

18.10.2013 00:18:10
StarCraft Strategy Guide Version 4.5

March 14, 2000

StarCraft Strategy Guide
Written by Scott Lee
E-mail me with anything you can tell me about the game that isn't
included in this guide, I will add you to the credit. But please
read this guide first, cause I don't want to receive something
that is already included on this guide.

My old E-mail addresses were and, but the both of those are no longer
available, so please use the new E-mail above. Thank you. By
the way, since I check my mail around once every year or so, don't
be mad if your E-mail isn't replied right away or even sometimes a
few weeks or so, maybe even more. I'm really busy with my
schoolwork these couple of month, since this is my junior year in
high school (and also I'm just plain lazy), but I will reply it
once I have read it. Again, I'm sorry if I don't reply your E-
mail right away, I'm just a bit busy and I change my email
addresses often.

Unpublished work Copyright 1999-2000 Scott Lee

StarCraft is published by Blizzard, and here I give thanks to
Blizzard for making this great game. Also for providing Battle
Net, it is the best place to play StarCraft online. Catch me
there under the name of DaOnEnOnLee and Agent_SX under original
StarCraft, my stats are just average, it's something like 260-60-
50 for DaOnEnOnLee, 45-10-4 for Agent_SX, I'm currently now using
Agent_SX the most on both melee and ladder. You are free to
whisper me for a game anytime. However, now I don't play that
much anymore, but you can still find me playing sometimes here and
there. I don't play StarCraft: Brood Wars, I think it's not
balanced enough, Protoss is way too powerful, Terran don't stand a
chance against Protoss on most maps. On Brood Wars, playing
random is a bit too risky for me since I want to win.

This entire guide is written by me, so I should get all the credit
for it. So please don't take this and claim it yours. And this
is just a guide to help new players to get an idea on how to play
the game. Hopefully this guide will aid those who will spend time
reading this. This guide should not be sold, and if any company
or publisher will pay for this guide, I better get the money!

If you want to use this guide for your site or something, just
post the whole thing including my disclaimer (especially my
disclaimer). All though please E-Mail me first before you do. I
probably let you anyway. (If I don't reply back, just go right
ahead and post it, if I got a problem with it, I will E-mail you
about it, and I probably won't.)

I got my copy of StarCraft and StarCraft: Brood Wars for a while,
so I consider myself to be an above average player. I am not
saying that I am the greatest one ever lived, but I do okay
against most people. Also I'm familiar with all 3 races, and I
just know a lot of basic things you need to know in order to
become good. This is my third completed Walkthrough/Guide I have
written. E-mail me with any problem that you may have in this

I'm a really nice (in a way) person, so if any players who wants
to know anything about StarCraft or about the game play can E-mail
me, and I will help the best I can. I can help to improve most if
not everyone's game play since it's easier to criticize than
actually doing it. However, be sure to include in the email the
race you want to use, the map you are using, the problem(s) you've
been having playing against someone, and the most important thing,
your Battle.Net user name. Also please have some info on which
one you are playing, StarCraft or Brood Wars, the game changed a
lot between the 2 versions, so it's important.

You can find this guide in quite a few places. Here are some of
Game Addictions

There are another few places, mostly on friend's home sites. I
just forgot about their web address, I will probably updates this
when I actually find out the web addresses from them, they never
let me know, they do, I just never remember them.

If you see this guide without my disclaimer (shown above) anywhere
on the web, please E-mail me and let me know.

Author's Note, I have received quite a few emails requesting a
walkthrough for the single player campaign, even though I believe
the single player campaign is quite easy to complete, I've decided
to put up a new section for the campaign walkthrough.

Version Histories:

Version History 4.5 Added new tricks to the trick section, these tricks
are sent in by "Chess Freak" of

Version History 4.4 Added new Trend section, I also redid a big part of
this guide, you should notice quite a few changes all around the guide.

Version History 4.3 Added new Abbreviation section.

Version History 4.2 Started on Zerg campaign section, this will take me
a while to finish.

Version History 4.1 Added new Playing experience section.

Version History 4.0 Finally finished Terran single campaign, now on to
the Zerg campaign, this will take a while.

Version History 3.9 Added new single player campaign walkthrough.
This is not quite finished yet, so there is a lot of work to be
done, I will take my time.

Version History 3.8 New some new information. Most of the new
information comes from personal experiences. So they got to be
true (^_^). I'm sharing my life story here, just kidding.

Version History 3.7 Added new Counter section.

Version History 3.6 Added the new Protoss, Terran, Zerg section,
and the new trick section. These few sections still need a lot of
work on, but I doubt these sections can be ever completed since
people will always think up new strategies.

Version History 3.0 Correct several mistakes, added some
information. Thanks to all the people who sent in all the

Version History 2.9 Added new info on various units. My friend
came over and helped a lot. Thanks a lot Evilman, I still think
I'm better than you in StarCraft. Since we never played each
other, you can't say anything about it since my record is better,

Version History 2.8 Added Multi Player section.

Version Hisotry 2.3 Added a few things, fixed some small bugs.

Version History 2.2 Added styles of play, and some small changes.

Version History 1.2 Added how to improve your game play section.

Version History 0.7 Apply some small changes, added credit and

Version History 0.6 Change a little text, fix the mistake on
Devour's attack name from Corrosive Venom to Corrosive Acid.

Version History 0.5 I added Brood War units and buildings.

Version History 0.1 I just started on this today, I sure hope that
I can finish this soon.

This FAQ is based on StarCraft Brood Wars Version 1.05 or higher.
(Patch downloadable from or


If you are reading this guide, I assume you have the game and know
the real basic idea of the game. In case you don't, the game is
you building an army, and killing your opponent(s), unless you are
playing a trigger map, then I can't help you unless I played that
map before. This guide is used for players who don't use cheat,
if you use cheat, than you really shouldn't play this game, there
isn't much of a point then.

StarCraft's game play is very much like WarCraft's game play,
since both WarCraft and StarCraft have similar ideas whey they are
both created by Blizzard. Those of you who have played WarCraft
before will able to fit right into StarCraft. StarCraft is more
difficult than WarCraft; it has many more elements in the game
other than making more troops and start bum rushing your enemy(s).

This guide will help you in the game, but I can't promise you that
you will always win if you follow my strategy, I can promise you,
you will win against computers and most human player, but maybe
not against all human players. And you should practice against
the computers to improve your game play, even though to me,
computer are really idiots, and they just don't think sometimes.
I got okay stats for StarCraft in Battle.Net, so my style is
better than the computers at least. This guide contains
information for all units, but overall this guide is more based on
strategy than plain info.

I recommend you try out different maps, and have more than one
CPUs against you (3-4 recommended). This will improve your game
play, and also play against friends that are better than you, you
can learn from them by watching how they play. You shouldn't
worry about combos or advanced things like that, to me (and most
other people), those are easily countered and won't cause much
damage while you spent a lot of money trying to pull it off.

Also I won't be updating this guide much unless there is a major
mistake, if there is just a small typo, I probably won't update it
for some time. However I will be updating during the first few
days after the guide has been posted. Which is before end of
August of 1999.


Part 1: Basic Strategy
Part 2: Advance Strategy
Part 3: Terran Units, and Buildings
Part 4: Zerg Units, and Buildings
Part 5: Protoss Units, and Buildings
Part 6: Starcraft walkthrough
Part 7: Brood Wars walkthrough
Part 8: Various hints, useful ideas on playing StarCraft
Part 9: Cheats for the game (not recommended)
Part 10: How to improve your game play
Part 11: Styles of Play
Part 12: Multi Players
Part 13: Terran strategy section
Part 14: Zerg strategy section
Part 15: Protoss strategy section
Part 16: Tricks
Part 17: Counters
Part 18: My playing experience
Part 19: Abbreviations
Part 20: Trend
Part 21: Credit

Part 1: Basic Strategy

This is more of an introduction to each race, rather than

The basic idea is to kill your opponent(s) with your troops. You
have to choice of three different races, each have their own
advantages and disadvantages. I will start with the Protoss race,
since they are the most popular race among the users of

Protoss has the highest technology in all three races, so they
will last out in a long game. The one major problem with Protoss
are that they builds very slow, especially with their troops, and
their lack of long range troops (Reaver's just have terrible
speed, it's basically dead if a flyer finds it in open ground).
Protoss have high power units, their most basic fighting unit, the
Zealots are not just powerful early on in the game, they can be
upgraded and be very useful in the later stage of the game.
Protoss possess one major weakness, their buildings can be only be
built within short the ranges of their Pylons (all buildings other
than the Nexus). That can really affect the speed of expending
sometimes, and it can really slow down the your early game rush.
But the Pylons are also used to provide PSI food supply that feed
your troops, so you will need to build them anyway. Another thing
is if the Pylon is destroyed, the buildings nearby that require
this pylon to be built will not function until you have built
another Pylon to replace it (the building will have red letters
"Unpowered" on it). The best way to avoid this is to build Pylons
by twos or more and next to each other, so if one is destroyed,
the other one can power the buildings while you replace the Pylon.
However, the early game, enemy will usually go for your only
Pylon, and if that is gone, your Cannons or Gateways will be
useless until another Pylon finishes. One thing great about the
Protoss building is once the building warp-in starts, the worker
can go back to work, unlike the other two races where the worker
has to stay at the site until the building is finished. Protoss
has shields and HP; their shields can be recovered in time,
however Protoss HP will never recover other from ally's Terran
Medic. But Protoss shields can recover pretty fast, comparing to
Zerg's healing, not to mention with the help of Shield Battery.

Terrans are people like us with medium technology, average troops
and mediocre speed. The Terran have units like our army today,
e.g. tanks, airplanes. Their weapons are also very much like what
we have today, rifles, cannons, rockets, nuclear missiles, etc.
The Terran is a below average race for a new player, but with an
experienced player, Terran can be very dangerous. Their Siege
Tanks have the best range in all ground units, and it deals 70
damage to its target and various other damages to units near by
the explosion. And in the hands of a pro, it can just wipe out
your entire army before you can get close to the Tanks. Terrans
also have some awesome air units, and the Battle Cruisers are
probably the best air unit anyone can have. However, Terran has
slow building speed, so Terran doesn't work well in a rush. The
Terran buildings have a great ability, the buildings are able to
lift off and fly over to another part of the map. Even though the
building's movements are quite slow, they are however fast enough
to expend in short period of time. You should know that not all
Terran buildings are able to lift off, only big buildings with the
same size as the Commend Center has this ability. Terran
buildings catches fire if they are damaged for 2/3 of their total
possible HP, the building will slowly burn down if it catches fire
and have red hit points, you will need a SCV to repair the damaged
building, or it will be burn down quite fast. It would be easy
for you if you keep a few SCV near your front line, also have a
few SCV when attacking with Tanks and other Mech. units, these
units can be repaired with your SCVs. Terran computer is the most
powerful, they take full effect of their ability to control multi
units at the same time, and if you can do that, you will be one of
the best player ever. Terran is more flexible in building since
they can build anywhere the map allows, unlike Zerg on Creeps and
Protoss on Pylons.

Zerg are creatures with low technology, they fight with brutal
force and mass numbers, and they will win no matter the sacrifice
that needs to be made. Their fast production speed makes them a
great race used for rush or wave. But the Hatchery (evolves into
Lair, and then Hive) are the only place where the Zerg units can
be produced (so I suggest you build 3 or 4 maybe even more later
on when you have the extra minerals). The Hatchery will slowly
produce Larva that evolves into other units, and Larva that evolve
into Drones that can mine and morph into different Zerg buildings.
The Drone will die when evolve into any buildings (actually it
becomes that building). All Zerg buildings and units will slowly
regain HP when it has been damaged, it can take a while but it is
automatic and free. The Zergs are very easy to use, and I suggest
to newbs that you begin playing as Zerg, once you master this
race, you can go on ahead to play as other races, Zerg is simple
to use, and there isn't that many things you need to master in
Zerg. Zerg players should always be on the offensive side, keep
attacking until you have won, Zergs are very hard to defend, since
a Zealot rush can put your base back into the stone age if done
correctly. The early game Zergling rush will be very useful if
you can find your opponent fast enough, if not, your Zerglings
will fry under Zealots and Bunkers. However, the Zergling rush
will slow down your mineral production if you plan on something

*Note* The only way to move your unit is using the attack key
(unless you want them to ignore any enemy unit on the way). When
you are attacking the enemy's base, don't just right click, enemy
units on the way will attack your units, they can keep attacking
along the way until you notice it. So press A, then select any
ground on the enemy's base (not on a building, click anywhere near
the building, your troop will attack all enemy it sees on the way,
meaning everything in it's sight range). You should only use the
right click if you are going for a direct building, (like Barrack
or Pylon) but remember your troops will ignore enemy attack if you
just right click.

The most basic win is a fast rush game that overwhelms your
opponent. This is easily achieved by making more units than your
opponent, and then just over powers them through out the game.
While you are creating chaos in their base, you should be
preparing another army in your base ready to finish off your
opponent. The basic idea is have all workers mine minerals only,
get more production buildings like Barrack/Gateway/Hatchery, and
build your fighters faster than your opponent. If the enemy has
some good defense, find some way to get around it, don't face it
head on, you will not only lose all your people, you won't able to
break through the defense. The most basic rush idea is find your
opponent before you attack, Zerg can use their Overlord to scout,
but if you are using the other two races, you will have to use
your workers or use your first basic unit(s).

The basic Protoss building order is four Probe start to mine,
while you are making the fifth as soon as the game starts, when
the probe finish, you should have around enough money to make
another Probe, make it and have the fifth Probe mine. The sixth
Probe should wait for 100 minerals and build a Pylon, and go into
mining. Then once you have 50 minerals, make another probe while
your Pylon is still building. The seventh Probe will make your
Gateway and go into mining. Then you should make another Probe
(your eighth), and build another Gateway and Pylon while scouting
for your opponent with this Probe or the seventh Probe. Your
first Gateway should finish and should start on Zealots, then you
just make up to 10 or 12 Probes, possibly making more Gateways and
more Pylons then go into mining. Gas isn't that important yet,
but you can go into it if you feel you have enough money, than a
Forge should be built, if you got enough extra money left, get the
upgrades and possibly get Cybernetic Core. By the time you have
around 6 Zealots, you should prepare your first rush, while making
more Zealots. Your first rush with your first group of Zealots
will only able to break through your opponents' base at most, they
probably won't able to finish off the job against most opponents.
The time they all died, you should have around 8 new Zealots ready
to go, rush with those while producing more. This should finish
off a Zerg opponent with no problem, unless they got around 10
Sunkens, then you should go for their workers and avoid direct
contact with the Sunkens. Terran might give you some trouble if
they have Firebats in Bunkers, but your second rush should able to
finish them off if you go for their SCVs instead of the Bunkers.
If you are playing against a Protoss player, then expect them to
have a few more Zealots than you. Then you should ignore the
Zealots and try to stop their mineral production, and then
concentrate on the Zealots. Your Zealots in your base should then
rush in (and of course, you are making more while all this is
happening) and help out. Zealots are very powerful, one Zealot
can take on 2 Zerglings or 2 Marines with no problem, and a group
of 12 can break through almost any ground defense. Zealot takes
awhile longer to make, but they can really finish the job with
their high damage and HP. If you see that Zealots aren't getting
the job done, go into gas and build your Citadel of Adun, and
improve Zealot speed, and also make another Forge for both Photon
Cannons and faster ground unit upgrades. Watch out for enemy
flying units and cloak units (Dark Templar and Lurker), if you see
that they have these units (you are in big trouble). First
protect your base, and then climb your tech tree and see if you
can have an army (fully upgraded Carriers and 3 Arbiters would do
it) powerful enough to break through. If you keep rushing you
will be just losing troops, if this is a multi exit map, try the
other exit. And about then, you should start expending. Anyway,
against some Terran opponents that build Bunkers too out from
their main base, just ignore the Bunkers and just run past them.
If the Marine come out the Bunker after you, than go back and
finish them, if they don't come back, take out their Barrack or
take out their SCVs, sometimes even better take out the Commend
Center if you can. 6 Zealots can run pass 4 Bunkers easily if the
path is clear enough. And remember once the Marines exits the
Bunker, they are no match against your Zealots with their pity 6
damage and 40 HP. When you have the chance go take out important
units, like workers or HQ, remember workers provide money and gas
for the entire base, and when the HQ is gone, the workers can't
produce any more minerals until the HQ is replaced. Take note
that all HQ takes an extremely long time to build.

Zerg is a basic rush race, so they don't do very well in late
games unless you are really good with Zerg. Zerg units can be
created fast and they can rush faster than any other race.
Zerglings are hatched 2 per Larva, and that means 6 at a time with
a full Hatchery. Another advantage that Zerg possess is their
Overlord (you start a game with an Overlord), they can scout for
the enemy while you mine (however, your opponent will know where
you are if they see your Overlord). The basic building order is 4
Drones mines, make Drone as soon as the game starts, and your
Overlord should start scouting. The fifth Drone should start to
mine minerals, any of the mining Drone will build the Spawning
Pool once you got the 150 minerals required. You can morph in
another Drone when the Spawning Pool is still building. Then you
just start making Zerglings, you should rush with your first six
and hope that your opponent haven't got any kind of defense yet.
If they got any defense, go for their workers and try to stop
their mineral production as much as you can. Since each worker
cost 50 minerals, and if you kill 3 worker units, your Zerglings
have done the job for their cheap 150 mineral cost. Zergling rush
is extremely risky, if you fail to take out the enemy workers, you
will be behind in mineral production and eventually lose to a
higher tech unit. Zergling rush is a good way to win in small
maps like Blood Bath, but sometimes the game will be very close
and you should attack your Drones along with your Zerglings.
Drones aren't the best attacker, but they however will provide
quite a force this early on. Once the Zergling rush starts, you
can continue on and build extra Hatchery when you've gotten enough
money, build the second Hatchery near your base where it can be
protected or far away for an expansion. While you are making more
Zerglings and keeps rushing them (even though you know they won't
finish off the enemy, as long as they can stall their mineral and
technology, the sacrifices should be made), as all the fighting is
going on, your base should be flooded with Zerglings. Eventually
you will kill your opponent by just sending enough Zerglings to
his/her base. This strategy works well against all races, however
Zealots are powerful enough to take on 3 Zerglings by himself, so
with the help of Probes, your Zerglings will fry! The best way to
avoid this is going for the Probes instead of the Zealots since
Zerglings have better speed, six Zerglings should take out around
5 or 6 Probes before they all die. This should send your opponent
back to where they start, they will have to replace all the
Probes, and they won't have any money to make new Zealots. Then a
12 Zerglings should able to finish off the enemy, if not, go for
gas and Mutalisks, they can wipe out the weakened Protoss base.
Cloak units or flyers shouldn't be a problem, so don't go into
Mutalisks unless your opponent has a large group of Zealots or
some Bunkers in good choke points. A quick Lair then Spire would
be good and easy done, and Mutalisks can shred the Zealots or take
out the Probes while your Zerglings finish it off after your
flyers. During this, your Lair should be evolved to a Hive and a
Greater Spire should be on the way. Then just morph your damaged
Mutalisks to Guardians, and that's pretty much game over for your
opponent. Protoss Scouts and Terran Wraith shouldn't be much of a
problem since Scourge can take care any of the flyers they might
have without much effort. This early cripple strategy works well,
also your Zeaglings can stop your opponent from expending
anywhere, you can basically take over the entire map if you have
them pinned like this.

Terran have a weak early game rush, their Marines are weak, their
attacks are a pitiful 6 damage, and they will die very fast under
any kind of attack, Marines will die one on one against almost any
other attacker. However Firebats are extremely powerful, but they
require Gas and Academy to be built. Then that isn't a rush
anymore, however I have seen players that rush with a combination
of 8 Marines and 4 Firebats in less than 3 and half minutes. But
just a simple 3 Cannon or 3 Sunken block stops that kind of rush
cold. I would just recommend that you use another race if you are
rushing, Terran just don't have a good early game rush unit, enemy
Zealots and Zerglings are just faster and more powerful against
Terran Marines. Also if you are playing Mutiplayer with allies,
don't rush with Firebats, because their splash damage with hurt
your ally's troops too. Terran can however block in/out an
opponent easily, with Siege Tanks, Bunkers and Missile Turrets,
not many units can get through easily. Only Guardians, Carriers,
Battle Cruiser's Yamato Gun, and Queen's Spawn Broodling can cause
you any serious trouble. However, a few Dark Swarms with
Ultralisks, Zealots, Dark Templars, and Archons can shred your
front line with Queens taking out all your Tanks. Unless you have
Firebats in Bunkers, it's pretty much over for your frontline, and
unless you got a lot more Firebats in the background you've
already lost that base to your enemy. And remember that Firebats
will only deal 4 damage to Ultralisks since they are large units.
Stim Pack is very important here, Firebats without them are quite
useless against units like Zealots.

Part 2: Advance Strategy

The Advance Strategy is how you are going to win a late game. The
idea is similar to basic strategy, kill your opponent with your
troops. Except this is probably no longer a ground only war, it's
now involved with air units. Knowing this, you should protect
your base with both anti ground and anti air units.

Also, cloaking units comes into the game, your cloakers can deal
some free damage, but that can go for your opponent too. So you
should really protect your base well, meaning just one or two
Cannons/Spores/Turrets aren't going to cut you a break when 20
plus Wraith with cloak attacking your mineral line.

For Terran, have a Bunker with 4 Marines right next to your
Commend Center, also build four Missile Turrets around your
mineral field. Marine and Goliath are also good at protecting
against early worker hunters. Especially Goliath with their
attack range upgrade, then they will have the same range as

Zerg is however more easier, first have 3 or more Spores and 2
Sunken right next to your mineral line. Hydralisks and Mutalisks
aren't that important, but keep them there just in case. Spores
have 400 HP, so Wraith and Scouts aren't going to kill them that
fast. The Sunkens can prevent Tank and Reaver drop before they
really hurt you. A hot key of Hydralisk should be kept there at
all the time, burrow them and call them out when you need them.
Watch out when fast flyers go for your workers directly instead of
your Spores. Then your Hydralisks will be your best protection
with their fast and decent attacks.

Protoss is much simple in worker protection since their Photon
Cannon attacks both air and ground, first 2 Pylons that can
support your cannons near your minerals. Then build 4 or more
cannons right next to your Nexus, if you don't feel that is safe,
build more if you got the extra minerals to spare. Then have some
Dragoons and Scouts, and that is one good mineral protection,
however a big swarm of Hydralisks and Zeaglings with a good number
advantage can overtake that base easily. However, 3 Reavers and a
few High Templars can easily overturn the tide of the battle with
their extremely high damage and their awesome range.

The Protoss most powerful late game unit is the Carrier, and a
fully upgraded Carrier with 8 Interceptors deals 72 damages. The
Carrier possess 300 HP and 150 shields, they are very difficult to
destroy (but they are also the most expensive unit in the game),
and they takes a long time to make. Also, the Protoss has some
awesome magic spells and technology, they should be researched and
put into use. Your best bet at winning a late game is 12 Carriers
(fully upgraded!), a few Arbiters to cloak the Carrier and a few
Observers to detect cloak units (the Observer is useless against
Zerg since they can't cloak any air attackers, just add another
Carrier or Arbiter). This will require a large amount of time,
money and gas, and you will probably need to expend to a lot of
other mineral spots to get gas faster. The best way to speed up
this is to build 4 or 5 Stargates (maybe more), and have only
Fleet Beacon and Stargates early on, once you have your 10 or so
Carriers, then go into Arbiter, Observers, and your upgrades.
However I would recommend you to have a group of Zealots and
Dragoons to rush the enemy base before you attack, so you can see
what they have before you attack with your main forces. You can
also use a few Scouts to check out the enemy base but the odds are
they will not come back. Your base should be well defended
through out the game, build Photon Cannons around your base, and a
few near your buildings and Mineral fields is really important.
Scatter Dragoons and Scouts around your base in case of transport
drop attack. Also Protoss Archons work well in both attacking and
defending. The only thing you should really watch out for are
Terran Siege Tanks, Zerg Guardians, and Protoss Reavers, and
against all of these units, a group of 8 Scouts with speed upgrade
should do the job. However, if you are doing this, you will be
really poor if your opponent is attacking you non-stop with
Zealots and Dragoons, the money to keep your front line Cannons
can just drain you dry. And with help of Reavers and Drops, you
probably won't have the time and money for Carrier/Arbiter push.
So when that happens, switch to more ground troops, since ground
troops are cheaper and the attack/armor upgrades aren't that
important. However, Zealot walk speed and Dragoon attack range
must be upgrades. Scouts are just too expensive, so you should
just get something else instead. High Templar and Dark Templars
are also quite good, High Templar is one of the most feared units
for Protoss. Their Psi Storm deals over 200 damage if the unit
stays in the storm. And with the cheap cost of only 75 energy, a
High Templar can fire 3 times before drained dry. Even then, 5
seconds later, two drained Templars will form a powerful healthy
Archon which splashes 30 damage without any upgrade (and with
Shield Battery nearby, it will be very difficult to kill off the
Archon). Dark Templar's free cloaking is quite annoying, unless
you have multi-detectors nearby, your opponent will just go for
your single Science Vessel or Overlord with Scouts and then their
Dark Templars will murder your army completely before your backup
detector arrives. Remember to hot key some High Templars near
your front line, they can shred almost any incoming units with
their Psi Storms.

Terrans have some great mid/late game units, their Siege Tanks
have the best range in all ground units, and their damage is
awesome, too. Basically, 6 plus Siege Tanks in Siege mode with 4
Bunkers and some Missile Turrets can stop almost any incoming
ground attack. The Terran Battle Cruisers are the best air unit
(Carriers slow firing rate make them the second best air unit),
their 34 upgraded damage for both air and ground make them
trustable, and their Yamato Gun dishes out 260 damage with great
range. The best way to win against a computer is just build a few
Supply Depots to block off the exit to your base. (This don't
work in maps that have multi exits and against Terran CPU, since
their Siege Tanks will attack your Supply Depot, you can still
pull it off if you get Wraith fast enough), and build Bunkers with
Marines with Tanks in Siege Mode to back up the fire power. The
computers don't attack the Supply Depot, but they can't get to
your bunker, so they just run around while you are shooting them
down. But watch out for Hydralisk and Dragoons, they can attack
your bunker straight, so have a few SCVs near by to repair it as
soon as it gets damaged. You should get Tanks fast or your bunker
will be crash fast, since Marines deal pitiful damage even if you
upgraded to the max. Once you have secured your base with Missile
Turrets and ground units around your base, start on making
Starports (6 or 7 recommended), however an early 4 plus Reaver
drop on your workers can cripple you greatly. Once your base is
secure, go on ahead to Armory (build three since upgrades takes
awhile, but for those of you who wants Battle Cruisers fast, and
build the Science Facility first, then go into Armory. Another
thing I found out that might be useful is when a SCV is building,
you can cancel it on the SCV and have it do something else, and
you can come back later and finish it off with another SCV. So
that means you can block off your exit faster now that you don't
have to finish off the buildings. A 12 Battle Cruiser fleet and a
few Science Vessels can probably take out any enemy base, but than
Psi Storm and mass Hydralisk swarms can easily counter these
expensive fleets. The Science Vessel's Emp Shockwave is great
against Protoss since it drains all energy and shield from that
unit (make a Protoss Archon with only 10 HP, your SCV can finish
off the Archon). If you are fighting against Zerg, don't bring
the Science Vessel, just bring another Battle Cruiser. If you are
fighting against multi enemies, repair your Battle Cruiser before
charging into another enemy base. While defending your base, have
Vultures lay Spider Mines outside your base, it can act as a
detector for an attack. Spider mines also workers well in major
chock points on the map, but you have to really know the map if
you are blocking choke points. Science Vessels are a good target
for both Lockdown and Yamato Gun, so be sure to bring 4 or more
when going up against a cloak happy opponent. Remember once your
only detector is destroyed, Wraith will shred your Battle Cruiser
fleet and because of Cruiser's slow speed, they won't able to run
away. Your Comsat Scanner isn't that useful, it loses effect in 2
or 3 seconds, your Battle Cruisers won't able to take out any more
than 5 or 6 Wraith, the rest will just completely destroy your
very expensive fleet. (12 Cruisers fleet cost 4800 minerals and
3600 gas without upgrades, and lets not mention the time and
effort put into it.) Tank push is also good way to go, with
protection from other units, Tank's 11 range can drill your way to
victory, but flyers and close-up melee attackers can really damage
your Tanks unless proper backup is available.

