Secret of Evermore

Secret of Evermore

15.10.2013 19:54:22
engl. FAQ für/for Secret of Evermore
Secret of Evermore FAQ Version 1 (December 16, 1995)
Co-Written by Carson Lee (E-Mail:
and Eric Oliver (E-Mail
IMPORTANT: -This FAQ was written in basic text format so everyone could
read it. A simple editor like MS-DOS Edit will show it
as it is in front of me, perfectly aligned.
-This FAQ was designed as a guide. It's purpose is to help
those that are lost or people who think they have explored
all the possible areas in the game and would like to know
if there's anything they haven't found. I'm writting this
because of some negative response (very little though) to my
previous FAQ on Chrono Trigger.
-I like mail, unlike many other authors of FAQ's. If it gets
too unbearable, my response time may be slow but that's ok.
I've only included two of my e-mail addresses above.
What's New about this FAQ:
-This is the first one (There are others in production)
-Walkthrough written
-List of alchemy spells
-Game Genie codes
-Map of the Dark Forest
-Charms/Rare Items List
-Ingredient List/Price Comparison
Items to be added to FAQ:
-More Game Genie codes?
-Any suggestions will be appreciated.
-If anyone re-writes this FAQ/Walkthrough, please send copies to:
Name Internet E-Mail Address
Carson Lee
Eric Oliver
Lord Rokol
Table of Contents
I. Characters
II. Weapons
III. Charms/Rare Items
IV. The Walkthrough
V. Map of the Dark Forest
VI. Spells List [Names/Locations/How]
VII. Spells List [Names/Cost/What]
VIII. Ingredient List
IX. Nobilia Marketplace Trading Guide
X. Game Genie Codes
XI. Acknowledgements
I. Characters
(By Carson Lee,

The Boy
The boy (No default names in this game) is a B-movie fanatic. He's
sorta gullible and needs your help to guide him through Evermore.
The Dog
Your trusty friend changes form whenever you move onto a new section
of Evermore. It levels up it's Dog Attack very early and usually
does 4x as much damage as the human, so keep him healthy. He loves
to find ingredients all over Evermore, but it's hard to tell exactly
where it is, since his nose doesn't always point to it. Try this:
If he stops and sniffs at an area, but you can't find it, try leading
him away a little bit, then bring your dog back and he might get
closer to where it is.
II. Weapons
(By Carson Lee,

I. Bone Crusher
The weapon you start out with, there's nothing special about
this one.
II. Gladiator Sword
This one is given to you after you win the gladiator match.
Again, nothing special about this weapon.
III. Crusader Sword
You recieve this one when you beat up the 3 clones of
yourself, you use it for a few minutes, then recieve a better
weapon. I haven't found anything special.
IV. Neutron Blade
You get this one at Omnitopia when you free the orange
bazooka guy from jail. The final sword.
I. Spider's Claw
You get this after beating up the first bug. It allows you
to cut through the underbrush, but then, all the weapons
after it does that too.
II. Bronze Axe
You get this at the Pyramid. This axe is the only axe that
allows you to break the rocks in Antiqua.
III. Knight Basher
You get this from Tinker's room. This is the only axe that
allows you to break the huge rock barriers at/around the
IV. Atom Smasher
This final axe is at Tinker's room too, where you got the
Knight Basher.
I. Horn Spear
I don't remember where you get this one, just that you WILL
get it. Nothing special about this one.
II. Bronze Spear
You get this at the Halls of Collosia. It will help you get
through it.
III. Lance
You get this after beating the dragon in the Dark Forest (who
was using it as a toothpick!). Nothing special.
IV. Laser Lance
I don't remember where you get this but it's somewhere at
Omnitopia. This final lance has nothing special.
You get this the first time at Omnitopia, but then lose it. You get
it again when you talk to Cecil at Ebon Keep.
Because by the time you recieve the Bazooka, you have strong enough
weapons, I never really used it. I can't tell the difference between
the projectiles except that the Thunder Ball is used up one per shot,
the others, I have no idea.
III. Charms
(By Carson Lee,

Jaguar Ring -From the sand pits of Prehistoria, a salesman gives it to
you with any purchase. Press A to run.
Chocobo Egg -Gives you and your dog 50% more HP. It's at the side
markets of Ivor Tower, though I heard you can find it in a
basket somewhere...
Oracle Bone -If you keep a Jeweled Scarab and Golden Jackal when you get
to Ivor Tower, you can get this item. So far, it's only use
is to get one extra spell. Tell me if it acutally causes
something else.
Thug's Cloak -Increases Evade %. You can either buy it from a booth at
Ivor Tower or get it free if you helped an Oglin along the
way in the Dark Forest.
Silver Sheath -Increases the strength of swords. You can get it from a
booth at Nobilia or cheap at a side booth at Ivor Tower.
Moxa Stick -Powers up healing items or spells. You can get it from a
booth at Nobilia.
Armor Polish -Increases the protection from body armor. You can get it
by trading the Silver Sheath for it.
Insect Incense -Repels mosquitos. You can get it from a side booth at Ivor
Tower. Doesn't work for me.
Jade Disk -Increases hit %. You can get it from a booth at Nobilia.
Ruby Heart -Decreases enemy hit % when your HP is low. You can get this
at a booth at Nobilia.
Wizard's Coin -Increases magic defense. I have not gotten this yet. HELP!
Tell me IMMEADIATELY if you find it.
Staff of Life -Increases defend power. You get it from Horace after
beating up the dog statue.
Sun Stone -Increases endurance. You can get it from a booth at
IV. The Walkthrough
(By Carson Lee,
and Eric Oliver,
This walkthough includes ALL the things I've found, including
secrets. If there are some you've found, please tell me.

Rules of the Road:
1. Fight every creature, the more you fight, the stronger you get (a
paraphrase from Ayla)
2. Stock up on items, then ingredients. Items are more important
early in the game.
3. Save often.
4. Talk to everyone.

