Wildlife Park: Wild Creatures

Создано: 14. Май 2014
Разработчик: B-Alive
Издатель: Deep Silver

As the successful manager of a Wildlife park you have drawn hosts of visitors with different animal attractions!

Now a new challenge is waiting for you! The AddOn to Wildlife Park leads you into an extremely exotic world of wild animals from the present and the past. Numerous new species are available in the Wildlife Park AddOn to attract visitors in missions or in the free game.

In your research centers and genetic labs you are able to breed related ancestors of existing animals, such as mammoths and dinosaurs.

  • 10 brand new and eventful missions around the globe in the same quality as the original game that was already highly rated by the press.
  • 15 new species including prehistoric animals.
  • 20 additional new plants, such as underwater plants.
  • Additional toys, for example music instruments for apes.
  • New animal buildings, such as vivariums and aqua terrariums for spiders and amphibians.
  • Additional park equipment, for instance water fountains and fancy water toys to place in the lakes.
  • Enhanced zoom for better overview.
  • You can breed back prehistoric animals like the Gigantoptihecus, the biggest ape ever on earth, or the mighty mammoth. Now, for the first time ever, you can even bring dinosaurs that lived in the ocean back to life.
  • Use special equipment to change the climatic conditions in your park.
  • Train your animals, teach them all kinds of tricks and let them entertain your visitors to maximize your profit.

Windows 98/2000/ME/XP/95 (with DirectX 5.0 or higher)/NT 4.0 (with SP 4)
Pentium II 500 MHz
128 MB RAM
400 MB free Hard Disc Space ( +800 MB for original Game)
4x CD-ROM drive
4 MB Graphic Card with 16-Bit colour depth
Mouse, keyboard and soundcard
14. Май 2014 09:16:51
Wildlife Park: Wild Creatures - Screenshots
Wildlife Park: Wild Creatures - Screenshots
Wildlife Park: Wild Creatures - Screenshots
Wildlife Park: Wild Creatures - Screenshots
Wildlife Park: Wild Creatures - Screenshots
Wildlife Park: Wild Creatures - Screenshots
Wildlife Park: Wild Creatures - Screenshots
Wildlife Park: Wild Creatures - Screenshots
Wildlife Park: Wild Creatures - Screenshots
Wildlife Park: Wild Creatures - Screenshots
Wildlife Park: Wild Creatures - Screenshots
Wildlife Park: Wild Creatures - Screenshots
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