04.10.2013 14:36:43
FFXI MISSIONS - By EndersNight

Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Windhurst Missions
III. Bastok Missions
IV. San D'oria Missions
V. Shared Missions
VI. Credits and Thanks
VII. Contact

Version History (Last updated 10/25/03)
1.0- Started Guide
1.1- Windhurst Added
1.2- Windhurst Finished
1.3- Bastok & San D'oria Finished
1.4- Minor changes before retail release

I. Introduction

In this guide I will be detailing EVERY mission possible for Final Fantasy XI.
Unlike a single-use quest, which 99% of the time is some form of kill/pick-
up/fetch, a Mission is an involved story-related aspect of the game that
requires teamwork (usually). Quite often a mission will take several hours and
require a fair bit of thought in party make-up/strategy.

Also unlike a quest, missions provide "Rank" for your player. The Ranks are
clearly visible whenever you do a search for party members. As a reward once you
achieve higher Rank, the gate guards offer more options to spend your hard-
earned conquest points. Keep in mind some items only appear if your nation is in
1st place in conquest standings.

As each town offers unique missions, they also offer unique equipment via
Rank... so choose your alligence wisely. Although you CAN buy other nation's
equipment, you can only do so after you reach Rank 5 (or if you country is in
1st place) - but at a prohibitory higher cost (roughly double).

I also mention here that PvP has been announced to be by allegiance. So this
reinforces the need to choose carefully on which town you want to be a part of.
Alligence can be changed but it will cost a large amount of gil, all of your
Conquest Points and your rank will be reset.

I made this guide to show that the game is NOT just about combat - there is a
PLOT... and that plot is mostly exercised via the Missions. There are two
requirements for each mission, your Rank (Bar) and the (suggested) level

Some missions will only appear if you donate a dozen or more crystals to your
town's gate guards. All players can donate to the Jenuo gate guards.

Each town will has unique story related missions that will go into detail about
the return of the Beastmen, Shadow Lord and Ancients. I will try to have NO
SPOILERS in this Guide.

It is been my experience that the Windhurst missions are the most involved and

of a UPPER LEVEL mission. Contact me **

II. Windhurst Missions

Title: The Horutoto Ruins Experiment - MISSION 1
Location: Any Gate Guard
Difficulty: Can Solo
Rank needed: 1.0
Suggested Level: 4-5, Map of Horutoto Ruins
Reward: Rank Points

Solution: After accepting the mission from the gate guard, talk to clerk in the
Manustery in Windurst Woods. Doing the easy "Glyph Hanger" quest first is good
idea. The clerk will explain the importance of the mana orbs to the indentured
servants of Windhurst, the Cardians.

Head to East Sarubaruta MIDDLE EAST tower (J-7). Once you get there, head down
the stairs and examine the six Magical Gizmos there. After examining all of
them, go past the secret door at H-9 and and head to the left.

NOTE: Make sure you stay on the brick-coloured area. Heading down the secret
cave isn't needed yet.

Click the Door in the secret passage and watch the cut scene. You learn about
the power that energies the Cardians is failing. After that, examine the six
gizmos once again and report back to the Manustery in Windurst Woods.

Title: The Heart of the Matter - MISSION 2
Location: Any Gate Guard
Difficulty: Tiny party
Rank needed: 1.4
Suggested Level: 6-8, Map of Horutoto Ruins
Reward: Rank Points

Solution: Again talk to clerk in the Manustery in Windurst Woods after accepting
the mission. Doing the easy "Glyph Hanger" quest first is good idea.

Head to East Sarubaruta's SOUTH EAST tower (J-11) and talk to the person out.
Once inside, head to the bottom of the stairs, examine the six Magical Gizmos
there. After examining all of them, go to the Door in one of the two secret
rooms to get a cut scene. After that, examine the six gizmos once again. You
will now have a fully powered up (and expensive mana orb). Now leave this area.

Once you head outside you will be confronted by a group of Cardians that you
have never seen before. These are the rebel Cardians that forswore their
allegiance to the Hero of the Great War. Lucky for you you don't have to fight
the Ace Cardians (Level 50+) yet.

After relinquishing the orb head back to the Manustery in Windurst Woods to
report the theft by the Rebel Cardians.

Title: The Price of Peace - MISSION 3
Location: Any Gate Guard
Difficulty: Small Party
Rank needed: 1.75
Suggested Level: 8-10, Map of Giddeus
Reward: Rank 2, 1000 gil

Solution: After learning about the questionable policies of the Star Sybil, talk
to Kerutoto (?) in Rhinostery and you will get 2 key items from him. Regardless
of indignity of the matter, your job is to bring these "bribes" to two Yago NPCs
in the front areas of Giddeus. A map of Giddeus can be bought for this mission
but it isn't really needed.

Take the north gate to West Sarutabaruta and walk north-west. The entrance to
Giddeus is at F-8. Be careful not too head too deep into Giddeus (i.e. don't go
inside either cave). There are two directions to go from the entrance - and you
need to head to both.

If you head down a bit, you will find out that each route has an NPC by both
cave entrances (H-7, G-7). Although those NPCs will not attack you, their
friends most certainly will. Swallow your price and fork over the bribes as

Although these two NPCs will not have an intelligent conversation with you,
there are others deeper in Giddeus later on that will. Anyway, report back to
town when completed.

When you talk to the guard, you earn rank 2 and 1000gil!

