Shadow Warrior

18.10.2013 08:25:36
3D Realms and GT Interactive Software
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*******************FOR THE PC DOS/WINDOWS**********************
**********Written and Produced by Helen Chiu(TimiAzN)**********
************Planned by Pat Ling(Predator Hunter)***************
*****************Last Updated: March 24, 2004******************

Status: Version 1.00 - March 29, 2004 - 8:00pm ET GMT -0500
(This is the final version of the guide. Any corrections or
suggestions will not change the version number or date, but
will be corrected. You will be given proper credit, of

Updates will be handled by TimiAzN. Thank you for reading this!


--->Contact Information<---

---->Revision History<----

Section 1. About this Guide
1-1. Basic Information About the Game
1-2. The Status Bar

Section 2. Technical Information
2-1. Characters(Completed 02-14-2004)
2-2. Weapons(Completed 02-14-2004)
2-3. Item List(Completed 02-14-2004)
2-4. Enemy List(Completed 02-14-2004)
2-5. Cheat Codes(Completed 02-14-2004)
2-6. Hints and Tips(Completed 03-09-2004)

Section 3. Walkthrough
3-1. Walkthrough**Completed**
3-1-A. Enter the Wang(4 Levels)(Completed 03-10-2004)
3-1-B. Code of Honor(18 Levels)(Completed 03-16-2004)
3-2. Secrets**Completed**
3-2-A. Enter the Wang(4 Levels)(Completed 03-09-2004)
3-2-B. Code of Honor(18 Levels)(Completed 03-07-2004)

Section 4. Fun Stuff/Miscellaneous
4-1. Cool Stuff
4-2. Links
4-3. Lo Wang's Quotes
4-4. Girl Quotes
4-5. Audio CD Information

Section 5. Frequently Asked Questions
5-1. Frequently Asked Questions
5-2. E-mails

Section 6. Credits

------------------------------->CONTACT INFORMATION<---------------------------

Real Name: Helen Chiu
CodeName: AzNTimi
B-Day: March 25, 1985
ICQ: 78129469(I'm barely on ICQ..)
AOL/AIM: AzNxxGrL4u, KimmyC1089
MSN Hotmail:
Yahoo ID: None
Where you can find me: GameFAQs Forums(Username: TimiAzN).

------------------------------->REVISION HISTORY<------------------------------

v1.00 (March 29, 2004): Final Version of the guide. Added some more information
and checked the entire guide for any spelling or
grammar mistakes. Included two new Sections in Section
4: Miscellaneous Information with lots of info.(134k)

v0.90 (March 24, 2004): More Cool Stuff Added and highlighted the keys in the
walkthrough for easier time reading! Some Lo Wang
Quotes added as well!(129k)

v0.85 (March 15, 2004): Code of Honor Levels 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 walkthrough
completed! Code of Honor completed!(127k)

v0.70 (March 14, 2004): Code of Honor Levels 11, 12, 13, 22, 14, and 15
walkthrough completed!(110k)

v0.55 (March 12, 2004): Code of Honor Levels 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 21 walkthrough

v0.40 (March 11, 2004): Enter the Wang Walkthrough completed! Code of Honor
Level 5 completed. Included a new section: Section 4.
Fun Stuff/Miscellaneous with some information.(70k)

v0.30 (March 9, 2004): Enter the Wang/Code of Honor secrets done! Starting Game
Walkthrough sometime later! Included a Hints and Tips
Section in Technical Information part. Also made some
additions and fixed some spelling mistakes.(49k)

v0.20 (March 5, 2004): Most of the secrets are done. Walkthrough hasn't started
yet, but will be soon once I'm done with the secrets!(35k)

v0.10 (February 14, 2004): Sections 1 and 2 done! Starting Walkthrough soon!
Posted guide to GameFAQs!(20k)

------------------------->SECTION 1. ABOUT THIS GUIDE<-------------------------

This guide is for everything you need to know about the Shadow Warrior PC
game. If you have any questions or suggestions, please e-mail me at

Please do not copy this guide without my permission. Doing so will cause you to
commit plagiarism. Note that in mind.

This guide is found posted at the following sites:

1-1. Basic Information About the Game

Name: Shadow Warrior
Developer: 3D Realms Entertainment
Publisher: GT Interactive
Disc: CD-ROM
System: PC Windows 95 and DOS 6.2
Rating: Mature 17+(Animated Violence, Animated Blood & Gore,
Strong Sexual Content)
Release Date: Q4 1997

- 28 Huge Levels, 6 specifically designed for multiplayer "Wang Bangs".
- More detail, interactivity, gags and hilarious "Lo Wang Speak" than
Duke Nukem 3D
- Swim, duck, jump, drive vehicles, climb ladders, go anywhere,
do anything!

Shadow Warrior is a 1997 PC released game from 3D Realms where you play as
a Master Ninja named Lo Wang. He has been a Master Ninja for 20 years, which he
calls himself the Shadow Warrior. Lo Wang is the best of the Shadow Warriors, and
every top company in Japan has one. Lo Wang worked for Zilla Corporation. The
corporation is said to have too much control and the power corrupts. Lo Wang
discovers that Master Zilla's demonic scheme is to rule Japan, using creatures
summoned from the dakr side. A man of honor, Lo Wang quit. The consequences of
quitting is that Zilla will use his creations against Lo Wang...


System Requirements
CPU: Pentium 66MHz or better
Memory: 16MB or better
Available Hard Disk Space: 60MB
A working CD-ROM that is at least 2x in speed
100% Sound Blaster compatible sound card
VGA Graphics or better
Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick(optional)
Can run under Windows 95/98 or DOS 6.2 or better.

1-2. Playing the Game

Main Menu
New Game - Start a New Game
Difficulty Levels
Tiny Grasshopper - Easy Difficulty which should be only for newbies.
I Have No Fear - Normal Difficulty which isn't all that hard, except
there is more enemies this time around.
Who Want's Wang - Default(Hard) Difficulty.. for those who want a
No Pain No Gain - For Experienced Players.. for the possessed.
Load Game - Load a previously saved game
Save Game - Save your progress
Options - Enter the Options menu
Cool Stuff - Various Information
Quit - Quite the game

Options Menu
Screen Menu - Set up the eize of the screen
Mouse Menu - Configures Mouse Sensitivity
Sound Menu - Change the volume of the sound/music
Kid Mode - Changes the game to Teen-rated. Password required to switch
back to Mature.
Messages - Toggles screen messages
Shadows - On/Off
Auto-Run - On/off
Crosshair - Makes aiming easier
Auto-Aiming - Makes is easier to blast at enemies
3D Sprites - Some of the game sprites are switched from 2D to 3D
Level Stats - Shows you on-screen how many secrets you've found and
how many enemies you've killed.

Up Arrow - Move up
Right Arrow - Turn right
Left Arrow - Turn left
Down Arrow - Backstep
Spacebar - Use items or open doors
Tab - 2D map modes
Shift+Arrow - Run in direction of arrow key
Caps Lock - Auto-run
Alt+Arrow - Strafe in direction of arrow key
Control - Fire currently equipped weapon
A - Jump
Z - Crouch
Backspace - 180 degree turn
[ or ] - Select Inventory Item
Enter - Use current inventory item
; or ' - Previous weapon or next weapon
Scroll Lock - Holster weapon
Keypad 5 - Center vertical view
Home/End - Aim up/Aim down
Page Up/Page Down - Look Up/Look Down
Pause - Pause game
ESC - Display Main Menu

Function Keys(Controls)
F1 - Help and Game Story
F2 - Save game
F3 - Load Game
F4 - Sound/Music Settings
F5 - Screen Resolution change
F6 - Quick save
F7 - Chase View
F8 - Toggle messages on/off
F9 - Quick Load
F10 - Quit to DOS
F11 - Brightness
F12 - Take a PCX screen shot

Inventory Shortcuts(Controls)
C - Caltrops
F - Flash Bomb
G - Gas Bomb
M - Medikit
N - Nightvision
S - Smoke Bomb

Weapon shortcuts
1 - Fist/Katana
2 - Shurikens
3 - Riot Gun
4 - Uzi
5 - Missile Launcher
6 - Grenade Launcher
7 - Sticky Bombs
8 - Rail Gun
9 - Guardian Head
0 - Ripper Heart

1-2. The Status Bar

| | | | | | | |Y|
|N| | | | | | |G|

A. HEALTH - Shows Lo Wang's health level. If it drops to zero, you're dead.

B. ARMOR - Shows the percentage of Lo Wang's armor remaining.

C. WEAPONS - Shows the status of Lo Wang's weapons. Each weapon displays two
numbers separated by a /. The first number is the amount of ammo you have for
that weapon, and the second is the maximum amount of ammo possible for that
weapon. If the numbers are brightly lit, this means it is the currently
selected weapon. If it is of medium brightness, it means you have the weapon,
but it is not currently selected. If it is dark, it means you have not found
that weapon yet.

D. AMMO - Shows the amount of ammo left for the currently selected weapon.

E. INVENTORY - Shows the percentage and status(if applicable) of the
currently selected inventory item. To change the currently selected item, use
either the "[" or "]" key.

F. KEYS - Shows the keys currently in your possession.

G. YIN YANG - Don't worry about this one. It's just there for design. But
there are actual yin-yangs in the real game's status bar.

There is a compass on the top middle of your status bar. The walkthrough
wont be written according to the compass unless I specifically said so.

---------------------->SECTION 2. TECHNICAL INFORMATION<-----------------------

2-1. Characters

1. Lo Wang
Lo Wang has been a Master Ninja Assassin for 20 years. He is known as the
Shadow Warrior.

2. Master Zilla
Very little is known about this person. He seeks to rule Japan, using
creatures summoned from the dark side as his aide.

3. Master Leep
Lo Wang's master. He died because of Master Zilla's domination. His disciple
Lo Wang is taking revenge for him.

4. Master Leep's Women
Naked(Oops, I.. err.. messed up!?) women who serve Master Leep. You'll see
a lot of them as you progress. Some take a bath in the water, and some
others are, well, tougher(if you know what I mean o_O).

5. Dead Corpses
Well, before Zilla's domination, there were a lot of innocent people living
in the village and in the city. Once Zilla takes over, it killed a lot of
the people in the town, leaving their corpses there like raw meat. Poor

2-2. Weapons

1. Fist/Katana

Both are close range weapons. You can use the Katana anytime to slice every
enemy in half/in pieces. Watch out, as this is only a close range weapon,
which means only use it when you are running out of ammo for your guns.

2. Shurikens

Capacity: 99 Shurikens
Pack: 9 Shurikens

You need at least 3 shurikens to throw. Any less will disqualify you from
doing that. If a Shuriken hits a wall, it will stick there and you can
retreive it by pressing Spacebar near it. This weapon should be only used
when you don't have ammo for your other weapons.

3. Riot Gun

Capacity: 52 Shells
Pack: 24 Shells
Weapon: 8 Rounds

Ordinary fire is only 1 round, while alternate fire gives the ability to
fire 4 rounds at once. To toggle between Standard Fire and Alternate fire,
press 3. Use for knocking enemies back and gives them some serious pain.

4. Uzi

Capacity: 200 Rounds
Magazine: 50 Rounds
Weapon: 50 Rounds

You can toggle between one or two Uzis to fire. I'd prefer two because it
can clear out a group of enemies without any problems.

5. Missile Launcher

Capacity: 50 Missiles
Pack: 5 Missiles
Weapon: 5 Missiles
Mode 1: Fire Missiles Normally
Mode 2: Next 5 missiles are homing(Heat Seeker Card required.
Mode 3: Mini-Nuclear Explosion after a short countdown.(Nuke Required)

Press the 5 key to toggle between the modes. Note that for Mode 3 you have
to wait for the countdown first, then you can fire.

6. Grenade Launcher

Capacity: 50 Grenades
Box: 8 Grenades
Weapon: 6 Grenades

This weapon launches a 40mm explosive shell that bounces before it explodes.
It is ideal for dealing death in hard-to-reach places such as ledges or
around corners.

7. Sticky Bombs

Capacity: 20 Sticky Bombs
Box: 5 Sticky Bombs

Perhaps the sneakiest weapon in Lo Wang's arsenal, this small explosive
device is surrounded by sharp spikes, allowing it to "stick" to almost
any surface. After priming, the bomb will detonate when its motion
detectors sense something nearby, including you. A sticky bomb will make
a beeping sound when it's tracking for it's prey. The louder the beep,
the more closer you are to it, so keep a good lookout.

8. Rail Gun

Capacity: 20 Shots
Pack: 10 Rods
Weapon: 10 Rods

A top secret weapon and still classified, the Rail Gun can shoot a piece
of metal at near light speed, propelled by a magnetic field.

9. Guardian Head

Capacity: 80
Head: 30
Mode 1(Left Hole): Used to launch fire at a straight line
Mode 2(Middle Hole): Creates a Circle of Fire surrounding you.
Mode 3(Right Hole): Launches a explosion of fire straight at where you're

With three modes of firing, this weapon is devastating in the right hands.

10. Ripper Heart

Capacity: 5 Hearts
One at a time deal

Squeezing this gory item will summon forth a "zombie-like" version of Lo
Wang, that will kill with reckless abandon for a short time.

2-3. Item List

Regular Items

1. Armor
Red Armor adds 100%. Gray Armor adds 50%. Both add protection and reduces
physical damage. Once armor goes away, you might too.

2. Fortune Cookie
Not only does it come with a clever little message inside, but it also
gives Lo Wang a 50% health boost, up to a maximum of 200%.

3. Small Medikit
This handy little discovery adds 20% to your health, up to a maximum of

4. Heat Seeker Card
This small red circuit board allows your next five missiles to have
heat-seeking abilities.(For use with Missile Launcher.)