The Beginning
The beginning is a long introduction story (charactersitic of Square
games). You get sent to Omnitopia, where you're forced into a room. Get the
bazooka from the chest, then fight the two bazooka dudes. This is easy. You
walk into the Escape Pod, then you get dropped down into Prehistoria. Here,
your dog changes form and instead of fetching the stick, he gives you your
first weapon, the Bone Crusher.

First Boss
You travel around, gaining experience from killing flowers and
obtaining free ingredients. At the end of the area, you meet your first
major challenge, the Raptors. You CAN beat them.

To Bugmuck
You end up in Fire Eyes's village one of two ways, winning or losing.
It doesn't matter how, since the same thing happens. You talk to Fire Eyes
and she asks you to find StrongHeart. She gives you the Flash spell and Call
Beads so you call summon her. You procede east to Bugmuck. You'll reach an
area with quicksand pits. Intentionally fall into one of the first ones and
you'll reach an inaccessable cave. There's a salesman here and he gives you
a Jaguar Ring if you buy something from him, so please do. Go back out the
way you came. Proceed south. When you reach the tar pits, you see a cave to
your right. Here, you meet a friend of Strongheart's. He gives you the Hard
Ball spell.
Eventually, you'll reach your first maze in the bone structure.
There is a way through, if you don't get it the first time, it gets obvious
since the incorrect paths crumble.
The boss is not very tough. Aim your spells directly at his heart.
Keep your HP high since he retaliates after every direct hit. After you beat
him, you get a Spider's Claw and free Strongheart.
On your way back, keep checking the wall to your right. You'll find
an entrance and get the Acid Rain spell.

A Cooling Volcano?
When you return to Fire Eyes, she asks you to check up on the
volcano, which seems to be cooling off. Get new stuff in the village,
including the Defend spell to the far west of the village. Go to
Strongheart's house (South of village, North-West of the screen) to get the
Cure spell.
Return to the village and go north. You eventually reach the Mammoth
Graveyard. At the top is the boss, but they're pretty easy. After you beat
them, Strongheart appears and gives you the Heal spell. Proceed north into
a larger area. Here, there are two areas of interest. A cave where you have
to fight some raptors to get the Dino Skin (strong armor) and the middle of
the volcano. At that location, you should clear the grass to reveal the blow
points. Take the right one to get stuff, the left to get to the top of the
volcano. When you take the left one, go in the cave closest to you, then use
the blow point you land near.
At the top of the volcano, you will be given the Levitate spell, to
help get rid of a boulder that was blocking a cave entrance. You need an
ingredient for that spell that is only found in the swamps to the east. Go
back to the entrance of the Mammoth Graveyard, then go east to a path blocked
by underbrush. Cut through it and proceed. Here, walk into the second
shallow water part and onto a lilypad, which triggers the others to surface.
Keep going. In this area, you'll face your second maze. It's long and I
don't have directions, but killing certain small frogs? will trigger lilypads
to surface. You eventually find your way to the boss. Before you get there,
you might want to level up your spear. To do that, kill as many monsters as
you can, even leaving a screen and re-entering it if you have to until the
game says that you did. This is a helpful step.
You'll know you've reached the boss when the boss music sounds. Walk
north and you'll see Blimp across the swamp. He asks you to beat up the
snake. Power-up your spear (by holding onto the attack button) and let it
fly at the boss when it's charged up. Let your dog take care of the flames
since he can't do much else. When you beat him, Blimp invites you to his
house where he gives you a much needed Mud Pepper.

To the Volcano (again...)
You go back to the cave that was blocked off and cast Levitate to
remove the rock. Go in. As you travel through the cave, you'll find more
rocks that block your way. You'll also find the Mud Peppers you'll need to
lift them. In some areas, you'll need to push rocks off a ledge into the
You'll eventually be led into a cave. As you go through, search the
walls for an opening cause there's a man hiding with the Speed spell. You'll
eventually go back outside and see the mini-boss. Beat him to get the final
Mud Pepper.
You'll reach the waterways of the Volcano. In the main room, there
are two choices. In the left side, you will eventually find a switch to a
door. In the right side is the door that is activated by the switch.
The boss is pretty annoying, since he goes back into the lava to
heal. Just keep pounding him, since I know of no secret way of beating him.

Lost in a New World
When you beat the boss, you will be shot out of the volcano. On your
trip down the river, you and your dog will be separated. You find yourself
on the shores of Antiqua. Shop around the city, then proceed east (since the
other way is a dead end). Go into the cave that leads to the upper
platform, then go into the cave there. In it you will find Blimp. He will
give you the Crush spell and help establish a bridge to the desert. If you
were crazy enough to buy an Amulet of Anihillation from the guy behind the
crates, you can ride the boat across the desert, otherwise, you have to walk
through it. It's rather large but there should be nothing of interest
(The Sting spell could be found in an oasis somewhere...) there.

The City In The Middle Of Nowhere
When you reach Nobilia, you'll find yourself in a marketplace. You
have a few minutes to shop, so do so. Look around for the best deals and get
as many rare items as you can AND DON'T TRADE ANY OF THEM AWAY!. One guy
will offer you an Armor Polish for your Silver Sheath and some money. Do it.
You'll find it again later. There's this guy below the entrance who babbles
a lot of crap. Listen to him. He's really funny. When he says something to
the effect of "If I'm lying, may I be struck down with lightning", the next
screen should be a list of three animals. These are the three animals you
can change him into when lightning hits him. You can choose one and he'll be
permanently changed into that animal or you can press Y and spare him. He
gives you something if you spare him and you can do it over and over again.
You will eventually reach the meeting. In it, your dog will choose
you to fight the gladiator. Tiny escorts you to the gladiator prep room. In
it, you will find all the armor you'll need. Just let your dog sniff
around. When you go out to fight, you'll be doing it alone. To beat Vigor,
the invincible, you have to hit him in the back. This is no problem with a
charged up spear. Just keep doing it and you'll have no problem beating
him. You'll get a sword when you win.
You get to leave after you win, you get unlimited shopping time. If
you haven't found the Atlas spell yet, go into the rooms with doors and you
will find a guy hiding behing crates somewhere.
When you're ready to leave, pick up a few Amulets of Annihilations.
This will make your trip across the desert easier. When you leave, be sure
to have one Jeweled Scarab, one Golden Jackal, and at least 4 extra Amulets.
This will help you later on.

