Time Crisis

Time Crisis

17.10.2013 00:49:04


Easy Story Mode:
On the second controller you can press either triangle, circle, square or X to
hide/reload instead of pressing the red bottun on the gun. After selecting the
first mission (the mission of the arcade version) from the selection screen, it
will appear the choice between the time attack mode or the story mode. Now
before shooting on the box of the story mode, shoot out of the screen. If it
works, the easy mode will appear on the box of story mode. You will then have 5
lives and more extra time to beat the game.

Cheat Menu:
In the Main Menu 3 selection box under "TIME CRISIS" screen, use the gun and
shoot the "R" (centre of D) of TIME C"R"ISIS 2 times. Then shoot the
"+" over the TIME CRISI"S" 2 times. If you have done this successful you´ll have a extra
menu for selection of life(max. to 9), free continue and auto reload

Unlimited Credits, Auto Reload Gun and 9 Blocks of Life:
At title screen, use your Guncon to hit the "r" letter in "Time Crisis" two times , then hit the
"+" sign beside the
word "TIme" once, then a special option screen will appear to let you adjust the about options.

Level Select:
Hold L1 + X + Circle for approximately five seconds. If you entered the code correctly, you will
hear the sound of a gun. Press Start at the title screen to jump to any level.

Alternate Reload:
Press Triangle, Circle, Square, or X on a standard controller in port two to hide or reload instead
of using the red gun button.

Special Mode:
Ballroom (Area 2-A)
At the final part in area 1, shoot all the gunmen before the doors on the nearest
lift close. (Shooting the orange men is optional.) If you succeed, you will take
the elevator up to the Ballroom.

Shopping Mall (Area 2-B)
Do the same as to get to the Ballroom, but wait until the elevator doors close
before shooting the final gunman. You will have to take the stairs instead, which leads to the
Shopping Mall.

Swimming Pool (Area 3-A)
At the final part in the Ballroom, get to Kantaris and you will confront Web
Spinner. He is lightning fast, extremely agile, has a powerful kick attack and
high voltage boomerangs of his own design. Defeat him in under 50 seconds and Kantaris will still be
there. She will escape through a quick secret passage
which takes you to the Swimming Pool.

Arms Factory (Area 3-B)
Defeat Web Spinner in over 50 seconds. Kantaris will have already escaped
elsewhere, thus not opening up the secret passage. The path you take instead
enters into the door of the Arms Factory. Alternately, shoot the glass that is at
the top of the crane in the Crane Center (the final part of the Shopping Mall).
The crane will explode and blast a hole through the wall. Inspect the hole to find
it leads to the Arms Factory.

Parking Lot (Boss Area 4-C), medium difficulty
Do not blow up the crane in the Crane Center and you will go to the
other passage that takes you to the Parking Lot. Alternately, shoot at the gas
canisters in the Arms Factory. The explosion is so large that you have no choice but to take the
lift, straight down to the Parking Lot.

Lounge (Boss Area 4-B), hard difficulty
At the final part of the Swimming Pool, allow two or more orange men to
escape. (You do not get any extra time for shooting those men.) You then quickly duck out of a
manager's/sergeant's sight. You then stealthily follow him
and the others through the door and open it to find you are at the steps
eading to the Lounge. Alternately, do not explode the Gas Canisters in the Arms
Factory and you can safely walk past them over to the door that goes to the Lounge.

Heliport (Boss Area 4-A), hard difficulty
Do not miss two or more orange men at the final part of the Swimming Pool.
You will not have to duck down, and instead look up to see Kantaris glaring at
you. She is very angry indeed! You take the steps up to the very top of the Headquarters, where you
must prepare for the final showdown.

Boss features:
The following are features of the Bosses in the Boss Areas:

Moz - Ninja Hall (arcade)
Moz's ninja henchmen just keep flooding in, so have vigilance at all times and
use any moment when he or his ninjas are off-screen to reload. There are two
different ways to avoid Moz's stealthy attack when he jumps from pillar to pillar.
Either use the "avoid" strategy (hide when he tries to tear you and then quickly
attack him) or the "counteract" strategy (shoot him when he is jumping). Counteracting involves a
certain amount of accuracy and speed, and landing
the bullet precisely. If you are using the "No reload" code for this Boss, just go
for it.

