Wipeout 3

Wipeout 3

16.10.2013 09:25:26

/\ /\ /\ /\ /------\ /------\ /----\ /\ /\ /------\
|| || || || | /--\ | \----\ | | /--\ | || || \--||--/
|| || || || | \--/ / /--/ | || || || || ||
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\----/ \/ \/ \------/ \----/ \-----/ \/

Wip3out Faq
Version 1.2

1 - Introduction
2 - Controls
3 - Racing Teams
4 - Weapons
5 - Tracks
6 - Modes
7 - Secrets
8 - Cheats
9 - Game Data
10 - Audio Tracks
11 - Credits
12 - Disclaimer



Wip3out is the third of the Wipeout series for the Playstation. It is a future hovercar
racing game, with a techno soundtrack to make your hears bleed. This is my very first FAQ, so
any comments or corrections would be apreciated. On with the FAQ :) .



This is the default button configuration. I use them and had no problems.

Digital Direction Pad - Moves Left & Right. Tilts Nose Up & Down.
Left Analog Stick - Moves Left & Right. Tilts Nose Up & Down.
X Button - Accelelarate
O Button - Fire Weapon
[] Button - Discard Weapon
/\ Button - Change View (Internal, Cockpit & External)
R1 Button - Hyperthrust (Uses energy from shield, just like F-ZeroX)
L1 Button - Rear View (Use it to aim your mines)
R2 Button - Right Airbrake
L2 Button - Left Airbrake
R2+L2 Buttons - Brake


Racing Teams


Feisar European Racing Team has been on every Wipeout game ever made. Their craft favours
handling over speed, making it ideal for begginers. Don´t expect any major time records, tough.

Thrust: 5 Speed: 1
Shield: 4 Handling: 4


A new comer to the Wipeout series. Looks like a futuristic taxi to me. Average stats.

Thrust: 3 Speed: 2
Shield: 4 Handling: 3

-+*Auricom Industries*+-

Ex-Auricom Research, these American made crafts are very well balanced not only on this game,
but on previous Wipeout games as well.

Thrust: 3 Speed: 3
Shield: 3 Handling: 3


Secret Chinese Racing Team Pirahna returns, however their craft now is normal compared to
their previous prototypes in Wipeout 2097 & Wipeout 64. Good Handling and is now able to use

Thrust: 2 Speed: 3
Shield: 2 Handling: 4

<===Secret Racing Teams===>

-+*Qirex RD*+-

Russian made crafts that are (way) fast but have always suffered from bad Handling. Wip3out
is no exception. However, they now have impressive Thrust compared to previous games.

Thrust: 4 Speed: 4
Shield: 3 Handling: 2

-+*A.G. Systems*+-

Japanese Anti-Gravity Systems team is in this game a secret team ! Now their crafts are as
fast has Qirex (!) but still have mediocre Shield. Make sure you actually get to finish the

Thrust: 3 Speed: 4
Shield: 2 Handling: 3


Excelent crafts with the best handling in the game. The trade off ? They also have the
weakest Shield rating of the game (Yes, even AG Systems have better Shields). Don't even
consider Hyperthrusting with these.

Thrust: 3 Speed: 3
Shield: 1 Handling: 5


Speed is of the essence here. Shame is really has nothing else to show. A craft made for
professionals. Still, your choice craft for the time trials.

Thrust: 1 Speed: 5
Shield: 2 Handling: 2

Here is a table so you can compare all teams & stats:

| Name | Thrust | Speed | Shield | Hand. |
| Feisar | *****! | * | **** | **** |
| Goteki 45 | *** | ** | **** | *** |
| Auricom Ind. | *** | *** | *** | *** |
| Pirahna A | ** | *** | ** | **** |
| Qirex RD | **** | **** | *** | ** |
| A.G. Systems | *** | **** | ** | *** |
| AsSegai | *** | *** | * | *****! |
| Icaras | * | *****! | ** | ** |
! = Best in the game

Unlike Wipeout 2097, there isn't a Super Team (namely Pirahna). Each team has their +/-
points. It's up to you to pick your favourite.



