Azure Dreams

Azure Dreams

17.10.2013 02:17:32
Tips and Tricks
Version 2.0

*Item Name Selling Price Description*

Gold Sword-1000G-Coated with gold. ATK 1.
Copper Sword-50G-Made of copper. ATK 2.
Iron Sword-100G-Made of iron. ATK 3.
Steel Sword-150G-Made of steel. ATK 5.
Blizzard-400G-Water genus. ATK 5.
Fire Sword-400G-Fire genus. ATK 5.
Gulfwind-400G-Wind genus. ATK 5.
Vital Sword-800G-Prevents opponents from multiplying. ATK 5.
Holy Sword-10000G-Holy sword with divine protection. ATK 7.
Seraphim-1000G-Guy's keepsake sword. ATK 8.
Dark Sword-10000G-A cursed sword. ATK 10.
Gulf Wand-150G-A wand of wind. ATK 1.
Life Wand-1000G-Recovers HP slightly if an opponent is hit. ATK 1.
Money Wand-1000G-Sometimes changes killed monsters into money. ATK 1.
Paralyze Wand-100G-Sometimes freezes monsters mobility. ATK 1.
Scarlet Wand-150G-A wand of fire.
Seal Wand-500G-Sometimes seal the special powers of monsters. ATK 1.
Stream Wand-150G-A wand of water. ATK 1.
Trained Wand-5000G-Can be tempered with Red Sand. ATK 1.
Wooden Wand-10G-A wand made of wood. ATK 1.
Bow Gun-4000G-A long-range weapon. Exclusive to Troll-types.
Hammer-1000G-A mace-type club weapon. Exclusive to Troll-types.
Troll Sword-1000G-Can't be blocked by a shield. Exclusive to Troll-types.

Leather-30G-Tanned leather shield. DEF 1.
Wood-50G-Wooden shield. DEF 2.
Mirror-1000G-Shield polished into a mirror. DEF 3.
Copper-100G-A copper shield. DEF 4.
Earth-600G-Wind genus shield. DEF 5.
Ice-600G-Water genus shield. DEF 5.
Iron-150G-An iron shield. DEF 5.
Live-600G-Sometimes retaliates when it's hit. DEF 5.
Scorch-600G-Fire genus shield. DEF 5.
Steel-300G-A very tough steel shield. DEF 6.
Diamond-1500G-A shield made of diamonds. DEF 7.

Fire-400G-Summons SALAMANDER, which burns up enemies one after another.
Water-400G-Restores status of familiar and recovers HP & MP to maximum.
Wind-200G-Makes it possible to return to a town.
*Magic Balls*
Acid Rain-800G-Contains acid rain and attacks enemies.
Binding-500G-A ball that has the power to bind monsters with thunder
Blaze-500G-A ball that blazes across the ground in a straight line.
Blinder-500G-Contains darkness which blinds the eyes of enemies.
Fire-300G-A ball that contains a fire arrow.
Flame-800G-A ball that contains a fireball.
Ice Rock-800G-Contains a huge iceberg which blocks one's way.
Pillar-1000G-Contains a fiery pillar which ascends from the ground.
Poison-800G-Contains poison contagious to all enemies in the same room.
Recovery-800G-Contains a soap bubble that restores HP.
Repel-500G-A ball that has the power to repel magic.
Sleep-800G-A ball that contains Morpheus and puts enemies to sleep.
Water-800G-A ball that contains a water wall which protects the user.
Weak-500G-Contains a beam which decreases the level of enemies.

Big Pita-10G-Food for familiar. Recovers MP by 100.
Geropita-100G-Vanishes MP of the monster ate this fruit.
Laev-20G-MP of monster tends to decrease on that level.
Leolan-100G-MP of monster will not decrease for a while.
Leva-100G-Familiar will not change form after the next fusion.
Limit-100G-Increases percentage of critical hits for a while.
Oleen-100G-Vanishes familiar, and the player escapes from the tower.
Pita-5G-Food for familiar. Recovers MP by 50.
Roche-5000G-Will revert monster to it's egg-stage.
Tumna-20G-Turns into a frog for a while.

Antichaos-20G-Herb that restores chaos.
Antidote-15G-Herb neutralizes a poison.
Cure-all-200G-Herb that restores everything.
Harash-10G-Weakens attacking power.
Hazak-80G-Recovers weakened attack.
Horrey-10G-Weakens defensive power.
Medicinal-7G-Herb that restores HP.
Paralyze-10G-Herb that freezes motion.
Poison-5G-Toxic herb.
Roean-20G-Enables eyesight.
Shomuro-80G-Restores weakened defense.
Wake-up-20G-Wakes up a sleeping familiar.

Blue-100G-Tempers a shield.
Red-100G-Tempers a sword.
White-100G-Increases the number of times a ball can be used.

Hazak-500G-Increases attacking power.
Lar-50G-Eating this seed lowers a level.
Light-150G-Changes the genus of a familiar to fire.
Mahell-50G-Increases speed for a while.
Mazaar-200G-Increases the level.
Sea-150G-Changes the genus of a familiar to water.
Shomuro-500G-Increases defensive power.
Slow-50G-Eating this seed decreases speed.
Tovar-1000G-Eating this seed leads to good fortune.
Wind-150G-Changes the genus of a familiar to wind.

Alchemic-80G-The beam turns all items on the floor to gold coins.
De-curse-100G-The beam removes a curse cast upon equipment.
Flat-100G-The beam removes steps and flattens the entire floor.
Holy-150G-Holy beam protects the reader from enemy attack for a while.
Malicious-150G-Malicious beam bringing chaos for a while.
Restore-400G-The beam resuscitates a fainted familiar.
Trap-400G-All traps on the floor become invisible.

Exit-50G-Identifies the location of elevators.
Monster-50G-Identifies the location of monsters.
Trap-100G-Makes traps visible.
Treasure-50G-Loupe that identifies the location of items.

Familiar-400G-Calls back familiars to you.
Holy-100G-Chases a monster out of a room.
Malicious-800G-Increases the level of enemy monsters.

Star-50G-Makes the current floor entirely visible.
Truth-100G-Identify items. Even types of eggs.

*Miscellaneous Items*
B.Cape-A worn out blue cape. Not likely to fit me.
Dumplings-Delicious octopus Dumplings.
Healing Herb-Can heal disease of Cherrl.
Meat-Meat from a WEADOG.
Oil Pot-A pot containing ample oil to use for a windmill.
W. Medal-A water cleansing medal stolen from the pool.

*Eggs and Selling Prices*
Arachne-2400G Griffon-2000G Snowman-6000G
Balloon-1000G Kid-15000G Stealth-3600G
Barong-8000G Killer-8000G Troll-800G
Block-4000G Kraken-2200G Tyrant-10000G
Blume-800G Mandara-5000G U-Boat-1200G
Clown-1000G Manoeva-800G Ultimate-50000G
Cyclone-800G Maximum-35000G Unicorn-3200G
Dreamin-1300G Naplass-7600G Viper-4500G
Flame-600G Noise-600G Volcano-1600G
Garuda-2400G Nyuel-1800G Weadog-3000G
Glacier-12000G Picket-2400G Zu-5000G
Golem-23000G Pulunpa-400G

*Other Things To Do Around Monsbaiya*

1) Koh's best friend, Nico, is a very cultural person. She's constantly
trying to think of ways to make Monsbaiya a better place. Instead of a
simple pond in the center of town, she wants to have a fountain built. To
make her dream come true, she's asking for donations from the townspeople.
The project cost is approximately 4000G, but you'll only have to donate
2000G to help her cause. The reason for this is because Ghosh will up you
1G on each of your donations. So, by the time you've donated 2000G, he'll
have given 2002G. After you donate the 2000G and return from another trip
to the Monster Tower, the fountain will be built.

