Samurai Shodown: Warrior's Rage 2

Samurai Shodown: Warrior's Rage 2

11.10.2013 22:40:37
By I2485(
Version 1.1(04-05-00)

This FAQ is for private and personal use. It can only be reproduced
electronically with my permission. (Please give credit where it's due) This FAQ
is NOT to be used for PROFITABLE or PROMOTIONAL purposes. This includes being
incorporated, reprinted, or otherwise used by magazines, books, guides, etc., in
ANY way.

If there is something that you want to add or you want to correct something,
please e-mail me.



Version 1.0(29-04-00)
This is my first faqs so I hope I don't make mistakes.

Version 1.1(04-05-00)
I have added more characters and also more persons to give credits to


ul u ur u= up ul= up-left
\ | / d= down dl= down-left
l -- n -- r l= left ur= up-right
/ | \ r= right dr= down-right
dl d dr

Triangle= Strong Slash
Square= Weak Slash
X= Kick
O= Dodge
L1= Not Used
L2= Not Used
R1= Not Used
R2= Not Used
(h)= Hold


Weak Slash= press Square
Strong Slash= press Triangle
Kick= press X
Weak Low Attack= during crouched down, press Square
Strong Low Attack= during crouched down, press Triangle
Low Kick= during crouched down, press X
Weak Special Attack= press r+Square
Strong Special Attack= press r+Triangle
Special Kick= press r+X
Weak Jump Attack= during jump, press Square
Strong Jump Attack= during jump, press Triangle
Jump Kick= during jump, press X
Down Attack= during enemy down, press d+Square, Triangle, or X
Guard Break= press Square+Triangle
Push Throw= press Square+X
Pull Throw= press l+Square+X
Dodge= press O
Deflect(Upper&Middle)= press l(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Deflect(Lower)= press dl(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Dodge Attack(Hi&Mid)= press r(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Dodge Attack(Lower)= press d or dr(from the neutral position)right before being
Aerial Break Fall= press O before reaching the top or trajectory during blow
away damage
Break Fall(Forward)= press r+O while falling during blow away damage
Break Fall(Backwards)= press l+O while falling during blow away damage
Rage Explosion= press any 3 buttons simultaneously out of Square, Triangle, X, O
Fatal Flash= press any 3 buttons simultaneously out of Square, Triangle, X, O
during Rage Explosion
Pick-up Weapon= press Square or Triangle near the dropped weapon
Method Of Mayhem 1= tap continously 3 times or more, Square
Method Of Mayhem 2= tap continously 3 times or more, Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 3= after Method Of Mayhem 1 or 2 is made, press d,dr,r Square
Method Of Mayhem 4= after Method Of Mayhem 1 or 2 is made, press d,dr,r Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 5= press r,dr,d,dl,l X
Method Of Mayhem 6= during dash, press Square
Method Of Mayhem 7= during dash, press Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 8= press d,dl,l Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 9= press d,dl,l Square
Method Of Mayhem 10= press r,dr,d,dl,l Square
Method Of Mayhem 11= during Method Of Mayhem 10 hits, press l,dl,d Square
Method Of Mayhem 12= during Method Of Mayhem 10 hits, press l,dl,d Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 13-A= press d,dr,r Square
Method Of Mayhem 13-B= during Method Of Mayhem 13-A, press d,dr,r Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 13-C= during Method Of Mayhem 13-A, press d,dr,r X
Out Arms Attack= press l,r,dr,d Square+Triangle with Rage Gauge at Max (can move
character using directional button)
Secret Slice-A= press r,d,dr Square+Triangle (hold to store power) while Life
Gauge is flashing red
Secret Slice-B= press r,d,dr Square+Triangle (store power Max initiated) while
Life Gauge is flashing red


