WWF SmackDown! Just Bring It

WWF SmackDown! Just Bring It

17.10.2013 00:16:06
Demo FAQ
Demo FAQ-WWF Smackdown:Just Bring It-PS2
Version 1.0-2/22/02
Matt Pewo - nickmattfaq@yahoo.com
Also known as MPewo on the GameFAQs Message boards



This FAQ is Copyright 2002, Matt Pewo, All rights reserved!

-Ask before you post this FAQ elsewhere
-You may print a copy, save a copy on your PC, and fold, spindle, and/or
mutilate this if you wish.
-You may not wipe your feet on this FAQ!
-If you find anything that you think will help me in the Next Version please
e-mail me at nickmattfaq@yahoo.com


Version 1.0-2/22/02-30 Pages-This FAQ starts.


=Table of Contents=



Kane (Chokeslam, Kane Powerbomb Pin)


Fighting Stance - Normal
Ring In Move - Over the Rope
Ring Out Move - Backwards Ring Out
Taunt - L2 - Taunt Kane4
Taunt - Down and L2 - Taunt Kane1
Taunt - Left and L2 - Taunt Kane3
Taunt - Up and L2 - Taunt Kane4
Taunt - Right and L2 - Taunt Kane2
Winning Move - Kane
Entrance Moves - Kane
Entrance Movie - Kane
Entrance Music - Kane

Ready Moves


Down and X - Big Boot
Down - Right/Left and X - Toe Kick
Left and X - Kane Throat Thrust
Up - Right/Left and X - Clothesline2
Up and X - Overhand Punch
Right and X - Chop

*Grapple Normal*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Choke Toss2
Left and O - Scoop Slam2
Up and O - Club to Neck2
Right and O - DDT2

*Grapple Swaggered*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Sidewalk Slams2
Left and O - Pendulum Back Breaker
Up and O - Hangman Chokehold
Right and O - Suplex3

*Grapple Groggy*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Tombstone Piledriver
Left and O - Shoulder Breaker
Up and O - Stomach Crusher
Right and O - Suplex2

*Back Attack Normal*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Reverse DDT
Left and O - Backdrop1
Up and O - Elbow to Back of Head
Right and O - Forearm Smash

*Back Attack Groggy*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Full Nelson Slam
Left and O - High Angle Backdrop
Up and O - Pumphandle Slam2
Right and O - Reverse Brainbuster1



X - Angry Stomp
Up/Down and X - Angry Stomp
Left/Right and X - Elbow Drop

*Grapple at Head*

O - Raise
Down and O - Pinfall
Left and O - Darkness Choke2
Up and O - Fury Punch3
Right and O - Camel Clutch2

*Grapple at Feet*

O - Raise
Down and O - Pinfall
Left and O - Toss1
Up and O - LegLock4
Right and O - Kick to Leg2


*Attack Standing*

X - Turnbuckle Clothesline
Up/Down/Left/Right and X - Turnbuckle Clothesline

*Attack Sitting in Turnbuckle*

Up/Down/Left/Right and X - Knee Attack

*Grapple Standing*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Mudhole Stomping
Left and O - Kane Strikes
Up and O - Superplex
Right and O - Kane Strikes

*Grapple Sitting*

Up/Down/Left/Right and O - Kane Throat Thrust

*Back Attack*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Beat Head
Left and O - Turnbuckle Toe Kick
Up and O - Beat Head
Right and O - Turnbuckle Toe Kick



Right and X - Double Axe Handle
Left and X - Kane Diving Clothesline


X - Knee Drop
Down and X - Elbow Drop
Up and X - Elbow Drop



X - Clothesline4
Up/Down/Left/Right and X - Clothesline2

*Grapple Normal*
O - Irish Whip
Up/Down/Left/Right and O - Turn Behind

*Grapple Groggy*

O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right and O - Neckbreaker Drop1

*Back Attack Normal*

O - Bulldog

*Back Attack Groggy*

O - Facecrusher1

*Squatting Attack* (Run, Square, (move) quickly)

X - Benoit Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right and X - Running Leg Drop