5. The Nuke
Once found and detonated, it will cause a range of destruction that only the
strongest enemies can hope to survive. All others will be vaporized. (For
THIS SETS OFF, YOU CAN BE AFFECTED AS WELL! It glows pretty bright, leaving
you temporarily blinded.

6. Keys
You will discover both ancient and modern keys that you will need to advance
through the levels. Modern keys come in 4 different colors.. Red, Blue, Green,
and Yellow. Ancient Keys come in 4 different colors as well.. Gold, Silver,
Bronze, and Red.

Inventory Items

1. Gas Bomb(Shortcut Button: G)

Capacity: 1

Once dropped, it temporarily emits a stream of choking smoke. This is a good
way to clear out a room full of monsters. It affects you as well, so stay
away from it.

2. Smoke Bomb(Shortcut Button: S)

Capacity: 1(100%)

Renders you partially invisible for a few seconds. During this time you can
dispatch monsters more easily.

3. Flash Bomb(Shortcut Button: F)

Capacity: 2

Blinds nearby enemies for a few seconds, and while they stumble about, you
can sneak by or finish them off.

4. Caltrops(Shortcut Button: C)

Capacity: 3

Small razor sharp talons of metallic death. You throw the Caltrops on the
floor, and they lie there. If someone steps on them, they take some damage,
and they will cry out in pain. Same goes for you, too. Except that you
complain more than they do..

5. Night Vision Goggles(Shortcut Button: N)

Capacity: 1(100%)

These government issue goggles can illuminate living things in the darkest
of areas. It's best to save these for the dark gloomy areas of your

6. Large Medikit(Shortcut Button: M)

Capacity: 1(100%)

A portable health pack carrying a maximum of 100% additional health. When
you are low on health, you can select this to bring your health back up to
a maximum of 100%.

7. Tool Kit

Capacity: 1

Allows you to repair damaged vehicles like tanks, forklifts, or other
broken machinery you find along the way. You activate the kit by pressing
SPACE on the control panel of a broken vehicle(usually indicated by rising

2-4. Enemy List

Regular Enemies

1. Brown Ninja
Can do all player actions(climb, duck, hide behind boxes). Fires an Uzi or
throws Shurikens. Will suicide from lack of honor by blowing their brains

2. Red Ninja
Can do everything his brown counterpart does, plus he can shoot small
missiles at you.

3. Green Ninja
Fires Uzi or two different forms of magical napalm. Can also flash bomb
you, and is always partially invisible until he dies.

4. Orange Ninja
Has the added ability to shoot heat seeking missiles at you, and is tougher
than normal.

5. Gray Ninja
Has the ability to launch grenades at you, and is tougher than normal.

6. Shadow Ninja
The most fearsome of the lot, this Ninja uses ancient skills to stay almost
invisible. He can blast you with two types of magical napalm, or use
blinding flash bombs on you.

7. Coolie
Walks around with a box of explosives. Poses little threat from a distance,
but if he gets near you he blows up, causing severe damage.

8. Coolie Ghost
Not content with attacking you once, some Coolies will spawn a spectral
ghost after they make their ultimate sacrifice. These apparitions float
around phasing in and out of existence, taking time out to heave nasty gobs
of bloody goo at you.

9. Ripper
Big-ape like monster. Jumps around and can cling to walls above you, waiting
to drop at any moment. Or they will charge you at full speed and start
ripping at your flesh. Will rip your heart out if you let him get too close.

10. Baby Rippers
These are smaller versions of their parents, only they move faster, spit
green goo and are very hungry.

11. Guardian
These hard to kill beasts use swords at short range, switching to fireballs
when farther away. Note: Sometimes after killing one, you can harvest its
decapitated head and use it as a weapon.

12. Female Ninja
These female warriors carry a lethal crossbow, and you will find yourself
dodging bolts from long distances. When they get closer they will loft
sticky bombs in your direction, making it hard to stand still. Treat these
ladies with some respect.

13. Koi
These denizens of the deep look like normal Koi until you get close and
notice the rows and rows of razor-sharp teeth. Alone they pose little
threat, but if you come across a school, you'd better make a run for dry

14. Hornets
These overgrown yellow jackets will do minor damage, but beware a swarm
of them. They are extremely fast and erratic moving, making them hard to
hit, while they continually sting away at your health.

15. Bunnies
You may encounter some of these cute little creatures along the way. What
you do with them is your business.

16. Mines
There are various mines in the game that will detonate near you. They can
spew caltrops, emit poison gas, explode, launch grenades, or flash bomb you.
There are also ancient magical counterparts to mines called Accursed Heads.

17. Mini-Sumos
These are basically smaller versions of the gigantic sumo boss. They are
less tougher, obviously. Once you kill them, they will pump out gas from
their ass and it smells as bad as the Gas Bomb, so stay away.

Boss Enemies

1. Serpent God
This is a four-armed evil snake-like creation of Zilla himself. He can shoot
devastating energy balls from his eyes, and when attacked, will spawn a
circle of exploding Accursed Heads. These heads will launch themselves in
order to protect their evil master. Be very prepared for battle when you meet
a Serpent God.

2. Sumo
This giant nightmare of a sumo wrestler will meet you with a vengeance. His
mass aline will cause damage as he stomps on the ground, sending shock waves
your way. He can also send Accursed Heads your way with a giant clap of his
hands. These guys are very tough, and hold a surprise or two for you.

3. Zilla
Your final battle of the game. Prepare well, Lo Wang, and heed all that
Master Leep has taught you.

2-5. Cheat Codes

What are the cheat codes for Shadow Warrior? Do you really want to know?
Question though, Why do you need to cheat? Are you stuck at a certain place
where you just need the easy way out? Okay, I'll give them to you. Use
these wisely, and play with them.

Press "T" anytime during gameplay and type in any of the following:

Code Effect
---- ------
swchan God Mode
swgimme All Items
swgreed Enable Everything
swtrekAB Warp to another level. Type in Episode Number first,
then the level number.
swloc Displays Frame Rate
swres Change Resolution of the game
swstart Restart level
swghost Ability to walk through walls(clipping)
swmap Toggles auto-mapping
swtrix Bunny Rockets for Missile Launcher
swquit Quits the game

2-6. Hints and Tips

- Strafe and avoid gunfire a lot. Use the crosshair to aim precisely if
you have to. That's why it's there .=)

- Sometimes you see women who may seem nice. Some will hurt you and if
you kill them, monsters will spawn someplace, so keep a good lookout or
not be so violent against the ladies!

- Enemies who have guns have very accurate aiming and can chew your
health like no tomorrow. Kill them before they get you.

- Never forget what you have in your inventory. Sometimes your health
might be low and you were too busy swarming around the environment
looking for medipacks. In your inventory, there is a portable medikit,
too, so use that.

- Armor can only last for a while. Also, stay away from hostile places,
such as ground liquid, sentry units, and flying fireballs that may look
like it's coming out of nowhere. Be alert and ready at all times.

- Conserve your ammo. Only shoot at what you can hit. Don't waste them.
Also, for explosive weapons, don't play around too much with them,
because you will never know if a grenade will come back at you or you
dumb enough not to know where was the last sticky bomb you placed. Be
serious most of the time. There's plenty of ammo as well as enemies.

- If you want to exit a level fast for some reason, follow this: Once
you get your hands on a key, rush to that door that the key can be used
on and don't play around.

- Enemies hate each other as much as they hate you. This means that
from time to time, enemies might go against each other. Use this to
your advantage and don't miss that opportunity.

- If the game feels a little too hard for you, try a easier skill level.
It always works. Then if you're up for the challenge, go with harder

------------------------->SECTION 3. GAME WALKTHROUGH<-------------------------


Game Walkthrough is in progress. This walkthrough will not cover some secrets.
You can check the Secrets section for that information. Other than that, if you
have any questions, suggestions, or corrections, please feel free to e-mail me
anytime and I will reply as soon as possible.

Also, the walkthrough will cover the game in *Who Wants Wang* difficulty. Some
enemies I mention may not be there because you are playing in another difficulty
other than Who Wants Wang.

And the compass is not necessary in my walkthrough unless I specified otherwise.

3-1-A. Enter the Wang

Level 1. Seppuku Station

You start off inside Lo Wangs Dojo of Death. Two Brown Ninjas will come from
the window with uzis. Take them out with your sword and try to take as less
damage as possible. You can recover any lost health here by using your fists
to hit either dojo. As you go out the window, there is a green van crashing
in another vehicle, killing a brown ninja along the way. To the left is a
gray truck with a uzi in the back. Pick it up and kill anything that moves.

Now find the "Baggage Claim" sign, and go down the ramp, killing any enemies
all the way until you reach some crates and a GOLD KEY. Pick up the GOLD KEY
and use it to enter the FarEast Railroad Station. More ninjas will be inside.
You know what to do with them. To the left of the way you came in is a black
window. Jump through it to find a Riot Gun sitting on a ledge. Now go back
into the station and find a black vent. Go through it, all the way down.

You should be in a room with black armor. Grab the armor and just to the left
of the train map is a panel that you can open for a Missile Launcher. To the
left of the panel is a remote controller. Check on it. Do you see something
that looks like a red dot on the left of the screen? Control the vehicle and
move it in as far as it goes on that red dot.

Now where do you go? Well, you can navigate the other vents, but I'd rather
worry about the exit to this level =). To the right of the train map is a
vent on the top. This is the way you came in and the way you should be
heading now. So go back up to the first room of the train station. There
is another door here other than the way you came in. Go in to visit Koi
Pond. As the sign tells you to feed the fish, you should do what they say
by feeding the fish some bullets and killing other enemies along the way.
You can take a dip down the pool to find some caltrops behind the wall.

After you're done with that part, enter the Pachinko Parlor. The sign will
tell you which way is the parlor :P. Here you will find the game room.
Check the Godzilla poster for some grenade shells. Pick up the SILVER KEY
at the Prize Pick-up space. You can receive various items if you play the
Pachinko machines long enough(as long as they're not destroyed).

Now head to Platform 45 and use the SILVER KEY on the brown door. Go in
and hit the switch to open the grey doors. Go in to the train platform.
Kill any enemies that are here. There are some shotshells on top of the
train and various items behind posters in the platform. Now head to the
right track(yes, the one without the train) and keep heading forward.
Over here, you have to watch out for the turret. You can pump missiles
at the turret to take it out. Blow up the tubes here and the train will
come behind you. Go inside the train and turn right. Keep going to find
the end level switch to end the level.

Level 2. Zilla Construction

You start off inside a tunnel. The rock walls will start to come down and
block your view of the train. There is a gigantic hole in front of you. Go
through it. On the right wall is a ladder. Head up that ladder and get any
items along the way. Jump down to the biggest area in your map.(You can go
the other way, but it'd be more dangerous with all the brown ninjas around

Now head to the red-lit area(not the door, but the one on the right). You
should see a little figure on the wall stating "Portaku Inc. We carry your
load!" there. There is a door there. Go in that door and turn left. You
should see a sign that says "Pull". Check on that and another opening is
revealed with a switch. Hit the switch and go back out. Now head up the
little stairs to the office room. You'll see that the power is out when you
try to turn on the lights even though the computer is still working(judging
by the 260 on it). Kill all the enemies here. There is some uzi ammo inside
the locker here. To the right of the entrance is another door. Go in it and
pick up the Yellow Key plus other various items in the room.

Now go back out into the huge opening. There is a red-lit door that can only
be partially opened. Don't worry about that. To the left of the door is a
opening. Go in this opening staying on the right wall. You'll come to the
yellow key door. Use the yellow key you have and go in the red-lit room.
Kill all the enemies here and go forward. You'll see a sign that says "Zilla
Enterprises". Head left and keep staying on the right wall. You'll eventually
come to a RED KEY on a crack. Grab the key and now head to the right of the
sign and open the door.

Kill all the enemies here. To the right of the "Operations" sign is the red
key door. Use the RED KEY you found earlier and go in. Kill all the enemies
in here as well and jump up into the opening where the brown ninja was and
grab the tool kit and blue key. There is a switch here as well that opens
the covers so you can go back to the huge opening easier.

Once you go back into the huge opening, find the broken forklift. To the
very northeast is where the blue key door is. Go through the door using the
blue key you found earlier and go down the ramp. Check the leverage to make
sure it's to the right side and then hit the switch to restore power. Once
you restored power, go back to the Machine Room(the part where you found the
red key) and use the two generators there. One will generate a infinite
amount of uzis while the other one will generate a GOLD KEY. Grab the gold
key and then go back to Operations, through the red key door and around to
the gold key door.

Once you enter the gold key door, go down the path and kill any rippers
along the way. You should see something that looks like a white square.
Behind it is a switch. Hit the switch and the cylinder-like thing should
drill a hole on the ground that has water underneath. Dive down there and
go in the opening and a teleporter should pop up ending the level.

Level 3. Master Leep's Temple

You start the level outside of Master Leep's Temple. A gong is in front
of you. There are medkits on both corners in the north side. Hit the
gong to open the door behind it and go in. On the left side is a switch
which will rotate the thing next to it giving you sticky bombs. To the
right of the entrance door is another door. Go down there and you should
see a sign that says:

"Master Leep says
Rabbit is Gentle
Rabbit is Humble
Follow the Rabbit."

Remember this sign if you're after one of the secrets of the level.
There's a grenade launcher behind the door next to the sign.

Head in the firepit room and kill any enemies that are there. There is a
man upside down. Stand on the arrow pointing the well and let him sink
down to the lava. Once he is completely crisp, he will let go of a gold
key. Grab the GOLD KEY and find a picture of Master Leep and his women.
There is a portable medikit inside. Use the GOLD KEY on the gold key door
and go in. Blow up the barrels and get the BRONZE KEY that comes out. Now
go back in the firepit room and dive in the water. Follow the way.

