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2 Klicks für mehr Datenschutz: Erst wenn Sie hier klicken, wird der Button aktiv und Sie können Ihre Empfehlung an Google+ senden. Schon beim Aktivieren werden Daten an Dritte übertragen – siehe i.nicht mit Google+ verbunden
Player 1 75% (3/4) Energy:
D01BC188 0000
801BC188 00F6
Player 1 50% (1/2) Energy:
D01BC188 0000
801BC188 01C0
Player 1 25% (1/4) Energy:
D01BC188 0000
801BC188 0288
Player 1 No Health:
801BC18A 0001
Player 1 "Fake" Infinite Health:
801B82D0 00FE
Infinite Time:
801CA6E8 0B3A
Player 1 Has No Arms:
801BC11C 000A
Player 1 Has No Arms and Legs:
801BC11C 0005
Player 1 Is Only A Head:
801BC11C 0001
Player 1 Is Invisible:
801BC11C 0000
Player 1 Has No Arms, Legs, and Torso:
801BC11C 0003
Player 1 Has No Arms and Left Leg:
801BC11C 0006
Player 1 Has No Arms, and Has Half of a Right Leg:
801BC11C 0009
Player 1 Has No Arms and Right Leg, and is Missing Half of Left Leg:
801BC11C 0006
Player 1 Has No Right Arm, and is Missing 2/3 of Left Arm:
801BC11C 000C
Player 1 Has No Right Arm, and is Missing 1/3 of Left Arm:
801BC11C 000D
Player 1 is Missing 2/3 of Right Arm:
801BC11C 0015
Player 1 is Missing 1/3 of Right Arm:
801BC11C 0016
Player 1 Has No Right Arm:
801BC11C 000E
Player 1's Right Hand has No Weapon:
801BC11C 0017
Player 1's Left Hand has No Weapon:
801BC11C 001C
Player 1 is Completely Weaponless:
801BC11C 001A
Player 1 is Automatically Controlled and is Always Defending:
801BC118 0150
Player 1 is Automatically Controlled and Usually Wins:
801BC116 002F
Player 1 Falls Down and Dies Before the Match Starts:
801BC188 0E20
Player 1 Automatically Wins:
801BC1E8 0000
Player 1 Can Fight Before the Match Starts:
801BC1D4 0000
Player 1 Cannot Be Knocked Down:
801BC18C 0000
Player 1 Tiny Jump:
801BC1C0 0550
Player 1 Does Everything Player 2 Does; Mirror Match:
801BC118 0000
Player 1 is Always the Character's Alternate Color:
801BC154 0003
Player 1 is Always the Character's Normal Color:
801BC154 0002
Player 1 Cannot Hurt Player 2 in Some Ways:
801BC196 0000
Player 1 Can Do Some Special Moves in Midair; Cannot Jump Diagonally:
801BC15C 0000
Player 1 is Suspended in Midair; Switch Off to Make Him Die:
801BC114 0001
Player 1 is in Slow-Motion:
801BC172 0000
Player 1 is a Punching Bag (cannot move); Switch Off So He Can Die:
801BC170 0000
Player 1 Can Do Desperation Moves at Any Time:
801BC18A 000A
801B82D0 00FE
Player 1 Turning Around (following opponent when they dodge by rotating) is Automatic and better
Than Normal: 801BC1C4 0000
When Player 1 Jumps, He Doesn't Stop Going Up.He Then Reappears in the Ring and Can Fight Normally:
801BC1C0 0050
Player 1's Head is in the Middle of the Arena Floor, and You have an Invisible Body that can Move
Around the Ring and your Opponent will Follow You Around.If You Try to go Out of the Arena, You
Don't Fall Off, You Can Keep Walking in the Middle of Nowhere.Your Opponent will Follow You out of
the Ring and Fall Off, Giving You the Win: 801BC11E 0003
Player 1 (or computer) is Spastic; Attacks You Before the Fight Begins, Will Grab You Out of the
Middle of Nowhere and Beat the Heck Out of You, Often Walks Around in Midair and Counters Everything
that You Do:
801BC15A 0001
Cursor on Player Select Screen Goes Extra Fast and Does Weird Things; Player 1 Can Jump Again And
Again in Midair (like Jumping Flash);Player 1 Has a Hard Time Doing Moves Other than Throws, and Can
Fight Before the Match Starts:
801BC15E 0000
Player 1 Always Select Eiji:
801BC11A 0000
Player 1 Always Select Kayin:
801BC11A 0001
Player 1 Always Select Sofia:
801BC11A 0002
Player 1 Always Select Rungo:
801BC11A 0003
Player 1 Always Select Fo:
801BC11A 0004
Player 1 Always Select Mondo:
801BC11A 0005
Player 1 Always Select Duke:
801BC11A 0006
Player 1 Always Select Ellis:
801BC11A 0007
Player 1 Always Select Gaia:
801BC11A 0008
Player 1 Always Select Sho:
801BC11A 0009
Player 2 Infinite Health:
801BC25C 0000
