

15.10.2013 02:18:46


Here is your POSSIBLE HELP from AOL gamester, Rickwojo

Thanks, oh mighty Rickwojo, for this wonderful Q & A mini-FAQ!

Dr Gamewiz

START: 1.1

Q. You just started and picked up a telecommuter device & Chris is telling
you to meet her on the roof. What do you do?

A. Turn around and enter the maze of tunnels, but watch out for agents that
you will have to shoot before making the next move.
If you start from the control room you'll have to go:
straight, right, straight, straight, left, straight,right, straight,
left,straight, left & straight to the right door.
Then get ready to watch a movie.


Q. Chris just got shot! Any tips?

A. Go to the door & then move click on the bomb you are holding.
When you see it, activate it & place it on the door.
Then move to the right until it blows.

Q. Door has blown off! Any tips?

A. Click on the dead body of Chris & look in her vest.
Grab the credit card & the key to your lifter.
Now go to lifter & place the key onto the door of the lifter.
Once inside you can play with some of the controls without getting into any
GAME TIP: If you want to take off press the START ENGINES.
Go to start & the v/o & press the three buttons there from top to bottom in
that order.
Now you are flying.
(Be prepared to shoot some meteor balls that come at you. They are easy if
you lead your target a little.)


Q. You just landed in the city & there's a problem with the lifter?

A. Look to the right of your control panel in the lifter.
You'll notice a little maintenace book suggesting you need something for your
You'll need to find this but it will come later.
For now, get out of it & go:
Left, straight, right, straight, left, straight and you'll enter a citadel.
You need to go there first so you can get some credits to play a roulette at
the bar.

Q. I am in the citadel. Buddah told me to arrange the shapes in the right
order! Any help?

A. It's not easy but my best suggestion is to start by moving the top portion
so it spins clockwise.
Then move the portion right of that, moving different pieces until you find
the piece that is revolving at the same pace as the one on top of the points
of the portion should be revolving so that the points end up in the center.
If you do this all the way around you should end up solving the puzzle.
You will receive some credits.
Now you're ready to go to the bar.

Q. I just got some credits. How do you get to the bar?

A. Go straight from the citadel, kitty-corner at the intersection. You'll
find it.


Q. I'm at the bar & ready to play some roulette!

A. You must have gone to the citadel to get some credit from Budah first.
But, if you have credits & are ready to play, just remember to take it slow &
wait for your symbol to come.
You need to make a triangle.
If you notice the computer is about to get a triangle make sure you can go
for the block & force a tie which will give you another chance.
Once you win, take any prize form the bar.

Q. I can't talk to zip!

A. You need Zip's televerse address.
You can get this the first time you win roulette and ASCI appears.
Then you must enter your card into ASCI.
He'll give you the code.
Now, go to Zip.
Wake him up by entering your card into the public televerse monitor.
This monitor is right next to Zip.
You may want to watch some commercials.
There is nothing special there.

Q. How do I trade with Zip?
A. Unfortunately you have to win five times.
You will then have all the prizes.
Zip gives you the military card & drug that gives you more time.

Subj: Burncycle 2.3

Q. I keep getting shot everytime I go to the hotel! Any tips?

A. Here is what to do!
1. You have to get credits from the citadel.
2. You have to win roulette.
3. You must trade with Zip.
4. You receive the military pass code.
5. You also must have received a beeper from the leather chick.
Once you have done all this, stop at the car just before the hotel.
Page the leather chick.

Q. The leather chick just knocked out the agent! Now I have to get the code?

A. Here is what to do!
1. Place the pink military code card that you got from Zip.
2. Place it in the decoder.
3. Press the arrows to move the numbers to fit in the holes.
GAME TIP: If I remember correctly, its to the right & down center.
I think the first number starts with a one.
Line it up & punch in the code.
You need to press the word access to find where there's easy access into the

Burncycle 2.4

Q. I'm in the Hotel. I can't detonate the bomb safe quick enough!

GAME TIP! SAVE your game before attempting this one.
The best way is to start from the top.
Go right until you see a red yellow & green bar that is all lit up & extended
to middle section.
Now, go to the middle one. Then, go left, finding a red, green & yellow bar
that extends to the bottom one.
Move to the bottom one.
Go right until you find the last missing red, green and yellow links.
When you do -- hit the button that appears.
You must do it quickly.
Finally, take everything from the safe.