Weak Slash= press Square
Strong Slash= press Triangle
Kick= press X
Weak Low Attack= during crouched down, press Square
Strong Low Attack= during crouched down, press Triangle
Low Kick= during crouched down, press X
Weak Special Attack= press r+Square
Strong Special Attack= press r+Triangle
Special Kick= press r+X
Weak Jump Attack= during jump, press Square
Strong Jump Attack= during jump, press Triangle
Jump Kick= during jump, press X
Down Attack= during enemy down, press d+Square, Triangle, or X
Guard Break= press Square+Triangle
Push Throw= press Square+X
Pull Throw= press l+Square+X
Dodge= press O
Deflect(Upper&Middle)= press l(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Deflect(Lower)= press dl(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Dodge Attack(Hi&Mid)= press r(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Dodge Attack(Lower)= press d or dr(from the neutral position)right before being
Aerial Break Fall= press O before reaching the top or trajectory during blow
away damage
Break Fall(Forward)= press r+O while falling during blow away damage
Break Fall(Backwards)= press l+O while falling during blow away damage
Rage Explosion= press any 3 buttons simultaneously out of Square, Triangle, X, O
Fatal Flash= press any 3 buttons simultaneously out of Square, Triangle, X, O
during Rage Explosion
Pick-up Weapon= press Square or Triangle near the dropped weapon
Method Of Mayhem 1-A= press d,dr,r Square
Method Of Mayhem 1-B= press d,dr,r Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 2-A= press r,d,dr Square
Method Of Mayhem 2-B= press r,d,dr Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 3-A= press d,dr,r Square
Method Of Mayhem 3-B= press r,d,dr Square
Method Of Mayhem 4-A= press d,dl,l Square
Method Of Mayhem 4-B= press d,dl,l Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 5-A= press l,dl,d O
Method Of Mayhem 5-B= press d,dr,r O
Method Of Mayhem 5-C= press d,dl,l O
Method Of Mayhem 6= press l,dl,d,dr,r Square or Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 7= press d,d Square, Triangle or O
Out Arms Attack= when Rage Gauge reaches Max, press d,d,d Square, Triangle or O
Secret Slice= when Life Gauge is flashing red, press r,l,dl,d,dr,r X


Weak Slash= press Square
Strong Slash= press Triangle
Kick= press X
Weak Low Attack= during crouched down, press Square
Strong Low Attack= during crouched down, press Triangle
Low Kick= during crouched down, press X
Weak Special Attack= press r+Square
Strong Special Attack= press r+Triangle
Special Kick= press r+X
Weak Jump Attack= during jump, press Square
Strong Jump Attack= during jump, press Triangle
Jump Kick= during jump, press X
Down Attack= during enemy down, press d+Square, Triangle, or X
Guard Break= press Square+Triangle
Push Throw= press Square+X
Pull Throw= press l+Square+X
Dodge= press O
Deflect(Upper&Middle)= press l(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Deflect(Lower)= press dl(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Dodge Attack(Hi&Mid)= press r(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Dodge Attack(Lower)= press d or dr(from the neutral position)right before being
Aerial Break Fall= press O before reaching the top or trajectory during blow
away damage
Break Fall(Forward)= press r+O while falling during blow away damage
Break Fall(Backwards)= press l+O while falling during blow away damage
Rage Explosion= press any 3 buttons simultaneously out of Square, Triangle, X, O
Fatal Flash= press any 3 buttons simultaneously out of Square, Triangle, X, O
during Rage Explosion
Pick-up Weapon= press Square or Triangle near the dropped weapon
Method Of Mayhem 1-A= press d,dr,r O
Method Of Mayhem 1-B= press d,dl,l O
Method Of Mayhem 2= press d,d X
Method Of Mayhem 3= press opposite direction when character reaches side screen
edge during jump
Method Of Mayhem 4= press d,dr,r Square+Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 5-A= during jump, press d,dr,r Square
Method Of Mayhem 5-B= during jump, press d,dr,r Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 6-A= press r,l,dl,d,dr,r Square
Method Of Mayhem 6-B= press r,l,dl,d,dr,r Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 7= press r,d,dr X
Method Of Mayhem 8= press r,dr,d,dl,l X
Method Of Mayhem 9= press l,dl,d,dr,r X
Out Arms Attack= when Rage Gauge reaches Max, press l,r,dr,d Square+Triangle
Secret Slice= when Life Gauge is flashing red, press r,d,dr Square+Triangle


