and back
the truck up to the trailer to get it attached. Now go back to the crane and
park the truck so they can load up the Benson on your trailer. Now deliver the
Benson to the chief. Park the truck and the crane will take the car off the
trailer. The chief will get in and blow himself up! Mission Complete.
Bottom Phone - In Too Deep!
Payoff - $50,000
You have to do some assasinatinÕ for Billy Bob! He wants you
to kill some Zaibatsu Hitmen. Wait around by the phones, and two men in Z-Type
Cars will come after you. You also have a team of Rednecks who got your back
when the Zaibatsu come. With a S-Uzi, the job is easy. Once the two men have
died, Billy Bob wants you to go kill the Zaibatsu Mercenary Flambo Cortez at
the Grand Central Train Station parking lot. At the parking lot, there are
four Zaibatsu men guarding FlamboÕs Stretch Limousine with S-UziÕs. Take a few
quick passes with a car right over everyone to get rid of them. Then Flambo
tells you that his limo can not be destructed. There is a way to destroy it
though... Go take your car to the nearest Bomb shop which is in Cayman in the
Zaibatsu Territory. Mission Complete.
Top or Bottom Phone Part 2 - Second Hand Tank
Payoff - $50,000
After you have completed either the top or bottom phone, or
both phones, this mission is now available.
Billy Bob wants to get Montana a Tank for his birthday! Follow
the arrow to the army base and steal one. Enter the base at (235, 117) and
follow the arrow North running over any guards on the way. The tank is hidden
under a black bridge. Go under it and get the tank out of there as fast as you
can. When you get out of there, you will have 6X Wanted Level! Use the Rocket
Launcher on the Tank to your advantage. The attack button fires and you can
rotate it by holding down the ÔSpecialÕ button and rotation with Left and
Right on the D-Pad. Blow up the annoying little Land Roamers that will follow
you. You can also drive to the garage at (217, 75), get out of the Tank, steal
a car, and take it through the respray shops. Take it back to the Mobile RV
back in Redneck Territory. Once you get within the gates of the Redneck
compound, youÕre basically home free. Drive it into the garage to complete the
mission. Mission Complete.
Red Phone (4, 5) - Gang Land Nonsense
Payoff - $70,000
The Rednecks want to have some fun with the Scientists. First
Billy Bob wants you to blow up five Meteors. So go to the Scientist Territory
and blow up the yellow cars that belong to the Scientists. Because you will
probably have no respect with the Scientists, they will be shooting at you
while you are trying to blow up their cars. This is a very hard to avoid them.
Use the Molotav Cocktails or a Rocket Launcher if you have one so you can get
a quick shot and get out of there on to the next car. If you find that your
car is about to explode, leave the territory and get a new one and then come
back so you donÕt get killed. After you have destroyed five Meteors, go to the
Zaibatsu Territory and blow up five Z-Types. When you get all of the Z-
Types... Mission Complete.
Red Phone Part 2 - Alma Mater Return!
Payoff - $70,000
The first part of the Red Phone must be completed first.
Billy Bob Bean wants to get back at some guards at the Alma Mater
Prison. You will have to get inside the prison, but to do that, you have to
get arrested. Billy Bob wants you to make the cops think you are selling Beany
Liquor. To do this, follow the arrow to a Benson and get in it to meet the
Liquor-Man. The cops will soon come and get you and arrest you. When you get
inside the Alma Mater Prison, follow the arrow to go talk to the Hump. He
gives you a Keycard and tells you to go get a uniform and a S-Uzi Machine Gun
from the Guard Room. Follow the arrow to the Guard Room and stand there until
you get a message. You are told to kill all eight guards after you start a
prison riot. Go near a guard and shoot him down to start the riot. Now run
around the prison shooting guards. Watch out for prisoners as well because you
can get hurt from their punches. The guards wonÕt shoot at you until you do,
so when you see a guard get rid of any prisoners near you, line up your aim
with the guard and shoot him down. It is also better to shoot from farther
away as opposed to right behind his back and then shoot. Once eight guards are
down, follow the arrows to go blow up the prison gates so you can get out of
there. There are walkways that get you there at (18, 232). Once the gate is
open, hop down and get in one of the Special Agent Cars, head North through
the exit, and jump the gap to mainland. When you get out, follow the arrow to
a Redneck safehouse to get some new clothes because the cops are all over you.
To get to the safehouse you have to ramp over a gate at (64, 52). Mission
Scientists - Yellow (7 Missions)
Boss - Dr. LaBrat
Vehicle - Meteor
Nickname for you - THC-303
To gain respect from the Scientists, kill the Zaibatsu.
Green Phones (240, 204)
Left Phone - Pickup ÔNÕ Drown!
Payoff - $30,000
Some Zaibatsu men have secret Scientist data. LaBrat wants it
back, so first go steal a Taxi. You have to go pick up some Zaibatsu men.
Follow the arrow around the city and pick up four guys. Now go to the
Southeast Dock Crane and get out of the Taxi. The crane will pick it up and
drop it in the river. Mission Complete.
Right Phone - Fake Truce!
Payoff - $30,000
The Zaibatsu and the Rednecks are planning a peace meeting.
Dr. LaBrat has a plan to perform an experiment. Follow the arrow to get a
Stretch Limousine. With the limo, you are to first pickup three Rednecks in
Mobile RV. Then go get some more Rednecks in OlÕ Banjo. Now go to Zaibatsu
Territory and pick up two groups of Zaibatsu delegates. When you have all
twelve men in your limo, take the to the Scientist Research Center. Park the
limo and get out so the Scientists can blow it up for you. Mission Complete.
Yellow Phones (206, 227)
Top Phone - LaBratÕs Plan
Payoff - $50,000
LaBrat says that research suggests that the Zaibatsu
population is on the rise. He wants you to cut down the population. Team up
with other scientists who will follow you around to go kill some Zaibatsu men.
Follow the arrow to Zaibatsu Territory and kill 17 men. ItÕs easiest to kill
them quickly by running them over. You might need to get a new vehicle if
yours is about to blow. After 17 men are dead... Mission Complete.
Bottom Phone - Race ÔNÕ Kidnap
Payoff - $50,000
(NOTE: This mission is easier with some respect from the
Rednecks) The Professor wants to experiment on a Redneck. He has chosen to
experiment with a Redneck named GranÕpa. Follow the arrow to the Opry Car Park
and meet GranÕpaÕs grandson Dirk. You need DirkÕs Pickup to kidnap GranÕpa. To
get his Pickup, you have to race around the city and run over three escaped
Loonies as fast as you can. You can pick any of the three cars lined up there.
I would chose the middle or bottom vehicle because they are both fast. (NOTE:
If you donÕt have respect from the Rednecks, they will shoot at you when you
get to the Opry Car Park, you will have to ignore them and chose a car because
you canÕt kill them without failing the mission) Once you have chosen a
vehicle, follow the arrow to the three Loonies and run them over. This is very
easy to do and there is plenty of time. When you have killed all three
Loonies, go back to where you started. Keep in mind the timer is still
running. If you make it back in time, you will be given the Pickup. Drive the
Pickup to get GranÕpa. Honk to get his attention and then bring him back to
the Research Center. On the way back the Rednecks will be after you in their
Pickups. They arenÕt too hard to avoid. When you get GranÕpa to the Research
Center... Mission Complete.