2) Each time before you go forth into the depths of the Tower, speak to
Wreath, Koh's mother. At some point before you go into the Tower, she will
inform you that Jorda, the priest, is having some problems. Go east of
your home to the small temple. Inside, Jorda will tell you that the temple
is too small for a town such as this. He wishes to enlarge the temple to
accommodate all the "business" he gets. The cost for this project is
4000G. Make a few trips into the Tower and return with enough G's to
afford the cost of the renovations. As always, before you can see what you
have paid for, you must go into the Tower and return safely.

2a) As thanks for donating the money for his new temple, Jorda tells you
that a very cultural landmark for the town would be a Bowling Alley. The
cost is very pricey for now, 40,000G. Keep saving all your money, the
Bowling Alley is a fun place to go in-between Tower trips. And after you
build the Bowling Alley, Jorda then tells you about his wacky idea for a
Casino, only 100,000G!

3) After solving Jorda's problem, keep venturing into the Tower, and also
talking to Wreath before each visit. She'll eventually tell you of Isaac's
dilemma. Isaac runs the windmills that are located at the southern part of
the town. Go find him, and he'll tell you that he lost the oil that keeps
the windmills operating. He asks for your help in going to the 15th floor
of the Tower and retrieving Guru's Pot. He says that when the oil for the
windmills was first collected, there were two pots on the floor, one should
still be there. It'll be quite a task right now, but eventually, you'll be
strong enough to retrieve it for Isaac. Once you return with the Pot, give
it to Isaac and the windmills will begin working again. Go into the Tower,
blah, blah, return, and Isaac will give you a Big Pita Fruit.

3a) After repairing the windmills, Shin, who had long dreamed of opening an
Octopus Ball restaurant has finally succeeded, sort of. North-west of
Isaac, Shin has opened a small shack where he sells Octopus
Balls(Dumplings). They sell for 100G each, but they recover both HP & MP
if you use them in the Tower

4) One house south and to the far west of where Koh's house is, is where
the small clinic is located. To Hush, the doctor that works there, that's
a problem(getting a little repetitive, isn't it?). His clinic is too small
to handle all the people coming in all the time. He asks for your help in
building a new, larger clinic. The cost is only 8000G, not too much for a
brave Monster Tamer like yourself. One trip to the Tower should be able to
cover the burden. Once the hospital is built, you can then meet Cherrl,
but that is a different section.

5) Just to the east of Jorda's temple, is the Wookie Wookie swimming pool.
Unfortunately, the pool is closed. When you enter the pool area,
Wotta(cute name), the swimming pool attendant tells you that a creature
from the Tower came to town and stole the Water Medal. Since the Water
Medal keeps the water clean in the desert, without it, the water turns
filthy. Wotta tells you that the creature that took the Medal lives on the
25th floor of the Tower. As you should be used to by now, he pleads with
you to get it back for him. Being the noble citizen you are, venture to
the 25th floor of the Tower, when you get strong enough, that is, and
defeat the blue PICKET creature to win the Water Medal. Returning safely
to the town and returning the Medal to Wotta, will make him one happy swimmer.

6) Standing in front of the Carpenter's Hut is Fon, one of Koh's friends.
Fon has always wanted to have a theater in this town, but nobody has ever
been nice enough to build one for him. As most people do in this town, Fon
asks for Koh's help in building the theater, which will cost 20,000G. The
money should come easily after 3 or 4 visits to the Tower. After putting
up the 20,000G for the Carpenter to build the theater, Fon will be forever

6a) Even after the theater is built, Fon will continue to ask for your
help. His never-existent partner hasn't shown up so he needs someone to
fill in the spot as Dodo, half of a two-person stand-up comedy act. To
correctlyget through this most-annoying show, here is the correct sequence
of agrees and disagrees:
O, X, O, O, X, O, O, O, X, X, O, X, O
Absolutely nothing is accomplished by doing this correctly, except for
getting both applause from the audience and the appreciation of Fon.

7) Far to the northwest of town lives Silver, a lonely old man. His dream
is to one day own a race track where he could race his monsters(NYUEL's
actually). This is quite a change because he NEVER asks you to build him a
race track, you volunteer! The cost incurred to build the Track is
30,000G. Be a sport and build the Track for him. After the Track is
built, Silver is so happy he lets you be a jockey one of the races. And if
you get good enough, you can win big money by betting on the races that
will take place there. It's difficult to get a handle on, but it's
something other that the Tower.

8) To the far east of town lives Dr. Hal. He is a lonesome man, consumed
with reading all sorts of books. Visit Dr. Hal often and he'll begin to
acquire many new books along the way. Sooner or later, Dr. Hal admits to
you that he has too many books to fit in his small home. If only Mosbaiya
had a library where he could share all his books with the townspeople.
After Dr. Hal makes it known that he desires a library, go to the carpenter
and pay the 8000G to have it built. Once you return from another excursion
in the Tower, you can find Dr. Hal, and all of his books, located in the
brand new Library. You can also find the lovely Mia Myria here, too.

9) As you already know by now, the 2nd floor of the Tower is either a
battle between you and Ghosh, or a short conversation with his sister,
Selfi. Battling Ghosh is very simple. Doing 17HP of damage sends him
running for the hills, but not before giving up an invaluable Medicinal
Herb to you. Also, very infrequently, Ghosh will drop a Wind Crystal on
his way out of the Tower. Don't pass up either of these essential items.

9a) When you do meet up with Selfi, she'll always greet you with "Hey
puffy lips…" and beiefly carry out a conversation with you before leaving
the Tower. After a few meetings with Selfi, you'll find her under attack
from an ever fearsome PULUNPA. When you finish fighting off the viscous
creature she'll thank you for you efforts and quickly leave the Tower.
When you decide to leave the Tower, go in front of the fountain(I hope
you've been donating…) where Selfi should be standing. Talk to her and
she'll express her true thanks by giving you one of her most precious
items, a monster egg. At this moment, Ghosh and Nico will walk up to the
two of you and be befuddled. Ghosh will be angry with his sister for
giving her egg to "scum" like you, and Nico will be upset that you've found
some other girl to focus your attention on. Both Nico and Ghosh will steam
off, leaving the two of you alone, with nothing left to talk about. Even
though she's mad at you now, don't give up on Nico, she'll come around soon

10) The Blue Collar can be a very useful item. It allows you to experiment
with fusing your familiars to maximize their attacking and defensive
capabilities, or it just allows you to have two familiars out of the bag at
the same time. Anyway, this handy dandy item can be found on the 11th floor.

11) Getting the Amusement Center built can be tougher than you might think.
But after you know exactly how to do it, it's as simple as walking. All
you need to do is talk to pen, the Carpenter's Assistant….standing on the
table next to him. He'll tall you about his dream, but nothing more. Once
you return to him after going through the Tower sequence, talk to him
again. No you don't need to be on the table for this one. He'll tall you
about a place he's heard of in a far away town that had fun games and
challenging activities. He wants to build an Amusement Center in town so
the people can enjoy the good times just like the other town can. He tells
you that the cost for the Fun Center is 30,000G, but nobody in town is
generous enough to give him so much money. You then have the choice of
dishing out the money, or denying a simple man his dream. Just give him
the money.