O - Monkey Toss2
Up/Down and O - Whirl Sideslam
Left/Right and O - Shoulder Back Toss1

Double Team


O - Double Suplex1
Down and O - Double DDT
Left and O - Double Suplex1
Up and O - Double Clothesline
Right and O - Double Beat Head


O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Double Chokeslam
Left and O - Mudhole Stomping
Up and O - Stomach Crusher
Right and O - Body Splash and Whip

*Triple Team Moves*

Up/Down/Left/Right and O - Suplex & Cross Body


*Special No. 1*

L1 - Kane Chokeslam

Position used in - in front of groggy opponent

*Special No. 2*

L1 (with Direction if in same position.) - Kane Powerbomb Pin

Position used in - in front of groggy opponent

Kurt Angle (Angle Slam, Ankle Lock)


Fighting Stance - Wrestling1
Ring In Move - Kurt Angle
Ring Out Move - Quick
Taunt - L2 - Taunt Kurt Angle3
Taunt - Down and L2 - Taunt Kurt Angle1
Taunt - Left and L2 - Taunt Kurt Angle2
Taunt - Up and L2 - Taunt Kurt Angle 1
Taunt - Right and L2 - Taunt Kurt Angle2
Winning Move - Kurt Angle
Entrance Moves - Kurt Angle
Entrance Movie - Kurt Angle
Entrance Music - Kurt Angle

Ready Moves


Down and X - Dropkick
Down - Right/Left and X - Toe kick
Left and X - Chop
Up - Right/Left and X - Elbow Smash
Up and X - Dropkick
Right and X - Body Punch

*Grapple Normal*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Leg Trip
Left and O - Hip Throw
Up and O - Fireman Carry
Right and O - Side Suplex

*Grapple Swaggered*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Falling Neck Breaker
Left and O - Kurt Belly to Belly
Up and O - Double Arm Suplex
Right and O - Suplex2

*Grapple Groggy*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Arm Breaker
Left and O - Arm Drag and Armbar
Up and O - Cradle and Side Leg Lock
Right and O - Suplex Pin

*Back Attack Normal*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Leg Breaker
Left and O - Kurt Angle Backdrop
Up and O - Sleeper Hold2
Right and O - Wrist Lock Backdrop

*Back Attack Groggy*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Benoit German Suplex
Left and O - Back Side Slam2
Up and O - Sleeper Hold and Scissors
Right and O - Backdrop Pin



X - Angry Stomp
Up/Down and X - Knee Drop
Left/Right and X - Elbow Drop

*Grapple at Head*

O - Raise
Down and O - Pinfall
Left and O - Armbar1
Up and O - Sleeper Hold2
Right and O - Chicken Wing Crossface

*Grapple at Feet*

O - Raise
Down and O - Pinfall
Left and O - Side Leg Lock
Up and O - Standing Leg Lock
Right and O - Leg and Neck Lock


*Attack Standing*

X - Turnbuckle Clothesline
Up/Down/Left/Right and X - Turnbuckle Clothesline

*Attack Sitting in Turnbuckle*

Up/Down/Left/Right and X - Knee Attack

*Grapple Standing*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Shoulder Thrust
Left and O - Super Arm Drag
Up and O - Superplex
Right and O - Double Underhook Suplex

*Grapple Sitting*

Up/Down/Left/Right and O - Mudhole Stomping

*Back Attack*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Beat Head
Left and O - Super Backdrop
Up and O - Beat Head
Right and O - Super Backdrop



Right and X - Diving Cross Body
Left and X - Missile Dropkick


X - Knee Drop
Down and X - Kurt Diving Moonsault
Up and X - Elbow Drop



X - Clothesline2
Up/Down/Left/Right and X - Cross Body2

*Grapple Normal*
O - Irish Whip
Up/Down/Left/Right and O - Turn Behind

*Grapple Groggy*

O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right and O - Schoolboy

*Back Attack Normal*

O - Bulldog

*Back Attack Groggy*

O - School Boy

*Squatting Attack* (Run, Square, (move) quickly)

