Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok Online

15.10.2013 08:36:18
Support Acolyte/Priest Party Guide
For International Ragnarok Online
By WoodenLeg_10
Players: Skygor Priest lvl 58/25 full support

"Ora et Labora"
--monastic and seminarian motto

Table of Contents
1. Purpose
2. Support Built
A. Statistics
B. Equipment
C. Acolyte Skills
D. Priest Skills
3. Party Making
A. Creation/Disbanding
B. Party Window
C. Party Setup
D. Communication
4. Recruiting
A. How to Get Members
B. Jargon
C. Pointers
D. Locations
5. Class Analysis
A. First Classes
B. Second Classes
6. Party Dynamics
A. Guidelines
B. Techniques
7. Good Signs
8. Version History
9. Legal Junk

1. Purpose
One of the most popular builds for the acolyte and priest classes is the
support type. Since support acolytes place all their skills into helping
others, they themselves are helpless. However many people who take this
route forget that fact. It is their job to _SUPPORT_ people, so it is in
their best intentions to get a party to support. It allows then to gain
experience by sharing, but more importantly always for a fun playing
experience. The support acolyte always meets new and interesting people in
parties and there never is a dull moment. Therefore it is the intention of
this guide to help acolytes understand the dynamics of parties, and how to
use their skills to help others as well in themselves.

2. The Support Build
The build of the support acolyte is simple. Focus the character development
to cast a lot of helpful skills. Since this guide is primarily on partying,
this area is a simple reminder and focuses on more party oriented aspects.

3.A Statistics
The way the acolyte places there statistics is simple. Maximize intelligence
and then add some other useful statistics of choice.

Strength: 1
Vitality: X
Intelligence: 99
Dexterity: X
Agility: X
Luck: 1

X can be any amount the player desires as they see to their advantage. More
vitality means that the acolytes have more HP and can take damage better.
More agility means that they can dodge better, and more dexterity means that
they can cast spells faster. It is highly recommended to place all your
statistics into intelligence first before developing another statistic.

2.B Equipment
Equipment should be strait forward. Get the best possible without being
ripped off, and as always try to get slotted versions. Now as slotted
equipment goes there are two paths to card usage. Either use cards that add
more intelligence, or more HP/SP. Both paths help the acolyte more either by
making their skills more effective or helping them live longer. For
simplicities sake only purchasable equipment will be listed.

Weapon: Rod, Wand, Arc Wand
Armor: Cloths, Scapular, St. Robe
Head: Hat, Biretta
Shield: Guard, Buckler
Shoes: Sandals, Shoes
Robe: Hood, Mantle
Accessories: Rosary, Belt/Clip of Choice

(A Smokie card is highly recommended for the accessory. The ability to hide
keeps the acolyte alive, who in turn keeps everyone else alive.)

2.C Acolyte Skills
The skills listed are those oriented to party support. They do not include
the prerequisite skills. The skills are also listed from most to least
useful give or take a few opinions.

Healing: heals hp of target character, based on level of skill and
+ always useful
- gets boring at times, drains SP

This is probably the most useful skill that an acolyte has. It is highly
recommend to maximize this to level ten as soon as possible. Be sure to keep
various levels of it hot keyed for a while as not to waste SP on over healing
a character.

Since it is so useful acolytes are often begged for it _A LOT_. Set yourself
a standard early to heal people who ask for it nicely, i.e. use proper
grammar, not use the abbreviation plz pls, etc. Also when dispensing heals
be firm and courteous. (Personally to add humor and drama I make they
wounded kneel and change from there kill stealing and botting ways.)

Bless: increases targets strength, intelligence, and dexterity by the level
of the skill.
+ great over round spell, lasts long
- takes a while to max, drains SP

Next to Healing, Bless is the second most useful skill. Every class can
appreciate a boost in any of the given statistics. Although it may be
expensive in SP its long duration is worth it.

