Final Fantasy 9

Final Fantasy 9

11.10.2013 22:41:35
Dallas @
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@ Dingo Jellybean

North American - Version of the Game - My website
Dallas/Dingo Jellybean - Our super cool, gotta have it aliases.
1.09 - Version of the guide. (Currently)
68% - Projected progress of guide
11/4/00 - Date I FIRST started the guide.


AIM: SDallas19 (ICQ: 100893080, E-mail:
AIM: Dingo Jellybean

Okay folks...I don't want to go through the same old boring cliches about
AIM guys prolly have gone through enough of them to know by

As of this update, I(Dingo Jellybean) have finished the entire FF9 game and
will be available to answer your questions regarding FF9, and be quick! The
game is still fresh in my memory otherwise I'll re-direct you to this guide.

I should be on often...I'm not sure where Dallas is at...but if I can't
answer your question you can ask him and maybe he'll have your answer.


-------------------------------- [ Credits ] --------------------------------

-+- Dallas(
For pretty much writing 98% of the walkthrough...thanks! This is a guide
done half by Dallas and half by yours truly.

-+- Squaresoft(
What can I say? It's Final Fantasy!

-+- BradyGames(
For their EXCELLENT coverage on Final Fantasy IX and for their lists
on various items in the game(bestiary, abilities, etc.). I've seen
people in the past who used their list but never credit them, but my
hats off to Brady Games for a very cool official guide(nice hologram

-+- GameFAQs(
For hosting and respecting this guide.

-+- Dingo Jellybean(
For typing up this guide, mainly the lists...card came, side areas,


Version 1.00 - Initial release. A portion of the walkthrough is up, the
lists remained very early in their beta stages and I have a
ton to cover before I release a last version.(11/12/00)

Version 1.01 - Added 3 more events to the list. I'll most likely just add to
the walkthrough until I'm done and then finish the other
sections. The walkthrough is up to the beginning of Lindbulm.

Version 1.03 - Added more to the walkthrough and added more to the lists.
Still a lot more to be done...ugh. Please bear with me.
I'm currently involved in a few school activities and I have
to take my driver's permit...but if you really like to help
me out, you can root for the Redskins over the Rams this
week. (^_^) (11/18/00)

I TRUELY apologize for not getting things done quicker like
I normally have in the past. But I promise to you guys that I
will try to have a complete walkthrough around Thanksgiving
weekend, it's the last I can owe to you readers.

Version 1.05 - I finised the Tetra Master section, it should elaborate pretty
clearly on the game and the full card list is up for the Tetra
Master as well. (11/22/00)

By the way...Redskins won baby!

Version 1.06 - Gosh damn! It's been half a year since I promised to update
this guide...ouch..."my bad." Oh well...disc 1 walkthrough
done. :) (5/04/01)

Version 1.07 - More of the walkthrough done. (5/05/01)

Version 1.08 - More of the walkthrough done...f00. (5/05/01)

Versino 1.09 - More of the Disc 2 walkthrough done. (5/06/01)


This FAQ was solely intended for the public use on the www. It cannot be
reproduced, retransmitted, or re-written in any other form except by the
notice of the author. Any violation of this code will result in strict
penalty---and high fines susceptible by law. If this legal document is
portrayed in any commercial use, you are therefor stricten under the
code of law----and will be---punished. In full contrast, this document
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used by the public itself and cannot be sold. Revisions of this FAQ are
only to be done with notice of the author before hand and may be done so
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You may juxatpose this---document with other---documents as well without
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plagerized, doing so not only damages the person you had intentionally
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of law, whether the punishment be civil or criminal law. To put it at

This document is copyright; Dallas/Dingo Jellybean, 2000-2001.

==============================End of Copyright===============================

------- [ Table of Contents ] -------

- Introduction
- Game Engine
- Characters
- General Tips
- Walkthrough
> Disc 1
> Next Stop: Alexandria Kingdom
> Alezandria Castle
> Evil Forest
> Gunitas Basin
> Ice Cavern
> Village of Dali
> Cargo Ship
> Lindbulm Castle
> Qu's Marsh
> Gizamaluke's Grotto
> South Gate
> Burmecia
> Disc 2
> Summit Station
> Dark City Treno
> Gargan Roo
> Cleyra's Trunk
> Cleyra Settlement
> Alexandria Castle (Revisit)
> Pinnacle Rocks
> Fossil Roo
> Disc 3
> Disc 4
- Ending
- Bestiary
- Weapons Listing
- Defense Items Listing
- Accessories Listing
- Abilities Listing
- Tetra Master
- Credits

------------------------------ [ Introduction ] -----------------------------

Hello all! Welcome to my unoffical Final Fantasy IX strategy guide...okay
enough with the cornball stuff. I got my copy early so I can hopefully help
you out with the game just as you get it...and you can use my Japanese
walkthrough if you like(which is located on the same GameFAQs page), but just
be noted that it has quite a bit of mistakes.

I feel that Square did a Final Fantasy for the PSX right for once, I know I
know...some of you may argue..."what about FF7?" Well, FF7 was okay but it
didn't live up to the standards that it should have in my books.

Also, you can use this guide on your site just so long as nothing is altered,
credit is given when due, and you do not make any monetary gain off of the
guide. No you may not use the lists...I don't care who you are, NO means
NO. If you violate any of the guidelines, I can take legal and civil action.
There, now you know.

------------------------------ [ Game Engine ] ------------------------------

Final Fantasy IX is your standard RPG...but while it may play easy for many is a bit complex...just not as much as Chrono Cross was. You
are basically given two of the most primary options in an RPG: Fight and
Item. I shouldn't have to tell you what those do.

In Final Fantasy IX, as you can expect, there are a lot of different status
effects that can be put on a party member or an opponent. With every status
effect comes with a cure and symptom. Below is a list of all the status
effects that you will encounter, what will cure it, and what symptoms come
from the status effect. All status effects will be placed in alphanumeric

------- [ Negative Status Effects ] -------

Status Effect: | Berserk
Effect: | Strength increases, control of character is lost.
Symptoms: | Character turns reds and fumes.
Cure: | Gyashl Greens
Status Effect: | Confuse
Effect: | Lose control of the character.
Symptoms: | Character spins in position.
Cure: | Physical attack, Esuna
Status Effect: | Darkness
Effect: | Character's vision is impaired, reducing attack accuracy.
Symptoms: | Dark cloud in front of character's face.
Cure: | Eye drops, Esuna, Remedy, Angel's Snack
Status Effect: | Freeze
Effect: | Character becomes frozen, instant KO upon impact.
Symptoms: | Character turns blue and stops.
Cure: | Esuna, (wait for it to expire)
Status Effect: | Heat
Effect: | Terrible burns cause KO if the character takes any action.
Symptoms: | Character turns red, head is on fire.
Cure: | Esuna, (wait for it to expire)
Status Effect: | Mini
Effect: | Character shrinks, reducing power and Defense.
Symptoms: | Character is reduced in size.
Cure: | Mini, Remedy, Esuna, Quina's Angel's Snack
Status Effect: | Petrify
Effect: | Character turns to stone and cannot move.
Symptoms: | Character becomes gray and still.
Cure: | Soft, Sona, Remedy
Status Effect: | Poison
Effect: | HP gradually decreases.
Symptoms: | Purple cloud over character's head.
Cure: | Antidote, Esuna, Pancea, Remedy, Angel's Snack, (wait for
| it to expire)
Status Effect: | Silence
Effect: | Character cannot use magic.
Symptoms: | Ellipses appears over character's head.
Cure: | Echo Screen, Esuna, Remedy, Angel's Snack
Status Effect: | Sleep
Effect: | Character cannot move or attack.
Symptoms: | "Zzzz" appears over the head.
Cure: | Physical attack, (wait for it to expire)
Status Effect: | Slow
Effect: | ATB guage fills up slowly.
Symptoms: | ATB is gray, arrows pointed downwards over head.
Cure: | Dispel, Haste, (wait for it to expire)
Status Effect: | Stop
Effect: | Character cannot move.
Symptoms: | ATB bar grayed out, stops moving.
Cure: | Remedy, Dispel
Status Effect: | Trouble
Effect: | The damage an afflicted character recieves transfers to
| other characters.
Symptoms: | Trouble icon appears over character's head.
Cure: | Annoyntment
Status Effect: | Venom
Effect: | HP and MP gradually decrease, and character cannot move.
Symptoms: | Black and purple cloud over character's head.
Cure: | Antidote, Remedy, Pancea, Esuna, Angel's Snack
Status Effect: | Virus
Effect: | Character cannot gain EXP or AP after battle.
Symptoms: | Character's menu box is dimmed on after battle screen.
Cure: | Vaccine
Status Effect: | Zombie
Effect: | Healing items and magic cause damage/KO to the character.
Symptoms: | Character turns to a brown color.
Cure: | Magic Tag

------- [ Beneficial Status Effects ] -------

Status Effect: | Auto-Life
Effect: | Character revives from KO automatically, once during battle.
Status Effect: | Float
Effect: | Character floats off ground, does not recieve Earth damage.
Status Effect: | Haste
Effect: | ATB guage fills up faster.
Status Effect: | Protect
Effect: | Damage from physical attacks decreases.
Status Effect: | Reflect
Effect: | Magic is reflected back at the caster.(some magic cannot be
| reflected.)
Status Effect: | Regen
Effect: | HP gradually restored.
Status Effect: | Shell
Effect: | Damage from magic attacks decreases.
Status Effect: | Vanish
Effect: | Character invisible, cannot be hit by physical attacks;
| reappears if hit by magic or when the effect expires.

Along with the status effects, the game houses sveral different types of
elements in the game:

Element: | Properties
Fire | Effective against Ice and undead monsters.
Earth | Ineffective against flying monsters.
Holy | Effective against shadow monsters.
Ice | Effective against fire and dragon type monsters. As well as
| large bugs and insects.
Shadow | Effective against holy monsters.
Thunder | Effective against enemies near water.
Water | Effective against fire monsters.
Wind | Effective against flying monsters.

Obviously if you use fire against fire or ice against ice you will heal your

------------------------------ [ Characters ] -------------------------------

------- [ Zidane Tribal ] -------

The leading protagonist of Final Fantasy IX, he is a long time thief and
member of the Tantalus theater troupe.

Zidane's Trance will allow him to attack with significantly more power. As
his levels increase the more chances he will have to attack in his Trance

------- [ Garnet Alexandros ] -------

The 17th desendent from the Alexandros royal house, she takes an interest
in Eidolons and wishes to leave the castle. When she is "kidnapped" she takes
the opportunity to travel the globe in search of other Eidolons. To become
a little more clandestive, she undertakes an alias of "Daggar."

Garnet's trance will allow her to cast two magic spells or summon two
Eidolons or one of each consecutively without retaliation from the opponent.

------- [ Vivi Orunitia ] -------

The obscure mage who wanders into Alexandria not known what to expect. He
soon finds himself joining the party and over-coming his own fears and
intimidations...which one can obviously see from his physical appearance.

Vivi's trance allows him to cast magic with a little more "umph" in the
kick of his magic. Relatively, you should keep in the back, he's a very
disadvantaged physical character(in both defense and offense) and he will
have to rely very heavily on his HP.

------- [ Adelbert Steiner ] -------

Captain of the Knights of Pluto, his loyalty to Alexandria is stronger than
steel and he will go to all costs to protect Queen Brahne and Princess
Garnet. However, he soon finds himself going along with Garnet and defying

Adelbert is pretty much a monster, simply put. He has very powerful physical
attacks, high HP, and solid defense. He is definitely a front row character
but just make sure you provide him with the strongest armor possible, later
in the game it may be a good idea for him to be a magnet against attacks.

------- [ Quina Quen ] -------

The always ubiquitous and odd Quina resides in the marsh area of the Mist
continent. She is generally a cook(which probably explains her weapon of
choice) and when she meets up with the party...she is more than willing to
go along on their journey to find new things to cook and eat!

Quina's power can time you may find her attacks to be a bit
weak and one time it may be a bit powerful. Although she looks pretty bulky,
she doesn't take hits as well as Zidane or Adelbert. But that doesn't mean
you can't place her in the front just have to be careful when you
do that.

------- [ Eiko Carol ] -------

The moogles treat her like one of their own, mainly because she has lived
with moogles for so long and being the last summoner of Madain Sari. Her
youth and size can often get her and the party into trouble as the party's
opponents sometimes use her as "bait."

Eiko has sub-par physical attacks as you can expect, she isn't neccessarily
a magic user, but her physical attacks are stronger than that of Garnet's.
Her defense is very weak, place her in the back and make sure she has
adequete HP...even in the back row.

------- [ Amarant Coral ] -------

This imposing and imtimidating figure joins the party after he is defeated
by Zidane. He lacks ears for authority and directions and will sometimes go
about things in his own manner. Despite that however, he does have a good
sense or morality...contrary to what might his appearance show.

Coral is a strong character, although not in the league of Zidane and
Adelbert, he still is a powerful character to have placed in the front row.
His defense is pretty solid but he is definitely not one to rely on MP, but
rather on throwing(much like Edge and Shadow from previous games) weapons.
He can take the weakest weapons and still be able to deal out incredible
damage just by throwing it. Be wary though, once you throw that weapon, it's

------- [ Freya Crescent ] -------

An expert Dragon Knight, she is at the top of her field. She joins the party
and soon discovers her Burmecian kingdom in shambles as she returns after a
long hiatus from where she first initially left.

Pretty much a "dragoon" of the game, her Jump ability is extremely useful
as it not only allows her to escape ALL damage while she is in the air but
the Jump ability inflicts massive damage to the opponent. Although she is
obviously able to take and inflict physical hits, you should keep Freya in
the back because of her Jump ability, it will inflict the same amount of
damage regardless if she is in the back or front row.

------------------------------ [ Walkthrough ] ------------------------------

Party's level: 1
Party: Zidane
Key Items: Ticket
Items: Remedy, Tent, Eye Drops, Potion(7), Phoenix Pinion, Ether
Cards: Fang(3), Bomb, Ironite, Goblin(3), Flan, Skeleton, Lizard Man, Zombie,
Monsters: Baku

After a quick FMV you find yourself in a rather dark area, head up straight
and light the candle. Eventually you find yourself(along with three of your
friends) facing off against Baku. This shouldn't be a problem, just attack
him like normal and he should be gone faster than people turning off their
TV's after watching Full House.

After a brief discussion, you find yourself controlling a black mage named
Vivi. Right now is a good time to wander off about the town and search for
the items that I have listed above. You may also notice the girls jump-roping
in the town, if you play the game and do well enough, you can get some pretty
neat prizes:

# of Jumps | Prize
20 | 10 Gil
50 | Cactaur Card
100 | Genji Card
200 | Alexandria Card
300 | Tiger Racket Card
1000 | King of the Jump Ropes

You can also speak to Tom near the docks, look for his cat(which is a brown
cat behind a statue) and speak to Tom again for the Bomb Tetra card.

After you have wandered through the town, head to the left side from the
town circle, when Puck helps you up and offers you a trip to the show, accept
his offer and become his servant. As you follow Puck to the belltower, you
will have to climb the belltower and across various rooftops to reach the
castle. You can offer to deliver letters for Kupo, and when you do, you
can purchase some items from Stilzkin. Don't worry about losing Puck, it's
pretty straight-forward anyways and you should take your time to explore
people's chimneys for some items.

NOTE: You can refuse Puck's request the first time, this allows Vivi to
acquire some Tetra cards by ringing the bell.

As you reach the play, you probably think that Zidane and his party are in
trouble...don't worry, it's just a play. When you enter the battle(yes, that
is a remix of the retro Final Fantasy battle theme, nifty huh?), don't
bother with using magic. These magics are just part of the play and deal
no damage, just attack as normal.

Later you will find yourself in the center spotlight performing various
acts, you must either move, dodge, or attack according to Blank's requests.
You should see what to press at the left part of your screen. If you do
well enough and make little mistakes, you can talk to Queen Brahne and
you'll recieve one of 4 items:

NOTE: You are welcomed to try the mini-game over again.

Nobles Impressed: | Prize
1-49 | Ether
50-79 | Elixir
80-99 | Silk Shirt
100 | Moonstone

Party's level: 1
Party: Zidane, Vivi
Key Items: NA
Items: Phoenix Down(2), Phoenix Pinion, Elixir
Cards: NA
Monsters: Adelbert Steiner

As you approach the castle, head up the stairs to find Garnet. However, it's
not going to be a piece of cake catching her. Later you find that you will
have to order the Knights of Pluto to search for Garnet. Try to remember the
personalities of each knight, it's worthwhile for later in the game.

Knights | Traits
Blutzen and Kohel | Super Sleuths
Laudo | Inspirational Writer
Weimar | Ladies' Man
Haagen | Navigator
Mullenkedheim | Cannon Ball Race Champion
Dojebon | Artillerist

As you chase Garnet around the castle, she will eventually give in. Head
to the stage and upon arriving their, Vivi will inadvertently pull the cloak
off Garnet revealing her identity. You will now have to face off in three
various battles, these are not hard battles though. The first round you
can attack as normal, you can steal a Leather Hat or Silk Shirt from

The second battle isn't too hard, use magic with Vivi and Garnet and attack
as normal. The third battle will be a bit tough, the Bomb is especially
nasty to your weaker party members...take it out quickly with Vivi's magic
and Zidane and Marcus' physical attacks and then go for Steiner.

Party's level: 1
Party: Zidane, Vivi, Garnet
Key Items: Blank's Medicine, Continental Map
Items: Phoenix Down, Ether(3), Leather Hat, Rubber Helmet, Potion, Wrist,
Bronze Gloves
Cards: NA
Monsters: Plant Spider, Plant Brain, Prison Cage, Fang, Goblin, Dendrobium

As the Prima Vista crashes in the middle of the Evil Woods, you are forced
to head out of the aircraft. Your other party members however are scattered
amongst the woods and it's up to you, the jubilous protagonist, to look for

You will notice a moogle, he'll talk about the ATE system, which is the
acronym for Active Time Battle. However, this isn't neccessarily a new thing
despite what Square says(sorry, I had to say it :P ). This only allows you
to view other events of other people not in your party, that's it. Sometimes
it's optional and sometimes it's forced. Feel free to save your game if you

Afterwards, head out and go around, as you reach closer and deeper into the
woods, you find Garnet trapped inside a giant plant.
BOSS FIGHT: Prison Cage HP: 513(first battle), 533(second battle)
In this battle you must keep Garnet alive, occasionally in the battle a long
horizontal bar goes by each time indicating Garnet's HP. The plant constantly
drains her HP, after 3 rounds without healing action towards Garnet, she'll
die and the game is over. Keep her alive with potions and attack as normal.
Have Vivi attack with magic as usual, in the second go around Vivi will be
trapped. Keep Vivi alive like before and heal him with potions, have Vivi
attack the Plant Brain with magic as well, don't worry though...he can't
harm himself in the process.

After the battle you arrive back on the Prima Vista. You can't go looking
for Garnet just yet, instead go around the aircraft and look for items and
such and then head downstairs and face Baku. He's not that tough, just
attack as normal and continue on(you'll see a HILARIOUS scene after the
battle, trust me :P ).

You can now head over to Adelbert's confine, talk to him and he'll join
and then talk to Vivi at the east end of the ship and he'll join your
party as well. Now head out and purchase some items to restock, then head
back into the forest and you'll find Garnet held captive yet again by
another monster.
BOSS BATTLE: Plant Brain HP: 916
In this battle, it'll be good to have Vivi use fire and the rest of your
party members attack as normal. It's good to have Vivi be the healer, Blank
will deal an atrocious amount of damage...don't bother having him heal, have
him attack since every round you pass up with him means a lot of damage that
you could've dealt against the monster. Keep your HP up and attack, attack,

After the battle, you'll find yourselves escaping from the Evil Forest.
You'll have to hurry though, there are far too many Plant Spiders for you to
handle. As you escape...Blank does not, sadly enough you must leave without
him otherwise you'll be caught too.

Party's level: 2
Party: Zidane, Vivi, Garnet, Adelbert
Key Items: NA
Items: Potion, Eye Drops
Cards: NA
Monsters: Goblin, Mu, Python

Your next destination from here on through is to get to the Ice Cavern,
however, you may want to fight a few battles and level up before going in.
The Ice Cavern is directly south of where you had came from. Feel free to
call your moogle to save your game and such by pressing the Square button.
It's important to remember this from now on because you can't go into the
normal menu screen and just go under the Save option this time because it's
not there.

Party's level: 3
Party: Zidane, Vivi, Garnet, Adelbert
Key Items: NA
Items: Potion(2), Mage Masher, Phoenix Down, Ether, Elixir, Leather Wrist,
Cards: NA
Monsters: Fang, Sealion, Black Waltz No.1, Wyerd, Cave Imp, Flan

In here, it's pretty much straight forward. Obviously in a place like this,
fire magic works best. As you continue about, make sure you head to the left
side just before heading outside, it's a good idea to save your game because
the next battle ahead requires a lot of effort and patience.

As you head outside, the party starts to become frozen and fall like stiff
statues(it's quite hilarious actually). The party collpases but Zidane soon
wakes up a short time after. Continue to walk up North and you will
eventually find the first Black Waltz. It looks like he's the one causing the
blizzard to occur inside the caverns and your party isn't going to survive
much longer if you don't stop him.
BOSS BATTLE: Black Waltz No.1, Sealion HP: 229(No.1), 472(Seallion)
In this battle, your main objective first is to knock out the Sealion. If
you attack the Sealion and then attack Black Waltz without killing it, the
Black Waltz will just heal the Sealion with ice magic. Concentrate on the
Black Waltz first, and then go after the Sealion after you have killed it.
Use potions to keep your HP up and attack, attack, attack!

After the battle, the party reaches outside the mountain and overlook a
rather beautiful scenary. You'll have to walk quite a ways to the village
of Dali that you see overhead, and not to mention Garnet undertakes the
alias "Daggar."

Party's level: 4
Party: Zidane, Vivi, Garnet, Adelbert
Key Items: Aries, Sellazzio
Items: Phoenix Pinion, Phoenix Down, Iron Helmet, Eye Drops, Antidote, Ether,
Cards: NA
Monsters: Vice, Black Waltz No.2, Ghost

In here the party immediately hits the hay, in the morning, feel free to look
around and check the shops. First head up to Eve's shop(where you saw Garnet
earlier in the ATE) and then head down to the inn...they agree to look for
Vivi...who is up north at the town underground below the windmill.

Head down the hatch and you'll see Vivi eavesdropping the conversation of
a few suspicious looking people. As you make your way through, you notice
several clone mages are being made...that doesn't look too good. As you
reach the end of the underground mine, you encounter your second Black
Waltz...but this time the odds aren't so heavily dis-balanced. It looks like
another attempt by Queen Brahne to bring back Princess Garnet.
BOSS BATTLE: Black Waltz No.2 HP: 1030
Have Vivi use Ice magic in this battle(Blizzard), have Steiner use his
Sword magic, Zidane attack as normal, and Garnet heal when needed. Just
repeat this pattern until he's dead.

After the battle head to the inn, rest, and head to the cargo ship.

Party's level: 4
Party: Zidane, Vivi, Garnet, Adelbert
Key Items: NA
Items: NA
Cards: NA
Monsters: Black Waltz No.3

As you board the cargo ship, head to the front port to the engine room. Find
Adelbert and Zidane will take control of the cargo ship and head for Lindbulm
castle...but not before they encounter a bump in the road. The final Black
Waltz will approach you...but it'll take a little convincing for Vivi to
summon enough courage to help the party. Garnet however will have to take
control of the cargo ship, leaving you without a medic in the battle.
BOSS BATTLE: Black Waltz No.3 HP: 1128
This battle isn't too hard. Any type of elemental damage that you can deal to
the guy would be most useful with Vivi. Have Adelbert and Zidane attack as
normal, when he starts to float, have Vivi cast magic and Zidane and Adelbert
heal when neccessary. Also note that you can steal from him while he's
floating in the air. Just repeat until he's gone.

After the battle you see a very dramatic chase scene involving Vivi and the
Black Waltz No.3. Fortunately, Vivi gives the Black Waltz a little "fire"
power(hehe) and the party reaches Lindbulm safely.

Party's level: 4
Party: Zidane, Vivi, Garnet, Steiner
Key Items: Kupo Nut, Moogle Suit, Autograph, Mini-Buermecia
Items: Bronze Vest, Steepled Hat, Leather Wrist, Leather Plate, Silver
Gloves, Ore, Tent(2), Ether, Echo Screen, Glass Armlet, Hi-Potion
Cards: Mimic, Wyerd
Monsters: Fang, Mu, Zaghol

------- [ Shops ] -------

-- [ Dragoos' Armory ] -- -- [ Alice's Item Shop ] --

Item | Amount Item | Amount
------------------------- -------------------------
Daggar | 320 Gil Potion | 50 Gil
Mage Masher | 500 Gil Phoenix Down | 150 Gil
Mythril Daggar| 950 Gil Echo Screen | 50 Gil
Iron Sword | 660 Gil Soft | 100 Gil
Javelin | 880 Gil Antidote | 50 Gil
Rod | 260 Gil Eye Drops | 50 Gil
Fork | 1110 Gil Tent | 800 Gil
Leather Wrist | 200 Gil
Glass Armlet | 250 Gil
Bronze Gloves | 480 Gil
Silver Gloves | 720 Gil
Steepled Hat | 260 Gil
Headgear | 330 Gil
Iron Helmet | 450 Gil
Leather Plate | 530 Gil
Linen Cuirass | 800 Gil

Item | Amount | Items Required
Butterfly Sword | 300 Gil | Daggar, Mage Masher
The Ogre | 700 Gil | Mage Masher(2)
Cotton Robe | 1000 Gil | Wrist, Steepled Hat
Desert Boots | 300 Gil | Leather Shirt, Leather Hat
Yellow Scarf | 400 Gil | Feathered Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle | 500 Gil | Leather Wrist, Glass Armlet

When you reach here, make sure to follow up to King Cid's room via the lift
the Minister leads you too. After you talk with the King, head around and
find Freya, who is in a bar at the upper part of Lindbulm. After a talk with
Freya, Zidane takes a good rest and heads off to Tantalus Hideout.