To The Other Side Of The River
When you return from the desert, you should return to Blimp's Cave.
He will give you the Revive spell. This time, you will proceed west of the
city, the area with a dead end. This time, control your dog and make him
jump over the bridge. Proceed north with the dog and bring the conveyor over
to his master. Past the shrubbery, you will eventually find Horace's camp,
one way or the other.
Horace tells you that you should get the diamond eyes that everyone's
looking for. There are two places where the eye is located, the Hall of
Collosia and the Pyramid. To help you out, Madronius gives you the Revealer
I think that the Pyramid should be completed first, since the weapon
you get there is used in the Hall of Collosia and the fact that the weapon
obtained from the Hall of Collosia has a higher attack rating.

The Pyramid
When you reach the Pyramid, you have to step on the switch to
activate the small door. Make your dog go in it, then proceed up the pyramid
steps. The dog will help opens doors as you navigate throughout the pyramid.
The pyramid itself is not that complicated, though don't be confused that you
cannot enter the top of the pyramid because you need your dog to step on the
other switch. In one of the pots in the stage is the first of Horace's
add-on spells, Regenerate, which is added to his call. You will have to beat
a mini-boss to get the Bronze Axe. This mini-boss acts exactly like the tall
guards with spears, just that they're capable of casting spells and they have
higher HP. After you get the axe, you can chop down the barriers that was
blocking former entrances.
Your next goal is to find your dog. Once you find him, head up to
the top of the pyramid. There's a boss there. You can only hit this boss
when he re-attaches himself to the platform that brought him in. Until then,
I suggest you run around the bottom of the room because the statues will cast
Flash at you. When you beat him, you will get one of the diamond eyes.
Before you go to the Hall of Collosia, go back across the river and
break the rock barrier that blocked off the cave entrance. You get the Drain
spell from the guy inside.

The Hall of Collosia
Your next goal is the Hall of Collosia but return to Horace's camp to
get the Escape spell from Madronius. The Hall of Collosia is east, then
north of Horace's camp. Use the Revealer spell to get across. Inside, the
main room has two hidden bridges. One is a save point and another activates
the first door. Once you've saved your game, find that door and go in.
The first room is pretty easy. Just walk around and step on the
switches. When you think you've gotten them all (you should return to the
door if you went the right way), leave and look for a second open door in the
main room (It may be a good time to save again).
This room is the mini-boss. He's pretty easy, just beat him up.
When you win, you get another switch. Activate it to open a third door.
The third room has a series of switches that have to be activated in
a pattern to open a door. You might want to try 3-2-1, to get in the second
door, then leave and re-enter, using the pattern 1-2, go in the first door
and get the stuff, then 3 to open the final door. Be sure to check the north
of the room before you enter door 3 though. Again, go around until you've
found the switch that activates the final door (again, you will be led to the
The final room has some neat stuff in it, make sure you saved first.
Check the walls, there are some areas with pots in them. When you make it
to the mini-boss, beat him up and you'll get the Bronze Spear, the thing you
need to activate the switch in the main room and to get out of this one.
Before you leave, check the left wall of the mini-boss room for a secret
passage. It will lead you to Madronius's brother, who gives you the Fireball
When you return to the main room, be sure to save. Activate the
switch across the room and go in. This boss is pretty easy. Pick a weapon
that can be charged. Start charging it up as you go in. This boss likes to
jump out of the fire pits, curve in the air (be careful if you approach him
at this time), then land and shoot a spell. Hit him in his final stage, then
he will jump back into the pit and the process repeats itself. When you beat
him, you get the other Diamond Eye.

Stupid Boy
When you return to Horace's camp, you hear that Horace went across
the river. You head there to look for him when you run into his "twin". He
convinces you (rather easily you stupid boy) to hand over the Diamond Eyes.
Only when the evil twin howls with laughter do you consider the possibility
that he might be evil. Beat up his guards, then follow him to Nobilia.
When you reach Nobilia, everyone's gone again. They're all at the
main square. If you haven't saved, you might try the inn. The boss is
pretty tough because he puts out these annoying vultures. You have to hit
him when there isn't a symbol of some sort on his head. Until then, keep
away from the monsters or sick your dog on them.
When you beat him, Horace will come and ask Tiny to throw the Energy
Core of the statue away. This core will explode and open up a new tunnel.
Before you check it out, Horace will give you a Staff of Life.

Journey Into A New World
When you return to Horace's camp, go explore the south of it and go
across the bridge there. Go down the slope and go north down where the
river previously was. Up there, there's a cliff. Jump off it.
You will land in an area that is totally dark. This area is very
annoying. Here's a guide through it:
Right, Down, Teleporter, Right, past a Teleporter, Down, Right, Up,
Teleporter, Left, past a Teleporter, Up, Right, exit the screen, Right, Down,
exit the screen, Teleporter, a pot with a Call Bead, Left to exit, up into
the boss room.
The boss should be a cinch if you charged up the spear like I told
you to earlier. Just stand behind him and keep charging and chucking the
spear at him, stopping periodically to Heal yourself.

