Jade Cocoon: Story Of The Tamamayu

Jade Cocoon: Story of the Tamamayu

18.10.2013 07:05:28
Jade Cocoon: Story of the Tamamayu FAQ/Walkthrough
by MindWanderer
Version 0.99: February 19, 2001

I. About this FAQ
II. The basics
III. About breeding
IV. Tips and tactics
V. Walkthrough (spoiler-free)
VI. Boss tips (contains spoilers)
VII. Spells and abilities
VIII. Monster list (in progress)
IX. Bosses of the Eternal Corridor
X. Frequently Asked Questions (contains minor spoilers)
XI. Copyright information

New in version 0.99:
Eternal Corridor Bosses list added
Some minor changes
Re-ordered Eternal Corridor minion list to match the in-game list
Finished minion list (sort of)

New in version 0.98:
Minor updates and corrections
Many minions added, thanks to Bryan Chen and Lisa Brunner
FAQ section added
Chest contents and other items added to walkthrough
Added Hidden Monsters thanks to Brayze
Solved the problem of minion abilities disappearing

New in version 0.92:
Patbaran, Mardreg abilities added
A bunch of Eternal Corridor monsters added
More info about merging

Version 0.90: First release

I. About this FAQ

This was designed to be a guide to Jade Cocoon, North American
version. It contains tips for playing the game, raising your minions
and a brief, spoiler-free walkthrough. It is not terribly detailed
but is guaranteed accurate. If you can supply missing information,
witnessed directly and absolutely by yourself, no rumors, please let
me know at MindWanderer@juno.com.

Oh, and if you really want ASCII art in the title, look at the one by
Stinger at http://www.gamefaqs.com, which also contains a nice
section on GameShark codes. Go there if that's what you want. This
game is easy enough that you shouldn't need codes, though, except to
perfect your minions or buy the insanely expensive equipment in the
Eternal Corridor. BTW, if you did read that FAQ, he wasn't referring
to me in section 10.

II. The basics

As Levant, a young cocoon master, you must capture monsters
(known as minions) in the forests, and raise them and merge them
together with one another to make them powerful enough to fight for
you. While Levant starts off reasonably strong, he becomes horribly
weak before long and must rely exclusively on his minions to do his
fighting for him. Characters in the game will explain the process
more thorougly.

Levant can improve his skills only by capturing minions. He
does not gain experience by killing them. He can purchase better
weapons and armor by selling minions which he has spun into silk.
The higher the level of the minion, the more valuable the silk.
Check the shops after each event in the plot to see if there are new
weapons, armor, or items to be bought. Remember that you can only
carry 20 of any one item at a time- silk spun beyond that will be

Minions gain experience by killing other minions in combat or
by being merged. The experience gained in either case is equal to
one experience level if both minions are equal in level, half an
experience level if the minion is greater than the other by one level,
a quarter of a level if they differ by two, and so on. If your minion
is lower in level than the other, your new experience level is equal to
what it would be if yours was the other minion and you killed or merged
with your own.

Minions also have three kinds of abilities, which are gained
(or lost) only by merging. These types are Attacks, Attack Modifiers,
and Spells. More on those in the next section.

III. About breeding

The primary way of improving your minions is by fighting. This
is pretty self-explanatory. Try to make sure that your minions are 2-3
levels above the wild minions in the area at any time. Note that a
minion gains more when leveling by fighting than leveling by merging. So
the strongest minions are those who you caught at a low level and which
gained most of their levels by fighting. This effect seems to taper off
at high levels, so that if, say, you have a Marrdreg that you caught at
level 3 and used the whole game, and then caught a Spiral toward the end,
if you get them up to level 30 or so in the Eternal Corridor, they should
end up being comparable.

The less-frequent, but more important method of raising them is
through Merging. In a merge, the first monster has its stats modified
based on how the second monster's stats are different from its own,
and also gains the abilities of the second. Regarding stats, you will
notice that there is some variability in minion stats of the same
species and equal level. This does not effect how much the stats change
when used as the second minion in the merge. Similarly, if you fuse
a minion to another which is itself a composite of two minions, it
does not matter which of the other two is first or second (for
instance, if you fuse a Skwoot to a Skaeeb/Skawasp, the result is the
same as a Skwoot mixed with a Skawasp/Skaeeb).

The stats of the merged minion will be highly dependent upon the first
minion in the mix. So if the minion's base type is a Riggu (high attack
and defense, low magic and speed), no matter how much you merge it and
to what, it will always have a relatively low speed.

When you fuse two monsters together of different elements, the
result will be a mix of both. Many resulting proportions are possible
through multiple mergings. If an element has not been merged to the
minion within two generations, the element will be lost (for instance,
if you merge a pataimel with a Skawasp, then merge the result with
another Skawasp and that result with a third, the result will be
entirely Air).

As mentioned before, minions have three types of abilities:
Attacks, Attack Modifiers, and spells. Spells each have an element,
and will always be transferred upon a fusion, with no maximum limit,
as long as the minion contains the appropriate element. The exception
is the Deva spells, which can only be learned if there is no creature
of any other element anywhere in the minion's family tree. The
effectiveness of spells is based on the creature's Magic Attack stat,
as well as the amount of that element the minon contains.