The hideout is located in the Theater district, which can be access through
the long cable car at the east part of town from the inn you just woke up
from. In the hteather district, it's a good idea to check this place for
items because there are many items to be acuquired here.

At the bottom you see fans hovering over Lowell, but soon a man dressed
in a moogle suit comes by and distracts the fans as Lowell runs off. Head
to the artist's quarters which is directly across the cable car terminal
and talk to Lowell for an autograph.

In Tantalus' hideout talk with the kids and they'll mention Garnet a bit.
After talking to them, you'll find a lot of nifty items to take in their
room...afterwards head back to the castle. Head to the guest quarters and
then head back to the lift, this time however a guard stands firm and won't
budge for Zidane. Head back to the previous room and talk to the guard that
is feeling down. After Zidane jumps him, he takes his uniform, talk to
the guard again and you will be able to get through.

However, once Zidane slips past the guard, he immediately discards the
uniform. Make sure not to get in view of the guards, otherwise you'll be
caught. When you reach the top of the lift, make sure to take the immediate
left staircase and continue around until you reach Garnet(whose voice you
hear singing). There's not much to do here except talk with Garnet.

After you talk with her, the Hunting Game begins in Lindblum. It's a good
idea to equip yourself with a Beast Killer, it'll deal out heavy damage
against monsters in the hunt. It'll be difficult to defeat these monsters
though, make sure you scour the Theater District first, it's the place
with the most enemies in the least amount of space...meaning it's the
densest place in Lindbulm with enemies.

If you won the contest, you will recieve the Master Hunter item. The
additional items can vary depending on who wins the tournament. If Vivi
wins the contest you get a Theater Ship card, if Freya wins you get a Coral
Ring and if you win, you get 5000 Gil.

As King Cid congratulates the party for participating and winning in the
contest, it is cut short by sudden shock of news from an injured Burmecian
soldier. Apparently the Burmecian Kingdom is being attacked by an unknown
force and it's up to you(the party) to stop them. Being a native of the
Burmecian Kingdom, Freya will jump at the chance to help out, but not without
the fellow aid of her friends.

Cid invites you all to come and feast, but as you do so, everyone but Garnet
and Steiner are knocked out from the hidden sleeping weed Garnet placed in
their food. Garnet and Steiner then escape to South Gate and your party/Cid
awaken. Go south and save your game then exit into the overworld.

Party's level: 8
Party: Zidane, Freya, Vivi
Key Items: None
Items: Ether
Cards: None
Monsters: Axolotl, Gigan Toad

The first thing you'll want to do is try to build up your party a level or
two for the upcoming battles. Don't stray too far from the castle exit, or
you'll end up getting lost. Once ready, head directly north to find Qu's
Marsh. You'll find the two moogles who explained the game basics earlier
here; just pass them and go north through the tall grass. As you move into
the next screen, you'll meet Quina. Catch one of the frogs hopping around
and give it to Quina then you'll be able to name him/her.

After a brief conversation with Quina's mother, Quina will join your party.
You can catch some frogs for a couple of items if you want to, otherwise
just head south and exit back into the overworld. Make sure you properly
equip Quina with any extra items you have before going into battle then you
can level up some more if you wish, or just head straight to Gizamaluke's
Grotto. Gizamaluke's Grotto is located northwest of Qu's Marsh, so make
that your next destination.

Party's level: 10
Party: Zidane, Freya, Vivi, Quina
Key Items: Gizamaluke Bell (3), Holy Bell
Items: Mythril Gloves, Bronze Vest, Magus Hat
Cards: None
Monsters: Black Mage, Hornet, Gizamaluke, Skeleton, Lamia

Once inside the grotto, you'll see a door straight ahead and a path to the
right. Since the door can't be opened without a bell, follow the right path
to find a dying Burmecian soldier who will give you a bell just before he
perishes. Go back to the door and ring the bell in front of it so it'll
open. The bell shatters into pieces as you use it, so you'll have to get
another one for the other doors in the grotto. In the next room you'll
see a few black mage dolls along with Thorn and Zorn who instruct them to
kill you and your party.

Take care of the two black mage dolls then run over to the other black mage
doll scampering about on the ground. Once you defeat those two, you'll
receive another Gizamaluke Bell; use it on the large door straight ahead to
find two newlywed moogles in the next room. The male moogle is trapped under
a large bell and it's up to you to free him. When the female moogle asks
for Vivi's kupo nut, give it to her to release him from the bell. Under
the bell is a chest containing the third (and final) Gizamaluke Bell; take
it and use it on the door to the right.

The moogles will be waiting for you in the next room so save your game and
use a tent (if necessary) then talk to the female moogle. When she asks if
you like kupo nuts, say yes then attempt to leave back into the previous
room. As you go, the female moogle will spin the statue around and give you
a Holy Bell which you can use to open the next door. Go back into the
previous room and use the bell on the left door. Talk to the Burmecian
soldier and you'll encounter a boss battle.
BOSS BATTLE: Gizamaluke HP: 3175
Gizamaluke is pretty tough, but if you can keep Freya and Zidane alive for
most of the battle, you should be okay. Use Freya's jump attack and Vivi's
fire magic in combination with attacks from Zidane and Quina and you can
deal a lot of damage early on in the battle. Try to keep Zidane alive, as
he has the capability of using items to heal your other party members.

If you can keep Freya in the air long enough, you'll avoid taking damage
while dealing out damage at the same time. Once he's been defeated, the
scene will transfer back to South Gate where Steiner is trying to sneak the
princess past the gates.

Party's level: 6
Party: Steiner, Garnet
Key Items: Gate Pass
Items: Potion, Multina Racket
Cards: None
Monsters: None

After getting past the guards at the gate, you'll have to find a concealed
area to let the princess out of her sack. Steiner spots out an alleyway but
there are two people over near it. Talk to the woman first and have her
go encourage the worker. Once she's gone, talk to the young man, and after
no success in getting him to move, talk to the guy working on the gate and
then go back to the young man, who will rush off to talk to the worker.

As you approach the alleyway, a guard will confront you and give you a gate
pass. Pick it up then go into the alley to release the princess. Once
she's changed clothes, go up to the stairs and board the cable car. The
scene then transfers back to Zidane and his party who are now on their way
to Burmecia. Once in the overworld, go west just a bit (so you have a clear
path leading north) then start heading north to Burmecia (in the top-left
corner of the map.) Just remember that if it starts raining, you're on the
right path.

Party's level: 12
Party: Zidane, Vivi, Freya, Quina
Key Items: Protection Bell, Kupo Nut, Cancer(Stellazzio coin)
Items: Mythril Spear, Potion, Soft(2), Lightning Staff, Phoenix Down, Ether,
Germinas Boots
Cards: None
Monsters: Magic Vice, Beatrix, Basilisk, Black Mage, Ironite, Mimic

------- [ Shops ] -------

-- [ Mogshop ] --

Item | Amount
Needle Fork | 3100 Gil
Glass Armlet | 250 Gil
Mythril Gloves| 980 Gil
Steepled Hat | 260 Gil
Headgear | 330 Gil
Magus Hat | 400 Gil
Barbut | 600 Gil
Bronze Vest | 670 Gil
Linen Cuirass | 800 Gil
Potion | 50 Gil
Phoenix Down | 150 Gil
Echo Screen | 50 Gil
Soft | 100 Gil
Antidote | 50 Gil
Eye Drops | 50 Gil
Tent | 800 Gil

As you enter, head north into the next area. Thorn and Zorn will send two
more black mage dolls after you, so take care of them first. As Thorn and
Zorn flee, head up the right set of stairs. Once inside, go into the left
room (past the door that won't open) and stand on the ground to make it fall.
Exit back to where you fought the mage dolls and go through the door on the
left. Hop across the broken balcony, talk to the injured Burmecian soldier
then check under the bed for the Protection Bell.

Once you have the bell, go back up the stairs where the ground fell and use
it to open the door. As you walk up the stairs, you'll run into two
Burmecian soliders (one whom Freya knows) who urge you to leave, but Freya
refuses. Continue up the stairs and through the north door ahead. After
saving Kal's (an injured Burmecian soldier) life, go up the stairs to the
right and through the door on the left of the balcony. You can go through
the east door to find a moogle (where you'll be able to buy items as well.)

Buy some new armor/weapons (and any other items you need), rest with a tent
(if necessary) and save your game, then head back outside. You can find a
Mythril Spear in the west room (make sure you equip it after getting it.)
Once ready, follow the straight path and watch as Zidane follows Freya up to
the top of a large stone statue and into the castle where Beatrix and Queen
Brahne await. After some dialogue, a Burmecian soldier will attempt to
defeat Beatrix on his own, which is when Zidane and Freya come in to help...
BOSS BATTLE: Beatrix (1st) HP: 3630
Not an overly difficult battle. Use Vivi's fire magic and Freya's jump/spear
attack along with basic attacks from Zidane and Quina. If needed, you can
use some potion to restore HP (if Zidane is still alive, which he should
be if you used a tent earlier.) Once she's taken enough damage, Beatrix will
reduce your party's HP to 1 and leave you all helpless while she and the
queen escape. This ends the first disc; Congratulations!

--------------------------- [ Disc 2 Walkthrough ] --------------------------

Party's level: 6
Party: Steiner, Garnet
Key Items: Mpme
Items: Phoenix Down
Cards: None
Monsters: Black Waltz No.3

------- [ Shops ] -------

-- [ Summit Station Shop ] -- -- [ Item Shop VEGA ] --

Item | Amount Item | Amount
------------------------- -------------------------
Air Racket | 400 Gil Potion | 50 Gil
Mythril Rod | 560 Gil Phoenix Down | 150 Gil
Glass Armlet | 250 Gil Antidote | 50 Gil
Silver Gloves | 720 Gil Eye Drops | 50 Gil
Mythril Gloves| 980 Gil Tent | 800 Gil
Steepled Hat | 260 Gil
Headgear | 330 Gil
Magus Hat | 400 Gil
Rubber Helm | 250 Gil
Iron Helm | 450 Gil
Barbut | 600 Gil
Bronze Vest | 670 Gil
Linen Cuirass | 800 Gil
Potion | 50 Gil
Phoenix Down | 50 Gil
Echo Screen | 50 Gil
Soft | 100 Gil
Antidote | 50 Gil
Eye Drops | 50 Gil
Tent | 800 Gil

At the start of disc 2, the two guards who let Steiner pass earlier will
have a little conversation then the scene will cut to the cable car with
Steiner and Garnet. As they depart, Steiner realizes they're in Alexandria
again. Once you have control of Garnet, head right and into the rest area.
Here, you can buy items from the shop in the south of the room and save your
game via the moogle next to the shop.

You can find a Phoenix Down in the chest to the left of the room. Once
ready, talk to the man behind the counter on the left side of the room then
go back outside to find Cinna and Marcus. Follow them back into the rest
area and talk them twice. The train headed for Treno will arrive, so leave
the rest area and board it. After a conversation on the train, you'll find
out that Marcus is headed to Treno to free Blank from the Evil Forest and
Cinna's going back to Lindblum to report it to the rest of Tantalus. Talk
to Marcus again and the train will stop because of Black Waltz No. 3. Time
for another battle...
BOSS BATTLE: Black Waltz No. 3 (South Gate) HP: 1274
This matchup is pretty much a set-victory for your party, as the Black Waltz
cannot attack Garnet (his mission is to recover her alive) so even if he
KO's Marcus and Steiner, you still have Garnet to attack. Use your basic
attacks until it's defeated. After some more conversation between Marcus and
Garnet, the train will arrive at the station.

The conductor tells you the left road leads to Dali and the right road leads
to Treno. Buy some items from the Item Shop VEGA if you wish, cure any of
Steiner and Marcus' wounds then head straight, take the right path, go past
the gate and you'll be in the overworld. Follow the main path until you
reach Treno (it'll get dark as you go.)

Party's level: 6
Party: Steiner, Garnet, Marcus
Key Items: Supersoft, Gemini(Stellazzio coin), Taurus(Stellazzio coin)
Items: Ether, Mythril Dagger, Power Belt, 15000 Gil(defeat Katoblepas in
Weapon Shop)
Cards: Tonberry Card, Yeti Card
Monsters: Griffin

------- [ Shops ] -------

-- [ Treno Weapon/Armor Shop ] -- -- [ Treno Item Shop ] --

Item | Amount Item | Amount
----------------------------- -------------------------
Dagger | 320 Gil Potion | 50 Gil
Mage Masher | 500 Gil Phoenix Down | 150 Gil
Mythril Daggar | 950 Gil Echo Screen | 50 Gil
Mythril Sword | 1300 Gil Soft | 100 Gil
Mythril Spear | 1100 Gil Antidote | 50 Gil
Air Racket | 400 Gil Eye Drops | 50 Gil
Mythril Rod | 560 Gil Tent | 800 Gil
Flame Staff | 1100 Gil
Ice Staff | 980 Gil
Lightning Staff | 1200 Gil
Fork | 1100 Gil
Needle Fork | 3100 Gil
Leather Wrist | 200 Gil
Glass Armlet | 250 Gil
Bone Wrist | 330 Gil
Mythril Gloves | 980 Gil
Magus Hat | 400 Gil
Bandana | 500 Gil
Barbut | 600 Gil
Silk Shirt | 400 Gil
Leather Plate | 530 Gil
Bronze Vest | 670 Gil
Chain Plate | 810 Gil
Linen Cuirass | 800 Gil
Chain Mail | 1200 Gil

-- [ Treno Synthesis Shop ] --

Item | Amount | Required Items
Butterfly Sword | 300 Gil | Dagger, Mage Masher
The Ogre | 700 Gil | 2 Mage Mashers
Cotton Robe | 1000 Gil | Wrist, Steepled Hat
Desert Boots | 300 Gil | Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf | 400 Gil | Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle | 500 Gil | Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots | 900 Gil | Desert Boots, Fork
Cachusa | 1000 Gil | Magus Hat, Rubber Helmet
Coral Ring | 1200 Gil | Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker | 1300 Gil | Linen Cuirass, Soft

After some arguing between Steiner and Marcus, the princess will stroll off
again. Follow the princess from screen to screen as Steiner, viewing each
ATE as they come up. Once you find the princess in the auction house, you'll
gain control of her. You can backtrack and take the north path (where the
pickpocket hid) to find Queen Stella, who tells you she wants star-shaped
coins called Stellazzio. After you're done exploring, head back to the
entrance of Treno and follow the right staircase.

Go into the pub and down the stairs to find Marcus -- talk to him. He tells
you that Baku has located the Supersoft and is waiting at the docks. Run
down the stairs/ladders while listening to Steiner babble on and talk to Baku
once you reach the docks. After a cut scene with Kuja, you'll be on the
boat. Steiner and Garnet will think about what they're doing, then you'll
arrive. As the crew search for the Supersoft, a scholarly man by the name of
Doctor Tot (Garnet's tutor) comes by and tells you to go to the tower (his
house) and he'll give you the Supersoft.

Run back to the entrance of Treno and go left, past where Garnet got mugged
and you'll find the tower; go inside. Head up the tower steps until you
reach the top, where Marcus will take the Supersoft from the chest. Talk to
Tot and you'll have a flashback to when Garnet was a little girl. Once
that's over, Garnet will explain to Tot what's going on. Climb up the two
ladders and down the hole to enter Gargan Roo - the ancient travel route
between Treno and Alexandria.

Party's level: 6
Party: Steiner, Garnet, Marcus
Key Items: None
Items: Chain Plate, Phoenix Down
Cards: None
Monsters: Crawler, Dragonfly, Ralvurahva

Once the dialogue is over, save your game with the moogle and take the lower
left path. Open the two chests, pull the level and go back to take the lower
right path. Run around to the other side and pull the chain to bring out
the trolly. Follow Doctor Tot back around, head down the set of stairs
to the left and pull the lever on the wall to halt the trolly. As you all
board, Doctor Tot will reverse it so it leads you back to Alexandria, but on
the way, you'll encounter another boss fight...
BOSS BATTLE: Ralvurahava HP: 2296
This battle will pretty tough, as your party isn't as strong as it was when
you were playing as Zidane, plus Ralvurahava has over 2000 HP. Beware of its
Death Kiss, and use any attacks you have to defeat it. You may lose one or
two of your party members, but you can heal them later, so move on into the
next area where you'll be trapped by Thorn and Zorn. The scene then cuts
over to Zidane and friends after they were slain by Beatrix.

After a short conversation, they all agree to go to Cleyra, and you'll be
left in the overworld again. Save if you want (square to summon a moogle)
then level up a level or two (if you wish) and go directly south to where the
spinning sandstorm is; this is Cleyra. Go inside.

Party's level: 13
Party: Zidane, Freya, Vivi, Quina
Key Items: None
Items: Magician Shoes, Phoenix Down, Ether, Tent, Remedy, Mythril Vest,
Potion, Hi-Potion, 900 Gil, Flame Staff, Needle Fork, Gysahl Greens,
Desert Boots, Mythril Gloves, Kupo Nut
Cards: None
Monsters: Dragonfly, Zuu, Carrion Worm, Sand Golem

Once you get past the sandstorm, you'll be in the main part of Cleyra's
Trunk. Run across the bridge into the next area and go up to the lever on
the right; pull it to open the door to the left. Get the Phoenix Down from
the chest then go up the steps and through the opening on the right in the
next area. Follow the left path up and reach into the hole to flip a switch
which will make sand pour out. Go back down and climb up the two ropes,
then go through the opening into the next screen.

Head left and take the first upper path where a moogle waits at the end.
Save your game then take the higher upper path, followed by the right path
(where the arrow points), across the bridge and up the path against the wall.
You'll come to a room with three pits of quicksand. If you get pulled in,
rapidly tap the X button to get out. Make your way over to the left and
go through the opening. Run around to the left side and climb the ladder
up to the settlement of Cleyra.

Party's level: 14
Party: Zidane, Freya, Vivi, Quina
Key Items:
Items: Remedy, Gysahl Greens, Phoenix Pinion(3), Ether(2), Echo Screen (2),
1250 Gil, Ore, Thunder Gloves, Mythril Vest, Yellow Scarf
Cards: Nymph Card, Zuu Card
Monsters: Beatrix, Antlion, Alexandrian Soldier, Type B

------- [ Shops ] -------

-- [ Cleyra's Trunk Weapon Shop ] -- -- [ Star Maiden Nina's Shop ] --

Item | Amount Item | Amount
----------------------------- ---------------------------------
Partisan | 1600 Gil Potion | 50 Gil
Multina Racket | 750 Gil Phoenix Down | 150 Gil
Mythril Rod | 560 Gil Echo Screen | 50 Gil
Flame Staff | 1100 Gil Soft | 100 Gil
Ice Staff | 980 Gil Antidote | 50 Gil
Needle Fork | 3100 Gil Eye Drops | 50 Gil
Bone Wrist | 330 Gil Annoyntment | 150 Gil
Mythril Armlet | 500 Gil Tent | 800 Gil
Mythril Gloves | 980 Gil
Thunder Golves | 1200 Gil
Magus Hat | 400 Gil
Bandana | 500 Gil
Mage's Hat | 600 Gil
Mythril Helmet | 1000 Gil
Chain Plate | 810 Gil
Mythril Vest | 1180 Gil
Chain Mail | 1200 Gil
Mythril Armor | 1830 Gil

As you enter, Freya will be summoned by the king of Cleyra and you'll be
given the chance to take a tour of the town if you wish. Once you're left
to play, explore the settlement a bit. You can find the Burmecian soldier,
Dan (who you ran into in Burmecia) who will sell you some armor/weaponry.
You can rest/save at the Inn, then head north to the cathedral and talk to
the guard on the left. Go back to the Inn and a Burmecian soldier will stop
you and tell you the Antlion has captured a little boy.

Go back into the Inn and save if you want, then go down and follow the guard
all the way to where you entered the settlement. Go right a screen and
you'll find that the Antlion has captured Puck. He tosses puck to safety and
goes after you, ensuing another boss fight.
BOSS BATTLE: Antlion HP: 3983
Don't kid yourself, Antlion _is_ a tough boss. If you use physical attacks,
it'll counter back with Counter Horn which does massive damage (200+) so try
to avoid physical attacks as best as possible. Use Freya's jump attack,
Vivi's Thundara/Thunder magic and physical attacks from Zidane/Quina. Beware
of Antlion's Sandstorm, as it'll reduce your party's HP down significantly.
And yes, even if you miss with a physical attack, you'll still receive a
counter attack.

Once he's defeated, you'll all go back to see the king and perform a ceremony
to strengthen the sandstorm, but it actually fails and the sandstorm
disappears. The scene then cuts to Alexandria where Steiner and Marcus are
imprisoned and Brahne wants to see Garnet. After some conversation, Kuja
comes in, puts her to sleep and Thorn/Zorn remove her eidolons. Once you
have control of Freya again, go back to the Inn to save then go back to
where you entered the settlement.

As you go through the trunk again, you'll be attacked by Alexandrian soldiers
who took advantage of the sandstorm's disappearance. Defeat them all and
once you get to the bridge, Puck will tell you the town is in trouble, so
everyone rushes off to help. The town is ridden with black mage dolls and
one attacks you just as you enter. Defeat it then go up the steps to be
attacked by three Alexandrian soldiers. Once those are gone, another two
black mage dolls attack, so kill them as well.

Go through the town killing every black mage doll you come across until you
reach the cathedral where you'll be surrounded by black mage dolls. Sir
Fratley will appear on the top of the cathedral and kill the mages, allowing
you to go inside to see if the king is okay. Fratley forgets everything
about the past, including Freya and you'll be left to fight Beatrix.
BOSS BATTLE: Beatrix (2nd) HP: 4736
Although she may have been pretty tough the first time around, and has even
more HP this time, Beatrix really isn't that tough here if you have the right
abilities, weapons and magic, but perhaps I was just lucky. Vivi's Fira does
a good 400+ damage, so use that whenever possible. If you equipped
auto-potion for Vivi and Quina, the battle won't be as tough. Use Freya's
jump attack and physical attacks from Zidane/Quina along with Vivi's Fira
and you should have her defeated in no time. Once she's taken enough, she'll
use Stock Break, bringing your whole party's HP down to 1, then escapes with
the jewel used to create the sandstorm.

Your party (excluding Quina) follows Beatrix and Queen Brahne (who now has
possession of Garnet's eidolons) summons an eidolon to destroy Cleyra. After
Beatrix reveals her true feelings on the airship, you'll be left to play. Go
to the upper level and listen to what Brahne has to say about Garnet, then go
down and listen to Vivi's idea. The scene the goes back to Steiner and
Marcus who are now in a cage dangling from the ceiling. Swing back and forth
until it breaks, then run, defeating soldiers as you go. Climb the ladder
and go into the next room.

Party's level: 16
Party: Zidane, Freya, Vivi, Steiner
Key Items: None
Items: Ice Brand, Tent
Cards: None
Monsters: Alexandrian Soldier, Zorn, Thorn, Bandersnatch, Black Mage,
Beatrix, Ralvuimago

Marcus leaves Steiner by himself and Zidane + Friends arrive and join forces
with Steiner once again. You'll have 30 minutes to find Garnet before Brahne
arrives in her airship, so be quick. Exit the prison area and go back to
the main castle itself. Try to avoid battles with soldiers by out-running
them, as it'll slow you down if you stop to fight. Go up the spiral
staircase and into the Princess' room. Move the candle to reveal a hidden
dungeon underneath the fireplace and go down the seemingly endless stairs
until you reach some double doors -- go on through to fight Thorn and Zorn.
BOSS BATTLE: Thorn and Zorn HP: 2984 (Thorn), 4896 (Zorn)
A pretty easy battle. You only have to defeat one of them to win, so make
sure you attack Thorn (since he has the lowest HP.) Use Fira/Thundara for
Vivi, Jump for Freya and physical attacks for Zidane and Steiner. If one of
your party members is low on HP, have Steiner heal them and if you want, you
can steal some items from Thorn or Zorn using Zidane. Watch out for their
Meteorite attack, as it can kill Steiner very easily.

Once they've been defeated, run up the steps ahead to find the princess, then
view the ATE of Marcus going into the Evil Forest to rescue Blank. Save/rest
with the moogle then carry the Princess all the way back up to her room where
Beatrix will arrive and ensue a battle yet again...
BOSS BATTLE: Beatrix (3rd) HP: 5709
A bit stronger than before, Beatrix will (as usual) give you a good fight.
Nothing new as far attacking goes; use Vivi's magic, Freya's jump attack and
physical attacks from Steiner/Zidane. Watch out for her Shock attack, as
it does over 1000 damage and unless you spent hours leveling up in the
overworld, none of your party members are going to have that much HP.

Once she's defeated, she'll (ironically) help you revive the princess. The
queen then comes in and orders Thorn and Zorn to dispose of Beatrix and
Freya. The rest of the team leaves through the fireplace and you'll be left
to fight a large beast named Bandersnatch (who Thorn and Zorn send after
you.) Defeat it then run down the stairs (as Zidane, now) to the bottom,
killing Bandersnatch's as you come to them.