Top or Bottom Phone Part 2 - Redneck Attack!
Payoff - $50,000
After you have completed either the top or bottom phone, or
both phones, this mission is now available.
Rednecks are using the ScientistsÕ generator for target
practice. Dr. LaBrat wants you to protect the generator for him. Follow the
arrow to the generator. There are three generators and you need to have at
least one remaining after the Rednecks attack them. Try to make your car a
shield for one of the generators by parking your car in front of the
generator. Stand behind the car and when you see a Redneck coming show
yourself and quickly kill him. After two minutes, if you have at least one
generator undamaged, the Scientists will have the auxiliary power on-line.
Mission Complete.
Red Phone (217, 228) - RC Taxi!
Payoff - $70,000
The Scientists have developed a remote-control Taxi. You are to be
there operator to to test the prototype. Follow the arrow up the stairs to get
the remote control. Wait a few seconds and you will be in control of a remote
control Taxi. First you have to take the Taxi around a test track and make
five laps in two minutes. My only advice for this is to not make any sudden
turns right before the jump across the water at the end of each lap. You have
to be going fast to clear the water. Other than that, two minutes is plenty of
time to make it around five times. If you complete five laps in time, you will
have qualified to drive the Taxi around the city. Your job is to pick up three
suspected Scientist traitors. Follow the arrow to each traitor, pick him up,
and destroy the taxi. There are many ways to destroy the Taxi such as driving
it into a river. Repeat the process above until you have killed all three men.
Mission Complete.
Red Phone Part 2 - The Dam!
Payoff - $70,000
The first part of the Red Phone must be completed first.
Note: This mission is hard if you have no respect from the
Zaibatsu. You might want to kill some Rednecks to gain respect from the
Zaibatsu so they wonÕt shoot at you when you go to the water plant.
Dr. LaBrat needs you to shut down the H2000 Water Company. With
your team of clones, follow the arrow there and kill the guards there. LaBrat
then tells you to destroy four turbines. To get to the place where the
turbines are, go to (95, 8) and go North across the walkway and then East
towards the turbines. Follow the arrow to each turbine and destroy it with
your Molotav Cocktails. There is a guard by each turbine. When you blow up all
four turbines, leave that area follow the arrow to go destroy the generator.
To get to the area where the generator is, go across the bridge at (155, 9),
then go West and walk all the way around on the long walkway. Throw a Molotav
Cocktail on the generator and run all the way back to where you came in (155,
11), killing the guards on your way. Mission Complete.
Zaibatsu - Grey (7 Missions)
Boss - Red Valdez
Vehicle - Z-Type
Nickname for you - Gecko
To gain respect from the Zaibatsu, kill the Rednecks.
Green Phones (166, 18)
Top Phone - Flame-It!
Payoff - $30,000
There is a new flamethrower that belongs to the Scientists. It
is being transported in a van and Valdez wants you to steal it for the
Zaibatsu. The security van has special locks, so the doors canÕt be opened
easily. Valdez suggests that the driver might get out if the cops demand him
to. So go find any Cop Car and steal it. You can run over a few pedestrians
until the cops are on you to get the Cop Car quick. Now follow the arrow to
the van. Put your car by the van and the man will stop and get out. You might
want to go ahead and shoot him when he gets out of the car so you can get a
good shot. If you wait and steal the van right in front of him, he will shoot
the van with his Uzi. On the way back to the Zaibatsu garage, watch out for
other men in black suits driving cop cars. They will get out and shoot the van
to try to stop you. When you get to the garage, you are told that the
flamethrower you stole only works mounted on a Fire Truck. So now you have to
steal one of those too. Right when you leave the garage, you should see a Fire
Truck heading East on the two lane road. Quickly run out in the road and steal
it. If you donÕt see it, you have to blow up vehicles with your weapon until a
Fire Truck comes. When you get the Fire Truck, follow the arrow to let the
Zaibatsu Technicians install the Flamethrower on the truck. Now take the truck
to Mobile RV in Redneck Territory to test it out. You can rotate the cannon
while holding down circle and fire with R2. (with default controls) You must
kill ten Rednecks. Mission Complete.
Bottom Phone - SRS Destruction!
Payoff - $30,000
Red wants you to bomb the Clone Test Center. Use MontanaÕs
Pickup which is loaded with explosives so it looks like the Rednecks did it.
Follow the arrow to the Pickup and drive it to the South end of the Clone Test
Center which is in the Southwest area of the Scientist Territory. If you donÕt
have any respect from the Scientists, on your drive from the Rednecks with the
Pickup, it is best to go straight South until the arrow is pointing straight
right. Then head straight East right into the test center. Any way you get to
the test center, go around back and press R2 (default control) to set the bomb
off. Get out of your car and run out of there. Mission Complete.
Yellow Phones (224, 34)
Left Phone - Operation Z
Payoff - $50,000
The Rednecks and the Scientists are moving contraband around
the city and Red Valdez wants it all. You have to bring him four loaded
vehicles. First, follow the arrow to get a Pickup full of Redneck pills. There
are four men in a group guarding the Pickup. Make one quick pass over them
with your car to wipe them out. Now go back to The Village and park the Pickup
in the garage. Next get a ScientistÕs Meteor which has Clone Serum and two
Bio-Bitches. Bring the car back to the garage and head back out to steal
BeanÕs Red Limousine from the Rednecks. You have to ramp over the gate at (64,
52) to get there. After you have got the limo, to get out of Disgracelands, go
off another ramp Southwest from where you got the limo. The last vehicle
Valdez needs is a certain Cop Car. But first you have to steal a Truck Cab
which can be found about anywhere in the city. Now follow the arrow to get a
trailer for the truck from behind the Cop Station. Back up to the trailer to
attach it. Now go to the crane in The Village so they can get the car off of
the trailer. Get out of the cab and take the Cop Car to the garage. Mission
Right Phone - Valdez Alert
Payoff - $50,000
Make sure you grab the health and the armor before you start
this mission. You also might want to have respect from the Scientist otherwise
the guards will have Flamethrowers which make the mission much harder. Red
Valdez wants you and some Z-Men to go destroy the Cold Fusion Generators at
the Scientist Research Center. Let the Z-Men get in your car and follow the
arrow towards the research center. To get in the research center, ramp off the
wooden ramp at (246, 199) to get in. Get out of your car and go up the stairs
and then head West up those stairs. Shoot any guards in the way with your S-
Uzi. Follow the arrow to one of the generators. Use the Rocket Launcher which
you were given at the beginning of the level to blow up the two generators:
Follow the arrow that points down first:
The entrance to the stairs which lead to the generator is at (252, 252). Go up
the wooden ramp and jump the gap to get up the stairs.
Follow the arrow that points left:
Go to (248, 226) and go across the river on the walkway. On the other side,
head South to (240, 231) and go up the wooden ramp and then head North. When
that walkway runs out, stand at (239, 220) and jump East and then jump North
to continue on another walkway.
After you destroy both generators, follow the arrow back to the road where you
came in. Mission Complete.
Left or Right Phone Part 2 - Cop StealinÕ
Payoff - $50,000
After you have completed either the left or right phone, or
both phones, this mission is now available.
