Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok Online

18.10.2013 00:23:40
Mage/Wizard Guide by PsoRaven
1.0 Contents
1.0 Contents
1.1 Version History
1.2 Introduction

2.0 Novice
2.1 Novice Training

3.0 General Mage/Wizard Information
3.1 Mage/Wizard Stats
3.2 Stat Builds
3.3 Equipment

4.0 Mage
4.1 Becoming A Mage
4.2 Mage Skill Builds
4.3 Mage Skills
4.4 Leveling

5.0 Wizard
5.1 Becoming a Wizard
5.2 Wizard Skill Builds
5.3 Wizard Skills
5.4 Leveling
5.5 Cards

6.0 End Stuff
6.1 Contact
6.2 Thanks
6.3 Sources
6.4 Links
6.5 Legal

1.1 Version History
v0.9.2 - Fixed minor error in Mage quest section(Thanks to Wilfogn for
pointing this out). Updated Dex part of stats.

v0.9.1 - Changed the stats section ever so slightly.

v0.9 - Added Cards section, tidied up level guide for mages.

v0.8.1 - Corrected some minor mistakes and added http://DLH.Net to the
links section. Minor layout changes.

v0.8 - Original Version of the guide.

1.2 Introduction
Hello all. I decided to write this guide for Ragnarok Online because it is a
great MMORPG and has many people addicted to it (myself included). You may
wonder why i chose to write about the Mage/Wizard classes, this is because it
is the main class that I myself play, and they are also great fun to use,
although hard for newbies to the game. And now, I shall begin.

2.0 Novice

2.1 Novice Training
Starting stats

1 Str
1 Vit
9 Agi
9 Int
9 Dex
1 Luk

All you want to increase is INT, increase INT all the time until you get it to
around 80. After this you want to raise AGI and DEX until you have about 30 agi
and 40 dex, after this raise INT to 99, and finally finish off by getting AGI
to 61 and DEX to 69 and then LUK to 18.

You final stats should be like this -

Str 1+1
Agi 61+9
Vit 1+1
Int 99+11
Dex 69+6
Luk 18+2

(The luk will add extra flee, and perfect dodge)

As a novice you should level up in the dessert north of Morroc, start out with
Porings raising your INT as you go, then when you get a bit more HP move onto
Pickys, if you ever see a Peco Peco egg KILL IT, they give good exp and they
can’t hurt you, plus as an added bonus they sometimes drop Yellow Gemstones,
which can be sold for 500zeny.

3.0 General Mage/Wizard Information
3.1 Stats

There are 3 main stats you want to raise as a mage, these are Int, Agi and Dex.


This is the most important stat for any mage, as it detemines how much damage
your spells will do, and as your spells are your main form of attack, this is
very important.

Int effects the stat Matk, which is a measure of how much damage your spells
do, below is a table compairing Int to Matk. You will notice that Matk has 2
values, a minimum, and a maximum, your spell damage will always fall between
these two numbers (that is before it is modified by the monster's resistance or
weakness to the particular spell).