Once you surface on the other side, ninjas will be all over the place,
so stay put and watch for your health. Kill all the foes here and use the
BRONZE KEY to get access through the large doors. Go in and blow up any
barrels that are there. Kill anything that moves as well. Now go forward
and in the pool. Find the girl with the purple hair and do not say Hi to
her or else she will shoot you. To the right of the girl is a crack. Blow
it up using a explosive and the water should rise up. There is a small
opening opposite the crack. Go in there and pick up the missile launcher
and then the SILVER KEY. Now go back to the large door and go through it.

Use the SILVER KEY on the door to the right of the large bronze doors
and enter. A ripper or two will come out and try to scratch you to
death. Keep going, collecting as many items and killing the rippers
along the way. There is a rotating gong here. Use it to jump up to the
other side where the brown ninja is shooting you. Once you get to the
other side, blow up the barrels and it will create a hole for you to
step up.

As soon as you step up to the mountain path, kill any wasps that get
in the way. Along the way you will see a rabbit. Remember Master
Leep's sign about following the rabbit? That sign was to help you get
one of the secrets of the level. I wont be covering this, because it's
all in the Secrets section =). Anyway, walk up the mountain path and
keep going forward. Keep going, following the path and jumping from
pillar to ledges plus killing ninjas along the way. You eventually will
come to Master Leep's dead corpse. Seems like he was stabbed to death.
A girl is here crying as well as you when you meet him.

On the back of Master Leep's chair is a lever. Use it and it will reveal
an opening to your right. Go in and around the wall and you'll find a
teleporter. Go in it and follow the path. Be sure to take the safe way
by getting on one of those stone transporters and making it to the other
side. Once you get on the other side, keep going in. Oh No! You got
trapped! Well, do you see where the Coolie is? To the left of him is a
mechanism. Blow it up and you will be free from crushing.

Here is a stone-wall puzzle. To solve it, you need to step on certain
stone switches. There are six of them. Here's the layout:

| Stone Puzzle |
| AA DD |
| |
| P |
| O |
| O |
| BB L EE |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| CC FF |

Step on switches(in no particular order) BB, EE, and DD. Spells out "BED".
Hmm.. anyway, this will blow the door beneath the pool. Dive down the pool
and swim through the door. When you see surface, go up and you should be
in a green-lit room now. Hit the switch on the other side and kill any
rippers that annoy the hell out of you. Keep going until you find a Coolie
who most certainly loves to test out what he is carrying. If the Coolie
generates a ghost, kill it and go down the tilting floor to end the level.

Level 4. Dark Woods of the Serpent

You start off sliding down the ramp and will land on the ground unharmed.
Go in the training area. Use the dojo to recover any health if you have
to. Now go up the ladder and stay there, killing any enemies that tries
to load a few bullets in your body. There are 3 rooms you can see. One
in the North, one in the West, and one in the East. Go to the East and
West ones first and hit the switch at the end of each room. Now go back
downstairs and go in the room between the two pairs of katanas. You should
see 3 switches. Hit switches 1 and 3(that means don't touch the middle one
:P), and then go back upstairs and to the East and West rooms again and
hit the other switches that are revealed. Get the BRONZE KEY and then go
back downstairs. Now go either right or left and around until you reach a
bronze door. Use the BRONZE KEY and go through.

You should now be in front of the Dark Woods. Go through the Dark Woods
and keep going until you reach a house. There are a lot of rippers over
here that really annoy you, so kill them before they get you. In the
upper right of the entrance is a crack. Blow open the crack and go in.
You should see a switch there. Hit it and the fire traps will go off. Now
go back in the house using the entrance and grab the GOLD KEY.

Now head back to the part where you entered the bronze key door. Around
that place, there is a tree with a big hole in it. Go in it and you'll
see the gold key large doors that gives you access to Peasant Village.
Go through the doors and follow the path. When you reach the point where
it splits left and right, take the left. There should be a well. Dive in
it and surface on the other side. You should be in a red key house. Hit
the switch next to the picture and it will lower, giving you access to
the RED KEY. Take the RED KEY and exit the house.

Now head left and then take a right. You should see the other red key door.
Use the RED KEY on that door and go through. Enter the house that has a
sign "Chin Sikki's Forest Fresh Rabbit Farm". There are two uzis in here
and a bunch of rabbits in the view in front of you. I'm suggesting target
practice, but let's keep them alive. They look too innocent. =) Anyway,
head back out and take a left to go through another entrance. Take the first
entrance to the left to find a fortune cookie.

**If you already have a REPAIR(TOOL) KIT, skip this part.**

Now head back out, take a left and a left again. Then turn right and you
should see a window. Look through the window and you should see a barrel.
Blow up the barrel and the door should leave a crack open. Go back to the
other side and through the door and use the lever there. When you come back
out, the door to your northeast has opened. Go in there and get the repair
kit. You can dive down the pool for loads of shurikens.

***End Skip***

Now go through the semi-circular tunnel. You should be in a big open space
with a steamed vehicle. Use the repair kit on the vehicle and blow away any
enemies that come to you. Now position the tank the way it was before and
blow the wall in front of you(it takes 4-5 blows). Go through that wall and
kill any Coolies there. Now blow up the entrance crack and go through.(You
can go around the house to collect some ammo and items.) Once you are in,
go around and get the grenade ammo and a teleporter is revealed. Go through
the teleporter.

The teleporter has transported you to Ripper Valley. Turn right and keep
going until you see a place where you can climb up a mini waterfall. Kill
ALL the rippers in here and jump out the wide opening on the left. Now turn
right and you should see a carpet. Jump on it and let it transport you
beneath of what looks like hell.

Lo Wang will wonder who is flying the magic carpet. Have the carpet transport
you until you reach a part where there are Coolie Ghosts and Rippers. Be
sure to kill anyone along the way of your little ride. Anyway, get off at
the last stop and head up the path, killing any Rippers and Coolies. There
is a lever here. Use it and two remote-controllers should show up. These
two controls are for the pillars with arrows on them. You must move them
so that you can jump from the left to the northwest.

Once you get it right(and you're on the other side), go down the path and
kill the ripper there. Collect the items and jump down the opening there.
You are now in the Serpent's Lair. Lo Wang will say he's not afraid of a
snake. To the left are missiles and to the right are grenade shells. Up in
the north are some regeneration items. The key to taking this snake down is
to strafe a lot and never go close to him, especially if you're using the
Missile or Grenade Launcher. You'll know when he will go down. He has to die,

Once you defeat him, you will see a nice cinematic.

Congratulations! You have beaten Enter the Wang! However, this is only the
shareware, and it's less than 20% of the whole game. Get ready for Code of
Honor! Walkthrough will be coming soon!

3-1-B. Code of Honor

Level 5. Rising Son

You start the level on a boat. Grab the uzi and portable medikit on the
boat and ride on the boat until it begins to sink down. Along the way,
a explosion will occur leaving a hole somewhere on the left wall. Go in
this hole and kill all the ninjas there. Grab the uzi ammo to stock up
and walk up the path to the bridge. Go across the bridge and pick up
the other uzi there for some John Woo action. Kill all the ninjas there
and replenish your health in the dojo room. *If you step on the table
with a bowl, the picture between the two dojos will open revealing a
grenade launcher.* Also, check the cabinets for some various items such
as caltrops. Do not worry, as there is plenty of uzi ammo in this room.

Now go through the door and a bunch of ninjas will shoot you from the
water on the right. Use the turret to make quick work of them. There is
a silver key door here, but you don't have the silver key, so dive down
the water to where the ninjas were and pick up the sticky bombs. You
should see a crack on the wall. Use your grenade launcher and blow up
the crack. Go through and kill the foes there. The right leads you to a
dead end, but various panels in the corridor will give you various items.

Instead, head left and through the door. Brown ninjas will be shooting at
you from the left, so take them down. Now go through the other door, and
take out the guardians. There are some rail gun rods and armor up high
on the ledge. To get to it, you're going to have to use the statue to
jump there. Now go back to where the brown ninjas were shooting at you
and jump out into the opening. You should be facing a little waterfall.

There are two ways to go here, so go the eastern way and follow the path
until you reach a GOLD KEY.(Hitting the gong up top will trigger a opening
to your right revealing a missile launcher.) Be sure to kill any enemies
that get in your way. Now go back to where the two guardians were attacking
you earlier(where the rail gun rods and armor were) and go through the
other door. Kill the rippers along here. Next to the silver keyhole is
a crack, so blow it open for a fortune cookie. The gold key door is just
along the way, so use the GOLD KEY you found earlier and go through.

Once you enter, a guardian will be attacking you, so kill it. Now go
through the other door and watch out for incoming fireballs. Blow up
the barrels that get in your way and take out the Coolie as well. Keep
going past the Buddha statue and around to enter a small bridge. The
SILVER KEY is hanging up on the top, so jump to get it. Use the silver
key on the door(of where you found the fortune cookie inside the crack).
Open it and go through.

You will see another puzzle here. This one is easy. Follow this:

|(Green Switch) (Door) (Purple Switch) |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
|Red Floor Yellow Floor |
| Switch Switch |
| |
| Blue Floor |
| Switch |

Let's see how many hints you need before you actually get it right. =P

Hint #1: Primary Colors and Secondary Colors
Hint #2: Mixing..

Solution: There's no need. You can figure out this one pretty easily.

Step 1: Step on the blue and yellow floor switches and hit the green

Step 2: Step on the blue and red floor switches and hit the purple

See? That wasn't hard. Anyway, the door will open. Go through and down
the path, killing any rippers along the way. You now enter the Serpent's
Lair. Who said Zilla was fair? First level of the second episode and a
boss already!?

Anyway, you guessed it. You have to fight the Serpent again as if the
last battle wasn't enough with him. There are plenty of Missiles and
Grenades here, as well as their respective weapons. Plenty of fortune
cookies and portable medikits, as well as a nuke and heat seeker cards.

Always stay behind the columns for cover if you're going to take out
this boss. Don't let him knock you down into the lava or else you will
be Zilla's next meal of the day. Remember that the Serpent has plenty
of Accursed Heads around him, and they usually pump out gas bombs at
you, stinking up the whole place like no tomorrow. Once you manage to
kill the boss, the end level switch will be revealed opposite the way
you came in the lair. Hit the end level switch to end the level.

Level 6. Killing Fields

You start the level with a brown ninja in your face with a uzi. Kill him
before he chops away at your health. Turn left and go in the ledge. Pick
up the Riot Gun and the portable medikit in the distance. Now go back to
where you found the Riot Gun and up the step to the fire. Another brown
ninja is waiting here. Keep going to the bridge with the guardian. Blow
up the barrels and jump through the other side of the bridge. Now head
down the stairs and up the stairs again(where another set of barrels are)
and blow up the barrels. Keep going up the stairs until you reach a house
locked by a gold key door.

To the right of the bronze key stone door is a opening. There is a crack
here, so blow open the crack to find a Ripper Heart inside. Keep going and
turn right. Kill the ripper there and keep going. You'll come to a room
with flying darts. Watch out for the darts. Go down the other end and take
the stairs on the left. You'll find a Guardian Head and you will see the
GOLD KEY all the way on the other end. But before you even get a chance
to get close to it, a explosion will occur and a bunch of Red Ninjas will
come through and try to blow you up. Kill them off and pick up the gold

Now make your way back to the gold key door and use the GOLD KEY on the
keyhole there. Go in and pick up the fortune cookie, grenade launcher,
and the SILVER KEY. Be sure to watch out for the big ripper as well. Now
go back outside and go up the little stairs in the north to find another
portable medikit laying around. To the right is a rail gun. Head north
and you should see a ninja when you jump down. Keep going past the water
to find the silver key door.

Go through the silver key door and you should see a statue. Kill the
enemies here and go btween the two columns. Then turn left and keep going
that way(staying on the left wall) until you reach a place with some lava
and flying rocks. Do you see a Uzi sitting there? Go in there and jump
through the lava to the ledge and get the RED KEY. After you get the key
you are attacked by Rippers. Kill them and keep going to find a Rail

Now head back out and turn right and keep going until you find the red
key door. Use the RED KEY on it and then head inside. You should be back
out in the open again. Kill all the enemies here and use the statue to
jump over the wall to the other side. Kill the ripper there and the
BRONZE KEY should be out in the open lava. Obtain the BRONZE KEY and
then use it on the bronze key door. The bronze key door is located right
next to the gold key door, to the left. Once you head in the bronze key
door, kill the enemies and then hit the end level switch to end the

Level 7. Hara-Kiri Harbor

"Hmm, maybe a boat would help me reach Zilla."

You start inside a room and you automatically get the Riot Gun. Pick up
the ammo as well. Now head out the door and take a right. Pick up the
uzi and go into the corridor. Keep going until you see big crates. Grab
the grenade shells and the uzi clips behind the crates. Then head out
into the harbor and look for a boat with explosive barrels. Blow up the
barrels so that whoever is inside is now blown to smithereens. Grab the
RED KEY inside the boat and then go to the red key door(it's right behind
the house you started in). Use the RED KEY on the door and go in.

Once you enter the red key door, a couple of female ninjas will be in
there and attack you. Take them out and then grab the nuke and also the
SILVER KEY! Now exit the red key door and then turn right. Then turn
left and you WILL see the silver keyhole. Go there and place the silver
key in there to gain access. Go in the silver key door and kill all the
brown ninjas in there, as well as a ripper and a coolie. There are a lot
of items in this room, so stock up all you need. Don't forget to grab
the repair kit along the way. Now go back outside and in the open water.

Do you see a steamed waterboat? You can see two, but you only need one
really. Use the repair kit you found back at the silver key house on the
broken vehicle and drive around until you see a small waterfall with a
opening on the top. Drive it over there and jump up to find some shotgun
shells plus a BRONZE KEY. Now go to the Bronze Key door(which is found
right across the silver key door) and use the BRONZE KEY on it.