Once you reach the bottom, Thorn and Zorn will trap you again, but Blank (who
is now de-petrified) and Marcus will take care of them and release you. Hop
on the trolly and after a few feet, it'll stop because of yet another enemy
blocking your path. Time for another boss fight...
BOSS BATTLE: Ralvuimago HP: 3352
This boss is rather odd, as it'll curl up to defend itself whenever you use
a physical attack. When it's curled up (or "compacted") don't use physical
attacks or it'll use its Earth counter which does quite a bit of damage.
If you run out of MP, just defend when it's curled up and physical attack
when it's not or use Vivi's magic if you still have MP left. You can also
steal some pretty nice items using Zidane while waiting for it to uncurl.
Once it's defeated, it'll chase the trolly and you'll pass Treno and go
through a tunnel.

Party's level: 17
Party: Zidane, Vivi, Garnet
Key Items: None
Items: The Ogre, Mythril Armlet, Mythril Vest, Peridot
Cards: None
Monsters: Sand Scorpion, Zaghnol, Seeker Bat

The scene returns back to Alexandria Castle where a furious Queen Brahne
hires two hunters to retrieve Garnet's pendant and to kill Vivi (the
so-called "defect" according to her majesty.) Shortly after, you'll be taken
to Pinnacle Rocks, where the gargant ran the trolly in order to escape from
Ralvuimago. After some conversation between Garnet and Zidane, an elderly
man named Ramuh appears out of nowhere, hovering above the gorge.

After finding out what her mother did with her eidolons, Garnet asks Ramuh
to help her. However, if she wants Ramuh to be her eidolon, she'll have to
find the 5 manifestations of himself that he's hidden in the forest. Once
you have control of Garnet, go up the left path to find the first
manifestation of Ramuh (Beginning); four more to go. Head down to where the
moogle is and rest/save your game.

Go back up the left path (where you found the first manifestation) into the
next screen and turn around the corner, going down the first path you come
to. Turn left to where the chest is and you'll find the second manifestation
(Cooperation); three more to go. Pick up The Ogre from the chest then go
south to get back to where the moogle is. Save if you want to, then go back
to where you first entered Pinnacle Rocks and talked to Rumah to find the
third manifestation (Hero); three down, two to go.

Go back to the screen with the moogle and head down the south path and into
the water. To the right is the fourth manifestation (Human); only one more!
The final manifestation can also be found in the water, but in northern area.
Go over to the chest where you got The Ogre and head right (still in the
water) into the next screen to find the last manifestation (Silence.) Now
that you have the story, go back around the path where you found the second
manifestation and Ramuh will be waiting for you under the bridge.

He'll ask you to put each part of the story in its proper order. Put them
in their proper order (just make sure you choose 'hero' or 'human' last) and
Ramuh will become Garnet's eidolon. Jump off the cliff and watch as Queen
Brahne and the black mage dolls destroy Lindblum. Back to Lindblum you go...

Party's level: 18
Party: Zidane, Vivi, Garnet
Key Items: World Map
Items: 3000 Gil, Ether, Phoenix Pinion, 163 Gil, Bandana
Cards: Lindbulm Card
Monsters: None

-- [ Dragoos' Weapon Shop ] -- -- [ Dragon's Gate Merchant ] --

Item | Amount Item | Amount
------------------------------ --------------------------------
Daggar | 320 Gil Ice Brand | 3780 Gil
Mage Masher | 500 Gil Partisan | 1600 Gil
Mythril Dagger | 950 Gil Multina Racket | 750 Gil
Ice Brand | 3780 Gil Stardust Rod | 760 Gil
Partisan | 1600 Gil Mythril Armlet | 500 Gil
Multina Racket | 750 Gil Thunder Gloves | 1200 Gil
Stardust Rod | 760 Gil Bandana | 500 Gil
Flame Staff | 1100 Gil Mage's Hat | 600 Gil
Ice Staff | 980 Gil Mythril Helmet | 1000 Gil
Lightning Staff | 1200 Gil Chain Plate | 810 Gil
Leather Wrist | 200 Gil Mythril Vest | 1180 Gil
Glass Armlet | 250 Gil Adaman Vest | 1600 Gil
Bone Wrist | 330 Gil Mythril Armor | 1830 Gil
Mythril Armlet | 500 Gil Potion | 50 Gil
Mythril Gloves | 980 Gil Phoenix Down | 150 Gil
Thunder Gloves | 1200 Gil Soft | 100 Gil
Headgear | 330 Gil Antidote | 50 Gil
Magus Hat | 400 Gil Eye Drops | 50 Gil
Bandana | 500 Gil Annoynment | 150 Gil
Mage's Hat | 600 Gil Tent | 800 Gil
Mythril Helmet | 1000 Gil
Silk Shirt | 400 Gil
Leather Plate | 530 Gil
Bronze Vest | 670 Gil
Chain Plate | 810 Gil
Mythril Vest | 1180 Gil
Chain Mail | 1200 Gil
Mythril Armor | 1830 Gil

-- [ Torres' Synthesis Shop ] --

Item | Amount | Required Materials
Butterfly Sword | 300 Gil | Dagger, Mage Masher
The Ogre | 700 Gil | 2 Mage Mashers
Exploda | 1000 Gil | Mage Masher, Mythril Dagger
Cotton Robe | 1000 Gil | Wrist Steepled Hat
Silk Robe | 2000 Gil | Silk Shirt, Bandana
Desert Boots | 300 Gil | Leather Hat, Leather Shirt
Yellow Scarf | 400 Gil | Feather Hat, Steepled Hat
Glass Buckle | 500 Gil | Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist
Germinas Boots | 900 Gil | Desert Boots, Fork
Cachusa | 1000 Gil | Magus Hat, Rubber Helmet
Coral Ring | 1200 Gil | Lightning Staff, Rod
Gold Choker | 1300 Gil | Linen Cuirass, Soft
Magician Shoes | 1500 Gil | Germinas Boots, Bone Wrist
Barette | 1800 Gil | Needle Fork, Barbut
Power Belt | 2000 Gil | Glass Buckle, Chain Mail

-- [ Alice's Medicine Shop ] --

Item | Amount
Potion | 50 Gil
Phoenix Down | 150 Gil
Echo Screen | 50 Gil
Soft | 100 Gil
Antidote | 50 Gil
Eye Drops | 50 Gil
Annoynment | 150 Gil
Tent | 800 Gil

Once you get to the city, Vivi will stay put to avoid Lindblum soldiers from
confusing him with the black mage dolls. Go northeast to find Minister
Artania who will take you to see Cid. Here, you find out Kuja has been
supplying Brahne with weapons, so you'll need to take him out before
attempting a counterattack. Cid tells you about an excavation site you can
take which leads to an unknown continent, as you won't be able to travel any
other way because Alexandria has seized the airships and the dock.

Buy some items from the shops if you want to, save/rest at the Inn and talk
to the man in the northeast part of town once ready to leave. View the ATE,
watch as Cid snags a trolly for you three and save at the moogle once you
get off the trolly. You can buy some last items from the man here if you
want, otherwise head straight out the door to enter the overworld. Before
heading to the excavation site, you'll want to add another member to your
party, so head back to Qu's Marsh.

As it turns out, Quina wasn't killed in the destruction of Cleyra after all!
S/he will join your party once again, so your next destination is the
excavation site. Go north from where you found Quina (to Quale's house) and
go right from there into the brush. Quina will chase after a frog and
accidentally stumble upon the excavation site entrance -- wait are you
waiting for? Go on in! Head down the stairs to enter...

Party's level: 18
Party: Zidane, Vivi, Garnet, Quina
Key Items: None
Items: Fairy Earrings, Ether, Lamia's Tiara, Survival Vest, Elixir
Cards: None
Monsters: Lani, Armodullahan, Seeker Bat, Abomination, Feather Circle,

-- [ Treasure Hunter's Inventory ] -- -- [ Mogki's and Kuppo's Shop ] --

Item | Amount Item | Amount
-------------------------- --------------------------
Ice Brand | 3780 Gil Potion | 50 Gil
Partisan | 1600 Gil Phoenix Down | 150 Gil
Multina Racket | 750 Gil Echo Screen | 50 Gil
Stardust Rod | 760 Gil Soft | 100 Gil
Mythril Armlet | 500 Gil Antidote | 50 Gil
Thunder Gloves | 1200 Gil Eye Drops | 50 Gil
Bandana | 500 Gil Annoynment | 150 Gil
Mage's Hat | 600 Gil Tent | 800 Gil
Mythril Helmet | 1000 Gil
Chain Plate | 810 Gil
Mythril Vest | 1180 Gil
Adaman Vest | 1600 Gil
Mythril Armor | 1830 Gil
Potion | 50 Gil
Phoenix Down | 150 Gil
Echo Screen | 50 Gil
Soft | 100 Gil
Antidote | 50 Gil
Eye Drops | 50 Gil
Remedy | 300 Gil
Annoynment | 150 Gil
Tent | 800 Gil

Walk forward and the ground will rumble. Out from the closed gate comes a
large piece of machinery on wheels with a drill in the front. The only thing
you can do now is flee, so do just that. Watch out for the swinging axes,
as they'll slow you down and if you get caught, you'll have to fight it.
Defeat it, then watch as it falls through the hole in the ground. As you
enter the next room, Lani will approach you and ask for the pendant. After
refusing, you'll engage in battle.
BOSS BATTLE: Lani HP: 5708
If you upgraded your weapons while in Lindblum, you really shouldn't have any
problem in defeating Lani. Use whatever spells Vivi has (just make sure
they're strong.) Zidane's Exploda works wonders, as it does at least 800
damage per hit. Combine those with physical attacks from Quina and curing
from Garnet, and you should be fine.

Head down the stairs and you'll see an untamed gargant crawl by. Go over to
the flowers and pick one, then hold it up in front of the tunnel for the
gargant to eat. Doing so will hitch you a free ride to the next part of
Fossil Roo. Go down and talk to the treasure hunter to learn about the
fountains, switches and gargants, then go north and give the gargant a flower
to ride it. Flip the switch once you land then take the gargant back to
the next area.

Go north a screen (downstairs) and follow the path to the switch; flip it
then backtrack to the room you came from. Grab a flower and give it to the
gargant (upstairs) to get to the area you were previously in. Flip the
first switch again and ride the gargant back to where the treasure hunter is.
From here, go south to save your game, then go past the moogle (south) and
into the next area. Ride the gargant here, talk to the treasure hunter to
buy some items/weapons/armor then go up the stairs to your right.

Once at the top, ignore the switch and go right to the next screen to ride
the gargant. Go right a screen and climb on the vines to reach the switch
on the top-left; push it. Climb down to the lower path (or just fall into
the water by crawling under one of the statue's faces) and go right a screen.
Ride the last gargant and go through the opening to exit into the Outer

------> End of Walkthrough...continued on next update... <-------

-------------------------------- [ Bestiary ] -------------------------------

--------------- [ Monster Stat Listing 1 ] ---------------

------- [ A ] -------

Monster: | Abadon
Level: | 58
HP: | 12,658
MP: | 2479
Gil: | 2604
EXP: | 32,073
Steal: | Garnet, Vaccine, Pheonix Pinion
Type: | Bug/Flying
Monster: | Abomination
Level: | 15
HP: | 879
MP: | 482
Gil: | 388
EXP: | 913
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: | NA
Monster: | Adamantoise
Level: | 31
HP: | 3587
MP: | 1043
Gil: | 4433
EXP: | 5096
Steal: | Tent, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down
Type: | NA
Monster: | Agares
Level: | 43
HP: | 6775
MP: | 1596
Gil: | 1945
EXP: | 14,279
Steal: | Tent, Soft, Ore
Type: | Demon
Monster: | Amdusias
Level: | 42
HP: | 6578
MP: | 1568
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Antidote, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Demon/Flying
Monster: | Amdusias(Pandemonium)
Level: | 52
HP: | 10,926
MP: | 9282
Gil: | 2316
EXP: | 26,376
Steal: | Tent, Ether
Type: | Demon/Flying
Monster: | Anemone
Level: | 31
HP: | 3586
MP: | 1045
Gil: | 1137
EXP: | 5080
Steal: | Ore Tent
Type: | NA
Monster: | Antlion
Level: | 16
HP: | 3983
MP: | 3950
Gil: | 1616
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Annoyntment, Mythril Vest, Gold Helmet
Type: | NA
Monster: | Armodullahan
Level: | 13
HP: | 818
MP: | 4598
Gil: | 474
EXP: | 809
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: | NA
Monster: | Armstrong
Level: | 33
HP: | 4204
MP: | 1165
Gil: | 1456
EXP: | 7150
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: | NA
Monster: | Ark
Level: | 38
HP: | 20,002
MP: | 1374
Gil: | 5964
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Elixir, Power Vest, Holy Lance
Type: | Flying
Monster: | Ash
Level: | 66
HP: | 25,591
MP: | 3014
Gil: | 2748
EXP: | 40,329
Steal: | Tent
Type: | Demon/Flying
Monster: | Axe Beak
Level: | 6
HP: | 241
MP: | 267
Gil: | 224
EXP: | 123
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: | Beast
Monster: | Axolotl
Level: | 6
HP: | 211
MP: | 266
Gil: | 236
EXP: | 106
Steal: | Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | NA

------- [ B ] -------

Monster: | Baku
Level: | 2
HP: | 202
MP: | 1285
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Iron Sword
Type: | Human
Monster: | Bandersnatch
Level: | 14
HP: | 899
MP: | 464
Gil: | 347
EXP: | 787
Steal: | Potion, Tent
Type: | Beast
Monster: | Basilisk
Level: | 6
HP: | 346
MP: | 247
Gil: | 233
EXP: | 167
Steal: | Soft, Hi-Potion
Type: | Bug
Monster: | Beatrix(1st)
Level: | 14
HP: | 3630
MP: | 3467
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Phoenix Down, Chain Plate, Mythril Sword
Type: | Human
Monster: | Beatrix(2nd)
Level: | 17
HP: | 4736
MP: | 3964
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Phoenix Down, Thunder Gloves, Ice Brand
Type: | Human
Monster: | Beatrix(3rd)
Level: | 19
HP: | 5709
MP: | 4203
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Phoenix Down, Ice Brand, Survival Vest
Type: | Human
Monster: | Behemoth(Memoria)
Level: | 71
HP: | 24,123
MP: | 3338
Gil: | 2764
EXP: | 53,168
Steal: | Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Beast
Monster: | Benero
Level: | 1
HP: | 28
MP: | 149
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Human
Monster: | Black Waltz No. 1
Level: | 2
HP: | 229
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 134
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Steepled Hat, Lighting Staff, Flame Staff
Type: | Human
Monster: | Black Waltz No. 2
Level: | 6
HP: | 1030
MP: | 3017
Gil: | 441
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Steepled Hat, Leather Plate
Type: | Human/Flying
Monster: | Black Waltz No. 3(Cargo Ship)
Level: | 7
HP: | 1128
MP: | 2080
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Steepled Hat, Linen Cuirass, Silver Gloves
Type: | Human/Flying
Monster: | Black Waltz No. 3(South Gate)
Level: | 9
HP: | 1274
MP: | 344
Gil: | 864
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Steepled Hat, Lightning Staff, Flame Staff
Type: | Human
Monster: | Blazer Beetle
Level: | 19
HP: | 1468
MP: | 603
Gil: | 740
EXP: | 1548
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion, Ether
Type: | Bug
Monster: | Bomb
Level: | 10
HP: | 526
MP: | 359
Gil: | 235
EXP: | 178
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: | Flying

------- [ C ] -------

Monster: | Cactaur
Level: | 30
HP: | 1939
MP: | 1018
Gil: | 1021
EXP: | 4208
Steal: | Phoenix Down, Tent, Ether
Type: | NA
Monster: | Carrion Worm
Level: | 9
HP: | 259
MP: | 345
Gil: | 319
EXP: | 329
Steal: | Annoyntment, Tent
Type: | Bug
Monster: | Carve Spider
Level: | 3
HP: | 123
MP: | 199
Gil: | 124
EXP: | 48
Steal: | Potion, Tent, Ore
Type: | Bug
Monster: | Catoblepas/Shoat
Level: | 32
HP: | 3727
MP: | 1069
Gil: | 1421
EXP: | 6609
Steal: | Soft, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion, Ether
Type: | Beast
Monster: | Cave Imp
Level: | 2
HP: | 74
MP: | 186
Gil: | 118
EXP: | 35
Steal: | Potion, Phoenix Down
Type: | NA
Monster: | Cerberus
Level: | 44
HP: | 6977
MP: | 1625
Gil: | 1984
EXP: | 15,181
Steal: | Ore, Tent, Ether
Type: | Beast
Monster: | Chimera
Level: | 67
HP: | 21,901
MP: | 3,053
Gil: | 2732
EXP: | 42,785
Steal: | Vaccine, Garnet, Remedy
Type: | Demon
Monster: | Clipper
Level: | 7
HP: | 294
MP: | 278
Gil: | 190
EXP: | 80
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion
Type: | NA
Monster: | Crawler
Level: | 10
HP: | 625
MP: | 358
Gil: | 323
EXP: | 480
Steal: | Antidote, Phoenix Down, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Bug

------- [ D ] -------

Monster: | Deathguise
Level: | 74
HP: | 55,535
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 8916
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Elixir, Black Belt, Duel Claws
Type: | Demon/Bug/Flying
Monster: | Dendrobium
Level: | 2
HP: | 174
MP: | 186
Gil: | 99
EXP: | 39
Steal: | Eye Drops, Tent, Ore
Type: | Flying
Monster: | Dracozombie
Level: | 24
HP: | 2179
MP: | 760
Gil: | 941
EXP: | 3229
Steal: | Magic Tag, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: | Dragon/Undead
Monster: | Drakan
Level: | 30
HP: | 3292
MP: | 1018
Gil: | 1118
EXP: | 5675
Steal: | Antidote
Type: | Demon/Flying
Monster: | Dragonfly
Level: | 8
HP: | 348
MP: | 295
Gil: | 307
EXP: | 249
Steal: | Eye Drops, Tent
Type: | Bug/Flying

------- [ E ] -------

Monster: | Earth Guardian
Level: | 54
HP: | 20,756
MP: | 2234
Gil: | 4512
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Avenger, Rubber Suit
Type: | Demon
Monster: | Epitaph
Level: | 32
HP: | 3732
MP: | 300
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Phoenix Down, Soft
Type: | Stone

------- [ F ] -------

Monster: | False
Level: | 11
HP: | 594
MP: | 376
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 23,852
Steal: | NA
Type: | Flying
Monster: | Fang(Evil Forest)
Level: | 1
HP: | 68
MP: | 170
Gil: | 90
EXP: | 23
Steal: | Potion, Phoenix down, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Beast
Monster: | Fang(Hunt)
Level: | 5
HP: | 216
MP: | 253
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Beast
Monster: | Feather Circle
Level: | 13
HP: | 619
MP: | 448
Gil: | 378
EXP: | 629
Steal: | Ore, Annoyntment, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: | Flying
Monster: | Feather Circle
Level: | 29
HP: | 3298
MP: | 994
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Flying/Friendly
Monster: | Flan
Level: | 2
HP: | 75
MP: | 183
Gil: | 110
EXP: | 41
Steal: | Potion, Ore
Type: | NA

------- [ G ] -------

Monster: | Gargoyle
Level: | 44
HP: | 6977
MP: | 1628
Gil: | 1958
EXP: | 15,181
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Tent, Phoenix Down, Ether
Type: | Stone/Flying
Monster: | Garland
Level: | 62
HP: | 40,728
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Battle Boots, Ninja Gear, Dark Gear
Type: | Human
Monster: | Garuda
Level: | 35
HP: | 3521
MP: | 1216
Gil: | 1279
EXP: | 6933
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether, Phoenix down
Type: | Flying
Monster: | Garuda
Level: | 42
HP: | 6583
MP: | 1570
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Flying/Friendly
Monster: | Ghost
Level: | 4
HP: | 118
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 126
EXP: | 48
Steal: | Potion, Ore, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down
Type: | Undead/Flying
Monster: | Ghost
Level: | 8
HP: | 347
MP: | 293
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Flying/Friendly
Monster: | Gogan Octopus
Level: | 31
HP: | 3584
MP: | 1044
Gil: | 1840
EXP: | 6096
Steal: | Eye Drops, Phoenix Down, Ether
Type: | Flying
Monster: | Gigan Toad
Level: | 7
HP: | 297
MP: | 280
Gil: | 288
EXP: | 178
Steal: | Ore
Type: | NA
Monster: | Gimme Cat
Level: | 36
HP: | 4683
MP: | 1240
Gil: | 5000
EXP: | 4
Steal: | Echo Screen, Tent, Ether
Type: | NA
Monster: | Gizamaluke
Level: | 16
HP: | 3175
MP: | 502
Gil: | 800
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Elixir, Magus Hat, Ice Staff
Type: | Flying
Monster: | Gnoll
Level: | 18
HP: | 1375
MP: | 586
Gil: | 691
EXP: | 1368
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion, Ether
Type: | NA
Monster: | Goblin
Level: | 5
HP: | 33
MP: | 172
Gil: | 88
EXP: | 23
Steal: | Potion
Type: | NA
Monster: | Goblin Mage
Level: | 15
HP: | 983
MP: | 485
Gil: | 568
EXP: | 913
Steal: | Potion, Ore
Type: | NA
Monster: | Grand Dragon
Level: | 60
HP: | 13,206
MP: | 2250
Gil: | 2604
EXP: | 35,208
Steal: | Tent, Ether, Rising Sun
Type: | Dragon
Monster: | Grenade
Level: | 36
HP: | 4685
MP: | 1240
Gil: | 1336
EXP: | 7459
Steal: | Ore, Tent, Ether
Type: | Flying
Monster: | Griffin
Level: | 16
HP: | 1470
MP: | 602
Gil: | 602
EXP: | 1858
Steal: | Ore
Type: | Flying
Monster: | Grimlock(Pink Head)
Level: | 30
HP: | 3292
MP: | 1018
Gil: | 1363
EXP: | 6610
Steal: | Ore, Tent, Ether
Type: | NA
Monster: | Grimlock(Blue Head)
Level: | 30
HP: | 3292
MP: | 1018
Gil: | 1363
EXP: | 6610
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: | NA

------- [ H ] -------

Monster: | Hades
Level: | 92
HP: | 55,535
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 9638
EXP: | 65,535
Steal: | Reflect Ring, Running Shoes, Battle Boots, Robe of Lords
Type: | Demon/Flying
Monster: | Hagen
Level: | 1
HP: | 33
MP: | 673
Gil: | 72
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Human
Monster: | Hecteyes
Level: | 51
HP: | 9567
MP: | 2033
Gil: | 2049
EXP: | 17,096
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Vaccine, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Demon/Undead
Monster: | Hedgehog Pie
Level: | 7
HP: | 295
MP: | 281
Gil: | 187
EXP: | 119
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down
Type: | NA
Monster: | Hilgigars
Level: | 28
HP: | 8106
MP: | 908
Gil: | 2136
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Phoenix Down, Mythril Fork, Fairy Flute
Type: | Human
Monster: | Hornet
Level: | 7
HP: | 293
MP: | 281
Gil: | 194
EXP: | 89
Steal: | Potion
Type: | Bug/Flying

------- [ I ] -------

Monster: | Ironite
Level: | 11
HP: | 889
MP: | 374
Gil: | 269
EXP: | 577
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Soft
Type: | Dragon/Flying
Monster: | Iron Man
Level: | 68
HP: | 21,217
MP: | 3091
Gil: | 2796
EXP: | 42,996
Steal: | Phoenix down
Type: | Human/Demon

------- [ J ] -------

Monster: | Jaberwock
Level: | 30
HP: | 3442
MP: | 1019
Gil: | 1156
EXP: | 4675
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion
Type: | NA
Monster: | Jabberwock
Level: | 31
HP: | 3582
MP: | 1042
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Friendly

------- [ K ] -------

Monster: | King Leo
Level: | 1
HP: | 186
MP: | 373
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Human
Monster: | Kraken
Level: | 72
HP: | 59,496
MP: | 3380
Gil: | 8628
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Genji Helmet, Wizard Rob, Glutton's Robe
Type: | Demon
Monster: | Kraken
Level: | 72
HP: | 23,354
MP: | 3381
Gil: | 4338
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Annoyntment, eye Drops
Type: | Memoria
Monster: | Kraken - Right Tentacle
Level: | 71
HP: | 18,168
MP: | 3338
Gil: | 4362
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Wing Edge
Type: | Demon
Monster: | Kraken - Left Tentacle
Level: | 71
HP: | 18,169
MP: | 3339
Gil: | 4386
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Elixir
Type: | Demon
Monster: | Kuja
Level: | 64
HP: | 42,382
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Ether, Carabini Mail, Light Robe
Type: | Human

------- [ L ] -------

Monster: | Ladybug
Level: | 6
HP: | 244
MP: | 266
Gil: | 193
EXP: | 89
Steal: | Eye Drops, Tent, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Bug/Flying
Monster: | Ladybug
Level: | 6
HP: | 244
MP: | 267
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Bug/Flying/Friendly
Monster: | Lamia
Level: | 10
HP: | 994
MP: | 358
Gil: | 494
EXP: | 204
Steal: | Ore, Phoenix Down
Type: | NA
Monster: | Land Worm
Level: | 29
HP: | 5296
MP: | 997
Gil: | 1316
EXP: | 5151
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion
Type: | Bug
Monster: | Lani
Level: | 19
HP: | 5708
MP: | 4802
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Ether, Gladius, Coral Sword
Type: | Human
Monster: | Lich
Level: | 71
HP: | 58,544
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 8436
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Genji Gloves, Siren's Flute, Black Robe
Type: | Demon
Monster: | Lich
Level: | 68
HP: | 22,218
MP: | 3091
Gil: | 2828
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Ore
Type: | Memoria
Monster: | Lizard Man
Level: | 10
HP: | 589
MP: | 359
Gil: | 218
EXP: | 173
Steal: | Ore, Tent
Type: | NA