Player 2 75% (3/4) Energy:
D01BC25C 0000
801BC25C 00F6
Player 2 50% (1/2) Energy:
D01BC25C 0000
801BC25C 01C0
Player 2 25% (1/4) Energy:
D01BC25C 0000
801BC25C 0288
Player 2 No Health:
801BC25E 0001
Player 2 "Fake" Infinite Health:
801B82D2 00FE
Player 2 Has No Arms:
801BC1F0 000A
Player 2 Has No Arms and Legs:
801BC1F0 0005
Player 2 Is Only A Head:
801BC1F0 0001
Player 2 Is Invisible:
801BC1F0 0000
Player 2 Has No Arms, Legs, and Torso:
801BC1F0 0003
Player 2 Has No Arms and Left Leg:
801BC1F0 0006
Player 2 Has No Arms, and Has Half of a Right Leg:
801BC1F0 0009
Player 2 Has No Arms and Right Leg, and is Missing Half of Left Leg:
801BC1F0 0006
Player 2 Has No Right Arm, and is Missing 2/3 of Left Arm:
801BC1F0 000C
Player 2 Has No Right Arm, and is Missing 1/3 of Left Arm:
801BC1F0 000D
Player 2 is Missing 2/3 of Right Arm:
801BC1F0 0015
Player 2 is Missing 1/3 of Right Arm:
801BC1F0 0016
Player 2 Has No Right Arm:
801BC1F0 000E
Player 2's Right Hand has No Weapon:
801BC1F0 0017
Player 2's Left Hand has No Weapon:
801BC1F0 001C
Player 2 is Completely Weaponless:
801BC1F0 001A
Player 2 is Automatic and is Always Defending:
801BC1EC 0150
Player 2 is Automatic and Usually Wins:
801BC1EA 002F
Player 2 Falls Down and Dies Before the Match Starts:
801BC25C 0E20
Player 2 Automatically Wins:
801BC2BC 0000
Player 2 Can Fight Before the Match Starts:
801BC2A8 0000
Player 2 Cannot Be Knocked Down:
801BC232 0000
Player 2 Tiny Jump:
801BC294 0550
Player 2 Does Everything Player 1 Does; Mirror Match:
801BC1EC 0000
Player 2 is Always the Character's Alternate Color:
801BC228 0003
Player 2 is Always the Character's Normal Color:
801BC228 0002
Player 2 Cannot Hurt Player 1 in Some Ways:
801BC198 0000
Player 2 Can Do Some Special Moves in Midair; Cannot Jump Diagonally:
801BC230 0000
Player 2 is Suspended in Midair; Switch Off to Make Him Die:
801BC1E8 0001
Player 2 is in Slow-Motion:
801BC246 0000
Player 2 is a Punching Bag (cannot move); Switch Off So He Can Die:
801BC244 0000
Player 2 Can Do Desperation Moves at Any Time:
801BC25E 000A
801B82D2 00FE
Player 2 Turning Around (following opponent when they dodge by rotating) is Automatic and Better
Than Normal: 801BC298 0000
When Player 2 Jumps, He Doesn't Stop Going Up.He Then Reappears in the Ring and Can Fight Normally:
801BC294 0050
Player 2's Head is in the Middle of the Arena Floor, and You have an Invisible Body that can Move
Around the Ring and your Opponent will Follow You Around.If You Try to go Out of the Arena, You
Don't Fall Off, You Can Keep Walking in the Middle of Nowhere.Your Opponent will Follow You out of
the Ring and Fall Off, Giving You the Win: 801BC1F2 0003
Player 2 (or computer) is Spastic; Attacks You Before the Fight Begins, Will Grab You Out of the
Middle of Nowhere and Beat the Heck Out of You, Often Walks Around in Midair and Counters Everything
that You Do:
801BC22E 0001
Cursor on Player Select Screen Goes Extra Fast and Does Weird Things; Player 2 Can Jump Again And
Again in Midair (like Jumping Flash);Player 2 Has a Hard Time Doing Moves Other than Throws, and Can
Fight Before the Match Starts:
801BC232 0000
Player 2 Always Select Eiji:
801BC11A 0000
Player 2 Always Select Kayin:
801BC11A 0001
Player 2 Always Select Sofia:
801BC11A 0002
Player 2 Always Select Rungo:
801BC11A 0003
Player 2 Always Select Fo:
801BC11A 0004
Player 2 Always Select Mondo:
801BC11A 0005
Player 2 Always Select Duke:
801BC11A 0006
Player 2 Always Select Ellis:
801BC11A 0007
Player 2 Always Select Gaia:
801BC11A 0008
Player 2 Always Select Sho:
801BC11A 0009
Ring-Outs are Cooler:
801BC1C6 0000
801BC29A 0000
Computer is Stupid; Doesn't Fight Very Much:
801BC236 0000
801BC162 0000
Each Round Lasts 5 Seconds:
D01CA6E8 0B3A
801CA6E8 000A
Spieler 1 Unbegrenzte Gesundheit:
801BC188 0000
Spieler 1 75% (3/4) Energie:
D01BC188 0000
801BC188 00F6
Spieler 1 50% (1/2) Energie:
D01BC188 0000
801BC188 01C0
Spieler 1 25% (1/4) Energie:
D01BC188 0000
801BC188 0288