Zerg have some weak late game units, their Guardians are your best
bet at winning, protected by Scourge and Mustlisk (Devours for
Brood Wars), they can win the game. Another easy way to win is
fully upgrade your Hydralisk, and rush them by the 100s. They can
just over whelm your opponent and since they attack both land and
air, you can just leave everything to them and just watch as they
tear up your opponent's base, but Reaver and Psi Storm easily
counters those. But remember this won't work unless you have a
large amount of Hydralisks (above 80 recommended), and you should
have some flyers to back up Hydralisks in case they can't finish
it off. They are great targets for Terran Spider mines and Siege
Mode Tanks, Reavers works wonders on mass Hydralisk rush, I would
recommend have an Overlord there to detect and a few Guardians to
take out the Tanks before charging in. And of course send a few
Zerglings to rush to see how the enemy's base is defended first,
Queen's Parasite is also good here. Zerg has some great attacking
buildings, their Sunken Colony has 400 HP and deals 40 damage, but
unless they are built together, they won't work that well. The
Spores are however weaker, they only deals 15 damage, but your
Hydralisks can patrol your base and they can take out almost any
air unit with their cheap cost and large numbers. Spread your
Overlord around for cloak detection. Also send a Zergling to a
further exit to your base, it can be used as early warning of an
enemy attack, and have it burrow so enemies wont know about it.
But against the computer it might not work, since they always know
where to scan and they have everything perfect with their
detector. You should build your Sunkens and Spores close
together, if built too far apart, they won't work very well, since
they might not all attack because they just can't move at all.
When playing against another human player, send your Zerglings to
all the mineral fields and have them burrow right next to the
crystals. If your player color is blue, it will work wonders in
Twilight and other dark maps. When your opponent decide to
expend, and have all their main troops guarding their new base,
attack their main base. If their troops go back trying to save
their main base, have your Zerglings attack the new base. Both
way you get something out of it. Remember map control is very
important, unless you are willing to be rushed non stop by your
opponent, you should take good care of the map.

*Note, an easy way to win against a Zerg computer is a Sunken
Colony rush, this is easily accomplished by first have a Drone
morph into a Spawning Pool, and while the Spawning Pool is still
building. Than have another Drone build a Creep Colony on enemy
Zerg's Creep, upgrade the Creep Colony to Sunken and rush with
your Zerglings, and this should be a very easy win. This Strategy
works for Protoss also, but their Photon Cannon only has 200 HP
and require a Pylon and are easily killed by enemy workers.
Photon Cannon requires a Forge and a Pylon, but one Probe can
build multi Cannons in a matter a seconds. However I don't
recommend you doing this, this is for a pro player using a new
name to rack in 10 wins, so he or she can play ladder without
wasting any time on long boring games.

Note- I swear I see these 7 vs 1 zerg comp rush games everywhere
on What is the point of playing this, there isn't even any
kind of challenge here, you just run all your workers there and
you will win. It doesn't really matter that you have a lot of
wins, if you can't take on against a good human player, it means
you suck in StarCraft. So when playing against other people,
don't be scared of their records, I've seen people with 200 wins
who can't stop a simple and quite slow 6 Zerglings rush if they
know about it coming. One time I've saw this guy with 120 wins
and 10 lose, he don't even protect his main mineral base, I scout
with a Shuttle, and found nothing. Than I dropped on him and I
won with only 6 Reavers, non of them are even damaged. So record
doesn't really mean anything, so don't be a fool and ban anyone
with a decent record.

Personally, I got over 200 wins, and I don't think I'm that good.
I've lost a lot of games (actually I've lost over 100 and won only
around 500 with all my records add together), and still sometimes
when I play 2v2 or 3v3, people would boot me because of my record.

One thing about records, sometimes people with insane records like 400
wins and only 20 loses, but those people are actually quite weak, since
the 400 wins came from computers, and not human players. On the other
hand, someone with a 30-20 record is someone who plays real games that
are challenging, they are usually much better than people with the
really good records.

Part 3: Terran Units and Buildings


Unit name: the unit's name, it's how you tell what it is
Unit HP: how much life it has
Unit armor: how much it can stand abuse
Unit ground attack: how much abuse it can deliver
Unit air attack: how much air abuse it delivers
Unit cost: how much it cost
Unit supply cost: how much the unit eats
Unit size: how big it is
Unit attack range: how far the abuse can go
Unit upgrade: how much improvement it has for it's abuse
Unit ability: the unit's special abuse
Unit requirement: what the unit needs to be built
Unit best usage: what the unit should be used on
Unit summary: what the unit is about (mostly attack wise)

Building name: building's name, what do you think
Building ability: what can the building do
Building HP: amount of damage the building can stand
Building cost: building's cost
Building Summary: about the building

Damage Types Very Important! I repeat, this is very important!

Normal-Unit always deals the amount of damage after the armor.
The most common damage type, they are quite reliable, and mostly
seen on melee close-up attackers, or splash attackers.

Concussive-Concussive Damage does 50% damage against Medium units
and 25% against large units. Very bad against buildings since
they count as large units. This type of damage is only seen in
Terran units.

Explosion-Unit does 50% damage against Small units and 75% against
medium units. Much better than Concussive since they hit
buildings for full damage, most mid game units have this damage
type, mostly seen on ranged attackers.

Splash-All unit within the blast suffers half or one fourth of the
damage, however the main enemy unit will suffer the full damage.
The best type of damage, because it attacks many units with one
hit. However, some Splash will also damage your units nearby
(Siege Tanks), and all Splash type damage hurts ally's units
within the damage range.

1. Unit name: SCV
Unit HP: 60
Unit armor: 0
Unit ground attack: Fusion Cutter, 5 (normal)
Unit air attack: none
Unit cost: 50 minerals
Unit supply cost: 1
Unit size: small
Unit attack range: 1
Unit upgrade: Infantry Armor Upgrade
Unit ability: build various buildings, mine minerals, mine gas
Unit requirement: Commend Center
Unit best usage: SCV are obvious used for mining, however they are
also used in repairs, keep a few around with your Mech units
Unit summary: this is the worker unit for Terran, the SCV builds
all the building for the Terran race. The SCV also repairs any
damaged Mech. units and buildings. SCV's can repair one another
if damaged. SCV stands for something like Space Construction
Vehicle, this counts for both organic and machine. Both Lockdown
and Mealstrom works on this unit. SCVs are pretty good attackers
compared to Probes, they have high HP, but they don't heal like
the other workers unless you got Medics around.

Unit name: Marine
Unit HP: 40
Unit armor: 0
Unit ground attack: Gauss Rifle 6 (normal)
Unit air attack: Gauss Rifle 6
Unit cost: 50 minerals
Unit supply cost: 1
Unit size: small
Unit attack range: 4/5
Unit upgrade: attack, armor and range
Unit ability: Stim Packs, Marine takes 10 damage, but it now fires
twice as fast, and deals a bit more damage.
Unit requirement: Barrack
Unit best usage: Marines are used in large groups against almost
any enemy unit
Unit summary: the basic troop for the Terran race, with a Bunker,
Marines can be very useful. However, it's low HP and low damage
makes them less useful later on when in small numbers. Stim Packs
should be put into use, since dropping with 8 Marines is useful
and can be accomplished fast. Marine alone is very useless,
however together, they can more useful. Zealots and Zerglings
won't able to get to them in time to attack. Marines attacks are
quite fast, but not as fast like close up units like Zealots and

Unit name: Firebat
Unit HP: 50
Unit armor: 0
Unit ground attack: Flame Thrower, 16 (concussive)
Unit air attack: none
Unit cost: 50 minerals, 25 gas
Unit supply cost: 1
Unit size: small
Unit attack range: 2
Unit upgrade: attack and armor
Unit ability: Stim Packs (see above for Marine's ability)
Unit requirement: Barrack, Academy
Unit best usage: Firebats are only used early on against Zealots
and Zerglings, their use decreases as the game progress.
Unit summary: a good unit used for protect your base, it can only
attack ground, but it deals 16 damage without any upgrades, that
is very good against Zerglings and Zealots rushes. The Firebats
also have splash damage, and that is very useful for a rush or
going up against tightly grouped up enemies. Keep in mind that
Firebats will also damage your ally's troops if they are near,
although not dealing the full 16 damage, but enough to kill ally's
Zealots and Zerglings in time. Firebats in Bunkers is the only
way for Terran to stop Dark Swarm/Zergling combo. The Firebat's
use decrease in time because of their Concussive type damage. But
always keep a Firebat in a Bunker unless it's an island, since
Marines and Ghost can't cut it against mass close up swarm
attacks. Stim Packed Firebats will shred Zealot swarms like a hot
knife through butter, 12 Stimed Firebats can take out 20 Zealots
grouped together without a problem. Once Stim Packed, Firebats
will basically have close to 0 recovery, they will almost keep
firing non-stop until the effect is over.

Unit name: Ghost
Unit HP: 45, 200 energy
Unit armor: 0
Unit ground attack: C-10 Canister Rifle, 10 (concussive)
Unit air attack: C-10 Canister Rifle, 10 (concussive)
Unit cost: 25 minerals, 75 gas
Unit supply cost: 1
Unit size: small
Unit attack range: 7
Unit upgrade: Lock Down, Cloaking, Sight Range, +50 Energy, attack
and armor
Unit ability: Lock Down stops a Mech. unit from moving and
attacking, Cloaking cloaks the Ghost, Nuclear Strike nukes where
ever you point, you will lose the Nuke if the Ghost dies.
Unit requirement: Barrack, Science Facility with Covert Orps.
Unit best usage: Ghost is used for their abilities, Nuke and
Lockdown mainly, Nukes are extremely useful in clearing a large
Photon Cannon or Sunken Field.
Unit summary: The Ghost is a good unit to have, their low HP make
them very easy to kill, but they have a great set of ability.
Lockdown works only against Mech. units in Terran and Protoss, all
Zerg units are unaffected by that, and Nuclear Strike will Nuke a
large area for 500 damage in a 18x18 matrix area. Overall this is
a good unit to have even if you don't plan to using Nukes.
Ghost's attack is rather weak, since all buildings counts as large
units. So meaning Ghost will only deal 25% of it's total possible
damage. Ghosts weren't meant to be use as a frontal attacker, but
the Ghost's ability is what it is for. Cloaking isn't important
unless you are nuking, since Lockdown as about 10-11 range and
your Ghost won't be killed that fast anyway. Stopping enemy
transport is great way to use Lockdown, since once the transport
dies, the cargo goes with it. Cloaking and attacking isn't meant
for Ghost, since just one Siege Tank will take a Ghost 45 hits to
kill and a healthy Hive will take a Ghost 750 hits, and during
this time the Hive will probably heal for 600 plus, which means
another 200 hits for the Ghost. And that should take around 30
minutes, possibly more, I think your Ghost will die because of old
age by than.

Unit name: Vultures
Unit HP: 80
Unit armor: 0
Unit ground attack: Fragmentation Grenade 20 (concussive)
Unit air attack: none
Unit cost: 75 minerals
Unit supply cost: 2
Unit size: medium
Unit attack range: 4
Unit upgrade: speed upgrade, spider mines, attack and armor
Unit ability: Spider Mines are mines that you plant, it deals 125
damage when enemy steps on it, but a Dragoon or other long range
units can shoot it down before it fires.
Unit requirement: Factory
Unit best usage: Vultures are used most as fast scouts for enemy
expansion, Spider Mine comes in handy against ground swarms and
Unit summary: Vulture isn't that useful other than their Spider
Mine ability, they can't really attack and are quite useless in
rushes. Their good speed makes them good scouts, their 20 damage
might look powerful, but they attacks are quite slow, and will get
destroyed fast by enemy units. Spider Mine will also attack
cloaked units like Dark Templar and Ghost, but Spider Mine doesn't
detect cloaked units. (sent in by And
basically, Vulture only has two uses, scouting and anti-Ghost
nukes with their mines. However Vultures can just run right pass
Bunkers and take very little damage with their awesome speed.
Spider Mines comes with the Vulture once it's researched, each
Vulture has 3 mines, once the mines are used, you will need new
Vultures to get new mines. Once upgraded, Vultures have the best
speed in StarCraft, but they are hard to stop when they usually
over run the point you chose, usually into a busy Cannon field or
Sunken field. Vultures are quite cheap, they can be used as
suicide units to check out your opponent's base. However, with
Comsat Scanner available to you, you shouldn't waste money on

Unit name: Siege Tanks
Unit HP: 150
Unit armor:
Unit ground attack: Arclite Cannon 20 damage (explosive)
Siege Mode Arclite Shockwave 70 damage (explosive/splash)
Unit air attack: none
Unit cost: 150 minerals, 100 gas
Unit supply cost: 2
Unit size: large
Unit attack range: 5, Siege Mode 11
Unit upgrade: Siege Mode, attack and armor
Unit ability: Siege Mode
Unit requirement: Factory, Machine Shop
Unit best usage: Siege Tanks are best at attacking, even if they
are good at defense. The Tank push one of the most important
aspect any Terran player must know how to perform.
Unit summary: The Siege Tanks is one of the best ground unit in
StarCraft, it has the best range when in Siege Mode (11), it has
one of the best damage (70 without upgrade), but it is slow when
switching from Tank mode to Siege Mode. But this is one of the
best ground unit you can have, with support from other close range
units, Siege Tank is your best bet at a win. When it is in Siege
Mode, it can't attack units too close, so bring along a few
Marines, Firebats, Goliaths and or Wraiths to give Siege Tanks
close up supports. Siege Tanks also has splash damage up to 2
space away. Siege Tanks next to Bunkers are awesome in your base
protection, most opponent will try to avoid Siege Tanks when they
are rushing (human players only), so this can be used to your
advantage. For opponents that relying mostly on Photon Cannons
and Sunken Colonies, your Siege Tanks can shred those in no time.
However practice guessing your Tank's range before changing them
from mode to mode. Also Siege Tanks only has around 10 sight
range but with 11 attack range, so they can actually fire on
targets out of their sight range.

Unit name: Goliath
Unit HP: 150
Unit armor: 1
Unit ground attack: Twin Auto Cannon 12 (normal)
Unit air attack: Hellfire Missile Pack 20 (explosive)
Unit cost: 100 minerals, 50 gas
Unit supply cost: 2
Unit size: large
Unit attack range: 4 ground, 6/9 air
Unit upgrade: attack, armor and air attack range
Unit ability: none
Unit requirement: Armory, Factory
Unit best usage: Goliaths are used as protection units, their slow
ground attack makes them useless against mass swarm attacks.
Goliaths are best as ground to air protection against Guardians or
other slow moving air units.
Unit summary: this is a very good unit to have in both protecting
your base and attacking. Goliath have both good ground attack and
air attack, a group of fully upgraded Goliath can easily protect
your new expended base. The only Weakness that the Goliath have
is their low HP and their slow ground attack rate, but overall
this is a good unit to have and you should have them patrol your
base for protection. Goliath makes great Siege Tanks escorts, and
with SCVs repairing, your troops should break through any defense.
Goliath have great ground to air range once upgraded, it will than
have the same range as Guardians, and with level 3 attack, it
deals 32 damage. But Goliath bad ground fire recovery makes them
useless against Zerglings or Zealot swarms. But you got your
Firebats in Bunkers to help out against those. Goliath can
replace your Missile Turrets in anti-air protection for your base,
since they can actually move, but keep Missile Turrets for cloak
detection. Goliaths are extremely dumb, they will attack the
enemy unit that fired on it, it will ignore all further attacks
from other enemy units. 12 Goliath will die against 3 Guardians
and 10 Zerglings, even though when in theory, the Goliath are much
more powerful. Goliath tends to stumble around, so you shouldn't
get any more than 6.

Unit name: Wraith
Unit HP: 120, 200 energy
Unit armor: 0
Unit ground attack: Burst Laser 8 (normal)
Unit air attack: Gemini Missile 20 (explosive)
Unit cost: 150 minerals, 50 gas
Unit supply cost: 2
Unit size: large
Unit attack range: 5
Unit upgrade: attack, armor, cloaking, and +50 energy
Unit ability: Cloaking, cloak your Wraith, requires 25 energy to
activate, and uses 1 energy per second.
Unit requirement: Starport
Unit best usage: Wraith, more a protection unit than attacking
unit, weak ground attack. However, Wraith are excellent worker
hunters and air-to-air attack units with their cloaking ability.
These are also great Overlord Hunters.
Unit summary: The Wraith is a basic air unit, it has good air
attack, but weak ground attack. It cloaking ability makes it a
good unit to stop opponent's mineral production early on in the
game, just cloak it and go into the mineral fields (does not work
against Zerg, since their Overlord detects, but you can go
Overlord Hunting then). This strategy works well, but only early
on. Your opponent can get detectors before you get your Wraith,
but some just people just don't. So make them suffer for their
mistake. Wraith are good escorts for Siege Tanks and Drop Ships,
their air to air attack is quite damaging and with their cloaking
ability Wraith should last quite long. But once detected, they
are pretty much dead with their low HP and weak ground attack.
Wraith are excellent Overlord hunters with their decent speed and
air-to-air attack damage. And you can start your hunt as soon as
you have 6 Wraith, add more to your hot key later on. Wraith also
makes good Bat

Unit name: Drop Ship
Unit HP: 200
Unit armor: 1
Unit ground attack: none
Unit air attack: none
Unit cost: 100 minerals, 100 gas
Unit supply cost: 2
Unit size: large
Unit attack range: 0
Unit upgrade: armor
Unit ability: Load, Unload units
Unit requirement: Starport, Control Tower
Unit best usage: like it's name, the Drop Ship drops off units. A
decent transport, but nothing too special.
Unit summary: this is a transport ship, it has medium speed, and
make a lot since these will die when you make drops. Drop Ship
has a slow building speed compare to other Transports, but it can
be repaired fast by your SCVs. However, Drop Ship is the slowest
transport in all three races, but it starts with one armor. But
just one armor won't make much of a difference since most unit's
air-to-air attack is over 20. These are pretty much dead once
confronted by Scouts, Wraith, Scourge or Goliath in open ground,
and with because the game slow reaction speed, the cargo will be
pretty much gone for sure too. Drop Ship has pretty bad startup
speed, but once it makes the drop in enemy's base, 100 mineral and
100 gas has been put to good use already.

Unit name: Science Vessel
Unit HP: 200, 200 energy
Unit armor: 1
Unit ground attack: none
Unit air attack: none
Unit cost: 100 minerals, 225 gas
Unit supply cost: 3
Unit size: large
Unit attack range: 0
Unit upgrade: armor, Irritate, Emp Shockwave, +50 energy
Unit ability: Defensive Matrix, Emp Shockwave, and Irritate
Unit requirement: Starport, Science Facility
Unit best usage: the only Terran unit able to detect, their range
and abilities are great, and is a must for any base you might
have. This is a must get for Brood Wars, since Lurkers, Dark
Templars and Wraith can easily avoid Missile Turrets or just
destroy the single Turrets with their attacks. Science Vessel is
also a great Overlord Hunter with Irritate, if you find a Lurker
or Guardians, you are in luck, you just kill of an enemy units
that cost over 200 gas with a cheap 75 energy cost from your
Science Vessel.
Unit summary: Science Vessel is a very useful unit to have, Emp
Shockwave drains energy from a enemy (it also drains Protoss
Shields! And that can make a Archon have only 10 HP). Irritate is
a useful spell against Zerg, cast that on a unit and the unit
begin to grow in a gas, the unit will run around and damage all
units near him. Defensive Matrix will add a defensive shield to a
unit for a short period of time, the shield has 250 hit points,
all damage assign to that unit will be reduced to 1 until shield
runs out. The Science Vessel is also a detector, so bring to them
along on an attack. Compare the Science Vessel to the other
Detectors, the Science Vessel stands out with it's decent HP and
good speed. Defensive Matrix with Ghost will not work, since
Ghost's cloak ability will not be there if he is shielded.
Science Vessel can get killed fast in battle, so remember to bring
more than just one. Most people underestimate the power of
Irritate, Irritate deals over 200 damage, which will kill
Overlords, Guardians, Mutalisk and Lurkers. Irritate is best on a
Overlord patrolling near their mineral line, 1 single Irritate
will take out the Overlord, damage the other Overlords nearby, and
possibly scraping a few Drones before the passing of the Overlord.

Unit name: Battle Cruiser
Unit HP: 500, 200 energy
Unit armor: 3
Unit ground attack: ATA Laser 25 (normal)
Unit air attack: ATS Laser 25 (normal)
Unit cost: 400 minerals, 300 gas
Unit supply cost: 8
Unit size: large
Unit attack range: 8
Unit upgrade: Yamato Gun, +50 energy, attack and armor
Unit ability: Yamato Gun, a beam attack, deals 260 damage
Unit requirement: Starport with Control Tower, Science Facility
with Physic Lab.
Unit best usage: best in large groups, Battle Cruisers gets beaten
down easily when out numbered by other units. Battle Cruisers are
extremely powerful, they take a while to get wear down, so they
are best used in combat or base defense. Their poor speed makes
them terrible when need to move to a far place.
Unit summary: this is the best air unit in the game, the Battle
Cruiser's Yamato Gun can take out a Photon Cannon in one shot, so
these make great attackers. Scourge doesn't work against Battle
Cruisers unless you sent in a very large number, since one hit
from a Battle Cruiser is just enough to kill a Scourge. The
biggest reason that the Battle Cruiser is the best air unit is
because it's high firing rate, the Battle Cruiser can get in
around 3 hits or maybe more before a Carrier can finish launching.
(Also, Carrier's damage will be reduced to only 24 against Battle
Cruiser's armor, if no one got any upgrades and the Carrier has 8
Interceptors). Battle Cruisers movements are quite slow, but they
can scare the hell out of the opponents when in large numbers.
And people tend to avoid direct contact with large Battle Cruiser
fleets since their 500 HP is difficult to get rid off, not to
mention the number of death they'll receive for their units. Also
most damaged Battle Cruisers will get repaired by SCVs (unless the
owner is a complete idiot, or a really lazy person), so in matter
of seconds they will have full 500 HP and high armor again. And
that means, unless you kill a Battle Cruiser before it gets away,
the Battle Cruiser will come back at full HP in a few seconds.

Unit name: Nuclear Missile
Unit HP: 0
Unit armor: 0
Unit ground attack: 500 (splash)
Unit air attack: 500 (splash)
Unit cost: 200 mineral, 200 gas
Unit supply cost: 8
Unit attack range: 9
Unit upgrade: none
Unit ability: none
Unit requirement: Missile Silo, Science Facility with Covert Orps
Unit best usage: used against a large portion of buildings, like a
Cannon Field or Sunken Field.
Unit summary: this is the bad boy of StarCraft, it deals 500
damage (or 2/3 of the units total possible HP, which ever is more
damaging), enough said right there! This can knock out any unit
near by and totally damage all buildings near the explosion. It
has a great damage range (9), and if used right, Nukes are your
best weapon. You use your Ghosts to launch your Nukes, and you
can cloak your Ghost to make the job easy and fast. However the
Nuke will take around 10 or so seconds to be fired, and during
that time your Ghost dies, you will not only lose your Ghost, you
lose your Nuke too. However, the spot the Nuke is firing will
show a red flashing dot, so your opponent will very likely know
where your Ghost is. But with some protection from Battle
Cruisers and Medic, your Ghost should finish off the job easily,
just remember to move out fast enough so the nuke won't damage
your Cruisers too.

Terran Buildings

Building name: Commend Center
Building cost: 400 minerals
Building ability: Build SCV, Comsat Station, Nuclear Silo
Building HP: 1500
Building Summary: The Head Quarter for Terran race, it provide 10
supply unit for you, and it can fly like most other Terran
Buildings. Commend Center can easily help you expend, since
lifting them off and flying them to the island takes a lot lesser
time to build one. Lifting off Commend Center and flying them off
to islands is a great way to go in most island maps. Commend
Center will open up Barrack and Engineering Bay option.

Building name: Comsat Station
Building cost: 50 minerals, 50 gas
Building ability: Comsat Swipe (you scan target area) 50 energy
per use
Building HP: 500, 200 energy
Building Summary: you will need one of these for both easy fast
scouting and for cloaked enemy units. The scan last for about 5
seconds, so it's not that useful against cloak detection unless
you have a large army stationed very close by. Use this for
scouting more than cloak detection, since the scan just don't last
long enough. Remember to scan the enemy's base to find out about
their gaming method.

Building name: Nuclear Silo
Building cost: 50 minerals, 50 gas
Building ability: arm nuke
Building HP: 600
Building Summary: you get this if you want nukes. Have 3 Nuclear
Silos if you plan to use nukes since the nuke takes quite some
time to build. If you are playing a cheap map, try not to go into
Nukes, since Nukes are expensive and time consuming. Don't lift
off a Commend Center with an armed nuke, since you will lose it
once the building lifts off.

Building name: Supply Depot
Building cost: 100 minerals
Building ability: provide 8 supply units
Building HP: 500
Building Summary: just a boring old farm for you.

Building name: Refinery
Building cost: 100 minerals
Building ability: allow you to collect gas
Building HP: 750
Building Summary: just a boring old gas collector.

Building name: Barrack
Building cost: 150 minerals
Building ability: create Marines, Firebats, Ghosts, and Medics
Building HP: 1000
Building Summary: this is where you make all your infantry units,
you will need more than one Barrack if you plan on making large
numbers of infantry units. Keep in mind that all these units have
low HP and will die very fast against Dark Templar, Lurkers, Siege
Tanks, Reavers, and especially Psi Storm from High Templar.
Infantry units don't really have a good chance when going up
against a large Battle Cruiser fleet, a Guardian swarms, or a
Carrier fleet. They tend to die on you before they get there to
deal any damage. Scatter all these units around and they can be
more useful, when grouped together, one Psi Storm will take out 10
or more infantry units before they move out. Medics will
automatically heal all units built here if damaged, but not fast
enough against large enemy swarms or high damage units like
Reavers. Marine rushes are actually extremely useful, if your
opponent is using straight Zealot/Zergling, just remember to use
Stim Pack when you need to. Barrack will open up the Bunker,
Academy and Factory option.

Building name: Engineering Bay
Building cost: 150 Minerals
Building ability: Upgrade Infantry Attack, Upgrade Infantry Armor
Building HP: 850
Building Summary: the Engineering Bay is where you upgrade all
your Infantry units. The first level of upgrade doesn't have any
requirements. The next two levels of upgrade requires a Science
Facility, but you will need it to build Missile Turrets anyway.
This building should come the same time you get your Factory if
not earlier. This is very important against early Lurker or Dark
Templar rush, unless you have a few Missile Turrets before the
cloaked attackers comes, you pretty much lost the game. Comsat
Scanner isn't that reliable, since your opponent can easily send
only 1 Dark Templar and you have to waste your valuable energy to
find the cloaked killer.

Building name: Missile Turrets
Building cost: 150 minerals
Building ability: Long Bolt Missile 20 damage (explosive)
Building HP: 200
Building Summary: this is a detector as well as an air defense
building. Build these close together and have a few Firebats
around cause enemies can do a 3-4 drop ship at once, and have has
a Protoss Archon running loose in your base. Missile Turrets will
get damaged, so have a SCV to repair it as soon as it gets
damaged. Remember all Terran buildings will burn down if hit
points are red. Missile Turrets have a decent firing rate, but
the Long Bolt Missiles they fire don't get to the target for half
a second or so. So a drop is easily accomplished when one is
dropping with a Defensive Matrix transport. However, units in
Missile Turret's range will at least get hit twice if not more.
This is a detector, the most important thing during a Brood Wars
game, Dark Templars and Lurkers are almost always in a battle, and
without proper cloak detection, you will lose everything.