X - Benoit Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right and X - Dropkick to Knee


O - Kurt Belly to Belly
Up/Down and O - Powerslam
Left/Right and O - Arm Drag1

Double Team


O - Double Suplex1
Down and O - Double DDT
Left and O - Double Suplex1
Up and O - Double Clothesline
Right and O - Double Beat Head


O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Whip and Lay Down
Left and O - Mudhole Stomping
Up and O - Hip Throw
Right and O - Body Splash and Whip

*Triple Team Moves*

Up/Down/Left/Right and O - Suplex & Cross Body


*Special No. 1*

L1 - Angle Slam2

Position used in - Behind Groggy opponent

*Special No. 2*

L1 (with Direction if in same position.) - Angle Lock

Position used in - Opponent on Ground, At feet.

The Rock (Rock Bottom, People's Elbow)


Fighting Stance - The Rock
Ring In Move - Normal
Ring Out Move - One Handstand Ring Out
Taunt - L2 - Taunt The Rock 4
Taunt - Down and L2 - Taunt The Rock 2
Taunt - Left and L2 - Taunt The Rock 1
Taunt - Up and L2 - Taunt The Rock 4
Taunt - Right and L2 - Taunt The Rock 3
Winning Move - The Rock3
Entrance Moves - The Rock
Entrance Movie - The Rock
Entrance Music - The Rock

Ready Moves


Down and X - Clothesline2
Down - Right/Left and X -Toe Kick
Left and X - Chop
Up - Right/Left and X - The Rock Punches2
Up and X - Clothesline2
Right and X - Elbow Smash1

*Grapple Normal*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Dragon Screw2
Left and O - Scoop Slam2
Up and O - Hip Throw
Right and O - Suplex3

*Grapple Swaggered*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Oklahoma Slam2
Left and O - DDT2
Up and O - Russian Leg Sweep
Right and O - Suplex2

*Grapple Groggy*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Oklahoma Slam2
Left and O - The Rock DDT
Up and O - Shoulder Thrusts
Right and O - Snap Suplex

*Back Attack Normal*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Forearm Smash
Left and O - Backdrop1
Up and O - Elbow to Back of Head
Right and O - Russian Leg Sweep

*Back Attack Groggy*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Forearm Smash
Left and O - High Angle Backdrop
Up and O - Elbow to Back of Head
Right and O - Bulldog



X - Rock Stomp
Up/Down and X - Elbow Drop
Left/Right and X - Rock Stomp

*Grapple at Head*

O - Raise
Down and O - Pinfall
Left and O - Knee Smash
Up and O - Fury Punch3
Right and O - Reverse Chin Lock

*Grapple at Feet*

O - Raise
Down and O - Pinfall
Left and O - Punch to Groin
Up and O - Knee Stomp2
Right and O - Sharpshooter


*Attack Standing*

X - Turnbuckle Clothesline
Up/Down/Left/Right and X - Turnbuckle Clothesline

*Attack Sitting in Turnbuckle*

Up/Down/Left/Right and X - Knee Attack

*Grapple Standing*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - 10 Punch
Left and O - Mudhole Stomping
Up and O - Superplex
Right and O - Shoulder Thrust

*Grapple Sitting*

Up/Down/Left/Right and O - Foot Choke

*Back Attack*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Beat Head
Left and O - Super Backdrop
Up and O - Beat Head
Right and O - Super Backdrop



Right and X - Double Axe Handle
Left and X - Missile Dropkick


X - Knee Drop
Down and X - Elbow Drop
Up and X - Elbow Drop



X - The Rock Clothesline
Up/Down/Left/Right and X - The Rock Forearm Smash

*Grapple Normal*
O - Irish Whip
Up/Down/Left/Right and O - Turn Behind

*Grapple Groggy*

O - Beat Face
Up/Down/Left/Right and O - Rolling Clutch Pin

*Back Attack Normal*

O - Facecrusher2

*Back Attack Groggy*

O - School Boy

*Squatting Attack* (Run, Square, (move) quickly)