Go in and enter the Marketplace. Lo Wang will say something about the
woman being his old girlfriend. Now let's test your timing skills or
else you will drown to death. In the room there is a switch. The plan
is to hit that switch, dive down the water, go in the opening, swim
around, grab the key, and then swim back inside before the thing closes
on you. You might want to save your game in these kind of situations.
The only reason I suggest that is because since it's underwater, there's
no doubt that there will be Koi in there to get in your way and slow
you down.

Anyway, once you make it back out, exit the room, as it probably stinks
like roasted human. Once you exit the room, take the path to the left of
the silver keyhole and stay on the right wall while moving forward. Then
turn right and around left to the gold key door. Use the GOLD KEY on it
and enter. Kill the baby rippers and pick up the caltrops and missile
launcher. Hit the end level switch to end the level.

Level 8. Zilla's Villa

You start the level with two or three brown ninjas shooting at your face
and throwing shurikens. Kill them and then move forward. To your right is
the silver key door and to the north is the gold key door. There is a
gong in between. Hit the gong and the column with the bird will slide down
revealing a Ripper Heart.

Now take the path to the left of the gong and go up the stairs. Keep going
around and by the time you are in the other side you will see the GOLD KEY.
Brown Ninjas and Baby Rippers will be here trying to protect the GOLD KEY.
Kill them off and grab the GOLD KEY as well as other items that the ninjas
may drop. Now make your way back to the gold key door.

Use the GOLD KEY on the door and go in.. Collect the SILVER KEY and kill
the ripper and guardian there. Check the room more for some rail gun rods
and a Riot Gun as well as some small medikits. Now make your way to the
silver key door and use the SILVER KEY on the keyhole(=P). Go in and you
should see a picture in front of you. Go through it to pick up a gas bomb
and night vision goggles. Now go down the spiral staircase and kill the
ninja there. Pick up the shotshells and the flash bomb on the table.

Now head to the fireplace to get the small medikits and immediately turn
around. Look up and you should see a ladder. Jump up to climb the ladder
to come up to the roof. Take a left, picking up the shotshells, and then
right, then left again. Kill the ninjas and keep going until you find
the BRONZE KEY. Pick up the key and the rail gun and jump down from the

You should land on the big fireplace. To the left is a gong in which you
can hit it that opens a hidden place revealing a missile launcher. In the
middle is a door on the right leading to a dojo for health regeneration
and some sticky bombs. And to the right is the bronze key door. There is
also some uzi clips in front of a picture you can get if you're low on uzi
ammo. Don't forget to check the picture as well for a grenade launcher in
it. Once you are done killing the enemies in the room, head to the bronze
key door and use the BRONZE KEY you found back up in the roof on it. Enter.

Once you get in, kill the ninjas there and pick up any items. There should
be a place you can jump to. Jump there for the RED KEY and some ammo. Now
head to the red key door(which is in the first fireplace room behind the
silver key door) and use the RED KEY on it. Head in and pick up the armor
and caltrops. Hit the end level switch to end the level.

Level 9. Monastery

You start off a level seeing a spinning slicing thing which will kill ALL
the ninjas in front of you giving you a nice headstart. If any of the
ninjas survived that, kill them off. There is a picture with two horsemen
on your left. Jump through it for a grenade launcher. Now stay on the left
wall and go to the first small space on the left. Check the walls for a
opening which will lead you to some sewer. Go behind the water on the
middle left for the RED KEY. Pick up the uzi clips and head in the tunnel.
Kill the ripper and the ninja up ahead. Now go back to the room with the
spinning slicing thing.

The red key door is right next to the silver key door. So use the silver
key on the door and head in. Kill all the enemies in here. There are
some things you can do here before heading to the north end and turning

1. Pick up the items in this room.

2. Hitting the gong will cause 4 panels in each corner to open for lots
of items and ammo.

Like I said, head to the other end and turn right and open the big doors
and go through. Head downstairs and kill the ripper and ninjas along the
way. Behind the statue is a Riot Gun. Next to the left column is a Uzi
and next to the right column are a couple of small medikits. Now head
up the little stairs to the dojo room, picking up the caltrops and shot-
gun shells along the way. Use the dojos to regain any lost health and
also kill the enemies here. Behind the opposite corner you came in is a
place you can go upstairs(where the brown ninja was shooting you from
above). Head left and through the door. Inside there is a huge column,
and behind it is the SILVER KEY as well as some ninjas. Grab the silver
key and the missile launcher behind it.

Now head to the silver key door(which is back in the room where hitting
the gong gives access to 4 panels, opposite of the bronze key door). Use
the SILVER KEY on that door and go through. The GOLD KEY is right next
to the first statue you see on the right! Pick up the GOLD KEY and kill
the ninjas that get in your way. Make your way back to the gold key door
(which is where the spinning slicing thing is, opposite the silver key
door). Use the GOLD KEY on the door and go through. Be fast at this, as
the slicing thing can catch up to you while you put the key in and try
to open the door quick enough.

Go up the stairs, head left, kill the grey ninjas, go down the other
end, and turn left to pick up the BRONZE KEY and grenade launcher. Now
make your way back to the bronze key door, which is located behind the
red key door(where you found items in the 4 panels by hitting the gong).

Use the BRONZE KEY on the door and go through. Kill all the missile-
launching ninjas here and stock up on missiles and get the armor. To
the right of the right statue is a opening. Go inside the opening to
find a Uzi. Now hit the end level switch to end the level.

Level 10. Raider of the Lost Wang


There are two exits to this level. One exit will lead you to Level 11:
Sumo Sky Palace, and the other one will lead you to Level 21: Shanghai
Shipwreck. I will be covering both exits for this level.


You start the level with a bunny in front of you running around looking
innocent. A Coolie will come up to you from the north to again test out
what he is carrying as he loves it. Now head right and stay on that wall
while moving forward. Do you see a white rabbit? Go that way and keep
going until you reach a place with two chairs and a column right in the
middle. In the north there is a spinning slicing thing. Try to go around
that without getting hurt to use the switch behind it. The water between
the two chairs will rise.

Dive under the water and you should be able to see a hole up where the
column is. Dive up the hole and climb the ladder. A female ninja is waiting
up there. Kill her and grab the shotshells, small medikits, and missiles.
Then jump down on the other end. Go in to find some grenade shells, rail
gun, and the GOLD KEY. Now make your way back to the two chairs. Make your
way to the gold key door(which is located on the middle West of your map).

Use the GOLD KEY on the door and go in. Kill all the enemies and go down
the stairs. Keep going, staying on the right wall killing enemies along
the way until you reach a silver key door. You can't go there because you
don't have the silver key, so head back down and you should see a crack
on the left wall somewhere. Blow it open and the stone walls should start
coming down making it look like they trapped you. No, they didn't.

Instead, go back to where you fought the rippers and ninjas. Can you see
a little ledge there? Use that to jump in the opening up ahead. Keep going
and you will see a big hole on the ground. Jump down this hole and kill
the guardian below. Keep going ahead and you should see some ninjas as
well as the SILVER KEY. Kill the ninjas and grab the SILVER KEY. Make your
way back to the silver key door.

Use the SILVER KEY on the door and go through. Turn the lever here. This
will fill the big hole(where you got the SILVER KEY) with water. So head
back to the big hole and dive under. Remember the other side of the hole
(where the SILVER KEY was standing)there was a hole above you can't reach?
Well, now you can reach it because there is water to help you dive up.

Dive up that hole to find a Missile Launcher and a Ripper Heart above.
Now dive back down and into the big opening and dive up again to find
a Riot Gun and some missiles there. Now dive back down and go through
and then dive back up. You should see some guardians and rippers there.
Kill them all and you'll notice that there is only one way to go. Yep,
the opening to the left of the bronze key door. So head down there and
get ready to face the Serpent Boss. This time there are two, so find
whatever way to deal with them and make it good. Use the statue as

Anyway, the BRONZE KEY is just under the left firepot, so grab that key
and make your way back to the bronze key door upstairs. Now you might
say, "There are two bronze key doors!? Which one am I suppose to go to?"
Use the one with the door that has 4 parts with the same design and go
through the bronze door all the way to the north opposite this one.

Once you head in, kill all the enemies in here. There is another bronze
door here, but don't worry about that. That isn't necessary. Instead,
dive down the water for some grenade shells. Dive back up and go into
either mini-waterfall-like thing and dive all the way down. You should
see a RED KEY in the middle. Grab it and dive back up. Make your way
back to the red key door(which would be upstairs to where you fought
the Serpent Boss, below the Japanese fan).

Use the RED KEY on the door and go through. Female ninjas are here to
give you a nice exit welcome. Kill them and hit the end level switch
on the other side to end the level.


Do not hit the end switch. Instead, search this place for some vines and
climb up. Grab the heat seeker card up there and hit the switch. This is
one of the two switches you must hit. Now let's search for the other one.

Head back to where you first entered the gold key door, but do not go in.
The rabbit is running in front of the picture giving you a clue. To the
left of the picture below is a medkit and also a switch. Hit this switch
and the picture will open giving you access to the secret level. Don't
forget the armor and ammo lying around. You'll need it =).

Now some of you may wonder what the other switch was for? Well, if you
hit this switch first, you'll get bars blocking the exit. To unlock the
bars, you must hit the other one. So, in conclusion, it doesn't matter
which switch you hit first, as long as you hit both of them. =)

Please see Level 21: Shanghai Shipwreck for walkthrough.


Level 11. Sumo Sky Palace

You start the level with a Baby Ripper and Guardian in your face as well
as a Brown Ninja shooting at you from the left window. To the left window
you can see the GOLD KEY and to the right window you can see the silver
key. Take the enemies down and immediately proceed forward. You will come
to the gold key door, but you don't have the key yet. To the right of the
gold key door is a opening with some items. You can check the left side,

Go to the door across the gold key door and proceed forward. A ninja will
be on the far side shooting at you. Kill them all and go all the way to
the other end and the switch will lower. Hit the switch and the GOLD KEY
behind you on the far side will lower giving you access. You must walk
across the ledges without falling to get that GOLD KEY. You'll know which
way to go on your way back. Pick up the smoke bomb and the GOLD KEY and
make your way back to the gold key door.

Use the GOLD KEY on the gold key door and go through. A Serpent will be
waiting in the middle of the room as well as a Ripper. Find a way to take
them both down and go to the other side of the room. You have a choice
between going left or right. First, take the left path and kill the
enemies there. Jump up the crates and you'll see that the door ahead is
locked. On the other side, there are two switches. Hit the RIGHT one and
then jump back down and go to the right path. Jump up the crates again
and you'll find two switches here as well. This time hit BOTH of them
and the door will open.

Go through the door and you'll realize that you're on the second floor.
Now go around and you should clearly see the RED KEY in the middle along
with a grenade launcher. Jump to get it and go back down to the first
floor and use the RED KEY on the red key door. The red key door is to
the west of the gold key door.

Once you go through, you'll notice there is a spinning slicing thing. Go
around it safely using the safe spots. On the other side, there is also
another spinning slicing thing, but first check the chair for some ammo
inside as well as a Ninja there shooting at you. Go to where the ninja
was and there should be a switch. This switch allows you to bypass the
other spinning slicing thing.(Phew! Secrets are sure helpful!). Anyway,
kill the enemies and check the middle bookcase for a rail gun. Now go
through the door ahead and kill the Coolie in there and the ninja ahead.

Keep following the path, down the stairs, and in to where a bunch of
Ripper and Coolie Ghosts are there waiting for you. Kill them all and
you'll see that the door is locked. Look around the room for bars. Open
the bars and hit the switch inside. The door will open, so rush in there
quickly before it closes. Now go down the ladder and you're back in the
outside place more or less where you started. Go up, turn left, jump
through, turn right, go up, jump to the ladder(careful) and climb up.

You might want to save the game here just in case you mess up. Anyway,
once you're up the ladder, there is a Guardian as well as firetraps up
there waiting for you. Damn Zilla. He really wants you dead. Anyway,
head down and you'll see a small medikit in front of you. Jump on this
platform and keep jumping up the platforms until you reach the other
side where the SILVER KEY is. Pick up the SILVER KEY and the missile
launcher and make your way back to where the firetrap room was.

The silver key door is right there, so use the SILVER KEY on it and
go through. You'll see a moving mechanism with spikes. Go through it
and open the door on the other side Kill any ninjas that are shooting
at you. In front of you, you will see columns moving up and down. The
plan is to jump at each column, one by one, to reach the other side.
(You might want to save your game here as well!)

Once you manage to reach the other side, you will see a picture of a
old woman. Open the picture and you will see a sign that says, "Beware!".
What that means is that as you approach the lever, the two corners of
the room will shoot missiles at you. The plan is to slowly move forward
and hit the lever at the farest distance you can possibly be away from.

Anyway, once you hit the switch, head back to the middle column. A
teleporter has generated. Go through the teleporter and now you will
have to fight the SUMO!! At each corner, there will be some ammo to
pick up. So pick them up if you're low on ammo. Here are some tips on
how to fight this fat stinking piece of giant:

1. Use the Corners for cover.
2. Only shoot at him when you have a clear shot.
3. He can use magic mapalm as well, so watch out for his movements and
know when to dodge or cover yourself. He has no backup, so it's only
between you and him. Like the Serpent, he has Accursed Heads around
him using Gas Bombs at you.

Once you manage to defeat him, you will see a pretty cool cinematic
of Lo Wang having his meal and that ends the level. =)

Level 12. Bath House

"Holy Cow! Look like Duke Nukem!"

You start the level with a clear view of an explosion in the far end
and Lo Wang saying the quote above. Kill the enemies up ahead and then
turn left. Keep going until you see a green truck with female ninjas
on top. Blow up the tubes to take them all down including the truck
itself. When the truck is blown away, there is some water underneath
it. Dive down, swim forward, blow up the vent on the other side, go
through, and then dive back up.

