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This document is going to be a lot of help if you are stuck on the
Playstation game Driver. Otherwise, it'll be fun to play around with the
cheats even if you have completed the game. There are some helpful cheats,
and some funny cheats, but that is just what they are. By using cheats you
seriously limit your knowledge on how to play the game, and you'll find it
makes the game less fun if you don't know how to play it for maximum
This document belongs to me. You may freely distribute, but no charge
whatsoever can be made for it. You can only distribute it if the document is
as it is in it's finished form without any amendments made by anyone.
All cheats have been checked and double checked by me, so they all work.
All cheats are activated by pressing the correct buttons on the main title
screen, unless stated. Once the correct code has been entered, you will hear
a sound and should then go to the cheats option to access all the goodies.
CREDITS: Lets you see the game credits, ie: eho wrote the game, the staff at
GT Interactive and Reflections, etc.
INVINCIBILITY: Takes away your Damage bar so that you can't smash up your
car. You can only just destroy your car by flipping on it's
INVULNERABILITY: No Police can get in your way. You can even crash into them
and they won't do anything. Also makes you invincible.
MINI CARS: Makes all the cars really small. Strangely enough, the game still
thinks you are using the full sized cars, so say if you are one
car length next to a wall, the computer will think you've hit the
wall. It's called Collision Detection.
LONG SUSPENSION: Makes the car slightly faster, and also allows you to drive
over any humps or kerbs or even a small gradient of a hill
/really/ smoothly.
REAR WHEEL STEERING: Lets you steer with the rear wheels. Not really that
different, although a definite increase in oversteer is
ANTIPODEAN: Australia mode. Everything is upside down. It is quite handy if
your lying upside down, on say, your bed to relax and play the
game. Otherwise it provides quite a challenge to experienced
players to try and complete the game on a higher degree of
Also, there is one more cheat mode....
Complete the game once and start a new game. You will now have access to a
new city.
When the cheat codes get boring and your about to either leave the game on
your shelf or sell it, try the racing games like Cross Town Pursuit or any
of the checkpoint games. Great fun :o)