Increase AGI: increases walking speed, attack speed, and agility of the
+ useful spell for agility types, walking speed is a bonus
- only useful for high agility types, tend to be ditched often

This skill is somewhat useful. Fighter classes will appreciate the small
boost in attack speed. Agility thieves and assassin will greatly appreciate
an increase for there dogging abilities. Also as a nice side effect the
increased walking speed is good to quickly move a party from one area to

Angelus: increases the party's vitality.
+ effects the entire party, vitality is always useful
- based on percentages instead of constant rate

This is a semi-useful skill. Unlike the other status skills Angelus raises
vitality by percentage not constants, e.g. +10%vit, not the usual +10vit.
Unless your party members have high vitality they will not see any effects.
This is often still raised to level two in order to get Kyrie Eleison as a

Warp Gate: using a blue gem, one gate is created to an area that the acolyte
has memorized with the /memo command.
+ very useful spell, able to make money on the side
- requires blue gems, not totally dedicated to supporting a party

This skill is useful in transporting parties from one place to another
quickly and cheaply--blue gems are about 500z at this point in time. Like
heal this can be abused by players, both strangers and party members, who
think you are their personal chauffeur. Again be firm and polite. Another
advantage is that acolyte can make money-selling warps for 1000z each.

Pneuma: shields one spot perfectly from projectile attacks.
+ perfect protection from very strong monsters
- not a lot of range attack monsters

This too is a semi useful skill. Since there are only a few monsters that
use projectiles, it will not be used often. However areas with projectile
attackers are often empty, so Pneuma will allow for some easy private

Decrease AGI: decrease the agility of the target monster
+ increases the chance of attack fast monsters, e.g. bosses
- not many instances of fast monsters

I consider this a party skill for it indirectly increases the statistics of
all the other members. Since the monsters are slow already this skill will
not be used often. It will be most effective on bosses and fast monsters
(e.g. anything that flies). This skill is not leveled high and is often only
learned for an increase in the acolyte's general usefulness.

Aqua Benedicta: creates a bottle of holy water using one empty bottle.
+ able to use Aspersio latter
- only for using Aspersio (at this time)

At this point Holy Water is just a prerequisite to other support skills.
When statuses are implemented correctly holy water will cure a player of the
cursed status. If Aspersio is going to be learned as a priest, get Aqua
Benedicta as the last acolyte skill.

Cure: removes mild status conditions of the target.
+ saves weight on curative items
- status conditions are not implemented yet

Since monsters do not affect the status of the players yet, this skill is
considered useless at this point in time. When they do come it will cure the
status conditions that Recovery does not.

2.D Priest Skills
Magnificat: doubles the HP and SP healing rate of all party members
+ super healing
- (possibly slow casting time)

Nothing is wrong with this skill. _EVERYONE_ can benefit from it. It is
also customary to cast Bless on the targets to increase their SP healing
rate. Also if you are a pure intelligence type, level three is the highest
you will need—provided Gloria is to be learned--for naturally you will have
SP coming out the wah-zoo.

Resurrection: raises target from the dead
+ no more Yggdrasil Leaves
- requires a blue gem

This is another great spell. No more tracking down party members that are
slain. Do not bother to level it, since a following heal is more effective.
Even though you can take care of party members, keep a few Yggdrasil Leaves
for yourself.

Lex Æterna: double the next amount of damage on the target
+ double damage is great, cheap cost
- requires a strong attack and timing

This is a great skill that can always be used. It is more effect when
combined with powerful attacks. By the way combination attacks e.g. Sonic
Blow count at one hit.

Kyrie Eleison: creates a barrier on the target for a limited time that will
grant perfect protection from them from attacks from damages that sum to a
percentage of their maximum HP, e.g. 2 minute barrier that protects 25% of a
player with 4000HP will block up to 1000HP of damage perfectly.
+ perfect dodging
- have to cast it one at a time, not effective for those with low HP

This is a good skill that I am pleased with its changes. This will grant
perfect protection from players. Although a higher HP is preferred, it keeps
members alive nonetheless.