Min/Max Matk Table

Int - Min - Max
1 - 1 - 1
2 - 2 - 2
3 - 3 - 3
4 - 4 - 4
5 - 5 - 6
6 - 6 - 7
7 - 8 - 8
8 - 9 - 9
9 - 10 - 10
10 - 11 - 14
11 - 12 - 15
12 - 13 - 16
13 - 14 - 17
14 - 18 - 18
15 - 19 - 24
16 - 20 - 25
17 - 21 - 26
18 - 22 - 27
19 - 23 - 28
20 - 24 - 36
21 - 30 - 37
22 - 31 - 38
23 - 32 - 39
24 - 33 - 40
25 - 34 - 50
26 - 35 - 51
27 - 36 - 52
28 - 44 - 53
29 - 45 - 54
30 - 46 - 66
31 - 47 - 67
32 - 48 - 68
33 - 49 - 69
34 - 50 - 70
35 - 60 - 84
36 - 61 - 85
37 - 62 - 86
38 - 63 - 87
39 - 64 - 88
40 - 65 - 104
41 - 66 - 105
42 - 78 - 106
43 - 79 - 107
44 - 80 - 108
45 - 81 - 126
46 - 82 - 127
47 - 83 - 128
48 - 84 - 129
49 - 98 - 130
50 - 99 - 150
51 - 100 - 151
52 - 101 - 152
53 - 102 - 153
54 - 103 - 154
55 - 104 - 176
56 - 120 - 177
57 - 121 - 178
58 - 122 - 179
59 - 123 - 180
60 - 124 - 204
61 - 125 - 205
62 - 126 - 206
63 - 144 - 207
64 - 145 - 208
65 - 146 - 234
66 - 147 - 235
67 - 148 - 236
68 - 149 - 237
69 - 150 - 238
70 - 170 - 266
71 - 171 - 267
72 - 172 - 268
73 - 173 - 269
74 - 174 - 270
75 - 175 - 300
76 - 176 - 301
77 - 198 - 302
78 - 199 - 303
79 - 200 - 304
80 - 201 - 336
81 - 202 - 337
82 - 203 - 338
83 - 204 - 339
84 - 228 - 340
85 - 229 - 374
86 - 230 - 375
87 - 231 - 376
88 - 232 - 377
89 - 233 - 378
90 - 234 - 414
91 - 260 - 415
92 - 261 - 416
93 - 262 - 417
94 - 263 - 418
95 - 264 - 456
96 - 265 - 457
97 - 266 - 458
98 - 294 - 459
99 - 295 - 460
100 - 296 - 500
101 - 297 - 501
102 - 298 - 502
103 - 299 - 503
104 - 300 - 504
105 - 330 - 546
106 - 331 - 547
107 - 332 - 548
108 - 333 - 549
109 - 334 - 550
110 - 335 - 594
111 - 336 - 595
112 - 368 - 596
113 - 369 - 597
114 - 370 - 598
115 - 371 - 644
116 - 372 - 645
117 - 373 - 646
118 - 374 - 647
119 - 408 - 648
120 - 409 - 696
121 - 410 - 697
122 - 411 - 698
123 - 412 - 699
124 - 413 - 700
125 - 414 - 750
126 - 450 - 751
127 - 451 - 752
128 - 452 - 753
129 - 453 - 754
130 - 454 - 806
131 - 455 - 807
132 - 456 - 808
133 - 494 - 809
134 - 495 - 810
135 - 496 - 864
136 - 497 - 865
137 - 498 - 866
138 - 499 - 867
139 - 500 - 868
140 - 540 - 924


Dex is the second most important stat for a Mage/Wizard, because it reduces the
ammount of time that your spells take to cast, this difference is very small
though, and you need about 75 dex to half you cast time...(-_-;;)

The following table shows how Dex changes your cast time.

DEX Cast time

0 1.0
20 0.87
40 0.73
60 0.6
75 0.5
80 0.47
100 0.33
120 0.2


The 3rd Mage/Wizard stat, and the least important (only just, it is still very
important) is Agi, this effects how often you dodge monsters, 1 Agi = 1 flee,
you also get 1 flee for everytime you level up. Flee is important because if
you get hit whilst casting, your spell stops and you have to start over again,
which can often result in you taking major damage, or even worse dying, so make
sure you raise your Agi up to about 50.

3.2 Equipment

Weapon: - Gladius (until around job level 12 which is when spells take over)
– Wand – Arc Wand (try and trade you Gladius for this)
Armour: - Cotton Shirt – Mink Coat
Shield: - Guard
Robe: - Muffler
Helmet - Cap - Circlet - Tiara/Crown
Accessory – 2 Earrings

4.0 Mage
4.1 Becoming a Mage

To do this you must find Geffen. Which is 2 screens west 1 screen north then
2 screens west of Prontera. Once you've reached Geffen you need to head
towards the mages guild. The Mage's guild is a building in the far northwestern
corner of the city. Talk to the person at the back of the room and you'll get
the option to become a Mage.

Map to Mage Building (Thanks to Dragnarok)

/ _ _ \ T=Geffen Tower
/ x | | \ x=Mage Building
__| | | |__ N=North Entrance
_W T E_ E=East Entrance
| | | | S=South Entrance
\ |_ _| / W=West Entrance
\___ ___/

After this you must do a litle quest which involves mixing a potion, you will
be asked to make one of 4 different mixes...and here they are...

Solution No. 1

* Ingredients list *
- Jellopy 2 ea
- Fluff 3 ea
- Milk 1 ea

* Solvent Agent *
Payon Solution
Where to Find: A Small Spring in Archer Village, Payon

* Chemical ingredients *
- 8472

*A Catalyst *
- Yellow Gemstone (Mixing machine will provide this item.)

Solution No. 2

* Ingredients list *
- Jellopy 3 ea
- Fluff 1 ea
- Milk 1 ea

* Solvent Agent *
- Not Applicable.

* Chemical ingredients *
- 3735

*A Catalyst *
- Red Gemstone (Mixing machine will provide this item.)

Solution No. 3

* Ingredients list *
- Jellopy 6ea
- Fluff 1ea

* Solvent Agent *
Payon Solution
Where to Find: A Small Spring in Archer Village, Payon

* Chemical ingredients *
- 2750

*A Catalyst *
- Blue Gemstone (Mixing machine will provide this item.)

Solution No. 4

* Ingredients list *
- Jellopy 2 ea
- Fluff 3 ea

* Solvent Agent *
Morroc Solution
Where to Find: A Small Spring Near the Entrance of Pyramid in Morroc.