X - Benoit Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right and X - Running Leg Drop


O - Samoan Drop
Up/Down and O - The Rock Spinebuster
Left/Right and O - Belly to Belly Suplex

Double Team


O - Double Suplex2
Down and O - Double DDT
Left and O - Double Suplex1
Up and O - Double Clothesline
Right and O - Double Beat Head


O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Hip Throw
Left and O - Kick to Stomach
Up and O - Spike Piledriver
Right and O - Mudhole Stomping

*Triple Team Moves*

Up/Down/Left/Right and O - Suplex & Cross Body


*Special No. 1*

L1 - The People's Elbow

Position used in - Opponent on ground, at head.

*Special No. 2*

L1 (with Direction if in same position.) - The Rock Bottom

Position used in - In front of Groggy Opponent.

Stone Cold Steve Austin (Stone Cold Stunner)


Fighting Stance - Stone Cold
Ring In Move - Stone Cold
Ring Out Move - Roll Down
Taunt - L2 - Taunt Stone Cold1
Taunt - Down and L2 - Taunt Christian
Taunt - Left and L2 - Taunt Stone Cold3
Taunt - Up and L2 - Taunt Stone Cold1
Taunt - Right and L2 - Taunt Stone Cold2
Winning Move - Stone Cold Special
Entrance Moves - Steve Austin
Entrance Movie - Steve Austin
Entrance Music - Steve Austin1

Ready Moves


Down and X - Clothesline2
Down - Right/Left and X - Toe Kick
Left and X - Snap Jab
Up - Right/Left and X - Body Punch
Up and X - Overhand Punch
Right and X - Elbow Smash

*Grapple Normal*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Hip Throw
Left and O - Scoop Slam
Up and O - Russian Leg Sweep
Right and O - Suplex3

*Grapple Swaggered*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Headlock Takedown
Left and O - Kitchen Sink
Up and O - Side Suplex
Right and O - Suplex2

*Grapple Groggy*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Stone Cold Spinebuster1
Left and O - Sidewalk Slam2
Up and O - Jaw Breaker1
Right and O - Suplex3

*Back Attack Normal*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Russian Leg Sweep
Left and O - Backdrop1
Up and O - Elbow to back of Head
Right and O - Forearm Smash

*Back Attack Groggy*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Back Side Slam
Left and O - High Angle Backdrop
Up and O - Sleeper Hold3
Right and O - Bulldog



X - Angry Stomp
Up/Down and X - Stone Cold Elbow Drop1
Left/Right and X - Stone Cold Elbow Drop2

*Grapple at Head*

O - Raise
Down and O - Pinfall
Left and O - Darkness Choke2
Up and O - Fury Punch3
Right and O - Taunt Stone Cold

*Grapple at Feet*

O - Raise
Down and O - Pinfall
Left and O - Kick to Groin2
Up and O - Toss2
Right and O - STF


*Attack Standing*

X - Turnbuckle Clothesline
Up/Down/Left/Right and X - Turnbuckle Clothesline

*Attack Sitting in Turnbuckle*

Up/Down/Left/Right and X - Knee Attack

*Grapple Standing*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Foot Choke
Left and O - Mudhole Stomping
Up and O - Superplex
Right and O - Shoulder Thrust

*Grapple Sitting*

Up/Down/Left/Right and O - Mudhole Stomping

*Back Attack*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Beat Head
Left and O - Turnbuckle Toe Kick
Up and O - Beat Head
Right and O - Turnbuckle Toe Kick



Right and X - Double Axe Handle
Left and X - Flying Clothesline


X - Elbow Drop
Down and X - Diving Elbow
Up and X - Diving Elbow



X - Clothesline5
Up/Down/Left/Right and X - Shoulder Block2

*Grapple Normal*
O - Irish Whip
Up/Down/Left/Right and O - Turn Behind

*Grapple Groggy*

O - Lou Thesz Press1
Up/Down/Left/Right and O - Lou Thesz Press2

*Back Attack Normal*

O - Bulldog

*Back Attack Groggy*

O - Facecrusher1

*Squatting Attack* (Run, Square, (move) quickly)