Gloria: increases the party's luck by 30
+ party skill, high status increase
- not many players use luck

This is the highest stat boosting skill for the priest. The extra thirty
luck points will have every member in the party have critical hits. This is
really seen with already lucky players. This includes katar assassins,
forging blacksmiths, and falcon hunters.

Impositio Manus: increases the attack of the target's weapon for one minute
+ increases attack
- does not last long

The extra attack power if useful but too bad the duration is short. However
this paired with a powerful weapon will enable a player to kill a lot of
monsters in that minute.

Aspersio: enchants the target player's weapon with the Holy element
+ instant elemental weapon, lasts long
- requires Holy Water (and therefore the skill Aqua Benedicta)

This is excellent for boost when you are considering using elemental attacks.
This allows greater damage to Poison, Shadow, and Undead monsters. Since
these are often some of the stronger monsters in the game, the boost is
highly appreciated.

Suffragium: decreases the casting time of the next skill the target will
+ extra speed is nice
- requires timing, hard to get people with good skills

Shorten casting time for any skill is always useful. With a bit of teamwork
a lot of skills can be executed fast. Imagine spamming a Lord of Vermilion
or Magnus Exorcismus.

Sanctuary: creates a cross of spaces that will heal any player or monster in
+ very strong healing
- requires a blue gem, may heal monsters

This is a very powerful healing technique that allows the priest to heal and
entire party instantly. Useful for resting times, but usually this is just a
means for Magnus Exorcismus.

Safety Wall: creates a wall in a space that will grant perfect protection
from monster attacks for a period of time
+ perfect protection, instant casting
- player has to stay on the cell, lot of prerequisites (as support priests

This is the replacement of Kyrie Eleison for those who do not want it. With
perfect protection on a cell, it enables the player to do as they wish.

Status Recovery: heals target player of strong status condition like curse.
+ cures very debilitating conditions
- monster conditional attacks are not implemented

This will be a more useful technique when statuses are implemented. Until
then it is used to blind undead monsters.

B.S. Sacramenti: enchants the target's armor with Holy element.
+ party skill, protection from all elements except Undead and Shadow
- require two acolytes or priests

This skill is slightly underrated. With a holy element it grants some form
of protection against all attacks except Normal, Shadow, and Undead. It is
just tricky to use since it require two other acolytes or priests to stand
next to the caster for it to work. By the way more often than not the
regular physical attacks of a monster are the same elemental of the monster.
E.g. a rocker's physical attack is a level one earth attack.

Slow Poison: temporarily stops the effect of poison
+ stops poison (which usually is the most annoying condition there is)
- why stop when you can heal

This is not a very useful skill, since it will be better to use Cure or a
Green potion when poison is actually implemented.

3. Party Making
Now for the meat of the guide, parties are the main source of activity of the
support acolyte. They are the reasons of their existence.

3.A Creation/Disbanding
To form a party, type this at the chat prompt:

/organize "PARTYNAME"

The command will create a party of the name PARTYNAME. The quotes are
optional, but necessary if you wander the party name to include spaces in it.
Also the name of the party must be unique. If another party of the same name
exists, your will not be created.

Now to add people into the party, right click on the desired player. Then
select "invite to party". This will bring a window up on the other
characters screen. If they choose yes, then they have joined the party. If
you are in a party, including your own, type this at the chat prompts to
leave a party:


In order to disband a party all members of the party must either leave or be
expelled from the party.

3.B Party Window
From the main menu where the players statistics are displayed press on the
"Friends" button to bring up the party menu (or hot key Alt+Z). On it are
the names of the members of the party, and some buttons on the bottom for
editing. The window can be moved using by dragging the top edge of it, and
it can be resized by dragging the lower left corner of it.

