Tales of Phantasia

Tales of Phantasia

11.10.2013 23:09:53
Guide FAQ
Magus' Tales of Phantasia Guide v0.23

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Copyright Magus (shinra9@yahoo.com) 2000

Legal Stuff This entire FAQ is copyright Magus 2000. The only sites
that can use this without asking are:


If you want to use it on your site, please e-mail me at
shinra9@yahoo.com. The latest version can always be found from

ToP is copyright Namco 1996/1998. Please do not leech any
of this to make your own FAQ out of it. Unless you have MY permission DO
NOT take anything at all from this guide. Don't edit, don't do anything to
it and submit it without e-mailing me with permission first. You can
print it out, but only for personal use, no selling this! Summing it
up, do anything for your own personal benefit (apart from reading it)
without asking me, AND YOU'LL BURN IN HELL!!!!!

To get in touch, e-mail me at shinra9@yahoo.com.
My ICQ# is 34601221.
My webpage is http://jump.to/magus

Be warned that I'm only on the net twice a week, don't expect replies
from me which are ten minutes after you've sent the mail. Here's some
guidelines about sending me mail:

1.Make sure you put the title of the game you're asking about in the
subject. I've made a fair few FAQs, and it's a bit hard to work
things out sometimes.

2.If it's an FAQ, make sure that it's not already in the guide!!! If
it is, I'll do my best to ignore it.

If it's not in there, make sure that the details you provide
are, well, DETAILED, and not sketchy. Examples are "Hi need to know
how to get past this part, i'm in a room and stuck", I need to know
where you are, etc.

3.Ask nicely. So far, most people have, but if your mail goes along
the lines of "Hi, need code for B2, reply within the next hour
otherwise I'll bomb you" will not get you anywhere.

That's it. Sorry for being a pain, but it had to be said.

Version History

v0.1-First version! Absolutely nothing! Well, somethings. Walkthrough
coming soon.
v0.2-Walkthrough up to the part where you first go to Alvanista.
v0.21-Copyright Notice updated.
v0.22-Copyright Notice updated.
v0.23-Walkthrough updated.
v0.3-Put in an accessory list. Walkthrough is abandoned until the
full english patch arrives.


2)Controls, Characters
3)Battle System, Menus
6)Accessory List


Ever since I was introduced to the wonderful world of emulation, I've
been hankering for a translation of this brilliant ROM. Well, if you
know of a translation patch, please contact me. This game is probably
one of the most innovative RPGs to hit the SNES. Wonderful sound,
graphics, and trust me, you'll love the battle system. Have fun with
it, even though it may be in Japanese.

From Brendan Jackson:
-First off, there's an items and menu patch available from this
address (I think... if that's wrong, let me know and I'll give you
the correct one!):


Just go to the translation section of the site and you can find one.
Just make sure you click on the %done link, rather than the homepage
link. For some reason, you can't download it from their own homepage.

And even better, one of the programmers of ZSNES has been
secretely working on a translation with a couple of other people.
And that's at 90%!!! Here's the web address for that one, though
unfortunately the patch hasn't been released...as yet!


I tell you, I'm looking forward to playing it in English!

Magus:I CAN'T WAIT!!! WHOO!!!


For those who don't know the controls (e.g Me, when I started out),
here they are:

Select - Nothing
Start - When you're on the World Map, this hides and shows the Map/
D-Pad - Move Around
A - Talk, Use, Open, Use Airbirds, Use Ring, Search...
B - When you've got the Jet Boots, this makes you run
Y - Nothing
X - Menu
L/R - Nothing

In Battle:

Select - Nothing
Start - Pause
D-Pad - Use Left and Right to move
A - Attack (slice)
B - Tech Attack
X - Menu
Y - Select a target (enemy) to attack
L/R - Move left or right, and also run
Up+A - Stab
Up+B - Second Tech

Cless Alvein
He's the main character of the game. A fighter, one day he's sent out
with his friend Chester to hunt some animals so that they can have
dinner. However, something goes terribly wrong and he now has to deal
with the facts, no matter how strange they are.
Chester Berkright
Cless' best pal, who is an Archer. He set off with Cless to go hunting,
and after the horrible turn of events, vows to meet up with Cless
again after cleaning up this huge mess.
Mint Adnade
Cless rescued this young healer from prison. Looks are decieving, as
she is an extremely useful healer.
Arche Klaine
A half-elf mage, who likes using black magic.The typical witch, she's
even got her own broomstick.
Klarth M. Lester
A man with lots of knowledge, he also has the power to summon great
creatures to help him.

3)Battle System

The Battle System that Tales of Phantasia uses is unique. In this
Linear Motion Battle System, you only control one character (Cless),
as opposed to the turn-based combat of Final Fantasy. Once you've
initated combat, your characters will appear in the middle of a field,
with enemies to your left, to your right, or to both your left and
right. The battlefield sidescrolls in either direction, reminding all
of us of the days of Double Dragon =)

Other party members are computer controlled, and they will attack
every now and then, and if you move in a direction, they will follow.
To attack, the first thing that you have to do is select an enemy to
target (with the Y button). A little arrow will appear over that enemy's
head, and all attacks that you perform will hit that enemy until it

To attack, use the A button. Cless will stab out at the enemy, then
run back to his original position, ready to make another move. If you
use Up+A, Cless will perform a Slice move, which is faster and more
powerful, but the Stab keeps enemies further at bay. To use tech
attacks (see Skills/Tech section on how to set these), press the B
button for your primary tech, or Up+B for your secondary tech. Some
techs are Short Range, some are Long Range, so if you can't perform
an attack, it's probably because you're not in the right range.

Pressing X will bring up a small Menu with four options; Magic,
Tactic, Form and Item.
Magic: After selecting this option, you have to choose a character
that you wish to cast the spells with. Whoever's free at the
moment, their name will appear in white. Select the character
that you wish to use, and then their spell list will pop up.
Pick a spell, select a target, then confirm it to cast the
Tactic: Pick your character, pick the tactic, then return to the
Form: Here, you can change the formation of your party, meaning that
you can switch the positions in which they appear on screen so
that they can deal more damage, take less damage, etc.
Item: Use Items in battle. A Circle next to the item means that you
can use it, a Cross means no, you can't use it, go away.
Finally, to run in battle, hold either L or R, until you reach the
edge of the screen. A timer will appear, just wait for that to hit
0, without Cless getting hit, and you'll be out of there.

After pressing X (not in battle), your menu screen will pop up. It
will look something like this:

| Skill | Item | Form | Setup |
| Equip | Tactic | Status | Save |


This menu lets you set the tech attacks that your party members use.
The first two slots are for your short range attacks, and the last
two are for your longe range attacks (for Cless). For other characters,
there should be magic spells, and you are able to cast them in this


This allows you to check up on your items, see what they do, and also
use them. Keep in mind that you can only store 15 of the items at a
time. Press Y when you've selected an item for a description. There
are also four buttons at the top, which arrange your items into a
certain order.


