

18.10.2013 07:28:52


On the second controller, hold down /\ >< U L1 You will get a second ship to play Galaga with.
Press select to restart a stage. If you>< U L1 You will get a second ship to play Galaga with.
Press select to restart a stage. If you
restart the last stage, it will take you back to stage 1.

Submission: Damian Gick (dgick@sun1.iusb.edu)

Devil Kayzua:
Beat all eight stages of Galaga and you will be able to pick the Devil Kazuya in one player mode
only. You can only 'restart' a
stage with Select once and not in the final round. You also may not use the second ship code, listed
above. You can, however, gain the second ship by
finishing the very first level VERY quickly. Highlight Kazuya in Arcade Mode
and select him with the Start button.

Submission: Damian Gick (dgick@sun1.iusb.edu)

What the Fruit Stands For:
1 - cherries 8 - pineapple
2 - strawberry 9 - galaxian
3 - orange 10 - galaxian
4 - orange 11 - bell
5 - apple 12 - bell
6 - apple 13 - key
7 - pineapple 14+ - keys

Submission: Damian Gick (dgick@sun1.iusb.edu)

You will gain access to the bosses once you defeat the mid-level boss and Heihachi, weither you use
continues doesn't matter. The
bosses will then be accessible to either the left of Yoshimitsu or the right
of Michelle. You also may not change characters between fights.
To access Heihachi, you must defeat him and all the characters before him without using continues,
you may use any character in doing so. The opponents
for Heihachi are all the mid level bosses, with his Boss being Devil Kazuya.
To access Devil Kazuya, you must defeat Galaga (see above) and while only in
'Arcade' mode, position your selection on 'Kazuya' and press 'Start' instead
of a punch/kick.

View Options:
There are 3 different views to choose from during play. As soon as [Select View] appears, pressing
'Select' will change views
from a Side View to a 3/4 view, and then to an extreme overhead 3/4 view if pressed again.

Submission: Damian Gick (dgick@sun1.iusb.edu)

Names List:
If for some reason you prefer to look at a list of names to choose from in the Arcade mode instead
of the portraits of each character,
you can do so by pressing both L1 and R1 on top of the controller simutaneously before and while
your selecting Arcade from the title screen.

Submission: Damian Gick (dgick@sun1.iusb.edu)

Super Power Punch for Paul:
What you need to do is use Paul's Heavy Power Punch when an enemy attacks. If
you can catch them in the middle of their attack, it will take half their life
off. Don't get frustrated if you don't get it the first time, it takes a while
to get used to it.

Play Galaga with 2 ships:
During power up, press and hold keys (UP, L1, Triangle, Cross) on the player 2

Devil Kazuya:
To get devil kazuya you must beat all eight rounds of galga with 40 points and
with only one ship.

Marc Alex Clermont (marcc4drums@sprintmail.com)

Continue Galaga During Loading Screen
To continue Galaga during the loading screen as many times as you wish, press
SELECT whenever the screen shows "Number of Hits". If you score 40 ships the
first round, the game will automatically go to the next level.


Two-player Galaga:
For two-player Galaga, hold Up + L1 + Triangle + Cross on Controller Two while
the game is powering up.

Play as a Sub-boss:
Beat all characters in the normal game. Fight and beat a sub-boss. The sub-boss may now be selected
for game play.

Play as Bosses:
Defeat the mid-level boss and Heihachi (continues may be used). Characters may not be changed
between fights. The bosses will be accessible to the left of Yoshimitsu or the right of Michelle.

Play as Heihachi:
Use any character to defeat him and all characters before him without using continues. The opponents
for Heihachi are all the mid level bosses, and his Boss, Devil Kazuya.

Alternate costumes:
At the character selection screen, press Square + Triangle for costume one or X + Circle for costume

Fight views:
When "Select View" appears, press Select to change between three different views.

Names in arcade mode:
Hold L1 + R1 while selecting the "Arcade" option from the title screen to view names instead of
character portraits.

Select who fights:
Enter the following codes on either or both controllers during demonstration mode to place the
corresponding character(s) in the fight:
HeihaciL1 + L2 + R1 + R2
LeeL1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Up
KumaL1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Up/Right
WangL1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Right
P. JackL1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Down/Right
AnnaL1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Down
Armor KingL1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Down/Left
GanryuL1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Left
KunimitsuL1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Up/Left


Heihachi und Devil Kazuya:
Fals ihr mit Kuma durchspielt ohne dass du alle beiden Runden verlierst krigst du Heihachi und Devil Kazuya.
Übermittelt von: Parham (behrozz85@hotmail.com)

Abrechen des Zählens:
Wenn du nicht willst das das Anzählen der Runde gilt musst du folgendes drücken:R1,L1,R2,L2 und dann start.Der cheat ist super müsst ihr mal probieren.
Übermittelt von: Parham (behrozz85@hotmail.com)
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18.Oktober 2013
Alle Spieler freigespielt.

14.Oktober 2013
Japanische Version: Alle Spieler freigespielt.

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