Breath of Fire 4

Breath of Fire 4

11.10.2013 13:21:46

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B R E A T H O F F I R E 4
FAQ/Walkthrough (C) 2000 by Dalez (
V E R S I O N 1.05
Last Updated: January 06, 2001 09:31 PM

The Latest Version of this FAQ can ALWAYS be found at....

VG Strategies @
Cheat Code Central
Greg's RPG Realm


My E-Mail address has changed. I can now be contacted via E-mail at
If you have sent me mail recently and not received a response, please
re-send it to the new address above. I apologize for any inconvinence
this may have caused.


If you are planning to distribute this FAQ to other people or wish to use it
for a reason other than personal or private use, then please read and
understand the following terms.

1) If you want to use this guide on your site you MUST ask for my
permission first. Unless some dire circumstance leads me to decide
otherwise, I will almost always grant permission, just so long as
you ask first, and abide by these Terms of Distribution.
2) When distributing the FAQ, it must remain in its full, original, and
un-altered form unless you have written permission from the author to
do otherwise. This includes changing the format, inserting banners or
"advertisements", and removing or otherwise changing the information
contained therein.
3) Give credit where it is due. I spent many hours of my time to create
this document, so it is only fair that I be given credit for my hard
work. If I find out that you are trying to take credit for my work,
you WILL hear from me.
4) Under absolutely NO circumstances must this guide be used for any
commercial purposes. This includes selling it, charging money for its
distribution, including it within a CD or disk package that will be
sold, or including this FAQ on any site that requires payment for
access to this information. I didn't make any money by writing this
guide, so why should you?
5) If you wish to use any of the information within this document in a
guide or compilation of your own you MUST get permission from me
beforehand. I usually won't have any complaints if you wish to do so,
as long as you ask permission first!
6) Finally, if you wish to place this guide on a website or other public
access domain, please make a reasonable attempt to keep it updated.
The latest version of this guide will always be sent to the sites
listed above the Terms of Distribution, but it is impossible for me
to keep track of what sites have this posted and send updates to each
one. If I find that your site has a horribly outdated version of the
guide, I will send you a polite E-mail requesting that the guide either
be updated or removed.


Any questions, suggestions, comments, etc regarding this guide or the game
itself should be directed to me at I welcome mail
as much as the next person, but before sending me mail, please read the

1) If you are writing with a game-related question, please be sure to
search the guide thoroughly, as in many cases your question may already
be answered somewhere in the FAQ.
2) I welcome criticism, both positive and negative, but I have a short
tolerance for flaming. If you didn't like the guide, I would appreciate
if you would point out the things you didn't like and offer suggestions
rather than sending me something like "your guide sucks" without pointing
out anything that I could do to make it better. Any excessive flames
will be disregarded.
3) Please don't send advertisements, chain letters, or any other
miscellaneous "spam". I get enough of it already. Asking about or
commenting on the game or the guide is perfectly fine, or if you just want
to chat, that's fine too. However, this guide wasn't intended to be a
resource for an E-mail address to send spam to. If you do so, chances are
good your address will be blocked.
4) My E-mail traffic tends to fluctuate... some days I will get many
E-mails, other days I will get hardly any. If you don't get an
immediate response, please don't bother me with more E-mail. I read
and respond to just about all my mail, so I do fall behind at times.
5) Since I have not yet completed the game, I am respectfully requesting that
you do not send contributions just yet, unless they are contained within
the sections of the game that are already covered in the guide. Also,
please do not ask questions about any sections that aren't yet covered
in the guide, as obviously, I won't be able to answer them.
6) Please try to be as specific as possible when asking gameplay questions.
Breath of Fire IV is not the only game I have written a guide for, nor is
it the only game I receive E-mail about. Obviously, if I can't figure
out what section (or even what game) you're talking about, it's going to
take longer to get your question answered. ;)


v1.0 (12-30-2000)
* Added in another I missed in the Canal...
* Smithing Section completed.
* Fishing Section also completed.
* "Best Equipment", "Combo Specs", and "Special Monsters" sections
* As of now, the guide is offically "complete". Yay!

v0.99 (12-27-2000)
* Walkthrough completed!!
* Now comes finishing out all of the other sections and added in unknowns,
other things I missed, etc. Keep an eye out for more updates, and take
a look at the "Author's Note" section below for stuff that still isn't
present quite yet...

v0.90 (12-19-2000)
* Walkthrough of Chapter III completed.
* Added in a few items in the Kyria Woods section.
* Added in info on another treasure upgrader I somehow missed... take a
look at the "Treasure Upgrades" for details on this.

v0.75 (12-14-2000)
* Edited a few things regarding the "Lead Ball" and treasure upgrades...
since I realized I made several mistakes I'll be compiling a list of
the upgrades shortly....
* More additions to the individual sections, as always...
* Trimmed up the reference lists in an attempt to reduce the size of the
guide a bit...
* Most of the missing item drops added to the bestiary.
* "Treasure Upgrades" section started.
* (Hopefully) clarified my directions regarding reaching Tarhn's campfire
in the Golden Plains.
* "Armor Smithing" section started.
* Walkthrough of Sections III-A through III-K completed.

v0.50 (12-12-2000)
* "Manillo Store" and "Faerie Colony" sections started.
* Added a few items I missed (particularly in Sarai and Chamba)
* Walkthrough of Chapter II completed.

v0.35 (12-10-2000)
* Walkthrough of sections II-B through II-G completed.

v0.25 (12-09-2000)
* Cleaned up the Reference Lists... hopefully they should look a bit more
presentable now.
* Various additions and changes just about everywhere... mostly new items
added to the Reference Lists and a few minor errors fixed here and there.
* Started the "Fishing Lists" section which outlines the fish, baits,
fishing spots, etc. Likewise, also started the "Masters" section.
* Walkthrough of Chapter I completed.

v0.10 (12-06-2000)
* Real work begun on the guide. Created the Introduction, Game Basics,
and Conclusion sections (which are subject to change in the future), and
sections I-A through I-C of the walkthrough. Also added in the Fishing
* The format isn't great, and some things may be in the wrong place (mainly
Dragon Skills). This will be fixed as I complete the game and the guide,
so bear with me. =P
* This is by no means complete, nor is it even close to getting there. I
will be updating every other day or so, until it is complete. Again,
please bear with me.

v0.05 (11-26-2000)
* Work initiated on the guide. Created the ASCII art and laid out the
general format. Also added the Terms of Distribution, Revision
History, and Contact sections. Now, just waiting for the release.....



II....Game Basics
Cast of Characters
The Menu
Character Status
Chapter I: Awakening
A. Cliff
B. Fou-Lu's Tomb
C. Town of Sarai
D. Sandflier Valley
E. Town of Chamba
F. North Chamba
G. Ryu's Dream
H. Kurok Valley
I. Dam
J. Town of Kyria
K. Woods
L. Passageway to Synesta
M. Town of Synesta
N. Cellar
O. Bandit's Hideout
P. Sandflier Wharf
Q. Zhinga Mountains
R. Village of Kyoin
S. Imperial Causeway
T. Town of Astana
U. Astana Aqueduct
Chapter II: Endless
A. Kingdom of Ludia
B. Wychwood
C. Village of Worent
D. Golden Plains
E. Mt. Grom
F. Faerie Village
G. Ludia Castle
H. Dragon Shrine
I. Ahm Fen Swamp
J. Kingdom of Wyndia
K. Kasq Woods
L. Wyndia Castle Basement
M. Pung'tap
N. Ice Peak
O. Village of Chek
P. Ershin's Mind
Q. Village of Sonne
R. Ershin's Mind, Part Two
S. Sinchon
T. Mt. Yogy
U. Abandoned Village
Chapter III: Streams
A. Sanctum
B. Soma Forest
C. Mt. Ryft
D. Town of Shyde
E. Mt. Giga
F. Checkpoint
G. Shikk
H. Fane of the Sea God
I. Ship
J. Island of Fire
K. Village of Lyp
L. Jungle
M. Pabpab Village
N. Tidal Flats
O. Village of Koshka
P. Shan River
Q. Village of Chiqua
R. En Jhou Ruins
S. River
T. Village of Pauk
U. Fou-Lu's Tomb, Revisited
V. Mukto
W. Town of Astana, Revisited
X. Highway
Y. Imperial Headquarters
Chapter IV: That Which Passes
A. Imperial Capital Chedo
B. The Imperial Castle
--- Clear Game
IV....Reference Lists
Dragon Transformations
Dragon Skills
V.....Misc. Sections
Manillo Store
Faerie Colony
Treasure Upgrades
Armor Smithing
Best Equipment
Combo Specifications
Special Monsters



Breath of Fire has always been one of my favorite RPG series. Not since
Final Fantasy 7 have I so eagerly awaited the release of a game, and not
since then have I been so pleased with what I got. Though marred in the past
and labeled as a hopeless series with bad storyline in control, the fourth and
latest installment in the series is everything one could hope for in a solid
RPG title.

The purpose of this guide is to give forth as much information as possible
on the game, in hopes to aid those who are stuck, or who wish to explore
everything the game has to offer. Enjoy the guide, and the game!



Breath of Fire 4 plays very much like the other games in the series, and
is most common to its predecessor, Breath of Fire 3. It continues many of
the traditions that the previous games set... Ryu and Nina as main characters,
Fishing sequences, and the Faerie Colony mini-game. It is probably the first
in the series to achieve a worthy storyline, and the graphics are no less than

Before diving into the game, it may be beneficial to learn about the game
itself and what it has to offer.

##### Story ################################################################

Two continents, separated by a vast and seemingly endless sea of swamp
land. The Fou Empire, on the west continent, and the Eastern Alliance, on
the Eastern continent. For ages, the two continents went about their ways,
as they had no contact with the other. Travel across the swamp was impossible.

History would soon be made as the two continents contacted each other
for the first time. However, history would also show that soon after this
contact, a brutal war raged between the two continents. The two powers stood
at a stale-mate for practically the entire war, each continent using up all
of its strength and natural resources in the battle.

The war raged on and on, until at last both countries had completely used
up their resources. With no other choice, the two countries agreed to a
truce, and peace once again befell the world. However, one year after the
truce was made, Princess Elina of Wyndia suddenly vanished. After travelling
across the East Continent, visiting the towns and memorials, she suddenly
disappeared near the town of Synesta, a deserted town close to the border of
the swamp. Synesta was her last known location, but currently no one knows
of her exact whereabouts.

No search party was rallied, as if the Eastern Alliance had gathered an
army to the border to search for Princess Elina, the conditions of the treaty
would be broken, sparking yet another war between the two continents. As time
passed, still with no indication of the Princess's whereabouts, Nina, her
sister and also Princess of Wyndia, starts searching for her alone. However,
the events that happen during the search will start an epic adventure into

##### Cast of Characters ###################################################

### Ryu ###

Ryu, the main character in all the Breath of Fire games, returns as the
main character in BoF4. When Nina finds him unconscious in the middle of the
desert, he suddenly realizes he has no memory of where he had been, why he is
here, or where he is going. Nina decides to take him with her on her search
for Elina, in hopes that he can find his way. As the game progresses, Ryu's
power will be revealed. Just like in the previous BoF games, Ryu has the
power to command Dragons... both transforming into Dragons himself and
summoning Dragons to do his bidding during battle.

Since he is the main character, he will almost always be in your party.
He is an all-around good character, being above-average in just about all
areas. His Dragon attacks will prove to be the most powerful weapons in your
journey. Traditionally, his weapon is the Sword, and while in the lead he
can swing it by pressing the Triangle button. This can be used to cut down
trees or other such objects, and may have other uses as well...

### Fou-Lu ###

The founder and the first emperor of the Fou Empire on the western
contient, Fou-Lu has powers that no other mortal possess. Like Ryu, he has
the power to transform into Dragons, but it seems that he has other super-
natural powers as well. Just before his death, it is said that Fou-Lu
predicted his own resurrection, and sure enough, near the start of Ryu's
adventure you will witness his revival.

Fou-Lu is STRONG. Like Ryu, he uses the sword, and during the times
in which you control him you will witness his utter strength. And, just
like Ryu, he is able to transform into Dragons, which even more increases
his outstanding power. It seems that he is connected to Ryu in some way...

### Nina ###

Another trademark of the Breath of Fire series, Nina also makes an
appearance as a main character in BoF4. Princess of Wyndia, Nina is a member
of the Fae Tribe, a race of humans with wings. She stumbles across the
unconscious Ryu after her sandflier crashes in the desert. Nina is on
a search to find her missing sister Elina, but as the story progesses,
she will be drawn deeper into Ryu's struggle...

Nina's strength is her magic. She is quite weak on the physical side,
but her healing magic will prove to be invaluable in putting your party
back together during a rough fight. Being a member of the Fae Tribe, she
also commands some Wind Magic, and can even fly a bit with her Wings. By
pressing the Square button in the field, Nina will fly into the air, giving
you a bird's-eye view of the surrounding area.

### Ershin ###

Ershin is one of the 'Purifiers' who travels about the world in an
endeavor to purge the world of the "Hex", a super-natural condition that
has effected many towns and areas of the world. "Hex" is a weapon used
by the Imperial Forces that covers the infected area with a black mist,
said to be the physical form of the hatred and anger of humans. Not
much is known about Ershin, as her special armor completely seals her
entire body, and she never takes it off, even while eating or sleeping.
She is quite odd, and it's not very certain who or even what she is.

Thanks to her armor, Ershin is quite slow, but her attacks are
quite powerful. Her learned skills allow her to deal more damage than
normal, that is, if you're lucky. She is weak on the magic side, but
her physical power will prove to be more than worthy in your endeavor.
Her field action is "Bash", and by pressing the Square Button she will
bash whatever is front of her.

### Cray ###

Nina's companion and protector, Cray is a member of the Woren
Tribe, a tribe of cat-like people (much like Rei from BoF3). However,
unlike Rei of BoF3 fame, Cray is very responsible and protective of
Nina. He reluctantly stays behind to guard the ruined Sandflier while
Nina goes off to search for some spare parts, after their vessel
crashes during their search for Elina, Nina's sister. He joins up
later when Nina returns (albeit empty-handed), keeping true to his
promise to help Nina find her lost sister.

Like Ershin, Cray is a bit weak in the magic area, but has good
physical strength. Most of his spells are earth-based or protective
in nature, increasing the Defense power, Agility, and other attributes
of your party members. Out on the field, Cray can push heavy objects

### Scias ###

A mercenary of an unknown background, this stuttering, shaggy, dog-like
person will be assigned to oversee the party during the first part of
the second chapter. Like most mercenaries, he takes his job seriously,
and throughout the first half of Chapter 2 it is quite unclear just who's
side he is on. However, he then later denounces his contract with the
Ludian Masters and joins the party of his own free will. Not much at
all is known about his background, or why he decided to join ranks with
the party.

Scias is a good fighter, and has a wide range of magic skills, from
healing abilities to attack spells. Most of his specialized weapons allow
two hits, making him quite a powerhouse in combat. His magic ability is
average, gaining spells of all types, but unable to really excel in any
of the magical areas. Scias has no field action.

### Ursula ###

A general in the Imperial Army, Ursula's orders are to capture the
Yorae Dragon (Ryu) and bring him to the Empire. They meet on a less-than-
friendly note, but shortly afterwards the party decides it would be best
to return to the Empire anyways, in order to meet with Fou-Lu. Ursula tags
along, keeping true to her orders.

Ursula is a pretty good character. She has magic skills of all
varieties (ranging from assitant to attack spells of all almost all
elemental types), and some of her weapons can hit all the enemies at once.
On the field, Ursula will use her gun to shoot, which can be used to hunt
animals for the Faeries, or blast away obstacles that might be in your

##### Controls ############################################################

As noted before, BoF4 plays a lot like it's predecessor. The Controls
are as follows...

Control Pad -- Move in all 8 directions, Move Cursor
Triangle -- Cancel, Use Character Action
Square -- Open Menu, Show Enemy Statistics (in battle)
X -- Talk/Check/Search, Accept
Circle -- Dash (when held), Toggle information on Status Screen
Select -- Open Help Menu (during battle or fishing)
Start -- Pause
L1/R1 -- Move camera to the left/right
L2/R2 -- Change character order

(Also, by pressing Start and Select at the same time, you will be
returned to the Title Screen.)

##### Exploration #########################################################

Exploration plays a big part in any RPG, and Breath of Fire IV is no
exception. You'll always have to be on the look-out for hidden items, people,
or paths. The "camera" in BoF4 can be rotated using the L1 and R1 buttons,
though in some places you might not be able to turn the camera. Also, the
degree increments in which you can change vary from place to place. If
turning the camera around doesn't work, Nina's "hover" action is also a good
way to get a view of your surroundings. Sometimes things will be partially
hidden behind rocks or buildings, and moving the camera or using the fly
action may be the only way to spot them!

However, on the World Map things work differently. In BoF3, the World
Map was simplified in that there were no encounters, but from time to time
! spots would appear, which signified that you could more closely explore
the area and fight monsters. In Bof4, the World Map is simplified even
further. Rather than giving you freedom of exploration, you can now only
move back and forth between places along the dotted lines (quite similar to
Final Fantasy Tactics). Along the way, ! or ? spots may appear like they
did in BoF3, which means you can explore the area more closely, and also
fight monsters.

Just like in BoF3, you can Camp while on the World Map, by pressing the
Triangle button. Here you can speak with your other party members, or
examine the Diary in the Tent, where you may rest, save, or view notes on
Masters and Skills. Most of the time Camping is the only way to Save your
game, but there are diaries scattered about in some of the dungeons.

##### The Menu ############################################################

By pressing the Square Button, the Menu will appear. Here you can use
items, equip weapons and armor, or check the status of your character(s).
There are seven menu items on the left, all of which control various aspects
of the menu.

Item: Lets you use, sort, drop, or look at key (special story related)
items. You can also use/sort/drop equipment such as armor, weapons,
and accessories in this manner.
Special: Lets you view or use special abilities of a character. This
includes spells, skills, dragon transformations, etc.
Equip: Allows to you equip or remove equipment from your character(s).
Armor and Accessories may be removed, but weapons cannot.
Status: Brings up a detailed status display of a character. Statistics
like HP, Experience, Power, Defense, etc appear here.
Change: Allows you to change your battle order, or switch characters to
and from the back row.
Setting: Brings up the Options Menu, that has several things that you
can tinker with to tailor some of the game's settings to your liking.
Save: This command is available only on the World Map, but you may find
Save "diaries" elsewhere that allow you to save your adventure.

Also on the status menu, in the lower-left, you can find out your
total gametime, as well as the current amount of Zenny (money) you have.

##### Character Status ####################################################

On the status screen, you'll see lots of detailed information regarding
your characters. It's important to know what all of this means, so that
you will have an idea of how your characters will perform in battle!

Level: This is hiding just in the lower-left corner of the character's
portrait. "Level" is a general measure of your character's power. The
higher your level, the higher HP, AP, and other statistics you will have!
The bar just below your Level is the EXP bar, which depicts approximately
how much farther you have to go to get to the next level.
HP: A measure of your character's "life". This goes down whenever you
are attacked in battle or hit a trap in the field. When your HP reaches
0, the character will die (traps cannot kill you, only bring you down to
1 HP). If all your characters are dead, then it's Game Over!
*NOTE* Just like in BoF3, if you die during a battle, your other
characters may be able to finish the battle. Any fallen allies after
the battle is over will be revived with 1 HP, but their Max HP will go
down! This is only temporary, and can be cured by resting at an Inn.
Camping will NOT restore a reduced Max HP, so be careful!
AP: Ability Points are a measure of your character's remaining magic power.
Casting spells, using skills, or dragon transformations will use up your
AP, and if you don't have enough AP to cast a spell, then you cast use
it! However, some skills don't use up any AP, and thus can be used
indefinitely. AP can be healed by resting, using items that recover
AP, or will recover over time when the character is in the back row.
CP: CP (Concentration Points) is a measure of how many AP the character
will regain when "resting in the back row".
Power: A measure of the character's physical strength. A higher Power
rating means the character is likely to do more damage in battle with
physical attacks.
Defense: A measure of the character's defensive strength. Characters
with high defense will take less damage from enemy physical attacks.
Agility: A measure of the speed of the character. Characters with
high speed will get to act first in battle.
Wisdom: A measure of the mental capacity of the character. A high
wisdom rating attributes to a higher magical attacking and defensive
EXP: The character's current number of Experience Points. "Next" shows
how many more EXP points are required for the character to advance
to the next level.

##### Combat ##############################################################

When on the field, you will from time to time have random encounters
with monsters, and enter combat mode. Depending on what color the "swirl"
is as you enter battle, the battle may start in one of three different

GREEN: You have surprised the enemies and will get a free round of
attack before they can do anything.
BLUE: Combat begins normally. Turn order is based on each monster
and characer's Agility rating.
RED: The enemies have surprised you, and will get a free round of

Unlike in most other RPGs, all of your characters will fight with you
in BoF4. The three "front row" characters will do the fighting, while the
three "back row" characters will rest, gaining AP. You may switch any
character around to the front or back row at the beginning of each round
of combat.

When it's your turn to attack a small menu will pop up, giving you
a few combat choices.

ATTACK: Attack normally, with your equipped weapon.
SPECIAL: Use a skill, spell, or turn into a dragon.
USE ITEM: Lets you to use an item, or invoke a special power that
one of your pieces of equipment may possess.
GUARD: Allows you to defend yourself for that turn, increasing your
defense. Also, while Guarding, you may be able to learn Skills that
the enemy uses (much like the "Examine" feature in BoF3)!

Also, by pressing any of the top (L1/R1/L2/R2) you may get the
"Charge" and "Escape" commands.

CHARGE: All characters attack with physical attacks. Somewhat of an
auto-battle feature, but NOT an AI feature. Cancel this by pressing
the Triangle button.
ESCAPE: Attempt to Escape from the battle. If you fail to escape,
the enemy will get a free round of attacks. When escaping, you will
still receive Experience and Zenny from the monsters you killed, but
the EXP value will be cut in half.

By pressing the Square button in battle, you will get some specifics
on the enemy you are currently fighting. Such information includes what
items the enemy may drop, how much EXP and Zenny they relinquish, and
"hints" about the enemy that might include skills that they use (and that
you can learn), or how you might get a certain enemy to use a certain

Some enemies have attacks that will inflict 'abnormal status
effects' onto your characters. These status effects hamper the victim's
ability in one way or another. Most can be cured by items or magic, and
all status effects with the exception of Death and Poison can be cured
by placing the affected member in the back row for three turns of combat.

POISON: The inflicted character will lose HP each turn in combat, and
also on the field. There are two types... stronger poison requires
a stronger spell to neutralize.
SLEEP: The character has fallen asleep and cannot issue any commands.
Wears off after a bit or when the character sustains an attack.
CONFUSED: The character will randomly target enemies and/or other
characters! This will wear off after a short while, or when the
character sustains an attack. Confused characters or monsters tend
to use the "Distracted" and "Feign Swing" abilities, whether they
know the skill or not.
BLIND: The character's accuracy with physical attacks will be greatly
redcued. Wears off after battle, but can be cured with Eye Drops
or Panacea.
MUTE: The character cannot use any spells (meaning abilities that take
up AP). However, this doesn't include skills such as special attacks
or Dragon Transformations!
FALLEN: The character has been reduced to 0 HP, and cannot fight. If
not cured, the character will be revived after battle but will receive
a reduction in Max HP until he or she rests at an Inn.
EGG: The character has been turned into an egg, and cannot perform
any actions. Cannot be cured, but after three turns the egg will
"hatch" and the character's HP and AP will be fully recovered! Also
wears off after battle, but HP/AP are not restored. While "egged",
the character's defense will drop down to 0.

### Skills ###

If you are guarding in battle, and an enemy uses a Skill such as
Burn, you may be able to learn the Skill yourself! Not all Skills can
be learned, and some enemies only use certain skills under certain
situations (when wounded, when hit with a certain type of attack, etc).
Once someone learns a Skill, you may transfer it to another character
by using the "Skill" option in Camp. Also, transferring Skills requires
the use of an item called "Aurum" (similar to the "Skill Ink" in BoF3).

Also, some skills are learned by Masters... people around the world
who will teach you abilities in exchange for other favors. See the
"Masters" section in Section V for more details.

### Combos ###

A new addition to the BoF series is the "Combo" system. The Combo
System allows you to string many abilities together or mix abilities and
get devastating effects! There are several ways to make combos, and
experimentation is the only real way to find out if a particular plan will
work. One thing to note is that in order to get Combos to work correctly,
you should execute the commands in order from the slowest person to the fastest.

Element Combo --> There are four main elements of magic in BoF4... Fire,
Wind, Water and Earth. In BoF4, Fire mixes with Wind, Wind mixes with
Water, Water mixes with Earth, and Earth mixes with Fire. For example,
if you cast the "Flare" spell, and the next person is set to cast the
"Sever" spell, the spells will "mix", and a powerful spell containing
both attributes will result! Likewise, using abilities that have the
same attribute may also cause a Combo. For example, Flare and Burn
might cause a combo to result, resulting in a spell that deals even
greater fire damage. If you mix spells of the same attribute, it will
tend to hit more than once. For example, if someone casts Burn, then
the next person casts Flare, Flare will hit twice (since it is the
second type of the particular element, in this case Fire). Furthermore,
if your third party member also casts a fire-based spell, it will hit
three times (since it's the third fire-based spell in the string).

Effect Combo --> If you use a physical or magical attack followed by an
attack that has a status effect (like Blind) a combo may result, giving
the first attack the status changing effect of the second! If you used
Frost Strike for example, and it mixed with Blind, you may get a Frost
Strike that could potentially blind the opponent!

There are many ways to get combos, too many to list. When complicated
combos ensue, it's possible to rack up 15, 20, or even more hits! Combos
won't always work, so if a particular method doesn't work the first time,
give it another shot before giving up on it.

That's all you'll need to know to get started. I know what you're
thinking... "Yeah, yeah, let's just get on with the game already", so
without further adieu... the Walkthrough!



This section is a detailed walkthrough of the game's events. I'll
pretty much drag you around by the ear all over the place telling you what
to do and where to find everything, leaving just about nothing for you to
figure out by yourself. If this is your first time through the game, I
strongly recommend that you first go through the game by yourself and
resort to the guide only when you need help, to avoid having anything

If not, well, just keep on reading. Enjoy!

##### Chapter I: Awakening ################################################

As the game opens, Nina, the Princess of Wyndia, and her companion
Cray, are cruising through the Great Desert on a "sandflier", in search of
Nina's lost sister, Elina. They are heading for the remote desert town of
Synesta, Elina's last known location. However, on their third day of travel,
as they debate whether or not to take a rest, a huge worm-like creature
erupts from the desert before them! Cray attemps to turn the sandflier
around to escape the flying creature, but the sand creature eventually
over-takes them, and rams the sandflier, sending them hurtling through the

The sandflier is trashed but thankfully(?) the crash point is not too
far from the edge of the desert. The two decide to travel to one of the
nearby desert towns in hopes to find some spare parts for the ruined vessel.
Cray reluctantly stays behind to guard the vessel from any would-be bandits,
while Nina goes off to search for parts. You'll now be in control of Nina.
Take a few minutes to get used to the controls if you need, then exit the
screen. You'll now be on the World Map!

Walk along the dotted lines to the south and after a moment a ! Mark
will appear over your character. Press the X button and you'll get another
story sequence... it appears that a merchant has fallen into a huge crater
in the desert, trapping him and his goods down in the hole. He manages to
escape, but in her investigation Nina ends up falling down into the hole
and is confronted by another dragon-like monster. It does not attack, but
after a few moments sprouts a pair of transparent wings and flies away.
After the encounter, Nina notices an unconscious (and naked) man in the
corner, near where the Dragon was. This is you, Ryu (after all, who else
would appear naked in a BoF game? :P).

After an interrogation by Nina, she realizes that Ryu is just as
clueless as she is, and they decide to escape the hole. Since Ryu has no
idea where he is or where he is going, Nina decides to take him along with
her. She gives him the King's Sword that she got from Cray and together
you'll set off towards the nearest town, Sarai.

Back on the World Map, you can now set up camp and Save your adventure,
among other things. When you're ready to proceed, head south to the Cliff.
However, before proceeding onto the first monster-infested area, it might be
a good idea to walk back and forth until you reach one of the ? spots that
randomly appears. Just like in BoF3, the ? spots lead to individual areas
that contain monsters and usually some treasure. The treasure is random and
in a different place each time, so keep an eye out for it. You should use
this opportunity to fight a few battles and learn a few skills.... namely
Distracted from the Caps, Burn from the Mage Goos, Blind from the
Scorpions, and Rest from the Eye Goos.

*SPECIAL NOTE* For some quick Experience, try using "Blind" on the
Eye Goos and Mage Goos. This will cause them to cough up twice as much
experience as normal!

##### A. Cliff ##########################################################

My Level: Nina 6 / Ryu 4

World Map Enemies: Cap, Eye Goo, Mage Goo, Scorpion

Enemies: Cap, Eye Goo

Items: Ammonia

Upon entering the Cliff, Nina will remark that the town of Sarai should
be just on the other side, and that it would be best to get across before
dark. Just walk down the slope below you, down the stairs, and to the left
across the bridge. You'll see an item bag above you... you'll be able to
get this in just a sec. Proceed under the "arches" and you'll come to a
wooden plank which serves as another bridge. By turning the camera, you'll
be able to see a path to the north that leads up to that item bag you saw
before. Go up and loot the bag, to pick up some Ammonia. Run back down
and cross the plank, and Nina will remark that the path suddenly stops.
After a quick lesson in jumping, silly Nina falls off the cliff and Ryu
jumps down in an attempt to save her. Nina is saved thanks to her wings,
but before Ryu realizes this he lands not-so-gracefully at the bottom.

After another quick conversation it starts to get dark and Nina
suggests the two camp out and wait for daybreak to start climbing back up.
Move to the left and you'll see a cave opening in the side of the cliff
wall. Walk on inside and Nina will suggest making camp inside the cave.
After a short sequence you'll be switched to the tomb of the ancient
emperor Fou-Lu, who is suddenly and mysteriously resurrected. After a
short sequence, you'll get to control him. Yes, Fou-Lu kicks arse. At
level 64 with some of the best equipment in the game, almost nothing could
get in his way. However, it's worth noting that although Ryu and Fou-Lu
share the same Skills, they do not share the same items, which means any
items (or Zenny) obtained by Fou-Lu will not carry over to Ryu's inventory.
This makes trying to remove Fou-Lu's equipment useless (blarg). You should
also try and refrain from picking up any items as Fou-Lu, as later on in
the game you'll be able to come back later as Ryu and get them.

##### B. Fou-Lu's Tomb ##################################################

My Level: Fou-Lu 64

Enemies: Zaurus, Kham(*)

Items: Wisdom Fruit, Super Vitamin, Ambrosia

Once you gain control of Fou-Lu, just run down the stairs and out of the
tomb to reach the forest. You'll encounter enemies here, but since Fou-Lu
is so ridiculously powerful they shouldn't pose too much of a threat. Go up
the ramp on your left and when you approach the stone to the south an orange
place-marker will appear. Examine this and Fou-Lu will "teleport" across the
stones. Continue your way through the forest and you'll have come across two
guards who were stationed to destroy a dragon that was supposed to appear in
the forest that night. Fou-Lu quickly teaches them their lesson by summoning
a dragon of his own, which blasts the entire area, leaving a giant crater where
the guards once stood. Ouch.

*NOTE* After this sequence Fou-Lu gains the Meditate ability, which allows
him to transform himself into a dragon. If the enemies weren't easy before,
they sure as heck will be now.

Afterwards, run down the hill past the crater, to appear back on the World
Map. Move to the left and enter the ? spot to enter another forest-like area.
Run to the west and up the hill and you'll meet a mysterious man who knows of
the identity of Fou-Lu. After a short conversation, he will transform into a
huge demon-like creature!
Boss Fight

Kham --> 15,000 HP, 16,000 EXP, 4,200 Z. Drops Ambrosia.
Flaming Fist: Fire-based attack against one target
Mystic Fire: Multi-hit (4x) fire based attack

This fight shouldn't be hard at all. Start off by using your Meditate
ability and transform into the Astral Dragon. He can then be defeated easily
enough using just regular attacks. He has about 15,000 HP, but is easily
dispatched in just a few rounds thanks to the unbelievable power of the
Astral Dragon.

After the fight, the mysterious man will call in a few guards (heh) in
an attempt to return Fou-Lu to his sleep. He "escapes", and a few crossbowmen
are called in to set fire to the forest. As Fou-Lu, run through the now-burning
forest. Cross the bridge on the next screen and somehow the mysterious red-nosed
man will show up again, with a few guards. He finally introduces himself as
Yohm, General of the Imperial Fou-Lu army, and sets both Fou-Lu and the bridge
ablaze with his "Flaming Fist" attack. The bridge falls away, sending Fou-Lu
tumbling down into the chasm below...

Afterwards, you'll be returned back to Ryu and Nina, who have managed to
climb back up the cliff to where Nina fell earlier. Move a little ways to the
north and you'll be back on the World Map. Now you can proceed south to the
town of Sarai.

*NOTE* If you'll notice, Ryu now also has the 'Meditate' ability, which
allows him to change into the Aura Dragon.

##### C. Sarai ###########################################################

My Level: Ryu 6 / Nina 6

Items: Lead Ball (158Z), Antidote x2, Ginseng, Aurum, Panacea, Power Food,

Weapon Store: Sage's Staff (230Z), Leather Armor (220Z), Bandana (30Z),
Brass Helm (90Z), Soul Gem (1000Z)

Item Store: Croc Tear (4Z), Healing Herb (20Z), Antidote (12Z),
Eye Drops (14Z), Ammonia (250Z), Wooden Rod (50Z),
Baby Frog (20Z), Straight (20Z)

Once you enter Sarai, Nina will run off to look for parts for the
sandflier, leaving Ryu to explore the town and find his way on his own. You
can stop into the Equipment Shop and buy a few new pieces of equipment if you
wish. Get a suit of Leather Armor and a Brass Helm for Ryu, if you can.
In the north part of town is the bar, where many people hang out.
A frog-person in here (here we go with all the BoF look-alikes again) will
sell you a Lead Ball for 158 Zenny. This can be traded with other treasure
collectors throughout the world, so if you have the money I recommend buying
it. The man at the counter will give you a bit of information, but
unfortunately you won't get it for free. You'll have to play your first
mini-game in order to get it.
Mini-Game: Feed the Old Man
In this game, your object is to make the old man "Happy" by giving him
various food and drink. By giving him a "food" item, the "Food" and "Happy"
meters will go up, and by giving him a "drink" item, the "Drink" and "Happy"
meters will go up. The object is to get the "Happy" meter full before either
of the "Food" or "Drink" meters become full. It's worth noting that if you
give him the same things repeatedly his "Happy" meter will go up slower, so
you'll need to give him a variety of things. And of course the food and
drink isn't free.

You can give him Sausage (1Z), Steak (5Z), Beer (1Z), and Wine (5Z).
The game really isn't that hard if you keep a variety of foods coming. And
of course it helps to have some Zenny on hand... you can't feed him anything
if you don't have money to purchase it! ;)

When the Old Man is "happy", he'll tell you that the broker outside the
Inn has the information you need (....). You may also receive a Panacea if
you feed him a lot of the expensive food items (i.e steak and wine). Outside
you'll run into Nina, who is talking with the Sten look-a-like... I mean
monkey outside the bar. Choose the first option ("I don't know if we can trust
him...") to avoid getting swindled, then head for the information broker near
the Inn. He knows where you can get some Sandflier parts, but he's not gonna
let the information go for free either. Like before, you'll have to play
another mini-game in order to get it.
Mini-Game: Let's Make a Deal

The object of this mini-game is to make an offer on the price of the
information. If the price you offer is greater than or equal to the price
the Broker will spill for, you'll get the information. You'll get 4 chances
to do this... if your guess is lower, than you can usually tell by the Broker's
reaction how far off you are. Of course, you could easily bet a huge amount
of Zenny to get the information, but it's better to attempt to get the
cheapest amount possible. ;)

Of course, if you know the amount, there's nothing to it. The
information is worth 123 Z.

Fork over the cash and he'll tell you that in order to get them, you have
to purchase them from the Black Market (.....). A man behind the Tavern sells
them, but you'll need the "password" to deal with him. The broker tells you
that he just saw a travelling merchant leave town, and that you should go
to the Highway outside of town to look for him in order to obtain the password.
Afterwards, the Broker will give you a Ginseng for your patronage. ;)

Now that Nina is back in your party, make a return stop to the Equipment
Shop and upgrade her equipment (if you have any Zenny left that is). She could
use a Sage's Staff and a Bandana. Also be sure to buy some fishing equipment
from the Item Shop... you'll need a Wooden Rod and a few pieces of bait.

Now head back out onto the World Map. Just east of Sarai is a ? spot,
which when explored, reveals a Fishing Spot at the south-east corner of the
desert. With your new fishing gear, go fishing! If you need help you can
look at the in-game fishing tutorial by pressing the SELECT button, or you
can take a look at the "Fishing" section of this guide (located in Section
II -- Game Basics).

Go east of Sarai and you'll find the Merchant on the road between the
Cliff and the town. Since you came all the way out here looking for him, he'll
give you the password (for free, this time!). Run back to Sarai and talk to
the guy behind the tavern (to get to him you actually to have go all the way
around the _outside_ of the town). He'll give you some Aurum for finding
him, but to deal with him you'll have to give the bartender the password.
So go back to the tavern, tell the bartender the password, and meet with the
merchant. He'll tell you about a place called Sandflier Valley, a junkyard
full of old and busted Sandfliers. If you can go and get some material, the
merchant will be able to make some spare parts.

*NOTE* By searching the cabinets in the Tavern (in both rooms), you can
find a Power Food and 40Z.

The Sandflier Valley is located to the south of Sarai.

##### D. Sandflier Valley ################################################

My Level: Ryu 7 / Nina 6

Items: Croc Tear (x8), 200Z, Brass Helm, Glass Shard x2, Sage's Staff,
Molotov, Ship Parts, Flattop, Iron Scraps

Enemies: Cap, Eye Goo, Mage Goo, Scorpion, Joh (*)

Upon entering the Sandflier Valley, run up the ramp to your north-east,
and open up the chest semi-hidden behind the green flag to pick up 8 Croc
Tears. From there, walk to the south and examine the steering wheel of the
crashed Sandflier and move its rudder to the right. Run back down where you
entered, and into the path that was blocked by the rudder. Grab the treasure
chest to the north for 200 Zenny. Return back to the steering wheel, this
time turning the wheel to the left (you'll have to move it twice to get it
fully into position). Then return back to the starting point, and go past
the rudder to the south.

Proceed south and go through the cracked shell of another unfortunate
Sandflier, then enter through the hole on the side of the Sandflier to your
east. Once inside, first go the upstairs and up the ladder to reach the
deck, and open up the nearby chest to pick up a Brass Helm. Then go back
down and operate the Winch, causing the Anchor outside to drop down to
ground level. Go back out, then go stand on the platform that lowered when
you operated the lever. It will carry you back up to the top. Once you
disembark, proceed to the north, into the building.

Talk to the old man inside and he'll tell you that lots of parts are
buried in the sand near here, but in order to find them you'll need both
a shovel and a dog to sniff them out. He'll loan you both for 50 Zenny.
Agree and you'll be in the circular section of desert on the other side
of the building. Time for another mini-game!
Mini-Game: Diggin' up Sandflier parts

Assuming you borrowed both the shovel and the dog, at the beginning
of the mini-game the dog will wander around the desert, barking whenever
a buried part is nearby. He'll only be able to sniff out three things
at a time, but in actuality there are seven different things hidden beneath
the sand. The Ship Parts are located more or less directly in the middle
of the desert, while other notable goodies such as a Sage's Staff, 2 Glass
Shards, some Iron Scraps, a Flattop (fishing lure), and a Molotov can also
be found hidden in the sand. The object is to remember the positions where
the dog barked, then go over to them and dig a hole by pressing the X button.
Unfortunately the shovel will break after only a few uses, and striking an
item speeds up the process even more. However, you can always go back to
the old man and borrow the dog and shovel again, for 50Z of course.

Once you manage to dig up the Ship Parts, make your way back through
Sandflier Valley and exit back onto the World Map. Return to Sarai and
visit our merchant friend to see about getting some spare parts made!
However, on your way back into the Tavern you'll find that a soldier is
interrogating a merchant (the very same one who you "met" at the beginning
of the game) about the monster he supposedly saw. The merchant refuses and
the soldier quickly puts him to waste with a powerful magical attack. Nina
rushes in to intervene, but when the Imperial Soldier suddenly realizes
this is really Princess Nina of Wyndia, he orders that she be taken captive.
He then summons Joh, a Warrior Spirit, in order to take Nina hostage!
Boss Fight
Joh --> 1,200 HP, 100 EXP, 305 Z. Drops Aurum.
*Burn*: Weak fire-based attack against one target
Flail: Multi-hit (8x) attack against one target

Rather than jumping to help like a real Hero would, Ryu seems to be
just standing around this time, as Nina will be fighting this battle alone.
Even with just Nina, this shouldn't be a hard fight at all. Just lay into
him with Nina's Sever spell and he'll go down in a few turns' time. The
only thing you'll have to watch out for is Joh's "Flail" ability, which
hits 8 times with an average of 12-15 HP per hit. Each individual attack
is fairly inaccurate, but it still adds up. Be ready with a Heal spell
or a Healing Herb if Nina's HP drops below 100.

After the battle, Ryu jumps down to help (about time he decided to
do something), and after sneering at Ryu for a few moments, the Soldier
quickly changes his attitude as Ryu lays into the him, breaking the King's
Sword in the process! Ryu and Nina quickly escape and the Soldier orders
the others after you. Back on the World Map, you'll have to find a place
to hide. Run to the east of Sarai and an ! mark will appear on the spot
that lead to the "hidden" Fishing Spot. After eluding the Imperial troops,
Nina and Ryu stand around deciding what to do when suddenly the Merchant from
before shows up. As thanks for saving him, he'll tell you about a road
leading north of Sarai, towards the desert town of Chamba. Since you can't
get into Sarai now, head north along the newly-formed road to reach Chamba.

##### E. Chamba ##########################################################

My Level: Ryu 8 / Nina 8

Items: Life Sandals, Panacea (x2)

Shop: Bowie Knife (150Z), Sage's Staff (230Z), Leather Armor (220Z),
Brass Helm (90Z), Healing Herb (20Z), Antidote (12Z),
Panacea (100Z), Ammonia (250Z)

First enter the building near the town's entrance (the one with all the
machinery in it) and search for a chest containing some Life Sandals. On
the next level up (up the stairs), you'll find the item and equipment shop...
all you need to purchase is the Bowie Knife for Ryu (since Ryu had to go and
break the King's Sword), though I recommend stocking up on Healing Herbs if
you are running low on them. Also in the same building is a Mogu look-a-like
you will let you use the beds to rest as well as save your adventure.
Additionally, by searching the cabinet in the Inn, you can pick up 2

At the top of the town you'll find an old man who mentiones something
about the "Hex"... some kind of toxin that makes the areas of the world
infected with it unsuitable for life. Apparently it was used as a weapon
during the war. You'll also learn about the "Purifiers"... a group of people
who travel from town to town purifying the land of the "Hex". Nina suggests
that they find out more about them and decides to go and talk to them. The
boss of the purifiers, Tahb, can be found in the house on the middle level.
Talk to him and choose to wait until after dinner. Afterwards, Nina asks
about a way out of the town, but Tahb insists that travel through the Hex
is impossible without a specialized suit of armor.

However, he mentions that with a guide you just might be able to get
through the Hex and get to the other side of Chamba. Run around and talk
to the townspeople but you'll find that nobody is willing to guide you
through the Hex. You'll find Tahb standing outside the headquarters, so
go and talk to him again. After a rather lengthy conversation, another of
the purifiers will burst through the gate, scaring the wits out of everyone.
After a quick introduction, Ershin (the Purifier) will offer to guide the
two through the Hex. She will then join your party.

Before heading off to the next area, I recommend you go and learn
the "Burn" skill if you don't have it already. Try to have Ryu learn it...
if someone else has it just go to camp and use an Aurum to transfer it
to Ryu. Also be sure to equip the Life Sandals on someone (preferably Nina),
as the monsters in the next area have some status-changing attacks.

After making sure you're ready, proceed through the gate to get to
the Hex-infested area of Chamba.

##### F. North Chamba ####################################################

My Level: Ryu 8 / Nina 8 / Ershin 3

Items: Healing Herb (x3), 200Z, Molotov, Waistcloth

Enemies: Zombie, Ghost, Gasser, Skullfish (*)

*NOTE* You can learn a few more abilities from the monsters around
here.... "Feign Swing" from the Zombies, and "Chlorine" from the Gassers.

Once inside the Hex-infested part of Chamba, walk to your northwest,
and then south, across the bridge over to the next rooftop. Proceed to
the south, crossing a few more roof-tops and you'll come to a chest. Open
it up to obtain 3 Healing Herbs, then go back north a short ways. Head
across the planked bridge near the southwest corner of the rooftop, and
pass through the abandoned house. Continue to the west, and up the ladder
that you come to. Pass through the next building and follow the path across
bridges and rooftops until you come to reach the far northwest corner, where
there is a chest with 300 Zenny, and a bridge leading to the left, to the
next screen. Loot the chest, then proceed to the next screen.

On the next screen, Ryu, Nina, and Ershin will split up into two
separate parties. Ershin will go down into the mist by herself, while
Ryu and Nina continue crossing via the rooftops. As Ershin, climb down the
ladder and stand in front of the crate blocking the path. Switch to Ryu,
then move northwest and jump across the gap, and go and stand on the crate
closest to the entrance. The crate you are standing on will lower, while
the other will be raised. Then switch back to Ershin and proceed under
the raised crate, and be sure to climb the ladder behind the nearby house
to access the treasure chest above, which contains a Molotov.

Switch back to Ryu and Nina, and move them off the crate so that it
goes back up. Then, switch back to Ershin and stand on the crate near
the Molotov chest. Now as Ryu and Nina, you can run across the crate
near the entrance without it lowering. Ershin will point you over towards
the valve in the lower-right. First take the exit back to the previous
room to access the chest atop the ramp, which contains a Waistcloth. Then
go back and proceed to the south-east, and jump across the gap to reach the
valve. Examine it, and you'll be switched to Ershin, who must go to the
other valve. Climb down from the roof, and follow the path to the north.
Loop all the way around to the south-east corner, and examine the bottom
valve. The three will open both valves at the same time, clearing out
some of the Hex and thus allowing Ryu and Nina to proceed to the lower
part of the room.

You'll automatically proceed into the next area. Jump across to
the west and as you cross the bridge a strange sound fills the air. After
the sequence, continue along through the next house, and soon you'll find
out that a monster is lurking in the mist beneath you! Continue along,
but it would appear the monster is following you and won't let you get
away so easily! As Ryu, press the O button rapidly to run across the
bridge as the monster destroys it. When you make it to the other roof-top,
the monster will emerge once more and you'll have to fight!
Boss Fight
Skullfish --> 2,400 HP, 429 EXP, 291 Z. Drops Antidote, Fish-Head.
Venom Breath: Can inflict 'poison' status on all allies
Confuse: Can inflict 'Confuse' status on one target

This is your first 'real' boss battle. If you keep yourself in
decent condition it shouldn't be that hard, but this boss has the ability
to both Poison and Confuse your characters, making matters a bit hairy.
Have Ershin attack, have Ryu cast 'Burn', and have Nina cast 'Sever'.
The Burn and Sever spells will combine to form 'Firewind', which
will deal quite a bit of damage to this boss. If you keep up this
strategy, and have Ershin use Herbs to restore your HP if it starts
running low, you shouldn't have much trouble bringing the Skullfish
down. It's also worth noting that the Skullfish is also undead, which
means Holy-based attacks such as Heal will hurt it.

Once the monster is out of the way, head to the west and climb up the
ladder to reach the outer wall. On the west side of the wall is a ladder
leading down outside the city. Use it and you will end up back in the
desert. Afterwards, Nina thanks Ershin for her help, but rather than
accepting a reward, Ershin decides that she wishes to accompany Ryu (for
some unknown reason). Everyone agrees, and decides to head back to the
Crash site where Cray has been waiting.