You should be inside a bathroom with some ninjas who probably took a
crap before they got out. Anyway, kill them all. You'll notice that
next to each toilet/urinal there is a switch. All the switch does is
flush the toilet/urinal. Only do that if it stinks :P. Anyway, from
the way you dove up, there are 3 ways to go. To your left you can
either go to the pool or the locker room and to the right you can go
to the counter.

First, head to the pool. Kill the ninjas there and look down at the
pool. There is a opening there, so dive down the pool and go into
that opening to find a missile launcher as well as a switch that opens
the bars to the left. Go through and pick up the blue key. Now go back
to the pool and get out. Now head to the counter and kill the enemies
there. Go upstairs and kill the two Coolies. The blue key door is just
right there to your left.

Use the blue key card you found on it and head inside. Kill ALL the
rippers in here. One of the generators have the yellow key in it, but
you can't get it right now. The room is dark, so follow carefully. Look
at your compass(this is the first time I ask you to do this btw) and
turn until it reads North East. Now go to that very corner and turn
around. You should see a switch below. Hit that switch. Something
should rise up. To the left of that switch is a hole with some water.
Dive down that water and look for a little hole. Look through that
hole and you should see a switch that spins. Shoot the switch to
activate the generator giving you access to the yellow key now.

So dive up and get out to get the yellow key. Head back outside the
blue key door and go upstairs(the stairs below the sign "Gold Card
Members Only"). Use the yellow key on the door and go through. To
the left is a gate that can only be accessed with a red keycard. To
your right is a purple-hair girl taking a dip in the water. There
is also a blue towel there, so check on that and that will open a
wall revealing a Guardian Head and some sticky bombs.

Anyway, to the left of the blue towel is another pool with a switch
on the side. Hit the switch and the water will lower revealing the
RED KEY and a Riot Gun. Pick up the RED KEY and use it on the gate.
Go through and a couple of brown ninjas will shoot at you from the
pool below. Kill them both and hit the switch behind the grey panel
for a tool kit. Now make your way back down more or less where you
started the level.

Find the green vehicle and repair it. Use it to blow up the crack on
the silver door(that can't be normally blown up by your explosives).
Go through the door and kill the Coolie there. Keep going and check
both lockers for a gas bomb and a smoke bomb. You will see a plane
crashing out the window. Hit the end level switch to end the level.

Level 13. Unfriendly Skies


There are two exits to this level. One exit will lead you to Level 14:
Crude Oil, and the other one will lead you to Level 22: Auto-Maul. I
will be covering both exits for this level.


You start the level facing where the plane exactly crashed at. Grab
some medikits and head into the TV Room. Kill all the brown ninjas in
here and head through the door across the big red dot. This is the game
room here, with a few pachinko machines as well as female ninjas. So
kill them and head into the other pachinko room. There is a switch
behind the left set of pachinko machines on the pachinko machine itself,
so hit it and the machines beside it will lower revealing a missile

Now head in the airplane cabin. Grab the RED KEY as well as night
vision goggles and some small medikits. Make your way back to the TV
room and use the RED KEYCARD on the red key door. Take the lift down
to Nin-Nin Airlines. There is a grey ninja up on the second floor
pumping out grenades at you, so watch out. Look for a sign marked
"Impulse Gifts" and go upstairs. Kill that ninja and enter the bookstore.

Grab the heat seeker card in the bookstore and some small medikits if
you're low on health. Check the register and a panel will open giving
you a fortune cookie. Now go back downstairs and enter Nin-Nin Airlines.
Turn right and keep going. You should see a room with a Coolie and a
C4 box. Go inside this room and hit the switch somewhere around the C4
box. Stand BACK because the countdown has started and you could get
blown to pieces. Anyway, once the C4 has detonated, go back in there
and find the yellow key. Grab it.

Now enter Baggage Claim 7. Kill all the ninjas in here and collect as
many items as you can to stock up. Now go back to the part where you
first entered Nin-Nin Airlines(which would be at the lift). The yellow
key door is here, so use the yellow key card and go through. Keep going
up until you reach the radar room. Kill ALL the rippers in here and grab
the BLUE KEYCARD as well as various other items and ammo.

Now go back out to the main room and this time go left in Nin-Nin Airlines
and turn right. Take the first door to your left and you should be in the
information room. The blue key door is right under the Gate 21A sign, so
use the BLUE KEYCARD on it and go through. Keep going up, killing baby
rippers along the way. Once you reach the top, you will spot a couple of
mini-sumos. Take them out and be careful because when they die they will
pump out nasty gas at you. Once both are down, hit the end level switch
to end the level.


Do not hit the end switch. Instead, go back to where the red key elevator
was. Take the lift back to the top. Now the plan is to hit the switch
while you're outside the elevator so that the elevator would go down
without you. But make sure you are jamming the door with your body so it
wont close. Now enter the top of the lift and hit the switch there so
that it can bring you to the top where the secret end level slime is.

Walk to the slime and you'll be transported to Level 22: Auto-Maul.

**Please read Level 22: Auto-Maul Level Walkthrough below!**


Level 14. Crude Oil

You start the level with a few brown ninjas shooting at you. Kill them
all and head out into the opening. Kill all the enemies here and then
take the path across from the blue key door. You should see a building
with a "Zilla" sign on it. Behind it is a window you can go through to
a office room. Grab the grenade launcher and missiles. Check the Shadow
Warrior PC and immediately go into the machinery room. Grab the RED KEY
and the items inside. Make sure you kill all the enemies here as well.

Now make your way back to the red key door(which is where you first
entered the opening to your right) and use the RED KEYCARD on it. Go
through and kill all the ninjas and coolies here. Now go up and proceed
to the waiting room. The BLUE KEYCARD is just in the SouthWest corner
(using your compass). Grab that BLUE KEYCARD and hit the switch next to
it. This switch will open the covers for the windows. Now(using your
compass) go to the North window. Aim below and you should see a barrel
down there. Blow it up using your Missile Launcher and the machinery
will start moving.

Now exit the red key door and turn right. Keep going until you see the
blue key door to your left. Use the BLUE KEYCARD on it and go through
to Operations. Kill all the enemies in here(which would be some ninjas,
Coolies, and Female Ninjas). You'll see the top level doors are locked,
so go through the silver door at the bottom level. Kill all the ninjas
in here and hit the switch behind the computer. This will open one of
the top level doors, so head there and kill the enemies inside.

Grab the armor and below it is a switch. Hit it and the door to your
right will open. Go in and kill all the enemies ahead. Enter the slime
room. The YELLOW KEYCARD is clearly visible to you, so grab that and
any items inside the room. Now make your way back to the yellow key
door. The yellow key door is SouthEast on your map and East on your
compass. Use the YELLOW KEYCARD you found earlier on it and go through
in the crate room. Plenty of items in here, including a portable
medikit and a GREEN KEYCARD on top, and a repair kit. Grab all the
items including the GREEN KEYCARD and make your way to the green key

Go out the yellow key door and turn left. If you didn't blow up the
barrels earlier, blow them up now. This will create a opening you can
go through. Go through this opening and just on the other side to your
right is the green key door. Use the GREEN KEYCARD you found on it and
open the door. You should have a nice view of Zilla's oil supply. Lo
Wang will say, "Time to destroy Zilla's oil supply." Next to some oil
tanks are barrels. Blow up the barrels and get ready to watch the new
Independence Day. Once the fence is knocked out, go through and it
should end the level.

Level 15. Coolie Mines

This is a very short level, one of the very few.

You start the level in front of a bridge. To your behind left are some
small medikits. The first step you take on the bridge is the second the
two doors will open from the sides with turret guns behind them, so
either take them out or jump to the other side where the Uzi is. Either
way you have to take out the turrets. One of the turrets has a RED KEY
behind it, so jump there and grab it. Now jump back on the bridge and
keep going into the Coolie Mines in front of you. Down the other end
is the BLUE KEYCARD, so grab it and then head back out. Then turn right
and go down the other path, killing the rippers along the way.

Keep going down the path, going past the drill until you come to the
red key door. Use the RED KEY on it and proceed. Hit the switch on the
left and the lift will come up with the Serpent Boss. Find a way to
take him out and then take the lift down. On the bottom ahead is the
blue key door, so use the BLUE KEYCARD you found earlier and go through.
Keep going down the path, past the drill, killing enemies along the
way. You should come up to the point where you see a out-of-control
drill that has no idea where it is going.

Anyway, break the window and go through. Be careful, as this insane
drill can hurt you if it touches you, sending you flying all over the
place. Anyway, keep heading down the path until you reach two fans.
One is working and one isn't. Break the fan that ISN'T working and
go through it. On the other end is a switch. Hit it and it will
send you flying all the way up to heaven. Be sure when it sends you
up, you go forward so that you land on the water UNHARMED. If you
do nothing, you will land a big fall and take a lot of damage.

Anyway, once you're in the water, lots of wasps and a Serpent will
be waiting. Kill them all and head for the big steel door to end the

Level 16. Subpen 7

You start off in front of a submarine. There is a ninja on top of the
sub shooting at you. Kill him off and then proceed forward. Jump on
the sub and the first 3 blast doors will open. Kill all the ninjas by
shooting the barrels. You can check each place for some items. As you
go down to the other end of the sub, the last two blast doors will open
with ninjas and fuel tanks. Blow up the tanks to kill the ninjas along
and grab the BLUE KEYCARD at the most far right blast door opening at
the top of the crates.

The blue key door is in the first right opening you came through, so
use the BLUE KEYCARD on it and go through. Follow down the corridor
killing the enemies and enter the door ahead. You should be in a big
place now. Do you see a grey ninja pumping grenades at you? There is
a mechanism there that requires the YELLOW KEYCARD to operate, which
you don't have yet. From the way you entered, head left, then north,
then take the first left, and then head north until you reach a small
ladder with tanks and ninjas on the top level. Blow up the barrels
and the YELLOW KEYCARD will generate.

Grab the yellow kaycard and head back to that mechanism I was talking
about earlier. use the key on the mechanism and hit the switch. This
will open the Restricted doors on the other end, so head there before
it closes. To the very East is the RED KEYCARD on the crates, so grab
it and kill all the enemies over there. Now head back to the very West
door and head through. The red key door is right there up ahead, so
use the RED KEY on it and it will open revealing the end switch.

You wont be able to hit the end switch, so what happens is that the
moment you approach it, you will be transported to a cell. Walk forward
and the level will end.

Level 17. The Great Escape

You start off in a cell. From the way it seems, there is no way out.
But the truth is there is a way out(obviously). See the grate at the
bottom there? Check on that and it will slowly slide away. Jump down
and you should land unharmed in the water. Dive back up and get out of
the water. Blow up the fuel tanks and it should create a hole. Inside
the hole is the BRONZE KEY. Make sure you grab any other items to stock
up in this room.

Now dive back down and swim forward to where the Koi is. Keep swimming
and dive up the first surface you see. To the very left is a ladder, so
climb up and kill both Female Ninjas up there. There are two doors here
at two ends. One end is the silver key door and the other end is the
bronze key door. You have the BRONZE KEY, so go to the bronze key door
and use the key on it. Go through the door and kill the female ninjas
and ninjas in there. The left has the yellow key door and the right is
a dead end. So walk forward and head left to the washing room. Behind
the dressing room door is a fortune cookie. Now head to the right to
the locker room. On the top of the locker are some uzi ammo and armor.

Now head up to the bedroom and kill the two Coolies there. Go through
the door and keep going, killing the ninjas along the way until you
come through the walkway. Kill all the enemies here and go through the
vent at either end of the walkways. Either way you have to turn right
and keep going. You should come across the cells one by one. The last
cell you come across contains the RED KEYCARD. Grab it and make your
way back to the red switch. Use the RED KEYCARD on it and hit the left
switch so open the left cells. You've already entered the right ones,
so it's not necessary.

The first cell on the left will have the YELLOW KEYCARD. The second
cell is where you started the level, and the third cell has some grenade
ammo. Make your way back to the yellow key door(which is to the left of
the bronze key entrance). Use the YELLOW KEYCARD on it and go through.
Take the first left to the boiling room. To the left around the alcove
is a switch, hit it and the Alert will signal. Now hit the left door
switch and there's some armor behind it. The right door has nothing

Now go back out and into the office room. Behind the picture of the man
in green is the SILVER KEY. There is some uzi ammo in here as well. Check
the mirror and there will be some grenade ammo and a flash bomb hidden
within. Grab the SILVER KEY and make your way back to the silver key
door(on your way back there are a lot of Coolie Ghosts that are blocking
your way). Use the SILVER KEY on it and go through.

There is a Serpent Boss in here, so kill him off and enter the Cafeteria.
There are some uzi ammo and a fortune cookie on the table. The end level
switch is just to the right between the two windows. Hit it and it will
end the level.

Level 18. Floating Fortress

When you start the level, a bunch of ninjas at the top ahead are shooting
at you. Either use a Missile Launcher to blow them all away or use the
mounted gun on the vehicle. Now the huge door ahead is locked, so dive
down underwater and swim under that door. Dive back up when you see the
surface. Head up to the "Zilla Enterprises" sign and kill the female
ninjas there and also on the 103 ship. Now the door underneath the sign
requires a red key and the door on the top of the 103 ship requires a
blue key. What should you do? Dive back down underwater.

Now use your compass and go to the middle of the ship underwater and
have it set to North and South. Along the line is a square-shaped
surface. Dive up and you should be inside a dark room with female ninjas
in here. Kill them all and head into the next room. Go to where the
brown ninja is and hit the switch. Now head up to where the red ninja
is and hit the Manual Override(red-lit switch) switch. This will cause
an explosion whch will blow up the "Level" window along with it.