Attacks are located in one of the minion's body parts: either Horn, Fang,
Claw, Tail, or Foot. Each attack can be either elemental or
non-elemental. Elemental attacks, like spells, disappear if the minion
ever does not contain the appropriate element. Their effectiveness
is also modified by the proportion of the correct element that
creature has. Both types of attacks are based on the minion's Attack

Attack modifiers give bonuses to the Attack they are located on. If they
have no corresponding Attack, they will modify the minion's basic attack
instead. They increase the mana cost of that attack by 10.

When inheriting abilities, note the following: if the primary and
secondary minions each have an attack or modifier in the same body part,
it only keeps one. If both abilities are -non-elemental Attacks-, the
result will be whatever the primary one had. If both are -elemental
attacks or modifiers-, it will be whatever the secondary monster had.
If one is an elemental attack and the other is a non-elemental attack,
the result is the elemental one.

For cosmetic purposes, merged minions will have the body type and action
animations of the primary, and the skin patterns and stance of the
secondary. The wings, jaw, and various other features come from the
minion's entire history of merging, and the color is based on the
minion's element(s), unless overridden by a particular skin (e.g.
Terbeker skins are albino). In the Eternal Corridor, boss skins won
in combat can be added to replace the normal one. These skins will
be the color of the boss they came from unless you use it on a multi-
element minion, in which case they will be based on the minion's natural

IV. Tips and tactics

Your chance of capturing is based on your level, your target's level, and
how injured it is. Sometimes you fail for no particular reason; try
again before trying to weaken it so much you might kill it by mistake.
The amount of damage an attack does does not vary randomly by much,
particularly at the beginning. If you hit a pataimel (29 HP) for 13
points, go ahead and hit it again. It won't die unless you crit.

Minions get back HP and mana after every fight, regardless of whether
they participated. So if you have one minion that's kind of beat up,
pick fights with something you don't need that one for until it recovers.

Minions gain mana back when they defend, too. And since defending
dramatically reduces damage you take, it is often wise to defend for a
few turns, then hit 'em back with a powerful (and expensive) attack.
You can also use this with Medina (the healing spell) to make sure you
end a fight in perfect shape.

Minions gain experience if they deal the finishing blow to an enemy.
You can therefore raise levels quickly by using your most powerful
minion to weaken a foe, then finish it off with a weaker one.

Elemental advantages make a tremendous difference. So does the element
of the area (as affected by the Deva spells, etc.) Pay attention for
easy wins.

If an enemy attacks you from behind, they'll get a free attack, and if
they're reasonably fast, they'll get a second free attack after you
summon a minion. In other words, don't let it happen.

Each wild minion can be one of two different ones. It will change from
one to the other every time you see the "loading" dragonfly appear in
the corner while the screen is black, which happens when you leave a
screen containing a plot point or save point. Use this to plan your

Since you can only have three minions equipped, and a minion's powers
are worse if they are mixed-element, try to use two minions of one
element each and one of two elements. The last of these should have
two "adjacent" elements so it can benefit from the special defense as
well as attack.

Some minions occasionally do not have their special abilities. This
happens when you catch the minion, save, then turn the power off and
reload without purifying first. To avoid this, always use the "load"
function rather than the reset or power buttons on the Playstation.
You also may want to do this intentionally if you want a core creature
with an unwanted ability.

There are some other glitches about minion abilities. I once caught an
Asha (a Fire minion) with Horn- Water Attack and Vahlis. It's possible
that this has made some of my listings incorrect. Notify me if you spot
any such mistakes.

Minions who use Poison, Flesh to Stone, or Sleep are highly resistant to
those attacks. This resistance can be conferred onto another by merging.
I'm not sure how the mechanics of it work, though. It seems the minion
has to actually have the attack to be resistant.

You can take advantage of the fact that elemental abilities are lost by
breeding the element away. For example, Mukshab has the powerful Water
Attack+Critical ability on its tail. Merge it with two, say, Fire
minions, then merge that with your favorite fire minion. The result:
your fire minion now has +Critical on whatever it already has in its
tail slot.

After you beat the game, you have the option of saving one last time.
If you continue from that save, you will have the option of entering the
Eternal Corridor. Each hall of the Corridor has a couple of random
minions, including many that do not actually appear in the game. You
cannot return to any of the areas in the actual game, though. The shop
here sells some incredible (and incredibly expensive) stuff, all the
weapons, armor, and items in the game, in fact. At the end of each
hall, you fight an easy mini-boss, and if you win, you may get its
skin. Use the skin in a merge to change the skin coloration of your
own minion to that of the mini-boss.

V. Walkthrough (spoiler-free)

Sorry if this is kind of ambiguous. I'm deliberately leaving plot
details out for people who hate to have the story spoiled.

Note that "Items:" means only non-plot items which are found on the

You first gain control of what's going on when you meet Koris. Be sure
to catch his Arpatron (it's a great minion, and the only one of its
kind). You can also get 20 Mugworts from him by asking about attack
and defense, then disobeying him. From now on, make sure you have
lots of Mugwort- it's cheap and effective.

Note that if you talk to the blacksmith twice, he already has some stuff
for sale that you might want.

1) Beetle Forest

New minions: Pataimel, Skawasp; Patalchu, Skaeeb; Mukhambu, Patash;
Skwoot, Nushab; Marrdreg, Terfrayd.

Breeder's notes: Marrdreg and Terfrayd are very powerful, and will serve
you well for the rest of the game if merged well. Mukhambu has the
Medina spell, and Patash has Agnis, both very useful. Skwoot and Nushab
have the Poison attack, which means they (or anything you merge them
with) have resistance to Poison.