X - Benoit Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right and X - Running Leg Drop


O - Shoulder Back Toss1
Up/Down and O - Monkey Toss1
Left/Right and O - Stone Cold Spinebuster2

Double Team


O - Double Punches1
Down and O - Double Punches2
Left and O - Double Suplex1
Up and O - Double Clothesline
Right and O - Double Beat Head


O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Spine and Neckbreaker
Left and O - Mudhole Stomping
Up and O - Kick to Stomach
Right and O - Body Splash and Whip

*Triple Team Moves*

Up/Down/Left/Right and O - Suplex & Cross Body


*Special No. 1*

L1 - Stone Cold Stunner2

Position used in - Standing in front of Groggy opponent.

*Special No. 2*

L1 (with Direction if in same position.) - Stone Cold Stunner1

Position used in - Standing in front of Groggy opponent.

Triple H (Pedigree)


Fighting Stance - Wrestling1
Ring In Move - Triple H
Ring Out Move - One Handstand Ring Out
Taunt - L2 - Taunt Triple H
Taunt - Down and L2 - Taunt X3
Taunt - Left and L2 - Taunt Christian
Taunt - Up and L2 - Taunt X3
Taunt - Right and L2 - Taunt Christian
Winning Move - Triple H2
Entrance Moves - Triple H
Entrance Movie - Triple H
Entrance Music - Triple H

Ready Moves


Down and X - Clothesline2
Down - Right/Left and X - Toe Kick
Left and X - Snap Jab
Up - Right/Left and X - Elbow Smash1
Up and X - Clothesline2
Right and X - Chop

*Grapple Normal*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Knee Smash
Left and O - Scoop Slam2
Up and O - Overhand Punch
Right and O - Russian Leg Sweep

*Grapple Swaggered*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Pulling Piledriver1
Left and O - Arm Breaker
Up and O - Shoulder Thrusts
Right and O - Suplex2

*Grapple Groggy*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Manhattan Drop
Left and O - Rib Breaker
Up and O - Jumping arm Breaker
Right and O - Suplex3

*Back Attack Normal*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Reverse DDT
Left and O - Backdrop1
Up and O - Rear Naked with Stretch
Right and O - Leg Breaker

*Back Attack Groggy*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Dragon Sleeper
Left and O - Kurt Angle Backdrop
Up and O - Sleeper Hold3
Right and O - Reverse Brainbuster2



X - Angry Stomp
Up/Down and X - Elbow Drop
Left/Right and X - Double Knee Drop

*Grapple at Head*

O - Raise
Down and O - Pinfall
Left and O - Fury Punch2
Up and O - Fury Punch4
Right and O - Reverse Chin Lock

*Grapple at Feet*

O - Raise
Down and O - Pinfall
Left and O - Death Lock
Up and O - Knee Stomp2
Right and O - Leg Lock2


*Attack Standing*

X - Turnbuckle Clothesline
Up/Down/Left/Right and X - Turnbuckle Clothesline

*Attack Sitting in Turnbuckle*

Up/Down/Left/Right and X - Knee Attack

*Grapple Standing*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Hangman Chokehold
Left and O - Shoulder Thrust
Up and O - Superplex
Right and O - Mudhole Stomping

*Grapple Sitting*

Up/Down/Left/Right and O - Mudhole Stomping

*Back Attack*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Beat Head
Left and O - Turnbuckle Toe Kick
Up and O - Beat Head
Right and O - Turnbuckle Toe Kick



Right and X - Double Axe Handle
Left and X - Flying Clothesline


X - Knee Drop
Down and X - Diving Elbow
Up and X - Elbow Drop



X - Jumping Knee Attack
Up/Down/Left/Right and X - Clothesline1

*Grapple Normal*
O - Irish Whip
Up/Down/Left/Right and O - Turn Behind

*Grapple Groggy*

O - Beat Face
Up/Down/Left/Right and O - Neckbreaker

*Back Attack Normal*

O - Bulldog

*Back Attack Groggy*

O - Facecrusher1

*Squatting Attack* (Run, Square, (move) quickly)