* Chemical ingredients *
- 5429

*A Catalyst *
- 1 carat Diamond (Mixing machine will provide this item.)

Once you have done this, return to the NPC in Geffen, she will take your
potion, and if it is correct, you will become a mage, yippee!

4.2 Mage Skill Builds

Mages are probably the most flexible characters in the game because of the vast
amounts of ways in which you can distribute there skill points.

Raven Mage build

This is the build that I used.

Get 3 Lightning Bolt
Get 1 Sp Regen
Get 1 Lightning Bolt
Get 4 Sp Regen
Get 1 Lightning Bolt
Get 4 Napalm
Get 5 Soul Strike
Get 5 Sp Regen
Get 5 Soul Strike
Get 5 Thunder Storm
Get 4 Cold Bolt
Get 6 Frost Driver
Get 5 Thunder Storm


This is a very common build.

Get 4 Lightning Bolt
Get 1 Napalm
Get 10 Sp Regen
Get 5 Thunderstorm
Get 3 Napalm
Get 10 Soul Strike
Get 5 Cold Bolt
Get 6 Frost Diver
Get 6 Napalm

Soulstrike / Firewall Mage

I like this build and would probably try it in the future, if Fire Pillar,
which is the logical Beta 2 progression from this build, did not cost 1 Blue
Gem per cast.

Get 1 Fire Bolt
Get 1 SP Recovery
Get 3 Fire Bolt
Get 10 SP Recovery
Get 4 Napalm Beat
Get 10 Soulstrike
Get 5 Fireball
Get 5 Sight
Get 10 Firewall

Bolt Mage

This mage has some real power, but slow cast time on most of it’s main spells,
Soulstrike makes up for this short coming though.

Get 1 Lightning Bolt
Get 1 Sp Recovery
Get 3 Lightning Bolt
Get 10 Sp Recovery
Get 4 Firebolt
Get 4 Cold Bolt
Get 4 Lightning Bolt
Get 4 Napalm Beat
Get 5 Soulstrike
Get 4 Firebolt
Get 4 Cold Bolt
Get 5 Soulstrike

(Following builds supplied by Dragnarok)

Dragnarok's Build (Thunder/Holy)

3 Thunder Bolt
2 Sp Recovery
4 Napalm
10 Soul Strike
10 Sp Recovery
7 Napalm
5 Saftly Wall
3 ice bolt
1 Cursed Stone

(This isnt a really good choose because i always had to sit and wait


4 Ice Bolt
10 Sp Recovery
10 Forst Drive
4 Thunder Bolt
10 Thunder Strom
1 Napalm
1 Stone Curse

This is a really good build becuase of Forst Drive
because you can freezethe monster and use thunder/ice bolt
and when you become wizard there some good spells like Water Ball
And Heavenly Strike.


1 Fire Bolt
1 SP Recovery
3 Fire Bolt
10 SP Recovery
4 Napalm Beat
10 Soulstrike
5 Fireball
1 Sight
10 Firewall

This is the best mage build i think because you can use
firewall to stop aggressive monsters and use soulstrike and
strike like mad to kill the monster.

4 Ice Bolt
5 Sp Recovery
4 Fire Bolt
10 Sp Recovery
10 Forst Drive
1 Sight
5 Fire Ball
6 Fire Wall

This is another good build because you can use Forst Drive and
freeze the monster and use FireWall to trap monster and use
Forst Drive again to trap they its realy fun doing it too.

4.3 Mage Skills

Active/Passive: Is it active or Passive? Ie. Do you need to activate it, or is
it constantly active?

Element: What element the skill is, this effects the damage dealt on certain

Pre-requisites: What skills are required to learn this skill?

Max Level: How many skill points can you put into this skill?

Gem: Does this skill require a gemstone to use?

Level Table
| |
| |
| This will change |
| depending on the skill, |
| but should be fairly |
| self explainatory. |
| |
| |

Description: Gravity's description of the skill, I have tried my best to make
them make more sense than Gravity's engrish.

Napalm beat

Active/Passive: Active

Element: Telekenisis

Pre-requisites: None

Max Level: 10

Gem: None

Level - Damage - SP Useage

Level 1 - 80% to 92% - 9 SP
Level 2 - 90% to 104% - 9 SP
Level 3 - 100% to 115% - 9 SP
Level 4 - 110% to 127% - 9 SP
Level 5 - 120% to 138% - 9 SP
Level 6 - 130% to 150% - 9 SP
Level 7 - 140% to 161% - 9 SP
Level 8 - 150% to 173% - 9 SP
Level 9 - 160% to 184% - 9 SP
Level 10 - 170% to 195.5% - 9 SP

Description: Hit an enemy with Psychic Force. If there are enemies around the
target, the damage will be distributed equally between them.
Soul Strike