Valdez has some special jobs lined up for you, but first he
wantÕs to see how tough you are... Steal a Swat Van. To do this, you will have
to raise some havoc to get the cops on you. Once you have a 4X Wanted Level
you will soon see a Swat Van. When the cops are on you like this, you have to
make sure you donÕt get killed or busted. When the Swat Van arrives, try to
lure the Swat Team away from the van and then quickly kill the Swat Team or
try to get enough distance between you and them so you have enough time to get
away with the van. When you get the van, take it to ValdezÕs garage. You
thought that was hard? Keep killing cops until some Special Agent Cars start
showing up at the scene. This requires a 5X Wanted Level. You might want to
run East from the garage to the phones where you started to get some health
and new armor. Try to use the same strategy as you did with the Swat Van.
Watch out for the special agentÕs Silenced S-UziÕs. When you get the Special
Agent Car and return it to the garage... Mission Complete.
Red Phone (208, 25) - Mall Murder!
Payoff - $70,000
Red Valdez wants to see how you can handle extreme situations.
Some Z-Men will join you on your trip to the mall. At the mall walk around and
kill 20 Scientists. Use the Flamethrower that you can get at the red phones to
toast them. This mission wouldnÕt be as hard if the Scientists didnÕt use
Flamethrowers. When you have the least respect for the Scientists (minus sign
is blinking on the respect meter), it is time to use your S-Uzi for long
distance. If you are able to kill all twenty... Mission Complete.
Red Phone Part 2 - Decoy Trailer!
Payoff - $70,000
The first part of the Red Phone must be completed first.
Red Valdez needs you to create a diversion. Follow the arrow to
the video store for more information. At the video store, go up the stairs and
walk across the pipes into the Cop Station. When you get to the generator on
the roof of the station, blow it up with the Molotav Cocktails you were given.
On the way to the generator, be on the look out for cops with S-UziÕs. Try to
get a quick shot on them so they donÕt bother you too much.
How to find the generator - Follow the path the only way it goes until you get
to the first health token. From there, continue going North and then go West
at the next intersection. Kill the guard in the corner and go up the stairs to
the generator.
Blowing up the generator triggered an alarm. You have to get out of their
with the trailer fast. To get to the trailer, go back to where you got the
health token and go West. Follow the walkway around and you will eventually
get to the trailer. When you have the trailer, you have to keep the cops busy
for one minute so Valdez can pull off his job. Drive the trailer around and do
not get killed or arrested. Stay on main highways with little turns because
the trailer does not turn well. If you can last a minute, the diversion will
have worked out perfectly. Mission Complete.
The Final Job!
You must complete every job from the Rednecks, Zaibatsu, and
You have managed to piss off all of the gang bosses and they want
you dead. All three gang bosses: Billy Bob Bean, Dr. LaBrat, and Red Valdez
are out to get you... unless you get them first. All three of them will come
after you in their cars. Try your best to kill them. If you are able to get
them all, you have beaten every job in the Residential Sector. Mission
Once you have earned $3,000,000 or more, follow the arrow to (116,
123) to go on to the Industrial Sector.
B. Industrial Sector
Save Point - (44, 101)
Russians - Red (7 Missions)
Boss - Jerkov
Vehicle - Bulwark
Nickname for you - Comrade
To gain respect from the Russians, kill the Zaibatsu.
Green Phones (188, 76)
Left Phone - R. S. L. Bows!
Payoff - $40,000
A meat processing plant will make special hot dogs for
JerkovÕs troops if he will supply the meat. Follow the arrow to pick up a
Krishna Bus that he has arranged for you. Once in the bus, follow the arrow to
Maharishi to pick up some Krishna who will be used for the hot dog meat. Park
where the arrow points and honk your horn. Wait until everyone gets on the bus
and then take them to the meat processing plant. Drop off the bus and walk to
the left to get to the top of the cage. After they have been killed for meat,
get down from the cage and walk Northeast to the Hot Dog Van. Deliver the hot
dogs to the Kovski Diner. Job Complete!
Right Phone - Russian Sailors!
Payoff - $40,000
Russian drug dealers are cutting in on the Russians drug
trade. Follow the arrow to get one of the ZaibatsuÕs Z-Type cars to help stop
this. You are going to pick up a few of the Zaibatsu dealers. Follow the arrow
around the city to pick up four of them. Once you have all four, take them to
the crane at the Lubyanka Docks and park where the arrow is pointing. Get out
and watch them get lowered into the water. Job Complete!
Note: If you are having trouble with this mission because you
have no respect from the Zaibatsu, kill a few KrishnaÕs to gain respect from
Yellow Phones (204, 11)
Top Phone - Officer Down!
Payoff - $60,000
Jerkov is giving you five minutes to find and blow up a Cop
Car, a SWAT Van, and a Special Agent Car. So pick up the Rocket Launcher and
the Molotav Cocktails on your way out and go South to the highway where more
cars are. You are being timed, so run over a few citizens on the way so your
wanted level will climb. When a Cop shows up, blow up his car. Keep killing
people until you find a SWAT Van. Sometimes these are harder to find, so drive
around on some random roads until you find one. Blow it up and then find a
Special Agent Car. These arenÕt too hard to find, they usually set up road
blocks when your wanted level is 5. If you are able to do all this in five
minutes... Job Complete!
Bottom Phone - Karma Assassins!
Payoff - $60,000
Eight Karma Assassins are coming to Russian Territory. You
have to protect Jerkov from them. Leave the phone area to the Left and grab
the Uzi and the Flamethrower and then go South to the road. You will see a
Karma Bus show up with some KrishnaÕs in it. Kill two of them and then walk
around until another bus shows up. Kill all the KrishnaÕs in that bus and wait
until another shows up. Keep doing this until all eight are dead. Now you have
to go kill the top Karma Assasin. Follow the arrow to the Main Station Parking
Lot where he awaits in an Armored Bus. First, get a fast accelerating car and
make rounds around the bus to kill all the Krishna guards. Then take your car
South to the Bomb Shop at (230, 152). Then go back and park your car next to
the bus, press circle, and run away. Job Complete!
Top or Bottom Phone Part 2 - TankÕs A Lot
Payoff - $60,000
After you have completed either the top or bottom phone, or
both phones, this mission is now available.
Some Zaibatsu executives lost all their money playing poker
with Jerkov and they want revenge. They sent out two Tanks to destroy his
Kovski cars. Pick up the Rocket Launcher and Electro Gun and follow the arrows
to stop them. Take out the Zaibatsu men first and then go for the Tank. Watch
out for the Tanks though, because they will kill you real quick. Once the men
are out of the way use the Rocket Launcher on the Tanks. Tank one or two shots
and then move to a different spot before the cannon is pointing at you. Hiding
behind cars helps too. Once both Tanks are down... Job Complete!
Red Phone (144, 33) - Vedic Massacre
Payoff - $80,000
Follow the arrow to Ivan and his crew. You are going to kill a few
people with them. Get a mid-size vehicle and pick up the crew. Take them to
the Holy Vedic Temple where the massacre will take place. Drive in the temple
and get out. Walk around and kill! The easiest weapon is probably the Uzi
because it is fast. This is especially helpful if you have low respect from
the KrishnaÕs because most of them will be using Molotav Cocktails and the Uzi
is a lot faster than the cocktails are. Watch out for flamethrowers though
because those will instantly kill you. There are some useful things for you if
you go up the walkway at (215, 230). Things such as health, and a fast reload
token. If you killed a reasonable amount of KrishnaÕs within the time limit...