Back on the World Map, head back to the crash site, and you'll meet
up with Cray, who is still guarding the sandflier. After an introduction
sequence, Nina admits that she couldn't get the parts they needed, but
it doesn't really matter, Cray's just glad to have everyone back safe.
During the night you'll have a dream sequence. You'll get to control
the party of Ryu, Nina, and Cray in the dream...

##### G. Ryu's Dream #####################################################

My Level: Ryu 9 / Nina 10 / Cray 7

Items: Aurum (x2)

Enemies: Toxic Fly, Armor, Gonghead

First, note that you can use the Diary to your northeast to both Rest
and Save your adventure. The monsters in this area are a bit tough, but
give good experience. The Armors also sometimes (actually, rarely) drop
some good equipment when defeated... if you're patient you can get Raptor
Claws (weapon for Ershin) and Cuirass (armor) from them! Though it's not
necessary to try and get them, they will help you out quite a bit. They
are pretty rare drops, however... it took me 40-50 minutes of fighting just
to get them both. Also, note that you can learn the "Wild Swing" skill from
them... a good skill but a bit unreliable since it's damage is random.

When you're ready to proceed, head west through the building, and make
your way to the north-east corner. Before the stairs are two doors you can
enter... the first one contains a bag with some Aurum inside. Proceed up
the stairs, through the door, and along the corridor. Go through the next
door and examine one of the dressers in the next room to find another piece
of Aurum. Go behind the curtain and you'll have a short sequence where two
strange men suddenly enter the area. Cray comments that if you walk slowly
behind the curtain you should be able to avoid being seen. Do so, and once
you reach the other side the dream will suddenly stop.

You'll now be back in the desert and Nina will tell Cray about the
strange dream. It seems that everyone had the same dream, and Ershin
suggests it is because of the 'Dragon's Eye' that Ryu carries. After a short
conversation you'll be back on the World Map. Your next target is the valley
of Kurok, to the west of Chamba. Also note that now you can re-enter Sarai
again, as well as go fishing.

##### H. Kurok Valley ####################################################

My Level: Ryu 11 / Cray 10 / Ershin 8 / Nina 11

Items: Deep Diver

World Map Enemies: Flue Goo, Bandit, Mage Goo, Cap, Red Cap, Eye Goo

Enemies: Red Cap, Flue Goo, Scorpion, Mage Goo, Cap, Scorpion

*NOTE* If you care to do a bit more fighting, the Bandits on the World
Map near Kurok will sometimes drop the Moon Sword after battle, which is MUCH
more powerful than the Bowie Knife that Ryu has equipped now. I recommend
getting it. :)

Upon entering Kurok, you'll find yourself in a desert valley. You can
learn another skill here, 'Command' from the Red Caps. This is also a good
opportunity to get experience, as by using the 'Blind' skill on the Flue
Goos, they will cough up three times as much experience as normal (120 EXP!).
It will only work if the Flue Goo was actually Blinded by the attack (if
you got the Moon Sword Ryu might actually end up killing the Goo with the
Blind attack. If you care to gain experience like this, equip the Bowie
Knife back on him to help avoid this).

Just move to the west through the valley, and you will soon meet Rwolf,
a wolf-like creature who will be your first Master. Since Rwolf is magic
based, he offers bonuses to AP and Wisdom, but a penalty to Power, Nina is
a good choice for apprenticing to Rwolf, as the bonuses will even further
strengthen Nina's awesome magical power. If you'd care to exchange a bit of
Ryu's power for some magical strength, you may want to sign Ryu up as well.
Also, you should be able to go ahead and complete Rwolf's first task at this
point, which is to perform a combo containing 5 or more hits. It can be
done at this point... if you need a suggestion take a look at the Masters
section in Section V. Upon completing this task he'll teach you the Eddy
skill. However, there's a bit of a dilemma regarding who you should give it
to. Eddy is a wind-based attack, and since Nina already has Sever, giving it
to her is useless. Ershin's magic is the pits, so giving it to her is also
probably not a good idea. I gave it to Ryu, considering Cray's magic strength
also isn't all that great (plus the fact that he already has a spell that
affects all enemies, Rock Blast).

Once you're ready to proceed, continue west through the valley. Before
going down the ramp to the west of Rwolf, run along the north ledge to reach
a treasure chest which contains a Deep Diver (fishing lure). Then go back and
run down the ramp, and continue west through the valley. Once you reach the
"bottom" go back to the east and around the path until you come back out on
the World Map again (well that was rather short, wasn't it?).

Continue to the west to reach the Dam.

##### I. Dam #############################################################

My Level: Ryu 11 / Cray 10 / Ershin 9 / Nina 12

Items: Sluice Key, Short Sword, Vitamin (x2), Toad, Swallow Eye (x2),

Enemies: Red Cap, Cap, Puspool, Eye Goo, Mage Goo, Flue Goo

After a short sequence as you enter the Dam, you'll be confronted by one
of the workers. Turns out that a Dragon seems to be running around inside the
Dam, and lately he's been "acting crazy" as the worker puts it, so everyone
ran off. He tells the party that if they're going across the river they should
be careful. You'll now regain control of the party.

*NOTE* You can learn the 'Molasses' skill from the Puspools that sometimes
appear in the Dam.

Move to the east and descend the ladder, and continue making your way
downwards. Once you reach the bottom, climb down the ladder "inside" the
doorway, and walk down the corridor to the west to reach an underground area.
Follow along this pathway and go back outside through the exit at the end of
the path. Run downstairs and talk to the Rand look-a-like if you want, then
continue down the ladder to reach the ground at the bottom. Walk along the
wooden planks and jump over the gap to the other side of the "river". The
guy at the end of the path will tell you that to get to the other side of
the river, you'll need to close up the sluice (which was behind the barred
door that you probably saw earlier). He mentions that the guy with the tube
(the one just to your south) has the key to the sluice.

Go and talk to him, and he will give you the Sluice Key (what, no mini
game this time?). Now run back to the dam and go back inside to the underground
area. Make your way back to the entrance point and use the Key to open the
door. Pull the lever to activate the sluice, which will lower the wooden
plank outside. Go back outside and up the ladder, and cross the sluice.
Go up the ladder on the other side and pick up the Short Sword in the treasure
chest (you won't have much need of this if you got the Moon Sword from the
Bandits earlier). Then go back and go down the ladder to your south, and go
in the door on the east side of the Dam.

Unlock the door and activate the sluice as you did before, which will
make the other wooden plank descend into place. Well, it will start to at
least, until it suddenly stops. A Momo look-a-like enters the room and in
order to get it started, you'll have to play another mini-game...
Mini Game: Activate the Sluice!

Your objective this time is to manually spin the flywheel on the sluice,
and press the O button at the right time in order to activate it. Turn the
flywheel by rotating the control pad in a circular motion, either clockwise
or counter-clockwise. The trick is to start out slow, and progressively
speed up as the flywheel gains momentum. When the flywheel starts emitting
a high-pitched sound, this is your signal to press the O button and start
the machine. However, Ryu can't keep up the spinning forever, and if it
starts spinning too quickly for too long he'll start to get tired and won't
be able to keep up. As stated before, start out slowly and work up speed
as the wheel gains momentum. Once it makes that high-pitched noise, that's
your cue to press the O button.

When the sluice is activated, the other wooden plank outside will descend
into place. Talk to the worker again and she will give you a Toad for your
hard work. Before going back up the ladder, head outside through the south
exit, and go west to find a chest that contains 2 Vitamins. Then go back
inside, and back up the ladder. Now that both sluices have been opened, the
"river" will have run dry. Cross the wooden plank that descended when you
opened the second sluice, and go up the ladder and over to the north-east
corner for a chest that contains 2 Swallow Eyes. Now go back down the ladder
and enter the room on the east. Run through the underground passage and when
you come out the other side, make your way down to the blue lever and pull
it. This will lower the bridge that leads over to the other side of the

Now that you are done with the Key, run across the bridge, talk to the
guy who told you about the Key in the first place and return the Key to him.
He'll then start to operate the lift, but the Mogu guy at the top of the dam
suddenly starts ringing the bell, yelling that the sluice has broken and the
mud is overflowing! This is thanks to the dragon that has been running amuck
in the Dam. The foreman flees the area, leaving behind the Crank in the
process. Looks like you'll have to work the lift yourselves!

Run over to the lift and examine it, and you'll start to activate it
using the Crank. Unfortunately, the lift doesn't move. Cray suggests fiddling
with the handle, so rapidly press the X button to manually bring the lift down
to you. However, in the meantime a literal tsunami of mud begins to sweep
across the entire dam! Quickly bring down the lift and you'll escape the
landslide of mud just in time. Your party will then leave the Dam, and you'll
be back on the World Map. Move north and enter the place where the ! point
appears. After watching the sunset, the Dragon from the Dam suddenly appears.
Even more interesting than the seemingly playful Dragon is the mysterious
woman (who looks like Yoda with glasses) who mentions that it is "trying to
tell you something". Cough up the 100 Zenny and listen to her "song".

After the sequence, you'll be back on the World Map, again. Move east
and you will reach the town of Kyria.

##### J. Town of Kyria ###################################################

My Level: Ryu 12 / Nina 12 / Cray 11 / Ershin 10

Items: Fish-Head, 400Z

Shop: Short Sword (480Z), Sage's Staff (230Z), Leather Armor (220Z),
Waistcloth (320Z), Glass Domino (220Z), Healing Herb (20Z),
Ammonia (250Z), Molotov (100Z)

Monsters: ???? (Chest), BeeTroop

*NOTE* On the World Map near Kyria you will fight more Bandits and
such, but more notable is the "squadrons" of Caps that sometimes appear (5
Caps and 1 Red Cap!). If you come across this, you can pull off your 10-hit
combo right here by using Rock Blast, followed by Burn. If you do, be sure
to go back to Rwolf and get your new magic, Plateau. Since Cray is earth
based, meaning he will learn similar spells on his own, I recommend giving
it to either Ryu or Nina (preferably Nina). ^_^

The town of Kyria is a bit dangerous, as the eccentric Mayor has laid
traps all over the place to keep undesirables from causing trouble. Only
problem is, you can get caught in these traps as well. Watch out for
suspicious-looking spots on the ground, stepping on them will cause various
(and probably undesirable) effects. Also, the treasure chest behind the
inn/houses near the entrance is actually another trap... open it and you
will have to "fight" three treasure chests. They're not tough, and give
hardly any EXP, so waste 'em if you want, but there's no point in really
doing so. Likewise, searching the dog house near the Mayor's house will
throw you into a fight with a BeeTroop.

By falling down the hole in the far north-west corner of town, you
can get to the underground, where you can find a chest containing 400 Zenny.
After climbing back up, use Cray to push the barrels out of your way so you
can get back out. If you try going into the Mayor's house a cage will drop
down around you, barring entrance to the house. To get in, you'll have
to fall down the other hole and climb up the ladder. This will take you up
into the Mayor's house. Once inside, search the bookcase to find a Fish-Head,
then talk to the parrot. Choose the second option ("We really have no time
for this..."), then the second option ("No"), then the third option ("No"),
then the fourth option ("Not really"). Finally ask about the Mayor, and
the parrot will tell you he's off in the woods to the west. Looks like
we're going to have to go out looking for him...

Rest and Save at the Inn if you need to, and talk to the Manilo near
the entrance to buy or sell items. Buy a Glass Domino for anyone who
doesn't have one already, and stock up on Healing Herbs and Ammonia if you
need. Then, head out of Kyria and go west to the Woods, to look for the

##### K. Woods ###########################################################

My Level: Ryu 12 / Nina 12 / Cray 11 / Ershin 10

Items: Apple (xInf), Healing Herb (x4), Pointed Stick, Aura Ring,
Wisdom Seed, Earth Ward

Enemies: Fungoid, Flue Goo, Cap, Red Cap, Bandit

Once in the woods, proceed a little ways and you'll come to a clearing,
where a townsperson is 'blocking' the path. He'll explain the situation...
he and the Mayor came to the woods to get rid of the monsters, but the Mayor
somehow became lost in the process. Either he got stuck in one of his own
traps, or the monster that inhabits the woods got him. The man gives you an
Apple, which you can use to lure the monster out with. If you somehow "lose"
(i.e use or drop) your apple, the tree nearby has tons of them on it... just
use Ershin's ram ability to knock some down off the tree. You should go
ahead and do this anyway, just to assure that you don't have to come back
for more later. Go ahead, kick down as many as you want. ^_^

Run north past the townsperson and you'll see an arrow pointing off to
the east. Go in that direction, onto the next screen. You'll now come to
a clearing with a well and a few holes. Run up the hill to the east of the
well and you'll notice a cage above you (it's not obvious-looking or anything).
If you stand under it it'll fall onto you, but you can break out using the
directional pad. Fall down the hole next to the cage and you'll land near
a chest containing 4 Healing Herbs. Loot the chest, then go back up the
ladder to come out of the well.

Head south of the well and you'll notice a metal plate hanging on a
pole (again, it's pretty obvious). Standing under it will cause it to fall
on you and confuse you for a few seconds (your character will move in the
opposite direction as you press the directional pad). Run up the hill to
the south and you'll notice another cage to the east. Now go up the hill
to the north of this cage and you'll find another pole, this time with
a treasure chest hanging from it. If you stand under it, the chest will
fall and squash you (kinda funny to watch, actually), but at least you'll
get the contents out of it... a Pointed Stick.

Now return to the cage, and run south, down the hill, and fall down into
the hole you come to, and you'll land near the chest that is more or less in
the center of the well. You'll find an Aura Ring inside! Climb back out
of the well again, then go to the nearest stump and examine it to place an
Apple on it. Once the boar eats the apple quickly follow its tracks! You'll
have to be quick and careful at the same time... if you wait too long the
tracks will disappear, but you don't want to end up falling down a hole
in the process! After following the tracks, you'll end up on the next screen.

*NOTE* There are quite a good number of stumps scattered about these
woods. Depending on which stump you place the apple on, the boar may lead
you to a few treasure chests... one containing 8 Apples and another containing
an Earth Ward. I will check this myself soon and try to add in the exact
locations of these stumps. =)

Walk along the riverbank, and jump across onto the rock next to the
waterfall. Jump to the other side, and continue along the path, jumping
across several gaps along the way. When you reach the top, first jump across
the waterfall at the top to pick up a bag with a Wisdom Seed inside. Then
jump back across, and continue to the top of the hill. Make sure your
characters are in good condition, then exit to the north to get to the
next screen. You'll find the Mayor (and the boar) on the next screen. The
Boar walks into a trap set by the Mayor, but it manages to get away. However,
as the Mayor stands laughing, a BIG and quite pissed-off boar drops down from
the sky!
Boss Fight
Maman --> 3,500 HP, 1,500 EXP, 450 Z. Drops Apple, Flame Punch.
Rock Blast: Weak earth-based attack against all targets
Body Press: Stomping attack against one target

It's been a while since the last boss battle, hasn't it? This battle
shouldn't be too hard. I recommend a party of Cray, Nina, and Ryu for this
fight... their magic will be able to tear up the giant boar quite quickly.
If you have any Apples on hand, use them on the boar to distract it
momentarily. It has a lot of earth-based attacks, and is a bit resistant
to earth itself, so Cray's earth magic won't deal a whole lot of damage to
it. First transform Ryu into the Aura Dragon while Cray casts Protect on
Nina. Have Nina use an Apple (if you have any left) on the Maman, or cast
her Sever spell (or heal, if needed). Then on, have Cray attack, Ryu
use Flame Strike, and Nina cast Sever or heal if needed. The Flame Strike
will do a lot of damage (600+), so this boss really shouldn't be too hard
to defeat. Once you win you will gain a LOT of Experience, as well as
an Apple, and a Flame Punch.

After the battle you'll automatically be returned to the World Map.
Be sure to equip the Flame Punch to Ershin (unless you got the Raptor Claws
from the Armor during the dream sequence), then return to Kyria. After a
conversation with the Mayor, he will grant you permission to use the passageway
that leads to the town of Synesta.

You'll rest at the Inn for the night, but during the night you'll be
switched back to the emperor Fou-Lu, who is safe in the house of a man named
Bunyan (whom you may recognize from BoF3). After a short sequence, you'll
be back with Ryu in Kyria again. Along the way Cray will fall into a hole,
which means you'll have to climb back out before you can be on your way. ^_^

Save at the Inn and purchase some more curative items from the Manilo
in town if you wish, then head to the passageway to Synesta, located up the
mountain in the northern part of town.

##### L. Passage to Synesta ##############################################

My Level: Ryu 13 / Nina 13 / Cray 12 / Ershin 12

Items: Water Bomb, Ammonia, 500Z

Enemies: Army Bat, Puspool, Tadpole, Cadaver, Zombie

*NOTE* You can learn the "Snooze" skill from the Tadpoles that appear
here in the passageway. Also this is a good place to get experience, since
the Puspools appear rather often, sometimes in groups of two. Remember,
using Burn on them doubles the amount of EXP they give!

Run north through the cave passage, and enter the water-filled room on
the right. Head straight across to the other riverbank to the east, and look
for a chest at the dead-end which contains a Water Bomb. Head back into the
water-filled area and run north, upstream. Follow the "river" all the way
to the north, where it will lead to a room with a lake in the middle. Run
around the outside of the lake and jump across using the stepping-stone in
the middle. Then enter the cave to your east. Walk a little ways and the
path will branch off in two different directions.

First, go north to reach a dead-end, where you'll find a chest containing
some Ammonia. Run back to the branch, and take the south path this time.
Proceed for a while, until you reach the exit to the cave at the far north.
You'll come out into another water-filled room. You'll fight Cadavers in
this area, who you can learn the "Feint" skill from. Walk along the shallow
part of the water and climb up the stairs to the north. Continue climbing,
but keep on the look-out for a spot where you can jump over to a platform to
the north. You'll find a chest over there with 500 Zenny inside. Be sure
to get it, then jump back across and continue climbing your way up to the

Enter the cave at the top, then follow the path some more and you'll
end up what looks like inside a well. Climb the ladder, and sure enough,
you'll find yourself smack in the middle of Synesta!

##### M. Town of Synesta #################################################

My Level: Ryu 14 / Nina 14 / Cray 13 / Ershin 14

Item Store: Healing Herb (20Z), Antidote (12Z), Eye Drops (14Z),
Jabbergrass (20Z), Panacea (100Z), Ammonia (250Z),
Wooden Rod (50Z), Floater (20Z)

Weapon Store: Scramasax (1200Z), Magic Wand (800Z), Steel Bat (1000Z),
Waistcloth (320Z), Chain Cap (600Z), Brass Helm (90Z),
Glass Domino (220Z), Soul Gem (1000Z)

Enter the house directly across from the well and you'll get a few
references to Princess Elina inside. However, the lady won't be able to
talk to you until she gets the kids' food ready. Run outside and you'll
find her chasing down Chino, a mischievious kid. After a failed attempt
at trying to catch him run back up and talk to the lady, then to Chino.
He'll run off... now your object is to catch him. If he sees you coming
he'll run in the opposite direction, so you'll have to cut him off in order
to nap him. After finally catching him he'll return home, and the nun
at the house will tell you what she knows about Princess Elina.

Chino will suddenly run upstairs, proclaiming that if you can find
everyone in a game of hide-and-seek he will tell you where Princess Elina
went. And in a town with as confusing a layout as this one, won't that
be fun....
Mini-Game: Find those brat... err, nice little kids

Now you'll have to run around town and round up all the kids from
the orphanage. Two of them can be found just inside, on the western side
of the orphanage (right out in the open, not really hard to find at all).
Another child can be found in the doorway just to the east of the well.
One can be found on the stairs leading out of town, and another can be
found "hiding" behind the stairs just north of the well. The next child
can be found upstairs in the inn (the building near the marketplace).
The last child (who can hardly be seen at all) is hiding on the stairs
that separate the lower walkway that circles around the town with the
upper area.

Once all seven kids are rounded up, return to the Orphanage. Chino,
as you would expect, is still missing. Talk to the nun and the frog child
behind you will say that Chino went to hide down in the "cellar", the area
of the city that is still infested with monsters. The entrance to the
cellar is the guarded stairway on the top level, in the far south-west
corner of town. Talk to the guard and he'll shout for a bit, then complain
about being thirsty. Stand a safe distance away and wait for the water-lady
to come near, and the guard will leave the stairway to get some water. Now's
your chance to sneak down into the cellar!

##### N. Cellar ##########################################################

My Level: Ryu 14 / Nina 14 / Cray 13 / Ershin 14

Items: Ammonia, Protein, 80Z, Raptor Claws

Enemies: Mouse, Roach, Toxic Fly

*NOTE* You may learn the "Snap" skill from the mice that appear down
in the cellar.

Once down in the cellar below Synesta, walk down the stairs leading
down into the hole. Continue into the next room to reach a corridor with
several doors leading off to the east. You can find an Ammonia hidden on
one of the shelves in the bottom room, while in the top room is empty,
except for a couple of beds (?). Move to the north, and down the stairs
at the end of the next corridor. You'll now find yourself among a maze
of scattered jars and upturned benches. Head through this room, but be
sure to examine the shelf behind the bar for a Protein. Exit through the
open door to the south, and up the stairs in the next room.

Examine the bookcase on the west wall to receive 80 Zenny, then proceed
along the hall to the north. Run down the long and winding staircase in
the next room, and you'll reach the "jail" at the bottom. Sure enough,
you'll find Chino "hiding" in one of the cells but you won't be able to
reach him just yet. Proceed north and into the next cell to find a bag
containing some Raptor Claws (equip these to Ershin if you don't have them
yet). Continue to the north and up the stairs, to reach a room above
with two more cells. Stand on the loose planks in the floor in the bottom
cell and you'll fall down to where Chino is!

After talking to him, you'll end up back at the orphanage. He'll tell
you that as Elina was leaving Synesta, she was approached by a few people,
one of which was Marlok, a merchant who lives in town. His house is the
one of the bodyguard standing in front of it. Since he isn't going to let
you in peacefully, you'll have to fight your way past him!
Boss Fight
Kahn --> 3,000 HP, 1,000 EXP, 0 Z. Drops Ginseng.
Shout: Shouting attack which can stun all party members
*Focus*: Increase Attack Power for next turn

Before anything, make sure to learn the "Focus" skill from Kahn. It
will increase your attack power and counter-attack rate. I used a party
of Ryu, Cray, and Ershin for this battle. First, transform Ryu into the
Aura Dragon while Cray casts Slow on Kahn. Have Ershin attack or use an
Herb if someone needs healing. Then, have Cray attack, Ryu use Flame
Strike, and Ershin attack (or use Wild Shot). If someone needs healing
have Ershin use an Herb or bring in Nina to cast a Heal or Rejuvenate spell
on them. This boss shouldn't be all that hard to take down.

After the battle Marlok will come up and congratulate you, and invite
you inside. After the conversation, you'll learn that Elina was supposedly
taken to the Empire on the west continent. He offers to help, but of course
he won't offer his services for free. He commands three of you to go and find
a thief who recently made off with some of his money, while Nina stays behind
to "take care of things" at the house.

The merchant near the town gate mentions that he saw a guy with a big
heavy looking bag heading out of town to the east. Could this be the bandit
who made off with Marlok's stuff? After talking to him, exit town to get
back to the World Map, and a path will appear to the east, leading to the
Bandit Hideout. If you investigate the ? mark between Synesta and the
hideout you'll have a sequence with the bandit, but before the party realizes
who he is, he runs off. After another sequence back at Marlok's house, you'll
automatically end up at the Hideout.

##### O. Bandit Hideout ##################################################

My Level: Ryu 14 / Ershin 14 / Cray 13

Enemies: Mouse, Army Bat, Rat

Enter through the narrow gap in the mountains to reach the interior of
the Hideout. Just run to the east and you'll find the bandit hanging around
in the open area. As you approach him he runs off and you'll have to catch
him, as you did with Chino before.
Mini-Game: Stop, Thief!

Your object here is to catch the thief by chasing him around the Hideout.
The barrels scattered about the cave will help out here, as by pushing them
with Cray, you can block some of the passageways, thus reducing the number
of escape routes the Thief has. Since the camera zooms out a bit during this
phase, it's a bit easier to see where you're going. A good tactic would be
to block the passage in the lower-right with two barrels, then chase the thief
into that area. However he can still be a pain to catch since he can maneuver
around so fast.

Once you finally catch the Thief he'll protest that the stuff was already
his to begin with, and that he was "stealing it back". Cray and the others
decide to pay a little visit back to Marlok. Afterwards, you'll be back outside
the Hideout. However, note that Stoll, the thief, is actually a Master, and
will teach you if you pay him all your Zenny. Decline for the time being,
and return to Synesta. After another sequence with Marlok, he will send you
off to do ANOTHER job, this time to go to the Sandflier Wharf, north of town.

*NOTE* If you want to apprentice under Stoll, you must pay him all your
Zenny. Chances are you have a lot at the moment, and letting it all go to
waste would... well, suck. Go to the item shop and purchase as many curative
items as you can afford, but leave at least 1 Zenny remaining. Then go back
to Stoll and pay him all your Zenny. You _can_ go back and sell off some
of the items to get some of the money back... you won't regain it all but
it's better than nothing. Try to get back at least 3000Z if at all possible.

The Sandflier Wharf is just to the north of Synesta...

##### P. Sandflier Wharf #################################################

My Level: Ryu 15 / Ershin 15 / Cray 14

Enemies: Roach

*NOTE* You can get to another fishing spot via the ? mark on the way
to the Wharf. The sign in the center of the area will tell you where to find
it (exit through the northeast corner of the area to find it).

*SPECIAL NOTE* If you want to go back to any of the previous areas to
get something you missed, go fishing, etc, I strongly recommend you do it now.
After this section it will be a very long time before you will be able to
access those areas again.

Once you enter the wharf, go up the stairs in front of you and talk to
the foreman there. He will give you a task to do... which is cleaning out
the storeroom. You'll have to line up the barrels and jars, putting them
where they're supposed to go. Enter the storeroom and let's get to work!
Mini-Game: Clean the Storeroom

Your object here is to place the barrels around the sign in the south
part of the room, and the jars around the sign in the north part of the room.
The older barrels may be destroyed since they aren't needed anymore. To move
the barrels and jars, put Cray in the lead, and to destroy them put Ershin
in the lead and use her Ram ability.

You will get 50 points for each old barrel destroyed (though sometimes you
will have to fight some Roaches), and 200 points for each item placed correctly.
You'll also get a Time Bonus depending on how long it took you to get the
job done.

After this job, the foreman will give you another one. This time, you
must operate the crane and stack all of the crates onto the Sandflier.
Mini-Game: Stack the Crates!

Your object is to stack as many crates onto the sandflier as you can in
the time limit. You can move the crane using the Directional Pad, and use
the O button to lower it and pick it up. Then, you can release the crate
again by pressing the O button once more. You get extra points by putting
the crates onto squares outlined in blue on the sandflier. 2000 points is
a "perfect" score.

Once that's done, Marlok and Nina will suddenly show up! Marlok will
reward you for you work (the item he gives you depends on how well you did
in the jobs). He'll then allow to you to ride on the sandflier, but in
order to get them safely across to the West continent, he places the party
inside a wooden crate. After a short sequence, you'll now be switched back
to Fou-Lu, who is still safe in the house of Bunyan...

##### Q. Zhinga Mountains ################################################

My Level: Fou-Lu 64

Items: Protein (x2)

Enemies: Snapfly, Khafu (*)

Use the Diary to Save, then exit the house. Note that there are 2
Proteins in a treasure chest behind the house should you wish to get them.
Run down the mountain and exit the area to reach the monster-infested part
of the mountains. Note that you can learn the "Flame Strike" skill from the
Snapflies here... I highly recommend learning it. Remember, any skills
learned as Fou-Lu will automatically be transferred to Ryu!

Continue down the mountain and you'll have another sequence with that
annoying Yohm and his "all-powerful" guards. However, during their
conversation a HUGE flying creature suddenly descends behind Fou-Lu and
Boss Fight
Khafu --> 20,000 HP, 22,000 EXP, 5,800 Z. Drops Fire Ward, Ambrosia.
Eldrich Flame: Multi-hit (6x) fire attack against one target
Heal: Restore a small amount of HP to one target
Firewind: Fire&Wind Based magic-attack against all targets

As usual, start off by transforming yourself into the Astral Dragon.
Then just use Frost Strike on the boss. Like the last boss you fought as
Fou-Lu, this thing won't be all that hard to take down, thanks to Fou-Lu's
enormous strength. Just keep on using Frost Strike and he'll go down in
a matter of a few turns.

After the battle, Fou-Lu will transform and fly off, and order the
beast you just defeated after him. During the mid-air battle, Khafu gets
the best of him, sending him tumbling down into the forest below.

Afterwards, you'll be switched back to Ryu and party, who have safely
arrived in the village of Kyoin.

##### R. Village of Kyoin ################################################

My Level: Ryu 15 / Nina 15 / Cray 14 / Ershin 15

Equipment Store: Scramasax (1200Z), Magic Wand (800Z), Steel Bat (1000Z),
Waistcloth (320Z), Chain Cap (600Z), Crepe Cape (730Z),
Glass Domino (220Z), Soul Gem (1000Z)

Item Store: Healing Herb (20Z), Vitamin (100Z), Antidote (12Z),
Eye Drops (14Z), Jabbergrass (20Z), Panacea (100Z),
Ammonia (250Z), Molotov (100Z)

Items: Healing Herb (x3), Glass Domino

Monsters: Gonghead, Mouse, Armor, Bandit

The first thing you'll want to do is upgrade your equipment. Note that
the Scramasax sword has a somewhat low attack power, but it will grant you
two attacks. However, the Moon Sword (if you got it), is still a bit more
powerful. Purchase a Magic Wand for Nina and a Steel Bat for Cray, Chain
Caps for anyone who needs them (unless you got one from the Cadavers, or got
a Cuirass from the Armors earlier on), and a Crepe Cape for Nina.

*NOTE* The "Imperial Causeway" at the top of the town is home to some
monsters. You can fight Armors here as well, so if you didn't get the rare
drops from them before you can try again here. By now you already have a
pair of Raptor Claws, but the Cuirass is still the best armor available to
you at this point. Also, you can fight Bandits, so here's another chance
to get a Moon Sword as well. ^_^

Head for the top of the town and pass through the Imperial Causeway
through the door to the south, and up the stairs. Ride up the elevator when
you come back outside, then enter the next door to get back inside. Go
through the passageway and you'll come to a long corridor that stretches off
to the east/west. Go east, and through the first door to your south. Loot
all the shelves in this room to find 3 Healing Herbs, then go back out to
the hallway. Run east along the hallway and up the stairs at the end.

Follow this hallway, and enter the room to the north to find a chest
containing a Glass Domino. Go back out to the hallway and enter the south
room, and proceed up the stairs at the end of the corridor. Note that you
can use the elevator in the center of the top room to get to the floors below.
Exit to the outside again, and ride the lift up once more to reach the very
top of the causeway. However once you reach the top, the lift suddenly
descends and lightning begins to flash. The gate will open, but as you
go to cross over to it, Rasso, the annoying general from the Saira incident
shows up. He's still a bit ticked off about the last time, and will
summon another Warrior Spirit to "take care of you".
Boss Fight
Ymechaf --> 6,000 HP, 2,000 EXP, 0 Z. Drops Aurum, Ice Punch.
Whirlwind: Multi-hit (3x) attack against all targets
Sever: Weak wind-based attack against one target.

I used Ryu, Cray, and Nina for this battle. Have Cray cast Protect
on Nina, then have Ryu cast Burn, and Nina cast Sever. Since Combo attacks
tend to throw this boss off balance, the Firewind spell will cause him to
lose his balance for a bit, making him EXTREMELY susceptible to physical
attacks. Next turn, have Cray attack (when off balance his physical attack
can deal around 800 damage!), then repeat the Burn/Sever combo. By using
this method, this boss should be defeated very easily.

After the battle, the gateway will start to close! The party will
jump through the gateway just in time, leaving a stunned Rasso behind. The
party will come out on the other side of the gate just as it closes.

##### S. Imperial Causeway (Part Two) ####################################

My Level: Ryu 16 / Nina 16 / Cray 15 / Ershin 16

Items: Ammonia (x2), Vitamin

Enemies: Armor, Gonghead, Bandit, Mouse

Now you'll have to make your way down the other side. Ride down the
elevator, and enter the building. You can use the elevator here to quickly
get down, but there is some treasure to be found in here as well. If you
want to take the long way around, run down the stairs in the south-east.

Continue along the path until you reach a hallway. To the south is
the third-floor elevator station, where you can find a chest containing
two units of Ammonia. Grab them, then run back out to the hallway and
proceed to the west along the corridor, and down the stairs. Continue
along the hallway, and enter the doorway to your north to reach a room
with a bunch of shelves in it (it really is symmetrical to the other one
isn't it?). One of them contains a Vitamin for you to pick up.

Since there is conveniently no lift leading from the second to the
first floor, you'll have to now go all the way back up to the top, and
use the elevator to ride down to the 1st floor. Then exit the building
to the south. Exit the Causeway and you'll come out on the World Map.
You're now on the Western Continent! Proceed west from the Causeway to
reach the town of Astana.

##### T. Town of Astana ##################################################

My Level: Ryu 16 / Nina 16 / Cray 15 / Ershin 16

Item Store: Healing Herb (20Z), Vitamin (100Z), Antidote (12Z),
Eye Drops (14Z), Jabbergrass (20Z), Panacea (100Z),
Ammonia (250Z)

Equipment Store: Cuirass (840Z), Crepe Cape (730Z), Glass Domino (220Z),
Face Guard (450Z), Aura Ring (500Z), Life Sandals (500Z),
Talisman (300Z), Soul Gem (1000Z)

World Map Enemies: Mage Goo, Flue Goo, Gonghead, Bandit, GooCount

*NOTE* You can learn the "Icicle" skill from the GooCount(s) that live
on the World Map in this region. However, in order for them to use it you
will have to pull off a 5-hit combo on the first turn. The strategy I used
was give Burn to Nina, and give Plateau (which you should have learned from
Rwolf) to Ryu. In battle, have Cray use Rock Blast, Ryu use Plateau, then
Nina use Burn. This should total up 5 hits (1 from Rock Blast, 2 from
Plateau, 2 from Eruption). They'll then start using Icicle (and give four
times as much EXP as well!).

When you reach Astana, first stop by the store to upgrade your equipment
again. Buy Cuirasses for Ryu and Cray if you don't have them already, and
buy a few Face Guards to replace the Glass Dominos that you might be wearing.

Talk to everyone in Astana but you'll get no information regarding the
missing Princess Elina. You will, however, learn about the Aqueduct, where
the town gets all its water. Go back out onto the World Map and a path
will appear to the west, to the Aqueduct.

##### U. Astana Aqueduct #################################################

My Level: Ryu 16 / Nina 16 / Cray 15 / Ershin 16

Items: Ginseng, 500Z, Life Shard, Magic Shard

Enemies: Eye Goo, Mage Goo, Flue Goo, GooCount, Toxic Fly, Armor

Upon entering the Aqueduct, make your way to the north-east, and climb
up the ladder. Go east for a chest containing a Ginseng, then climb the
ladder to your west (on the back side of the wall). Run east under the
arches and talk to the mole-person, and he'll power up the Gondola for you.
Ride it down, and cross onto the wooden planks. Note that you can slash
through the support holding up the drawbridge with Ryu's sword, causing the
drawbridge to fall over, giving you a quick route back to the entrance. Run
east along the planks and jump across the gap when prompted. Climb up the
ladder and proceed to the east, and open up the chest at the dead-end to
receive 500 Zenny.

Go back down the ladder and jump back across the gap. Climb up the
ladder against the back wall and proceed up to the top. Run across the top
to the east and jump into the water to reach the interior of the aqueduct.
You'll then find yourself in the exact same place you were at in Ryu's
dream (you'll even have the same dialogue!). Rest and Save using the Diary,
and make your way to the north side of the room. Before going up the stairs,
enter the first small room nearby to pick up a Life Shard.

Now go upstairs and through the door. Walk along the hallway, and when
you reach the room with the curtain, check one of the shelves for a Magic
Shard. Walk through the curtain and you'll have the same sequence as before,
where two men will walk in, and Cray suggets walking slowly behind the
curtain to avoid being caught. Do so, and once you reach the other side,
the "Lord" shows up and confronts you. After the sequence, the party will
be captured and sent back to the East Continent. After being reprimanded by
King Ludia, Cray is forced to answer an interrogation explaining his actions.

This ends Chapter 1...

##### Chapter II: Endless #################################################

As Chapter II starts, Ryu is in a bedroom in Ludia, and Nina comes in to
check on him. After a quick conversation Nina suggests they go to the Castle
to see if they can find out what is happening to Cray...

##### A. Kingdom of Ludia ###############################################

My Level: Ryu 16 / Nina 16

Items: Aurum

Shop: Katzbalger (1800Z), Reed Baton (1600Z), Cuirass (840Z),
Crepe Cape (730Z), Face Guard (450Z), Healing Herb (20Z),
Panacea (100Z), Ammonia (250Z)

Once you gain control of the two, loot the bag next to the bed to obtain
some Aurum, then use the Diary to Save the game if you wish. Go downstairs
and you'll find that a shaggy dog-like person named Scias has been assigned
to make sure the party doesn't run off. Exit the house, but as you leave
Scias will go with you to make sure you don't try to pull any quick
escapes. ^_^

The house right next to the one you come out of his a shop... you can
buy a few new pieces of equipment here, including the Reed Baton for Nina,
and the Katzbalger for Ryu (which is better than the Moon Sword). Scias
is better off with his own sword for now, since it offers two attacks.
Head to the Castle, but the guards refuse to let any visitors inside.
Leave the castle and you'll have a short conversation where Nina suggests
that the party head to Worent, where Cray is from. Scias will be tagging
along with you, so feel free to exit Ludia. You'll be back on the World
Map. To get to Worent, you will have to travel through the Wychwood, to
the south of Ludia. Head east to the ? mark, then east again to reach
the Wychwood!

*NOTE* You can get to another Fishing Spot by searching a ? mark between
Shyde and the ? spot below. Read the sign, then exit the screen to the west
to reach it.

##### B. Wychwood #######################################################

My Level: Ryu 16 / Nina 16 / Ershin 17 / Scias 13

Items: Healing Herb (x3), Magic Shard

World Map Enemies: Wyd, NutTroop

Enemies: Wyd, Sparrow (*)

*NOTE* You can learn the "Double Blow" skill from the NutTroops who
hang out on the World Map in the Ludia Region. Also note that you have a
very good opportunity to gain experience by fighting the Wyds. When hit with
a fire-based attack they will transform into a stronger monster (Firewyd),
who give out 280 EXP apiece! Try to hold back on gaining too much experience
for the moment however, or Cray may end up falling quite a ways behind everyone
else... ;)

Upon entering the Wychwood, first equip Nina with the Life Sandals if
she isn't currently wearing them. Then run to the south, and follow the trail
leading off to the west to reach a dead-end clearing where there is a chest
containing 3 Healing Herbs. Run back to the main trail, and continue to the
south. Cross the narrow walkway to the next screen, and you'll have a short
conversation among your party members. However, as you go to continue along
your way, Nina suddenly shrinks! After a failed attempt at figuring out what
happened to her the rest of the party decides to go off and look for her. Go
down the hill to the south and you will have another sequence with a couple of
faeries (who apparently are the reason for Nina's shrinking). Faeries are
normally invisible to mortals, yet somehow Ershin sees them, and knocks one out
of the way before they can play their tricks on the rest of the party.

The faeries will explain what happened... they shrunk Nina, who was
carried off by the bird you saw earlier and taken to its nest. If you can
find the tree where the bird's nest is, you can probably make Nina fall down
by having Ershin ram it. Move to the west, but look for a Magic Shard in a
bag to your north (you'll have to walk up a ramp, across the stick-bridge,
and jump across the gap to get it.) Proceed to the south-west corner of the
screen, and you should hear the bird singing from up in a tree. Run up the
ramp and jump across the gap, and have Ershin ram the tree. This will awaken
Nina, and you'll have to find a way to get her down from the bird's nest.

Run up the ramp and along the outside of the nest, then jump down when
prompted. Start walking along the tree, but before you can get anywhere the
bird comes back. Nina will turn to run and a caterpillar will suddenly drop
down from the top of the tree. Thanks to Nina's wings, the bird seems to think
that Nina is one of it's babies! Nina protests that she doesn't care much
for bugs, but the bird doesn't care for this concept too much and attacks!
Boss Fight
Sparrow --> 1,200 HP, 250 EXP, 100 Z. Drops Bird Drop, Wooden Rod
Feeding Time: Drop a caterpillar onto the target's head (induces 'Confusion')
Ponder: Lose a turn "thinking"

Even though you'll be fighting with Nina alone in this battle, it will
still be ridiculously easy. Though the Sparrow's "Feeding Time" attack can
confuse Nina, the Life Sandals just might protect against the status change.
Even so, the Sparrow might not even get a chance to use it, as it will be
defeated after only 2 Cyclone spells. Not very hard at all.

After the battle, proceed back out to the branch of the tree, and you'll
find that a mysteriously and conveniently placed ladder has been placed for
you to climb down. Ershin will start to ram the tree again, causing Nina
to fall from the ladder in the process. However at that moment the shrinking
spell starts to wear off, and she ends up landing "safely", right on Ryu.
Now that Nina is back in your party you can continue along your way. Move
to the north and shortly you'll come back out on the World Map. Now you can
proceed south, to the village of Worent.

##### C. Village of Worent ##############################################

My Level: Ryu 17 / Nina 17 / Ershin 17 / Scias 14

Items: Manly Clothes

Shop: Katzbalger (1800Z), Reed Baton (1600Z), Spiked Rod (2200Z),
Ranger Garb (1500Z), Bronze Shield (380Z), Healing Herb (20Z),
Molotov (100Z), Water Bomb (100Z)

Enemies: Kahn (*)

There's not much to do here in Worent, besides what you came here to do...
visit the Elders. You can purchase a few equipment upgrades if you have the
cash... particularly a few Bronze Shields for anyone who needs them, and
Ranger Garb for Ryu and Nina. The Chief's house (Cray's house that is) is
the big house on the far east side of town. Since the Chief isn't exactly
here at the moment, you can talk to the Elders instead.

The party will explain Cray's situation to the Elders, and they will
mention that the previous Chief's wife (and Cray's mother), Tarhn, may be
able to figure out how to rectify the situation. However, once the Chief
passed away, she left the village and moved onto the nearby Golden Plains.
Ryu gets the idea to go out looking for her, and the rest of the party
agrees. However, as you exit the house, Kahn suddenly shows up (remember
Marlok's bodyguard?), and he still isn't too happy about his defeat in
Synesta. He's stronger now that he's been training under the Worens and,
in an attempt to regain his selfpride, attacks!
Boss Fight
Kahn --> 3,600 HP, 2,000 EXP, 0 Z. Drops Ginseng.
Tiger Fist: Multi-hit (4x) physical attack against all targets
*Focus*: Raise attack power and counter attack rate
Shout: Attempt to stun all targets

Kahn hasn't got much stronger since the last time you met him. His
only new attack is the "Tiger Fist", which although it can hurt you a bit,
he only has enough AP to use it once. I recommend using Ryu, Nina, and
Scias for this. Just transform Ryu into the Aura Dragon while Nina casts
Cyclone, and Scias uses Shining Blade. This should knock off around 1500
HP just to start. Afterwards, have Ryu use Flame Strike and repeat the
process above for Nina and Scias. He'll go down in no time flat.

After being beat senseless for the second time, his instructor, Master
Una, appears and asks you not to pick on him so much next time. ^_^
If you go upstairs in the Elder's house and talk to her, choose the first
option ("Sorry..."), and she will offer herself as your next Master! Ershin
and Scias are good picks to apprentice under Una. Additionally, in the
basement, you can find a suit of Manly Clothes in a bag. I highly recommend
trying to get a combo that deals 1500+ damage so that you can learn the
"Pilfer" skill from Una. With this, you will FINALLY be able to steal items
from your enemies. Since Nina has high agility and lower attack power
(meaning the enemy won't be killed so quickly, giving you more chances to
steal), I recommend giving it to her. In fact, chances are very good you
already have made a combo of at least 1500 (my highest at this point was
something like 3900, so I was able to get her second skill too)! Her next
skill is at 3000+ damage, and if you have this requirement as well, she
will teach you Super Combo! Give this to Scias, since Ershin might not
even have enough AP to use it. :P

Back in the village, you'll need to find a horse in order to explore
the Golden Plains. Talk to the guy near the stables (near that big weird
flying creature-thing), and he'll pick out a horse for you, but unfortunately
no one in the party knows how to ride a horse. In the meantime, the funny
creature starts to take a liking to Ershin, chasing her around in circles.
He lends you the whelk to use instead of the horse, and sends you on your
way. Go back out to the World Map and the path will appear to the Golden
Plains, to the east.

*NOTE* Before entering the Golden Plains, if Ryu doesn't have any
magic skills with him at the moment, I STRONGLY recommend you give one to
him. The Nut-type enemies in the plains are extremely evasive to physical
attacks, and you'll have a very hard time defeating them without the use of

##### D. Golden Plains ##################################################

My Level: Ryu 17 / Nina 17 / Ershin 17 / Scias 14

Enemies: Nut Archer, Nut Mage, Nut Troop

As you enter the Golden Plains, Ryu will ride off on the Whelk to start
searching for Tarhn, but he doesn't get very far at all before falling off.
After a short conversation with Scias, you'll be switched back to Ryu in
the Plains.

The Golden Plains will remind you of the Death Desert in BoF3 (and
painfully, most likely). It's huge and extremely easy to get lost in.
With Ryu on the Whelk, you must find your way to the camp where Tarhn is.
The plains are vast and there are hardly any landmarks around, and the only
clue you have is what the guy back in Worent told you... "Go east until you
hit the big rock, then northeast to reach the camp. Watch out for the smoke
from Tarhn's campfire." And of course it doesn't help that you fight random
battles in the process.

Since the Plains are played in first-person view, up moves you forward,
and left and right swivel the camera around (truly a 360-degree camera
perspective in this section). You start facing east, which is the direction
you need to go to start. Just move straight until you reach the big rock
(it will take a few minutes of travelling in order to reach it). Once you
reach the rock, turn northeast and start moving forward.

*NOTE* Since the red point on the compass always points to the north,
when you are facing northeast, the red point should be pointing off to the
north-west. Or to put it differently, once you reach the big rock, turn
about 45 degrees to your left... this should be northeast. Alternately,
if you hang around the rock for a few moments, a bird will take off flying
(coincidentally, to the northeast. ;). If you follow that bird, it should
lead you right to Tarhn's camp.

Pass by the clump of rocks, then keep your eye on the horizon as you
move forward. You'll soon see the smoke rising up from Tarhn's campfire...
continue a little ways forward and you will reach the camp.

You'll meet Tarhn here, and after a quick conversation Ryu will explain
the situation to her. Since it's already nightfall, go ahead inside the tent
and Ryu will fall asleep. You'll now be switched to Cray, who is still being
questioned by the court of Ludia. After a flashback regarding the King's Sword
that Ryu broke during your first encounter with Rasso, Ryu will suddenly
awaken. Head outside and talk to Tarhn, and choose the third option "About
the King's Sword...". She'll mention that if the sword were to turn up again,
it would help to lessen the trouble that Cray is in at the moment. In Mt. Glom,
a volcano to the south of the plains, there lives a smith who may be able
to forge another copy of the King's Sword.

To find out how to get there, you'll first have to go back to Worent.
You won't have to go back through the Plains again, just exit onto the World
Map and return to the spot where your party is waiting. Leave the Plains and
return to Worent, and pay a visit to the Elders again. One of them will then
give you the directions to Mt. Glom... "East to the big rock, then south. Look
for the smoke coming out of the tip of the Volcano." So, re-enter the plains,
and head due east until you reach the large rock. Then, turn south and head
straight, towards the smoking mountain (which is, of course, your target).
Walk off the south edge of the Plains and you'll end up at the entrance to
the Volcano.

##### E. Mt. Glom #######################################################

My Level: Ryu 18 / Nina 18 / Ershin 18 / Scias 15

Items: Fire Ward, 600Z, Vitamin (x2), Drill Punch, Molotov (x4)

Enemies: Drake, Wyd, Firewyd

*NOTE* Here is another good EXP opportunity. By using a fire-based
attack on the Drakes that inhabit the Volcano, they will increase in strength,
but give 3x the normal amount of EXP!