Active/Passive: Active

Element: Telekenisis

Pre-requisites: Napalm Beat lv. 4

Max Level: 10

Gem: None

Level - Souls - Cast-Time - SP Useage

Level 1 - 1 Soul - 1 Sec - 15 SP
Level 2 - 1 Souls - 1/2 Sec - 18 SP
Level 3 - 2 Souls - 1 Sec - 21 SP
Level 4 - 2 Souls - 1/2 Sec - 24 SP
Level 5 - 3 Souls - 1 Sec - 27 SP
Level 6 - 3 Souls - 1/2 Sec - 30 SP
Level 7 - 4 Souls - 1 Sec - 33 SP
Level 8 - 4 Souls - 1/2 Sec - 36 SP
Level 9 - 5 Souls - 1 Sec - 39 SP
Level 10 - 5 Souls - 1/2 Sec - 42 SP

Description: The Psycokinesis skill which summons Ancient Spirits. Its level
effects the number of Ancient Spirits which are summoned.


Active/Passive: Active

Element: Fire

Pre-requisites: None

Max Level: 10

Gem: None

Level - Bolts - SP Useage

Level 1 - 1 Bolts - 12 SP
Level 2 - 2 Bolts - 14 SP
Level 3 - 3 Bolts - 16 SP
Level 4 - 4 Bolts - 18 SP
Level 5 - 5 Bolts - 20 SP
Level 6 - 6 Bolts - 22 SP
Level 7 - 7 Bolts - 24 SP
Level 8 - 8 Bolts - 26 SP
Level 9 - 9 Bolts - 28 SP
Level 10 - 10 Bolts - 30 SP

Description: Recall Fire Spears from the sky to knock down enemies. Its Level
affects on the number of Spears which hit the enemy.


Active/Passive: Active

Element: Fire

Pre-requisites: Firebolt lv 4

Max Level: 10

Gem: None

Level - Damage - SP Useage

Level 1 - 100% to 115% - 25 SP
Level 2 - 105% to 120% - 25 SP
Level 3 - 110% to 126% - 25 SP
Level 4 - 115% to 132% - 25 SP
Level 5 - 120% to 138% - 25 SP
Level 6 - 130% to 150% - 25 SP
Level 7 - 140% to 161% - 25 SP
Level 8 - 150% to 173% - 25 SP
Level 9 - 160% to 184% - 25 SP
Level 10 - 170% to 196% - 25 SP

Description: Throw a Fire Ball at an enemy. The target recieves Fire Damage,
and if there are other enemies around, they take the same ammount
of damage as the target. Note the damage is not split between the
targets, they all recieve full damage.


Active/Passive: Active

Element: Fire

Pre-requisites: Firebolt lv.4 Fireball lv.5 Sight lv.1

Max Level: 10

Gem: None

Level - Duration - SP Useage

Level 1 - 5 secs - 50 SP
Level 2 - 6 secs - 50 SP
Level 3 - 7 secs - 50 SP
Level 4 - 8 secs - 50 SP
Level 5 - 9 secs - 50 SP
Level 6 - 10 secs - 50 SP
Level 7 - 11 secs - 50 SP
Level 8 - 12 secs - 50 SP
Level 9 - 13 secs - 50 SP
Level 10 - 14 secs - 50 SP

Description: Create a wall of flame in front of the Caster. If enemies try to
pass through the Wall, they take damage and be knocked back away
from the wall.

Lightning Bolt

Active/Passive: Active

Element: Wind

Pre-requisites: None

Max Level: 10

Gem: None

Level - Bolts - SP Useage

Level 1 - 1 Bolts - 12 SP
Level 2 - 2 Bolts - 14 SP
Level 3 - 3 Bolts - 16 SP
Level 4 - 4 Bolts - 18 SP
Level 5 - 5 Bolts - 20 SP
Level 6 - 6 Bolts - 22 SP
Level 7 - 7 Bolts - 24 SP
Level 8 - 8 Bolts - 26 SP
Level 9 - 9 Bolts - 28 SP
Level 10 - 10 Bolts - 30 SP

Description: Recall Thunder Spears from the sky to knock down enemies. It's
level effects the number of spears that hit the enemy.


Active/Passive: Active

Element: Wind

Pre-requisites: Lightning Bolt lv.4

Max Level: 10

Gem: None

Level - Bolts - SP Useage

Level 1 - 1 Bolt - 29 SP
Level 2 - 2 Bolts - 32 SP
Level 3 - 3 Bolts - 35 SP
Level 4 - 4 Bolts - 38 SP
Level 5 - 5 Bolts - 41 SP
Level 6 - 6 Bolts - 44 SP
Level 7 - 7 Bolts - 47 SP
Level 8 - 8 Bolts - 50 SP
Level 9 - 9 Bolts - 53 SP
Level 10 - 10 Bolts - 56 SP

Description: Is targeted a point on the ground, once the target is selected it
cannot be changed. It drops huge thunder bolts on an area of 9x9
tiles everyenemy within this area is hit by each bolt and recieves
full damage.