Title: Lost for Words - MISSION 4
Location: Any Gate Guard
Difficulty: Large Party
Rank needed: 2.25
Suggested Level: 11+, Shakhrami Map
Reward: Rank Points

Solution: Be warned- this quest will take some serious evasion skills or a large
party. Don't be frustrated if you die a couple of times - it happens. You might
want to buy the Map of Maze of Shakhrami. Considering there are 10+ quests in
the Maze and it is an absolute gold-mine for experience, it is well worth the

After talking to Tosuka-Porika in the Optistery, go visit the Notorious Cat
Burglar herself, Nanaa Mingho, located in Windurst Woods (J-3). After a curt
conversation with Nanaa Mingho and cronies you are told to head to Shakhrami
maze, which is located at the extreme north-eastern part of Taronghi Canyon (K-
5). Try to travel during the day since some strong undead will be outside the
exit at night. A party is advised.

After heading into the Maze, check the place out carefully since it is the very
best place to level 11-15 (particularly for BLMs). Don't attack the bats since
they will link. The worm-based monsters here, called Maze Makers, give
astronomical amounts of experience. There are strong aggressive monsters in here
so avoid goblins, ghouls and scorpions.

Your job is to examine "Fossil Rocks" in the Shakhrami maze (very tricky). Once
you understand the front area of the Maze, sneak past the Maze Scorpion at G-7.
At G-6 you should have two tunnel options (be warned there will likely be some
incredibly tough goblins in the way here here). Take the right cave and you will
then be taken to the lower floor - the map will change. The fossil rocks area
just ahead at H-5 which isn't far from G-6. Watch out for even more scorpions.

After looking at the fossil rocks *try* to make your way back out and talk to
Nanaa Mingho again for a cut scene.

Nanaa Mingho gives a cursory look at the item you brought and wants you to
locate a "hideout" (do the "Making Headlines" Quest at the same time) for a
"meeting". Although it sounds fishy, follow her advice and head back to the
tower in the very FIRST mission (J-7, East Sar) and go through on of cracked
walls that lead to a cave.
Walk along until you find the "Mahogany Door" at D-10. (Simplest way to the door
is to hug the wall to your right until you see a Cracked Wall; go through into
the cave and continue hugging the wall to your right until you see the Mahogany
Door at G-8(?).

*Warning* Make sure you don't go too deep into this cave. If you go into another
large open area (brick) you are likely going to get killed.

After entering the Mahogany Door you finally get a close up view of a pivotal
person to the story - the Minister of the Manustery (Magic). The Minster has
access to an enormous amount of magicial strength (Level 78?) as shown in his
brushing aside of the Ace Cardians. As the Minister considers you a peon, not
worthy of his notice, and totally ignores you (for now).

Feeling ill-used and totally outclassed, make your way back to Windhurst one
last time and talk to Nanaa Mingho/Tosuka-Porika. Although this was your hardest
mission to date, the next mission is a woozy.

Title: The Three Kingdoms - MISSION 5
Location: Any Gate Guard
Difficulty: Full Party
Rank needed: 2.75
Suggested Level: 18-25 (level cap at 25), Maps of Palborough Mines/Ghelsba/Giddeus
Reward: RANK 3 and 3000gil

Solution: This is a VERY Long quest and is divided into TWO parts that will VARY
depending on WHICH one city you visted first. I suggest completing either sub-
job quest (from Vera, Mhaura OR Isacio, Selbina) before attempting this. Getting
a Chocobo License and the maps to Palborough Mines/Ghelsba/Giddeus is advised.
In addition, the maps to all the main cities are a good idea.

After talking to the Gate Guard talk to Gamimi (?) in Heaven's Tower (Windhurst
Walls). She will explain the mission. You might want to start the "Rock
Racketeer" quest from Windhurst before leaving town. Bid a tearful good-bye to
Windhurst - you won’t be back for a long while.

Bastok - The Palborough Mines The Windhurstian embassy is located in the top of
the Metal Works. Talk to the Ambassador to receive this part of the mission.

Then head to the President's office (K-8) to talk to Pium and learn the
importance of the of Mythril Sand to the beastmen. Lastly, meet up with Grohm in
the Metalworks Craftsmen's Eatery where he will tell you the procedures and
happenings in Palborough Mines. Before heading out, you might want to buy some
more "pickaxes" from in the item shop (H-7) in Bastok Mines. In additon, buy a
map of Palborough Mines in Bastok Markets.

Head off to Palborough Mines (North Gustaburg, K-3). After entering, go to I-8
and use the elevator to get to the 2nd floor. Now head to K-9 on the map. you'll
find a spot where you can do some digging. Trade the "pickaxe" to that spot. You
may fail a few times, so keep trying until you get an item. NOTE: this is the
same spot for the "Rock Racketeer" quest.

After getting the item, go to the 2nd level to the middle of the map (I-6) by
going around the right side of the map. You'll see a machine with a lid and a
lever. Trade the item you got to the lid, and then pull the lever.

Continue the path to the left side of the map, around and back to the area under
the machine. You'll see a lever there too. Pull it and receive an item. Go back
to the embassy and trade that item to the Ambassador.