Weak Slash= press Square
Strong Slash= press Triangle
Kick= press X
Weak Low Attack= during crouched down, press Square
Strong Low Attack= during crouched down, press Triangle
Low Kick= during crouched down, press X
Weak Special Attack= press r+Square
Strong Special Attack= press r+Triangle
Special Kick= press r+X
Weak Jump Attack= during jump, press Square
Strong Jump Attack= during jump, press Triangle
Jump Kick= during jump, press X
Down Attack= during enemy down, press d+Square, Triangle, or X
Guard Break= press Square+Triangle
Push Throw= press Square+X
Pull Throw= press l+Square+X
Dodge= press O
Deflect(Upper&Middle)= press l(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Deflect(Lower)= press dl(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Dodge Attack(Hi&Mid)= press r(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Dodge Attack(Lower)= press d or dr(from the neutral position)right before being
Aerial Break Fall= press O before reaching the top or trajectory during blow
away damage
Break Fall(Forward)= press r+O while falling during blow away damage
Break Fall(Backwards)= press l+O while falling during blow away damage
Rage Explosion= press any 3 buttons simultaneously out of Square, Triangle, X, O
Fatal Flash= press any 3 buttons simultaneously out of Square, Triangle, X, O
during Rage Explosion
Pick-up Weapon= press Square or Triangle near the dropped weapon
Method Of Mayhem 1-A= press r,d,dr Square
Method Of Mayhem 1-B= press r,d,dr Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 1-C= during Method Of Mayhem 1-A or hits, press r,d,dr Square
Method Of Mayhem 2= press r,dr,d,dl,l Square
Method Of Mayhem 3= press r,dr,d,dl,l X
Method Of Mayhem 4= press r,dr,d,dl,l Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 5-A= press l,d,dl O(can also be executed during Method Of
Mayhem 1-A, 2, 3 or 4)
Method Of Mayhem 5-B= during Method Of Mayhem 5-A, press r or r(h)
Method Of Mayhem 5-C= during Method Of Mayhem 5-A, press l or l(h)
Method Of Mayhem 5-D= during Method Of Mayhem 5-A, press O
Method Of Mayhem 5-E= during Method Of Mayhem 5-A, press Square
Method Of Mayhem 5-F= during Method Of Mayhem 5-A, press Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 5-G= during Method Of Mayhem 5-A, press X
Method Of Mayhem 6= press l,dl,d,dr,r Square or Triangle
Out Arms Attack= when Rage Gauge reaches Max, press r,l,dl,d,dr,r Square or
Secret Slice= when Life Gauge is flashing red, press r,l,dl,d,dr,r X


Weak Slash= press Square
Strong Slash= press Triangle
Kick= press X
Weak Low Attack= during crouched down, press Square
Strong Low Attack= during crouched down, press Triangle
Low Kick= during crouched down, press X
Weak Special Attack= press r+Square
Strong Special Attack= press r+Triangle
Special Kick= press r+X
Weak Jump Attack= during jump, press Square
Strong Jump Attack= during jump, press Triangle
Jump Kick= during jump, press X
Down Attack= during enemy down, press d+Square, Triangle, or X
Guard Break= press Square+Triangle
Push Throw= press Square+X
Pull Throw= press l+Square+X
Dodge= press O
Deflect(Upper&Middle)= press l(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Deflect(Lower)= press dl(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Dodge Attack(Hi&Mid)= press r(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Dodge Attack(Lower)= press d or dr(from the neutral position)right before being
Aerial Break Fall= press O before reaching the top or trajectory during blow
away damage
Break Fall(Forward)= press r+O while falling during blow away damage
Break Fall(Backwards)= press l+O while falling during blow away damage
Rage Explosion= press any 3 buttons simultaneously out of Square, Triangle, X, O
Fatal Flash= press any 3 buttons simultaneously out of Square, Triangle, X, O
during Rage Explosion
Pick-up Weapon= press Square or Triangle near the dropped weapon
Method Of Mayhem 1-A= press d,dr,r Square
Method Of Mayhem 1-B= press d,dr,r Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 2-A= press r,d,dr Square
Method Of Mayhem 2-B= press r,d,dr Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 3-A= press d,dl,l Square
Method Of Mayhem 3-B= press d,dl,l Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 4= press d,dl,l Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 5= press r,dr,d,dl,l Triangle
Out Arms Attack-A= when Rage Gauge reaches Max, press l,dl,d,dr,r Square
Out Arms Attack-B= when Rage Gauge reaches Max, press l,dl,d,dr,r Triangle
Out Arms Attack-C= when Rage Gauge reaches Max, press l,dl,d,dr,r X
Secret Slice= when Life Gauge is flashing red, press l,r,dr,d Square+Triangle