The names of the party are listed on the menu. In front of their names are
little boxes. A check is displayed if that person is the leader, while an X
denotes a member. If the person is online their location is displayed after
their name. Also the names of the players are colored differently. If a
person in the party is on the same map as you. They will appear as a dot the
same color as their name appears on the menu. If you right click a name you
can either open a 1:1 chat (whisper, private chat), view their information--
whenever it is implemented--or expel that member if you are the leader of the

Button Function
Notepad Not implemented.
1:1 Bubble Open a whisper chat with the highlighted member.
? Bubble View the highlighted members information
Magnifying Glass Bring up the Party Setup menu.
Trash Can Expel the highlighted member, leader only

3.C Party Setup Menu
This is the menu used to change the setup of the party. This is brought up
either by clicking on the magnifying glass on the party menu or by the hot
key Alt+P. There are basically two settings for two areas, take or share EXP
and items. Take means that whoever kills or damages the monster gets its EXP
and items. Sharing means that the EXP from slain monsters is distributed
evenly among the members.

Since the support acolyte never directly participates in battle, they will
always want sharing on. However for sharing of EXP--item share is not
implemented yet--all members must be within ten levels of each other. Also
should a member, especially the leader, log out or die the party setup will
reset back to take, so be sure to reset it back to share.

3.D Communication
There are two ways to directly communicate with the party. The first is the
one to one chat via the whisper box or one to one chat windows. One to one
chats are too hard to manage, since it requires continual changing of whom
you are chatting and it may take up a lot of space with windows.

The second more effective way is with the % escape sequence. In the normal
chat prompt type % before every message to sent it to all the members of the
party. Messages sent to and from party members this way will appear in
orange and pink. If you have the chat prompt set to send to party, then a %
will send the message to everyone on the screen.

4. Recruitment
Knowing how to make parties it is now time to get members. Keep in mind that
parties for the most part in iRO are temporarily situations. For a longer
commitment to a group seek out a guild. Keep this in mind when creating a
party, for more often than not members will be random passer bys.

4.A Advertising
The most effective way to get people is to find a popular safe zone and
advertise. Safety areas are places in a dungeon that people naturally hang
around to recovery HP and SP. These are usually the entrances and exits to
various dungeons or dungeons levels. They are characterized by a lot of
players sitting, merchant shops, and chat windows. These are perfect places
to pick up people.

To advertise you for a party open a chat window with an appropriate
advertisement as the room's name. Common information given to help others is
to list your level, skills, class preferences, and that you want to share.
Here are some typical names.

lvl XX for share
R>lvl 30-35
N>~XX for GH
lvl XX (i like sins)

There are the meanings of the above rooms.

I'm a level XX acolyte interested in a party that shares EXP.
I have a party and needs members between the levels of 30 and 35.
I need party members around level XX to go to Glast Heim.
I'm level XX and would like to work with assassins.

Of course there is the reverse approach and that is to visit existing chat
rooms or say the same message to the people on the screen.

4.B Jargon
Here is a table of common jargon and abbreviations used in chart rooms.

|Abbrv. |Meaning |
|A> |auctioning |
|aco |acolyte |
|afk |away from keyboard |
|afkish |sort of away from keyboard, often chatting with others |
|B> |buying |
|bbl |be back latter |
|brb |be right back |
|blvl |base level |
|bxp |base experience points |
|exp |experience points |
|G> |requesting new guild members |
|GH |Glast Heim (a dungeon) |
|jlvl |job level |
|jxp |job experience points |
|leech |share experience party, implies that you will do nothing |
|lvl |level, imply base |
|N> |needs |
|PM |private message, i.e. whisper |
|R> |requires |
|S> |sell |
|share |share experience party |
|sin |assassin class |
|sword |swordsmen class |
|swordie |swordsmen class |
|tank |see techniques |
|xp |experience points |
|XX/YY |base level/job level |
|wiz |wizard |

When advertising for members of a party there are certain terms and phrases
to avoid. Do not use the term leech for it has a negative connotation.
Support acolytes help the party survive and work. They contribute to its
well being, not just sit and leech off shared experience points. Do not even
bother with afk or afkish. Since a party is needed immediately, why are you
gone from your computer? Also do offer to buy or sell tanks or help of
increasing base or job levels. The support acolyte needs a party as they
party needs it. Do not lower the standards of help to mere purchasing power
because others do it. Those terms were included in the table only so that
you may fully understand what other people advertising in chats want.