Once in the interior of the Volcano, make your way to the east (don't
step on the lava or you'll take damage). Jump across the gaps and go through
the cave entrance to the north. Exit to the west and open up the bag to
obtain a Fire Ward, an accessory that will help you defend against the fire
based attacks of the monsters in the Volcano. Go back east through the
cave entrance, and up the ramp against the far wall. Exit through the
passage to the north, then walk along the platforms in the next lava-filled

The platforms in this room will drift apart after the first random
battle, then draw back together after the next. Make your way to the
middle platform, then get into a battle. The platforms will then drift
apart. Run east to pick up a chest containing 600 Zenny, then go back to
the middle platform and fight another battle to draw them back together.
Cross over to the platform on the north, then fight a battle. You can
now cross over to the other chest, which contains 2 Vitamins. Cross
back over, then cross to the north-east. Ignore the cave passage to the
east for time being, then cross over to the next platform to the north.

Fight another battle on this platform, then cross over to the west.
Now fight one more battle, then jump over into the cave entrance on the
west wall. Grab the chest inside to obtain a Drill Punch (which should be
equipped to Ershin), then make your way all the way back across to the other
cave entrance (the one I told you to ignore a few moments ago). Run around
the outside of the room crossing several bridges along the way and you'll
reach the Smith's house. He'll tell you that in order to re-forge the
King's Sword, he'll need the Faerie Drop, a rare item that is said to only
be possessed by the Faeries. And the Faeries in the Wychwood are just the
ones that will help us out... ;)

First, climb down the ladder in the smith's house, then exit to the
west back out into the lava room. Run across the bridges to the treasure
chest, which contains 4 Molotovs. Go back inside the cave to reach the
smith's "basement", then proceed through the cave passage to the east to
find a quick exit out of the Volcano. Once back out on the World Map,
return to the Wychwood. Retrace your steps back to where you met the
faeries before, and examine the colored lights to make them appear.
The faeries will take you to their home village, where the Faerie Drop
may be found.

##### F. Faerie Village #################################################

My Level: Ryu 18 / Nina 18 / Ershin 18 / Scias 15

Items: Faerie Drop

Enemies: Chkom, Kyo, Nmago, Udy, Bokta, Fantam (*)

It would seem that some monsters have taken over the village, and that
in exchange for chasing them off, the faeries will give you the Faerie Drop.
Around the village you'll see "Zzz" signs, which signify the spots where the
ghosts are hiding. Examine the spots to bring out the ghosts, and defeat
them in battle. All five of them can be defeated easily enough using just
physical attacks (with the exception of Udy, who has a pretty high evade rate
and is easier defeated with magic).

Once all five of his "children" are defeated, the boss shows up. Heal
yourself up then charge into the battle!
Boss Fight
Fantam --> 5,000 HP, 4,000 EXP, 1,800 Z. Drops Magic Shard.
Nose Dive: Physical attack against all targets
Drain: Suck HP away from one target
Sever: Weak wind-based attack against one target
Frost: Weak water-based attack against one target
Ovum: Turn all targets into 'Egg's

This is a rather strange boss. First, he has four distinct 'sizes', and
can be made bigger or smaller depending on what type of attack he is hit with.
At different sizes he has different attacks. Physical attacks make him bigger,
while magical attacks make him smaller. The bigger he is, the higher is
defense is, but the lower his magic defense is. Likewise, the smaller he
is, the lower his defense, but the higher his magic defense. In order to
shrink him you'll have to use the correct attribute spell on him. Play around
with spells to see what works on him... for example, Wind shrinks him the
first time, while Earth shrinks him the next (unless it's random, I'm really
not sure at this point). When at his smallest form, you can pound on him
with physical attacks dealing great damage, and get rid of him quite easily.

After the battle, the Faeries will thank you, and give unto you the
Faerie Drop. Now head back out of the Wychwood and return to the smith near
Mt. Glom. The smith will then happily forge a new King's Sword for you! Now
that you finally have the replacement sword, head all the way back to the
kingdom of Ludia. Enter the castle, but you'll find out that the King's
Sword has just been returned by the Empire...?

Following this sequence, you'll be escorted back outside the castle.
Nina will suggest that the only method left is to go in and rescue Cray
themselves. Go back to your rooms and the party will wait until nightfall.

##### G. Ludia Castle ###################################################

My Level: Ryu 19 / Nina 19 / Ershin 19 / Scias 16

Items: Artemis' Cap

Enemies: Soldier, Troop, Toxic Fly, Roach

That night, return to the Castle and head inside. Accost the guard on
the north and you will be attacked! You MUST defeat the soldier before the
first round of combat ends, else the Soldier will call for help and you will
be thrown out of the castle and forced to try again. Since they tend to
guard, Nina's magic is your best bet in defeating them. Enter the door behind
the guard and climb the stairs. Take out the next guard, then open up the
chest in the room behind him to find Artemis' Cap. Go back out to the hallway
and continue up the stairs.

Run along the hallway and continue up the next staircase. Take out the
next guard, and in the next room you'll meet up with Cray! He'll finally
rejoin your party. Run all the way back down to the ground level, and escape
the Castle. Exit Ludia and return to Worent. Buy a few equipment upgrades
for Cray while you're in the area, then stop back to the Elders' house. They
will suggest that you re-pay a visit to Tarhn and ask her what to do next.
Go back out onto the World Map again, and head back to Tarhn's campsite and
take a rest.

The next morning, speak with Tarhn again and during the conversation
Nina suggests that Ryu might be the reason behind the Empire's actions as
of late. To find out the truth, Nina suggests the party go visit the Wind
Dragon in Wyndia. Tarhn will give you a Jadestone which will allow you to
get to Wyndia and send you on your way. Exit the campsite to come back
out on the World Map.

*NOTE* Now might be a good time to return to Mt. Glom and gain some
EXP, now that Cray is back in your party.

The Jadestone that Tarhn gave you allows you to activate the Shrine near
the Golden Plains, which will allow you to travel to Wyndia. The Shrine
is located to the east of the Golden Plains... to get it just enter the
Golden Plains, and walk as far east as you can. When you walk off the eastern
edge, you'll end up at the shrine.

##### H. Dragon Shrine ##################################################

My Level: Ryu 21 / Nina 21 / Ershin 20 / Scias 18 / Cray 17

Items: 500Z, Silver Top (x4), Light Bangle, Ammonia (x2)

Enemies: Nut Mage, Nut Troop, Nut Archer, Drake, Caterpillar

Go inside and examine the altar, and when you place the Jadestone on it,
the statue behind the altar will lower, revealing a cave entrance. Head inside
and run east along the narrow walkway, until you reach a branch. Run north,
past the first intersection, and you'll seen reach another intersection. Go
west to find a chest containing 500 Zenny, then run back and go east, past
another crossroads, then go south at the next branch. Follow the walkway around
and enter the next cave passage.

There are lots of lasers blocking your path in this room. By putting Cray
out in front you can turn the laser emitters around, thus changing the path
of the laser beams. Don't actually touch the laser beams, as you'll take some
damage from them. Run down the stairs and have Cray push the green laser,
then run north and push the yellow laser. Go back around and up the stairs,
then run south along the platform and down the stairs, to reach the other side
of the yellow beam. Run to the east side of the room and up the stairs, to
reach a chest containing 4 Silver Tops. Go back down and have Cray push the
red laser, then back down and push the yellow laser again. Continue down
and push the green laser, then back up and push the red laser. Now you can
enter the door to your east, where you can find a chest containing a Light

Go back out and push the red laser, then run down and push the green
laser, then the yellow laser. Go up the stairs to get back onto the upper
platform, then run to the north and down the stairs along the north wall.
Move east along the green beam, then into the door on the north. Go up the
stairs and you'll find yourself in a building of some sort. By talking to the
guy in here, you can choose to trade him your current treasure for a better one.
Exit the building, but before heading out to the World Map, look for a chest
behind the building, which contains 2 units of Ammonia. Now leave the area to
come back out on the World Map.

Go north from here to reach the swamp of Ahm Fen.

##### I. Ahm Fen Swamp ##################################################

My Level: Ryu 21 / Nina 21 / Ershin 21 / Scias 19 / Cray 18

Items: Baby Frog, Scale Mail, Life Shard (x3)

Enemies: Patrol, Nut Mage, Cracker

Run across the walkway and on the next platform you'll notice a sign that
warns you to be careful when using the walkways, as going too quickly may
cause the walkway to make loud noises and frighten the animals. Continue along,
and on one of the next platforms you'll notice a chest to the south, below the
platform. You can't get this just yet, so for now jump across to the other
platform, and head for the broken walkway to the east. Jump over the gaps,
and go down the ramp once you reach the next platform to reach the lower area.
Run over to the west and you'll be able to get to that chest you saw earlier,
which contains a Baby Frog.

Go back to the ramp, and proceed to the south. Run up the next ramp and
use the walkway to proceed to the next screen. The walkway will fork here...
take the north path and you'll see a rather large snake to the south. By
stepping onto the boarded up area of walkway, a loud noise will startle the
snake, causing it to move. Walk across its body to the next platform, and
step on the boarded area to make it move again. Walk across it over to the
next platform, then run across the boarded area to make it move again.
Instead of crossing it, continue to the south to pick up a chest containing
some Scale Mail, a pretty powerful suit of armor. Run back up onto the
platform, and as you cross the weak area the snake will move. Continue
stepping onto the area until he comes back to the same position he was in
before, then cross over onto the next platform.

Run up the ramp to the north-east and step on the weak area until
the Snake slithers around to you. Jump on, then cross over to the platform
to the west. Step on the weak area until the snake moves out of the way,
then proceed down the ramp and open up the chest to find 3 Life Shards!
Run back up the ramp, across the weak area, then jump onto the snake and
cross back over to the platform on the right. Run down the ramp and use
the stones to jump across the swamp. Go up the ramp on the other side and
proceed east to the next screen. Continue along a short ways and you'll be
back out on the World Map. Proceed up to Wyndia, and along the way you'll
hit an ! spot where you'll have a short conversation among your party members.

During the conversation one of the Faeries from Wychwood will show up.
They have their home back, but they've been gone so long that they have no
idea what to do anymore. Return to the Faerie Colony with them, and you'll
now be able to participate in the "Faerie Colony" bonus quest. Like in BoF3
you will have to raise the colony of Faeries by telling them what to do,
such as hunting for food, building houses, etc. By raising the Colony, many
'bonus' things will open up to you, such as shops that sell unique items or
provide various services to you. Refer to the "Faerie Colony" section for
more details. Be sure to visit the Faerie Colony often to check up on things..
from now on whenever you camp out, a faerie will be with you so that you can
visit the Colony. ^_^

Rest up and Save the game if needed, then proceed to the Kingdom of

##### J. Kingdom of Wyndia ##############################################

My Level: Ryu 22 / Nina 22 / Ershin 21 / Cray 19 / Scias 19

Items: Ring of Wind, Wisdom Fruit, Soul Gem, Fat Frog,
Swallow Eye (x2), Fish-Head (x2), Eye Drops, Apple (x6)

Shop: Bastard Sword (3200Z), Wand of Air (3600Z), Mace (3300Z),
Biter (4500Z), Scale Mail (2100Z), Mage's Robes (2300Z),
Party Dress (2500Z), Long Boots (550Z)

World Map Enemies: Nut Mage, Nut Archer, Nut Troop

Manillo Store: Gold Top Blowfish x1, Flying Fish x2
Warbler Blowfish x1, Flying Fish x2
Flattop Blowfish x2
Hanger Blowfish x2
Toad Flying Fish x3
Tail Flying Fish x3
Bamboo Rod Sea Bream x2
Aurum Man-o'-War x5

*NOTE* You can find your next Master, who is actually Momo from BoF3,
in the Windmill! The longer you play the game, the more abilities she will
teach you. You'll learn your first skill after 20 or 25 hours of gameplay
time (I'm not sure which since I already had something like 29 hours at this
point), Spray. If you have enough gametime be sure to get it! Since its
damage is based on your defense, give it to the person with the highest defense

*ANOTHER NOTE* Also in Wyndia is a Manillo store, where you may buy
items with the fish you have caught! If you've been fishing a lot you can
purchase a lot of good lures here. See the "Manillo Store" sub-section
of Section V for more details on the Manillo Shop.

Explore the town if you so desire, then head for the Castle via the
lift at the top of the town. Go inside the Windmill and up the stairs, and
you'll come out atop the castle. Then, run to the north and enter the other
Windmill to find a chest containing a Ring of Wind. Go back out to the lower
area, then enter the actual Castle. With Nina in the lead, talk to the guards
and they will allow you to pass. Loot the dressers in the two rooms to the
south to pick up a Wisdom Fruit and a Soul Gem, then talk to the guard in
the north-east to visit the King. During the sequence, he tells you that you
must visit the Oracle of Wind who resides in the Kasq Woods, near Wyndia.
The next morning, loot the dresser in the King's bedroom (heh) to find a Fat

Also, you can talk to the guy in the dungeon, and you can trade in your
treasure for a different one. Run around and explore the rest of the Castle
if you wish, then head back to town. In the big house in the southwest part of
town you can find 2 Swallow Eyes and 2 Fish-Heads in dressers in the kitchen,
and you can find some Eye Drops in the house just to the east of this one.
Finally, 6 Apples can be found in the cupboard in the house just to the
northwest of the mansion. There are also some pretty expensive equipment
upgrades in the shop (which can be found upstairs in the Inn). Purchase
whatever you can afford... the rest can wait until after you come back from
the woods.

Once you're ready exit Wyndia and a path will appear to the east, towards
the Kasq Woods. This is where the Oracle of Wind is said to reside!

##### K. Kasq Woods #####################################################

My Level: Ryu 22 / Nina 22 / Ershin 22 / Scias 20 / Cray 19

Items: 600Z, Long Boots, Weather Vane (x2), Magic Shard, Aurum,
Flattop (x3)

World Map Enemies: Nut Mage, Cracker, Bilboa

Enemies: Bilboa, BeeTroop, Nut Mage, Cracker

*NOTE* You may learn the "Last Resort" Skill from the Bilboas that appear
on the World Map and in the woods, and the "Risky Blow" skill from the BeeTroops
that appear in the woods.

After entering the Kasq Woods, just follow the trail and cross the bridge.
Here the trail will branch off to the north and south... by going to the south
you can meet a fish-type person who tells you about a Fishing Spot just outside
the forest. Feel free to go back outside and do some more fishing if you
want. ^_^

When you're ready to proceed, follow the trail to the north, and exit to
the next screen. Cross the log to your east, and then follow the trail. You'll
pass by a treasure chest... be sure to open it and pick up the 600 Zenny inside.
After grabbing it, backtrack the way you came and go back across the log. Run
all the way to the north and you'll come to a broken bridge, and a treasure
chest that you can't get to just yet. Go up the slope to the south of the
bridge, then cross the bridge to the southeast. You'll see another bag below
you that you can't get to just yet. Continue along the trail and read the
sign in order to figure out how to ride the logs. It's log-rollin' time!

Jump onto the first log and roll north to the next log. Cross over then
roll to the west, then jump off onto the platform to your south. Run down
to the next log, and roll to the south to access that bag you saw earlier.
Open it up to obtain 2 Weather Vanes. Now go back across and jump onto the
other log, then roll the rest of the way to the west, then jump onto the next
log. Roll all the way north, then jump over onto the ledge. Go up the slope
and you'll come to the chest near the broken bridge that you saw before. Open
it up to obtain some Long Boots! Run back down the slope and jump onto the
log, then roll to the south. Cross over onto the platform on your west, then
over onto the log to your north. Roll east and cross over to the next log,
then roll all the way north and cross back over to land. Follow the trail
to the east and north up the slope, and proceed onto the next screen.

Follow the trail to the west, but don't step onto the thorned bushes
or you'll take damage. Circle around to the end of the trail, where you'll
find a chest containing a Magic Shard. Go back to the entrance of this
screen and take the east path this time. Run along the trail and eventually
you'll come to the next screen. Walk along some more and you will finally
reach the Oracle's house.

Go inside and you'll have a conversation, where she tells you that you
must find the Wind Flute in order to reach the Tower of Wind where you may
find the Wind Dragon. The Wind Flute is hidden somewhere in the basement
of Wyndia Castle, she tells you. Before leaving, search the bookcase to
find 3 Flattops, and open the chest to obtain some Aurum. Exit the house
and run to the east, to quickly get back out to the World Map. However, during
the night you'll suddenly find that Scias has turned up missing. Cray believes
he probably run off to tell the Ludians what they're up to, and suggests they

Back out on the World Map, return to Wyndia and speak with the King. He'll
grant you permission to enter the basement where the Wind Flute is kept. You
can get to the basement by entering the Windmill on the north side of the
castle, and going down the stairs. The guard will move out of your way and
let you proceed to the basement!

##### L. Wyndia Castle Basement #########################################

My Level: Ryu 22 / Nina 23 / Ershin 22 / Cray 20

Items: Soul Gem, Swallow Eye (x3), Healing Herb (x4), Wind Flute (*)

Enemies: Zombie, Cadaver, ZombieDr, Giant Roach, Caterpillar

Run down the stairs and enter the door to your east to enter the underground
passages beneath Wyndia Castle. Continue to the east until the passage branches
off to the north and south. First go north to come to a chest, which contains
a Soul Gem. Run back and go south, and when the path splits again, head
north-east. Continue to the next screen, and walk until the passage forks
again. The windmill here will cause trouble for you, as it will suck you back
down if you are in its path. It swivels around, so wait until the windmill
turns the opposite direction, then dash down the northeast passage as fast as
you can. Quickly open up the chest to obtain 3 Swallow Eyes.

Return to the fork, then wait for your chance to dash down the north
passage. Enter the door at the end to reach the next screen. The platforms
in the next area will also swivel around by themselves. Walk onto the first
platform, and wait for it to turn facing the north, then walk off onto the
ledge. Run to the east, and onto the next platform. Wait for it to line up
with the barely-visible ledge to your south, then cross over and open up
the chest to obtain a Balance Ring. Walk back onto the platform and wait for
it to line up with the one on the east, then cross over. Wait for this one to
line up with the ledge to your east then disembark. Run through the passage
on the east to reach the next screen.

On the next screen, you'll have to run north through a windmill-filled
passage. The wind will blow you back, and you can't run against it, so your
only chance is to duck in the cavities in the wall when the wind stops.
Wait for the wind to stop, then run north through the passage and stand in
the cavities on the right. Wait for it to stop again, and continue the
process until you reach the top. Be sure to grab the bags along the way to
pick up 4 Healing Herbs and 2 FlashGrenades. Exit through the north and
continue along the path to find the Wind Flute!

Now that you have the Wind Flute in your possession, retrace your steps
all the way back out of the cavern. You'll then have a sequence with Scias
who, sure enough, has returned to Ludia to inform the others of the situation.
Afterwards, exit the Castle and proceed to Pung'tap, the Tower of Wind.. located
just to the north east of Wyndia.

##### M. Pung'tap #######################################################

My Level: Ryu 23 / Nina 23 / Ershin 22 / Cray 20

Items: Homing Bomb, 600Z, Power Food (x2)

Enemies: Drake, Giant Roach, ZombieDr, Cadaver, BloodBat

*NOTE* You can learn the 'Douse' ability from the Giant Roaches that
inhabit the tower, but only when they are accompanied by a Drake.

*SPECIAL NOTE* If you want to return to any of the previous areas in
this region, you'll want to do so now, as once again, it will be quite a long
time before you will be able to access them again.

As you enter Nina will play the Wind Flute, which causes the lift to lower
down to the ground, giving you access to Pung'tap, the Tower of Wind. After
riding up the lift, enter the actual tower via the door to the southeast. Walk
until you reach a small room with doors leading off to the north, south, and
west (you'll have come from the west). Take the south passage and follow the
hallway until you reach the dead-end, where you'll find a chest containing a
Homing Bomb, which should be equipped to Ershin. Run back to the room with
the doorways, and take the north path this time. Follow the passage around,
and through the next doorway.

You'll now reach a windy room where you'll have to use the strong wind
to jump up to the top. While the wind is calm, jump over to the platform to
the south, then wait for it to blow. Jump again, and you will be sent flying
upwards, to a platform with a chest. Open it up to obtain 600 Zenny. Jump
back down to the bottom, then wait for the next gust and jump up to the platform
across from the one with the chest on it. Exit through the doorway to the
south. Run up the stairs around the outside of the tower, then go in the
other door to come back in the wind tunnel. Wait for the next gust, then jump
and you will be sent flying upwards to the next screen. Jump up to the next
platform, then continue upwards, up to the next level. Grab the chest on the
small platform to obtain a Fighting Robe, then jump up again and you'll be
swept up to the top of the tower. Jump back down in the hole and you'll fall
down two levels, and land safely on a platform below. Leap down again, and
you'll land on the platform with the chest, which contains 2 Power Foods. Now
make your way back up to the top of the tower.

Walk across the ledge over to the Gondola, but before you get anywhere,
the Ludian Master shows up. After a quick conversation he will send his
little "creations" after you. It won't be a very hard battle... all you
really have to do is pound on them with physical attacks. Afterwards, Scias
shows up and denounces his contract with the Master. Enraged, he sends three
more Grunts after you! Scias will appear in this battle, though you won't
control him. Don't use area magic attacks as they will hit Scias too, just
pound on them with physical attacks as you did before. The Master will run
off, and Scias will rejoin the party.

The party will then board the Gondola and will be flung off to the sky.
You'll then meet up with the Wind Dragon. You'll learn a lot more about Ryu
during this sequence. He will then take you to the mountains in the center
of the continent. There is a small village at the base of the mountain where
you might be able to learn more about Ryu's true nature. Run down off the
mountain and you'll be back on the World Map. Then proceed south to the Ice
Peak... the village is at the base of these mountains.

##### N. Ice Peak #######################################################

My Level: Ryu 24 / Nina 24 / Ershin 23 / Cray 21 / Scias 20

Items: Vitamin, Icicle, Asbestos Armor, 500Z

Enemies: Blue Cap, Red Cap, Icebeak, Bilboa, Bilbul, BloodBat

Run along the mountain path and you'll come to a ramp that winds up the
side of the mountain. Before climbing up, be sure to grab the bag just below
it, to obtain a Vitamin. Now run up the slope until you reach the top, then
head west. You'll see another slope that leads back down the mountain in that
direction, as well as a ledge leading off to the west towards a cave. Run
along the ledge and into the cave, and run to the end of the walkway to reach
a chest containing an Icicle. Go back outside then run down the slope, and
into the cave above the frozen waterfall.

Run along the walkway and out the other side to come back out on the
mountain. Continue to the next screen and you'll come to a snowball in the
path. Put Cray in the lead and give the snowball a shove, and it will roll
down the hill. Continue pushing it downwards until you can move around it,
then continue to the bottom. Push the next snowball and it will roll down
the hill and into the trench, giving you a way across. Cross over, and ignore
the snowballs for the time being, and proceed up the hill to the north. Go
all the way to the top, then push the snowball down the ramp to give you a
crossing to the chest below. Open it to obtain a suit of Asbestos Armor.
Now go back to where you crossed the first time, and push the next snowball
down the hill to the west. It will hit a rock on the way down and smash, but
it's not a big deal as you won't need it. Go back to where you crossed the
trench again, and push the snowball to your north down once. Then push it
down the hill on the west, and it will roll down into the trench. Cross,
then push the snowball up to the north, and over into the trench to get the
last chest, which contains 500 Zenny. Run down the hill to the south to exit
Ice Peak, then proceed south to the village of Chek.

##### O. Village of Chek ################################################

My Level: Ryu 24 / Nina 25 / Ershin 24 / Cray 22 / Scias 22

Items: Aurum

Shop: Bastard Sword (3200Z), Wand of Air (3600Z), Mace (3300Z),
Asbestos Armor (2700Z), Mage's Robes (2300Z), Healing Herb (20Z),
Panacea (100Z), Ammonia (250Z)

World Map Enemies: Blue Ball, Blue Cap, Red Cap, Bilbul, Bilboa

*NOTE* You can learn the "Frost Strike" skill from the BlueBalls that
appear on the World Map in this region. Use a water-based attack on them to
get them to use it.

There's not much to do here in Chek, except for purchasing a few sets
of Asbestos Armor for anyone who might need them. Chek is full of children,
but it seems that these aren't ordinary children, for they possess wisdom far
beyond their years. Visit the Abbess' home in the east side of town and she
will immediately recognize Ryu as the Yorae Dragon! After the sequence the
party will rest and Ryu will wake up alone. Go outside and you'll meet the
Abbess again, and you'll have another sequence. It would appear that Ershin
also has some kind of connection to the Endless...

The next morning, Ryu will wake up again, once again alone. Go outside
and meet your party, then go and talk to the Abbess again, who can be found
on the top of the outer wall with Ershin. She will attempt to release Ershin
by sending Ryu and the rest of the party into her mind!

##### P. Ershin's Mind ##################################################

My Level: Ryu 24 / Nina 25 / Cray 22 / Scias 22

Items: Water Ward

Enemies: Spectre, Gulper, Umadap (*), Azeus (*), Agiel (*), Yeleb (*)

*NOTE* You may learn the Ebonfire skill from the Gulpers that appear in
Ershin's Mind. It won't have enough AP to use it to start, but if you use an
AP-restoring item such as a Wisdom Seed on it, it will gain enough AP to start
casting it. Beware, however, as it has many other powerful spells that can
really tear up your party.

Run along the walkway and once you reach the top, jump across the gaps.
Be sure to jump across to the platform to the south with the chest on it, and
open it to obtain a Water Ward. Jump back across then continue to the north,
jumping over a few more gaps along the way. On the next screen, you'll appear
to be high above the ground. Continue forward, across the gaps, and you'll
see a spinning platform before you. Examine the white jewel nearby to stop
the platform's spinning. Assuming you timed it right, you'll be able to jump
across onto the platform. Manipulate it so that you can ascend up to the top,
where you'll find a strange green crystal. Examine it and you will meet the
"real" Ershin! In order to free her you will have to destroy the four pillars
that are sealing her. Examine any of them and you'll have to fight!
Mini-Boss Fight
Umadap --> 1,200 HP, 2,500 EXP, 0 Z. Drops Molotov, Fire Ward.
Sever: Weak wind-based magic against one target
Cyclone: Moderate wind-based magic against all targets
Azeus --> 1,200 HP, 2,500 EXP, 0 Z. Drops Weather Vane, Wind Ward.
Frost: Weak water-based magic against one target
Ice Blast: Moderate water-based magic against one target
Agiel --> 1,200 HP, 2,500 EXP, 0 Z. Drops Water Bomb, Water Ward.
Rock Blast: Weak earth-based magic against all targets
Stone Pillar: Moderate earth-based damage against one target
Yeleb --> 1,200 HP, 2,500 EXP, 0 Z. Drops Electrode, Earth Ward.
Flare: Weak fire-based magic against one target
Fireblast: Moderate fire-based magic against all targets

Since the pillars regain 600 HP each turn, it's best to get rid of them
one at a time. Individually they aren't all that tough, but unfortunately you
will fight all four at the same time.

Umadap: Water attacks such as Frost Strike and Icicle work well against
this pillar.
Azeus: Earth attacks such as Stone Pillar and Plateau work well against
this pillar.
Agiel: Fire attacks, like Flame Strike and Burn, deal a lot of damage to
this pillar.
Yeleb: Wind attacks like Sever and Eddy can really hurt this pillar.

By using the correct types of attacks, you should be able to win this
battle fairly easily. ^_^

After the battle, the true Ershin will be freed, but since she doesn't
have a "body", she can't leave. She then asks you to find a medium that she
can use as a body, and sends you off. Retrace your steps back to where you
entered (to get back to the entrance you can jump from the platform where the
chest is). Leave Ershin's Mind and you'll find that the Abbess has already
requested a medium. After the sequence, Ershin will be unsealed and
transferred to the medium, leaving only a lifeless suit of armor behind.

After the sequence(s), stop by the Abbess' house, and meet up with
Ershin. During the conversation you'll learn that the Fou Empire has come
up with a way to summon dragons, but since it is not quite perfect, Ryu and
Ershin remain "incomplete". Ershin was trapped in the armor, and Ryu was
"split into two" as Ershin puts it. You can probably guess that Ryu's "other
half" is none other than the emperor, Fou-Lu.

Afterwards, you'll be switched back to Fou-Lu, who has finally woken
up in the village of Sonne. Use the Diary to save if you wish, then exit out
into the village. As you go to exit the village the landlord will spot you
and start asking a bunch of questions, but Mami (the girl who was taking care
of Fou-Lu at this point) "rescues" him and takes him back to the house. After
the short sequence you'll be switched back to Ryu and company.

After a few more sequences you'll be in control of Fou-Lu, again.

##### Q. Village of Sonne ###############################################

My Level: Fou-Lu 65

Enemies: Papan (*)

Exit the house and proceed past the point where the landlord stopped you
before to get to the other side of the village. After a short conversation with
Mami, a loud roar coming from the other direction splits the air. Run across
the bridge to the south, then into the forest to the east, then follow the
trail. As you reach the cleraing, a giant boar-type creature, similar to the
one you fought in the Kasq Woods, suddenly appears from out of nowhere!
Boss Fight
Papan --> 12,000 HP, 10,000 EXP, 750 Z. Drops Apple, Wisdom Fruit

Like all of Fou-Lu's boss battles, this is a piece of cake. Just transform
yourself into the Astral Dragon and pound on him with physical attacks. He'll
go down within a matter of a few turns.

Return to the village and Mami will come running up again. After the
conversation you'll switch back to Ryu and party. Return to the Abbess' house
and speak with Ershin, who is still asleep. Since she doesn't seem to be
waking up, the Abbess suggests going into her dream and waking her from there.
Once again, you'll be sent into Ershin's mind...

##### R. Ershin's Mind, Part Two ########################################

My Level: Ryu 25 / Nina 25 / Cray 23 / Scias 22

Items: Knockout Gas (x2), Manly Clothes

Enemies: Spectre, Gulper

Follow the path around, and be sure to jump over to the platform on the
north and open the chest to get 2 units of Knockout Gas. Continue along the
path (pretty straight-forward, eh?) and open the next chest to obtain a pair
of Manly Clothes. Run along the walkway some more and enter the "Shrine".
You'll find Ershin here, and after the conversation she'll tell you that
before the two halves (meaning Ryu and Fou-Lu) meet, you'll have to find
some way to make Ryu as strong as the Emperor, in hopes that they might be
able to stop the Empire from using him (them?) for their own desires.

Exit the way you came and return to the outside, and Ershin will wake
up. After the sequence, she tells the party that in order to increase Ryu's
power to its full potential, you should visit the Yorae Shrine near Chek. By
calling the other dragons to aid Ryu, it may be possible to make him as strong
as the Emperor himself. Exit Chek and proceed south. Along the way you'll
hit an ! mark, where the empty suit of armor suddenly shows up! It would seem
that some of Deis's power rubbed off onto the armor, enabling it to move and
talk by itself! Since Deis isn't too happy about the notion of bringing it
with them, Nina suggests that Ershin (the armor) stay behind in the village
until the party returns.

Exit the area to come back out onto the World Map. Proceed to the west
to Sinchon, the Yorae Shrine!

##### S. Sinchon ########################################################

My Level: Ryu 25 / Nina 25 / Cray 23 / Scias 22

Items: Swallow Eye (x2), Magic Shard (x2), Soul Ring

Enemies: Bot, Fiend, ProtoBot

World Map Enemies: Bilbul, Crawler, Bilboa, Fiend

*NOTE* This is another good EXP opportunity, as by using a combination
magic attack on the Bots and ProtoBots (for example, Jolt or Eruption)
their bodies will burst open and they will give double the normal amount of
EXP. Also, after breaking open, the ProtoBots will use the Sacrifice skill,
which you can learn.

After entering the shrine just head to the north, and in the next large
room you'll notice a chest on the west, but you can't get to it just yet.
Keep moving to the north, and in the next room you'll be in a corridor leading
to the west. Go west, past the door, and into the door to the south. This
passage will take you around to the chest you saw earlier, which contains 2
Swallow Eyes. Go back around and into the door onto the north (the one you
passed by earlier), and continue through the shrine. Head down the stairs
and in the next room go north along the east edge of the wall. Climb up
the stairs and into the next room, then jump across the orange pillars over
to the platform with the chest, which contains 3 Dragon Scales.

Go back across and back into the next room, then down the stairs and
up around the other side of the room. Go through the door and you'll find
yourself on the lower part of the room you were just in. Run to the north
end of the room and examine the plaque on the wall, and the two nearby pillars
will rise up. You'll have to hurry now, as the pillars will only stay up for
a certain amount of time (denoted by the hourglass that appears after you
examine the plaque). Quickly run back to the previous room, up the other
side, then jump across the pillars to the north end of the room. By
intentionally standing on the western pillar and waiting until your time runs
out, you can get to the lower part of the next room, and pick up two treasure
chests. You'll find 2 Magic Shards and a Soul Ring!

Run back and examine the plaque again, then jump across the pillars once
more, only this time jump over onto the upper platform and go through the door.
You'll end up on the upper area of the room with the chests in it. Continue
north through the next few rooms, and exit the shrine. After a sequence, you'll
switch back to Fou-Lu, who is still in the village of Sonne.

Exit to the fields and you'll feel another tremor. Find Mami and you'll
learn the nearby mountain has started smoking... and a 'legend' of the village
says that whenever that happens, the God of the mountain is angry about
something. Fou-Lu decides to go off to visit this 'God' and leaves the village.
Talk to Mami before leaving and she will give you a Rice Ball. Back out on the
World Map, go north to reach Mt. Yogy.

##### T. Mt. Yogy #######################################################

My Level: Fou-Lu 65

Items: Wisdom Fruit, MultiVitamin (x3)

Enemies: Bilbao, Cairn, Lavoid

World Map Enemies: Bandit, Shadow, Bilbao, Morph

*NOTE* You may learn the "Blitz" skill from the Bilbaos who appear on
the World Map in this region and on the mountain.

Upon entering the mountain, Fou-Lu will take the boulder out with one
quick shot, freeing up the mountain path. Proceed up the mountain, and
once you reach the first intersection take the north-west path. Jump (or
teleport actually :p) across the gap and pick up the bag to obtain a Wisdom
Fruit. Run back to the intersection and take the upper-right path. Continue
upwards, and at the next fork take the lower path to reach the crater. Head
into the mountain interior and follow the path. Jump across the gap at the
far north to get over to the platform with the chest, which contains 3 Multi

Backtrack a little bit and jump across the gap to the east. Continue
along, clearing several more gaps along the way, and exit to the north. Run
along the long and winding path some more until you come to the end, where you
will meet a very large and very strange looking creature who claims to be the
God of the mountain. After the short "conversation" the creature loses its
patience and attacks!
Boss Fight
Marl --> 15,000 HP, 25,000 EXP, 2,100 Z. Drops Wisdom Seed.
Summon Kin: Summon two mini rock-monsters (Klod and Bellwyd)
Quake: Heavy earth-based damage to all targets
*Focus*: Increase attack power and counter-attack rate

You should know the routine by now. First have Fou-Lu transform into the
Astral Dragon. On his first turn, Marl will summon his two little "helpers",
Klod and Bellwyd. Take out Bellwyd with one physical attack, as he can heal
and cast assistant magic on the others. Leave Klod be for the time being, as
when both are destroyed, Marl will just summon two more. Once Bellwyd is gone,
pound on Marl with physical attacks or Frost Strike. His defense is rather
high, so it will take a little while to bring him down, but he won't pose too
much of a threat to you. Once Marl is defeated, bring down Klod with a quick
physical attack to win the battle.

After the battle you'll have to make your way all the way back out of the
mountain. Backtrack the way you came and exit the mountain, but on your way
back down you'll meet up with Mami and the landlord, who have come to
investigate. After another sequence, you will then be switched back to Ryu
and company.

The Dragon summoning has apparently been sucessful, as many Dragons have
gathered at the shrine. After the sequence here, you will be switched back
to Fou-Lu, _again_. Return to Mami's house and take a rest, and the next
morning go back outside. However, as you go to the fields you'll find that
a squadron of guards has come to the village in search of Fou-Lu! Enter Mami's
house and she will suddenly run inside and block the door long enough for Fou-Lu
to escape through the hole in the wall. The guards will take her off to Astana,
and leave. After another sequence with the Dragons, they will decree that you
must find their true selves in order to gain their power. Ryu will then gain
the power of the Wind Dragon and learn the 'Rainstorm' spell.

Now backtrack the way you came and exit the shrine. Once back outside
you'll get a sequence... it seems that General Rasso and the rest of the
Imperial Army have come to the village of Chek! The village was evacuated
earlier, with the exception of Ershin and the Abbess who are still behind.
As Ershin, save the game at the Diary if you wish, then exit the house.
The Abbess has been captured by two guards, but they see Ershin as it exits
the house, and attack! The soldiers are very easy... one physical attack will
be enough to take them out.

After a couple of battles, Rasso shows up and gives Ershin one last chance
to tell the Empire where Ryu and the others are, but Ershin refuses. Rasso
then will take her out with one quick attack (the same attack he used against
the merchant in the Sarai Tavern). After this sequence, you'll be switched
back to Ryu and company on the World Map. Be sure to rest and save, then enter
the village of Chek.

The party will come back to find the town deserted, and the "wounded"
Ershin will wander up. The Abbess will then explain the situation. Ershin is
in bad shape, and since Deis refuses to get back inside the armor, Ershin's
power supply will run out, and it will shut down.

The next morning Cray suggests they go check on the villagers, who should
be at the abandoned village, which is in the mountains to the north of Chek.
Exit the village and head north to the abandoned village.

##### U. Abandoned Village ##############################################

My Level: Ryu 27 / Nina 28 / Cray 26 / Scias 25

Items: Soul Gem, Wisdom Seed

Enemies: Bilbul, Yaen, Crawler, Ight (*), Trean, Trunked

Upon entering the mountains, just run to the north. You'll soon come to
a junction where the path leads off to the north, and east. To the north is
a dead-end, so run east along the mountain path, and at the next junction, go
south to reach a chest containing a Soul Gem. Pick it up then run back north,
and proceed north. Once you reach the area with the large rock in the path,
take the lower path to reach a bag containing a Wisdom Seed. Go back and
take the upper path, and proceed forward and up the stairs. You'll have a
camp sequence, and then you'll control Ryu.

Rest in the tent and you'll have a sequence back at Chek, then the next
morning you'll be back in camp. Ryu will be awakened by a sudden scream from
Nina, and outside you'll find that the Empire has found you! Nina will beg
them to take the party to the abandoned village, but once you get there you'll
find that Rasso is already there! After a short sequence you'll learn the
hard way that Rasso used force to attempt to learn the location of Ryu, and
killed off most of the villagers. After the conversation Rasso will summon
another of his pitiful "warrior knights" to attack you!
Boss Fight
Ight --> 3,000 HP, 3,600 EXP, 0 Z. Drops Aurum, Flame Sword.
Jab: Multi-hit physical attack against all targets
Inferno: Heavy fire-based magic attack against one target

This monster is invincible, so don't even try to defeat him. Though
you can damage him with attacks such as Rainstorm and Blitz, they will
deal hardly any damage at all. Once Ryu is reduced to 0 HP, he will
suddenly transform into the Kaiser Dragon and use the Kaiser Breath attack,
which will destroy Ight's shield. Afterwards, if anyone else is left
alive you can attack him normally, or wait for Ryu to use Kaiser Breath
again, which will kill him. :P

After the battle, Ryu will suddenly will go out of control and the Kaiser
Dragon will unleash an explosion centered on Rasso and his 'warrior spirit'.
Ursula orders the party arrested, but the dragon soon takes out the other
soldiers as well, then starts to turn on Ursula. Nina will somehow manage
to calm Ryu down, and after the short sequence, Chapter II will end...

##### Chapter III: Streams ############################################

As Chapter 3 starts, you'll be in control of Fou-Lu again, who is in the
process of escaping the village. The man near the exit will give you an Ivory
Bangle, then send you on your way. Run east out of the village and follow
the trail back out to the World Map. Enter the Sanctum to the south, where
you'll find a shrine. Examine the stone slab and the boar (the one you fought
before) will suddenly show up. The boar will ram into the slab several times,
revealing the entrance but killing itself in the process. Enter the passage
and start on your way once more...

##### A. Sanctum ########################################################

My Level: Fou-Lu 66

Items: Icicle

Enemies: Cairn, Cyclops

*NOTE* You might want to equip the Ivory Bangle you got from the guy
in Sonne. It restores your HP as you walk on the field, and each turn in
battle. Since Fou-Lu's healing options are extremely limited, it just might
save your life.

*ANOTHER NOTE* You can learn the "Spirit Blast" skill from the Cyclops
that appear in the Sanctum. Wait for a few rounds until its club breaks,
and it will start using Spirit Blast.

Run through the underground cavern and onto the next screen. When you
reach a fork in the path, follow the northwest passage to a chest containing
an Icicle. Go back and take the other path, and you'll soon find a strange
blue crystal-like object blocking the path. Examine it and you'll find that
it is actually a dragon! Examine it and you'll gain a new Dragon Power,
Serpent. Continue onward through the cavern and you'll soon reach the exit.
You'll then find yourself on a mountain. Run down off the mountain and you'll
be back out on the World Map. Proceed to the west to reach the forest of

##### B. Soma ###########################################################

My Level: Fou-Lu 66

Items: SuperVitamin

Enemies: Bandit, Shadow, Morph, Bilbao

Run to the west and after a bit you'll reach a clearing with a tree in
the middle, and trails leading off in all four directions. Take the west path
to reach a chest that contains a SuperVitamin. Go back to the clearing and
follow the south trail, and proceed to the next screen. Follow the path a
bit more and Fou-Lu will comment on the quietness of the entire area. During
this sequence you'll have a sequence with Lord Yuma (the guy from the Aqueduct
when you were attempting to rescue Elina back in the first chapter)... it
would appear that they have captured Elina and plan on using her as a

In the meantime, General Yohm orders the firing of the Carronade (the
artillery they used to spread the Hex on the East Contnent), directly into the
Soma Forest! The cannon is fired, and the Hex starts to spread over the Soma
Forest, leaving a wounded Fou-Lu in the center. As he collapses, a strange
shiny object suddenly falls from the sky, landing next to him....

Afterwards, you'll be switched back to Ryu and party, who are still at
the Abandoned Village. Nina will suggest that Ryu may have went out of control
because he is still "incomplete", and after some argument the party across to
go to the Empire themselves to meet the emperor Fou-Lu. Scias will cut through
Ursula's ropes (claiming "it's not polite to tie up women"), and she will join
up with you for the time being. Back on the World Map, rest and Save if you
wish, then return to Chek.

Return to the Abbess' house and after the sequences, she will ask you to
go wake Deis up. You'll find her sleeping next to Ershin... but as you talk
to her you'll find that she has indeed returned her spirit to the suit of
armor! Ershin will finally rejoin your party, and Ursula will join you as well.
Back on the World Map, you'll have to get down from the mountain before doing
anything, so proceed to the south, to Mt. Ryft.

##### C. Mt. Ryft #######################################################

My Level: Ryu 28 / Nina 28 / Cray 26 / Scias 25 / Ershin 24 / Ursula 20

Items: Rocket Punch

Enemies: Yaen, Fiend, BlueBall, Mud Pup, Crawler

Enter the mountain interior to the south, then jump across the gap. You'll
reach a fork in the path here... take the northwest path and you'll soon come
to a room with a lake. Jump across the stones along the south edge of the
lake to reach the platform with the chest, and open it up to find a Rocket
Punch (a very good weapon for Ershin). Leap back across then move to the
west. At the next branch, go southwest and exit back to the outside.

Go down and jump onto the raft, and you'll have to play a mini-game in
order to manuever the raft safely down the river.
Mini-Game: River Rafting

In this mini-game, you must use the left and right directional to move
the raft as you float down the river. If the raft strikes the river bank,
part of the raft will break apart, and if you lose your raft (i.e hit the
river bank too much), you'll have to start over! You can also get points by
picking up the bags that are floating in the river. You'll also receive
a bonus once you reach the bottom, depending on how many points you got.

Once you make it down off the mountain, just move to the south to come back
out on the World Map.

*NOTE* Now you can access the entire Ludia and Wyndia region once again, so
be sure to check up your Masters, particularly Momo and Una. Additionally,
if you have been keeping up the Faerie Colony, the faerie Njomo will also become
a Master... you can find her in a house to the southeast of Wyndia. Also
be sure to search the cabinets in the house to obtain a Vigor Seed. I worked
a lot on the Faerie Colony, so I was able to obtain all of Njomo's magic at
this point. ^_^

The party will suggest you go to the merchant town of Shyde, where you
might be able to find a sandflier with which to cross the desert. If you'll
remember, it's near the kingdom of Ludia.

##### D. Town of Shyde ##################################################

My Level: Ryu 28 / Nina 28 / Cray 26 / Scias 26 / Ershin 24 / Ursula 21

Equipment Shop: Cuirass (840Z), Crepe Cape (730Z), Face Guard (450Z),
Long Boots (550Z), Aura Ring (500Z), Life Sandals (500Z),
Talisman (300Z), Soul Gem (1000Z)

Item Shop: Healing Herb (20Z), Antidote (12Z), Eye Drops (14Z),
Jabbergrass (20Z), Wooden Rod (50Z), Floater (20Z),
Baby Frog (20Z), Straight (20Z)

Manillo Store: Earth Claws Sweetfish x5
Ruby Scepter Trout x5
Broad Sword R.Trout x2, Trout x2, Sweetfish x2
Flail B.Bass x2, Blue Gill x3, Piranha x6
Firangi B.Bass x3, M.Squid x3, Bass x6
Holy Mantle Rainbow Trout x3, Browntail x6
Bell Collar Rainbow Trout x3, Browntail x6
Aurum Jellyfish x5

*NOTE* If you've been fishing a lot, you might be able to purchase some
of the rather nice weapons from the Manillo store in Shyde. ^_^

*ANOTHER NOTE* There is a guy who is almost-hidden near the Inn who will
trade you a better treasure for the one you carrying. Be sure to get it.

In Shyde, head to the upper part of town and proceed to the north. Cross
the bridge and go in the small building. Talk to the frog-person and, since
you have enough money to purchase one of your own, he suggests waiting for one
of the travelling merchants and asking them for a ride. Exit the building,
but your party will be too late as the next sandflier is already on its way
out. Ursula and Scias suddenly leap onto the sandflier and hijack the sandflier!
Afterwards you'll have a sequence with Marlok (remember, the guy from Synesta?).
It would appear that the sandflier belongs to him, and he gives you a Bond so
that you may be able to buy one of your own.

Return to the building but before going inside, climb the ladder and talk
to the kid with the doll (who you probably met several times before). Ask
him about 'Shift', and you'll then be able to use the 'Shift' spell, which
lets you travel instantaneously to certain areas you have previously visited!

Talk to the frog-person again and you will receive your very own sandflier!
After receiving an explanation on how to use it, choose to go to Kyoin. You'll
now have a mini-game in which you must actually drive the sandflier to Kyoin.
Mini-Game: Speedin' Sandflier!

In this mini-game you must drive your Sandflier from Shyde to Kyoin.
To move the Sandflier, use the directional keys... left and right to turn.
Press the O button to accelerate and the X button to put on the brakes. A
map of the course will appear in the lower-left to help you get to your
destination. Additionally, there sand dunes scattered about the course, and
if you drive over them, you can sail into the air! If you're sly you may
be able to take some shortcuts by doing this, but if you run off the course
you'll lose a few seconds, so be careful. ;)

Once back in Kyoin, run up to the Causeway but the guard there informs you
that the gateway no longer works, thanks to Ryu and the others accidentally
causing it to shut down during their first trip through it. Go back to the
sandflier and you'll have a sequence with Ursula, and you'll find a thief person
(who looks just like Stoll!) who asks you to take him to Shikk. He says there's
supposedly a lake near Shikk that runs all the way to the Western Continent, so
if you go there, there might be another way to get to Hesperia. Choose to take
him, then drive the sandflier to the Shikk Region. The man will give you a
Silver Top for your trouble, then continue by himself to Shikk.