This menu allows you to set the formation of your characters in
battle. Just select your character that you want to move, and move
him/her to the desired position. My tip is to always keep Klarth at
the back, Mint and Arche in the Middle, and Chester and Cless up front.


Customize the game's appearance, speed, etc.
Message Speed- Pick from 1 to 5, 1 is the fastest.
Controls- Allows you to change your controls.
Sound- Pick from Mono, Stereo or Quad (which is probably surround
Encounter- Not sure.
Targeting- Auto target your enemies, semi target, or manual targeting.
Voices in battle- On or off.
Voices elsewhere- On or Off.


This is the menu where you equip your weapon, your armor, shields,
relics, etc. The three buttons up the top (from left to right) are
Equip, Remove and Optimum. Select Optimum to have your best weapons/
armors equipped.

If you have Cless, it will look like this:

Object Name | Power Rating
Weapon | |
Stab | |
Slice| |
Armor | |
Shield | |
Arms | |
Headgear | |
Relic 1 | |
Relic 2 | |

For everyone else:
|Object Name | Power Rating
Weapon | |
Armor | |
Shield | |
Arms | |
Headgear | |
Relic 1 | |
Relic 2 | |

When equipping, a GREEN number means that that the weapon is giving
you a bonus in that area.


This menu lets you decide what your computer controlled party gets up
to when you're not controlling them in battle. Mint has a totally
different screen to everyone else.

Mint has:
Help Which means that she attacks now and then, and heals up your
Conserve TP- Whenever somebody's health gets low, she'll heal them.
Value HP-Whenever someone is damaged, she'll heal them.
Nothing- Inactive.

Everyone else, bar Cless, has:
Use Spells-They'll cast lots of magic (not really good, they
might cast elemental spells on enemies and heal them by accident)
Some Spells-Use a lower amount of spells than if they were in Use
Spells mode.
Value TP- Cast some spells, not too many though.
Nothing- Defend (this is good for Klarth, as you don't want him
wasting his spells).


Here you see the character's stats, their picture, you can rename
them, that's about it.


Save? What's that?


This will come soon...


WARNING! In my attempt to make the game more "English" for those that
can't read Japanese, I'll give away huge chunks of the storyline...

First, watch the cool intro. There's a Fighter, Archer, Mage, and a
Healer fighting some evil dude, and then they seal him up with some
pendants. Then the credits for the game roll.



You'll start off as Cless, in the humble little village of Totus. You
will be in Cless' father's dojo sort of thing, and they have a nice
little conversation. They start talking about Cless' pendant, and
how Cless had better take good care of it. The reason is because it's
one of the pendants that were used to seal up the evil dude in the
beginning, and if should fall into the wrong hands, somebody might
release the ancient evil again. Cless' mum isn't feeling too good

You'll then see Cless' friend, Chester, pop out of the house from
below. He'll say goodbye to his little sister, and then he'll go
to Cless' place.

Cless and his friend, Chester, are going to go out hunting. Cless says
goodbye to his mum, who gets all worried for some reason. She'll say
that the place is not safe anymore, to take care... Chester will tell
her tha they'll be fine, as she should get better so that she can
cook all the meat they're going to bring home! Then you take control.
Leave the village, and as you are, an old man by the name of Tristan
will meet you and have a talk. He's actually the Elder, and he'll
just ask you where you're going, and he'll approve.

Before going into the South Forest, I suggest levelling up in the fields
around here as the enemies are pretty easy, and you can stay at home
to regain your HP/TP. Get to about Level 4 with Cless,and by then, you
should have learnt his first technique, the Psion Bolt (it sounds like
he's saying Maginken when he uses it in battle). You'll want to make
maximum use of the Psion Bolt, since you can rest in Cless' House
for free, you don't have to worry about wasting all of your TP. Heal
up, and then head to the South Forest.

South Forest

Items:Life Bottle

Look! A wild boar! Better go kill it, heh heh heh... if you go east
from where you start, then north, you can find yourself a Life Bottle,
then return south, and once you hit the bottom, turn east, then north,
and you'll be facing a big tree. Chester will go and try to find the
boar. Meanwhile, a spirit will appear and mumble something, and Cless
gets really freaked. Then you'll have to fight the boar...

Boar (and cubs)

Best tactic, stand from far and use the Psion Bolt until you can't
use it anymore. This battle is too easy, if you die, well, you
shouldn't really be playing this game, unless your age is below 3 or
higher than 40.

You'll hear the bell from Totus ringing, and that means one thing:


Sorry, I mean trouble. Head back to Totus.

Totus Village

Items: Sabre

Wow...so much can happen in a matter of minutes. The whole village is
burnt down. And everyone is dead. Head over to your house, you'll
find Cless' family, also very dead. His mum will speak a few final
words though, before dying. She'll say that it's not safe to stay in
Totus anymore, and she'll tell you to head north to Euclid to stay
with Uncle Orson. She'll also add that it's Cless' pendant that the
raiders were after.

You'll go over to Chester to comfort him, as his sister, Amy, is dead.
Chester will point out that everyone's dead. He's quick. Then you'll
leave to head to Euclid. Chester won't come because he wants to stay
and "clean up", bury the bodies, etc. Before leaving, go to the top
floor of your house and pick up a Sabre.

Mountain Pass

Items:Life Bottle, Orange Gummy

Head north from Totus, and through the little mountain range. This is
a great place to build up your levels, I suggest getting up to Level
4-6. Once you enter, there'll be a merchant and a stone statue. If you
want to buy stuff, speak with the merchant, of course. Cless will
stand there wondering how that stone statue got there. Push the statue
to the side by holding down the A button and pushing, and follow the
north path out, you'll gain more EXP and two chests. After you
reappear on the World Map, head north toward Euclid.



Cless will mention that he needs to see his Uncle Orson. He lives in
the northwest corner of the town. You'll have a nice chat. When you
have control of Cless again, speak with Orson, and he'll ask if you
want to have a rest. Say yes.

In the middle of the night, the soldiers from Euclid Castle come to
take you away. Orson will say something about, "They were going to
kill me!", and you'll be dragged away. Then the scene switches to
Chester in Totus, avoiding soldiers, and then turns back to Cless
in the the Euclid Castle.

You'll switch to a scene with a guy whose name starts with M, I can't
remember it. Cless' pendant will be stolen off him, and then Cless
will be thrown in jail. The guy who stole it will mention something
about having both of the pendants, and take a careful look when he
looks in the mirror... Then Cless gets thrown in jail. Good night.

Euclid Castle Jail Cells

Items:Long Sword, Creamy Cheese

Look at that crack in the wall, a few times. Soon, Cless will hear
a woman's voice, and the person on the other side of the wall will
give him an earring. You'll place it ont the wall, and blow the wall
up. In the next cell is a dead lady with a Long Sword stuck in her
heart. Cless says that she looks familiar...