12) The last building to rise in this ever-growing town is the gym. After
you retrieve the Water Medal from the Tower, talk to Barry, the blacksmith,
in his shop. You'll need to go behind the counter in order to initiate
this conversation. He'll tall you that he's heard from another town about
a place called a gym where people go to keep in shape. His dream is to
have a gym built in Mosbaiya where people can work out, and also get
stronger before going into the Tower. The cost of this project is also

12a) After the gym is built, you can go there and play a catching game with
the Flex Brothers. They will toss a barbell at you and you will have to
position yourself right to catch it. It's tricky, but a change from the norm.

13) The true meaning of the game isn't revealed until you reach the 31st
floor of the Tower. The first time you arrive on this floor, a man named
Beldo will appear and speak to you. He claims to be the worlds best
Monster Tamer, and also, that he was the last man your father, Guy, saw
before he died. Before Guy passed into oblivion, though, he took Beldo's
right arm. Now Beldo is seeking revenge on Guy's son for the damage done
to him so long ago. But the battle will not take place there, for Beldo's
body is not there, it is at the top floor. Beldo challenges Koh to come to
the top floor and face him. The top floor is only nine floors up. If
you've got the strength and determination, along with the skills of
avoiding amazingly powerful creatures like the MAXIMUM, the GOLEM and the
DRAGON, make a run for it. But if not, get some Red and Blue Sands, avoid
the Rust Traps and blaze a path to the top!

*The Missions Eight*

As you should have noticed by now, on the save screen there are eight
question marks. I have determined that each of these question marks
represents an in-game "mission" that should be accomplished to have the
best possible ending. The following will clearly define how to
successfully complete each mission.

The eight question marks on the save screen:
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)
Nico Selfi Fur Patty Vivian Mia Cherrl Beldo

*Mission 1: Nico Southy*
Assuming that you've been a very charitable Monster Tamer in the town of
Monsbaiya, a fountain should have been built long ago. Along with the new
fountain, a new hospital, race track, theater, larger temple and maybe even
a library by now should have been built. Sometime during this amazing show
of charity, a Cello player, wearing a green cloak, will appear on the
fountain. Talk with him and listen to his story. He will then ask if Koh
would like to hear him play. Listen to the beautiful music, that is, until
Ghosh decides to stop him. Following behind Ghosh is Nico. Ghosh is
determined to throw this "bum" out of town for defiling Nico's fountain.
Nico wholeheartedly disagrees with him by saying that she had the fountain
built for everyone's use. Ghosh is still insistent that it is hers and
hers alone. Nico, becoming very angry with Ghosh, begins to yell at him,
and with the combined support from Koh, is able to drive Ghosh away. Nico
will ask to hear the lovely music once again, and also ask what Koh thinks
of the music. After telling Nico that the music is beautiful, you can saw
"Mission accomplished!"

*Mission 2: Selfi Rhodes*
After receiving the egg from Selfi, don't think that she's out of the
picture, there's still much to be done. Every now and then she'll appear
in the Tower and have one of her brief conversations with Koh. During one
of these encounters, Koh will be attacked by a ferocious U-BOAT! As it
chases you around the room, you might notice that Selfi is standing near
the elevator. Once the monster chases Koh close enough, she'll jump out
and save Koh from a fate worse that death (yeah right!). Wondering why she
just risked her life to save Koh, she leaves the Tower. Once you're done
with your business in the Tower, visit her. She's still wondering what
drove her into saving Koh. Tell her that she did it because she loves Koh.
The first time you do so, she'll laugh and forget about it. But the
second time you tell her, she admit all saying that she does love Koh.
Mission 2, accomplished!

*Mission 3: Fur Gots*
Fur Gots is the proprietor of the Monsbaiya General Store. She sells
gifts and home improvements for a fair and reasonable price. To her, Koh
is just another guy in town. But once he starts going into the Tower, she
begins to notice him more than she used to. Once your adventures begin in
the Tower, constantly go into the store and talk to Fur, not neccesarily
buying anything, just to keep Fur aware. The only thing you must buy from
Fur is the Music Box, cheap at 3000G. At some point, as it should have ben
obvious by now, Ghosh will enter upon the scene, trying to steal the girl
away from Koh. Lucky for Koh that Fur doesn't like him. The first time
Ghosh shows up, Fur will sell him 3 creams for 1000G. He doesn't seem to
mind about the outrageous price increase. He'll leave without complaining
at all. A few more times after visiting Fur and Ghosh will be back, this
time, buying 3 creams for 2000G! Fur sure does know how to make a lot of
profit. Ghosh will then speak to her briefly and ask her about the man of
her dreams. She replies to him by saying that she is looking at the man of
her dreams. Seeing that Fur is looking behind him, Ghosh turns around to
see Koh. As always, Ghosh is very mad at you and steams out of the store.
Mission 3 accomplished!

*Mission 4: Patty Pan*
Patty Pan is the beautiful waitress that works at the only restaurant in
Monsbaiya, and her father, Koppe, is the best and only cook in town.
Accomplishing this mission can be a little tricky at first, but once you
know what to do, and how to do it correctly, it's like riding a bicycle.
All you need to do is wait for Ghosh to be a regular there, and then order
everything on the menu. Once you've ordered everything on the menu,
remembering to always pay for your meals, return from the latest Tower
venture and the restaurant will be empty. Koppe has gone out of town to
attend a cooking convention. Patty offers to cook you something, but has a
limited menu because she only learned a little from her father. If you
paid close attention while ordering all the menu items, you should know
that the Fried Prawns are her specialty. When she gives Koh her menu,
obviously, choose the Prawns. Pay for your food and then leave the
restaurant, finish your business around town and then go back to the Tower.
Return again to the restaurant to fid Ghosh asking Patty to cook him
something personally. She refuses him. Ghosh then complains (a little
childish, isn't he?) to her because she cooked food for Koh but won't for
him. She tells him that cooking for Koh was different because there was no
one else to cook. He gets mad, as usual, and leaves. Tower….return….
Ghosh will be there again, and Patty will ask for your order, as usual.
Ghosh will demand to know what's going on between the two of you. Patty
will tell him that it's a secret, and Koh will agree with her. Ghosh,
angered again, leaves without paying for his meal. Leave…..Tower….come
back…. There you should find Ghosh arguing with Patty about him leaving
the last time without paying for his meal. If by chance you did leave
without paying for a meal, stick up for yourself. But, by the time Ghosh
has left the scene, Patty will be all yours! Mission 4 accomplished!