X - Benoit Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right and X - Running Leg Drop


O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down and O - Knee Smash
Left/Right and O - Shoulder Back Toss2

Double Team


O - Low Blow and Knee Attack
Down and O - Double DDT
Left and O - Double Suplex
Up and O - Double Clothesline
Right and O - Double Beat Head


O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Spike Piledriver
Left and O - Mudhole Stomping
Up and O - Stomach Crusher
Right and O - Kick to Stomach

*Triple Team Moves*

Up/Down/Left/Right and O - Suplex & Cross Body


*Special No. 1*

L1 - Pedigree

Position used in - Standing in front of Groggy Opponent.

*Special No. 2*

L1 (with Direction if in same position.) - Pedigree

Position used in - Standing in front of Groggy Opponent.

Undertaker (The Last Ride, Chokeslam)


Fighting Stance - Normal
Ring In Move - Normal
Ring Out Move - Backward Ring Out
Taunt - L2 - Taunt Undertaker1
Taunt - Down and L2 - Taunt Kane2
Taunt - Left and L2 - Taunt Undertaker2
Taunt - Up and L2 - Taunt Kane2
Taunt - Right and L2 - Taunt Undertaker2
Winning Move - Undertaker2
Entrance Moves - Undertaker
Entrance Movie - Undertaker
Entrance Music - Undertaker

Ready Moves


Down and X - Clothesline2
Down - Right/Left and X - Toe Kick
Left and X - Throat Thrust
Up - Right/Left and X - Body Punch
Up and X - Clothesline2
Right and X - Back Elbow Smash

*Grapple Normal*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Sidewalk Slam2
Left and O - Scoop Slam2
Up and O - Club to Neck2
Right and O - Suplex2

*Grapple Swaggered*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Oklahoma Slam2
Left and O - Kitchen Sink
Up and O - Super Spinebuster
Right and O - Tilt a Whirl Side Slam

*Grapple Groggy*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Tombstone Piledriver1
Left and O - Rib Breaker
Up and O - Choke Toss2
Right and O - Stalling Brainbuster

*Back Attack Normal*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Pump Handle Slam2
Left and O - Reverse DDT
Up and O - Forearm Smash
Right and O - Russian Leg Sweep

*Back Attack Groggy*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Pumphandle Slam1
Left and O - High Angle Backdrop
Up and O - Elbow to Back of Head
Right and O - Atomic Drop



X - Angry Stomp
Up/Down and X - Angry Stomp
Left/Right and X - Angry Stomp

*Grapple at Head*

O - Raise
Down and O - Pinfall
Left and O - Reverse Chinlock
Up and O - Mounted Punching2
Right and O - Camel Clutch2

*Grapple at Feet*

O - Raise
Down and O - Pinfall
Left and O - Leglock3
Up and O - Knee Stomp2
Right and O - Boston Crab


*Attack Standing*

X - Turnbuckle Clothesline
Up/Down/Left/Right and X - Turnbuckle Clothesline

*Attack Sitting in Turnbuckle*

Up/Down/Left/Right and X - Knee Attack

*Grapple Standing*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Chokeslam
Left and O - Body Strikes
Up and O - Walk on Rope
Right and O - Back Elbow Strike2

*Grapple Sitting*

Up/Down/Left/Right and O - Mudhole Stomping

*Back Attack*

O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Beat Head
Left and O - Turnbuckle Toe Kick
Up and O - Beat Head
Right and O - Turnbuckle Toe Kick



Right and X - Double Axe Handle
Left and X - Flying Clothesline


X - Elbow Drop
Down and X - Knee Drop
Up and X - Knee Drop



X - Clothesline4
Up/Down/Left/Right and X - Flying Lariat

*Grapple Normal*
O - Irish Whip
Up/Down/Left/Right and O - Turn Behind

*Grapple Groggy*

O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right and O - Running DDT

*Back Attack Normal*

O - Bulldog

*Back Attack Groggy*

O - Facecrusher1

*Squatting Attack* (Run, Square, (move) quickly)