Items: Shab Liquor, Skeleton Key, Knowledge 1, Knowledge 2, Knowledge 3,
Beetle Warp, Aquazor
Chest: 4 Meta-Mugwort, 4 Shab Liquor, Iron Headband

There is one treasure chest here, but it only contains items you can buy
anyway. You may want to skip the first chest, to avoid having to double
back in some areas. The first chest contains only purchasable items
anyway. You can also find the Aquazor, a spear with the element of
Water built in. Build a team of minions from these starting ones, make
sure they're at least level five, and hurry on.

Skwoots can leave Great Walnuts when beaten, which increase your maximum
HP by two each, and raise your current HP to the new maximum. You might
want to collect a few. Mukhambu can (rarely) drop Bletilla Oil, which
increases magic attack. You may want some if you like using magic.

2) Dragonfly Forest

New minions: Hiralco, Teralco; Ohma, Riggu; Terbeker, Maskhira;
Ojiae, Frey.

Breeder's notes: Hiralco has Maltis, a good spell; Maskhira has Ad Slahm,
Ojiae has Vahlis, and Frey has Agnis. Terbeker and Maskhira also have
Sleep, so merge them to add resistance to that. None of these are very
strong- that's probably why Marrdreg and Terfrayd reappear, the only
time in the game when a minion appears in more than one forest.

Items: Skeleton Key x2, Kickleberry, Knowledge 4, Magic Usage 2,
Magic Usage 1, Sleep Spores, Dragonfly Warp
Chest in cellar: Chestnut Oil, Bletilla Oil, Tendai Uyaku
Other chest: Agni's Seal 1 x5, Agni's Seal 2 x3, Silver Crown

This one's a bit more challenging. Take the left fork to get the key
to open the door on the right fork. Ohma and Riggu are tough customers,
and appear two at a time, so make sure you can handle them. Ohma can
drop Kukumira Oil, which increases defense, very nice, and Teralco
can drop Shishiudo Oil, which increases speed, even better.

Make sure to return to the blacksmith- he now sells the Sword of
Speed, a must-have. He'll also ask you to give a message to Kelmar.
Talk to Kelmar at the Watchtower several times, then return to the
smith for a reward.

After you complete the area, you can return and use the Ocarina where
you finished the level. Do this enough times and you'll get an item.

I don't know how to get and keep the Secret of Killing tablet. If you've
done it, tell me.

3) Spider Forest

New minions: Rugdogle, Radgore; Radmole, Radoimel; Doglchu, Patakuga;
Doghambu, Tergrip; Rashab, Skwmoaj; Maryen, Embla

Breeder's notes: Rugdogle, Radgore, Doghambu, and Doglchu have good
spells. Radmole and Raoinel have the decent Flesh to Stone attack,
which means merging them with your favorites will give them resistance
to those attacks. Doglchu and Patakuga have the Critical attack,
which almost never works, but when it does is devastating. Most
important, Maryen and Embla have their respective Deva spells- get
these at all costs. Rashab and Skwmoaj have +Power, which can be
useful- but be warned, you can never remove the ability, you can
only replace it, and it increases the cost of whatever it's on. At
this point you can also make the hidden minion Sherick; see the
"hidden minions" section for instructions.

Items: White Horn, Skeleton Key x2, Ikari Powder, Excellent Liquor,
Knowledge 5, Merging 2, Divine Tablet, Spider Warp, Minion Fang,
Merging 1
Chest by Yami: Stone Choker, Malty's Seal 2 x3, Malti's Seal 1 x5
Chest past barrier: Yellow Bead, Kukumira Oil, Ichishi Oil

Take the time to level up slowly. This area is large and rushing
through it will get you killed in a hurry. Each of the people you
meet here will only talk to you if you give them gifts (note- one of
these gifts was back in the Dragonfly Forest), but it makes no
difference whether or not you do, except for the one you're looking for.
You'll complete a plot point, then return to finish the area.

Note that after finishing the area, you will have one chance to heal,
play with minions, and buy equipment, and then you will be unable to do
so until completing the Moth Forest. Also, the minions will change
after you finish the area, so be sure you collect all you want first.
You may want to buy the Little Bird- it has poor attack strength but
increases your speed dramatically.

4) Spider Forest 2

New minions: Yoalk, Nevan

Breeder's notes: Yoalk has Ad Mumuls, an instant death spell that
targets all enemies. Read the note to the next section.

Nothing here but the spider minions. This is your only chance to get

5) Moth Forest

New minions: Asha, Shulia; Raddlchu, Radtodon; Mardreg, Patbaran

Breeder's notes: AARGH! Both the Raddlchu and the Yoalk (see above)
have spells that no other creature in the regular game has.
Unfortunately, you cannot get new empty cocoons until you finish the
area, at which point you can -never return- to any of the 4 forests.
That means you have very little room for error in your choices of what to
catch. Asha and Shulia have the powerful Agnia and Maltia spells. If
you want to create the hidden minion Tweengo, make sure you catch one of
the spiders and have the other necessary minions ahead of time. Tweengo
is an excellent minion with the +Critical ability, and should be made if
at all possible.