------- [ M ] -------

Monster: | Magic Vice
Level: | 7
HP: | 297
MP: | 278
Gil: | 239
EXP: | 213
Steal: | Echo Screen, Ether
Type: | NA
Monster: | Malboro
Level: | 57
HP: | 11,687
MP: | 2334
Gil: | 2572
EXP: | 30,579
Steal: | Ore, Vaccine
Type: | NA
Monster: | Malaris
Level: | 72
HP: | 59,497
MP: | 3381
Gil: | 8532
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Genji Armor, Ultima Sword, Masamune
Type: | Demon
Monster: | Malaris
Level: | 69
HP: | 22,535
MP: | 3127
Gil: | 2860
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Phoenix Down
Type: | Memoria
Monster: | Manddragora
Level: | 9
HP: | 662
MP: | 344
Gil: | 595
EXP: | 307
Steal: | Echo Screen, Tent, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | NA
Monster: | Masked Man
Level: | 1
HP: | 188
MP: | 223
Gil: | 805
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Potion, Wrist, Mage Masher
Type: | Human
Monster: | Meltigemini
Level: | 42
HP: | 24,348
MP: | 1570
Gil: | 6428
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Vaccine, Golden Hairpin, Demon's Vest
Type: | Demon
Monster: | Mimic
Level: | 8
HP: | 346
MP: | 295
Gil: | 777
EXP: | 320
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Antidote
Type: | NA
Monster: | Mistodon
Level: | 19
HP: | 1473
MP: | 602
Gil: | 747
EXP: | 2548
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion
Type: | Undead
Monster: | Mover
Level: | 52
HP: | 7532
MP: | 2064
Gil: | 2300
EXP: | 23,801
Steal: | Opal, Vaccine, Tent
Type: | Flying
Monster: | Mu(Evil Forest)
Level: | 2
HP: | 77
MP: | 183
Gil: | 104
EXP: | 34
Steal: | Potion
Type: | NA
Monster: | Mu(Hunt)
Level: | 5
HP: | 201
MP: | 253
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | NA
Monster: | Mu
Level: | 2
HP: | 78
MP: | 186
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Friendly
Monster: | Myconid
Level: | 20
HP: | 1372
MP: | 584
Gil: | 726
EXP: | 1368
Steal: | Eye Drops, Tent
Type: | Flying

------- [ N ] -------

Monster: | Necron
Level: | 69
HP: | 54,100
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Elixir
Type: | Flying
Monster: | Nova Dragon
Level: | 67
HP: | 54,940
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 9506
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Remedy, Dragon Wrist, Grand Armor
Type: | Dragon/Flying
Monster: | Nymph
Level: | 9
HP: | 458
MP: | 345
Gil: | 303
EXP: | 329
Steal: | Echo Screen, Ore, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down
Type: | NA
Monster: | Nymph
Level: | 9
HP: | 463
MP: | 344
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Friendly

------- [ O ] -------

Monster: | Ochu
Level: | 16
HP: | 3568
MP: | 622
Gil: | 845
EXP: | 2093
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion, Ether
Type: | NA
Monster: | Ogre
Level: | 32
HP: | 3727
MP: | 1067
Gil: | 1204
EXP: | 5507
Steal: | Annoyntment, Phoenix Pinion, Ether
Type: | NA
Monster: | Ozma
Level: | 99
HP: | 55,535
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 18,312
EXP: | 65,535
Steal: | Elixir, Robe of Lords, Dark Matter, Pumice Piece
Type: | Flying

------- [ P ] -------

Monster: | Plant Brain
Level: | 7
HP: | 916
MP: | 1431
Gil: | 468
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Eye Drops, Iron Helm
Type: | NA
Monster: | Plant Spider
Level: | 1
HP: | 33
MP: | 173
Gil: | 91
EXP: | 22
Steal: | Potion, Ore, Hi-Potion
Type: | Bug
Monster: | Prison Cage
Level: | 2
HP: | 533
MP: | 1186
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Broad Sword, Leather Wrist
Type: | NA
Monster: | Python
Level: | 2
HP: | 75
MP: | 184
Gil: | 106
EXP: | 40
Steal: | Potion, Ore, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | NA

------- [ Q ] -------

Monster: | Quale
Level: | 76
HP: | 65,535
MP: | 3680
Gil: | 10,800
EXP: | 65,535
Steal: | Elixir, Ninja Gear, Glutton's Robe, Robe of Lords
Type: | Human

------- [ R ] -------

Monster: | Ragtime Mouse
Level: | 31
HP: | 3584
MP: | 1045
Gil: | 59,630
EXP: | 22,52
Steal: | NA
Type: | NA
Monster: | Ralvuimago
Level: | 18
HP: | 3352
MP: | 584
Gil: | 1404
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Phoenix Down, Adamn Vest, Oak Staff
Type: | NA
Monster: | Ralvurahva
Level: | 13
HP: | 2296
MP: | 3649
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Bone Wrist, Mythril Fork
Type: | Dragon
Monster: | Red Dragon
Level: | 36
HP: | 8000
MP: | 1242
Gil: | 5156
EXP: | 22,377
Steal: | Tent, Ether, Elixir
Type: | Dragon/Flying
Monster: | Ring Leader
Level: | 51
HP: | 9569
MP: | 2030
Gil: | 1868
EXP: | 18,816
Steal: | Echo Screen, Vaccine
Type: | Demon/Flying

------- [ S ] -------

Monster: | Sahagin
Level: | 18
HP: | 1375
MP: | 585
Gil: | 684
EXP: | 1368
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: | NA
Monster: | Sand Golem
Level: | 11
HP: | 342
MP: | 376
Gil: | 589
EXP: | 677
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Eye Drops
Type: | NA
Monster: | Sand Golem(Core)
Level: | 11
HP: | 1091
MP: | 377
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion
Type: | NA
Monster: | Sand Scorpion
Level: | 10
HP: | 526
MP: | 360
Gil: | 315
EXP: | 400
Steal: | Ore, Antidote, Ether
Type: | NA
Monster: | Scarlet Hair
Level: | 22
HP: | 8985
MP: | 5865
Gil: | 4790
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Ether, Poison Knuckles
Type: | Human
Monster: | Sealion
Level: | 3
HP: | 472
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 205
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Ether, Mythril Daggar
Type: | Flying
Monster: | Seeker Bat
Level: | 12
HP: | 594
MP: | 377
Gil: | 366
EXP: | 449
Steal: | Eye Drops, Tent
Type: | Flying
Monster: | Serpion
Level: | 8
HP: | 397
MP: | 295
Gil: | 184
EXP: | 139
Steal: | Antidote
Type: | Dragon
Monster: | Shell Dragon
Level: | 58
HP: | 12,661
MP: | 2482
Gil: | 2588
EXP: | 32,073
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Vaccine, Tent, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Dragon
Monster: | Shell Dragon(Pandemonium)
Level: | 54
HP: | 10,921
MP: | 9335
Gil: | 2332
EXP: | 26,376
Steal: | Phoenix Down, Elixir
Type: | Dragon
Monster: | Silver Dragon
Level: | 58
HP: | 24,055
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 5240
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Elixir, Dragon Mail, Kaiser Knuckles
Type: | Dragon/Flying
Monster: | Skeleton
Level: | 8
HP: | 400
MP: | 293
Gil: | 209
EXP: | 104
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: | Undead
Monster: | Soldier(Cleyra)
Level: | 10
HP: | 523
MP: | 358
Gil: | 311
EXP: | 400
Steal: | Potion, Phoneix Down, Echo Screen, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Human
Monster: | Soldier(Alexandria Castle)
Level: | 9
HP: | 459
MP: | 342
Gil: | 292
EXP: | 357
Steal: | Potion, Phoenix Down, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Human
Monster: | Soulcage
Level: | 26
HP: | 9765
MP: | 862
Gil: | 3800
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Oak Staff, Magician Cloak, Brigandine
Type: | Undead
Monster: | Steiner(1st battle)
Level: | 1
HP: | 169
MP: | 523
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Leather Hat, Silk Shirt
Type: | Human
Monster: | Steiner(2nd battle)
Level: | 1
HP: | 167
MP: | 620
Gil: | 355
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Human
Monster: | Steiner(3rd battle)
Level: | 1
HP: | 162
MP: | 770
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Human
Monster: | Stilva
Level: | 67
HP: | 21,906
MP: | 3053
Gil: | 2780
EXP: | 42,785
Steal: | Ether
Type: | Demon
Monster: | Stroper
Level: | 21
HP: | 1840
MP: | 697
Gil: | 915
EXP: | 2346
Steal: | Soft, Peridot, Phoenix Down, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Stone

------- [ T ] -------

Monster: | Taharka
Level: | 46
HP: | 29,186
MP: | 1776
Gil: | 8092
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Elixir, Myhtril Claws, Orichalcon
Type: | Flying
Monster: | Tantarian
Level: | 41
HP: | 21,997
MP: | 1456
Gil: | 4472
EXP: | 12,585
Steal: | Ether, Elixir, Silver Fork, Demon's Mail
Type: | Demon
Monster: | Thorn
Level: | 16
HP: | 2984
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Mythril Armor, Mythril Armlet
Type: | Human
Monster: | Tiamat
Level: | 72
HP: | 59,494
MP: | 3381
Gil: | 8820
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Blood Sword, Feather Boots, Grand Helmet
Type: | Dragon
Monster: | Tiamat(Memoria)
Level: | 71
HP: | 24,127
MP: | 3338
Gil: | 2956
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Ether, Wing Edge
Type: | Dragon
Monster: | Tonberry
Level: | 46
HP: | 7886
MP: | 1779
Gil: | 1513
EXP: | 13,297
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down, Phoenix Pinion, Ether
Type: | NA
Monster: | Torama
Level: | 30
HP: | 3292
MP: | 1018
Gil: | 1118
EXP: | 5675
Steal: | Antidote, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Beast/Demon
Monster: | Trance Kuja
Level: | 76
HP: | 55,535
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Ether, White Robe, Rebirth Ring
Type: | Human/Flying
Monster: | Trick Sparrow
Level: | 5
HP: | 191
MP: | 250
Gil: | 198
EXP: | 65
Steal: | Ore
Type: | Flying
Monster: | Troll
Level: | 20
HP: | 1469
MP: | 623
Gil: | 854
EXP: | 2093
Steal: | Ore, Tent
Type: | NA
Monster: | True
Level: | 11
HP: | 589
MP: | 377
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Flying
Monster: | Type A
Level: | 8
HP: | 398
MP: | 293
Gil: | 199
EXP: | 115
Steal: | Phoenix Down, Tent
Type: | Human
Monster: | Type B
Level: | 10
HP: | 526
MP: | 361
Gil: | 321
EXP: | 373
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: | Human
Monster: | Type C
Level: | 13
HP: | 623
MP: | 447
Gil: | 336
EXP: | 629
Steal: | Potion, Tent
Type: | Human

------- [ V ] -------

Monster: | Vulia Pira
Level: | 36
HP: | 12,119
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 4089
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Flying
Monster: | Verpal(Green)
Level: | 34
HP: | 4363
MP: | 1188
Gil: | 1270
EXP: | 6434
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down, Ether
Type: | Flying
Monster: | Verpal(Red)
Level: | 35
HP: | 4022
MP: | 1214
Gil: | 1326
EXP: | 6933
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion, Ether
Type: | Flying
Monster: | Veteran
Level: | 44
HP: | 6972
MP: | 1627
Gil: | 1971
EXP: | 15,181
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Ether, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Demon/Flying
Monster: | Vice
Level: | 4
HP: | 129
MP: | 209
Gil: | 128
EXP: | 48
Steal: | Echo Screen, Potion
Type: | NA

------- [ W ] -------

Monster: | Weimar
Level: | 1
HP: | 38
MP: | 721
Gil: | 73
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Human
Monster: | Whale Zombie
Level: | 32
HP: | 3730
MP: | 1066
Gil: | 1528
EXP: | 6609
Steal: | Antidote, Magic Tag
Type: | Undead/Flying
Monster: | Worm Hydra
Level: | 37
HP: | 4846
MP: | 1268
Gil: | 1345
EXP: | 8010
Steal: | Hi-Potion, Antidote
Type: | Dragon
Monster: | Wraith(Blue)
Level: | 36
HP: | 4686
MP: | 1239
Gil: | 1654
EXP: | 8950
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion
Type: | Undead/Flying
Monster: | Wraith(Red)
Level: | 37
HP: | 4686
MP: | 1268
Gil: | 1345
EXP: | 8010
Steal: | Topaz, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Flying/Undead
Monster: | Wyerd
Level: | 2
HP: | 129
MP: | 183
Gil: | 116
EXP: | 45
Steal: | Potion, Tent, Phoenix Down
Type: | Beast

------- [ Y ] -------

Monster: | Yan
Level: | 72
HP: | 19,465
MP: | 3378
Gil: | 2218
EXP: | 42,673
Steal: | Ore, Elixir
Type: | NA
Monster: | Yan
Level: | 61
HP: | 13,486
MP: | 2588
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Friendly
Monster: | Yeti
Level: | 9
HP: | 463
MP: | 342
Gil: | 221
EXP: | 133
Steal: | Eye Drops, Ore, Hi-Potion
Type: | Flying
Monster: | Yeti
Level: | 6
HP: | 246
MP: | 265
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Flying/Friendly

------- [ Z ] -------

Monster: | Zaghnol(Hunt)
Level: | 9
HP: | 1574
MP: | 2342
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Mythril gloves, Needle Fork
Type: | Beast
Monster: | Zaghnol(Pinnacle Rocks)
Level: | 16
HP: | 1189
MP: | 499
Gil: | 546
EXP: | 1261
Steal: | Ore, Tent, Ether
Type: | Beast
Monster: | Zemzelett
Level: | 20
HP: | 1571
MP: | 625
Gil: | 889
EXP: | 2093
Steal: | Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether
Type: | Flying
Monster: | Zenero
Level: | 1
HP: | 32
MP: | 149
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | NA
Type: | Human
Monster: | Zombie
Level: | 19
HP: | 973
MP: | 603
Gil: | 708
EXP: | 1445
Steal: | Magic Tab, Tent, Ether
Type: | Undead
Monster: | Zorn
Level: | 16
HP: | 4896
MP: | 9999
Gil: | 0
EXP: | 0
Steal: | Partisan, Stardust Rod
Type: | Human
Monster: | Zuu
Level: | 8
HP: | 1149
MP: | 293
Gil: | 384
EXP: | 320
Steal: | Potion, Ore, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Pinion
Type: | Flying

--------------- [ Monster Stat Listing 2 ] ---------------

------- [ A ] -------

Monster: | Abadon
Strong Against: | Earth
Weak Against: | Wind
Monster: | Abomination
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Adamantoise
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Agares
Strong Against: | Shadow
Weak Against: | Holy, Fire
Monster: | Amdusias
Strong Against: | Earth, Shadow
Weak Against: | Wind, Fire, Holy
Monster: | Anemone
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Antlion
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Armodullahan
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Armstrong
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Ark
Strong Against: | Earth
Weak Against: | Shadow
Monster: | Ash
Strong Against: | Shadow
Weak Against: | Fire, Holy
Monster: | Axe Beak
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Axolotl
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Baku
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | Fire
Monster: | Bandersnatch
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Basilisk
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Beatrix(1-3)
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Behemoth
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Benero
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Black Waltz No.1
Strong Against: | Ice
Weak Against: | Fire
Monster: | Black Waltz No.2
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Black Waltz No.3(Cargo Ship)
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | Thunder
Monster: | Black Waltz No.3(South Gate)
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Blazer Bettle
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Bomb
Strong Against: | Wind, Fire
Weak Against: | Ice
Monster: | Cactaur
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Carrion Worm
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Carve Spider
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Catoblepas
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Cave Imp
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Cerberus
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Chimera
Strong Against: | Shadow
Weak Against: | Holy, Fire
Monster: | Clipper
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Crawler
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Deathguise
Strong Against: | Shadow
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Dendrobium
Strong Against: | Earth
Weak Against: | Wind
Monster: | Dracozombie
Strong Against: | Shadow
Weak Against: | Fire, Holy
Monster: | Drakan
Strong Against: | Shadow, Earth
Weak Against: | Fire, Holy, Wind
Monster: | Dragonfly
Strong Against: | Earth
Weak Against: | Wind
Monster: | Earth Guardian
Strong Against: | Shadow
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Epitaph
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | False
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Fang
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Feather Circle(both versions)
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | Wind
Monster: | Flan
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Garland
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Garuda(both versions)
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | Wind
Monster: | Ghost
Strong Against: | Shadow, Earth
Weak Against: | Fire, Holy
Monster: | Gigan Octopus
Strong Against: | Water, Earth
Weak Against: | Wind
Monster: | Gigan Toad
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Gimme Cat
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Gizamaluke
Strong Against: | Earth
Weak Against: | Wind
Monster: | Gnoll
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Goblin
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Goblin Mage
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | Fire
Monster: | Grand Dragon
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Grenade
Strong Against: | Earth
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Griffin
Strong Against: | Earth
Weak Against: | Wind
Monster: | Grimlock(both versions)
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Hades
Strong Against: | Shadow, Earth
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Haagen
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Hecteyes
Strong Against: | Shadow
Weak Against: | Holy
Monster: | Hedgehog Pie
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Hilgigars
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Hornet
Strong Against: | Earth
Weak Against: | Wind
Monster: | Ironite
Strong Against: | Earth
Weak Against: | Wind
Monster: | Iron Man
Strong Against: | Shadow
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Jabberwock(both versions)
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | King Leo
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Kraken
Strong Against: | Shadow, Water
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Kraken(left arm)
Strong Against: | Shadow, Water
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Kraken(right arm)
Strong Against: | Shadow, Water
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Kuja
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Ladybug(both versions)
Strong Against: | Earth
Weak Against: | Wind
Monster: | Lamia
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Land Worm
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | Water
Monster: | Lani
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Lich
Strong Against: | Shadow
Weak Against: | Fire
Monster: | Lich(Memoria)
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Maliris
Strong Against: | Shadow
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Maliris(Memoria)
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Mandragora
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Masked Man
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | Fire
Monster: | Meltigemini
Strong Against: | Shadow
Weak Against: | Fire
Monster: | Mimic
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Mistodon
Strong Against: | Shadow
Weak Against: | Fire, Holy
Monster: | Mover
Strong Against: | Earth
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | My(both versions)
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Myconid
Strong Against: | Earth
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Necron
Strong Against: | Earth
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Nova Dragon
Strong Against: | Earth
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Nymph(both versions)
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Ochu
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Ogre
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Ozma
Strong Against: | Earth
Weak Against: | Wind, Holy
Monster: | Plant Brain
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | Fire
Monster: | Plant Spider
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | Fire
Monster: | Prison Cage
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | Fire
Monster: | Python
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Quale
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Ragtime Mouse
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Rakvuimago
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Ralvurahva
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Red Dragon
Strong Against: | Earth
Weak Against: | Wind
Monster: | Ring Leader
Strong Against: | Shadow, Earth
Weak Against: | Fire, Holy, Wind
Monster: | Sahagin
Strong Against: | Water
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Sand Golem
Strong Against: | Physical attacks
Weak Against: | Ice, Water
Monster: | Sand Golem(Core)
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Sand Scorpion
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Scarlet Hair
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Sealion
Strong Against: | Ice
Weak Against: | Fire
Monster: | Seeker Bat
Strong Against: | Earth
Weak Against: | Wind
Monster: | Serpion
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Shell Dragon(both versions)
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Silver Dragon
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Skeleton
Strong Against: | Shadow
Weak Against: | Fire, Holy
Monster: | Soldier(both versions)
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Soulcage
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Steiner(all three versions)
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Stilva
Strong Against: | Shadow
Weak Against: | Fire, Holy
Monster: | Stroper
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | MA
Monster: | Taharka
Strong Against: | Earth
Weak Against: | Wind
Monster: | Tantarian
Strong Against: | Shadow
Weak Against: | Fire, Holy
Monster: | Thorn
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Tiamat
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | Earth
Monster: | Tiamat(memoria)
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Tonberry
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Torama
Strong Against: | Shadow
Weak Against: | Fire, Holy
Monster: | Trance Kuja
Strong Against: | Earth
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Trick Sparrow
Strong Against: | Earth
Weak Against: | Wind
Monster: | Troll
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | True
Strong Against: | Earth
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Type A
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Type B
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Type C
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Valia Pira
Strong Against: | Earth
Weak Against: | Wind
Monster: | Vepal(both versions)
Strong Against: | Earth
Weak Against: | Wind
Monster: | Veteran
Strong Against: | Shadow, Earth
Weak Against: | Holy, Fire, Wind
Monster: | Vice
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Weimar
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Whale Zombie
Strong Against: | Shadow, Earth
Weak Against: | holy, Wind, Fire
Monster: | Worm Hydra
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Wraith(both versions)
Strong Against: | Shadow, Earth
Weak Against: | Holy, Fire, Wind
Monster: | Wyerd
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Yan(both versions)
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Yeti(both versions)
Strong Against: | Earth
Weak Against: | Wind
Monster: | Zaghol
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Zemzelett
Strong Against: | Earth
Weak Against: | Wind
Monster: | Zenero
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Zombie
Strong Against: | Shadow
Weak Against: | Fire, Holy
Monster: | Zorn
Strong Against: | NA
Weak Against: | NA
Monster: | Zuu
Strong Against: | Earth
Weak Against: | Wind

---------------------------- [ Weapons Listing ] ----------------------------

------- [ Theif Swords - Zidane ] -------

Weapon: | Angel Bless
Buy: | 9000
Sell: | 3500
Attack Pwr. | 44
Comments: | Weapon with an angel's spirit dwelling inside.
Status Eff. | Confuse
Abilities: | Thievery(100)A
Weapon: | Butterfly Sword
Buy: | 300
Sell: | 850
Attack Pwr. | 21
Comments: | Standard theif's sword.
Status Eff. | Silence
Abilities: | What's That?(30A), Protect girls(35)S
Weapon: | Daggar
Buy: | 320
Sell: | 160
Attack Pwr. | 12
Comments: | Weapon used by thieves.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Flee(40A)
Weapon: | Exploda
Buy: | 1000
Sell: | 1400
Attack Pwr. | 31
Comments: | Sword made my processing trouble knife.
Status Eff. | Trouble
Abilities: | Sacrifice(55)A, Lucky Seven(85)A
Weapon: | Gladius
Buy: | 2300
Sell: | 1105
Attack Pwr. | 30
Comments: | Light daggar that is easy to handle.
Status Eff. | Slow
Abilities: | Annoy(50)A, Lucky Seven(85)A
Weapon: | Mage Master
Buy: | 500
Sell: | 250
Attack Pwr. | 14
Comments: | Weapon originally used for combating mages.
Status Eff. | Silence
Abilities: | Flee(40A), Detect(40A)
Weapon: | Masamune
Buy: | 16000
Sell: | 6500
Attack Pwr. | 62
Comments: | Sword from a foreign land.
Status Eff. | Doom
Abilities: | Sacrifce(55)A
Weapon: | Mythril Daggar
Buy: | 950
Sell: | 475
Attack Pwr. | 18
Comments: | Theif's Daggar made of mythril.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Bandit(40)S
Weapon: | Orichalcon
Buy: | 17000
Sell: | 8500
Attack Pwr. | 71
Comments: | The most powerful theif's daggar.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Detect(40)A
Weapon: | Rune Tooth
Buy: | 2000
Sell: | 1900
Attack Pwr. | 37
Comments: | Also known as 'The Vier.'
Status Eff. | Poison
Abilities: | Lucky Seven(85)A
Weapon: | Sargatanas
Buy: | 12000
Sell: | 4750
Attack Pwr. | 53
Comments: | Sword made by processing 'Epitaph's Fragment.'
Status Eff. | Petrify
Abilities: | Annoy(50)A
Weapon: | The Ogre
Buy: | 700
Sell: | 650
Attack Pwr. | 24
Comments: | Standard theif's sword.
Status Eff. | Darkness
Abilities: | Soul Blade(35)A
Weapon: | The Tower
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 15000
Attack Pwr. | 86
Comments: | Weapon that defines a great theif.
Status Eff. | Mini
Abilities: | Lucky Seven(85)A, Thievery(100)A
Weapon: | Ultima Weapon
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 20000
Attack Pwr. | 100
Comments: | Considered the most powerful weapon in the world.
Status Eff. | Sleep
Abilities: | Flee(40)A
Weapon: | Zorlin Shape
Buy: | 6000
Sell: | 3000
Attack Pwr. | 42
Comments: | Popular weapon among theives.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Flee(40)A

------- [ Rods - Daggar ] ------

Weapon: | Asura's Rod
Buy: | 3180
Sell: | 1590
Attack Pwr. | 27
Comments: | Holy Rod
Status Eff. | Holy
Abilities: | Mini(40)A, Confuse(34)A, Silence(30)A
Weapon: | Healing Rod
Buy: | 1770
Sell: | 885
Attack Pwr. | 23
Comments: | Weapon that can restore target's HP.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Healer(30)S, Cura(50)A, Life(30)A
Weapon: | Mythril Rod
Buy: | 760
Sell: | 280
Attack Pwr. | 14
Comments: | Rod made of Mythril.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Life(30)A, silence(30)A, Shell(35)A
Weapon: | Rod
Buy: | 260
Sell: | 130
Attack Pwr. | 11
Comments: | Combat Rod.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Cure(55)A, Pancea(15)A, Protect(30)A
Weapon: | Stardust Rod
Buy: | 760
Sell: | 380
Attack Pwr. | 16
Comments: | Rod adorned with beautiful stars.
Status Eff. | Shadow damage reduced by 50%.
Abilities: | Ability Up(60)S, Reflect(20)A, Float(20)A
Weapon: | Whale Whisker
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 5140
Attack Pwr. | 36
Comments: | Legendary Weapon that holds powerful magic.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Curaga(155)A, Life(30)A, Break(25)A
Weapon: | Wizard's Rod
Buy: | 4000
Sell: | 1995
Attack Pwr. | 31
Comments: | Rod used by mages.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Curaga(155)A, Protect(30)A, Shell(35)A