Sherudo Garo - Battle Royale room (arcade)
Garo has his own luxury battle room and is a master knife-thrower, so you may
spend a lot of the time hiding from them. You may find yourself wasting too much time doing this, so
you will have to try and attack whenever possible,
taking a risk and maybe losing a life . Garo has a particular strategy for
te battle, in which he strikes a fine balance between defensive tactics and offensive tactics (by
the time you have avoided the knives and try to
attack Sherudo has hid). In the first scene, he will hide behind a marble object, andattacks (in
order starting from far left) from the bottom far left, dart throwing
from left, jump-darting (slightly further right), jump-darting from middle, darting
from right, bottom far right. It is very tricky to hit him as he is always moving. If
you do manage to land a couple of successful shots, the military backup that
Wild Dod supplies will appear. There will be personal soldiers (these arespecially accurate
opponents that are Sherudo's own guards and possess various weapons) at the left and
right edges of the screen throwing
grenaes. Ifyou manage to shoot Sherudo again a personal soldier and red soldier will
appear. They will both carry pistols. Shoot Garo after they are dealt with. In the
second scene, Sherudo will hide behind another special marble object and attack from left, right or
a space in the center. Soon, more personal soldiers
will appear, and one will throw knives at close range. Either avoid or counteract
this. During the time limit extension for the third scene, you will see Sherudo
damaged, but he has not given up. He also has plenty of knives remaining, and
will several at once and hide behind the arch where you cannot see him for cover. He also does some
swift rolling and lunging in-between. After being shot
a couple of times, he will bring on three of his best personal soldiers wielding
pistols. It is very easy to get shot at this point, so take them out one by one and
hide in instantly afterwards. Now Garo will be supported by his four finest personal soldiers: two
carrying knives that team up with Sherudo, one carrying
a pistol and one with a machine gun that hides when you hide. Take these out
with sheer skill and then face Garo once more.

Wild Dog - Wild Dog Bridge - Boss Area 3
Wild Dog first blows up the old castle, 'just to be sure'. After shooting Rachel
when she tried to escape, he is frustrated that you are responsible for killing
Sherudo (his boss), and that you foiled his boss' plans. Now you will have to
fight Wild Dog himself. Even though he wears a cool pair of shades, he is one
of the worlds most famous and notorious criminals. He starts by moving around the well, attacking
from the right or left using his two magnums. It is
very easy to get shot here, so have fast reactions. Wild Dog he is fond of always coming up to shoot
over the left side when hit. There is particularlytricky part when he is running and shooting at the
same time. In this case,
btth extreme accuracy and a fast reaction time are required to hit him, especially
when he fires in the center between the two pillars. It takes quite a few shots to
be able to reach the next scene. In scene 2, Wild Dog shows no sign of pain as he briskly runs over
to near the bridge, signals for his military backup, and
hides behind a stone object. In scenes 2-3, the Wild dog backup consists of all
the various opponents/soldiers: blue, red, and brown, soldiers with grenades and
bazookas, green machine gunners, Wild Dog's personal hitmen (although
their weapons are not special), and soldiers with shields (some enemies are on the top of the
bridge). Also, Wild Dog Will lob standard hand-grenades at
the stone ornaments holding thin stone boulders. You can either avoid (hide so they do
not roll into you) or counteract (shoot the grenade before it hits the
stone) -- counteracting will be the more difficult of the two. Some of Moz's
ninjas even appear to seek revenge on you. Be careful throughout the two scenes, as Wild Dog will
attack twice: once with the magnums and once with
his machine gun. If you hit him both times, Wild Dog will run, firing his machine
gun into the air. The final scene takes place near the remains of the castle, and
by a hide out. This is the place where you will be most likely to either run out of
time or out of lives, so try and balance out hiding and attacking well. Wild Dog
will usually attack from a distance; occasionally a sneaky attack at close range,
and every now and then he will throw a hand-grenade, 50 percent of the time followed by a chop,
roundhouse and flip. He is able to take several hits until he

Parking Lot Boss, medium difficulty
This Boss is a unique tank which tries to ram you, sprays rounds of Machine
Gun bullets and fires RPGs out the turrets. The tank has a toughly armored chassis, so the best
place to shoot is at the windscreen/cockpit. Hide when
it tries to ram you and be cautious about the machine gun bullets, which when
sprayed creates quite a hazard. Keep an eye on the timer as well. Overall, it is
not too hard but not really easy. Note: The red car at the very end of the level
Kantaris is driving must be shot at several times in order to see the good ending.

Heliport Boss, medium/hard difficulty
The Boss itself is not that easy, but it is the extra danger added by the other
men that make it more challenging. This Boss is a very durable, and quite deadly airplane that has a
machine gun. It will try to ram you at one point, and
its main feature is that it fires missiles. Take out the men first, with a fast
finger. Then, with an even faster finger, shoot the missile launchers on the
plane. If you manage to destroy it, you must then quickly get to the plane Kantaris is in and repeat
how you shot the last plane. The ending will show you
whether Kantaris does or does not get away, depending on how many shots you fired at the plane.

Lounge Boss, hard difficulty
Possibly the hardest Boss in Special Mode, it has a machine gun arm. The
other arm has an extreme rapid fire high powered machine gun, and on the other side of the arms are
solid metal claw-like hands. The hands or guns can
be toggled because the arms rotate. Throughout the battle it will fire the machine gun, and then
switch to the hands where it will start punching you at
close range. This is where you must decide to hide, wasting valuable time, or
to shoot, consequently risking getting knocked about. The machine moves about most of the time
making it difficult to shoot it on-target. When it starts to
spin out of control, it then stops, jerks, and suddenly goes ballistic with the high
powered machine gun. After several hits it malfunctions slightly, walks off, then
zooms back in with machine gun blazing. It normally moves left to right, but as
the battle goes on you will notice it moves back, forward, and at one point moves in a tricky 360
degree motion. Defeat it before Kantaris gets away to
see the good ending.

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