Building name: Factory
Building cost: 150 minerals, 100 gas
Building ability: build Vulture, Siege Tanks, Goliath, add-on
Machine Shop
Building HP: 1250
Building Summary: this is where all Terran Mech. units are built.
This is a good building, Goliath can replace Marines in defending
against air units with their powerful attack. This can be built
right after the Barrack, but don't get it too early since all
units here are expensive compare to your infantry units. The
units here are more powerful then those from the Barrack, but both
have their own use. I recommend you to get 2 or more Factory when
planning a Siege Tank push. Factory will also open up the
Starport and Armory option.

Building name: Machine Shop
Building cost: 50 mineral, 50 gas
Building ability: Vulture speed upgrade, Spider Mines, Siege Mode
Upgrade, Goliath air attack range upgrade
Building HP: 750
Building Summary: it's cheap so get it, beside, this is the whole
point of getting the Factory. All Mech. Unit's ability are
researched here. Siege Tank Siege Mode upgrade is the most
important one here. Goliath air range is only useful against air
units, so don't get it unless you have a rather weak air defense
system. Vulture's abilities are quite useful, Spider Mines can
stop most ground melee attackers with a problem, and once upgraded
in speed, Vultures can run past almost any defense with a clear
path ahead.

Building name: Starport
Building cost: 150 minerals, 15 gas
Building ability: build Wraith, Drop Ship, Science Vessel, Battle
Cruiser, and control tower add-on
Building HP: 1300
Building Summary: this is where you get all your air units for
Terran. I usually get around 6 Starports or more once I have
enough money, and all units here takes quite a long while to
build. Units here are a bit expensive, but they are flyers that
can move more freely around the map. Starport will open up the
Science Facility building.

Building name: Control Tower
Building cost: 50 minerals, 50 gas
Building ability: Wraith Cloaking, +50 Wraith energy
Building HP: 500
Building Summary: you will need this if you plan on building any
other flyer units other than the Wraith, also you can get the
Wraith ability upgrades here too. It's cheap anyway, so get it.
The Wraith cloak ability is very important if you plan on using
any Wraith at all.

Building name: Science Facility
Building cost: 200 minerals, 150 gas
Building ability: Emp Shockwave, Irritate, +50 Science Vessel
energy, Covert Orps add-on, and Physic's Lab add-on
Building HP: 850
Building Summary: you really have to build this for a 20 plus
minute game. Get the Physic's Lab first to get Battle Cruiser,
then get Covert Orps to use Ghosts and Nukes. This building also
allows you to upgrade beyond the 1 level armor and weapon. This
building also allows you to make Science Vessel, the only moving
detector for Terran. The Science Facility allows level 2 and
level 3 upgrades for all your Terran units.

Building name: Covert Orps
Building cost: 50 minerals, 50 gas
Building ability: Lockdown research, Personal Cloaking, Ghost
Sight, Ghost + 50 energy
Building HP: 750
Building Summary: something you need if you plan on nuking
someone. Get cloaking and sight range if you want to nuke.
Lockdown and +50 energy should be researched later on, and only
against Terran or Protoss, Lockdown doesn't work against any Zerg
units. The plus 50 energy isn't that important, the nuke takes a
bit long to launch but a Ghost with 100 or so energy should be
more than enough on almost any map.

Building name: Physic's Lab
Building cost: 50 minerals, 50 gas
Building ability: Yamato Gun, +50 Battle Cruiser energy
Building HP: 600
Building Summary: get this if you want Battle Cruisers, Battle
Cruiser's ability are also researched here, they are quite fast,
so don't make two. And of course, get the gun researched first,
then get the energy increase. Battle Cruiser's gun ability isn't
really that useful since they are take a bit time to aim and fire,
but they can help you blow a big hole in almost any defense with
their 11 range and high damage.

Building name: Armory
Building cost: 100 mineral, 50 gas
Building ability: Mech. attack, Mech. armor, air attack, air armor
Building HP: 750
Building Summary: this is where all non-organic units are
upgraded, get 3 or more to make upgrades faster. Remember to
upgrade armor first if you are playing defense, upgrade attack if
you are planning to attack. This building is also required for
Goliath's to be built. Most people build their Armory after
Science Facility, but Armory doesn't need that much tech tree,
this can be built right after the Factory.

Brood War Units and Buildings

Unit name: Medic
Unit HP: 60, 200 energy
Unit armor: 1
Unit ground attack: none
Unit air attack: none
Unit cost: 50 minerals, 25 gas
Unit supply cost: 1
Unit size: small
Unit attack range: 0
Unit upgrade: armor, Restoration, Optic Flare
Unit ability: Heal, heals any organic unit for 2 HP every energy
spent, Restoration removes all status ailments, and Optic Flare
reduce a unit's sight range to 1, given that unit the Blind
Unit requirement: Academy, Barrack
Unit best usage: useful all around, but best with large Infantry
Unit summary: the Medic is hard to use for human players, but the
CPU takes full advantage of this great unit. Medic will
automatically heal all organic units that were damaged nearby,
have a few of these if you are attacking with all Infantry units.
One Medic and one Marine can kill a Sunken Colony. Medic can only
heal one unit at a time, so bring more than one. Optic Flare is
great against opponent using only 1 detector, and they won't know
that it's blind unless they pay close attention. Medic also heals
ally's organic units, so all Zerg units and some Protoss units
will get healed by your Medic.

Unit name: Valkyrie Frigate
Unit HP: 200
Unit armor: 2
Unit ground attack: none
Unit air attack: Halo Rockets, 5 (explosive)
Unit cost: 200 minerals, 125 gas
Unit supply cost: 3
Unit size: small
Unit attack range: 5
Unit upgrade: attack, and armor
Unit ability: none
Unit requirement: Stargate, Armory, and Control Tower
Unit best usage: decent air-to-air attacks, but Valkyrie Frigate
isn't that useful. Valkyrie can replace Wraith in air protection.
Unit summary: only attacks air, but still a good defensive unit,
as well as supporting other attacking units like Siege Tanks. The
Valkyrie has splash damage up to 2 spaces away. If you upgrade
their attack up to level three, Valkyrie will deal 64 damage (8
Halo Rockets times 8 damage). These make great Overlord Hunters,
12 can shred Overlords before they run away. These also makes
good air swarm counters, Guardians/Carriers/Battle Cruisers don't
stand a chance against them since they splash their damage and
have a decent 200 HP and 2 armor. When going up against 12
Mutalisk/Wraith/Scout worker hunters, 10 Valkyries can take out
all of them out and take every little damage.

Part 4: Zerg Units and Buildings

Unit name: Larva
Unit HP: 25
Unit armor: 20
Unit ground attack: none
Unit air attack: none
Unit cost: 0
Unit supply cost: 0
Unit size: small
Unit attack range: 0
Unit upgrade: 0
Unit ability: Evolve into other Zerg units
Unit requirement: Hatchery/Lair/Hive
Unit best usage: needs this little thing to start your swarm
Unit summary: this is a little bug that evolves into big bugs.
These little things comes out pretty fast, so Zerg can make more
workers fast than the other races. Don't worry much about the
Larva, they have the best armor in StarCraft and almost all
attacks to them will be reduced to one. These comes out pretty
quick, about the same amount of time for a Drone to morph in. But
there can be only 3 Larva at a time at each Hatchery, so you need
a few Hatcheries to pump out your swarm.

Unit name: Drone
Unit HP: 50
Unit armor: 0
Unit ground attack: Spines 5 (normal)
Unit air attack: none
Unit cost: 50 minerals
Unit supply cost: 1
Unit size: small
Unit attack range: 2
Unit upgrade: Carapace
Unit ability: Evolve into various Buildings, mine minerals, mine
gas, and burrow
Unit requirement: Larva
Unit best usage: worker unit, so get lots to speed up your mineral
Unit summary: the basic worker unit for the Zerg race. These are
actually better attackers than the other two races since they
almost have 2 range. Remember to use damaged Drones to morph into
buildings, keep the healthy ones. A Drone that is Parasite should
morph into something so it don't go into waste. Burrow can save
stranded Drones and be used later on. If you see a large army
coming to your new base, cancel your Drone's morph and burrow
them, call them out later when the enemy is gone.

Unit name: Zergling
Unit HP: 35
Unit armor: 0
Unit ground attack: Claws 5 (normal)
Unit air attack: none
Unit cost: 50 minerals
Unit supply cost: 1
Unit size: small
Unit attack range: 1
Unit upgrade: speed, attack speed, Carapace, melee attack,
Unit ability: burrow
Unit requirement: Spawning Pool, Larva
Unit best usage: great unit early on, even useful sometimes late
in the game. Great with Dark Swarm, Consume, and Defilers with
their cheap cost and large numbers.
Unit summary: this basic ground unit for Zergs, each Larva will
hatch into two Zerglings. These are great for an early game rush,
since the other two races need a Barrack or Gateway and it will
only able to produce one or two attacker. While you will have 6
Zerglings. Zerglings are quite useless later on, so don't bother
with their upgrades unless you are planning on mass Zergling swarm
or Dark Swarm/Zergling combo. Remember 3 Zealots can stop your
Zergling rush cold, you won't even able to take out a single
Zealot. So I say, you go for working Probes instead. Stopping
their mineral production is a great way to use Zerglings early on.
But later when Lurker, Dark Templar and Firebats are available,
they will destroy almost any Zergling swarm without any problems.
Zerglings have really good speed, and they make great scouts early
on if you don't want to use a Drone instead. And because they are
so cheap, they can be sacrificed to your Defilers and use as
decoys to attract enemy's firepower. And remember a group of 36
fully upgraded Zerglings can swarm a semi-defended base and it
would only cost you 650 bucks, and your opponent will likely lose
around 2000 mineral and many gas if they protect the base or try
to rescue it. Your large swarm will very likely have a hot key of
Zerglings left after the battle.

Unit name: Overlord
Unit HP: 200
Unit armor: 0
Unit ground attack: none
Unit air attack: none
Unit cost: 100 minerals
Unit supply cost: 0
Unit size: large
Unit attack range: 0
Unit upgrade: speed, sight, transport, Carapaceability: transport,
detector, 8 supply units
Unit requirement: Larva
Unit best usage: used as a detector, transport, and food supply,
so protect these. Overlord are targets for enemy air units, so
protect these from Overlord Hunters.
Unit summary: this is a unit for Zerg, the Overlord is a Supply
unit, a Detector, and a Transport. However the Overlord is not
all that useful since all the upgrades for it takes time and
money, but you have to get them in order to have a transport that
moves faster than a Reaver. Your Overlord shouldn't be cramped
all together, since Valkyries and Corsairs can kill your Overlords
fast if they aren't protected well. Scatter your Overlord around,
don't crowd them into a small section when 12 Valkyries comes in
and you find yourself 50 controls below normal. Overlord is an
average Transport, they have good start-up speed once the speed
upgrade is there. But overall, Shuttle and Drop Ship are still
better since they have no other use other than transporting units,
but Overlord is also needed to detect and control. Overlord has a
better start-up speed in transporting, but Overlord doesn't start
with any armor, and unless you get the speed upgrade, your
Overlord is basically useless in moving your units.

Unit name: Hydralisk
Unit HP: 80
Unit armor: 0
Unit ground attack: Needle Spines 10 (explosive)
Unit air attack: Needle Spines 10 (explosive)
Unit cost: 75 minerals, 25 gas
Unit supply cost: 2
Unit size: medium
Unit attack range: 5/6
Unit upgrade: movement, attack range, missile attack, carapace,
Lurker Evolve
Unit ability: burrow
Unit requirement: Hydralisk Den, Larva
Unit best usage: Hydralisks are good protection units, good
attacking units, good scouting units. Since they are really
cheap, you won't mind much if 12 Hydralisks deals enough damage
when they die. These are great all around, however, unless a
large number advantage is present, Hydralisks gets beaten down
Unit summary: a good defense unit as well as an offense unit, a
group of fully upgraded Hydralisks can be quite dangerous. Have a
few burrow a bit further out in front of your Sunkens and Spores,
they can pop up and do a quick kill. These are great units since
they are really cheap and spawns almost the same speed as a
Marine. A large group of Hydralisks can stop basically any large
flyer fleet, meaning Battle Cruisers or Carrier fleet can't go up
against large Hydralisk swarms without suffering large fleet
damage themselves. Hydralisks are really cheap, since spending 75
mineral and 25 gas for a 80 HP unit dealing a decent 10 damage
with good range and speed is a great way to invest your money.

Unit name: Multalisk
Unit HP: 120
Unit armor: 0
Unit ground attack: Glave Wurm 9 (splash)
Unit air attack: Glave Wurm 9 (splash)
Unit cost: 100 minerals, 100 gas
Unit supply cost: 2
Unit size: small
Unit attack range: 4
Unit upgrade: attack, armor
Unit ability: evolve Guardian/Devour
Unit requirement: Spire, Larva
Unit best usage: the best worker Hunter, their splash damage is
poor, but great on weak worker units. These are the decent
protection against worker Hunters or overlord hunters.
Unit summary: a basic flyer unit for Zerg, this can be quite good
in groups, their attack will damage another enemy unit near by
when fired. Mutalisks is however quite useless when alone, and
will get killed by many other units. The whole point of getting
Mutalisk is evolving them into Guardians and Devours later on.
Mutalisks are actually quite decent if you get them early enough,
a quick Lair and a Spire won't take anymore than 6 minutes. And
very likely, a Protoss player won't have any more than 2 or 3
Dragoons. Also, Mutalisks are quite good against Marines, since
Mutalisk's splash damage is put into good use against crowd up
Marines. Mutalisk's movement is quite fast, so a group of 12 will
give you good control of the map and taking out enemy's expended
base early on. Mutalisk also make a good worker hunter, since a
single Bunker with 4 Marines won't able to take out the Mutalisks
fast enough to stop against worker hunting.

Unit name: Scourge
Unit HP: 25
Unit armor: 0
Unit ground attack: 0
Unit air attack: Suicide 110 (normal)
Unit cost: 25 minerals, 75 gas
Unit supply cost: 1/2
Unit size: small
Unit attack range: 1
Unit upgrade: attack, armor
Unit ability: none
Unit requirement: Spire, Larva
Unit best usage: Scourges are good against Carriers, Scouts, and
all transports. Their cheap cost and fast spawning make them
useful, and also you can sent 5 Scourge and see your opponent's
base, you won't mind since they are really cheap.
Unit summary: Scourge is great against Carriers and other slow big
air unit, two Scourge hatch from one Larva. Scourge is especially
good against Carrier since Carriers takes a bit of time to launch
and deal damage. Scourges can also scare away enemy Carriers,
since Carriers will die against Scourge unless they have Arbiter.
Scourges are also good units used to cripple your enemies air
force, 3 Scourge kills a Scout and a Scout cost 300 minerals and
150 gas. Only use Scourge to cripple opponent when you have large
amount of gas and no mineral. If that happens, your opponent
shouldn't have much minerals either. Scourge have very low HP, so
if your opponent have some fast firing ground units near by, your
Scourge will probably die from their attacks before getting close
enough to damage the air units. Scourge can also be used to
attract firepower when used to drop on a opponent, and because all
attack buildings (Photon Cannon, Missile Turrets, and Spore
Colony) takes at least 2 hits to kill a single Scourge. That can
provide you with the time to drop a Defiler and 6 Zerglings into
your enemy's base, and Defiler can Plague/Dark Swarm to badly
damage your opponent's base.

Unit name: Queen
Unit HP: 150
Unit armor: 0
Unit ground attack: 0
Unit air attack: 0
Unit cost: 100 mineral, 150 gas
Unit supply cost: 2
Unit size: medium
Unit attack range: 0
Unit upgrade: armor, Spawn Brooding, Ensnare, +50 energy
Unit ability: Infest Commend Center, infests a damaged Commend
Center with HP750 or below, allowing you to make Infested Terran.
Parasite lets you see what target unit sees. Spawn Broodling,
destroy target unit and make two Broodling units for you. Ensnare
slows down target unit and units near by, Ensnare will also detect
cloaked units.
Unit requirement: Queen's Nest, Larva
Unit best usage: Spawn Broodling is best against Terran's Siege
Tanks, Ensnare is a must against large Battle Cruiser fleets.
Queen is used mostly against Terran, but they are also useful
against Protoss with Ensnare. Parasite is great for spying.
Unit summary: A good unit to have, but the Queen is hard to use
against a well defended base. Use Queen against Terran base,
since Spawn Broodling is awesome against Terran Siege Tanks when
in Siege Mode. Ensnare will also detect cloaked and burrowed
units near by when fired, that includes your units. Parasite is
great against almost all units, use it on an expensive unit like
Carrier or Arbiter, Battle Cruiser and Science Vessel makes good
targets too. However, if you Parasite a worker unit, most people
tend to just send the worker to your base. They won't mind a 50
mineral lost as much as letting you see his/her base. The
Broodlings created by the Queen will last around 60 seconds, once
their energy runs out, they will die automatically. Remember
Ensnare can actually turn the tide of a losing battle for you, if
you Ensnare a fleet of Carriers or Battle Cruisers, your Devours
and Scourges will have a much better chance of taking out the

Unit name: Ultralisk
Unit HP: 400
Unit armor: 1
Unit ground attack: Kaiser Blade 20 (normal)
Unit air attack: none
Unit cost: 200 minerals, 200 gas
Unit supply cost: 6
Unit size: large
Unit attack range: 1
Unit upgrade: speed, attack, armor
Unit ability: none
Unit requirement: Ultralisk Cavern, Larva
Unit best usage: Dark Swarm with Ultralisk is very powerful, but
takes a large amount of time and money. Ultralisk is a good
investment if used correctly, if you don't have anything planned
for the Ultralisk, don't get them at all.
Unit summary: good attacker, but doesn't worth the time and money
put into it. You should get Hydralisks instead. It high HP
allows it to last long, but Ultralisk can not attack air.
Ultralisk will also shred under Siege Tanks with Bunkers. And
Ultralisk is too fat, so it can't burrow. However, a fully
upgraded Ultralisk will have awesome speed, 6 armor and 400 HP,
and deals a good always 29 damage. Ultralisk is great against
Carriers, since Carriers would only deal 8 total damage against it
when it has full armor. Carrier's only deal 6 damage at a time
and 6 armor means it deal only 1 damage. Ultralisks are good with
Dark Swarm, they make a great combo, and against Terran, Firebats
will only deal a mere 1 damage after the armor. So if you take
out all the Tanks with Guardians and Queens, your Ultralisks can
shred the base without suffering any major damage from the
Infantry units.

Unit name: Defiler
Unit HP: 80, 200 energy
Unit armor: 1
Unit ground attack: none
Unit air attack: none
Unit cost: 50 minerals, 150 gas
Unit supply cost: 3
Unit size: medium
Unit attack range: 0
Unit upgrade: Plaque, Consume, plus 50 energy, carapace
Unit ability: Dark Swarm nullify target area, best with Ultralisk
and Zerglings with attack speed upgrade. Plaque reduces HP of
units in that area slowly to 1, this also works on buildings too,
Plaque will not kill the units but you should finish them off once
the Plaque had taken with Mutalisk since they splash damage.
Consume sacrifice a unit to add 50 energy to Defiler, and burrow
Unit requirement: Defiler's Mound, Larva
Unit best usage: Plague is good against any expensive units worth
the price, Plague is great against Carrier and Battle Cruiser
Fleet because of their slow speed. Dark Swarm can be used during
both defense and offense, Dark Swarm and stop Guardians and worker
hunters for a good 60 seconds, and Dark Swarm Zergling combo is
just the best around. Consume will provide all the energy your
Defilers might need. Overall, this is a great unit and is a must
get against all type of enemies.
Unit summary: they can be quite good in a hand of a pro, they take
quite long to make but are quite useful. Plaque is very useful
against Terran, since all Terran units require a SCV or a Medic to
heal. Plaque is also good against Protoss, since their HP can't
be recovered at all, but Plaque will not damage their shields.
Dark Swarm and Zergling combo is awesome, have 5 Hatchery, 2
Evolution Chamber upgrading Melee attack and Carapace, and have
Defiler Dark Swarm, rush in with your Zerglings and tear up the
place. Consume a few Zerglings, and just have 2 or 3 Defiler will
do the trick. With this you won't even need much gas, and 25
mineral Zerglings are probably the cheapest unit ever. Plague is
good against a Battle Cruiser fleet or Carrier fleet, their slow
speed will likely land them right into the Plague, and Devours or
Scourges can easily finish them off after the Plague. And with
Consume, your Defiler will never need to charge energy, just use a
few Zerglings and your Defiler can Plague and Dark Swarm for a
long time.

Unit name: Guardian
Unit HP: 150
Unit armor: 2
Unit ground attack: Acid Spore 20 (normal)
Unit air attack: none
Unit cost: 50 minerals, 100 gas
Unit supply cost: 4
Unit size: large
Unit attack range: 10
Unit upgrade: attack, armor
Unit ability: none
Unit requirement: Greater Spire, Mutalisk
Unit best usage: Guardian's 9 range is their use, you use
Guardians to break open choke points against Bunkers, Cannons,
Sunkens, Siege Tanks and other units your Hydralisks or Zerglings
can't reach. Even though the Guardians are powerful, fire fast,
and deals good damage, they should only be used as part of an
attack, not completely the attack. Use other units to finish off
after the Guardians, Zerglings and Hydralisks are the ideal units.
Unit summary: the Guardians have the best air to ground range in
StarCraft, it's heavy damage and long range makes it a good unit.
However the Guardian can't not attack air, and it easily killed by
Scouts, Wraiths, and other air-air units. It's best if you have
Guardians in large number, and have some anti-air unit defending
your Guardians when the games are late. Marines and other low HP
units don't stand a chance against Guardians, Guardians will
finish them off before they get close enough to fire back.
Guardians aren't that good at taking out Missile Turrets or Spore
Colony, since they tend to float a little bit and be under attack
by the building. Early Guardians rushes are great against almost
any opponent, but they are hard to pull off and require a lot of
practice. My Guardian rush consist of 6 Guardians in 9-10
minutes, or 12 Guardians in 11 minutes, both are quite deadly and
will very likely wipe out your entire main base without the help
of any other units. Since Guardian's high gas cost, you should
have a mass amount of minerals left, use them to units that cost
mostly minerals, like Zerglings or Hydralisks.

*Note all Zerg buildings requires a Drone, so the building really
requires 50 minerals more.

Building name: Hatchery
Building cost: 300 minerals
Building ability: Burrow upgrade, Lair Upgrade, produce Larva at a
slow rate
Building HP: 1250
Building Summary: this is where the Larva required for all Zerg
Units are produced. Be sure to have 3 or 4 Hatchery so you can
produce more and faster. Hatchery only provides one supply for
you, but it extends the creep for 8 range. Hatchery is need for
any expansion, and since it takes so long to build, prepare a
decent army to protect your new base when expending. Hatchery
opens up Spawning Pool and Evolution Chamber.

Building name: Lair
Building cost: 150 minerals, 100 gas
Building ability: Burrow upgrade, Hive Upgrade, Overlord
transport, sight, speed upgrade, and produce Larva at a slow rate
Building HP: 1750
Building Summary: this is where the Larva required for all Zerg
Units are produced. Lair only provides one supply for you. This
allows any level 2 upgrade for your swarm, this also opens up some
advance buildings for you, Spire and Queens Nest to exact, Lair
also allows the Lurker Aspect upgrade to be available.

Building name: Hive
Building cost: 200 minerals, 150 gas
Building ability: Burrow upgrade, Overlord transport, sight, speed
upgrade, and produce Larva at a slow rate
Building HP: 2500
Building Summary: this is where the Larva required for all Zerg
Units are produced. Hive only provides one supply for you. Hive
allows all upgrades and buildings to be built, which include
Greater Spire upgrade, Ultralisk Cavern, Defiler Mound and Nydus
Canal, also the Zergling's Adrental Glands upgrades is opened,

Building name: Creep Colony
Building cost: 75 minerals
Building ability: evolve into Sunken Colony, Spore Colony
Building HP: 400
Building Summary: the basic Zerg base defense building, the Creep
Colony can't attack, but can be upgraded into Sunkens and Spores.
Creep Colony also extends the Zerg creep for 8 ranges. Creep
Colony is useless unless you upgrade them to either Sunken or
Spore, however they do extend the Creep.

Building name: Sunken Colony
Building cost: 50
Building ability: Subterranean Tentacle, 40 damage (explosive)
Building HP: 400
Building Summary: a good defense unit, build these close together
and it will protect your base quit well. Sunkens deal 40 damage
and has 400 HP, it is good against any early game rush. Sunken
Colonies will die rather fast against Terran Siege Tanks, but have
some Zerglings burrowed further out, so it can take out the Tanks
when they do attack. Sunken Colony has 400 HP, but they can't
have any shields or protection. Their attack speed is also quite
slow, so 2 fully upgraded Zealot can take out a Sunken easily.
It's 40 damage might seem big, but actually it greatly decreases
since it's explosive damage. That's why Zerglings can take out
Sunkens, it will take Sunken 2 hits to kill a Zergling even when
Zergling has only 35 HP.

Building name: Spore Colony
Building cost: 50 minerals
Building ability: Seeker Spores, 15 damage (normal)
Building HP: 400
Building Summary: the air defense building for Zerg, the Seeker
Spores deals lower damage than the other tower's attack but it is
also a detector (you won't really need this since you got your
Overlords). However, Spore Colony has a lot faster fire rate than
Missile Turrets and Photon Cannons. Spore Colonies are important
to stop Wraith and other Overlord hunters or worker hunters. They
are also good against Terran units, since Yamato Gun doesn't kill
the Spore Colony off, and that will give you a chance to go after
the slow moving Battle Cruisers with Scourge or other flyers.
Spore Colony can with stand quite some punishment since they have
400 HP, and their damage type (normal) will help you win against
medium size flyers like Corsairs and Mutalisks.

Building name: Extractor
Building cost: 50 minerals
Building ability: Gas collector
Building HP: 750
Building Summary: just collects gas, so nothing special here, one
of the only Zerg buildings that doesn't require creeps to be built

Building name: Spawning Pool
Building cost: 150 minerals
Building ability: upgrade Zergling attack speed, Zergling movement
Building HP: 750
Building Summary: this is the first building you should get. This
allows you to make Zerglings and Sunken Colony. However a second
Hatchery can also be your first building. This is quite important
since once this is gone, you won't able to make Zerglings or
upgrade any Sunken until you replace it, also the Spawning Pool
takes a bit long to finish building itself so you can actually
squeeze in another mining Drone when it's being built. This opens
up the Hydralisk Den option once it's done.

Building name: Evolution Chamber
Building cost: 75 minerals
Building ability: upgrade melee attack, missile attack, carapace
Building HP: 750
Building Summary: the upgrade place for Zerg ground units, you
should have two so you can upgrade faster. This is really a must
get building later on, this allows Spore Colony to be built, and
Spores are really important to your base defense and cloak
detection. You don't need this early on, get these later at a Lair
or even maybe Hive stage if your opponent isn't using any cloaking
units. Otherwise a Dark Templar rush with Scouts taking out your
Overlord means death for you.

Building name: Hydralisk Den
Building cost: 150 minerals, 50 gas
Building ability: upgrade Hydralisk speed, range, Lurker Aspect
Building HP: 850
Building Summary: get this if you want Hydralisks and Lurkers.
You should only build one of these since all upgrades are rather
fast and there are only 3 upgrades total. First upgrade the
Range, then the speed, the Lurker Aspect is only for Brood Wars.
Have some Hydralisk patrol your base and have 12 of them burrow in
front of your Sunkens and Spores, they can do quick pop up and
destroy enemy units fast.