------- [ Rackets - Daggar, Eiko ] -------

Weapon: | Air Racket
Buy: | 400
Sell: | 200
Attack Pwr. | 13
Comments: | Long-range combat racket.
Status Eff. | Wind
Abilities: | Scan(25)A, Pancea(15)A
Weapon: | Magic Racket
Buy: | 1350
Sell: | 675
Attack Pwr. | 23
Comments: | Long-range weapon that holds magic powers.
Status Eff. | Wind, raises Holy Elemental Attack
Abilities: | Berserk(30)A, Mini(40)A, cure(30)A
Weapon: | Multina Racket
Buy: | 750
Sell: | 375
Attack Pwr. | 17
Comments: | Long-range weapon that holds mysterious powers.
Status Eff. | Wind
Abilities: | Blind(40)A, Stona(25)A, Shell(35)A
Weapon: | Mythril Racket
Buy: | 2250
Sell: | 1125
Attack Pwr. | 27
Comments: | Long-range weapon made of mythril.
Status Eff. | Wind
Abilities: | Reflect(20)A, Shell(35)A, Protect(30)A
Weapon: | Priest's Racket
Buy: | 11000
Sell: | 4000
Attack Pwr. | 35
Comments: | Long-range holy racket.
Status Eff. | Wind
Abilities: | Silence(30)A, Might(25)A
Weapon: | Tiger Racket
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 2900
Attack Pwr. | 45
Comments: | The most powerful long-range racket.
Status Eff. | Wind
Abilities: | Dispel(25)A

------- [ Flutes - Eiko ] -------

Weapon: | Angel Flute
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 4150
Attack Pwr. | 33
Comments: | Legendary flute that is siad to enchant anyone who heats its
| tune.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Holy(110), Esuna(80)A, Curaga(80)A
Weapon: | Fairy Flute
Buy: | 4500
Sell: | 2250
Attack Pwr. | 24
Comments: | Flute with an angel's power dwelling inside.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Esuna(80)A, Haste(30)A, Regen(25)A
Weapon: | Golem's Flute
Buy: | 2700
Sell: | 1350
Attack Pwr. | 17
Comments: | Flute with a golem's power dwelling inside.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Auto-regen(35)A, Cura(40)A, Life(35)A
Weapon: | Hamelin
Buy: | 5700
Sell: | 2850
Attack Pwr. | 27
Comments: | Flute that holds magic powers.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Curaga(80)A, Might(25)A, Jewel(50)A
Weapon: | Lamia's Flute
Buy: | 3800
Sell: | 1900
Attack Pwr. | 21
Comments: | Flute with Lamia's power dwelling inside.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Float(25)A, Stona(25)A, Silence(25)A
Weapon: | Siren's Flute
Buy: | 7000
Sell: | 3500
Attack Pwr. | 30
Comments: | Flute with a siren's power dwelling inside.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Full-Life(90)A, Dispel(25)A, Esuna(80)A

------- [ Swords - Steiner ] -------

Weapon: | Blood Sword
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 950
Attack Pwr. | 24
Comments: | Sword varnished with blood.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Darkside(30)A
Weapon: | Broadsword
Buy: | 330
Sell: | 165
Attack Pwr. | 12
Comments: | Ordinary sword used in combat.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Beast Killer(55)S
Weapon: | Coral Sword
Buy: | 4000
Sell: | 2000
Attack Pwr. | 38
Comments: | Sword made of coral.
Status Eff. | Thunder
Abilities: | Charge!(30)A
Weapon: | Defender
Buy: | 9340
Sell: | 4670
Attack Pwr. | 65
Comments: | Sword possessing a guardian angel.
Status Eff. | Ice/Thunder damage reduced by 50%
Abilities: | Thunder Slash(30)A
Weapon: | Diamond Sword
Buy: | 4700
Sell: | 2350
Attack Pwr. | 42
Comments: | Sword made of diamond.
Status Eff. | None
Abilities: | Power Break(40)A
Weapon: | Excalibur
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 9500
Attack Pwr. | 77
Comments: | Light Sword used by holy knights.
Status Eff. | Holy
Abilities: | Climhazzard(70)A
Weapon: | Excalibur 2
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 19500
Attack Pwr. | 108
Comments: | NA
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Minus Strike(35)A, Climhazzard(70)A, Stock
Weapon: | Flame Sabre
Buy: | 5190
Sell: | 2595
Attack Pwr. | 46
Comments: | Weapon with a fire spirit dwelling inside.
Status Eff. | Heat, Fire Elemental Attack
Abilities: | Magic Break(25)A
Weapon: | Ice Brand
Buy: | 3780
Sell: | 1890
Attack Pwr. | 35
Comments: | Weapon with an ice spirit dwelling inside.
Status Eff. | Freeze, Ice Elemental Attack
Abilities: | Mental Break(45)A
Weapon: | Iron Sword
Buy: | 660
Sell: | 330
Attack Pwr. | 16
Comments: | Sword made of iron.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Minus Strike(35)A
Weapon: | Mythril Sword
Buy: | 1300
Sell: | 650
Attack Pwr. | 20
Comments: | Sword made out of mythril/
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Armor Break(30)A
Weapon: | Ragnarok
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 14500
Attack Pwr. | 87
Comments: | Knight sword bearing divine inscriptions.
Status Eff. | Slow
Abilities: | Shock(60)A, Thunder Slash(30)A
Weapon: | Rune Blade
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 4450
Attack Pwr. | 57
Comments: | Weapon that has Rune inscriptions.
Status Eff. | Darkness
Abilities: | Lai Strike(40)A
Weapon: | Ultima Sword
Buy: | 14000
Sell: | 7000
Attack Pwr. | 74
Comments: | Sword that can only be used by chosen knights.
Status Eff. | Sleep
Abilities: | Stock Break(35)A

------- [ Staves - Vivi ] -------

Weapon: | Cypress Pile
Buy: | 3200
Sell: | 1600
Attack Pwr. | 27
Comments: | Weapon that radiates a mysterious light.
Status Eff. | Confuse
Abilities: | Demi(30)A, Break(30)A, Comet(55)A
Weapon: | Flame Staff
Buy: | 1100
Sell: | 550
Attack Pwr. | 16
Comments: | Staff with a divine fire power dwelling inside.
Status Eff. | Fire
Abilities: | Fire(50)A, Sleep(20)A
Weapon: | High Mage Staff
Buy: | 6000
Sell: | 3000
Attack Pwr. | 32
Comments: | Staff that holds powerful magic.
Status Eff. | Silence
Abilities: | Meteor(95)A, Osmose(70)A
Weapon: | Ice Staff
Buy: | 980
Sell: | 490
Attack Pwr. | 16
Comments: | Staff with a divine ice power dwelling inside.
Status Eff. | Ice
Abilities: | Blizzara(50)A, Slow(20)A
Weapon: | Lightning Staff
Buy: | 1200
Sell: | 600
Attack Pwr. | 16
Comments: | Staff with a divine thunder power dwelling inside.
Status Eff. | Thunder
Abilities: | Thundara(50)A, Poison(35)A
Weapon: | Mace of Zeus
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 5000
Attack Pwr. | 35
Comments: | Legendary staff that once belonged to a grand magician.
Status Eff. | Mini
Abilities: | Doomsday(150)A
Weapon: | Mage Staff
Buy: | 320
Sell: | 160
Attack Pwr. | 12
Comments: | Staff used by black mages.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Fire(25)A
Weapon: | Oak Staff
Buy: | 2400
Sell: | 1200
Attack Pwr. | 23
Comments: | Staff made from a legendary tree.
Status Eff. | Slow
Abilities: | Stop(25)A, Bio(40)A, Drain(60)A
Weapon: | Octagon Rod
Buy: | 4500
Sell: | 2250
Attack Pwr. | 29
Comments: | Staff with water god dwelling inside.
Status Eff. | Absorbs water/Wind Elemental Attack, Trouble, raises Elemental
| Water attack.
Abilities: | Firaga(75)A, Blizzaga(85)A, Thundaga(80)A

------- [ Polearms - Freya ] -------

Weapon: | Dragon's Hair
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 11750
Attack Pwr. | 77
Comments: | Legendary spear made from dragon king's hair.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Dragon Breath(205)A
Weapon: | Heavy Lance
Buy: | 4700
Sell: | 2350
Attack Pwr. | 42
Comments: | Heavy Weapon that can deal massive damage.
Status Eff. | Stop
Abilities: | Six Dragons(25)A
Weapon: | Holy Lance
Buy: | 11000
Sell: | 5500
Attack Pwr. | 62
Comments: | Holy Spear
Status Eff. | Holy Elemental Attack
Abilities: | Dragon's Crest(45)A, Rei's Wind(40)A
Weapon: | Ice Lance
Buy: | 2430
Sell: | 1215
Attack Pwr. | 31
Comments: | Spear made of ice.
Status Eff. | Ice Elemental Attack, Freeze
Abilities: | White Deaw(90)A
Weapon: | Javelin
Buy: | 880
Sell: | 440
Attack Pwr. | 18
Comments: | Spear used by dragon knights.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Dragon Killer(70)S
Weapon: | Kain's Lance
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 7500
Attack Pwr. | 71
Comments: | Spear from the distant past.
Status Eff. | Confuse
Abilities: | Dragon's Crest(45)A, Cherry Blossom(40)A, White Draw(90)A
Weapon: | Mythril Spear
Buy: | 1100
Sell: | 550
Attack Pwr. | 20
Comments: | Spear made of mythril/
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Rei's Wind(40)A
Weapon: | Obelisk
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 3000
Attack Pwr. | 52
Comments: | Spear made from magic stone.
Status Eff. | Petrify
Abilities: | Cherry Blossom(40)A, Initiative(95)S
Weapon: | Partisan
Buy: | 1600
Sell: | 800
Attack Pwr. | 25
Comments: | Spear adorned with brilliant gems.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Lancer(20)A, High Tide(20)S
Weapon: | Trident
Buy: | 3580
Sell: | 1790
Attack Pwr. | 37
Comments: | Also known as the 'Spear of Enchantment.'
Status Eff. | Darkness
Abilities: | Luna(30)A

------- [ Forks ] -------

Weapon: | Bistro Fork
Buy: | 10300
Sell: | 5150
Attack Pwr. | 68
Comments: | Popular fork among gourmands.
Status Eff. | Sleep
Abilities: | High Tide(250)S
Weapon: | Fork
Buy: | 1100
Sell: | 550
Attack Pwr. | 21
Comments: | Combat fork used by the Qu Clan.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | High Tide(250)S
Weapon: | Gastro Fork
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 6650
Attack Pwr. | 77
Comments: | Legendary fork known for its ability to crush anything.
Status Eff. | Stop
Abilities: | High Tide(250)S
Weapon: | Mythril Fork
Buy: | 4700
Sell: | 2350
Attack Pwr. | 42
Comments: | Fork made of mythril.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | High Tide(205)S
Weapon: | Needle Fork
Buy: | 3100
Sell: | 1550
Attack Pwr. | 34
Comments: | Mysterious fork that causes the opposite effect of 'soft.'
Status Eff. | Petrify
Abilities: | High Tide(250)S
Weapon: | Silver Fork
Buy: | 7400
Sell: | 3700
Attack Pwr. | 53
Comments: | Fork made of silver.
Status Eff. | Slow
Abilities: | High tide(250)S

------- [ Fist Weapons - Amarant ] -------

Weapon: | Avenger
Buy: | 16000
Sell: | 8000
Attack Pwr. | 70
Comments: | Powerful claws that can kill opponents with one hit.
Status Eff. | Death Blow
Abilities: | Demi Shock(50)A, Counter(240)S
Weapon: | Cat's Claws
Buy: | 4000
Sell: | 2000
Attack Pwr. | 23
Comments: | Ordinary claws used for combat.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Chakra(30)A, Counter(240)S
Weapon: | Dragon's Claws
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 5180
Attack Pwr. | 53
Comments: | Weapon made from a dragon's claw.
Status Eff. | Water
Abilities: | No Mercy(25)A, Counter(240)S
Weapon: | Duel Claws
Buy: | 16000
Sell: | 9000
Attack Pwr. | 75
Comments: | Weapon once used by a legendary hero.
Status Eff. | Berserk
Abilities: | Aura(25)A, No Mercy(25)A, Counter(240)S
Weapon: | Kaiser Knuckles
Buy: | 18000
Sell: | 9000
Attack Pwr. | 75
Comments: | Claws with a wind spirit dwelling inside.
Status Eff. | Wind elemental attack, Trouble
Abilities: | Countdown(40)A, Cuse(20)A, Counter(240)S
Weapon: | Mythril Claws
Buy: | 6500
Sell: | 3250
Attack Pwr. | 39
Comments: | Claws made of mythril.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Curse(20)A, Counter(240)S
Weapon: | Poison Knuckles
Buy: | 5000
Sell: | 2500
Attack Pwr. | 33
Comments: | Combat knuckles.
Status Eff. | Poison
Abilities: | Spare Change(90)A, Counter(240)S
Weapon: | Rune Claws
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 14400
Attack Pwr. | 83
Comments: | Legendar combat claws that use the power of darkness to
| unleash a destructive force beyond imagination.
Status Eff. | Darkness
Abilities: | Spare Change(90)A, Demi Shock(50)A, Revive(35)A
Weapon: | Scissor Fangs
Buy: | 8000
Sell: | 4000
Attack Pwr. | 45
Comments: | Weapon with deadly venom on the tip.
Status Eff. | Venom
Abilities: | Aura(25)A, Counter(240)S
Weapon: | Tiger Fangs
Buy: | 13500
Sell: | 6750
Attack Pwr. | 62
Comments: | Long, sharp claws.
Status Eff. | NA
Abilities: | Revive(35)A, Counter(240)S

------------------------- [ Defense Items Listing ] -------------------------

------- [ Helmets ] -------

Defense Item: | Adamant Hat
Buy: | 6100
Sell: | 3050
Magic Defense: | +33
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +3
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Extremely durable hat. Elemental defense: Thunder damage
| reduced by 100%.
Defense Item: | Bandana
Buy: | 500
Sell: | 250
Magic Defense: | +12
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | +2
Speed: | +1
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Mysterious bandana that makes you light-footed.
Defense Item: | Barbut
Buy: | 600
Sell: | 300
Magic Defense: | +9
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Headgear that raises spirit.
Defense Item: | Black Hood
Buy: | 2550
Sell: | 1275
Magic Defense: | +27
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Hood from a foreign land. Elementa defense: Water/Fire/
| Thunder damage reduced by 50%.
Defense Item: | Bronze Helmet
Buy: | 330
Sell: | 165
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Helmet made of bronze. Elemental defense: Water damage
| reduced by 50%.
Defense Item: | Circle
Buy: | 20000
Sell: | 6500
Magic Defense: | +51
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Circlet protected by magic. Elemental defense: Earth damage
| reduced by 100%.
Defense Item: | Coronet
Buy: | 4400
Sell: | 2200
Magic Defense: | +35
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +1
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Coronet that radiates a mysterious light. Elemental
| Defense: Wind damaged reduced by 100%.
Defense Item: | Cross Helmet
Buy: | 2200
Sell: | 1100
Magic Defense: | +16
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | +1
Comment: | Helmet that raises strength.
Defense Item: | Dark Hat
Buy: | 1800
Sell: | 900
Magic Defense: | +21
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Old hat, steeped in legend. Elemental Defense: Ice damage
| reduced by 100%.
Defense Item: | Diamond
Buy: | 3000
Sell: | 1500
Magic Defense: | +20
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Helmet made of diamond.
Defense Item: | Feather Hat
Buy: | 200
Sell: | 100
Magic Defense: | +7
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Hat that raises Spirit. Raises Wind Elemental Attack.
Defense Item: | Flash Hat
Buy: | 5200
Sell: | 2600
Magic Defense: | +37
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +2
Speed: | +1
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Holy hat. Raises thunder/Holy elemental attack.
Defense Item: | Genji Helmet
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 1
Magic Defense: | +29
Magic: | +2
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +2
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Very famous brand of helmet.
Defense Item: | Golden Hairpin
Buy: | 3700
Sell: | 1850
Magic Defense: | +32
Magic: | +1
Magic Evade: | +2
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Hairpin that holds magic powers. Raises water elemental
| attack.
Defense Item: | Golden Skullcap
Buy: | 15000
Sell: | 6000
Magic Defense: | +47
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +2
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Known for providing great defense. Elemental defense:
| Earth damage reduced by 50%, Raises water elemental attack.
Defense Item: | Gold Helmet
Buy: | 1800
Sell: | 900
Magic Defense: | +13
Magic: | +1
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Helmet made of gold.
Defense Item: | Grand Helmet
Buy: | 20000
Sell: | 7000
Magic Defense: | +33
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | +1
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | The greatest helmet.
Defense Item: | Green Beret
Buy: | 2180
Sell: | 1090
Magic Defense: | +23
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | +1
Defense: | 0
Strength: | +1
Comment: | Improves movement.
Defense Item: | Headgear
Buy: | 330
Sell: | 165
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Wearing it will mkae you popular. Elemental defense:
| Water damage reduced by 50%.
Defense Item: | Holy Miter
Buy: | 8300
Sell: | 4150
Magic Defense: | +39
Magic: | +1
Spirit: | +2
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Holy hat.
Defense Item: | Iron Helmet
Buy: | 450
Sell: | 225
Magic Defense: | +7
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Helmet made of iron.
Defense Item: | Kaiser Helmet
Buy: | 7120
Sell: | 3560
Magic Defense: | +26
Magic: | +1
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | +1
Comment: | Helmet that raises Strength and magic.
Defense Item: | Lamia's Tiara
Buy: | 800
Sell: | 400
Magic Defense: | +17
Magic: | +1
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Tiara worn by Lamia. Elemental Defense: Wind damage
| reduced by 50%.
Defense Item: | Leather Hat
Buy: | 150
Sell: | 75
Magic Defense: | +6
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Not a suitable item to wear in combat.
Defense Item: | Mage's Hat
Buy: | 600
Sell: | 300
Magic Defense: | +14
Magic: | +1
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Hat that holds magic powers. Raises Holy/Shadow Elemental
| Attack.
Defense Item: | Magus Hat
Buy: | 400
Sell: | 200
Magic Defense: | +10
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Hat suited for mages. Raises Ice Elemental Attack.
Defense Item: | Mantra Band
Buy: | 1500
Sell: | 750
Magic Defense: | +19
Magic: | +1
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +1
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Draws on hidden strength.
Defense Item: | Mythril Helmet
Buy: | 1000
Sell: | 500
Magic Defense: | +11
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Helmet made of mythril. Raises holy-elemental attack.
Defense Item: | Platinum Helmet
Buy: | 4600
Sell: | 2300
Magic Defense: | +23
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Helmet made of platinum. Elemental defense: Ice damage
| reduced by 50%.
Defense Item: | Red Hat
Buy: | 3000
Sell: | 1500
Magic Defense: | +33
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +1
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Dark-red hat. Raises fire elemental attack.
Defense Item: | Ritual Hat
Buy: | 1000
Sell: | 500
Magic Defense: | +16
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +1
Strength: | +1
Comment: | Hat worn for ceremonies and festivals in Conde Petie.
Defense Item: | Rubber Helmet
Buy: | 250
Sell: | 125
Magic Defense: | +5
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Helmet worb by soldier trainees. Elemental defense: Thunder
| damage reduced by 50%.
Defense Item: | Steepled Hat
Buy: | 260
Sell: | 130
Magic Defense: | +9
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | +1
Comment: | Hats worn by mages.
Defense Item: | Straw Hat
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 750
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Provides a southern, tropical feel.
Defense Item: | Thief Hat
Buy: | 7100
Sell: | 3550
Magic Defense: | +38
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +3
Speed: | +2
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Hat for theives.
Defense Item: | Twist Headband
Buy: | 1200
Sell: | 600
Magic Defense: | +17
Magic: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | +1
Comment: | Headband that raises Strength. Raises Earth Elemental
| Attack.

------- [ Armors ] -------

Defense Item: | Adaman Vest
Buy: | 1600
Sell: | 800
Magic Defense: | +2
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +14
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Very durable vest. Elemental fire damage reduced by 50%.
Defense Item: | Aloha T-Shirt
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 9500
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Provides a southern, tropical feel.
Defense Item: | Black Robe
Buy: | 8000
Sell: | 14500
Magic Defense: | +4
Magic: | +2
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +43
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Robe made for black mages. Raises Shadow Elemental attack.
Defense Item: | Brave Suit
Buy: | 26000
Sell: | 11250
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +42
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Extremely durable suit. Raises fire elemental attack.
Defense Item: | Brigandine
Buy: | 4300
Sell: | 2150
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +20
Strength: | +1
Comment: | Clothes that raises strength.
Defense Item: | Bronze Armor
Buy: | 650
Sell: | 325
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +9
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Armor made of bronze. Elemental defense: Wind damage
| reduced by 50%.
Defense Item: | Bronze Vest
Buy: | 670
Sell: | 335
Magic Defense: | +1
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +9
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Plate made of bronze.
Defense Item: | Carabini Mail
Buy: | 12300
Sell: | 6150
Magic Defense: | +1
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | 0
Speed: | +1
Defense: | +39
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Armor protected by extraordinary powers.
Defense Item: | Chain Mail
Buy: | 1200
Sell: | 600
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +12
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Armor made with chains. Elemental defense: Earth damage
| reduced by 50%.
Defense Item: | Chain Plate
Buy: | 810
Sell: | 405
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +10
Strength: | +1
Comment: | Plate that provides brimming strength.
Defense Item: | Cotton Robe
Buy: | 1000
Sell: | 2000
Magic Defense: | +2
Magic: | +1
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +10
Strength: | +1
Comment: | Ordinary robe.
Defense Item: | Dark Gear
Buy: | 16300
Sell: | 8150
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | +3
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +37
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Gear that raises spirit.
Defense Item: | Demon's Mail
Buy: | 5900
Sell: | 2950
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +27
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Armor made in the dark world. Absorbs shadow elemental
| attack. Raises shadow elemental attack.
Defense Item: | Demon's Vest
Buy: | 10250
Sell: | 3600
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | +1
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +31
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Supposedly, a vest that belonged to a demon. Elemental
| defense: Reduces shadow damage by 50%.
Defense Item: | Diamond Armor
Buy: | 8800
Sell: | 4400
Magic Defense: | +2
Magic: | +1
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +33
Strength: | +1
Comment: | Armor made of diamond.
Defense Item: | Dragon Mail
Buy: | 14000
Sell: | 7000
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | +1
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +42
Strength: | +1
Comment: | Armor made from a dragon's scales.
Defense Item: | Gaia Gear
Buy: | 8700
Sell: | 4350
Magic Defense: | +2
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +25
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Robe blessed by the earth god. Absorbs Eath elemental
| attack. Raises Earth elemental attack.
Defense Item: | Genji Armor
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 1
Magic Defense: | +1
Magic: | +2
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +45
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Very famous brand of armor.
Defense Item: | Glutton's Robe
Buy: | 6000
Sell: | 8000
Magic Defense: | +4
Magic: | +1
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +41
Strength: | +1
Comment: | Robe worn by Qus.
Defense Item: | Gold Armor
Buy: | 2950
Sell: | 1475
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | +1
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +19
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Armor made of gold.
Defense Item: | Judo Uniform
Buy: | 5000
Sell: | 2500
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +23
Strength: | +1
Comment: | Clothes from a foreign land.
Defense Item: | Leather Shirt
Buy: | 270
Sell: | 135
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +6
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Clothes made of leather.
Defense Item: | Light Robe
Buy: | 20000
Sell: | 20000
Magic Defense: | +6
Magic: | +1
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +41
Strength: | +6
Comment: | 0
Defense Item: | Linen Cuirass
Buy: | 800
Sell: | 400
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | +1
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +10
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Armor packed with magic.
Defense Item: | Magician Cloak
Buy: | 1850
Sell: | 925
Magic Defense: | +2
Magic: | +1
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +15
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Cloak that holds magic powers. Raises Ice Elemental attack.
Defense Item: | Magician Robe
Buy: | 3000
Sell: | 4000
Magic Defense: | +3
Magic: | +2
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +21
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Robe made for mages.
Defense Item: | Minvera's Plate
Buy: | 12200
Sell: | 6100
Magic Defense: | +1
Magic: | +2
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +34
Strength: | +1
Comment: | Plate worn by women.
Defense Item: | Mythril Armor
Buy: | 1830
Sell: | 915
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +15
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Armor made of mythril. Elemental defense: Water damage
| reduced by 50%.
Defense Item: | Mythril Vest
Buy: | 1180
Sell: | 590
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +12
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Vest broided with mythril. Elemental defense: Water damage
| reduced by 50%.
Defense Item: | Ninja Gear
Buy: | 14000
Sell: | 7000
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | +1
Defense: | +35
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Gear that makes you light-footed. Absorbs shadow elemental
| attack.
Defense Item: | Plate Mail
Buy: | 2320
Sell: | 1160
Magic Defense: | +1
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +17
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Armor that raises spirit.
Defense Item: | Platina Armor
Buy: | 10500
Sell: | 5250
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +36
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Armor made of platinum. Elemental defense: Ice damage
| reduced by 100%.
Defense Item: | Power Vest
Buy: | 7200
Sell: | 3600
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +27
Strength: | +2
Comment: | Raises strength.
Defense Item: | Robe of Lords
Buy: | 30000
Sell: | 26000
Magic Defense: | +5
Magic: | +1
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | 0
Speed: | +1
Defense: | +46
Strength: | +1
Comment: | The greatest robe. Elemental defense: Wind damage reduced
| by 100%.
Defense Item: | Rubber Suit
Buy: | 20000
Sell: | 10000
Magic Defense: | +1
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | +3
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +2
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +39
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Suit worn by women. Elemental defense: Thunder damage
| reduced by 100%.
Defense Item: | Shield Armor
Buy: | 4300
Sell: | 2150
Magic Defense: | +5
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +23
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Armor that provides excellent protection. Elemental
| defense: Earth damage reduced by 50%.
Defense Item: | Silk Robe
Buy: | 2000
Sell: | 2900
Magic Defense: | +2
Magic: | +1
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +16
Strength: | +1
Comment: | Robe made of silk.
Defense Item: | Silk Shirt
Buy: | 400
Sell: | 200
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +7
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Silk burns easily. Elemental defense: Thunder damage
| reduced by 50%.
Defense Item: | Survival Vest
Buy: | 2900
Sell: | 1450
Magic Defense: | +17
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | +2
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Vest that raises spirit.
Defense Item: | Tin Armor
Buy: | 50000
Sell: | 10
Magic Defense: | +27
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | +17
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +32
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +62
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Tin armor that looks like a toy.
Defense Item: | White Robe
Buy: | 8000
Sell: | 14500
Magic Defense: | +4
Magic: | +2
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +42
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Robe made for white mages. Raises holy elemental attack.