Q. I keep getting shot everytime I leave the hotel room!

A. Go to the TV hatch.
Drop in the Green Smoke bomb.
Keep the bottom lever on your mask constantly following the moving arrow so
you can find yourself at the elevator.
Then click.

Burncycle 2.5

Q. How do I repair the lifter?

A. After going to the hotel you have some extra cash.
Trade Zip some money for the part.
Go to the lifter when you have the part.
Click on the engine of the lifter.
Open the inner-hatch.
Put in your replacement part.
Now it's up to you.
Move the bumpers, making the test button turn all four green levers blue.
GAME TIP: Everytime I did it I uses just two.
The first one I placed 3/4 to the right & up just a hair so that it will
still hit the far right lever, but bounce back down to hit the bottom one.
Finally, take the second one & you can bend the light to hit the final one.
PERSONAL NOTE: There are other ways to do it. This is the way I happend to do
it last.


Q. How do I get in doc's place?
A. Place the loc reaker on Doc's door.
Now the point of this puzzle is to get all the numbers at the right to equal
The first four are easy.
Place a bottom to right angle in the first column(up/down) third row
(left/right) & hit the bottom one which will send a signal to make 3rd number
change to 100%.
Continue by placing a top to right angle in the second column, second row
Then press the top "2".
Place another top to right angle in the first row third column.
Place a bottom to right angle in the fourth row fourth column.
Now the top four should be 100%.
Be sure not to change any of these while you do the fifth one.
You do not have to keep all the color bars on your screen.
Nor do you have to keep the angles in the same spot.
Just make sure you don't change your 100% once you've got them.
Try to get the last one by yourself.
GAME TIP: Just don't make any bars go into your existing 100%s.

BurnCycle 3.2

Q. What do I do with that ball the leather chick gave me?

A. Put it in the hologrammer sliver deal in Doc's room.
Once you put it in the silver thing, click on the hologram monitor.
Move the 3.D image using the arrows untill you can see that tattoo marking
that kept popping in your head.
This is rather easy but neccessary to move on into the televerse.


Q. I'm in the televerse What do I do?

A. Go to the comport & talk to asci ( the red ball).
He'll give you a code you'll use in the Cortex access code area.

Q. How do I pick the right tree leaf from buddah?
A. Go into that maze thing in nirvanah.
Listen to all of the faces of your past.
Then you can go to the tree.
GAME TIP: Make sure you've SAVED your game.
You want to use the one that makes the evil laugh from the guy who shot the
two Asian scientists in your dreams.
Take all the weights off,
Place only the small and medium size ones.
You'll hear the evil laugh.
Then you'll know which leaf to pick.

Q. I'v solved the tree puzzle! I've chased rage back into my body! I've seen
Chris as well as the third eye. But I'm stuck in the televerse.

A. Press on Budah's third eye.
Now go back to Comport & then go to Cortex

Burncycle 4.2

Q. How do I do the maze in Cortex?
A. If you are using a mouse it is a particular hard puzzle to do.
My suggestion is to always watch the pattern in which the antiviruses
approach you.
They never change.
Use this to your advantage to plan your moves.
Then use you first one.
Go for the bottom one & (if you don't die after that one), go for the next
one to the left.
If you die (which you might using a mouse), try using your next lives by
slowing going to the top and to the left.
I've found it easier getting the top one & moving counter-clockwise.
But it makes it easier to get that first bottom one out of the way.
After you get all your memories, you still have to make it to the brain.
Good luck.

Q. I finished the maze now what?

A. Well you're on your way to finishing the game.
If you're still stuck in cortex you need to use your new body.
Find any access hatch to enter.
There's only one right one. (its behind you).
Now, get ready!
You'll be in your old hotel room with your gun.
You'll have to do some shooting.
The last thing you need to do is climb through the same monitor you placed
that green smoke bomb in.


Thanks for this wonderful Mini-FAQ!

Dr Gamewiz

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