Items: Whistler, Great Walnut, Skeleton Key x2
Chest in small room: Bitter Mugwort x2, Special Liquor x2, Tendai Uyaku
Chest by Dogs: Shishiudo Oil, Bletilla Oil, Ichishi Oil
Chest in ditch: Urvy's Blessing x3, Sparrow Ruff, Great Walnut

The only way to heal until you beat the Moth Forest is through items
(which you can't buy for now) and winning fights. If you get badly
beat up, you can exit, go to the Beetle Forest, and beat up weaklings
until you recover. If Levant is hurt, you can fight Skwoots until
they leave a Great Walnut.

Fill up your cocoons and move on. You can't afford to linger here
for long. Get the key for the door on the left fork from the path
to the right. Make sure you snag the Sparrow Ruff from the chest to
the left of the locked gate, it's an accessory that increases speed
by a lot.

6) Beetle Forest 2

New minions: Srikarta, Swav; Skwimel, Patmanty; Patdreg, Hackaroo

Breeder's notes: Patdreg and Hackaroo, like their cousins Terfrayd
and Marrdreg, are great. They also have the remaining Deva spells.
Srikarta and Swav have Vahlia and Agnia.

Item: Skeleton Key
Chest: Vary's Blessing x3, Malty's Blessing x3, Hawk Ruff

This shouldn't take you long at all. Even the chest is in the same
place as before, as is the end. Make sure you level up, though.

7) Dragonfly Forest 2

New minions: Hirasag, Amasag; Dogle, Skarunga; Zulmoo, Mugoo; Geenwee,

Breeder's notes: Hirasag and Amasag have Vahlia and Ulvia, and Zulmoo
has Ad Roqua. Everything here has either lousy attack or lousy speed.
Get the spells and leave the rest (although Mugoo/Zulmoo can turn
anything into a cyclops when merged with it, which is pretty cool).

Items: Thunderbolt, Skeleton Key
Chest: Bletilla Oil, Chestnut Oil, Sleep Spores x3

Again, the end is in the same place, so you can finish this really
quickly if you want. Four minions only appear on the left fork, though.

8) Spider Forest 3

New minions: Berbansa, Tragaron; Uglam, Turen; Robun, Noobwee;
Carmine, Mukshab; Terhambu, Dogpara; Spiral, Jirahl

Breeder's notes: Spiral and Jirahl are simply awesome, and only have
one ability that doesn't really matter much- they make great
stat-boosters, or even core creatures. Berbansa and Tragaron have
Maltia and Ulvia if you haven't gotten them yet. Most importantly,
Carmine, Mukshab, Noobwee, Robun, Terhambu, and Dogpara all have the
powerful +Critical ability, in various body parts. Make sure each
of your minions has a +Critical on at least one elemental attack.

Items: Skeleton Key
Chest near Barrier: Bitter Mugwort x3, Special Liquor x3, Great Walnut x2
Chest in circular area: Urvy's Blessing x3, Agni's Blessing x3, Tendai

Again, take this Spider Forest slowly. Level up thoroughly before
wading into unknown territory. Spirals, Jirahls, Carmines, Mukshabs,
Terhambus, and Dogparas will all kick your butt in a hurry, and the
last four of those six usually appear in groups of two.

Robun can drop Divine Garb 2, an incredible piece of armor. Get this
rather than buying the Forest Garb, if you haven't already.

I haven't found a second key in this area. If you know where it is, let
me know.

And that's the end of the game. If you can't beat the bosses of
any of the areas, check the next section.

VI. Boss tips

1) Masked Boy

Err... right. Losing to this guy would be tough. If you have problems,
just make sure your minions are about level 3 or so. You can actually
skip him entirely by going left at the fork, but you'll miss the Aquazor
and a Great Walnut.

2) The Poacher

You fight him three times, although you can skip him in the Spider
Forest- all he has is a Skeleton Key. The first time, he uses a fire
creature, the second, an air creature, and the third, an earth creature.
Summon a minion of the appropriate element and you'll be fine.
You may need to go to the Beetle Forest to heal after beating him in
the Moth Forest.

3) Kikinak

A fire minion with Fire Attack and a high attack power and speed will
do him in pretty easily. Just make sure your level is up to par- good
enough to deal with Ohmas and Riggus is good enough for Kikinak. If
your minion runs out of mana, either have it defend a few turns or
switch to Levant and use a Shab Liquor.

4) Fire Boss

Okay, now this guy is a pain. You'll probably want two water minions for
this, and a fire minion as well. Note that the Deva Agni spell is
permanently in effect (and your Deva spells won't work). That means
that your own Fire minion is in a position to deal worlds of hurt to
the Boss. Note also that the Boss himself is not Fire type, only his
minion, so he's not vulnerable to water. If you need to switch to Levant

to use an Excellent liquor on a minion, go ahead. You shouldn't need to
use Tendai Uyakus, but there aren't many better times to use one, if you
have it.

5) Wind Boss

Pretty similar to Fire Boss. Just rotate your strategy 90 degrees. You
may find Sel Selahm useful to prevent the sleep attack.

6) Earth Boss (optional)

You don't have to, but you can fight the Earth Boss where you met Yami,
Yamu, and Kakayamu. He'll just attack, without summoning a minion. Use
Deva Malti and Wind Attack for an easy victory and some good EXP.