*Mission 5: Vivian Merca*
This is a long one folks, so bear with it. Now that Koh is of age to
enter the Tower, he can also enter the local bar. It's just too bad they
only serve milk and freshly squeezed orange juice. While in the bar, speak
to the hunters to learn valuable hints about the inside of the Tower. The
bartendress, Okami, tells you of a great hunter, "The Blue Warrior." He
earned that name solely because of the blue cape he wore into the Tower.
Sadly though, many years ago the Blue Warrior entered the Tower and was
never seen or heard from again. This Blue Warrior was obviously very good,
but not good enough to stay alive at the higher floors of the Monster
Tower. On his last voyage up the Tower, he was killed on the 21st floor,
leaving nothing behind except his famous blue cape. Upon finding this
relic, return to the bar and show it to Okami. She will be devastated that
you brought the cape to her, so devastated that she closes the bar. But
don't let this minor setback stop you from visiting. After a few Tower
trips, Barten, the bartender (duh!) will ask for you to plead with Okami to
reopen the bar. Tell her that she should live life to the fullest, just as
the Blue Warrior did to the end, and that she should remember him with
honor, instead of grieving over his cape for the rest of her life. Doing a
good enough job, she'll tell you to leave, she has a bar to reopen. Coming
back after another quest into the Tower, you find the bar reopened, this
time with a bonus, Vivian Merca has come to town and is dancing on the stage.
Once the bar is serving cold milk and fresh juice again, Vivian becomes
the main attraction. Her dancing skills are not finely honed yet, but she
is still good entertainment for the hunters who spend all their money at
the bar. Vivian has a dream of dancing in front of a large crowd of
people, showing them how good a dancer she really is. She also has a nasty
habit of spending too much time at the local casinos. To go any further,
you need to have built the casino. After your first meeting with Vivian,
she'll vanish from the bar only to be found spending too much time at the
casino. But she won't actually appear there until you've gone into and
returned from the Tower. Speak to her there and convince her to return to
the bar. When you speak to her next, she'll vanish again on a break.
Don't worry, she hasn't gone to the casino. Instead, go to Fon at the
theater next. Go through the skit, even if you would rather die by someone
pulling your stomach out through your nose than go through that damn thing
again. If you've done everything right, when you return again to the bar,
Vivian and Fon should be having a conversation. She then tells you that a
representative from the theater has just met with her about being part of a
dancing act that will be held at his theater. Happy days are here to come,
or are they? Go to the Tower, and then return to the theater. Once you
enter the scene should automatically switch the dancing team on stage,
including Vivian. Once they leave the stage, the other dancers will make
fun of her. Even though she does mess up a couple times, when you see her,
tell her she did great. The next time Koh visits the theater, Vivian will
not be on stage, but instead, standing to the side of the room. Once the
show is over, the dancers will again tease her, making her feel even worse
than she already does. She then asks to go on a walk with Koh. The first
response you choose on the walk doesn't matter, the result is the same.
But once Ghosh comes into the scene, he'll tell her that he misses her
dancing at the bar. You should then suggest that they all return to the
bar so Vivian could dance again. She is unsure about it though; she
doesn't think that Okami will allow her to dance there because of how she
quit before. Assuring her that it will be OK, return to the bar. Once in
the bar, and Vivian is dancing again, a very strange thing could happen, if
you choose correctly…. Ghosh and Koh actually agree on something! What's
going on? The end of the world? Did I see a pig fly? This has got to be a
trick is probably what you're saying to yourself, but none of it's true.
They really do agree, so just get over it. Vivian's got her confidence
back so she decides to go back to the theater for one more crack at the
"big time." GO to the Tower and return again to the thetater where Vivian
has moved from the last row, to the second row of dancers. One more trip
into the Tower and another visit to the theater and Vivian will have moved
into the front of the dance group. Being the leader of the dance group has
made Vivian very happy, and she has only one person to thank for it, Koh.
Mission 5, finally accomplished!

*Mission 6: Mia Myria*
Mia Myria is relatively easy to get. The first thing that you must do is
to build the library for Dr. Hal to bring her into town. The cost is
8000G, fairly cheap. After it's built, Mia appears. Whenever you speak to
her, always say that you're interested in whatever she's going on about.
As with all the women around town, Ghosh is bound to interfere at some
point. But in this case, he has no interests in a dull bookworm. He
doesn't see the beauty behind the glasses, so he deems her unworthy of his
attention. On his way out of the library, he knocks Mia over, also
knocking her glasses off. This springs forth an eternal dislike of Ghosh
out of Mia. After talking to her enough times, she'll become obviously
obsessed with Koh. At that time she'll vanish from the library and begin
following him around town. You can see her running behind the right side
of the buildings you exit. To catch her, go to the library and immediately
leave it. Koh'll catch her in the act before she has a chance to run away.
But when she sees you, she'll run to the right side of the library, but
not vanish. Go talk to her and tell he to stop following Koh. This
scenario of a potential stalker stopped has earned a place for Koh in her
heart. Mission 6 accomplished!

*Mission 7: Cherrl Child*
The first thing that must be done in order to even meet Cherrl is to have
the hospital built. Once that is accomplished, the single door that always
remained locked in town can finally be opened. What Koh must do is
frighten the girl who's at the window (jus walk close to it). The girl
will throw her doll, Chuppie, at Koh. Pick up Chuppie and return it to its
proper owner. Cherrl is thankful for the return of her only friend and as
thanks, will have her mother open the door for Koh to enter. Inside, Koh
will learn that Cherrl was born with a disease that makes her very weak, so
she can't leave her bed to do much at all. The only way to heal Cherrl's
disease is by findingthe Healing Herb in the Tower. Only he Herb will
allow Cherrl to lead the life of a normal teenage girl. But before finding
the valuable Herb, Koh can take Cherrl for a walk around town, which is
inevitably interrupted by Monsbaiya's greatest male chauvinist pig, Ghosh.
Not being the most friendliest person in the world,he upsets Cherrl.
Cherrl, not being the healthiest person in the world, faints after the
confrontation. Koh hurries her to the hospital where Hush tells him that
she'll be alright, solong as she doesn't go on any more walks. The only
thing left to do is to find the Healing Herb,hich is located on the 28th
floor of the Tower. It took me nearly 50 hours to reach that far up (but I
wasn't really aiming for height for much of that time). It'll be quite a
difficult and long hike up the 28 floors to recover is, but it's worth
every minute. Bring the Herb to Hush immediately, and he'll bring Cherrl
there. After a trip into the Tower, return to the hospital where Cherrl
will be waiting. Talk to Hush. He'll also ask you whether you want Cherrl
to know who got the Herb for her. The two choices determine the fate of
Cherrl. If you choose not to tell her, Cherrl will become a nurse and work
at the hospital. If you choose to tell her, she'll become angry with Koh
for putting his life in danger to save her. The anger soon passes though
and after another round trip into the Tower, return to her home where
she'll be fully healed. But it's not over yet. After another voyage into
the deadly depths of the unholy realm of the Monster Tower, return to the
peaceful setting of Monsbaiya, and to Cherrl's home. She should have a
gift for Koh. It's a Koh doll that she made. She puts it on his
travelling bag. How cute. After two more trips into the Tower, she should
now be in the process of selling the Koh dolls out of the very window where
they met. If this gets any sweeter, I might get a cavity. Mission 7