Building name: Spire
Building cost: 200 minerals, 100 gas
Building ability: upgrade air attack, armor, evolve into Greater
Building HP: 600
Building Summary: this is another must get building for Zerg is
you plan on using any air unit. Have two Spire since the upgrade
time is long and one will needed to be evolve into Greater Spire.
Spire can be built right after a Lair, so an early Mutalisk rush
can easily be done and be great to counter against mass Zealot

Building name: Greater Spire
Building cost: 100 mineral, 150 gas
Building ability: same as Spire
Building HP: 1000
Building Summary: this allows you to get Guardians and Devours. A
group of 36 Guardians and 24 Devours that are fully upgraded can
really wipe out almost any well defended base (but watch out for
Psi Storm and a really mass group of Valkyries). This is how I
win with Zerg later on, it's either this, Dark Swarm
Zergling/Ultralisk, or 160 Hydralisks swarm, and Guardians seems
more fun.

Building name: Queen's Nest
Building cost: 200 minerals, 200 gas
Building ability: Spawn Broodlings, Ensnare, +50 energy
Building HP: 850
Building Summary: you need this to get the Hive, you can get a few
Queens here, but Queens are really hard to use. Get Queens early
so they can charge their energy. Queen's nest allows you to
upgrade your Lair to Hive.

Building name: Neduls Canal
Building cost: 150 minerals
Building ability: create Canal Exit on Creep
Building HP: 250
Building Summary: this is a good building to have, but only when
you are playing against a computer and used offensively since
human players tends to be more careful. This building can build a
canal exit on any Creep (Creep are the purple ground that Zerg
requires to build on), and once the exit built, you can send any
unit there as long as the exit remains alive. This can be used to
your advantage when playing against computer, build the exit near
their mineral fields and just send a large group of Ultralisks and
Hydralisks there. This will badly damage your opponent and you
will have a good chance of winning the game if you pull this off.
But computer will very likely have some unit burrowed right there,
and once the building starts, they will attack it, also once the
building starts, you can't cancel. And, once the exit or entry is
destroyed, the other end of the exit or entry dies along with it.
This can be both a defense or offense building, use your Queens to
Parasite some unit there to see and use the Canal to your
advantage when you can, do not always rely on this.

Building name: Ultralisk Cavern
Building cost: 150 mineral, 200 gas
Building ability: armor and speed
Building HP: 600
Building Summary: this give you access to Ultralisk, but I would
rather use the money on Hydralisks. Some people can do a Devour
Ultralisk rush pretty good, but it's hard to pull off. In Brood
Wars, you can upgrade your Ultralisk's armor and movement in here.

Building name: Defiler Mound
Building cost: 100 mineral, 100 gas
Building ability: Plaque, Consume, +50 Defiler energy
Building HP: 850
Building Summary: this is used for Defilers. Just like Queens,
Defiler is very hard to use. But I have to say, Defiler is a very
good unit. Get Defilers early so they can charge their energy,
but once you get the Consume upgrade, they will basically have no
energy problem by consuming your Zerglings.

Brood War Zerg Units

Unit name: Lurker
Unit HP: 150
Unit armor: 1
Unit ground attack: Subterranine Spines, 20 (splash)
Unit air attack: none
Unit cost: 50 minerals, 100 gas
Unit supply cost: 2
Unit size: large
Unit attack range: 6
Unit upgrade: attack, armor
Unit ability: burrow
Unit requirement: Hydralisk, Hydralisk Den, Lurker Aspect
Unit best usage: Lurkers are great defenders, 4 Lurkers on a choke
point can stop any incoming ground swarm. However, if a detector
is available to your opponent, expect to lose all your Lurkers in
Unit summary: a good Zerg unit, good damage, and attacks while
burrowed (therefore, a cloak attacker). The Spines deals good
damage against rushing enemies (splash damage). However Lurkers
can only attack when burrowed, also it deals damage to your ally's
ground units near by when attacking. So don't have anyone else
attacking when your Lurkers are burrowed and attacking. The
Lurker can't attack air and it's attack has a slow recovery rate,
so Lurkers are more of a defense unit than a offense unit. Also,
Lurkers takes quite long to burrow. Lurker is perfect against any
kind of ground swarm attack. However don't use Lurker at choke
points since they will attack the enemy when you just want see the
map. Against people without cloak detection, your Lurkers can
shred their base without them doing anything about it. Also Dark
Swarm and Lurker combo is great if you pull it off fast enough.
Dark Swarm/Lurker can cripple an enemy easily by following up with
Guardians if your opponent gets all melee attackers to counter
your Lurker combo. Against Terran, this works beyond wonders,
since Firebat and Siege Tanks are the only units that can deal
damage. Siege Tanks will be all gone from Queens and Firebats
would only deal 3 damage since they are concussive damage.
Lurkers can actually hit a single unit many times with one hit,
each Spine will deals 20 damage, and a Archon will get hit 3 times
or 60 damage if the Lurker is placed on a good spot. (I've seen a
Ultralisk getting hit 6 times by a single Lurker, after getting
hit by the first Spine, the Ultralisk turned and run and get hit
by every single Spine after the first one, ended up taking 120
damage.) You can burrow your extra Lurkers near your mining line,
all drops will fail against your waiting Lurkers, Lurkers are also
good against mass Overlord Drops, all units dropped will be dead
as soon as they are uploaded.

Unit name: Devour
Unit HP: 250
Unit armor: 3
Unit ground attack: none
Unit air attack: Corrosive Acid, 25 (splash)
Unit cost: 150 minerals, 50 gas
Unit supply cost: 4
Unit size: large
Unit attack range: 6
Unit upgrade: attack, armor
Unit ability: none
Unit requirement: Greater Spire, Mutalisk
Unit best usage: great against large Fleets, since the Spore
Counter left behind on the enemy ships can provide better damage
dealt from your supporting units like Mutalisk and Hydralisk.
Devour fires slow, unless you are using a large group of these
flying skulls, one or two won't able to kill anything fast enough.
The Spores they leave behind are able to slow the affected unit's
weapon system, slowing it 1/8 of it's total recovery speed. So as
long as the Devour fires and leave behind it's Spores, it
accomplish what it's used for.
Unit summary: good anti air unit, if the enemy unit is hit by the
Devour, it will slow down in attacking speed. But since the
Devour attacks are quite slow, it is best to have them in large
groups. Their slow attack rate makes them quite useless against
fast attacker like Wraith, Scout, Corsair, and Mutalisk, but when
in large numbers like 20 plus, they can be quite useful. Also the
Devour can't attack ground, so just one Marine can kill your
Devour. Always have Guardians before Devours when attacking,
since you can use Scourge to defend your Guardians and Devour
takes a lot more resources and time. Devour also splash poison
spore when attacking, enemy unit will slow down in attacking
depending on how many spore it has. These spores will go away
slowly in a few minutes, you can tell by clicking the unit or just
by the purple stuff on the unit. Spore Counters also adds damage
received for current unit, every extra spore the unit has, the
unit takes one extra damage every time. Think Devour and
Corsairs/Valkyires. Devour also leaves Spore Counters on cloaked
units near by like Wraith. (Thanks to
for some of the information on the Devour.)

*Note, Devour splash only Poison Spores, it doesn't splash any
damage. On a side note here, have you ever tried fighting two
Devours under the effect of Ensnare with level 3 armor and level 0
attack, it took years for these two to get killed. Any unit can't
have any more than 9 Spore Counters. Devour doesn't make good
Overlord hunters unless you have 12 or more, since Devour has the
slowest attack speed in StarCraft, and if it's been Ensnared and
have 9 Spore Counters, I think they will attack around once every
minute or so.

Part 5: Protoss Units and Buildings

Unit name: Probe
Unit HP: 20/20
Unit armor: 0
Unit ground attack: Particle Beam 5 (normal)
Unit air attack: none
Unit cost: 50 minerals
Unit supply cost: 1
Unit size: small
Unit attack range: 2
Unit upgrade: armor and Protoss shield
Unit ability: warp in various buildings, collect minerals and gas
Unit requirement: Nexus
Unit best usage: the worker for Protoss, these are very weak
attackers (probably the weakest in the game), but you won't have
anything else you can use against early Zergling rush.
Unit summary: your basic worker unit. Probes smaller size makes
them better in mineral collection than Drones and SCVs. Protoss
Probes have a good ability, when they build a building, instead of
waiting there like the other two races, it can return to work once
the building starts. Probes are terrible at attacking, they won't
be much help against Zerglings rushes or Zealots rushes. Probes
are also extremely weak against explosive damage even if they are
small units, their 20 shields takes up full damage and units like
Dragoons can easily take out working Probes with very few able to

Unit name: Zealot
Unit HP: 80/80
Unit armor: 1
Unit ground attack: PSI Blades 16 (normal)
Unit air attack: none
Unit cost: 100 minerals
Unit supply cost: 2
Unit size: small
Unit attack range: 1
Unit upgrade: speed, attack, Protoss shield and armor
Unit ability: none
Unit requirement: Gateway
Unit best usage: Zealots are powerful units, they are good early
on and later in the game. They deal high damage, they can take
quite some punishment before going down, and they are useful
through out the game. Their best use is for attacking hard
frontal assaults with their high damage and HP. Once Zealots have
level 3 upgrades, they will able to tear apart Marines and
Zerglings in 2 hits instead of 3. Zealot's power simply can't be
matched early, so use them wisely.
Unit summary: your basic fighting unit for Protoss, great damage
and HP. Zealots have terrible speed, and enemy Marines can
actually do hit and run against Zealots. But with upgraded speed
later on, Zealot will have almost the same speed as Zerglings.
Zealots have great damage, 3 hits kills a Marine or Zerglings
without upgrade, so an early on 5 or 6 Zealot rush will be great
if it's under 3 minutes. Zealots takes a bit longer to make
comparing to Zerglings and Marines, but they have over 4 times the
HP than those two units and also deals 3 times the damage.
Zealots suffers a bit more damage, since their speed is horrible,
but with a number advantage, you can expect your Zealots to tear
apart any enemy unit.

Unit name: Dragoon
Unit HP: 80/100
Unit armor: 1
Unit ground attack: Phase Disrupter 20 (explosive)
Unit air attack: Phase Disrupter 20 (explosive)
Unit cost: 100 mineral, 50 gas
Unit supply cost: 2
Unit size: large
Unit attack range: 5/6
Unit upgrade: attack range, attack, Protoss shield and armor
Unit ability: none
Unit requirement: Gateway, Cybernetic Core
Unit best usage: good protection units, weak attackers. Dragoon's
attacks are quite slow, but they are excellent Battle
Cruiser/Guardian killers on open ground. Dragoons are also good
against close up attackers if a clear number advantage is present.
Unit summary: attack both air and ground, however Dragoons attacks
are very slow. So have these in large groups, Dragoons make very
good anti air unit with their heavy damage. Once you get their
range upgrade, Dragoons gets a lot more useful. However, Dragoons
can get killed fast by attacker like Zerglings and Zealots with
their melee attacks. Dragoons' explosive attack isn't useful on
small units, but they are good Battle Cruiser and Carrier killers
when have a decent number advantage. 2 Dragoons easily kills a
single Carrier or Battle Cruiser with their powerful attack, best
if you've gotten some attack/armor upgrades. A group of 30 plus
can easily overpower any large flyer fleets, and with help from
your Scouts and Psi Storms, you should able to take out any large
fleets without any problem. Dragoon suffers from the same problem
as Goliath, they will act dumb once they get hit from a long range
unit, e.g. Tanks or Guardians, but mass number of Dragoons still
works better than Goliath swarms. Dragoon swarms will fail
against a big Sunken field, Sunkens will deal 40! Damage against
Dragoons and easily kill the big robot.

Unit name: High Templar
Unit HP: 40/40
Unit armor: 0
Unit ground attack: none
Unit air attack: none
Unit cost: 50 minerals, 150 gas
Unit supply cost: 2
Unit size: small
Unit attack range: 0
Unit upgrade: Psionic Storm, Hallucination, armor, Protoss shield,
plus 50 energy,
Unit ability: Psionic Storm deals heavy damage (127 damage I
think) on target 3 by 3 area. Hallucination makes two clone of
target unit, the clones will not able to deal any to enemy unit
damage but will still attack. The clone will die when the power
runs out on it's stats, also the clone suffers the double the
damage dealt to it. Any Two High Templars can transform into one
Unit requirement: Templar Archive, Gateway
Unit best usage: Psi Storm can stop any kind of rush cold in it's
steps. High Templars is a must get against any opponent. Watch
out since opponents often target the High Templars directly to
avoid multi Psi Storms. Also, Emp Shockwave will end all Psi
Storm cold in it's tracks.
Unit summary: the best for Protoss race, Psionic Storm is very
useful against slow enemy that are together, or large number of
enemies attempting to swarm into your base. Badly damaged High
Templar can transform into a semi healthy Archon with full
shields. Hallucination can scare away enemy by pretending you
have a large number of Carriers or make fake units to take damage
for your real unit. (I scared the heck out of one person by
Hallucination 50 something fake Carriers, I said I will kill him
with 100 Carriers, I sent all my fake things there, that guy got
scared and he quit). Psi Storm is one of the most useful spells
in StarCraft, since they can instantly kill a 100 plus HP unit if
it don't move out the way. With 5 High Templars storming one
spot, it can kill just about any unit in the storm. Learn how to
hot key your High Templars, so they can storm faster. 10 High
Templars with some Cannons can protect your base against all Zerg
attacks, and most Terran, Protoss attacks. Guardian's worst
nightmare is Psi Storm, 2 Storm and all the Guardians go bye bye.
Battle Cruiser and Carrier fleet also takes up big damage from Psi
Storm. Mutalisk and Wraith fleets will die instantly if they stay
within the thunder storm. However, most people now are actually
smart enough to move out of the storm when it hits, those units
will only suffer around 60 damage.

Unit name: Protoss Archon
Unit HP: 350/10
Unit armor: 0
Unit ground attack: Psionic Shockwave 30 (splash)
Unit air attack: Psionic Shockwave 30 (splash)
Unit cost: 2 High Templar
Unit supply cost: 4
Unit size: large
Unit attack range: 3
Unit upgrade: attack, Protoss shield and armor
Unit ability: none
Unit requirement: Gateway, Templar Archive, 2 High Templars
Unit best usage: Archon is a very expensive unit in gas, but if
you have a lot of extra gas, than use it on Archons. Archon can
take a lot of punishment and is easily healed by Shield Battery
nearby. These are excellent attackers against mass Zergling
swarm, Zealot swarm or Firebat swarm. Archons are also useful
when used during Recall and Drops since they take quite some time
to kill.
Unit summary: Archon is one of the most powerful ground unit in
StarCraft, enough said right there. These can really kick some
behind, drop these with a Reaver and you can just watch the two
tear up the enemy's base from the in side. Also Archons have
slash damage, however the splash range is only 1 space, but its
still splash. Archon warp in is quite fast, so drained High
Templars can merge and be in the fight in no time. However, once
the Archon warp-in starts, you can't cancel it. Archons with
ally's Defiler Dark Swarm is one of the most powerful, and very
easily accomplished combo in the book. Archon isn't meant to used
for a mass number advantage, just a few Archon along with your
Zealots is good enough, 12 Archon is pretty useless since only 3
or 4 will be hitting, half of the 12 Archons will be dead before
they get close enough to deal damage.

Unit name: Shuttle
Unit HP: 60/80
Unit armor: 1
Unit ground attack: none
Unit air attack: none
Unit cost: 200 minerals
Unit supply cost: 2
Unit size: large
Unit attack range: 0
Unit upgrade: speed, Protoss shield and armor
Unit ability: load, unload
Unit requirement: Robotic Facility
Unit best usage: Shuttles are good transports once they have their
speed upgrade, but they have low HP and is easily killed, so have
some protections nearby.
Unit summary: an expensive transport, but with good speed once
upgraded. Shuttle is the fastest transport once upgraded, but it
has a bit of start up and slow down. When it actually starts
moving, than it's fast. You will need these for both expending
and moving your slow units like Reavers and High Templars.

Unit name: Reaver
Unit HP: 80/100
Unit armor: 0
Unit ground attack: Scarab 100 (splash)
Unit air attack: none
Unit cost: 200 mineral, 100 gas
Unit supply cost: 4
Unit size: large
Unit attack range: 10
Unit upgrade: Scarab Capacity, Scarab damage, Protoss shield and
Unit ability: build Scarab
Unit best usage: The Reaver is the best unit used to Drop or
Recall, a pair of Reavers can take out all the mining workers with
just a few Scarabs.
Unit requirement: Robotic Facility, Robotic Supporting Bay
Unit summary: a good anti ground unit, great damage, but need
Scarab to fire. Each Scarab is 15 minerals, but they don't take
long to build. Reaver probably has the slowest speed in
StarCraft, so use Shuttles and do the all famous Reaver drop.
Reaver also attacks quite slow, but it deals great damage. Also
Reavers have almost 3 space splash damage, probably more than a
Tank. Reaver's have great range, so taking out Bunkers and
Sunkens is their best use. However, unlike the Siege Tank, Reaver
can only fire on units with the same elevation and a clear path
between the two units. Scarab can't fire across water or
mountains or cliffs, so the Reaver is not that useful when
fighting over a ledge, water or ramps. There is a real drawback
of using a Reaver, the Scarab will float around if a building or a
unit is in the way, it takes a long time for the Scarab to move
pass that building or unit and deal damage. During this time, the
Reaver doesn't fire again and retain it's full cool down time.
Reavers deal the highest damage next to Nukes and Infested Terran

Unit name: Observer
Unit HP: 20/40
Unit armor: 0
Unit ground attack: none
Unit air attack: none
Unit cost: 25 mineral, 75 gas
Unit supply cost: 1
Unit size: small
Unit attack range: 0
Unit upgrade: sight, speed, Protoss shield and armor
Unit ability: none
Unit requirement: Observatory
Unit best usage: since the Observer is cloaked all the time, they
are the best spies in the game. Once you sneaked one into your
opponent's base, the odds are they won't know it. Their detection
ability and 11 sight range once upgraded can show you the entire
screen they are on, so the Observer is an excellent units,
especially in Brood Wars against Lurkers and Dark Templars.
Unit summary: a good scouting unit, the Observer is always
cloaked, and if you hide it in the corner, it will be very hard
for human enemy to see, put them rite next to the minerals if your
color is blue, best next to a gas site. Observer is a bit slow
moving, but once speed upgraded, they can scout a lot more faster.
Remember to keep a few Observers in all your bases, since they get
killed a bit fast with their low HP. If you got a extra hot key,
than use it on the Observer, since it's bit hard to see even for
you when a lot of your units are moving around. These makes
excellent spy on your opponent's base, if you aren't able to sneak
one into his base, or just over look part of his base is good
enough. Have these spies spread all over the map, and you will
have excellent map control and you will able to take out any
expansion your opponents might have.

Unit name: Scout
Unit HP: 100/150
Unit armor: 0
Unit ground attack: Dual Photon Blaster 8 (normal)
Unit air attack: Anti-Matter Missile 28 (explosive)
Unit cost: 300 minerals, 150 gas
Unit supply cost: 3
Unit size: large
Unit attack range: 5
Unit upgrade: speed, sight, attack, Protoss shield and armor
Unit ability: none
Unit requirement: Stargate
Unit best usage: Scouts are hunter units, they can take quite a
beating before passing away, and with Shield Battery, you can keep
your Scout fleets healthy. Scouts have excellent speed once
upgraded, and with 11 sight range once upgraded, you can easily
check for any possible enemy expansion easily and still able to
get back fast enough to protect your bases nearby.
Unit summary: this is a very expensive flying unit compare to
Mutalisk and Wraith. Scout has a lot of useful upgrades and in
large groups, these can really kill. I don't use Carriers a lot,
I rather use Scout since Carrier is slow and is a good target for
Scourges. And Scouts can scout, their fast speed is one of their
main advantages, you can just do a few hits and run. With 36
Scouts, you can rule the air, there is nothing that can go up
against a high number of Scouts, other than Psionic Storm, Plague
or air splash units. Carriers and Battle Cruisers can't go up
against Scouts since you will be outnumbering them with 3 to one.
However, because of Scout's high price, losing a fleet is a real
setback to your economy.

Unit name: Carrier
Unit HP: 150/300
Unit armor: 4
Unit ground attack: none
Unit air attack: none
Unit cost: 350 minerals, 250 gas
Unit supply cost: 8
Unit size: large
Unit attack range: 9
Unit upgrade: Carrier Capacity, attack, Protoss shield, and armor
Unit ability: build Interceptors
Unit requirement: Stargate, Fleet Beacon
Unit best usage: Carrier is a good decent unit, but since the
Interceptors aren't useful against units with high armor, they
aren't as good in attacking as they are made out to be. Carriers
make good defending unit with Photon Cannon blocking off, and some
Shield Battery to keep the Carriers healthy. Carriers are okay
attackers, but it's impossible to avoid Psi Storm, Ensnare,
Plague, Lockdown, Spore Counters, and especially Scourge.
Unit summary: the biggest unit for the Protoss race, very
powerful, but attacks quite slow. These will crack from Scourge,
Wraith and Scout. But with Arbiters, these can really kill.
Carrier itself doesn't have a weapon, but it can build
Interceptors to attack. Also Carrier cost just a bit too much,
350 minerals and 250 gas to start off, 200 more minerals later for
Interceptors, that comes up to 550 mineral and 250 gas. And I
would rather get 2 Scouts instead, but Carrier is still a very
good unit, and if your money allows you to build them, I would
recommend you to get some Carriers.

Unit name: Interceptor
Unit HP: 40/40
Unit armor: 0
Unit ground attack: Phase Cannon 6 (normal)
Unit air attack: Phase Cannon 6 (normal)
Unit cost: 25 minerals
Unit supply cost: 0
Unit size: small
Unit attack range: 9
Unit upgrade: Air attack, armor, Plasma Shield
Unit ability: none
Unit requirement: Carrier
Unit best usage: must get with Carriers.
Unit summary: Interceptors are small units within the Carrier.
Interceptors can be destroyed like all other units. When the
Carrier is destroyed, all Interceptors for that Carrier will be
destroyed, too. However, Interceptor can be rebuild when
destroyed. Interceptors are built fast, but you still need time,
since a Carrier with 1 or 2 Interceptor is really useless.

Unit name: Arbiter
Unit HP: 150/200
Unit armor: 1
Unit ground attack: Phase Disrupter Cannon 10 (explosive)
Unit air attack: Phase Disrupter Cannon 10 (explosive)
Unit cost: 100 mineral, 350 gas
Unit supply cost: 4
Unit size: large
Unit attack range: 5
Unit upgrade: Recall, Stasis Field, plus 50 energy, attack,
Protoss shield and armor
Unit ability: Recall let you select a small section of the map and
warp all units within the section warp next to the Arbiter.
Stasis Field will freeze a group of units, these units will not
deal any damage, as will as receiving any damage. Stasis Field
will also affect up to 2 spaces away from target unit.
Unit requirement: Stargate, Arbiter Tribunal
Unit best usage: Arbiter's ability to cloak all nearby units is
what the Arbiter is used for. Arbiter's ability is also quite
useful, but the cloaking ability alone is good enough. But, while
you are at it, get the abilities for the Arbiter, Arbiter's cost
is just way too much, and you should make use of the ones you've
already made.
Unit summary: the Arbiter will cloak all units near by controlled
by you, the cloaking range is about 4. This is a very useful unit
for both defending and attacking. Recall is prefect for a sneak
in attack when used correctly, Stasis Field is useful for
attacking and defending. Have a few Arbiters follow your
attacking unit, this works well with Carriers and Reavers.
Arbiter is quite annoying when it's cloaking big Carrier fleets,
so remember to go for the Arbiter to stop the cloaking or just
have a detector nearby.

Protoss buildings

Building name: Nexus
Building cost: 400 minerals
Building ability: make Probes
Building HP: 750/750
Building Summary: the HQ for Protoss units. Nexus is the weakest
HQ out of the three races, since Terran Commend Center provide 10
supply while Nexus provide 9, not to mention the ability to lift
off. Zerg Hatchery will eventually evolve into Lair and than
Hive, Hive has 2500 HP compare to Nexus 1500 and only 750
recoverable. This opens up Gateway and Forge.

Building name: Pylon
Building cost: 100 minerals
Building ability: provide 8 Psi for Protoss unit
Building HP: 300/300
Building Summary: you have to build a lot of these, and remember
if this gets destroyed, all buildings that are powered by this one
will not function. So build 2 Pylons together, and if one gets
destroyed the other one will still power the buildings until you
replaces it.

Building name: Gateway
Building cost: 150 minerals
Building ability: build Zealot, Dragoon, High Templar, Dark
Building HP: 500/500
Building Summary: the place where Protoss makes their basic ground
units. Get more than one if you are planning to rush. Gateway
opens up Cybernetic Core and Shield Battery.

Building name: Forge
Building cost: 150 minerals
Building ability: upgrade ground attack, ground armor, and Plasma
Building HP: 550/550
Building Summary: get this so you can have Photon Cannons. Also
the upgrades are good for a ground attack, the Plasma Shields are
also quite useful since their buildings can also benefit from it.

Building name: Photon Cannon
Building cost: 150 minerals
Building ability: STA Photon Cannon 20 damage, STS Photon Cannon
20 damage
Building HP: 100/100
Building Summary: a good defense unit, this will detect, attack
both air and ground for good damage, so surround your base with
these and only Reavers, Carriers, Guardians, and Siege Tanks have
better range than this. And all of those can be countered easily
by 12 Scouts or 12 Zealots with speed upgrade.

Building name: Cybernetic Core
Building cost: 200 Minerals
Building ability: upgrade air attack, air armor, upgrade Dragoon
attack range
Building HP: 500/500
Building Summary: get two to make upgrades faster. This upgrades
all your air units and also your Dragoons attack range. You need
to build this to wrap in any advance buildings. The Dragoon
attack range is quite important if you plan on using any Dragoons
to attack and defend. This allows level 2 and level 3 Plasma
Shield upgrades. Cybernetics Core opens up Robotics Facility,
Stargate and Citadel of Adun.

Building name: Shield Battery
Building cost: 100 minerals 200 energy
Building ability: charge shields 200 energy
Building HP: 200/200
Building Summary: not really useful since Protoss Shields recover
quite fast. The battery will charge target Protoss unit's Shield.
This is only good for Archons and units with high Shields. A Dark
Archon after Mind Control will need a Shield Battery to recharge.
Scouts can also take advantage of Shield Battery to recharge their
shield. Shield Battery is an excellent counter against Emp
Shockwave if your units are close enough to your base.

Building name: Robotic Facility
Building cost: 200minerals, 200 gas
Building ability: make Shuttles, Reavers, Observers
Building HP: 500/500
Building Summary: where you make some unit with special ability.
This isn't always needed, but all units built here are very
useful. Especially Reaver to take out enemy towers, Observer to
detect against a cloak happy opponent. Robotic Facility opens up
the Robotics Supporting Bay and Observatory.

Building name: Stargate
Building cost: 150 minerals, 150 gas
Building ability: make Scouts, Carriers, Arbiter, and Corsair
Building HP: 600/600
Building Summary: this is where all the flying units are made for
Protoss, you should get 4 or 5 Stargates when playing a long game,
all units here takings awhile to make. All units made here a
quite expensive, but they all have their use. Stargate allows
Fleet Beacon to be built. With a Templar Archive, you will also
able to build Arbiter Tribunal.

Building name: Citadel of Adun
Building cost: 150 minerals, 100 gas
Building ability: upgrade Zealot speed.
Building HP: 450/450
Building Summary: you need this if you are planning on doing
Zealot rush, the upgrade increase Zealots walking speed greatly.
This is also needed for Templar Archive. This is a real useful
building, since Zealots is an important aspect for your Protoss
army all the time.

Building name: Robotics Supporting Bay
Building cost: 200 minerals, 200 gas
Building ability: Reaver damage, Reaver Capacity, Shuttle speed
Building HP: 450/450
Building Summary: this is for Shuttle and Reaver upgrades. None
of these are really important, get this later in the game unless
you are trying to pull of some kind of drop. Reavers are very
powerful units against ground attacks, but because of Reaver's
high price, you don't always need it.

Building name: Fleet Beacon
Building cost: 300 minerals, 200 gas
Building ability: upgrade scouts sight, scout speed, Carrier
capacity, Disruption Web, plus 50 Corsair energy
Building HP: 500/500
Building Summary: here you can upgrade your Scout's movement and
sight, also you can upgrade your Carrier's capacity to 8 (you
really should get this if you are planning on using Carriers). In
Brood Wars, you also upgrade your Corsair's ability. This also
allows all level 2 and level 3 air unit upgrades.

