Legend of Mana

Legend of Mana

17.10.2013 00:39:46
Mini FAQ
A "just starting" basic guide and mini-FAQ
VERSION 0.4 7/16/99
UPDATED 7/18/99
RPG 2 memory blocks (6-pocket station)
SQUARE 7/15/99 Analog controller compatible
By: Bodi Anderson

This was written using a Japanese version of MS word 10.5 Century

DISCLAIMER: This FAQ is meant for personal use only and can only
be reproduced electronically. This FAQ can be altered as long as the disclaimer
remains unchanged. This FAQ is owned and made by Bodi Anderson. Please don't
steal or reproduce any ideas or content from this FAQ or I will track you
down like the sick creature you are! Please distribute the FAQ only in its
original form to your friends and lovers of the seiken densetsu series.
This FAQ cannot be sold for profitable purposes, any person or organization
attempting to do so will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law!
Legend of Mana and most of the character and place names in this FAQ are
copyrighted property of SQUARE Japan and Sony. I, Bodi Anderson, have no
professional relationship with any of the aforementioned companies, and
I am simply a fan of their great games. This FAQ is dedicated to all of
those who waste their time translating Japanese games. Enjoy!! END OF

READ THIS FIRST: The following is a brief and basic guide to get
started. I'm writing this on the morning of 7/16/99 (Japan time), one day
after the game has been released. For this reason this is truly a very very
basic FAQ so don't whine when you find out I haven't covered all the bases.
Due to the popularity this game should boost I thought it best to get something
out right away (Yes, you're welcome). While this may not be the best (and
it will probably be the worst) FAQ it will (hopefully) be the first. PLEASE
DON'T E-MAIL ME WITH QUESTIONS about Legend of Mana. Everything I know will
be included in this FAQ, and updates that follow. I do not intend to do
an in depth FAQ but rather provide a start up FAQ for those of you who just
bought the game and want to play it. Which brings me to this point; If you
are someone who is planning on doing a Legend of Mana FAQ and you want some
help on it, please e-mail me I'd be glad to contribute to a FAQ, but I don't
want to put the energy into writing a FAQ for a game that will undoubtedly
have many FAQs written for it.
I would love to participate in an in-depth FAQ but I'm still working
on my Popolocrois in-depth FAQ and don't have the time to delve to deeply
into both due to outside constraints (i.e. girlfriend, social life, etc.).
I think that GAMEFAQS should have a bulletin board where people can post
information about what FAQ they intend to write. This way there would be
less people wasting time writing FAQs for the same game, thus duplicating
the busy work, and more folks getting together and writing really cool kick
ass FAQs on the same game. In other words quality over quantity, ring bell?
Well enough of my chatter and on with the FAQ.
Be sure to check out my FAQ for Poporogue in the PSX RPG section,
this is also an excellent game (though not up to LoM's standards). And yes,
there is a playable demo of CHRONO CROSS (as well as Dew Prism and Front
Mission 3) a sequel to another excellent game on the demo disk!

1. Controls and interface
2. Starting the Game
3. How it all works
3.1 Land Make System
3.2 The Character Status Screen
3.3 The Equip Screen
3.4 Ability and Waza System
4. Ahhh Where's my Candy?! Fighting In Legend Of Mana
4.1 No Candy!!
4.2 Full Recovery
4.3 Waza, Controlled, and Combination Attacks
4.4 The Party & Synchro System
4.5 Magic
4.6 Treasure and Experience
4.7 Making Shortcuts
5. A Few Stories


7/18/99 Version 0.4
*Added more on synchro
*Added a bit more about abilitiy acquisition
*Added more to pretty much all the stories
* Made a more in-depth Table of contents
* Added the Treeant's Story
* Added Making Shortcuts section
* Added more on the magic section
* Added Gaia's Wisdom Story

1. CONTROLS AND INTERFACE: These change depending on where you are and what
you're doing in the game. Note that pressing strait down, or "clicking"
the analog joystick acts the same as pressing the circle button.