*Mission 8: The Top of the Monster Tower*
Struggling through the viscous monsters, annoying traps and altogether
repetitive process of going in and out and in and out and in and out and in
and out….. Sorry. Anyway, after getting your weapon and shield of choice
plenty of red and blue sands, and you've fought enough creatures along the
way to be at a decent level, and you have enough magic stored up in
reserve, you can now make it all the way to the 40th floor of the Tower
without too much dificulty. On my first ascent, I had a Dark Sword +17, a
Diamond Shield +49, a Pillar Ball, 2 Flame Balls, a Sleep Ball and an Acid
Rain Ball, all at full charge by the time I reached the 32nd floor. Along
the way, I used up my Pillar Ball and one Flame Ball and the Acid Rain
Ball. But I found a few Tumna Fruits and Fire Ball. The familiars I used
were a Balloon on level 38 and a Blume on level 42 (they were my most
powerful at the time and I hadn't fooled around with fusion yet). Anyway,
reaching the 40th floor was quite a feat, and if you can do it, congrats!
Once you arrive, Beldo greets you, and Kewne also arrives (you don't need
to bring him). Beldo then reveals his reasoning for being the greatest
Monster Tamer there is by having the ability to fuse with familiars. Beldo
thanks Kewne for leading Koh to his doom, and then amazingly fuses with
Beldo. Belso then tells the story of the fate of Guy, Koh's father, and
why he needs the blood of a great Monster Tamer to break the seal Guy
placed on the Ultimate Egg. Beldo then attacks Koh, spilling his blood,
and breaking the seal. Beldo, not having any more use for Koh, attacks him
again, this time, with the intent on killing. There is no way you can win.
But, after Beldo strikes the final blow, Kewne separates from Beldo,
talking the sword with him. Kewne gives it to Koh telling him that it was
his father's sword. Beldo, now defenseless, is destroyed by Koh. The
Ultimate Egg is now yours. Mission 8 accomplished. Sit back and watch the
credits roll. You've earned it.

*Special Occurrences*

If you constantly look at Weedy's Monster Book, especially after you've
reached the 40th floor of the Tower and defeated Beldo, you might notice
that there are still several empty slots. Those slots are filled by
transformed monsters. Remember the hunter that was to the left side of the
Monster Tamer's Hut? He told Koh about monsters that transformed when they
reached higher levels, and also wished his monster would transform. There
are nine monsters that transform when they reach level 20. Those nine
monsters are:

Another Special Occurrence, is that occasionally, the ghost of Guy will
appear on the 39th floor. There is nothing significant about it, it's just
his ghost.

*Buildings to be Built in Monsbiya*

1) Expand-8000G-Enlarges Koh's house by adding a third room. Increases the
holding capacity of the safe to 30 items.
2) Expand2-60000G-Practically a mansion. Has a swimming pool on the roof,
accessible stairs from the back of the house. Safe holding capacity
increased to 60 items.
3) Hut-4000G-Enlarges the size of Koh's Monster Hut to accommodate 9
Familiars instead of just 4.
4) Hut2-8000G-Increases the size of the Monster Hut to comfortably fit 16
5) Hut3-20000G-Expands the dimensions of the Monster Hut to a holding
capacity of 36 Familiars.
6) Hut4-60000G-Holds an amazing number of Familiars, 64. Who honestly
needs that many Familiars?
7) Fountain-2000G-Used to make Monsbaiya more cultural place. Dontate
enough money to Nico to build the cultural icon. Suggested by Nico. See
"Things to do" #1.
8) Temple-4000G-Repair the old, out-of-date temple, and also increase the
size to accommodate all the traffic. Suggested to be built by Jorda. See
"Things to do" #2.
9) Hospital-8000G-Transform the small and dilapidated clinic into a
state-of-the-art hospital. Required to meet Cherrl. Suggested by Hush.
See "Things to do" #4
10) Theater-20000G-The dream come true for Fon. Creates a nice cultural
aroma around town. Required to meet Vivian. Suggested by Fon. See
"Things to do #6.
11) Track-30000G-Race a "horse" here and earn big bucks if you can pick the
right winners. The only wish of an old man. Suggested by Silver. See
"Things to do" #7.
12) Library-8000G-The town scholar has accumulated too many books and now
wishes to share them with everyone. Required to meet Mia. Suggested by
Dr. Hal. See "Things to do" #8.
13) Alley-20000G-A strange game that all the kids like. Take a break from
the Tower and bowl a game or two. Suggested by Jorda. See "Things to do" #2.
14) Casino-100000G-Gamble the day away in this high-tech casino. Rake in
big bucks, or lose it; it's all a big game of chance. Required to meet
Vivian. Suggested by Jorda. See "Things to do #2.
15) Gym-30000G-A place where people can get into shape before going into
the Monster Tower. Also has a barbell tossing game to play. Suggested by
Barry. See "Things to do" #12.
16) FunCenter-30000G-A variety of games to play here. Just a big
distraction for people to get away from doing the things they should be
doing. Suggested by Pen, the Carpenter's Assistant. See "Things to do" #11.

*The Monsters of the Monster Tower*

1) KEWNE Habitat: Monsbaiya Attribute: Fire
A KEWNE is a dragon which was popular several hundred years ago for
personal protection. However, it became extinct due to is poor
reproductive ability.
The name comes from their cry that sounds like "KEWNE."
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 12 MP:100 ATK: 6 DEF: 6
Magic: Brid

2) DRAGON Habitat: Cave Attribute: Fire
Its fame and strength won the name "King of the Monsters."
A wild dragon usually lives deep in a cave. Its intensely hot breath and
hard scales distinguish it. It is extremely difficult for a human to raise
Level 1 Stats:
See "KID"
See "KID"

3) KID Habitat: Cave Attribute: Fire
The word "KID" in the Monsbaiya Region means an infant dragon. Compared
to a dragon, a Kid's magical power is weaker.
Although it can be tamed by the person who hatched its egg, it is still
difficult to raise one since it has a severe temper and it only eats metals.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 12 MP: 60 ATK: 7 DEF: 5
Magic: Breath
Will eat metal weapons and armor.

4) IFRIT Habitat: Volcanic Crater Attribute: Fire
This is a malevolent diety that rules fire. It is a spirit of fire when
it obtains a high magical power.
In its body is a compressed flame, and its punch is said to melt even
steel. It is highly loyal, absolutely obedient to its master, but will
never listen to others.
Level 1 Stats:

5) FLAME Habitat: Volcanic Crater Attribute: Fire
A kind of a spirit of fire born from sparks. It is a common monster which
can be spotted anywhere, and is used to build a fire in the Monsbaiya Region.
Its appearance looks like a fire dressed in armor. Its knight-like
appearance represents its loyalty to its master.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 9 MP: 80 ATK: 5 DEF: 5
Magic: Sled

6) GRINEUT Habitat: Rocky Mountain Attribute: Fire
A GRINEUT is a transformed GRIFFON which has lived with humans for an
extended period of time. It is sometimes called a GRIFONUTE.
Its wings are metamorphosed into arms, and therefore cannot fly anymore.
Still, its strength and courage remain strong.
Level 1 Stats:

7) GRIFFON Habitat: Rocky Mountain Attribute: Fire
This is a monster that originally lived in nests in a rocky mountain area.
It looks down from the top of a cliff for its prey. It will dive and
attack with its sharp claws even if its prey is several times larger than
itself. It has both strength and courage.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 9 MP: 80 ATK: 6 DEF: 5
Magic: Rise

8) TROLL Habitat: Mountains Attribute: Fire
This is a monster, curious about everything, and is very quick to learn
how to use the tools humans use just by observing them.
However, they can be a threat to travelers going over the mountains.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 6 MP: 60 ATK: 4 DEF: 5
Magic: Brid
Can use Troll Weapons.

