Twisted Metal 2

Twisted Metal 2

15.10.2013 04:26:53


God Mode (all items infinate, and infinate lives) :
while fighting in tournament or challenge match hold L1 L2 R1 R2 then press up,
down, left, right, right, left, down, up then god mode should appear in the
green slot at the top. You should do the homing napalm first so that you will
have unlimited.

First Level Tricks:
The first level if you get on top of the tunnel thing,
not the one with the warp on it, standing right at the edge (the edge with
the lighting weapon on it) facing the fence, if you get God mode on, and
take a remote bomb, lay it right on you and blow it up, then turbo strait for
the fence, you will go over it and be on the other side! and the only people
you can do it with is twister, and I think I did it once with Mr. grimm,
that's all :) thank you for your time


Double Weapon Power:
This code whips out your current weapons but makes the new weapons you pick up
twice as strong u,d,r,l,u,u,d,d

Frank Z Moreno (

Mona Lisa Code:
If you want to get the mona lisa code to work supposeivley you put the
sequence in at the single trac screen at the beginning


Mega guns code:
During gameplay hold down the R2 button and press up, down, left, right, right, left,
down, up. Your machine guns should turn white if done correctly. The guns drain opponents
power and are good for killing guys when they have a little power or are frozen


Special Tracks:
Enter at 2 Playes AT track select:
Jet Moto: up,down,right,R1
Rooftop: down,left,R1,down

Nate (

Play as Dark Tooth:
Complete the game on the hard difficulty setting using any character except
Sweet Tooth or Minion. Restart the game and press L1, Up, Down, Left, Up, L1, Triangle,
Right, Up, Down, L1, R1 at the vehicle selection screen.
Note: This code seems not to be working. Any corrections are welcome.

New York Boxes:
I have a secret for NewYork at the gray box that you would destroy to enter the
pooldo not destroy it jump on it and when its destroyed you will remain on
top.If you fall off after its destroyed you can still get back on.


Access Secret Level:
To access a secret level go to two player challenge, while at level select
screen press up, down, right, and R1. You will find yourself in an offroad race

Weapons Select:
Push SELECT & DOWN & you will get a list of your weapons to select from instead of
picking from the icons.

Paris Secret:
When your in paris go to the top of the tower by transporting there. Lay a
remote bomb at the edge where you fall out than get out quick. When you explode the remote
bomb the tower will split and creat hallways to all the roofs.

At the Car Selection screen, press UP-L1-TRIANGLE-RIGHT.You'll hear a "thud"
noise. To access Sweettooth at the car selection screen press up, left 1,
triangle, right and you should here a machine gun sound.

At the car/character select screen, press L1,Up,down,and left and you will be
able to play as Minion,the boss from last game. To play as Sweet Tooyh, press
Up,L1,triangle,and right at the character select screen.Please note that you
wont get a stage password so you must complete the game in one sitting!

Secret Level:
To access a secret level go to two player challenge, while at level select
screen press up, down, right, and R1. You will find yourself in an offroad race

when you are playing the game just enter right,down,left,up and you will turn
invisible. for example:you know how to jump,put on shield,and do other advance attacks
that's where you do it.(during battle)

Moscow Secret:
I found a new thing to blow up. It is in moscow suicid slide. If you go to the
edge of one of the bridges and back up,you can see at the top of the screen is a round
ball like thing,if you time it just right and hit it with a missle it will
blow up.

Special Weapons:
Freeze: Left--right---up
Napalm: right---left--up
Mines: right---left---down
Rerar: Attack--left--right--down
Force Shield: up--up--right
High Jump:up--up--left
Invisibility: right--down--left--up

Fire Minion's weapon with any car:
You first need a full energy bar as this weapon takes about 98% of it to pull
off. There are two ways to do this (both during gameplay):
1. Enter U, D, U, U, and then press the machine gun button.
2. Hold down the machine gun button and enter U, D, U, U.
Type: Down,Up,Right,Left,Up,Up,Down,Down

Weapon Trade:
This trades all your weapons for more Life!!!!!!! P.S. if you did it right on 1
player then it says" sell your soul" at the top

Special Moves:
1. left right down = fire weapon backwards
2. left right up= freeze ball
3. right left down=mines
4. right left up= napalm
5. up up left= high jump
6. up up right= shield
7. right, down, left, up= invisible (3 seconds)
8. WHEN WITHOUT AMMO: L,R,D,L,R,U You will shoot a backwards freeze!

At the car select screen press L1, U, D, L

Jet moto background:
At 2 plr track, select: up, down, right, R1.

down, left, R1, down.