Weak Slash= press Square
Strong Slash= press Triangle
Kick= press X
Weak Low Attack= during crouched down, press Square
Strong Low Attack= during crouched down, press Triangle
Low Kick= during crouched down, press X
Weak Special Attack= press r+Square
Strong Special Attack= press r+Triangle
Special Kick= press r+X
Weak Jump Attack= during jump, press Square
Strong Jump Attack= during jump, press Triangle
Jump Kick= during jump, press X
Down Attack= during enemy down, press d+Square, Triangle, or X
Guard Break= press Square+Triangle
Push Throw= press Square+X
Pull Throw= press l+Square+X
Dodge= press O
Deflect(Upper&Middle)= press l(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Deflect(Lower)= press dl(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Dodge Attack(Hi&Mid)= press r(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Dodge Attack(Lower)= press d or dr(from the neutral position)right before being
Aerial Break Fall= press O before reaching the top or trajectory during blow
away damage
Break Fall(Forward)= press r+O while falling during blow away damage
Break Fall(Backwards)= press l+O while falling during blow away damage
Rage Explosion= press any 3 buttons simultaneously out of Square, Triangle, X, O
Fatal Flash= press any 3 buttons simultaneously out of Square, Triangle, X, O
during Rage Explosion
Pick-up Weapon= press Square or Triangle near the dropped weapon
Method Of Mayhem 1-A= during Weak Slash hits, press r,d,dr Square
Method Of Mayhem 1-B= during Strong Slash hits, press r,d,dr Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 1-C= during Weak Low Attack hits, press r,d,dr Square
Method Of Mayhem 1-D= during Strong Low Attack hits, press r,d,dr Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 1-E= during Weak Special Attack hits, press r,d,dr Square
Method Of Mayhem 1-F= during Strong Special Attack hits, press r,d,dr Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 2-A= press d,d Square, Triangle or O
Method Of Mayhem 2-B= during Method Of Mayhem 2-A, press O
Method Of Mayhem 2-C= during Method Of Mayhem 2-A, press r or r(h)
Method Of Mayhem 2-C= during Method Of Mayhem 2-A, press l or l(h)
Method Of Mayhem 3= during Method Of Mayhem 2-A, press Square or Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 4= during Method Of Mayhem 2-A, press d,dr,r Square or Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 5= during Method Of Mayhem 2-A, press r,d,dr Square
Method Of Mayhem 6= during Method Of Mayhem 2-A, press r,d,dr Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 7= during Method Of Mayhem 2-A, press r,r Square, Triangle or X
Method Of Mayhem 8-A= during Method Of Mayhem 2-A, press d,dl,l Square or
Method Of Mayhem 8-B= during Method Of Mayhem 8-A hits, press Square or Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 9-A= press d,dr,r Square
Method Of Mayhem 9-B= press d,dr,r Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 10-A= press l,dl,d,dr,r X
Method Of Mayhem 10-B= during Method Of Mayhem 10-A hits, press Square or
Method Of Mayhem 11-A= press d,dl,l Square or Triangle
Out Arms Attack= when Rage Gauge reaches Max, press d,dr,r,d,dr,r Square or
Secret Slice= when Life Gauge is flashing red, press r,l,dl,d,dr,r Square or