Joypad/ Left Analog stick: Move hero
Start Button: bring up status menu
Circle Button: Talk/investigate
X Button or L1: Hold while walking to run.
Triangle Button: Bring up status menu

Joypad/ Left Analog stick: Toggle between choices..
Start Button: Return to field screen.
Circle Button: Select/ Affirm
X Button: Cancel
R1 Button: Go to next screen.
L1: Button: Go to previous screen.

1.3 RING COMMAND MENU (Found in "My Home" when reading or making things)
Joypad/ Left Analog stick: Toggle between choices.
Circle Button: Select/ Affirm
X Button: Cancel
R1 Button: Toggle between choices.
L1: Button: Toggle between choices.

Joypad/ Left Analog stick: Toggle between choices
Select Button: Bring up help menu
Circle Button: Talk/investigate
X Button: Hold while walking to run.
Square Button: Select Artifact.
Triangle Button: Check Mana level

Joypad/ Left Analog stick: Move hero
Start Button: Pause
Circle Button: Quick Attack
X Button: Ability #1
Square Button: Ability #2
Triangle Button: Power Attack
R1/R2/L1/L2: Carry out pre-selected waza or magic. (differs depending on

2. STARTING THE GAME: First off, there's 2 disks. The first disk is the game
and the second is another Square preview disk (and a nice one at that).
So after inserting the game press start and choose "New Game" (Yes, it's
in English ).
2.1 Now you can choose between either a male or female protagonist (NOTE:
The one on the left is male, and yes, I agree there has been an ongoing
trend in Square games for increasingly effeminate male protagonists ever
since FF Tactics).
2.2 Now choose your primary weapon, there are little pictures there to help
and the list looks like this.
1. Double Daggers (a'la Hawkeye in Seiken Densetsu 3. My personal fav.)
2. Long Sword (Like the Hero's in Secret of Mana)
3. Great Sword (Two-handed)
4. Hand Axe (One-handed)
5. Battle Axe (Like Secret of Mana)
6. Battle Hammer (Two-handed)
7.Lance (Like Reis in SD3)
8. Rod (a'la Angela in SD3)
9. Knuckle (Like SoM)
10. Nunchuck (Kinda like Charoltte's flail in SD3)
11. Bow (Like SoM)
2.3 Choose your name. Circle writes and X erases characters. You'll probably
want to select the "A" icon to give yourself a name using the Roman alphabet
( Meaning that, if you can read the Japanese then you don't need the instructions
for it) Press start when finished.
2.4 Now choose where you want to start your land. Use the D-pad to choose
an area (those highlighted in gray can't be selected). Press Circle once
to zoom in and again to confirm. Press X to zoom out. The brown parts are
land and the blue is ocean.
2.5 Now you will be shown your world map. Using the D-pad and Circle Button
decide where you want to put "My Home" (Wow, that sounds funny). This will
be your base of operations throughout the game so choose wisely.
2.6 You will now start in "My Home" on the second floor. Go in front of
the bed and investigate to get the following options.. (Same as you'll
see at an inn)
1. Save Game
2. Enable 2nd player control
3. Never mind

3. HOW IT ALL WORKS: The plot in LoM is much like that in Square's Saga series
(which you've probably played if you're reading this). In other words,
there's a free form plot and not the traditional linear one. Luckily the
plot in LoM seems to be a bit more cohesive than that of Saga Frontier.
You activate plot points or "Stories" as they're called in the game by
talking to people (or whatever they happen to be). From here you work
out the story until it's done. It is possible to be involved with any
number of stories at one time though usually once you complete a story
you'll be given an artifact (see below), which will lead to gaining a
new land and in turn more "stories . Still, resolving some stories, like
the "Pet's Story" or "The Little Magicians" result in other benefits like
getting the option of having pets or more NPCs.