San D'oria - The Dragon
In Northern D'oria head to the Consulate of Windhurst. First of all talk to be
the Ambassador. You will be told to talk to Halver in Chateau d'Oraguille. You
will need a Ghelsba Outpost map. As well you might want to start "The General's
Secret" quest from Curilla (Temple Knights' Quarters, Chateau d'Oraguille) since
the water is right by the end of this mission. To prepare make sure you have a
FULL party and you are ready to fight the dragon. If you have anyone over level
25 make sure they have under level 25 equipment since they will de-level for the

Head to Fort Ghelsba and go all the way to the top. There are some huts, behind
which is a tunnel leading into the mountains. (You can also get here from
Yughott Grotto by hugging the wall to the left as soon as you enter Ghelsba). At
Fort Ghelsba you need to head into one of the huts at J-8 to get to the last
area - another "Grotto". Once you enter the top of the mountains there are two
exits -- one to the burning circle and the other to the springs - "The General's
Secret" quest.

Prepare yourself and enter the burning circle. There are two monsters a floating
eye and then the dragon. Don't bother with buffs since the dragon will remove
them all in the first few seconds. Kill the floating eye first, then the dragon.

Once done you are sitting in the springs. Heal up and head back to he Consulate
of Windhurst and pick up your Adventurers Letter.

Finally, battered but defiant, make your way back to Heaven's Tower in Windhurst
and to receive your well earned rewards.

Congratulations on RANK 3 and 3000gil!

Title: A Testing Time - MISSION 6
Location: Any Gate Guard
Difficulty: Small Party
Rank needed: 3.0
Suggested Level: 25, Map of Taronghi Canyon
Reward: Rank Points

Solution: After talking to the gate guard head to the Aurastery and talk to
Moreno-Teono. The Minster wants to test his students in Taronghi Canyon, but he
needs a benchmark by which to compare his students to adventurers such as
yourself. You are to directed to Taronghi Canyon and exterminate as many
monsters as you can in 1 hour. This is a TIMED mission and you have to be quick
getting there. Warp or Warp scroll is a good idea tohave.

Try to exterminate 30+ monsters in less then a hour AND make your way back to
the Aurastery. This is a cumulative mission - so more the merrier! In other
words, having more people CANNOT hurt your chances in finishing this quest on

Title: To Each his own Right - MISSION 7
Location: Any Gate Guard
Difficulty: Small Party
Rank needed: 3.25
Suggested Level: 25, Map of Castle Oztroja
Reward: Rank Points

Solution: After talking to the gate guard head to the Heaven's Tower to meet the
Star Sybil guards. The Minster of the Orastery is found something out and needs
to be discreetly followed. Head to the Orastry to lead that the Minister has
headed to Castle Oztroja to confront the Yago King. Before leaving you might
want to activate the quest "Onion Rings" since you need to get the EXACT spot

Head to L-8 of the Meriphataud Mountauns (a chocobo is a good idea) for the
entrance to one the three main beastmen strongholds, Castle Oztroja. Don't
worry, you aren't going very deep inside (for now).

At Oztroja head to the door with 2 levers (J-8) and pull the WRONG one so you
fall down through a trap door. After a cutscene grab the old ring from the floor
exit and head back to town.

Mosey on over to Heaven's Tower to finish up the mission.

Title: Three Mages - MISSION 8
Location: Any Gate Guard
Difficulty: Full Party (MUST have a Black Mage, a White Mage and a Red Mage)
Rank needed: 3.5
Suggested Level: 30, Map of Horutoto Ruins
Reward: Rank Points

Solution: After talking to the gate guard head to the Heaven's Tower again to
meet the Star Sybil's handmaiden. She explains that she wants you to travel to
the tower in West Sarubaruta and open a the 3 Mage Gate. You can do the "Making
the Grade" quest from Fuepepe (Aurastery, Windurst Waters) for the ASPIR scroll
at the same time (well WORTH it). Your party MUST consist of at least one of
EACH of the following: Black Mage, White Mage and Red Mage.

Go to the north-eastern Horutoto tower and hug the wall to your right to find
the Cracked Wall (G-8). Go inside and go through the east door in D-10. Head
down to the strange looking gate at H-9. There are 3 colours on the floor:
White, Red and Black. Each mage must stand in the middle of each circle and the
door will open. Once the door is opened, keep going past through the fake walls
at H-8.

Wendigos there drop the test answers for "Making the Grade" quest. Examine all
the Magical Gizmos then head to H-6 to exit out.

Head back to Heaven's Tower to finish the mission.

*See Shared Missions*

III. Bastok Missions

Title: Report from Zeruhn Mines - MISSION 1
Location: Gate Guard (Cleades or Malduc)
Difficulty: Can Solo
Rank needed: 1.0
Suggested Level: 4-5
Reward: Rank Points

Solution: Find a man named Makarim who is said to be somewhere in the Zeruhn
Mines (H-11). You can solo this mission because so few monsters spawn here (or
be sneaky). After talking to Makarim, he will give you an item that must be
delivered to Naji by the stair case of President's Office (K-8) at the top of
the Metalworks.

Title: Proof of the Ancients - MISSION 2
Location: Gate Guard (Cleades or Malduc)
Difficulty: Tiny party
Rank needed: 1.5
Suggested Level: 6-7, Map of Dangruf Wadi
Reward: Rank Points

Solution: You are to present yourself to the greatest living engineer in all of
Vana’diel - Cid. Cid has an office on the 2nd Floor of the Metalworks. Although
he muses all day thinking about the "lost civilization" that used some
magnificent machinery, he wants you so check for evidence of their existence in
the Dangruf Wadi. He gives you an item that prove to all detractors that guns
were just the tip of the iceberg.