Weak Slash= press Square
Strong Slash= press Triangle
Kick= press X
Weak Low Attack= during crouched down, press Square
Strong Low Attack= during crouched down, press Triangle
Low Kick= during crouched down, press X
Weak Special Attack= press r+Square
Strong Special Attack= press r+Triangle
Special Kick= press r+X
Weak Jump Attack= during jump, press Square
Strong Jump Attack= during jump, press Triangle
Jump Kick= during jump, press X
Down Attack= during enemy down, press d+Square, Triangle, or X
Guard Break= press Square+Triangle
Push Throw= press Square+X
Pull Throw= press l+Square+X
Dodge= press O
Deflect(Upper&Middle)= press l(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Deflect(Lower)= press dl(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Dodge Attack(Hi&Mid)= press r(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Dodge Attack(Lower)= press d or dr(from the neutral position)right before being
Aerial Break Fall= press O before reaching the top or trajectory during blow
away damage
Break Fall(Forward)= press r+O while falling during blow away damage
Break Fall(Backwards)= press l+O while falling during blow away damage
Rage Explosion= press any 3 buttons simultaneously out of Square, Triangle, X, O
Fatal Flash= press any 3 buttons simultaneously out of Square, Triangle, X, O
during Rage Explosion
Pick-up Weapon= press Square or Triangle near the dropped weapon
Method Of Mayhem 1-A= press r,dr,d,dl,l X
Method Of Mayhem 1-B= after Method Of Mayhem 1-A is made, press O
Method Of Mayhem 1-C= after Method Of Mayhem 1-A is made, press Square
Method Of Mayhem 1-D= after Method Of Mayhem 1-A is made, press Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 2-A= press l,d,dl Square or Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 2-B= after Method Of Mayhem 2-A is made, press O
Method Of Mayhem 2-C= after Method Of Mayhem 2-A is made, press Square
Method Of Mayhem 2-D= after Method Of Mayhem 2-C is made, press Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 2-E= after Method Of Mayhem 2-A is made, press Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 2-F= after Method Of Mayhem 2-E is made, press Square
Method Of Mayhem 2-G= after Method Of Mayhem 2-E is made, press Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 2-H= during Method Of Mayhem 2-A, press d Square or Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 2-I= after Method Of Mayhem 2-H is made, press Square
Method Of Mayhem 2-J= after Method Of Mayhem 2-H is made, press Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 2-K= after Method Of Mayhem 2-A is made, press l,d,dl Square or
Method Of Mayhem 2-L= after Method Of Mayhem 2-K is made, press O
Method Of Mayhem 2-M= after Method Of Mayhem 2-K is made, press d,dr,r Square or
Method Of Mayhem 2-N= after Method Of Mayhem 2-K is made, press Square or
Method Of Mayhem 3-A= press r,d,dr Square
Method Of Mayhem 3-B= press r,d,dr Triangle
Out Arms Attack= when Rage Gauge reaches Max, press d,dl,l O+X
Secret Slice= when Life Gauge is flashing red, press l,d,dl O+X


Weak Slash= press Square
Strong Slash= press Triangle
Kick= press X
Weak Low Attack= during crouched down, press Square
Strong Low Attack= during crouched down, press Triangle
Low Kick= during crouched down, press X
Weak Special Attack= press r+Square
Strong Special Attack= press r+Triangle
Special Kick= press r+X
Weak Jump Attack= during jump, press Square
Strong Jump Attack= during jump, press Triangle
Jump Kick= during jump, press X
Down Attack= during enemy down, press d+Square, Triangle, or X
Guard Break= press Square+Triangle
Push Throw= press Square+X
Pull Throw= press l+Square+X
Dodge= press O
Deflect(Upper&Middle)= press l(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Deflect(Lower)= press dl(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Dodge Attack(Hi&Mid)= press r(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Dodge Attack(Lower)= press d or dr(from the neutral position)right before being
Aerial Break Fall= press O before reaching the top or trajectory during blow
away damage
Break Fall(Forward)= press r+O while falling during blow away damage
Break Fall(Backwards)= press l+O while falling during blow away damage
Rage Explosion= press any 3 buttons simultaneously out of Square, Triangle, X, O
Fatal Flash= press any 3 buttons simultaneously out of Square, Triangle, X, O
during Rage Explosion
Pick-up Weapon= press Square or Triangle near the dropped weapon
Method Of Mayhem 1= during jump, press u,u
Method Of Mayhem 2= during jump, press r,r
Method Of Mayhem 3-A= during jump, press Triangle+O
Method Of Mayhem 3-B= after Method Of Mayhem 3-A is made, press r or r(h)
Method Of Mayhem 3-C= after Method Of Mayhem 3-A is made, press l or l(h)
Method Of Mayhem 3-D= keep tapping O during Method Of Mayhem 3-A
Method Of Mayhem 3-E= after Method Of Mayhem 3-A is made, press X
Method Of Mayhem 3-F= after Method Of Mayhem 3-A is made, press d Square or
Method Of Mayhem 3-G= after Method Of Mayhem 3-A is made, press dr Square or
Method Of Mayhem 3-H= execute l,dl,d,dr,r X during Method Of Mayhem 3-A (3
consecutive execution possible)
Method Of Mayhem 4-A= press d,dr,r Square
Method Of Mayhem 4-B= press d,dr,r Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 5-A= press r,d,dr Square
Method Of Mayhem 5-B= press r,d,dr Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 6-A= press d,dl,l Square
Method Of Mayhem 6-B= press d,dl,l Triangle
Out Arms Attack-A= when Rage Gauge reaches Max, press r,l,dl,d,dr,r Triangle
Out Arms Attack-B= during Out Arms Attack-A hits, press r,d,dr Triangle
Out Arms Attack-C= during Out Arms Attack-B hits, press r,dr,d,dl,l Triangle
Secret Slice= when Life Gauge is flashing red, press r,dr,d,dl,l,r Triangle