Before proceeding however, note that by going back to Kyoin and exiting
town, you can FINALLY access the areas in the North and South desert. You
should take this opportunity to check up on your first two Masters, Rwolf and
Stoll... you may be able to learn a few more new skills. There are also quite
a few other things you can do at this point, like meeting with a few of the
Dragons, for instance!
Meeting the Sand Dragon

As would expect, the Sand Dragon can be found deep within the desert.
On the World Map you'll notice an area out in the middle of nowhere, near
the Crash site where you began the game. Go back to Shyde and choose to take
the sandflier course to the Shikk region. If you'll look at a map, you'll
notice that there is a section along the south edge that is completely cut off
from the rest of the course! If you jump over to that area using the sand
dunes, you'll find an Oasis. Explore the area and you'll meet Sa Ryong, the
Sand Dragon. He will then grant you his power, allowing Ryu to use the
Onslaught spell!
Meeting the Mud Dragon

The Sand Dragon tells you that another dragon can be found "where Earth
and Water meet". This could only be the Mud Dragon, who can still be found
near the Dam, where you first met him. Return to the ? spot to the north of
the Dam, and you will meet Ni Ryong, the Mud Dragon. He will also grant you
with his power, allowing Ryu to use the "Mud Flow" spell.
Meeting the Grass Dragon

Finally, you can also meet the Grass Dragon at this point. And if you're
looking for a place with lots and lots of grass... look no further than the
good ol' Golden Plains. Return to Tarhn's camp and she will tell you that in
order to find the Dragon, you'll have to find the "Shining Bird" that lives out
on the Plains. Return to the Plains and walk east until you reach the big rock.
Hang around for a few moments and you should see the shining bird (it literally
is shining so you will be able to easily spot it). It will take off flying.
Run in the direction that it flies, and after a little while you'll meet Ch'o
Ryong, the Grass Dragon. The Grass Dragon will grant Ryu it's power, allowing
you to use the "Healing Wind" spell.
Treasure Tradin'

You can get two more treasure upgrades as well at this point. By going
back to the Crash site where you first began the game, you'll find that a few
people are stripping the ruined sandflier for parts (well, it was to be
expected... :P). Talk to the mole-person and he will trade you for a better
"treasure". Also, you can go back to the orphanage in Synesta, and get another
upgrade from the small girl near the entrance.
New Masters

There are also two more Masters you can get at this point. One of them
is the Abbess in Chek, who will let you be her apprentice after you have
visited both the Sand and Mud Dragons. Also, Marlok will become a Master,
provided you have a good enough "treasure". In order to become his apprentice,
you'll have to have a "Tin Ball" or better. At this point, if you've gotten
all the upgrades, you should have a "Copper Ball".

Again, you should also check up on your other Masters. At this point I
was able to get all the spells from the first four Masters (Rwolf, Stoll,
Una and Njomo). Their skills might prove useful in the battles ahead. ;)
New Fishing Spot

Return to North Chamba and the guy there will warn you that another
monster has recently appeared in the hex-infested area. Run down to investigate
and you'll soon find, indeed, another monster has infested the area, and it
isn't too happy about your presence!
Boss Fight
Angler --> 20,000 HP, 12,000 EXP, 1,560 Z. Drops Deep Diver, Fish-Head.
*Feint*: Attack versus one target; Induces 'Confusion'
*Chlorine*: Attack versus one target; Induces 'Poison'
Jolt: Wind and Water-based magic attack against all targets

This boss is actually a bit tough. Have Ryu use his breath attacks while
the rest of the party either attacks or uses their strongest magic. Since the
Angler can do quite a bit of damage to you with his attacks, Nina's Vitalize
spell will come in quite handy during this battle. If the combined strength
of Ryu's breath attacks still isn't enough to take him out (and due to his
very high HP, they probably won't be), transform him into the Kaiser Dragon
and most likely the Kaiser Breath will. The Angler isn't overly tough, as long
as you keep your HP up!

After the battle exit North Chamba and talk to the guy again, and he'll
comment that the area could very well be used a Fishing Spot thanks to all
the weird fish-like creatures down in the Hex. Sure enough, if you go back
up to North Chamba, this will become your next Fishing Spot! O_O
Manillo Store

Finally, if you go back to the town of Sarai, you'll find a new Manillo
salesman just near the entrance to the town. He sells tons of magical items,
but you probably won't have the fish he wants for the trades, just yet... ;)
He sells the following items...

Icicle Flatfish x3
Napalm Sea Bream x3
Taser Octopus x3
Ginseng Bonito x1, Octopus x1, Sea Bream x1
Dragon Scale Bonito x1, Octopus x1, Flatfish x1
Headband Bonito x1, Sea Bream x1, Flatfish x1
Moon Tears Spearfish x1, Angler x1, Bonito x1
Aurum Sea Bass x3
Spare Parts

By re-visiting the Smith who lives in Mt. Grom, you will be able to forge
suits of armor out of the junk materials that you have been lugging around
all this time. All you have to do is choose three materials and the Smith
will do the rest! You can take a look at some of the combinations you can
make in the "Armor Smithing" section. ^_^

*NOTE* Also, on another note, you might head back to Sinchon and attempt
to get the MultiGun from the Bots/ProtoBots if you haven't obtained one already.
If you have learned the Steal (from Stoll) and Charm (from Marlok) skills, you
should be able to get one fairly easily. The MultiGun is a weapon for Ursula,
and it has a pretty good attack power PLUS hits twice!

Now that you're done running around all over the world, it's time to get
back to where we're supposed to be. Use the sandflier (or the shift spell) to
return to the Shikk region. Proceed to the east to our next destination, Mt.

##### E. Mt. Giga #######################################################

My Level: Ryu 29 / Nina 28 / Cray 27 / Scias 26 / Ershin 25 / Ursula 22

Items: 800Z, MultiVitamin, Weather Wand

Enemies: Legion, Saruga, Yaen

*WARNING* The monsters on Mt. Giga suddenly get quite tough. The Legions
increase in strength each time you hit them with a physical attack (they gain
Attack and Defense Power, regenerate more HP each turn, and give out more EXP).
Be careful, as with physical attacks you can easily make them strong enough to
wipe you out in one hit! Hit them with a few attacks to increase the EXP, then
finish them with magic. Also, you can learn the "Muffle" skill from the
Sarugas that appear here. Note that if any enemies are killed while Saruga
is still alive, it will fly into a rage and start using Blitz on you (which
hurts, to say the least). This is another opportunity for you to learn it
if you didn't as Fou-Lu, but be careful.

*NOTE* You can steal Speed Boots from the Sarugas that inhabit the area.
They're not the most useful piece of equipment, but they increase the wearer's
Agility by 20. If you feel that somebody needs an agility boost, you might
want to get one.

Ride the lift down the first part of the mountain, then run down to the
maze-like pathways. Before jumping across the first gap be sure to grab the
bag to the right, which contains 800 Zenny. Follow the long and winding path
around the mountain, and once you reach the eastern side, BE SURE to examine
the red crystal, as it will grant you the Wyvern dragon transformation! Jump
back down, then continue along the path up the east side of the mountain.

Once you reach the "top", use the lift to proceed to the next screen.
Run south along the upper path to reach the platform with a MultiVitamin, then
go back and take the lower path. Descend to the lower area (which may be
easier said than done thanks to the fact that you can't move the camera at
all), then jump across the gaps to the east to reach the chest containing a
Weather Wand. Jump back across the gaps then ascend the ramp to your north,
then move to the east, past the sign, to reach the exit. Now you can proceed
to the east, to the Checkpoint.

##### F. Checkpoint #####################################################

My Level: Ryu 29 / Nina 29 / Cray 27 / Scias 27 / Ershin 26 / Ursula 23

Items: Ginseng x3

World Map Enemies: Yaen, Saruga, Legion

Manillo Store: Barrier Ring Salmon x1, R.Trout x2, Browntail x4
Light Bangle M.Squid x2, B.Gill x2, Piranha x4
Diamond Ring Salmon x1, R.Trout x2, Browntail x4
Astral Ward Dorado x1, B.Bass x4, Bass x6
Body Ward Dorado x1, B.Bass x4, Bass x6
Soul Ring Sturgeon x1, Salmon x2, Bullcat x2
Topaz Tear Barandy x1, Dorado x2, M.Squid x2
Aurum Bass x3

In town you'll find that a few guards of the Alliance have closed the
road to Shikk. Ursula suggests breaking through, but Cray decides to attempt
to talk to them. However, they suddenly recognize Cray as the person that the
Ludian Kingdom is after, and suddenly attack! The two troops are ridiculously
easy.. one physical attack each should take them out. However, after the battle
an entire squadron of them shows up, and Cray retreats for the time being.

Nina suggests that you may be able to use the wagons to get over the gate.
By putting Cray in the lead you can push them. First push the wagon near the
treasure chest to the west a few times, so that it is lined up with the chest
and the building to the north. Climb the ladder aside the building to reach
the roof, then jump over onto the wagon. It will trampoline you over to the
chest, which you can open to find 3 Ginsengs. Then head to the north side
of town, and arrange three wagons in a row between the house and the gate.
You can then trampoline across the wagons, and clear the gate! You can
then jump down the other side and continue on your way. ^_^

Your next destination is the town of Shikk, just to the north of the

##### G. Shikk ##########################################################

My Level: Ryu 29 / Nina 29 / Cray 27 / Scias 27 / Ershin 26 / Ursula 23

Shop: Claymore (5200Z), Weather Wand (5000Z), Quarterstaff (5000Z),
Flintlock (3200Z), Brigandine (4800Z), FightingRobe (2500Z),
Vitamin (100Z), Ammonia (250Z)

Items: Water Bomb

*IMPORTANT* By investigating a ? mark between the Checkpoint and Shikk,
you'll find an area with a road running north and south, and leading off to
the east in the middle. Follow the road to the east and a path will appear
to a ? spot on the World Map. Go there and you will find the Tree Dragon,
who will grant Ryu with it's power, allowing you to use the "Holy Circle"

Upon entering Shikk, explore the town a bit and purchase any new equipment
upgrades that you might need, then head down to the house near the entrance.
Search the cabinet before you go downstairs to obtain a Water Bomb, then go
down and talk to the man downstairs, and he'll upgrade your treasure for you!
Then head for the Pub, which is down the stairs in the shop. Talk to the
sailor in blue, and he'll refuse to let you on board his ship unless you get
the blessing of the "God of the Sea". A guy in town tells you that you can
find this "God" to the east of Shikk, at the Fane of the Sea God. Once you're
ready, exit to the World Map and proceed east to the Fane.

##### H. Fane of the Sea God ############################################

My Level: Ryu 29 / Nina 28 / Cray 27 / Scias 26 / Ershin 25 / Ursula 22

Items: Hanger (x5), Ammonia (x2), Wetsuit, Wave Stone (*),
Salt Stone (*)

Enemies: Mud Pup, Bad Coil, BlueBall, MaskCrab, Bollor, Rollob

Run across the bridge and talk to the sailor, and after learning why
you've come here he'll move out of your way. Cross the next few bridges,
then when you reach the large platform go down the ramp, down to the lower
area. Make your way back to the south, and you'll come to the treasure
chest that you saw near the entrance. Open it up to obtain 5 Hangers, then
go back and run back up the ramp onto the platform. Move to the west and
take the bag to get 2 units of Ammonia, then go back and cross the bridge
to the east. Run down the ramp, and proceed along the path into the cave.

Run to the west around the long narrow passage and enter the cave at
the end. Enter the cave to the east to find a chest containing a Wetsuit,
then go back to the previous room and enter the cave to the north. In this
room, you'll find the Wave Stone... an item that you will need to get
through this place! After getting it, backtrack the way you came, and go
back to the pool near the entrance to the cave. You'll throw the Wave Stone
into the water, and a pillar of light will shine up from the pool. Exit
the cave, then go back west, up the ramp, and across the bridge to the
north. Re-enter the cave via the upper cave entrance.

Here you'll meet the Sea Dragon! After a short sequence, he will give
you his blessing, and give you the Salt Stone as proof to give to the
sailors. Now, make your way back out of the Fane and return to Shikk.
Show it to the sailor in the pub and he will allow you to board the ship!
However after a short conversation you'll soon find the sailor will not
allow the ladies aboard the ship! After a bit of arguing Kahn, the wanna-be
fighter, shows up, but before he even has a chance to attack Ursula takes him
out with one quick shot. After a bit more conversation, Nina will end up
having to duel one of the sailors aboard the masts on the ship, as proof of
Mini-Game: Mast Battle

Your object during this sequence is to knock the other sailor off the
boat. Press X to jump, and press the Square button to build up speed and
ram the other sailor. By jumping on his head, you'll stun him for a moment,
giving you the perfect chance to ram him. This is actually a lot harder
than it sounds, because unless you ram him from behind, Nina will be sent
flying backwards. Also, be careful not to leap off the edge of the ship
while jumping atop the sailor's head! You have 2 minutes in which to knock
the sailor off the boat.

After the "battle" the sailor will still be reluctant to let you onboard
the ship. Talk to him again and say you're ready, and he will take you aboard
the ship. If Nina and Ursula can spend the night down in the dark smelly
hold for the night, he'll allow you to set sail with them. You'll have
a small conversation, then suddenly a ghost shows up and attacks the two!
It will transform depending on what type of attack you use on it, but if you
sit and Guard, it will get angry and start using Blitz on you. Unless you
don't know it yet and want to learn it, attack him immediately. If you use
a magical attack he will transform into a Wizard and you can learn the "Bad
Back" skill. At this point, I'm not sure what happens if you use a physical
attack first.

Afterwards, you'll have another short sequence, and you will be attacked
again, this time by a pack of rats. This battle is really easy.. just cast
Nina's Typhoon (or Cyclone if she doesn't have it) and Ursula's Fireblast to
quickly get rid of them. After another amusing sequence, you'll be switched
back to the rest of the party the next morning. Cray suggests they go and
check on the two, so head off to the ship. Zig will finally concede to letting
them onboard, so talk to him when you're ready and set sail!

##### I. Ship ###########################################################

My Level: Ryu 29 / Nina 29 / Cray 27 / Scias 27 / Ershin 26 / Ursula 23

Items: Warbler

Enemies: Kahn (*)

After some sequences, Nina will suggest taking a look around the inside
of the ship. Go inside the ship, and search the cabinet nearby to obtain a
Warbler. Go down into the hold and Nina will start to lament on her
experience, when suddenly the boat starts shaking. After nearly being shot
by Ursula on your way back up, run back up to deck and you'll find that
something seems to be chasing the ship. It turns out to be none other than
Kahn, your friendly neighborhood wanna-be. He's still not too happy about
you beating him twice before, and decides that he's due for another beating
and attacks!
Boss Fight
Kahn --> 12,000 HP, 12,000 EXP, 0 Z. Drops Ginseng, ManlyClothes.
Flex: Poison all targets
Shout: Stun all targets
*Focus*: Increase Attack Power and Counter-Attack rate

Though he's tougher than the first two times you fought him, Kahn is
still as easy to defeat as ever. All you really need to do is pound on him
physical attacks and he'll go down easily enough. So, have fun beating him...
AGAIN. ^_^

After the battle, the rest of the voyage will be rather smooth, and you'll
wake up as Ryu one day about halfway to your destination. Go up on deck, but
you'll find that the wind has stopped somewhere near an island called the
"Island of Fire", and that the area around it is supposed to be cursed by
some spirit that lives there. Nina suggests that the "spirit" is probably
another of the Dragons, and that they should go there to investigate. Talk to
the sailor and the party will row out to the island.

##### J. Island of Fire #################################################

My Level: Ryu 30 / Nina 30 / Cray 28 / Scias 28 / Ershin 27 / Ursula 25

Items: Burnt Plug (x3), Ring of Fire, 1500Z, Panacea (x2)

Enemies: MaskCrab, Krabby, Gulper, Istalk, Sepoy, Bollor, Rollob,

*NOTE* You can learn the "Knock Out" skill from the Krabby(s), and the
"Transfer" skill from the Istalks. Also, you can learn the "Sword Breaker"
skill from the Sepoys and the "Bad Back" skill from the Wizards.

Walk into the cave and suddenly a Will-o-Wisp will appear over Ryu's
head. Once you regain control of your party you'll find that it seems to
be following you around for some reason. It will actually help you out,
both by illuminating the area, and warning you before you step onto a weak
spot in the floor. It will turn yellow when you are nearing a weak spot,
and turn red when you are just about to step on it. If you do fall down,
you'll end up in the basement and have to climb back up.

With the help of the Will-o-Wisp, maneuver your way around the room,
collecting the two treasure chests to get 3 Burnt Plugs and a Ring of Fire.
Then make your way to the north end of the room, and climb the ladder.
You'll now be on the deck of the "ship". Go south to reach the outside,
and open the chest on deck to obtain 1500 Zenny. Go back inside the cave,
and cross over to the ledges on the east. This area is a bit dark, so it
will be a bit tough to see where the path(s) lead. Run east along the
walkway, and at the intersection go north, then west to reach a chest
containing 2 Panaceas. Go back east and follow the walkway, and enter the

Inside, you'll find another HUGE rock creature, just like the one you
encountered as Fou-Lu! It will soon get angry and attack!
Boss Fight
Glebe --> 15,000 HP, 17,100 EXP, 12,000 Z. Drops Bent Screw, Glass Shard.
Summon Minion: Summon two helpers (Loam/????)
*Resist*: Increases resistance to magic
Giant Growth: Grow large to attack all targets
Tempest: Water+Earth attack against all targets

Like Marl, Glebe will start out by summoning two monsters to aid him.
However, you'll notice that sometimes he'll end up summoning a treasure chest
instead of his flunkie. Like before, take out one of the underlings, but
leave the other one alive as he will just summon two more next turn. Note
that he also uses the "Resist" skill, which you may learn. Once the little
one is out of the way, turn Ryu into the Wyvern and cast the Hwajeh spell on
him, and having the others attack. Using this strategy, this big rock fella
won't be too big of a problem after all. Once the big guy's defeated, just
swat the other minion out of the way and this battle will be won.

Once that nuisance is out of the way, exit the Island back the way you
came. The party will return to the ship and be on their way once more. As
Ryu, go back down below deck and use the Diary to take a rest. Soon after,
the ship will dock at the remote village of Lyp, on a small island off
the coast of Hesperia.

##### K. Village of Lyp #################################################

My Level: Ryu 31 / Nina 31 / Cray 29 / Scias 28 / Ershin 28 / Ursula 27

Item Shop: Healing Herb (20Z), Vitamin (100Z), Panacea (100Z),
Ammonia (250Z), Wooden Rod (50Z), Silver Top (20Z),
Twister (20Z), Popper (20Z)

Weapon Shop: PiercingEdge (7200Z), Battle Rod (6200Z), Stone Club (7000Z),
Sparkler (5000Z), Full Plate (6000Z), Robe of Wind (6500Z),
Long Boots (550Z), Dress Shoes (800Z)

Manillo Store: Platinum Top Browntail x1, Trout x1, Sweetfish x1
Dancer B.Bass x1, B.Gill x1, Piranha x1
Swisher Browntail x1, Trout x1, Sweetfish x1
Deep Diver B.Bass x1, B.Gill x1, Piranha x1
Fat Frog Browntail x1, Trout x1, Sweetfish x1
Crab B.Bass x1, B.Gill x1, Piranha x1
Angling Rod Salmon x2, Dorado x2, M.Squid x2
Aurum Bass x3

*NOTE* By talking to the frog-person near the Item Shop, you'll get
your next Master, Gyosil! Also if you go back to Shikk, Kryrik, one of
the sailors, will also become a Master. Finally, return to Synesta and
visit the orphanage, and the mother Lyta will ALSO become a Master. That
enough for you? :P

Explore the town and purchase all the equipment upgrades if you wish,
then head out of town to start looking for a way to cross over to the continent.
It's said that you should be able to get to Hesperia by walking over the tidal
flats between the North Islands and Hesperia...

##### L. Jungle #########################################################

My Level: Ryu 31 / Nina 31 / Cray 30 / Scias 29 / Ershin 29 / Ursula 28

Items: SuperVitamin, Aurum (x2)

Enemies: FireAnt, Tar Baby, Smasher

World Map Enemies: Mask, Mirror, FireAnt, Smasher, Tar Baby

Enter the ? spot south of Lyp and you'll come to a forest area. Explore
the surroundings and you'll find a strange pink creature living in the forest.
Choose the second option "It's hungry, so let's feed it", and feed it some
fish or meat. You won't be able to understand what it says, however. Exit
the ? area to the south, and once back out on the World Map, proceed south to
the Jungle.

Run to the west along the wooden platform, then when you reach the gap,
run up the ramp to your north. Jump across the gap, then proceed upwards.
You'll find a ladder that leads up to the tree above you. Before climbing,
run down the ramp to your east, and follow the path to a chest which contains
a SuperVitamin. Go back and climb up the ladder, then traverse the rope bridge
over to the other tree. Climb down and jump across the next gap, and proceed
west to the next screen.

Just run across the various bridges in this section until you reach a
junction. Go south to reach a chest containing 2 pieces of Aurum, then go
back and take the north path. When you reach the tree, go to the west, and
proceed along the walkways until you reach the next screen. Walk some more
and you'll come to a series of logs in the "river". As you'd expect, you'll
have to do some more log-rolling, like you did before in the Kasq Woods. Jump
onto the first log and roll north, then proceed to the next log and roll
north again. Cross to the log on the west, then roll to the south, and line
up with the log on the west.

Cross over, then roll south and line up with the log on the east. Cross
over, then use the next two logs to reach the platform in the middle, where
you'll find a bag containing some Toxic Claws, a very good weapon for Ershin.
Roll back down and cross back to the west, then roll north and cross to the
next log to the west. Roll south onto the final log, then disembark to the
west. Proceed to the west to exit the Jungle and come back out on the World
Map. Continue to the west to reach the Pabpab village!

##### M. Pabpab Village #################################################

My Level: Ryu 31 / Nina 31 / Cray 30 / Scias 30 / Ershin 29 / Ursula 28

Items: Ammonia

As you enter the village, you'll suddenly be pelted with arrows, and
the pink creature who you met before will show up. After learning you're
visitors and not monsters, you'll be greeted into the village. You'll learn
that you can indeed use the tidal flats to cross to the mainland, but only
when the tide goes out, exposing the road. Beyd (the guy who lives here),
suggests you hang out here until the time to cross.

Exit Beyd's house and go into the next "tree", and read the diary.
Here you'll find Beyd's notes on the Pabpab language. By looking at the
notes you can sort of piece together what the funny little creatures are

ain during, a period
ishi east
kairu guide, teach
ko here, this
michu secret
nah fish
ni you, that
no wrong, bad
nosta north
pabpab us
paketo but, still
poto more, amazing
purechi friend
pukapuka slowly, relaxed
rikuku medicine
roi rock, stone
sanami south
santo thanks
sonna sorry
taan time
tatoru dance
temi enemy, bad person
treja treasure
ueshi west

After taking a look at the notes and talking to the blue creature who
doesn't look so well, return to Beyd and he'll tell you that the only place
you can get the herbs to help the Pabpab can be found on the ocean near Lyp.
You can also go around and talk to the various Pabpabs and try to piece
together just what in the world they are saying... note that the translation
will be rough at best, but you can at least get the general idea of what they
are trying to tell you.

Return to Lyp and speak with all the villagers, and you'll learn that the
special herb (called 'Mozweed') can be found on a small island to the east
of town. Go talk to Zig and tell him that you need to use the boat again,
and you'll set sail in search of the Mozweed, in the form of a mini-game.
Mini-Game: Row, row, row your boat

In this mini-game you will have to find the island with the Mozweed on
it. You will start near the village of Lyp. The green bar at the bottom
of the screen depicts the amount of supplies you have left, and when this
runs out you will automatically return to Lyp. By pressing the X button you
can hoist the sails, which will allow you to move on the wind. The wind
direction is depicted by the diagram in the upper-right corner. Note that
you cannot move against the wind when the sails are up. Alternately, you
can use the O button to use the oars, yet this will use up more supplies than
normal sailing will.

By pressing the Triangle button, you can explore the area. The places
you can explore (and actually find stuff) are depicted by flags.

* You can find another Fishing Spot by exploring the blue flag to the
north-west of where you begin your voyage!
* You can find a chest containing 3 Water Wards at the red flag just to the
south-west of the Fish Spot.
* You can find a chest containing 3 Bent Screws at red flag near a "Y"
shaped island at the far north.
* There is a chest containing 5 Water Bombs at a red flag at a group of
small islands to the south-east of where you begin.
* The plant of Mozweed can be found at the blue flag on the island to the
east of the port (just to the south of Shikk).
* A chest containing some Manly Clothes can be found at a red flag on
the other side of the island where the Mozweed is.
* A Harmonic Ring can be found at the red flag at the far east side of the
ocean. This one is quite hard to get to.

*IMPORTANT* You can also find the Sea Dragon in this area! There is
no flag marking his location, so he may be quite tricky to find. Head for
the Island of Fire, which is just to the southeast of Lyp. From there,
go north-east just a bit and you'll see a shallow area, as well as a bunch
of rocks. You'll see three main "clumps" of rocks... one to your left,
one to your right near the shallow region, and one above you. Sail into
the middle of the three rock clumps and search. It might take you a few
tries to find him, but he is in this general region (amidst the three
rock clumps). He will grant Ryu with his power, allowing you to use the
Flood Tide spell!

Once you have the Mozweed, return to the Pabpab Village. Return to
the sick Pabpab and you'll give it the herbs, and take a rest. The next
morning go back and check on him and you'll find that he has gotten better!
If you talk to him, he mentions something about an "amazing treasure" somewhere
to the north. Go back to Lyp and jump aboard the ship again. Sail to the
south-east (which is actually 'north'), and you'll find four rocks lined
up in a row. Line yourself up with the rocks and search, and you'll find
a small island with a chest. Open it up to obtain the Divine Helm... a
quite nice piece of equipment that offers a good defense bonus, plus
resistance to sudden-death attcks!

Anyway, go back outside and you'll find that the tide has started to
go down! Exit Pabpab and proceed west to the ? spot!

##### N. Tidal Flats ####################################################

My Level: Ryu 32 / Nina 32 / Cray 30 / Scias 30 / Ershin 29 / Ursula 28

Items: Poison Powder (x2), Moon Tears, Silver Mail, Crab (x2),
Deluxe Rod

Enemies: Smasher, Krabby, Sandclaw, Squirt, Rafresia, Fragrans,

First run all the way to the west, and open up the treasure chest you
come to, to pick up two Poison Powders. Run back east, then go south and
follow along the path. Continue onto the next screen, and follow the path,
past the ramp. Open the chest at the dead-end to obtain some Moon Tears,
then go back and head up the ramp. Run north along the ledge, making note
of the Dragon Crystal in the bushes to your west. Jump across the first
gap, then run down the ramp and make your way to the crystal in the middle.
Examine it to receive the Behemoth dragon transformation!

Return to the ramp, but before going back up, run to the east and down
another ramp to the lower area. Head along the path and pick up the treasure
chest atop the rock to obtain a suit of Silver Mail, which is a rather powerful
suit of armor. Return back to the first ramp you went down (just after you
jumped across the gap), then go up and jump across to the next platform. Go
up the ramp to the north and around the ledge, then down the ramp at the
other end to reach the bottom. Proceed north and exit to the next screen.

Continue walking for a bit and once you reach the next screen you'll
realize that it is starting to get dark. The party will pick up the pace but
fail to manage to get the rest of the way across before night falls. Nina
will suggest the party camp out on this island and wait for daybreak. In
the morning, however, you'll find that the tide has come back in, leaving the
party isolated on the small island! Exit to the west and you'll soon reach
the other side of the island, but there are no crossings left so the party
has no choice but to wait until the tide goes back out to continue across.

You'll then have another sequence with Fou-Lu, who has somehow managed
to get to Chedo, the Imperial Capital. The next morning, head to the west
part of the island as Ryu, and Nina and Ursula will join you. Now make
your way to the far west end of the island, making sure to open up the
treasure chest on your way down, which contains 2 Crabs. Open up the chest
at the bottom to find the Deluxe Rod, and Nina will suggest that you should
be able to go fishing around here. Sure enough, exit to the west and you'll
find a Fishing Spot. Fish around for a little while then return to the ladies
outside. Make your way back to the camp and you'll eat some of the fish that
Ryu caught.

After the sequence you'll be returned to Fou-Lu again, who succeeds in
breaking into the Imperial Castle. His true intenions will then be revealed...
he plans to ascend to godhood once more and rule over the world! Since Fou-Lu
is unhappy with the current state of affairs he decides that the Fou Empire,
which he united all those years ago, must be destroyed. He commands the guardian
to destroy the Capital and goes on his way.

The next morning, Ryu and Nina will go off to do some more fishing. Head
to the Fishing Spot, and you'll be switched back to Fou-Lu, _again_. Proceed
forward and that blasted General Yohm will show up once again. He will summon
a monster as he did when you first met him, and attack!
Boss Fight
Kahbo --> 20,000 HP, 20,000 EXP, 0 Z. Drops Wisdom Fruit, Super Vitamin.
Flaming Fist: Fire-based attack against one target
Mystic Fire: Multi-hit fire-based attack against all targets

This battle is ridiculously easy. Just transform Fou-Lu into the Tyrant
Dragon and use the Dark Wave breath attack. This boss should die after only
two of these. :P

After the battle, Yohm will summon another bird-like monster similar to the
one you fought before. Time for another battle!
Boss Fight
Kamyu --> 30,000 HP, 30,000 EXP, 0 Z. Drops Wisdom Fruit, Ambrosia.
Simoon: Fire&Wind based magic attack against all targets
Eldritch Flame: Multi-hit fire-based attack against all targets

Start off by using the Wisdom Fruit you got from the first monster, then
just use the same strategy as before. This battle is just as easy as the last
one... three Dark Waves will put him out of commission.

Yohm will finally concede after the battle, who puts himself out of
commission after the short conversation. Examine the statue and you'll be
warped to the inner sanctum of the Imperial Castle. Head down the stairs
and pick up the nearby chest to get some Moon Tears, then cross the bridge
and proceed east. You'll have to fight two pitiful guards on your way
through.... after swatting them out of the way you'll have a sequence with
Soniel, the current emperor of the Fou Empire, and Yuna, that annoying guy
from before. Yuna will appear and send a few guards after Fou-Lu.

*NOTE* This is another rather easy battle, and you can learn the
"Target" skill from the Elite Troops. If you don't get it here, you can
get it from a different enemy later, so don't panic if you can't seem to
learn it. The enemies are immune to 'normal' physical and magic attacks,
but they can all be easily taken out with one Dark Wave. ;)

Afterwards Yuna will flee, and you can enter Soniel's chambers. Fou-Lu
will kick the emperor out, but in the process Soniel stabs Fou-Lu with the
Dragonslayer. As you might know, this is one of the scenes that was censored
in the NA version of the game, where Fou-Lu rips the sword out of his
own body and beheads the current emperor. At any rate, Soniel is now dead,
and Fou-Lu has reclaimed his "rightful" spot at the throne.

You'll now be switched back to Ryu, who is still attempting to fish on
the island. After the short conversation Ryu fails to catch anything, so Nina
suggests they head back to camp. Make your way back to camp and examine the
Tent to take a rest. The next morning you'll find that the tide seems to be
on its way back out! Head back to the west end of the island and you'll find
that, sure enough, the flats have re-appeared, allowing you to finally get
over to the mainland! You'll automatically be back out on the World Map.
Before proceeding to the mainland, examine the ? spot north of Saldine to
find your old "friend" Kahn. Surprisingly enough, he'll offer himself as
your next Master! At this point, you might very well be able to learn all
his skills, as they depend on the number of encounters you've had so far.

Once you're ready, proceed south to the village of Koshka.

##### O. Village of Koshka ##############################################

My Level: Ryu 33 / Nina 33 / Cray 31 / Scias 30 / Ershin 30 / Ursula 30

Shop: Feather Sword (9600Z), Rune Staff (8000Z), Crusher (9400Z),
Flamethrower (9000Z), Armored Vest (7200Z), Blizzard Mail (9300Z),
Vitamin (100Z), Ammonia (250Z)

There's not much of anything to do here save for purchasing all the
great equipment upgrades. Get new weapons for everyone and Armored Vests
for everyone that you can. Though the Blizzard Mail has a higher defense,
and increases your defense against Wind and Water-based attacks, it leaves
you weak to Fire and Earth-based attacks. Your preference may differ from
mine, and if it does then by all means feel free to get the Blizzard Mail
instead. ;)

Once you've purchased all your nifty upgrades, you can proceed south on
the World Map to the Shan River.

##### P. Shan River #####################################################

My Level: Ryu 33 / Nina 33 / Cray 31 / Scias 31 / Ershin 30 / Ursula 30

Items: Titan's Boots, 1000Z, Earth Ward, Aurum (x2)

Enemies: Lizard Man, Generator, Sporeon

World Map Enemies: Lizard Man, Generator, Sporeon

*NOTE* You can learn the "Wind Strike" ability from the Lizard Men who
appear on the World Map in this region.

As you enter the Shan River region, pull the nearby lever and the lift
will come across to you. Jump aboard, and hold down the X button to make the
lift move. Proceed over to the other side, and jump across the gap. Jump
onto the next lift and ride it to the other side, and exit west to the next
screen. Jump across the gaps, and traverse the large tree stump. Grab the
chest to your west to pick up a pair of Titan's Boots, then go back and head
east from the stump to find a bag containing 1,000 Zenny. Go back and head
south from the tree stump, jump across the gap, and head east back to the
first screen.

Jump on the lift and you'll see a log roll by. Pilot the lift so that
you hit the log (NOT so the log hits you!) and you can jump onto the log.
It will take you over to the chest you saw earlier, which contains an Earth
Ward. Use the nearby lift and you'll end back up at the entrance to the river.
Go back around to the lift that you were riding on before you struck the log,
and jump on board. Wait for the first log to pass, then drive the lift across
the river. Soon you'll see a second log pass by... strike this one as you did
the first and it will take you over to a chest containing 2 pieces of Aurum.
Now loop your way back around _again_, and pilot the lift all the way across,
this time avoiding both logs. Once on the other side, you will end back up
on the World Map. Proceed west to the village of Chiqua!

##### Q. Village of Chiqua ##############################################

My Level: Ryu 33 / Nina 33 / Cray 32 / Scias 31 / Ershin 30 / Ursula 30

Weapon Shop: Feather Sword (9600Z), Rune Staff (8000Z), Crusher (9400Z),
Arquebus (6800Z), Silver Mail (6800Z), Magma Armor (9300Z),
UV Goggles (3000Z), Poison Ward (2500Z)

Item Shop: Hanger (80Z), Toad (80Z), Tail (80Z), Vitamin (100Z),
Antidote (12Z), Panacea (100Z), Ammonia (250Z)

Manillo Store: Skull Staff Jellyfish x10, Man-o'-War x10
Chopsticks Martian Squid x2, Octopus x2
Repeater Spearfish x1, Bonito x3
Giant Club Black Porgy x2, Sea Bream x6
Power Glove Black Porgy x2, Sea Bream x6
Force Armor Spearfish x1, Angler x1, Flatfish x5
Holy Robe Spearfish x1, Angler x1, Octopus x5
Aurum Sea Bass x3

Talk to the weird-looking fish dude near the entrance and you'll find
that he knows the way to the Imperial Capital, but he isn't going to let
the information go for free. He offers three tasks, and you choose which
one you'd rather undertake. You can bring him "A. A "treasure" from the
ruins near Koshka", "B. A valuable vase from Koshka", or "C. Fish for
Shisu". The fish is the easiest to get... you need either 3 Martian Squids,
3 Salmon, or 3 Sea Breams. One of each will do well enough. Ask him about
all three options, but C is probably the easiest to undergo.

If you give him the fish now, he'll tell you that the long river to the
south of Chiqua can take you closer to the Imperial Capital. If you talk
to him again afterwards, he'll offer to upgrade your treasure for you!

*NOTE* By talking to the fisherman in the south part of town, you'll
learn of another fishing spot near town.

If you chose to give him the fish, you can now proceed to the river,
but by exploring the ruins that the fish-guy mentioned, you can find another
Dragon Crystal! Return to Koshka and talk to the townspeople, and you'll
learn that the En Jhou ruins (the ruins mentioned) are just to the east of
the Shan River. Also you can talk to the merchant in the house and he'll
make one of those jars for you. It'll be a while until it's done however,
so for now let's head out to explore those ruins. Back on the World Map,
a path will appear to the east near the Shan River, leading to the ruins!

##### R. En Jhou Ruins ##################################################

My Level: Ryu 33 / Nina 33 / Cray 32 / Scias 31 / Ershin 30 / Ursula 30

Items: Wisdom Seed (x3), Warding Staff, Magic Shard (x2), Antidote (x3),

Enemies: Istalk, Lizard Man, Mimic, Ibomb, Puppeteer, Decoy, Snapfly

Enter the ruins and walk along the corridor, and enter the room you come
to. You'll find a treasure hunter inside who complains that all the valuables
have already been taken. Note that in this room you may fight Mimics! They
appear quite rarely, and are hard as heck to kill... they don't have much HP
but are completely immune to magical and breath attacks, and the only way to
kill them is with physical attacks. Even so, they parry most attacks, and
any attacks that do hit deal only 1-2 damage (sometimes no damage at all!)
They also are very fast and tend to Escape often. And if that weren't bad
enough, they have a habit of casting spellls like Sleep and Confuse, making
it even harder to kill them! I don't have the complete information on them
because to be honest I still haven't killed one of the damn things. I'll add
their info soon... hopefully.

Exit the room and climb the stairs at the other end of the corridor, and
examine the wall on the east side of the room you come to. The wall seems
weak here, and you can break through it by using Ershin's ram action. Enter
through the hole you just created and climb the stairs to the north. Go
through the doorway and descend the stairs in the next room.

Once you reach the next large room, jump across the gap to the south,
then run around up the ramp. You'll come out in the room above once again.
Enter the doorway to the north and open up the chest to find 3 Wisdom Seeds,
then go back out and into the doorway to the east. In this room you'll
see several ropes hanging from the ceiling. By slashing through them with
Ryu's sword, the objects hanging from the ropes will fall to the room below.
Be careful not to slash the vials... if they fall they will break. The
purple one will poison your party members, while the yellow one doesn't
seem to do anything (anyone have any idea what it does...?)

Go back down the ramp you used to come up here, and once you reach the
bottom jump back across the gap. Before going through the doorway to get
back to where the chests are, jump across the gap to your east, and proceed
to the bottom of this room. Go down the ladder and you will come to a room
at the bottom of the ruins.

*NOTE* Down here you can encounter Snapflies, which you might remember
from Fou-Lu's scenario near the end of the first Chapter. If you use several
fire-based attacks on them (7 or 8) they will transform into Stingfly. Though
Stingflies actually give LESS EXP, they can use the "Target" skill, which
you may learn if you didn't during Fou-Lu's last scenario.

Go partially down the stairs to the west, then to the passage to the
south. Leap down, then leap down again to the south. Then leap down to
the west, and open up the chest to obtain a Warding Staff. Leap down to the
bottom and then go back up the stairs, and into the passage to the south again.
Leap down again, then jump down to the south. Jump down to the south again,
then hop across the gap. Go down the passage to the east and enter the
doorway, and at the end of the passage you'll find the Dragon Crystal! Now
Ryu can transform into the Mutant dragon form!

Exit this room, then run all the way to the west and down the stairs.
Grab the chest here to obtain 2 Magic Shards. Now you can go back up to the
top of the ruins. Before exiting, don't forget to get those two treasure
chests that you cut down from the ropes... you'll find 3 Antidotes and some
Aurum inside. Now you can exit the ruins and be back on your way.

Also be sure to stop back by Koshka and pick up your Jar for 500 Zenny.
If you haven't completed any of the fish guy's tasks you can go back and talk
to him, but whatever you DO NOT give him the Dragon Crystal you found in the
En Jhou Ruins! Give him the Jar or the fish instead... you definitely don't
want to lose a dragon transformation!

When you're ready to proceed, head south of Chiqua to the River!

##### S. River ##########################################################

My Level: Ryu 34 / Nina 34 / Cray 33 / Scias 32 / Ershin 32 / Ursula 32

Items: Dirty Filter (x3), Armored Vest, Power Food, Atomic Punch

Enemies: Generator, Bolt Troop, Bolt Archer

*NOTE* You may learn the "Multistrike" skill from the Bolt Archers in
this area. In order to get them to use it you must enrage them by first
killing off one of their allies.

As soon as you enter the river, you'll be thrown headfirst into a
Mini-Game: Crossing the River

You'll need Cray in the lead for this one. Your object is to push the
crates so that you will be able to cross the river. Just run along the path
and jump over the gap, and push the nearby crate over to the east. Run up
the ramp and cross the crate(s), then go up the stairs and follow the path
some more. Stand on the next crate and jump down off it, then run to the
south. Jump across the gap to the south, then go east along the walkway to
the next screen.

*NOTE* Once on the next screen, go back to the first screen and you
will be able to go down into the canal, and pick up a treasure chest containing
an Atomic Punch for Ershin!

Operate the panel to open the gate, then climb the ladder to your
east. First climb down the other side to reach a bag containing 3 Dirty
Filters, then climb back up and walk along the raised gate. Once across,
climb down to the east, and examine the panel to lower the gate once again.
Push the nearby crate over to the east, and ignore the next panel for the
time being. Cross the bridge and talk to the guy there, and you can get
into a rather detailed conversation.

* Choose the first option "Dragons", then the first option "Yes", then the
first option "They all look different", then the second option "Like grass
and rocks". He'll mention he saw a rather large "rock" in the quarry to
the south of the River. Remember this, it will be important soon!
* Choose the third option "Travelling", then the first option "Across the
sea", then the third option "Chased by the Empire", and the guy will
give you a Power Food.

When you're done talking, proceed to the east and jump across the gap
to the south. Shove the crate, and go back to the panels near the guy you
just talked to. Examine the panel to lower the water level, then examine
it once more to lower the gate back down (the water level will still stay
the same). Now cross the crates to the south, and proceed east. Examine
the panel to raise the next gate, then proceed east to the next screen.

Run east a bit, then jump across the gap to the north. First run back
west to the previous screen and open up the treasure box to gain an Armored
Vest, then head back east. Run up the ramp and jump down off the crate, then
exit east to the World Map.

Back on the World Map, head east to the intersection, then west to reach
the Quarry. Within you'll meet the Rock Dragon, who will grant Ryu with his
power, enabling you to use the "Fulguration" spell! This is the last of the
Dragons... by now you should have all of Ryu's breath attacks. :)

Head to the south from the intersection on the World Map to reach the
village of Pauk.

##### T. Village of Pauk ################################################

My Level: Ryu 35 / Nina 35 / Cray 33 / Scias 33 / Ershin 33 / Ursula 33

Shop: Mithril Armor (8000Z), Wolfskin (9000Z), Vitamin (100Z),
Antidote (12Z), Eye Drops (14Z), Jabbergrass (20Z), Panacea (100Z),
Ammonia (250Z)

World Map Enemies: Snapfly, Stingfly

As always, purchase any new equipment upgrades you can afford, and enter
the "Elder's" tent. However you'll soon learn that the Elder has spoken to
anybody ever since his pet chicken ran away. Looks like in order to learn
how to get to the Imperial Capital, we're gonna have to find out where this
chicken went.

Back on the World Map, go to the ? spot west of Pauk, and you'll have
to play a mini-game in order to complete your task.
Mini-Game: Chicken Herdin'

Your object is to chase Tak, the brown chicken, into the chicken coop
in the center of the playing field. There are also a horde of other chickens
around, and you can chase them around and into the coop as well to gain
extra points. If you can chase all 20 chickens into the coop (no easy task)
you will receive a total of 6,900 points... 100 for each chicken, 2000 for
Tak, and a 3000 point bonus. If Tak is caught the game ends, so if you want
to go for the perfect score, chase all the regular chickens into the coop
first. Once in the coop they'll stay there, and there's no time limit, so
patience is the issue here, not beaing the clock.

After Tak is caught, return to Pauk and speak with "Gramps" again. He
tells you that the only route to the Imperial Capital will soon be blocked
off, thanks to the incident that happened there. He does mention that there
is a road to Astana at Fou-Lu's tomb, to the northeast. Nina decides it would
be worth investigating, and the party sets out once again. Before leaving,
talk to the little kid near the two chickens outside the tent, and he'll
give you an item (was a Rusty Pipe for me, but it may depend on how you did
in the mini-game).

Exit to the world map and proceed north to the intersection. From here
you can either go to Kwanso, to the east, or Fou-Lu's tomb to the north.
You can't do anything at Kwanso at the moment, so proceed north. Before
entering the Tomb, stop by the ? spot just to the west of the tomb. You'll
recognize this as the place that Fou-Lu fled to during his first encounter
with Yohm. There is an exit leading off to the west almost concealed by
bushes (some with thorns, which damage you when touched). If you head in
that direction you'll reach the area of the forest that was burning during
Fou-Lu's scenario.

In this charred area of forest, you'll find another Dragon Crystal...
the last in the game! You'll find it near the south exit to the charred
area of forest. With this crystal you will be granted the "Myrmidon" dragon
form. Also, by exiting to the south you will find another Fishing Spot!
You can also pick up a SuperVitamin in this area if you didn't get it as
Fou-Lu earlier.

Once you're ready, proceed to Fou-Lu's tomb!

##### U. Fou-Lu's Tomb, Revisited #######################################

My Level: Ryu 35 / Nina 35 / Cray 34 / Scias 33 / Ershin 33 / Ursula 33

Items: Wisdom Fruit, Ambrosia, Vitamins, Bead, Electrifier, 5000Z

Enemies: Egg Gang, Gold Gang, Morph, Zaurus, Won-qu (*), DeathBot,
Guardian, Berserker, Morph Goo

World Map Enemies: Zaurus, Gold Gang, Sporeon

You should recognize this as the tomb where you first "met" Fou-Lu near
the beginning of the game. Go up the hill and along the path, and when the
trail branches off to the north, go in that direction to find a bag containing
a Wisdom Fruit. Proceed along the path until you reach the actual tomb area.
If you didn't pick up the chest on the back side of the tomb before, you can
do so now to obtain an Ambrosia.

At the tomb, you'll find that Fou-Lu's guardian is STILL guarding the
entrance to the tomb, even after all this time. Unfortunately, it isn't going
to give you entrance to the tomb easily, as it suddenly wakes up and attacks!
Boss Fight
Won-qu --> 30,000 HP, 30,000 EXP, 0 Z. Drops Moon Tears, Cupid's Lyre.
Sanctuary: Nullify all assistant magic on all combatants.
Sleep: Induce 'Sleep' in all targets
Blizzard: Heavy water-based damage to all targets

This battle isn't really that hard. Have Ryu transform into the Kaiser
Dragon (now that you have all the Dragon Crystals you'll actually be able
to control him), while your party performs powerful combo magics (Inferno +
Typhoon to make Gigaflare work very well here, as do others). Afterwards,
have Ryu use Kaiser Breath while the rest of the party continues to perform
combo magic or heal the party as needed. Though the Guardian has quite a lot
of HP, he won't be too tough to defeat as long as you keep your party in
good shape.

After the battle you'll receive the Cupid's Lyre, which is a weaker
version of the Ivory Bangle that Fou-Lu received (it restores HP as you walk
and during battle, but not as much)... I recommend you equip it on someone
(preferably someone lacking in the HP area, such as Nina or Ursula). The
tomb will now be open to you, but if you're running low on HP and AP you
may want to take a trip back outside to rest up before continuing on.

*NOTE* You may learn the "Triple Blow" skill from the Guardians who
sometimes appear inside the Tomb.

Once down in the Tomb, proceed down the spiral staircase and enter
the doorway at the bottom. Continue down the stairs in the next room, and
once you reach the 'bottom' again, move to the south past the intersection,
to reach a treasure chest containing some Vitamins. Go back to the intersection
that you passed earlier, and use the "block" to your east to descend down
further. Enter the doorway once you reach the bottom, and examine the plaque
to lower the pillar in front of you.

In the next room, you'll have to use the spheres to move the cubes in
the area in front of you. You can move them forward using the O button, and
backward using the X button. This puzzle isn't all that hard, considering
with the spheres you can move the cubes just about anywhere you want. The
object is to line up three blocks of the same color in the correct place to
make a bridge over to the item in the center, then over to the chest to the
north. The item in the center is a "Bead", which will you will need shortly.
The chest contains an "Electrifier", a very powerful weapon for Ursula!