------- [ Arm Gear ] -------

Defense Item: | Aegis Gloves
Buy: | 7000
Sell: | 3500
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | +10
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +30
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +1
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Gloves worn exclusively by knights. Nulls fire damage.
Defense Item: | Bone Wrist
Buy: | 330
Sell: | 165
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | +9
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +13
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | +1
Comment: | Wristlet made from bones. Raises Earth elemental attack.
Defense Item: | Bracer
Buy: | 24000
Sell: | 4000
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | +18
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +35
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | +1
Comment: | Bracer used my gamblers. Raises wind elemental attack.
Defense Item: | Bronze Gloves
Buy: | 480
Sell: | 240
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | +2
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | +8
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Gloves made of bronze.
Defense Item: | Chimera Armlet
Buy: | 1200
Sell: | 600
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | +14
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +22
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Armlet adorned with Chimera wings. Elemental defense:
| Holy damage reduced by 100%.
Defense Item: | Defense Gloves
Buy: | 6000
Sell: | 3000
Magic Defense: | +1
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | +20
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +25
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +1
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Protects you from various attacks. Elemental defense: Fire/
| Ice/Thunder damage reduced by 50%.
Defense Item: | Diamond Gloves
Buy: | 2000
Sell: | 1000
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | +13
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +19
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Gloves made of diamond. Elemental defense: Water damage
| reduced by 100%.
Defense Item: | Dragon Wrist
Buy: | 4800
Sell: | 2400
Magic Defense: | +1
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | +12
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | 0
Speed: | +28
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Wristlet made from dragon bones. Elemental defense: Reduces
| shadow damage by 50%.
Defense Item: | Egoist's Armlet
Buy: | 2000
Sell: | 1000
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | +20
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +20
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Armlet made in the dark world. Elemental defense: Shadow
| damage reduced by 100%.
Defense Item: | Genji Gloves
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 1
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | +2
Magic Evade: | +17
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +27
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Very famous brand of gloves.
Defense Item: | Glass Armlet
Buy: | 250
Sell: | 125
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | +7
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +10
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Armlet made of glass. Elemental defense: Water damage
| reduced by 50%.
Defense Item: | Guantlets
Buy: | 8000
Sell: | 4400
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | +7
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +27
Speed: | +1
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Gloves worn by swordsmen. Elemental defense: Fire/Earth/
| Water/Wind damage reduced by 50%.
Defense Item: | Jade Armlet
Buy: | 3400
Sell: | 1700
Magic Defense: | +2
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | +27
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Armlet made of jade. Raises holy elemental attack.
Defense Item: | Leather Wrist
Buy: | 200
Sell: | 100
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | +5
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | +7
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Wristlet that raises spirit when equipped.
Defense Item: | Magic Armlet
Buy: | 1000
Sell: | 500
Magic Defense: | +1
Magic: | +2
Magic Evade: | +16
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +16
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Armlet packed with magic.
Defense Item: | Mythril Armlet
Buy: | 500
Sell: | 250
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | +11
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | +17
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Armlet made of mythril.
Defense Item: | Mythril Gloves
Buy: | 980
Sell: | 490
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | +7
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | +13
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Gloves made of mythril.
Defense Item: | N-Kai Armlet
Buy: | 3000
Sell: | 1500
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | +2
Evade: | +27
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +2
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Armlet formerly worn by a ninja.
Defense Item: | Pearl Armlet
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 490
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Provies a southern, tropical feel.
Defense Item: | Power Wrist
Buy: | 5100
Sell: | 2550
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | +10
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +30
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | +2
Comment: | Wristlet guard that raises strength when equipped.
Defense Item: | Silver Gloves
Buy: | 720
Sell: | 360
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | +5
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +10
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Combat gloves. Elemental defense: Ice damage reduced by
| 50%.
Defense Item: | Thief Gloves
Buy: | 50000
Sell: | 25000
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | +13
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +26
Speed: | +1
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Gloves used by thieves.
Defense Item: | Thunder Gloves
Buy: | 1200
Sell: | 600
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | +10
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +16
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Gloves with a thunder god's power dwelling inside.
| Elemental damage reduced by 50%. Raises Thunder element
| attack.
Defense Item: | Venetia Shield
Buy: | 2800
Sell: | 1400
Magic Defense: | +1
Magic: | +1
Magic Evade: | +26
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +17
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | +1
Comment: | Popular shield among soldiers.
Defense Item: | Wrist
Buy: | 130
Sell: | 65
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | +3
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +5
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Regular wristlet.

------- [ Add-ons ] -------

Defense Item: | Amethyst
Buy: | 200
Sell: | 1
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Resotes HP. It cannot be used in the field. Equip as an
| Add-On.
Defense Item: | Ancient Aroma
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 1
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +4
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | +1
Comment: | Item that radiates a mysterious light. Raises Shadow
| elemental attacks.
Defense Item: | Angel Earrings
Buy: | 8000
Sell: | 10000
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +2
Strength: | +2
Comment: | Holy earrings worn by women. Raises holy elemental attacks.
Defense Item: | Anklet
Buy: | 4000
Sell: | 1600
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | +3
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | +5
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Anklet adorned with a four-leaf clover that raises spirit.
Defense Item: | Aquamarine
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 1
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Restores HP. It cannot be used in the field. Equip as an
| Add-On.
Defense Item: | Barette
Buy: | 1800
Sell: | 3500
Magic Defense: | +1
Magic: | +1
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | +3
Comment: | Hair ornament enchanced with various powers, worn by women.
| Raises Ice elemental attacks.
Defense Item: | Battle Boots
Buy: | 6500
Sell: | 10500
Magic Defense: | +1
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +2
Strength: | +2
Comment: | Combat boots.
Defense Item: | Black Belt
Buy: | 4000
Sell: | 5500
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | +2
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +1
Strength: | +2
Comment: | Belt that raises Strength. Raises wind elemental attack.
Defense Item: | Cachusha
Buy: | 1000
Sell: | 1500
Magic Defense: | +1
Magic: | +2
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | 0
Speed: | +1
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Hair ornament enchanted with various powers, worn by women.
| Raises fire elemental attacks.
Defense Item: | Coral Ring
Buy: | 1200
Sell: | 2000
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | +3
Spirit: | +2
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Ring adorned by corals. Absorbs thunder elemental attacks.
Defense Item: | Dark Matter
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 1
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | +2
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | +3
Comment: | Deals damage to the target. Equip as an Add-On.
Defense Item: | Desert Boots
Buy: | 300
Sell: | 750
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | +1
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | +2
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Boots with good traction.
Defense Item: | Diamond
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 1
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Restores HP. It cannot be used in the field. Equip as an
| Add-On.
Defense Item: | Emerald
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 1
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Restores HP. It cannot be used in the field. Equip as an
| Add-On.
Defense Item: | Extension
Buy: | 3500
Sell: | 5000
Magic Defense: | +1
Magic: | +2
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +1
Strength: | +1
Comment: | Hair ornament enchanted with various powers, worn by women.
| Raises elemental thunder attacks.
Defense Item: | Fairy Earrings
Buy: | 3200
Sell: | 3000
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | +2
Spirit: | +2
Evade: | +2
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Earrings that raise Spirit. Raises wind elemental attacks.
Defense Item: | Feather Boots
Buy: | 4000
Sell: | 3000
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +3
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Boots that are light as a feather. Absorbs Earth elemental
| attack.
Defense Item: | Garnet
Buy: | 350
Sell: | 1
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Restores HP. It cannot be used in the field. Equip as an
| Add-On.
Defense Item: | Germinas Boots
Buy: | 900
Sell: | 2000
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +2
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | +1
Comment: | Boots that raise strength. Raises Earth elemental attack.
Defense Item: | Glass Buckle
Buy: | 500
Sell: | 800
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | +1
Magic Evade: | +5
Spirit: | +2
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | +1
Comment: | Buckle protected by mysterious powers.
Defense Item: | Gold Choker
Buy: | 1300
Sell: | 2000
Magic Defense: | +1
Magic: | +2
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +2
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Magic choker. Elemental defense: Wind damage reduced by
| 50%. Raises shadow elemental attacks.
Defense Item: | Lapis Lazuli
Buy: | 400
Sell: | 1
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Restores HP. It cannot be used in the field. Equip as an
| Add-On.
Defense Item: | Madain's Ring
Buy: | 3000
Sell: | 3750
Magic Defense: | +2
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | +2
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Ring used as a charm since ancient times. Absorbs Ice
| elemental attacks.
Defense Item: | Magician Shoes
Buy: | 1500
Sell: | 3750
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | +2
Magic Evade: | +6
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Shoes packed with magic.
Defense Item: | Maiden Prayer
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 1
Magic Defense: | +1
Magic: | +1
Magic Evade: | +3
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Item that has a nice fragrance. Raises holy elemental
| attacks.
Defense Item: | Moonstone
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 1
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Restores HP. It cannot be used in the field. Equip as an
| Add-On.
Defense Item: | Opal
Buy: | 100
Sell: | 1
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Restores HP. It cannot be used in the field. Equip as an
| Add-On.
Defense Item: | Pearl Rouge
Buy: | 5000
Sell: | 2000
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | +2
Magic Evade: | +4
Spirit: | +4
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Rouge used by women that draws out Holy power. Elemental
| Defense: Holy damage reduced by 50%. Raises water elemental
| attacks.
Defense Item: | Peridot
Buy: | 100
Sell: | 1
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Restores HP. It cannot be used in the field. Equip as an
| Add-On.
Defense Item: | Phoenix Pinion
Buy: | 300
Sell: | 1000
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Cures KO. It cannot be used in the field.
Defense Item: | Promist Ring
Buy: | 6000
Sell: | 4500
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +3
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | +2
Comment: | Ring that raises strength.
Defense Item: | Protect Ring
Buy: | 40000
Sell: | 20000
Magic Defense: | +3
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | +6
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | +4
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +2
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Protects you from various attacks. Elemental defense:
| All elemental damage reduced by 50%.
Defense Item: | Pumice
Buy: | 50000
Sell: | 1
Magic Defense: | +2
Magic: | +1
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | +1
Defense: | +1
Strength: | 0
Comment: | 'Summon the beast from the dark.'
Defense Item: | Pumice Piece
Buy: | 25000
Sell: | 1
Magic Defense: | +1
Magic: | +2
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | +5
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | +2
Comment: | 'Put it together with the other piece.' Absorbs Holy/Shadow
| elemental attacks.
Defense Item: | Rebirth Ring
Buy: | 7000
Sell: | 5000
Magic Defense: | +2
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | +4
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Ring with a phoenix's power dwelling inside. Raises holy
| elemental attacks.
Defense Item: | Reflect Ring
Buy: | 7000
Sell: | 3500
Magic Defense: | +1
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | +1
Comment: | Ring enchanted with the spell 'Reflect.'
Defense Item: | Ribbon
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 1
Magic Defense: | +1
Magic: | +3
Magic Evade: | +4
Spirit: | +1
Evade: | +5
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +1
Strength: | +1
Comment: | Item that always keeps Mog beside you. Abosrbs Water/Wind
| elemental attacks. Elemental defense: Fire/Ice/Thunder/Holy
| damage reduced by 50%.
Defense Item: | Rosetta Ring
Buy: | 24000
Sell: | 18000
Magic Defense: | +3
Magic: | +1
Magic Evade: | +2
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +2
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +1
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Ring with a fire god's spirit dwelling inside. Absorbs fire
| elemental attack.
Defense Item: | Ruby
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 1
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Restores HP. It cannot be used in the field. Equip as an
| Add-On.
Defense Item: | Running Shoes
Buy: | 12000
Sell: | 16500
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | +4
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | +4
Speed: | +2
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Shoes that enable you to walk with light steps.
Defense Item: | Power Belt
Buy: | 2000
Sell: | 3500
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | +2
Strength: | +3
Comment: | Belt that raises strength.
Defense Item: | Sandals
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 600
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Provides a southern, tropical feel.
Defense Item: | Sapphire
Buy: | 200
Sell: | 1
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Restores HP. It cannot be used in the field. Equip as an
| Add-On.
Defense Item: | Topaz
Buy: | 100
Sell: | 1
Magic Defense: | 0
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | 0
Comment: | Restores HP. It cannot be used in the field. Equip as an
| Add-On.
Defense Item: | Yellow Scarf
Buy: | 400
Sell: | 900
Magic Defense: | +1
Magic: | 0
Magic Evade: | 0
Spirit: | 0
Evade: | 0
Speed: | 0
Defense: | 0
Strength: | +2
Comment: | Scarf that raises Strength.

--------------------------- [ Abilities Listing ] ---------------------------

Much like learning magic in Final Fantasy VI, you learn abilities simply by
battling(and winning) monsters and at the end of each fight you earn ability
points. However, you must equip armors, weapons, or add-ons to learn a
certain ability. Once you see three stars over your ability in the character
menu screen, that means you have acquired all the ability points neccessary
to attain that ability.

You must also note that characters can learn abilities at a certain rate,
be it quicker or slower than others. A magic user(like Garnet or Eiko) are
prone to learn certain abilities(like Auto-Haste) quicker than others.
While abilities like Counter may be learned quicker by power characters like

------- [ Support Abilities ] -------

Ability | Effect
Ability Up | Character learns abilities faster.
Absorb MP | Absorbs MP used by enemy.
Accuracy+ | Raises physical attack accuracy.
Add Status | Adds weapon's status effect(Add ST) when you attack.
Alert | Prevents back attacks.
Antibody | Prevents Poison and Venom.
Auto-Float | Automatically casts Float in battle.
Auto-Haste | Automatically casts Haste in battle.
Auto-Life | Automatically casts Life in battle(once per battle).
Auto-Potion | Automatically uses Potion when damaged.
Auto-Reflect | Automatically casts Reflect in battle.
Auto-Regen | Automatically casts Regen in battle.
Bandit | Raises success rate of Steal.
Beast Killer | Deals lethal damage to beasts.
Bird Killer | Deals lethal damage to flying enemies.
Body Temp | Prevents Freeze and Heat.
Boost | Raises strength of Eidolons.
Bright Eyes | Prevents Darkness
Bug Killer | Deals damage to insects.
Chemist | Doubles potency of medicinal items.
Clear Headed | Prevents Confusion.
Concentrate | Raises strength of spells.
Counter | Counterattacks when physically attacked.
Cover | You take damage in place of an ally.
Devil Killer | Deals lethal damage to demons.
Distract | Lowers enemy's physical attack accuracy.
Dragon Killer | Deals lethal damage to dragons.
Eye 4 Eye | Raises Counter activation rate.
Flee Gil | Recieve Gil even when running from battle.
Gamble Defense | Raises Defense occasionally.
Guardian Mog | Mog protects with unseen forces.
Half MP | Cuts MP use by half in battle.
Healer | Restores physical attack target's HP.
High Jump | Jump higher to raise jump attack power.
High Tide | Allows you to Trance faster.
HP+10% | Increases maximum HP by 10%.
HP+20% | Increases maximum HP by 20%.
Initiative | Raises chance of Preemptive Strike.
Insomniac | Prevents Sleep.
Jelly | Prevents Pretrify and Gradual Petrify
Level Up | Character levels up faster.
Locomotion | Prevents Stop.
Long Reach | Back row attacks with same power as front row.
Loudmouth | Prevents Silence.
Mag Elem Null | Nullifies magic element.
Man Eater | Deals lethal damage to humans.
Master Thief | Steal better items first.
Millionaire | Recieve more Gil after battle.
MP Attack | Character uses MP to raise Attack Power.
Mug | Damages enemy when you steal.
MP+10% | Increases maximum MP by 10%.
MP+20% | Increases maximum MP by 20%.
Odin's Sword | Attacks with eidolon Odin.
Power Throw | Raises the strength of throw.
Power Up | Raises the strength of Chakra.
Protect Girls | You take damage in place of a girl.
Reflect Null | Nullifies enemy's Reflect status when attacking with
| magic.
Restore HP | Restores HP automatically when Near Death.
Return Magic | Return magic used by enemy.
Steal Gil | Steal Gil along with items.
Reflectx2 | Doubles strength of Reflected spells.
Stone Killer | Deals lethal damage to stone enemies.

------- [ Character Abilities ] -------

------- [ Adelbert ] -------

-- [ Sword Arts ] --

Ability | Effect
Armor Break | Reduces the enemy's defense.
Charge! | Makes all Near Death party members 'Attack.'
Climhazzard | Causes non-elemental damage to all enemies.
Dark Side | Reduces HP to cause Shadow damage to the enemy.
Lai Strike | KO's the target.
Magic Break | Reduces the enemy's magic.
Mental Break | Reduces the enemy's Magic Defense.
Minus Strike | Damages with difference between current HP and max HP.
Power Strike | Reduces enemy's attack power.
Shock | Deals physical damage to the enemy.
Stock Break | Causes non-elemental damage to all enemies.
Thudner Slash | Causes Thunder damage to the enemy.

-- [ Sword Magic ] --

Ability | Effect
Bio | Strikes the enemy with Bio Sword.
Blizzara | Strikes the enemy with Blizzara Sword.
Blizzaga | Strikes the enemy with Blizzaga Sword.
Blizzard | Strikes the enemy with Blizzard Sword.
Doomsday | Strikes the enemy with Doomsday Sword.
Fira | Strikes the enemy with Fira Sword.
Firaga | Strikes the enemy with Firaga Sword.
Fire | Strikes the enemy with Fire Sword.
Flare | Strikes the enemy with Flare Sword.
Thunder | Strikes the enemy with Thunder Sword.
Thundaga | Strikes the enemy with Thundaga Sword.
Thundara | Strikes the enemy with Thundara Sword.
Water | Strikes the enemy with Water Sword.

-- [ Abilites from Items - Adelbert ] --

Ability | Learned from
Ability Up | Lapis Lazuli, Diamond Armor, Ribbon, Diamond Gloves
Accuracy+ | Diamond Helmet, Lapis Lazuli, Genji Armor
Add Status | Glass Buckle, Thunder Gloves
Alert | Germinas Boots, Barbut
Antibody | Bronze Gloves, Glass Buckle, Mythril Helmet
Armor Break | Mythril Sword
Auto-Float | Venetia Shield, Feather Boots
Auto-Haste | Running Shoes
Auto-Life | Rebirth Ring
Auto-Potion | Gold Choker, Running Shoes
Auto-Reflect | Reflect Ring
Auto-Regen | Carabini Mail
Beast Killer | Braodsword, Moonstone, Black Belt, Platina Armor
Bird Killer | Bronze Armor, Yellow Scarf, Chain Mail
Body Temp | Diamond, Madain's Ring, Genjir Armor, Fair Earrings
Bright Eyes | Iron Helmet
Bug Killer | Bronze Helmet, Mythril Gloves
Charge! | Aegis Gloves, Coral Sword
Chemist | Madain's Ring, Grand Armor
Clear Headed | Gold Helmet, Magicican Shoes
Climhazzard | Excalibur, Excalibur 2
Counter | Venetia Shield, Power Belt
Cover | Mythril Armor, Gunatlet, Linen Cuirass
Darkside | Blood Sword
Devil Killer | Cross Helmet, Thunder Gloves
Distract | Shield Armor, Diamond, Reflect Ring
Eye 4 Eye | Kaiser Helmet
High Tide | Sapphire, Demon's Mail, Genji Gloves, Grand Helmet
HP+10% | Chain Mail, Aquamarine, Germinas Boots
HP+20% | Defense Gloves, Black Belt, Maximillian, Genji Helmet
Insomniac | Coral Ring, Daimond Helmet, Mythril Helmet
Lai Strike | Rune Blade
Level Up | Iron Helmet, Fairy Earrings, Rosetta Ring
Locomotion | Plate Mail
Long Reach | Protect Ring
Magic Break | Flame Sabre
Man Eater | Mythril Gloves, Coral Ring
Mental Break | Gold Helmet, Ice Brand
Minus Strike | Rubber Helmet, Iron Sword, Excalibur 2
MP Attack | Power Belt, Battle Boots, Cross Helmet
Power Strike | Diamond Sword
Restore HP | Promist Ring, Grand Armor, Platinum
Shock | Ragnarok
Stock Break | Ultima Sword, Excalbur 2
Stone Killer | Gold Armor, Platinum Helmet
Thunder Slash | Ragnarok, Defender
Undead Killer | Plate Mail, Silver Gloves

------- [ Coral ] -------

-- [ Flair ] --

Ability | Effect
Aura | Casts Auto-Life and Regen on one party member.
Chakra | Restores HP and MP of one party member.
Countdown | Casts Doom on the enemy.
Curse | Makes the enemy weak against some elemental property.
Demi Shock | Amount of damage depends on the enemy's HP.
No Mercy | Causes non-elemental damage to the enemy.
Revive | Recover from KO
Spare Change | Cuases non-elemental damage to the enemy by using Gil.

-- [ Abilities from items - Coral ] --

Ability | Ability learned from
Ability Up | Green Beret, Brigandine, Lapis Lazuli, Ribbon
Accuracy+ | Power Wrist, Lapis Lazuli
Add Status | Bone Wrist, Chimera Armlet, glass Buckle, Twist Headband,
| Bracer
Alert | Ninja Gear, Germinas Boots
Antibody | Glass Armlet, Mantra Band, Survival Vest, Glass Buckle
Auto-Float | Feather Boots
Auto-Haste | Running Shoes
Auto-Life | Rebirth Ring
Auto-Potion | Mythril Vest, Demon's Vest, Gold Choker, Running Shoes
Auto-Reflect | Reflect Ring
Auto-Regen | Golden Hairpin, Brave Suit
Aura | Scissor Fangs, Duel Claws
Beast Killer | Leather Wrist, Egoist's Armlet, Flash Hat, Moonstone,
| Black Belt
Bird Killer | Adaman Vest, Yellow Scarf
Body Temp | Jade Armlet, Diamond, Fairy Earrings, Madain's Rings
Bright Eyes | Ritual Hat
Bug Killer | Mythril Armlet
Chakra | Cat's Claw, Leather Plate
Clear Headed | Green Beret, Magician Shoes, Dark Gear, Circlet
Countdown | Kaiser Knuckles
Counter | Power Belt, Anklet, Mythril Claws, Power Vest, Ritual Hat,
| Duel Claws, Kaiser Knuckles, Avenger, Tiger Fangs,
| Dragon's Claws, Scissor Fangs, Poison Knuckles, Cat's
| Claws
Cover | Red Hat
Curse | Mythril Claws, Kaiser Knuckles
Demi Shock | Avenger, Rune Claws
Devil Killer | Chain Plate, Demon's Vest
Eye 4 Eye | Ninja Gear, Flash Hat
Flee-Gil | Wrist, Desert Boots, Gold Choker
Gamble Defense | Twist Headband, Power Vest, Adaman Hat
Healer | Anklet, Garnet
Hight Tide | Jade Armlet, Dark Hat, Sapphire, Gaia Gear
HP+10% | Judo Uniform, Germinas Boots, Aquamarine
HP+20% | Mantra Band, Black Belt, Adaman Hat
Insomniac | Gaia Gear, Coral Ring, Bandana
Jelly | Dragon Wrist, Dark Hat, Bronze Vest, Dark Gear, Circlet
Level Up | Egoist's Armlet, Rosetta Ring, Fairy Earrings
Locomotion | Golden Skullcap, Survival Vest, Anklet, Ninja Gear,
| Demon's Vest
Long Reach | Protect Ring
Man Eater | Coral Ring, Coronet, Bandana
MP Attack | Red Hat, Power Belt, Battle Boots
No Mercy | Dragon's Claws, Duel Claws
Power Throw | Bracer
Power Up | Golden Skullcap
Restore HP | Brave Suit, Promist Ring
Return Magic | Brigandine, Coronet
Revive | Tiger Fangs, Rebirth Ring, Rune Claws
Spare Change | Poison Knuckles, Rune Claws
Stone Killer | Adaman Vest, Power Vest
Undead Killer | N-Kai Armlet, Headgear, Ritual Hat

------- [ Eiko ] -------

-- [ Eidolons ] --

Ability | Effect
Carbuncle | Casts either Reflect, Haste, Protect, or Vanish on all
| party members.*
Fenrir | Causes Earth or Wind Damage to all enemies.*
Phoenix | Causes Fire damage to all enemies, and all party members
| recover from KO.
Madeen | Causes Holy damage to all enemies.