Get the sword, equip it, and then go around busting open doors. You'll
come across a girl, Mint, and you free her. She'll ask if you saw her
mother around, and Cless says no, as he doesn't have the guts to tell
her that her mother is dead. Leave Mint's cell, and go to the north-
east corner, to pick up a Creamy Cheese. Then find the sewer in the
southeast corner and escape.


Items:Cheese, Apple Gummy X2, Orange Gummy, Wooden Shield, 1000G,
Savoury, Rapier

From where you enter, head straight up and pick up the Orange Gummy.
Come back down, and open the chest for an Apple Gummy. Head east
across the bridge, and save at the Save Point.

Go up the stairs, then head right until you reach the next set of
stairs. Climb up them, and head forward until you hit a junction.
First, head left, and go down to pick up the Wooden Shield. Head
back up, and go right this time.

Head up the stairs into a new screen. At the top of the stairs here
is an Apple Gummy. Go up into another new screen, go right, up the
stairs, right, down the stairs, and pick up the Savoury. Head
directly up, and keep going until you reach a chest, it contains a

From there, go left and save at the Save Point. Take the northeast
path, and follow it to recieve 1000G (yay!). Head back to the Save
Point, and take the other path, and you'll fight...

Winged Demon

Smack the Slugs first, as they are the most annoying, then concentrate
attacks on the demon. Make sure Mint heals when needed. You may be
overpowered by the slugs' attacks, so be careful. Level 6 should be
a great level to get rid of them.

You'll emerge outside soon, and then Mint will be attacked by a Slug.
Cless fends it off and gets injured, and then Mint takes him to a
safe place.

Tornix D. Morrison Residence


Here, you'll wake up in the house of Tornix D. Morrison. Mint enters
the room, and checks up on you to see if you are okay. Get up and go
outside, and somebody will be shooting arrows...Chester!
He's come to help, and the three of you decide to go after Tornix to
help him, and to get even. Tornix D. Morrison asks how Cless knows
Chester, and he says that they're the best of friends. Tornix asks
what happened to Cless and his pendant. Cless will say that it got
stolen by a man in black... the Tornix will get all mad and say that
he's going down to the mausoleum, to find the black man and retrieve
the pendant. Cless and co. want to go, but Tornix forbids it.

Back inside, Tristan, the elder from Totus, appears, andtells you
that he's a friend of Tornix D. Morrison, and has great faith in you,
etc, and hopes that you can succeed in gaining revenge. Something
like that, anyway. He says that he'll take you down to the mausoleum.
Sweet. Now, for a cool J-Pop song....

After all this is done, a merchant will be inside the house, all I
suggest buying off him are the Rod for Mint, and the Longbow for

Leave, and on the map, head into the cave on your right.

Tornix D. Morrison explains why the guy with the M was looking after
your pendant, and somehow gets into a story about the evil guy in the
beginning, Dhaos. The pendant that Cless wears is actually one of
the ones that were used to seal him away, as Cless' Dad, Cless' Mum,
Mint's Mum and Tornix were the warriors who sealed him away!

The reason why M...Ma...Malice! Got it! The reason why Malice wants
the pendant is so that he can free Dhaos again...and that's a bad
thing, so naturally, you want to get your pendant back. I guess Cless
also wants revenge for his whole village being destroyed, and revenge
for the death of his whole family.


Items:Mixed Gummy

Just pick up the Mixed Gummy here, and speak with Tristan. He'll make
you go into the Underground Palace, to look for Tornix D. Morrison..
He'll also teach you a new tech, Psion Kick, but you can't use it
until you'vemastered Psion Bolt and Dual Kick (meaning use them 100
times each). Incidentally, the sign says "Enter the Palace at your
own risk". Sounds like a dangerous place... You might want to raise
your levels to 10+, close to 12, before going in, or maybe you can
level up in there.


Items: Protect Ring, Spy Lens, Hourglass, Chain Mail X2, Rune Bottle,
Orange Gummy, Cheese X2, Sage, Mixed Gummy, Lace Ruby

Once you get to the corridoor with all the doors, enter them, open up
the sarcophaguses (sacrophagi?), defeat the enemy inside and you'll
recieve an item. You'll recieve:

Door 1 - Protect Ring
Door 2 - Spy Lens
Door 3 - Hourglass
Door 4 - Chain Mail
Door 5 - Rune Bottle

The big door in the middle can't be opened yet, so venture further
on. Try to level up to 12+. Head right, to the end of the corridoor,
and go south. Go south again in the next room, south again, and south

The room here will now have two exits; go south again, and pick up
a Creamy Cheese and a Mixed Gummy. Return to the room you came from,
and this time, go right. Pick up the Sabre at the top left hand
corner of the room, and take the north exit.

You'll appear in a room with a row of statues. Examine the fourth
one from the left, and you'll hear something being moved. Actually,
you've just unlocked the door to the north. Go in, and collect a Chain

But wait, there's more! Return the way you came, and you'll find two
more treasures waiting for you. Get the Sage and the Mixed Gummy,
then head directly south into a new room. Pick up the Cheese to your
right, save, and touch the Golem to initiate combat...


This one's quite, quite easy, pound the Golem with your techs and
normal attacks, but don't stay close up all of the time as he can deal
a fair bit of damage close up. However, if you keep using Dual Kick
while you're up close, it should be no problem. If you're past Level
9, just stand back and let Cless unleash his Lightning.

After defeating Golem, pull the Golem in a southwest direction, and
keep going southwest until you reach a switch. Place it on the switch,
then go into the door that just opened. Inside the room is a chest,
inside the chest is the Lace Ruby. This item helps you to open the
big door that didn't open before.

Now, leave the room and head all the way right, and then go up into
the doors. You'll enter a room with an Orange Gummy, Creamy Cheese,
and I think, an Apple Gummy.

Backtrack to the corridoor with all the small side doors, and open the
big one. Step onto the big mystical magic sign teleporter thingy, and
you'll be taken to the Lava Cave.

Lava Cave

Items:Reverse Doll, Cheese, Rabbit's Foot, Lavender

The Lava Cave has all these strange floating platforms, pick up the
chests, and take a ride on the top most platform. Pull the switch
that you'll come upon, and pick up any treasure that may be found.
Then take the north platform on this area to reach more treasure.

Go back to where the switch made the bridge, and hop onto the platform
nearby. Whoops! Cless will stupidly drop the Lace Ruby. Backtrack,
and south down the stairs. Be quick in this next room, the floor
damages you. Pick up the Ruby, and if you want, the chest.

Head back onto the platform, make your way to the doors. After heading
north, you'll be attacked by two Golems.


Easy, use Cless' Dual Kick repeatedly to dispatch this pair.