Go back to the south and the nearby block will crumble away, leaving
a "stairway" for you to climb down. Descend down to the bottom, then use
the ladder to get to the ledge around the wall. Climb up and use the
ladder to up further, then walk some more and enter the next doorway. In
the next barely-lighted room, run all the way to the north, and at the fork,
go west and the pillar in the next room will lower. Go into the room behind
it and down the ladder. In this room you'll have to do another "puzzle"
which informs jumping onto the block textured with eyes, and rolling it
across the room. However, if you end up on the side of the block with the
red eye, you'll temporarily lose 10% of your max HP!

As long as you keep track of which side of the cube the red eye is on,
you should be able to easily get to the Bead in the center of the room and
the chest at the north end, which contains 5000 Zenny. Once getting the Bead,
return to the stairwell room once again, and the pillar blocking the walkway
near the bottom will lower. Return to the bottom of the room and follow
the walkway that the pillar was blocking. Enter the door at the end of the
walkway, and run along the lighted path. Go west at the junction, and into
the doorway at the end to reach a room with a chest, containing 2 Napalms.
Go back out and run east along the walkway, and into the next doorway.

Make your way through the next room and out the door on the north side.
Make sure you are as fully healed as possible, and in the next room some
bridges will form for you... cross them and examine the plaque on the other
side. However, once you do so, two "dice monsters" suddenly drop from the
ceiling and attack!
Boss Fight
I --> 10,000 HP, 25,000 EXP, 0 Z. Drops Wisdom Fruit, Harmonic Ring.
Fireblast: Moderate fire-based attack against all targets
Inferno: Heavy fire-based damage against one target
Revolution: Inverse HP attack against all targets
Stasis: Blocks all combo attacks for 3 turns
Punch: Physical attack against one target
Powder: Induce 'Blind' in all targets
II --> 7,500 HP, 25,000 EXP, 0 Z. Drops Vitamins, Harmonic Ring.
(Same Abilities)

This fight can be a bit tricky. "I" is immune to physical attacks while
"II" is immune to magic attacks. First cast powerful (but single-target)
spells on "I", such as Inferno, Ice Blast, and Stone Pillar. Breath attacks
also work well but are a bit risky thanks to the dices' Revolution ability,
which inverses your characters' HP. Once "I" is out of the way, pound
on "II" with strong physical attacks from Ryu, Cray, and Scias. Since the
Revolution ability will actually heal you if your characters are at critical
HP (they tend to use it every other turn), you won't have to worry about
healing as much as you might think. ^_^

After the battle, Fou-Lu's guardian will appear again and grant you
passage through the Tomb. He'll then leave behind Won-qu's Gem, which is
the final key. Head back to the stairwell room for the last time, and the
block will be activated to take you to the exit. Go down to the bottom, and
board the block. Choose to move ahead, and you'll come back outside.

##### V. Mukto ##########################################################

My Level: Ryu 37 / Nina 37 / Cray 36 / Scias 36 / Ershin 36 / Ursula 36

Items: Swallow Eye (x4), Dynamite (x5), Wisdom Seed (x3), Dragon Tear

Enemies: Morph Goo, Cyclops, Rider

Head outside to camp and save, then re-enter the area you came out in
when exiting Fou-Lu's tomb (Mukto). To the east of the tomb exit is a gap
you can jump across... do so and run along the ledge to the north. Enter
the cave at the end of the walkway, and move to the north. As you walk,
inspect the wall closely... as you go you should see a section of wall to
the south with many cracks in it. Use Ershin's Ram ability to break
through this wall, and enter the cave behind it.

You'll come out in some ruins. Run all the way down the stairs, then
go east and clear the gap to find a bag containing 4 Swallow Eyes. Jump
back across the gap, and go back up the first set of "stairs". Run along
the ledge to the east, and enter the doorway at the end of the ledge. Run
north and climb up the ladder, and collect the two bags in this room to
obtain 5 Dynamites and 3 Wisdom Seeds. After getting these climb back up
the ladder again, then up the ladder to the north, and exit.

*NOTE* You can sometimes fight the Rider in this area, which is the
strongest enemy in the game. There's a pretty good chance you won't be
able to kill them at this point... you'll need the most powerful equipment
and skills (as well as darn high levels) in order to take them down.

Run along the walkway and enter the ruined shrine, and take the Dragon
Tear inside. Examine the plaque if you want, then go all the way back out
of the ruins, to the World Map.

You can now access the areas you could during your very first trip to
Hesperia... Astana, the Aqueduct, and the Causeway. For now, return to the
town of Astana.

##### W. Astana, Revisited ##############################################

My Level: Ryu 37 / Nina 37 / Cray 36 / Scias 36 / Ershin 36 / Ursula 36

Items: Taser, 1500Z, Barrier Ring

Weapon Shop: Damascus Sword (14500Z), Damascus Mail (23000Z),
Damascus Helm (11000Z), Barrier Ring (5000Z),
Light Bangle (5000Z), Diamond Ring (3000Z), Soul Gem (1000Z)

Item Shop: Vitamin (100Z), Antidote (12Z), Eye Drops (14Z),
Jabbergrass (20Z), Panacea (100Z), Ammonia (250Z),
Dynamite (500Z), Napalm (800Z)

Manillo Store: Ivory Dice Angelfish x5, Moorfish x5
Earthbreaker Whale x1, Barandy x1, Dorado x3
Culverin Whale x1, Sturgeon x2, Barandy x2
Life Armor Whale x1, Sturgeon x1, Bullcat x3
Star Dress Whale x3, Acheron x8
Healing Ring Spearfish x1, Angler x1, Black Porgy x2
Cupid's Lyre Spearfish x1, Angler x1, Black Porgy x2
Aurum Angelfish x1, Moorfish x4

World Map Enemies: Nut Mage, Nut Troop, Nut Archer, Bolt Mage,
Bolt Troop, Bolt Archer, Stingfly, Snapfly

The Carronade has been moved, so you can now access more of the town
than you could the first time you visited. Also, the shops carry different
(and VERY powerful!) equipment, as well as new items. All you really need
to do here is purchase any new equipment upgrades you can afford, then head
back out. Your next target is the ? spot to the south of Kwanso.

This section isn't too hard... all you have to do is make your way down
the mountain... the path is quite straight-forward. On your way down be
sure to grab the Taser (in a bag), 1500 Zenny (in a chest), and Barrier Ring
(in a bag, near the bottom). Also note that about midway up the mountain
there is an exit to the west, which leads to Bunyan's Hut (which you will
remember from Fou-Lu's scenarios as well). If you have already met all of
the other masters, Bunyan will also become a master, your last in the game!

Once down of the mountain you'll have a camp sequence between your party
members. The next morning, proceed south to the Highway!

##### X. Highway ########################################################

My Level: Ryu 38 / Nina 38 / Cray 37 / Ursula 37 / Scias 36 / Ershin 36

Items: Croc Tear x3

World Map Enemies: Poppy, Lampkin, Gold Fly

*NOTE* By investigating a ? mark between the Highway and mountain, you
can find a desert area. Exit to the west to find the final Fishing Spot in
the game!

*ANOTHER NOTE* You can learn the "Palliate" skill from the Lampkins that
appear in this region, as well as the "Curse" skill from the Poppies. In order
to get them to use it, use a Panacea on them to cure all their status ailments,
and when they begin to ask for water use a Croc Tear on them. Next turn they
will use the above abilities, which you can learn. ^_^

You'll find that the Highway is heavily guarded by Imperial Troops, and
they won't allow anyone to go through to the Capital. Speak to the head of
the guards (place Ursula in the lead) and he'll tell you that the General whom
Ursula has been talking about has retreated to Astana. Exit the Highway and
return to Astana once more.

Head for the military building on the east side of town and the guard
will move out of the way for you. Go down to the basement and exit to the
outside, then climb up the long staircase to the north to reach the top of
Astana. Go around back of the large building to find a bag containing 3
Croc Tears, then go back and enter the building. You'll immediately
recognize this place as the building you ended up in when you came looking
for Elina! However, as the party stands talking, a group of monsters
suddenly attacks!

This battle is easy enough... all it is is a group of zombie-type
creatures commanded by a Warlok. Use Nina's Kyrie to quickly dispatch all
the Zombies, then take the Warlok out with a few physical attacks. Proceed
to the room on the north side of the curtain and you'll find a wounded
soldier. Continue along, past where you were captured by Yuna before,
and use the lift to go down into the heart of the complex.

##### Y. Imperial Headquarters ##########################################

My Level: Ryu 38 / Nina 38 / Cray 37 / Ursula 37 / Scias 36 / Ershin 36

Items: Old Tire, Rotten Meat (x2), Ghostbuster, Poison Ward,
Diana's Dress

Enemies: Krabby, Toxic Fly, Warlok, Zombie, Cadaver, ZombieDr,
Gonger, Gold Fly, Battle Suit, SaltClaw

Once down in the lower area of the Imperial HQ, move to the south, then
east. Pull the lever to your north to lower the gate, then go back and walk
across the gate to reach a treasure chest containing an Old Tire. Go back
to where you pulled the lever and move to the south. Before descend the
stairs, grab the bag to your west to obtain 2 Rotten Meats. Go downstairs
and talk to the soldier, then proceed forward. Go under another gate and
you'll come to a room with some stairs leading back up. Before going up,
be sure to grab the chest to the east, to obtain a Ghostbuster (weapon for

Go up the stairs, then run east and cross the bridge to the south.
Pull the nearby lever to make the other gate lower, then walk across it
and proceed forward. Use the wooden walkway to reach the next screen.
In the next room you'll find a very strange... thing, almost like a human
heart. Climb up the webbing and try to slash through the vessel, but
you'll suddenly be informed that a normal sword won't be able to slash
through it. You'll find Princess Elina bound to the wall! She'll tell
you to find the Dragonslayer (which, as you know, is held by Yuna) in order
to sever the vessel.

Head all the way out to Astana and talk to the guards in the military
building. Yuna was at the Capital and should have returned by now, but
might have gotten hung up somewhere. Return to Kwanso and talk to the
guards (once again, with Ursula in the lead). The guards will open the
gate, and sure enough, you'll find Yuna inside. After an unsuccessful
conversation, Ryu attacks Yuna causing him to drop the Dragonslayer. Yuna
runs away, leaving the sword behind. Pick it up and return to Astana.

Return to the Imperial HQ, but you'll soon find that the whole building
has been infested with the Hex! Thanks to this, the monsters inside have
mutated and become much stronger. Note that you can learn the "Timed Blow"
skill from the Gongers that now appear in this area, as well as the
"Reversal" skill from the SaltClaws who now appear in the lower area. Head
all the way back down to the lower area of the HQ, and return to the room
with the giant heart. Equip Ryu with the Dragonslayer and cut through the
vessel. Climb to the top, and open up the chest in the room above to
obtain a Poison Ward.

Make your way around the room and climb the stairs to the east. After
a conversation with Yuna, run around behind the building and look for a
cleverly-concealed chest containing a "Diana's Dress". Now go back and
enter the building and you'll find Elina in the bed. After another sequence
she will ask the rest of the party to leave, leaving Cray and the Dragonslayer
behind. During the sequence that follows, Yuna appears and reveals his plan
that has transformed Elina into one of the Endless, and made her body part of
the building... the giant heart in the next room actually belongs to Elina!

Yuna runs off again before Cray has a chance to mangle him, and Elina
implores Cray to take up the Dragonslayer and kill her. Reluctantly, Cray
takes up the sword, and the party beholds him as he emerges from the
building.... alone.

This ends Chapter 3.

##### Chapter IV: That Which Passes #######################################

You'll now be outside the Imperial Headquarters in Astana. Exit town
and you'll have a sequence with your party members. The next morning, return
to the Highway and you'll find that all the troops have been gathered for
a final assault on the Imperial Capital. Exit the Highway to the east or
south, and the road to the Imperial Capital will be opened for you...

You can also now access all the areas you could as Fou-Lu after he
left Sonne... Mt. Yogy, the Sanctum, Sonne, and Soma Forest. If you'd care
to go back and explore you can pick up a few items you couldn't during that
Village of Sonne

Ring of Clay: In a chest in the forest east of Sonne, behind a rock.
Use Ershin's ram ability to smash the rock.
Treasure Upgrade: Talk to the woman sitting next to the bucket in the
fields and get a treasure upgrade!

Mt. Yogy

By breaking rocks around the outside of the mountain, you can get to bags
and find some Aurum and a suit of Magma Armor.

*NOTE* Now would be a good time to check up on the rest of your Masters
as well. Assuming you have obtained all the treasure upgrades so far, you
should now have the best treasure, the "Platinum Ball". You also should be
able to get the rest of Marlok's skills if you haven't done so already.

When you're ready to proceed, head to Chedo, the Imperial Capital!

##### A. Imperial Capital Chedo #########################################

My Level: Ryu 39 / Nina 39 / Cray 38 / Ursula 38 / Scias 37 / Ershin 37

Item Shop: Vitamin (100Z), Antidote (12Z), Eye Drops (14Z),
Jabbergrass (20Z), Panacea (100Z), Ammonia (250Z),
Firecracker (700Z), Taser (1200Z)

Weapon Shop: Barbarossa (18000Z), Blessed Staff (12000Z), Cudgel (20000Z),
Mortar (24000Z), Diana's Dress (13000Z), Mist Armor (40000Z),
Hawk's Ring (6000Z), Spats (9000Z)

Items: Damascus Helm, 2000Z, Ivory Dice, Firecracker

Monsters: Bandit, Shadow, Gonger, Scavenger, Gonghead

For a town that was over-run by monsters, there are still quite a few
people left here. Remember to visit the shops, as you can purchase some of the
best equipment in the game here. Enter the East Gate which leads to the
Castle and you'll come to the run-down area of Chedo.

Head "through" the house to your south, then run up the stairs. After
going up, be sure to look nearby for a bag containing a Firecracker. Jump
across the gap, then run along the ledge to the north and down the stairs.
Walk under the arch to the west, up the next set of stairs, and enter the
building. Move to the east and go up the ladder, then run west and out the
door to reach a treasure chest containing a Damascus Helm. Run all the way
back down to the entrance of the building, and this time go west. Exit the
building again, and go up the stairs outside. Re-enter the building to the
north, and out the exit on the east side of the building. Pick up the chest
outside to obtain 2000 Zenny.

Go back inside and down the staircase. Move south, go further down,
and out the building once again. Move to the north and through the east
gate to reach the next section. Go east until you reach the next open gate,
then look to the south for a chest, containing some Ivory Dice. Move east
through the gate, and as you approach the far east gate of Chedo, you'll
meet up with Fou-Lu's other Guardian, the one responsible for the destruction
of Chedo! His attention will suddenly be turned to your party, and he will
Boss Fight
A-tur --> 50,000 HP, 50,000 EXP, 0 Z. Drops Moon Tears, Spirit Ring.
Frost Breath: Multi-hit water based attack against all allies
Sanctuary: Nullify all assist magic on ALL targets

This boss is quite tough, as his Frost Breath attack can really wreak
havoc on your party members, especially the one in front. You can't hold
anything back on this one... unload with your most powerful attacks and
Kaiser Breath. Use Nina's Vitalize (or Vigor) spells to put your party
back together after one of those Frost Breaths. Remember, as a Dragon,
Ryu's HP can't be restored, so Kaiser Breath may soon start to lose its
effectiveness. If this happens, use Aura Smash instead. This boss has a
lot of HP, so this will probably turn out to be quite a lengthy battle.

After the battle, you'll have a sequence with General Rhun. The gate
to the Imperial Castle will be opened, and the pathway to the final
struggle awaits you....

##### B. The Imperial Castle ############################################

My Level: Ryu 40 / Nina 40 / Cray 39 / Ursula 39 / Scias 38 / Ershin 38

Items: Ivory Dice, Hunting Cap, Vitamins, Icicle (x2), Magic Shard (x5),
Earth Ward, Fire Ward, Water Ward, Taser, MultiVitamin (x2),
Light Clothing, Belladonna (x4), Vitamin (x5), Protein (x2),
Power Food (x2), Defender, Dragon Helm, Firecracker (x3),
Aurum (x3), Shaman's Ring, Ammonia (x5), Mist Armor,
Life Shard (x5), Wisdom Fruit (x3), Super Vitamin (x3),
Healing Ring

Monsters: Kolpum, Chingol, Star Gazer, Shadow, Shade, Orochi, Karon,
Horseman, Goo King, Goo Nurse, Baby Goo, Eye Goo, Mage Goo,
Black Goo, Warder, Beihl, Quisit, Skullen, Gecko, Titan

Before crossing the bridge, walk to the north just near the bridge,
and you'll be able to go down under the bridge, across the river, and
up to the treasure chest nearby, which contains a Healing Ring. Go back
and enter the Castle and examine the crystal, and Fou-Lu's guardian (the
one you just defeated) will show up again. This time he'll recognize you
as Fou-Lu's other half, and carry you across to the actual castle. Once
inside, run down the stairs to the south, then around to the door on the
north wall. You can rest in this room, and you'll also find a key sitting
atop the dresser. Use Ershin to ram it and the key will fall down to you.
You can use this key to open the gate blocking the stairs leading downward.

Unlock the gate and proceed down the stairs. Run around the outside
of the room and across the wooden bridge to the east. Enter the doorway
in the north-east corner, and in the next room go into the room to the
east. You'll find a bunch of bookshelves in this room... if you examine
them you'll find that one of them contains some Ivory Dice! Go back out
of this room and enter the doorway to the west. Pass by the stairs in the
next room and continue south, then run east. Jump across the gap, then
run east, past some more stairs leading down, into the next room. Loot
all of the shelves in this room to obtain a Hunting Cap, some Vitamins,
and 2 Icicles. Then take the northwest exit from this small room to reach
a treasure chest in the room where you started, which contains 5 Magic

Backtrack through the shelf-filled room, then descend the stairs. Go
through the south-east doorway, then proceed down the stairs and back west,
to the main room. Ascend the stairs and enter the next room to find a bag
containing an Earth Ward. Backtrack all the way back to the stairs leading
up to the floor above, then go the north-west steps and into the doorway.
Run around the outside of this room, through another doorway, and east along
a vase-lined hallway. Continue along through several more rooms, and
descend the stairs down to the floor below.

Proceed south along the walkway then enter the door to your east.
Go north a bit, then through the door to the west to reach the other room.
Go down the steps and look for a nearby treasure chest, which contains a
Fire Ward. Backtrack up the steps and through the door, then walk along
the path to the east. Head for the center of the room, then go north to
reach a junction. Go east and through the door to reach a room with many
bookshelves. By searching them you can learn about the Empire's History,
as well as find a Water Ward cleverly hidden in one. Also be sure to
searching the dressers at the top of the room to obtain a Taser and 2
Multi Vitamins.

Exit this room and walk west along the path, past the junction, and head
down the stairs to reach the floor below. Run to the north and you'll reach
what looks like a dressing room. Search the row of clothes along the north
and you will find a Burglar Garb, a suit of armor that only Ursula can wear.
Exit stage east and proceed to the center of the room. Fully heal up all
characters, then confront the dragon in the center of the room. Time for a
boss fight!
Boss Fight
Dragonne --> 30,000 HP, 60,000 EXP, 3,600 Z. Drops Belladonna, Moon Tears.
*Ebonfire*: Non-elemental magic attack against one target
Sleep: Induce 'Sleep' in all targets

This battle will heal back half of its HP each turn unless you first
hit it with a breath attack (can you say "Kaiser Breath"?). As usual, turn
Ryu into the Kaiser Dragon and lay into the dragon with Kaiser Breath until
the monster's healing ability is "destroyed". Once it loses its healing
ability, pound on it with everything you have... have Ryu continue to use
Kaiser Breath while the others use their strongest skills or spells. This
really isn't that tough of a battle.

Once the dragon is dispatched, be sure to grab the "Blue Charm" where
the Dragon once stood... you'll need it to open up the sealed door(s) on the
upper floors. Now, continue to the east, but before going through the doorway,
explore the areas to the north and south... to the north you can find a Save
Point and a chest containing some Light Clothing, and also 2 Proteins and
2 Power Foods in cupboards. To the south you can find 4 Belladonnas (in a
cupboard), and 5 Vitamins. Once you're ready proceed east to reach a room
with two elevators. Use the north elevator to ascend back up to the top floor
(5F) and unseal the door with the Blue Charm. Search the dresser inside to
find a Defender (Armor for Ershin), then climb down the ladder to reach a
chest containing the Dragon Helm! Continue down the next ladder and jump
down to reach a bag containing 3 Firecrackers. Unseal the nearby door, and
make your way back up to the elevators at the top floor.

Take the elevator back down to the elevator room on the first floor,
then use the other elevator to descend to B1 (basement). Exit west and
go down the stairs, and you'll find an area sealed by the Yellow Charm.
Run to the south, and across the "bridge", and descend the stairs to the
floor below. Go west and through the doorway, and climb down the ladder in
the next room. Make your way north to find a chest containing 3 Aurums,
then climb the nearby ladder, and up the next ladder to go back up to the
floor above.

Exit to the north and follow the passage, and you'll come to a dead-end
where you'll find a Shaman's Ring (A VERY useful accessory, might I add!).
Return back to the ladder, and exit south. Pull the lever to make the "bridge"
rise up, then run under the bridge and down the stairs. Go into the door to
your north and you'll find the Yellow Charm! Before returning to the sealed
area, continue north and into the next room, and follow the long path until
you come to a door (coincidentally, sealed with the Yellow Charm). Unseal
it, and proceed south. The door to the east leads to the elevator room,
while to the south you can find a chest containing 5 units of Ammonia.
Backtrack to the room where you found the Yellow Charm, and go down the
ladder near the north exit. Follow the path over to the east side of the
room, where you can find a chest containing a suit of Mist Armor!

Now backtrack all the way back to the other area with the Yellow Seal.
Be sure to raise the bridge back up on your way back or else you won't be
able to get back across. Unseal the rope with the Yellow Charm, and proceed
down the stairs to the floor below. Proceed along the path and downstairs
once again, then continue through the next room, and you'll soon come to the
Red Charm! Take it up, then exit to the south and follow along the path to
reach a chest containing 5 Life Shards.

Return to the room where you found the Red Charm, and exit east, past
the Red sealed door. Unseal the elevator with the Red Charm as well, then
use it to travel to the core of the Imperial Palace. To the south is a room
with several cupboards, one of which contains 3 Wisdom Fruits. To the north
is a room with a few cupboards (one containing 3 Super Vitamins), and a
Save Point... the final one in the game. You'd be a fool not to use it.
If you have a lot of seeds (ones that work until you Rest), now would be
a very good time to use them.

Once you're fully prepared, go down the stairs to the west. After
descending many stairs leading further and further downwards, you'll find
yourself at the very bottom of the Imperial Castle. Move east to the throne
room and you will finally meet with Fou-Lu himself. After dispatching your
other party members (quite easily), Ryu runs up and confronts him. After
the sequences, move east behind the throne room and jump aboard the block.
You'll be taken to an above-ground castle-like area, where Fou-Lu is
waiting. After the conversation, Fou-Lu will attack!
Boss Fight
Fou-Lu --> N/A.
Whiteout --> Devastating attack against Ryu

You cannot "win" this battle, but you can "lose". The object in this
battle is to stay alive. Though you cannot defeat Fou-Lu, he can defeat you
and if that happens, it's "Game Over" I'm afraid. Defend and heal with
curative items as needed... don't even bother trying to attack him. After
a few rounds Fou-Lu will use the "Whiteout" ability upon Ryu, ending the

Afterwards you'll have a few more sequences, and, as in all the other
BoF games you'll be given a decision which will determine the outcome of
the entire game...

Choice 1 --> "Maybe so..."

After realizing the folly of mortals and their selfish ways, Ryu joins
with the Emperor Fou-Lu and becomes the Infini Dragon... the ultimate and
supreme dragon form. The only thing that now stands in the way of cleansing
the world is....
Final Battle?
Nina, Ershin, Cray, Scias and Ursula (9999 HP each)

In this battle you, as the Infini Dragon, must fight against your own
party members. Being the supreme being, Infini is pretty much invincible,
having 9999 HP and 999 AP, and healing 9999 HP each round. It has all of
the elemental magics, as well as "Soul Rend", a powerful ability that reduces
all targets to a single HP. Though the rest of the party will fight their
hardest, there is no way they will be able to overcome you. The only thing
you can do is to kill them....

After the battle, Fou-Lu will exit silently. Now nobody stands in his
way, so the world will surely be cleansed of all life as he wishes. This
ends the game, but surely you'd rather get the "true" ending.... ;)

Choice 2 --> "I don't know..."

Ryu refuses to believe that the world deserves such a fate, and that
no matter what problems it might have, he should believe in it. Fou-Lu then
summons the Tyrant Dragon in an attempt to free Ryu from the binds that are
keeping him from merging from Fou-Lu!
Final Battle?
Tyrant --> 75,000 HP, 0 EXP, 0 Z. Drops Royal Armor, Ambrosia.
Dark Wave: Non elemental breath attack against all targets
Malefication: Inflicts victims with all status ailments
Patoh Pah: Heavy earth-based damage to all targets
Ahryu P'ung: Heavy wind-based damage to all targets
Pa Bing'ah: Heavy water-based damage to all targets

*NOTE* If you're bold, you might try stealing the Royal Armor from the
Tyrant Dragon.

As you would expect, this battle is quite tough. As usual, transform
Ryu into the Kaiser Dragon, whilst the rest of the party use their most
powerful skills and spells... there's no reason to hold anything back at this
point. The Tyrant Dragon commands most of the abilities he uses normally,
and they can really hurt your party. Nina and Scias' healing spells (Vitalize
and Vigor) will be quite helpful in putting your party back together afterwards.
Nina should heal each turn (if needed, and you probably will), while Ryu uses
Kaiser Breath. Attacks such as Shining Blade (or Shadowwalk), high level
elemental magic, and the Faerie Attacks (if you have many of them in the
barracks) work well enough. Tyrant's elemental "weakness" will change each
turn, so use a variety of magics on him. If Ryu runs of AP or starts reaching
a critical HP level, revert back, and have him attack or use any skills that
he has the AP left to use. Or better yet, bring someone else in to replace
him. The Tyrant Dragon has a lot of HP, but you can beat him. ^_^

After the battle, a confused Fou-Lu fails to comprehend Ryu's actions,
and after the conversation, he transforms himself into the Astral Dragon, to
end this once and for all.
Final Battle
Astral --> 75,000 HP, 0 EXP, 0 Z. Drops Royal Sword.
Soul Rend: Reduce all targets to 1 HP.
Malefication: Inflicts victims with all status ailments
Sanctuary: Nullify all assistant magic on ALL targets
Power Flux: Devastating attack against all targets
Earthbreaker: Fire+Earth attack against all targets
Catastrophe: Water+Earth attack against all targets

*NOTE* You can steal the Royal Sword, the most powerful 2-hit weapon
in the game, from the Astral Dragon.

Chances are your characters are in below-decent shape after the
last battle. If you have learned the Celerity skill, now would be a very
good time to use it... the Celerity/Vitalize/Vitalize combo can give all
of your characters a very generous boost in statistics while healing them
up at the same time. Even though the Astral Dragon has Sanctuary (which
nullifies this), even a few turns' worth is better than nothing. Use the
next turn to use the Ambrosia you obtained from the previous battle to
restore the Dragons up to health, and use a few Wisdom Fruits to regain
characters (-cough- Ryu) who are low on AP. The Astral Dragon has the
very annoying Soul Rend ability, which drops all characters to a single
HP... be ready with a Vigor spell (or Moon Tears) after this. Once you're
powered back up, transform Ryu back into the Kaiser Dragon and lay into him
with everything you've got. Ursula can do quite a bit of damage with her
Inferno spell, especially when powered up with Celerity (and/or Nina's
Inspire spell). As always, Kaiser Breath can whittle away at the enemy's
HP, and Shining Blade/Shadowwalk also work well. If Ryu's HP starts
running low (or you get hit with that blasted Soul Rend), change him back.
Since this is the FINAL battle, there's no need to hold anything back...
now is a good time for using such items as Moon Tears, Wisdom Fruits,
Super Vitamins, and the like. The Astral Dragon also has a very high
amount of HP, but provided you keep your party in good shape, you will
be able to win. ^_^

After defeating the Astral Dragon, all you have to do is sit back and
watch the ending... you deserve it. Congratulations, you've finished the
game! After the credits roll, you'll be prompted to make a "Clear Game"
Save, which puts you back on the World Map with your current game statistics.

##### Clear Game ############################################################

Once you completed the game, there a few "extra" things you can do.
Return to the Abandoned Village near Chek and you'll find a guy who will
upgrade your treasure for you (in case you missed the one in Ludia). In
addition, you'll also find a shop here, run by Rei and Teepo of BoF3! You
can buy outsanding items here!

Rei & Teepo's Shop: Midas' Armor (5000Z), Medallion (888Z), King Frog (800Z),
Toothpick (20Z), Chopsticks (40Z), Straw (20Z)

Additionally, if you talk to Teepo, he will the "Rusted Sword". It may
seem like a piece of crap, but if you kill 1,000 monsters with it (no easy
task I might add), it will turn into the "Slayer"... a much better weapon!

Above all, have fun! Thanks for reading the walkthrough... I hope it
was of assistance. ^_^

******************************END OF WALKTHROUGH*******************************


This section is a compilation of all the items, equipment, monsters,
spells, skills, and just about everything else that you would need to look up.

##### Items ################################################################

(*) denotes that the item is a "Key Item".

Item Name |Effect
Acheron |Induces 'Poison' in ALL combatants.
Ambrosia |Fully restores all Dragons' HP.
Ammonia |Revives a fallen ally and restores 1/4 of their HP.
Angelfish |Revives a fallen ally and restores 1/2 of their HP.
Angler |Deals heavy Water+Earth damage to all targets.
Antidote |Cures 'Poison' status for one target.
Apple |Restores 100 HP to one target.
Aurum |Used to transfer Skills to other characters at Camp.
Barandy |Restores all HP and bad status of one target.
Bass |Restores 500 HP to one target.
Bead (*) |Needed to get through Fou-Lu's Tomb
Belladonna |Can instantly kill one target.
Bent Screw |Can be used to make armor.
Berries |Restores 50 HP to one target.
Bird Drop |Can be used for fertilizer.
Black Bass |Restores 1200 HP to one target.
Black Porgy |Restores 100 AP to one target.
Blowfish |Cures 'Poison' status in one target.
Blue Charm (*) |Unseals blue sealed doors in the Imperial Castle
Blue Gill |Deals minor water damage to one target.
Bond (*) |Needed to purchase a sandflier.
Bonito |Restores all HP to one target.
Brass Ball (*) |Can be traded with treasure collectors around the world.
Bronze Ball (*) |Can be traded with treasure collectors around the world.
Browntail |Raises Defense Power of one target.
Bullcat |Deals moderate Earth+Fire damage to all targets.
Copper Ball (*) |Can be traded with treasure collectors around the world.
Crank (*) |Used to activate the lift at the Dam.
Croc Tear |Restores 20 HP + Chance of curing bad status
Dark Draught |Increases many statistics (lasts until you Rest)
Dodge Seed |Increases Evade % (lasts until you Rest)
Dorado |Restores 800 HP to all targets.
Dragon Scale |Raises Defense Power of one target in battle.
Draught |Raises Power/Defense/Agility/Wisdom (lasts until you Rest)
Draught + |Greater increase in Pwr/Def/Agi/Wis (lasts until you Rest)
Earth Seed |Increases resistance to Earth (lasts until you Rest)
Electrode |Deals moderate earth damage to all targets.
Electrum Ball (*)|Can be traded with treasure collectors around the world.
Elixer |Raises resistance to elemental magic (lasts until you Rest)
Elixer + |Greater resistance to elemental magic (lasts until you Rest)
Eye Drops |Cures 'Blind' status for one target.
Faerie Drop (*) |A rare item needed to re-forge the King's Sword.
Firecracker |Deals major fire-based damage to one target.
Fire Seed |Incresaes resistance to Fire (lasts until you Rest)
Flank |Restores 10 AP to one target.
Flash Grenade |Induces 'Blindness' status in one target.
Flatfish |Cures bad status in one target.
Flying Fish |Restores 100 HP + Chance of curing bad status
Fish-Head |Permanently raises Wisdom by 1.
Ginseng |Raises Attack Power of target in battle.
Glass Shard |Can be used to make armor.
Gold Ball (*) |Can be traded with treasure collectors around the world.
Hard Seed |Increases Defense Power (lasts until you Rest)
Headband |Increases Wisdom of one target in battle.
Healing Herb |Restores 300 HP to one target.
Holy Seed |Increases effect of Healing magic (lasts until you Rest)
Icicle |Deals a heavy amount of water damage to all targets.
Iron Ball (*) |Can be traded with treasure collectors around the world.
Iron Scraps |Can be used to make armor.
Ivory Dice |Doubles EXP and Z gained from current battle.
Jabbergrass |Cures 'Mute' condition in one target.
Jadestone (*) |Activates the Shrine near Tarhn's Campsite
Jar (*) |A rare and valuable jar.
Jellyfish |Restores 50 HP to one target.
Knockout Gas |Puts one target to 'Sleep'
Lead Ball (*) |Can be traded with treasure collectors around the world.
Life Shard |Permanently raises Max HP by 10.
Loins |Restores 800 HP to all targets.
Lottery Stub |?????
Magic Shard |Permanently raises Max AP by 1.
Man-o'-War |Restores 50 HP to one target.
Martian Squid |Removes all magical effects in battle.
Molotov |Deals minor fire damage to one enemy in combat.
Moon Tears |Fully restores HP and bad status for all allies!!
Moorfish |Chance of reviving ally with 1 HP.
Mouth Gag |Induces 'Mute' condition in one target.
Mozweed |Cures bad status in one target.
Multi Vitamin |Restores 1500 HP to one target.
Napalm |Deals a moderate amount of fire&wind damage to all targets.
Octopus |Induces 'Blind' status in all targets.
Old Tire |Can be used to make armor.
Panacea |Cures all abnormal status conditions in one target.
Phoenix Seed |Increases resistance to Death attacks (lasts until you Rest)
Piranha |Restores 150 HP to one target.
Platinum Ball (*)|The most valuable treasure...
Poison Powder |Induces 'Poison' in one target.
Protein |Permanently raises Defense by 1.
Rainbow Trout |Raises Attack Power of one ally in combat.
Red Charm (*) |Unseals red sealed doors in the Imperial Castle.
Reflex Seed |Raises Dodge % (lasts until you Rest)
Ribs |Restores 300 HP to one target.
Rice Ball |Restores 1500 HP to one target.
Roast |Restore 500 HP to one target + Chance of curing bad status
Rusty Pipe |Can be used to make armor.
Sage Seed |Increases Wisdom (lasts until you Rest)
Salmon |Restores 30 AP to all targets.
Scorched Rice |A burnt, blackened ball of rice.
Sea Bass |Restores 400 HP to one target.
Sea Bream |Restores 30 AP to one target.
Ship Parts (*) |Parts to the broken Sandflier.
Sight Seed |Raises chance of learning skills (lasts until you Rest)
Silver Ball (*) |Can be traded with treasure collectors around the world.
Sluice Key (*) |The key to the Sluice in the Dam.
Spearfish |Restores 1500 HP to all targets.
Speed Seed |Raises Agility (lasts untl you Rest)
Spirit Seed |Increases resistance to Sleep/Confuse (lasts until you Rest)
Stamp Card |Can be traded for various items at the Manillo shops.
Straw |Suck away HP from one target.
Strength Seed |Increases Attack Power (lasts until you Rest)
Strike Seed |Increases Critical Hit % (lasts until you Rest)
Sturgeon |Revives all fallen allies with 1/4 HP (can fail)
Super Vitamin |Restores all HP to one target.
Swallow Eye |Permanently raises Agility by 1.
Sweetfish |Restores 5 AP to one target.
Target Seed |Increases Counter-Attack rate (lasts until you Rest)
Taser |Deals heavy wind&water damage to all targets.
Tin Ball (*) |Can be traded with treasure collectors around the world.
Trout |Restores 10 AP to one target.
Vigor Seed |Increases resistance to status change (lasts until you Rest)
Vitamin |Restores 800 HP to one target.
Vitamins |Restores 1000 HP to all targets.
Void Sphere |Deals major wind-based damage to all targets.
Wassail |Increases resistance to mind/status change (lasts until you Rest)
Wassail + |Greater resistance to mind/status change (lasts until you Rest)
Water Bomb |Deals a minor amount of water damage to one target.
Water Seed |Increases resistance to Water (lasts until you Rest)
Wave Stone (*) |Needed to get through the Fane of the Sea God
Weather Vane |Deals minor wind-based damage to one target.
Whale |Restores all HP and bad status of all targets.
Wind Flute (*) |Needed to enter the Tower of the Wind Dragon.
Wind Seed |Increases resistance to Wind (lasts until you Rest)
Wisdom Fruit |Restores 150 AP to one target
Wisdom Seed |Restores 30 AP to one target.
Won-qu's Gem (*) |The final key to Emperor Fou-Lu's Tomb.
Yellow Charm (*) |Unseals yellow sealed doors in the Imperial Castle

##### Weapons ##############################################################


Arquebus Ursula Chiqua
+70 Power Weight 2 Range Attack
A rifle used by mounted troops.
Ascension Ryu/Scias Dropped by 'Gecko'
+95 Power Weight 6 Holy Based
Critical Hit Chance +5%
Atomic Punch Ershin Found in Canal
+93 Power Weight 1 Range Attack
An improved Rocket Punch.
Bamboo Stick Nina Faerie Colony (Ordinary Weapon Shop)
+8 Power Weight 3 Cures 'Confusion' when used
Barbarossa Ryu/Scias Chedo
+112 Power Weight 8 --
A sword with a finely honed blade.
Bastard Sword Ryu Wyndia
+42 Power Weight 6 --
A true warrior's weapon.
Battle Rod Nina Ryp
+61 Power Weight 2 Range Attack
A fighting staff.
Baton Nina Nina's Initial Equipping
+5 Power Weight 1 Range Attack
Allows Nina to fire energy balls
Biter Scias Wyndia
+30 Power Weight 3 +1 Hits (2 Attacks)
+3 to Critical Hit Percentage
Blessed Staff Nina Chedo
+84 Power Weight 2 Holy-Based, Range Attack
Casts "Heal" when used as an item in battle.
Broad Sword Ryu/Scias Manillo Store in Shyde
+38 Power Weight 8 +5 to user's Defense
Broken Sword Ryu "Obtained" after encounter with Rasso
+4 Power Weight 2 --
Broken Ludian King's Sword
Bowie Knife Ryu/Scias Chamba
+10 Power Weight 1 --
A straight-bladed knife.
Chopsticks Ryu/Scias Manillo Store in Chiqua
+2 Power Weight 0 Attack Power increased against flies
Used for eating food.
Claymore Ryu/Scias Shikk
+56 Power Weight 8 --
A large, two-handed sword.
Cleaver Scias Dropped by 'Horseman'
+119 Power Weight 10 --
Deals additional damage to dragon-type monsters.
Crusher Cray Koshka
+86 Power Weight 8
So powerful that it can crush bones through armor!
Cudgel Cray Chedo
+115 Power Weight 10
A wild weapon for a wild warrior.
Culverin Ursula Manillo Store in Astana
+108 Power Weight 6 Range Attack, Hits all enemies
Hit Percentage + 20, Critical Hit Chance + 5
Cursed Sword Ryu Dropped by 'Rider'
+90 Power Weight 2 --
Damage based on remaining HP.
Damascus Sword Ryu/Scias Astana
+104 Power Weight 5
A very powerful sword made of blended steel.
Dragon Blade Ryu ?
+128 Power Weight 8 --
Has same effect as "Might" spell.
Dragonslayer Ryu Obtained from Yuna
+70 Power Weight 15 --
The legendary "God-killer".
Drill Punch Ershin Found in Mt. Glom
+32 Power Weight 1 Range Attack
A powerful drill weapon.
Earthbreaker Cray Manillo Store in Astana
+126 Power Weight 12 Earth Based
Casts "Stone Pillar" when used in battle.
Earth Claws Ershin Manillo Store in Shyde
+26 Power Weight 1 Earth Based, Range Attack
Electrifier Ursula Found in Fou-Lu's Tomb
+110 Power Weight 2 Range Attack
Low power but makes a large noise.
Feather Sword Ryu/Scias Koshka
+88 Power Weight 1 --
Very powerful, but light as a feather!
Firangi Scias Manillo Store in Shyde
+58 Power Weight 2 +1 Hits (2 Attacks)
Flail Cray Manillo Store in Shyde
+45 Power Weight 13 +1 Hits (2 Attacks)
A rod with two heavy spiked balls chained to it.
Flame Punch Ershin Dropped by 'Maman'
+20 Power Weight 1 Fire Based, Range Attack
Flamethrower Ursula Koshka
+60 Power Weight 4 Fire Based, Hits all enemies
Casts "Fireblast" when used as an item in battle.
Flame Sword Ryu Dropped by 'Ight'
+35 Power Weight 2 Fire Based, +1 Hits (2 Attacks)
Flintlock Ursula Shikk
+42 Power Weight 2 Range Attack, +1 Hits (2 Attacks)
A firearm used by mounted troops.
Fork Ershin Dropped by 'Krabby'
+14 Power Weight 1 Range Attack, Induces 'Blindness'
Used for eating food....
Ghostbuster Ershin Found in Imperial HQ
+85 Power Weight 1 Range Attack
Deals extra damage to demons
Giant Club Cray Manillo Store in Chiqua
+99 Power Weight 16 Can stun target
Goo King Sword Ryu Dropped by 'Goo King'
+152 Power Weight 4 --
Hidden Dagger Scias Faerie Colony (Lazy Weapon Shop)
+42 Power Weight 2 Can cause Sudden Death
A simple dagger.
Homing Bomb Ershin Found in Pung'tap
+40 Power Weight 1 Range Attack, Very high Hit %
Automatically tracks target.
Ice Blade Scias Faerie Colony (Diligent Weapon Shop)
+50 Power Weight 8 Water Based
Can induce 'Sleep' in enemies.
Ice Punch Ershin Dropped by 'Ymechaf'
+20 Power Weight 1 Water Based, Range Attack
Jang'do Scias Scias' Initial Equipping
+22 Power Weight 3 +1 Hits (2 Attacks)
A short blade used by some warriors.
Katzbalger Ryu/Scias Ershin's Initial Equipping
+30 Power Weight 4 --
Used by professional soldiers.
Linked Pole Cray Manillo Store
+133 Power Weight 8 --
Damage based on enemy's Attack Power
Log Cray Cray's Initial Equipping
+13 Power Weight 4 Earth-Based Attack
A simple yet effective weapon.
King's Sword Ryu Ryu's Initial Equipping
+12 Power Weight 2 Holy-Based Attack
Casts "Protect" when used as an item in battle
Mace Cray Wyndia
+43 Power Weight 6 --
A heavy blunt weapon.
Magic Wand Nina Kyoin
+18 Power Weight 2 Range Attack
Raises the user's CP by 3.
Mass Driver Ershin Dropped by 'Chopam'
+104 Power Weight 1 Range Attack
Hi-tech Rocket Punch.
Moon Sword Ryu/Scias Dropped by 'Bandit'
+28 Power Weight 4 --
A sword with a curved blade.
Mortar Ursula Chedo
+102 Power Weight 6 Fire Based, Hits all enemies
A high-speed rifle with a wide firing range.
Multi Gun Ursula Dropped by 'Bot'
+40 Power Weight 2 Range Attack, +1 Hits (2 Attacks)
Emphasizes speed over power.
Nunchaku Cray Dropped by 'Trean'
+145 Power Weight 8 --
Hit Chance -10%, Critical Hit Chance +5%
Ouroboros Nina Dropped by 'Beihl'
+96 Power Weight 2 Range Attack
Casts "Raise Dead" when used in battle.
Piercing Edge Ryu/Scias Ryp
+72 Power Weight 5 --
Casts "Weaken" when used in battle.
Pointed Stick Nina Found in Woods near Kyria
+2 Power Weight 1 Range Attack
A branch with sharp thorns. Not the best choice for a weapon.
Pole Cray ?
+66 Power Weight 6 +1 Hits (2 Attacks)
A flexible, joined staff.
Power Glove Ershin Manillo Store in Chiqua
+95 Power Weight 1 Range Attack
Critical Hit rate of 20%, if enemy's has 1/4 or less of it's HP.
Quarterstaff Cray Shikk
+54 Power Weight 7
Can be used for striking or poking.
Raptor Claws Ershin Dropped by 'Armor'
+24 Power Weight 1 Wind Based, Range Attack
Can create powerful winds.
Reed Baton Nina Ludia
+28 Power Weight 2 Range Attack
Often used by guards and police officers.
Red Knuckles Ershin Ershin's Initial Equipping
+12 Power Weight 1 Range Attack
A pair of working gloves.
Render Scias Manillo Store
+50 Power Weight 6 Water Based, +1 Hits (2 Attacks)
Casts "Frost" when used in battle.
Repeater Ursula Manillo Store in Chiqua
+82 Power Weight 6 Range Attack, +1 Hits (2 Attacks)
A gun with rapid-fire capability.
Rocket Punch Ershin Found in Mt. Ryft
+51 Power Weight 1 Range Attack
A rocket-propelled punch-weapon.
Royal Sword Fou-Lu Fou-Lu's Sword, Steal from Astral
+96 Power Weight 6 +1 Hits (2 Attacks)
Casts "Drain" when used as an item in battle
Ruby Scepter Nina Manillo Store in Shyde
+30 Power Weight 2 Fire Based, Range Attack
A staff decorated with a large ruby.
Rune Staff Nina Koshka
+72 Power Weight 2
+5 to user's CP, and +5 to Wisdom.
Rusted Sword Ryu Rei and Teepo's Shop
+40 Attack Weight 2
If used to defeat 1,000 monsters, this weapon will turn into the "Slayer"!
Sage's Staff Nina Sarai
+12 Power Weight 2 Range Attack
+5 Wisdom for the equipped character
Scattershot Ursula Ursula's Initial Equipping
+35 Power Weight 4 Range attack, hits all enemies
Fires many pellets simultaneously.
Scramasax Ryu/Scias Kyoin
+13 Power Weight 2 +1 Hits (2 Attacks)
A light, double-bladed sword.
Short Sword Ryu/Scias Found in the Dam
+15 Power Weight 3 --
A short sword often used by guards.
Slayer Ryu Transformed Rusted Sword
+80 Attack Weight 4 +1 Hits (2 Attacks)
A powerful sword, but sometimes hits your party members...
Slicer Ryu/Scias Dropped by 'Kolpum'
+78 Power Weight 4 +1 Hits (2 Attacks)
Skull Staff Nina Manillo Store in Chiqua
+13 Power Weight 2 Can instantly kill target
A staff said to have been used by Charon.
Sparkler Ursula Ryp
+50 Power Weight 4 Fire Based, hits all enemies
A long-barreled gun.
Spiked Rod Cray Worent
+35 Power Weight 5 --
A heavy club imbedded with sharp steel nails.
Steel Bat Cray Kyoin
+25 Power Weight 5 --
A large, steel rod.
Stone Club Cray Ryp
+65 Power Weight 6 --
A long staff commonly used by horsemen.
Stunner Ershin Faerie Colony (Ordinary Weapon Shop)
+70 Power Weight 1 Range Attack
Can 'Confuse' the target.
Taegum Scias Faerie Colony (Ordinary Weapon Shop)
+36 Power Weight 4 +1 Hits (2 Attacks)
A long and lightweight sword.
Toxic Claws Ershin Found in Jungle
+62 Power Weight 1 Range Attack
Can induce 'Poison' in the enemy.
Wand of Air Nina Wyndia
+38 Power Weight 1 Range Attack, Wind-Based
Casts "Sever" when used as an item in battle
Warding Staff Nina Found in En Jhou Ruins
+56 Power Weight 3 Range Attack
Increases the user's resistance to magical attacks.
Weather Wand Nina Found on Mt. Giga
+48 Power Weight 2 Range Attack, Wind-Based