*These are all interchange and depending on which item you have equipped
while summoning will effect the outcome of which spell that you wish to use.

Summon | Item | Spell Name | Effect
Carbuncle | NA | Ruby Light | Casts Reflect on entire party.
| Diamond | Diamond Light | Casts Vanish on entire party.
| Emerald | Emerald Light | Casts Haste on entire party.
| Moonstone | Pearl Light | Vasts Protect on entire party.
Fenrir | NA | Terrestrial Rage | Causes Earth damage to all
| enemies.
| Maiden Prayer | Millennial Decay | Causes Wind damage to all
| enemies.

-- [ White Magic ] --

Ability | Effect
Cura | Restores 1500+ HP, single/multiple target.
Curaga | Restores 4000+ HP, single/multiple target.
Cure | Restores 300+ HP, single/multiple target.
Dispel | Removes abnormal status cuased by magic attacks.
Esuna | Remioves various abnormal status effects.
Float | Causes levitation, prevents Earth damage.
Full-Life | Recovers from KO with full HP.
Haste | Speeds up ATB Guage.
Holy | Causes Holy damage.
Jewel | Extracts Ore from a target.
Life | Recovers character from KO, restores some HP.
Might | Raises physical attack power.
Mini | Shrinks, lowers defense and attack power.
Panacea | Cures Venom and Poison status.
Protect | Reduces damage from physical attacks.
Regen | Gradually restores HP.
Reflect | Reflects magic attacks back onto caster.
Shell | Reduces damage from magic attacks.
Silence | Prevents single/multiple targets from casting magic.
Stona | Cures Petrify and Gradual Petrify

-- [ Abilities learned from items - Eiko ] --

Ability | Ability learned from
Ability Up | Geen Beret, Silk Robe, Lapis Lazuli, Ribbon, Cachusha
Antibody | Glass Armlet, Glass Buckle, Survival Vest, Mantra Band
Auto-Float | Feather Boots
Auto-Haste | Running Shoes
Auto-Potion | Mythril Vest, Extension, Gold Choker, Running Shoes, White
| Robe, Magician's Robe, Demon's Vest
Auto-Reflect | Reflect Ring
Auto-Regen | Golem's Flute, Maiden Prayer, Angel Earrings, Light Robe,
| Guardian Hairpin
Boost | Pumice Piece
Carbuncle | Ruby
Clear Headed | Magic Armlet, Lamia's Tiara, Green Beret, Magician Shoes,
| Dark Gear, Circlet
Concentrate | Robe of Lords, Rosetta Ring
Cura | Golem's Flute, Barette
Curaga | Hamelin, Angel Flute
Cure | Magic Racket, Silk Shirt
Dispel | Siren's Flute, Tiger Racket
Esuna | Fairy Flute, Siren's Flute, Rubber Suit, Angel Flute
Fenrir | Sapphire
Float | Lamia's Flute, Feather Boots
Full-Life | Light Robe
Guardian Mog | Ribbon, Madain's Ring
Half MP | Protect Ring, Light Robe
Haste | Emerald, Fairy Flute, Running Shoes
Healer | Anklet, Garnet
Holy | Angel Flute, White Robe
Insomniac | Bandana, Coral Ring, Gaia Gear, Magician Cloak, Holy Miter
Jelly | Dragon Wrist, Dark Hat, Dark Gear, Bronze Vest, Circlet
Jewel | Hamelin
Level Up | Egoist's Armlet, Rosetta Ring, Extention, Fairy Earrings,
| Pearl Rouge
Life | Golem's Flute, Rebirth Ring, Cachusha
Locomotion | Black Hood, Golen Skullcap, Anklet, Demon's Vest, Survival
| Vest
Loudmouth | Mage's Hat, Golden HAirpin, Silk Robe, White Robe, Pearl
| Rouge
Madeen | Ribbon
Might | Preist's Racket, Hamelin
Mini | Magic Racket, Feather Boots
MP+10% | Magician Cloak, Magician Robe, Magician Shoes, Emerald,
| Extension
MP+20% | Angel Earrings
Panacea | Air Racket
Phoenix | Phoenix Pinion
Protect | Mythril Racket, Desert Boots, Steepled Hat
Reflect | Mythril Racket, Ruby, Reflect Ring
Reflect-Null | Pearl Rouge, Robe of Lords
Silence | Priest's Racket, Magic Armlet, Lamia's Flute
Regen | Fairy Earrings, Fairy Flute
Shell | Multina Racket, Mythril Racket, Cotton Robe, Moonstone,
| Gold Choker
Stona | Multina Racket, Lamia's Flute

------- [ Freya ] -------

Ability | Effect
Cherry Blossom | Causes non-elemental damage to all enemies.
Dragon Breath | Reducels HP of all enemies.
Dragon Crest | Deals physical damage to the enemy.
Lancer | Reducers enemy's HP and MP.
Luna | Causes Berserk to all targets.
Reis's Wind | Casts Regen ont he entire party.
Six Dragons | Draws HP and MP from two characters to revitalize the
| other two.
White Draw | Restores MP of all party members.

------- [ Abilities from Items - Freya ] -------

Ability | Items learned from
Ability Up | Lapis Lazuli, Diamond Gloves, Diamond Armor, Cachusha,
| Diamond Armor
Accuracy+ | Black Belt, Diamond Helmet, Genji Armor
Add Status | Thunder Gloves, Glass Buckle
Antibody | Glass Buckle, Mythril Helmet, Bronze Gloves
Auto-Float | Venetia Shield, Feather Boots
Auto-Haste | Running Shoes
Auto-Life | Rebirth Ring
Auto-Potion | Extension, Gold Choker, Running Shoes
Auto-Reflect | Reflect Ring
Auto-Regen | Maiden Prayer, Angel Earrings, Carabini Mail
Beast Killer | Moonstone, Black Belt, Platina Armor
Bird Killer | Yellow Scarf, Chain Mail, Bronze Armor
BodyTemp | Genji Armor, Diamond, Fairy Earrings, Madain's Ring
Bright Eyes | Cachusha, Iron Helmet
Bug Killer | Mythril Gloves, Bronze Helmet
Chemist | Barette, Madain's Ring, Grand Armor
Cherry Blossom | Obelisk, Kain's Lance
Clear Headed | Magician Shoes, Gold Helmet, Lamia's Tiara
Counter | Power Belt, Venetia Shield, Anklet
Cover | Mythril Armor, Linen Cuirass, Guantlets
Devil Killer | Thunder Gloves, Cross Helmet
Distract | Shield Armor, Diamond, Reflect Ring
Dragon Breath | Dragon's Hair
Dragon Crest | Kain's Lance, Holy Lance
Dragon Killer | Javelin, Barbut
Eye 4 Eye | Rubber Suit, Kaiser Helmet
Gamble Defense | Barette
High Jump | Dragon Mail
High Tide | Sapphire, Demon's Mail, Minerva's Plate, Grand Helmet,
| Genji Gloves, Partisan
HP+10% | Aquamarine, Germinas Boots, Chain Mail
HP+20% | Black Belt, Defense Gloves, Genji Helmet
Initiative | Battle Boots, Obelisk
Insomniac | Coral Ring, Mythril Helmet, Diamond Helmet
Jelly | Dragon Wrist, Mythril Armor, Diamond Gloves
MP+10% | Emerald, Extension, Magician Shoes
Lancer | Partisan, Coral Ring, Dragon Wrist
Level Up | Iron Helmet, Pearl Rouge, Extension, Fairy Earrings,
| Rosetta Ring
Locomotion | Anklet, Plate Mail
Long Reach | Protect Ring
Luna | Trident
Man Eater | Coral Ring, Mythril Gloves
MP Attack | Cross Helmet, Power Belt, Battle Boots
Reis's Wind | Angel Earrings, Gold Helmet, Holy Lance, Mythril Spear
Restore HP | Platinum Helmet, Promist Ring, Grand Armor, Minerva's
| Plate
Six Dragons | Heavy Lance
Stone Killer | Gold Armor, Platinum Helmet
Undead Killer | Silver Gloves, Plate Mail
White Draw | Kain's Lance, Emerald, Ice Lance

------- [ Garnet ] -------

-- [ Summons ] --

Ability | Effect
Ark | Causes Shadow damage to all enemies.
Atomos | Reduces all enemies' HP by a percentage.
Bahamut | Causes non-elemental damage to all enemies.
Ifrit | Causes Fire damage to all enemies.
Leviathan | Causes Water damage to all enemies.
Odin | Causes KO to all enemies.
Ramuh | Causes Thunder damage to all enemies.
Shiva | Causes Ice damage to all enemies.

-- [ White Magic ] --

Ability | Effect
Berserk | Raises attack strength and defense, but character is
| uncontrollable.
Blind | Causes Darkness, lowering target's attack percentage.
Confuse | Makes single/multiple targets erratic.
Cura | Restores 1500+ HP, single/multiple target.
Curaga | Restores 4000+ HP, single/multiple target.
Cure | Restores 300+ HP, single/multiple target.
Float | Allows target to escape Earth attacks.
Life | Recovers character from KO, restores partial HP.
Mini | Shrinks, lowers defense and attack power.
Panacea | Cures Venom and Posion status.
Protect | Reduces damage from physical attacks.
Reflect | Reflects magic attacks back onto caster.
Scan | Determines HP, MP, and weaknesses of enemy.
Shell | Reduces damage from magic attacks.
Silence | Prevents single/multiple target(s) from casting magic.
Stona | Cures Petrify and Gradual Petrify

-- [ Abilities from Items - Garnet ] --

Ability | Learned from
Ability Up | Lapis Lazulli, Silk Robe, Cachusha, Ribbon, Green Beret,
| Stardust Rod
Antibody | Glass Buckle, Mantra Band, Glass Armlet, Survival Vest
Ark | Pumice
Atomos | Amethyst
Auto-Float | Feather Boots
Auto-Haste | Running Shoes
Auto-Life | Rebirth Ring
Auto-Potion | Extension, Running Shoes, White Robe, Demon's Vest, Gold
| Choker, Mythril Vest
Auto-Reflect | Reflect Ring
Auto-Regen | Golden Hairpin, Maiden Prayer, Angel Earrings, Light Robe
Bahamut | Garnet
Berserk | Magic Racket
Blind | Magician Shoes, Multina Racket
Boost | Pumice Piece
Body Temp | Jade Armlet, Diamond, Fairy Earrings, Holy Miter, Madain's
| Ring
Chemist | Cotton Robe, Barette, Madain's Ring
Clear Headed | Magic Armlet, Magician Shoes, Circlet, Lamia's Tiara, Dark
| Gear, Green Beret
Concentrate | Rosetta Ring, Robe of Lords
Confuse | Lamia's Tiara, Asura's Rod
Cura | Barette, Healing Rod
Curaga | Wizard Rod, Whale Whisker
Cure | Silk Shirt, Rod, Magic Racket
Float | Feather Boots, Stardust Rod
Half MP | Light Robe, Protect Ring
Healer | Garnet, Anklet, Healing Rod
High Tide | Sapphire, Minerva's Plate, Dark Hat, Gaia Gear, Jade
| Armlet
Ifrit | Topaz
Insomniac | Bandana, Holy Miter, Coral Ring, Gaia Gear, Magician's
| Cloak
Jelly | Dragon Wrist, Dark Gear, Bronze Vest, Circlet
Level Up | Extension, Pearl Rouge, Rosetta, Egoist's Armlet, Fairy
| Earrings
Leviathan | Aquamarine
Life | Cachusha, Whale Whisker, Healing Rod, Mythril Rod, Rebirth
| Ring
Locomotion | Black Hood, Golden Skullcap, Survival Vest, Demon's Vest,
| Anklet
Loudmouth | Mage's Hat, Pearl Rouge, Golden Hairpin, Mage's Hat, White
| Robe
Mini | Feather Boots, Magic Racket, Asura's Rod
MP+20% | Angel Earrings
Odin | Dark Matter
Odin's Sword | Ancient Aroma
Protect | Mythril Racket, Desert Boots, Steepled Hat, Wizard Rod,
| Rod
Ramuh | Peridot
Reflect | Mythril Racket, Ruby, Reflect Ring, Stardust Rod
Reflect-Null | Pearl Rogue, Robe of Lords
Scan | Desert Boots, Air Racket
Shell | Multina Racket, Moonstone, Cotton Robe, Gold Choker,
| Mythril Rod, Wizard Rod, Mythril Racket
Shiva | Opal
Silence | Priest' Racket, Mythril Rod, Magic Armlet, Asura's Rod
Stona | Multina Racket

------- [ Quina - Blue Magic ] -------

Ability | Effect
1000 Needles | Reduces the enemy's HP by 1000.
Angel's Snack | Uses Rememdy on all party members.
Aqua Breath | Causes water damage to all enemies.
Auto-Life | Casts Life when KO'ed.
Bad Breath | Causes Confuse, Darkness, Poison, Slow, and Mini to the
| enemy.
Doom | Target's life ends after a 10 count.
Earth Shake | Causes Earth damage to all enemies.
Frog Drop | Amount of damage depends on the number of frogs you have
| caught.
Frost | Causes Freeze to the enemy.
Goblin Punch | Causes non-elemental damage to the enemy.
Limit Glove | Causes non-elemental damage to the target when your HP is
| 1.
Lv3 Def-less | Reduces defense to enemies whose levels are multiples of
| 3.
Lv4 Holy | Causes Holy damage to enemies whose levels are multiples
| of 4.
Lv5 Death | KO's all enemies whose levels are multiples of 5.
Magic Hammer | Reduces the enemy's MP.
Matra Magic | Reduces the target's HP to 1.
Mighty Guard | Casts Shell and Protect on all party members.
Mustard Bomb | Causes Heat to the enemy.
Night | Causes Sleep to all targets.
Pumpkin Head | Damages with the difference between your max HP and
| current HP.
Roulette | Randomly KO's a target.
Twister | Causes Wind damage to all enemies.
Vanish | Makes a party member disappear.
White Wind | Restores HP of all party members.

------- [ Blue Abilities learned from monsters - Quina ] -------

Ability | Ability learned from(monster)
1000 Needles | Cactaur
Angel's Snack | Ironite, Mistodon, Behemoth, Epitaph
Aqua Breath | Vepal, Sahagin, Clipper, Axolotl
Auto-Life | Carrion Worm, Yan, Stilva, Gimme Cat
Bad Breath | Malboro, Worm Hydra, Anemone
Doom | Veteran, Ash
Earth Shake | Shell Dragon, Earth Guardian, Adamantoise
Frog Drop | Gigan Toad
Frost | Kraken, Chimera, Wraith
Goblin Punch | Goblin, Goblin Mage
Limit Glove | Mu, Axe Break, Catoblepas, Jabberwock, Blazer Beetle,
| Mandragora
Lvl3 Def-less | Carve Spider, Lamia, Lizard Man, Sand Scorpion, Ochu,
| Grand Dragon
Lv4 Holy | Feather Circle, Amdusias, Torama
Lv5 Death | Stroper, Dracozombie, Whale Zombie, Lich
Magic Hammer | Magic Vice, Ring Leader
Matra Magic | Trick Sparraow, Dragonfly, Ogre, Armstrong, Land Worm,
| Zaghnol
Might Guard | Serpion, Gargoyle, Antlion, Myconid, Gigan Octopus
Mustard Bomb | Bomb, Red Vepal, Grenade, Wraith, Maliris
Night | Nymph, Abomination, Grimlock, Seeker Bat
Pumpkin Head | Python, Hedgehog Pie, Ladybug, Skeleton, Yeti, Basilisk,
| Bandersnatch
Roulette | Ghost, Zombie, Hecteyes
Twister | Red Dragon, Tiamat, Abadon
Vanish | Vice, Hornet, Drakan, Troll, Gnoll
White Wind | Zuu, Griggin, Garuda, Zemzelett

------- [ Abilites learned from items - Quina ] -------

Ability | Abilities learned from(items)
Ability Up | Green Beret, Lapis Lazuli, Ribbon, Silk Robe
Absorbs MP | Promist Ring
Add Status | Bone Wrist, Chimera Armlet, Bracer, Feather Hat, Twist
| Headband, Glass Buckle
Antibody | Glass Armlet, Glass Buckle, Glutton's Robe, Survival Vest,
| Mantra Band
Auto-Float | Feather Boots
Auto-Haste | Running Shoes
Auto-Life | Rebirth Ring
Auto-Potion | Mythril Vest, Demon's Vest, Gold Choker, Magician Robe,
| Running Shoes
Auto-Reflect | Reflect Ring
Auto-Regen | Golden Hairpin, Light Robe, Glutton's Robe
Body Temp | Jade Armlet, Diamond, Fairy Earring, Madain's Ring,
| Glutton's Robe, Holy Miter
Clear Headed | Magic Armlet, Magician Shoes, Dark Gear, Circlet, Green
| Beret, Lamia's Tiara
Counter | Power Belt, Power Vest, Ritual Hat
Gamble Defense | Twist Headband, Adman Hat, Power Vest
Half MP | Protect Ring, Light Robe
Healer | Garnet
High Tide | Fork, Sapphire, Needle Fork, Mythril Fork, Silver Fork,
| Gaia Gear, Dark Hat, Jade Armlet, Gastro Fork, Bistro
| Fork
Insomniac | Bandana, Coral Ring, Gaia Gear, Holy Miter, Magician Cloak
Jelly | Dragon Wrist, Dark Gear, Bronze Vest, Circlet, Dark Hat
Level Up | Egoist's Armlet, Rosetta Ring, Fairy Earrings
Locomotion | Black Hood, Golden Skullcap, Demon's Vest, Survival Vest
Loudmouth | Silk Robe, Golden Hairpin, Mage's Hat
Millionaire | Yellow Scarf
MP+10% | Magician Cloak, Emerald, Magician Shoes, Magician Robe

------- [ Vivi ] -------

-- [ Black Magic ] --

Ability | Effect
Bio | Causes non-elemental damage and Poison to single/multiple
| targets.
Blizzaga | Causes big time Ice damage to single/multiple targets.
Blizzara | Causes a lot of Ice damage to single/multiple targets.
Blizzard | Causes Ice damage to single/multiple targets.
Break | Causes petrification.
Comet | Causes non-elemental damage.
Death | KO's the target.
Demi | Cuts opponent's HP down in half.
Doomsday | Causes Shadow damage to all opponents.
Drain | Drains HP from the target and transfers it to the spell
| caster.
Fira | Causes a lot of Fire damage to single/multiple targets.
Firaga | Causes big time fire damage to single/multiple targets.
Fire | Causes fire damage to single/multiple opponents.
Flare | Powerful non-elemental damage to a single opponent.
Meteor | Causes non-elemental damage to all enemies.
Osmose | Absorbs MP from the target and transfer it to the spell
| caster.
Poison | Causes Poison to single/multiple opponents.
Sleep | Puts single/multiple targets to sleep.
Slow | Slows down ATB guage.
Stop | Stops target fromt aking any action.
Thundaga | Causes big time Thunder damage to single/multiple targets.
Thundara | Causes a lot of Thunder damage to single/multiple targets.
Thunder | Causes Thunder damage to single/multiple opponents.
Water | Causes Water damage to single/multiple targets.

Ability | Items
Ability Up | Lapis Lazuli, silk Robe, Ribbon, Green Beret
Add Status | Glass Buckle, Twist Headband, Feather Hat, Bone Wrist,
| Bracer, Chimera Armlet
Antibody | Glass Buckle, Survival Vest, Mantra Band, Glass Armlet
Auto-Float | Feather Boots
Auto-Haste | Running Shoes
Auto-Life | Rebirth Ring
Auto-Potion | Gold Choker, Mythril Vest, Demon's Vest, Running Shoes,
| Magician Robe
Auto-Reflect | Reflect Ring
Auto-Regen | Light Robe, Golden Hairpin
Bio | Oak Staff
Blizzara | Ice Staff, Opal
Blizzaga | Octagon Rod
Blizzard | Leather Wrist
Body Temp | Diamond, Fairy Earrings, Jade Armlet, Holy Miter, Madain's
| Ring
Break | Cypress Pile
Clear Headed | Magician Shoes, Dark Gear, Circlet, Green Beret, Magic
| Armlet
Comet | Cypress Pile
Death | Black Hood
Demi | Cypress Pile, Amethyst, Black Belt
Doomsday | Mace of Zeus
Drain | Oak Staff
Fira | Flame Staff, Mage's Hat, Topaz, Power Belt
Firaga | Octagon Rod
Fire | Mage Staff, Leather Hat
Flare | Black Robe
Half MP | Light Robe, Protect Ring
Healer | Garnet
High Tide | Sapphire, Jade Armlet, Dark Hat, Gaia Gear
Insomniac | Holy Miter, Magician Cloak, Coral Ring, Gaia Gear, Bandana
Jelly | Dark Gear, Bronze Vest, Circlet, Dark Hat, Dragon Wrist
Level Up | Egoist's Armlet, Fairy Earrings, Rosetta Ring
Locomotion | Demon's Vest, Golden Skullcap, Black Hood, Survival Vest
Loudmouth | Mage's Hat, Golden Hairpin, Silk Robe
Mag Elem Null | Protect Ring, Promist Ring
Meteor | High Mage Staff
MP+20% | Black Robe
Osmose | High Mage Staff, Gaia Gear
Poison | Lightning Staff
Reflect-Null | Robe of Lords
Reflectx2 | Black Robe, Rosetta Ring
Return Magic | Coronet
Sleep | Flame Staff
Slow | Ice Staff, Magus Hat
Stop | Oak Staff
Thundara | Peridot, Lightning Staff
Thundaga | Octagon Rod
Thunder | Silk Shirt, Glass Buckle
Water | N-Kai Armlet

-- [ Zidane ] --

Ability | Effect
Annoy | Inflicts trouble on the target.
Detect | See the enemy's items.
Flee | Escape from battle with high probability.
Lucky Seven | Deals physical damage by luck.
Sacrifice | Sacrifce yourself to restore HP and MP to the other party
| members.
Soul Blade | Draws out the hidden power of thief swords(inflicts
| status)
Thievery | Deals physical damage to the target.
What's That!? | Allows back attack.

-- [ Trance(Dyne) Skills - Zidane ] --

Ability | Effect
Free Energy | Deals physical damage to the enemy.
Grand Lethal | Deals physical damage to all enemies.
Meo Twister | Deals physical damage to all enemies.
Scoop Art | Deals physical damage to the enemy.
Shift Break | Deals physical damage to all enemies.
solution 9 | Deals physcial damage to the enemy.
Stellar Circle 5 | Deals physical damage to the enemy.
Tidal Flame | Deals physical damage to all enemies.