3.1 THE "LAND MAKE" SYSTEM: In LoM you can literally make your own map..
Throughout the game you'll acquire a number of Artifacts. These can be
selected and placed on the world map in any fashion you like. Each artifact
when placed turns into a land. A land is an area where you can wander around.
Lands can be either towns or dungeons. When placing a land it must be adjacent
to other lands already placed. Depending on how far a given land is from
"My Home" it can have shops with better items or more powerful monsters
(The farther it is the more apt it is to having the aforementioned
characteristics). Mana levels also affect the strength of monsters and what
items will be for sale in a given area. To check the mana level of an area
press the triangle button. Now use the joypad to scroll through the 8 mana
elements and see the mana level (from 0-3) for each land. I'm not sure if
the physical placement of a given land has anything to with its mana level.

3.2 CHARACTER STATUS SCREEN: looks a bit like this (note: not to scale)…
HP ##
Current EXP ## to next level ##
Effects of current character's synchro
## ruku (gold)

3.3 EQUIP SCREEN looks a bit like this (note: not to scale)…
Current Weapon
Offence #
Current armor #1
Current armor #2
Current armor #3
Bludgeon Defense # Slash?? Def. (Not Sure) # Thrust Def. # Magic Def.
If you select a weapon or armor you'll see the following choices.
1. Select Item To Equip
2. Auto Equip (Selects Best item)
3. Best Equip (All items)
4. Status (See status of a given weapon, you can rename it too!,
use shoulder buttons to toggle between screens.)
5. Remove

3.4 THE ABILITY AND WAZA SYSTEM: In LoM you gain new Waza (special attacks)
by using abilities combined with attacks. You can employ up to 2 abilities
at a time. As you gain experience in battle new abilities and waza will
unfold, for this reason change abilities often. Depending on what weapon
you're using different abilities will be accessible so change your hero's
weapon from time to time as well.
You start with a choice of the following abilities, which can be
accessed and selected under the "SKILL" section on the menu screen. Simply
select and ability to assign to either the Square or X button.
1 ƒWƒƒƒ“ƒv Jump You can jump and attack simultaneously
2 ƒK[ƒh Guard Defend form attacks
3 ƒ_ƒbƒVƒ… Dash Dash.
4 ƒoƒbƒNƒ_ƒbƒVƒ… Back Dash Dash backwards.
5 ‚µ‚Ⴊ‚Þ Squat Recover HP, defense=0
6 ƒvƒbƒVƒ… Push Push enemies.
7 ƒAƒr[ƒ‹ Sun Bath "Declaration of a Special Attack" Lit. translation
8 ‰ñ“] Spin Spins you around (you may get dizzy).
New abilities can be learned by using currently equipped frequently
in combat. For example if you use "jump" and "squat" enough you can learn
the "High Jump" ability. Similarly if you equip "back dash" and "jump" you
can learn "back slice", an ability that lets you attack opponents from behind.

Just like you can learn new abilities you can also learn new Waza.
Depending on what abilities you have equipped and what weapon you have you'll
learn different Waza. After a battle a special box will appear with an
exclaimation point this means you learned a new Waza so don't forget to
equip it. You can choose your waza (uses the shoulder button) in a similar
manner to selecting your abilities. Upon selecting a shoulder button icon
you'll be given the following choices…
2.Magic .
3. Remove current selection

4. AHHH, WHERE IS MY CANDY?! FIGHTING IN LoM: Battles in LoM work basically
like they did in earlier version of the seiken densetsu series. There are
two major differences that need to be explained though, and unfortunately
they aren't good ones.

4.1 NO CANDY: As you may have noticed you can't buy candy, chocolate or
other traditional items in LoM. In fact there's no "Ring System" like in
previous Mana games. The only candy you'll get will be in the form of in
Battle treasure. If you want to heal use the "Squat" ability or synchro
with Danae (see "Party" below). Magic might also work…

4.2 FULL RECOVERY: Much like Saga Frontier in LoM you heal all HP and status
effects after a battle. If all your characters die during a battle you have
the option of continuing(at your last save, keeping exp. but not items gotten
or events solved) or returning to the start screen. Once when I was fighting
a boss both my NPCs were killed, but after a certain amount of time they
got back up again and started fighting!! I have no idea why, maybe this
can happen a lot during long battles.