Cold bolt

Active/Passive: Active

Element: Water

Pre-requisites: None

Max Level: 10

Gem: None

Level - Bolts - SP Useage

Level 1 - 1 Bolts - 12 SP
Level 2 - 2 Bolts - 14 SP
Level 3 - 3 Bolts - 16 SP
Level 4 - 4 Bolts - 18 SP
Level 5 - 5 Bolts - 20 SP
Level 6 - 6 Bolts - 22 SP
Level 7 - 7 Bolts - 24 SP
Level 8 - 8 Bolts - 26 SP
Level 9 - 9 Bolts - 28 SP
Level 10 - 10 Bolts - 30 SP


Frost Diver

Active/Passive: Active

Element: Water

Pre-requisites: Cold Bolt lv.5

Max Level: 10

Gem: None

Level - Duration - SP Useage

Level 1 - 3 Secs - 30 SP
Level 2 - 6 Secs - 29 SP
Level 3 - 9 Secs - 28 SP
Level 4 - 12 Secs - 27 SP
Level 5 - 15 Secs - 26 SP
Level 6 - 18 Secs - 25 SP
Level 7 - 21 Secs - 24 SP
Level 8 - 24 Secs - 23 SP
Level 9 - 27 Secs - 22 SP
Level 10 - 30 Secs - 21 SP


SP Regen

Active/Passive: Passive

Element: None

Max Level: 10

Pre-requisites: None

Gem: None

Level 1 + 3sp ~ every 10 secs
Level 2 + 6sp ~ every 10 secs
Level 3 + 9sp ~ every 10 secs
Level 4 + 12sp ~ every 10 secs
Level 5 + 15sp ~ every 10 secs
Level 6 + 18sp ~ every 10 secs
Level 7 + 21sp ~ every 10 secs
Level 8 + 24sp ~ every 10 secs
Level 9 + 27sp ~ every 10 secs
Level 10 + 30sp ~ every 10 secs


Safety Wall

Active/Passive: Active

Element: Telekenisis

Pre-requisites: Napalm Beat lv 7 Soul Strike lv 5

Max Level: 10

Gem: Blue

Level - Time/Attacks - SP Useage

Level 1 - 5 secs or 2 atks - 30 SP
Level 2 - 10 secs or 3 atks - 30 SP
Level 3 - 15 secs or 4 atks - 30 SP
Level 4 - 20 secs or 5 atks - 35 SP
Level 5 - 25 secs or 6 atks - 35 SP
Level 6 - 30 secs or 7 atks - 35 SP
Level 7 - 35 secs or 8 atks - 40 SP
Level 8 - 40 secs or 9 atks - 40 SP
Level 9 - 45 secs or 10 atks - 40 SP
Level 10 - 50 secs or 11 atks - 40 SP



Active/Passive: Active

Element: Fire

Pre-requisites: None

Max Level: 1

Gem: None

Level - Duration - SP Useage

Level 1 - 1.4 secs - 10 SP


Stone curse

Active/Passive: Active

Element: Earth

Pre-requisites: None

Max Level: 10

Gem: Red

Level - SP Useage

Level 1 - 25 SP
Level 2 - 24 SP
Level 3 - 23 SP
Level 4 - 22 SP
Level 5 - 21 SP
Level 6 - 20 SP
Level 7 - 19 SP
Level 8 - 18 SP
Level 9 - 17 SP
Level 10 - 16 SP


4.4 Leveling up

Depending on your build you are going to level in different places. So here is
brief rundown.

Fire Based Mage
Level 12-20
Rocker Field (SW of Prontera)
Rocker Coast (WW of Prontera)
Mandragora Forest ( NE of Prontera)

Level 20-35
Mandragora Forest ( NE of Prontera)
Yoyo Land (NEE of Prontera)
Ant Hell (SSS Prontera, entrance in top middle of map)

Level 35-50+
Ant Hell (SSS Prontera, entrance in top middle of map)
Andre/Hode Dessert (SSW Morroc)
Assassin Guild (SSWW Morroc)

Ice Based Mage
Level 12-20
Desert (SSW Prontera)

Level 20-35
Elder Willow Forest (SSWW Prontera) [Sniping only]
Peco/Snake Map (SSSS Prontera [East fork in Forked Desert])
Poporing in Hidden Temple (N Prontera) [EN Room on lvl1] [First room on lvl 3]