7) Earth Boss (by Divine Tree)

Umm... you should have the idea by now. Go ahead and blow lots
of Liquors, since this is just about the end. Remember, you'll have to
use the same party for this as for the next fight, but this guy is by
far the easiest of the Elemental Bosses. He can turn you to stone,
so have Ikari Powder on hand or use Sel Selahm ,and if he dances in
place, you might want to defend. Use Earth Attack+Critical on the Earth
boss himself and you might even be able to take him out in one hit-
possibly even before he summons his minion.

8) Chosen One of Darkness

First, make sure that when the level up screen comes up after beating
Earth Boss, go to the menu straight from there and use healing items,
if you need them (which you should, for mana at least).

His minion changes element constantly, so just switch minions when
he does. Alternately, since it casts a Deva spell every time it
switches, you can attack it with its own element for a good amount
of damage. The Chosen One himself can't take much punishment. Go
along with the last Deva used for extra oomph.

VII. Spells and abilities

1) Spells
Agni, Malti, Vahli, Ulvi- Cost: 10 mana
The basic attack spell for Fire, Air, Water, and Earth, respectively.
Generally not as effective as the elemental Attacks.

Agnis, Maltis, Vahlis, Ulvis- Cost: 15 mana
Same strength as the above, but hits all enemies.

Agnia, Maltia, Vahlia, Ulvia- Cost: 25 mana
A stronger version of the attack spell. One target only. Not too bad.

Deva Agni, Deva Malti, Deva Vali [sic], Deva Ulvi- Cost: 5 mana
Changes the dominant element of the area. Strengthens the element
of the spell and weakens whetever that element is strong against.
Very effective for fights that are a bit challenging. Cheap, too.

Medina- Cost: 15 mana- Element: Water
Minion heals itself. All your water minions should have this.

Selahm- Cost: 10 mana- Element: Water
Minion cures itself of any status ailments. Again, you want this.

Sel Selahm- Cost: 5 mana- Element: Air
The next three moves on you that might cause Sleep, Stone, Poison,
or instant death do not. Doesn't matter whether or not the atatck
would have succeeded- an attack with Poison takes off one use even
if it misses.

Ad Slahm- Cost: 10 mana- Element: Air
All enemies fall asleep.

Selahm Venon- Cost: 5 mana- Element: Earth
Minion cures itself of poison. No reason not to have this.

Ad Venon- Cost: 10 mana- Element: Earth
All enemies are poisoned.

Ad Roqua- Cost: 10 mana- Element: Earth
All enemies are petrified.

Ad Mumuls- Cost: 30 mana- Element: Fire
All enemies die. Low success rate. At least, when I use it.
Enemy minions pull this off pretty darn often. Success rate may
be based on the minion's magic attack stat. Same for the other Ad

2) Attacks
Water Attack, Fire Attack, Wind Attack, Earth attack- cost: 10 mana
Strike one enemy, hard, with an elemental bias. Slightly lower
hit rate that a basic attack. Like elemental spells, the amount of
that element that the minion has determines how effective the attack
is, to a minimum of being equivalent to a regular attack.

Critical- cost: 35 mana
Target falls to one hit point. Low hit rate, but if you hit at all,
it works. Not to be confused with the modifier, +Critical. Does not
appear to be affected by +Accuracy.

Break Legs- cost: 5 mana
Bipedal target loses speed and accuracy and takes damage. Other
creatures just take damage.

Rend Wings- cost: 5 mana
Flying target loses speed and accuracy and takes damage. Other creatures
just take damage.

Poison- cost: 10 mana
Target is poisoned and takes damage. Lower success rate than Ad Venon.

Sleep- cost: 10 mana
Target falls asleep and takes damage. Lower success rate than Ad Slahm.

Flesh to Stone- cost: 10 mana
Target is petrified and takes damage. Lower success rate than Ad Roqua.

Absorb Hit Points- cost: 10 mana
Damage dealt is added to user's HP. Deals less damage than a basic

Absorb Mana- cost: 0 mana
Takes target's mana and adds it to own. Deals no HP damage.

Destroy Mana- cost: 5 mana
Target loses mana. More effective than Absorb Mana.

All Enemies- cost: 15 mana
Hits all enemies, for a good amount of damage. The only foot move
in the game, so give it to everyone.

3) Attack Modifiers

+Accuracy- cost: +10 mana
Modified attack is much more likely to hit. Can still miss, rarely.

+Power- cost: +10 mana
Modified attack deals more damage by about 50%.

+Critical- cost: +10 mana
Modified attack is much more likely to be critical.

VIII. Monster list (in progress)
Minions are listed in pairs as per their specific locations.
Abilities are listed after. Element is specified (E/A/W/F) if you can't
tell by name or abilities (Pat-=Fire, Muk-=Water, Sk-=Air, Ter-=Earth).
Note: All minions, to my knowledge, can also be found in the Eternal
Corridor. Minions that have an identical form in the Corridor will not
appear in their original forms. For instance, Mukhambu, Doghambu, and
Terhambu are of the same general type but of different sub-species. So
what you'll find in the Corridor are variants of their counterparts-
Patash, Tergrip, and Dogpara. So you'll find Skagrip but not Doghambu,
but they look the same, and have similar abilities and identical stats.
The same goes for all the other general species- you won't find -chus,
-aimels, -shabs, or -dregs, either, but you'll find very similar

Please let me know of any errors I have made, including missing
abilities or names.