4.3 WAZA, COMMAND & COMBINATION ATTACKS: Much like in SD3 you can use your
waza (special attacks) after charging up the gauge located below your
character's status picture. Once this is flashing press one of the shoulder
buttons to release an attack. The Waza gauge will fill up a bit every time
you hit an enemy. Also notice that all enemies have HP gauges beneath their
pictures when you fight them. These change in color from green to red depending
on how tough the enemy is. For example a boss will have a green gauge, then
once you've depleted that a blue gauge and finally a red gauge.
To use a Command attack move the joystick and the Triangle (power
attack) together. This works much like a fighting game. Different weapons
produce different attacks. Here are some examples.
(F= Forward, B= Back, FD= Forward Down, T= Triangle Button )
Thrust (F, F, T) Most meele weapons?
Upper (FD, T) Most meele weapons
Jump Attack (B, F, T) with daggers only?
Double Shot (F, F, T) works with bow only
Sure Shot (FD, T) works with bow only.
Much in the same fashion you can use combination attacks. These always
start with a quick attack (Circle) and are usually followed by using an
ability or power attack. Finally they can be finished using a command attack.

4.4 THE PARTY & SYNCHRO: Unlike previous games. You only have one set character
for the entire game (the hero). The 2P character will always be some NPC
involved in whatever plot your doing. The 3P is either a pet, a golem or
certain NPC's after you've resolved their stories (See stories section).
You can only control the Hero during battle (Yes, I agree the old system
is better). They only way to control other characters is to have your friend
use the 2nd controller. You also can't (as far as I know) change equipment
and skills for NPC's this also sucks!
There is also something called the "Synchro. System". Depeding on
what NPC is in your party certain statistics will be affected. For example
Nikita will give you bonus Ruuku (The game's term for money), and Danae
will increase the rate at which you recover HP. When in battle look at the
top of the screen a bolt of electricity will flash across the screen connecting
all characters who are currently linked.

4.5 MAGIC: In order to get magic you must buy it (or make it later in the
game). Most shops sell some magic and it usually costs 550 Ruku. After
you buy it equip it as you would a Waza.. To use magic simply hold down
the assigned shoulder button you'll see a new gauge below your hero's picture
when its full press circle to unleash your magic. Don't get hit while charging
a spell as this resets the time gauge. I have no idea what dictates the
amount of times you can use a spell. I've been using my fire spell over
and over with no apparent loss.

4.6 TREASURES AND EXP: After killing monsters you'll notice that they drop
either candy, items, or blue crystals. Get these before they disappear.
The crystals add to the amount of exp. you get after a battle. The NPCs
are always bad about getting the crystals (In fact they don't try to get
them they just wander into them), for this reason you'll end up a much higher
level than those you travel with. Sucks, don't it. ARRGGH why did they
have to change the old interface system it was so much better

4.7 MAKING SHORTCUTS: Often while wandering through a dungeon you'll see
a big purple creature this is called a Bunya. If you talk to it once it
will teleport you back to the beginning of the dungeon. After you come back
to the dungeon you will see the Bunya (sometimes more than one) at the entrance.
Speak to these Bunyas to be teleported back to the location in the dungeon
where you first met them. This will save you a lot of time.

5. A FEW STORIES: The following are a really quick guide to a few of the
plots I've worked out. This is a really bare bones basic walkthrough for
each of these so don't expect much (I've spent more time writing this FAQ
than playing the Game).