Job Complete!
Red Phone Part 2 - Super Grass Rescue!
Payoff - $80,000
The first part of the Red Phone must be completed first.
Some informants for Jerkov are trapped in the Zaibatsu Power Core.
Follow the arrow to the power core. Go up to the door where the arrow is
pointing and you will find that the door is locked. You have to blow up four
generators so the door will open. Go to the two generators on the left first.
Grab the Molotav Cocktails on the walkway which you will need to blow up the
generators. Then get the other two on the right side. Kill any guards you run
into. After all four generators are gone, go pick up the men at the door you
went to when you came in. You will find that it will be locked when you get
there, so you have to protect the informants while Jerkov is working on
getting the door open. Go back and kill three Zaibatsu men with your Uzi and
then go back to the exit. Take the informant to Uncle Vanka so the informant
can be interpreted. Now go steal a Cop Car and track down the informant who
will be driving his car. Use the circle button to sound the siren so you can
pull him over. He will get out and run away. Catch up to him and punch him,
then he will follow you. Take him back to the Cop Car and then drive North to
the Lubyanka Docks in Russian Territory. Get out of the car and let the men
there do the dirty work. Job Complete!
Krishna - Yellow (7 Missions)
Boss - Sunbeam
Vehicle - Karma Bus
Nickname for you - Grasshopper
To gain respect from the Krishna, kill the Russians.
Green Phones (249, 200)
Top Phone - De-Construction Yard!
Payoff - $40,000
The Zaibatsu are building shopping malls on Holy Krishna land.
Go to the construction yard and end the destruction. When you get there you
find that they locked the door to the construction yard so you have to find
Leo the Locksmith so he can open it. Follow the arrow to the Water Towers
where you will find him. Help him destroy the generator with the Molotav
Cocktails and then he will help you open the door. Job Complete!
Bottom Phone - Police Car Scrap!
Payoff - $40,000
The police have stopped the Krishna program of automotive
clearance. You are to get it back and running again. To do this, you will have
to steal a few Cop Cars. Simply steal a Cop Car, bring it to the crane in
Gonad, and get out of it so the car can be crushed. You will repeatedly have
to do this (stealing cop cars and bringing them to the crane) until Sunbeam
has had enough fun. Job Complete!
Yellow Phones (234, 132)
Left Phone - Cossack Conversion!
Payoff - $60,000
Sunbeam needs you to convert some Russian Workers. To do this,
first steal a Box Truck from the Lubyanka warehouses. Since there are so many
guards around the truck, the best way to do this is to get a fast car and
drive in to the warehouse area and then straight back to the truck. Jump out
of your car and get in the truck as quickly as you can. Take the slow truck to
the Mad Island Docks in Tedium to pick up some Russians. The entrance is at
(19, 53). Park the truck where the arrow is pointing and wait for four groups
of Russians to get into the truck. Take them to the safehouse in Tabernacle
where they are all converted. Job Complete.
Right Phone - Sunbeam Contract!
Payoff - $60,000
Sunbeam has a fun job for you. Go meet some Krishna to learn
more about it. You will find out that the Russians are going to kill the Grand
Master. You have to protect him. Get a mid-size car so you and your Krishna
friends can all fit in. Drive into Russian Territory. There are several
Russian assassins who are all out to kill you. Drive around a little bit and
soon some Russians will pull up in a Bulwark (The Russian Vehicle). The
easiest thing to do is to stay in your car and run them over. Wait another few
moments and a few more Russians will appear. Run them over to end this
mission. Job Complete!
Left or Right Phone Part 2 - De-Con Labs!
Payoff - $60,000
After you have completed either the left or right phone, or
both phones, this mission is now available.
Some Krishna are being held as guinea pigs by the Zaibatsu.
You must go and save them before the deconversion drugs have any effect on the
Krishna captives. Follow the arrow into Zaibatsu territory to find them. The
entrance is guarded by three tanks. There are buildings you can hide behind
and there is a Rocket Launcher on the left side of the screen. Blow up all
three Tanks. DonÕt sweat it if you get killed because Sunbeam has a backup
plan. If you die, use SunbeamÕs armored Van. With the van, you donÕt even have
to destroy the Tanks. Just Pass all three and park the Van. Now follow the
arrow to the Krishna to make sure they are still converted. They tell you that
they will follow you when you destroy all the Tanks. This doesnÕt mean that
you have to fight a Tank head to head. There are generators by each of the
Tanks which can be accessed by the walkways which are scattered around the
compound. Blowing up the generators with your Rocket Launcher destroys the
Tank as well. Do this to all three generators. Kill each guard by each
generator as well. The Krishna will still not go with you. So leave the
compound and go back to Krishna Territory and get a Karma Bus. (The Krishna
Vehicle) The Krishna will get in the bus when you come back. Take them to the
Vedic Temple. Job Complete!
Red Phone (216, 219) - Rooftop Rescue!
Payoff - $80,000
Note: This mission is easier to complete with some respect from
the Zaibatsu.
SunbeamÕs Krishna are being held captive at the Zaibatsu Power
Plant. Drive over there and help save them. The Krishna are being held in one
of the buildings at the power plant. To gain access to the building, you must
destroy the three generators above. There is a walkway at (107, 188). Follow
the path around, grab the armor, and jump from building to building until you
get to the first generator. Go past it to the left and get some Molotav
Cocktails. Jump back and destroy the first generator. Now jump one building to
the left and destroy the generator to the South. Now jump two buildings to the
left and destroy the last generator to the South. Now jump down to the ground.
Follow the Krishna. (they will run out of the building when you approach) They
will lead you on some rooftop walkways and you will eventually get to a pair
of Stretch Limousines. The Krishna will get in the limo in the back and you
are to lead them by driving the limo in front. Before you take off, first walk
South and kill four Zaibatsu who are blocking the road with your Uzi. You
should survive if you grabbed the armor at the beginning of the mission. After
they are dead, take one of the Vans and move it out of the way. Then go back
to the limo and drive it to the Vedic Temple. If you have extremely low
respect from the Zaibatsu (a blinking minus sign) it will be hard to get away
in the limo because the Zaibatsu men will have Rocket Launchers. Otherwise,
just follow the arrow and park outside the temple. Job Complete!
Red Phone Part 2 - Power Station!
Payoff - $70,000
The first part of the Red Phone must be completed first.
Answer the phone and then follow the arrow to go meet some
Krishna. You will find out that the Kovski Power Station is burning old tires
for power which is polluting the city. You and your Krisna buddies must
destroy it. To do so, you have to plant four bombs around the compound. You
have to find the bombs first though. They are being held by four different
guards in these locations:
(232, 64)
(232, 61) - Go up the walkway at (233, 74)
(239, 64)
(239, 61)
Once you have all of the bombs planted, you have to find a higher area where
you can watch the explosion. Go up the walkway at (233, 74), follow the arrow
to the top, and enjoy the destruction. Job Complete!
Zaibatsu - Grey (7 Missions)
Boss - Uno Carb
Vehicle - Z-Type
Nickname for you - Gecko
To gain respect from the Zaibatsu, kill the Krishna.