Level 35-50+
Elder Willow Forest (SSWW Prontera)
Metaler/Golem Map (SSSS Of Prontera [West fork in Forked Desert])
Assassin Guild (SSWW Morroc)

Lightning Based Mage
Level 12-20
Anything 1 screen away from towns
Biliban 1 (Take ferry from NE Izlude) [Kukres]
Level 20-35
EN Geffen [Ambernites]
Biliban 1 [Everything except Marinas]

Level 35-50+
Biliban 1 [Marinas/Vadons]
Biliban 2 [Everything]

(extremly boring, I know -_-;)

5.0 Wizard

5.1 Becoming a Wizard

To become a wizard, climb to level 5 of Geffen tower and talk to the NPC
standing at the desk...and thats it, now sit down to recover you HP/SP, and
then the fun can begin!

5.2 Wizard Skill Builds

5.3 Wizard Skills

Active/Passive: Is it active or Passive? Ie. Do you need to activate it, or is
it constantly active?

Element: What element the skill is, this effects the damage dealt on certain

Pre-requisites: What skills are required to learn this skill?

Max Level: How many skill points can you put into this skill?

Gem: Does this skill require a gemstone to use?

Level Table
| |
| |
| This will change |
| depending on the skill, |
| but should be fairly |
| self explainatory. |
| |
| |

Description: Gravity's description of the skill, I have tried my best to make
them make more sense than Gravity's engrish.

Sight Rasher


Element: Fire

Target Range: 8 directions

Pre-requisite: Sight lv1, Lightning Bolt lv 1

Max Level: 10

Gem: None

Level - Atk Pow - Range - SP useage

Level 1 - 120% - +1 - 35 SP
Level 2 - 140% - +1 - 37 SP
Level 3 - 160% - +2 - 39 SP
Level 4 - 180% - +2 - 41 SP
Level 5 - 200% - +3 - 43 SP
Level 6 - 220% - +3 - 45 SP
Level 7 - 240% - +4 - 47 SP
Level 8 - 260% - +4 - 49 SP
Level 9 - 280% - +5 - 51 SP
Level 10 - 300% - +5 - 53 SP

Note: You need to cast Sight before casting Sight Rasher to make it work.


Meteor Storm

Active/Passive: Active

Element: Fire

Target Range: 7x7 Tiles Area Attack (Random Enemies)

Pre-requisite: Thunder Storm lv1, Sight Rasher lv2

Max Level: 10

Gem: None

Level - # of Targets - # of Splash - SP Useage

Level 1 - Randomly hit 2 monsters - 1 time - 30 SP
Level 2 - Randomly hit 3 monsters - 1 time - 34 SP
Level 3 - Randomly hit 3 monsters - 2 times - 40 SP
Level 4 - Randomly hit 4 monsters - 2 times - 44 SP
Level 5 - Randomly hit 4 monsters - 3 times - 50 SP
Level 6 - Randomly hit 5 monsters - 3 times - 54 SP
Level 7 - Randomly hit 5 monsters - 4 times - 60 SP
Level 8 - Randomly hit 6 monsters - 4 times - 64 SP
Level 9 - Randomly hit 6 monsters - 5 times - 70 SP
Level 10 - Randomly hit 7 monsters - 5 times - 74 SP


Fire Pillar

Active/Passive: Active

Element: Fire

Target Range: 3x3 Titles Area Attack

Pre-requisite: Firewall Lv1

Max Level: 10

Gem: Blue

Level - # of hits - Duration - SP Useage
Level 1 - 3 hits - 5 sec - 30 SP
Level 2 - 4 hits - 7 sec - 30 SP
Level 3 - 5 hits - 9 sec - 30 SP
Level 4 - 6 hits - 11 sec - 30 SP
Level 5 - 7 hits - 13 sec - 30 SP
Level 6 - 8 hits - 15 sec - 30 SP
Level 7 - 9 hits - 17 sec - 30 SP
Level 8 - 10 hits - 19 sec - 30 SP
Level 9 - 11 hits - 21 sec - 30 SP
Level 10 - 12 hits - 23 sec - 30 SP

Note: This spell can be cast multiple times on the same spot for added effect.