Now when another player enters the chat room, be direct but polite about your
intentions. You are blah blah blah acolyte, and you want a share party.
This is not to be rude but avoid wasting time about the obvious. The title
of the chat room should have explained things. The actual chatting is just
to confirm intentions.

If the intention of the party is just to level a party of two people is
sufficient. For the more people in a party the less experience they get
since it spreads out evenly. Typically advertise in the area to party in,
but if other members suggest a different place, try it out. It may be also
suggested to try areas that are more challenging or difficult for other
members to solo in. With a support acolyte keeping them alive and making
them strong, they will be surprised on what can be tackled. (Some personal
examples of this are a level 30 mage taking on magnolias and a level 40 thief
slaying zenorcs.)

4.C Locations
After knowing how to get a party it is now appropriate to know where to get
one. The follow are _popular_ places that people level in. Even though
there are other places in which people train at, these are where other
players hang out. Therefore these are the places in which you are most
likely to pick up party members. Also notice that tougher places are listed
for lower levels. Remember that with a party, stronger monsters can be slain
with cooperation.

Level Areas
10-20 Culvert, Payon Cave 1
21-30 Culvert, Payon Cave 2, Geffen Tower 1, Elder Willow Forest
31-40 Orc Dungeon 1, Orc Village, Hode Field, Byalan Island 2
41-50 Payon Cave 4, Byalan Island 3, Orc Dungeon 2
50-60 Glast Heim Graveyard

5. Class Analysis
As expected various classes have different advantages and disadvantages for
support acolytes. The skills chosen will help determine in a generalized
way, which players are more suited for support.

5.A First Classes
This class is usually very strong, has high HP, and high vitality. This
makes them great fighters, and their vitality helps when mobs of monsters
comes. Even though they may have HP Recovery, red potions are just not
enough. Just an advance Heal will help these guys out, although Bless and
Angelus are just as useful.
+ monster slayers, good with mobs
- high SP consumption with Healing, self-reliant, slightly impatient

This is a very strong class with their arrows, but cannot take a beating
since they have little vitality or agility. The acolyte's job is to keep
them alive with Healing and increase their damage with Bless. With this
situation there are two ways to help them. Either decoy for the archer and
use Healing on yourself, or use Increase AGI to help the archer use guerrilla
+ monster killers, excellent range, low SP demands
- weak defense, self-reliant (i.e. they can snipe)

The mage is the complement of the acolyte. Instead of wasting their entire
SP on people, they use it on monsters. Although very power they need time
for their spells, and possibly a decoy for caste sensing monsters. Their
support consists of being a decoy for some monsters, and patching things up
with Healing.
+ very strong, somewhat dependent on other classes
- low defense, slow at casting, hi SP recovery may make some impatient

Most of the time merchants are characters other players create to sell rare
stuff they found. They are an average fighter with no exception skills, so
statistics increasing skills are always helpful.
+ usually needs help from others since they are average, increase in profits
from loot
- no exceptional skills, might be stingier with rare items

These guys are what acolytes are made for. They have excellent fighting
skills but can't take a beating in battle. Since they fight mano a monster,
they cannot avoid getting hit like archers or mages with their range attacks.
A simple Increase AGI with a touch of Healing with makes them killing
machines. Usually having low vitality they cannot deal with mobs, but will
understand the acolyte's situation of abstaining from battle.
+ fighter class, not a drain on SP with heals
- cannot take hits or mobs, self-reliant