-- [ Zidane - Abilities From Items ] --

Ability | Learned from
Ability Up | Lapis Lazuli, Green Beret, Ribbon, Brigandine
Accuracy+ | Power Wrist, Black Hood, Lapis Lazuli
Add Status | Bracer, Feath Hat, Twist Headband, Glass Buckle, Bone
| Wrist, Chimera Armlet
Alert | Ninja Gear, Germinas Boots
Annoy | Gladius, Sargatanas
AntiBody | Glass Buckle, Mantra Band, Glass Armlet, Survival Vest
Auto-Float | Feather Boots
Auto-Haste | Running Shoes
Auto-Life | Rebirth Ring
Auto-Potion | Gold Choker, Running Shoes, Demon's Vest, Mythril Vest
Auto-Reflect | Reflect Ring
Auto-Regen | Golden Hairpin, Brave Suit
Bandit | Mythril Daggar, N-Kai Armlet
Bird Killer | Adaman Vest, Yellow Scarf
Body Temp | Diamond, Fairy Earrings, Jade Armlet, Madain's Ring
Bright Eyes | Ritual Hat, Feather Hat
Bug Killer | Mythril Armlet
Clear Headed | Magician Shoes, Circlet, Dark Gear, Green Beret
Counter | Ritual Hat, Power Vest, Power Belt
Detect | Mage Masher, Orichalcon
Distract | Judo Uniform, Diamond, Reflect Ring
Eye 4 Eye | Ninja Gear, Flash Hat
Flee | Daggar, Zorlin Shape, Germinas Boots, Ultima Weapon, Mage
| Masher
Flee-Gil | Wrist, Desert Boots, Gold Choker
Gamble Defense | Twist Headband, Power Vest, Adaman Hat
High Tide | Sapphire, Gaia Gear, Jade Armlet, Dark Hat
HP+20% | Mantra Band, Adaman Hat, Battle Boots, Black Belt
Insomniac | Bandana, Coral Ring, Gaia Gear
Jelly | Dragon Wrist, Dark Bear, Bronze Vest, Circlet, Dark Hat
Level Up | Egoist's Armlet, Fairy Earrings, Rosetta Ring
Locomotion | Black Hood, Ninja Gear, Demon's Vest, Survival Vest,
| Golden Skullcap
Long Reach | Thief Hat, Protect Ring
Lucky Seven | Gladius, Rune Tooth, Thief Hat, The Tower, Exploda
Master Thief | Thief Gloves
MP Attack | Power Belt, Battle Boots, Red Hat
Mug | Chimera Armlet, Survival Vest, Thief Hat
Protect Girls | Leather Shirt, Butterfly Sword
Restore HP | Brave Suit, Promist Ring
Sacrifice | Exploda, Masamune
Soul Blade | The Ogre
Steal Gil | Yellow Scarf, Yellow Armlet
Stone Killer | Power Vest, Adaman Vest
Thievery | Angel Bless, The Tower
What's That!? | Butterfly Sword

------- [ Items In Reference to Abilities ] -------

Item | Ability(ies)
Adaman Hat | HP+20%, Gamble Defense
Adaman Vest | Stone Killer, Bird Killer
Aegis Gloves | Charge!
Air Racket | Scan, Panacea
Aloha T-Shirt | NA
Amethyst | Atomos, Demi
Ancient Aroma | Odin's Sword
Angel Bless | Thievery
Angel Earrings | Auto-Regen, MP+20%, Reis's Wind
Angel Flute | Holy, Esuna, Curaga
Anklet | Locomotion, Healer, Counter
Aquamarine | Leviathan, HP+10%
Asura's Rod | Mini, Confuse, Silence
Avenger | Demi Shock, Counter
Bandana | Man Eater, Insomniac
Barbut | Alert, Dragon Killer
Barette | Chemist, Gamble Defense, Cura
Battle Boots | MP Attack, Initiative, HP+20%
Bistro Fork | High Tide
Black Belt | HP+20%, Beast Killer, Demi
Black Hood | Accuracy+, Locomotion, Death
Black Robe | MP+20%, Flare, Reflectx2
Blood Sword | Darkside
Bone Wrist | Add Status
Bracer | Add Status, Power Throw
Brave Suit | Restore HP, Auto-Regen
Brigandine | Ability Up, Return Magic
Broadsword | Beast Killer
Bronze Armor | Bird Killer
Bronze Gloves | Antibody
Bronze Helm | Bug Killer
Bronze Vest | Jelly
Butterfly Sword | What's That?!, Protect Girls
Cachusha | Bright Eyes, Ability Up, Life
Carabini Mail | Auto-Regen
Cat's Claws | Chakra, Counter
Chain Mail | HP+10%, Bird Killer
Chain Plate | Devil Killer
Chimera Armlet | Mug, Add Status
Circlet | Jelly, Clear Headed
Coral Ring | Insomniac, Man Eater, Lancer
Coral Sword | Charge
Coronet | Man Eater, Return Magic
Cotton Robe | Chemist, Shell
Cross Helm | MP Attack, Devil Killer
Cypress Pile | Demi, Break, Comet
Dagger | Flee
Dark Gear | Clear Headed, Jelly
Dark Hat | High Tide, Jelly
Dark Matter | Odin
Defender | Thunder Slash
Defense Glove | HP+20%
Demon's Mail | High Tide
Demon's Vest | Devil Killer, Auto-Potion, Locomotion
Desert Boots | Flee-Gil, Protect, Scan
Diamond | Body Temp, Distract
Diamond Armor | Ability Up
Diamond Gloves | Ability Up, Jelly
Diamond Helm | Accuracy+, Insomniac
Diamond Sword | Power Break
Dragon's Claw | No Mercy, Counter
Dragon's Hair | Dragon's Breath
Dragon Mail | High Jump
Dragon Wrist | Jelly, Lancer
Duel Claws | Aura, No Mercy, Counter
Egoist's Armlet | Beast Killer, Level Up
Emerald | Haste, MP+10%, White Draw
Excalibur | Climhazzard
Excalibur 2 | Minus Strike, Climhazzard, Stock Break
Exploda | Sacrifice, Lucky Seven
Extension | Auto-Potion, MP+10%, Level Up
Fairy Earrings | Level Up, Body Temp, Regen
Fairy Flute | Esuna, Haste, Regen
Feather Boots | Auto-Float, Float, Mini
Feather Hat | Bright Eyes, Add Status
Flame Sabre | Magic Break
Flame Staff | Fira, Sleep
Flash Hat | Eye 4 Eye, Beast Killer
Fork | High Tide
Hamelin | Curaga, Might, Jewel
Headgear | Undead Killer
Healing Rod | Healer, Cura, Life
Heavy Lance | Six Dragons
High Mage Staff | Meteor, Osmose
Holy Lance | Dragon's Crest, Reis's Wind
Holy Miter | Insomniac, Body Temp
Gaia Gear | Insomniac, High Tide, Osmose
Garnet | Bahamut, Healer
Gastro Fork | High Tide
Gauntlets | Cover
Genji Armor | Body Temp, Accuracy+
Genji Gloves | High Tide
Genji Helmet | HP+20%
Germinas Boots | Alert, HP+10%, Flee
Gladius | Annoy, Lucky Seven
Glass Armlet | Steal Gil, Antibody
Glass Buckle | Antibody, Add Status, Thunder
Glutton's Robe | Antibody, Body Temp, Auto-Regen
Golden Hairpin | Auto-Regen, Loudmouth
Golden Skullcap | Power Up, Locomotion
Gold Armor | Stone Killer
Gold Choker | Auto-Potion, Flee-Gil, Shell
Gold Helm | Mental Break, Reis's Wind, Clear Headed
Golem's Flute | Auto-Regen, Cura, Life
Grand Armor | Chemist, Restore HP
Grand Helm | High Tide
Green Beret | Ability Up, Clear Headed
Ice Brand | Mental Break
Ice Lance | White Draw
Ice Staff | Blizzara, Slow
Iron Helm | Bright Eyes, Level Up
Iron Sword | Minus Strike
Jade Armlet | Body Temp, High Tide
Javelin | Dragon Killer
Judo Uniform | Distract, HP+10%
Kain's Lance | Dragon's Crest, Cherry Blossom, White Draw
Kaiser Helm | Eye 4 Eye
Kaiser Knuckle | Count Down, Curse, Counter
Lamia's Tiara | Clear Headed, Confuse, Float
Lapis Lazuli | Ability Up, Accuracy+
Leather Hat | Fire
Leather Plate | Chakra
Leather Shirt | Protect Girls
Leather Wrist | Beast Killer, Blizzard
Lightning Staff | Thundara, Poison
Light Robe | Half MP, Auto-Regen, Full-Life
Linen Cuirass | Cover
Mace of Zeus | Doomsday
Madain's Ring | Body Temp, Chemist, Guardian Mog
Mage's Hat | Loudmouth, Fira
Mage Masher | Detect, Flee
Mage Staff | Fire
Magic Armlet | Clear Headed, Silence
Magic Racket | Berserk, Mini, Cure
Magician Cloak | Insomniac, MP+10%
Magician Robe | Auto-Potion, MP+10%
Magician Shoes | MP+10%, Clear Headed, Blind
Magus Hat | Slow
Maiden Prayer | Auto-Regen
Mantra Band | HP+20%, Antibody
Masamune | Sacrifice
Maxmillian | HP+20%
Minevera's Plate | Restore HP, High Tide
Moonstone | Shell, Beast Killer
Multina Racket | Blind, Stona, Shell
Mythril Armlet | Bug Killer
Mythril Armor | Jelly, Cover
Mythril Claws | Curse, Counter
Mythril Dagger | Bandit
Mythril Fork | High Tide
Mythril Gloves | Man Eater, Bug Killer
Mythril Helm | Insomniac, Antibody
Mythril Racket | Reflect, Shell, Protect
Mythril Rod | Life, Silence, Shell
Mythril Spear | Reis's Wind
Mythril Sword | Armor Break
Mythril Vest | Auto-Potion
N-Kai Armlet | Bandit, Undead Killer, Water
Needle Fork | High Tide
Ninja Gear | Alert, Locomotion, Eye 4 Eye
Oak Staff | Stop, Bio, Drain
Obelisk | Cherry Blossom, Initiative
Octagon Rod | Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga
Opal | Shiva, Blizzara
Orichalon | Detect
Partisan | Lancer, High Tide
Pearl Armlet | NA
Pearl Rouge | Level Up, Reflect Null, Loudmouth
Peridot | Ramuh, Thundara
Phoenix Pinion | Phoenix
Pinwheel | NA
Plate Mail | Locomotion, Undead Killer
Platina Armor | Beast Killer
Platinum Helm | Restore HP, Stone Killer
Poison Knuckles | Spare Change, Counter
Power Belt | MP Attack, Counter, Fira
Power Vest | Stone Killer, Gamble Defense, Counter
Power Wrist | Accuracy+
Priest's Racket | Silence, Might
Promist Ring | Restore HP, Absorb MP, Mag Elem Null
Protect Ring | Long Reach, Mag Elem Null, Half MP
Pumice | Ark
Pumice Piece | Boost
Ragnarok | Shock
Rebirth Ring | Auto-Life, Life, Revive
Red Cap | MP Attack, Cover
Reflect Ring | Auto-Reflect, Distract, Reflect
Ribbon | Madeen, Ability Up, Guardian Mog
Rising Sun | NA
Ritual Hat | Counter, Bright Eyes, Undead Killer
Robe of Lords | Reflect Null, Concentrate
Rod | Cure, Panacea, Protect
Rosetta Ring | Level Up, Concentrate, Reflectx2
Rubber Helm | Minus Strike
Rubber Suit | Eye 4 Eye, Esuna
Ruby | Carbuncle, Reflect
Rune Blade | Iai Strike
Rune Claws | Spare Change, Demi Shock, Revive
Rune Tooth | Lucky Seven
Running Shoes | Auto-Haste, Auto-Potion, Haste
Sandals | NA
Sapphire | Fenrir, High Tide
Sargatanas | Annoy
Save the Queen | N/A
Scissor Fang | Aura, Counter
Shield Armor | Distract
Silk Robe | Ability Up, Loudmouth
Silk Shirt | Cure, Thunder
Silver Fork | High Tide
Silver Gloves | Undead Killer
Siren's Flute | Full-Life, Dispel, Esuna
Stardust Rod | Ability Up, Reflect, Float
Steepled Hat | Protect
Straw Hat | N/A
Survival Vest | Locomotion, Antibody, Mug
The Ogre | Soul Blade
The Tower | Lucky Seven, Thievery
Thief Hat | Long Reach, Lucky Seven, Mug
Thief Gloves | Master Thief
Thunder Gloves | Devil Killer, Add Status
Tiger Fangs | Revive, Counter
Tiger Racket | Dispel
Tin Armor | NA
Topaz | Ifrit, Fira
Twist Headband | Gamble Defense, Add Status
Venetia Shield | Auto-Float, Counter
Whale Whisker | Curaga, Life
White Robe | Loudmouth, Auto-Potion, Holy
Wing Edge | N/A
Wizard Rod | Curaga, Protect, Shell
Wrist | Flee-Gill
Ultima Sword | Stock Break
Ultima Weapon | Flee
Yellow Scarf | Bird Killer, Millionaire, Steal Gil
Zorlin Shape | Flee

------------------------------ [ Tetra Master ] -----------------------------

The rules of Tetra Master might seem a bit complex at first, but with a
little practice and understanding, this game is quite easy to learn and also
a lot of fun and can become quite addicting.

It's really difficult to describe what the rules really are in the game, but
I think a graphical reference may help better than an explanation would(the
manual did it for me).

--------- ---------
| /| |#########|
| | |#########|
| 16 ->| |####11 ->|
| | |#########|
| | |#########|
--------- ---------

This card on the battle field has the number 16 over it and an arrow facing
to the right. No matter what digit the black card is(which is actually red
in the game), it can be turned-over to a white card(blue card in the game).

This happens because the arrow on the card is facing to the right. Thus it
would look like:

--------- ---------
| /| | |
| | | |
| 16 ->| | 11 ->|
| | | |
| | | |
--------- ---------

The initially black card was flipped over to white. This is guaranteed to
win you the card everytime, just make note however, that it doesn't make the
card yours permanently...your opponent can still flip over that card(11)
and even flip over your card(16) until all cards of either your opponent's
or your stash are completely flipped over.

A different example ensues when your opponent's card has arrows that face
against your arrow.

--------- ---------
| /| |#########|
| | |#########|
| 16 ->| |<- 11###|
| | |#########|
| | |#########|
--------- ---------

When this happens, the cards "battle" each other. This is simply done by
using simple math, the card with the higher number wins. The cards basically
subtract from each other:

--------- ---------
| /| |#########|
| | |#########|
| 5 ->| |<- #0###|
| | |#########|
| | |#########|
--------- ---------

However, when the numbers are tied:

--------- ---------
| /| |#########|
| | |#########|
| 16 ->| |<- 16###|
| | |#########|
| | |#########|
--------- ---------

Like so, the card can go either way. The better the stats of the card,
the more of a chance that the card will beat out the other card. However, if
a situation like this was to occur

--------- ---------
| /| |#########|
| | |#########|
| 16 ->| |<- 11###|
| | |#########|
| | |#########|
--------- ---------

again, that doesn't neccessarily entitle the white card(which is blue in the
game) to win automatically. There is still a slight chance that the black
card(which is red in the game, meaning it's your opponent's card) can beat
out the white card.

--------- --------- ---------
| /| |#########| |#########|
| | |#########| |#########|
| 16 ->| |<- 11#->| |####21 ->|
| | |#########| |#########|
| | |#########| |#########|
--------- --------- ---------

If a card is in position like this, you can create a "combo" and nab the
other card. The 11 card in the middle has an arrow pointing to the #21
card, since 16 beats out #11, it automatically flips that card over and
converts it to a white card, and the arrow still remains, and since there
is no card battle issuing between the #11 and #21 card, the #21 card also
becomes converted to a white card as well. However, this can all backfire
against you, just take a look at this example:

--------- --------- ---------
| /| |#########| |#########|
| | |#########| |#########|
| 16 ->| |<- 11#->| |<-##21 ->|
| | |#########| |#########|
| | |#########| |#########|
--------- --------- ---------

This time the #21 card has an arrow pointing across to the #11 card. As the
#11 card becomes 0(since it was subtracted by 16), the #21 card will most
likely win that battle since the #11 card converted to a white card and that
means it will battle against the #21 card. However, if the #21 card wins,
it can take out the #16 card like this:

--------- --------- ---------
|########/| |#########| |#########|
|#########| |#########| |#########|
|#########| |<- 0##->| |<-##21 ->|
|#########| |#########| |#########|
|#########| |#########| |#########|
--------- --------- ---------

This doesn't always happen though, the #16 can still attain the #21 card.
It's all a matter of gambling. Also keep note that if the cards that are
flipped over have arrows facing other cards that do not have arrows against
those arrows facing them, then those cards will be converted to that
specified color. Confusing? Yeah, it sounds that way, but some things in
life you can't explain all too well but with your own play the
game and get some practice to know what you're dealing with.

Below are a few tips that you can bring along with you, outside or inside the

- You can only carry 100 cards, if you have repeat cards...throw out the
weaker of the similar cards...otherwise you cannot obtain anymore of the
same or unique card.

- When you lose a game, you lose one of your flipped cards. If all of your
cards were flipped lose all 5 of your cards since your opponent
had a perfect game. This goes true for you as well. However, you can win
back your cards by challenging again...just be wary that you may not always
have the opportunity to win them back.

- Be careful about which cards to put in, just because the card has monster
stats does not mean it will be unstoppable. The key thing to winning is
by the amount of arrows it has and usually that's the best kind of card to
have. A card that can have 6 directions is great, just make sure that you
don't place a card with 8 directions...meaning that wherever you may place
the card, it becomes easily susceptible to other cards who battle against
your card.

- You can raise your card's stats by using them constantly.

Below are all the card listings in the game, there are 100 cards and each
card can either be a monster, castle, eidolon, spell, chocobo, etc. The card
displacement will go in order from the column they are in.

There are 4 alphanumeric digits on each card.

- The 1st number is in hexidecimal form(base 16) and displays the card's
attack power from 0 to E. E being the strongest.

- The second digit is the attack type of the card. M is for magic, and P is
for physical.

- The 3rd number represents the defense of the card in hexidecimal value.

- The 4th number represents the magical defense of the card in hexidecimal

Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3

-------------- -------------- --------------
|\ ^ /| |\ ^ | |\ /|
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Goblin | | Yeti | | Carrion Worm |
|<- | |<- | | |
| | | | | |
| 0P00 | | 1H01 | | 2H11 |
| | | | | |
|/ \| | | |/ \|
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
| | |\ ^ | | ^ |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Fang | | Mimic | | Cerberus |
| | |<- | | |
| | | | | |
| 0P00 | | 1H01 | | 2P10 |
| | | | | |
|/ | | | | |
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
| | | | | /|
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Skeleton | | Wyerd | | Antlion |
| | |<- | | |
| | | | | |
| 0P00 | | 1H01 | | 2P21 |
| | | | | | |
| | | v | |/ \|
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
|\ | |\ /| |\ ^ |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Flan | | Mandragora | | Cactuar |
|<- ->| | ->| |<- |
| | | | | |
| 0H01 | | 1H01 | | 2P90 |
| | | | | |
| | |/ | | |
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
| ^ /| | ^ /| | ^ |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Zaghnol | | Crawler | | Gimme Cat |
|<- | |<- | | |
| | | | | |
| 0P00 | | 1P01 | | 2H11 |
| | | | | | | |
| | |/ v | |/ v \|
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
|\ ^ /| | | |\ /|
| | | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Lizard Man | | Sand Scorpion| | Rag Timer |
| ->| | | | ->|
| | | | | |
| 0P00 | | 1P20 | | 3H20 |
| | | | | | | |
| v | | v \| | \|
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
| ^ /| |\ | | ^ |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Zombie | | Nymph | | Hedgehog Pie |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| 0H00 | | 2H02 | | 2H01 |
| | | | | |
| | | | |/ \|
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
| | | ^ /| |\ |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Bomb | | Sand Golem | | Ralvuimahgo |
| ->| | ->| | |
| | | | | |
| 1H01 | | 2P10 | | 2P30 |
| | | | | | |
| \| |/ v \| |/ |
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
| | | ^ | | /|
| | | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Ironite | | Zuu | | Ochu |
|<- ->| | ->| | ->|
| | | | | |
| 0P00 | | 1P01 | | 1P20 |
| | | | | | |
|/ | | v | |/ |
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
|\ ^ | | ^ | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Sahagin | | Dragonfly | | Troll |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| 1P00 | | 2P10 | | 2P31 |
| | | | | | | |
|/ v \| | \| |/ v |
-------------- -------------- --------------

Column 4 | Column 5 | Column 6

-------------- -------------- --------------
| ^ | | ^ | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Blazer Beetle| | Ash | | Abadon |
|<- | |<- | |<- |
| | | | | |
| 2P30 | | 4M22 | | 6H32 |
| | | | | | |
| v \| | | | |
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
|\ | |\ ^ /| |\ /|
| | | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Abomination | | Wraith | | Behemoth |
| | | ->| | |
| | | | | |
| 3P12 | | 3M40 | | BP25 |
| | | | | | |
| | | v | | |
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
| /| | | |\ ^ |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Zemzelett | | Gargoyle | | Iron Man |
| ->| | | | |
| | | | | |
| 3M13 | | 4M22 | | 6P50 |
| | | | | |
|/ \| | | |/ |
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
| ^ /| |\ | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Stroper | | Vepal | | Nova Dragon |
|<- | | ->| | |
| | | | | |
| 2P30 | | 5M12 | | AP56 |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
| | | /| | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Tantarian | | Grimlock | | Ozma |
| | | | |<- |
| | | | | |
| 4M21 | | 4M12 | | 9P06 |
| | | | | | | |
| | | v | | v |
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
|\ | | /| | /|
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Grand Dragon | | Tonberry | | Hades |
| | | | | ->|
| | | | | |
| 2P23 | | 2P32 | | BM80 |
| | | | | | | |
| | | v | | v |
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
|\ ^ /| | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | |
|Feather Circle| | Veteran | | Holy |
| ->| |<- | |<- ->|
| | | | | |
| 3M12 | | 5M14 | | 5M12 |
| | | | | | |
|/ v \| |/ | |/ \|
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
|\ | |\ | | ^ |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Hecteyes | | Garuda | | Meteor |
| | |<- | |<- |
| | | | | |
| 4M03 | | 5M21 | | BM90 |
| | | | | | |
|/ | |/ v | |/ |
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
| | | ^ | |\ /|
| | | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Ogre | | Marlboro | | Flare |
| | |<- ->| |<- ->|
| | | | | |
| 3P20 | | 3M33 | | 9M00 |
| | | | | | |
| v \| |/ \| |/ \|
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
| | |\ ^ /| |\ ^ |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Armstrong | | Mover | | Shiva |
| | | | |<- |
| | | | | |
| 3M23 | | 5MA0 | | 3M04 |
| | | | | | |
| v | | \| | \|
-------------- -------------- --------------

Column 7 | Column 8 | Column 9

-------------- -------------- --------------
| ^ /| | | |\ ^ |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Ifrit | | Excalibur 2 | | Blue Narciss |
| | | ->| |<- ->|
| | | | | |
| 5M80 | | BP60 | | 8P80 |
| | | | | | |
|/ v | |/ \| |/ \|
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
| | |\ ^ | |\ ^ |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Ramuh | | Ultima Weapon| | Hilda Garde 3|
| ->| | | |<- |
| | | | | |
| 3M14 | | 5MA0 | | 3M04 |
| | | | | | | |
|/ v | | v \| | \|
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
|\ ^ /| | /| | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Atomos | | Masamune | | Invincible |
| ->| |<- ->| | ->|
| | | | | |
| 3M54 | | AS63 | | 9M5B |
| | | | | | |
| v \| |/ | | \|
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
| ^ | |\ ^ | |\ /|
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Odin | | Elixir | | Cargo Ship |
| | | | |<- |
| | | | | |
| CM43 | | 3M54 | | 2P30 |
| | | | | |
| \| | \| | \|
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
| ^ | | ^ /| | /|
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Leviathan | | Dark Matter | | Hilda Garde 1|
|<- | |<- | |<- |
| | | | | |
| AM41 | | BM26 | | 4P40 |
| | | | | | |
|/ | | v | | |
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
| | | /| |\ |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Bahamut | | Ribbon | | Red Rose |
| ->| | | |<- |
| | | | | |
| BM55 | | 0MAB | | 7P08 |
| | | | | |
|/ | |/ \| |/ |
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
|\ ^ | |\ /| |\ |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Ark | | Tiger Racket | | Theather Ship|
| ->| | | |<- |
| | | | | |
| 0M33 | | 0S00 | | 1P50 |
| | | | | | |
| v | | | | |
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
| ^ /| | ^ | | ^ /|
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Fenrir | |Save The Queen| | Viltgance |
| | |<- ->| | ->|
| | | | | |
| 7M10 | | 5P30 | | AP81 |
| | | | | | |
| \| |/ | |/ v \|
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
| | | ^ | | ^ /|
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Madeen | | Genji | | Chocobo |
| | |<- ->| | |
| | | | | |
| 5M04 | | 0P58 | | 0P00 |
| | | | | | | |
|/ | |/ v | |/ v \|
-------------- -------------- --------------

-------------- -------------- --------------
| ^ | |\ /| |\ ^ |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Alexander | | Mythril Sword| | Fat Chocobo |
| ->| |<- | | ->|
| | | | | |
| CM63 | | 5MA0 | | 1P11 |
| | | | | | | |
|/ | | v | |/ v \|
-------------- -------------- --------------

Column 10 |

|\ |
| |
| |
| Mog |
| |
| |
| 0M00 |
| |
| |

|\ |
| |
| |
| Frog |
| ->|
| |
| 0P00 |
| | |
| v \|

| |
| |
| |
| Oglop |
|<- |
| |
| 1P10 |
| |
|/ |

| |
| |
| |
| Alexandria |
|<- ->|
| |
| 0P64 |
| |
| |

|\ ^ /|
| | |
| |
| Lindbulm |
|<- |
| |
| 0P39 |
| |
| \|

|\ /|
| |
| |
| Two Moons |
|<- ->|
| |
| 4M53 |
| |
| \|

| ^ /|
| | |
| |
| Gargant |
| ->|
| |
| 2P01 |
| |
| |

| |
| |
| |
| Namingway |
| |
| |
| 5M54 |
| | |
|/ v |

| ^ |
| | |
| |
| Boco |
| ->|
| |
| 6P55 |
| | |
| v |

| ^ |
| | |
| |
| Airship |
| ->|
| |
| 7P46 |
| | |
|/ v \|

-------------------------------- [ Credits ] --------------------------------

-+- Dallas(
For pretty much writing 98% of the walkthrough...thanks! This is a guide
done half by Dallas and half by yours truly.

-+- Squaresoft(
What can I say? It's Final Fantasy!

-+- BradyGames(
For their EXCELLENT coverage on Final Fantasy IX and for their lists
on various items in the game(bestiary, abilities, etc.). I've seen
people in the past who used their list but never credit them, but my
hats off to Brady Games for a very cool official guide(nice hologram

-+- GameFAQs(
For hosting and respecting this guide.

-+- Dingo Jellybean(
For typing up this guide, mainly the lists...card came, side areas,


Time of completion: 79 hours, 02 minutes, 08 seconds.

This document is copyright; Dallas/Dingo Jellybean, 2000-2001.

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Complete Game Script

15.Oktober 2013
Ozma FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Secret Boss Hints

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Character Guide

11.Oktober 2013
PAL Patch for the US NTSC Version (ADR).

15.Oktober 2013
10.Oktober 2008
engl. Hinweise
10.Oktober 2008
engl. FAQ
10.Oktober 2008
Alle Spieler auf Level 99, alle Gegenstände und Fähigkeiten.

13.Oktober 2013
Tetra Master

13.Oktober 2013
Boss Guide

13.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

11.Oktober 2013
Quina's Blue Magic

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
English to Japanese

16.Oktober 2013
Part 1 Guide

17.Oktober 2013
Boss Guide

11.Oktober 2013
PAL Patch for the European French PAL Version (TXC)

16.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the European French PAL Version.

15.Oktober 2013
PAL Patch for the European French PAL Version (HYD)

15.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the European German PAL Version.

18.Oktober 2013
No Nonsense Guide

13.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Quina's Abilities

13.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
01.Dezember 2014
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020