Moscow - X /\ X X _ _
Paris - O /\ [] _ /\ _
Amazonia - /\ /\ [] O O _
New York - _ /\ [] [] X _
Antarctica - X X /\ [] /\ O
Holland - O X O /\ O O
Hong Kong - /\ X O X X O
Dark Tooth - /\ [] /\ [] _ []

Moscow - /\ X O _ _ _
Paris - X /\ O [] [] O
Amazonia - _ X O O /\ O
New York - O /\ X O _ []
Antarctica - X [] [] O _ /\
Holland - /\ /\ X [] O /\
Hong Kong - O [] [] O X /\
Dark Tooth - X _ X [] [] _

Moscow - _ /\ X X X _&127;
Paris -_ X /\ [] X /\
Amazonia - /\ _ _ _ X O
New York - /\ /\ X /\ X X
Antarctica - /\ X /\ O X []
Holland - /\ [] [] X [] _
Hong Kong - O /\ O [] [] /\
Dark Tooth - O O O _ /\ X

Moscow - /\ /\ X X O _
Paris - O X /\ O /\ X
Amazonia - X O O /\ /\ /\
New York - /\ _ _ O X O
Antarctica - O /\ X /\ X _
Holland - X X /\ _ O X
Hong Kong - _ X O /\ [] []
Dark Tooth - _ [] /\ O O /\

Mr. Slam:
Moscow - X X /\ [] X _
Paris - X _ _ O X []
Amazonia - O /\ [] _ [] X
New York - /\ X O [] _ O
Antarctica - /\ _ /\ O /\ /\
Holland - _ O _ _ O _
Honk Kong - [] _ _ /\ _ /\
Dark Tooth - [] _ [] /\ O X

Outlaw 2:
Moscow - _ X O _ /\ _
Paris - /\ /\ X O /\ _
Amazonia - /\ [] [] [] /\ _
New York - O X /\ /\ /\ _
Antarctica - X /\ O X /\ _
Holland - X [] [] _ /\
Hong Kong - _ /\ X [] X X
Dark Tooth - _ O X _ /\ _

Road Kill:
Moscow - O X /\ [] [] _
Paris - /\ _ /\ _ _ O
Amazonia - X X /\ O [] /\
New York - O _ _ X _ X
Antarctica - _ /\ [] X O _
Holland - X _ _ /\ _ []
Hong Kong - /\ /\ [] /\ O /\
Dark Tooth - /\ O X /\ [] X

Moscow - [] _ _ /\ /\ _
Paris - X /\ X [] O /\
Amazonia - X X O _ /\ X
New York - X _ _ X O []
Antarctica - O X O O X O
Holland - O /\ [] /\ [] _
Hong Kong - O _ /\ _ [] X
Dark Tooth - O /\ _ /\ O _

Moscow - O /\ X X /\ _
Paris - _ /\ [] O O X
Amazonia - O X /\ [] /\ X
New York - _ X O X X /\
Antarctica - X _ _ _ O /\
Holland - /\ _ _ [] X []
Hong Kong - X /\ X /\ O []
Dark Tooth - X O O O _ /\

Moscow - O _ _ /\ X _
Paris - X [] [] O O /\
Amazonia - /\ X O _ [] _
New York - X X /\ /\ X /\
Antarctica - /\ /\ [] _ _ _
Holland - X /\ X _ [] /\
Hong Kong - /\ _ _ [] /\ _
Dark Tooth - /\ _ [] [] X O

Moscow - X _ _ /\ O _
Paris - /\ X O O X /\
Amazonia - _ /\ [] X [] O
New York - X /\ X O X _
Antarctica - O _ _ X [] /\
Holland - _ X X _ _ O
Hong Kong - X X /\ X [] _
Dark Tooth - X [] _ [] /\ O

Moscow - /\ _ _ /\ [] _
Paris - /\ [] [] [] X []
Amazonia - O [] [] O X X
New York - X [] [] _ X O
Antarctica - _ X O /\ _ []
Holland - /\ X /\ [] _ X
Hong Kong - O X /\ O _ O
Dark Tooth - O X /\ O _ O

Play as Dark Tooth:
Complete the game on the hard difficulty setting using any character except
Sweet Tooth or Minion. Restart the game and press L1,Up, Down, Left, Up, L1,
Triangle, Right, Up, Down, L1, R1 at the vehicle selection screen.
Note: This code is reported as not working.

Code can be done on two or one player mode. it has to be on a challenge mode though when
you are playing the game (note: the game cannot be paused) . Hold l1 and r1 at teh same
time and then hit up down left right right left down up .it should make a sound then test
it by trying to get hit by a car.if it doesnt work try it again.if you fall off teh new
york towers you still have invincbility dont type it again cause you will
uninvincibilitize your self.