Jupiter Thunder

Active/Passive: Active

Element: Wind

Target Range: 1 enemy

Pre-requisite: Napalm Beat lv1, Lightning Bolt lv1

Max Level: 10

Gem: None

Level - Hits - Casting Time - SP Useage

Level 1 - 3 - 2.5 secs - 20 SP
Level 2 - 4 - 3 secs - 23 SP
Level 3 - 5 - 3.5 secs - 26 SP
Level 4 - 6 - 4 secs - 29 SP
Level 5 - 7 - 4.5 secs - 32 SP
Level 6 - 8 - 5 secs - 35 SP
Level 7 - 9 - 5.5 secs - 38 SP
Level 8 - 10 - 6 secs - 41 SP
Level 9 - 11 - 6.5 secs - 44 SP
Level 10 - 12 - 7 secs - 47 SP


Lord of Vermilion

Active/Passive: Active

Element: Wind

Target Range: Full Screen

Pre-requisite: Thunder Storm lv1, Jupiter Thunder lv5

Max Level: 10

Gem: None

Level - Casting Time - SP Useage

Level 1 - 15 secs - 60 SP
Level 2 - 14.5 secs - 64 SP
Level 3 - 14 secs - 68 SP
Level 4 - 13.5 secs - 72 SP
Level 5 - 13 secs - 76 SP
Level 6 - 12.5 secs - 80 SP
Level 7 - 12 secs - 84 SP
Level 8 - 11.5 secs - 88 SP
Level 9 - 11 secs - 92 SP
Level 10 - 10.5 secs - 96 SP

Note: Damage = 1.5x matk (10 bolts X 15% matk per bolt)


Ice Wall

Active/Passive: Active

Element: Water

Target Range: A line, 5 tiles

Pre-requisite: Frost Diver lv1, Stone Curse lv1

Max Level: 10

Gem: None

Level - Hit Points - SP Useage

Level 01 - 1000 - 20 SP
Level 02 - 2000 - 20 SP
Level 03 - 3000 - 20 SP
Level 04 - 4000 - 20 SP
Level 05 - 5000 - 20 SP
Level 06 - 6000 - 20 SP
Level 07 - 7000 - 20 SP
Level 08 - 8000 - 20 SP
Level 09 - 9000 - 20 SP
Level 10 - 10000 - 20 SP


Frost Nova

Active/Passive: Active

Element: Water (Freeze Multiple Enemies)

Target Range: Area around the player.

Pre-requisite: Frost Diver lv1, Ice Wall lv1

Max Level: 10

Gem: None

Level - Casting Time - SP Useage

Level 1 - 5 secs - 45 SP
Level 2 - 4.7 secs - 43 SP
Level 3 - 4.4 secs - 41 SP
Level 4 - 4.1 secs - 39 SP
Level 5 - 3.8 secs - 37 SP
Level 6 - 3.5 secs - 35 SP
Level 7 - 3.2 secs - 33 SP
Level 8 - 2.9 secs - 31 SP
Level 9 - 2.7 secs - 29 SP
Level 10 - 2.5 secs - 27 SP


Water Ball.

Active/Passive: Active

Element: Water

Target Range: 1 enemy

Pre-requisite: Cold bolt lv1 Lightning bolt lv1

Max Level: 5

Gem: None

Level - Casting Time - SP Useage

Level 1 - 1 sec - 15 SP
Level 2 - 2 secs - 20 SP
Level 3 - 3 secs - 20 SP
Level 4 - 4 secs - 25 SP
Level 5 - 5 secs - 25 SP


Storm Gust

Active/Passive: Active

Element: Water

Target Range: 9x9 Tiles

Pre-requisite: Frost Diver lv1 Jupiter Thunder lv3

Max Level: 10

Gem: None

Level - Casting Time - SP Useage

Level 1 - 15 secs - 78 SP
Level 2 - 14.5 secs - 78 SP
Level 3 - 14 secs - 78 SP
Level 4 - 13.5 secs - 78 SP
Level 5 - 13 secs - 78 SP
Level 6 - 12.5 secs - 78 SP
Level 7 - 12 secs - 78 SP
Level 8 - 11.5 secs - 78 SP
Level 9 - 11 secs - 78 SP
Level 10 - 10.5 secs - 78 SP


Earth Spike.

Active/Passive: Active

Element: Earth

Target Range: 1 enemy

Pre-requisite: Stone Curse lv1

Max Level: 5

Gem: None

Level - # of Hits - Casting Time - SP Useage

Level 1 - 1 - 1 sec - 12 SP
Level 2 - 2 - 2 secs - 14 SP
Level 3 - 3 - 3 secs - 16 SP
Level 4 - 4 - 4 secs - 18 SP
Level 5 - 5 - 5 secs - 20 SP


Heaven Drive.

Active/Passive: Active

Element: Earth

Target Range: 5x5, Multiple enemies

Pre-requisite: Earth Spike lv3

Max Level: 5

Gem: None

Level - Casting Time - SP Useage

Level 1 - 1 sec - 24 SP
Level 2 - 2 sec - 28 SP
Level 3 - 3 sec - 32 SP
Level 4 - 4 sec - 36 SP
Level 5 - 5 sec - 40 SP


Quag Mire.