Includes the name, the letters that appear on the weapons box & what is their effect.

Mines - MI - Drops 5 Mines from the rear of the craft.
Force Wall - FW - Sends an energy barrier to the front that only your craft can pass.
Reflector - RF - Like the shield, but this one sends weapons back to their owner. :)
Shield - QS - Makes your craft invencible for a period of time.
Rocket - RT - Fires two rockets forward that have no guidance.
Auto Pilot - AP - Does all the hard work for you. Carefullwhen it disengages.
Cloack - CL - Makes you invisible & weapons can´t lock on as well.
Quake - QA - Makes a wave in front that will damage all opponents.
Energy Drain - ED - Lock on a opponent and this will transfer Shield Energy to you.
Missile - MM - This shoots two homing missiles to 1 target or 2 targets.
Plasma - PM - Unguided & needs time to charge. Kills with one hit.



-+*Porto Kora*+-
Lenght: 3.39 Km

The first track. Eases you into the game. Try to master Corner Breaking (L2/R2) near the end.
The Pit lane is on the right side of the starting lgrid. Nice harbor !

-+*Mega Mall*+-
Lenght: 2.20 Km

Going to the mall never been this mutch fun. Easy track, with an very cool corckscrew part
that can make you earn a lot of positions if you master it. Ever noticed the screen that shows
the Race also turns into publicity for the Teams? Nice touch! The Pit lane is to the left,
however its on a checkpoint before the starting grid. So don't get confused.

-+*Sampa Run*+-
Lenght: 4.68 Km

Dark & moody. The first curve is quite tough to make while at high speeds. the following
tunnel isn't easy either. Before the track split, there is a curve just like the one at the
beggining. At the split, take the righ one. I believe the Tunnel is easier to navigate. However
ther doesnt seem to be a great time diference bettwen them. Use the jumps to your advantage.
The Pit lane is to the left on the starting grid.

Lenght: 3.48 Km

Now it get´s tryckier. This track is full of sharp curves. Corner Breaking is essencial. At
the track split, NEVER take the right path. The left one is about the only straigh line in all
the track. The Pit lane is to the left of the starting grid. Nice train!

<===Secret Tracks===>

-+*Hi Fumii*+-
Lenght: 4.32 Km

WOW! Korodera revisited :) ! this track reminds me of the Korodera track the very first
Wipeout. Less tricky than Stanzainter, it does however have a 90 degree right turn, so stay
alert to that one ! Use the jumps (especially the final one before the Starting grid) to get
ahead. The Pit lane is to the left of the starting grid. Nice cargo train here as well.

-+*P-Mar Project*+-
Lenght: 4.88 Km

Nice outdoor track. Not really tough. Learn the layout and you will have no problems. Make
sure you use the jumps. If done correctly, you might be able to cut A LOT of track. The Pit
lane is to the left of the starting grid. Nice pink flowers blowing in the wind.

-+*Manor Top*+-
Lenght: 3.30 Km

NIGHTMARE ALERT ! this little beauty just has about seven 90 degrees turns. Ho, and try not
to fall of the track, beacause it will really mess up your race. Never has the Autopilot been
such an important possession. Use it if you got it before the 90 degrees turns. The pit lane is
to the right on the starting grid. It rains, but they still throw fireworks ! Water proof
fireworks, i presume ???

Lenght: 3.69 Km

After the complete nightmare that was Manor top, and with a name like this, this should be
as tough has they come. It isn´t. In fact is quite easy. Just make sure you make your curves
just in the right angle (witch if you come this far, should not be a problem). One important
thing: if you go to the Pit lane (on the right just before the starting grid) be carefull while
exiting because you will have to do a 90 degree turn to the righ or its Hello, wall !

All tracks can be raced in 4 Classes, that become increasingly fast and therefore harder.
Here is the table explaining the leagues :

| Name |Nº Laps|
| Vector | 2 |
| Venon | 3 |
| Rapier | 4 |
| Phantom | 5 |



Single Race - Allows you to pick your class, track & team for a single race.