9) BALLOON Habitat: In the Air Attribute: Fire
A monsterwhich floats in the air without its own nest. Its shape
resembles a balloon.
A balloon-like portion is its exposed lung which enables it to elevate by
inhaling air. It is sturdier than it looks, and is difficult to be
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 8 MP: 70 ATK: 6 DEF: 5
Magic: Breath
Fly: Takes Koh to the next floor up in the Monster Tower.

10) VOLCANO Habitat: Volcano Attribute: Fire
This monster lives on a volcano in a group. It is basically omnivorous,
but favors lava. Once the lava is all consumed, the entire group moves
onto another volcano.
It excretes the stored lava from its behind to build a nest. Its temper
is violent, and is considered to be dangerous.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 9 MP: 80 ATK: 4 DEF: 5
Magic: Sled
Create Rock: Places a rock on the desired space chosen. Used to obstruct

11) BARONG Habitat: Prairie Attribute: Fire
A strange monster that consumes any substance, transforms it inside its
body, after ingesting enough nutrients, and then vomits out a new
substance. It's internal constitution is currently unknown.
It does not live in a pack, and is a loner.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 6 MP: 60 ATK: 5 DEF: 4
Magic: Poison
Eats items and regurgitates a new one.

12) WEADOG Habitat: Monster Tower Attribute: Fire
A kind of monster that has been protecting the Monster Tower since the
days of antiquity. Why it protects the tower is unknown.
It is skilled in tmaing other monsters, and is said to be capable of
pacifying even the most atrocious monsters at once.
Some people say that it is a "Servant of the God of Monsters."
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 9 MP: 80 ATK: 6 DEF:5
Magic: Brid
Throw Meat: Toss a piece of meat that attracts enemies toward it.

13) NAPLASS Habitat: Wetland Attribute: Fire
This monster loves to nap, and spends most of each day dozing. It is,
however, very sensitive to the slightest noise, and will attack angrily if
it hears a loud noise.
A NAPALASS deprived of sleep is the most powerful weapon. It butts with
its head which is harder than steel.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 22 MP: 80 ATK: 6 DEF: 6
Magic: Rise
Sleep: Takes a nap to recover HP.

14) KILLER Habitat: Tropics Attribute: Fire
This monster has a giant axe-like hump on each arm. The humps used to be
nails in ancient times, but are thought to have evolved to their present
shape to cope with their fighting nature and environment. It can smash
rocks with its awesome destructive power.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 10 MP: 60 ATK: 8 DEF: 5
Magic: Sled
Get Serious: Kinda like eating a Limit Fruit.

15) TYRANT Habitat: Desert Attribute: Fire
A violent monster also known as a "Desert Ruffian." It is extremely
greedy and is quick to jump to any feed given it. Male TYRANT fight duels
over females. Once this monster starts rampaging, even the most famous
tamer cannot stop it.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 10 MP: 70 ATK: 6 DEF: 6
Magic: Rise
Berserk: Goes berserk and attacks everything (including you!).

16) MAXIMUM Habitat: Monster Tower Attribute: Fire
A MAXIMUM was born in the Monster Tower, the strongest of a completely new
Since it lives near the top floor of the tower, no one has seen it in the
past except the famous Beastmaster "Guy" from Monsbaiya.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 16 MP: 80 ATK: 8 DEF: 9
Magic: Breath

17) SABER Habitat: Snowy Mountain Attribute: Water
A grown up SNOWMAN is called a SABER.
Its name comes from its long sword-like canines. The teeth, however,
don't seem to give much edge in hunting prey, and SABERS mostly use their
strength for hunting.
Level 1 Stats:

18) SNOWMAN Habitat: Snowy Mountain Attribute: Water
This monster lives in the coldest and snowiest of mountains. Its body is
covered with hair, protecting it from the cold.
The monster is easily tamed, but has a tough life force that allows it to
survive in the severe weather condition, as well as the power of a wild
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 10 MP: 90 ATK: 5 DEF: 5
Magic: DeWall
Break Obstacle: Will break any obstacle in the path(IceRock magic, etc..).

19) ASHRA Habitat: Water's Edge Attribute: Water
An ARACHNE metamorphoses into this figure over a long period of time.
It has 3 faces and 6 arms, and has a powerful attacking force. Because of
its belligerent nature, it is often worshipped among warriors as a god of
was. It only appears to brave boys.
Level 1 Stats:

20) ARACHNE Habitat: Water's Edge Attribute: Water
ARACHNE is a monster which has 8 limbs, resembling a spider.
At water's edge, a typical habitat of ARACHNES, one can often see an
ARACHNE weaving a spider's web on a tree to hunt prey. It eats prey hat
are larger than itself, but seldom attacks humans.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 9 MP: 70 ATK: 12 DEF: 5
Magic: DeMirror

21) BATTNEL Habitiat: Plain Attribute: Water
A BATTNEL is a NYUEL raised for battles. Since a NYUEL has superior
adaptability, it will transform into this figure as long as it keeps
fighting. However, as its natural fighting power is poor, it is difficult
to raise one without it being killed in battle.
Level 1 Stats:

22) NYUEL Habitat: Plain Attribute: Water
A domestic monster used for traveling though deserts and pulling
carriages. It is very friendly to people, and even a wild one is not much
of a threat.
It can adapt to almost any environment and transforms differently
depending on how it is raised. The monster represents the personality of
its master.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 10 MP: 80 ATK: 4 DEF: 5
Magic: DeHeal

23) PULUNPA Habitat: Streets Attribute: Water
The weakest and most timid kind of monster.
It used to live on prairies and deserts a long time ago, but now lives in
a city since it is such easy prey for other monsters. One can sometimes be
seen in a back alley.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 8 MP: 40 ATK: 4 DEF: 4
Magic: DeHeal
Collar Jack: Forces familiar back into the bag until you defeat the monster.

24) U-BOAT Habitat: In the Sea Attribute: Water
A monster submerged in water like a submarine. The periscope-like part is
an eye, and it also has countless small holes from which it inhales air
from above the water. It mainly feeds on small fish.
In the Monster Tower, it can also go underground because the ground has
some magical properties.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 9 MP: 80 ATK: 6 DEF: 5
Magic: DeRock
Submerge: Hides underground.
Scout: Maps current floor.

25) BLUME Habitat: Plateau Attribute: Water
Although it is an insectivorous plant, it lays eggs. Its male flowers
release pollen, and the pollinated female flowers lay the eggs. The pollen
have a special scent that controls monsters as they wish. The purpose is
to probably make monsters carry the pollen.
Its flower language is "indiscretions of youth."
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 9 MP: 80 ATK: 5 DEF: 4
Magic: DeWall
Brainwash: Brings an enemy to your side briefly. You can't control it, so
just kill it before it starts attacking you again.

26) MANOEVA Habitat: Marshland Attribute: Water
An amoeba-like single cell life, the MANOEVA behaves as its instincts
It is capable of transforming into the shape of what it has seen and is
capable of dividing. It attacks animals that approach marshes by pulling
them into the marsh, and absorbing them.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 10 MP: 70 ATK: 5 DEF: 6
Magic: DeForth
Transform: Takes on the shape of anything around it(except Koh).