You can never go wrong with more acolytes unless the party is nothing but
support acolytes. A battle acolyte may be more independent that knight since
it can fight and heal, but they appreciate the help. Even though they can
heal and boost themselves, their spells are pretty weak. Also they may be
sympathetic to support acolyte for they might have been former ones
(for battle acolytes)
+ strong class, able to help themselves, camaraderie of class
- super self reliant

5.B Second Classes
This is basically like swordsmen but better. A priest will just make them
even more efficient killing machines.
+ even better monster slayers, good with mobs
- even high SP consumption with Healing, more independent nature

With their traps and falcons, hunters are more self-reliant than archers.
The priest is more of an insurance measure than a need.
+ strong, able to keep monsters at bay
- very self efficient

They are the same as a mage but to the extremes. They do more damage, but
take longer to do it. They will appreciate Healing, Suffragium, and
Magnificat to keep them going.
+ incredibly strong
- low defense, slow on casting, very self reliant

Black Smiths
Usually following two paths, the black smith will either be a higher-level
merchant or a knight/priest in disguise. A forging smith is just a higher-
class merchant. They will appreciate a priest's skills not for battle, but
for increases of forging success. The battle smith is a fighter class but
has skills to increase their attacks. They may not benefit from priests
usual statistic spells, but you can never go wrong with Healing or
+ good fighters, always useful classes
- self-reliant, might be stingier with loot

These guys are self-reliant thieves. They are either stronger or faster with
attack that healing is just an insurance measure. However they remember
their thieving days and will appreciate a priest's assistance in battle. A
Gloria for critical assassins or an Aspersio for double daggers will may them
killing machines.
+ very strong class, not a drain on SP with heals
- self-reliant, cannot deal with mobs (unless they have Grim Tooth)

The priest is the dream of the acolyte, since they are the highly prized
skills such as Magnificat and SP Recovery. Usually it is the priest who
helps the acolyte instead of the other way around. However as always you can
never have too many acolytes and priests unless the entire party is like
that. Also more paring of acolytes and priest will be desired for B.S.
Sacramenti if they have it.

+ Magnificat, Resurrection, camaraderie of class
- self-reliant, bitter from being abused as an acolyte ;)

6. Party Techniques
Once you get your party it is now time to do stuff. However since many
players are used to soloing, the party can be disorganized. This leads to
confusion, squabbles, etc. As the support acolyte, since you are free from
battles, it is your job to guide the party's way. Take the time while
resting from battle to suggest these ideas and communicate with the group on
their strengths and weaknesses. With a listen common understanding and
experimentation, good and new tactics for the party can be created.

6.A Guidelines
These are just a few rules that help the party run smoothly for the acolyte.
Most of them are common sense, but some are geared more towards keeping the
party happy and working.

"I don't heal stupidity."
Some players think that they can do anything with a walking Red Potion
around; but guess what, they cannot. Disorganized and stupid parties will
drain your SP with wasteful heals quickly. Tell them up front that stupidity
will not be helped, for it hinders the entire party if a Yggdrasil Leaf or
time is wasted bringing back a useful character. Most stupid acts are doing
things without common sense. E.g. Mages should not pre cast a monster they
think is going to be attacked by a tanker. Fighters should not melee with
mobs, when you tell them that your SP is low etc.

"Share the wealth."
Since acolytes do not participate in battle whatsoever they have no chance to
getting the spoils of battle. (At least while sharing items is not
implemented.) Therefore at the beginning of a party ask the members if you
can get a portion of the loot. More often than not the members will agree to
it. Common styles of sharing are equal division or over loading.

Equal division is simply that every member of the party gets an even share of
the profits. Although the party wishes to follow this intention, it may not
exactly be enforced, since members may come and go, as their agendas require
them, to avoid this during rest periods trade the loot around.

Over loading is to take the loot that the other members cannot hold because
they have too much equipment. Even though they will relinquish less valuable
items, the quantity of common items makes up for their quality.