Time Trial - Same as above, but you only race againts the clock.

Challenge - Lifted from Wipeout 64. Compete in Race, Time & Weapon chalenges for
medals. Sucessfully complete all with at least Bronze to Unlock the secret Combo Challenge.
Here are the descriptions off all chalenges :

/-------------Race Challenge-------------\ /-------------Time Challenge------------\
|Nr| Class | Track | Team | For Gold | |Nr| Class | Track | Team | For Gold |
|------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------|
| 1| Vector|PortoKora| Feisar | 1st Place | | 1| Vector|Mega Mall| Feisar |Under 2:00 |
| 2| Vector|Mega Mall|Goteki45| 1st Place | | 2| Vector|Sampa Run|Goteki45|Under 2:00 |
| 3| Venon |Sampa Run| Auricom| 1st Place | | 3| Venon |PortoKora| Auricom|Under 1:35 |
| 4| Venon | Hi-Fumii| Pirahna| 1st Place | | 4| Venon | Stanza | Pirahna|Under 1:55 |
| 5| Rapier| P-Mar | AG-Sys | 1st Place | | 5| Rapier| Hi-Fumii| AsSegai|Under 2:15 |
| 6| Rapier| Stanza | Qirex | 1st Place | | 6| Rapier| Terminal| Qirex |Under 2:25 |
| 7|Phantom| Terminal| Icaras | 1st Place | | 7|Phantom| P-Mar | AG-Sys |Under 3:50 |
| 8|Phantom| Manortop| AsSegai| 1st Place | | 8|Phantom| Manortop| Icaras |Under 3:00 |
\----------------------------------------/ \---------------------------------------/

/------------Weapon Challenge------------\ /------------Combo Challenge------------\
|Nr| Class | Track | Team | For Gold | |Nr| Class | Track | Team | For Gold |
|------------------------------------------| |---------------- Secret -----------------|
| 1| Vector|PortoKora| Feisar | 3 Kills | | 1| Vector|Sampa Run| Feisar |1st 3:00 3K|
| 2| Vector|Sampa Run|Goteki45| 3 Kills | | 2| Vector|PortoKora|Goteki45|1st 2:00 3K|
| 3| Venon | Hi-Fumii| Auricom| 4 Kills | | 3| Rapier| Hi-Fumii| Auricom|1st 2:50 4K|
| 4| Venon | P-Mar | Qirex | 4 Kills | | 4| Rapier| P-Mar | Pirahna|1st 3:40 4K|
| 5| Rapier| Stanza | Pirahna| 5 Kills | | 5|Phantom| Terminal| Qirex |1st 3:10 5K|
| 6| Rapier|Mega Mall| AG-Sys | 5 Kills | | 6|Phantom|Mega Mall| AG-Sys |1st 3:40 5K|
| 7|Phantom| Terminal| Icaras | 6 Kills | | 7|Phantom|Manor Top| AsSegai|1st 3:00 6K|
| 8|Phantom|Manor Top| AsSegai| 6 Kills | | 8|Phantom| Stanza | Icaras |1st 3:30 6K|
\----------------------------------------/ \---------------------------------------/

Eliminator - Compete with other players and try to achieve a number of kills. You
can go has high has 99 targets ! Eliminator stops when the quota his achieved by someone.

Tournament - The classic racing tournaments. A 1st place awards 10 points. Only
Vector is available at the start. Complete in 1st place Vector to unlock Venon, complete 1st
place Venon to unlock Rapier, complete in 1st place Rapier to unlock Phantom, complete Phantom
(Without cheating!) and laugh at your friends (Hey, i did!) ;) .

Prototypes - Secret Mode - After beating all tracks in first position (see below)
you get this bonus mode. And it sure is cool. You get 4 extra tracks to race on: LS101/NP62,
LS102/MQ71, LS103/AW72 and LS104/AW73. The catch? There isn't a single texture anywhere! Not
even in your craft. I think it gives the game a very retro look. I like it. Carefull,
LS103/AW72 is hard as nails to master.