Green Phones (44, 162)
Top Phone - Grand Theft Auto!
Payoff - $40,000
You are going to steal a few cars. The first one Uno Carb
wants you to steal is a Jefferson at Krishna Krushers. There are four guards
around the car. Take them out with your Uzi or run them over with your car and
then drive the Jefferson parked there to the Zaibatsu Power Cores. Now go into
Russian Territory and steal a Bulwark and drive it back to the core. The next
car is a Rumbler on the island near Tedium docks. Steal it and then take it to
the core. The last one is a Cop Car which is on a trailer in Azari Heights. To
tow the trailer, you will first have to steal a Truck Cab. There should be a
Truck Cab driving down the road as soon as you leave the Power Core. When you
get one, follow the arrow to the trailer and back up the truck to attach the
trailer. Drive the trailer to the cranes back in Zaibatsu Territory. Once the
crane takes the Cop Car off the trailer, drive it to the Power Core garage.
Job Complete!
Bottom Phone - It Was An Accident!
Payoff - $40,000
You are needed to neutralize three key operatives from rival
#1. First follow the arrow to a special package Uno Carb has arranged for
you. To obtain it, first go to (132, 221), then head Southeast to (137, 232).
From there jump left onto the belt and then head North on it. Jump down and
kill the two Krishna. Grab the package and exit to the left. Now take the
package to the Russian Bilovski. Give him the package which is actually a
Rocket Launcher. He will eventually kill himself.
#2. Find a Hot Dog Van and then go meet someone back in Zaibatsu Territory
who will load up your van with poison hot dogs. Now drive to Krishna Territory
and deliver the dogs. He will get in your van and eat a hot dog. When he gets
out, follow him for a while until he dies.
#3. Meet a Zaibatsu man on the rooftop back in Zaibatsu Territory. To get
up there, go up the stairs at (69, 198) and then walk to (61, 195). Jump to
the gap to the right and then talk to the guy there. He will put you in
control of a remote control limousine. Drive it to Russian Territory and meet
four Russians. They will get in their car and follow you. Lead them to Krishna
Territory. The Krishna will blow up the car full of Russians.
After the Russians are killed, destroy the limo. Job Complete!
Yellow Phones (7, 183)
Left Phone - Payback!
Payoff - $60,000
Uno Carb is selling drugs on the black market for twice the
price. Go meet the Russian Ziggy Pole to get in on the deal. Ziggy would be
killed if he was caught dealing with a Zaibatsu man, so before you meet him,
get a Bulwark. (Car with the star on top in Russian Territory) With that car,
go pick him up. He wonÕt deal because the Russians want better drugs such as
Mitsi. Now go meet a Zaibatsu dealer and then go back to Russian Territory to
meet a group of five Russians. They refuse to deal with the Zaibatsu. Uno Carb
tells you to kill them. This is pretty easy because they donÕt fight back,
they just run away from you. After you kill them all, go meet the last dealer
to get the money. He tells you that he is being tailed and canÕt talk right
now. So follow his friend who will eventually drop off the money. Now follow
the arrow to a Russian truck at Brow-Eye Sewage Works. The truck contains
reactor fuel that the Zaibatsu could use. To get there, go to (246, 77) and
drive North to the walkway at (246, 12). Walk up and grab the Molotav
Cocktails. Continue on the walkway and take out two guards. If you want to,
take out the two guards to the left throwing Molotav Cocktails by throwing
some of your own at them. Now follow the arrow to the exit to find out it is
locked. To open it, go to (238, 17) and throw Molotav Cocktails at the
generator until it blows. Now go North and grab the truck and leave this
place. Be careful that the guards above donÕt bomb your truck with cocktails
if you didnÕt kill them earlier. Take the truck to the Zaibatsu safehouse. Job
Right Phone - Lock Out!
Payoff - $60,000
Russians have stolen a truck full of Zaibatsu artificial
intelligence units. Your mission is to steal it back. Go to the entrance to
find out that the gate is locked. Go to the back entrance at (33, 58) to find
that that gate is also locked. To get in, you are going to have to pick up
Sacchmo the safecracker and take him to the back entrance. Follow him after he
opens the gate to the next locked gate. He will kill himself this time trying
to open it. To get in there, you will have to steal a Russian Bulwark so the
Russians will let you in. After you get through the locked gate, drive
straight North and ramp over the water to get the truck. But of course, the
exit is locked. You will have to take out the two generators to open it. To
get up there, go to (35, 34) and drop down to the walkway. Follow the path
around, killing the guards on your way, until you get to the generators. If
you donÕt have any Molotav Cocktails, you can grab some at (29, 44). The best
place to stand and toss the cocktails is (27, 41). After you disable both
generators, jump down at (27, 40) and get in the truck. Drive to the Zaibatsu
safehouse. Job Complete!
Left or Right Phone Part 2 - Gang War!
Payoff - $60,000
After you have completed either the left or right phone, or
both phones, this mission is now available.
Russian and Krishna successes are weakening Zaibatsu
enterprise so Uno Carb wants you to start a gang war. Start by stealing a
Russian Bulwark. Drive it to Krishna Territory and run down twenty Krishna. To
find a good place to where there are several Krishna, go to (221, 190) and go
East. After twenty Krishna have been killed, take a Krishna Karma Bus and run
over twenty Russians with it. A good place to find several Russians is (144,
53). Go North from there to find them. If you are in the middle of running
over one of the gangs and your vehicle is about to explode, just go back to
the territory where it came from and get a new one. After you kill twenty
Russians... Job Complete!
Red Phone (26, 249) - IÕd Like A Tank Please, Bob!
Payoff - $80,000
Uno Carb thinks that the City Security Services are getting too
big and he wants to show them that the Zaibatsu still mean business. Steal Uno
a SWAT Van. By now you shouldnÕt find it too hard to find and steal one of
these. You must have a wanted level of at least four before they will show up.
The next vehicle to steal is the Special Agent Car which you will see when you
have a wanted level of five. The last one is a Tank. It takes a wanted level
of five to get these to come around. It is easier to steal a Tank that is
driving around rather than one that is parked and shooting rockets. Job
Red Phone Part 2 - Army Base Alert!
Payoff - $80,000
The first part of the Red Phone must be completed first.
The Tank you stole in the previous mission was booby trapped and
blew up UnoÕs garage. You are to steal a Tank straight from the army base. The
base is heavily guarded with Police and Tanks. IÕve found that the best way to
get buy them is just to get a fast car and drive right past everyone to the
very back of the base where the Tank is. Once you get the Tank drive it out of
there while trying to avoid the Tanks. You will have a wanted level of six on
the way back to Zaibatsu Territory so try to stay away from any Tanks. It is
better to stay off the main roads, so when you get out of the army base, go
North and follow the yellow fence that surrounds the construction site. This
will take you back to Zaibatsu. (see the map) If you are able to get back to
the Zaibatsu safehouse without killing yourself... Job Complete!
The Final Job!
You must complete every job from the Russians, Zaibatsu, and
You have managed to piss off all of the gang bosses and they want
you dead. All three gang bosses: Jerkov, Sunbeam, and Uno Carb are out to get
you... unless you get them first. All three of them will come after you in
their cars. Try your best to kill them. If you are able to get them all, you
have beaten every job in the Industrial Sector. Job Complete!