"I call dibs."
This is a follow up to "Share the Wealth". While not guarantied money during
a trip, loosing out on rare items is exceptionally painful. The dibs rule is
to claim a rare item at the beginning of a trip, so that if it drops you get
it. Usually it is better if the item reserved is more appropriate to the
acolyte's needs, and above all done in good nature. It is certainly more
appropriate for an acolyte to ask for a slotted Arc Wand rather than a
slotted pair of Boots. A call on every fourth rare item—-and there are four
people in the party including the acolyte—-is better rule than every card
that drops. As people get to know you and vice versus, it is encouraged that
you know the needs of the other members of your party and let them use the
dibs rule too.

6.B Battle Techniques
As a support acolyte it is your job to support people, which in the simplest
way are just using your skills. However with disorganized fighting plans a
lot of SP can be wasting on Healing that could have been avoided. Here are
some useful techniques in battle to conserve players HP and therefore
potions, juices, and SP.

"You fight, me heal."
This strategy is the simplest one and my personal motto. Basically everyone
else fights while the acolyte heals as needed. However pure healing of party
member can become a drain of SP. Instead use Healing intelligently. Have
different settings of heal hot keyed for different players, so that SP is not
wasted by over healing. With this in mind only heal when a player's HP
reaches a certain level, e.g. less than 50%. Finally take the time to sit
during battle and have the Healing target icon over the fighting player.
When their HP reaches the determined level, stand up, cast Healing, sit down
and then prepare for another Healing.

Pincer Attacks
This a simple technique in which two fighters attack a monster from opposite
ends. There two purposes for this. First with aggressive monsters, it will
keep it switching between the two fighters. Since they are on opposite ends,
it will take the monster more time to turn around, so they fighters overall
are hit less. The second and more important use is that is spreads the
fighters out. When fighters are close together it makes it nearly impossible
to heal accurately, especially when their HP bars merge together. By attack
on both sides, they are separate enough to target Healing (and other spells)

This is a technique that everyone knows about but uses inappropriately.
First designate a member or one as the tank. These are usually the best one
situation to fight monsters either because they can dodge or take hits well.
This person will always attack the monsters first, since afterwards the
monster will only attack the tank. In the meanwhile all other members take
the opportunity to support the tanks in battle as best they can. This
includes weak fighters attack without fear, mages having the free time to
cast, and the acolyte to heal the tank.

Relay Race
This is basically a relay race with the party members as the runners and the
monster as the baton. This only work with aggressive monsters and best done
with range attackers or fast attackers, i.e. mages, archers, and thieves.
First designate an order to the relays members. Next have each member attack
one by one in their order. Finally when they get to end of the line, start
it over. Timing and range of the attack should be taking into account to as
to how quick the monster is pass over (attacked) or lured away.

Here is an example of a simple relay. Archer1 and Archer2 stand opposite
each other from an aggressive monster. First Arhcer1 hits the monster with
an arrow. Next Archer2 hits the monster with an arrow. Wash, rinse, and

Here is an example of a complex relay. Mage1 uses Fire Bolt 1 on a monster.
Next Archer1 shoots a Double Strafe. While the monster is heading to the
archer Mage2 starts up a Fire Bolt 5. Meanwhile the Archer lures the monster
away from Mage2 until the level 5 Bolt is cast. When the level 5 Fire Bolt
hits, Mage1 casts another quick Fire Bolt level 1 and the relay starts over.

Human Shield
This is a variation of the Tank maneuver. Instead of having a strong player
attack the monsters first, the support acolyte attacks instead. When you are
getting hit, all the mother players mob the monster until its dead. In the
meanwhile you just heal yourself as needed. This is useful for it simplified
the job of healing for the support acolyte. They only have to worry about
themselves. This technique is often used in parties that do not have tanks
but strong quick fighters nonetheless, e.g. mages and archers.