Before leaving you should get the Wadi map from the "Bare Bones" quest from
Degenhard. As well, if you have enough fame start the "Black mud" & "Breaking
Stones" quest.

Anyway, head to into Dangruf Wadi from South Gustaberg. Head to the geyser at I-
8, and use your detector. Just wait till it turns red.

Head to Cid and show him the result - he is jubilant since he has now proved the
existence of an ancient civilization.

Title: Quadav Bounty Hunter - MISSION 3
Location: Gate Guard (Cleades or Malduc)
Difficulty: Small party
Rank needed: 1.7
Suggested Level: 8-12
Reward: RANK 2 and 1000 gil

Solution: The Quadav beastmen have invaded and expelled all the citizens in
South and North Gustaberg. As well, the "lazy" Galka miners refuse to mine
anymore due to the high death rate. The president has concluded that the evil
beastmen shall be punished. You are to lead a punitive strike inside the
Palborough Mines where a secondary Quadav base has been established.

Head to the Palborough Mines in the extreme north east of North Gustaberg. Just
keep killing all the Quadavs on the first floor. You will need 4-types of armor:
Quadav Head, Arms, Body, and Legs.

After getting the 4 grisly parts, head back and town to and exchange your war
trophies to the gate guard (all at once).

Title: Telepoint Crystal - MISSION 4
Location: Gate Guard (Cleades or Malduc)
Difficulty: Can Solo
Rank needed: 2.0
Suggested Level: 10-12
Reward: Rank Points

Solution: Head over to Cid once again. Cid is puzzled of the unscientific powers
that resulted at the end of the last war. As a result of that war several
"Crags" have appeared all over the planet. You are instructed to attempt to
siphon this power so Cid can analyze it for further study. Walk to the Crag of
Dem (I-7) in Highlands north of North Gustaberg. Trade any crystal to one of the
Telepoints. Don’t forget to pick-up another a key item gate crystal for

Go back to Bastok and trade this enchanted crystal to Cid. He mildly surprised
that the beastmen can utilize such power. He wants to incorporate this power to
the existing weapons in case the depraved attack again. However, he don’t think
you have the current skill to aid him on this quest and will summon another
famous adventurer instead.

Head to the Cannonry to see if Ayame can incorporate such power to existing

Title: Lizard Egg - MISSION 5
Location: Gate Guard (Cleades or Malduc)
Difficulty: Tiny party
Rank needed: 2.5 (you may need to trade crystals)
Suggested Level: 10-12
Reward: Rank Points

Solution: There is little work for unknown adventurer such as yourself
(apparently Cid hasn’t told anyone of your involvement in this recent
breakthrough). You are hired to do a simple errand - find a Lizard Egg and
deliver it to Aloise in the President's office.

Title: The Three Kingdoms - MISSION 6
Location: Gate Guard (Cleades or Malduc)
Difficulty: Full Party
Rank needed: 2.75
Suggested Level: 18-25 (level cap at 25), Maps of Palborough Mines/Ghelsba/Giddeus
Reward: RANK 3 and 3000gil

Solution: This is a VERY Long quest and is divided into TWO parts that will VARY
depending on WHICH city you visit first. I suggest completing either sub-job
quest "Vera, Mhaura OR Isacio, Selbina" before attempting this. Getting a
Chocobo License and the maps to Palborough Mines/Ghelsba/Giddeus is advised. In
addition, the maps to all the main cities are a good idea.

After accepting, talk to Malduc and Naji by President's Office. You finally get
to meet President Karst. You can ask a few questions but regardless the result
is the same - head to Sandoria.

San D'oria - Warchief's Demise
In Northern D'oria head to the Consulate of Bastok (K-10). First of all talk to
be the Ambassador Helaku in Consulate of Bastok. You will be told talk to Halver
in Chateau d'Oraguille. Halver tells you that the Orcs have been raiding San
D'oria lately and must be disciplined. You are assassinate a minor leader who
dared kidnap San D’oria civilians a few days before.

Head to Ghelsba Outpost and go all the way to the middle. Terminate with extreme
prejudice Warchief Vatgit (H-7) and any Orcs who defy the power of San D'oria.

Then head back to the Consulate of Bastok in D'oria and Speak to Ambassador
Helaku again.

Windhurst - The Dragon
Once in beautful Windhurst, head to Port Windurst and the Consulate of Bastok
(E-5). Have a chat with Ambassador Melek. Then head to Heavens Tower (H-6) in
Windurst. Have a chat with the Ambassador. Apparently, your government is
suspicious of the relationship between the Taru Tarus and the Yagos - why aren't
they fighting?

You are instructed to go to Heavens Tower (H-6) in Windurst Walls. In the tower
head north to talk to Kupipi to recieve a Key to use in Giddeus. Then speak with
Rakano-Marukano. You learn to your astonishment that you are to lead a punitive
assault on the Giddeus for "alleged" insults to the Minister of the Manustery.
Grab a FULL party for the next part (there is a LEVEL cap of 25 for the Dragon
so if you are de-lvl'ing bring some lvl 25 and below equipment). You might want
to buy a map of Giddeus also.

Head out to West Sarutabaruta then head to north-west for Giddeus (F-8). This
will be your first real boss battle and unlock the Burning Circle at G-12. Good

The Windurst Dragon tends to cast Curse, while the Bastok Dragon tends to cast
Petrify. In my own opinion, the Bastok Dragon is the tougher between the two, so
its better to choose the my route. After beating the dragon go back to the
Consulate of San D'oria. Talk to the Ambassador to recieve a letter.