##### Armor ################################################################


Amber BPlate Ryu/Cray/Scias/Ursula Ursula's Initial Equipping
+28 Defense Weight 4 --
Armor decorated with amber.
Angel's Vest Nina/Ursula Dropped by 'Warder'
+94 Defense Weight 4 --
Worn by an ancient Wyndian Hero.
Armored Vest Ryu/Nina/Cray/Scias/U Koshka
+60 Power Weight 4
Increases resistance to "ranged" attacks.
Asbestos Armor Ryu/Cray/Scias/Ursula Found in Ice Peak
+26 Defense Weight 4 --
Cloth armor reinforced with metal.
Blizzard Mail Ryu/Cray/Scias Koshka
+66 Defense Weight 6
Increases resist. to Wind&Water, but lowers resist. to Fire&Earth.
Booster Ershin Smithy Forge
+20 Defense Weight 5 --
Can have same effect as "Firewind" during counterattack.
Brigandine Ryu/Cray/Scias Shikk
+35 Defense Weight 5
Steel plates bound together with straps.
Burglar Garb Ursula Found in Imperial Castle
+77 Defense Weight 5 --
Increases Critical Hit chance by 10%.
Chain Cap Ryu/Cray/Scias/Ursula Kyion, Dropped by 'Cadaver'
+10 Defense Weight 4 --
Armor made of linked chains.
Chopam Plate Ershin Dropped by 'Chopam'
+50 Defense Weight 8
Resists physical and magical attacks.
Clothing Ryu/Cray/Scias/Ursula Ryu's Initial Equipping
+4 Defense Weight 2 --
Popular everyday wear.
Crepe Cape Nina/Ursula Kyoin
+12 Defense Weight 2 --
An elegant cape with crepe design.
Cuirass Ryu/Cray/Scias/Ursula Dropped by 'Armor'
+13 Defense Weight 4 --
A steel breastplate.
Damascus Mail Ryu/Cray/Scias/Ursula Astana
+88 Defense Weight 6
A very powerful suit of armor made of blended steel.
Defender Ershin Found in Imperial Castle
+30 Defense Weight 5
Casts 'Barrier' at the start of battle.
Diana's Dress Nina/Ursula Chedo
+83 Defense Weight 5
Once worn by an ancient Goddess...
Dragon Armor Ryu ?
+96 Defense Weight 8
Resists breath-type attacks.
Earth Armor Ershin Smithy Forge
+30 Defense Weight 5 --
Offers immunity to earth-based attacks.
Earth Rig Ershin Smithy Forge
+30 Defense Weight 5 --
Offers resistance to earth-based attacks.
Fancy Dress Nina/Ursula Nina's Initial Equipping
+5 Defense Weight 2 --
Charming evening wear
Fighting Robe Ryu/Nina/Cray/Scias Found in Pung'tap
+23 Defense Weight 3 --
Light clothes favored by fighters.
Fire Rig Ershin Smithy Forge
+30 Defense Weight 5 --
Offers resistance to fire attacks.
Flame Armor Ershin Smithy Forge
+30 Defense Weight 5 --
Offers immunity to fire-based attacks.
Force Armor Ryu/Cray/Scias/Ursula Manillo Store in Chiqua
+82 Defense Weight 7 --
Same effect as "Barrier" spell when worn.
Full Plate Ryu/Cray/Scias Ryp
+47 Defense Weight 8 --
Offers full protection, but heavy.
Gargantua Ershin Ershin's Initial Equipping
+25 Defense Weight 8 --
Ershin's suit of full-body armor. It can even resist the
effect of the dangerous "Hex".
Gideon's Garb Cray Dropped by 'Battle Suit'
+93 Defense Weight 10 +10 Attack
Gravedigger Ershin Smithy Forge
+20 Defense Weight 5 --
Can have same effect as "Eruption" during counterattack.
Heavy Armor Ershin Smithy Forge
+40 Defense Weight 10 --
Harder and heavier than chitin.
Holy Robe Nina/Ursula Manillo Store in Chiqua
+64 Defense Weight 4 --
Robe like those worn by priests.
Hydro Armor Ershin Smithy Forge
+30 Defense Weight 5 --
Offers immunity to water-based attacks.
King's Armor Scias Dropped by 'Rider'
+100 Defense Weight 7 --
Same effect as "Focus" when worn.
Leather Armor Ryu/Cray/Scias/Ursula Sarai
+5 Defense Weight 2 --
Lightweight, supple cloth armor.
Life Armor Ryu/Cray/Scias/Ursula Manillo Store in Astana
+90 Defense Weight 9 --
Restores 100 HP each turn in battle.
Light Armor Ershin Smithy Forge
+10 Defense Weight 0 +20 Agility, +10 Evade %
Light Clothing Ryu/Nina/Scias/Ursula Found in Imperial Castle
+34 Defense Weight 0 --
Has same effect as "Speed" when worn.
Lightning Ershin Smithy Forge
+0 Defense Weight 0 +40 Agility, +20 Evade %
Maelstrom Ershin Smithy Forge
+20 Defense Weight 5 --
Can have same effect as "Storm" during counterattack.
Mage's Robes Nina/Ursula Wyndia
+19 Defense Weight 3 Offers slight resistance to magic attacks
Magma Armor Ryu/Cray/Scias Chiqua
+66 Defense Weight 6 --
Increases resist. to Fire&Earth, but lowers resist. to Wind&Water.
Manly Clothes Ryu/Cray/Scias Found in Worent (Elders' House)
+17 Defense Weight 3 Revives user once, but is then destroyed
Midas' Armor Ryu/Cray/Scias/Ursula Rei & Teepo's Shop
+25 Defense Weight 5 --
Damage taken while wearing this is added to Z received at end of battle!
Mist Armor Ryu/Cray/Scias Chedo
+93 Defense Weight 8
A suit of armor that contains the essence of Water.
Mithril Armor Ryu/Cray/Scias/Ursula Pauk
+64 Defense Weight 5 --
Armor made of the legendary armor 'Mithril'.
Mithril Rig Ershin Smithy Forge
+50 Defense Weight 15 --
A suit of armor made of a Chitin/Aurum hybrid metal.
Orihalcyon Ershin Smithy Forge
+30 Defense Weight 5 --
Increases Critical Hit chance.
Panzer Ershin Smithy Forge
+20 Defense Weight 5 --
Can have same effect as "Jolt" during counterattack.
Party Dress Nina/Ursula Wyndia
+25 Defense Weight 4 --
An elegant cocktail dress.
Phantom Dress Nina/Ursula Dropped by 'Warlok'
+75 Defense Weight 6 --
Increases resist. to Mind, Status, and Death attacks, but lowers
effectiveess of Holy-based magic.
Psychometer Ershin Smithy Forge
+20 Defense Weight 5 --
+20 to wearer's Wisdom.
Quicksilver Ershin Smithy Forge
+30 Defense Weight 5 --
Casts "Speed" at beginning of combat.
Ranger Garb Ryu/Nina/Cray/Scias Worent
+16 Defense Weight 3 Lessens damage from fire-based attacks
Robe of Wind Nina/Ursula Ryp
+44 Defense Weight 0 Wind-based evade rate +5%
A robe worn by wizards of the wind.
Royal Armor Fou-Lu Fou-Lu's Armor, Steal from Tyrant
+102 Defense Weight 8 --
Blessed armor used by Fou-Lu
Sage's Frock Nina/Ursula Faerie Colony (Diligent Weapon Shop)
+50 Defense Weight 4
+5 to user's Wisdom.
Scale Mail Ryu/Cray/Scias/Ursula Scias' Initial Equipping
+20 Defense Weight 5 --
Made of overlapping metal plates.
Short Skirt Nina/Ursula Faerie Colony (Lazy Weapon Shop)
+32 Defense Weight 1 --
Slightly lowers the user's resistance to magical attacks.
Silver Mail Ryu/Cray/Scias/Ursula Found in Tidal Flats, Chiqua
+54 Defense Weight 5 --
Shiny plate armor with a high Defense.
Spirit Armor Ershin Smithy Forge
+25 Defense Weight 5 --
+10 to wearer's Wisdom.
Star Dress Nina/Ursula Manillo Store in Astana
+92 Defense Weight 6 --
+5 to the wearer's CP.
Steel BPlate Ryu/Cray/Scias/Ursula Dropped by 'Soldier'
+17 Defense Weight 3 --
A steel breastplate.
Stout Mail Ershin Smithy Forge
+30 Defense Weight 5
Strong armor... but that's all.
Waistcloth Ryu/Nina/Cray/Scias Found in North Chamba
+8 Defense Weight 2 --
Leaves little to the imagination...
Water Rig Ershin Smithy Forge
+30 Defense Weight 5 --
Offers resistance to water-based attacks.
Wetsuit Ryu/Nina/Cray/Scias Found in Fane of the Sea God
+30 Defense Weight 7 --
Offers resistance to water-based attacks.
Whirlwind Ershin Smithy Forge
+30 Defense Weight 5 --
Offers resistance to wind-based attacks.
Wind Armor Ershin Smithy Forge
+30 Defense Weight 5 --
Offers immunity to wind-based attacks.
Wolfskin Ryu/Nina/Scias/Ursula Pauk
+72 Defense Weight 4 --
A symbol of a mighty hunter.

##### Accessories ##########################################################


Artemis' Cap Found in Ludia Castle
+4 Defense Weight 1
Increases the user's accuracy by 25%.
Astral Ward Manillo Store at Checkpoint
Raises Magical resistance, yet lowers physical resistance.
Aura Ring Astana
Increases the user's resistance to mind-based attacks.
Balance Ring Found in Wyndia Castle Basement
+4 Defense Weight 2
Protects the wearer from 'Confusion' status
Bandana Sarai
+2 Defense Weight 1
Not a very strong piece of armor...
Barrier Ring Manillo Store at Checkpoint
Protects wearer against Mind (Sleep and Confusion) attacks.
Bell Collar Manillo Store in Shyde
+3 Defense Weight 2
Increases encounter rate.
Body Ward Manillo Store at Checkpoint
Raises physical resistance, yet lowers magical resistance.
Brass Helm Sarai
+3 Defense Weight 2
Standard issue military helmet.
Bronze Shield Worent
+7 Defense Weight 2
A typical shield, usable by just about anybody.
Buckler Dropped by 'FireAnt'
+13 Defense Weight 3
A small and light shield.
Combat Boots Ursula's Initial Equipping
+15 Defense Weight 3 --
Standard military issue.
Coupons Manillo Store
When worn you may get discounts when buying items!
Cupid's Lyre Dropped by 'Won-qu'
+3 Defense Weight 1 --
Restores HP (10/step on field, 50/turn in battle)
Damascus Helm Astana
+19 Defense Weight 4
A very powerful helmet made of blended steel.
Demon's Helm Dropped by 'MaskCrab'
+12 Defense Weight 3
A helmet made from a crab's shell.
Diamond Ring Manillo Store at Checkpoint
Protects the wearer from sudden-death attacks.
Divine Helm Found in Lake near Lyp
+14 Defense Weight 4 Protects from sudden-death attacks
Dragon Helm Found in Imperial Castle
+22 Defense Weight 4
A helmet with a dragon design.
Dragon Tear Fou-Lu's Equipping
Protects the wearer from ALL status effects
Dream Ring Faerie Colony (Ordinary Weapon Shop)
+3 Defense Weight 2
Completely protects the user from 'Sleep'.
Dress Shoes Faerie Colony (R/P/S Prize)
+10 Defense Weight 0
Stylish heeled shoes.
Earth Ward Dropped by 'Yeleb'
Increases the user's resistance to earth-based magic attacks.
Face Guard Astana
+8 Defense Weight 3
Protects the user's face.
Fire Ward Found in Mt.Glom
Increases user's resistance to fire-based attacks.
Glass Domino Dropped by 'Zombie', Kyoin
+5 Defense Weight 2
A glass mask with good defensive power.
Hairband Nina's Initial Equipping
+1 Defense Weight 0
Nina's prized possession
Harmonic Ring Faerie Colony (Kecak game)
Increases chance of combo success.
Hawk's Ring Faerie Colony (Lazy Weapon Shop)
+5 Defense Weight 1
Increases the user's alertness.
Healing Ring Manillo Store in Astana
Wearer will recover from status in 1 turn instead of 3 turns (in back row)
Holy Mantle Manillo Store in Shyde
+2 Defense Weight 1
Decreases encounter rate.
Hunting Cap Faerie Colony (Lazy Weapon Shop)
+1 Defense Weight 1
+40 to the user's Skill learning Percentage.
Ivory Bangle Obtained in Sonne (Fou-Lu)
+9 Defense Weight 1
Restores HP (30 HP/step on field, 150 HP/turn in battle)
Life Sandals Found in Chamba, Astana
Increases the user's resistance to status abnormalities.
Light Bangle Found in Dragon Shrine
Protects the user from attacks that cause abnormal status.
Long Boots Wyndia
+9 Defense Weight 3
Knee-high cured leather boots.
Medallion Rei & Teepo's Shop
Increases Power by 3 and decreases Defense by 3 for each person who wears one.
If everyone is wearing a Medallion, there is no decrease in Defense.
Midas Stone Faerie Colony (R/P/S game)
+0 Defense Weight 10
Increases Z won after battle by 50%.
Poison Ward Chiqua
Completely protects the user from Poison.
Red Cape Ershin's Initial Equipping
Increases chance of counter-attack.
Ring of Clay Found in Village of Sonne
Allows the user to absorb earth-based attacks.
Ring of Fire Found in Island of Fire
Allows the user to absorb fire-based attacks.
Ring of Ice Obtained from Gyorim (Task #1)
Allows the user to absorb water-based attacks.
Ring of Wind Found in Wyndia Castle
Allows the user to absorb wind-based attacks.
Shaman's Ring Faerie Colony (Lazy Weapon Shop)
Reduces AP cost of all abilities by 25%!
Spats Chedo
+17 Defense Weight 0
Form-fitting leggings.
Speed Boots Faerie Colony (Diligent Weapon Shop)
+3 Defense Weight 0
+20 to user's Agility.
Spirit Ring Dropped by 'A-tur'
Doubles wearer's CP.
Soul Gem Sarai
Will automatically bring user back to life when killed, but the
Soul Gem will shatter.
Soul Ring Found in Sinchon
Increases the user's CP by 50%.
Talisman Astana
Increases the user's resistance to sudden-death attacks.
Titan's Boots Faerie Colony (Diligent Weapon Shop)
+6 Defense Weight 3
+10 to user's Attack Power.
Toothpick Dropped by 'Rat'
Can raise Critical Hit chance by 5%.
Topaz Tear Manillo Store at Checkpoint
Increases effect of user's Healing magic.
UV Goggles Chiqua
+3 Defense Weight 1
Completely protects the user from 'Blindness'.
Water Ward Found in Ershin's Mind
Increases the user's resistance to water-based magic attacks.
Wind Ward Dropped by 'Azeus'
Increases the user's resistance to wind-based magic attacks.
Winged Boots Faerie Colony (Diligent Weapon Shop)
+4 Defense Weight 0
+20 to user's Evade Percentage.
Wisdom Ring Faerie Colony (Diligent Weapon Shop)
+3 Defense Weight 2
+20 to user's Wisdom.

##### Magic ################################################################


Barrier Power-Up Nina (Lv.8) 4 AP
Doubles Magic Defense for 3 turns of combat.
Blizzard Water Scias (Lv.28), Ershin (after rejoin) 12 AP
Deals heavy water-based damage to all targets.
Blunt Pwr-Down Cray (Lv.14) 1 AP
Lowers Attack Power of one target.
Confuse ST Change Scias (Initial), Ursula (Initial) 2 AP
Induces 'Confusion' in one target.
Cyclone Wind Nina (Lv.14), Ursula (Lv.21) 6 AP
Deals a moderate amount of wind damage to all targets.
Death Death Ershin (after rejoin), Ursula (Lv.35) 13 AP
Sudden death versus one target.
Drain Death Ursula (Lv.27) 3 AP
Absorb HP from one enemy.
Enfeeble Power Down Ursula (Lv.24) 1 AP
Lowers Wisdom of one target.
Fireblast Fire Ursula (Initial) 6 AP
Deals a moderate amount of fire-based damage to all targets.
Flare Fire Ursula (Initial) 3 AP
Deals a small amount of fire-based damage to one target.
Flood Tide Breath Ryu (learned from Sea Dragon) 0 AP
Wind+Water breath attack against all targets, can 'Stun'
Frost Water Scias (Initial) 3 AP
Deals a small amount of water damage to one target.
Fulguration Breath Ryu (learned from Rock Dragon) 0 AP
Gravity-based breath attack, damage variant on enemies' HP.
Heal Holy Nina (Initial), Scias (Initial) 5 AP
Heal restores a small amount of HP to one character.
Healing Wind Breath Ryu (learned from Grass Dragon) 0 AP
Breath attack, heals HP and bad status off all party members.
Holy Circle Breath Ryu (learned from Tree Dragon) 0 AP
Protects front-row members from all attacks for one round.
Ice Blast Water Scias (Lv.17) 5 AP
Deals a moderate amount of water damage to all targets.
Inferno Fire Ershin (Lv.28), Ursula (Lv.31) 10 AP
Deals heavy fire based-damage to one target.
Inspire Power Up Nina (Lv.26) 2 AP
Increase Wisdom of one target.
Kyrie Holy Nina (Lv.31) 9 AP
Sudden death against all vulnerable targets.
Leech Power Death Ursula (Lv.28) 0 AP
Suck away AP of one target.
Lifestealer Death Scias (Lv.34) 0 AP
Automatically kills target; but temporarily lowers user's max HP
Meditate N/A Ryu, Fou-Lu N/A
Changes Ryu or Fou-Lu into dragon form.
Might Power Up Cray (Lv.23) 3 AP
Raises Attack Power of one target.
Mud Flow Breath Ryu (learned from Mud Dragon) 0 AP
Water + Earth breath attack.
Onslaught Breath Ryu (learned from Sand Dragon) 0 AP
Wind breath attack, can induce 'Confusion' in enemies.
Purify Holy Nina (Initial), Scias (Initial) 3 AP
This spell works as an antidote for Poison, affecting one
Primus Breath Ershin (Lv.45) 15 AP
Ultimate non-elemental attack against all enemies!
Protect Power Up Cray (Initial) 2 AP
Raises the Defense Power of one target by 20%.
Quake Earth Ershin (after rejoin), Cray (Lv.30) 12 AP
Deals heavy earth-based damage to all targets.
Rainstorm Breath Ryu (learned from Wind Dragon) 0 AP
Holy breath attack, damage changes based on enemies' HP.
Raise Dead Holy Nina (Lv.17), Scias (Lv.22) 18 AP
Chance of reviving a fallen ally, restoring 1/4 of their HP
Rejuvenate Holy Nina (Lv.11), Scias (Lv.19) 9 AP
Heals a moderate amount of HP to one target.
Remedy Holy Nina (Lv.20), Scias (Lv.25) 6 AP
Cures abnormal status conditions in one target.
Ressurect Holy Nina (Lv.36) 30 AP
Revive one target with full HP.
Restore Holy Nina (Lv.34), Scias (Lv.37) 18 AP
Heals a large amount of HP to one target.
Revert Form N/A Ryu, Fou-Lu N/A
Changes Fou-Lu or Ryu back into his normal form.
Risky Shot Physical Ershin (Initial) 0 AP
Critical Hit, with a 40% succession rate.
Rock Blast Earth Cray (Lv.8), Ursula (Initial) 4 AP
Deals a small amount of Earth-based damage to all enemies.
Sever Wind Nina (Initial) 3 AP
Sever is the weakest of the wind-based damage attacks. It
deals a small amount of wind damage to one target.
Shield Power Up Cray (Lv.25) 6 AP
Raises the Defense Power of all allies.
Shining Blade Physical Scias (Initial) 10 AP
Critical Hit, with a 100% succession rate.
Silence ST Change Ursula (Initial) 3 AP
Induces 'Mute' condition in all targets.
Sleep ST Change Scias (Initial) 3 AP
Induces 'Sleep' in all targets.
Slow Power Down Cray (Lv.11) 1 AP
Reduces the Agility of one target.
Speed Power Up Cray (Initial) 2 AP
Raises the Agility of one target.
Stand Out N/A Ershin (after she rejoins) 0 AP
Bait enemies into attacking user.
Stone Pillar Earth Cray (Lv.17) 5 AP
Deals a moderate amount of earth based damage to one target.
Typhoon Wind Nina (Lv.29), Ershin (Lv.35) 12 AP
Deals heavy wind-based damage to all targets.
Vigor Holy Nina (Lv.39) 50 AP
Heals a moderate amount of HP to all targets.
Vitalize Holy Nina (Lv.23), Scias (Lv.31) 20 AP
Heals a small amount of HP to all targets.
Weaken Power Down Ursula (Initial) 1 AP
Lowers Defense Power of one target.
Wild Shot Physical Ershin (Lv.7) 0 AP
Does a random amount of damage to one target, up to two times
the normal amount.

##### Skills ###############################################################


Air Raid Physical/Status Change 4 AP
Attack versus one target; can 'Stun'
Bad Back N/A 0 AP
Injures back....
Backhand Physical 0 AP
Physical attack that is unable to kill the enemy, only drop to 1 HP.
Master: Bunyan, Task #1
Benediction Holy 45 AP
Revives all targets with 1/4 HP, but can fail.
Master: Lyta, Task #4
Blind Physical/Status Change 2 AP
An attack versus one target that deals damage and can sometimes
inflict the victim with 'Blind' status.
Scorpion, MaskCrab, Decoy
Blitz Physical 0 AP
Multi-hit attack based on HP. User loses 25% of HP when used.
Bilbao, Saruga
Burn Fire 1 AP
Burn deals a weak amount of fire-based damage to one target.
Mage Goo, Joh, Drake, Morph Goo, Baby Goo
Celerity Power Up 0 AP
Doubles user's Power, Defense, Agility, and Wisdom.
May only be used once every three hours of gameplay.
Master: Abbess, Task #3
Charm Treasure/Power Up 0 AP
Increases your chances of find treasure after battle.
Master: Marlok, Task #1
Chlorine Physical/Status Change 2 AP
An attack versus one target that deals damage and can sometimes
inflict the victim with 'Poison' status.
Gasser, Toxic Fly, Rat, Yaen, Angler, Gold Fly
Cleave Physical 3 AP
Attack versus all targets; ignores Defense Power.
Master: Kryrik, Task #2, Gecko
Clip Physical 2 AP
Physical attack on one target; damage based on Agility.
Master: Momo, Task #2
Command N/A 0 AP
Bait other enemies (or confused allies, hint hint) into attacking a
particular target.
Red Cap, Fungoid, Bad Coil
Concentrate Power Up 0 AP
Raise Wisdom; Increase Counter-Attack rate
Master: Abbess, Task #1, Star Gazer
Counter Power Up 1 AP
Automatically counter-attack for one turn.
Coward's Way Physical 2 AP
Damage increases with the number of times you have escaped from battle.
Master: Stoll, Task #2
Curse Death 13 AP
Decrease HP of all enemies by 1/2, but can fail.
Poppy, Karon
Disembowel Death 0 AP
Sudden death to target; user temporarily loses 10% of their Max HP
Master: Kryrik, Task #3, Shadow
Distracted Physical 0 AP
Stare off into space for the turn (has no practical use that I
currently know of)
Cap, Any Confused monster
Double Blow Physical 3 AP
2 physical attacks against one target.
NutTroop, Bolt Archer, Kolpum
Douse Power Down 1 AP
Lowers target's resistance to fire-based magic.
Giant Roach (when accompanied by Drake)
Ebonfire N/A 9 AP
A powerful non-elementa magic attack against one target.
Gulper, Dragonne
Eddy Wind 2 AP
Deals a small amount of wind-based magic damage to one target.
Master: Rwolf, Task #1, Wyd
Egghead N/A 0 AP
Turns the user into an 'Egg'.
Master: Momo, Task #4
Faerie Attack Physical/Fire 20 AP
Damage based on the number of Faeries in your Faerie Colony.
Master: Njomo, Task #1
Faerie Breath Holy 20 AP
Restores party's HP
Master: Njomo, Task #2
Faerie Charge Physical 20 AP
Faerie attack (6 or more Faeries required in colony to use)
Master: Njomo, Task #4
Feign Swing Physical 0 AP
Take a practice swing in battle (seems to have no practical use
Any Confused monster, Wyd
Feint Physical/Status Change 2 AP
Attack against one target; May induce 'Confusion'
Cadaver, Caterpillar, Angler, Puppeteer
Final Hope Death 0 AP
Makes user invulnerable for three turns, but at the end of those three
turns the user will perish. May only be used once every three hours of
Master: Bunyan, Task #3
Flame Pillar Fire 8 AP
Heavy fire-based attack against one target.
Master: Rwolf, Task #4
Flame Strike Physical/Fire 2 AP
Fire-based attack against one target.
Snapfly, Drake, Kolpum
Flex Status Change 0 AP
Induces 'Poison' status in all targets.
Master: Kahn, Task #3
Focus Power Up 0 AP
Raise Attack Power; Increase Counter-Attack Rate
Kahn, Marl, Battle Suit
Frost Strike Physical/Water 2 AP
Water-based physical attack against one target.
BlueBall, Kolpum
Holy Strike Physical/Holy 2 AP
Holy-based physical attack against one target.
Master: Lyta, Task #2, Kolpum
Icicle Water 4 AP
Deals a moderate amount of water-based damage to one target.
GooCount, Icebeak, Morph Goo
Knock Out Physical/Status Change 2 AP
Attack versus one target; Induces 'Sleep' status
Krabby, Puppeteer, BoltTroop
Last Resort Power Up 0 AP
Drop Defense to 0; Raise Attack Power accordingly.
Bilboa, Stingfly
Magic Ball Physical 5 AP
Magical attack against one target.
Master: Rwolf, Task #3
Megaphone Power Down 4 AP
Increases Power but lowers Defense of all targets.
Master: Kryrik, Task #1
Mind Flay Physical/Power Down 2 AP
Attack versus one target; Lowers Wisdom
Cracker, Bolt Archer
Molasses Physical/Status Change 2 AP
Attack versus one target; May reduce target's agility
Puspool, Shade
Monopolize Treasure/Power Up 0 AP
User receives all EXP gained at the end of the battle.
Master: Marlok, Task #2
Muffle Physical/Status Change 2 AP
Attack versus one target; May induce 'Mute' status
Puppeteer, Saruga
Multistrike Physical 5 AP
Random number of attacks (1-3) against one target.
Bolt Archer, Karon
Palliate Holy 20 AP
Heal and Restore status of one target.
Pilfer Physical/Treasure 0 AP
Attack, attempting to steal an item from the enemy in the process
Master: Una, Task #1
Plateau Earth 5 AP
Deals a moderate amount of earth-based damage to one target.
Master: Rwolf, Task #2
Resist Power Up 3 AP
Protects against all attacks for 1 turn.
Master: Lyta, Task #3, Glebe
Rest Holy 0 AP
Restores some HP and AP to the user.
Eye Goo, Yaen
Reversal Physical 0 AP
Attack against one target; chance of switching victim and target's HP
Risky Blow Physical 0 AP
Critical Hit, with a 40% success rate.
Roulette N/A 0 AP
Random effect! Feeling lucky?
Master: Marlok, Task #3
Sacrifice Death 13 AP
Sacrifice yourself to reduce all enemies to 1 HP.
ProtoBot, Istalk
Sanctuary N/A 8 AP
Nullifies all assitant magics on all targets, both ally and enemy.
Master: Abbess, Task #2
Shadowwalk Physical 12 AP
Critical Hit, with a 100% succession rate.
Myrmidon (Dragon Transformation), Chingol
Shout Status Change 0 AP
'Stun's all targets.
Master: Kahn, Task #1
Snap Physical/Power Down 2 AP
Attack versus one target; Decrease Defense Power
Mouse, Bad Coil, Gold Fly, Shade
Snooze Holy 0 AP
Restores some HP and AP, but puts the user to sleep.
Spirit Blast Physical 0 AP
Physical attak on one target; ignores target's defense power.
Cyclops, Titan
Spray Physical 2 AP
Physical attack on one target, damage based on defense.
Deals extra damage to insect-type creatures.
Master: Momo, Task #1
Steal Treasure/Physical 0 AP
Steal an item held by an enemy.
Master: Stoll, Task #1
Super Combo Physical 12 AP
Attack versus one target... press the buttons to rack up hits!
Master: Una, Task #2
Supplication Power Up 0 AP
Healing Magic effect and evade rate increased for one turn.
Master: Lyta, Task #1
Sword Breaker Physical/Power Down 2 AP
Attack versus one target; lowers Attack Power.
Sepoy, Shade
Target Physical 1 AP
100% Hit rate, but only deals 1/2 the normal damage.
Elite Troop, Stingfly, Shadow
Tiger Fist Physical 6 AP
Attack against all targets; based on Power and Agility.
Master: Kahn, Task #2
Timed Blow Physical 13 AP
Sacrifice self; deal remaining HP to one target.
Transfer Holy 20 AP
Donate 20 of your AP to another target.
Triple Blow Physical 8 AP
3 Physical attacks against one target.
Guardian, Horseman, Gecko
War Shout Power Up 20 AP
Raises Attack Power of front-row members.
Master: Njomo, Task #3
Wild Swing Physical 0 AP
Deals a random amount of damage, up to two times the normal amount.
Armor, BeeTroop, Battle Suit
Wind Strike Physical/Wind 2 AP
Wind-based physical attack against one target.
Lizard Man, Kolpum

##### Enemies ##############################################################

(A * beside the name means this skill can be learned)

Agiel Ershin's Mind
HP: 1,200 EXP: 2,500 Z: 0
Drops (Electrode), (Earth Ward)
Rock Blast: Weak earth-based magic attack against one target

(The water pillar uses Earth-based magic, and is weak against Fire.)
Archer Chek
HP: 500 EXP: 130 Z: 30
Drops (Healing Herb)

(Archers tend to get the 'Lucky Strike' quite often.)
Armor Ryu's Dream
HP: 580 EXP: 80 Z: 55
Drops (Raptor Claws), (Cuirass)
*Wild Swing*: Deal a random amount of damage, up to 2x the normal amount

(Armor will absorb the first few physical attacks dealt to it with
its armor, lessening the damage. After a few attacks his armor will
crack and he will take damage normally. Once his armor breaks he will
no longer drop the "Cuirass".)
Army Bat Passage to Synesta
HP: 40 EXP: 30 Z: 20
Drops (Berries)

(Army Bats tend to get the 'Lucky Strike' a lot, dealing a lot more
damage than a normal attack.)
A-tur (*) Chedo
HP: 50,000 EXP: 50,000 Z: 0
Drops (Moon Tears), (Spirit Ring)
Frost Breath: Multi-hit water based attack against all targets
Sanctuary: Nullify all assist magic on ALL targets
Azeus Ershin's Mind
HP: 1,200 EXP: 2,500 Z: 0
Drops (Water Bomb), (Water Ward)
Frost: Weak water-based magic attack against one target

(The wind pillar uses Water-based magic, and is weak against Earth.)
Baby Goo Imperial Castle
HP: 2,700 EXP: 1,700 Z: 300
Drops (Apple), (PointedStick)
*Burn*: Weak fire-based attack against one ally
Bad Coil Fane of the Sea God
HP: 1,200 EXP: 310 Z: 80
Drops (Vitamin), (Ginseng)
Sleep: Induce 'Sleep' in all enemies
*Command*: Bait other enemies into attacking specific target
*Snap: Attack versus one target; lowers Defense

(Bad Coil will use the 'Sleep' and 'Command' abilities when accompanied
by one or more Mud Pups.)
Bandit South Desert (near Kurok)
HP: 500 EXP: 60 Z: 80
Drops (Moon Sword), (Healing Herb)
Sever: Weak wind-based attack versus one target.

(When running low on HP, the Bandit will often use the Healing Herb
he carries. Steal it from him or kill him quickly to prevent this.)
Battle Suit Imperial Headquarters
HP: 3,500 EXP: 1,800 Z: 280
Drops (Stunner), (Gideon'sGarb)
*Focus*: Increase attack power and counter-attack rate
*Wild Swing*: Deal a random amount of damage; up to 2x the normal amount
Rock Blast: Light earth-based damage against all targets

(Battle Suit will absorb the first few physical attacks dealt to it with
its armor, lessening the damage. After a few attacks its armor will
crack and he will take damage normally. Once its armor breaks he will
no longer drop the "Gideon'sGarb".)
BeeTroop Kyria (Doghouse), Kasq Woods
HP: 750 EXP: 120 Z: 100
Drops (Healing Herb), (Bronze Shield)
*Wild Swing*: Deal a random amount of damage, up to 2x the normal amount
*Risky Blow*: Critical Hit, with a 40% succession rate.

(BeeTroop will block attacks with his shield, reducing the damage. After
sustaining a few attacks, the shield will break and you'll deal damage
normally. Once his shield is broken he will start using "Risky Blow".
Note he'll also no longer drop the "Bronze Shield" after battle.
Beihl Imperial Castle
HP: 5,000 EXP: 3,000 Z: 380
Drops (Ouroboros), (Magic Shard)
Blizzard: Heavy water-based damage against all targets
Kyrie: Holy-based sudden death attack against all targets

(When accompanied by Quisit, Beihl's Kyrie attack may end up killing
characters who were affected by Quisit's Gloom skill!)
Bellwyd (*) During battle with Marl
HP: 1,000 EXP: 0 Z: 0
Drops (Wisdom Fruit), (SuperVitamin)
Speed: Increase Agility of one target
Might: Increase Attack Power of one target
Vitalize: Heal a small amount of HP to all targets
Berserker Fou-Lu's Tomb
HP: 1,800 EXP: 1,000 Z: 200
Drops (Aurum), (Bent Screw)
Jolt: Wind+Water based magic attack against all targets

(Unless attacked first, Berserker will escape on the third turn.)
Bilbao Hesperia Region
HP: 1,250 EXP: 2,800 Z: 230
Drops (Loins), (Protein)
*Blitz*: Multi-hit attack against targets, lower user's HP by 25%
Bilboa Wyndia Region
HP: 2,400 EXP: 230 Z: 80
Drops (Roast), (Ginseng)
*Last Resort*: Drop Defense to 0, increase attack power accordingly
Bilbul Ice Peak
HP: 770 EXP: 280 Z: 60
Drops (Roast), (Protein)
Howling: Induce 'Confusion' in all targets
Black Goo Imperial Castle
HP: 2,200 EXP: 3,200 Z: 550
Drops (Dark Draught), (Belladonna)
Death: Sudden death to one target
*Timed Blow*: Sacrifice self; deal remaining HP to one target
BloodBat Pung'Tap
HP: 250 EXP: 180 Z: 80
Drops (Straw), (Life Shard)
Syphon: Steal away HP from one target
Sleep: Induce 'Sleep' in all targets

(BloodBats tend to use the Syphon ability, then Escape the battle.
They also have an annoyingly high evade rate.)
Blue Ball Highlands Region
HP: 1,100 EXP: 380 Z: 60
Drops (Water Seed), (Croc Tear)
Giant Growth: Grow in size to attack all targets
*Frost Strike*: Water-based physical attack against one target

(When hit with a water-based attack, Blue Balls will begin to use
Frost Strike.)
Blue Cap Ice Peak
HP: 900 EXP: 190 Z: 40
Drops (Bird Drop), (Water Bomb)
Frost: Weak water-based magic attack against one target

(Blue Caps will usually flee when wounded.)
Bokta Faerie Village
HP: 1,300 EXP: 300 Z: 60
Drops (Life Shard)

(Bokta tends to get 'Lucky Strike' a lot. Be careful.)
Bollor Fane of the Sea God
HP: 1,250 EXP: 330 Z: 150
Drops (Weather Vane), (Weather Wand)
Sever: Weak wind-based magic against one target

(When Bollor and Rollob appear together, their magics can combine
together to form "Lightning". Beware.)
Bolt Archer River
HP: 200 EXP: 850 Z: 250
Drops (Bent Screw), (Lgt.Clothing)
*Double Blow*: 2 physical attacks against one target
*Mind Flay*: Attack against one target; induces 'Confusion'
*MultiStrike*: 1-3 attacks against one target

(When one of its allies is defeated, Bolt Archers will start to use the
'MultiStrike' ability. It will also give out more EXP (one and a half
times the normal amount). Like the Nut people, Bolt Archers have a
very high physical evade rate.)
Bolt Mage World Map, near Kwanso
HP: 200 EXP: 900 Z: 230
Drops (Bent Screw), (Wisdom Ring)
Silence: Induce 'Mute' status in all targets
Ice Blast: Moderate water-based damage against one target

(Like the Nut Mages, Bolt Mages have a very high physical evade rate.)
BoltTroop River
HP: 200 EXP: 850 Z: 180
Drops (Bent Screw), (FeatherSword)
*Knock Out*: Attack against one target; induces 'Sleep' status
Weaken: Decrease Defense Power of one target

(Like the NutTroops, BoltTroops have a very high physical evade rate.
If one of its allies is killed, it will start using the 'Weaken' spell,
as well as give one-and-a-half times the normal amount of EXP.)
Bot Sinchon
HP: 1,000 EXP: 330 Z: 0
Drops (MultiGun), (Aurum)
Flare: Weak fire-based attack against one target

(Hitting Bot with a water-based attack will short it out, causing it
to become 'Confused'. Additonally, hitting it with a combination
magic attack (like Jolt) will cause its body to break open, increasing
its susceptibility to physical attacks and rendering it immobile for a
few rounds (until it recovers). Furthermore, this doubles the EXP you
get from them and causes them to drop "Bent Screw" instead of
Cadaver Passage to Synesta
HP: 1,000 EXP: 65 Z: 32
Drops (Chain Cap), (Rotten Meat)
*Feint*: Attack versus one target; Can induce 'Confusion'
Cairn Mt. Yogy
HP: 960 EXP: 2,000 Z: 800
Drops (Electrode), (MultiVitamin)

(If not attacked, these monsters will usually flee.)
Cap North/South Desert
HP: 165 EXP: 7 Z: 8
Drops (Berries), (Healing Herb)
*Distracted*: Stare off into space for one turn

(Cap will sit and guard or use the Distraction ability until attacked.
When attacked, they will also start attacking, or run away.)
Caterpillar Dragon Shrine
HP: 600 EXP: 90 Z: 50
Drops (Berries), (Panacea)
*Feint*: Attack versus one target, induces 'Confusion'

(Caterpillar will always attack the weakest member of your party.)
Chingol Imperial Castle
HP: 4,000 EXP: 2,300 Z: 380
Drops (Toothpick), (Holy Mantle)
Speed: Increase Agility of one target
*Shadowwalk*: Critical Hit, with a 100% succession rate
Chkom Faerie Village
HP: 1,500 EXP: 320 Z: 50
Sleep: Induce 'Sleep' in all targets
Chopam Fou-Lu's Tomb
HP: 10,000 EXP: 4,000 Z: 5,000
Drops (Mass Driver), (Chopam Plate)
Inferno: Heavy fire-based damage to one target
Gigaflare: Heavy Fire+Wind based damage to all targets

(Chopam is invincible for the first two turns thanks to its Defensive
Screen. On the third turn, this screen will disable... this is your
cue to pummel the daylights out of it. It will flee next turn, so
this is your only chance...)
Copycat Ship's Hold
HP: 2,400 EXP: N/A Z: N/A
*Blitz*: Physical attack based on HP; user loses 1/4 of HP

(Depending on what type of attack you hit him with, Copycat will turn into
either a "Wizard" (magic attack) or "Sepoy" (physical attack).)
Cracker Ahm Fen Swamp
HP: 750 EXP: 240 Z: 75
Drops (Berries), (Swallow Eye)
*Mind Flay*: Attack versus one target; Lowers wisdom
Crawler Highlands Region (? spot)
HP: 800 EXP: 260 Z: 60
Drops (Tail)
*Air Raid*: Attack versus one target; can 'Stun'

(Like the Caterpillars, Crawlers will always attack the member with
the lowest HP.)
Cyclops Sanctum
HP: 10,000 EXP: 2,800 Z: 200
Drops (StrengthSeed), (Giant Club)
*Risky Blow*: Critical Hit; with a 40% succession rate.
*Spirit Blast*: Physical attack against one target, ignore defense.

(After a couple of rounds, Cyclops' club will break, and it will start
to use the Spirit Blast skill.)
DeathBot Fou-Lu's Tomb
HP: 3,000 EXP: 1,800 Z: 350
Drops (Aurum), (Repeater)
Protect: Raise Defense Power of one target
Might: Raise Attack Power of one target
Barrier: Temporarily shield one target
*SpiritBlast*: Holy-based attack; ignores Defense Power

(Hitting DeathBot with a combination magic attack will cause it to become
even stronger, giving one-and-a-half times more EXP than normal.)
Decoy En Jhou Ruins
HP: 2,400 EXP: 880 Z: 150
Drops (Mouth Gag), (Dancer)
*Blind*: Attack against one target; can induce 'Blindness'

(If Decoy's Puppeteer is destroyed, the Decoy will fly out of control and
become 'Confused'.)
Diviner Imperial Castle
HP: 2,000 EXP: 3,000 Z: 0
*Concentrate*: Increase magic attack power
*Magic Ball*: Attack one target with a ball of pure magic energy

(These guys are immune to 'normal' attacks, but Dragon attacks will hurt
Dragonne (*) Imperial Castle
HP: 30,000 EXP: 60,000 Z: 3,600
Drops (Belladonna), (Moon Tears)
*Ebonfire*: Non-elemental magic attack against one target
Sleep: Induce 'Sleep' in all allies
Drake Mt. Glom
HP: 1,000 EXP: 220 Z: 210
Drops (Moon Sword), (Fire Seed)
*Burn*: Weak fire-based magic attack against one target.
*Flame Strike*: Fire-based physical attack against one target.

(Using a fire-based attack on Drake will cause it to become stronger,
and give THREE times the normal amount of EXP.)
Egg Gang Zhinga Mountains
HP: 1,800 EXP: 1,100 Z: 350
Drops (Wisdom Seed), (Protein)
Ovum: Turn all allies into 'Egg's
Elite Troop Imperial Castle
HP: 1,000 EXP: 2,800 Z: 0
*Target*: Attack with 100% hit rate, but deal 1/2 normal amount of damage.

(These guys are immune to 'normal' attacks, but Dragon attacks will hurt
Evoker Imperial Castle
HP: 2,000 EXP: 3,000 Z: 0
*Concentrate*: Increase magic attack power
Inferno: Heavy fire-based magic attack against one target

(These guys are immune to 'normal' attacks, but Dragon attacks will hurt
Eye Goo North/South Desert
HP: 150 EXP: 8 Z: 6
Drops (Croc Tear), (Healing Herb)
*Rest*: Restores HP/AP

(After a few rounds of Combat, Eye Goo will start to use Rest.)
(Using the 'Blind' skill on an Eye Goo will cause them to relinquish
twice the normal amount of EXP.)
Fantam (*) Faerie Village
HP: 5,000 EXP: 4,000 Z: 1,800
Drops (Magic Shard)
Nose Dive: Physical attack against all targets
Drain: Suck away HP from one target
Sever: Weak wind-based magic attack against one target
Frost: Weak water-based magic attack against one target
Ovum: Turn all targets into 'Egg's

(Fantam's size changes depending on the attack you hit him with. Physical
attacks make him bigger, the correct magical attack will make him
smaller. When big, he has a high defense but low magic defense, while
when little, he has a high magic defense but low defense.)
Fiend Highlands Region (? spot)
HP: 1,250 EXP: 300 Z: 350
Drops (Belladonna), (Diamond Ring)
Death: Sudden death to one target

(Fiends tend to get Lucky Strike a lot.)
FireAnt North Islands Region
HP: 2,000 EXP: 840 Z: 430
Drops (Fire Seed), (Buckler)
*Flame Strike*: Fire-based physical attack against one target
Fireblast: Moderate fire-based attack against all targets
*Risky Blow*: Critical Hit, with a 40% succession rate

(FireAnt will block attacks with his shield, reducing the damage. After
sustaining a few attacks, the shield will break and you'll deal damage
normally. Once his shield is broken he will start using "Risky Blow".
Note he'll also no longer drop the "Buckler" after battle.
Firewyd Ludia Region (Transformed version of 'Wyd')
HP: 900 EXP: 280 Z: 65
Drops (ScorchedRice), (Fire Seed)
Flare: Weak fire-based magic attack against one target
Fireblast: Moderate fire-based magic damage against all targets

(You can use a water-based magic attack on a Firewyd to transform it back
into a normal Wyd.)
Flue Goo Kurok
HP: 350 EXP: 40 Z: 16
Drops (Healing Herb), (Vitamin)
Giant Growth: Grow in size to attack all allies

(Using the 'Blind' skill on Flue Goo will cause it to relinquish
THREE times the normal amount of EXP.)
Fragrans Tidal Flats
HP: 1,500 EXP: 350 Z: 700
Drops (Knockout Gas), (Ivory Dice)
Sleep: Induce 'Sleep' in all targets
Dream Breath: Induce 'Happy' status in all targets
Absorb: Restore some HP to the user
Fungoid Woods near Kyria
HP: 400 EXP: 45 Z: 25
Drops (Healing Herb), (Panacea)
Confuse: Can 'Confuse' one target
*Command*: Bait other enemies into attacking a specific target

(Fungoid will usually use Command after one or more allies have been
'Confused' by it. This can make things messy.. be careful.)
Gasser North Chamba
HP: 350 EXP: 18 Z: 13
Drops (Antidote), (Healing Herb)
*Chlorine*: Poisonous breath attack against one target.