Now, head north and here's an important part of the storyline. The
group runs into Tornix D. Morrison and Malice (and his two knights),
having a nice little discussion about the Pendants, the sunshine, how
Malice is going to release Dhaos, the birds chirping away... hold on!
Dhaos? After Malice places the pendants on the altar, he tells them
of a story, one about how a group of four warriors (which were Cless'
Dad and Mum, Tornix D. Morrison and Mint's Mum) defeated Dhaos and
sealed him up in this chamber. Malice is here because he's here to
help Dhaos, and Cless, Chester and Tornix D. Morrison try their
utmost best to stop Malice, but Dhaos is released.

Dhaos appears, and Malice indicates that since he freed Dhaos, there
needs to be a certain repayment of favours... but that is not to be,
as Dhaos attempts to kill off Malice and his soldiers. He shoots out
a laser beam, and knocks out Malice's two soldiers, while Malice
dodges to the side. Then Dhaos shoots out another beam to dispose of
Malice. Dhaos turns to Cless, Mint, Chester and Tornix D. Morrison,
and while Dhaos is about to attack Cless, Chester rushes in to stop
him, and Tornix D. Morrison casts a spell to send Cless and Mint to
a far away place.

That leaves Chester and Tornix D. Morrison to confront Dhaos, and
after asking where Tornix D. Morrison sent them, Dhaos casts one
final spell, targetted at Tornix D. Morrison....

This Is???


So, Cless and Mint wake up on a cliff, in the middle of nowhere. Cless
wonders where Chester has gone, and calls out his name. He then sees
Mint, and wakes her up. Morrison's book is left behind, and Cless
decides to read it. It goes on about Dhaos, and when he awakens,
there'll be a new group of warriors ready to fight him, gee, who
could that be? Leave the cliffs, and enter the nearest village, which
strangely looks like Totus...



Head into the centre of the village, and you'll start up a conversation
with the townsfolk, and then the elder, Lenios, pops in and has a
chat. He starts asking where they're from, etc. Cless introduces Mint,
and then himself, saying that he's from the town of Totus. Totus?
The elder's never heard of it. The elder also realizes that Mint can
use magic, and then he leads you to his house.

Mint sees that Lenios isn't feeling well, so she decides to heal him.
Cless is amazed by the magic display that the two users put on, and then
he starts asking about Dhaos. After hearing that Dhaos was just sealed
up, they ask where they are.... they're 100 years in the past!!!

Somebody runs in and scolds the Elder for targeting him with his magic,
and then the Elder offers Cless and Mint a place to rest. Before sleeping,
the Elder tells them that if you want know more about magic and so on,
a man by the name of Klarth Morrison in the village of Euclid can help
you. Then they go to sleep, but there's only one bed left for Cless and
Mint...so Cless decides to sleep on the floor.

Before leaving for Euclid, make sure that you get new armor and weapons
for Cless and Mint, you'll need them, except for Cless' weapon, you don't
have to worry about that until later. Euclid is to the north.

Mountain Pass


As back in the start of the game, you'll have to walk through the
Mountain Pass again. I suggest taking the longer route as you can
level up more. After exiting, head north to reach Euclid.


Items:Charm Bottle, Mixed Gummy, 1000G

There'll be a couple of things to do in this town before meeting up
with Klarth. First, go behind the Inn (to the right of the entrance),
and pick up a Mixed Gummy there. Head to the Weapon Shop, go behind
and retrieve 1000G. Finally, go up to the northeast corner, where the
tree branches are, and then work your way through there onto the
little cliff, and pick up a Charm Bottle.

Second, speak to the lady next to the tree nearby the Inn. She'll
go on about some guy that she likes, and he's currently working in
the Weapon Shop. Your job is to play matchmaker =) The guy's name
is Elvin, so go to the Weapon Shop and speak to him. Then head back
to the girl, whose name is Nancy. Repeat the process of going to
Elvin, speaking to him, then going back to Nancy, then speaking to
her. Do this until they both seem to disappear.

Back to your quest now. Go into the house in the northeast of the
town, it's Klarth's house. Speak to him, and then he'll introduce
himself as Klarth. Mint will mention that she heard he was a magic
user, and Klarth will start explaining how he sealed Dhaos away.
You haven't introduced yourselves yet, so Klarth asks you to do
so, and Mint and Cless introduce themselves. Mint asks if he'd
consider joining them on their journey, as Klarth has the ability
to "contract" a spirit to him via the use of a ring, and use it
to his liking. Miralde, Klarth's housekeeper (or is it wife?),
doesn't want him to go, but in the end, he decides to leave with

Head north of the town, past the solitary house, to another town,



Head into the Tool Shop and pick up a Rope, and the Pickaxe, you'll
need both of them for where you're going. Also, head into the Weapon
Shop and pick up the besr equipment for all of your party. Return
to the solitary house.

Long Valley


Enter the house and speak to the man there, Bart. He'll tell you some
stuff, including that he's looking for his missing daughter, Arche,
and that there's something wrong with the Sylphs up at Sylph Mountain.
A recent earthquake opened up some holes in the earth's surface,
therefore letting dangerous gases escape, and the Sylphs can't handle
Leave the house and go north. Hack away at the rock (that's what you
needed the Pickaxe for!), and go up into Sylphs' Mountain.

Sylph's Mountain

Items:Blue Ribbon, Spy Lens, Kite Shield, Amber Cloak, Talisman,
Apple Gummy, Charm Bottle, Rune Bottle

The wind seems to be blowing strongly today! Make your way north, and
soon, you'll see a group of Sylphs (they look like fairies) on your
right. Go up to them to fight them.


There's four of them; the first two (at short range) are extremely
easy to take out, a simple Lightning should take the first two out.
The last two can't be hurt with Lightning (at least I don't think so!)
so stick to your "run and jump" slashes.

After defeating the Sylphs, pick up the treasure, then continue going
north. Save before pressing on further. This screen here is filled
with pesky, lifesucking tornados, so quickly run through them to the
other side. You can't get rid of them yet, as you need to defeat
another group of Sylphs, and you can't get to them yet.

Once on the other side of the tornados, head north until you reach a
cave entrance, enter it. There's another group of Sylphs, generating
the wind inside the cave, but you can't get to these guys either! So
let the wind blow you down the cave, and you'll find yourself near a
couple of holes. Go to them, and climb down them (you can only do
this if you have a rope, that's what I told you to buy one for).

You'll enter the basement (caves have basements?), and it's quite
simple to make your way around here, just break down the walls with A
if they get in your way. Soon you'll reach another rope, climb it,
and you'll find yourself behind the Sylphs, go up to them and iniate
combat. Just use more or less of the same tactics that you used on the
first group of Sylphs.

