Guilty Gear

Guilty Gear

17.10.2013 02:20:08


FAQ v1.0(12/22/99) by ChewBar(

Note: This FAQ is meant to be viewed in monospaced font (like Notepad
or the text viewer for Netscape). Examples of the font include
Courier New, Lucida Console, and MS Gothic.

*Table of Contents*

1. Introduction
2. Version Updates
3. Planned Updates
4. Characters
5. Secrets and spoiler info
6. Contributions
7. Copyrights

*1. Introduction*

I got bored and decided to write this FAQ. This is actually the first FAQ
I ever wrote so don't expect a lot from it. I plan to have vital stats,
victory quotes, and ending up soon.

*2. Version Updates*

v 1.0(12/22/99): Just started the FAQ

*3. Planned Updates*

As you can see, I need to do story, profile, quotes, and endings for the
rest of the characters. I'm also planning to have move listing. From
there, I don't know what else. If you have a suggestion, feel free to
e-mail me.

*4. Characters*

| Sol Badguy |
Rumors of an immensely skilled lone-wolf bounty hunter had reached
the ears of Kliff Undersn, the retiring captain of the Sacred Order of
Holy Knights. Kliff was interested; he spared no means in finding Sol,
and invited him to become a member of the Order.
Sol's knighthood , however, was not to last. The growing tension
between he and young master swordsman Ky Kiske was becoming more and more
bothersome, and Sol realized that the majority of the knights bore him
little more than ill will. When he saw his opportunity, he took it; Sol
managed to desert the knights' camp with one of the Order's most valuable
treasures... the blade known as Fireseal.
It is now five years later after the end of the Crusades, and Sol
has returned to his former ways. On a particularly lucrative bounty run,
one of his marks begs to be spared, telling Sol about a faraway tournament
being organized by the Sacred Order. Sol barely even registers the quick
thrust with which he ends his bounty's life... as his thoughts are now far
away, centered on only one goal...

Height: 6'
Weight: 163 lbs.
Blood Type: "No clue"
Birthplace: America
Birthday: "...I don't know."
Eye Color: Brown
Hobbies: Listening to Queen
Favorite Thing: Queen's album "Sheer Heart Attack""
Dislikes: Great effort, "Doing your best."
Weapon: Fireseal (Fire-based sword)
Quote: "Justice! I'll take you to the grave with me!"

Victory Quotes
Ky(rival): "Go to sleep, little boy."
May: "And I thought I was holding back!"
Kliff: "This is why you retired from the Order, old man."
Potemkin: "All show and no go."
Axl: "How pathetic..."
Zato: "Die, you pale, emaciated freak."
Chipp: "Out of my way, punk."
Baldhead: "Are all doctors this crazy?"
Millia: "I'm actually fighting a woman?"

Testament Quotes
Sol: "Enough foolish games. Show yourself."
Testament: "So, you're able to see me..."
Sol: "Anyone could see through such pathetic tricks."
"Keeping quiet all these years has been... heavy."
"You won't be able to escape a second time."
Testament: "Well, well. So you saw right through me..."
"This tournament was held just to revive Justice."
"You humans fought each other to be sacrifices."
"Everyone involved at every level... I duped them all!"
"Now its time to end this comedy..."
"All I require is the blood of one more sacrifice."
Sol: "How trite..."
Testament: "Have you no idea what I live for!?"
Sol: "Spare me."

Testament Defeat Quotes
Sol: "This is a waste of time! Where's Justice!?"
Testament: "Oh, you'll be meeting him soon enough!"
"I said 'one more sacrifice' was required..."
"And I shall be that sacrifice!"
"My blood is all tha's needed..."
"Justice will achieve complete ressurection!"
"The world shall finally be wiped clean of humans!"
"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!"
Sol: "This is getting more and more ridiculous."