Arpatron: Horn- Water Attack

Beetle Forest --
Skawasp: Malti; Pataimel: Agni
Patalchu: Horn- Fire Attack; Skaeeb: Fang- Wind Attack
Mukhambu: Medina; Patash: Fang- Fire Attack, Agnis
Skwoot: Claw- Poison; Nushab: Fang- Poison
Terfrayd: Fang- Earth Attack; Marrdreg: Horn- Wind Attack

Dragonfly Forest --
Terfrayd: Fang- Earth Attack; Marrdreg: Horn- Wind Attack
Hiralco: Horn +Accuracy, Maltis; Teralco: Ulvi, Fang +Accuracy
Riggu: (E) Foot- All Enemies; Ohma: (W) Foot- All Enemies
Terbeker: Claw- Sleep; Maskhira: Fang- Sleep, Ad Slahm
Ojiae: Fang +Accuracy, Vahlis; Frey: Claw +Accuracy, Agnis

Spider Forest --
Rugdogle: Tail- Earth Attack, Ulvis; Radgore: Horn- Water Attack, Vahlis
Radmole: (W) Claw- Flesh to Stone; Radoimel: (E) Fang- Flesh to Stone
Doglchu: Claw- Critical, Selahm; Patakuga: Tail- Critical
Doghambu: Tail- Wind Attack, Sel Selahm; Tergrip: Horn- Earth Attack
Rashab: Tail- Fire Attack+Power; Skwmoaj: Horn- Wind Attack+Power
Maryen: Ulvi, Deva Ulvi; Embla: Vahli, Deva Vali

Spider Forest 2 --
Yoalk: Horn- Fire Attack, Ad Mumuls; Nevan: Fang- Wind Attack, Ad Slahm

Moth Forest --
Asha: Fang +Accuracy, Agnia; Shulia: Claw +Accuracy, Maltia
Raddlchu: Claw +Accuracy, Selahm Venon, Ad Venon;
Radtodon: (W) Tail +Accuracy
Patbaran: Fang- Fire Attack+Power; Mardreg: Horn- Water Attack+Power

Beetle Forest 2 --
Srikarta: Claw- Break Legs+Accuracy, Vahlia; Swav: Tail- Break Legs,
Skwimel: (W) Fang- Absorb Hit Points; Patmanty: Claw- Absorb Hit Points
Patdreg: Horn- Fire Attack, Deva Agni;
Hackaroo- Fang- Wind Attack, Deva Malti

Dragonfly Forest 2 --
Hirasag: Fang- Absorb Mana, Ulvia; Amasag: Claw- Absorb Mana, Vahlia
Dogle: Claw +Power, Agnis; Skarunga: Horn +Power, Maltis
Zulmoo: (W) Foot- All Enemies; Mugoo: Foot- All Enemies, Ad Roqua
Geenwee: Claw- Destroy Mana, Deva Vali; Karn: Tail- Destroy Mana, Deva

Spider Forest 3 --
Berbansa: Claw +Accuracy, Maltia; Tragaron: Tail +Accuracy, Ulvia
Uglam: Tail- Wind Attack+Accuracy, Deva Malti;
Turen: Horn- Earth Attack, Deva Ulvi
Robun: Fang- Water Attack+Critical, Vahlis;
Noobwee: Horn- Earth Attack, Fang +Critical
Carmine: Horn- Fire Attack+Critical; Mukshab: Tail- Water Attack+Critical
Terhambu: Horn- Earth Attack+Critical;
Dogpara; Fang- Water Attack+Critical
Spiral: (F) Tail- Rend Wings; Jirahl: (W) Claw- Rend Wings

Total minions to this point: 65/171
(67/171 if you made the hidden minions)

Eternal Corridor --

Mafrayd: Horn- Wind Attack
Skbaran: Claw- Wind Attack+Power
Hackaroo- Fang- Wind Attack, Deva Malti
Skgore: Claw- Wind Attack, Maltis
Skarunga: Horn +Power, Maltis
Skagaron: Claw +Accuracy, Maltia
Skash: Claw- Wind Attack, Maltis
Skagrip: Tail- Wind Attack
Skapara: Tail- Wind Attack+Critical
$+Skalco: Horn +Accuracy, Malti
Skbeker: Fang- Sleep, Ad Slahm
$+Tagosag: Horn- Absorb Mana, Maltia
Skawasp: Malti
Skamanty: Tail- Absorb HP
Skumole: Horn- Flesh to Stone
Skaeeb: Fang- Wind Attack
$+Skatodon: Fang +Accuracy
Skwooga: Horn- Critical
Skwoot: Claw- Poison
Skwmoaj: Horn- Wind Attack+Power
Skwmaine: Fang- Wind Attack+Critical
Shulia: Claw +Accuracy, Maltia
$+Telma: Horn- Destroy Mana, Deva Malti
Oajin: Malti, Deva Malti
$+Tuloon: Foot- All Enemies
$+Showven: Tail- Wind Attack+Critical, Maltis
Sowl: Tail +Accuracy, Deva Malti
Ankoo: Foot- All Enemies+Power
$+Carlidge: Horn- Break Legs, Maltia
Fintan: Tail- Wind Attack, Deva Malti
Nevan: Fang- Wind Attack, Ad Slahm
Arvalzak: Horn- Rend Wings, Sel Selahm
Armijar: {Unknown- Probably same as Greydon but Air}
{Name unknown- related to Nupandra}