After beating the dragon go back to the Consulate of Bastok. Talk to Ambassador
Melek to recieve a letter. Finally head back to Bastok Metalworks, and speak
with Malduc and Naji to receive rank 3 and 3000 gil!

Title: Copper Quadavs - MISSION 7
Location: Gate Guard (Cleades or Malduc)
Difficulty: Large Party
Rank needed: 3.5
Suggested Level: 20-25
Reward: Rank Points

Solution: Your work has been noticed by the President and now your name is
spoken at the highest levels. After accepting mission, head to Iron Eater by in
the President's Office.

While you were away the Iron Musketeers entered both mines to start up
production but the beastmen initiated an unprovoked attack. Mining production
had begun to slowly start up again but going had been slow since the workers
have encountered strange chambers filled with worthless rocks. After this
chambers were cleared, apparently the insane beastmen threw themselves on the
waiting swords of the Iron Musketeers with no regard for their lives. The
outraged Minister has ordered all chambers cleared at once and all beastmen

The fanatic beastmen, however, have taken a toll on the guards and your are
instructed to help the Iron Musketeers give Bastok more "living space". As a
loyal citizen of Bastok you are ordered to head to the main Quadav stronghold in
Beadeaux (which is located at the extreme southeast exit of the Pashhow
Marshland) and give a response "in-kind".

There you will need to exterminate 30+ Quadavs vermin in TOTAL (not per member).
This is a cumulative mission - so more the merrier! In other words, having more
people CANNOT hurt your chances in finishing this quest. Talk to the gate guard
and Iron Eater to finish the mission.

Title: Blind Moby - MISSION 8
Location: Gate Guard (Cleades or Malduc)
Difficulty: Large Party
Rank needed: 3.5
Suggested Level: 25-30
Reward: Rank Points

Solution: After starting the mission head to Bastok Mines (K-6) and speak to
Davyad. After a pleasant conversation you are told find a rare rock that will
help in the war effort. You will need some rabbit meat for this mission

After obtaining the rabbit meat head to Gusgen Mines in Konschtat Highlands (L-
7). Unless you did the "A Foreman's Best Friend" quest you will have no map.
Anyway, head into the tunnel and on the First area where the tunnel splits, take
the Right Path, then Left Path, then Right Path, and finally another Right Path.
In the last area (J-7) you should see a small pool with ???.

Use the "Trade" command on the ???. Once you place the rabbit meat you will lure
an NM Fish called Blind Moby. When the NM is defeated he will drop a Rare Rock
Item. You can do this over and over for the rest of your party (the respawn
times have been changed for this monster so you should be able to did it

Trade the item to either of the mission guards to finish this quest.

*See Shared Missions*

IV. San D'oria Missions

Title: Defeat Orcish Fodder - MISSION 1
Location: Any Gate Guard
Difficulty: Can Solo
Rank needed: 1.0
Suggested Level: 4-5
Reward: Rank Points

Solution: The guards want you to prove your fighting prowess. the guard asks
from you an Orcish Axe. Orcish Fooders in West Ronfaure and Ghelsba Outpost drop
this item.

Title: Defeat Mouse Bats - MISSION 2
Location: Any Gate Guard
Difficulty: Tiny Party
Rank needed: 1.4
Suggested Level: 6-7
Reward: Rank Points

Solution: Head to King Ranperre's Tomb at the South-eastern part of East Ronfure
(H-11). Bats or Wind Bats in this area drop the "Bat Fang" needed to finish this
Mission. To get the map to this area finish the "Exit the Gambler" Quest.

Title: Help and Save the Children - MISSION 3
Location: Any Gate Guard
Difficulty: Full Party
Rank needed: 1.75
Suggested Level: 11+
Reward: Rank 2 and 1000 gil

Solution: Children have been kidnapped by Orcs in retaliation for some unknown
grievance. Head to Ghelspar Outpost. The children are kept in a hut with a
Hidden Door. Be careful since there are 3 Orcs altogether: 1 Warchief Vangit,
and 2 Ranger Orcs. Once defeated, the NM will drop a key that opens the door.

When you talk to the guard, you earn rank 2 and 1000gil!

Title: Rescue Training - MISSION 4
Location: Any Gate Guard
Difficulty: Small Party
Rank neeeed: 2.25 (donate 12 crystals)
Suggested Level: 16+
Reward: Rank Points

Solution: You are to assist a backup team as a search party for a missing
soldier inside Ordelles Cave. Head to Ordelle's Caves, the first Gorge to the
north-east of La Theine's bottom exit (H-10). Follow along the perimeter of the
trail to the south until you see a NPC soldier guarding at a downward slope. He
will has heard of your mission and points you down towards Ordelle's Caves.

On the down there will be various other NPCS roaming around - talk to everyone
you see. When you chat with the Captain them you find out that a soldier called
Ruillont is missing. There are some fairly hard monsters in the way so you might
want a party.

After entering Ordelle's Caves, waddle through the first pond you see in the
cave. Ruillont is to your left. Do NOT fight any monsters deep in Ordelle's
Caves since you will die in 2-3 hits. After chatting with Ruillont, he will tell
you that he forgot his Bronze Sword. You'll need to go back to the way you came
from and find out which of his friends "borrowed" the sword.