Once you have earned $5,000,000 or more, follow the arrow to (44,
97) to beat the game. Game Complete!
D. Bonus Levels
Level A
The object of this Bonus Level is to destroy 4 Ice-Cream Vans in
a time limit. Get in the Stinger and grab the Car Uzis and choose an arrow to
follow. You also have to look out for more ammo laying around in the city
because you will get low after a while. After you have blown up a few vans,
you will get a time extension. You may need to get a new car if yours gets
beat up too much. Look for a fast one and when you get a new car, you must
find more ammo. If you get all twelve vans, you will get 1st Place.
Level B
Bonus Level B is the same as A except it is in a different
territory. Use the same strategy used above.
Level C
Bonus Level C is the same as A & B except it is in a different
territory. Be careful around the water in this level because you can easily
fall into it and fail the level.
Level D
Get in the Furore GT and race around the track for 3 laps. If you
want bonus points, run over the people standing on the side of the road.
Level E
Get in the Furore GT and race around the track for 3 laps. Run
over people for bonus points. Best route: From where you start, head directly
East and go off of the road to a dock. The dock will curve around and head
North. Continue on the dock and soon you will ramp back to the road. Where you
land there will be 3 people to run over. Run them down and drive up the stairs
on your left. Head directly West from there and you will land where four more
people are standing. Run them over and leave to the North. Now follow stay on
the road. When you are heading South, fairly soon you will see 3 more people
to run over on the left side of the screen. Keep going to finish the lap. Do
this three times within the time limit to get a great score.
Level F
Get in the Furore GT and race around the track for 3 laps. Run
over people for bonus points. Best route: Almost immediately after you start
the race, you will see stairs to the South. Head That way and run over the
three people at the top. Continue on the path and you will soon find a ramp
that takes you back to the main road. You can go cut the buildings for a
shortcut. There are three more people standing on the left side of the road.
Keep following the road and you will soon see two people on the right side of
the road. Run them over and head South. Soon you will have to ramp over some
water. If you go fairly slow over it, you should land directly on two more
people. Turn left at the intersection to complete the lap. Do this three times
within the time limit to get a great score.
Level G
This bonus level is fairly easy. As soon as you start just walk
forward and grab the Uzi and start killing. You have 30 seconds to kill as
many people as you can. You get extra time for every 15 people you kill. There
is more Uzi ammo around the compound.
Level H
You have 30 seconds to kill as many people as you can. You get
extra time for every 15 people you kill.
Level I
You have 30 seconds to kill as many people as you can. You get
extra time for every 15 people you kill.
IX. Secret Guides Introduction
The secrets in Grand Theft Auto 2 are far more abundant and of many different
types. Because there are many more guns in GTA 2, there are more Kill
Frenzies. TheyÕve also added in GTA 2 Tokens to GTA 2. Collect as many as you
can to unlock Bonus Levels. And as usual, there are several Kill Frenzies. The
secret guide explains how to find both of these things in each sector. As a
note, in the GTA 2 secret guide I have decided to use coordinates instead of
not using them at all in as in my GTA and GTA London Guide. Enter WUGGLES as a
player name to display the coordinates.
X. Secret Guides
A. Downtown Sector
You must have the coordinates code on to find these. For Playstation,
enter WUGGLES as a player name to view the coordinates on your screen while
Kill Frenzies (20 Kill Frenzies)
Neutral Territory (Kill Frenzies 1-14)
1. (226, 238)
Description - Tank Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Kill 10 people in 60 seconds.
2. (8, 139)
Description - Taxi Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Run over 50 people in 180 seconds.
How to find - Go to (8, 148) and head North and slightly west
through an alley. The taxi is on the right
3. (247, 220)
Description - Flamethrower Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Kill 10 people in 60 seconds.
4. (203, 197)
Description - Flamethrower Kill Frenzy
Requirements -Destroy 5 vehicles in 60 seconds.
5. (125, 82)
Description - Flamethrower Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Kill 30 people in 120 seconds.
How to find - Go to (125, 100) and head North until you canÕt go
that way.
6. (194, 121)
Description - Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Kill 30 people in 180 seconds.
How to find - Go to (197, 117) and go South through the alley.
7. (181, 145)
Description - Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Destroy 5 Taxis in 180 seconds.
How to find - Go to (186, 146) and go West through the alley.
8. (168, 207)
Description - Molotav Cocktail Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Kill 30 people in 120 seconds.
How to find - Go up the stairs at point (161, 202)
9. (130, 109)
Description - Molotav Cocktail Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Kill 5 people in 60 seconds.
How to find - Go to (124, 103) and head South and go up the ramp
on the right. Then head South and go up another ramp.
10. (166, 183)
Description - Molotav Cocktail Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Kill 10 people in 60 seconds.
How to find - Go up the stairs at point (149, 190). Once up the
stairs, go East until you canÕt go that way. From there, go North through the
small opening, and from there up the stairs on your right. Go across the
bridge to the West after climbing the stairs and you will see it.
11. (198, 245)
Description - Silenced S-Uzi Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Kill 20 people in 120 seconds.
12. (152, 104)
Description - Silenced S-Uzi Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Kill 20 people in 60 seconds.
How to find - Go to (168, 101) and go straight West into the
building. When you get to the wall, go South and then straight West again
under the foot bridge. Go up the stairs to get the Kill Frenzy.
13. (147, 91)
Description - S-Uzi Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Kill 20 people in 120 seconds.
14. (153, 58)
Description - S-Uzi Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Destroy 8 vehicles in 120 seconds.
Yakuza Territory (Kill Frenzies 15-16)
15. (3, 164)
Description - Tank Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Destroy 10 vehicles in 60 seconds.
How to find - Go to (8, 161) and go West and soon you will see an
alley going South. Go South into that alley.
16. (112, 241)
Description - Silenced S-Uzi Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Kill 10 people in 60 seconds.
How to find - Go to (104, 241) which is on the South side of the
river, and go Northeast to (112, 237). From there, go straight South.
Zaibatsu Territory (Kill Frenzy 17)
17. (214, 50)
Description - Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Destroy 10 vehicles in 60 seconds.
How to find - Go to (208, 44) and go South down the alley. At the
T-intersection go East.
Loony Territory (Kill Frenzies 18-20)
18. (5, 26)
Description - Fire Truck Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Run over 20 people in 60 seconds.
How to find - Go to (5, 36) and go North.
19. (9, 53)
Description - Silenced S-Uzi Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Destroy 4 vehicles in 60 seconds.
How to find - Go to (5, 47) and go East into the building. In the
building, go South and up the stairs.
20. (88, 27)
Description - S-Uzi Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Kill 15 people in 120 seconds.
GTA 2 Tokens (25 Tokens)
Neutral Territory (Tokens 1-17)
1. (161, 138)
How to find - It is at the Church where you start. You must answer the
phone at the church and go through everything the man on the phone tells you
to. When your done, he tells you to come back to the church and gives you a S-
Uzi and the first GTA 2 Token.
2. (129, 233)
3. (151, 207)
4. (131, 200)
5. (208, 160)
How to find - Go to (209,166) and go North through the alley.
6. (201, 145)
How to find - Go to (190, 146) and go East into the building.
7. (229, 167)
8. (227, 140)
9. (246, 150)
How to find - Go to (238, 150) and go East up the stairs.