Find the save point inside the cave again, and save your game. Go
back to where the Sylphs were, and head north. The next room is one of
the sources of this gas that the Sylphs are reacting to. Cless will
say something about moving a rock onto the crack, but first you have
to find the rock. Head right, until you see one of those flimsy walls
to the south, break the wall, and pull the rock over to the crack, and
the gas will stop. Continue heading right, go to the hole in this area,
and descend.

This room is filled with gas, and you'll need to keep healed, otherwise
when you find yourself in battle, you're likely to be on 1HP. When you
first touch the floor, a demon will fall from the ceiling, and I think
Klarth says something about if you encounter a demon, you'd better run
away as they are too damn powerful to defeat at the moment. So if you
see any Helldemons in here, RUN.

In this room, there's two gas holes that you need to clog up. First,
go to the right, and when a path leads north, go up that path. Continue
along here until you pass the crack in the ground, and continue further
to find the rock to plug it up. Heal, and then exit via the same path.

There'll be a rock in the middle of the room, pull it and take it in
a southwesterly direction. If I remember right, you pull it to the
corner, then take it north up a long corridoor, and then you'll find the
crack. Plug it up and exit via the rope.

The Sylphs will have disappeared, so that's a good thing. Collect all
of the chests that you couldn't get access to before, and leave the cave.
Outside, the tornadoes will have gone, so that means you can safely
make your way to the mountain's summit (it's in the northeast corner).

Up here, cross the bridges, and then you'll reach a tree. The Sylph
spirit will appear, and thank you for your efforts to rid them of the
poisonous gas. Then she'll give Klarth the power to summon Sylph in
battle (Wind damage). She'll ask you to try and help the Mana Tree
in the South Forest, and then you can leave.

Upon exiting, the man in the hut will stop to talk to you, mainly to
ask about his missing daughter, Arche (the pink haired girl with a
ponytail). You'll say that you haven't seen her, and he'll be
disappointed. I think you recieve some item from this guy, and then
you can make your way back to the South Forest, south of Beladum.

South Forest

Items:Reverse Doll

Find the chest as you did at the start of the game, then make your way
to the tree (go south, east for a long time, then north). Once you
reach the tree and examine it, the spirit of the tree, Martel, will
appear and speak to you. She'll go on about how the tree and herself
are dying, and if the tree does die, everyone's ability to use magic
will be lost from the world forever, even from the powerful elves.
She thinks that something is using up too much of the world's magic
too quickly, but she doesn't have a clue what it is. She also says
that if you can find a way to heal the tree, the world would have to
power to defeat Dhaos.

Mint steps in here and tries to heal the tree with her magic. It
doesn't work, and Klarth says something about that if they head to
the Morlia Gallery near Alvanista, they'll find a way. To get to
Alvanista, they must first journey to Venetia (which is north of the
Sylphs' Mountain). Get there via Harmel.

Harmel Village


Harmel is north of the Sylphs Mountatin, just follow the coastline.
Once you enter, you'll notice that the place is burnt out... Cless
flashes back to when Totus Village was destroyed. As you make your
way through the town, you should come across a girl, her name is
Lea, and Cless and the gang offer her protection. She then joins your
party, but she's an NPC (for those not familiar with the lingo, it
mean non-playable character). Leave Harmel, and north to the town of



The way to travel around here is by the man and his little boat (this
place is kinda like Venice in a way, all the canals and stuff). He's
located at the north of the town, and talk to him to get 4 options.
Pick one of the 4 options to have him take you to one of 4 places:

1.Weapon Shop
2.Armor Shop
3.Mayor's House
4.Item Shop

Each ride costs you 50G, I think. You'll want to knock on the doors of
the Weapon and Armor staore, and upgrade yourself a bit, apart from
Cless, as you'll find a good weapon soon. Don't spend all of your
cash either, you'll be needing it soon.

Remember Elvin and Nancy from Euclid? Well, you're gonna have to
finish the matchmaking process. Head to the Inn and speak with Nancy.
She'll obviously ask about Elvin, and then you can go and find him,
he's in the building to the northwest, go up the stairs and you'll
meet him. Speak with him, and he'll say that she wants to meet her at
the fountain. Go to the fountain, and Nancy will be there, if not,
she'll still be in the Inn. Speak with her, then Elvin will arrive
at the fountain and they'll start chatting... Return to the place
where you found Elvin, and speak with the other person there, it's his
dad! He doesn't really like the idea of Elvin going out with Nancy,
and Nancy storms out of the room. Elvin follows her, and his father
gets pretty angry.

Find Elvin again, he's in the pillars above the fountain, speak with
him, and Klarth will give him some advice, mainly that he's a grown
man, and doesn't need to take this crap from his father. Elvin leaves,
and that's the end of the matchmaking quest! I think.

Now, you want to go to the Mayor's House, and talk with him. He says
that he's related to Lenios of Beladum. Talk with the other people in
the Mayor's House, and they'll bring up the topic Demitel, some dude
who lives on an island not too far away from here, and the big city
of Alvanista.

Once you're done, return to the place that you boarded the boat on,
and go right to reach the docks. Talk to the captain on the ship,
and let him take you to Demitel's Island, it'll cost you 1600G.

Demitel's Island/Demitel's Manor

Items:Mixed Gummy, Spy Lens, Apple, Velbain, Savoury, Apple, Elixir,
?Book, Vegetable, ?Herb, Corseca

Pick up the chest that is near you when you land, and then walk into
Demitel's Manor. Klarth talks to Cless, and they deduce that Demitel
was responsible for the destruction of Harmel. Lia also mentions some
strange magical force which is coming from the Manor...

Enter, and then go down the eastern corridoor. Here, one of the doors
will be locked, and the other one contains a stack of treasures. Now
go down the western corridoor, and in one of the rooms is a Save
Point. Save, then enter the other room, it's Demitel's Bedroom. In
the northwest corner is a concealed chest, get that, then search the
area around it for a key.

Go back to the eastern corridoor and open the locked door. Enter, and
you'll be in an indoor garden. There's a big tree in the middle of the
room, and Cless will get a bit suspicious of the tree. Examine it a
little bit more, and the party will get to see why it's so suspicious!

Tree Monsters

There's two of these pesky Tree Monsters. Get Minty to cast the
Hammer spell here and there, and just use your techs with Cless. Quite
easy, really.

Return to the entrance hall, and take note of the four prisms which
are in the room. You've got to move them around so that the light shines
on both of the orbs, but first, open the curtain in the middle. A
secret passage should open up soon, and it'll lead to the basement.

In here, don't forget to pick up the Corseca, which is a pretty
awesome weapon for Cless at the moment. Head north, then save. In the
next room is Demitel. He'll say that he's been expecting you, and Cless
starts abusing him for burning down Harmel. Demitel laughs, said it
was something that had to be done, and Lia leaves as the party
initiate combat.