Head back to Ruillont again in Ordelle's Caves and trade the sword over to him.
One last trip to the guards and they are impressed enough with your fortitude
that they award you the Training Certificate.

Head back to the gate guard in San D'oria to finish the mission.

Title: Davoi Investigation Report - MISSION 5
Location: Any Gate Guard
Difficulty: Small Party
Rank needed: 2.50
Suggested Level: 20
Reward: Rank Points

Solution: After activating this mission from the guard, head right to Davoi.
Davoi is located in Jugner Forest at H-12. Be careful on the way because there
is quite a few aggressive monsters in the way. Near the entrance of Davoi stands
a soldier hiding behind a tree. He'll explain that the Davoi report for King
Destin is almost complete but he dropped a page somewhere in Davoi. The missing
page can be found at the opposite side of the center pond at J-8. It is the "!"

After that, just go back to the soldier and a even will occur. He'll give you
the now completed report. All you need to do is to go back to town and deliver
the report.

Title: The Three Kingdoms - MISSION 6
Location: Any Gate Guard
Difficulty: Full Party
Rank needed: 2.75
Suggested Level: 18-25 (level cap at 25), Maps of Palborough Mines/Ghelsba/Giddeus
Reward: RANK 3 and 3000gil

Solution: This is a VERY Long quest and is divided into TWO parts that will VARY
depending on WHICH city you visit first. I suggest completing either sub-job
quest "Vera, Mhaura OR Isacio, Selbina" before attempting this. Getting a
Chocobo License and the maps to Palborough Mines/Ghelsba/Giddeus is advised. In
addition, the maps to all the main cities are a good idea.

After talking to the Gate Guard talk to Halver in Chateau d'Oraguille. He will
explain that servel court members are suspious that the other nations are
causing the increase in beastmen activity. You are instructed to leave the
capital and travel to the rival countries.

Bastok - The Palborough Mines
The San D'oria embassy is located in the top of the Metalworks (H-9). Talk to
the Ambassador to receive this part of the mission.

Then head to the President's office (K-8) to talk to Pium and learn the
importance of the of Mythril Sand to the beastmen. Lastly, meet up with Grohm in
the Metalworks Craftsmen's Eatery where he will tell you the procedures and
happenings in Palborough Mines. Before heading out, you might want to buy some
more "pickaxes" from in the item shop (H-7) in Bastok Mines. In additon, buy a
map of Palborough Mines in Bastok Markets.

Head off to Palborough Mines (North Gustaburg, K-3). After entering, go to I-8
and use the elevator to get to the 2nd floor. Now head to K-9 on the map. you'll
find a spot where you can do some digging. Trade the "pickaxe" to that spot. You
may fail a few times, so keep trying until you get an item. NOTE: this is the
same spot for the "Rock Racketeer" quest.

After getting the item, go to the 2nd level to the middle of the map (I-6) by
going around the right side of the map. You'll see a machine with a lid and a
lever. Trade the item you got to the lid, and then pull the lever.

Continue the path to the left side of the map, around and back to the area under
the machine. You'll see a lever there too. Pull it and receive an item. Go back
to the embassy and trade that item to the Ambassador.

Windhurst - The Dragon
Once in beautful Windhurst, visit the Consulate of San D'oria (F-10) in Windurst
Woods. Have a chat with the Ambassador. Apparently, your government is
suspicious of the relationship between the Taru Tarus and the Yagos - why aren't
they fighting?

You are instructed to go to Heavens Tower (H-6) in Windurst Walls. In the tower
head north to talk to Kupipi to recieve a Key to use in Giddeus. Then speak with
Rakano-Marukano. You learn to your astonishment that you are to lead a punitive
assault on the Giddeus for "alleged" insults to the Minister of the Manustery.
Grab a FULL party for the next part (there is a LEVEL cap of 25 for the Dragon
so if you are de-lvl'ing bring some lvl 25 and below equipment). You might want
to buy a map of Giddeus also.

Head out to West Sarutabaruta then head to north-west for Giddeus (F-8). This
will be your first real boss battle and unlock the Burning Circle at G-12. Good

The Windurst Dragon tends to cast Curse, while the Bastok Dragon tends to cast
Petrify. In my own opinion, the Bastok Dragon is the tougher between the two, so
its better to choose the my route. After beating the dragon go back to the
Consulate of San D'oria. Talk to the Ambassador to recieve a letter.

Finally head back to your hometown and speak with Halver to receive your rank 3
and 3000 gil!

Title: Davoi Investigation Report 2 - MISSION 7
Location: Any Gate Guard
Difficulty: Full Party
Rank needed: 3.25
Suggested Level: 25+
Reward: Rank Points

Solution: After talking to the gate guard, head to Davoi (just like you did in
mission 5). Talk to the same soldier behind the tree at the entrance. This time
he will explain that he has even more information on the beastmen but they
ripped out the pages. Unlike the during mission 5, you will have to fight your
way through the Orcs. Make sure you level is appropriate and with a full party
with you.

You'll need to go to 3 places in Davoi to retrieve reports hidden in trees.
There are three reports "!". There are located at the following points: L8, K7,

After getting the 3 pages altogether, go back to the entrance, talk to the
soldier once again, and return to the gate guard. The pages will be forwarded at
once to the royal court for dissemination.