New York Secrets:
On one of the builidings on new york on the roof top there will be a small type
of box .like a gray.if you blow it up you will fall into a afe will
fall in water.then you hage to drive out and once you go around the corner tehre will ber
two areas you can go onto stay in the second the whole board.teh cars will destroy


Wierd New York Level:
There are red marks on the bottom, where you die, by a teleport. It looks like it says UP L1
TRIAGNLE RIGHT . They are actually symbols but I guess thats what they mean. Any idea what that
does? Thanks, Derek.


Iceberg Board:
There will be an ice brige stay on it the whole time that is the only thing in
the board that does not colapse.a good tip is freeze your oppennt on an icenerg and use
napalms to blow it up more quickly.


Lava Board:
On one of teh builings across form teh brigde you can blow up
to passage is a blue bridge.then on the one to the right (not the one
with the remote bomb)position yourself on an anlge and shoot your enemies as
you go by.once you kill them you will have to kill go back to that
area again.then you will win.


Hong Kong Secret:
First select Grass Hopper in sigle-player challenge mode. Then select Hong
Kong. Have as many enemies against you as possible. Then get inside of the
tunnels. Go to one of the points where the tunnels slope up tword the top.
Your enemies must be outside of the tunnel. It helps if you have infinate life
and ammo for this trick. Then do your special while pointed in the direction of
your enemy while in the tunnel. Eventually tou will fall under the tunnel and
the entire city!!! Now switch to Rico bombs. When you fire them they will come out above
you in the city. You can whale on your opponents!!! And while you're down there you can
roam under buildings, the ocean, and even see cities on the surrounding bay that you
couldn't see before!!!

Grant Gorman, Julian Gorman, and Matt Byrne (

Double Weapon Power:
this code whips out your current weapons but makes the new weapons you pick up twice as
strong u,d,r,l,u,u,d,d

Frank Z Moreno (

Homing Napalm:
No, I am not pulling your leg. I wasn't going to reveal this, I guess I'm just
in a good mood today. :) Yes, there is a Homing Napalm code, it is not just a
rumor. Yes, I am going to tell you what it is. Having destroyed enough
opponents with it, I may as well increase the challenge and reveal it in all
its glory. :) You may well decide to ban this code from private competition,
since it is so powerful it renders most other things obsolete. But, you can
have an awful lot of fun with people who don't know of its existence. Unless
they see a big fireball make a hairpin turn and run them down no matter far
they go, they might just think you're awfully good with them Napalm shots. :)
This code only has to be entered once, from that time on all napalms that you
collect or that you fire as an advanced attack will be homing in nature. Make
that VERY homing in nature. If you're out in the open when this one gets
launched, you can kiss your ass goodbye, unless you're awfully good with the
shield. Even then you can have two homing napalms in the air at once, almost
three, so the shield won't save you much. The code will remain active for the
player who entered it as long as the game is on, even if you switch cars and
levels. So if you're using it among people who don't know it, contrive to hit
the reset button before handing off your controller to somebody else. :) And
now that you're salivating enough, I reveal the most Holy code.... Firstly,
thou must have 3 napalms in thy inventory, no more, no less. 3 shall be the
number of the counting, and the number counted shall be 3. 4 shalt thou not
count, neither shalt thou count 2, excepting that thou then proceedest to 3. 5
is right out. At 3, being the third number be reached, lobbest thou the Holy
Homing Napalm. (For those whom God did not bless with an abundance of grey
matter, that means fire a napalm when you have three, so that you have two
remaining in your inventory). Keepest thy finger pressed upon the fire button
until the code is entered correctly and the blessing received! Thou needest not enter the
code whilst the Holy missile is airborne. So long as the button is
kept depressed, thou will be able to attempt the code until it is entered
properly. Now that thou art worthy, thou mayest receive the code: Up, Down,
Down, Left, Left, Left, Right, Right. Thou mayest proclaim the Holy code across the Land,
and smite the Unbelievers therewith. Unless you just want to
destroy the cyber-clueless, in that case just smite but don't proclaim. Your
choice. :) Upon correctly entering the code, thou wilt receive a blessing of,
oh, about a dozen extra Napalms to play with. Be careful to avoid injury as
your jaw may hit the floor when you see this thing take off. It is more homing
than a homing missile, and much faster, hits like a comet from outer space,
and generally knocks the crap out of whatever poor sap it hits, in addition to
setting them on fire. Enjoy. :) will answer no queries as to what procedure I
used to crack^h^h^h^h^h discover this code, nor will I discuss what others I
am working on or am currently using on hapless victims. Have a great weekend, and may all
TM2 believers rejoice. :)))

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