This fight is a tough battle. Along with Demitel are two Golems,
and two tree things, I think. Take out the Golems first, they're
simple, then set Klarth to "use spells", and have him cast Sylph
on the enemy (especially Demitel), while Cless takes care of Demitel
using Lightning. Once he's gone, the other two enemies are too
easy. Just be careful because when Demitel sticks around, he may
Summon Lich, which does a hell of a lot of damage.

After the battle, Lia runs back in, and claims that Demitel is her
father. Demitel says that she's not his daughter, and then leaves
the world. Something strange happens to Lia then, a spirit drops in
from the heavens and removes the evil soul that was harboured in her
body. When she wakes up, she says that her real name is Arche!

You'll return to the Long Valley, and into Bart's house for a reunion
of father and daughter. You obtain an item, and then leave. Cless says
that they should be heading to Alvanista next. Before doing so, you
may want collect Arche's spells.

Magic Hunting

Items:Lightning, Storm, Grave, Icy Tornado, Eruption (Arche's Spells)

Collecting these spells for Arche before doing anything else will
defintely prove invaluable to you in battle later on. First, run over
to Venetia. Here, head to the house, left of the fountain, and pick
up the Lightning and Storm spells for 200G and 1000G respectively.

Next stop is Euclid, where you'll need to enter Klarth's house again.
Search the bookshelves to pick up to spells, Grave (next to Klarth's
bed), and Icy Tornado (southeast corner of house).

Last stop, Beladum. Speak with Lenios to recieve the Eruption spell.
Now make your way to Alvanista (via the harbour in Venetia).



The boat that you want to go on is not the one that took you to
Demitel, but the other one. Hop on, and it'll cost you 800G for the
trip. You'll end up seeing the group, staring out at the sea. Klarth
and Cless have a hilarious discussion about Arche and Mint, I won't
really delve into the details, but it does deal with them talking
about who they're attracted to.

Then a man by the name of Meyer comes along and talks to them about
Alvanista, Morlia Gallery, and a dwarf. After the lengthy discussion,
Meyer decides to buy a round of drinks for everybody.

Klarth, Meyer and Arche seem to be the only ones enjoying themselves,
after a couple of hours, Cless and Mint leave the table, leaving a
sleeping Arche and a drunken Klarth and Meyer behind. Meyer then
tells Klarth that Alvanista are on Dhaos' side (or something like
that), and Arche starts having dreams about Cless. Anyway, they end
up dragging her and themselves to their room where they fall asleep.

In the morning, Klarth wakes up to the biggest hangover, and yells at
Meyer for waking him up so early. Cless wakes up, and asks the others
to come up on deck with him. They all decline, and Cless thinks that's
strange. He goes up on deck, and confronts Meyer. Meyer confesses
that he got everyone drunk for a reason, and then shows you his true


Very easy battle. Either the TigerTeeth, LightSpear or Lightning tech
can kill him really fast if you keep doing it over and over again.
Otherwise, just use your normal attacks up at close range.

After the battle, Cless explains to everybody about what just happened,
and then Klarth says that he thinks that Meyer was a servant of Dhaos.
You'll soon dock at Alvanista, joy!



Many things to do here. First, find the Adventurer's Guild (roughly
middle of town), and in here, you can collect the ???? tech for Cless,
I've forgotten the name, but I will work it out. Psion Spear, I think.

In the east part of town, there's a group of people huddled around a
little kid who will race you around Alvanista, and if you beat him,
you get a prize. It looks simple, but it isn't. Make sure you've got
the Jet Boots on.


6)Accessory List

Name : Amethyst Ring
Cost : ----
Who? : Klarth
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "One of the Contract Rings. Has an anti-fire
Where? : Defeat Jamill, in Alvanista's Castle
Notes : Klarth takes no damage from Fire attacks
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Aqua Cape
Cost : 800
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : Def +1
Game Description : "A cloak with a water crest. 30% of water and
wind spells will have no effect."
Where? : Found in Dhaos' Castle
Found in Fenrir Temple
Found in Undine's Cave
Notes : ---
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : Leather Cape, Flame Cape


Name : Aqua Ring
Cost : ---
Who? : Klarth
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "One of the Contract Rings. Has an anti-earth
Where? : Found in Sylph's Mountain (future)
Notes : Klarth takes no damage from Earth attacks
Required if you want to obtain the summon
spirit Shadow
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Black Onyx
Cost : 10600
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A type of jewel. When equipped, raises maximum
HP by 30%."
Where? : Defeat Jamill in Alvanista Castle
Found in Fenrir's Temple
Found in Luna's Tower
Found in Morlia Gallery
Found in Treant Forest
Found southwest of Morrison's house in a
little inlet (Treasure Hunt)
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : Moon Crystal
Rune Bottle from : Moon Crystal


Name : Blue Talisman
Cost : 2100
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : Defense +10
Game Description : "A type of charm. Increases defense by 10%."
Where? : Shops
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : Talisman


Name : Combo Controller
Cost : 2500000
Who? : Cless
Status Changes : Attack +11
Game Description : "Allows you to use all techniques by entering
Where? : Ghis Shop
Notes : This accessory is extremely cool as it lets you
peform Cless' techniques "beat-em-up" style,
basically turns each battle into a mini Street
Fighter match =)
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Daemon Seal
Cost : 5150
Who? : Cless
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A devil's seal. Experience points won increase
twofold, but defensive posturing and all
techniques are blocked."
Where? : Shop
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : Dark