Building name: Templar Archive
Building cost: 200 minerals, 200 gas
Building ability: Psionic Storm, Hallucination, +50 energy High
Templar, Mind Control, Maelstrom, +50 energy Dark Archon
Building HP: 500/500
Building Summary: all Templar and Dark Archon spell upgrades.
Psionic Storm is the most important upgrade here. Mind Control is
also quite useful, it can actually turn a tide of a battle. This
allows all level 2 and level 3 ground unit upgrades. This will
also allow you to make Arbiter Tribunal, but you still need a
Stargate, too.

Building name: Observatory
Building cost: 50 mineral, 100 gas
Building ability: upgrade Observer sight range, speed
Building HP: 250/250
Building Summary: You can get this for Observers and Observer's
upgrades. This isn't that important unless your opponent is a
real cloaker freak. However, get this just in case of any cloak
units during your attack. This is a must in any Brood War game
against Protoss or Zerg, since Lurker and Dark Templar are always
in those bases, Terran's Wraith will also appear in most mid-late

Building name: Arbiter Tribunal
Building cost: 200 mineral, 150 gas
Building ability: Recall upgrade, Stasis Field upgrade, +50 energy
Building HP: 500/500
Building Summary: this is the last building you should build when
using Protoss, most games you won't need this since this building
has a lot of requirements. The Arbiter, it takes the longest to
make (160), but however Arbiter can cloak all near by unit
controlled by you, so it is very useful with Carriers and Reavers.
This building takes a lot of time to get, it isn't useful unless a
game is over 20 minutes, this is the highest of the Protoss tech
tree, don't always go for this unless you have to.

Brood War Protoss units

Unit name: Dark Templar
Unit HP: 40/60
Unit armor: 0
Unit ground attack: Warp Blade 40 (normal)
Unit air attack: none
Unit cost: 125 mineral, 100 gas
Unit supply cost: 2
Unit size: medium
Unit attack range: 1
Unit upgrade: attack, armor, Protoss Shield
Unit ability: Dark Archon Merge
Unit requirement: Templar Archive, Gateway
Unit best usage: Dark Templars are assassin units, they are best
early up when detectors isn't available yet. They deal very high
ground damage, but they aren't that good in attacking because they
are quite slow. Use them as surprise attackers rather than
frontal assault, but including a few Dark Templars in attacking
will always be nice, since they are good just for their powerful
40 normal ground damage.
Unit summary: the Dark Templar is always cloaked, this is a very
good unit against Terran, since their only Detectors are Missile
Turrets, and you can easily avoid them. Their strong attack make
them good in defending against ground rush, however they can not
attack air, so have Dragoon defending. Also Dark Templar attacks
are quite slow, so when going up against high numbers of enemies,
they become less useful. Remember that Dark Templars are an
assassin unit, they work with the element of surprise. However if
you rush 40 fully upgraded Dark Templars, they will have some
rather good results. Dark Templars will suffer a lot from Lurkers
with Overlord, or if you are attacking with Zealots and Dragoons,
the splash damage will kill off your low HP Dark Templars.

Unit name: Dark Archon
Unit HP: 200/25
Unit armor: 0
Unit ground attack: none
Unit air attack: none
Unit cost: 2 Dark Templar
Unit supply cost: 4
Unit size: large
Unit attack range: 0
Unit upgrade: Mind Control, Maelstrom, plus 50 energy, Protoss
shield and armor
Unit ability: Mind Control allows you to take control of target
unit, so it is possible to control all three races at the same
time after taking an enemy worker. Mind Control takes a lot of
energy and drains Dark Archon's Shield empty, so have a Shield
Battery when you are using Dark Archons. Maelstrom freezes a
group of organic units, make it very easy for you to kill, but
Maelstrom only last for about 5 seconds tops. Feed Back will
drain all energy from a unit and deal that much damage to that
unit equal to the amount of energy drained to it.
Unit requirement: 2 Dark Templar
Unit best usage: Dark Archon is a good units to have, it's ability
is decent all around. But this is a hard and expensive unit to
use, so use at your own risk.
Unit summary: a good unit, hard to use for human player. Only use
Mind Control on something that is worth the heavy price, like a
Battle Cruiser, Carrier, or Arbiter. An enemy worker will allow
you to build a new race, but it's rather useless since the time
and money required for it. However, Arbiters and Battle Cruiser
with Scouts and Guardian does sound good. Maelstrom is quite
useful against Zerg, all Zerg units are affected by it, but
because Maelstrom doesn't last very long, you should keep your
troops nearby when using Maelstrom (or use it when all your units
are not organic). Feedback is excellent against Science Vessel,
Queens, Defilers, with their energy are be used against them. But
you have to be quick or those units will be under full protection
because of their high costs. While we are on the price, note that
Dark Archon is a very expensive unit, 200 mineral and 250 gas, not
to mention the time, upgrades, and requirements for it.
Protecting your Dark Archon is important, or your opponents will
intentionally go for your Dark Archons if a path presents itself.

Unit name: Corsair
Unit HP: 80/100
Unit armor: 1
Unit ground attack: none
Unit air attack: Neutron Flare 5 (splash)
Unit cost: 150 mineral, 100 gas
Unit supply cost: 2
Unit size: medium
Unit attack range: 4
Unit upgrade: Disruption Web, plus 50 energy, attack, Protoss
shield and armor
Unit ability: Disruption Web, freeze all ground units including
building's weapon system within the web, this will stop all attack
from the spot, however units can move out of the web and attack
Unit requirement: Stargate, Fleet Beacon
Unit best usage: Corsairs are good air-to-air attackers with their
splash damage against Mutalisk or other low armor flyers. Their
Web can help you sneak in Drops and Recalls without taking too
much damage to your Shuttle/Arbiter. Disruption Web can allow you
to bypass mass Spore Colony or Missile Turrets block outs, making
way for your Shuttle or Arbiter to get across easily.
Unit summary: Corsair only attacks air, even though their attack
is only 5 damage, their attack is very fast, and it's splash
damage. Corsair can get in around 20 plus attacks for Devour's
one. Remember to use the Web wisely, this way you can get past
the Cannons and Spores easily.

Part 6: Starcraft walkthrough (Spoilers included!)

I didn't really get any serious trouble going through the single
player campaign, but I didn't play the campaign until I spent
weeks playing on I was able to stand up to 3 or 4
comps in melee when I started playing the campaign, so the
campaign was easy for me. However, I still died a few times
during the campaign. I have received quite a few emails about
problems in single player campaign, so now I will put up two
sections dedicated to the single player campaign.

Keys of the Campaign




Campaign information:

Difficulty level: 1-10

Completing the mission:

Additional Note: (might not always apply)

Terran campaign

Tutorial: Boot Camp

Terran Campaign: Rebel Yell

In the decade since the end of the Guild Wars, the oppressed
Terran Confederacy has stood unchallenged in its supremacy over
colonial space.

All of that changed four days ago when a large alien fleet emerged
from warp-space and laid waste to the unsuspecting Confederate
colony of Chau Sara.

The Confederacy, fear the alien fleet's next target will be the
colony of Mar Sara, has sent you to intervene. Acting as
Magistrate, you are to safeguard the colonists and keep their
state of panic from escalating any further.


Office of the Colonial Magistrate
Mar Sara Colony
2:25 SCT, 12/12/2499

"Welcome to Mar Sara, Magistrate. The equipment demonstration you
requested is prepared and may be initiated at your convenience.
Simply select start to begin the demonstration. You may skip the
demonstration by selecting skip tutorial.

Whenever you feel ready, you may select start.

Anytime is fine.

You're okay to go.

Magistrate, are you all right?"

End of Briefing.
End of Briefing. (really)

Objectives: Build 3 Supply Depots
Build a Refinery
Gather 100 Vespene Gas
"Skip Tutorial"

Campaign information: You start with 1 SCV, 16 Marines, 1 Commend
Center, and 1 Supply Depot. The Zerg has a total of 16 Zerglings,
they will not attack you unless you go into their sight range.
Your advisor will tell you about each unit and building whenever
you select them.

Difficulty level 0.

Completing the mission: simply make 10 SCVs from your Commend
Center, and just collect the required minerals and gas. Build the
Refinery whenever you feel you are ready. You can add in the
additional Supply Depot whenever you need to, everything here is
just an introduction for you.

Terran Campaign

1. Wasteland

Office of Colonial Magistrate
Colony of Mar Sara.

"Adjutant online. Good evening, Magistrate, I'll fill you in on
what's been happening: Confederate traffic has increased
substantially within the system due to the recent Protoss
destruction of Chau Sara colony. The Confederates have tightened
the security of all outlying systems, and it's likely that this
colony will be locked down as well. An encrypted Confederate
transmission came for you while you were at dinner. Replaying

Greeting Magistrate, I'm General Edmund Duke of the Confederate
Security forces, Alpha Squadron. The Confederacy has quarantined
this entire planet, we will proceed with the lockdown in 48 hours.
You're to relocate the core colonists to the outlying wasteland.
Now I know there won't be any problems with these new

Transmission has ended. I have contacted the local marshal James
Raynor. Raynor has agreed to meet your personnel en route and
escort them to the new wasteland site.

End of Briefing.

Objectives: Find Raynor.
Build a Barracks.
Train 10 Marines.

Campaign information: you start with 5 Marines and 5 SCVs. Raynor
is a Vulture, you will find him after you crossed the bridge, and
he is between two cliffs. A Commend Center and a Supply Depot is
further down, located near the middle and bottom. There are total
of 23 Zerglings. A possible expansion will be available to you to
your middle left, but you can simply get all the minerals you need
with your first base. The Zerglings again will not attack you
until you get in their sight range. Also, all the Zerglings are
forced to stay in one spot, you can simply hit once and run, the
Zerglings will only chase you if you are still in their sight
range. On a side note here, James Raynor is quite similar to
James West (Will Smith) in Wild Wild West, think the movie riped
off StarCraft?

Difficulty level: 1

Added Objective: Raynor must survive.

Completing the mission: get your SCVs to mine, make a few more
SCVs, build your Barrack and Supply Depot once you have the money.
Start to train your Marines as soon as your Barrack finishes.
Raynor can be used to kill off all the Zerglings, his Spider Mines
can be used as traps for the enemy Zerglings, but you can simply
charge him in and let him kill all the Zerglings by himself. You
can always repair Raynor with your SCV, for a small price that is.
Again, this is another easy mission, you shouldn't have too much
trouble here.

Terran Campaign

2. Backwater Station

Office of Colonial Magistrate
Mar Sara Colony

Receiving incoming transmission. Com-link established:
Hey what sup man, yer (not finished yet)

Objectives: Eradicate the alien infestation.
Raynor must survive.

Campaign information: you start with Raynor (Vulture), 2 SCVs, 4
Marines, 1 Commend Center, 1 Barrack and 2 Supply Depot. There is
a base to your top, and it will stay neutral until you have
rescued it. The base will be under your control as soon as you
searched it (meaning having your troops in the base.) There are
48 Zerglings, and 9 Hydralisk spread out on the map. There also a
few Creep Colony around the place, they will not do anything as of
now. There is a possible expansion to the bottom right, but you
have to go through quite a few Zerglings/Hydralisk before getting
to it. Every few minutes, the computer controlled Zerg will
attack your base with a few Zerglings, but the attacks are quite
rare, not to mention quite easy to defend with Raynor alone.

Difficulty level: 2

Completing the mission: start off by producing SCVs and start
mining. Have Raynor attack and kill the Zerglings nearby, Raynor
can scout for you, remember to repair Raynor whenever you need to.
Proceed to build up a 10 plus Marines army, move them up the ramp
to your north (top) and kill off the 5 Zerglings and 1 Creep
Colony. Rescue the empty base and you will receive the following:
5 Firebats, 2 SCVs, 1 Academy, 2 Barrack, 1 Commend Center, and 3
Bunkers. First off, start mining as if you haven't done so
already, and get the two upgrades at the Academy, both the Stim
Pack and the U-320 Shells. Get 2 or 3 hot keys of infantry units
and start attacking to your top right. Once you've destroyed the
Infested Commend Center there you'll win. You can also build an
Engineering Bay and upgrade your infantry weapon/armor if you
want. Include Raynor in your army, he is a very powerful attacker
in this state of the game, especially against Zerglings and
Hydralisks. If Raynor's HP fall below 100, move him back to your
base and repair him.

3. Desperate Alliance

Office of Colonial Magistrate
Mar Sara Colony


Objectives: Survive for 30 minutes

Campaign information: this will be your first hard mission. You
start off with 1 Barrack, 3 SCV, 3 Vulture, 2 Bunker, 16 Marines,
1 Engineering Bay, 1 Academy, 3 Supply Depot, and 3 Missile
Turrets. I will not list the number of enemies this time, since
now the Zerg will have a mining base and they will able to
reproduce as normal, unless you are able to destroy their Hatchery
and all their Drones. The Advisor will teach you how to repair at
the start of the game (as if you haven't learn how to yet.)

Difficulty level: 4

Completing the mission: First off, this isn't an open attack/kill
mission, this is a defense mission. As long as you survive the 30
minutes you win, first off stick your Marines into the Bunkers and
repair both the Bunker and the Vulture to your right. Keep
producing Marines and protect your mineral line with 2 Bunkers of
Marines or a few Missile Turrets, whichever one you prefer. Build
additional Bunkers to both of the exits to your base, so get
around 3 Bunkers of 11 Marines and 1 Firebat on each side.
Research the Spider Mine ability for your Vulture and have them
lay the mines outside the base. The Zerg will attack you with
mostly Zergling/Hydralisk combinations. Also, the Zerg will
attack with Mutalisks on your mineral line in around 15-20
minutes, be sure to protect yourself against that. When the 30
minutes is almost over, the Zerg will have a final attack, they
will swarm in with 30 plus Zerglings, 15 Hydralisk, and 10
Mutalisks (or with whatever units they have left at this point).
You can simply defend against that for 30 seconds, if not, lift
off all your buildings and fly them to a corner, you will be alive
long enough to receive the win when the Drop Ships arrive. Also,
in the beginning of the game, lift off your Commend Center and
land it close to the mining line, it will speed up your mineral
production. There will be a big attack in 18 minutes or so (12:00
left on your clock), which consists of 15 Zerglings and 8
Hydralisk on your lower right side. The worker hunter Mutalisks
will follow the Zergling/Hydralisk attack very soon. Overall this
is still an easy mission, if you still have problems, try this,
save up 1500 minerals and build 10 Barracks, after building them,
lift them off to the corner of the map. There is no way the Zerg
can kill off 10 1000HP buildings in less than a minute.

4. Jacobs Installation

Former Office of Colonial Magistrate
Mar Sara Colony
3 Hours later


Objectives: Retrieve Data discs from Confederate network.
Raynor must survive.

Campaign information: you start off with Raynor as a Marine (very
powerful Marine), 4 Firebats, and 7 Marines. These troops will be
all the fighters you can have in this stage, you will not able to
train anyone or anything at all. So it is best to avoid frontal
attacks if you can help it.

Difficulty level: 5

Completing the mission: The only hard part for this stage is
Raynor getting killed, and because he will get attacked by the
enemies if he is up ahead, so you should stick him in the middle.
What you do is grab a Firebat or Marine and stick him in front of
Raynor, so if the enemy starts attacking, they will be hitting the
Firebat/Marine instead of Raynor. Also, when in tight quarters,
use your Stim Pack for Raynor and for the cheap cost of 10 HP you
can actually save the rest of your troops. Save the game if you
want, this mission is more luck than skills. However, if you are
a good Marine rusher, you will find this mission a breeze. The
enemy has a large army, but you can avoid most of them if you
follow my route.

Here are the correct directions and some useful information. Go
straight up and cross the gate, there will be a hallway after the
open gate. There is a door to the left further down which leads
to some Civilian and SCV killing on your part. There is a hidden
trap Gun at the end of the hallway, kill it normally. There is a
hallway that leads to the right' go down there and kill off a
Marine on top of a set of stairs. The beacon further down is a
transporter, the transporter will lead to another room, kill off
the Marine and Civilians in there and find another Beacon close to
the one you can in from. That beacon will activate the cameras
and show you the Beacon and the place where you get the Data
Discs. Exit from the transporter and head to the place where the
hidden gun was. Further north will be 2 yellow color doors,
instead of entering those, head to the left side and go up a door
down there. Kill off the units in that room and head up the
stairs. Keep going up, across a door and you will reach an
intersection. One intersection will lead to the right, and one
will lead down, take the one leading right if you want to avoid
combat. Shortly, you will be at another intersection, a door
leading downwards, a hallway leading right, and another hallway
leading up. First take the door and kill off the Marine inside,
and step on the Beacon and it will shut off the hidden guns in
this level. Than take the hall up, it will lead a to battle
against 2 Firebats, then some Zerglings, battle them if you want
to, it's optional. But proceed to the right once you are done
with the door with the beacon. Further to the right are 3
Civilians, then 2 Marines, and finally a stairway leading down and
left. Go down the stairs but keep close to the right side of the
wall, if you get too close to the left side, 2 Vultures will
attack you. Stay on the right side and go up the stairs, kill the
2 Marines there and step into the Beacon transporter, there is
another hidden gun on the ramp if you haven't close the switch.
Your troops will be transported to another room, exit the room to
your bottom left and kill the 3 Marines. Head down, there is a
hidden gun on the way, when you reach the door, enter it and
battle against 2 Firebats, 1 Ghost, 2 Marines. Kill off
everything and step on the Beacon, it will give you the Data Discs
and you completed the mission.

5. Revolution

Secret Staging Area
Second Moon of Antiga Prime


Objectives: Bring Kerrigan to Antigan Commend Center.
Defend the Antigan Rebels.
Raynor and Kerrigan must survive.

Campaign information: You start off with Raynor as a Vulture and 8
Marines. This map is an island map, and you will have you first
encounter with special energy abilities and flying units. The
enemy's main base is located on the bottom left, but you will have
to rescue the Antigans before you can have a base of operation.
Once you've established your base, your enemy will attack you with
mostly Marines/Firebats, 1 Bunker with 4 Marines will be more than
enough to defend against them. They will attack from the top
left(your Starport) so be sure to defend against that. Raynor's
Spider Mines can be used to defend against that attack, but I
would just stick a Bunker with 4 Marines there just to be safe.
Otherwise, they will mostly attack from the ramp near your Commend
Center. Be sure to stick Kerrigan into one of those Bunkers near
your Commend Center, she is a great defender against small
infantry units.

Difficulty level: 3

Completing the mission: First you have to find Kerrigan, she is
located just south of you, and she will join you as you find her.
Across the bridge will be a Marine and 3 Missile Turrets, kill
them and keep proceeding. The Vulture up ahead can be taken cared
off with Kerrigan's Lockdown, the Wraith further up can be
Lockdown as well, remember to kill those units off before the
Lockdown wears off after 30 plus seconds. Once you have killed
off those units, keep going east and you will find yourself
blocked off by enemy Bunkers and Missile Turrets. First off,
Cloak Kerrigan and sneak her into the base, it's okay that she get
hit a few times by the Marines. Once inside the purple base, head
for the Commend Center and step into the Beacon. The Antigans
forces (purple) will then join you and kill off all the
Confederate units, except a Bunker and a Missile Turret. Leave
Raynor and your Marines outside the base, since you can pick them
up later. Start mining on your base, build up on Marines and
stick them the Bunkers. Don't worry about enemy cloaked units,
there won't be any in this mission. Get a Control Tower on the
Starport you've gotten from the Antigans, after the Control Tower,
build a Drop Ship and start making Wraith. When your Drop Ship
finishes, have it pick up Raynor and the Marines and just leave
them in your base. Get a few extra Starports to speed up the
process. Get the Cloaking Field and Apollo Reactor ability on the
Control Tower as soon as you can. Get an army of 12 Wraith with a
good amount of energy stored already, and a few Drop Ships with
Marines inside will also be nice, another Drop with a few SCVs
repairing will be good, too. The best way to win is first use the
cloaked Wraith and destroy the enemy Commend Center to the bottom
middle/right, take out units like Goliath, Wraith, Marines, etc,
but don't go too far left since the Missile Turrets will detect
you. Once you have cleared out the right side, drop 12 Marines
and 4 SCVs there. Use the SCV to build Bunkers and repair any of
the Wraith. Build additional Barracks there and keep making
Bunkers to push your way into the enemy's base. You only need 8
Marines, since you can just exit the Marines on the Bunker and
stick them into another Bunker close to enemy's base. Or you can
simply drop 6 Drop Ships full of Marines into their base and over
whelm them, both works fine. There is an expansion to your lower
right, you have 2 Barracks there and you can expand there to get
more minerals. Remember to build a lot of SCVs in your first base,
have 15 plus SCVs on minerals alone.

6. Norad II

Secret Staging Area
Antiga Prime


Objectives: Protect Battlecruiser Norad II.
Bring Raynor and 2 drop ships to Norad II.

Hidden Objective: Raynor must survive.

Campaign information: You start off with Raynor as a Vulture, 2
SCVs, 1 Firebat, and 2 Marines. Your first base will be to your
left, there are possible expansions at the middle left, top right,
and you can also take the Zerg's base at top/middle left, and
middle/top right. This mission is not a search and kill mission,
this is a rescue mission, so you do not have to kill off the Zergs
to win. The Zerg will attack you with various units, ranging from
Zerglings, Hydralisks, and Mutalisks, also Queens will cast
Ensnare on your units if the Queen have energy. Quick Note,
Ensnare slows down affected unit's weapon system and movement.

Difficulty level: 5

Completing the mission: As you head west to rescue the base, you
will be ambush by 2 burrowed Hydralisk and 3 burrowed Zerglings,
just kill them and take the Terran base. The Terran consists of
the following: 1 Commend Center, 3 Bunkers, 1 Barracks, 6 Supply
Depot, 1 Goliath, 2 Marines, and 1 Engineering Bay. Start making
SCVs and try to go into gas earlier than usual, best if you make
the Refinery on your fourth SCV. Repair the damaged Bunker and
Engineering Bay, and if a few minutes, Norad II will be attacked
by a few Zerg units. You then will have a damaged Norad II, 3
Goliath, 2 Bunkers, 6 Marines, and 2 SCVs, you must keep all those
units alive at all costs. The 2 SCVs can repair the Bunker,
Goliath, and Norad II, if they aren't repairing, hid them in the
Bunkers. To repair Norad II, you need to have gas, and that's why
I told you to get gas early on. With the help of SCVs repairing,
you will able to keep Norad II alive for quite some time. The
Zerg will attack you a lot this mission, however the attacks are
quite pitiful with small groups of Hydralisks/Zerglings, 1 Bunker
with 1 Firebat and 3 Marines will take care of that.

Norad II is heavy defend by the Zerg, over 20 Spore Colony and 10
Sunken Colony are preventing you from entering. However, the
backside of the Norad II is wide open, you can simply sneak the
Drop Ships in from behind. First make the Drop Ships and put
Raynor inside one of them. In order to go backdoor, you will have
to go up on top left and go along the top boarder. The top right
have a few Mutalisks and Hydralisk, take care of them with Wraith
or Marines. Then the Zerg base to the top middle right will be
the problem. Use your Wraith as suicide units, attack 8 Wraith to
the base with Cloaking Field on. The Zerg will be forced to
protect their base. Right than, just fly your Drop Ships by, and
you can avoid the Drop Ships getting hit by Scourge or Mutalisks.
Once you flew over, go straight down the right side boarder, once
you are near the Noard II, upload Raynor and you will win. Save
before you attempt this, there is a slight chance of you getting
hit by 2 Scourges on patrol if you are unlucky.

7. Trump Card

Secret Staging Area
Antiga Prime Colony


Objectives: Bring Psi Emitter to enemy base.
Kerrigan must survive.

Campaign information: You start with Kerrigan as a Ghost, 1 SCV
with the Psi Emitter, 11 Marines, 1 Science Vessel, 2 Vultures,
and 4 SCVs. You will also have these buildings, 1 Starport with
Control Tower, 1 Science Facility, 1 Commend Center, 1 Factory, 2
Barracks, 4 Missile Turrets, 1 Engineering Bay, 1 Bunker, 1
Refinery, and 5 Supply Depots. However, when the game starts, you
will automatically lose the Control Tower on the Starport, and if
you don't lift off the Starport and Science Facility, you will
eventually lose them, too. The 2 Supply Depots to the bottom
middle will also be lost against an enemy Siege Tank in Siege
Mode. There will be possible expansion to the bottom middle, this
is the only one, so sure to take this when you can. Your opponent
will attack you with various units during this mission, mostly
infantry units like Marine and Firebats, and Siege Tanks in Siege
Mode is also available to them, not to mention Wraith and Cloaking
Field. Your starting base is extremely poor, with only 5 Mineral
Crystals at 1500 each, so the expansion nearby is critical to you.
Try to get the expansion when you've reached 4 Siege Tanks with
Siege Mode.

Difficulty level: 5

Completing the mission: Start the mission by lifting off the
Starport and Science Facility and fly them back to your main base.
Get Kerrigan, the SCV and 2 Marines back as well. The side base
with 2 Supply Depots with 2 Marines will be under attack by a
Siege Tank, move Marines back and let the Supply Depots die. You
have your main base now so start producing SCVs and defend against
the 3 exits with 1 Bunker with 4 Marines on each side, also a
Missile Turret is needed to prevent Wraith with Cloaking Field,
add additional units later on. Build a Missile Turret right next
to your Commend Center since it will be under attacked by a
cloaked Wraith very soon. Climb your tech tree to Siege Tanks and
Siege Mode, since the Siege Tank is one of the most powerful units
you can have as a Terran. After 3 or 4 Siege Tanks, expand to the
base to your right. Set up defense there with Missile Turrets,
Bunkers with Marines, and the 4 Tanks. Build your expanding
Commend Center ahead of time, you can lift it off and fly it over
to the spot to speed up the expansion time. Grab 2 SCVs and set
up the defense, 1 build Bunker and 1 build Missile Turret. Once
you have established base, build an army of 12 Siege Tanks, 2
Science Vessels and 24 Marines you can begin to attack your
opponent. Tank push your way to the beacon near the top right,
there is a Battle Cruiser there, that can pack a big punch, so use
Science Vessel's Defensive Matrix on one of your Marines or
Wraith, and you won't lose anything important. The few cloaking
Wraiths along the way are easily killed by your Marines with
proper cloak detection, Comsat Scan works fine here, all ground
units will die against the Siege Tanks, and after you cleared the
way, move the SCV and Kerrigan to the beacon and you will win. Be
sure to clear up the spot first, and set your Siege Tanks and
Marines around so the enemy won't reestablish their base.

8. The Big Push

Commend Ship Hyperion
Holding Perimeter high orbit over
Confederate Capital World of Tarsonis


Objectives: Eliminate the Confederate forces.
Duke must survive.

Campaign information: You will start with Duke as a powerful
Battle Cruiser (Norad II), 2 Ghosts, 4 Marines, 2 Drop Ships, 4
SCVs, and 3 Wraith. All your buildings are lift off and you can
fly them to upward and land them at the empty base. There are
several attachments like Nuclear Silos and Control Towers, and you
will obtain them if you land on the direct spot. Even though the
add-on buildings are poorly located, they however will save you
money. The add-ons for the Commend Center are very poorly placed,
I wouldn't put my Commend Center so far away from the gas site,
but it's entirely up to you. A new and powerful option is opened
to you, Nukes, that will be one of your biggest weapons as a
Terran, know how to use it and it will really benefit you in the
future battles. There is only 1 expansion, which is on the top
middle. But you can also take the enemy's base once you've
cleared out everything. The enemy's base top of you is quite rich
and I would really suggest you taking it when you can.