Justice: "It's the same.. the same as that time, long ago..."
"Once again I kneel prostrate at your feet, 'Flame
of Corruption!'"
Sol: "Right... I won't stop until all the Gears are wiped out."
Justice: "Why? You are a Gar as well! You have the emblem on
your head"
"The mark on your forehead is proof! Then how did you
disobey my orders?"
Sol: "Why? I ask you the same question..."
"Why should I do what you command? What binds me to you?"
Justice: "I'm... Type-01... The first Gear ever produced."
"The only Gear to be fully self-aware... to have a will
of their own!"
"And because of that, I wield the power to command all
other Gears!"
"My word is law!!!"
Sol: "Every Gear manufactured after you, the first,"
"is a production model. Having no will, they can do
nothing but to obey you."
"So, then, why do you think I don't follow you like a
mindless doll?"
Justice: "Exactly! Why? HOW can you disobey!?"
Sol: "Isn't it obvious? I'm the prototype Gear."
Justice: "!!"
"Heh heh heh... Now I see..."
Sol: "We were forged by the will of greedy human beings."
"And so, we're nothing more than a symbol of all that's
wrong with the world."
"For that reason... I will never stop until I've
destroyed every Gear."
Justice: "...So that's why..."
"...I seem to recall... The G... Gear Project... Long,
long ago...
"...!?... That's right... Heh heh. H... How could I have
forgotten you?"
"If only we could have talked one last time... Just the
three of us..."
Narrarator: "And so, with a rattling chuckle, the ultimate Gear
breathed his last."
Sol: "...Justice...?"
Justice: "That's right... The man who created us..."
"...our boss! I won't rest until you lie writhing in
agony before me!!!"
Narrarator: "Sol, the Guilty Gear, stared at his bloodstained hands
and prayed..."
"...prayed for the soul of the grotesque sacrifice lying
at his feet."

| Ky Kiske |
After the retirement of Kliff Undersn, master swordsman Ky Kiske
was given leadership of the Sacred Order of Holy Knights at the
unbelievably young age of 16. As a symbol of his new status, he was
granted one of the Order's most holy treasures... the blade called
Thunderseal. The appointment was not a mistake; Ky and his band of heroic
Knights ended the 100-year-long Crusades by sealing the dread Gear,
Justice, away for all eternity... or so it was thought.
Five years after the dissolution of the Order, Ky continued his
life of public service by entering the police force. One day while on
duty, Ky received an announcement: A tournament was to be held soon, the
winners of which would be candidates for a Second Sacred Order. Things
did not seem right; Permission to shed blood during the matches, an
absurdly large grand prize, and most shocking of all... talk of Justice's
resurrection, much too soon.
Sensing the cold machinations of conspiracy at work, Ky dons the
old uniform of the Order for the first time in five years and decides to

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 128 lbs.
Blood Type: AB
Birthplace: France
Birthday: November 20th
Eye Color: Blue-Green
Hobbies: Collecting teacups
Favorite Thing: Everybody's laughing, happy faces
Dislikes: Sol
Weapon: Thunderseal (Thunder-based sword)
Quote: "The time to settle the score is near, Sol"

Victory Quotes
Sol(rival): "Sol! Why did you hold back!? Am I not worthy..?"
May: "My God, there are children in this tournament..?"
Kliff: "You're still rather tough,sir! Leave the rest to me."
Potemkin: "I understand the situation. Leave the rest up to me"
Axl: "Your style is interesting. Let's spar again sometime."
Zato: "Why was a criminal allowed to enter? This is wrong..."
Chipp: "You certainly have talent, but you must learn control."
Baldhead: "Repent! Feel the fury of those yo've tortured!"
Millia: "You've left the assassins? Please, let me assist you."