Name : Dark Seal
Cost : 1000
Who? : Cless
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "An evil seal. Experience points won increase
1.5-fold, but all techniques are blocked."
Where? : Northeast of Gnome's Cave in the Treasure Hunt
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : Daemon Seal
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Diamond Ring
Cost : ---
Who? : Klarth
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "One of the Contract Rings. Has an anti-water
Where? : Recieved when you've finished with Demitel and
his Manor
Notes : Klarth takes no damage from Water attacks
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Diamond Ring
Cost : ---
Who? : Klarth
Status Changes : Attack +100, Defense +20, Hit +30, Evade +40
Game Description : "One of the Contract Rings. Several different
kinds of strengths increase."
Where? : Whip Dhaos' butt in the present
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Earring
Cost : ---
Who? : Mint
Status Changes : Attack +100, Defense +20, Hit +50, Evade +50
Game Description : "Mother's keepsake. Nullifies all non-attribute
Where? : Will be given to Mint as part of the story,
while you're in the Euclid Jail Cells
Notes : Mint takes no damage from non-elemental spells
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Elven Boots
Cost : 6200
Who? : Arche
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "Boots handed down from the elf tribe. In
battle, your movement speed increases by 20%."
Where? : Found in Dhaos' Castle (in the future)
Found north of the Unicorn's Forest, in a
snowfield (Treasure Hunt)
Found northeast of Dhaos' Castle's previous
location (Treasure Hunt)
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : Nightmare
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Elven Cape
Cost : 4780
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : Evade +10%
Game Description : "A grass-colored cloak handed down from the elf
tribe. Increases evasion by 10%."
Where? : Elven Village shop (in the future)
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Delis Emblem
Cost : 1
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A crest decorated with intricate goldwork.
Its use is unknown."
Where? : Dropped by the Roameye enemy (Dhaos' Castle,
Found in Ary Bar (get it off one of the soldiers)
Found in Dhaos Castle (4 of them)
Notes : Four of these are needed to pass a point in
Dhaos' Castle
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Emerald Ring
Cost : ---
Who? : Klarth
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "One of the Contract Rings. When equipped,
raises maximum HP." (by 30%).
Where? : Gnome's Cave (In the future)
Notes : Raised Max HP by 30%
Required if you want to acquire the summon
spirit Chameleon
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Emerald
Cost : 35000
Who? : Everyone except Chester
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A magic ring. The rate of TP consumption is
reduced to 2/3."
Where? : Dropped by Dhaos
Dropped by Volt
Found in Dhaos's Castle (Future)
Found in Volt's Cave
Found north of Unicorn's Forest, in a snowfield
(Treasure Hunt)
Found northwest of Olive Village (Treasure Hunt)
Found on the 20th floor of the Morlia Gallery
Found on the 21st floor of the Morlia Gallery
(Future, you can find two of them)
Notes : ---
Rune Bottle becomes : Fairy
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Fairy
Cost : 38410
Who? : Arche, Klarth, Mint
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A ring with an engraving of a fairy. The rate
of TP consumption is reduced by 1/2."
Where? : ---
Notes : ---
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : Emerald


Name : Flame Ring
Cost : 1
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A ring with a flame-like jewel. Its use is
Where? : Dropped by enemies in Burning Tower
Notes : ---
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : Ice Charm


Name : Flame Cape
Cost : 750
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : Defense +1
Game Description : "A cloak with a fire crest. 30% of flame and
earth spells will have no effect."
Where? : Dropped by Ifrit
Found in Burning Tower
Found in Dhaos' Castle
Found southeast of Olive Village, in an oasis
Notes : Read the description. Blocks out 30% of fire
and earth based elemental spells.
Rune Bottle becomes : Aqua Cape
Rune Bottle from : Aqua Cape


Name : Foot
Cost : 3600
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : Attack +10%, Hit +10%
Game Description : "A soldier's crest. Increases offense by 10%."
Where? : Bought in shop at Alvanista
Olive Village
Dropped by Rebel (Dhaos' Castle, Future)
Found in Dhaos' Castle
Found in Luna's Tower
Found in Ifrit's Volcano
Found in Treant Forest
Notes :
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Force
Cost : 1030
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A ring carved by the God of War. Enemies'
physical attacks have no effect. Has a 50%
chance of breaking."
Where? :
Notes : 50% chance of breaking
Rune Bottle becomes : Reflect
Rune Bottle from : Protect, Reflect


Name : Holy Symbol
Cost : 5000
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A holy crest. At a certain rate, gradually
replenishes HP by 5% of its maximum."
Where? : Bought in Alvanista
Elven Village
Olive Village
Found in Luna's Tower
Found in Treant Forest
Notes : Read the description
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Ice Charm
Cost : 1
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A ring set with an ice-like stone. Its use is
Where? : ---
Notes : You become invulnerable to Fire, of any kind
Rune Bottle becomes : Flame Ring
Rune Bottle from : Flame Ring


Name : Iron Boots
Cost : 505
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "Iron boots. Weight increases threefold, and
speed of movement in battle is cut in half."
Where? : Bought in Euclid
Found in Sylph's Mountain (Future)
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : Persia
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Jet Boots
Cost : 105
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "Boots decorated with wings. Can run using the
Cancel button."
Where? : Bought in Alvanista
Mid Gald
Morrison's House
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Leather Mantle
Cost : 50
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A leather cloak, for you who are used to
travelling. No worries even on rainy days."
Where? : Bought in Alvanista
Mid Gald
Olive Village
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : Aqua Cape
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Magic Mist
Cost : 2500
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A crystal ball full of smoke. Your speed of
escaping from battles increases by 50%."
Where? : ---
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : Mist


Name : Magical Pouch
Cost : 40000
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A magical pouch. Items will occasionally pop
out as you walk around outside."
Where? : Won in the Coliseum battle (seventh battle)
Notes : What it means is that just keep walking around
for ages, and you'll get an item into your
inventory. Could be good, could be bad.
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : Magic Pot


Name : Magic Pot
Cost : 6000
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A magical pot. Items will occasionally pop out
as you walk around outside."
Where? : Found in Dhaos' Castle (Future)
Notes : Same as the Magical Pouch, just takes longer,
and the items won't be as good
Rune Bottle becomes : Magical Pouch
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Mantle
Cost : 10
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A cloth cloak. A must for keeping you neat
during your adventures."
Where? : Bought in Beladam
Equipped on Cless
Found in Luna's Tower
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : Flame Cape
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Mental
Cost : 16000
Who? : Everyone excecpt Chester
Status Changes : Attack +5, Evade +5
Game Description : "In battle, gradually replenishes TP by 1 point
at a certain rate."
Where? : Found in Burning Tower
Found in Dhaos' Castle
Found north of Olive Village, in an oasis
Found northeast of Gnome's Cave, in a field
(Treasure Hunt)
Found southwest of Freezekill, on a beach
(Treasure Hunt)
Notes :
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Mist
Cost : 2550
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A crystal ball full of smoke. Your speed of
escaping from battles increases by 30%."
Where? : Bought in Alvanista
Bought in Elven Village
Bought in Olive Village
Bought in Venetia
Found in Dhaos' Castle
Found in Sylph's Mountain (Future)
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Misty
Cost : 32900
Who? : Arche, Klarth, Mint
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A magician's crest. Cuts spell casting
time in half."
Where? : Bought in Alvanista
Bought in Elven Village
Bought in Olive Village
Found east of Beladam, in the dockyards
Found in Dhaos' Castle
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Moon Crystal
Cost : 10600
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A type of jewel. When equipped, raises maximum
TP by 30%."
Where? : Found in Burning Tower
Found northwest of Arche's dad's house, on a
small island
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : Black Onyx
Rune Bottle from : Black Onyx


Name : Moon Stone
Cost : ---
Who? : Klarth
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "One of the Contract Rings. Has an anti-light
Where? : Finish Treant Forest
Notes : Klarth takes no damage from Holy based
elemental spells
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Nightmare
Cost : 1550
Who? : Everyone except Arche
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "Boots decorated with a nightmare. Speed of
movement in battle increases by 50%."
Where? : ---
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : Persia
Rune Bottle from : Persia, Elven Boots