Difficulty level: 6

Completing the mission: this is a fairly difficult mission, the
Confederate's defense is extreme, and you will find quite some
problems breaking through. First off, the Siege Tanks are your
most powerful units again, and Tank push will serve you greatly
here. First off, establish base and build up your forces, Duke
can create chaos in the enemy's base with his 1 hit kill 1 Marine
ATS Laser, and his 260 damage Yamato Gun. 8 Tank with a decent
escort will break open the base and you should take the base as an
expansion. The Confederate will have a big army down your throat
if you let them, but a few Nukes and a good Tank push will easily
let you win. Build some Missile Turrets on both the left side and
right side of your first base, since Wraith with cloak tends to
attack those spots. Once you have taken over the Confederate's
base just north of you, you should take the base on top as well.
Now you will have a good mineral flow and you should build up a
sizable army before charging into the last base to the top right.
There are a few Battle Cruisers on the top middle, and a few
Wraith and Ghost will easily take those out with Lockdown and or
Cloaking Field. Make use of Wraith's Cloaking Field here, there
are quite a few Siege Tanks, Bunkers and Firebats that needs to be
killed that way. Upgrades are always good, but don't waste too
much money on upgrades unless you are extra minerals to spare.
Ghost and Nukes are extremely useful here, and the Confederate
will be at your mercy since they have no mobile detector other
than the Comsat Scanner. Once you have destroyed every building
the Confederate have, you will win. There are some buildings like
Missile Turrets pretty far off from the Confederate's main bases,
make use of Drop Ships or Wraith to scout and take those out.
There are some spots where the enemy Tanks and Bunkers are on top
of a platform, you won't able to see it unless you have a flyer or
use Comsat Scanner, so don't be searching if you find something
hitting you from nowhere.

9. New Gettysberg

Commend Ship Hyperion
Holding Perimeter high orbit over
Confederate Capital World of Tarsonis


Objectives: Destroy the Protoss force.
All Zerg buildings must survive.
Kerrigan must survive.

Campaign information: this will be one hard mission, not only that
you must protect the Zerg and kill the Protoss, you have to
protect yourself from both the Zerg and Protoss attacks. You will
start off with Kerrigan as a Ghost, 6 Marines, 2 Vultures, 1 Drop
Ship, 2 SCVs, 1 Commend Center, 1 Factory, 1 Barrack, and 3 Supply
Depots. A possible expansion is available to you on the
bottom/middle left. The Protoss have 2 base of operation, 1 on
top right, and 1 on bottom right. The Zerg is north west of you,
you must not kill any Zerg buildings at all. Your first base have
a lot of exits, you must protect them all with a Bunker and 4
Marines on each. There are 2 ramps on top, 1 to the top/right, 1
platform leading to the bottom left, and 1 bridge to the bottom
middle. Zerg's attacks aren't that strong, but enough to wreak
havoc in your base if you let them. Protoss is your main concern,
build up your army and go for the Protoss. Nukes are a good
weapon for you, so use them wisely and you should able to win
easily. The Protoss has no mobile detectors, so Nukes and Wraith
should able to win you the game, remember to build additional
Commend Center to support your Nukes.

Difficulty level: 6

Completing the mission: Go straight for Nukes, skip Siege Tanks,
Wraith, upgrades, etc, and go for the Nukes. Build 4 Bunkers of
Marines and Kerrigan to protect your base. 1 near your Supply
Depots (top right), 1 right next to your Refinery (top left), 1 on
the bottom left leading to the expansion, and 1 more on the bottom
near the big bridge (bottom center). Go up to Nukes, expand when
you are about to run out of minerals and gas in your first base.
If you can, take the Protoss base, those are far more richer than
the small expansion to your middle left. At the start of game,
lift off your Commend Center and land it near your mineral fields,
it's too far away. As for the gas, instead of sending the regular
4 SCVs to mine gas, send 7 or 8 this time. The Zerg will attack
with with mostly Zerglings, Hydralisks, and Mutalisks, they are
quite easy to defend against, also, the Zerg's Queen will Parasite
your units, ignore them since they will not be affecting your
unit's abilities in any way. The Protoss rarely attacks you, they
usually bring a single Zealot or Dragoon to your base, and you
should be able to handle them easily. The Zerg's attack will
increase as the time progress, add it additional Bunkers and
Marines when you can afford them. You should able to stock up on
a lot of minerals when using only nukes, you can build a straight
Marine army and just station them in your base, attack with them
when you need to. The Protoss is quite weak overall, and you will
win once you have killed all their buildings. You also can have
your mass Marines to escort a couple of Siege Tanks to take out
the Protoss base. However, use Nukes since the Protoss don't have
a detector, you just have to watch yourself from the Zerg.

10. The Hammar Falls

Commend Ship Hyperion
Holding Perimeter high orbit over
Confederate Capital World of Tarsonis


Objectives: Destroy Ion Cannon.
Raynor must survive.

Campaign information: this is the last Terran mission for
StarCraft, and you should expect and get a tough big battle here.
You will start off with Raynor as a Vulture, 2 Siege Tanks, 16
Marines, 2 Firebats, 4 SCVs, 1 Commend Center, and 3 Supply
Depots. This is an extremely hard mission, the enemy Terran will
use everything that's available to the Terran race, from Nukes to
Battle Crusiers, Siege Tanks to infantry swarms. You must defend
and defend well to stand any chance of winning. Your aim to
destroy the Ion Cannon to the top right, which happens to be well
guarded by the enemy. You have to build up your forces, get Siege
Tanks in Siege mode by the twos on each ramp. Climb up your tech
tree to Missile Turrets and Comsat Scanner as soon as you can
since the enemy will nuke you if you don't. There are two
possible expansions available to you, 1 in the center of the map,
and 1 to the middle right side. This mission will be extremely
hard if you had trouble with previous missions. You might want to
go practice more on custom maps, and save often during the game to
win this mission.

Difficulty level: 9

Completing the mission: You should build up your forces quick, or
you will eat a nuke very early in the game. Start off with the
basics, SCVs on mining and a Barrack, research and upgrade as much
as you can, and fast. Build up your forces and try to take out
the enemy's base just to the north, a Tank push will work if you
are good at it. There are a few ways to win this mission, one is
to destroy all enemy units then go for the Ion Cannon, 2 leave the
enemy units along and concentrate on the Ion Cannon. The Ion
Cannon only have 2000 HP, a Nuke and a few attacks from your
supporting units and it will die. First off, protect your base
and go into mining, get lots of SCVs and then build your Ghost,
Nukes, Drop Ships, etc and try to Nuke the spot. You will have to
take out quite a few Missile Turrets before you can reach the Ion
Cannon. You will have to fly your Drop Ship around to avoid
attacks from enemy ground units. Stick a SCV and a Vulture inside
the Drop Ship along with the Ghost. The SCV can do repairs, while
the Vulture can attract firepower from the enemy ground units once
uploaded. After the Nuke lands, the Ion Cannon will still have a
few hundred HP left the least, attack it with Wraith, Yamato Gun,
Drop Siege Tanks, etc. The Ion Cannon will burn down slowly if
the HP falls below 1/3, and that should easily win you the game
and the Terran's ending will follow. There is an easier way to
win, but requires a lot of minerals and time, build up and upgrade
to a group of 12 Battle Cruiser fleets. The 12 Battle Cruisers
and 12 Siege Tanks will able to break through all the defenses,
and you will win once you've cleared out all the Terran buildings
and the Ion Cannon. It is extremely hard to land a Nuke right
away on the Ion Cannon platform, so it's best to drop units like
Marines or Goliath first to take out a few Missile Turrets before
dropping your Ghost there to nuke.

Zerg Campaign

1. Among the Ruins

Confederate Capital World Tarsonis


Objectives: Create a Spawning Pool.
Create a Hydralisk Den.
Protect the Chrysalis.

Added Objectives: Destroy the Terran encampment.

Campaign information: When the campaign starts, Daggoth will
explain to you the various Zerg units and buildings. Daggoth will
instruct you on what to do, you can follow his building order if
you want to, but it doesn't really matter. You start with 1
Hatchery, 1 Creep Colony, 1 Overlord, 2 Drones, 12 Zerglings, and
200 minerals. There is a small Chrysalis on the Beacon in your
base, and you must protect that in order to win. The Terran base
is located to the north east corner, and they have a lot of units
scattered around, so don't wonder into their territory unless
needed. There is a possible expansion to the north west, it is
currently guarded by 3 Marines and 1 Firebat, you can expand there
if you want to later on.

Difficulty level: 1

Completing the mission: Start by making an Overlord and a Drone from
your Hatchery and order your Drones to go into mining. When the next
Larva comes out from the Hatchery, make that into a Drone and wait for
your Overlord to come out. When your Overlord is done, make another
Drone from a Larva, when that Larva finishes morphing, build a Spawning
Pool with it. During the Spawning Pool building, make more Drones and
go into mining, make Creep Colony before hand, put them up and when the
Spawning Pool finishes, you can morph them into Sunken Colony. After
your Spawning Pool finishes, Zasz will inform you of the Terran base,
and you will now have a new objective. You first need to have 5 Sunkens
built, 2 defending on top near the Chrysalis, and 3 defending the
eastside of your base. Keep your Overlord control on 17/17 for now,
don't make additional Overlords yet. Now you should halt your Drone
production and wait for 300 minerals, get a mining Drone and morph it
into another Hatchery between your mineral crystals and your gas site.
Then you continue your Drone and Overlord production, you will also need
to go into gas. Get the Hydralisk Den when you want to, before sure to
make 12 plus Drones alone on minerals, that will increase your mineral
flow much faster. Don't bother with the expansion to your north unless
you really need the money, just get 2 Evolution Chambers and upgrade to
level 1 on Missile Attacks and Carapace. Get the Hydralisk's movement
and range upgrade before you get attack. Build up an army of 24
Hydralisks and just attack, you will win easily. There is a Starport on
top of the ramp to the top middle, you should begin your attack from

2. Egression

Confederate Capital World of Tarsonis


Objectives: Bring the Chrysalis to the Beacon.

Campaign information: You will start with 2 Hatchery, 3 Overlords,
2 Mutalisks, 3 Hyralisks, 2 Drones, 1 Spawning Pool, and 1 Creep
Colony. There are 6 Hunter Killers just north of your base, they
will be under your commend as soon as you reached them with any of
your units. The Beacon you must reach is to the south your
current base, but a large Protoss base will be in the way, so you
will be facing some tough battles here. The Chrysalis is near the
Hunter Killers, and you can pick it up with a Drone, but leave it
for now. There are no expansions on this map, but you can take
the Protoss base to the south west once you've destroyed them.
The base you have is quite rich, so don't bother with any

Difficulty level: 4

Completing the mission: Start off by producing Drones and have the
Hunter Killers in your commend as soon as possible, the 6 Hunter Killers
are very powerful and will protect your base for now. Defend your base
from all sides, since the Protoss will attack frequently with Zealots
and Dragoons. There will be a lot of back side attacks by Zealots, so
put up 2 or more Sunkens there early on to defend against those. Since
your starting base is quite rich, you can put up addition Sunkens
easily. Build up on Hydralisks and Hydralisk upgrades, once you have 36
or more Hydralisks, begin your attack, this will probably take out the
Protoss blockade, if not just get another 12 Hydralisk and that should
finish the job. Once the way is cleared, have your Hyralisk patrol the
road from your base to the Beacon, then have a Drone pick up the
Chrysalis, and get some protection units like the Hunter Killers and
some Mutalisks to escort the Drone to the Beacon below. Watch out if
you are going to attack Protoss's main base, all their units from the
entire map will come and try to help, that is a large number of Zealots
and Dragoons. 36 Hydralisk won't able to take care of that, you will
need much more to take the Protoss base. During the attacks, you should
continue your Hydralisk production from at least 3 Hatchery, once your
first wave dies and fail to destroy the Protoss base, start attacking
with the Hyralisks you've been building up.

3. The New Domain



Campaign information:

Difficulty level: 1-10

Completing the mission:

4. Agent of the Swarm



Campaign information:

Difficulty level: 1-10

Completing the mission:

5. The Amerigo



Campaign information:

Difficulty level: 1-10

Completing the mission:

6. The Dark Templars



Campaign information:

Difficulty level: 1-10

Completing the mission:

7. The Culling



Campaign information:

Difficulty level: 1-10

Completing the mission:

8. Eye for an Eye



Campaign information:

Difficulty level: 1-10

Completing the mission:

9. The Invasion of Auir



Campaign information:

Difficulty level: 1-10

Completing the mission:

10. Full Circle



Campaign information:

Difficulty level: 1-10

Completing the mission:

Protoss Campaign




Campaign information:

Difficulty level: 1-10

Completing the mission:




Campaign information:

Difficulty level: 1-10

Completing the mission:




Campaign information:

Difficulty level: 1-10

Completing the mission:




Campaign information:

Difficulty level: 1-10

Completing the mission:




Campaign information:

Difficulty level: 1-10

Completing the mission:




Campaign information:

Difficulty level: 1-10

Completing the mission:




Campaign information:

Difficulty level: 1-10

Completing the mission:




Campaign information:

Difficulty level: 1-10

Completing the mission:




Campaign information:

Difficulty level: 1-10

Completing the mission:




Campaign information:

Difficulty level: 1-10

Completing the mission:

Part 7: Brood Wars walkthrough

(coming soon)

Part 8: Various hints, useful ideas on playing StarCraft

It is very important that you defend your base with troops and not
with all buildings. E.g. Protoss Photon Cannon is used to back up
your defense, your real defense should be Dragoons and Scouts line
up with Photon Cannons. Another important thing is be prepared
for a unit with long range (Tanks, Reavers, Guardians), have
something that can take out those unit fast before they can really
put major damage into your base. Against Tanks and Reavers, have
Zealots with speed upgrade and have them station near your front
line defense, when Tanks come, just rush with your Zealots. Don't
forget to replace your Zealots once you got the money. Against
Guardians, just have a few Scouts, but watch out for Scourge and
other anti air units. Remember to think further, and also don't
just get 8 Scouts, since players will rush with 12 Guardians with
30 plus Mutalisk, and you can't stop them with just a small amount
of Scouts.

If you are playing rush (don't unless you are good at it, people
will laugh at you if you fail), don't stop even if you know that
all your troops will die, as long as they can make things easier
for your next rush, you should do it. The most important rush is
the first one, if done correctly you will able to make your
opponent either lose a Barrack/Gateway, or kill a large percent of
enemy workers. Both of these is a successful rush, if they lose
the Barrack/Gateway, it will take them time to rebuild while you
can finish them off. If they lose their worker, they won't have
any money to build up their troops. The most important element in
the game is mineral control, if you control more mineral fields,
you get more money and you will able to make more troops. When
playing with Battle.Net approved maps(other than Big Game Hunter,
all map have resources of 1500 on crystals and 5000 or 10000 on
gas), it is very important that you move to another resource field
way before your first field empties. You should expend when you
feel you have half of the money to start a new base while your
first base is well defended. If you are using any race, take
advantage of their long-ranged units and get some free hits off
your opponent. If their base is next to yours, use your long
range unit and hit building that they built near you. If they
don't know that you are right next to them, have a few troops
attack their front line, and that should divide their attention.
While the attack is still going on, have some kind of drop, best
with big powerful units (Ultralisk, Archon, Dark Templar, Siege
Tanks, Ghost with a nuke). When your units is running lose in
their base, you should prepare to attack, right there is your best
chance of winning. First have all your units break through their
front line defense, and just rush everyone in. However, if their
front line is powerful enough to stop you, don't stop swarming.
Get more Gateway/Barrack/Hatchery if needed, just don't stop
because your opponent is not some idiot that will let you keep
making Drops on them (there are some, but not many).

You should take advantage of your opponent's mistake, when you
know that they have a small gap where you can get through, use it
before they seal it up. You should not expect to win with your
first set of attackers, while attacking, keep pumping out more.
Taking a choke point is very important, if you can block in your
enemy, and you are very likely to win against them. When playing
as Zerg, sent out Zerglings and have them burrow around the map,
that way you can take good control of the map and know when your
opponent is planning to attack you.

One of the most important thing is you should practice against
some computer controlled opponents, best is you against 3 or more
CPUs, at least one of each race. Don't cheat during the practice,
not even the map code, one of the most important aspect of the
game is to find your opponent and have control over the map. And
also you can use map setting, set trigger to computer AI Script to
Insane for all the computers, then you will really know how a pro
is like. (I can defend against 3-6 comps set to insane AI, but I
will die once Carrier and Guardians comes out. I just can't
defend and get Scouts for those units fast enough, and trust me
that you will be occupied by the comps all the time.)

Defending is not a good way to win, you can use it to buy time, but
there is no way that you can protect your entire base fast enough
against drops, so you should have mobile units that can take care of
drops fast. If I plan something like a 12 Mutalisks worker hunting, you
can easily protect against that with 4 Spore Colony, but if you go into
Spores and playing according to how I play, you will be having the
underhand. You will have to follow everything I throw at you, the odds
of you attacking my base is slim since you will be behind on upgrades,
tech tree, units, and mostly expansions. When playing 2vs2 or 3vs3
games, the first group to attack is most likely to win, but make sure
your attack is strong enough, don't be crazy and just send whatever you
have. During those 2vs2 or 3vs3, don't tech up unless you have to, your
partner will need help if he/she is under attack, you will need help if
you are under attack. Some techs are useable, but don't leave yourself
with only a few mobile units (Zealots, Marines, Zerglings, Hydralisks,
Dragoons, etc). Mutalisks are not good in protection, Dragoons,
Marines, and Hyralisks all are able to shred Mutalisk swarms easily.
Wraith are good against Zerg and Protoss, since the odds of them having
Observers or Overlord speed upgrade is pretty slim, so with Cloaking
Field, you should able to play a part in base protection.

Part 9: Cheats for the game

You enter the codes in single player game during game play, press
return, enter the code and press return again. You cheat will be
confirmed if you entered it right, a message will indicated it on
the screen. Saved games will not save your cheats, so if you load
a saved game, you will have to enter your cheats in again.
However I recommend you not to use any of these cheats, cheating
takes away the fun in the game. Remember cheats will affect all
other players, so if you use Power Overwhelming in a free for all,
you will be the only person that can kill enemy units (other than
Queen's Spawn Broodlings, and Dark Archon's Mind Control). Yet,
the computer have the map cheat open to them full time, so it
wouldn't be exactly cheating badly if you turn on the map code.

Power Overwhelming-This code is for unlimited HP for all your
units, this will also give you instant repairs on any of your
damaged units.

Black Sheep Wall-This allows you to view the entire map, but not
any cloak detection unless you've got a detector there.

Operation CWAL-This is the code for super fast building on units,
buildings, and upgrades.

Show Me The Money-This gives you 10,000 mineral and 10,000 gas,
type the cheat again to receive more minerals and gas.

Breathe Deep-You will get 500 gas, retype the code to receive more

Food For Thought-You will not need any Supply buildings or units
to support your troops.

Modify The Phase Variance-This code let you build anything you can

Noglues-this will prevent your enemy from using Psionics.

Medieval Man-this allows one second upgrades.

Something for Nothing-get all free single upgrades right here,
type the code again to gain the upgrade for the next level.

The Gathering-all units will have unlimited energy, this does not
apply to units like Spawn Broodlings or Hallucinated units.

Game Over Man-you lose the current mission.

Staying Alive-you won't win any game, since you won't get the
victory sign once the requirement for victory is accomplished.

There Is No Cow Level-instant win on current mission.

Ophelia-level select, after you have entered this code, enter
desire level. E.g. Protoss 8 for Protoss level 8, Terran 3, for
Terran level 3.

War Aint What It Use To Be-this removes the fog of war, you still
can't really see that well, map will only show parts where you
have already scouted.

Whats Mine is Mine-this will give you 500 minerals.

Radio Free Zerg-this code allows you to listen to a different
music, this code only works when using Zerg.

Part 10: How to improve your game play

The most important thing you should know is how to at least defend
your base.

First of all lets pretend you are playing a game, it's around 30
minutes into the game, it's one on one, you playing as Protoss
against a Terran opponent and both of you are on top of the tech
tree. You base is well defended with both troops and Photon
Cannons, you know where your opponent is and he also know where
you are. The map is a small and not very rich and both of you
really can't afford to lose much of anything. You so far got a
decent base and let's pretend he has a better one than you, you
can't break through, and you are just playing defense, waiting to
build up a strike force. All your previous attacks have proven
unsuccessful and now you are just really making units of all kind.

Pretend that he attacks you with a Siege Tank push, a group of 12
Siege Tanks, 30 or so Marines, and 10 or so Wraith with cloaking
ability. How can you defend yourself? The best way to defend is
have Dark Templar to take out the ground units, and have a few
Observers and use Scouts to take out the Wraith. Keep in mind
that this attack will at least break through your front line, give
yourself around 3 minutes to replace everything, move all
available troops you can spare to the spot until the defense is
replaced. If Dark Templar isn't there, just rush with your
Zealots and any other ground units, Reavers are also good here.
High Templar and Psionic Storm is also good here. High Templars
are good for almost any mass rushes, but watch out for the Siege
Tanks, they have more range than Psi Storm.

Or he attacks with 12 Tanks and 12 Battle Cruiser fleet,
accompanied with Ghosts and Science Vessels. The Emp Shockwave
and Lockdown is really messing up your front line troops, what can
you do to defend your base? The best way is with a few High
Templar and Psionic Strom the spot until everything dies, before
the Emp shockwave or you won't have enough energy, an Arbiter will
be also good here. An Observer with sight range upgrade should be
stationed near at all times, move it in and have Scouts or
Dragoons to finish off the enemy. The Battle Cruiser will be also
a good target for Mind Control, the Science Vessel will be also
good for a Feedback, and Stasis Field is also good here. Don't
hesitate to use your magic spells, once the High Templars are
drained, go ahead and merge them into Archons.

Be prepared for anything that opponent throws at you, expect them
to have a better army than they really do. When playing against a
very offensive player, use Hallucination and scare away his
troops. Than use high speed Scouts to shoot down any units left
behind or just slow moving, don't be forget Scout's high speed
once upgraded, their 150 shield can be recovered fast so they will
last quite some time. So a few Battle Cruisers slowly moving away
is a great target for them. If their main force is just charging
at you, abuse your Pisonic Storm, the high damage will shred the
swarming enemies. Don't give them a chance to breathe, once their
main force is gone, and attack with the extra units you have
available to you. Their base is at the weak point right there, if
you see a chance to break through and get into the base, don't
hesitate and just begin swarming. You are very likely to win if
you break through, however if you break through the defense but
you wasn't able to take advantage of that and all your troops dies
from deeper protection. Don't wait long and have another group
rush in and destroy, then it's the best time to box in your
opponent. You need to remember to scatter troops all around the
place and don't leave anything to chance, most importantly,
expansions. Check all possible spots for enemy expansions, don't
rule out a spot just because you checked it before, keep a cheap
unit there or building some not very expensive.

If a battle must take place, try to get it as close to your base
as possible, so not only your troops are attacking, your Photon
Cannons can chip in too. And this will let you run away to charge
your shield a lot easier, the enemy will be under heavy fire power
if they choose to chase after you. Remember that Photon Cannon
cost only a cheap 150 mineral.

Always go after Detectors first, once the Detectors are gone, you
can use your cloaked units to their fullest.

Whenever you are playing against any opponent, never rely on
purely Photon Cannon or other attack buildings, every race has a
long ranged unit so be prepare to take those out any time you are
under attack. Never let your opponent know how many troops you
have, it doesn't matter if you have more than him/her.

When playing as Zerg, have all your troops hot keyed and just
burrow them, call them out when needed only. If you see you have
enough to take out the opponent, do it, don't wait or hesitate. A
diversion is prefect when you are doing this, a group of Zerglings
or Ultralisk going after a different base will create a great
diversion. Box in opponent when needed, when boxed in, don't
forget to keep attacking the base, never give the opponent a
chance to regain control of their base again.

Another important thing is never let yourself get into a bad
situation where you know you will either be badly damaged or even
get killed. You should never rely on anything, the only thing you
should depend on is your army of troops, and not army of attack

When playing, expect the attack, have patience and don't get
careless. Think what can break through into your base, what can
cause trouble for you? Then find something to stop that. If you
can tell that a tank push can break through your base, your
opponent will probably know how to do a tank push and use it on
you. Think further, small things can make a difference. Small
things like placing a Pylon can win you a game.

The next important thing will be your knowledge of how to win a
game when the opportunity knocks. A lot of players limit
themselves to a certain kind of winning unit, for example, a lot
of Protoss players can't win without Carriers. Or Terran can't
win without Battle Cruisers, and Zerg can't win without Guardians
or mass Hydralisks. Remember to be creative, know how to use
other units.

The most important element in the game is mineral control, with
more minerals and gas, you get more options open to you. Try to
prevent your opponent from getting to easy new bases, put up a
fight for the base. It is very important than you have control of
the map and when playing 1 vs 1, usually whoever has better map
control and mineral fields wins. When attacking, don't go for an
empty mineral base, you would only knock off some useless like
some attacking buildings and not so important troops. People
leave their mined out bases, and you would just force them to
build back something like a Supply Depot or Pylon. Go for either
their main base, or a newly formed mineral collecting base with
workers mining! The main base usually holds the important
buildings and most of the supply units, if all those are taken
out, you win the game. But expect the base to be very well
protected, and also expect high causality from your army. Taking
out a newly formed base, will very much likely pinning your
opponent to find a new mineral base, and with some high speed
units, you should able to take out any new base if you have good
map detection. Your opponent will than be in real trouble and
won't able to produce any troops that threatens your existence.
You can simply wait until they mines out their base, and you win.
For those people who play max money maps, expansion is still very
important, there is only certain amount of workers you can have
mining in single base. For example, Big Game Hunter can have 25
workers mining in every start location base, around 15 in each
small expansions. So if you build up 50 workers in one single
base, you won't be making any extra money, your workers just
stumble around trying to find a mineral to mine at. If you have 2
base, you will get your money a lot faster, but you also have to
protect both bases. Good players (people who are at my skill
level or better) will go for your expansion if any presents. Your
main base won't face a frontal attack unless it's badly defended,
your expansion will very likely over swarmed and you won't able to
save it. Even though you got the money back by mining at your
expansion, you still lost a important battle, you will only have
half of your mineral flow you had before.

Your new base is also important to you, an island mineral field is
a good spot for a new base. Also a mineral field nearby your
first base is also a good choice. Also, on any islands, don't
just build anti air buildings, get some ground attack units in
case of drops. Zerg can have a very early new base, this is
easily accomplished since you can have 11 workers mining without
making an Overlord. This is a bit cheating, but it's allowed by
Battle.Net. First keep making Drones until you reach your max
which is 9, than have two mining workers, morph into an Extractor
and a Creep Colony (or 2 Extractor in some maps). Your Overlord
control will be set to 7/9, than just make two new Drones and as
soon as the two Drones start morphing, cancel your Extractor and
Creep Colony, you will have 11 worker mining. And in around 2
minutes or less, you will have enough money for a new Hatchery and
a Spawning Pool. And if your opponent don't find you early
enough, he or she will be behind on mineral and gas from you from
the very start of the game. And your early Mutalisks rush will
just destroy his base before he gets a chance to fight back. A
Terran won't have much of anything unless they place their bunkers
in all the right places, a Protoss won't have anymore than 2 or 3
Dragoons at most. A Zerg opponent shouldn't have as much as you,
if they do, get some Zerglings to help out your Mutalisks, they
are cheap and fast, and they deal some decent fast damage.

Taking care of your money is very important, you don't want to
waste minerals on things you don't need, or things going to waste.
If you have a Carrier, take care of it, don't let it die, a single
Carrier with 8 Interceptors costs 550 minerals, and 250 gas. If
you lose a Carrier, it impacts your entire army. Most Protoss
players (including myself) never build Shield Battery, or build
them and never use them. Shield Battery means instant new HP for
your army, 12 Scouts with full upgrades, 4 Shield Battery nearby
to recharge means wave after wave of Scouts, you simply pull back
your Scouts when their shield runs out and recharge, and they are
good to go again.