Player Mob
This is a technique in which there is a huge party of weak characters.
Basically all the players mob the monster. Of course the first to attack
should be best to take the hits. In order for this to work, healing is done
outside of battle. After the mobbing the players spread out for the acolyte
to patch them up, and the process is repeated.

6.C Skill Combinations
With support acolytes the main advantage is that they have a lot of skills.
Although they are useful in themselves, various appropriate combinations of
them will grant "ownage" to any monster.

Increase All
This is a deadly combo of Bless, Increase AGI, and Angelus for any monster
when used on a strong fighter. The Bless increase their power, while the
Increase AGI boosts their speed, and Angelus helps keep them alive longer.
Strong hits at a faster rate are always useful.

Magic Spam
This is a relay between a priest and mage/wizard (or another priest with
Magnus Exorcismus). First the priest casts Suffragium. Then the mage casts
the spell of choice. Repeat until the target is dead. A few fighters may
help keep the monsters at bay until the cycle is started, but an initially
wide range spell of a wizard, could take care of that.

Attack Spam
This is a spam attack between a priest and player with a strong attack skill.
First the priest casts Lex Æterna on the target monster. Next the attacker
hits the monster. Continue as needed. A boost of Bless on the attacker
makes this very effective. This can be combined with Mage Spam, but is more
effective with quick strong skills.

Super SP Recovery
This is a combination of Magnificat and Bless to increase the SP recovery of
players. The Magnificat doubles their HP/SP healing rates, and the bless
will increase their intelligence. Since SP healing is now based on
intelligence, a high level Bless will greatly help. This best used during a
rest period so that the party can quickly get back to using their skills.

Instant Paladin
This is a combination of the Aqua Benedicta skills. Cast Impositio Manus,
Aspersio, and Bless for a living hand of God. These skills skyrocket the
target's attack power especial against the undead or shadow monsters. (Do
not cast B.S. Sacramenti for it makes them more vulnerable to them!)

It Slices It Dices
This is geared more towards the assassin classes, but is works well with
other agility types. Cast Gloria, Increase AGI, Impositio Manus, and Bless
to have death by critical chip damage. (This is also good with a knight's
Counter Attack.)

Can't Touch This
Cast Kyrie Eleison, Increase AGI, Angelus, and B.S. Sacramenti (if able) for
an instant tank. If the casting is kept up, the player will never be hit at

Touch Me Lord!
This is a tricky but very useful combo for battle. First cast force cast
Aspersio on the target monster to make their attacks holy. Next cast B.S.
Sacramenti on the player to fight the monster to make their armor holy and
presto! Holy attacks on holy armor result in perfect blocks or healing of the
character. The only downsides that are the B.S. Sacramenti requirements and
that Aspersio will damage the undead. (This has not been tested, but has
valid reasoning the from the monster charts and normal experience with
elemental attacks.)

7. Success
After playing with a few parties using the aforementioned techniques you will
better understand the nature of the support acolyte. Over time creating and
running a party will be easy as soloing with a knight.

If you are aggressive enough following this path, many good signs will start
to appear. The first and most common is that you will be known by a lot of
people. This manifests as whispers and greetings from "strangers" out of
nowhere. These are often players that you partied with some time ago but
can't remember--since there you have been with _so many_--or other characters
of players you partied with before. Another good sign is to be asked on a
friend's list. Always except these, for while they can solo alone at any
time, you cannot. Any help is always useful. The final a best comment is
that players offer to make a guild with you. (In the course of three days
every one I partied with offered this prize.) If you suffer from any or all
of these signs then congratulations, you are successful playing the support

8. Version History
1.00 9/30/03 First version of the guide.

9. Legal Junk
This Guide is COPYRIGHT 2003 David Paul Gorski a.k.a. Skygor. It may be
distributed and posted on web sites as long as the following are held: it
remains unchanged, I receive credit for the guide, it is not sold for profit,
it is not posted on sites that condone iRO hacks, bots, etc., it not is not
directly linked to GameFAQs. In basic simple terms, don't be jerks or

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