Active/Passive: Active

Element: Earth

Target Range: Area surrounding player

Pre-requisite: Cold bolt lv1 Heaven Drive lv1

Max Level: 5

Gem: None

Level - Spell Duration - SP Useage

Level 1 - 5 secs - 15 SP
Level 2 - 10 secs - 15 SP
Level 3 - 15 secs - 15 SP
Level 4 - 20 secs - 15 SP
Level 5 - 25 secs - 15 SP


5.4 Leveling Up

5.5 Cards
Mages and Wizard are not as card dependant as the other classes in the game, but
there are some cards which are of great use to them, and will help you to kick
ass even more. (If you are wondering why this is in the Wizard section of the
guide, this is because you should not really be think about cards until you have
become a wizard and have a fair ammount of zeny.)

Berzebub Card
Equip Where - Accessory
Pre/Post fix name - of Bigmouth
Effect - Reduce 30% of spell casting time.

This card is extremly useful, obviously the less time you spend casting, the
quicker you can kill enemies, the less likely you will get mobbed, and the more
exp you will get. So all in all, it's very good.

Phen Card
Equip Where - Accessory
Pre/Post fix name - Under a Cast
Effect - Enable to keep casting Magic Spells While Hit by Enemies

One of the most annoying things about being a Mage/Wizard is being hit whilst you
are casting an uber damaging area spell, such as Fire Pillar, or Meteor Storm,
this card prevents that, and so, is extremly useful when you have low agi, or are
mobbed in an aggresive area. A must have.

Vitata Card
Equip Where - Accessory
Pre/Post fix name - Heal
Effect - "Heal" lv1

This card is so useful as a Mage/Wizard, with 99+12 int (111) you will be healing
yourself for 315hp! This will help you survive a lot longer, and reduce the ammount
of time you will spend sitting after dying. Considering most wizards only have
about 3300hp, this proves extremly useful.

Zerom Card
Equip Where - Accessory
Pre/Post fix name - Nimble
Effect - DEX +3

Fairly self explainitary, added dex equals lower cast time equals quicker killing.

Baby Desertwolf Card
Equip Where - Armour
Pre/Post fix name - of Desert
Effect - INT +1

Another fairly easy to understand one, it adds INT, which increases spell damage.

Peco Peco Card
Equip Where - Armour
Pre/Post fix name - of Ares
Effect - MaxHP +150

THis card is fairly useful, you may think 150 hp is nothing, but considering most
wizards (at level 99) will have 3300 hp, you can see how every little helps.

Eggyra Card
Equip Where - Shoes
Pre/Post fix name - of Witch
Effect - SP Recovery +15%

Basically, the faster you recover SP, the quicker you can kill things, so this
helps, A LOT.

Sohee Card
Equip Where - Shoes
Pre/Post fix name - Soul Enchanted
Effect - Max SP +20%

Having more SP means you can cast more spells, and with Wizards having such high SP
levels already, 20% is a huge boost (average of 2300 sp at level 99 x by 1.20 equals
2760, thats a lot more LoVs!)

Whisper Card
Equip Where - Robe
Pre/Post fix name - Mocking
Effect - Dodge +20% 5% Additional Damage taken by the Ghost

The more you dodge the less your spells will be haulted prematurely and the less
damage you will take, the 5% extra from Ghosts is not too much of a problem, as you
will get hit less anyway...=P

Elder Willow Card
Equip Where - Headgear
Pre/Post fix name - Erudite
Effect - INT +2

I don't believe this needs an explaination.

Andre Larva Card
Equip Where - Weapon
Pre/Post fix name - Smart
Effect - INT +1

I don't believe this needs an explaination.

Pharaoh Card
Equip Where - Headgear
Pre/Post fix name - of Kirin
Effect - Enable to use Every Skill with 1/2 SP

I will point out one thing before a talk about this card, and that is, you most likely
NEVER get your hands on one of these, the monster is not even implemented yet, AND
it's an MVP, AND the card will sell for about 3 million+. Anyway, this card will allow
you to cast x2 as many skills! Which is so useful it's unbalievable.

6.0 End Stuff

6.1 Contact/About Me

Email - alextennant@ntlworld.com

RO characters - All on iRo

Watarigarasu - Agi>Vit Hybrid Swordsman
Karasu - Hunter
Raven San - DC/Vending Merchant

6.2 Thanks

-Thanks to CJayC for running this here site.
-Thanks to Gravity for making the damn game.
-Thanks to um...you for reading the guide.
-Dragnarok, for providing the little Geffen map, and some builds.

6.3 Sources

-My own experiences
-The ro.pak0 forums
-The experiences of many friends
-Gravity's official Ragnarok Online website (http://enweb.ragnarok.co.kr)

6.4 Links
Germany's Biggest Gaming Fansite

My site. ^^

Lots of stuff here

TONS of Beta 2 stuff, way before everyone else had it.
6.5 Legal

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation
of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

The most up-to-date version will always be here


Or here


- PsoRaven

Copyright 2002 Alex Tennant

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