27) KRAKEN Habitat: Deep Sea Attribute: Water
A mollusk-like monster resembling a squid. It surfaces in the sea, and
occasionally attacks ships.
Its entire body is electrically charged and generates intense electricity
when it senses danger. Since the electric current amplifies as it travels
through metals, use of weapons resistant to electricity, or attacking from
a long distance is recommended when fighting against one.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 8 MP: 70 ATK: 6 DEF: 6
Magic: DeWall

28) VIPER Habitat: Jungle Attribute: Water
A monster shaped like a viper and human combined. It hides in a dense
forest and attacks invaders.
Its claws and fangs have poisons that paralyze nerves, and the power of
the attacker is weakened by it. The poison cannot be neutralized by the
common Antidote Herb.
Its favorite food is eggs, gulping them down no matter how big they may be.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 9 MP: 80 ATK: 6 DEF: 5
Magic: DeMirror
Sometimes weakens attacking power in battle.

29) MANDARA Habitat: Ruins Attribute: Water
Incredibe monsters that attack villages and cities in a group, and then
live in the ruins. And yet, they are very territorial.
They have their own language, incomprehensible to humans. Spotted
patterns on their body can make humans go dizzy and fall over.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 11 MP: 85 ATK: 6 DEF: 6
Magic: DeForth
Spin: Confuses nearby enemies.

30) GLACIER Habitat: Iceberg Attribute: Water
Its characteristics is the crystal shaped wart on its back, which helps to
camouflage in its habitat: icebergs.
Despite its frightful appearance, it is timid. It exhales air that is
chilled inside its body and creates ice walls to protect itself.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 10 MP: 80 ATK: 5 DEF: 6
Magic: DeMirror
Create Ice: Forms a giant ice rock and propels it at an enemy, pushing them
back with it until they strike a wall.

31) TAKOPOO Habitat: Tidal Pool Attribute: Water
It is often seen in a tidal pool on a beach, or hanging along rocks in
shallow waters.
What differentiates it from an ordinary octopus is that its ink comes out
as a ball rather than liquid, as it tightly compresses the ink inside its
It is edible.
Note: This creature cannot be obtained as a familiar. Found only in the
Amusement Center.

32) MUSHROM Habitat: Woodlands Attribute: Water
A stationary monster hanging onto a decayed tree trunk with radiating
foot-shaped roots.
It does not harm people, or harbor any malicious intent. Still, it is
hated as it glares at anything that comes close to them. It is used as
pins in bowling alleys.
Note: This creature cannot be obtained as a familiar. Found only in the
Bowling Alley.

33) DEATH Habitat: Ravine Attribute: Wind
An adult CLOWN turns into this shape. Its cruelty does not change, and is
feared by travelers.
Despite its doll-like appearance, swinging a sickle with an expressionless
face gives it an eerie aura.
Level 1 Stats:

34) CLOWN Habitat: Ravine Attribute: Wind
A monster that lives in a windy place, mainly in ravines.
It hovers in the air in high speeds, and cuts off the neck of prey with a
large sickle. Its rather innocent looks conceals its cruelty. It is also
called "Devil of the Wind," and is feared by people who travel through the
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 8 MP: 80 ATK: 6 DEF: 5
Magic: LoDown

35) UNIVERN Habitat: Tree Top Attribute: Wind
A grown UNICORN is called a UNIVERN. Its wings are solid enough to
support its body weight, and can fly freely in the sky.
The bond between parent and offspring is strong and the parent will be
protective to the death.
Level 1 Stats:

36) UNICORN Habitat: Tree Top Attribute: Wind
This monster has horizontal stripes all over its body. Its spends its
childhood in a nest built by its parents in a tall tree. Since its wings
are too weak to fly, it is fed by the parents. It lives exactly like a
bird chick, but it fights bravely against invaders.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 9 MP: 80 ATK: 5 DEF: 5
Magic: LoBlind

37) METAL Habitat: Mine Attribute: Wind
This is an aggressive BLOCK monster. It is tempered in battles, and its
guarded body is like a sharpened blade.
It is a little more belligerent than BLOCK, but still remains friendly to
humans. It will be a reliable comrade in battle.
Level 1 Stats:

38) BLOCK Habitat: Mine Attribute: Wind
This monster is a kind of a magical one with a body made of metal.
Although its movements are slow and heavy, its body is hard and extremely
resistant to conventional attack.
It is also very friendly to humans, and is indispensable for tasks
requiring physical strength such as construction work.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 10 MP: 80 ATK: 6 DEF: 16
Magic: LoBind

39) NOISE Habitat: Forest Attribute: Wind
A music-loving cheerful monster. The sound of the flute it plays can
block the magic of veteran magicians.
However, even if you run into their recital in a forest, you should not be
decieved by the cheerful music and approach carefully.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 9 MP: 70 ATK: 6 DEF: 5
Magic: LoSleep
Play Flute: Will seal enemy magic for a time.

40) DREAMIN Habitat: Monster World Attribute: Wind
This monster used to be a devil that gave nightmares to humans, but its
magic is not as potent anymore and is just enough to put people to sleep.
It is mainly nocturnal and active in darkness. It is so dazed in the
daytime that it is difficult to believe it is a devil.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 8 MP: 70 ATK: 3 DEF: 5
Magic: LoSleep
Hypnotize: Puts an enemy to sleep.

41) CYCLONE Habitat: Wasteland Attribute: Wind
This monster has a large eye. It is well known that anybody who meets its
eye cannot swallow any food. However, 12 years ago, it was discovered that
if an anorexic person looks at the eye of a CYCLONE, the disease is cured.
Since then, its eggs have sold like hot cakes to women on diets or to
anorexic people.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 9 MP: 80 ATK: 5 DEF: 5
Magic: LoGrave
Anorexia: Makes an enemy "unhungry."

42) PICKET Habitat: Bush Attribute: Wind
A monster that loves to steal. It steal anything whether it be money or
It often hides in an ordinary bush, and if you step on it, your belongings
could be stolen.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 8 MP: 65 ATK: 3 DEF: 4
Magic: LoDown
Steal Item: No explanation needed, I hope.
Vomit Item: Regurgitate stolen item.

43) STEALTH Habitat: Subterranean Attribute: Wind
This monster has a hard shell and a powerful pair of scissors.
It used the scissors like a drill and moves by drilling holes in the
ground. Since it lives underground, its eyes have become atrophied.
Its shell acts like the skin of a chameleon, which can protect itself with
its changing color.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 8 MP: 80 ATK: 4 DEF: 5
Magic: LoBlind
Disappear: Makes itself invisible.

44) ZU Habitat: Marshy District Attribute: Wind
This monster is like a mix of lion and bird.
It threatens its enemies with loud barking. Its barking seems to make the
air tremble.
It usually flies over wetlands like a dragonfly, but will persistently
pursue prey, and expose its violent nature.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 10 MP: 80 ATK: 6 DEF: 5
Magic: LoGrave
Bark Loudly: Paralyze enemies.

45) GARUDA Habitat: Monster Tower Attribute: Wind
This is a kind of monster that has been protecting the Monster Tower since
ancient times. Why they protect the tower is unknown.
Its body is half machine and is thought to be a magical life form created
by a magician.
Once it detects danger, it attempts to divide the enemy.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 10 MP: 80 ATK: 5 DEF: 5
Magic: LoDown
Abduct: Take an enemy to another location.