Title: Crystal Springs - MISSION 8
Location: Any Gate Guard
Difficulty: Can Solo (need at least level 5 fishing skill)
Rank needed: 3.5
Suggested Level: N/A
Reward: Rank Points

Solution: Once talking to the guard you learn that most of the report you just
gave has been classified by someone high up in the royal court.

Indeed, only parts of it has filtered down the gate guards. As San D'oria's most
trusted adventurer, you are told of the existence of strange new stone in Davoi.
You are sent to go retrieve evidence the Beastmen can use such substances.
Luckily, Davoi has a waterway that bubbles up in Jugner Forest (K6-K7) that
leads directly from this "stone".

This may be a difficult mission to clear for players who have low fishing skill.
If you need to level up your skill, start by fishing in town(s). You need a rare
mid-sized fish called a "Crystal Bass".

Most people who want to make money sell is fish in the AH. Be warned the price
may be severely high.

Once done this mission you will be leaving your home town to travel to the nexus
of cities: Jeuno.

*See Shared Missions*

V. Shared Missions

Title: A New Journey - MISSION 9
Location: Embassy (Ru'lude Gardens, Jeuno)
Difficulty: Large/Full ALLIANCE
Rank needed: 3.75
Suggested Level: 30-35, Map of Delkfutt's Tower (MUST), Map of Qufim
Reward: RANK 4 and 5000 gil

Solution: Your first mission with an mandatory need for an alliance! If you are
all level 30'ish bring some refresh food and reraise scrolls - particularly if
you don't have a balanced alliance. This mission will take more then 2+ hours,
more if you fight allot.

You will need to talk to your town's leader after obtaining this lengthy mission
(from the gate guard) but ALL towns will eventually direct you to their embassy
in Ru'lude Gardens.

To prepare for this hard mission buy a map of Qufim in Low Jeuno, get 2 parties
to make an alliance and finish "The Antique Collector" quest in Port Jeuno for
the Map of Delkfutt's Tower. At least two people should have the Map of
Delkfutt's Tower by trading a Kaiser Blade (drops from Weapons in Qufim) to

When ready head to Delkfutt's Tower in Qufim. There are 10 floors in the Tower
divided in 3 parts linked by teleport. Make sure your magic users are aware that
Magic Pots/Elements go aggressive when you cast!

After a lengthy climb (will take at least 1.5 hours), fight the NM giant
Phyporion. It will drop 6 Delkfutt keys each, so you will have to wait for it to
respawn (10 mins).

When the whole alliance has a key, trade it to the elevator (H-8). Finally head
to the tunnel to the east walk down a 9 flights of stairs down to the first
floor. You will be in the basement. There will be 3 exits for which are based on
allegiance (M-7, M-8, N-9). In each one is the Ambassador.

Go back to your Embassy in Ru'lude Gardens to receive your reward!

Title: Magicite Confusion - MISSION 10
Location: Embassy (Ru'lude Gardens, Jeuno)
Difficulty: A mid-sized ALLIANCE
Rank needed: 4.75 (donate AT LEAST 36 crystals)
Suggested Level: 35+, Maps of Davoi, Castle Oztroja and Beadeaux
Reward: RANK 5, AIRSHIP PASS, 10,000 gil

Solution: This is a VERY VERY long mission with an mandatory need for an
alliance! This mission will more then 8+ hours, more if you fight alot.

Talk to your Ambassador for a Ducial Audience pass. Meet with the Duke (note the
creepy guys in the background) and learn that you need to visit the 3 HQs of the
beastmen (Davoi, Oztroja, Beadeaux) to get three magicites. These three
magicites are supposedly going to resurrect the Shadow Lord. It doesn't matter
what order you do it in. I did this quest with one party all level 40+.

Before you leave, however, you need to activate some quests in Jeuno.

The Duke will give you a letter to Alto, head of the Tenshodo. You will need to
be a member as a reward for the quest "Tenshodo Membership" from Ghebi Damomohe
(Neptune's Spire, Lower Jueno). However, another player who has finished this
quest may "invite" one other person to join (or sell that invitation to the AH).

After showing the letter to Alto you pickup a silver bell. Talk to Sattal-Mansa
in the next room and he will trade you 2 items needed (Coruscant Rosary & Black
Matinee Necklace) for the magicite room in Beadeaux - if you pickup two NM drops
from the NMs in Beadeaux.

Head to Upper Jeuno and talk to Baudin. After an event trade a Coeurl Meat
(dropped by Coeurls in Meriphataud) to pick up the item to unlock the seal in

Talk to the 3 kids in Upper Jeuno for an event then head to the Goblin shop in
Lower Jeuno. Muckvix will pass a torch to unlock the magicite room in Oztroja.

Using the item Baudin's sister gave you unlock the seal at G-7 to head in for
the first Magicite. This is very easy and will take 3 minutes to do. Sadly, it
gets MUCH harder from now on.

You will need a map of this area from Windhurst and it will take a LONG time to
travel through this castle. The first part is at J-8 of the first floor. Only
ONE lever will open the door - if not the floor opens to jail below you. The
levers result WILL VARY depending on allegiance so STAND BACK when doing this.

After passing the door it gets pretty straight forward - just keep following the
passage till you get outside. Head north into a passage (by some NMs) then head
back into the castle. You will be on the 2nd floor and it is a MAZE with several
dead-ends NOT ON THE MAP. It is rather long and fairly good exp. We had a small
alliance (and we knew where we were going) and it took about 2.5+ hours. Once
you get to another set of doors light the stand with the torch from Muckvix and
you access the second Magicite.