(Gasser will sometimes store evil energy into itself. The next turn
it will become poisoned, but will also start to use Chlorine.)
Gecko Imperial Castle
HP: 5,000 EXP: 3,800 Z: 24
Drops (Dragon Scale), (Ascension)
Shield: Increase Defense Power of all targets
*Triple Blow*: 3 Physical attacks against one target
*Cleave*: Attack versus all targets; ignores Defense
Generator Paedra Region
HP: 1,500 EXP: 700 Z: 800
Drops (Aurum), (Taser)
Lightning: Moderate Wind&Water based magic attack against all targets

(Generator's HP will be restored by wind and/or water based attacks, and
become stronger! It's EXP will increase by 70 and Z will increase by 80
each time it is hit with one of these attacks.)
Ghost North Chamba
HP: 250 EXP: 20 Z: 50
Drops (Popper), (Knockout Gas)
Frost: Weak water-based magical attack against one target

(Ghosts begin the battle asleep. When awoken, they will start
attacking and using the Frost ability).
Giant Roach Wyndia Castle Basement
HP: 920 EXP: 290 Z: 120
Drops (Healing Herb), (Vitamin)
Jump: Random damage against one target
*Douse*: Decrease target's Fire Resistance (with 'Drake')

(When accompanied by other monsters, Giant Roaches tend to use different
Glebe (*) Island of Fire
HP: 15,000 EXP: 17,000 Z: 12,000
Drops (Bent Screw), (Glass Shard)
Summon Minion: Summon two helpers (Loam/????)
*Resist*: Protect against all attacks for one turn
Giant Growth: Grow in size to attack all targets
Tempest: Water+Earth attack against all targets
Gold Fly South Hesperia Region
HP: 1,100 EXP: 400 Z: 1,200
Drops (Strike Seed), (Antidote)
*Snap*: Attack one target; decrease Defense Power
*Chlorine*: Attack one target; can induce 'Poison')

(Gold Flies have a very high evade rate, but magic works well enough
against them.)
Gold Gang Zhinga Mountains
HP: 3,000 EXP: 800 Z: 10,000
Drops (Light Bangle), (Divine Helm)
Ovum: Turn all allies into 'Egg's
Resist: Make user invincible for one round

(Using a physical attack on Gold Gang will break away part of it's "body",
reducing the amount of Zenny you receive for defeating it.)
Gonger Imperial Headquarters
HP: 1,600 EXP: 1,100 Z: 130
Drops (Phoenix Seed), (Life Shard)
Watch Enemy: Carefully study enemy's actions
*Timed Blow*: Sacrifice self; deal remaining HP to one target
Gonghead Kyoin (Imperial Causeway)
HP: 540 EXP: 75 Z: 50
Drops (Healing Herb), (Dragon Scale)
Ram: Physical attack against one target

(Since Gongheads are "flying" creatures, Wind-based magic spells will
do a lot of damage to them.)
GooCount Astan Region
HP: 800 EXP: 50 Z: 30
Drops (Apple), (Ginseng)
Frost: Weak water-based magical attack against one target
*Icicle*: Moderate water-based magical attack against one target

(For the first turn, GooCount will guard. If you can pull off a
5-or-more hit combo in this time, GooCount will power up and start
using Icicle instead of Frost. It will also give FOUR times as much
Goo King Imperial Castle
HP: 10,000 EXP: 3,000 Z: 1,000
Drops (Apple), (GooKingSword)
Jolt: Water+Wind based attack against all targets
Storm: Wind+Earth based attack against all targets
Eruption: Earth+Fire based attack against all targets
Firewind: Fire+Wind based attack against all targets
Giant Growth: Grow in size to attack all allies
Ragnarok: HEAVY Earth+Fire based attack against all targets

(Goo King has quite powerful combo spells, but will usually escape the
battle. However, it DOES NOT like being stolen from, and if you steal
its Apple it will get angry and fight to the finish. Be careful
however as it is then capable of casting RAGNAROK on you! Ouch!!)
GooNurse Imperial Castle
HP: 1,700 EXP: 400 Z: 250
Drops (Apple), (Vitamins)
Vitalize: Restore a small amount of HP to all targets
Grunt A Pung'tap
HP: 1,200 EXP: 900 Z: 200
*Blind*: Physical attack against one target; induce 'Blindness'
*Feint*: Physical attack against one target; induce 'Confusion'
Grunt B Pung'tap
HP: 1,200 EXP: 900 Z: 200
Sleep: Induce sleep in all targets
Weaken: Decrease Defense Power of one target
Blunt: Decrease Attack Power of one target
Grunt C Pung'tap
HP: 1,200 EXP: 800 Z: 100
Drops (Molotov)
Flare: Weak fire-based attack against one target
G. Troop Checkpoint
HP: 700 EXP: 700 Z: 100
Drops (Void Sphere)
Sever: Weak wind-based attack against one target
Speed: Increase Agility of one target
Guardian Fou-Lu's Tomb
HP: 2,400 EXP: 1,600 Z: 450
Drops (Iron Scraps), (Repeater)
*Double Blow*: 2 Physical attacks against one target
*Triple Blow*: 3 Physical attacks against one target

(After sustaining several physical attacks, Guardian's armor will weaken
and he will take damage normally.)
Gulper Ershin's Mind
HP: 900 EXP: 250 Z: 105
Drops (Magic Shard)
*Ebonfire*: Powerful non-elemental magic attack against one target
Death: Sudden death against one target
Blizzard: Heavy water-based damage to all targets
Rejuvenate: Heal a moderate amount of HP to one target
Leech Power: Suck away AP of one target
Stone Pillar: Moderate earth-based magic attack against one target
Inferno: Heavy fire-based damage against one target
Fireblast: Moderate fire-based damage to all targets

(At the start of the battle, Gulper won't have enough AP to use any
of its spells. By using an AP-restoring item or letting it use Leech
Power on you, it will gain enough AP to use it's spells, and you can
learn the Ebonfire skill. Be very careful though, as it has many other
powerful spells that can devastate your party!)
Horseman Imperial Castle
HP: 6,000 EXP: 3,500 Z: 400
Drops (Cleaver), (Mist Armor)
Inferno: Heavy fire-based damage against one target
*Triple Blow*: 3 Physical attacks against one target
Death: Sudden death to one target

(When alone, Horseman's magical ability will weaken, decreasing the
effectiveness of its powerful spells and preventing it from healing
each turn.)
I (*) Fou-Lu's Tomb
HP: 10,000 EXP: 25,000 Z: 0
Drops (Wisdom Fruit), (Harmonic Ring)
Fireblast: Moderate fire-based damage against all targets
Stasis: Block all combo attacks for 3 turns
Inferno: Heavy fire-based damage against one target
Punch: Physical attack against one target
Powder: Induce 'Blind' status in all targets
Revolution: Inverse HP of all targets

(I's attack depends on the number it "rolls". It is susceptible to magical
attacks but immune to physical attacks.)
Ibomb En Jhou Ruins
HP: 1,000 EXP: 1,100 Z: 300
Drops (Vitamin), (Napalm)
Protect: Raise Defense Power of one target
*Sacrifice*: Sacrifice self to reduce all enemies to 1 HP
*Air Raid*: Attack one target; can 'Stun'

(Ibomb might use the Sacrifice ability when it has less than 1/2 of his
HP remaining.)
Icebeak Ice Peak
HP: 1,000 EXP: 320 Z: 160
Drops (Water Bomb), (Icicle)
Watch Enemy: Carefully study enemy's actions
*Icicle*: Moderate water-based magic attack against one target

(Icebeaks will always attack the member with the lowest HP.)
II (*) Fou-Lu's Tomb
HP: 7,500 EXP: 25,000 Z: 0
Drops (Vitamins), (Harmonic Ring)
Fireblast: Moderate fire-based damage against all targets
Stasis: Block all combo attacks for 3 turns
Inferno: Heavy fire-based damage against one target
Punch: Physical attack against one target
Powder: Induce 'Blind' status in all targets
Revolution: Inverse HP of all targets

(II's attack depends on the number it "rolls". It is susceptible to
physical attacks but immune to magical attacks.)
Istalk Island of Fire
HP: 1,500 EXP: 430 Z: 230
Drops (Wisdom Seed), (Wisdom Fruit)
*Transfer*: Donate some of your AP to another ally
Vitalize: Restores a small amoount of HP to all allies
*Sacrifice*: Sacrifice self to reduce all enemies to 1 HP

(Istalks have a bad habit of using the "Transfer" ability on the
Gulpers that appear with them, allowing them to use all those powerful
spells on you! When alone, they have a nasty habit of using 'Sacrifice'.)
Joh (*) Saira Tavern
HP: 1,200 EXP: 100 Z: 305
Drops (Aurum)
*Burn*: Weak Fire-based magic attack against one target
Flail: Physical multi-hit attack (8x) against target
Kahbo (*) Imperial Castle
HP: 20,000 EXP: 20,000 Z: 0
Drops (Wisdom Fruit), (Super Vitamin)
Flaming Fist: Fire-based physical attack against one target
Mystic Fire: Multi-hit fire-based magic attack
Kamyu (*) Imperial Castle
HP: 30,000 EXP: 30,000 Z: 0
Drops (Wisdom Fruit), (Ambrosia)
Simoon: Fire&Wind based magic attack against all targets
Eldritch Flame: Multi-hit fire-based magic attack against all targets
Karon Imperial Castle
HP: 5,000 EXP: 3,000 Z: 600
Drops (Skull Staff), (Star Dress)
*Multistrike*: Random number of attacks (1-3) against one target
*Curse*: Reduce all targets HP by 1/2
Blizzard: Heavy water-based damage against all targets

(Karon tends to get 'Lucky Strike' way too often. Also note that Karon's
magical ability will weaken when alone, preventing it from casting the
extremely nasty spells it commands.)
Khafu (*) Zhinga Mountains
HP: 20,000 EXP: 22,000 Z: 5,800
Drops (Ambrosia), (Fire Ward)
Firewind: Fire&Wind based magic attack against all targets
Eldritch Flame: Multi-hit fire-based magic attack against all targets
Heal: Restore a small amount of HP to one target
Kham (*) Forest near Fou-Lu's Tomb
HP: 15,000 EXP: 16,000 Z: 4,200
Drops (Ambrosia)
Flaming Fist: Fire-based physical attack against one target
Mystic Fire: Multi-hit fire-based magic attack
King Rat Ship's Hold
HP: 800 EXP: 1000 Z: --
Drops (Fish-Head), (Flank)
*Command*: Bait enemies into attacking a specific target
Klod (*) During battle with Marl
HP: 1,200 EXP: 0 Z: 0
Drops (Life Shard), (Magic Shard)
Rock Blast: Weak earth-based damage to all targets
Kolpum Imperial Castle
HP: 4,000 EXP: 2,000 Z: 450
Drops (Elixer +), (Slicer)
*Double Blow*: Two physical attacks against one target
*Holy Strike*: Holy-based physical attack against one target
*Searing Sand*: Earth-based physical attack against one target
*Wind Strike*: Wind-based physical attack against one target
*Flame Strike*: Fire-based physical attack against one target
*Frost Strike*: Water-based physical attack against one target

(When hit with a magic-based attack, Kolpum's blade will "absorb" the
element of the attack and start using physical attacks based on that
element. There are five different possibilities... Fire, Wind, Water,
Earth, and Holy.)
Krabby Island of Fire
HP: 2,600 EXP: 500 Z: 800
Drops (Knockout Gas), (Fork)
Might: Increase Attack Power of one target
*Knock Out*: Attack versus one target; Induces 'Sleep' status
Ram: Physical attack against one target

(Krabby begins the battle asleep. Also, any damage dealt to it will
be partially shielded by its huge pincher, which will break after being
struck a few times. When it has its pincher, it has a tendency to get
"Lucky Strike" on you, so be careful. Once the pincher is broke it will
become much more susceptible to physical attacks, give 750 EXP and 0 Z,
and will no longer drop the "Fork". It also has a tendency to flee...)
Kyo Faerie Village
HP: 1,750 EXP: 360 Z: 30
Enfeeble: Lower wisdom rating of one target
Slow: Lower agility of one target
Lampkin South Hesperia Region
HP: 3,000 EXP: 1,400 Z: 300
Drops (Vigor Seed), (Wisdom Seed)
Giant Growth: Increase in size to attack all allies
*Palliate*: Heal and restore status of one target

(Lampkin begins the battle with many status ailments. Use a Panacea on it
and it will begin to ask for water. Then use a Croc Tear on it, and it
will "thank" you, and use the "Palliate" skill.)
Lavoid Mt. Yogy
HP: 3,200 EXP: 2,200 Z: 600
Drops (Magma Armor), (Firecracker)
Magma Blast: Moderate fire-based damage to all targets
Inferno: Heavy fire based damage to one target

(Hitting Lavoid with a fire-based attack with make it stronger, and cause
it to regain HP each turn. It's EXP value will each time it is hit
with a fire attack, but it will continue to get stronger and stronger.)
Legion Mt. Giga
HP: 1,200 EXP: 500 Z: 120
Drops (Vitamin), (Protein)
Silence: Induce 'Mute' status in all targets

(Each time Legion is hit with a physical attack, it's attack and
defense power will increase, it will regenerate more HP each turn,
and it will give out more EXP. Beware however, as you can easily
make it powerful enough to kill you quickly! If it gets too powerful,
switch to magic attacks!)
Lizard Man Paedra Region
HP: 1,650 EXP: 1,000 Z: 420
Drops (Buckler), (Firangi)
*Wind Strike*: Wind-based physical attack against one target
Shield: Increase Defense Power of all targets
Vitalize: Restore a small amount of HP to all targets
Loam (*) During battle with Glebe
HP: 1,000 EXP: N/A Z: N/A
Drops (Vitamin), (Wisdom Fruit)
*Blitz*: Physical attack based on HP; user loses 1/4 of HP
Frost: Weak water-based attack against one target
Vitalize: Restore a bit of HP to all targets
Mage Goo North/South Desert
HP: 200 EXP: 12 Z: 11
Drops (Wisdom Seed), (Healing Herb)
*Burn*: Weak Fire-based magic attack against one target

(Using the 'Blind' Skill on Mage Goo will cause it to relinquish
twice the normal amount of EXP.)
Maman (*) Woods near Kyria
HP: 3,500 EXP: 1,500 Z: 450
Drops (Apple), (Flame Punch)
Body Press: Stomping attack against one target
Rock Blast: Weak Earth-based magic attack against all targets

(Using an Apple on Maman will distract it for one round.)
Mandraga Tidal Flags
HP: 1,600 EXP: 450 Z: 300
Drops (Mouth Gag), (Jabbergrass)
Howling: Induce 'Confusion' in all targets

(Mandraga will use the Howling skill when it is hit with a physical
Marl (*) Mt. Yogy
HP: 15,000 EXP: 25,000 Z: 2,100
Drops (Wisdom Seed)
Summon Kin: Summon 'Klod' and 'Bellwyd' to aid Marl
Quake: Heavy earth-based damage to all targets
*Focus*: Increase attack power and counter-attack rate
Mask North Islands Region
HP: 1,500 EXP: 780 Z: 250
Drops (Hard Seed), (Buckler)
*Counter*: Automatically counter-attack for one turn
MaskCrab Fane of the Sea God
HP: 1,200 EXP: 450 Z: 160
Drops (Demon's Helm), (Eye Drops)
*Blind*: Attack against one target, induces 'Blindness'
Mimic En Jhou Ruins
HP: 12 EXP: 1,000 Z: 500
Drops (Wisdom Fruit), (Ivory Dice)
Sleep: Induce 'Sleep' in all targets
Silence: Induce 'Mute' in all targets
Confuse: Induce 'Confusion' in one target
*Snap*: Attack against one target; lowers Defense Power

(Each time you hit Mimic, it's EXP and Z value will DOUBLE. However,
they are rather hard to kill due to their extremely high defense and
tendency to run away from the battle. They also have complete immunity
to magic and breath attacks, so good luck... quite literally.)
Mirror North Islands Region
HP: 1,250 EXP: 600 Z: 350
Drops (Sage Seed), (Buckler)
Backlash: Reflect attacks back at the attacker for one turn
Morph Hesperia Region
HP: 2,500 EXP: 680 Z: 600
Drops *, (ScorchedRice)
Flare: Weak fire-based magic against one target

(When hit with a magical attack, Morph will start dropping pieces that you
can use to make armor. What it "makes" depends on what type of attack
it was hit with...
Wind: Dirty Filter Water: Rusty Pipe
Fire: Burnt Plug Earth: Old Tire)
Morph Goo Fou-Lu's Tomb
HP: 1,750 EXP: 1,000 Z: 300
Drops (Elixer), (Elixer +)
*Burn*: Light fire-based damage against one target
Flame Pillar: Heavy fire-based damage against one target
Frost: Light water-based damage against one target
*Icicle*: Moderate water-based damage against one target
Rock Blast: Light earth-based damage against all targets
Plateau: Moderate earth-based damage against one target
Eddy: Light wind-based damage against one target
Cyclone: Moderate wind-based damage against all targets

(Morph Goo will randomly change color during battle, and will use different
abilities... fire-based when red, water-based when blue, wind-based when
green, and earth-based when black. It also develops the weakness of it's
respective color type. When hit with a magic attack it is weak against,
it will automatically morph into that color.)
Mouse Synesta Cellar
HP: 380 EXP: 55 Z: 25
Drops (Ribs), (Fish-Head)
*Snap*: Attack versus one target; Decreases Defense
Mud Pup Mt. Ryft
HP: 750 EXP: 180 Z: 65
Drops (Knockout Gas), (Fat Frog)
Confuse: Induce 'Confusion' in one target
Sleep: Induce 'Sleep' in all targets
*Snooze*: Restores some HP and AP; put user to 'Sleep'
Nmago Faerie Village
HP: 1,600 EXP: 340 Z: 40
Drops (Life Shard)

(Nmago has a very high counter-attack rate. Be careful.)
Nut Archer Golden Plains
HP: 150 EXP: 180 Z: 50
Drops (Face Guard), (Berries)
Speed: Increase agility of one target.

(Like the NutTroops, Nut Archers have an extremely high evade rate.
They also have a terrible tendency to get the 'Lucky Strike' on you.
Take them out with a quick magical attack.)
Nut Mage Golden Plains
HP: 150 EXP: 200 Z: 70
Drops (Molotov), (Berries)
Flare: Weak fire-based attack against one target.

(Nut Mages also have an extremely high evade rate, and can use fire
based magic attacks against you. Use magic to defeat them.)
NutTroop Ludia Region
HP: 150 EXP: 170 Z: 60
Drops (Scramasax), (Berries)
*Double Blow*: 2 physical attacks against one target.

(NutTroops have an extremely high evade rate, able to dodge almost
all physical attacks directed towards them. Fortunately their HP
is rather low, making defeating them with magic quite easy.)
Orochi Imperial Castle
HP: 3,500 EXP: 2,500 Z: 380
Drops (MultiVitamin), (Ivory Bangle)
Giant Growth: Grow in size to attack all allies

(When hit with a physical attack, Orochi's power will increase.... it
will give out more EXP and it's attack and defense values will increase,
but it will become increasingly harder and harder to kill. Be careful.)
Patrol Ahm Fen Swamp
HP: 560 EXP: 220 Z: 80
Drops (Steel BPlate), (Roast)
Watch Enemy: Carefully study enemy's actions
Heal: Heal a moderate amount of HP to one target

(Patrols are actually somewhat friendly. If you don't attack for the
first turn, they will actually heal you! After healing you, they will
Escape the next turn.)
Papan (*) Village of Sonne, Forest
HP: 12,000 EXP: 10,000 Z: 750
Drops (Apple), (Wisdom Fruit)
Pikeman Chek
HP: 450 EXP: 125 Z: 30
Drops (Healing Herb)
Poppy South Hesperia Region
HP: 3,200 EXP: 1,600 Z: 300
Drops (Vigor Seed), (Wisdom Seed)
Giant Growth: Increase in size to attack all allies
*Curse*: Half HP of all targets

(Poppy begins the battle with many status ailments. Use a Panacea on it
and it will begin to ask for water. Then use a Croc Tear on it, and it
will "thank" you, and use the "Curse" skill.)
ProtoBot Sinchon
HP: 1,200 EXP: 400 Z: 0
Drops (MultiGun), (Aurum)
Ram: Physical attack against one target
Fireblast: Moderate fire-based damage against all targets
*Sacrifice*: Sacrifice self to drop all enemies to 1 HP

(Hitting ProtoBot with a water-based attack will short it out, causing
it to become 'Confused'. Additonally, hitting it with a combination
magic attack (like Jolt) will cause it's body to burst open, making
it susceptible to physical attacks. It will also give double the amount
of EXP and drop "Iron Scraps" instead of the "MultiGun". When in this
state, after the second turn it will use the "Sacrifice" skill.)
Puppeteer En Jhou Ruins
HP: 500 EXP: 1,000 Z: 200
Drops (Panacea), (Dark Draught)
*Knock Out*: Attack versus one target; Induces 'Sleep'
*Muffle*: Attack against one target; can induce 'Muteness'
*Feint*: Attack versus one target; can induce 'Confusion'

(If Puppeteer is by itself, it will always Escape.)
Puspool Dam
HP: 320 EXP: 60 Z: 50
Drops (Aurum), (Silver Top)
*Molasses*: Attack versus one target; May lower target's agility
Leech Power: Drain away AP from one target

(Since this... thing is mostly made of water, physical attacks won't
do a whole lot of damage to it. Hitting it with a fire-based attack
will dehydrate it, making it more susceptible to physical attacks. It
tends to escape after doing this, but if you can defeat it, it will give
up twice as much EXP as normal.)
Quisit Imperial Castle
HP: 1,000 EXP: 1,200 Z: 90
Drops (Straw), (Balance Ring)
Syphon: Suck away HP from one target
Depress: Drain away AP from all targets
Gloom: Make target vulnerable to holy-based attacks

(When accompanied by Beihl, Quisit will use Gloom on your characters,
which makes them vulnerable to Beihl's Kyrie spell!)
Rafresia Tidal Flats
HP: 1,500 EXP: 700 Z: 120
Drops (Vitamin), (Panacea)
Powder: Induce 'Blindness' in all targets
Absorb: Restore HP to user
Devour: Suck away HP from one target
Rat Bandit Hideout
HP: 100 EXP: 250 Z: 200
Drops (Berries), (Toothpick)
*Chlorine*: Attack versus one target; may induce 'Poison'

(These little guys are quite hard to kill. They parry physical attacks
and magic deals little damage to them. They are also quick and tend
to escape before you can do anything. They only have about 100 HP, so
with a bit of magic you should be able to kill them off, provided
they don't escape before you get a chance to pull it off. ^_^)
Rat Pack Ship's Hold
HP: 500 EXP: 360 Z: --
Drops (Iron Scraps), (Rotten Meat)
*Snap*: Attack against one target; reduces Defense

(These little guys will become 'Confused' when the King Rat is defeated.)
Red Cap Kurok
HP: 320 EXP: 42 Z: 25
Drops (Waistcloth), (Glass Domino)
*Command*: Bait other enemies into attacking a specific target
Weaken: Decrease the Defense Power of one target by 20%

(Red Caps have a tendency to boss the other Caps around, using the
Command skill. However, when by themselves, they will run away.)
Rider Mukto (Ruins)
HP: 40,000 EXP: 10,000 Z: 10,000
Drops (King's Armor), (Cursed Sword)
Primus: Ultimate non-elemental magic attack against all targets
Ragnarok: HEAVY Fire+Earth damage against all targets
*Cleave*: Attack against all targets; ignores Defense
Roach Synesta Cellar
HP: 700 EXP: 70 Z: 30
Drops (Croc Tear), (Healing Herb)
Jump: Random damage to one target
Rollob Fane of the Sea God
HP: 1,600 EXP: 400 Z: 200
Drops (Icicle), (Taser)
Ice Blast: Moderate water-based magic against one target

(When Rollob and Bollor appear together, their magics can combine
together to form "Lightning". Beware.)
SaltClaw Imperial Headquarters
HP: 2,100 EXP: 2,200 Z: 350
Drops (Belladonna), (Power Glove)
Death: Sudden death to one target
*Reversal*: Attack against one target; may switch target and victim's HP
Cyclone: Moderate wind-based attack against all targets
Giant Growth: Grow in size to attack all allies

(Any damage dealt to SaltClaw will be partially shielded by its huge
pincher, which will break after being struck a few times. When it has its
pincher, it has a tendency to get "Lucky Strike" on you, so be careful.
Once the pincher is broke it will become much more susceptible to physical
attacks, give 3700 EXP and 1500 Z, and will no longer drop the
"Power Glove".)
Sandclaw Tidal Flats
HP: 2,500 EXP: 700 Z: 450
Drops (Glass Shard), (Earth Claws)
*Searing Sand*: Earth-based physical attack against one target.
Storm: Water+Earth attack against all targets.

(Sandclaw will use the Storm spell after being hit with a water-based
attack, most likely from the Squirts that sometimes accompany them.)
Saruga Mt. Giga
HP: 1,500 EXP: 500 Z: 280
Drops (Speed Boots), (Target Seed)
*Blitz*: Multi-hit attack against all targets, reduce HP by 1/4
*Muffle*: Attack against one target; can inflict "Mute" status

(If any of Saruga's comrades are killed, it will fly into a rage
and start using the Blitz skill on you!)
Scavenger Chedo
HP: 3,800 EXP: 2,500 Z: 220
Drops (Vitamin), (MultiVitamin)
Jump: Random damage against one target

(When by itself, Scavenger will sometimes run away.)
Scorpion North/South Desert
HP: 250 EXP: 20 Z: 10
Drops (Eye Drops), (Vitamin)
*Blind*: Attack against one target, can inflict "Blind" status
Sepoy Island of Fire
HP: 1,800 EXP: 650 Z: 280
Drops (Demon's Helm), (HiddenDagger)
*Sword Breaker*: Attack against one target; lowers Attack Power
*Focus*: Increase Attack Power and counter-attack rate
Shade Imperial Castle
HP: 999 EXP: 450 Z: 20
Drops (Power Food), (Protein)
Confuse: Induces 'Confusion' in one ally
*Molasses*: Attack against one target; reduces Agility
*Snap*: Attack against one target; decrease Defense
*Sword Breaker*: Attack against one target; decrease Attack

(Shade's attacks are dangerous thanks to their high tendency to get
'Lucky Strike'...)
Shadow Hesperia Region
HP: 2,000 EXP: 1,500 Z: 400
Drops (Dodge Seed), (HiddenDagger)
*Disembowel*: Sudden death to one target; user temp. loses 10% Max HP
*Target*: Attack with 100% hit rate, but 50% power
Skullen Imperial Castle
HP: 3,000 EXP: 2,800 Z: 250
Drops (Target Seed), (Wisdom Seed)
Backlash: Create a shield to counter enemy spells
Magma Blast: Moderate Fire+Earth attack against all targets
Counter: Create a shield to nullify enemy spells
Skullfish (*) North Chamba
HP: 2,400 EXP: 429 Z: 291
Drops (Antidote), (Fish-Head)
Venom Breath: Can inflict 'Poison' status on all targets
Confuse: Can inflict 'Confuse' status on one target
Smasher North Islands Region
HP: 1,120 EXP: 400 Z: 200
Drops (Swallow Eye), (Raptor Claws)
Ovum: Turn all targets into 'Eggs'
Snapfly Zhinga Mountains
HP: 3,400 EXP: 1,300 Z: 800
Drops (Firecracker), (Flamethrower)
Fireblast: Moderate fire attack agaisnt all targets
*Flame Strike*: Fire-based physical attack against one target

(Though the Snapfly's attacks are all fire-based, it is also vulnerable
to fire itself. After being hit with many fire-based attacks, it will
be ripped apart, and transformed into a "Stingfly".)
Soldier Ludia Castle
HP: 500 EXP: 500 Z: 300
Drops (Steel BPlate), (BronzeShield)

(You must knock the Soldier out before the first turn ends, or you will
be thrown out of Ludia Castle!)
Sparrow (*) Wychwood
HP: 1,200 EXP: 250 Z: 100
Drops (Bird Drop), (Wooden Rod)
Feeding Time: Drop a caterpillar on target's head, inducing 'Confusion'
Ponder: Spend a turn thinking
Spectre Ershin's Mind
HP: 800 EXP: 300 Z: 30
Drops (Headband), (Magic Shard)
Depress: Drain AP of all targets
Leech Power: Suck away AP of one target
Sporeon Paedra Region
HP: 1,750 EXP: 600 Z: 230
Drops (Antidote), (Panacea)
Spores: Induce 'Poison' status in all targets

(Sporeon will often use the 'Spores' ability after sustaining an attack.)
Squirt Tidal Flats
HP: 900 EXP: 500 Z: 280
Drops (Iron Scraps), (Icicle)
Frost: Weak water-based magic attack against one target.

(Squirt tends to cast 'Frost' on the SandClaws, enabling them to use the
'Storm' spell.)
Star Gazer Imperial Castle
HP: 5,000 EXP: 2,200 Z: 800
Drops (Wisdom Seed), (Shaman'sRing)
*Concentrate*: Increase wisdom and counter-attack rate
Recall: Cast a random spell
Stingfly Transformed version of 'Snapfly'
HP: 2,750 EXP: 1,040 Z: 800
Drops (Flamethrower)
*Last Resort*: Decrease Defense to 0; Increase Attack accordingly
*Target*: 100% Hit rate but deals half normal damage.
Tadpole Passage to Synesta
HP: 600 EXP: 55 Z: 35
Drops (Baby Frog), (Toad)
*Snooze*: Regain HP/AP, but puts user to Sleep in the process
Devour: Suck away HP from one target
Tar Baby North Islands Region
HP: 560 EXP: 650 Z: 120
Drops (Aurum), (Old Tire)
*Douse*: Lower one target's Fire Resistance
*Molasses*: Attack against one target; lower Agility
Storm: Water+Earth attack against all targets
Blunt: Decrease Attack Power of one target

(Tar Baby will use the Douse skill when accompanied by one or more FireAnts,
increasing the effectiveness of their fire-based attacks. Hitting it with
a fire-based attack will dehydrate it, making it more susceptible to
physical attacks.)
Titan Imperial Castle
HP: 12,000 EXP: 4,500 Z: 1,000
Drops (Strength Seed), (Earthbreaker)
*Spirit Blast*: Holy-based attack against one target; ignore Defense
*Knock Out*: Attack against one target; induce 'Sleep'

(When by itself, Titan's magical ability will weaken, and it will start
to use Spirit Blast. It will also no longer drop the "?".)
Toxic Fly Ryu's Dream, Cellar
HP: 100 EXP: 45 Z: 15
Drops (Twister), (Antidote)
*Chlorine*: Poisonous breath attack versus one target.

(Thanks to their high agility, Toxic Flies tend to dodge physical
attacks quite often.)
Trean Abandoned Village
HP: 60,000 EXP: 8,000 Z: 1,000
Drops (Berries), (Nunchaku)

(Treans have an EXTREMELY high amount of HP, and regain half of it
each round. They are meant for practicing your combos on... have fun
actually killing them.)
Troop Ludia Castle
HP: 500 EXP: 200 Z: 100
Drops (Healing Herb), (Glass Domino)

(Troops begin the battle asleep, and tend to Escape when awoken.)
Trunked Abandoned Village
HP: 30,000 EXP: 5,000 Z: 1,000
Drops (Berries), (Ivory Dice)

(These are weaker versions of the Treans, but they are still extremely
tough to kill.)
Udy Faerie Village
HP: 2,000 EXP: 380 Z: 20
Leech Power: Suck away AP from one target
Drain: Suck away HP from one target

(Udy has a high evade rate, and is easier defeated with magic.)
Umadap Ershin's Mind
HP: 1,200 EXP: 2,500 Z: 0
Drops (Weather Vane), (Wind Ward)
Sever: Weak wind-based magic attack against one target

(The fire pillar uses Wind-based magic, and is weak against Water.)
Warder Imperial Castle
HP: 700 EXP: 3,000 Z: 400
Drops (Angel's Vest), (Spirit Ring)
Cyclone: Moderate wind-based damage against all targets
Stone Pillar: Moderate earth-based damage against one target
Fireblast: Moderate fire-based damage against all targets
Ice Blast: Moderate water-based damage against one target

(Warder has a barrier that shields it from all magical attacks. However,
when hit with a certain type of attack, it's barrier will "weaken". By
performing a combo of two or more abilities of the same "element" (Fire,
Earth, etc), you can defeat it.)
Warlok Imperial Headquarters
HP: 3,400 EXP: 2,800 Z: 650
Drops (Skull Staff), (PhantomDress)
Dark Breath: Restore HP to all targets (non-Holy)
Death: Sudden death to one target
Dream Breath: Induce 'Happy' status in all targets

(Warlok is another of those monsters that tends to get "Lucky Strike"
Wizard Island of Fire
HP: 1,600 EXP: 500 Z: 100
Drops (Headband), (WardingStaff)
*Bad Back*: Injures back...
Recall: Use a random spell
Won-qu (*) Fou-Lu's Tomb
HP: 30,000 EXP: 30,000 Z: 0
Drops (Moon Tears), (Cupid's Lyre)
Sanctuary: Nullifies all assistant magic on all targets
Sleep: Induces sleep in all targets
Blizzard: Heavy water-based damage against all targets
Wyd Ludia Region
HP: 900 EXP: 140 Z: 65
Drops (Berries), (Pointed Stick)
*Feign Swing*: Take a practice swing
*Eddy*: Weak wind-based magic attack against one target.

(When hit with a fire-based attack, Wyd will 'transform' into Firewyd.)
Yaen Abandoned Village
HP: 1,000 EXP: 360 Z: 160
Drops (PoisonPowder), (Antidote)
*Chlorine*: Attack against one target; Induces 'Poison'
Rest: Recover a small amount of HP and AP
Yeleb Ershin's Mind
HP: 1,200 EXP: 2,500 Z: 0
Drops (Molotov), (Fire Ward)
Flare: Weak fire-based magic attack against one target

(The earth pillar uses Fire-based magic, and is weak against Wind.)
Ymechaf (*) Kyion, Top of Imperial Causeway
HP: 6,000 EXP: 2,000 Z: 0
Drops (Aurum), (Ice Punch)
Whirlwind: Multi-hit (3x) wind-based attack against all targets
Sever: Weak wind-based attack against one target

(Combo attacks will throw Ymechaf off balance, revealing his weak back
side. Physical attacks will GREATLY damage him when off balance.
Y. Troop Checkpoint
HP: 700 EXP: 700 Z: 100
Drops (Dynamite)
Rock Blast: Weak earth-based attack against all targets
Zaurus Fou-Lu's Tomb
HP: 5,600 EXP: 2,000 Z: 350
Drops (Vitamin), (MultiVitamin)
Devour: Suck away HP from victim

(Zaurus loves eggs, and if it appears in battle with the Egg Gangs or
Gold Gangs, it will attempt to eat THEM instead!)
Zombie North Chamba
HP: 650 EXP: 17 Z: 20
Drops (Bandana), (Glass Domino)
*Feign Swing*: Take a practice swing
*Distracted*: Stare off into space for one turn

(Zombies begin the battle Confused. This is your chance to learn their
(Since Zombies are undead, Holy-based magics such as Heal will
actually damage them.)
ZombieDr Wyndia Castle Basement
HP: 1,800 EXP: 260 Z: 90
Drops (FightingRobe), (Panacea)
*Feint*: Attack against one target; Induces Confusion
Powder: Induce Blindness in all targets
Vitalize: Restore a small amount of HP to all targets

(Being a doctor, ZombieDr tends to heal itself and other enemies.
What it doesn't realize is that undead creatures such as itself are
actually HARMED by Healing spells! :P)
???? (Chest) Kyria (Inside Chest)
HP: ??? EXP: 2 Z: 5

(Hmm... is this really a battle?)

##### Dragon Transformations ################################################

Astral (Fou-Lu)
*Obtained automatically at the beginning of the game*
Changes Fou-Lu into a hybrid dragon form.
Abilities: Eraser, Frost Strike, Wild Swing, Bing, Death
Aura (Ryu)
*Obtained automatically at the beginning of the game*
Changes Ryu into a hybrid dragon form.
Abilities: Flame Strike, Hwa, Rejuvenate, Barrier
Behemoth (Ryu)
*Obtained in the Tidal Flats*
Changes Ryu into a earth-based dragon form.
Abilities: Meteor Strike, Searing Sand, Patoh, Chi Patoh, Counter
Infini (N/A)
*Only during the "false" final battle*
The supreme dragon being... said to be invincible.
Abilities: Dark Wave, Soul Rend, Hwa, Jeh, Hwajeh, Bing, Bing'ah,
Pa Bing'ah, Patoh, Chi Patoh, Patoh Pah, Pung, Na P'ung,
Ahryu P'ung
Kaiser (Ryu)
*Obtained automatically near the end of Chapter 2*
Changes Ryu into a powerful hybrid dragon form.
Abilities: KaiserBreath, Aura Smash, Hwajeh, Ahryu P'ung, Patoh Pah,
Resurrect, Sanctuary
Mutant (Ryu)
*Found in the En Jhou Ruins during Chapter 3*
Changes Ryu into a rather unstable dragon form.
Abilities: Stardrop, Snap, Chlorine, Sleep, Silence
Myrmidon (Ryu)
*Found in the charred forest west of Fou-Lu's tomb during Chapter 3*
Changes Ryu into a wind-based dragon form.
Abilities: MetaStrike, Wind Strike, P'ung, Nah P'ung, Ahryu P'ung,
Cleave, Shadowwalk
Serpent (Fou-Lu)
*Obtained in the Sanctum during Chapter 3 (you can't miss it!)*
Changes Fou-Lu into a water-type dragon form.
Abilities: Waterspout, Frost Strike, Bing, Bing'ah, Snap
Tyrant (Fou-Lu)
*Obtained automatically near the end of Chapter 2*
Changes Fou-Lu into a strong hybrid dragon form with stronger abilities.
Abilities: Dark Wave, Aura Smash, Pa Bing'ah, Ahryu P'ing, Patoh Pah,
Death, Sanctuary
Wyvern (Ryu)
*Found on Mt. Giga*
Changes Ryu into a fire-based dragon form.
Abilities: Gigaflame, Flame Strike, Hwa, Jeh, Hwajeh, Might, Protect

##### Dragon Skills #########################################################

Ahryu P'ung Wind 3 AP
Deals heavy wind-based damage to all targets.
Aura Smash Physical/Holy 3 AP
Physical attack against one target; ignores target's defense.
Bing Water 1 AP
Weak water-based magic attack against one target.
Bing'ah Water 2 AP
Moderate water-based magic attack against one target.
Chi Patoh Earth 2 AP
Deals moderate earth-based damage to one target.
Dark Wave Breath 0 AP
Non-elemental breath attack; damage varies according to HP.
Eraser Breath 0 AP
Non-Elemental breath attack against all enemies. Damage is
variant on remaining HP and Defense Power of the caster.
Gigaflame Breath 0 AP
Fire-based breath attack against all enemies. Damage is variant
on remaining HP.
Hwa Fire 1 AP
Weak fire-based magic attack against one target.
Hwajeh Fire 3 AP
Heavy fire-based magic attack against one target.
Jeh Fire 2 AP
Moderate fire-based magic attack against all targets.
Kaiser Breath Breath 0 AP
Ultimate non-elemental breath attack. Damage varies with HP.
MetaStrike Breath 0 AP
Wind breath attack against all enemies, ignores defense power.
Meteor Strike Breath 0 AP
Breath attack against all targets; damage variant on HP and Defense.
Nah P'ung Wind 2 AP
Deals moderatet wind-based damage to all targets.
Pa Bing'ah Water 3 AP
Deals heavy water-based damage to all targets.
Patoh Earth 1 AP
Deals light earth-based damage to all targets.
Pato Pah Earth 3 AP
Deals heavy earth-based damage to all targets.
P'ung Wind 1 AP
Deals light wind-based damage to one target.
Soul Rend N/A 0 AP
Reduces all targets to 1 HP.
Stardrop Breath 0 AP
Breath attack against all enemies, lower's enemy status
Waterspout Breath 0 AP
Water-based breath attack, damage variant on HP.



This section is made up of detailed information about a few things
such as Masters, Fishing, and the Faerie Colony "mini-game" that you can
undertake while on your journey.

##### Fishing ##############################################################

Another tradition on the Breath of Fire series is the presence of active
fishing sequences. Through the various games, Fishing has evolved greatly
from when it first appeared in the original Breath of Fire. BoF4 contains
the most realistic and refined fishing system yet.

Once you get to the first town and purchase your preliminary fishing rod
and bait, you will be able to go to Fishing Spots around the world and, well,
fish! There are 30 different types of fish in the world, and you are given
a "ranking" based on how many different fish you have been able to catch, as
well as the record sizes on your catches. Different fish inhabit different
parts of the world, so expect to fish in a lot of different places if you
"gotta catch 'em all" (-slaps self for performing a lame Pokemon pun-)....

Once you've got your rod, bait, and found a fishing spot, you're ready
to go. First you'll have to find a suitable spot to fish from... you can tell
when you're at a suitable spot when the "Cast" option is highlighted. Then,
you can whip out your rod (Fishing Rod you perverts!!) and choose the direction
of your cast!

##### Casting ############################################################

The first thing you need to do is cast, since the fish obviously aren't
going to jump out of the water and attach themselves to your hook. Choose
the direction of your cast then press X, and the power bar at the bottom
will begin moving. Press X again and you'll cast... the fuller the power
bar is, the farther you will cast. The length of your cast also depends
on what type of rod you are using. After you cast, your lure will fly
out and land, preferably in the water. If you goof up and cast onto the
land, you may run into a bit of trouble, as if you try to pull it back too
fast, it may catch on something and you'll end up losing it. Press the
Triangle button to reset your lure if this happens. Finally, if you REALLY
goof up and send the lure flying off the edge of the screen, your lure will
automatically be reset (you won't lose it).

##### Moving the Lure ####################################################

Once it's in the water, depending on what type it is, your lure may sink
or just sit there atop the water. A floating (or sunk at the bottom) isn't
too attractive, not even to fish, so in order to get a bite you'll have to
move it around a bit. The X button reels in your lure, while the left and
right directions move it left and right (strange that!). The down button
will make you raise your rod (...), moving the lure forward. Depending on
how attractive your movement rhythm is, you may see something like "Tec. 1"
appear above the lure. A higher "technique" rating means that your lure is
more attractive to fish. The in-game tutorial gives you good rhythms to use
in order to make your lure "attractive" (and it's a heck of a lot easier
than trying to depict it here). Also, the depth meter on the right shows how
deep your lure is down in the water. Some lures will sink to the bottom when
moved, others will sink when standing still. If your lure is at the bottom,
it is subject to getting hung up on something if you move it around too much,
and again this could cause you to lose your lure. Be careful, or use the
Triangle button to reset your lure and try again.

##### Hooking a fish #####################################################

Unless you hook your fish, it might very well sit there and nibble on
your lure forever. In order to actually "catch" a fish, you must hook it.
When a fish starts nibbling on your lure you'll notice the tension meter at
the bottom flutter around a bit (just like the tension on your line would
flutter in real life). When this happens, quickly press the X button to
hook your fish. Then it will be "caught" and you'll have to fight to bring
it in. Sometimes (albeit rarely) you won't even have to hook the fish...
it may very well chomp down on your lure, hooking itself in the process.
However, this "chance hooking" is less reliable and has a better chance of
falling out, which means your fish could get away, or you could lose your
lure altogether.

##### Bringing 'er in ####################################################

The last step in getting your fish is actually reeling it in. Once it's
hooked, it'll realize it, and start fighting. This is where you need to pay
attention to your tension meter. When the tension meter is to the left of
the box in the middle, the tension is loose, and may cause the fish to get
away (possibly with your lure. You didn't come here to feed the fish. :P).
Thus, when the tension is to the left of the box, hold X to start reeling in
your fish. When the tension is on the right of the box, it is getting too
tight and further reeling may cause the line to snap (which of course, is a
bad thing). When the tension is on the right of the box, let off the X
button to let the tension decrease. Your object is to keep the tension
as close to the box in the center, which isn't as hard as it might sound.

Also, the little red bar just under the tension meter is the fish's
"strength", meaning just how long it is liable to put up a fight against
you. Bigger fish usually have bigger strength bars, and it will take a while
of fighting to bring them in. Also, some fish have a habit of thrashing
around, which might end up ripping the hook free, causing them to get away,
possibly with your lure. Be careful if a fish starts thrashing, keep the
tension tight so the hook doesn't fall loose, and wait for the fish to
calm back down. Once you bring the fish close enough to you, it's caught!
You'll find out how much it weighs and be given a point rating. The fish
will also be transferred to your inventory, where you may use it later.

And that's all you'll need to know! Remember, the more types of fish
you catch, the higher your point value and "fisherman" rating will be. It's
worth noting also that some fish have quite useful effects as items, so
fishing just might help you out in your battles! Good luck, and happy
fishing! =D

##### Fishing Data #######################################################

This section outlines the various Fishing Spots that can be found
throughout the world, and what fish can be caught there. It also touches
on each individual fish, bait, and rod.

##### List of Fishing Spots #############################################

O River Spot 1: Located past a ? mark just to the east of the town of
o Target Fish: Jellyfish, Sweetfish, Trout, Rainbow Trout

O Lake Spot 1: Located past a ? mark between Synesta and the Sandflier
o Target Fish: Jellyfish, Piranha, Bass, Blue Gill, Martian Squid

O Ocean Spot 1: Located past a ? mark between Shyde and the ? spot to
the south.
o Target Fish: Man-o'-War, Flying Fish, Blowfish, Sea Bream

O River Spot 2: Talk to the fish-person in Kasq Woods and he'll tell you
about this Fishing Spot, located just north of the woods.
o Target Fish: Jellyfish, Browntail, Trout, Rainbow Trout, Salmon

O Lake Spot 2: Found near the village of Lyp in the North Islands.
o Target Fish: Piranha, Bass, Blue Gill, Black Bass, Martian Squid,

O Ocean Spot 2: Located in the Salt Sea (search the blue flag to the
north-west of Lyp to find it).
o Target Fish: Man-o'-War, Bonito, Sea Bass, Flatfish, Octopus,
Spearfish, Whale

O River Spot 3: Head to the charred forest west of Fou-Lu's tomb, and
exit to the south.
o Target Fish: Sweetfish, Browntail, Trout, Rainbow Trout, Bullcat,
Salmon, Sturgeon

O Lake Spot 3: Talk to the fisherman in Chiqua and he'll tell you about
this Fishing Spot, just north of town.
o Target Fish: Jellyfish, Black Bass, Angelfish, Martian Squid, Dorado,

O Ocean Spot 3: Investigate a ? mark north of the Highway and exit west
to find this Fishing Spot.
o Target Fish: Flying Fish, Sea Bass, Flatfish, Octopus, Bonito, Angler

O Saldine Spot: Located on Saldine Island (in the Tidal Flats)
o Target Fish: Blowfish, Moorfish, Sea Bream, Black Porgy

O Chamba Spot: During Chapter III go back to North Chamba and defeat the
Angler, and the area will become your next Fishing Spot...
o Target Fish: Jellyfish, Bullcat, Acheron

##### List of Fish ######################################################

O 1: Jellyfish
Average Size: 22cm
Biggest: 32cm (80 pts) *
Lure: Spinner, Winder, Topper, Minnow, Frog, Worm
Found: Anywhere
Lives: Shallow/Medium
As Item: Restores 50 HP to one ally.

O 2: Piranha
Average Size: 30cm
Biggest: 42cm (150 pts) *
Lure: Spinner, Winder, Topper, Minnow, Frog, Worm
Found: Desert
Lives: Medium
As Item: Restores 150 HP to one ally.

O 3: Bass
Average Size: 45cm
Biggest: 61cm (200 pts) *
Lure: Topper, Minnow, Frog, Worm
Found: Desert
Lives: Medium
As Item: Restores 500 HP to one ally.

O 4: Blue Gill
Average Size: 37cm
Biggest: 51cm (250 pts) *
Lure: Spinner, Winder, Frog, Worm
Found: Anywhere
Lives: Medium
As Item: Deals a minor water-based magic attack to one target.

O 5: Sweetfish
Average Size: 18cm
Biggest: 25cm (150 pts) *
Lure: Spinner, Winder, Topper, Minnow, Frog, Worm
Found: Desert
Lives: Shallow
As Item: Restores 5 AP to one ally.

O 6: Browntail
Average Size: 52cm
Biggest: 70cm (250 pts) *
Lure: Spinner, Winder, Topper, Minnow
Found: Wyndia
Lives: Shallow
As Item: Raises Defense Power of one ally.

O 7: Black Bass
Average Size: 52cm
Biggest: 70cm (300 pts) *
Lure: Topper, Minnow, Frog, Worm
Found: North Islands
Lives: Medium
As Item: Restores 1200 HP to one ally.

O 8: Angelfish
Average Size: 22cm
Biggest: 30cm (250 pts) *
Lure: Spinner, Winder, Topper, Minnow, Frog, Worm
Found: Zhinga Mountains
Lives: Medium
As Item: Revives one fallen ally with 1/2 HP.

O 9: Trout
Average Size: 30cm
Biggest: 42cm (200 pts) *
Lure: Spinner, Winder, Topper, Minnow, Frog, Worm
Found: Desert
Lives: Shallow
As Item: Restores 10 AP to one ally.

O 10: Rainbow Trout
Average Size: 52cm
Biggest: 70cm (350 pts) *
Lure: Spinner, Winder, Topper, Minnow
Found: Anywhere
Lives: Shallow
As Item: Raises Attack Power of one ally.

O 11: Bullcat
Average Size: 60cm
Biggest: 77cm (342 pts)
Lure: Topper, Minnow, Frog, Worm
Found: Zhinga Mountains
Lives: Shallow
As Item: Deals moderate Earth+Fire damage to all targets.

O 12: Martian Squid
Average Size: 52cm
Biggest: 72cm (350 pts) *
Lure: Winder, Minnow, Worm
Found: Anywhere
Lives: Medium
As Item: Nullifies all magic effects.

O 13: Dorado
Average Size: 67cm
Biggest: 92cm (400 pts) *
Lure: Topper, Minnow, Frog, Worm
Found: North Islands
Lives: Medium
As Item: Restores 800 HP to all targets.

O 14: Salmon
Average Size: 105cm
Biggest: 141cm (400 pts) *
Lure: Topper, Minnow, Frog, Worm
Found: Wyndia
Lives: Shallow
As Item: Restores 30 AP to all targets.

O 15: Barandy
Average Size: 150cm
Biggest: 191cm (630 pts)
Lure: Frog, Worm
Found: Zhinga Mountains
Lives: Medium
As Item: Restores all HP status of one target.

O 16: Sturgeon
Average Size: 165cm
Biggest: 227cm (700 pts) *
Lure: Frog, Worm
Found: Zhinga Mountains
Lives: Shallow
As Item: Revive all allies with 1/4 HP (can fail)

O 17: Man-o'-War
Average Size: 22cm
Biggest: 30cm (80 pts) *
Lure: Spinner, Winder, Topper, Minnow, Frog, Worm
Found: Anywhere
Lives: Deep
As Item: Restores 50 HP to one ally.

O 18: Flying Fish
Average Size: 26cm
Biggest: 36cm (150 pts) *
Lure: Spinner, Winder, Topper, Minnow, Frog, Worm
Found: Ludia
Lives: Deep
As Item: Restores 100 HP to one ally + Chance of curing status.