Name : Opal
Cost : ---
Who? : Klarth
Status Changes : Defense +15
Game Description : "One of the Contract Rings. Raises defense."
Where? : Arche's father, Bart, gives it to you
Notes : Raises defense
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Paralysis Charm
Cost : 13100
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A charm that prevents paralysis."
Where? : Won in the Coliseum battle (third)
Notes : Immune to paralysis
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Persia
Cost : 1400
Who? : Everyone except Arche
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "Cute shoes in the shape of cats' feet. Damage
taken is reduced by 30%."
Where? : ---
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : Nightmare
Rune Bottle from : Iron Boots, Nightmare


Name : Piyohan
Cost : 12150
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A charm that reduces time unconscious by half."
Where? : Found in Dhaos' Castle
Found in Fenrir Temple
Found in Treant Forest (twice)
Found southwest of Morrison's House, in a small
inlet (Treasure Hunt)
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Poison Charm
Cost : 3100
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A charm that prevents poisoning."
Where? : Found on the 19th floor of the Morlia Gallery
(Future, two can be found)
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Princess
Cost : 2025
Who? : Arche and Mint
Status Changes : Defense +8, Evade +15
Game Description : "A woman's silken coat, elegant and
semitransparent. 50% of flame spells will have
no effect."
Where? : ---
Notes : Wearer takes half damage from fire based
elemental spells
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : Sliver Hood


Name : Protect Ring
Cost : 600
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A ring carved by the God of War. Enemies'
physical attacks have no effect. Has a 99%
chance of breaking."
Where? : Found in Dhaos' Castle
Found in Morlia Gallery (Past)
Found in Luna's Tower
Found in Treant Forest
Found in Underground Crypt
Found in Venetia (Past)
Found east of the island that's northeast of
Gnome's Cave (Treasure Hunt)
Found southeast of the Ymir Forest, in a beach
Found on 19th floor of the Morlia Gallery
Found on 21st floor of the Morlia Gallery
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : Force
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Rabbit's Foot
Cost : 100
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : Luck +10%
Game Description : "A rabbit's foot. Well-known as a type of
charm. Luck increases by 10%."
Where? : Bought in Alvanista
Mid Gald
Olive Village
Found in Luna's Tower (twice)
Found in Underground Temple
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Reflect Ring
Cost : 1030
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A ring carved by the Goddess. Enemies' magical
attacks have no effect. Has a 50% chance of
Where? : ---
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : Force
Rune Bottle from : Resist, Force


Name : Resist Ring
Cost : 600
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A ring carved by the Goddess. Enemies' magic
attacks have no effect. Has a 99% chance of
Where? : Found in Ifrit's Volcano
Found in Treant Forest
Found in Luna's Tower
Found west of the Dark Island, in a big field
(Treasure Hunt)
Found north of Alvanista, in a small island
(Treasure Hunt)
Found on 19th Floor of the Morlia Gallery
(Future, twice)
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : Reflect Ring
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Reverse Doll
Cost : 1000
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A substitute statue. Revive quickly even if
you should lose consciousness. Has a 99%
chance of breaking."
Where? : Found in Burning Tower
Found in Crossroads to Euclid (Future)
Found in Demitel's Manor
Found in Dhaos' Castle (Future)
Found in South Forest (Past)
Found in Treant Forest
Found in Underground Crypt
Found north of Harmel, in an inlet (Treasure
Found south of Miguel (Treasure Hunt)
Found on the 21st of the Morlia Gallery (Future)
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Ruby Ring
Cost : ---
Who? : Klarth
Status Changes : Attack +50
Game Description : "One of the Contract Rings. Raises offense."
Where? : Finish Demitel's Manor
Notes : Attack goes up
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Sapphire Ring
Cost : ---
Who? : Klarth
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "One of the Contract Rings. Has an anti-
lightning attribute."
Where? : Found in Undine's Cave (Future)
Notes : Klarth takes no damage from lightning based
elemental spells
You need this to obtain the Gremlin summon
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Sardonyx
Cost : ----
Who? : Klarth
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "One of the Contract Rings. Has an anti-wind
Where? : Received from Stanley in the Future Euclid
Notes : Klarth takes no damage from Wind attacks
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Silver Hood
Cost : 1650
Who? : Arche, Mint
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A silken hood for women, knitted from silver
threads. 30% of fire spells will have no
Where? : Bought at Alvanista
Olive Village
Found in Dhaos' Castle
Found in Fenrir Temple
Found in Luna's Tower
Found northeast of Bart's house, on the beach
(Treasure Hunt)
Found north of Alvanista, on an island (Treasure
Found on the 19th floor of the Morlia Gallery
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Silver Pick
Cost : 1000
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "Wall spells have no effect."
Where? : Found southeast of Alvanista, on an island
Win the Alvanista race (Future, three can be
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Sorcerer's Ring
Cost : ---
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A ring containing the power of the Spirit of
Fire. Can shoot fire with the Select button."
Where? : Found in Ifrit's Volcano
Notes : This opens doors inside the Volcano. By Select,
it means A on the controller
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Stone
Cost : 1
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "Renders the black magic Tractor Beam
Where? : Dropped by Golem
Found in Morrison's House
Found in Morrison's House (Future)
Found in Treant Forest
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Stone Charm
Cost : 23100
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "A charm that prevents petrification."
Where? : Bought in Alvanista (Future)
Dropped by Darkeye
Found on the 19th floor of the Morlia Gallery
(Future, three of them can be found)
Found in Treant Forest
Won in the Coliseum battle (third)
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Talisman
Cost : 1000
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : Defense +5%
Game Description : "A type of charm. Increases defense by 5%."
Where? : Bought in Alvanista
Elven Village
Mid Gald
Olive Village
Found in Ifrit's Volcano
Found in Sylph's Mountain
Notes : None
Rune Bottle becomes : Blue Talisman
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Thieves Mantle
Cost : 1000
Who? : Everyone
Status Changes : Evade +5%
Game Description : "A black cloak like thieves prefer to use.
Increases evasion by 5%."
Where? : Bought in Alvanista
Mid Gald
Olive Village
Found in Bart's House
Found in Treant Forest (two can be found)
Notes :
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Topaz
Cost : ---
Who? : Klarth
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "One of the Contract Rings. Raises critical
hit rate."
Where? : Finish Treant Forest
Notes : This means it raises the chance of Klarth
performing a critical hit (one that deals tons
more damage)
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


Name : Turquoise Ring
Cost : ---
Who? : Klarth
Status Changes : None
Game Description : "One of the Contract Rings. When equipped,
raises maximum TP."
Where? : Found in Morlia Gallery (Past)
Notes : Raises max TP by 30%
Rune Bottle becomes : ---
Rune Bottle from : ---


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11.Oktober 2013
Part 1 FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
Guide FAQ

11.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Walkthrough für/for Tales of Phantasia
engl. Walkthrough

18.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
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13.Dezember 2013
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24.März 2020