Weak Slash= press Square
Strong Slash= press Triangle
Kick= press X
Weak Low Attack= during crouched down, press Square
Strong Low Attack= during crouched down, press Triangle
Low Kick= during crouched down, press X
Weak Special Attack= press r+Square
Strong Special Attack= press r+Triangle
Special Kick= press r+X
Weak Jump Attack= during jump, press Square
Strong Jump Attack= during jump, press Triangle
Jump Kick= during jump, press X
Down Attack= during enemy down, press d+Square, Triangle, or X
Guard Break= press Square+Triangle
Push Throw= press Square+X
Pull Throw= press l+Square+X
Dodge= press O
Deflect(Upper&Middle)= press l(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Deflect(Lower)= press dl(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Dodge Attack(Hi&Mid)= press r(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Dodge Attack(Lower)= press d or dr(from the neutral position)right before being
Aerial Break Fall= press O before reaching the top or trajectory during blow
away damage
Break Fall(Forward)= press r+O while falling during blow away damage
Break Fall(Backwards)= press l+O while falling during blow away damage
Rage Explosion= press any 3 buttons simultaneously out of Square, Triangle, X, O
Fatal Flash= press any 3 buttons simultaneously out of Square, Triangle, X, O
during Rage Explosion
Pick-up Weapon= press Square or Triangle near the dropped weapon
Method Of Mayhem 1= press l,dl,d,dr,r Square(hold the Square button to jump
Method Of Mayhem 2-A= press d,dr,r Square
Method Of Mayhem 2-B= press d,dr,r Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 3-A= press d,dl,l Square
Method Of Mayhem 3-B= press d,dl,l Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 4-A= press r,l,r Square
Method Of Mayhem 4-B= press r,l,r Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 4-C= after Method Of Mayhem 4-A or 4-B is made, press Square
Method Of Mayhem 4-D= after Method Of Mayhem 4-C is made, press Square
Method Of Mayhem 4-E= after Method Of Mayhem 4-A or 4-B is made, press Square
Method Of Mayhem 4-F= after Method Of Mayhem 4-E is made, press Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 4-G= after Method Of Mayhem 4-A or 4-B is made, press Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 4-H= after Method Of Mayhem 4-G is made, press Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 4-I= after Method Of Mayhem 4-A or 4-B is made, press Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 4-J= after Method Of Mayhem 4-I is made, press Square
Method Of Mayhem 4-K= after Method Of Mayhem 4-A or 4-B is made, press X
Method Of Mayhem 5-A= press d,dr,r X
Method Of Mayhem 5-B= after Method Of Mayhem 5-A is made, press r,d,dr X
Method Of Mayhem 5-C= after Method Of Mayhem 5-B is made, press r,d,dr Square
Out Arms Attack= when Rage Gauge reaches Max, press l,dl,d,dr,r Triangle
Secret Slice-A= when Life Gauge is flashing red, press r,d,dr Triangle
Secret Slice-B= during Secret Slice-A hits, press r,dr,r,dl,l O
Secret Slice-C= during Secret Slice-B hits, press d,d Triangle