5.1 DOMINIA: To get Dominia, the first town, simply talk to the sproutling
(grass person) outside your house. He'll explain the land make system a
bit and give you the "Color Blocks" artifact which, allows you to create
the town of Dominia. Simply leave the "My Home" map (you'll be asked "Do
you really want to leave the map?" whenever you leave a field map) and go
to the world map to get started

5.2 NIKITA'S TRADE HIGHWAY: Once you get to Dominia follow the little onion
soldier into the house (there's a shop next door). Talk to everyone inside.
Next go north of the town entrance (on the field map) till you come to a
market district here you'll meet Nikita. Talk to him and choose no (Bottom
choice), then yes (top). Nikita will now join your party. Now head back
to the house where you talked to the onion guy. Talk to the fish guy. Nikita
wants to make a trade road connecting to other places so that he can make
money, but he needs an artifact to start the land. Nikita convinces Teapo
(the fish guy) to give him the wheel. Nikita will now give you the "Wheel"
artifact. With this make the "Luon Highway".
Walkthrough this dungeon till you come to a fork in the road. Here you'll
find a mana statue (you can save, etc.). You'll also see Danae (Cat-girl).
She's here from the city of Gato, a desolate ghetto, looking for Gaia, an
ancient rock man. Gaia apparently knows much about trees and nature that
might revitalize Gato. Nikita also takes the time to flirt with Danae, but
he fails.
If you take the road south you can follow it and meet Gaia (see Treeant's
Story). If you take the road north you'll eventually meet two robin's
(monsters with bows) who tell you to give them all your money. Say no to
them (bottom choice). Now fight a boss and Nikita will give you 2 items,
a helmet, a 2 new artifacts, Flame (for Gato) and the Medallion (for the
Jungle) and then split.

5.3 THE PET'S STORY: Simply go to the Northwest corner of the Dominia map
by yourself (No NPC's ). Here go to the field behind the houses. You'll
se an onion guy and an egg here the onion guy will tell you that if you
see eggs to give them food (there's many types, often gotten as treasures).
Use Square to select a food and circle to place it near the egg. Try till
you get heart marks above the egg. Once you see the hearts rush up to the
egg and press circle. A pelican will take the egg back to your house. Go
to your home to the pet stable (right from your front door) and feed the
egg and wait (go solve a story or something). Eventually you can take your
pet as a fighting companion. Also sometimes during battle you'll find an
egg use the same method to get it as your pet!
The pet house will give you the following ring menu…
1. Join Party (Rabite icon)
2. Feed pet (Food Icon) choose a food
3. Let pet out into the yard (fence icon)
4. Sell Pet (Coin icon)
5. Ring Ring Land (Pocket station icon) you need a pocket station for this
6. Information (Book icon) Get info. About various things in the game
7. Quit

5.4 THE LITTLE MAGICIANS: After completeing the Nikita or Lost Princess
Story (see below) go home and talk to the cactus on the 2nd floor . Choose
the first option and go downstairs. He'll write in a little leaf shaped
book about your adventure so far (come back and talk to him regularly after
solving stories). Now leave your house. A pelican will come and tell you
that the patch behind the pelican house (where you found the egg) has been
taken over by giant pumpkins and 2 weird little magicians. Go to Dominia
in the spot he told you. Here you'll fight Bud(the boy) and Corona(the girl).
After you beat them they say that they're sorry for causing trouble, but
they did it because they were orphans. Then they ask if you'll be their
big Sister (or brother). Choose "Yes" (top). They'll now be waiting for
you at your home 1F. Talk to them a few times to get them to join your party.
They're little elf kids.

5.5 THE LOST PRINCESS: Go to the bar in Dominia. Here you'll see Rachel
and Erazul talking. Talk to them, Erazul will tell you you're rude for
interupting. Erzul is interorgating Rachel about something. The first choice
you have is to stop listening or to contiune. Choose continue (bottom).
Next you can choose to protect the girl, Rachel (Top), or to listen more.
If you choose to listen more you find out that Erazul is looking for a girl
in a white dress. You can then choose to do nothing (top), or to help him
find her (bottom). Choose to help and Rachel will give you the "Jade Egg
Artifact", this allow you to make the Mikev Caverns land.
Go to the new land, here Erazul tells you he's looking for a princess.
Now descend till you come to the bottom. Here you'll fight a big cromag
ape boss. Kill him and the princess, Pearl, will give you 2 artifacts the
Stone Eye (for Lake Kilma) and the Firefly Lamp (For Roar). Pearl and Erazul
(AKA Ruri) will leave.