Testament Quotes
Ky: "This desolate plateau is the winner's circle?"
"Ridiculous! You thought I wasn't aware...?"
"Aware of the evil permeating this tournament?"
"Show yourself, Gear!"
Testament: "Now I see why they call you a genius..."
Ky: "So you're the puppet master."
"Did you really think I'd let you revive Justice?"
"Only a reject like you would make a mistake like this."
Testament: "Reject? I'll forgot you said that... Listen,"
"This tournament was indeed held for the revival."
"You humans fought each other to be sacrifices."
"Everyone involved at every level... I duped them all!"
"Now its time to end this comedy..."
"All I require is the blood of one more sacrifice."
Ky: "The only blood spilled here will be your own!"
Ky: "Prepare to die!"

Testament Defeat Quotes
Ky: "It's over..."
Testament: "Heh heh... so the fabled hero..."
"...has destroyed the human race!"
Ky: "What!? What are you saying!?"
Testament: "I said 'one more sacrifice' was required..."
"And I shall be that sacrifice!"
"My blood is all that's needed..."
"Justice will achieve complete resurrection!"
"The world shall finally be wiped clean of humans!"
"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!"
Ky: "Damn! I've got no other choice...!"

Justice: "I can't believe it... I've been defeated again."
Ky: "That's right! Evil has no place in this world!"
Justice: "Evil...? How dare you call me evil!?"
"...I fight for my own existence. No more, and no less..."
Ky: "That can't be your reason for waging war on humans!!"
Justice: ". . . . ."
"...Look at my body."
"I was created by humans to kill humans. ...I'm a weapon."
"Yet, the same humans that created me never thought about
my mind, or soul."
"I'd have been used as a tool... and if I refused, I'd
have been dismantled!"
Ky: "...I..."
Justice: "Ask yourself... Can you truly blame me?"
"I was born into this world as a slave... And now you're
here to destroy me."
"I know humans loathe me violently... and always will"
"I could do nothing but live on, if for no other reason
than to scorn my creators!"
"But what do you think I've been living FOR?"
"My duty. My assigned role! I was created to kill, and so
I do. It's justice!"
Ky: "That's a delusion!!"
"What God ordains and wishes for... The order of the
world! THAT is justice!!"
"If anyone or anything attempts to deprive the world from
its freedom..."
"...I'll defeat them all!!"
Justice: "I see..."
"...You should meet the man who created me..."
"I wonder if your unwavering faith in justice would
continue if you did..."
Ky: "Who... who's that!?"
Justice: "Heh... My time to depart from this world has come..."
"But remember well, young Knight, even if I die, the Gears
will not!"
"As long... as long as that man... still... lives..."
Narrarator: "And so, with a rattling chuckle, the ultimate Gear
breathed his last."
Ky: "No... you can't die yet!!"
"Wasn't I doing the right thing, Lord?"

*5. Secrets and spoiler info*

The only secret that I know of is that to get secret characters, just beat
them in the Arcade mode. (Ex: To get Testament, beat him.) To fight
Baiken, you have to beat everyone (including Testament and Justice)
without using an extra continue and using either Sol or Ky. That sounds
hard but it didn't take me that long. Just don't use destroyers unless
you are good at countering it because later opponents will use it if you
used it(especially Chipp and Kliff). Don't try on Testament or Justice
because they will just counter it (I've done it before few times on
Testament but only once on Justice).

(Don't read further if you didn't beat the game with Sol or Ky)
For those who don't know Baiken is, here is a hint for figuring out for
yourself. Try to read the ending by beating Sol and Ky and connect that
to why you need them to get him.
Still don't know? Well, here is the answer. As you can see, when you
beat the game with Sol and Ky, Justice mentions "the man who created us"
before dying. As you know, you need either one to get Baiken so that
would mean Baiken is "the man who created us"(us as in the gears).

*6. Contributions*

None yet :-(

*7. Copyrights*

Guilty Gear is copyrighted by Arc System Works Co., Ltd.
It is published by Atlus Co., Ltd. Atlus is a registered trademark of
Atlus Co., Ltd. Guilty Gear is for the Playstation game console and
licensed by Sony Computer Entertainment America. Playstation is a
registered trademark of Sony COmputer Entertainment Inc.

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