46) GOLEM Habitat: Monster Tower Attribute: Wind
This monster has been protecting the Monster Tower since ancient times.
Why they protect the tower is unknown.
It is a magical life form created by a magician, has no emotion, and it
executes commands of its creator alone.
Its movements are slow and heavy, but it has a powerful defensive force
and endures well.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 15 MP: 70 ATK: 7 DEF: 20
Magic: LoBind
Charged Punch: Strong attack from a distance.

47) MALILING Habitat: Monsbaiya Attribute: Wind
A quiet monster which likes to change into a ball and roll around. Since
it cannot roll by itself once it is the ball shape, it is often spotted at
a top of a hill waiting for a wind to blow.
As it generates electricity inside its body from rolling, it is also used
as a generator.
Note: This creature cannot be obtained as a familiar. Found only in the
Bowling Alley.

48) SOILCLAW Habitat: Subterranean Attribute: Wind
This is a subfamily of the monster, STEALTH.
Since it eats garbage in the soil and converts in into energy within its
body, this monster is often used in vacuum machines.
Since it is gentle, it does not get angry even if it is hit in a
"Hit-A-Mole" game.
Note: You cannot obtain this creature as a familiar. Found only in the
Amusement Center.

49) HIKEWNE Habitat: Monsbaiya Attribute: Fire, Water, Wind
This monster used to be an egg of KEWNE which was laid and left on the
highest floor of the Monster Tower where the magical power is strongest.
Over time, it has become "the Ultimate Egg."
The legend of "The Ultimate Egg" which is said to be capable of ruling the
world has now been unveiled in Monsbaiya.
Level 1 Stats:
HP: 15 MP: 120 ATK: 7 DEF: 7
Magic: DarkWave

50) LAZYFROG Habitat: Pond Attribute: Water
The academic name is Monsbaiya Lazy Frog. Just like the name, it is a new
species of frog discovered in Monsbaiya. Since it does not protect itself
from enemies, it has earned this name.
The frogs are traded frequently as an ingredient for magic.
Note: You cannot obtain this creature as a familiar. Found in the Monster
Tower as a result of use of a Tumna Fruit.

*The Magic of the Monster Tower*

Many Familiars don't have magic available to them when you first hatch
them. To bring out their hidden talents, you simply must fuse it with
another Familiar.

*Fire, Water, Wind Combined*
DarkWave-Dark surge makes you invincible.
Mixture Magic Effect: Dark Shoot

*Fire Magic*
1) Breath-Flame shower attack.
Mixture Magic Effect: Flame Sword
2) Brid-Fire bullet.
Mixture Magic Effect: Flame Sword
3) Poison-Causes poison.
Mixture Magic Effect: Heat Wave
4) Rise-Fire pillar attack.
Mixture Magic Attack: Flame Sword
5) Sled-Fire runs over enemy.
Mixture Magic Effect: Flame Sword

*Water Magic*
1) DeHeal-Bubble charged healing.
Mixture Magic Effect: Blizzard Sword
2) DeForth-Water charged healing.
Mixture Magic Effect: Blizzard Sword
3) DeMirror-Anti-magic shield.
Mixture Magic Effect: Aqua Blade
4) DeRock-Ice obstacle.
Mixture Magic Effect: Snow Shoot
5) DeWall-Water protection.
Mixture Magic Effect: Aqua Blade

*Wind Magic*
1) LoBind-Thunder causes paralysis.
Mixture Magic Effect: Earth Shaker
2) LoBlind-Blind target with darkness.
Mixture Magic Effect: Earth Shaker
3) LoDown-Causes target's level to decrease by 1.
Mixture Magic Effect: Thunder Wave
4) LoGrave- Tornado attack.
Mixture Magic Effect: Thunder Wave
5) LoSleep-Wind induced sleep.
Mixture Magic Effect: Earth Shaker

*The Long Trek to the Top*

If you thought that getting all the buildings built and having all the
women in town fall in love with Koh was difficult, you ain't seen nothing
yet! The long and arduous journey to the 40th floor of the Monster Tower
is one of the most challenging and most difficult things to accomplish this
side of Monsbaiya. The following will be my suggestions on how to proceed
with that quest.

1) Finding a sword. The first thing you should do in the Tower is to find
a Gold Sword and hang onto it for dear life. So it's the weakest sword
there is, you say? Wrong! It's the only sword that won't rust, which
means, every Red Sand used on it is permanent and won't be rusted away by a
Rust Trap. Get this sword up to at least a +30 before even attempting a
trip to the top.
2) Finding a shield. There are 2 choices to make if you're looking to find
rust-proof shields: the Diamond Shield and the Mirror Shield. Although the
Diamond Shield is more powerful by 4, the Mirror Shield is the better
choice. Why you ask? Because it reflects magic spells, that's why. Any
spell cast, being it LoDown, LoBind, Rise, Sled, whatever, is reflected
from your shield back to the enemy that cast it. Try tyo get your shield
up to about +45 or +50 before going up to the top, it'll come in very handy
when you're forced to face a DRAGON or MAXIMUM.
3) Getting Good Familiars. Get a large selection of Familiars and get
their levels, MP and HP as high as possible. To increase their MP, feed
them a Pita Fruit when their MP is full and they gain 1 MP permanently. To
raise their HP, feed them a Medicinal Herb, while in the Tower, when their
HP is full to rasie their HP by 1 permanently. The best Familiars to have,
in my opinion, are the BLOCK (doubles defense when fused), CYCLONE (halves
MP consumption when fused), and a NAPLASS (double HP when fused). Fuse
these Familiars to any of your highest power Familiars to get ultimate
fighting machines. A good level for them to be on before a trek to the top
is around 30-35. Also, any Hazak, Mazaar or Shomuro Seeds you come across
should go to your Familiars.
4) Staying Alive. The one thing you must remember is to always play it
safe. Never get caught in a position where you must use a Wind Crystal or
sacrifice a Familiar to escape. Use the first 25 or so levels as your
territory to gain experience. Your Familiars should be at high enough
levels to fend for themselves it anything dire should happen, but on the
higher up levels when GOLEMS, MAXIMUMS, KILLERS and so forth are appearing,
you want to be able to dispatch them quickly, mostly in one hit if not
sooner. The best arsenal to have is a good supply of Magic Balls on hand:
Pillar, Flame, Fire, Sleep, Bind, etc… Don't discount the status ailment
Balls, unlike other games you might have played, these actually work. Once
you reach the 35th floor, the best strategy is to run from everything and
hope to find an elevator before anything else finds you. Once you reach
level 40, though, you can finally sit back and relax, you've done it!


This Tips and Tricks Guide to Azure Dreams was written solely by Brian
Kenyon. This guide, or any part of this guide, cannot be used in any
publication without my expressed written consent. You may freely
distribute this guide only in its entirety.
The opinions stated in this guide are those of me. If I did by chance
gets any facts wrong, please let me know via e-mail. If you disagree with
my opinions, good for you, but don't send me an e-mail telling me your
opinions, write your own guide instead. To e-mail me:

*Upcoming Additions*

Nothing is planned right now. If you have ideas, please let me know.

This Tips and Tricks Guide to Azure Dreams is copyright © 1998-1999 Brian

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Fusion FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
engl. FAQ für Azure Dreams

17.Oktober 2013
Tower Price Guide

17.Oktober 2013
Tips and Tricks

17.Oktober 2013
Tactical Guide

17.Oktober 2013
Strategy Guide

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

18.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats
10.Oktober 2008
engl. FAQ
10.Oktober 2008
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020