Also, never get something useless, for example, getting Firebats
when your opponent got Battle Cruisers. Or, if you plan on
something like Mutalisk, don't get any upgrade for your ground
units, you will be wasting money. It is true that you might have
to go into some ground units if you Mutalisks fail, but don't get
the upgrades until you have those units. There are some
exceptions, like getting Psi Storm upgrade before your High
Templars warps in, or Cloaking Field for your Wraith.

Part 11: Styles of Play

People usually limit themselves to one way of winning, e.g.
Protoss players usually win with Carriers! Carriers might be
powerful, but try to be more creative. Don't just force yourself
to a single style, learn about other styles. It's also important
to learn how to switch from a Zealot rush to a Carrier push, like
I was saying, be creative.

Protoss Styles of play contains the famous Reaver Drop, Carrier
and Arbiter combo, Scout/Dragoon Wave, Zealot Swarm, and
Archon/Reaver Recall.

Reaver Drop is simple to do, a Reaver with a few Scarab drop in
opponents base, the Reaver should able to stop enemy mineral
production and take out a few buildings before getting destroyed.
Most human players intend to building defense only around the base
and they don't protect their mineral fields, than a simple drop
from the side can win you the game. A diversion of a weak attack
is useful here, a 4/5 Zealot attacking the front line should be
more than enough.

Carrier and Arbiter combo is accomplished easily as long as you
have the resources and time, since both units takes a long time to
be built. A large number of Stargates is required for this combo,
and I would recommend 8 Stargates or more with a mucho money map.
When doing this, upgrade your armor since you will need to keep
your carrier alive as long as possible. Arbiter's Stasis Field
ability should be researched and put into use, this will able to
allow you to avoid direct contact with enemy's main force.

Scout/Dragoon wave is very simple, 10 Stargates or 10 Gateways
with 70 plus Probes mining should do the trick. Keep pumping out
Dragoons or Scouts, have them fully upgraded with either 3 Forge
or 2 Cybernetic Core, Scout's sight and speed upgrade and
Dragoon's attack range upgrade is required and when you are
attacking, don't stop producing more troops. 40 Dragoons or 36
Scouts should able to knock off any base, Drops and Arbiter Recall
can be used here also.

The Zealot Swarm is the most basic Protoss win, Zealot high power
and HP allow them to last long, and once with their speed upgrade
they can really damage your opponent. This is very simple and I
believe all Protoss players needs to know how to perform this.
There is another name for this, a lot of people call this the 3
Gate rush, and you should see how people do this. The Zealot
Swarm will able to finish off any computer opponent with no
problem. You will mine minerals only until you have 10 plus
Zealots, then you make your Citedal of Adun, you should attack
once the speed upgrade is complete. The attack should contain
around 18 or more Zealots, the more the better. You should leave
behind just a few Zealots, 2 or 3 will be fine, they can stall
your opponents attack and allow you to recover. Have your Zealots
hot keyed and rush them out, pay no attention to
Wraith/Scout/Mutalisk, since they all deal poor damage. Your
Zealots will able to finish off a Zerg opponent with no problem.
When attacking Terran, ignore Bunkers and go straight for the
mineral fields, a Firebat in a bunker can take out a very large
amount of Zealots. When I play and my opponent have just a few
Wraith or Scout, I wouldn't go into Dragoons, my Zealots can
rampage through my opponent's base before the air units can put a
stop to all the Zealots. Remember, after the first rush, swarm in
when you see the chance. And when you do get it, don't stop, and
just keep swarming until your opponent dies.

The Archon/Reaver Recall is very similar to the Reaver Drop,
however Arbiter's Recall can transfer a much larger amount of
units quickly. First make your Arbiters, Reavers and Archons,
than have a few Observers sneak into your opponent's base, third
find a decent path for your Arbiter to sneak in. Once you have
your Arbiter in place, ready to sneak in, but first have a
diversion, just a few Zealots should do it. Once your opponent is
busy with your Zealots, sneak your Arbiter in, Recall your Reavers
and Archons, if you have the gas and money, make extra Arbiters,
stack them on top of your Archons and Reavers. So each time you
Recall you should have a new Arbiter in your opponent's base,
Recall again with the new Arbiter. You can repeat when needed.
Reavers and Archon's high power should shred your opponent's base
easily, and right then is the best time to have your Carriers to
attack directly.

Terran Styles contains the Defensive Matrix Drop Tank, the Tank
push, Nukers, Yamato Gun Push, and Infantry Wave.

Defensive Matrixed Drop Ship will able to survive the front line
attack, and you can drop 4 Goliath, a few Ghosts with a Nuke, 2
Tanks, 8 Marines or 8 Firebats into opponent's base. Science
Vessel is need for both cloak detection and it's wide range of
useful spells. This can be done whenever you have your Science
Vessel since Defensive Matrix comes with the unit. Stim Pack is
also quite useful here, 8 Firebats can take out quite a few
important buildings before your opponent put a stop to them.

The tank push is easily done since Terran Siege Tank is one of the
most useful unit in the game. 12 Siege Tanks protected by
Marines, Wraith, and Firebats can push your way into your
opponent's base. Siege Tank's150 HP will allow them to at least
deal some damage before passing away. The only worry you should
have is a large number of Zealots, or a very large number of
Zerglings, and Ultralisks will crush Tank push. All of the
following is easily countered with Firebats and Wraith, however if
you wait too long and your opponent have large flying units like
Battle Cruiser or Carriers, have Ghosts and just abuse your
Lockdowns on them.

Nuker Heaven is a happy nuker nuking everywhere. But against Zerg
or Terran, this is easily countered, and you will lose a nuke with
the Ghost. A diversion is useful here but I would really suggest
you practice against another human player. And I have to tell
you, ever since I played I only been nuked on 3 times, 1 time I
was just careless, and the other 2 times, I just lost my detectors
in battle. So if you are planning on nuking against another human
player, I suggest you don't rely on nukes too much. I have lost
count of how many Ghost I have spotted trying to nuke me.

Battle Cruiser's Yamato Gun ability is very useful, 12 Battle
Cruiser with 250 energy will very soon Gun you 24 times. And each
gun is 260 damage, so this can break through almost any base with
no problem. If you are planning on doing this, first watch out
for the following, Emp Shockwave, Wraith with cloaking, Mind
Control, Lockdown, Stasis Field, Psionic Storm, and nukes. You
shouldn't rely on this and you should have your Battle Cruisers
attack your opponent once the base is broken through.

Infantry Wave means, a lot of Infantry units, Marines, Firebats,
Ghost, and Medics. Rush them by the hundred and with the help of
Stim Packs and Medic Healing, you should able to easily over power
an opponent. But again, 1 High Templars with Psi Storm will take
out around 20 plus infantry units, so watch out.

Zerg is however a much more simple race to manage, I only know a
very few style for the Zerg race. The 6 Zergling rush, Dark Swarm
with Zerglings, 150 Hydralisk Bum Swarm, Guardian push and
Mutalisk swarm.

The early 6 Zergling rush is the most basic win, fifth Drone will
make Spawning Pool and once it finished, you make 6 Zerglings and
rush. This only works if you find your opponent early enough or
using a map hack, since one bunker is more then enough to fry your
Zerglings with 2 Marines inside.

Dark Swarm with Zerglings means cheap free hits, you Dark Swarm a
spot and just rush your Zerglings in, when you finish attack one
spot, Consume a few Zerglings and Dark Swarm again. Zerglings
only cost 25 mineral each, and you only need 1 upgrade for your
Defiler. And since Consume can provide all the Dark Swarm you
need, you would only need 2 Defilers for the entire game.
Ultralisk will work here also. But watch out for Zealots, Dark
Templars and Bunker Firebats, those are just too powerful and your
Zerglings don't stand a chance against them.

The Hydralisk bum Swarm is really boring, you make 6 or more
Hatcheries and you get only Hydralisks. Then once you max out,
you rush. Sound pretty simple but this requires a large amount of
money, a very defensive opponent since you will mess up if some
one keep attacking you. Watch out for long range units with
Splash damage, meaning Reavers and Siege Tanks, these can shred
your Hydralisks. Also a few well placed Spider Mine can really
damage your Swarm. Now look up at Zergling/Dark Swarm combo, that
can just send your Hydralisks packing, if that happens, run, try
to save as much Hydralisks are you can.

Guardian Push is similar to the Terran Tank push, you protect it
with air to air combat units like Devour and Scouge, you just push
your way into your opponent's base with Guardian's long range.
But Scouts and Wraith with cloaking can really damage your push.
And if you are pushing a Terran opponent, bring along 5 or 6
Overlords, if you just bring one, they can just pop your Overlord
and start killing your slow moving Guardians.

Mutalisk Swarm is just like the Hydralisk Swarm, however Mutalisks
are more powerful than Hydralisk and they should last longer, but
they will be in real trouble with Valkyeries and Corsairs. Note
that 24 fully upgraded Valkyeries can take out 100 Mutalisk
without a problem. Remember Valkyeries 5 by 8 damage, meaning 40
if you get your level 0 armor upgrade. So 12 Valkyeries fires and
you say bye-bye to all your 0 armor flyers.

Part 12: Multi Players

Those of you who plays on Battle.Net knows the importance of
teamwork in multi player games. 2 people working together can
easily win against 3 other separate players. This part of the
guide I will show different tips on teamwork and other hints. And
also, I give curses to all the following back stabbers for back
stabbing me, or attempting to back stab me. If you know who they
are or what their E-mail address is, you can send them some hate
mail or mail bombs, they deserve it.

Sir-Fag-A lot
This guy is an idiot, he back stab me in a map setting game. Just
look at his name, fag a lot, what a fag.

This guy back stabbed me when I used up all my people on the comp,
he said he hate people who swarm. Umà okay. How do you win then?

This guy just back stab, I don't know why. He went all Sunken
when he said rush the comps.

The name tells it all. This guy is a traitor.

Y`A bastard
This guy just suck, he starts to back stab out of nowhere. Find
him and kill him, he deserves to die.

Each and every race has something that is powerful in their own
element, for example the Shuttle is the fastest Transport, Terran
Science Vessel is the best detector and Zerglings are the best
cheap basic unit. From here on I will show different ways to win
with the help of your partner(s).

Terran-Protoss partners, the best way to Reaver Drop,
Hallucination the Shuttle, have your ally's Science Vessel
Defensive Matrix the real Shuttle and drop. Follow up with
Carriers and Battle Cruisers to finish off your opponent.

Defensive Matrix also works well with Arbiter and Recall.

Hallucination and Ghosts can trick players into thinking they
already destroyed the Ghost while the real Ghost is still alive.

Scout/Siege Tank Push works well also, and two good players should
able to pull this off in less than 15 minutes. 24 Tanks and 24
Scouts can really grind their way into almost any base.

When playing against a Zerg opponent, 12 Battle Cruiser and 12
Carriers can win you the game with no problem. And even if Zerg
has 100 Mutalisk, they are still no match for the 24 super powered
capital ships.

Zerg-Protoss partners, Dark Swarm with Zealots, Archons and Dark
Templars works extremely well. And with the help of Reaver (only
use Reaver early on, since Reaver will damage your ally's troops)
and Ultralisks, this can easily bust open any choke point. The
way to stop against this kind of attack is 2 Bunkers with 8
Firebats, but this can be easily countered by using a few
Guardians or Reavers to take out the Bunker first. Queen's Spawn
Broodling can take out the Tanks further down when needed.
Lurkers must be taken out with Reavers early on, or your swarm
won't work.

Zerg-Terran partners, first of all, have the Terran build a
Commend Center and let the Zerg player infest it. Than start
pumping out Infested Terran. Defensive Matrix the Infested Terran
and boom goes the enemy front line, but watch out for mass Siege
Tanks in Siege Mode when doing this, they blow up the Infested
Terran long before you can reach the Tanks, use Overlord drop to
drop the Infested Terran to blow the tanks.

Defiler and Defensive Matrix can make Plague so much easier.
Follow up with Mutalisks and Wraith to finish off the Plague.

Lurkers with Dark Swarm with Guardians helping out and can take
out everything from the ground, and have either Scouts or Wraiths
to protect against air and it will win you the game.

All three races can be very rewarding if you all work together.
Start things off by keeping your opponents busy, Plague/Spawn
Broodling/Psi Storm/Irritate or any long range units works well
here. Unlike the computer, human players can only do one thing at
a time, so with all the free spells, you can easily keep them busy
while you build up your army. Now that your opponent is occupied,
start on big units and upgrades. The next part is the killing
part, all three of you should able to have a large army now, so
start things off by getting rid of all the long range units your
opponent have. Terran's Comsat Scan should be used to scan the
base before charging in. Tanks and large annoying units should be
Spawn Broodlings and Scourge should take care of all the Carriers.
Don't worry much about Guardians unless you have mainly ground
units. Anyway, first have the Zerg partner use their Guardians to
break through the side defense, it's okay that the Guardians dies
as long as the damages are made. Next have Protoss use an Arbiter
with Defensive Matrix and a few Hallucinations taking damage for
it to get into the base and Recall some high damage units, in any
case, Archons, Reavers, Carriers all work well here. Next have
the Terran partner do a Tank push on the front line, so basically
the opponent have to deal with 3 major big problems all at the
same time. The 20 plus Guardians will without a doubt break open
the side before anything can be done about them. The Arbiter from
the other side will break in and Recall without a problem since it
now has an extra 250 HP and other fake Arbiters taking damage for
it. The unlucky opponent will have a base that is really screwed
up right now and a Tank push with Battle Cruisers guiding them is
more than enough to finish him/her off. If a Tank push isn't
there, just use the Dark Swarm/Zealot combo instead. Even if your
opponent survived the attack, he/she won't be in any shape to
expend or attack you for a long time. Also, all strategies above
such as Infested Terran and Defensive Matrix can also be used to
start thing off too. The Zerg partner can also use mass
Zergling/Hydralisk swarms to finish off the opponent. Scourge can
go after escaping transports with possible workers inside.

Another important thing here, you don't need a partner that is a
different race than you. For example, 2 Protoss player both going
for Zealot swarm will have a much higher chance of winning if you
rush all your Zealots in together. So what I am saying is,
working together is more than races and advantages.

I don't recommend you to play 2vs2 or 3vs3 unless you know your
partner(s) well. I've lost count to the number of games I could have
won if my partner just helped out with just the basic units. A lot of
new players will join 2vs2 or 3vs3, they without a doubt will drag down
a team by asking for help every minute and taking up valuable spaces on
the map. Sometimes they will help out a little here and there, but they
still won't be a factor when your 2 opponents are hammering you all the
time when your partner just sit there and act dumb. It's okay to play
2vs2 or 3vs3 if you are sure of your skills, since 2vs2 and 3vs3 is
usually a whole team beating down a single opponent, all though unfair,
but still unquestionably good strategy.

Here is a little something I've been noticing lately, people are banning
others because of their records. I rarely create games, and I only
create during ladder when I don't meet the other game's qualifications
like 1100 plus when I only have 1020. Records are nothing, especially
regular records, since you will get a win even if it's 7vs1 computer.
If someone's records is like 50-2-5, you know he is a loser who play
against comps. If one's records is 20-9-2, he could be a good player,
or a really weak player who can't even win against comps. Ladder
records on the other hand are more reliable, if you see someone with a
1200 plus rating, he/she without a doubt is a good player.

Ladder games can be played once a name has over 10 wins, and all players
will start with a 1000 rating. Wins and loses are like regular melee
games, there are no computers allowed in ladder, and special maps are
the only ones you can use during a ladder match. Each win will add a
certain amount of points to your rating, and a lost will minus a certain
amount from your rating. The lowest rating you can have is 1, and the
highest have not been determined yet. Your ladder record/rating and
your opponent's ladder record/rating determine the rating point(s) from
each ladder match won/lost. If you lose against a player who have lower
rating than you, then you will lose more points, if you win against a
player with higher points you will win more. The exact amount of points
is determined by the difference of points between the two players at the
start of the match. Thus meaning you have to play against people at
your skill level to raise your rating more efficiently. Also, top 20
players will only gain points from playing against the top 1000 players,
all other matches will not improve your rating.

Part 13: Terran strategy section

Here I will try to list all the strategies I know for the Terran
race, I still need a lot of help on this section since my weakest
race is Terran. If you know something you believe is a good
strategy or just anything you believe that can be useful during
any game, E-mail me with it and I will give you credit for sharing
with the rest of us.

I've seen a lot of Terran players out there, however, I never seen
anyone who is exceptionally good with the Terran race. I'm not
saying that Terran is a weak race, but seeing someone who is
actually good with Terran is quite rare. A lot of new people use
Terran, and what can I say, they just aren't that good. They
either are slow enough to get killed by a late 3 minute Zergling
rush (more like a 6 Zergling scout), or they just have to go
Battle Cruiser, and if you take away Battle Cruiser with something
of your own, he or she can't simply win the game.

One of my friend who is quite good with the Terran race, he showed
me some stuff that I believe Terran player should practice and

First off, unlike Protoss and Zerg who have buildings that can
attack ground, Terran must use an army to protect themselves. So
meaning either you can waste a good portion of your people and
protect your base and expansions, and you will not able to use all
your people to attack. (If you attack early on with everyone you
got, you can have a chance of winning, but your opponent can
counter attack and you will basically lose since all your people
aren't protecting your base.) Then again, if you don't sent all
the possible people you have, the odds are you won't able to take
out your opponent.

Let's put it this way, you are going up against a Protoss, you
have total of 3 bases, you are around 25 minutes into the game,
and you pretty much have a decent map control and mineral flow so
far. Pretend you are using a map like Hunters or Killing Field,
both are quite rich and quite big, your opponent attacks with 12
Dragoons and 12 Zealots on one of your base. You can one, not
sent anyone there and lose the base and cripple your own mineral
flow by 1/3. You can two, save the base and lose a large amount
of people, also not knowing if you are able to save the base at
all. You can three, take the advantage of your opponent's main
force being away and try to take their base while they are
occupied with your expansion.

The first option, not saving the base can be used only if you have
enough minerals stocked up, meaning 10,000 mineral and 5000 gas or
more, which you probably don't have.

The second option, saving the base, is not so wise, since going
head to head combat against a large Protoss army is quite
dangerous. Unless you have an extremely large Battle Cruiser
Fleet with Science Vessel's Defensive Matrix fleet or large Siege
Tank army with good close-up protection, you will suffer major
loses and will very likely lose most of the up and coming battles.
Zealots can easily over power your Marines and ranged units, while
Dragoons are able to shoot down your air fleets and other in close
units. So unless you can find some way to take out the Protoss
army without taking high damage yourself, I believe it's more safe
just to let go of one base. Wraith with cloak is good here, but
the odds are unless you have 24 or more Wraith, the base will
still be lost. Remember to Comsat Scan first, then go for the
detectors, even if they bring 3 or 4 Observers, you will able to
take those out in no time and lost only 1 or 2 Wraith tops.

The third option going for your opponent while they are attacking
your base is a decent option. Since the 12 Zealots and 12
Dragoons makes up for a good portion of their army, and if you can
badly damage their main base, you have a good chance of winning.
A Tank push isn't what you are looking for here, since if you give
them time to retreat their Zealots and Dragoons, your Tank push
probably won't work, or deal minimal amount of damage. What you
will be looking for is something big, a large drop, a few Nukes,
or a large swarm will be good. You want to attack your opponent
fast and hard, and force them to retreat their army to protect
their base. A small 6 Tank, 12 Marine, tank push on an enemy
expansion will be a good distraction and god knows, might even
take out that base. While your opponent is dealing with the Tank
push, you should try to fire 2 Nukes on your opponent, spread out
the Nukes out, and target things worthwhile. This will very
likely land you at least 1 Nuke if not both, and your Tank push
will do quite some damage to the expansion. Your expansion being
under attack is now safe, you have the upper hand in the game, and
now you can easily win with either a large Battle Cruiser fleet or
a large Tank push on your opponent's main base.

Terran is the best defense race, however, defense can't win you
the game, have you ever hear somebody defend another person to
death? Well, having good defense isn't always useful, with
Terran, so you must be more aggressive in order to win. Unlike
Zerg or Protoss, Terran have very few truly offensive units,
Battle Cruiser, Wraith, Siege Tank, and Marine are the only real
offensive units Terran have. Goliath, Vulture, Firebats, and
Ghost are plain weak in attacks against Photon Cannon and Sunkens,
they simply don't stand any chance at all. Marines are also weak
units, since their 40 HP will go down in no time against most
attackers. Wraith deals 8 damage to ground, and that is simply
not enough to win you the game when you are getting hit back for
tons more. Siege Tanks are however much more powerful, but they
aren't good unless a large escort is available. Battle Cruiser
takes years to get, and by that time, you probably died already.
Most Zerg and Protoss units can be used offensively, they can
swarm a base with pure power, but with Terran, you simply can't
Marine wave them, just 8 Photon Cannons will take out a large
group of Marines without any Zealots or other units helping.

So, unlike Protoss or Zerg, the only unit Terran has that is a
true attacking unit is the Battle Cruiser, even though the Battle
Cruiser is an extremely good unit, it simply takes too much time
and money. I prefer Tank push instead, but any game over 30
minutes for a Terran should consist of Battle Cruisers. Battle
Cruisers are however very expensive and need upgrades to be
affective, 12 level 0 Battle Cruisers will fall into the hands of
high level Hydralisks and Dragoons. Protecting your BC fleets are
hard, Battle Cruisers are very slow moving, they are quite
vulnerable to spells like Stasis Field and Lockdown, other spells
like Plague, Feedback, Ensnare says death to large BC fleets.
Only thing Battle Cruisers are good against is Scourge, but that
is only against Zerg. Battle Cruisers got nothing against Psi
Storm, Lockdown, Plague, and Ensnare, and once the spells take
affect, enemy attackers will easily take out the large ships even
if they can take a beating.

Recently, a lot of Terran users have gone straight Marines, I seen
those players, they however, rarely win. I'm usually using
Protoss or Zerg, I just simply bring 12 Templars and Psi Storm,
than I swarm in with Dragoons and Zealots. If I use Zerg, I also
win easily with Guardian rush, or Dark Swarm/Zergling rush, so
going straight Marines isn't that good, I've only seen 2 good
Marine rusher. Marine rush consists of the important aspects of
using the Stim Pack and Marine's range attacks early on, however,
knowing when to use it is hard to understand. I'm a weak Marine
rusher, so I can't help you. However, when going up against a
Terran Marine rusher is quite annoying, they will keep finding a
spot where they can use the range to shot things. Zerg is really
weak against this since they take much longer to block their
entrance than Protoss and Terran.

Terran is not a good race for pure attack, however it is a great
when used in the right way during attacks. With Terran, attack
along with your partner is the best way. Nukes can't take out a
base, but can open up the base for your partner to swarm in, Tank
push might not work against all opponents, but with a Protoss
partner who accompany you with 24 Dragoons, than it every likely
will. Battle Cruiser fleets protecting Reavers and Guardians can
push your way into victory. So Terran is best when worked
together with other races, so be a good partner and work it.

Here is a little something I've been tinkering with. I am now
currently trying to improve my gaming with the Zerg race. Out of
the 20 plus games I've played (which are 1 vs. 1, with official
Blizzard map Challenger, Lost Temple, Blood Bath), I've only lost
once against a Terran, once against a Zerg, and very unusual, 0
times against a Protoss. The Zerg game I lost was a very tough
fight, I lost because I got Zergling rushed first, I barely
survived by fighting off the Zerglings with my mining Drones.
Then that person kept hammering me with Hydralisk and Zergling
swarms. I was able to get back on my feet and eventually able to
fight back. My 12 Guardians was able to take out a large chuck of
his main base before Scourges came to kill off my Guardians. Then
came the bad part, my expansion was taken out by Mutalisks, I
tried to save the base with Mutalisks of my own, but as soon as my
Mutalisks left my base and engage the enemy Mutalisks, that person
swarmed my base completely with Zerglings. My remaining Hydralisk
weren't able to take out the Zerglings due to Dark Swarm. I
wasn't able to win because the map was mined out other than the
small patches all around the main bases (the map was Blood Bath).
I didn't exactly die, and I quit because I just didn't really want
to play anymore.

The Terran game I lost was what I will mainly talk about. The
only way for a Terran to stand a chance against Zerg who plays
like me is going straight Wraith. Wraith can eliminate all
threats from Mutalisks and Guardians. Plus the possible Overlord
hunting, worker hunting, Zerglings killing, and Hydralisks killing
when not around Overlords. However, a Terran must survive long
enough to get Wraith to win. Once the dangerous threats of
Mutalisks/Guardians have been eliminated, the only real threats
left are large groups of Hydralisks and Zerglings, but both can be
countered with Siege Tanks and Firebats. The Firebats will kill
off the Zerglings like they are nothing, Tanks can shred
Hydralisks even easier.

Terran have a extremely powerful mid/late game, especially against
Zerg. Zerg might have quite some spells against Terran, but a
Zerg is still at a disadvantage against Terran if the game last
too long. Zerg's Overlords are very vulnerable against Wraith and
Valkyries, and any proper type of protection will cost a lot of
money for the Zerg player, 8 Spores isn't cheap, it can really put
a dent in a Zerg player's economy. I rarely get protection for
Zerg other than a few Sunken Colonies early on to stop against
Marine/Zealot rushes. If I protect my base with Spores instead of
going for Mutalisks, I will eventually die due to large Battle
Crusier fleets later on or a quick Tank push. If I get Mutalisks,
I would still be under the shadow of Wraith's powerful air-to-air
attack, and ability to cloak. Overlord drop isn't need unless
they block off your or their front exit, Siege Tanks are providing
extremely powerful ground protection against all Zerg ground
units, and Marines are cheap enough to be sent on suicide missions
whenever you need to. Also, the Comsat Scanner will give you
proper scouting and an unavoidable spy on your opponent's base,
this can tell you want your opponent is going for and you can use
something to counter against that. Since Zerg can't cloak any of
their units other than Lurkers, you can keep 1 Comsat on the Zerg
base at all times, you just simply scan once every 50 seconds.

Part 14: Zerg Strategy section

Need quite some help with this, I just not that great with Zerg.
I can win with Zerg, but I have some weak strategy, I just get a
lot of Hatchery and keep waving with Hydralisk and Zergling. The
strategy is similar to the 10 Gate wave, but it's again different.
I go more diverse things like I actually go into every type of
Zerg units sometime during the game. I get 2 Queens, 3 Defilers,
and a lot of Mutalisks, but I most attack frontally with Hydralisk
and Zergling swarms. It's basically 3 mining bases with around 80
plus Drones on minerals, 3 Gas sites with 3 to 4 Drones on each.
10 plus Hatchery and non-stop violence is what a real Zerg game
should be. But overall, this is a good way to win, and every game
I usually lose around 800 plus units, however, I win the game.

An early Guardians rush is very good (best if around 10 minutes),
Guardians can do two things that will help you win. One, the
Guardians can pop open the frontline to allow your Zerglings to
swarm in (but need attack speed upgrade for Zerglings). Two, the
Guardians can go for important buildings or workers, that will
force your opponent to lose a large number of mineral flow, and
will eventually lose to your cheap Zergling swarms.

One thing great about Zerg is mass production speed, you can
easily recover from a painful Reaver Drop by producing back lost
Drones on your multi Hatchery/Lair/Hive, providing you have
already killed the Reavers before they completely take out your
base. The production building Hatchery/Lair/Hive is the best,
considering it can provide you with every type of Zerg unit.

Also, if your money allows, you can simply mass produce units
purely to stall your opponent. Then you can bring a group of
powerful units like Guardians to finish off the opponent.
Zerglings are extremely powerful and cheap critters, Zerglings
with all upgrades is a very dangerous to any base. And because of
Zerglings extremely fast production rate, you will able to build
up a sizable Zergling swarm in no time. And if your opponent have
relied on a lot on Scouts/Wraith to beat down your previous
attacks, you can easily over power his base with pure Zerglings
and additional Hatchery to provide the additional Zerglings.