10. (127, 176)
How to find - Go up the stairs at point (149, 190). Once up the
stairs, go North across the road and go West to (131, 174). Go up the stairs
and get the token.
11. (183, 152)
How to find - Go to (186, 152) and go West through the alley.
12. (154, 161)
How to find - Go to (154, 156) and go South.
13 & 14. (159, 131) & (159, 118)
How to find - Go to (146, 135) and go East. Go slightly North and
you will see an opening. Go through there and soon you will see stairs. Go up
them to get your token. To get the token 14, continue North to cross a walkway
to a different building. Jump down to a different level on the right and
continue North again. Go up the stairs, head West, and jump down using the
jump button to get the token.
15. (161, 108)
How to find - Go to (168, 101) and go straight West into the
building. When you get to the wall, go South and then straight West again
under the foot bridge. Go up the stairs and then go up another set of stairs
on the South side. Follow the walkway around to the token.
16. (67, 74)
How to find - Go to (70, 72) and climb the steps all the way to
the top.
17. (81, 66)
Yakuza Territory (Tokens 18-21)
18. (117, 234)
How to find - Go to (104, 241) which is on the South side of the
river in Yakuza Territory. From there go Slightly North and then straight East
all the way to the back until you see a walkway. Climb the stairs and head
19. (85, 233)
How to find - Go to (94, 240) and go North and follow the alley
West which leads to the token.
20. (59, 251)
21. (29, 252)
How to find - Go to (25, 246) and go South through the alley.
Zaibatsu Territory (Tokens 22-25)
22 & 23. (240, 104) & (239, 126)
How to find - Go to (246, 98) and go West down the road. When you
get to the T-Intersection, go South. After the road goes around a corner, you
will see an entrance on the South side of the road. When you go in there
immediately go East and climb the stairs. Once you get that token, go East and
jump over to the next wall and go South. After a little while there will find
that the road is cut off. Jump that part too. Now go down the stairs.
24. (203, 93)
How to find - Go to (190, 87) and go straight South until you get
to the wall. From the wall head East under the little bridge. Go South and
then go East under another little bridge and then up the stairs that you will
see soon after. At the top of the stairs, go West and then North through the
25. (184, 106)
How to find - Go to (190, 87) and go straight South until you get
to the wall. From the wall head East under the little bridge. Then go South
and then up the stairs. Follow the path around and go South when you get to
(184, 98).
Other Secrets
Car Crush Prizes (249, 241)
When you take cars to the car crusher in the Southeast corner
of the Downtown Sector, you can get prizes depending on what the car is. Once
the car has been crushed into a cube and placed on the belt, it goes through
the factory and then to the right. You can walk up onto the ramp and see that
the cube has turned into something useful for you. This is usually a weapon,
but it could also be an invulnerability pill.
You can also do this at the other car crusher at (171, 11).
After your car has been crushed, go by the entrance to the crane and you will
see an alley that runs parallel to the gate. Go through there and you will see
a wooden stairs that you can climb up to get your prize.
Insane Stunt Bonus!
Go to (241, 173) and look at the ramp. You will need a running
start to get the bonus, so get a fast car and go North to point (241, 149).
Now head South at full speed and go off the ramp.
Insane Stunt Bonus!
Go to (157, 90) and check out the ramp. Follow the road
Southwest to the main highway. Grab a fast car and get a running start on the
highway and head East on the road which heads to the ramp.
A. Residential Sector
Kill Frenzies (20 Kill Frenzies)
Neutral Territory (Kill Frenzies 1-9)
1. (29, 177)
Description - Tank Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Destroy 20 vehicles in 120 seconds.
How to find - Go to (21, 182) and go North up the stairs. On the
roof, go to (23, 178) and go South through the building and the Northeast to
jump down to the Tank.
2. (6, 173)
Description - Furore GT Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Run over 30 people in 90 seconds.
3. (112, 164)
Description - Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Destroy 15 vehicles in 60 seconds.
4. (43, 146)
Description - Flamethrower Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Kill 10 people in 90 seconds.
How to find - Go to (43, 138) and go South into the alley.
5. (113, 144)
Description - Molotav Cocktail Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Kill 10 people in 60 seconds.
How to find - From the corner of the road at (108, 130), go
Southeast to (113, 137)
6. (151, 122)
Description - ElectroGun Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Kill 20 people in 60 seconds.
How to find - Go to (145, 122) and go East up the ramp.
7. (176, 143)
Description - Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Kill 10 people in 60 seconds.
How to find - Go to (183, 141) and go West and then South when you
reach a wall.
8. (208, 93)
Description - Shotgun Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Kill 10 people in 90 seconds.
How to find - Go to the one lane road at (211, 98) and go North.
9. (252, 102)
Description - S-Uzi Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Kill 10 people in 90 seconds.
How to find - Go to (237, 118) and go East until you have to go
North or South. When you get there, go North until you get to the corner by
the river.
Scientist Territory (Kill Frenzies 10 - 14)
10. (242, 185)
Description - Furore GT Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Use the mines to destroy 15 Cars in 120 seconds.
11. (146, 211)
Description - ElectroGun Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Destroy 5 cars in 120 seconds.
How to find - Go to (148, 207) and go South.
12. (212, 201)
Description - ElectroGun Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Kill ten people in 120 seconds.
How to find - Go to (210, 198) and go South.
13. (132, 171)
Description - S-Uzi Machine Gun Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Kill 20 people in 90 seconds.
How to find - Go to (140, 172) and head West.
14. (172, 192)
Description - Shotgun Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Kill 15 people in 60 seconds.
How to find - Enter the mall at (183, 170). Go to the ramp at
(173, 181,) and head South until you get to the Kill Frenzy.
Zaibatsu Territory (Kill Frenzies 15-16)
15. (147, 43)
Description - ElectroGun Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Kill 20 people in 120 seconds.
16. (164, 77)
Description - Molotav Cocktail Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Destroy 20 vehicle in 60 seconds.
How to find - Go to (197, 74) and walk up the ramps. At the top of
the ramps, jump North to (194, 72). Go up that ramp and then jump South over
the same gap. Follow the remaining ramps to the top of the building. From
there you have to head West jumping gaps from building to building until you
get to (176, 73). Walk across the pipes to another building across the street.
On that building, there is a different set of pipes that you need to walk
across to get the Kill Frenzy.
Reneck Territory (Kill Frenzies 17-20)
17. (26, 102)
Description - Tank Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Shoot 20 people in 120 seconds with the cannon.
How to find - Go to (18, 97) and follow the alley to the East. The
alley leads around to the Tank.
18. (84, 57)
Description - Rocket Launcher Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Destroy 10 cars in 120 seconds.
How to find - Go to the alley at (84, 42) and go straight South.
19. (67, 17)
Description - Furore GT Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Use the S-Uzi Machine Gun mounted on the car to
shoot 30 people in 120 seconds.
20. (9, 27)
Description - Flamethrower Kill Frenzy
Requirements - Kill 20 people in 60 seconds.
How to find - Go to (32, 29) which is in the Mobile RV Park. Go
Northwest in the grass to (20, 24). From there, go West under the bridge to
get the Kill Frenzy.
GTA 2 Tokens (25 Tokens)
Neutral Territory (Tokens 1-7)
1. (52, 202)
How to find - Get a running start in your car and ramp off the stairs at
(89, 206) DonÕt stop when you get to the next building across the street. Keep
going straight and go off another ramp and across another street. The token is
sitting there.