Weak Slash= press Square
Strong Slash= press Triangle
Kick= press X
Weak Low Attack= during crouched down, press Square
Strong Low Attack= during crouched down, press Triangle
Low Kick= during crouched down, press X
Weak Special Attack= press r+Square
Strong Special Attack= press r+Triangle
Special Kick= press r+X
Weak Jump Attack= during jump, press Square
Strong Jump Attack= during jump, press Triangle
Jump Kick= during jump, press X
Down Attack= during enemy down, press d+Square, Triangle, or X
Guard Break= press Square+Triangle
Push Throw= press Square+X
Pull Throw= press l+Square+X
Dodge= press O
Deflect(Upper&Middle)= press l(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Deflect(Lower)= press dl(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Dodge Attack(Hi&Mid)= press r(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Dodge Attack(Lower)= press d or dr(from the neutral position)right before being
Aerial Break Fall= press O before reaching the top or trajectory during blow
away damage
Break Fall(Forward)= press r+O while falling during blow away damage
Break Fall(Backwards)= press l+O while falling during blow away damage
Rage Explosion= press any 3 buttons simultaneously out of Square, Triangle, X, O
Fatal Flash= press any 3 buttons simultaneously out of Square, Triangle, X, O
during Rage Explosion
Pick-up Weapon= press Square or Triangle near the dropped weapon
Method Of Mayhem 1-A= press r,d,dr Square
Method Of Mayhem 1-B= press r,d,dr Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 2-A= press d,dr,r Square
Method Of Mayhem 2-B= press d,dr,r Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 3-A= press d,dl,l Square
Method Of Mayhem 3-B= press d,dl,l Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 4= during Method Of Mayhem 2-A, 2-B, 3-A or 3-B hits, press
d,dr,r Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 5-A= press r,dr,d,dl,l X
Method Of Mayhem 5-B= press r,dr,d,dl,l Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 5-C= press r,dr,d,dl,l Square
Method Of Mayhem 5-D= during Method Of Mayhem 5-A, 5-B, 5-C, press r,d,dr Square
Method Of Mayhem 5-E= during Method Of Mayhem 5-A, 5-B, 5-C, press r,d,dr
Method Of Mayhem 5-F= during Method Of Mayhem 5-A, 5-B, 5-C, press r,d,dr X
Method Of Mayhem 5-G= auto-executed after Method Of Mayhem 5-A, Method Of Mayhem
5-B, Method Of Mayhem 5-C three times
Method Of Mayhem 5-H= during Method Of Mayhem 5-A, 5-B, 5-C, press O
Method Of Mayhem 6-A= press l,dl,d,dr,r X
Method Of Mayhem 6-B= press l,dl,d,dr,r Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 6-C= press l,dl,d,dr,r Square
Method Of Mayhem 6-D= during Method Of Mayhem 6-A, 6-B, 6-C, press r,d,dr Square
Method Of Mayhem 6-E= during Method Of Mayhem 6-A, 6-B, 6-C, press r,d,dr
Method Of Mayhem 6-F= during Method Of Mayhem 6-A, 6-B, 6-C, press r,d,dr X
Method Of Mayhem 6-G= auto-executed after Method Of Mayhem 6-A, Method Of Mayhem
6-B, Method Of Mayhem 6-C three times
Method Of Mayhem 6-H= during Method Of Mayhem 6-A, 6-B, 6-C, press O
Method Of Mayhem 7= press Triangle+O(when Rage Gauge is not empty)
Out Arms Attack= when Rage Gauge reaches Max, press r,l,dl,d,dr,r Triangle
Secret Slice= when Life Gauge is flashing red, press r,d,dr,r,d,dr Triangle


Weak Slash= press Square
Strong Slash= press Triangle
Kick= press X
Weak Low Attack= during crouched down, press Square
Strong Low Attack= during crouched down, press Triangle
Low Kick= during crouched down, press X
Weak Special Attack= press r+Square
Strong Special Attack= press r+Triangle
Special Kick= press r+X
Weak Jump Attack= during jump, press Square
Strong Jump Attack= during jump, press Triangle
Jump Kick= during jump, press X
Down Attack= during enemy down, press d+Square, Triangle, or X
Guard Break= press Square+Triangle
Push Throw= press Square+X
Pull Throw= press l+Square+X
Dodge= press O
Deflect(Upper&Middle)= press l(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Deflect(Lower)= press dl(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Dodge Attack(Hi&Mid)= press r(from the neutral position)right before being hit
Dodge Attack(Lower)= press d or dr(from the neutral position)right before being
Aerial Break Fall= press O before reaching the top or trajectory during blow
away damage
Break Fall(Forward)= press r+O while falling during blow away damage
Break Fall(Backwards)= press l+O while falling during blow away damage
Rage Explosion= press any 3 buttons simultaneously out of Square, Triangle, X, O
Fatal Flash= press any 3 buttons simultaneously out of Square, Triangle, X, O
during Rage Explosion
Pick-up Weapon= press Square or Triangle near the dropped weapon
Method Of Mayhem 1-A= press d,dr,r Square
Method Of Mayhem 1-B= press d,dr,r Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 1-C= press d,dr,r X
Method Of Mayhem 2= press d,dl,l Square
Method Of Mayhem 3= press d,dl,l Triangle
Method Of Mayhem 4= press d,dl,l X
Out Arms Attack= when Rage Gauge reaches Max, press l,r,dr,d,dl,l Square or
Secret Slice= when Life Gauge is flashing red, press r,l,dl,d,dr,r Square or

-Thanks to SNK for making this game
-Thanks for gamefaqs for posting this faqs at

This work is copyright I2485

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