Your Dog's a Poodle, But That's Not All That's Weird
A guy will lower a bucket when you beat the boss. He gets your dog
and saves your game. Go to the well and pull up another surprise, an Oglin.
He runs away, you don't have to worry about him until later. Before you
enter the front gate of the castle, go up to the wall and proceed left into
the trees. In there is a chest with Horace's other add-on spell, Aura.
When you enter town, check out the shops and side shops. With your
Jeweled Scarab and Golden Jackal, you can get the Oracle Bone. With the
Amulets of Annihilations, you can get the best armor in this town and a
ticket to the show. Check out the town to the east before you proceed with
your game. Don't get any armor, since the best are in the shops or later on.
Every house has this "open our treasure and take what you want" policy except
for one house. This house is owned by Lance. The treasures upstairs are
off limits. Go upstairs. Here's your choice. You can be evil and take the
treasure anyway, or just leave the room the way it is. If you chose choice
B, Lance will stop and question you. After you answer honestly, he gives you
the Lance spell and sells ingredients AND LET'S you open the treasure chests,
your choice.
Go back to the side shops at the bottom, making sure you get the
Chocobo Egg. Watch the show with your ticket. They try to convert your dog
into a Pig-Poodle, but he escapes and runs in the pig race. You win and get
to go meet the queen. Your dog goes off into the castle as you chit-chat
with the guests.
Your dog runs away from the kooky chef and falls into the sewer. You
have to find your way out. On your way, try to find this lady somewhere in
the basement, who gives you a special key. There's a bookshelf in a room
somewhere that hides a sewer passage. This will lead to the area where she
is hidden. When the dog gets out, it makes a mess of the banquet. You get
jailed. Your dog gets out. Before you free the boy, you might want to
attempt to kill all the bad guys in the jail cells with only your dog. This
will get you the best dog collar for the area, if you haven't gotten it from
the Store in the town.
The last jail cell opens into the sewers. In there, there's this old
guy that gives you the Corrosion spell. He's not hard to find, just a bit
hard to get to because you have to run against the current.
When you leave the sewers, you will be caught by the guard. He leads
you to the fake queen who gives you a mission. You reluctantly agree and
you're sent on your way. You go through the east wing to get to the
chessboard. If you found the key, explore all the rooms in the east wing
before you give it to the poor husband. He will give you the Fire Power
Outside is a garden maze that leads to the chessboard. It's not
really a maze, since it's small and easy. In the center is the chess
knight. He's really pretty easy to beat, just that he's fast and hard to
hit. When you beat him, a stairway will open up. Go down. You will notice
another Energy Core on your way through, one that you'll need later.
Outside, you will find yourself in the Dark Forest. Save with the
old man, then proceed. You'll know if your going the right way if you see
a goblin up in the trees. If you must, you can use the map in the next
section. This will also help you get the One Up spell, though you really
don't need it.
You'll meet two mini-bosses. One is a clone of yourself. Beat him
up three times to get his Crusader sword, the most worthless sword in the
game, since you get another weapon almost immeadiately. Across the bridge,
save your game with the kid. In this part of the forest, you should easily
find the Oglin that you got out of the well before. He gives you a Thug's
The second boss is a dragon. Again, he's easy to beat, but beware of
his Fireballs. They hurt.
You will then make it to another sewage system. It's rather easy to
find a path through this one, and be on the look out for hidden paths within
walls. At the end of the sewer is a door that leads to the dungeon. You will
remember the layoutof this place from the dungeon of Ivor Tower. In it, one
of the cells leads to an area behind a house in Ebon Keep, one leads to a
symmetrical at Ivor Tower, and the others have monsters. The Mazquito you
find there is most likely a prank, since you get something in the cell's
symmetrical counterpart at Ivor Tower.

Ebon Keep
In the town, you'll find it totally abandoned. The only inhabitants
are Cecil (from FFII), who runs the inn and store, and the Ebon Keep
Pharmacy, a name I gave it cause there was no other. Cecil gives you a
Bazooka with any purchase as long as you say you know him (and you should).
The Ebon Keep Pharmacy is in the back of a house in the top row of houses.
She gives you the Regrowth spell. Buy a LOT of ingredients and save at the
Enter the castle through the main gates. Be sure to go down to the
basement and pick up some helpful ingredients. The boss is the Rat King.
He's hard! He chucks out several spells in a matter of seconds, so you
better know how to do the same. If you don't know how to throw
two-at-a-time, try it out on the rats before him. Most spells, when you cast
it, you can cast another one immeadiately. This is sorta helpful against
him. To beat him, throw every spell you have against him, two-a-times first.
If you run out, use your Call Beads, now's a good time to use them.
When you beat him, enter the castle. There, you will be met by
Tinker. He leads you to the real Queen Bluegarden. She tells you the whole
story and gives you her call. She then tells you to go to Tinker's, which
is to the right of the room. Before you get there, his hall has an
assortment of creatures. They're really simple to beat.
In his room, Tinker greets you and gives you the plan. He tells you
to go visit Gomi, his brother, to arrange transportation to Ivor Tower.
After he's done talking to you, check the left bookshelf nearest you for a
spell, and the table next to the treasure chest for another. Open the
treasure chest to get the Knight Basher.
Go back to the main floor and go into the left entrance. There is a
small wing with a couple of rooms. In one of the rooms is Naris, the
"smartest" boy in Ebon Keep, the ONLY boy in Ebon Keep at the time. He
asks you to guess the number of marbles in his hand. If you guess correctly,
you get the Super Heal spell, if not, you can try again later after an event
has been completed, otherwise, he doesn't want to play with you.