5.6 TREEANTS STORY: First see Gaia (see Nikita's highway above). He will
tell you of a great tree near your house. Next go back Home and go to the
screen South West of the house entrance. Here you'll meet 4 plant monsters
kill them and free the Treeant. Go and talk to the Treeant he'll tell you
he can produce fruits if you give him seeds (usually get seeds as treasure).
A ring command will come up, choose 2 seeds and give them to him. Come back
later and pick the fruits and put them in the box. Come back regularly with
more seeds. The fruits can be used to feed and capture Pet monsters among
other things.

5.7 GAIA'S WISDOM: After you complete Nikita's quest, the Treeant story
and have placed the Gato Ghetto Land(maybe that's optional) go to the inn
in Domina here you'll find Danae in one of the rooms. Talk to her and she'll
ask you know about the mana tree either yes or no is fine. Next she'll ask
if you think it's power has completely vanished. The top chpice is yes,
choose the bottom ("I think there's still some left"). She then says that
she thinks that she should ask Gaia about what to do about harnessing the
Mana Tree's power. Choose the top choice (I'll go with you), to start.
Now go back to Luon Highway and take the same path as you went to get
to Gaia before. Along the way you'll notice a new path leading south has
opened up (previously blocked by a Bunya). Take this route to collect some
treasure (optional) . Now go and talk to Gaia. He'll give Danae advice
about helping her friends. It's a rather boring piece of advice, something
along the lines of… "One can only find true strength from within one's own
self", or something like that. After the speech she gives you a magic ring
with high mana power.



Bodi melonpapa@yahoo.com

THANKS TO GAMEFAQS for always posting my faqs and updates. They rule and
are really nice and cool and I consider GAMEFAQS the home for my faq!

DISCLAIMER: This FAQ is meant for personal use only and can only
be reproduced electronically. This FAQ can be altered as long as the disclaimer
remains unchanged. This FAQ is owned and made by Bodi Anderson. Please don't
steal or reproduce any ideas or content from this FAQ or I will track you
down like the sick creature you are! Please distribute the FAQ only in its
original form to your friends and lovers of the seiken densetsu series.
This FAQ cannot be sold for profitable purposes, any person or organization
attempting to do so will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law!
Legend of Mana and most of the character and place names in this FAQ are
copyrighted property of SQUARE Japan and Sony. I, Bodi Anderson, have no
professional relationship with any of the aforementioned companies, and
I am simply a fan of their great games. This FAQ is dedicated to all of
those who waste their time translating Japanese games. Enjoy!! END OF

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12.Oktober 2013
Ende des Spiels

17.Oktober 2013
Tempering for Dummies

13.Oktober 2013
Characters are at Level 99.

17.Oktober 2013
Characters are at Level 99.

15.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Pets and Plants

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Spoiler Free Guide

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13.Oktober 2013
Map Placement, Dross and Miscellany Guide

17.Oktober 2013
Ring Ring Land Guide

12.Oktober 2013
Sea Chart

14.Oktober 2013
Pets Guide

17.Oktober 2013
Mini FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Mastery Guide

17.Oktober 2013
Map Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Figthing Bosses Guide

17.Oktober 2013
Abilities Guide

11.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
engl. Hinweise
10.Oktober 2008
engl. FAQ
10.Oktober 2008
PAL Patch for the US NTSC Version.

15.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

15.Oktober 2013
PAL Patch for the US NTSC Version (DOM).

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PAL/NTSC Selector and Bootfix for the Japanese NTSC Version.

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Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
13.Dezember 2013
22.Oktober 2014
24.Juli 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
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