Terfrayd: Fang- Earth Attack
Terbaran: Tail- Earth Attack+Power
Clayble: Claw- Earth Attack, Deva Ulvi
Tergore: Tail- Earth Attack, Ulvis
$+Terunga: Fang- Earth Attack+Power, Ulvis
Tragaron: Tail +Accuracy, Ulvia
Terash: Tail- Earth Attack, Ulvis
Tergrip: Horn- Earth Attack
Terpara: Horn- Earth Attack+Critical
Teralco: Ulvi, Fang +Accuracy
Terbeker: Claw- Sleep
Morisag: Fang- Absorb Mana, Ulvia
Terwasp: Ulvi
Termanty: Horn- Absorb HP
Termole: Fang- Flesh to Stone, Selahm Venon
Tereeb: Claw- Earth Attack, Ad Venon
Tertodon: Claw +Accuracy, Ad Venon
Terkooga: Fang- Critical, Ad Venon
Teraoot: Tail- Poison
Teramoaj: Fang- Earth Attack+Power
Teramine: Claw- Earth Attack+Critical
Shee: Tail +Accuracy, Ulvia
Scul: Fang- Destroy Mana, Deva Ulvi
Eavun: Ulvi, Deva Ulvi
Pedingo: Foot- All Enemies, Ad Roqua
Elu: Horn- Earth Attack+Critical, Ulvis
Sgaj: Horn +Accuracy, Ulvi
Galia: Foot- All Enemies+Critical
Fugger: Fang- Break Legs, Ulvia
Turen: Horn- Earth Attack, Deva Ulvi
Aiona: Claw- Earth Attack, Ad Roqua
Fedelco: Fang- Rend Wings
Greydon: Horn- Earth Attack+Power, Fang- Earth Attack+Accuracy,
Claw- Earth Attack+Critical, Tail- Earth Attack, Foot- All Enemies,
Ulvi, Ulvis, Ulvia, Deva Ulvi
{Name unknown- related to Nupandra}

Ragifrayd: Claw- Water Attack
Ladbaran: Horn- Water Attack+Power
Geible: Tail- Water Attack, Deva Vali
Radgore: Horn- Water Attack, Vahlis
Radunga: Claw- Water Attack+Power, Vahlis
Doggaron: Horn +Accuracy, Vahlia
Radrash: Horn- Water Attack, Medina, Vahlis
Doggrip: Fang- Water Attack
Dogpara; Fang- Water Attack+Critical
Raddlco: Claw +Accuracy, Vahli
Radbeker: Tail- Sleep
Amasag: Claw- Absorb Mana, Vahlia
Radwasp: Vahli
$+Radmanty: Fang- Absorb HP
Radmole: (W) Claw- Flesh to Stone
Radeeb: Tail- Water Attack, Medina
Radtodon: (W) Tail +Accuracy
Radkooga: Claw- Critical, Medina
Radoot: Horn- Poison
Radmoaj: Claw- Water Attack+Power
Radmine: Tail- Water Attack+Critical
$+Fal: Horn +Accuracy, Vahlia
Uld: Claw- Destroy Mana
Embla: Vahli, Deva Vali
Zulmoo: (W) Foot- All Enemies
Robun: Fang- Water Attack+Critical, Vahlis
Tiootz: Fang+Accuracy, Vahli
Ohma: (W) Foot- All Enemies
Id: Claw- Break Legs, Vahlia
$+Rainster: Fang- Water Attack, Deva Vali
Ohzay: Tail- Water Attack
$+Kamra: Claw- Rend Wings, Selahm
Agghai: Horn- Water Attack+Power, Fang- Water Attack+Accuracy,
Claw- Water Attack+Critical, Tail- Water Attack, Foot- All Enemies,
Agnis, Agnia, Vahli, Vahlis, Deva Vali {probably a glitch}
{Name unknown- related to Nupandra}

Pataraid: Tail- Fire Attack
Patbaran: Fang- Fire Attack+Power
Jitamble: Horn- Fire Attack, Deva Agni
Patagore: Fang- Fire Attack, Agnis
Drunga: Tail- Fire Attack+Power, Agnis
Patgaron: Fang +Accuracy, Agnia
Patash: Fang- Fire Attack, Agnis
Patagrip: Claw- Fire Attack
Patapara: Claw- Fire Attack+Critical
Patalco: Tail +Accuracy, Agni
Patbecker: Horn- Sleep
Hikisag: Tail- Absorb Mana, Agnia
Patawasp: Agni
Patmanty: Claw- Absorb Hit Points
Patamole: Tail- Flesh to Stone
Pateeb: Horn- Fire Attack
Patodon: Horn +Accuracy
Patakuga: Tail- Critical
Pataoot: Fang- Poison
Patamoaj: Tail- Fire Attack+Power
Carmine: Horn- Fire Attack+Critical
Anash: Fang +Accuracy, Agnia
Karn: Tail- Destroy Mana, Deva Agni
Usk: Agni, Deva Agni
Gabee: Foot- All Enemies
Frigg: Claw- Fire Attack+Critical, Agnis
Frey: Claw +Accuracy, Agnis
Wardon: Foot- All Enemies+Accuracy
Swav: Tail- Break Legs, Agnia
Bawni: Tail- Fire Attack, Deva Agni
Yates: Horn- Fire Attack, Ad Mumuls
Spiral: (F) Tail- Rend Wings
#Bauback: Horn- Fire Attack, Fang- Fire Attack+Critical
{this is probably incorrect- should be like Greydon}
Nupandra: Horn- Critical, Fang- Absorb HP, Claw- Destroy Mana,
Tail- Absorb Mana, Foot- All Enemies, Ad Mumuls
{Looks exactly like Asha/Anash}

Hidden Minions: (thanks to Brayze!)