Now head to the "Level" window, which is right next to the "Pump"
window. Hit the switch inside of it and it will give you access to the
"Flood Control Dam" room. Go in there and hit the switch to open the
door next to it. You are now in the mechanism room. Kill the ninjas on
the top right of you and go up there. You should see a bunch of switches
on the wall somewhere. First hit switches 2 and 3 and the panel next to
it should lower. Hit the "Pump" switch and it should activate something.

Do you see the Serpent Boss inside a room? Well, use your missiles to
blast through the steel fence and kill it. Now do you see a floating
crate anywhere? Use that to jump to where the Serpent Boss was and pick
up the RED KEYCARD. Now do you see some twirling water? Go in there and
you're more or less back under the ship underwater, so dive up and make
your way to the red key door. Use the key on it and go through. Kill
the baby rippers in here and head for the NorthWest corner using your
compass. Turn around and you should see a switch. Hit it and something
will rise. Use the crates to jump on that, then jump to where the
portable medikit is and jump to the other side. Just a little to the
left is a switch. Hit it and the door below will lower.

Go through the door and inside the room. There is a switch below the
tool kit that illuminates the room. Now kill all the ninjas in here.
Approach the steamed vehicle. Female Ninjas will start to spawn on top
of the crates, so kill them all to make sure you're clear. Now if you
don't have a repair kit, there is one on top of the crates. Just use
the forklift to jump to it. Now repair the steamed vehicle and blast
the crates(set your compass to East) there and it should give you way.
Hit the switch as well to create a way.

Go through and grab the blue key. Baby Rippers will start to come out
from somewhere as well as a Serpent afterwards. Now make your way back
to the blue key door(which would be at the 103 ship on the top) and use
the blue key on it. Go through and up the ladder to the upper level. You
are now in the radar room and in the captain's room. Kill the rippers in
here and grab any items you need to stock up on. Now head for the lower
level to the dining room.

Kill everyone in here. In the kitchen, there is some uzi ammo behind the
freezer. Now go through the right door(the one next to the red-lit ladder
you came down of) and kill everyone in here as well. Take the first door
on your left to Medical(Medlabs). Kill everyone in here. Now take the
first right to the locker room and kill all the ninjas in here. There's
some ammo behind the lockers and some grenade shells in the shower room.

Now go back out and head West into the bedroom. There are two ninjas
here, so take them out. There are also three lockers here. Behind the
C. Bligh locker are some sticky bombs. Behind the C. Ahab locker is
a pair of night vision goggles. Behind the D. Jones locker is a wall
you can open up ahead for a secret to the girl's room. Looks like Sailor
Moon to me. :P Behind the C. Hook locker here is a Guardian Head.

Hit the switch next to the girl's bed to get back out. Head to the room
in front of you and Lo Wang will say it stinks like dead baboon. Now
go back out and head through the double doors to your right. Female
Ninjas will be here, so kill them all. The Torpedoes cannot be detonated
at all here, so using explosives wouldn't pose a big threat. Anyway,
head behind the phone and you can see the yellow key right there in
front of the radar system control computers.

Make your way back to the yellow key door(which would be on your way
back killing the ninjas, take the right path and keep going until you
see a opening on the left) and use the YELLOW KEYCARD on it and go
through. When you try to step on the teleporter, Lo Wang will say it
has no power. So head through the door to the power room and kill all
the female ninjas there. There is a switch below the Atomic symbol, so
hit it and the power is restored now. Now you can go through the
teleporter back in that room. Make sure you kill a couple of Baby
Rippers along the way. Once you go through the teleporter, you will be
transported into a small room with a switch.

Hit the switch and you'll notice that lights have turned on in the
distance with the door opened. Now make your way back under the ship
underwater and swim to the lights. A huge fan will keep blowing you
and you will end up underwater again on the other side. Quickly float
back up again before you drown to death and head for the burned place
to end the level.

Level 19. Water Torture

You start in front of the burned place. Grab any items and dive down
the water(in the center of your map) and look for a vent in front of a
small medikit somewhere. Go through the vent and you're on the other
side now. Go through the opening and dive up. Jump out and ninjas will
be here shooting at you. Kill them and you'll see that the lift ahead
will require the red key and the door next to it will require the
yellow key. There's only one more door to go through, so go through the
door and kill the ninjas up ahead.

Jump to the "10" Submarine and kill the ninjas there. Now jump back up
the way you came in and then set your compass to East. Jump there and
kill the ninjas. There should be a red-lit room there somewhere(next to
the red cabinet). Jump down there and a couple of baby rippers will try
to scratch you, so kill them and proceed through the door ahead. You'll
see a girl with a mechanic screwer as well as moving columns next to
her. One of them isn't moving, so check on that and it will come down
giving you the BLUE KEYCARD.

Make your way back to the blue key door, which is right there when you
come back out from the red-lit room. Use the BLUE KEYCARD on it and go
through. Keep going down the blue corridor and enter the first room to
your right to the bedroom. There are some items in here you can get to
stock up. On the top of the bedroom, there are some vents there. Once
you're done with that, hit the fuel tank and the corridor should be
underwater now. The doors are now locked.

If you dive back up, you're back where you started the level. So the
thing is, don't dive back up unless you need some oxygen. Swim back to
the bedroom and face East(using your compass) and go up to THAT vent
for the RED KEYCARD. The other vent there has some sticky bombs if you
are low on that. NOW you can dive back up, but be careful as ninjas are
up there waiting.

Make your way to the red key lift by using the path I showed you in
the first paragraph. Use the RED KEYCARD on it and take the lift. You
are now in the computer room with Rippers! Kill all the Rippers and
grab the GREEN KEYCARD. The other door is locked because of the water
on the other side. Now make your way back to the outside of the BLUE
key door. Set your compass to NorthWest and head there. Go through the
door and kill anything that moves. Open the other door and kill the
Guardian there.

Take the first left and keep going South and turn right. There should
be a ladder. Climb up and turn left. Use your GREEN KEYCARD on the
"Authorized Personnel" door and go through. There is a Shadow Ninja
in here as well as some shotshells and a fortune cookie. Kill the
ninja and hit the switch. The lift should start moving, so head back
out and jump on the lift. It should take you to the other side you
couldn't reach before. Jump there and kill the Guardian. Go through
the other door and kill the enemies there.

Pick up the YELLOW KEYCARD on the other side. The yellow key door is
in front of you, but if you use it on that, you'll end up in a very
familiar place. So what you should do is go back to where you rode
the moving lift. There's a yellow key door there as well. So use the
key on that and go through. Down the yellow path is a switch, so hit
it and the lift should rise up. Take the lift down and kill the Coolies
and Shadow Ninja down there.

Go in and you should see a remote control. Through the window is a
mini-watertank. Use the remote control to blow a hole through the
steel door(there's a crack in the middle there). Now make your way
back under the "10" Submarine underwater and swim to the hole you just
blew up. Grab the grenade ammo there and swim up. Two Serpent Gods
will be up there shooting fireballs at you. Kill them both and jump
up to the path to find the end level switch and hit it to end the

Level 20. Stone Rain

Yay! Congratulations! You made it to the final level of Shadow Warrior
Code of Honor episode! Now you get to face Zilla head to head! But
first you must get to him!

"Zilla is here, Lo Wang. Remember what I've taught you. The force will
be with you, always.."

Anyway, you start off with a earthquake happening. The voice of Master
Leep will express the quote I typed above. Anyway, do not go up the
volcano yet. Do you see where the Uzi ammo is? Go up THAT path and kill
as you keep going. Keep going until you reach a house. The door is
locked by two switches inside. Shoot the switches through the left and
right windows. Go in and you should see the Sumo Boss. Plenty of Ammo
here, but get this:


Do you see a big picture? Go through that picture and there will be
a handful of fortune cookies inside. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT STEP
BACK OUT! Instead turn around and shoot him from there. He CAN'T fight
back! It makes sense as he can't see where you are, which in fact you
are behind the picture where you've got a view of him.

I knew secrets were handy and extremely helpful! The best way to make
this tactic effective is to squeeze a ripper heart and let the "other"
Lo Wang do the work for you. He has better aim than you do anyway and
plus the rail gun he has, he can dish out a lot of damage because he
can shoot five times the speed of your rail gun. This should take only
about 1 or 2 hearts before fatso goes down.

You should only use a ripper heart if you want to conserve your ammo
for the battle with Zilla.

Once you kill him, grab the SILVER KEY in the center of the room and
anything you need to stock up on and head back outside. Make your way
back down the path and head up the volcano through the clouds. Face
SouthWest and keep going until you reach the silver key door on the
left side of your map. Use the SILVER KEY on it and go through.

At sometime you will slide down a ramp. Take a right and keep going
until you reach the Serpent God's lair. Kill off the Serpent and make
your way back up to where you slid down. Grab the yellow key in the
middle and hit the switch right next to the ramp. This should change
the ramp to stairs for a way to go back up. Go back up and out the
silver key door.

Set your compass to North and keep going that way. The yellow key
door should be visible in the distance as your approach through. Use
the yellow keycard on it and go through. Hit the lever inside and
a hole should be created in the lava on top of the volcano. Jump
down the hole and kill the Guardians down there. Plenty of missiles,
grenades, and rail gun ammo here. Follow the path, killing guardians
along the way until you come to a place with four fortune cookies.

Hit the switch and the door ahead will open. Go through the door
and down the ramp up ahead. It's Zilla!

Zilla is one tough mutha! The floor will tilt left and right making
your aim a little hard on Zilla. That's Zilla's advantage. Your edge
on this battle is that he is slow, but fast when using his weapons.
You can strafe much easier than he could, but he has a handy amount
of energy, so it takes quite a while to take him down. Try using a
ripper heart to let the other Lo Wang do some work with his version
of the rail gun. Remember to create some angles between you and
Zilla. You have the power.

Once you manage to defeat Zilla, you will watch a nice ending
cinematic and the ending quote will start. Congratulations, you have
beaten Shadow Warrior!

Level 21. Shanghai Shipwreck

Yay! You found the secret level! Congratulations! However this is only
one of the two secret levels you find. Anyway, on to the walkthrough!

You start off on the top of a ship which is wrecked up(hence why they
call it a Shipwreck =P). Kill the guardian and the brown ninja in the
distance. Now head up the ledges(where the brown ninja was shooting at
you) and find a Riot Gun inside(watch out for the fireballs that come
at you). Now head back out to the shipwreck. You'll see that the huge
doors require a red key to be accessible. So where do you go? The only
place there is. Underwater. Yes, dive down the water and you'll see
that there is one place to go here as well. Keep swimming, picking up
the sticky bombs along the way, and dive back up on the other side.

From here, you will be attacked by baby rippers. So kill them all off
and find a crack. Blow up the crack and a ripper will give you a nice
surprise. Kill it off and go through the crack. Move fast here to the
RED KEY in the corner because the spikes will come down fast at you,
causing some damage. Grab the RED KEY and hit the switch to create
another path in the left. Jump up and you're more or less where you
got the Riot Gun before. So now head back out to the Shipwreck.

You have the RED KEY with you, so why not use it on the red key door
and go through. The gold key door here is inaccessible for now, so
head out into the water-jungle. Kill as many enemies as possible so
that they don't get in the way. Now look carefully. There is one tree
that has a ladder on it. Climb up and hit the switch above. The tree
behind you will lower. Jump on that and retrieve the SILVER KEY.

Hitting the switch on that tree will lower it, allowing you to jump
down safely. Now head to the place behind the tree and turn left. Now
turn right into the hot place with the grenade-ninja and kill him off
before he blows you up to death. Jump through the hot place from one
spot to the other. Once you make it to the other side, go upstairs.
There are two doors here that looks as if it can't be opened. Hitting
the gong will open one of the doors containing some items. The other
door is accessible by stepping on the floor switch(it's in the place
between the gong and the door opposite of it) and going there before
it closes as it is timed.

Once you make it through, a guardian will be waiting there as well as
some firetraps. Avoid the firetraps and use the SILVER KEY on the door
up ahead and go in as quick as possible! You now enter the grassy
field where a couple of Coolies are here and a Grey Ninja on the top
of some tree. Kill them all and jump on the branches around the tree
to make it to the top so you can get the GOLD KEY. It might take a few
tries. Once you grabbed the GOLD KEY, head back down.

Now make your way back to the gold key door, which would be back in the
part where you found the SILVER KEY. Only this time you use the second
tree to jump back to the gold key door. Use the GOLD KEY on the door and
go through. Behind the pictures are some enemies, so take them out. Now
the door to the left can't be opened by checking on it. There is a floor
switch behind the crates somewhere, so step on that and then go through
the door.

Once you make it through, kill the ripper and ninja here. Then go through
the door on the right. Step on the floor switch right in the middle and
the 3 panels will open revealing THREE end level switches. Now you might
say, "WHICH ONE SHOULD I HIT!?". Two of them poses a threat to you.

Left Switch: Triggers 2 Guardians.
Middle Switch: Triggers 4 Guardians.
Right Switch: The Exit Switch.

Yep, hit the right one unless you want to be attacked by Guardians who
love to test out their heads to see what it is capable of. Once again,
the right switch ends the level. Now you will go back to Level 11: Sumo
Sky Palace.

Level 22. Auto Maul

Congratulations, you have made it to the second secret level! Now on to
the walkthrough!

You start off with ninjas and coolie ghosts in front of you. Kill them off
by blowing up the barrels and kill any remaining survivors. Once all of
them are dead, pick up the Sticky Bombs and Shurikens. Then head to the
Cafeteria. A Red Ninja is here as well as some of his friends, so kill
them off and grab the blue key between the two posters on your left when
you came in. Jump behind Duke Burger for some shotshells and Uzi, then
jump behind the other food place for a fortune cookie and some grenades.

