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Harvest Moon Character Likes and Dislikes FAQ
MeoTwister, aka Gabriel Ang
Version 1.0
E-Mail: MeoTwister5@yahoo.com
(C) 2001
1. Intro
2. Chracters and their likes/dislikes
a. The Guys
b. The Girls
3. My Observations
4. Legal Stuff
5. Credits
This is a FAQ written for those who need help in finding out what to
give those rather picky villagers in Natsume's Harvest Moon: Back To
Nature(C). This is my first FAQ, so bear with me OK ^_^
Back To Nature is an excellent game that blends RPG elements to good o'l
fashioned farming, so those who don't own this game yet and want to
experience being on the ranch, better get a copy now!
I made this FAQ out of my own game experience and what the guys and gals
of the Boards said, so I know there's a lot more missing, so please E-
Mail me if I missed out on a few.
Please use this FAQ, cause it was HARD trying to see everything they
like and hate!
Characters and their likes/dislikes and Birthdays
21. The Harvest Sprites (Not sure if their male...)
Likes: Flour
Hates: not sure, but when I gave them weeds, they had some ! and some ?
in the dialogue box. Somebody tell me if it's good or bad.
22. Stu (Fall 5)
Likes: wild grapes
Hates: carrots
My Observations
Most of the middle age men like wine, so you might want to give them
some. But, at 300g a pop, might not be too good for your wallet...
A lot of them like Spa-boiled eggs. So pick up maybe 3 or more eggs,
toss them in the Hot Springs to boil them, and pass them around the
Most of the girls you can marry like flowers. It's the cheapest way to
get them to like you, since you can pick some near Gotz's house and the
base of mother's hill (except winter).
Except Gray and Saibara, almost all hate ores, so better avoid
accidentaly giving the villagers ores.
They seem to like it better when you gift-wrap their favorites and give
it to them on their birthday.
This FAQ was made by Gabriel Ang (MeoTwister5) and is protected by
international law. Any attampts to reproduce, copy-paste, etc without
my consent is entirely ILLEGAL! If you want to post this on your site
or put in a magazine, please E-mail me to tell me, and acknowledge
credit where it's due.
Harvest Moon:Back To Nature was made by Natsume of Japan, and
copyrighted. Reproduction, pirating, public presentation and copying of
this game is illegal.
1. Thanks to my brother, iMaGurlHunteR (yes, the one at the RI boards)
for teaching me how to do ASCII art.
2. The guys and gals at the Harvest Moon:BTN boards, whose posts helped
me do this. So if you posted anything related to this, that's you!
Thank Ya!
3. GameFaqs for being THE LARGEST site to find Game help, and for
hosting this FAQ.