O 19: Blowfish
Average Size: 37cm
Biggest: 52cm (200 pts) *
Lure: Spinner, Winder, Topper, Minnow, Frog, Worm
Found: Ludia
Lives: Deep
As Item: Cure 'Poison' in one ally.

O 20: Moorfish
Average Size: 22cm
Biggest: 24cm (160 pts)
Lure: Spinner, Winder, Topper, Minnow, Frog, Worm
Found: Saldine
Lives: Deep
As Item: Chance of reviving ally with 1 HP.

O 21: Sea Bass
Average Size: 52cm
Biggest: 64cm (252 pts)
Lure: Spinner, Winder, Topper, Minnow, Frog, Worm
Found: Salt Sea
Lives: Deep
As Item: Restores 400 HP to one target.

O 22: Flatfish
Average Size: 37cm
Biggest: 54cm (280 pts) *
Lure: Spinner, Winder, Topper, Minnow
Found: Salt Sea
Lives: Deep
As Item: Restores status of one target.

O 23: Sea Bream
Average Size: 52cm
Biggest: 58cm (240 pts)
Lure: Topper, Minnow, Frog, Worm
Found: Saldine
Lives: Deep
As Item: Restores 30 AP to one target.

O 24: Octopus
Average Size: 60cm
Biggest: 81cm (350 pts) *
Lure: Winder, Minnow, Worm
Found: Salt Sea
Lives: Deep
As Item: Blinds all targets.

O 25: Bonito
Average Size: 90cm
Biggest: 117cm (360 pts)
Lure: Topper, Minnow, Worm
Found: S. Levant
Lives: Deep
As Item: Restores all HP to one target.

O 26: Black Porgy
Average Size: 52cm
Biggest: 73cm (400 pts) *
Lure: Minnow, Topper, Frog, Worm
Found: Saldine Island
Lives: Deep
As Item: Restores 100 AP to one target.

O 27: Angler
Average Size: 105cm
Biggest: 134cm (405 pts)
Lure: Topper, Minnow, Frog, Worm
Found: South Levant
Lives: Deep
As Item: Deals heavy Water+Earth damage to all targets.

O 28: Spearfish
Average Size: 142cm
Biggest: 146cm (350 pts)
Lure: Spinner, Winder, Topper, Minnow
Found: Salt Sea
Lives: Deep
As Item: Restores 1500 HP to all targets.

O 29: Whale
Average Size: 187cm
Biggest: 261cm (999 pts) *
Lure: Spinner, Winder, Topper, Minnow
Found: Salt Sea
Lives: Deep
As Item: Restores all HP and status to all targets.

O 30: Acheron
Average Size: 37cm
Biggest: 41cm (240 pts)
Lure: Spinner, Winder, Topper, Minnow, Frog, Worm
Found: Chamba
Lives: N/A
As Item: Induces 'Poison' in ALL targets in combat.

##### Fishing Rods ######################################################

O Wooden Rod: A rod designed for the beginning fisherman. It is
relatively easy to use, but the line tends to break rather easily.
(Power Level: 1)
O Bamboo Rod: This rod has a very good casting range, but tends to
be a bit hard to handle and breaks quite easily.
(Power Level: 2)
O Deluxe Rod: A rod with good balance... it is easier to handle but
doesn't have the casting range of the Bamboo Rod.
(Power Level: 2)
O Spanner: A handmade rod with good balance, good casting range,
and good power level.
(Power Level: 3)
O Angling Rod: A powerful rod with good range.
(Power Level: MAX)
O Master's Rod: The ultimate rod... can catch anything and everything.
(Power Level: MAX)

##### Fishing Lures #####################################################

O Silver Top: A silver lure which is quite attractive to fish.
Floats when sitting still, Sinks when reeled
(Level 1 Spinner)
O Twister: A winder lure that twists through the water when reeled.
Sinks when sitting still, Floats when reeled. Due to its shape,
it hardly ever gets caught, making it good for catching the fish
that hang out at the floor.
(Level 1 Winder)
O Popper: A lure resembling a small fish.
Floats when sitting still, Floats when reeled
(Level 1 Topper)
O Floater: A lure shaped like a small fish; reasonably easy to use.
Sinks when sitting still, Floats when reeled.
(Level 1 Minnow)
O Baby Frog: A lure shaped like a small frog.
Floats when sitting still, Floats when reeled
(Level 1 Frog)
O Straight: A lure shaped like a worm.
Sinks when sitting still, Floats when reeled
(Level 1 Worm)

O Gold Top: A gold-skinned spinner lure that tends to attract fish
with its shiny exterior.
Sinks when sitting still, Floats when reeled
(Level 2 Spinner)
O Warbler: A well-balanced lure that attracts fish with its unique
floating motion.
Sinks when sitting still, Floats when reeled
(Level 2 Winder)
O Flattop: A lure resembled to move like a small shallow-water fish.
Floats when sitting still, Floats when reeled
(Level 2 Topper)
O Hanger: A more attractive minnow-type lure.
Sinks when sitting still, Floats when reeled
(Level 2 Minnow)
O Toad: A pink frog-type lure that tends to sink.
Floats when sitting still, Sinks when reeled
(Level 2 Frog)
O Tail: A more attractive worm lure that is quite easy to use.
Sinks when sitting still, Floats when reeled
(Level 2 Worm)

O Platinum Top: This top made of shiny and valuable metal attratcs
fish, and sometimes humans as well. ^_^
Sinks when sitting still, Floats when reeled
(Level 3 Spinner)
O Dancer: Although it is heavy and sinks quickly, it has a rhythmic
movement that is very attractive to fish.
Sinks when sitting still, Floats when reeled
(Level 3 Winder)
O Swisher: Attracks fish with a propeller that churns up the surface
of the water as it moves.
Floats when sitting still, Sinks when reeled
(Level 3 Topper)
O Deep Diver: A lure that tends to sink quickly and rise slowly.
Another good lure for those fish that hang out at the bottom.
Floats when sitting still, Sinks when reeled
(Level 3 Minnow)
O Fat Frog: A plump frog that can easily tempt fish into chomping it.
Floats when siting still, Sinks when reeled
(Level 3 Frog)
O Crab: A small crab that can be used as bait.
Sinks when sitting still, Floats when reeled.
(Level 3 Worm)

O Spoon: This mere spoon can attract any and all types of fish!
Sinks when sitting still, Floats when reeled
(Ultimate Lure)
O King Frog: No fish can resist the temptation of this ultimate lure.
Sinks when sitting still, Floats when reeled
(Ultimate Lure)

##### Masters ##############################################################

Just like in BoF3, the world of Breath of Fire IV contains many "Masters"
who can teach you their secret skills. There are 12 Masters scattered
throughout the world, all with their own special techniques and skills. If
you choose to apprentice a character under a Master, they may be able to
learn Skills from them, providing they meet certain 'qualifications'. The
"Master" system is described in this section.

##### Apprenticing under a Master ########################################

The first step in apprenticing under a Master is.. well, finding him!
As stated before, there are twelve Masters scattered about the world of BoF4.
However, not all Masters will allow you to become their apprentice immediately.
Some Masters require entrance tasks that you must undergo in order to become
their apprentice. If you have met the requirements (or the Master doesn't
require any entry tasks), you may then choose a character who you wish to
apprentice to him or her. Note that more than one character may be apprenticed
to the same Master, or all of them may be apprenticed to different Masters.
The choice is up to you.

When apprenticed, the character will start to adapt to the Master's
special technique, called "Will". The character will then use the "Will"
at random. For example, Rwolf, the first Master you meet, has the "Haste"
Will, which increases the speed of your party members. Also, while apprenticed,
the character's statistic gains at level up will be altered in accordance
with the nature of the Master. For example, a Master skilled in magic arts
will cause his or her apprentice(s) to gain AP and Wisdom faster, but may
cause them gain HP and Power slower. It's a good idea to choose apprentices
who are already skilled in the areas that the Master grants bonuses to, to
even further strengthen the character's power in those areas!

##### Learning Additional Skills #########################################

An apprenticed character will not just inherit the Will of the Master he
or she is apprenticed to. By completing certain tasks, the Master will be
able to teach them other Skills as well, which will show up on their Skill list.
For example, under Rwolf, your first task is to "Create a combo with at least
5 hits". Once this task is completed, you may return to the Master, and he
or she will teach the character more abilities.

##### Master Data ########################################################

This section has the specifics on the Masters, hints on completing their
tasks, where they can be found, what skills they teach, what bonuses or
penalties they give to statistics on level up, etc, etc....

O Rwolf
Found: In Kurok Valley, just near the entrance
Initial Requirements: None
Will: Haste (Increases agility of allies)
Affections: AP +1, Wisdom +1, Power -1
o 1st: You must perform a combo that consists of at least 5 hits.
- You should be able to perform this as soon as you meet him. Just
find a group of two or more monsters, and have Cray use Rock Blast,
Ryu use Burn, and Nina use Sever, in that order. In a group of two
monsters this should end up as 5 hits. Of course this is only a
suggestion, there are many other ways to make a 5-hit combo!
* Once you have completed this task, Rwolf will teach you the "Eddy"
o 2nd: You must perform a combo that consists of at least 10 hits.
- You can get this by using the same strategy on the "squadrons" of
Caps that sometimes appear on the World Map near Kyria. Rock Blast
+ Burn will rack up 12 hits here!
* You will learn the "Plateau" skill for completing this task.
o 3rd: You must perform a combo that consists of at least 15 hits.
- Try using area-effect spells such as Rock Blast, Fireblast, and
Cyclone on the groups of Treans that appear in the Abandoned Village.
For example, try having Nina cast Cyclone, Ursula cast Cyclone,
and Scias cast Frost. This should rack up 30 hits, cleaning out
the rest of this master's tasks in one shot. ^_^
* You will learn the "Magic Ball" skill for completing this task.
o Final: You must perform a combo that consists of at least 20 hits.
- See previous suggestion ^_^
* You will learn the "Flame Pillar" skill for completing this task!

O Stoll
Found: The Bandit's Hideout, just east of Synesta
Initial Requirements: Pay him all your Zenny
Will: Filch (Steal items from enemies)
Affections: Agility +1
o 1st: You must have at least 80 different items in your inventory.
- Pretty self-explanatory but no simple task. My advice... don't sell
ANYTHING. Keep as many different types of items, weapons, equipment,
accessories, etc as you can.
* You will learn the "Steal" skill for completing this task.
o Final: You must have at least 120 different items in your inventory.
- Again, pretty self-explanatory but 120 items is quite a lot. ;)
* You will learn the "Coward's Way" skill for completing this task.

O Una
Found: Upstairs in the Elders' house in Worent
Initial Requirements: None
Will: Wild (Increases attack power but decreases accuracy)
Affections: HP + 12, Power + 2, Defense +1, AP -2, Wisdom -1
o 1st: You must deal over 1,500 damage with a combo attack.
- Another pretty self-explanatory task. It shouldn't be that hard
to pull off 1,500 damage with a combo... just find a reasonably
large group of monsters and try using one of the combination
* Una will teach you the "Pilfer" skill after completing this.
o 2nd: You must deal over 3,000 damage with a combo attack.
- Once you gain in strength and get some of the more powerful
spells this also won't be all that hard.
* Una will teach you the "Super Combo" skill upon meeting these
o Final: You must deal over 10,000 damage with a combo attack.
- Try using high-level area spells to make combination magics on
the groups of Treans in the Abandoned Village. You should be able
to rack up a lot of damage this way!
* Una will teach you the "Blitz" skill when this requirement is

O Njomo
Found: In a house to the southeast of Wyndia
Initial Requirements: After working on the Faerie Colony for a while,
Njomo will allow you to apprentice under her.
Will: Pique (Counter-attacks will automatically Critically Hit)
Affections: Speed +2, AP +1, HP -8
o 1st: You must have at least 8 Faeries in the Faerie Colony.
- If you work hard in bringing up the Faerie Colony, this shouldn't
be a very hard task.
* Njomo will then teach you the "Faerie Attack" skill!
o 2nd: You must have at least 12 Faeries in the Faerie Colony.
- Keep up the good work at the Faerie Colony and you'll have 12
Faeries before you know it.
* Njomo will then teach you the "Faerie Breath" skill!
o 3nd: You must have at least 16 Faeries in the Faerie Colony.
- Work hard to bring up the Faerie Colony and you will surely be able
to obtain 16 Faeries.
* Njomo will then teach you the "War Shout" skill!
o Final: You must have 20 Faeries in the Faerie Colony.
- 20 is the Maximum number of Faeries, but if you keep a steady eye
on the Faerie Colony, you will be able to reach this goal.
* Njomo will then teach you the "Faerie Charge" skill!

O Momo
Found: In the Windmill in the town of Wyndia
Initial Requirements: None
Will: Drowse (Fall asleep while in the back row...)
Affections: HP + 8
o 1st: You must have over 25 hours of gameplay time.
- Kinda of a no-brainer here, don't you think?
* Momo will then teach you the "Spray" skill.
o 2nd: You must have over 30 hours of gameplay time.
* Momo will then teach you the "Clip" skill.
o 3rd: You must have over 40 hours of gameplay time.
* Momo will then teach you the "Oracle" skill.
o Final: You must have over 50 hours of gameplay time.
* Momo will then teach you the "Egghead" skill.

O Abbess
Found: In the village of Chek
Initial Requirements: You must have visited the Sand and Mud Dragons
before she will let you apprentice under her.
Will: Reck (Increase chance of learning enemy skills)
Affections: AP +2, Wisdom +4, Power -2, Defense -2
o 1st: You must have done battle with at least 70 different types of
- Obviously, the further you progress in the game, the more types
of monsters you will meet. ^_^
* Abbess will then teach you the "Concentrate" skill.
o 2nd: You must have done battle with at least 85 different types of
- Just proceed a little further into the game... :P
* Abbess will then teach you the "Sanctuary" skill.
o Final: You must have done battle with at least 100 different types of
* Abbess will then teach you the "Celerity" skill.

O Marlok
Found: In the town of Synesta
Initial Requirements: You must have upgraded your "treasure" to a
"Tin Ball" or better.
Will: Greed (Increases Zenny earned after battle)
Affections: HP +16, AP +3, Power -1, Defense -1, Agility -1, Wisdom -1
o 1st: You must have upgraded your "treasure" to a "Copper Ball" or
- Refer to the list of treasure upgrades in order to obtain the
Copper Ball. ;)
* Marlok will teach you the "Charm" skill for your hard work.
o 2nd: You must have upgraded your "treasure" to an "Electrum Ball" or
* Marlok will teach you the "Monopolize" skill for your hard work.
o Final: You must have upgraded your "treasure" to the "Platinum Ball".
* Marlok will teach you the "Roulette" skill for your hard work.

O Kryrik
Found: Village of Shikk, after Sea Voyage
Initial Requirements: You must perform a combo of at least 25 hits.
Will: Finale (Finish off a weakened opponent automatically)
Affections: HP +25, Power +3, Defense +2, AP -2, Speed -2, Wisdom -2
o 1st: You must perform a combo of at least 30 hits.
- Like Rwolf, Kryrik commends you to perform combos, only these are
the BIG numbers. If you followed my suggestions for Rwolf, you
should already have a 30-hit combo.
* Kryrik will teach you the "Megaphone" skill for your accomplishment!
o 2nd: You must perform a combo of at least 50 hits.
- There are many ways to go about doing this, but you'll need to have
a lot of the more powerful skills in order to pull it off.
For example, have Ryu cast Celerity, then Nina cast Vitalize, then
Scias cast Vitalize. This should rack up 70 hits even, enough to
clean out this master's tasks.
* Kryrik will teach you the "Cleave" skill for your accomplishment!
o Final: You must perform a combo of at least 70 hits.
* Kryrik will teach you the "Disembowel" skill for your accomplishment!

O Gyosil
Found: In the village of Lyp
Initial Requirements: You must have at least 3,000 fishing points.
Will: Ward (Can sometimes conserve items that would normally only
have one use)
Affections: AP +2, HP -8
o 1st: You must have over 4,000 fishing points.
- Fishing, fishing, fishing! The more types of fish you catch, the
higher your point rating will be, so get out there and start catching
some fish! :P
* Gyosil will give you a "Ring of Ice" for this accomplishment.
o 2nd: You must have over 6,000 fishing points.
* Gyosil will give you the "Spanner" rod for this accomplishment.
o Final: You must have over 9,500 fishing points.
* Gyosil will give you the "Master's Rod" for this accomplishment!

O Lyta
Found: Village of Synesta, Orphanage
Initial Requirements: Come back after the Sea Voyage and she will
offer to be a Master, but only if you have already apprenticed
under Gyosil.
Will: Guard (Protects allies who are at critical HP)
Affections: AP +1, Wisdom +1, Defense -1
o 1st: You must be at least level 20.
- .....
* You will learn the "Supplication" skill for this achievement.
o 2nd: You must be at least level 25.
* You will learn the "Holy Strike" skill for this achievement.
o 3rd: You must be at least level 30.
* You will learn the "Resist" skill for this achievement.
o Final: You must be at least level 35.
* You will learn the "Benediction" skill for this achievement.

O Kahn
Found: ? spot north of Saldine
Initial Requirements: None
Will: Valor (Sometimes automatically revive when knocked out)
Affections: HP +20, Power +3, Speed +1, AP -4, Wisdom -3
o 1st: You must have had over 300 encounters.
- Not much to this at all, really...
* Kahn will then teach you the "Shout" skill.
o 2nd: You must have had over 500 encounters.
* Kahn will then teach you the "Tiger Fist" skill.
o Final: You must have had over 600 encounters.
* Kahn will then teach you the "Flex" skill.

O Bunyan
Found: In his hut on the continent of Hesperia. Reach it by taking
the west exit of the mountain (? spot) nearby.
Initial Requirements: Must have met with all the other masters
Will: Vision (Raises Hit Percentage to 100%)
Affections: Power +1, Defense +1, Agility +1, Wisdom +1, HP -16, AP -3
o 1st: You must deal over 3,000 damage in a single hit.
* Bunyan will reward you with the "Backhand" skill!
o 2nd: You must deal over 8,000 damage in a single hit.
* Bunyan will reward you with the "Shadowwalk" skill!
o Final: You must deal over 12,000 damage in a single hit.
* Bunyan will reward you with the "Final Hope" skill!

##### Manillo Store ########################################################

Like in BoF3, there are certain Manillo shops around the world where you
can purchase items with the fish you catch. However, rather than fishing
them out of the water, these Manillos can be found in certain towns. They
often carry rare and useful items, but money is worthless in these shops. When
you trade purchase items at Manillo stores, you will receive "Points". The
number of points depends on the trade you make. By pressing the Triangle
button in the Manillo Store, you can trade in your points for "Stamps". You
get 1 stamp for every 100 Points. Your stamp card can hold 20 Stamps, and
when you get all 20 of them, your Stamp Card will be "full", and eligible for
trading in the VERY rare item section.

Therefore... 100 points equals 1 Stamp, and 20 Stamps equals 1 Card.
You can then trade in your Stamp Cards for very rare and valuable items and
the Manillo Store...

Magic Shard............3 Cards
Power Food.............3 Cards
Swallow Eye............3 Cards
Fish-Head..............3 Cards
Coupons...............25 Cards
Dragon Tear...........50 Cards
Linked Pole...........75 Cards
Render................99 Cards

Remember, the only way to go about getting these items is fishing! :)

##### Faerie Colony ########################################################

Shortly after you drive the monsters of the Faeries' Village in Chapter II,
a distressed faerie will meet up with your party, and beg you to be the manager
of their colony. By participating in this "mini-quest", you can help the
faeries build their colony, and help yourself in the process!

### The Basics ###########################################################

You can visit the Faerie Colony at any time by talking to the faerie who
will always appear at your campsite. Once in the colony, you can give orders
by talking to the faerie in the middle. On the main menu, you'll see many
boxes and numbers depicting the status of your colony. In the upper right,
in the "Data Box" is the current number of Faeries in the colony (up to a
maximum of 20), the current amount of food the colony has stored (up to a
maximum of 100 units), and the current "Culture Level" of your colony (up
to a max of 100). The 'heart' on the right depicts the overall health and
happiness of your colony.

The box on the left marked "Free" contains the Faeries that are not
currently assigned to any job. The box to the right (depicted by a bow and
arrow) is for "Hunting for Food". The next box (depicted by a hammer) is for
"Building and Clearing Land", and the final box is for "Grow Crops". Hunting
is very important as without food the faeries will die (and of course you
don't want that!). The game suggests you have about one-third of your total
population hunting at all times, but sometimes you may need more. Since the
Colony is mostly populated by trees, you'll have to clear the land first in
order to build houses. You can clear land by moving faeries to the "Clear and
Build" box. The last box is for "Growing Crops", which also gives the colony
extra food. By using the special "fertilizer" items that you may find, you
can increase the amount of food gained from growing crops, and you may even
gain special items back.

*NOTE* Sometimes, when you investigate a ? spot on the World Map, you'll
stumble across one of the faeries who, while hunting, has become overwhelmed
by a ton of animals. You can then help the Faerie hunt the animals (much like
the hunting sequences in BoF2). By using Ryu's sword you can kill the animals
and either take the meat for yourself, or give it to the faeries, increasing
their food stock. One thing to note is that if an animal runs around wounded,
the quality of the meat will decrease, so try to kill them as fast as possible.

The bubble in the upper left lets you change the pace of which you want
your Faeries to work. There are four levels of working "pace"...

Hard: Work hard without resting, but this tends to decrease the faeries'
happiness (faeries don't like working that much! :P), and uses up
a lot of food. Use this only when you need something done quickly.
Normal: Work normally at an average rate, using an average amount of food.
This is the setting you will want to use most of the time.
Easy: Work slowly. This uses the least amount of food, but things will
get done very slowly. If you are in need of food and don't need anything
done quickly, use this level for a while.
Relax: Let the faeries choose their own pace. Of course, since faeries don't
like working, this could mean things might take a very long time to get
finished... ;)

The boxes at the bottom depict empty plots that exist around the colony.
You must have the faeries clear out a plot of land before it can be used. Once
cleared, you can choose to have the faeries build houses there. Once the house
is built, you can then assign faeries to the houses to perform various tasks,
such as selling weapons or items, running an inn, or many other specialized
services that you won't obtain anywhere else!

### Running with it #####################################################

By highlighting one of the boxes and pressing X, you can then assign
faeries to different jobs, or move them into the houses. Here are some
of the commands you will come across...

Command: Allows you to select a faerie, then move it to a different box
(assign it a different task).
All: Select all the faeries in the current box, and move them all
Info: Lets you view detailed infomation on all your faeries (specifics
on faeries can be found in the "Faeries" section.
Land: Allows you to select a plot for building, or destroy an already
constructed building.
Place: Select the ratio for crop growth (default setting is 5:5)
Destroy: Destroy an already-constructed house.
Switch: Switch a faerie's "Job" when placed in a building.

The faeries will do all the work themselves, but it's your job to tell
them what to do!

### Faeries #############################################################

Each Faerie is different, having it's own distinct personality and
abilities. Thus, some Faeries are better suited for some jobs than others
are. By taking a look at the 'Info' screen, you can get a detailed status
display of all the faeries in your Colony.

First is the faerie's name, their general health and happiness level
depicted by the heart, and their age. Like everything else, Faeries will
grow old and die, but new Faeries are born (somehow) on a regular basis,
provided the colony is in good condition. Below that is it's "personality",
which can be used to determine how it will tend to work. Note that Faeries
with different personalities will sell different items in their shops!

Ordinary: An "ordinary" Faerie... no special qualities.
Diligent: Generally hardworking and persistent, and will stick to her
tasks to completion.
Lazy: Lazy Faeries would rather play then work, and are known for fudging
their jobs.
Odd: These Faeries are often a bit strange, finding new and strange ways
to complete their tasks, or scrounging up weird items to sell. Odd
faeries aren't born very often (which is why they're 'odd'!).

Below that is their "status", which includes what job they are currently
working on (if any), as well as their three "statistics". Each faerie has
different statistics, and these are what make some faeries better suited for
some jobs than others.

EN (Endurance): A measure of the faerie's physical ability. Faeries with
a high EN rating are suited for manual labor such as building houses,
clearing land and hunting, and are more likely to come back alive when
out searching for items.
KN (Knowledge): A measure of the faerie's mental ability. Faeries with
a high KN rating are well suited for jobs such as weapon and item selling,
and increasing the overall culture level.
SL (Style): A measure of the faerie's creative ability. Creative faeries
will be able to come up with new jobs and services.

Thus, try to pick faeries who are best suited for the tasks that you need
to accomplish.

### Jobs ################################################################

Once a house is built, you may choose to move one or more faeries into
the building and have them perform various services for you. Your options
to start out with are limited, but as your Colony grows and your culture
level increases, more options will become available to you.


This job will turn the house into an item shop where you may buy or
sell items. The type of items sold depends on the culture level and the
personality type of the faerie running the store. The variety of stock
depends on the culture level while the type of items sold depends on the
faerie's personality.

(Ordinary Item Shop)

Healing Herb (20Z), Antidote (12Z), Panacea (100Z), Ammonia (250Z),
Vitamin (100Z), Wisdom Seed (800Z), MultiVitamin (500Z), Vitamins (1000Z)

(Diligent Item Shop)

Healing Herb (20Z), Antidote (12Z), Panacea (100Z), Ammonia (250Z),
Bamboo Rod (250Z), Vitamin (100Z), Wisdom Seed (800Z), MultiVitamin (500Z)

(Lazy Item Shop)

Bird Drop (2Z), Rotten Meat (2Z), ScorchedRice (4Z), Knockout Gas (100Z),
FlashGrenade (100Z), PoisonPowder (100Z), Mouth Gag (100Z), Spoon (120Z)

(Odd Item Shop)

Molotov (100Z), Electrode (250Z), Void Sphere (500Z), Dynamite (500Z),
Icicle (600Z), Napalm (800Z), Taser (1200Z), Belladonna (200Z)


This job will turn the house into a weapon shop where you may
purchase or sell equipment. Like the item store, the type of equipment
sold depends both on the culture level and the personality of the faerie
running the store.

(Ordinary Weapon Shop)

Bamboo Stick (130Z), Glass Domino (220Z), Taegum (3000Z),
Poison Ward (2500Z), Dream Ring (3000Z), UV Goggles (3000Z),
Balance Ring (3000Z), Stunner (7700Z)

(Diligent Weapon Shop)

Bamboo Stick (130Z), Glass Domino (220Z), Speed Boots (4500Z),
Wisdom Ring (5000Z), Sage's Frock (7000Z), Winged Boots (7000Z),
Titan's Boots (6000Z), Ice Blade (4200Z)

(Lazy Weapon Shop)

Pointed Stick (10Z), Short Skirt (3200Z), Hawk's Ring (6000Z),
Artemis' Cap (6000Z), Hidden Dagger (4900Z), Hunting Cap (8000Z),
Harmonic Ring (25000Z), Shaman's Ring (40000Z)

(Odd Weapon Shop)

Manly Clothes (2000Z), Talisman (300Z), Aura Ring (500Z),
Life Sandals (500Z), Fire Ward (2500Z), Wind Ward (2500Z),
Water Ward (2500Z), Earth Ward (2500Z)


This will turn the house into an Inn, where you may rest and heal
your characters for free. It's nice to have when one of your characters
has a reduced max HP from defeat in battle, and the faeries who hang out
at the inn usually have many rumors to spread...

Placing additional Faeries in the inn will allow you to learn about
some of the statistics of your game play, such has how many times you've
rested at an inn, the number of times you've gone fishing, how much total
Zenny you've earned, among other things. :)


This will turn the house into a 'Search Headquarters' where you may
send Faeries around to different regions of the World in searches. They
may come back with nice items for you, or they may never return. Usually,
the higher the 'difficulty level' of the particular area, the more dangerous
the area tends to be. It's a good idea to have Faeries with a high EN
rating do the searching, to reduce the risk of having them get killed.

Difficulty 1 Difficulty 2 Difficulty 3
------------ ------------ ------------
Wyndia Ludia S. Hesperia
Gold Plains Astan Paedra
Shikk C. Hesperia

Difficulty 4 Difficulty 5
------------ ------------
Salt Sea Desert
N. Islands Zhinga Mts.


This will turn the house into a 'Troop Headquarters'. Faeries placed
here will sometimes aid your party in combat by casting special Faerie
magic. The more faeries you place in the building, the more powerful the
magic spells they will cast in battle!


Faeries assigned to this job will let you listen to any of the game's
music. The higher the culture level and the higher the SL rating of the
faerie running the service, the more songs you will be able to listen to.


Faeries assigned to this job will let you look at various pieces of
artwork regarding Breath of Fire IV. Like the Music service, this is just
a nostalgic section, but it's worth taking a look at. The higher the
culture level and the SL rating of the faerie, the more artwork you will
be able to view.


This option allows you to buy and sell Aurum on the market. Like with
the Stock Market, the price of Aurum will fluctuate from time to time.
Because of this, you can actually make money if you are careful with your
purchases. Remember, always buy when the price is low, and sell when the
price is high! In addition, this is a good source of Aurum if you find
that you are changing your Skills from character to character often. Also
note that there is a 10% service charge when buying or selling Aurum...

Putting a second Faerie in the Aurum market will allow you to get a
bit of advice about the current prices of the Aurum. By placing a third
Faerie in the building, you can trade in your Aurum for various items.
Each item casts 8 Aurum...

Fire Seed Wind Seed Water Seed Earth Seed
Spirit Seed Vigor Seed Phoenix Seed Holy Seed


This option allows you to play the "Kecak" mini-game. This game is
quite fun... a song plays in the background and you must press the O button
to the beat in order to gain points. If you gain enough points you will
receive prizes! The best prize is a Harmonic Ring, which you can get by
racking up 1500 points. Other prizes Wisdom Seeds, Soul Gems, and other

Putting additional faeries in this building will allow you to re-name
other faeries, and the third faerie will play a "rock-paper-scissors" game
with you. Each time you win you'll receive points based on how many cards
you have remaining. You can then trade in these points for various items.
Note that each game costs 300 Zenny to play!

MultiVitamin......1 Point
Dress Shoes.......2 Points
1000 Zenny........4 Points
Midas Stone.......8 Points
10000 Zenny.......16 Points
Soul Ring.........30 Points


Allows you to purchase "Battle Insurance". With insurance, you will
be able to come back to life if you are defeated in battle, but you will
lose a certain percentage of the Zenny you earn.

Though it may sound a bit confusing at first, once you get into it,
it will come as second nature to you. The services that you can get by
raising the Faerie Colony will be extremely useful to you! ^_^

##### Treasure Upgrades ####################################################

Once you first reach the town of Sarai, you will be able to purchase
a "Lead Ball" there for 158 Zenny. From then on, throughout the course of
the game, you may trade this treasure to other people in return for a better
one. The reason for doing this is to learn skills from the Lore Master
Marlok... the more valuable the treasure, the more skills you will be able
to learn from him. Below is a list of the locations where you may upgrade
your treasure.

* Saira (Purchase the "Lead Ball" here for 158 Zenny.)
* Ludia (After the castle invasion, look for a man in Ludia who will
upgrade your treasure to for you.)
* Tarhn's Shrine (You can get a treasure upgrade from the man near the exit.)
* Wyndia (You can obtain an upgrade from the man in the dungeon.)
* Shyde (Receive an upgrade from the almost-hidden man near the Inn)
* Crash Site (During Chapter III, come back and talk to the mole-type person
to receive an upgrade.)
* Synesta (During Chapter III, return here and speak with the little girl just
inside the orphanage to receive an upgrade.)
* Shikk (Upgrade from the man in a house basement)
* Chiqua (You can receive an upgrade from the fat fish-person)
* Sonne (Woman sitting near bucket in the fields)

*NOTE* If you missed the upgrade during the Ludia invasion, I don't think you
can go back and get it. However, after completing the game you can go back
to the Abandoned Village near Chek, and there will be someone there who
will upgrade for you.

##### Armor Smithing ######################################################

Later in the game, you'll meet a Smithy (more specifically, the who lives
in Mt. Grom), who will be able to forge armor out of the spare parts that you
may find on your journey. All you have to do is select three parts, and
the Smith will do the rest!

There are seven different materials you can use to make armor.

Glass Shard: These can be obtained from the Sandclaws on the Tidal Flats.
Iron Scraps: These can be obtained from the ProtoBots in Sinchon.
Hit them with a combination magic attack (such as Jolt) to make
them burst open, and they will almost always leave these behind.
Bent Screw: These can be obtained from the Bots in Sinchon.
Hit them with a combination magic attack (such as Jolt) to make
them burst open, and they will almost always leave these behind.
Old Tire: These can be obtained from the Tar Babies in the North Islands
They can also be obtained from the Morphs in the Zhinga region...
use an earth-based attack on them and they may drop it.
Dirty Filter: These can be obtained from the Morphs in the Zhinga region.
Use a wind-based attack on them and they may drop it.
Burnt Plug: These can be obtained from the Morphs in the Zhinga region.
Use a fire-based attack on them and they may drop it.
Rusty Pipe: These can be obtained from the Morphs in the Zhinga region.
Use a water-based attack on them and they may drop it.

Below is a listing of the various armor that you can forge with your
parts. Note that the below combinations aren't the only way to get a
particular piece of armor... other combinations may also work.

Bent Screw/Bent Screw/Iron Scraps...................Light Armor
Bent Screw/Iron Scraps/Iron Scraps..................Heavy Armor
Bent Screw/Bent Screw/Bent Screw....................Lightning
Bent Screw/Iron Scraps/Glass Shard..................Stout Mail
Bent Screw/Dirty Filter/Glass Shard.................Quicksilver
Dirty Filter/Iron Scraps/Burnt Plug.................Booster
Glass Shard/Glass Shard/Glass Shard.................Psychometer
Dirty Filter/Rusty Pipe/Glass Shard.................Panzer
Rusty Pipe/Old Tire/Glass Shard.....................Maelstrom
Burnt Plug/Rusty Pipe/Glass Shard...................Gravedigger
Old Tire/Iron Scraps/Bent Screw.....................Orihalcyon
Iron Scraps/Iron Scraps/Iron Scraps.................Mithril Rig
Burnt Plug/Burnt Plug/Burnt Plug....................Fire Rig
Dirty Filter/Dirty Filter/Dirty Filter..............Whirlwind
Rusty Pipe/Rusty Pipe/Rusty Pipe....................Water Rig
Old Tire/Old Tire/Old Tire..........................Earth Rig
Glass Shard/Glass Shard/Bent Screw..................Spirit Armor
Burnt Plug/Burnt Plug/Glass Shard...................Flame Armor
Dirty Filter/Dirty Filter/Glass Shard...............Wind Armor
Rusty Pipe/Rusty Pipe/Glass Shard...................Hydro Armor
Old Tire/Old Tire/Glass Shard.......................Earth Armor
Old Tire/Glass Shard/Iron Scraps....................Defender

##### Best Equipment ########################################################

Below is a listing of the optimum equipment for each character.

*** RYU ***

Weapon: Goo King Sword (152 Power)
Dropped by 'Goo King' in Imperial Castle
Royal Sword (2 hits, 96 Power)
Steal from Astral Dragon (Final Battle)
Armor: Royal Armor (102 Defense)
Steal from Tyrant Dragon (Final Battle)

*** NINA ***

Weapon: Ouroburos (96 Power)
Steal from 'Beihl' in Imperial Castle
Armor: Angel's Vest (94 Defense)
Steal from 'Star Gazer' in Imperial Castle

*** CRAY ***

Weapon: Nunchaku (145 Power)
Dropped by 'Trean' in Abandoned Village
Linked Pole (133 Power, damage varies with enemy Power)
Manillo Store (Rare item section)
Armor: Gideon's Garb (93 Defense, +10 Attack)
Dropped by 'Battle Suit' in Imperial Headquarters

*** ERSHIN ***

Weapon: Mass Driver (104 Power)
Steal from 'Chopam' in Fou-Lu's Tomb
Armor: Chopam Plate (50 Defense)
Dropped by 'Chopam' in Fou-Lu's Tomb

*** SCIAS ***

Weapon: Cleaver (119 Power)
Steal from 'Horseman' in Imperial Castle
Slicer (2 hits, 78 Power)
Dropped by 'Kolpum' in Imperial Castle
Render (2 hits, Variable Power)
Manillo Store (Rare item section)
*Render's Power increases with respect to the number of encounters
you have. Thus, it could become more powerful than any other weapon.*
Armor: King's Armor (100 Defense)
Steal from 'Rider' in Mukto Ruins

*** URSULA ***

Weapon: Culverin (110 Power, hits all)
Manillo Store in Astana
Armor: Angel's Vest (94 Defense)
Steal from 'Star Gazer' in Imperial Castle

##### Combo Specifications ##################################################

Instructions and information on performing combos can be found in Section
I, under the 'Combos' section. This section focuses more on examples of
combos, and the types of combos that can be performed.

##### Multi-element Magic #################################################

As you know, sometimes if you cast a spell, followed by another spell of
a different element, the spells may combine into a stronger spell containing
both elements. These are 'combination' magics and there are four different
types.. 'Lightning', 'Explosion', 'Nature', and 'Eruption'.

Lightning --> Mix Wind + Water
Jolt: Any Wind Spell + Level 1 Water spell
(Weak Wind+Water damage to all targets)
Lightning: Any Wind Spell + Level 2 Water spell
(Moderate Wind+Water damage to all targets)
Thunderstorm: Any Wind Spell + Level 3 Water spell
(Heavy Wind+Water damage to all targets)

Explosion --> Mix Fire + Wind
Firewind: Any Fire Spell + Level 1 Wind spell
(Weak Fire+Wind damage to all targets)
Simoon: Any Fire Spell + Level 2 Wind spell
(Moderate Fire+Wind damage to all targets)
Gigaflare: Any Fire Spell + Level 3 Wind spell
(Heavy Fire+Wind damage to all targets)

Nature --> Mix Water + Earth
Storm: Any Water Spell + Level 1 Earth spell
(Weak Water+Earth damage to all targets)
Tempest: Any Water Spell + Level 2 Earth spell
(Moderate Water+Earth damage to all targets)
Disaster: Any Water Spell + Level 3 Earth spell
(Heavy Water+Earth damage to all targets)

Eruption --> Mix Earth + Fire
Eruption: Any Earth Spell + Level 1 Fire spell
(Weak Earth+Fire damage to all targets)
Magma Blast: Any Earth Spell + Level 2 Fire spell
(Moderate Earth+Fire damage to all targets)
Ragnarok: Any Earth Spell + Level 3 Fire spell
(Heavy Earth+Fire damage to all targets)

Additionally, there are four "super" combination magics. These are
formed when a Dragon element-type spell follows one of the combation spells...

Mjollnir: Thunderstorm + Pa Bing'ah
(Devastating Water+Wind damage to all targets)
Earthbreaker: Gigaflare + Ahryu P'ung
(Devastating Fire+Wind damgae to all targets)
Catastrophe: Disaster + Patoh Pah
(Devastating Water+Earth damage to all targets + Poison)
Supernova: Ragnarok + Hwajeh
(Devastating Earth+Fire damage to all targets + Confusion)

*NOTE* I am at a loss to explain a method of performing "Mjollnir"
without a GameShark. None of Ryu's Dragon transformations have any of the
water-based magics.

Finally, there are four "special" combination magics. These can only
be performed by certain members of the party. They consist of a combination
type magic followed by a Melee Skill.

Ice Sword: Lightning-type combo + Melee Skill (Scias)
(Wind+Water based physical attack against one target)
Phoenix: Explosion-type combo + Melee Skill (Nina)
(Fire+Wind based physical attack against one target)
Mudslide: Nature-type combo + Melee Skill (Cray)
(Water+Earth based physical attack against one target)
Reflect: Eruption-type combo + Melee Skill (Ursula)
(Earth+Fire based physical attack against multiple targets)

##### Special Monsters ######################################################

There are several "special" monsters scattered about the game that
are either hard to find, hard to kill, or both. These monsters usually
require a lot of effort to kill, but bring great rewards (be it high EXP or
Zenny values, rare items and equipment, and whatnot). This section outlines
the "special" monsters in the game, and offers advice on finding and defeating

- Rat
Though not really a "Special Monster", these little guys can be a bit of
a pain to kill when you first meet them in the Bandit's Hideout, though they
give a rather large amount of EXP for that point in the game. They appear
somewhat rarely, and are hard to kill due to their high physical evade rate,
and extreme tendency to run from the battle. The only thing you can really do
is hope that it doesn't escape during the first turn, then unload magic onto
it. It doesn't have a lot of HP, so you should be able to kill it, provided
it doesn't escape first, of course...
HP: 100 EXP: 250 Z: 200 Drops Berries, Toothpick

- Chopam
Chopam is a rare monster that sometimes appears on the steps leading down
into Fou-Lu's tomb. They resemble red Guardians, and for the first two turns
of combat their defensive screen renders them invincible. Unload all of your
attacks onto Chopam on the third turn, as its defensive screen will lower.
Chopam will escape at the end of the next turn, so this is your only chance
to defeat it. It has a rather large amount of HP, so use your most powerful
abilities to bring it down before it flees. It gives a hefty amount of EXP
and Z, but the real reason for fighting them is to obtain their items, the
Mass Driver and Chopam Plate... the best equipment in the game for Ershin.
HP: 10,000 EXP: 4,000 Z: 5,000 Drops Mass Driver, Chopam Plate

- Mimic
Mimics are rare monsters that appear in the small room near the entrance
to the En Jhou Ruins. They give a relatively low amount of EXP and Z to start,
but these values double each time the Mimic sustains a physical attack. Mimic
has a very high physical evade-rate, and has complete resistance to magical and
breath attacks. It is also very fast and has a tendency to flee the battle.
It has a very low HP, but any physical attacks dealt to it (that actually hit)
do very little damage. The best way to defeat these is to use sudden-death
magic, or critical-hit attacks such as Shadowwalk and Shining Blade. If you're
feeling lucky, try hitting it with a physical attack or two before-hand, to
increase it's EXP and Z values.
HP: 10 EXP: 1,000 Z: 500 Drops Wisdom Fruit, Ivory Dice

- Trunked
Trunked(s) always appear in groups of six in the Abandoned Village near
Chek. They have a large amount of HP, and regenerate half of it each turn,
making them quite difficult to kill. They will not fight back, but they will
flee the battle after a bit, so you have a limited time in which to defeat
them. Here is my strategy for defeating them.
HP: 30,000 EXP: 5,000 Z: 1,000 Drops Berries, Ivory Dice

You will need...

"Megaphone" skill --> Give this skill to Nina or Ryu (doesn't really matter)
"Faerie Charge" skill --> Give this skill to the same person as the
Megaphone skill. Beforehand, put as many Faeries as you can into the
Barracks. With a Colony of 20, try putting 13 or 14 in Barracks and
place the rest in Hunting.
"Last Resort" skill --> Give this skill to Ursula
"Triple Blow" skill --> Give this skill to Ursula as well
"Tiger Fist" skill --> Give this skill to Scias
2-hit Sword (preferably the Slicer) --> Equip to Scias
Hit-All Gun (preferably the Culverin) --> Equip to Ursula
Ginseng --> Purchase as many as you can from the Manillo in Sarai

With this, you should be set up for the battle. Put Nina, Scias, and Ursula
out in front.

Turn 1 --> Have Nina use Megaphone, Scias use a Ginseng on himself, and
Ursula use Last Resort.
Turn 2 --> Nina use Megaphone once more, while Scias and Ursula use Ginseng
on themselves.
Turn 3 --> Nina use a Ginseng on Ursula, while Scias and Ursula use Ginseng
on themselves.
Turn 4 --> Nina use Faerie Charge, Scias use Tiger Fist, and Ursula use
Triple Blow. This should rack up a very high-hitting combo
(possibly over 100 hits) dealing great damage. If the total
combo damage does not exceed 90000, use some more Ginseng
or wait until your characters are stronger.

Keep repeating Step 4 until all Trunked(s) are defeated.

- Trean
Treans are stronger (yes, stronger) versions of the Trunked. They have
twice as many HP, and still regain half of it each round. The above strategy
will work, but you will have to have very high levels and purchase many many
Power Foods for Ursula and Scias from the Manillo Stores in order to increase
their attack power high enough for the strategy to work. Like the Trunked(s),
Treans will flee after a while, so you'll have to deal at least 180000 damage
total with your combo attacks in order to be able to kill them. Note that
you can get the 'Nunchaku', the best weapon for Cray, from the Treans.
HP: 60,000 EXP: 8,000 Z: 1,000 Drops Berries, Nunchaku

If anyone has a better strategy to defeating these things, please let
me know.

- Rider
Rider is the strongest monster in the game, and it often appears in the
Mukto Ruins. Riders are very powerful, capable of shelling out tons of damage
while having a high HP in the process. They are capable of healing half their
HP each turn, which certainly doesn't help matters. They also drop the King's
Armor, the best armor in the game for Scias.
HP: 40,000 EXP: 10,000 Z: 10,000 Drops King's Armor, Cursed Sword

You will need the following...

Soul Gem --> As many as you can carry. Equip one to each member of your
"Shadowwalk" skill --> Give this skill to Ryu.
2-hit Sword (preferably the Slicer) --> Equipped on Scias.
2-hit Sword (Royal Sword) --> Equipped on Ryu.
"Coward's Way" skill --> Give this skill to Ershin. Before the battle,
spend a bit of time going back to a weaker area and run from every
encounter. The more you run, the more powerful this skill will be.
"Celerity" skill (optional) --> Give this skill to Ryu.
Ginseng x4 --> Purchase from the Manillo store in Sarai

Turn 1 (Celerity) --> Have Ryu use "Celerity", Nina use "Vitalize", and
Scias use "Vitalize". This will give a very generous stat boost to
all your characters. Too bad Celerity can only be used once every 3
Turn 1 (W/O Celerity) --> Have Ryu and Scias use Ginseng on Ryu, while
Nina casts Vigor (healing!)
*If you used Celerity, skip step 2 and proceed to step 3.
Turn 2 --> If anyone died, re-equip Soul Gems as necessary, then have
Ryu and Scias use Ginseng on Scias. Have Nina cast Vigor again.
Turn 3 --> Re-equip Soul Gems if necessary, and have Ryu use "Shadowwalk",
Scias use "Shining Blade", and Ershin use "Coward's Way". If the
combined damage is over 20000, you're OK. If not, you'll need to power
up more, or run from more encounters to increase the power of Coward's Way.
Repeat Step 3, re-equipping Soul Gems as necessary. As long as you're
doing more than 20K damage each turn (and have enough Soul Gems), you
will be able to defeat the Rider. :)



I can be contacted via the following methods...

- E-Mail:
- ICQ: UIN# 35755964
- AIM: Screen Name "Dalez99"
- Yahoo! Messenger: ID "dalez1999"
- MSN Messenger: ID ""
- Am I missing something...? :P

Signing off, until the next update....

##### Credits ##############################################################

This section is dedicated to some of the people who have sent me
contributions or helped out with one way or another with the guide. It
wouldn't be as complete as it is today without your help. ^_^

Adler Santos ( For pointing out a few items I
missed in Sarai and Chamba
Capcom: For creating a truly wonderful RPG, and for not screwing up their
RPG series like SOME RPG developers I know...
CJayC of For posting this guide
Federico Ang ( For sending me the info about the
treasure upgrade in Ludia, tips on the treasures in the Kyria
Woods, and MANY other things. Thanks!
Laguna Loire ( and everyone else who correct me as to
Lyta's apprenticeship requirements
Silvastrike ( For also sending in info about the
treasures in the Kyria Woods
Steel Phoenix ( For the info on the 'Final Hope'

And lastly, thank YOU for reading this guide. I hope you enjoyed it. =D

##### Other FAQs by the same author ########################################

Well, if you're really interested, a listing of all my FAQs can be found
at the below address...

Copyright (C) 2000 by Dalez
All Rights Reserved
Do not pass Go, Do not collect $200


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Enemy Information guide & Misc. lists compilation

17.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Pabpab Language Guide

15.Oktober 2013
Boss Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Spoiler Free

16.Oktober 2013
Script FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Combo Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Level 37 Save.

17.Oktober 2013
Spiel ist komplett.

18.Oktober 2013
Enemy Guide

13.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
The Unchanged

11.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

11.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the US NTSC Version.

16.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Patch für die japanische NTSC Version.

16.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020