X - Benoit Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right and X - Running Leg Drop


O - Monkey Toss2
Up/Down and O - Shoulder Back Toss2
Left Right and O - Tilt a Whirl Sideslam

Double Team


O - Double Suplex1
Down and O - Double DDT
Left and O - Double Suplex1
Up and O - Double Clothesline
Right and O - Double Beat Head


O - Irish Whip
Down and O - Front Slam
Left and O - Mudhole Stomping
Up and O - Powerbomb
Right and O - Kick to Stomach

*Triple Team Moves*

Up/Down/Left/Right and O - Suplex & Cross Body


*Special No. 1*

L1 - The Last Ride

Position used in - in front of a groggy opponent.

*Special No. 2*

L1 (with Direction if in same position.) - Undertaker Chokeslam

Position used in - in front of a groggy opponent.




Control Action
------- ------

Directional Buttons : Control Superstars
X Button : Striking Attack
Circle Button + Directionnal Buttons : Grapple Moves
Circle Button : Irish Whip
Square Button : Block Striking Attacks
Square Button + Directionnal Buttons : Counter Attack
Square Button (With Weapons) : Throw Weapon
Triangle Button : Run
Triangle Button + Square Button : Dive through opponent's legs
Triangle + Square + X Buttons : Dive over / Through ropes
Triangle + R2 Button : Commando Roll
L2 Button : Primary Taunt
L2 + Directional Buttons : Secondary Taunt
R1 Button : Pick up Weapon
R1 Button (while pinned) : Kick out of pin
R1 Button + Directional Buttons : Climb Turnbuckle
R2 Button : Focus on a different opponent
R2 Button (Hold) : Focus on nearest opponent
Start Button : Pause the game


Finishing Moves :

Control Action
------- ------

L1 Button : Primary Finishing Move
L1 Button + Directional Buttons : Secondary Finishing Move

Note : You can only perform a finishing move when you have at least one number next to
the Smackdown! Meter, your opponent is groggy, and the Smackdown icon appears. If you
select help (R1 Button) at the character select screen you can check the situation that
is needed to perform you Superstar's finishing move or you can just check the Wrestler
section in this FAQ.

Facing the Opponent :

Control Action
------- ------

Circle Button : Irish Whip to ropes
Circle Button + R1 Button : Irish Whip to table
Circle Button + Circle Button : Fake Irish Whip (Face Opponent)
Circle Button + X Button : Irish Whip Attack
Directional Buttons + Circle Button : Grapple Moves (min. damage)
Directional Buttons + Circle Button : Swaggered Opponent (med. damage)
Directional Buttons + Circle Button : Groggy Opponent (max. damage)
X Button : Striking attack
Up + X Button : Striking attack
Right + X Button : Striking attack
Down + X Button : Striking attack
Left + X Button : Striking attack
Up/Left + X Button : Striking attack
Up/Right + X Button : Striking attack

Behind the Opponent

Control Action
------- ------

Circle Button + Circle Button : Fake Irish Whip (Behind Opponent)
Directional Buttons + Circle Button : Rear Grapple Moves (med. damage)
Directional Buttons + Circle Button : Groggy Opponent (max. damage)

Opponent on Mat

Control Action
------- ------
Circle Button : Force Opponent to feet
Down + Circle Button : Pin Opponent
Up or Left or Right + Circle Button : Upper Body Moves
Up or Left or Right + Circle Button : Lower Body Moves
X Button : Striking attack
Up or Down + X Button : Striking attack
Left or Right + X Button : Striking attack

Turnbuckle Moves

Control Action
------- ------
Circle Button : Irish Whip
Directional Buttons + Circle Button : Opponent leaning on turnbuckle
Directional Buttons + Circle Button : Opponent facing turnbuckle
Directional Buttons + Circle Button : Opponent sitting in turnbuckle