Options - Take a guess :) .



Turbo Start - If you have a Dual Shock, in the beggining of a race press Thrust
until the Controller starts to shake and try to hold the Thrust gauge in that position.

How to Unlock the Secret Tracks:

Hi Fummi - Finish first in Single Race with any team all the 4 first tracks.
P-Mar Project - Finish first in Single Race with any 2 teams the Hi Fummi track.
Manor Top - Finish first in Single Race with any 3 teams the P-Mar Project track.
Terminal - Finish firts in Single Race with all the first 4 teams the Manor Top track.

How to Unlock the Secret Teams:

Qirex RD - Finish first in Single Race the Terminal track with the first 4 teams.
A.G. Systems - Finish first in Single Race any 2 tracks with Qirex RD.
Assegai - Finish firts in Single Race any 3 tracks with A.G. Systems.
Icaras - Finish first in Single Race any 4 tracks with Assegai.

Prototype Circuits - Finish first in all tracks in Single Race with all of the first 4



Don't use this if you really want to enjoy the game or you are really REALLY stuck. Write
these in the Default Names option:

THEHAIR - Unlocks all chalenges.
CANER W - Unlocks prototype circuits.
WIZZPIG - Unlocks all tracks.
AVINIT - Unlocks all racing teams.
BUNTY - Unlocks all tournaments.
BEBEDEE - Turns off all turbo pads.
NOWHEELS - The slightest touch with the walls slows you down (just like Wipeout).
JAZZNAZ - Unlocks Phantom racing class.
DEPUTY - Gives you random weapons.
MOONFACE - Unlimited Hyperthrust.
GEORDIE - Unlimited Shield & Hyperthrust.
LINK - My kind of cheat. Unlocks hidden option Establish Link. Up to 4 Players. 8)


Game Data

Name: Wip3out Platform: Sony Playstation Developer: Psygnosis
1 to 4 Players Analog Dual Shock Compatible Memory Card: 1 Block
Game Link Cable Compatible (check Cheats section)


Audio Tracks

Just like previous games, you get a bonus audio CD within the game CD. Nice! Here is the

| Nº | Name | Artist | Time |
| 02 | Feisar | Sasha |4m 8sc |
| 03 | Kittens | Underworld |3m 6sc |
| 04 | Icaras | Sasha |4m19sc |
| 05 | Know Where To Run | Orbital |4m12sc |
| 06 | Auricom | Sasha |4m12sc |
| 07 | Surrender | MKL |3m43sc |
| 08 | Lethal Cut | Propellerheads |3m41sc |
| 09 | Goteki 45 | Sasha |4m17sc |
| 10 | Under The Influence| The Chemical Brothers |4m15sc |
| 11 | Pirhana | Sasha |4m16sc |
| 12 | Control | MKL |3m42sc |
| 13 | Avenue | Paul Van Dyk |4m 3sc |
| 14 | Xpander | Sasha |4m 8sc |

Excelent stuff. However, i can't let go unnoticed the lack of CoLD SToRaGe tracks.



Sony - For the hardware.
Psygnosis - For the software.
Me - For the patience.
Designers Republic - For the style.
Sasha - For the music.
CoLD SToRaGe - BRING BACK TIM WRIGHT ! NOW !! ( Wright,Now. Get it? 8D )



This FAQ is copyrighted by Shiryu (aka G. Lopes) and can be freely distributed has long has
it remains unchanged. Ask permission if you wish to publish any of this on any magazine or

You can find this FAQ at GAMEFAQS, VGStrategies,GameWinners & (last but NOT least) Shiryu
Galaxy (my homepage). Here are the URLs:


Also check out GAMESAGES. I got the cheats from them. The URL is:


This is my E-MAIL account. Feel free to send corrections and/or feedback:


That's all. Hope this FAQ helped you out. I putted a lot of effort into it. But the game
makes it all worth it...

Copyright Shiryu 1999

" Wipeout... Speeding the generation into the new millenium... "

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