Quest to Gomi's
Go back out to the sewers, and back outside to where a huge roadblock
had stopped you before. Break it down with your Knight Basher and go in.
Here in the tower, you basically go until you can go no more, go back, and
all of a sudden a floor panel breaks and you fall into the next area.
At the top of the tower is Sterling, another dragon boss. Stay away
from him, since he picks you up and drops you off the side of the tower,
forcing you to climb back up the stairs. He has a very low magic defense, so
use spells often, especially Drain or Double Drain, which would be VERY
beneficial here.
When you beat him, Gomi appears. You chat for a bit and he gives you
the Lightning Storm spell. Then, he takes you back to Ivor Tower via the
sewage system. Go through it as you did before and head towards the queen's
chamber. She's not there but go to the stage (to the left if you hadn't seen
it before). There, you have to beat up the puppets, or so it seems. After
you beat them a couple of times (and they keep coming back), Mungola shows
up. Concentrate your attack on him, since the puppets keep coming back.
After several shots, you will eventually beat him.
When you win, the fake queen will try to lure you over to her (and it
worked, stupid boy). She tries to squash you but you move out of her way.
Her fall disrupts the structural integrity of the tower and it begins to
collapse. You and the king head downstairs at lightning speed. When you get
there, you find out that everyone's moved back to Ebon Keep. You have
several ways of getting there. You can use the dungeon, I think, or you can
go through the garden maze. The point is head back there.

Quest For Spaceship Parts
When you return to Ebon Keep, go back to Gomi's. He's not in his
room, but outside of it. Go there and he will land in his Windwalker. He
lends it to you and asks you to find the two Diamond Eyes, a Gauge, and a
Your first stop should be Nobilia, since that's where I usually
start. Land there and go visit the palace, which was previously off limits.
In the palace, you will find that Horace has taken it over. He tells you
that Tiny has the Diamond Eyes and he gives you the Barrier spell, which I
think is pretty cool.
You should go back to the Windwalker and land near Blimp's cave by
the river, since going through the desert sucks. Your next destination is
under the pyramid. You should first go to where you got the Drain and
Double Drain spells and re-requip the Levitate spell. Then you should go to
Horace's Camp, go southeast until you get to the dry riverbed, and go south
instead of north this time. The path will lead to the basement of the
pyramid. Kill the Oglins inside, then use the teleporter.
Inside the room is three switches and a rock. Levitate the rock and
it will land on a switch. You and your dog should step on the other two to
open the way to Tiny. Before you proceed, you should explore the room for
goodies. When you reach Tiny, the procedure for getting to his is always
entering the same teleporter that you just came out of. You will eventually
reach Tiny and he will give up the Diamond Eyes.
Your next area is Prehistoria. Land near the village and go to where
you first met the first bug boss. A new one's replaced him and he's exactly
the same, only a bit stronger. Use the same techniques you used to beat the
first one to dispatch this one. When you beat him, you will get the Wheel
from the web.
Next, return to Prehistoria and head towards the volcano. Go to the
jump areas, and step on the spring that sent you to the top of the volcano.
This time, it will send you past the top and onto the hillside next to the
area. Open the chest to get the Guage.
After acquiring all three, buy any supplies you need and save the
game. Then, return to Tinker's Room. There, he will finish making the
rocket and off to Omnitopia you go.
You will land in the Junkyard of Omnitopia. The place is filled with
rats and a tentacle monster below, all harmless. At the far right of the
Junkyard is a Bazooka Joe, but he won't fire at you. He tells you that his
friend is late for duty and tells you to go find him. Make your way to the
glowing teleporter (left, then up, then right) and get "lifted" up to the
next level. You will find yourself in a room with a lot of generators.
Search each generator cause there's ingredients in each one. You will reach
the jail area at the far right. You will see Bazooka Joe's security buddy
in one of the jail cells. Free him by entering the control room and turning
off the cell door. He won't leave before you beat the raptor though, cause
he says it will terminate us all (and boy is he right). Sick your dog at it,
making sure you stay away from it (massive damage machine). When you beat
it, the guard will thank you and give you the Neutron Blade, then return to
his post. Go to his post and he will give you the Reflect spell.
Return to the jail area and go to the teleporter to the right. You
will end up in a huge area. You're currently in section A1. Your only
routes are blocked by Sphere Bot guardians outside. Switch control to your
dog and send him out (a door to the right of the one you came out of) to get
rid of them. After you beat them, the door under them opens. Be careful
cause in the hallways are spinning guards, they take time to beat. I suggest
going right first, cause B1 has a teleporter that leads to the Store. Go
down by stepping in the middle of the floor door (it takes a bit of getting
used to). Inside, by all the items and ingredients you think you'll need,
but unless you have to, don't buy any armor, since most of it you'll pick up
along the way anyway. Then, south of the Store is another door that leads
to the Inn. Save there and go back out via the teleporter to your left.
You'll end up in B2. Go left to B1, then down to C1, and finally right to
C2. There is another floor door. Go down and in that room is a big cooling
system. Turn the switch on and leave. Go back to C1 and go down that door.
There are heaters there, but some of them are off thanks to the switch you
just flipped. Go in between the ones that are off, heading south. Before
you exit, there's a chest next to the teleporter. That's one of the armor
you'll pick up along the way. When you come up, you'll be in A4. Go right
to C4, then go down the door. You'll find yourself in the main Control Room.
Here, you'll have to make a few decisions. Go to the far left bottom corner
of the room. The first two consoles in front of you controls the lighting
in two rooms: The Greenhouse and the Storage Room. Now, if the lights are
on in the Greenhouse, there are deadly unkillable (in my game anyway) plants
that kill you in one shot. If the lights are off, they're dead. Your
choice. I don't know the difference if you have lights on or off in the
Storage Room, except with the lights on you can see the room, with them off,
there are fewer monsters (but they're easy anyways, so who cares?). That's
also your choice. The third console controls the Alarm Room. It's a room
that, if left on, will trap you or your dog (whoever was leading) in a room
alone with six Bazooka Joes to fight. It's great for experience, but if you
want to avoid that, tinker (sorry, couldn't think of a better word) with the
combinations until one turns off the Alarm Room. Leave the Control Room
and head right to D4. There is a door to the Storage Room. In there, get
the stuff and come back out. Now, I'm not sure if it's in only my game, but
for some reason, when I come out of the Storage Room, the Greenhouse lights
come on. Just to be safe, return to the Control Room and shut off the
Greenhouse lights, if you chose to do so earlier. From D4, go up to C4.
There is a door that leads to the Greenhouse. In there, carefully make your
way through the room, and before you leave, be sure to look for a chest near
the teleporter. When you come out, you'll be in B4. Go left to B3 and go
down the door. This is the Alarm Room. Based on your decision before, you
either fight or don't fight. At the end of the room I think is another
chest (I've mixed one up by now...). Leave and you'll be in A3. Go left to
A4 and go in. This is Professor Ruffleberg's room. You'll talk to Professor
Ruffleberg and get your next mission. He'll open up a second door under the
chessboard. He'll also give you the Call Up spell. My suggestion: Equip
that spell, use it up, then talk to Ruffleberg again and de-equip it. It's
just to get Call Beads and the ingredients are SO rare, there's no need to
have the spell equipped. Anyway, access the computer that he's been using
to buy the best armor in the game. After that, go to the Shuttle Pod room,
the room you were in at the very beginning of the game, and get the Laser
Lance from the chest where you got your first Bazooka. Go down the door into
the Shuttle Pod.
Now, head for Tinker's Room, and land there. In Tinker's Room should
be one new spell on the table at the bottom left of the room. Also, in the
chest is the Atom Smasher. Head towards the chessboard, going to Naris if
you didn't guess his STUPID number the first time to try again. At the
chessboard, you go down the second flight of steps and get the Energy Core.
Keep going the direction you were going and you'll find a dude there. He
gives you the Force Field spell, AND the Stop spell if you have the Oracle
Bone. Buy ingredients from him, then return to Omnitopia, doing all the
necessary shopping beforehand. Once back at the station, be sure to talk
to Ruffleberg so he can give you the coolest spell, Energize. Run around
Omnitopia, killing the spinning guards for experience and practice your
spells to level them up to at least level 4. This may require you to go
back to Evermore to get ingredients, but this is your choice. You don't need
spells for the last boss, but it's cool to use them to beat up things anyway.
Go back to the Junkyard and go to the teleporter that was broken. Touch it
(to place the Energy Core) and it will activate. Save your game, then you
will be teleported to the boss's room.
The boss is easy, but if you want, here's some help:
(1) The first stage is the annoying fans and bombs. Energize your dog, then
use his long range shot to destroy the fans. Once they're all gone,
turn on the switches behind them.
(2) The massive TV screens will come up and you'll have to fight your old
friends, the Raptors. Energize both you and your dog and beat them up.
You have to do this a few times.
(3) The third part, to my knowledge (I've only played the game throughout
three times!) is the boss you faced at the Volcano and the Hall of
Collosia. Beat him the same way.
(4) Finally, you'll reach Carlton. I found that if you stand behind him,
you'll be safe, though your dog is dumb enough to get killed. This may
not work for you, since it didn't for my sister. Pound him with your
weapon, your Call Beads, and your strongest spells. Waste them all since
you won't need them anymore anyway.
And there you have it, you've beaten the game (hopefully without a
lot of help from me). Enjoy the ending, it's not long, but it's also not
incredibly short either.
V. Map of the Dark Forest
(Mapped by Carson Lee,
Start--> O
O=O O E Sorry about drawing this in ASCII but not all of
| | | I you can read this if I used another format.
O O=O-1-O O-E
| I I =| <-- Correct Path
4-O-O=O=O O-O-O -I <-- Wrong Path
I | I I (1) "Take heed and go no further"
O-O-E O=O O-O-O-E (2) "Camp on the banks of the great green Limpopo
I I | I I River"
O-O 5=O O O-2-O (3) "Souvenir Spoon Pounding Factory 5 Furlongs,
I | I I I Tours daily"
O O-O O-O-E E O (4) "I'd turn back if I were you"
I I | I I (5) "Visit beautiful Gruelville, 25 leagues west"
O-O O E 6-O 3-O-E (6) "Come see Mr. Head at Perceval Plank's
I | I I I Exhibition of Cultural Oddities"
O-O O=O O E O-O E (7) "See the amazing Bearded Boy, next left
I | I I I I (8) "Half Way"
O-E O=O-O-E O O-O B=O=(Finish) (9) "City of Costagando, 30
I | I | leagues east"
O O=O=O S-O O-O O=9=O-T O E (0) "Mountains of Candy, 50
I I | I I | | | I furlongs"
O-E O-O O O=8=O E E-O=O-O O E-O=O (S) One Up Spell
I | | | | I | | (T) Thug's Cloak if you saved
O-O O O=O E O=O=B=O O-O O-E 0=O someone.
I I I I I I I I | | I
O O-O 7-O-O O-O O-O E O=O=O O-E
VI. Spells List [Names/Locations/When]
(In chronological order the way I found them)
(Written by Carson Lee,
Note a lot of these spells can be obtained at any time, the times I listed
are when I obtained them and how they are incorporated in the walkthrough.