Now head back to where you started the level. To the left were some
barrels and ninjas that generated a portable medikit. There is a red key
door there, but it's inaccessible for now. Instead, check on the wall up
ahead and it will slide to the left. Go in and you're in the display
room. Kill any ninjas in there and use the blue key on the door to the
Showroom. Now kill all the ninjas here and go behind the red car into
a red-lit room with some armor and uzi clips.

Go back to the Showroom. There is some Sticky Bombs behind the truck if
you can find it. :P Just keep going until you reach the top with a display
of another red car and a girl in a swimsuit. The RED KEYCARD is on the red
vehicle here, so grab it and head for the red key door(which would be in
the "Service" department). Use the RED KEYCARD on the door and go through.

You are now in the garage. Kill the ninjas and rippers here and use the
cabinet(the one with the screwdriver on it) to jump up to the upper level
and grab the sticky bombs, gas bomb, and other goodies. Now jump back down
and hit the switch beside the left garage door. Go through and a bunch of
ninjas will shoot at you using the barrels for cover. Blow up the barrels
to teach them a lesson that hiding behind barrels for cover is never a
good idea.

Find the trash can and jump up to get some uzi clips. Jump up the ledge
and get some armor if you're running low. Now face North using your
compass. The left window there you can go through. Jump a little through
it and you should land on the ledge on the other side. To your right is
the yellow keycard, so grab it. Head back to the yellow key door, which
is more or less where you started the level. Use the yellow keycard on
the door and go through. The GREEN KEYCARD should be clearly visible. If
you can't see it, then I don't know how you got this far..

Anyway, grab the GREEN KEYCARD and kill all the enemies in the office. To
the left of the computer is a switch which opens the panel right next to
it leading you back to where the red key door is. On the top of the
cabinets is a vent you can shoot for a Riot Gun inside. Now head back to
the display room. The green key door is right there(West according to
your compass). Use the GREEN KEYCARD you found on it and go through. You
are in the same place where you got the yellow key.=) Kill the two Sumos
and Rippers here and keep going until you reach the fence. Open the fence
and you can now exit the level.(Don't forget the small medikits in there
as well.)

Game Walkthrough Completed as of
March 16, 2004!


In the Secrets section, more than half of them are copied exactly from
Bounty Hacker/John Kingdon's secrets guide. I did this only because I
couldn't have found a better way of expressing it. Also, most are reworded
for better grammar issues just in case you don't understand.

3-2-A. Enter the Wang

Level 1. Seppuku Station
Secrets: 6

1. In the room you start in, there is a gong in the other room you can
overlook. Use your shurikens to hit it and the picture in the corner
will open.

2. In the crate room with the gold key, there is a window northwest of
the locked door. To get to it, you must use the small ledges on the
wall and jump through.

3. After you used the gold key and open the door to your first room,
move to the right and check the corner there. The wall above you
will open. To get to it, you need to get the garbage can in that
corner by shooting it with your Uzis. Then jump on the garbage can
and in the opening.

4. In the room where you have to wait for the train to come, there
should be a lot of lockers there. Check the third one from the left
and the corner next to the entrance of the pachinko room will open.

5. Check the ATM machine in the game room and the spinning picture
thing opposite of it will lower.

6. In the room where you have to wait with the soup stand, the right-
hand lockers slide up when you check on it.

Level 2. Zilla Construction
Secrets: 7

1. "To the right of the door to the power plant, there's a small alcove
in the wall of crates. Press against the back and it will open."

2. "In the area with the crates beyond the power plant, climb the ladder,
turn around, and jump onto the nearby crates. Turn right and jump onto
the right-hand upright steel beam. Then jump back onto the pile of crates
with the ladder."

3. "In the back of the office area (beyond the portable toilet), there's
a picture. Press it and it will slide up. Press the switch behind it and
a panel in the opposite corner opens."

4. "Also in the back of the office area is an airvent. Open it, climb in
and go as far as you can."

5. There is a panel next to the gold key door with a grenade launcher.

6. After you used the blue key to the Power Plant, go in and jump on the
platform to the left of the ramp as you're going down. Then jump on the
other platform and check the wall there.

7. After you've used the Tool Kit to repair the forklift, manuever it to
the left of the big turret where the nuke is. Jump up to the nuke using
the forklift as a boost.

Level 3. Master Leep's Temple
Secrets: 8

1. On the top of the sign saying "Master Leep's Throne there is a crack
in it. Blow it up and jump in it.

2. In the firepit room with two upside-down corpses, there is a picture
of Master Leep and his beautiful colored-hair women. Check the picture

3. "In the back courtyeard there's a waterfall. Jump above it and dive."

4. "While underwater in Secret Area #3, you'll notice that there's a
switch behind the bars. Hit it and jump back out into the courtyard. Go
through the bronze key doors, turn right and jump up on the crates in
the corner. A panel in the wall above the crates has opened. It closes
quickly, so you'll have to hurry."

5. "After getting onto the rotating gong platform in the lava pit, jump
to the small ledge in the corner. Use a ranged weapon to hit the button
high up on the wall opposite it. A panel heind you will then open."

6. "To get out of the curshing corridor, you had to blow up the mechanism
controlling the bars. Jump into the hole in the wall this created."

7. "After solving the sliding-wall puzzle that opens the underwater door,
go back into the curshing corridor. A passage to a ladder has opened.
Climb up."

8. There are two ways to get to the final secret.

Solution #1. "When you first emerge onto the mountain path, you will see
a rabbit. What's suppose to happen is this: when you move towards it, it
will hop down the path a ways and then jump out into the open space. Being
a clever gamer, you will remember the "follow the rabbit" sign in Master
Leep's basement and jump out the space yourself. Unfortunately, since
you're attacked by wasps as soon as you emerge onto the path, you will
almost certainly blow the rabbit away while trying to get rid of them
and will therefore never see this clue. Anyway, there's a concave wall
opposite the mountain path just beyond where you come up. Jump as far as
you can towards the middle of the wall. You will fall a long way and land
unharmed in a lake. After getting the items in the lake you will then
emerge into a pastoral valley filled with cute bunnies. You will struggle
briefly with the temptation to nuke them all. Then enter the tomb of the
Hong Kong Action Hero, which is the official secret. From there, take
the right teleporter to a red-lit area with armor. Blow up the barrels
and you're back more or less where you started. The left teleporter in
the tomb takes you to Master Leep's corpse. This bypasses the mountain
path but means that you'll have to face the horde of wasps on very uneven

Solution #2. The exit of this level is a tilting floor. Step a little onto
it and immediately step back so that you wont fall in it just yet. The floor
will tilt just like you see. Now go back to the room that is lighted with
green, and you'll see that something opened up with some items and a
teleporter to the tomb of the Hong Kong Action Hero(which in case could be
Jackie Chan).

Level 4. Dark Woods of the Serpent
Secrets: 5

1. "There's a shrine at the back of the Dark Woods. To the right of the door
is a shuttered window with a crack. Blow it open and go in. There's a nuke
as well as a switch that turns off the shrine's fire traps."

2. "In the Zen garden in the peasant village, jump up on one of the stones
and jump towards the central pillar. There's some armor inside it."

3. "After entering Ripper Valley, dive into the water below the waterfall to
your left. You'll emerge into a valley with an unusual rabbit. Blow up the
barrels beyond the rabbit."

4. "After clearing out the cave above the second waterfall, go to the very
back. There's a fortune cookie there."

5. "In the giant pit with the remote-controlled stone pillars, there's a
small cave below in the back wall below the level of the pillars. Use the
pillars to get to it. It has a teleporter so you can get out."

3-2-B. Code of Honor

Level 5. Rising Son
Secrets: 7

1. Jump off the boat. Go back to where the boat started and face West. Sink
to the bottom and you should see a hole on a wall. Go through the hole to
find a tunnel. Go through the tunnel to the other side to find a cookie.

2. In the firepit room, step on the table. The picture in the next room will
open. Go there to collect some items.

3. Shoot the gong behind the waterfall and the panel on the side will open
revealing a missile launcher.

4. In the corridor with cobwebs hanging down, shoot one of the lights and
you should see a wooden panel. Check it to reveal some items.

5. Stand on top of the waterfall. Go through the wall and get a rail gun.

6. In the room with cobwebs and a painting, there is a annoying statue which
will shoot at you once you leave the room. Jump in to the painting to get
some missiles.

7. There are two Buddha-looking statues you must step on to lower them. One
of them has two doors(the one in the middle of some water). A reminder that
you must step on both statues for both doors to be open. You'll find a nuke

Level 6. Killing Fields
Secrets: 5

1. Go around left after falling from the waterfall to get some armor.

2. There is a crack in a corridor behind the house with a fan just over
the door. Blow it open to reveal some items.

3. Shoot the gong above on the left side of the statue(Buddha-looking) to
reveal some ammo.

4. In the hallway with darts, center of the room to the right, there is
a nuke. In order to get this secret, you must jump with your face rubbing
against the wall.

5. There is a second waterfall(besides the one from Secret #1) on the
corner of your map. Stand on the green stuff and jump into the open
chamber to obtain some armor.

Level 7. Hara-Kiri Harbor
Secrets: 5

1. There is a boat with a red light on it. Stand on the red light and
jump on to the ledge for some missiles.

2. There is a chamber in the far edge of the large lake. You can walk up
to it on water. This secret has some various items..

3. There is another secret along the same edge of the cliff as Secret #2,
which has some ammo..

4. Blow up the crack on the wall west of the red key house to reveal some

5. Blow up the crack south of the yellow/gold key door to reveal some ammo.

Level 8. Zilla's Villa
Secrets: 6

1. There is a crack in the south of the platform of water with blue banner.
Blow it up to find a Guardian Head.

2. There is a statue in front of the bronze key door. Stand on its head
and it should slowly drop down as well as the column in front of it
revealing some items.

3. Shoot the gong where there's a yin-yang symbol on the floor and a panel
will open behind revealing some items.

4. In the big fireplace, face north. The picture on the left allows you
to go through it.

5. Check the old shield in the big fireplace and the red panel will open
giving some refreshments.

6. After you enter the silver key door, go through the painting to reveal
another secret.

Level 9. Monastery
Secrets: 5

1. You can jump into the first painting on the left with the two horsemen.

2. There is a crack in the wall facing west. Standing in front of it will
be a bridge where enemies were shooting at you before.

3. Blow up the crack near the center of your map to acquire a rail gun.

4. Open the painting of the Japanese archer in the gold key door.

5. Before you exit the level, look to your right. There should be a crack
that you can blow up. Blow it up to acquire some items.

Level 10. Raider of the Lost Wang
Secrets: 6

1. There is a opening near the center of your map above a tree trunk.

2. In the part where you see six alcoves and a pillar in the middle, the
middle alcove north of the central pillar can be opened. Open it to find
a grenade launcher.

3. There is a crack west of Secret #1 up a slope. Be sure you are far
away when you access this secret because the ceiling will come down at

4. After you throw a switch, Lo Wang will say something funny. At this
time, go back to where you saw a hole in the ground with a crate with a
medikit on top of it. Dive in and swim under to the north to find some

5. Go to the large bronze key door with water next to it. Jump into the
broken pillar on the left and a panel will open. Jump in and get teleported.

6. This secret gets you to the first secret level.. Level 21: Shanghai
Shipwreck. To get to the secret level end switch, follow these steps:

Step A: Go through the gold key door. The first of the two switches is
right next to the stairs with a picture on top. It shouldn't be too
hard to find this one. Of course, you'll have to crouch before you can
hit the switch. Once you hit the switch, you'll notice that the switch
is blocked, so go to Step B on how to unblock that.

Step B: In the part where there is the normal end level switch, there
should be some vines in a wall somewhere. You can climb these vines and
there should be a switch on top of it. Hit it and it will open the grills
blocking the secret level end switch.

Level 11. Sumo Sky Palace
Secrets: 5

1. Open the panel on the left side of the gold key door.

2. Check the red chair between the two slicing things. It will sink. Go
through the passage and hit switch on the other side to come across
another slicing thing. Get some ammo..

3. This secret is opposite of Secret #2. It's on the other side of the
slicing thing. Check the panels there, but be careful when you jump. A
Guardian Head should show up.

4. In the place where there is columns moving up and down, jump on the
outer perimeter wall and go around to the other side of large rock to
reveal a plethora of various pick-ups.

5. On the top of the ladder somewhere, there is something that shoots
fireballs at you. Go around to the southwest side and blow up the crack
to find some ammo..

Level 12. Bath House
Secrets: 5

1. There is a green truck with gas tanks on it. Do not blow up the tanks
or else the secret is inaccessible. Kill all the enemies on top of the
truck without hitting the tanks and check the wall panel marked "Janitor"
for a Medikit. You can then blow up the tanks for explosion pleasure.

2. Check the center toilet in the bathroom. A door opens on the right
revealing a riot gun.

3. This secret is where the girl is bathing. Check the blue towel. After
you go through the gold card door, turn around and face the yellow pass
key door, then turn left to the east. You should see two coat hangers on
a black wall. Check the one on the left.

4. This secret is opposite of the doorway of the Gold Card Members sign.
Blow up the statue for refreshments. Make sure you go all the way in for
the game to count you finding this secret.

5. In the red lit room, there is a crack on the north wall. Blow it up
to reveal some items inside.

Level 13. Unfriendly Skies
Secrets: 7

1. Go into the baggage claim, jump on the track, and jump off when you
see a red button on the right. Push the button and jump in the open panel
before you become flat as a pancake :P

2. In the place marked "Impulse Gifts", check the cash register and a
panel in front of you opens revealing a fortune cookie.