People underestimate the power of Zerglings way too much, most people
will think Zerglings are just way too weak HP wise, but they never
though about how fast Zerglings deal damage. A Zergling with full
upgrades, 3 attack, 3 armor, attack speed upgrade will able to kill a
building faster than a Zealot with full upgrade. Buildings can't fight
back, they don't have any armors (Protoss's Plasma Shield is one
exception), they will go down very fast against Zergling powerful and
extremely fast attacks. I just tested this out, 1 Zealot takes 120 hits
to kill a healthy Zerg Hive with full upgrades, 1 Zergling takes 330
hits, but a Zergling will able to get in a lot more hits compared to a
Zealot. The ratio is around 5 to 1, and that makes a big difference in
the game, especially when you have a 4 to 1 Zergling to Zealot ratio,
which comes to 20 hits to Zealot's 1.

I've been playing mainly Random or Zerg now, I have improved my Zerg
race enough to let the Zerg be my new best race. I rarely lose 1 vs 1
when using Zerg, since Zerg is extremely powerful early on and can
easily out power most opponents during the mid-game. Most of my
opponents die before reaching the point of late game. Battle Cruisers,
Carriers, Archon, Ultralisk, and other high requirement units rarely get
used during a game against me. Most people will die in around 10-15
minutes against me, if someone survive against me for over 20 minutes,
they probably won the game since I rarely defend, or just poorly defend.
I go for straight units, and because I have better control of my units
than other people, I usually win by either over tech them or over
produce them. Most people underestimate the power of Mutalisks against
ground units, they usually try to run their 6 Mutalisks when going up
against 1 or 2 Cannons/Missile Turrets. Remember once you've taken out
that single Cannon, you will able to attack their mineral line, once
their mining line is gone, you will win the game. Terran's only choice
is going for straight Wraith, or they will lose once you've seen their
base and what they have. Guardians can replace your damaged Mutalisks
once you've cleared the Wraith or Starport. Additional Mutalisks can
support your Guardians from further air attacks, remember to get
Overlord speed upgrade and have proper cloak detection. During the time
your Guardians are killing in their base, your base should be flooded
with Hydralisks and Zerglings. Once the chock point or block outs
(Bunkers and Tanks) have been cleared, use your Hydralisks or Zerglings
to swarm in to take the base quickly. Once the Wraith threat is gone,
use your Mutalisks to scout for your opponent's possible expansions,
take it out quickly with your Guardians, let your Zergling and
Hydralisks to finish off the damaged base. If the expansion seems to be
very well protected, (meaning that person let his main base die and
protected his new base with all his troops). You will have to pin them
down to that base, make sure that they don't expand or you will lose.
Build up your forces and keep attack them, make sure they are occupied
with your forces all the time, during this time, expand as much as you
want, don't bother to protect your expansions, just mine. Your attacks
will increase as your minerals increases, build more production
buildings (Hatchery) to over power that base.

Against Protoss, you will only have to worry about the early Zealots
rushes, protect your base well against early ground rushes. In maps
like Lost Temple, build your Sunkens out to the ramp and keep the
Zealots down there. Since Sunkens are quite powerful and will able to
take quite some damage before going down, you can expect 6 Sunkens right
over the ramp to stop against 12 Zealots, you will only lose 1 or 2
Sunkens tops. Dragoons will be even a lesser worry since they will go
down even fast against your Sunkens because of their large size and
Sunken's damage type. Once your Mutalisks are done, use them as both a
scout and worker hunters, but be prepared to run anytime when meeting a
Cannon field. Guardians will be on the way soon as they can take out
almost any ground units the Protoss might have. Again, use the
Guardians as choke openers, have them pop the Cannon fields and swarm in
with your Zerglings and Hydralisks. Don't rely on Guardians to take out
the entire base, the odds are they will die way before the base is gone
from Dragoons and Cannons. However, if they pop the cannons and let you
swarm in with cheap Zerglings, you will able to take out the base more
quickly and win more efficiently.

Part 15: Protoss Strategy section

Personally, I'm at my best with Protoss race (not anymore), it's
my ladder race (again, not anymore), and I play the most with this
race(yet again, not anymore). But now I play more Zerg in ladder.
I have many ways of winning with this race, but however I prefer a
mass 10 gate push. 10 gate push? You might ask. This is however
one of the best way of winning and it's very flexible and very
useful against all opponents. This however requires a lot of
practice, a mucho money map, and you being extra aggressive.

This is my favorite strategy, I tell you one thing, this works.
First off, make a lot of Probes, and I mean a lot, over 40 on
minerals alone in each base. It's best if you have at least 2
base, the more the better, however just 2 base should be enough
with 80 Probes mining. Protection with Photon Cannons isn't that
important, if you are able to work this strategy. The best map
for this is the most popular map on Battle.Net, Big Game Hunters,
other versions of the Big Game Hunters work, too.

First you block your base exit with some Photon Cannons, just a
few to stop any early incoming rushes, but leave a nice clear path
for your big ground units to get out is very important. Next you
build Gateways, Probes and Pylons, have around 6 Photon Cannons
protecting your mineral fields from worker hunters. You build up
to 10 Gateways, 3 Forge, climb your tech tree to Observer and
Templar Archieve, also no Stargates, since it isn't needed. You
can start expanding whenever you feel safe, get another base and
just stock up on Probes, protection there should be big, a 10
Cannon field is good enough. It will be best if you can get 3
bases, but if you are only able to grab 2, just stay with that.
Then you build up on Zealots and scout for you opponent when you
have 12, sometimes this can actually take out some opponent if
they really weak. But treat these 12 Zealot as your scout,
finding your opponent won't be that hard since your army is quite
big. One thing to note here, if you scout a bit late and your
Zealots have increased walking speed, you can just run them pass
your opponent's front line and check out what they have. On your
way, take out a few of their workers and 12 Zealots have done the
job. Next you want Observers or Zealots on every possible
expansion on the map, once you got this down, your opponent won't
able to expend easily. Begin your non stop 10 Gate push once you
have the Gates in place and your rally point on a good spot, go
all Zealots if your opponent don't go air, get some Dragoons if
you see Mutalisks or other air units. If an opponent only have 1
or 2 Wraith/Scout, ignore it and keep attacking with Zealots.
Your Zealots and ground units must be always upgraded to the
highest possible, Zealot walking speed and Dragoon attack range is
really important and you should get them as soon as you can.
Basically you keep rushing non stop with 6 Zealot and 4 Dragoons,
expect to take out 1 or 2 Cannons, etc, tops, you keep attacking
non stop until your opponent dies. Since 80 plus Probe working on
minerals can easily support your Gateways all the time. So your
10 Gateways should never stop on making troops and you just keep
swarming in until your opponent dies. If your opponent has an
expansion, go for the mining expansion first to stop mineral flow
for that person. This works great, and there aren't that many
good counters for these kind of swarms. If your money seem to be
increasing, add in more Gateways, basically each base can support
a non stop 5 Gates, 2 bases can support 10, 3 bases can support 15
Gates, and so on.

So far, only mass Carrier fleet is able to stand up against my 15
Gate push, but on the other hand, that person won't able to finish
me off since I got around 10 charged High Templars waiting for his
Carriers with Psi Storm. When this happens, it's basically a draw
on max money maps, even if one person wins, it will take a long
time. If you are playing a game and you feel you must win, and
your opponent have big Carrier Fleets. Try taking out the
Carriers with Carriers of your own, Arbiter with Stasis Field is
also useful here, use your Psi Storm offensively, storm the
Carriers and rush in with your ground troops. Drops are useful if
you are able to find a good spot. Always attack enemy's expansion
first, they are less guarded and usually holds a lot of workers or
supply units.

Part 16: Tricks

I'm opened up for any possible suggestion for this section. If
you got a trick you would like to share with the rest of us,
please email me and your help is greatly appreciated.

There are various tricks to the game, some are useful in a game,
some however are just for fun. You should learn some of these for
fun, and it will also help you win some games if you are able to
work it correctly.

First trick, Parasite a critter near you opponent's base. The
critter will still be a neutral unit, your opponent won't know it
have been Parasite unless they click on the critter. If your
critter is going the correct way, you will able to see your
opponent's base and have a quiet neutral spy in your favor.
However, critters will wonder around and sometimes get in the way,
your opponent will very likely kill the poor critter and your spy
might be gone. So the best way is not to rely on the critter spy,
your Queen can spare the extra energy, you shouldn't cry over it.
However, when you are playing against some players like me, it
might not work, I kill off all the critters near my base. One for
the possible Parasite, two the critters will get in the way, three
it opens up the path better for my ground troops, and four I get
10 points add to my kill. I'm not saying you should waste time
killing all the critter on the map, but if you are just waiting,
taking out the annoying critter just to stop the possible spying
and get some extra points.

Second trick, intentionally don't use ally chat, give out false
information to your opponents. Some people I know or have seen are
using this trick, they believe if they act like a fool, others will
think they are playing against new players and win. It sometimes work,
if you say you are going for straight Zergling rush but instead going
for Mutalisks, your opponent might be protect against Mutalisks. But
give off more than just words, put up 10 or so Zerglings in front of
your base so they will think that you are speaking the truth.

Third trick, Spider Mines that never miss, we all know Spider Mine deals
insane amount of damage (125 splash), and it cost almost nothing
considering Vulture's cheap 75 mineral cost. We also know that Spider
Mine triggers whenever a target enters it's sight range of 3, and
because the 3 sight range is more enough to give away the Spider Mine's
location. With the element of surprise gone, it allows ranged attackers
like Hydraliks and Dragoons to shoot it down before impact, so the odds
of a Spider Mine hitting is quite low. However, if you cast Blind on
the Spider Mine, it will trigger only if a unit is right on top of it,
and it's a ensured hit.

Hydralisk into Mutalisk, nice trick, this is sent in by "Chess Freak"

In ver. 1.00 and 1.04, play Zerg. Research Lurker ability, then build a
Hydralisk and 12 Zerglings. Now, select the 12 Zerglings and press Ctrl.
1. Select the Hydralisk, and hit S and L at the same time. Hit 1 and L
at the same time to make the Zerglings become Lurkers. Or hit Esc. To
instantly make them become Mutalisks. Note: The 12 Zerglings you use,
they are not necessarily needed to be Zerglings. And ground unit will

Another trick is to research either the Guardian or Devourer ability.
Select the 12 ground units, Ctr. 1 them, select a mutalisk, hit S and G
(for Guardian) or D (for Devourer), then press 1 and either G or D,
whichever you choose. Note: These 2 tricks will only work on StarCraft
ver. 1.00 and 1.04 only. It works on both StarCraft original and
Broodwar, in the singles player or multiplayer.

This trick does not work on Battle.Net, due to the fact that Battle.Net
will automatically update your version of StarCraft to the most current
version when you sign on. However, this trick does work for single
player StarCraft, but you will have to make sure it's version 1.00-1.04.

Part 17: Counter

This section is to help you to take advantage after your
opponent's attacks.

The first counter is anti 2 minute 6 Zergling rush. The 6
Zerglings rush is one of the most annoying rushes in the game, and
because it is also one of the hardest to counter against since the
game just started, a lot of people will die against this. This
rush is useful, but I don't recommend you to use it every time,
since people will call you cheap (it is cheap). The best way to
counter against this is stall the Zerglings with your workers, and
hopefully, you can minimize the loss of workers by running around
your HQ while your Zealots or Marines come out. When using
Terran, just attack with your SCV, since SCV has 60 HP and able to
take out the Zerglings with the help of a few Marines. When using
Protoss, you can get an early Gateway, and wait for your Zealot to
come out, or get Photon Cannons for a safer game. However, a
smart rusher will ignore the Zealot and Marines and go straight
for your workers, when that happens, just run your workers around
your base and hopefully you won't lose anymore than 4 workers.

If you are able to put up your defense fast enough, counter attack
with your remaining Zealots and Marines, and hopefully you can
deal some damage before your rusher can recover. Remember if a
Zerg player Zergling rush you, he or she will be behind in tech
tree, so a fast Mutalisk or Tank Push tech up can win you the game
easily. Keep in mind, the 6 Zergling rush will greatly cripple
your economy flow early on if you try to rush, the 6 Zerglings
will take up the 3 important supply control from your Overlord,
the 150 minerals will force you to slow down your Drone
production. So if your Zerglings only takes out 1 or 2 enemy
workers, you've pretty much lost the game to most experienced
players. Basically, if you rush me with 6 Zerglings and fail to
take out 4 or more workers, you pretty much lost against me.
There is no way you can defend against me, first I will attack
with 6 Mutalisks, if I see a Spire being built, I win, since I
have more Mutalisks than you do right now. If you get Hydralisk,
I can get Guardians in 2 minutes, either way. You can't get both
Hydralisks and Mutalisks at the same time, since you won't have
the resources. But I can get Mutalisks and Guardians at the same
time, so you will lose both ways. Only use the 6 Zergling rush
when playing with a partner, he or she can help you defend if the
rush fails.

The second counter, how to defend against mass capital ship
fleets. Since most people use Carrier or Battle Cruiser Fleets to
finish off their opponent, I think this is a pretty important and
useful counter.

With Zerg, Plague, Dark Swarm with Hydralisk, Ensnare, Devour and
Mutalisk will able to easily take out the expensive fleets.
However, the best way to counter against those fleets is Dark
Swarm with Hydralisk, a few Ensnare and Plague to help out,
Devour's Spore Counter and Mutalisk's splash damage are optional
but useful, rely more on Dark Swarm and Hydralisks instead. If
you see the fleet station outside, be sure to Plague it as soon as
you can, Plague will greatly cripple the effects of the fleets and
allow them to be destroyed easily.

With Protoss, just Psi Storm, 5 High Templars will able to take
out the entire fleet if they stay in the storm. And if you don't
get all the ships, just storm again, your High Templars can storm
3 times in a row with the energy upgrade. Scouts with good
upgrades can chase after the damaged ships if they try to escape.
Stasis Field can also provide you with extra time to Psi Storm,
when and if you needed it. Feedback will work on Battle Cruisers,
Dark Archons will able to damage quite a few Battle Cruisers with
Feedback. Mind Control is another great spell, 4 Dark Archons
with enough energy to cast Mind Control will able to completely
turn the tide of the battle in your favor.

With Terran, first find the Fleet's detectors with a Comsat Scan,
then use Yamato Gun, Lockdown, or Optical Flare to take out the
detector(s), and then mass Wraith swarms with cloak to finish the
fleet. Lockdown can take a few ships down to easy the job for
you, Goliath with attack range upgrade can chip in some heavy
damage, and Emp Shockwave and take out any possible Yamato Gun and
drain all the Protoss shields. Wraith's powerful air-to-air
attack is extremely good against BC or Carrier Fleets without
detectors, also, even if the enemy Terran use Comsat Scan, you
would still have taken out over half of the fleet in that much
given time.

The third counter is against mass Hydralisk/Dragoon swarms, since
a lot of people will get a whole bunch of these units and swarm
when they max out. I used the mass Hydralisk swarm before, but it
simply takes a lot of money and time, but it is really hard to
stop once it starts.

With Protoss, use Reavers and Psi Storm. Stasis Field can block
off the entrance a little bit, the swarm will stumble around, and
basically acting dumb while you attack with your long ranged
units. Carriers are extremely useful, since it's hard for your
opponent to control all the units to target your Carrier, instead
of the Interceptors. Maelstrom can also give you more time to
charge your Scarabs or move your High Templars to the battling

With Terran, just a decent number of Tanks in Siege Mode can
easily overcome those swarms, but if the swarm continues, use a
Nuke in front of your base, target it front enough so it won't
damage your frontline. The odds are your opponent will have no
chance of pulling back all their units since there are just so
many. Your Nuke will make up for it's cost if you kill 3 Dragoons
or 5 Hydralisks.

With Zerg, simply Lurkers and Dark Swarm, Zerglings and Dark
Swarm, Plague and Ensnare can also be used here but isn't
required. Guardians can provide and further ground attack you
might need if your Defiler is taken out.

However, the best way to counter against those mass swarms is not let it
happen in the first place. Keep that person occupied with attacks on
their expansions, worker hunting, Nukes, drops, etc. These things might
not always work on the base you are targeting, but it will cause that
person to spend a lot of time and attentions which will slow down their
mass swarm production. Or you can attack in waves, keep that person
busy through the entire game with frontal attacks, that will keep them
busy long enough that the mass swarm will never happen.

The next counter is for mass Zealot rush early on, Zealots are
extremely powerful early on, and Marines or Zerglings won't able
to stand a 12 Zealot rush unless a large number advantage is
available. Most Protoss player uses the Zealot's early power to
either pin down an opponent or simply kill them.

With Protoss, you should have more Zealots than the attacker, if
not, your Cannons will take care of them when needed. Remember to
get the enemy Zealots in your Cannon's range before attacking with
your Zealots.

With Terran, 2 Firebats in Bunkers can take out all the Zealots if
they attack the Bunker. Don't have a nice open path where the
Zealots can easily run past the Bunker, have something like a
Barrack to seal off the path, and you can simply lift off the
building when needed. Don't forget the repair as soon as the
Bunker is damaged.

With Zerg, your best bet would be Sunkens and Mutalisks, if your
opponent have 12 Zealots, you should climb your Tech tree high
enough to Mutalisks. 6 Mutalisks and 4 Sunkens can easily take
out 12 Zealots, but expect to lose the Sunkens. If the Zealots
comes earlier than you expected, try to put up a few more Sunkens
and grab a few Zerglings during the attacks. Remember to stick a
Zergling further up from your base, so if an attack comes, you
will know ahead of time. If you are sure of your opponent is
going straight Zealots, go straight Zerglings with 3 or 4
Hatchery, Zerglings owns Zealots since you will be outnumbering 4
against 1. Try to get the two Zergling upgrades early (the
movement and attack speed), they will improve your Zerglings by a

This is one hard counter, since people (mostly on Brood Wars using
Zerg) will do something like a 12 Overlord drop with Hydralisks
and Lurkers. There is no way anyone can stop against that drop,
they are prepare to lose 1 or 2 Overlord in the process, but still
drop 40 Hydralisks in your base.

First off, with Zerg, 4 plus Lurkers with Dark Swarm can help out
if you detect the drop coming with either a scouting Overlord or a
Parasite. The 4 Lurkers can take out any Hyralisks coming down
with their splash damages, and the enemy Lurker won't able to
attack until it burrows. Dark Swarm can make your Lurker immune
to Hydralisk's attacks and you have successfully overcome the
drop. You need to have extremely good map detection to able to
know about this coming. If this catch you off guard, try to find
some way to lure the Hydralisks to your Sunkens before engaging in
front battle. Guardians will work great, you can simply hit the
Hydralisks a few times, turn and run, your Sunkens will help out
enough to turn the tide of the battle. If you have extra Lurkers,
move them in, but the odds are they will usually die before they
can finish burrowing.

With Terran, you need 8 plus Valkyries with some attack upgrades,
and a few Bunkers with Marines to help out incase the Valkyrie
misses a few Overlords. I've successfully taken out a mass
Overlord/Hydralisk drop with Valkyries, I got 12 Valkyries to
counter against that guy's Guardians and Mutalisk. But instead he
went for the Overlord drops, I saw the Overlords coming with a few
Spiders Mines further down an empty base. It was over some water,
I just flew all my Valkyries there. The guy was grouping his
Overlord together when my Valkyries got there. My Valkyries
fires, all his Overlords died, he know he lost because he can't
defend against my Battle Cruisers now. Than he just said GG, and
he quit. (I would have allied him, but he left before I did.)

For Protoss, you can one use Corsairs and Disruption Web or two
use Psi Storm when the Overlord begin to unload. Both works well,
but Psi Storm is more trustable and they hit both air and ground.
Disruption Web can help you stall time if your High Templars is
not stationed nearby. It will be best if you use both.

This is the worst way of losing, you getting double/triple teamed by
others at the same time during a 2vs2 or 3vs3. Since that is one of the
most common ways a team game is won, I will try to put up some
strategies for this. I have a decent record, a large portion of my
defeats are due to double or triple teams. Although, a lot of my wins
came from double team or tripe team against a unlucky opponent, I still
believe that double/triple team is cheap. Here are some things you can
do to avoid getting killed by 2 or 3 others. One, splash damage is your
friend, use it, Reavers, Siege Tanks, Lurkers, Corsairs, Valkyries, and
Psi Storm are always working in your favor when you are getting teamed.
Two, ask for help from your partner(s), it doesn't matter if you are a
really good player, there is no way that you can stand up against 3
people all coming for you. 3, probably the best way, attack them before
they attack you, keep them on the defensive side, make them worry about
their base, make sure the battle field is in their base and not yours.
4 don't go for high tech units unless your partner is willing to protect
your base. I would only go for high tech units if my partner is someone
I know, someone who is actually good, and someone who got mobile units
that are used to protect (like Hydralisks, Dragoons, Scouts, Wraith,
etc). If you try to climb your tech tree, you might able to take out 1
opponent's base, but he or she won't die (partners will help) and will
eventually come back. You on the other hand will have the same fate as
that opponent of yours, and your base will die against your opponent's
partner's attack. 5 control the middle of the base, cut off your
opponents from each other, and you can simply rally your troops there.
6 play with someone you know, 2 weak player who know how each other play
will sometime beat a 2 better player that don't anything about each

Sometime you will get double team and your partner can't help you, you
only choices are run and die. Die isn't that good, so run is the only
thing you can do. The odds are your base will be over swarm by your
opponents and running your workers might not work, you should have a
worker in your opponent's base from the start of the game or use a
transport. If you don't got any of those, just pull all your mining
workers and escape to your partner's base, hopefully, one or two will
make it.

Part 18: My playing experience

I'm a very aggressive person in StarCraft, and that is probably the
reason I win most of my games. I don't rush unless I have to, since I
would consider a build up before winning, but sometimes. The cheap
Zergling rush is useful (I use the Zergling rush sometimes, I don't go
straight for the rush, if I see your base with 1 building Gateway, I
will make 6 Zerglings on eighth Spawning Pool just to hunt down your
workers.) The scouting Overlord of my will likely indicate how I will
play, if the Overlord stays in the base (only against Zerg or Protoss
until they get gas), it means the Zerg

Now I'm using Zerg full time, I found a lot of fun things to do with
this race. Hydralisk is the perfect unit, with it's cheap price, decent
HP, great damage, nice range, and mostly fast production rate with 4 or
more Hatchery. Zerglings are the cheapest swarm unit ever, I can have
your entire base flooded with Zerglings and win that way, that will only
take me a merely 2 or 3 productions. Mutalisks are extremely good for
ground hunting (Drone, SCV, Probe, Zealot, Firebat, Zergling, etc) with
their splash damage against low armor units. Guardians might be a
crappy long range unit later on, but if you are able to pop out 12
Guardians in less than 12 minutes, they are bound to scrap your enemy
even if they know about it coming. Zerg is a very good and hard to use
race, before I think Zerg is a newb race, I was wrong, Zerg is hard to
manage, especially with 5 minerals fields, 10 plus Hatchery, attempting
map control, cloak detection, and control the battling frontlines.

Terran is extremely weak against Zerg early on, and until Battle
Cruisers are available to them, Terran basically is half dead in most
games. Zerg have the speed and power to beat down Terran bases fast,
even if Terran do survive the Zergling/Hydralisk swarms, they will
eventually face the dangerous choke opener Guardians, Dark Swarm
Zergling choke busters, etc. Zerg's fast production rates will be able
to keep a Terran player occupied full time, and when a Zerg player is
building up, Terran player can only be busy with the waves of ground
based swarms. Terran might be able to pull out a few Wraith when the
Guardians come, but by the time the Wraith kill the Guardians, the
Hydralisk/Zergling swarm will flood Terran's base completely since the
Bunkers and Siege Tanks are gone from the Guardians.

Most people underestimate Zerg, they either believe the Zerg opponent is
going for Zergling rush, mass Hydralisk swarms, or Mutalisk worker
hunting. It is true that most Zerg players use one of these 3
strategies, but never feel safe when you have defended yourself against
these 3 things. A lot of things can happen you will find yourself
getting swarmed like hell, and the waves of Hydralisk/Zergling just
simply won't stop.

Section 19: Abbreviations

Somebody asked me to put up some abbreviations for the StarCraft, I
gathered some information, and put up the section here.

SC: StarCraft
BC: Battle Cruiser
DT: Dark Templar
Lings: Zerglings
Muts: Mutalisks
Guards: Guardians
Scan: Look at the map and Comsat Scan somewhere useful.
Spread: Expand

Section 20: Trends

Zerg trends:

(February, 2000)
Early expansion, Hyralisk swarm the whole way.
Late build up, early Mutalisk worker hunting, follows up with Zerglings.
Early build up, 20 plus Zergling rush at once, quick tech up afterwards
to Guardians.
Late build up, fast tech up to Lari and Hydralisk Den, early Lurker
rush. Mostly seen against Terran when used offensive, often seen used
to defend, switches to mass build up afterwards.

Terran trends:

(February, 2000)
Early Barrack, SCV scout, Marine rush, Tanks push follows.
Late build up, block out, Drop, build Bunker in opponent's base, push
with Siege Tanks, Wraith follows up.
Late build up, no SCV scout, straight Wraith, mostly seen against Zerg.

Protoss trends:

(February, 2000)
Early Cannons, mass Gateways build up, Zealot/Dragoon rush all the way.
Early Cannons, tech climb, straight Carriers, attacks with 4-6 Carriers
early on, Arbiters and Observers follows later on.
Early Cannon, block out, Reaver drop with Arbiter cloaking. Recall on
Dragoons and Reavers. Dragoon frontal attacks with Arbiter cloaking.
Early Pylon and Forge buildup, fast Cannon block in or Cannon sneak
attack. Carriers or Reavers follows. Mostly seen against Zerg and
Late build up, some early Cannon protection, going fast tech up to
Templar Archieve, skipping Zealots and Dragoons. Dark Templar attack
early on, mostly seen against Terran.

Part 21: Credits

First of all, I want to thank Blizzard for making this game. Any
one knows when the next StarCraft (possibly named StarCraft 2) is
coming out?

I want to thank (Agent_NSX) for giving me a lot
of hints on the game. And from playing against him, I learn some
tricks too.

Then I want to thank another good friend for
hooking me up with this game, keep on selling. When you going to
finally give me my games, it's been over 1 year and half already.

I have to really thank my friend Mike (Agent_EX) here for telling
me many trigger keys, hot keys, and other things, thanks a lot., thank you for giving me a lot of info
and correct some of the mistakes I have on this guide.

Thanks to, for telling me about the Firebat

"Chess Freak" of, for sending in the trick with Lurker morph to

And I have to thank LiLsHy for sending me the code about the Zerg
sound trick.

Another thing I need to mention here is Rcarlos's FAQ, I fixed
some small bugs from reading his/her FAQ (all the mistakes are
small like a unit's starting armor, I put down a wrong number).

A lot of information I obtained is from the game and Blizzard's
official StarCraft stats site in Battle.Net.

Mostly I thank myself for having too much free time and writing
this guide. Just kidding.

Copyright March 14, 2000 by Scott Lee

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Megatrainer (für v1.16.1)

17.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (für v1.16.0)

14.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (für v.1.15.2)

14.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Oktober 2013
Terrans Strategy Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Units FAQ
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Ressourcentrainer (für dt. v1.0)

18.Oktober 2013
Trainer für die Ressourcen Mineralien und Gas

12.Oktober 2013
Dt. Megatrainer (auch für Broodwar)

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Lösung für die Terraner

18.Oktober 2013
Technisches FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Mapmaker's Guide
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Geld für alle Rassen, Schnelles bauen

17.Oktober 2013
Protoss FAQ
Engl. FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Dt. Lösung (Terraner)

18.Oktober 2013
Dt. Lösung (Zerg)

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Hinweise

08.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Hinweise zur Kartenerstellung

14.Oktober 2013
Dt. Megatrainer (für v1.08b; Achtung: 2 MB)

14.Oktober 2013
Ressourcen-Trainer für alle Gruppen

14.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer für Gas und Mineralien (für v1.07)

11.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (für v1.06 und v1.07)

18.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer für Gas und Mineralien für alle Rassen (für v1.07 dt)

04.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer für Gas und Mineralien für alle Rassen (für v1.0 dt)

13.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer für Kristalle und Gase

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
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