Spell Location Time
Flash Fire Eyes's Hut First meeting
Hard Ball Cave in Bugmuck Trip to Bugmuck
Cure Strongheart's Hut After Bugmuck
Defend West of Prehistoria After Bugmuck
Heal Mammoth Cave Entrance After fight with Vipers
Levitate Top of Volcano Volcanic quest
Acid Rain Quicksand upper ledge After Bugmuck
Speed Volcano Core/Caves Volcanic quest
Crush Blimp's Cave Arrival at Antiqua
Sting Oasis in Desert Journey to Nobilia
Atlas Behind boxes at Nobilia Arrival at Nobilia
Revive Blimp's Cave After you found the dog
Revealer Madronius First meeting
Escape Madronius Return to camp after one Diamond Eye
Drain East River Cave First meeting
Fireball Secret room/ Search for Diamond Eyes
Hall of Collosia
Double Drain East River Cave After Sacred Dog fight
Lance Lance's House After not taking Lance's treasures
Corrosion Sewers of Ivor Tower Banquet Trouble
Fire Power East Wing/Ivor Tower Give Queen's Key to lonely husband
One Up Dark Forest/ First meeting
Hopelessly Lost
Regrowth Secret Ingredient Shop/ Drawbridge quest
Ebon Keep/Behind House
Slow Burn Tinker's Room/Bookshelf First meeting
Explosion Tinker's Room/Table First meeting
Super Heal Smart Boy Naris/ First meeting
Ivor Tower
Lightning Storm Gomi's Tower First meeting
Miracle Cure Strongheart's Hut After volcano explosion
Barrier Palace at Nobilia Talk to Horace before Tiny incident
Reflect Bazooka Guard/ After freeing him from jail
Crash landing site/Right
Call Up Proffesor Ruffleberg First meeting
Nitro Tinker's Room/Table Return from Omnitopia
Force Field Room with Energy Core First meeting
Stop Room with Energy Core First meeting/with Oracle Bone
Energize Proffesor Ruffleberg After Energy Core
VII. Spells List [Names/Cost/How]
(Written by Carson Lee,
Spell What Effect Ingredient Cost
Flash Damage Infliction 1 Wax 2 Oil
Hard Ball Damage Infliction 1 Crystal 1 Clay
Cure Removes Bad Enchantments 2 Root 1 Oil
Defend Increases Defense 1 Clay 1 Ash
Heal Restores Partial HP 1 Root 1 Water
Levitate Lifts Huge Rocks 1 Water 1 Mud Pepper
Acid Rain Damage Infliction 1 Ash 3 Water
Speed Increases Agility 1 Wax 2 Water
Crush Damage Infliction 1 Limestone 1 Wax
Sting Damage Infliction 2 Water 1 Vinegar
Atlas Increases Strength 1 Atlas Medal 1 Ash
Revive Revives the dog 3 Root 1 Bone
Revealer Reveals hidden bridges 2 Ash 1 Wax
Escape Exits from mazes 1 Wax 1 Vinegar
Drain Sucks up HP from enemy 1 Ethanol 2 Root
Fireball Damage Infliction 1 Brimstone 2 Ash
Double Drain Sucks up HP from enemy 2 Ethanol 2 Vinegar
Lance Damage Infliction 1 Iron 1 Acorn
Corrosion Damage Infliction/Poison 1 Mushroom 3 Water
Fire Power Damage Infliction 1 Feather 1 Brimstone
One Up Fully restores HP 1 Feather 1 Root
Regrowth Restores little HP through time 1 Acorn 2 Water
Slow Burn Poisonous effects 1 Iron 1 Brimstone
Explosion Damage Infliction 2 Ethanol 1 Ash
Super Heal Totally restores HP for both 2 Ethanol 1 Acorn
Lightning Storm Damage Infliction 1 Iron 2 Ash
Miracle Cure Heal + Cure 2 Root 1 Vinegar
Barrier Immunity from attacks 1 Limestone 2 Bone
Reflect Immunity from spells 2 Grease 1 Iron
Call Up Makes Call Beads 1 Meteorite 1 Dry Ice
Nitro Damage Infliction 1 Gunpowder 2 Grease
Force Field Absorbs next hit to target 1 Grease 1 Iron
Stop Puts target out of time 2 Wax 1 Crystal
Energize Charges up power bar FAST! 1 Crystal 1 Iron
VIII. Ingredient List
(Written by Carson Lee,
Inspired by the one written by Sir Garland,
* Currency at which it's sold
:) Cheapest price
Rip-Off Ratio determined using corresponding currency type values:

Ingredient Place Talons Jewels Gold Coins Credits Rip-Off

Acorn Tinker's Room 480 240 *120 960 240%
:) Ebon Keep House 200 100 *50 400 ----
Lance's House 480 240 *120 960 240%

Ash Prehistoria *60 30 15 120 120%
:) Acid Rain Man *50 25 12.5 100 ----
Blimp's Cave 120 *60 30 240 240%
Tinker's 240 120 *60 480 480%
Ebon Keep House 200 100 *50 400 400%
Lance's 240 120 *60 480 480%

Bone :) Blimp's Cave 240 *120 60 480 ----

Brimstone Tinker's 640 320 *160 1280 106%
:) Lance's 600 300 *150 1200 ----

Clay :) Acid Rain Man *30 15 7.5 60 ----
Ebon Keep House 120 60 *30 240 400%

Crystal Prehistoria *80 40 20 160 133%
:) Acid Rain Man *60 30 15 120 ----
:) Bugmuck Cave *60 30 15 120 ----
Blimp's Cave 160 *80 40 320 266%
Lance's 320 160 *80 640 533%
Chessboard 640 320 *160 1280 1066%

Ethanol East River Cave 200 *100 50 400 200%
Tinker's 400 200 *100 800 400%
Lance's 240 120 *60 480 240%
Forest Maze 400 200 *100 800 400%
:) Omnitopia 100 50 25 *200 ----

Feathers Forest Maze 4000 2000 *1000 8000 400%
:) Omnitopia 1000 500 250 *2000 ----

Grease :) Chessboard 320 160 *80 640 ----

Gunpowder :) Omnitopia 1500 750 375 *3000 ----

Iron Lance's 480 240 *120 960 266%
Chessboard 600 300 *150 1200 333%
Forest Maze 720 360 *180 1440 400%
:) Omnitopia 180 90 45 *360 ----

Limestone :) Blimp's Cave 240 *120 60 480 ----

Mud Peppers :) Blimp's Cave 600 *300 150 1200 ----

Mushroom Ebon Keep House 1000 500 *250 2000 333%
Forest Maze 1200 600 *300 2400 400%
:) Omnitopia 300 150 75 *600 ----

Oil Prehistoria *100 50 25 200 166%
Strongheart's *80 40 20 160 133%
:) Bugmuck Cave *60 30 15 120 ----
Forest Maze 320 160 *80 640 533%
Omnitopia 80 40 20 *160 133%