"Tweengo (water speed/attack type)==
Combine -eeb, spider, -mole, and turtle types. Combine so that
you get a merge between the -eeb and the spider, and the -mole
and turtle. Then merge these two merges.

Sherrick (fire speed/magic type)==
Combine -eeb, -gore, -grip, and -alco types.
Follow same process as above.

Note that these are the base monster types, actual element is
irrelevant (for example, -eeb means skaeeb, pateeb, radeeb or
tereeb; it doesn't matter which one). "

Author's note: I've seen different instructions, it seems like
the exact order doesn't matter as long as the result's grandparents
are the required types.

Tweengo: Horn- Water Attack, Fang +Critical, Claw +Power,
Tail +Accuracy, Foot- All Enemies
Sherick: Horn +Accuracy, Fang- Break Legs+Critical, Claw +Power,
Tail- Rend Wings+Critical, Agina, Ad Mumuls

#: Submitted by Bryan Chen.
$: Submitted by Lisa Brunner.
+: Ones I've caught and verified since they were submitted.

IX. Bosses of the Eternal Corridor

1) Palooja
Description: Dogle body with skin like a panda. Element Fire.
Uses basic attacks, sometimes with +'s. Shouldn't present a problem.
Can use Critical, which can be a problem if you're unlucky.
2) Ticker
Description: Patakuga body with green skin and eyes like Kermit the
Frog. Element Earth. Uses Ulvi and Ulvia. Horrible defense. Again,
this shouldn't be a problem.
3) Jeechwo
Description: Hirasag body with one eye and orange-and-black skin, with
a blue mouth. Element Water. Uses basic attacks with some modifiers.
4) Kolna
Description: Rugdogle body with cheetah spotted skin. Element Air.
Casts Ad Mumuls. Basically you have three choices: hope you get lucky,
kill it in one hit (probably with Fire Attack+Critical or +Power)
before it can take a turn, or keep a Sel Selahm running at all times.
When they appear two or three at a time, option one is only feasible
with use of Deva Agni and Agnis, recommended by Heimdal. Goryus
suggests using three Agnias in a row if your minion has a high
enough speed and magic attack to take them out in one hit- if you
can do this to all of them from left to right, they shouldn't even
get a turn.
5) Sicanjal
Description: Raddreg body, tiger stripes with a white underbelly.
Element Air. Mostly just attacks, sometimes with +'s. Not hard.
6) Timaios
Description: Patdreg body, blue with patches of red scales, sort of
like a cross between a Jirahl and a poodle. Element Water. Uses
Absorb HP and Absorb Mana, but it's not too tough to keep ahead of it.
7) Yolga
Description: Riggu body, sickly blue skin with black spiderwebbing.
Element Water. Good attack and defense, but generally just attacks.
Likes to defend a lot, tool. Just don't waste your mana while it
defends, and you ought to be fine.
8) Klarrgas
Description: Body of Srikarta, skin of a skeleton. Element Fire.
Uses attacks that stone, sleep, and poison you. I'm still
experimenting, but it seems like the only attacks that hurt it at
all are Poison, Absorb HP, Sleep, and Flesh to Stone. Your best bet
is probably Flesh to Stone or Poison and just try to survive with
Sel Selahm. Absorb HP works nicely as well.
9) And so on... at Corridor 9 you fight 2 Palooja, then two of all
the others, then three. And it just repeats from then on. Every
four bosses you beat, the level of enemies (bosses included) goes
up by one, to a maximum of 26. Congratulations, for all intents
and purposes, you've finished the Eternal Corridor!

X. Frequently Asked Questions (contains minor spoilers)
Q: How do I get the Minion Fang?
A: First of all, you don't need it. If you delivered the Kickleberry
and the Divine Tablet, you have an idea what the Minion Fang does for
you. But if you insist on finding it, it's in a bag two screens right
of Totoyamu.

Q: What's that big black wall in the Spider Forest?
A: You have to find Totoyamu before you can enter here. Trade with him
he'll open the seal.

Q: Where do I go to save Mother Garai?
A: The Chief's Estate. From the courtyard just inside the entrance, go
down and speak to the guard.

Q: How come Mahbu won't let me leave the Divine Magic screen?
A: You have too many minions in storage. There needs to be twelve
empty slots before you can leave, so that if you catch twelve more
there's a place to put them.

Q: Where/how do I find ?
They're all in the above lists. Stuff in the Eternal Corridor is
totally random, so I can't help you find those. Sorry.

Q: Can I use your FAQ on my site?
A: Sure, no problem. Just make sure you take the entire thing and post
it as a complete file, no windowing or anything. Take special care
to keep the copyright info intact.

XI. Copyright Information
All proper names on this document are copyrighted by Crave and Genki.
The contents of this FAQ are copyrighted by me. You may not distribute
this for money or as an incentive for another transaction. You may
distribute it otherwise as long as it is entirely intact, including this

The most recent version of this FAQ will be at http://www.gamefaqs.com.
Any questions, problems, mistakes, or helpful additions can be directed
to MindWanderer@juno.com.

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