Phew. But the worst is yet to come.

Beadeaux is annoying because you need to come back to Sattal-Mansa after killing
the NMs. The first NM is easy since you can "pull" him down from the upper
ledge. He is left of the main chamber when you first get in. He should drop 2-3
Divination Shell per death. He will respawn in 10 mins or so.

The 2nd is SO ANNOYING since you must go by the Mute and Afflictor machines. The
mute will silence you if you get close. Normally this would be very had but in
this case you WANT TO GET silenced. Once silenced run past the Afflictor - if
you aren't silenced when going past the Afflicor you will get weakened (10% of
normal HP and MP). I suggest bring an echo screen and some food/juice for
refresh. This might be the ONLY place in the entire game a potion might be worth
the insane amount of gil it costs. At the top ledge find (?) at ?-? for the 2nd
NM drop Quadav Charms.

After getting the 2 drops from both NM head back to Lower Jeuno and trade
Sattal-Mansa the two items and get the Coruscant Rosary & Black Matinee
Necklace. The rest is easy, head back to Beadeaux and head left all the way. The
3rd Magicite awaits.

Go back to the Duke in Ru'lude Gardens to receive your Airship Pass! Head to
your Embassy for RANK 5 and 10,000 gil.

Title: The Final Seal - MISSION 11
Location: Embassy (Ru'lude Gardens, Jeuno)
Difficulty: A Full ALLIANCE. ONE party at a time for Boss (mob too).
Rank needed: 5.25
Suggested Level: 45+ (with level 50 cap), Maps of Fei'Yin, Ranguemont Pass and Beaucedine
Reward: Rank points

Solution: There return of the Shadow Lord seems imminent. Head back to your
hometown for a chat. You should pick up a map of Fei'Yin by doing the "A Smudge
On One's Record" quest in Windurst Waters. You should also pick up a map of
Beaucedine Glacier in Jeuno and Ranguemont Pass.

Since you need to head to Fei'Yin for the Warp II scroll quest "Curses, Foiled
A-Golem" from Shantotto, Windurst Walls, you might as well activate that quest
before going.

When your alliance is ready head to San D'oria and exit to East Ronfaure. In
Ranguemont Pass you will be told that this is a ONE WAY trip so make sure you
have either teleport, Warp or a warp scroll. If you don't have a map head north
east to L-4.

For the first part of the Warp II scroll head to the bottom of the tower at I-7.
Head to Fei'Yin Tower at J-5.

At Fei'Yin Tower finish the Warp II scroll quest at F-6 (bottom floor) then head
to the burning circle on K-9 of the first floor (where you entered). If you dont
have a map just head east and south as much as possible. There are MANY MANY
things that go aggressive to magic here. On the other hand, you only need SNEAK
to run by EVERYTHING in this tower.

The boss is a NM skeleton with a weak mob of 6-8 minions. There is a level cap
of 50 for the boss and only 6 people (one party) can enter at a time. However,
you can help out when completed.

Go back to your hometown to finish this mission.

Title: Return of the Shadowlord - MISSION 12
Location: Embassy (Ru'lude Gardens, Jeuno)
Difficulty: A mid-sized ALLIANCE. ONE party at a time for SL.
Rank needed: 5.75
Suggested Level: 55+ (with level 60 cap) Map of Castle Zvahl
Reward: RANK 6, 20,000 gil

Solution: Simple. Head to Castle Zvahl and finish off the Shadow Lord. You
should finish the quest "Northward" from Radeivepart (Ru'lude Gardens, Peace
Monument) for a map of Castle Zvahl.

Only one party at a time can go through the burning circle to fight the dreaded
Shadow Lord. FAIR YOU WELL!

After an eye-opening scene and major plot twist head back to the Duke at Ru'lude
Gardens to receive your reward!


Title: MISSION 13
Location: ?
Difficulty: ?
Rank needed: ?
Suggested Level: ?
Reward: ?

Solution: ?

Title: MISSION 14
Location: ?
Difficulty: ?
Rank needed: ?
Suggested Level: ?
Reward: ?

Solution: ?

Title: MISSION 15
Location: ?
Difficulty: ?
Rank needed: ?
Suggested Level: ?
Reward: ?


Title: MISSION 16
Location: ?
Difficulty: ?
Rank needed: ?
Suggested Level: 65
Reward: ?

Solution: ?

Title: MISSION 17
Location: ?
Difficulty: ?
Rank needed: ?
Suggested Level: ?
Reward: ?

Solution: ?

Title: The Ceremony of Adult(?) - MISSION 18
Location: ?
Difficulty: ?
Rank needed: ?
Suggested Level: ?
Reward: ?

Solution: may vary on allegiance

Title: The Search of the Sacred Sword (?) - MISSION 19
Location: ?
Difficulty: ?
Rank needed: ?
Suggested Level: ?
Reward: Rank 9 and ??,??? gil

Solution: ?

VI. Credits and Thanks
Well this is a list of people that inspired me to make this guide.
- All the people who played in the beta.
- The beta players who help me quest.
- I would also like to give thanks to
- JonnyRam (http://jonnyram.com)
- IGN (http://faqs.ign.com)
- RPG Gamers (http://www.rgamers.com)

VII. Contact
AIM: endersgames3


Written By: Endersnight (? server)

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