Root :) Strongheart's *50 25 12.5 100 ----
East River Cave 120 *60 30 240 240%
Forest Maze 320 160 *80 640 640%
Omnitopia 80 40 20 *160 166%

Vinegar :) Strongheart's *90 45 22.5 180 ----

Water Prehistoria *60 30 15 120 300%
Strongheart's *40 20 10 80 200%
:) Acid Rain Man *20 10 5 40 ----
Bugmuck Cave *30 15 7.5 60 150%
Blimp's Cave 80 *40 20 160 400%
East River Cave 100 *50 25 200 500%
Ebon Keep House 140 70 *35 280 700%

Wax Prehistoria *120 60 30 240 150%
Strongheart's *100 50 25 200 125%
:) Acid Rain Man *80 40 20 160 ----
:) Bugmuck Cave *80 40 20 160 ----
Blimp's Cave 120 *60 30 240 150%
East River Cave 200 *100 50 400 250%
Lance's 240 120 *60 480 300%
Chessboard 400 200 *100 800 500%
IX. Trading in the marketplace of Nobilia of Antiqua
(Written by SirGarland,

NOTE: Appraisal Price is the price that the appraiser will pay to you.
The number before a trade is the actual cash (jewel) value of that
particular trade.
ALSO: There is a map of the Nobilia Marketplace that should have come with
this file. If not, you can find it at,
somewhere in the Evermore section. This was done I think my SirGarland
too, but I'm none too sure.


Beads -6- rice and 3 jewels

6 means that the actual value of that trade is 6 jewels. You get this
from the rice. Each rice has a min value of 3 jewels. 1 rice is 3
jewels. Add the other 3 jewels for that trade and the value is 6.
This has been added so you can determine what the best deal is.


Rice -3- 3 jewels 4 jewels ea.
-6- 6 jewels
-9- 9 jewels

Beads -6- rice and 3 jewels 8 jewels ea.
-10- 10 jewels
-12- 12 jewels

Pots -6- 2 rice 8 jewels ea.

Perfume -12- 3 spice 16 jewels ea.

Spice -12- 2 beads 8 jewels ea.
-12- 4 rice
-18- 3 pots
-24- 4 pots

Chicken -18- 1 spice and 2 rice 8 jewels ea.

Tapestry -18- 3 beads 13 jewels ea.

Spoon -24- 2 spice 12 jewels ea.

Golden Jackal -36- 2 chickens 28 jewels ea.
-60- 5 spice

Limestone Tablet -60- 4 spice and 2 beads 12 jewels ea.

Jeweled Scarrab -84- 1 spice and 2 perfumes 24 jewels ea.

Amulet of Annhilation -90- 30 rice 10 jewels ea.

Magic Gourd -???- 1 chocobo egg 120 jewels *

Ruby Heart -162- tapestry, jeweled scarab 200 jewels *
and limestone tablet
-264- Moxa Stick **

Jade Disk -72- 3 chickens and 3 beads 180 jewels *

Armor Polish -150- Silver Sheath 160 jewels *
and 75 jewels ***

Moxa Stick -264- 2 chickens, jeweled scarab, 260 jewels *
and 12 spice

Silver Sheath -75- SunStone ** 160 jewels *
-150- Armor Polish and 75 jewels ***
-156- Golden Jackal and 10 spice

Sun Stone -75- Limestone Tablet and 5 rice 200 jewels *

>> Fish -30- 30 jewels -----

> Bronze Gauntlet -60- 1 spoon and 2 tapestries -----

> Obsidian Helmet -120- 10 spice -----

> Stone Vest -84- Jeweled Scarrab -----

Chocobo Egg -???- found in a ceramic pot ???

Secret of Evermore -- Trading in the marketplace of Ivor Tower


Spice 12 gold coins
8 gold coins

Beads 15 Gold Coins

Perfume 2 spice

Ticket for Show Amulet of Annhilation

Oracle Bone Golden Jackal and Jeweled Scarrab

Egg of Chocobo 9 perfume and 9 beads

Insect Incense 3 perfume and 3 beads

Dragon Helmet 200 Gold coins and Amulet of Annhilation

Gold Plated Vest 800 Gold coins and Amulet of Annhilation

Magicians Ring 750 Gold coins and Amulet of Annhilation

Thugs Cloak

* denotes a permanent sell-off. These items are various charms.

** denotes a permanent trade-off

***NOTE: Basically, you may have the Silver Sheath OR the Armor Polish.
It costs 75 extra jewels whenever you want to trade between the
two. Just go to the guy who originally supplies the armor
polish in the marketplace.

> denotes armor

>> instant cure of 30 hp for the boy and his dog
X. Game Genie Codes
(Written by LuKas X,
Lord Rokol,
Evering 15,
Loma 349,
Sir Garland,
Carson Lee,

This code will let you walk thru walls anywhere on the screen,
in any area!

Created by : LordRokol

Yes, this code work only if the DOG is a GREYHOUND...

Created by: Evering15

This code raises DOG's level every time you win a fight.

Modified by: Carson Lee

6D8D-C759 The "DOG LEVELS UP AFTER BATTLE" works up to about level 77,
then died out for me. So, I modified the code to make it
work for the rest of the levels.

Created by : Loma 349

Gain more exp. for hero. I used this after the dog code
and hero started gaining more exp.
(Not going up a level every time. But, getting more)

Created by : SirGarland

The Boy gains a level after every enemy killed. However,
this code only works once. So, you have to SAVE and RESET
your game over to do the trick again.
XI. Acknowledgements

Eric Oliver
Lord Rokol
Loma 349
Evering 15
LuKas X

Please, if I left your name out, sorry, I'm rather busy right now, but e-mail
me and I'll definitely include it into the next version.

CCL :-) (-: \|/ /----\ \|/
@ | ,. | @
\--| \__/ |--/

FAQ contributed by Gabriel Teodorescu -

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