3. There is a room with 3 phones, 3 Pachinko machines, a black and a
blue dispenser machine. Jump on the Pachinko machines, then jump onto the
black dispenser machine and go into open panel. If you don't see this,
then you need to get the red pass key from inside the airplane cabin and
use it on the elevator door and actually riding the lift as well.

4. In the control room, jump on the coke machine, then jump left onto
the dispenser machine. Face right and shoot the button to reveal some

5. Go into the place with lots of Pachinko machines and a airplane cabin
stuck inside it. Face west and shoot the button on the eastern side of
the 3 Pachinko machines by themselves. Jump on the machines and go in the
open panel for a Missile Launcher.

6. In the room with the engine of a plane, jump and check it for a panel
to open for a rail gun.

7. This secret will get you to the second hidden level.. Level 22: Auto
Maul. Follow these steps to get to the secret level end switch:

Step A: There is a elevator that has the signs Gate 21A and Gate 21B above
it. First, you have the push the button so the elevator would come to you
with the doors open.

Step B: If you can push the button and walk back out and then back in
again, you can actually be on top of the elevator. There is a switch
there as well, so hit it so the elevator will bring you to the top to
the secret level end switch.

Level 14. Crude Oil
Secrets: 3

1. In the room with computers and supercomputers, check the PC that has
"Shadow Warrior" on it and the mainframe next door will sink.

2. In the red pass key door, go into the office. There should be a
airvent behind the desk somewhere. Blow it open and jump in.

3. In the office with a fish tank, check the PC screen and a panel behind
you should open revealing a rail gun.

Level 15. Coolie Mines
Secrets: 5

1. In the spot where you found the blue key, there should be a crack to
your right that will blow up by itself when you walk towards it. Go into
the lava crack.

2. In the corridor after the runaway drill, blow up the crack to reveal
some items.

3. In a certain place, there is a crack on the ground that comes slightly
upward. Check the small chamber where lava is flowing from to reveal a

4. In the place where there are crates and a control station in front of
a drill, blow up the crack behind the drill and go in and around to a
locked chamber to find a rail gun.

5. After you are pushed up by the fan, try to get in the other fan's hole
and blow up the fan from the back to get back out.

Level 16. Subpen 7
Secrets: 5

1. Jump on the edge where some water and raised platform meets. You should
be near two lampposts and can see a small little red lamp just below one of
the lampposts. Go to a small rotating radar and around the corner you should
see the wooden T with 2 large banners and an old shield in the distance.
Now go the rest of the way around to find the secret.

2. There is a large naval vessel you can look at from a distance. Turn
around and face West. Go behind the crates for some items..

3. Jump on the crates from Secret #2. Then jump on the crate next to the
lamppost. Then jump north on to the ledge for some ammo..

4. Between the two ships(one of them which has a gun that can be used) in
the dry dock. There was a door that blew up and has a ripper heart
somewhere in the opening.

5. There is a crate east of a naval vessel with a gun and the numbers 103
written on it. Jump on the platform, then jump on to the nearest crates
until you find a nuke.

Level 17. The Great Escape
Secrets: 6

1. There is a room with two beds in it. The southeast corner panel opens
for some items revealed.

2. There is a bathroom opposite of Secret #1. Check the mirror with wires
for some items revealed.

3. Stand on a raised corridor with a fence next to the bronze key door.
Jump onto the drain well and sink down for some ammo.

4. After you use the yellow key, go down the corridor to the office and
check the mirror for some items.

5. Down the end of the corridor with crates. The southeast corner has a
hidden tunnel. Jump on the crates and go in while facing east.

6. There is a drain well next to the bronze key door. Jump in and climb
the pipe.

Level 18. Floating Fortress
Secrets: 6

1. Once you are on the boat at the beginning of the level, manuever it to
the right side platform. Hit the switch behind the crates and the door
should start sliding back and forth. Jump on the tallest crate, then jump
on the other side. Then jump on the crates on the other side, and jump
on the sliding door. The door should bring you back to a chamber. Blow
the crack open and shoot the switch for some items inside the room.

2. In the room before the Serpent Boss, there should be a corpse in blue.
Face him while standing with the window behind him in the line. Back away
and crouch down. There should be a place you can dive down for a medikit.

3. In the weapons department, check the turret and position the barrel
for it to face west. Then go outside, jump on to the cannon and walk
on the barrel and jump into the airvent.

4. Inside the lower level of the naval vessel, in the bedroom with "Jolly
Roger" pirate flag on the wall. Check the D. Jones locker and check the wall
inside as well. You should be in another room. Check the girl for an item.
Open the other locker "C. Hook" for a guardian head.

5. Check the PC monitor in the power room and a control panel will open
in the opposite room revealing some items.

6. In the room after the rail gun turret, up the ramp. You should be able
to see a small gap in the floor with items inside. Blow up the wall directly
above it to widen the gap. Then crouch and walk against the wall. The blast
should be enough to widen the gap for you to drop down for some items.

Level 19. Water Torture
Secrets: 6

1. In the bedroom with the vacuum cleaner, there is a door between the
second and third bed. Flood the chamber by shooting the rank by the
window. You can only open this door only after the room is underwater.
Get the nuke, float up and shoot the two airvents and get the items.

2. In the room with two columns on a "light red" platform, turn the
light on by hittin the light switch. The column will sink and you can
find a rail gun here.

3. After you use the laser tank to blow up the metal door and a hole in
the far wall in front of you. Go all the way up and outside to where
the submarine is circling the island. Use your map and go to the
northwest pillar/chimney and face it. Sink down and go through the hole
in the wall for a guardian head.

4. After getting the yellow key, go to the yellow key lift and go
downstairs. Get out of the lift and send the lift back up. A panel to
the east should open for some items inside.

5. After getting the blue pass key, go to the blue corridor. The northeast
corner has a panel that can be opened for some items.

6. Check behind the end level switch for a heat seeker card.

Level 20. Stone Rain
Secrets: 5

1. There are some cookies behind the large picture where the sumo boss is.

2. Before entering to fight the sumo boss, check the tiger picture on the
right side and a panel will open for some goodies!

3. Halfway before the entrance to the sumo boss, there is a crack in a
wall opposite the path facing northwest. Blow it open and jump in to get
some items.

4. To the west of the slope down to the Serpent Boss, check the panel for
some nukes.(This secret is the small "snake" on the wall without the
rotating thing.)

5. Before fighting Zilla, you should at some time be able to see a nuke
under your feet. Check the wall on the left to get it.

Level 21. Shanghai Shipwreck
Secrets: 5

1. Inside the red key door, check the switch over the firepit and the
"face" wall opens for some armor.

2. In the place where a waterfall touches some lava, jump on the stairs
leading up to the left of the waterfall for a missile launcher.

3. Where a ladder is leading to a cookie. Keep on going forward through
the wall. You'll find some items and a rail gun.

4. Hit the gong in the semi-circular corridor room and a opening will be
available opposite the gong for some items.

5. This secret is in the center of your map. When you are in a tree with
a switch inside, face west and jump to get some ammo.

Level 22. Auto Maul
Secrets: 6

1. In the showroom, jump in the water behind the red car with one tree.
Get some uzi mags.

2. Near Secret #1, check the PC and the filing cabinet should sink down
for some items.

3. Near the red truck with 2 trees on either side, blow up the crack for
some items.

4. Next to Secret #3, at the back of the red truck, check the blue wall
(facing west) to get some items.

5. In the place with the garage door, 4 phones, and a blue drink machine,
check the third phone from the left and the blue drink machine should open.

6. In the repair workshop office, switch off the lights and the bookcase
will sink for some ammo.

--------------------->SECTION 4. FUN STUFF/MISCELLANEOUS<----------------------

4-1. Cool Stuff

1. Levitation

Pressing "J" during gameplay will levitate you. You can use this as a
easy way to get to hard-to-reach ledges that can be normally accessible
by jumping.

2. Ghosts with Body Parts

Blowing up a Coolie Ghost will result in body parts flying out.

3. Avoiding a Coolie

Either use a explosive or a rail gun to blow off a Coolie so he doesn't
follow you and blow himself up.

4. Still Alive with Zero Percent Health

Put on God Mode and fall off a cliff or down a pit. Once you fall all
the way down, press J to levitate yourself and press A to float back
up. Sometimes your health goes down to Zero Percent and when you turn
off God Mode, you are still alive!!

Make sure you use any remaining health in your Portable Medikit,
because one hit WILL kill you if God Mode is toggled OFF!

5. Let's eat with Chopsticks

If you leave the game idle for some time, Lo Wang will bring up his
chopsticks and say an expression. Recently, I've heard that the chopsticks
were originally intended to rip out an enemies eyeballs, but I guess
that was only a rumor.

6. Tough Girls vs Gentle Girls

When you press Spacebar on some of the girls in the game, they will
say something back at you. Sometimes they might even shoot at you for
disrespecting them! I guess this is the consequences for trying to
get a lady yourself... not to be rude or anything.. =)

4-2. Links

1. 3D Realms official website -

4-3. Lo Wang's Quotes

"I am the Shadow Warrior." - (when a Smoke Bomb is used, looking at a
mirror, or checking a computer with the
Shadow Warrior logo)

"Hehehe, that's me!" - (when you look at yourself in the mirror)

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" - (when you fall off a cliff or a mountain)

"Who put these here!? OW!!" - (when you step on caltrops you or the
enemy dropped)

"Ooo " - (when you smell a gas bomb or gas from the sumos ass)

"Cowabunga." - (when you pick up a weapon excluding Shuriken)

"I like big weapons!" - (when you pick up a weapon excluding Shuriken)

"Aye, son of a bitch!" - (when you get affected by the radius of the
explosion or explosive)

"Oh, Damn, I'm running into walls now!" - (when you check the wall

4-4. Girl Quotes

"Lalalalalala" - (only the bathing girls say this when their having
a good time)

"You jerk!" - (when you press spacebar on a girl and they shoot back
at you they will say this)

4-5. Audio CD Information

When you put your Shadow Warrior CD inside a Audio CD player, you can
actually hear some tracks pre-recorded onto the CD(and it makes you
wonder why the disc capacity reads 145MB :P)! Remember that Track 1 is
the Data Track, and it cannot be played!

All this music was done by Music/Sound Composer Lee Jackson of 3D
Realms Entertainment!

Here is the list of the available tracks and their short descriptions:

----- -----------

Track 1 Data Track(Unplayable)
Track 2(2:55) Remix of the Shadow Warrior Theme
Track 3(1:05) Another remix of the Shadow Warrior Theme
Track 4(3:03) Shadow Warrior Theme with drums!
Track 5(3:45) A Nice Theme, Sounds Ancient
Track 6(3:17) Sounds Ambient and Futuristic
Track 7(2:38) Scary Theme(almost like you're playing DooM on PS1!)
Track 8(3:30) Another Scary Theme like in Track 7
Track 9(3:35) Sounds Quake-ish...with Asian flavor!
Track 10(3:48) Another Scary Theme
Track 11(4:00) Asian Theme
Track 12(4:11) Ritual-like Theme, Church-ish...
Track 13(5:00) Future Rock and Roll?
Track 14(2:32) Lo Wang's Special

Track 14 Lyrics(Lo Wang's Special
Length: 2 minutes 32 seconds
(Lyrics are mostly accurate!)

Who wanted some Wang?
Ah, Yes. I see you ready for action!
I like that. Learn well, my son.
It is natural to die..
Mass Destruction is my thing! Bonsai!!

Hey, you. Yes, you.
I am the Shadow Warrior!
Let's fight..What are you waiting for, eh?
I'm talking to you.
I am everybody's worst nightmare..
Now let's fight.. Hooyah!

Huh? Pathetic.
Suka!! You not too smart..
You too stupid to duck!
You're blocking with your head again..
What's the matter with you, scary cat?
HEY! Come back here and finish my...

Have to beg me foreva..
Chicken.. Bok Bok Bok Bok Bok!
Slap your keyhole(?)!
You no mess with Lo Wang.

Ohh, I see big Wang..
Nice look. Everything suppose to be easel hard..
Oh, better zit fly.

La la la la la

Hey Baby, pull my finger, Hah ha.

You jerk!

Ohh.. gike me with spoon..

Go away.

Ohh, you like that?
The blackness and the devil, like inside of coffin
On moonless nights, eh?

I don't like you.

Oh, Ho.. I have man in me, too(???).
Make a special accupuncture for you.
Hahahahahaha! We both have a big laugh..

Kiss this, you scuzzball!

Oh.. Painless and weak..
What's the matter with you!?
I don't know what I said!

Maybe I have wrong apartment.
Hehe.. I like it, but can't help it..

-------------------->SECTION 5. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS<--------------------


Q1. Can I help you with this FAQ?

A: Sure thing, just try to help me with any additional info I might have

Q2. I'm stuck in a particular game! Can you help me?!

A: Although I haven't wrote any guides for the following games, I can be
more than happy to help you with the following PS1 and PS2 titles..that
is if you're on the lazy side to look for yourself in GameFAQs...

These are the titles I still have a fresh memory on..

Capcom vs SNK 2
Chaos Legion
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry 2
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
Silent Hill
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 3
Terminator: Dawn of Fate

The others I'm still trying to complete and get more knowledge on..

Q3. Will there be a Shadow Warrior 2 sometime soon?

Rumors may be spreading, but I don't think they would make one now as
their working on a 7-year project Duke Nukem Forever!

5-2. E-MAILS

--------------------------->SECTION 6. CREDITS LIST<---------------------------

- Thanks to me for producing and updating the guide!

- Thanks to Pat Ling for writing the guide!

- Thanks to 3D Realms for developing the game! And Thanks to them for
information on the weapons and items!

- Thanks to GameFAQs(CJayC) for posting the guide!

- Thanks to you for playing the game!

- Thanks to Bounty Hacker for most of the Full Version Level secrets!

- Thanks to John Kingdon for the Shareware Level secrets!

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