When in a Tag Team Match

Directional Buttons + Circle Button : Tag Team Turnbuckle Attack

Running Moves

Control Action
------- ------
X Button : Running Attack
Directional Buttons + X Button : Running Attacks
Circle Button : Running Grapple Moves
Directional Buttons + Circle Button : Running Grapple Moves
Circle Button : Running at groggy opponent
Directional Buttons + Circle Button : Running at groggy opponent

High Flying Moves

Control Action
------- ------
X Button : Diving Attack
Up + X Button : Diving Attack
Right + X Button : Diving Attack
Down + X Button : Diving Attack
Left + X Button : Diving Attack

Ladder Match Moves

Control Action
------- ------
R1 Button : Pick up ladder
R1 Button : Put down/Position ladder
Directional Button + R1 Button : Climb Ladder
R1 Button : Climb down from ladder
Circle Button : Grab Belt
Directional Button + Circle Button : Diving Attack from ladder
X Button : Shake Ladder (opponent climbing)

Table Match Moves

Control Action
------- ------
Circle Button + R1 Button : Throw opponent onto table
Circle Button : Attack opponent on table
Triangle Button : Climb onto table
X Button : Diving Attack from table
Directional Buttons (press quickly) : Reverse/Counter when on table

Cage Match/Hell in a Cell

Control Action
------- ------
Directional Button + R1 Button : Climb Cage
Directional Button + R1 Button : Climb down Cage
X Button : Diving Attack (from cage)
Triangle Button then Square Button : Exit cage (Hell in a Cell match)

Double Team Moves

There are two types of Double Team moves available in WWF Smackdown! Just
Bring It, Normal and Tag Team.

Normal :
During a Normal Double Team move, a run-in character will hold your opponent's
arm. Approach the helpless opponent and use a Grapple move - the two superstars
will perform a stunning Double Team move.

Tag Team :
To complete a Double Tag Team move, send you opponent into your teammate's
turnbuckle. Now perform a Grapple Move. Your Tag Team partner will tag into
the match and the two of you will knock some sense into your opponent. After
the move is completed, the Tag Team partner will be the legal superstar in the

Please note that every superstar has is own moves so these controls explain how
to do every move possible in the game. Look for other great FAQs if you want to
know every superstars moves.

If you run and attempt to do a grapple attack on a standing opponent facing you, instead of doing
an actual attack, you will either perform a running Irish Whip on your opponent or, if the D-pad is
pressed, you will grab your opponent's arm and twist it behind them, basically trapping them while
facing their back. If your special move is available while facing a groggy opponent's back, then it
will be available in this position. If your opponent is facing away from you, then as in WWF
SmackDown 2, a Bulldog-type attack will be performed. In order to perform a running grapple
attack on an opponent facing you, then they must also be running.

When you pick an opponent off the mat, they fill not simply be placed in front of you in a groggy
state. Your character will instead hold on to the enemy and hold a collar tie until the adversary
breaks free. Grapple attacks can be performed while in this position, but not specials.

There are multiple specials available for most wrestlers in this game. For most wrestlers, such as
the Rock (Rock Bottom, People's Elbow) and Kurt Angle (Angle Slam, Ankle Lock), the ways to
perform the different specials is straight forward. However there are wrestlers such as the
Undertaker (The Last Ride, Chokeslam) and Kane (Chokeslam, Kane Powerbomb Pin) where
both specials require the same parameters to activate. To use the different specials, either just tap
L1 or hold the D-pad and tap L1.



*Glitch: Pause in mid-air (demo version): *
When performing a flying move off the turnbuckle to outside the arena, usually your character will, for a second, stop in midair before falling the remaining 4 feet to the cement.

*Glitch: Float in mid-air (demo version): *
Sometimes, if your opponent knocks you off a turnbuckle, your character will fall but stay 4 feet off the ground until he is hit again.

*Glitch: Teleport outside the ring (demo version):*
Sometimes, a character lying prone near the ropes will be teleported outside the ring.


Me-For Writing this FAQ
CjayC, PSXCodez.com-For hosting this
THQ, WWF, Jakks Pacific, Yukes-For making SD:JBI
Mildly Evil Ogre-Demo Glitches, and Controls

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