2. (2, 212)
How to find - Ramp off the dock at (12, 202) to get to a warehouse
in the middle of the river. Head South on the other side to get your token.
After you grab the token, ramp back to the other side on the other dock.
3. (77, 164)
How to find - Go to (62, 163) and go straight East and head up the
4. (89, 144)
How to find - Go to (97, 131) and go South to the parking lot to
(96, 144). At that point, go West down the alley to get your token.
5. (136, 147)
How to find - Go to (136, 150) and go North
6. (162, 136)
How to find - Go to (145, 136) and go straight East through the
7. (247, 112)
How to find - Go to the alley at (241, 117) and go North. Walk up
the stairs on the right to get the token.
Scientist Territory (Tokens 8-12)
8. (241, 235)
How to find - Go to (214, 217) and go South into the research
center. When you get to the Red Phone, go East and then up the two sets of
stairs. At the top of the stairs go South across the walkway. At the T-
Intersection on the walkway, go East to the token.
9. (236, 195)
How to find - Go to (236, 204) and go North through the alley.
10. (196, 234)
11. (116, 237)
12. (199, 173)
How to find - Go to the mall at (183, 170) and go up the stairs on
the South side at (170, 167). Follow the walkway around to (166, 174) and then
head South again. Go up the ramp at (163, 181) and then head North on the
pipes to cross over to a different building. Head East and go over some more
pipes at (169, 171). On another building across the streets, go East to the
edge and jump down two building levels to get the token.
Zaibatsu Territory (Tokens 13-19)
13. (169, 83)
How to find - Go to (197, 74) and walk up the ramps. At the top of
the ramps, jump North to (194, 72). Go up that ramp and then jump South over
the same gap. Follow the remaining ramps to the top of the building. From
there you have to head West jumping gaps from building to building until you
get to (176, 73). Walk across the pipes to another building across the street.
On that building, there is a different set of pipes that you need to walk
across to a different building. Go pass the Kill Frenzy by jumping down to the
right. You should be at (166, 77). From there walk South and jump down to
another building to get the token.
14. (253, 49)
How to find - Go to (246, 41) which is in the Village in Zaibatsu.
Go Southeast from there to (251, 55) Go North and up the stairs from there.
15. (220, 29)
How to find - Go to (221, 34) and go North.
16. (246, 2)
How to find - Go to (247, 17) and go Northeast to (254, 8). Now go
North to the corner and then West to the token.
17. (195, 4)
How to find - Go to (193, 9) and go North.
18. (154, 4)
How to find - Go to the road at (143, 9) and go North and then
19. (78, 1)
How to find - Go to the sidewalk at (109, 9) and go West to the
Hydro Plant at (104, 8) Walk or drive straight West until you canÕt go that
way anymore. From there, go North. The token is in the corner hidden under the
silver pipe.
Redneck Territory (Tokens 19-25)
20. (39, 111)
How to find - Go to (55, 106) and go straight West under the black
grate until you get to (39, 106). The token is in the alley to the South.
21. (62, 100)
How to find - Go to (64, 92) and go South. When you get to the
wall, go East and then South again. You will see an alley on the left where
the token is.
22. (101, 52)
How to find - Go up the stairs at (130, 77) and go South on the
road to the right. Go around the corner and up the ramp. When the road turns
West, follow it all the way to (101, 58). Go North through the small opening
in the building to get the token.
23. (13, 76)
How to find - Get a fast car and go up the stairs at (130, 77) and
go South on the road to the right. Go around the corner and up the ramp. When
the road turns West, follow it all the way to where it turns again at (18,
59). Go North to get a running start and park your car so it is pointing South
at the point (16, 45). Go straight South and ramp off the corner. As soon as
you go off the ramp, hold down the reverse button and the brake button. If you
did it right, you will have stopped on the roof of a slanted building at (16,
68). Get out of your car and go West and jump from the corner of the building
over to another building. Walk South and jump down to the token.
24. (65, 78)
How to find - Get a running start and go off the ramp at (64, 52).
On the other side of the fence, go Southeast to (68, 75). From there, walk to
the North around the building on the wooden walkway and go to the point (59,
79). Walk up the roof to the Northeast to get the token.
25. (32, 6)
How to find - Go to the back of the Mobile RV Park at (6, 22).
From there go North across the river. On the other side, go East across
another river. On that strip of land, go to the back. The token is hidden
behind the building on the right.
Other Secrets
Car Crush Prizes
When you take cars to the car crusher, you can get prizes
depending on what the car is. Once the car has been crushed into a cube and
placed on the belt You can walk up onto the ramp and see that the cube has
turned into something useful for you.
(112, 130) - The ramp to get on to the belt is at (126, 133). Walk up onto
the boxes and jump twice to get on to the belt.
Rocket Launcher, Armor, and Health (233, 188)
Insane Stunt Bonuses!
There are two ramps in the mall in the Scientist Territory.
One ramp is at (174, 160). From there, you can go directly South to hit
another ramp at (174, 188)
Get a running start and go off the stairs at (89, 206) DonÕt
stop when you get to the next building across the street. Keep going straight
and go off another ramp.
The ramp is at (51, 161). You can also go off the ramp across
the street.
Go to (175, 69) and go straight East to the ramp.
The ramp is at (247, 52). You will ramp across the street to
another building. At the end of that building, you will ramp to the roof of a
bridge. At the end of the bridge there is one more ramp.
The ramp is at (87, 85).
D. Game Secrets
Elvis Has Left the Building!
When you see a bunch of guys walking in line and making Elvis
noises, you can kill them to get a bonus. Get a car and run over them all in a
straight line so they all die at the same time to get the bonus.
Garage Prices and Definitions
Hell Oil - $10000 - Equips oil on your vehicle so you can lose cars on
your tail because they slide off the road.
Gold Mines - $50,000 - Equips mines on your vehicle.
Max Paynt - $5000 - Changes the plates on your vehicle and repairs any
Bomb Bay Mix - $5000 - Equips a bomb on your vehicle.
Smith & WestonÕs - $25000 - Equips machine guns on your vehicle.
XI. Copyright and Credits
This FAQ: The Playstation Grand Theft Auto 2 Guide, was written by
Gavin Ripley. It is intended for personal use and may not be sold or widely
distributed. You may be able to put this FAQ on your site ONLY if you get MY
permission by e-mail: ripoff1@email.com. But, you may only put it on your site
with my permission. I can tell you right now you probably wonÕt. This is just
because of bad experiences. Please feel free to send any comments or any
corrections to me. But before you do, make sure you are reading the most
recent edition of the FAQ which can be found at www.gamefaqs.com. My e-mail
is: ripoff1@email.com.
FAQ Author -- Gavin Ripley (ripoff1@email.com) (URL:
Grand Theft Auto 2 Codes -- Gamewinners (www.gamewinners.com)
Gameshark Codes -- Gameshark Code Creators Club (www.cmgsccc.com)
Thanks to:
Ed Van Wormer for pointing out a mistake in my Downtown Secret Guide.
Fleming Packaging - Scanning the maps for me.
Rockstar and DMA Design for making such a great game.
Gamefaqs for posting my guide.
This Document © 1999 Gavin Ripley
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